GeorgeNotFound's 11th Minecraft Livestream | Hardcore Survival

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i am hmm okay so here we are oh oh oh no okay dream nothing um yeah i just had everything messed up i'm getting this chair hello everyone so we have a um oh you took everything i took everything put some stuff back in no it's mine i'll take the torches oh no i wanna so this is my face reveal you took everything jerem give me the chest why well i wanna actually i wanna we need to hurry up and do stuff before it's night time oh no okay i'm here okay go wait what are we doing just go so we're playing kill some sheep i don't have anything give me something you took everything out of the chest hello everyone dream you have the axe okay what do you want give me something all right take that fun xd tara thank you for subbing okay i'm getting more wood i'm getting more wood so this is hardcore okay this is hardcore survival um as you can see by the hearts i don't dream literally took the starter chest and like i don't have any i don't know i don't i don't have much there's so many animals h2o haley wait what look at that okay this is actual moo moo meadows like right here everything this is like animal meadows deep sheep so um who was that h2o haley thank you for subbing so i don't know if um the whole like camera setup is good or like the lighting's good or whatever it's probably trash i don't have a light i'm literally using google home page as a light right now on my second monitor so it's kind of hard for me to see everything because my stream labs is now smaller but what there's a village and a desert temple in one wait where i'm getting it kenzie chris thank you for subbing thank you so wait where did he go i'm running to the desert temple okay wait and yeah we're all out of the pool there's everything we have everything wait what are we pla are we just trying to beat the game or what i guess okay x w sham thank you for subbing wait did you just open a can of something or is that in the music it wasn't me uh-huh and dude there's a temple in the village like i'm going into it wait i'm so lost nagla thank you for subbing um i'm just gonna get some stone so we're playing hardcore survival um bowie bug thank you for subbing wait oh no nothing yeah we're playing hardcore survival we're trying to i guess just beat the game uh this is on the new snapshot so it's 1.16 and i'm not just trying to beat the game okay what are we doing well we're just trying to survive i guess right we're just gonna survive and thrive so yeah i don't know that's it basically and hopefully everything looks good i don't know why why is the stream called face reveal we already know what you look like i don't i don't know to be honest i just thought it was funny um oh wow um and also oh wait also would ever use i can't read oh my god oh no i just realized my camera is in front of the stuff okay i'm going to fix do i put camera in top right corner is that better i don't know maybe okay maybe this is better no move the other stuff to the right corner okay um camera back alert box oh no there's a blacksmith wait i can't move it oh it's locked okay i'm getting everything everything i could ever dream of okay is this better i think this is better better fixed okay i'm sorry um yes what is happening i don't even know where this village is yes you have a dream where are you let's go where are you i'm running i'm in circles yes wait also would you ever use it most designed by us every single emote that i have has been designed by someone not me so obviously um well no not obviously well actually the sub emotes the sub the little sub badges oh the village is over there the little sub badges someone made um but then i like i don't know if anyone can even see are you serious we're playing hardcore if you didn't realize guys so let's go james in spectator mode we have to start again all right no george go go go go we have to start again no we don't you you're fine you're still alive we are over there my stuff sorry dream you literally just died well it's not my fault awesome anne finn's lab get my jersey619 and rose like thank you for subbing oh look wait there's this portal there what can you do these counters break your obsidian um let's go george thank you hello hello hello hello the iron golem on the hill that's where my stuff is okay um this seed was op yeah and you've ruined it well the only the only reason i died was because i was using an iron pickaxe to try and kill the guy i don't know where you are oh there's all your stuff so like you literally oh alyssa's calling me i can't answer it now dream um i can't we need to start again no you can you can beat the game hi george how are you i was about to sleep but who needs sleep i'm not missing this thank you nia you are one very pretty man you already have the thank you i'm just gonna die first it one shot me what is it just me or was that a one shot was that a one shot i think it was a one shot but i think you were like a little bit of health down [Laughter] it's 2 am and i have an ap exam today but the stream calls oh my god i think you should maybe go to sleep you need to um be ready for your exams okay um we'll be more careful yeah we're gonna be more careful i'm gonna quickly fix this one second guys um get a new world on because dream just had to ruin it and die that's not my fault cz mine cz miner and jimbo jimbo's jim boos thank you for subbing answer alyssa or she might cry again oh my god um well she already stopped calling so okay hello georgie it's me your sugar mommy hello sugar mummy i wanted to ask why did you always moan during videos i don't i don't know i don't it's not moaning it's it's um i don't know it's something else groaning i don't know it's something else all right the server is starting all right this is take two um we are going to beat the game next time don't die this time dream you died to the iron goal you you died yeah i wasn't trying to kill it i kind of wanted to die i'm sure i'm sure i wanted to die so oh no okay the world is generating bear with us george's son has donated hi dad just