2 Years After Leaving Adobe - Update

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I made a video a little over two years ago now on why I left Adobe and switched over to programs like DaVinci Resolve and infinity photo I made the switch because I was tired of having to pay so much every year for software that doesn't even work all the time and I'm not alone in this either nowadays you can search leaving Adobe on YouTube and it will lead you to so many other creators cutting their chains with Adobe as well goodbye Adobe Straight Up Premiere Pro is the reason I lost my spark and excitement in video editing okay so I have officially switched over to DaVinci Resolve for all my video editing stuff we've had a lot of issues with Adobe products in the studio is particularly Premiere but now it's been a little over two years how has it been for me do I plan on switching back let's start with the pricing of everything Adobe is constantly changing and raising their prices when I made my first video the photography plan was only ten dollars a month but now it's double that and if you want to add all the apps it'll cost you over 660 dollars per year if you agree to pay their 55 dollars a month for a year or as someone pointed out in my previous video it's as high as 990 dollars a year if you plan on paying month to month that is almost a full thousand dollars you are giving Adobe every year just to pay on a month-to-month basis so that you can cancel any time because you can cancel your yearly subscription but guess what Adobe will charge you for that cancel as well now here's the thing I can fully understand that a business needs to make money and that a subscription model is one of the great ways of doing that to keep cash flow but there has to come a point where it just feels like greed and on that note let's talk about the pricing of Alternatives you can get DaVinci Resolve Studio which as a side note here you can finally buy Studio online you don't have to buy a card with a key on it anymore thank God you can get the Affinity suite and still have money to get another alternative when compared to adobe's yearly plan now my whole thought process on all this is that I truly don't mind paying an affordable subscription to software that I use on a daily basis but I really think there should be at least some sort of option for a Perpetual license or an upgrade license a lot of the software I'm using nowadays gives you that option which I love programs like capture one on one luminar and so many more give you that option to either pay monthly or buy a license outright why is it so hard for Adobe to give us that option not to mention all the issues that so many others including myself have with Adobe products things like Premiere crashing constantly After Effects being slow and Bucky and so many problems when you try and Link clips from one program to another that's one of the reasons Corridor Digital has started working more in DaVinci Resolve because division resolve really doesn't have too many performance issues and I've only ever had DaVinci Resolve crash on me on very rare occasions and I've never had a problem with opening up like an older project one thing I can say for sure is that I love DaVinci Resolve so much that even if Adobe made Premiere free for some reason I'd still probably stick with resolve because I find it that good seriously one of my favorite things is the render time I'm unresolved because it is so much of a Time Saver when compared to Premiere Pro but now as for my photography I still use the Affinity Suite it has been amazing to work in I use Affinity photo for all of my photography and it has been really nice and I'm glad I made the switch over but with all of my Alternatives I do have to admit there is one software I do kind of miss and that would be after effects because there really isn't a good layer based compositor that I've been able to find and the closest I found is hitfilm but I haven't really been using it that much since it's easier to do everything in DaVinci Resolve anyway so I do kind of Miss after effects in that Essence especially for stuff like Motion Graphics because it was a lot easier to do Motion Graphics in After Effects than it is in something like DaVinci Resolve also real quick I wanted to mention the mistake I made in my previous video I had said that you will get unlimited updates with the Affinity Suite when you buy it but this isn't entirely true when you buy one of their programs you will get updates up until the next major version so for example I recently had to purchase an upgrade to Infinity photo 2.0 but because they have fair pricing and I love their software I am more than happy paying them for the latest version because even if I didn't want to upgrade I could still use my version 1.10 for as long as I wanted which is probably what I'm going to do with the other programs like designer and publisher because I rarely use them but I want to thank you guys for pointing that out in my previous video that I did make that mistake so thank you so while I am still using photo designer publisher and DaVinci Resolve there are some other programs that I've switched to since I made my last video so for example now I kind of Bounce Around between capture one luminar and dark table for my Lightroom Alternatives because they each have something that they kind of excel at for example I really enjoy capture one but I wish it was a little bit cheaper I also enjoy the AI features of luminar and I use Dart table whenever I have to Shoot Tethered because Capture One sometimes gives me issues with my camera for some reason and I've never really been one for brand loyalty so if something else came along that I like more I'll probably use that but all in all at this point I really don't see a reason to go back to Adobe and I will continue to use all the Alternatives I found last time I left you guys with some alternatives for you to try if you were also thinking about leaving Adobe and for this video I made a full list of alternatives for all the major Adobe apps on my blog if you are looking into any alternatives and if you guys know any more please let me know in the comments below I've seriously had some great conversations with all of you about leaving Adobe and being recommended software that I've never heard of you guys have been awesome with all that so thank you very much and for sharing all of your stories and Alternatives but all the programs I have listed on my blog are either free or have some sort of a one-time payment and most of them even have trials so that you guys can at least give them a try before you buy also there are no affiliate links in there they are all truly what I've used and can recommend in terms of software for alternatives to Adobe but that pretty much does it for this video If you guys like this video please hit that subscribe button I hope you guys have a great day see ya
Channel: Michael Sturgill
Views: 108,814
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: leaving adobe, why i left adobe, why im leaving adobe, adobe alternatives, davinci resolve, premiere pro vs davinci resolve, photoshop vs affinity photo, affinity photo, why im leaving adobe creative cloud, leaving photoshop, photoshop, premiere pro, after effects, adobe problems, lightroom alternatives, free adobe alternatives, free photoshop alternatives, leaving adobe update, adobe alternatives for video editing, video editing software, photo editing software
Id: v3g-Fsr76Wg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 54sec (354 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 04 2023
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