wanted to let you know that i love you take my love thank you son i appreciate it all right the server's up come on oh it's an ice world oh no we got a new one all right no we're fine okay we gotta make make the most of the situation no give me the egg can you turn dreams volume up um can you okay everyone if that is true say yes i've heard i've heard that i'm quiet on the stream but i don't know should i turn dreams volume up yes or no everyone guys go ahead and stay in the chat dream is quiet okay everyone's saying yes i'm turning them up okay is this better talk so dumb okay it'll be fine i'm pretty sure you hear me dream there's a village over here wait why aren't these ma okay i just had like a invisible blog dream stop talking like this there's a village over here george why are you doing this what do you mean okay you're talking normally now wait where is this village oh i see it there if you run right across 236. thank you for subbing thank you so are you are you behind me or where are you i don't see you but you're going to be here around here somewhere i'm just going to the village finally oh no it's not gonna it doesn't fit okay let me see if i can pull it up over here oh i can hear myself no where is it hear myself no where is it oh my god oh it's there i saved it i'm sorry everyone okay dream dreams of the village don't dice the iron please i'm not i'm not okay let me read this donation oh wait what it doesn't show up oh my god oh it's here wait is that there's no reason okay finally an australian friendly stream also can you turn on subtitles please i'm hard of hearing so i can't hear the game sounds sure i'll turn on subtitles uh how do i do it here there you go subtitles um lars donates hi george i love you so much can you tell dream i love him too thank you lars loves you dream i'll be too lars so i'm at the village but i don't see you oh i see you what are you doing down there i'm getting stung why are you whispering what do you mean why are you whispering what i have so much word bro can you look straight into the camera and wink for us we need it i feel like i don't want to do that i don't want to do that i'm sorry but i like your name apple juice good that is true apple juice is good i only have water unfortunately i will actually i don't want to drink it right now i'm not thirsty but um i have water oh there's coal down here i kind of want that so anyone who's just arriving to the stream we are playing hardcore survival so if we die it's over and that's it we're playing hardcore survival with dream with dream with dream yeah okay let me out of this hole um where are you are you in the village where are you yeah i see you you're over here where's the iron girl is there not an iron gun when these ones kill them are you dead wow dreams so efficient what are you doing um okay i can't read it i'm just gonna use this instead of streamlabs hopefully this is good oh my god hey george finally you stream oh it's too small zoom it in hey george finally you stream i've missed you i love you so much how are you i'm good thank you when will you have a po box uh when you do have a po box what would you like sent again i love you yeah i love you well i love you on my twitter i got a p.o box send me stuff yeah just send me souvenirs send me anything dream just go if you send me something i will show it to george too so you can send me stuff for george too i don't care get all these snowballs for some reason i don't um i don't know if i if i'll get a pier box i feel like it's just gonna be weird stuff um and uh i don't know what i'll do he's gonna let me try it and see what happens be a little tester and then what if i let's pretend i had one more would i like to be sent i don't know honestly whoa it just lagged um yeah like i want like oh i want cool stuff from like yeah just some dream like send dream like money um yeah i don't have any i don't have any credit that's cool oh i didn't mean it like that just like just like i mean like loads of money send him like gold if you've got any gold laying around that's not what i mean i mean like like coins instead of valuables like any like stuff like that like souvenirs things from like things that are famous from your country like that's cool and fan art and letters and and like just i don't know nice words and and crafts if you want to craft anything anything you want that's pretty cool i'm i'm happy with it and i'll i'm going to do a video on my channel my second channel unboxing the stuff so there you go i want to send dreams some european candy can you ask me if you like sweets i don't mind sweets i don't know if i'd eat anything i get sent you never know people might be sending you some poison yeah of course if you find diamonds within 10 within 10 minutes i'll donate another 15 dollars okay bet do i have to i don't have to mine them do i or maybe i do okay jeremy had to find diamonds quick why what's the rule if we find diamonds he donates fifteen dollars we have ten minutes okay watch this are you joking are you serious dream i think i've smashed my phone screen okay i didn't dream what is wrong with you i don't think my playstyle is fit for hardcore no that's not fit for any style if you just jump into ravines and die i landed where are the diamonds at it's so dark down here i'm just gonna quickly check this ravine for diamonds oh i'm too high now okay dream we're gonna have to start again and it's all your fault no no you can you know just continue no i don't want to continue alone you can continue i don't want to all right watch this watch this i know you love me but you don't have to wait for me in your world oh my god is hardcore like extra hard mode or something yes oh uh hey george love the videos you and the dream team do how long have you been playing minecraft oh a long time probably like i don't know 2011 or something um i started playing like late 2011 probably and uh are you guys og players back in earlier at least or even beta alpha yeah i bought the game when wolves came out like the the mob wolves well yeah they existed when i bought the game but um i played the game i watched the game i watched the games when wolves weren't like when it was but i didn't own an account and then i got an account that i shared with my friends yeah so i like used to be able to i guess you can still do it like cracked clients or whatever i used to just get the crack client every time a new update came out but then wolves came out and i really wanted to like tame a wolf or whatever so i and the the crack client hadn't come out yet so i just bought it it was so cheap back oh there's gonna be diamonds here oh no that's not it was really cheap back then it was like five euros to buy the game and it was in euros for some reason like the site was so weird it wasn't like professional at the time um can you tell dream it would be okay i can't read can you tell dream if it would be okay to send him a jar with my fart in it um i'm not sure about that and you can i guess you can he might not know if it's got your thoughts in it do you listen to harry styles if so what's your favorite song i don't know if i do um probably not i a lot of the music that i listen to like i just i just start playing music like a song that i like and let youtube just auto play um i don't really look at the names of the songs i just let it play in the background all right there's no diamonds down here dream we're just gonna have to start again because you oh i mean i can see diamonds but it's because i'm in moon really are they close okay don't you actually you can't tell me they're not there's no way i can see them you're lying no you can't you can't see okay i can lead you to them don't worry no i start a new world then if you want to start a new world all right we're starting a new world guys because dream just falls in a ravine and dies no i jumped in the riviera and i just missed the water yeah it was like it was like exactly what happened in that one video yeah like jump like cuz um when are my face revealing i don't know actually i've been thinking about doing it for a while but um i don't know if i want to do it yet okay the world's coming back what is this um okay world is generating blah blah blah blah blah oh no okay the world's up are we in we're in where's the chest there's no chest jeremy what there's no chest all right well kinda sucks to suck yeah hi george love you and dream so much thanks for bringing my day with every video what was your favorite subject at school um you know honestly i don't remember school that well i think i liked what did i like school was a long time for me now i mean i guess i went to uni and stuff but like actual normal school um i like can't even remember what i did we did like spanish that was boring english i hated english uh dt was kind of cool he's like make stuff do you call it dt in america design technology no you're like it's like woodworking and like soldering and that kind of stuff i don't know it's like whatever that stuff's called i don't know i mean that's cool i made what did i make i had to make something for like a project i can't remember what i had to make um i'm trying to remember speak spanish i don't remember spanish i wasn't even that good um hola what was my yeah i i can say that okay i'm gonna get stoned but my favorite subject i'm trying to remember there's got to be something that i liked oh my god i don't know honestly dt was all right i suppose i was gonna make one okay let's get a sword so oh no pickaxe what i just like i was jumping to a chicken um hi i have a chemistry test tomorrow but i'm just going to watch the stream you guys are so nice love your keep up with the good content by the way please recognize the fact that you're cute interesting okay well thank you for the donation i will take that into account um dreams much server convinced me to restart the 10 minute timer so here you go oh my god 10 minutes to find diamonds there's no way okay i'm starting a 10 minute timer uh clock timer 10 minutes if we find diamonds in 10 minutes i'll be very surprised so i found it in five minutes that one time during that um but thank you for the donation and let's see if we can do it i love your videos ps i'll donate 50 more dollars if you say on stream that you love dream oh my god i'm not saying that yes for 50 you won't say it no oh come on it's fifty dollars it's fifty dollars like you don't even have to you can just say it because you're going to say i don't know i'll be scamming them no you don't have to mean it they just said you have to say it camilla guys watching he's like watching him keep talking about it keep talking about it i'm not blushing he's always cheeks are so big his cheeks are so pink okay whatever so we need to be finding diamonds where did he go jerem we need diamonds we need a ravine give me your chords now i'm in a cave give me your chords i'm digging straight down give me chords no you give me chords actually don't give me chords i'm not coming to you is there a command that i can just run to find dreams chords no why are you so against giving me a call because i'm underground i'm at negative 240 73 okay negative is happy 73 i am happy thank you okay um hey george it's 11 55 a.m here right now what time is it for you it is 10 58 a.m i really love you and dreams you and dreams videos greetings from deutschland good luck with minecraft thank you thank i don't have to say your name connie jeter123 thank you where are these cows gone they were right here did i kill them all no way okay i killed them we need a cave i'm just digging down you're digging straight down okay oh no like i smelted it i'm trying to get the iron pick really quickly so i can get try and get the diamonds i'm trying to use yours i'm trying for you all right let's get this so i have that already i don't think how much time do we have left seven and a half minutes there's no straight down hopefully they don't fall in lava uh i'm so happy i got to watch a little bit of this before heading into work love you in dream lots but you're the most just don't tell dream okay whoops i told him i'm sorry okay i'm just digging straight down we need to get diamonds oh it's lagging yeah okay we just need to find diamonds okay we don't need to actually get them that's the raw i promise they said get down they said to find diamonds that's not getting diamonds okay i'm just going to dig down with my stone pickaxe and i'm going to find these diamonds okay come on i'm going to k i'm like in a cave right now oh like is so easy to possibly find diamonds within this time i could just dig down and they'd be right there i see you down there i found emeralds that count no i'm gonna die i mean even if you oh don't die dream don't die you have to play carefully play carefully no way no way wait what is this wait i want to find diamonds now we both have to find diamonds okay there's going to be diamonds here come on where are the diamonds there's so many mobs dude like i need to cook i don't have a crafting bench i can't make ah there's spiders oh no gold i'm not gonna die dude i'm actually gonna die okay oh dream got diamonds does that count i don't know if that counts ah there's a spawner here i don't have time for you spawner oh that's so gonna kill me oh no what was that what is that oh my wait what what are you serious that is wait what i'm not in spectator mode that this is ridiculous i found diamonds though how does it one-shot me like that because i had an enchanted iron sword what did it happen wait where was it how do i go back wait where am i okay i don't know where i was i'm just trying to find more diamonds but i don't find that here you can dream make me smile every day that's why we don't go down to get diamonds right away otherwise we're trying to die dye them i almost died oh my god dilo thank you i won't tell her but wait what is that over there oh it's a shiny bow man okay i want to find that zombie that killed me oh i'm not even going to be able to kill it and how did it one shot me was i full health did you see i didn't say that was like a bright moment i'm gonna ravine oh i wanted a rhyme but i don't know what to say rip gg okay well that didn't work there's more diamonds down thank you grab a kit kat i like kitkats it's i can't believe i got one shot like that all right this one i can okay that's what i can do um akira donates five dollars and says thirty dollars if you say shout out to all the furries oh no shout out to the furries there you go i expect my 30 donation have you been writing that scooter sophie and laura lay is that how you say it we had this thing last time laura lay i can't remember there was no more diamonds sophie and laura love you lots i haven't been wearing that the scooter recently i've been inside as everyone should be but um before i was but not recently sadly whoa there's emeralds i can't believe i found diamonds within the ten minutes oh i just jumped in oh okay so you did all right yeah on purpose we're actually clearly seeing okay we're a lot worse than i than i thought no it's because we're just trying to do we're trying to do stupid things like mining straight down to get diamonds like obviously we're gonna die okay well thank you akira that was the eat that's the easiest thirty dollars i think i've ever made well i got it for you no you didn't no this was something else that person has technically scammed me for now but it's okay you don't have to pay me um oh well they just paid me okay please buy a dream a pot noodle for his efforts do you like pot noodle dreams dream dreams do you like pot noodle dream i don't know what that is you don't know what pot noodle is it's like noodles in a pot that you can just put hot water and it makes her oh i guess i like it um well yeah there you go jacob jacobski jakobski griffalo thank you you um is it like ramen you paid up thank you papa noodles i appreciate it it's like cup cup noodle is that a thing you have yeah cup noodle hydration yes everyone stay hydrated all right we're back on the server let's go i'm on okay let me set this up really quick i found the chest it's like hiding what what all right let's go dream okay uh what did he get give me something um i got i got a fish if you can pronounce my name correctly wait if you can pronounce my name correctly dl0 i will give you 50 i feel like that's going to be something weird ab sadie hang i don't know dl0 i i'm okay i don't i don't think i did that successfully i'm sorry where are you george um i'm by the chest still oh i've got eight planks okay yeah given to you hang on crafting table no don't crap anything why well i have stuff for you okay here is a famous poem from the one and only oh my god thank you hi yes i'm slow thank you hey can you tell mars you love her from froggy couch [Music] oh thank you wow dream actually did something nice all right um yes mars i love you thank you thank you okay we are going to we're going to at least get to the nether this run okay sam what is this are we trying are we just trying to beat the game i use i don't even die on speed runs usually as in like if you're in the game let's beat the game then are we actually doing that yes i've had enough i'm dying on a random on like this is a random seed i guess like that we're not in like a desert or anything good yeah oh well that's a 10 minute timer we got the diamonds way before yeah levitt tottenham is gifted to sub to honey pouts thank you you both really make me so huh let's start again you both make me so happy but sadly i really suck at using twitch so this is what i got [Music] um what do you mean you suck at twitch i don't understand but anyway thank you for the for the bits where did you go dream i'm over here i gotta fly over here i'm lost you near i am at negative 80 negative 80. um are you actually yeah okay it's this way and all the msm thank you for subbing hmm i don't know where you went negative 80 negative 80. it's like no exactly where i am over here i'm not exactly negative yeah i see you i see you i have my raw salmon all right we need some food then we're gonna get some stone i'm gonna go over here to get some stone okay i don't know how that's all what i don't understand but thank you again mommy more bits small xd thank you oh there's stone here i want to go this way that's right oh georgini was taken uh hello it's me calling in from sin city aka vegas at 2am also can you tell my sister's friends aunts daughters friend happy birthday what her name is okay no i'm not gonna fall for that almost i i don't have to read the name george i just finished a 5 000 word essay nice you could not have streamed at a better time congratulations on finishing your essay finishing essays is good so i'm gonna make these things and hi yes i'm slow thank you for subbing wow jim's already smelting iron impressive oh wow this place sucks this place really does suck oh hmm i need iron but there's no caves where the caves are i mailed something to dream already so like i'm the i can't read i mail things to dream already also so like i'm the one that okay i understand now i know something to dream already also you need to do you need to work on your punctuation okay it makes it hard to read i'm joking um i'm the one that paid my friend's shoes for money and i got enough for the smart hoodie and you're like okay now i'm gonna come out with merch so thank you for making me for oh my god i'm sorry you don't have to get my merch um i guess if you want it you can get it if you didn't know guys i have merch now the link is can i do this yeah down there somewhere at the below if you scroll down or if you can't be bothered it's george not found dot shop did you get my fish i just realized i ran really i got that okay um there's nothing in this cave oh yeah there's nothing here either you're gonna post this stream after it would mean a lot to all of us if you did um no but wait do you mean to youtube if that if you mean that then no i won't post it to youtube but it will be saved on twitch so you can watch it for i think two months i think it's saved for i'm not 100 sure um this is the last of my bits and i really need to go to bed at 6 00 a.m greens from canada by the way good night such good morning thank you it's the morning for me but thank you for the bits small xd i don't want to go down there i have no food i'm not prepared to go mining yet all right come up then oh um i don't even know what happened i crashed as soon as you read my last chair anyway here's the rest of my pets what did i what was your last one let me see oh you said obsidian no i am not reading that at least it's going to you oh my god thank you dilo um do i go to school i do not go to school i graduated university last year but thank you so much for the fifty dollars did i even wait what did you say did i read your name wrong he said okay i said it right really i guess i'm just a good reader what can i say but thank you so much that's a lot of money george hmm uh what oh food give me that hmm oh no i'm i'm messing up harry666h thank you for subbing this is my first donor thank you uh how do i say my name kilia anger thank you i need that food hey georgie i love both of you both i feel so awkward saying y'all i love both of you and i just want to tell you that you're so much longer much love from floor gang thank you flo gang i appreciate it uh hello beckerson i don't know what to say and i'm running on two hours of sleep so i'm just going to say yay thank you for streaming no problem becca son thank you for donating and jay kubski jakobski i don't know how to pronounce your name i bet yoda impressions oh no come on george you guys let's just run straight this way apple juice good it seemed like my username caused some discussion in the chat what are your thoughts i love apple juice apple juice is my favorite drink probably actually let's not do that i love you so much thank you friend thank you fran thank you fran i don't know where are we going just want to straight through here i think this probably like i don't know we just want to find a new biome these biomes are trash i kind of want to do this one second george uh-huh what why are you stopping i have to do something is that you that's a flap it's a yellow flower okay what my entire timeline is simping over how pretty you are also don't tell him okay i won't tell him thank you oh okay yeah this is one of your mods i know you thank you i won't tell him uh can you look into the cam and say i do it hang on i'll say it i'm not gonna look into the camera though i do it for the girls and the gays that's it i've lost you dream i feel like looking into the camera makes it a whole nother level i'll bet i'll bet your firstborn you can't say my name right [Music] wrong stiltskin that was pretty easy [Music] and dragini was taken more bits if dream was a chicken would you eat him it depends no of course he would if dream was a fiddle would he play him we need to figure definitely not do you have wall do you have war no if dream was a tree would you chop him george oh my god i need to sleep otherwise we're gonna die where are you oh my god everyone's showing me behind me i'm i'm lost come pick me up i'm lost what are your chords yeah i'm lost i'm just ignoring you come pick me i put it come pick me up you can survive the night i'm running away this is my third cheer in less than 10 minutes i'm in poverty now oh my god i'm sorry oh my god what the skeleton dream one hit did seven hearts i'm not even kidding like you're gonna die you're gonna die george i'm lost where are you i i'm just running away oh my god dream you can't leave me this is like fish fish meadows here or something what is this there there's so many fish there dream i need you up there to fish in like the this version dream you can't just leave me oh this skeleton's their dream you can't abandon me this one's for the boys booming system top-down ac with a cooler system when he come up in the club he'd be blazing up what stacks on deck like he's saving up i found a lovely gun thank you baby dreams mom donated george in the jungle oh my god i'm not reading that i have to i have to leave but real quick before i do any pet peeves yes when dream doesn't tell me his chords i hate that so much he's doing it right now i'm in the ocean yes where are you okay i'm at negative five five five three three three positive three three three yeah oh my god how did he get so far away because i told you we're running in a direction and you didn't run and you just ditched me leave me alone i'm building a house oh my god there's a skeleton oh no um hang on if has dream found something to use as fuel and his speed run or has he found another method to speed around this is my first owner i love this is my first donut i love you both for homer oh my god can you answer that dream um yeah oh my god leave me alone go on answer it then that's my answer here oh you have found something okay that's his answer one word come on one heart oh my god i swear if you die dream i just blocked myself in a house what do you mean a house i just made a little house out where what no he's dead hello three two one dead oh i see you i see you i'm a genius i see you get in i'm coming i'm just like acquiring some some meat there's a thing over there like a little portal dream let me in let me in here come in okay oh my god clothes dude all right first things first i'm the realest wow we can't sleep there's mobs on top of our house why can't i open this i was lagging that's why okay look i got us a present all see panda cry thank you for subbing and small xd with more bits okay well i can't okay well i can't sleep so i'm just gonna work exhausted in four hours oh no that is not good but thank you for the beds love when people say ditch because it's my name just look around waiting for a response even if they're not talking to me that's pretty fun having a name is just a normal word i want to kill this spider like me yes like you i wish i had a name that was a word feels bad it's me again second donor yay i love you too always make my day also here's a random video idea that i thought would be cool beating minecraft but we can morph into any mob we kill how would that okay so we morph so we get like their powers or something so if i turn like what is this dream i can't move we kill a creeper and we can explode and then we just die if we explode as a creeper i don't know how this works it's an independent mutton take the pork chops okay i'll take the pork chops give me the mutton okay i'll put it in the chest i have so much beef i smell like beef hi george i love you so much please uh can you please say hi oliver hang on let me check this isn't something a little meme oliver rocks hanson yeah what okay i i don't know some okay just in case someone doesn't realize people donate weird words when you say them it sounds weird i was just checking um but hello oliver um and i'll stream when his birthday is when is during when is your birthday birthday august 12th 2008. all right there's your mutton in the chest no don't break it why did he break it hey why did you put raw mutton in there and why did you put this i don't know why okay dream you said here's your mutton and you put raw mutton in the jack instead of putting it in the smoker listen i don't know just deal with it why is this here is not a good position it's fine we don't have i can't i literally i'm stuck right here no you're wasting the coal now where are you going it is night time get in is there a creeper ah dream all right just sleep look i'm going to slay all the monsters then we'll we're going to sleep okay oh you're going to explode if you died right that dream don't die i don't trust you dream you're going to kill me all right get in the bed get in the bed hurry there's only one bed get in the bed all right we're good oh no oh no all right we're good wait wait skeleton oh wait what get him oh he doesn't do seven hearts he lied look at all these burning zombies dylan boy thank you for the bits hi dylan and uh oh my god small xd more bits take more bits here's a question this time what was your favorite video that you made with dream let me think um i mean the one where he gave me five thousand dollars was pretty good i knew you're gonna say that and i got to buy everything i wanted off amazon i guess that's pretty good i don't know all right i guess that answers it oh no we have lava here do we have iron i know i do i have i can make it you're going to deal with the portal right now you want to watch me yeah dude all right you know you've got a woodhouse next to lava we're fine it's not like it's it's going to be whatever it's not like it's going to be whatever all right let's watch him go go dream go dream yeah yeah dream all right get those little underbits nice all right don't go yet all right okay so i guess we'll just take everything right oh no no no we're keeping this house stop we're not going to the nether right now we're this is going to be our house we're just i'm making it bigger okay dream really still trying to pass up illumina and the next in speed running already still trying to pass off aluminum speed running he is trying but thank you levi for the donation i appreciate it i thought wait what i thought we were keeping the house i'm just making it bigger where's the other smoker so actually i just kind of want to investigate the nether real quick i'm just gonna go peep it out real quick all right don't die how's the new computer set up since that's what you bought in your fear of it oh wow look at this yeah the computer setup is pretty epic it's about as good as it could be um so yeah thank you dream for paying for my setup you're welcome but yeah it's pretty good wow dream i don't think we should build it out of wood it's fun it's gonna burn just for now it's fine that's like the material we have for now until it starts burning i'm going to the kitchen would you like would you want a cup of tea how many sugars i don't like tea but thank you for the offer i i appreciate it um i'll have some apple juice if that's what you have because apple juice is good or orange juice or some nice iced water those are pretty much or lemonade those are good drinks we don't have any coal what are we doing i have coal okay put some in there here break our stuff and move it move that stuff to like the other one of the other walls or something you can do anything you want when you're sexy also good night we love you george thank you baby know what what's that name your baby what did you say that name is baby are you okay my name is baby dream i'm sure i'm sure oh my god wood next to lava doesn't sound like a good idea yeah sorry i blocked the lava it's like it's not far at all i mean it's very far i already told him this it's kind of far you're right i don't know can it catch from this far it's pretty far um okay last year for me this is my fourth time i don't want to lose my life savings my favorite part of your favorite video was you swearing about scooters wait did i swear yeah you're like i can just skirt of blanking around oh my god okay anyway what planet would you live on if you were banned from earth oh my god um i don't know much about the planets to be honest um you'd live on jupiter to get stupider get more stupidity yeah i don't know i don't know much about planets but aren't we like trying to go to mars so maybe mars i don't know you have to live on like one of like jupiter's moons i'll live on the moon is the moon the moon is not a planet is it no it's not oh that's true those are they're not they're moving they're not planets and that's true i was just thinking about limo thank you for subbing go on dream hello i finished the roof look at that look at this it feels kind of like cramped in here not gonna lie yeah it feels kind of cramped in here shut up it does we don't even need it for that long we're trying to be like the floor is dirt good enough for now oh my god i just realized you missed my donut when dream decided to waltz into that ravine i just wanted to say i love you i'm sorry georgia let me have a look what you said and will willy white king thank you for subbing let me see uh what you said before hmm where was that that was ages ago oh my god let me see if i can find it hmm what did you say you're gonna go back oh like haha made you look hey george i was doing my schoolwork that was late but then i got the twitch notification who needs education area that is true actually it's not true i made that up love you huh thank you georgia thank you i've read your donation that was was that the only one i missed oh it was it was right in between those two i'm sorry i missed your donation not try not to miss anymore and m n d a b y one i don't know how to say your name m daby thank you for subbing oh my god wait who's greg don't ask it's the discord i'm confused oh your name is greg no don't don't go do that but of course a glass of apple juice and some out and then some apple slices coming up thank you i've put a normal time yes i'm up in a normal time it is 11 30. why'd you break the crafting bench i don't what is that you can't put it there now we can't open the chest oh my god just a dream please i'm crafting you guys monster i am up at a normal time but uh sorry to disappoint you but i've been up all night so meg uh megan why is your name but i read the wrong one minecraft swag73 thank you for subbing just midora to be honest i'd move to uranus oh my god i genuinely can't tell if that photo dream posted of you is edited or not can we get an official statement on that sir also i just bought it thank you i hope you enjoy it when it arrives um the photo is not edited but um i don't know that's all i can say i guess it's not edited where did he go dream are you all this man really said moon was a planet and you you're still simping from i did not say it was a planet like a second i did and i was like wait no it's not a planet listen moon's not a planet unless it is maybe it is okay no i don't know i mean it's not a planet it's a moon no not a planet you're making me doubt myself now i already said it wasn't not a planet i already said it wasn't a planet moon is not a planet okay what is it then i'm just a moon [Laughter] oh god no please please don't okay okay where are you jim if you die i'm actually gonna be really sad i'm in the cave do you see my name no i'm kill i don't know why i'm killing these chickens oh my god small you keep saying this is the last i really need to sleep now hope you guys have a nice dream love you both thank you small i appreciate all the bits um no the moon is not a planet you know what i'm just googling it it's not a plan i want to okay you don't even have to google it it is okay i'm just going to google it just for the sake of the stream google it i know i'm just googling it just so we have closure oh my god it's a satellite the moon it orbits around a planetary object a planet i'm on nasa's website look in chat george what am i looking at like it's a satellite or chat oh oh nice dream about diamonds it was in a minecraft congratulations that is how many did you get two two okay i guess you can have a sword it's night time come back come back i'm i don't know where i'm down here so deep you're gonna have to survive oh my god just just live in the house the beds aren't even here where are the beds i took them oh no they'd be fine beets what is beets i don't know but thank you for the thousand bits lady cray thank you i might have to sit in the house cause james left me i'm mining iron for both of us love your vids will you ever do another block search video like the what was that called block shuffle um i don't know maybe we will what do you think jeremy maybe maybe yeah we can change it up a bit um i'm going to the kitchen too do you want me to oh no i'm going to the kitchen too do you want me to bring you some apple and pear soup i would love that also i think i'm addicted to donating now help oh no i'm sorry and can you say hi hello i don't know how to say your name fee killian i don't know how to say your name i'm sorry but now it's really dark okay let's be careful hmm i'm just like cooking stuff i made a shield so i should be good is there any iron left for me no oh yeah i'm gonna get iron for you but i'm just hanging i'm making a mine i wanted to get a shield first because i wanted to making a little mine for us oh no it's gonna be dark oh i have torches okay not very many so yeah um i guess i'll say this again just for people that didn't hear it originally but uh we are playing hardcore survival on 1.16 the new snapshot so if we die it's over and i don't know what i don't really know what the goal is we're just going we're gonna try to play yes we're gonna try to beat the game and just see what happens i guess so i'm just gonna strip mine because i don't want to leave the house george how old are you i am 12. actually i'm gonna get banned for saying that i'm not 12 twitch twitch i'm not 12 i am of the age where you have to be to stream look on his famous birthdays it's on there along with some really funny pictures is there any chance you could provide context no i just thought that your photo's birthday's gonna get so boosted yeah yeah let's let's boost my famous birthday no no no no no all right everyone you can go see how old i am at this link and you there's a button where it says boost just click it don't ask questions just click it could you provide context for the laptop photo okay so um i i called my friend and um oh whoa a mutual friend yes you no one knows him unless there's oh no that was a mistake well obviously people know probably no one in the stream knows them but anyway i called him and um i just had this laptop in my room and uh i put the i just put my camera when i was like look at this and i just held the laptop up oh no this is bad and um he screenshotted it and that was it i don't know and then he sent it to dream and dream was like oh my god i'm gonna post it on twitter and i was like no dreams don't post on twitter and then guess what he posted it on twitter that's not exactly what happened that's essentially what happened no george was like i saw it and i was like oh my god this is so funny i'm gonna post this on twitter and he was like no no dream don't do it don't do it and then i was like and then i was like are you sure and he's like he's like he's like i don't really want you to and i was like i was like do you do you actually care i was like tell me to stop if you don't tweet cause i have it ready to tweet i'm gonna tweet it and he's like he's like uh i was like george you have three seconds to tell me to stop if you tell me to stop then i'll stop i was like three two one didn't say anything if i tweeted it though there's the true context anyway there you go wag one big man george that's me anyways do you have any advice for gcse i'm low-key struggling i love you oh my god um advice for gcse just don't stress don't stress is when i'm not stressed and um actually do the work that that helps you can you can revise that helps a lot um if you revise that means study anyone not english i think that's an english thing whenever i say that people are like oh why are you saying you're wrong i thought you meant like revises i'm like i don't know study um read the books whatever uh do little practice do practice papers practice papers is what i always did um because they like are good that's my advice um and just put the effort in and wow okay put the effort in and you'll do fine i have no word smh where did i come from up there um i'm sipping for you for homo my god thank you for doing it for the girls and the gays we appreciate you well i just i'm not already doing it for anyone but yourself but um yeah i am glad you enjoy it yesterday i had to do my schoolwork at 2 am because dream streamed in the middle of my school day so i guess i'm doing that again but it's ok because i'd rather watch streams anyway well that makes sense but got to do the work oh no hey george it's it's hugh me and my friend love you in dream could you shout him out his name is max wait what oh okay you are hugh i'm not reading your last name what's up max shout out max all right um give me the word and pickaxe where are you jeremy um underground mining and couture i'm gonna come back up and keep the sun oh this is a cool show thank you hi frog bff thank you for the bits bowie bug 200 bits hi george can you say a sentence in an american accent oh no i don't know it's it's i found i feel embarrassed when i do an accent i do it so badly maybe maybe uh maybe soon i told you george just looks like a 12 year old yeah i'm 12. see so you're a scorpio that explains so much oh so low i'm older than you hmm you are older than me wow you must be like i have poison does me being a scorpio really explain so much okay oh my god small i bought more bits i think i'm addicted to donating but choose me but choose for me all nighter or legit go to sleep now well it depends what you have to do tomorrow if you have nothing important to do tomorrow you could do an all-nighter or if it doesn't matter if what time you wake up you could do an all-nighter but if you've got important stuff to do or just stuff to do then you should probably sleep but thank you for all the bits i appreciate that ouch all right i'm coming straight up and then i'll come to you will we be getting a dream-esque photo shoot of you in your merch gotta bulk up that instagram um maybe i don't know i haven't actually got my merch yet they're sending it to me so i can't do that at the moment tell clay you love him i don't know about that i was offered 50 early and i didn't do it so he really hates me what's something you could talk about for hours on end your voice is so soothing i love your videos so much lots of love from australia thank you what is something i could talk about for hours on end um harry potter i guess yeah i mean if you ask me questions about harry potter i could just keep talking i don't know i don't know if i could just without being prompted questions if i could just talk about something for ages on my own maybe i could what could i talk about what do i know a lot about um i have no torches and like coding and stuff like we talked about minecraft like minecraft i'm sure i could talk okay i guess i could talk a lot about minecraft minecraft encoding minecraft coding specifically minecraft coding is something that you can talk about like strategies and whatever um but yeah i don't think i'm gonna be doing that right now because everyone's going to fall asleep if i do that um all right i'm back george i have goodies i have one thing for you okay well i have more than one thing this cave sucks like it actually sucks um i've literally had like got nothing from this cave oh my god i can't even tower up okay this cave oh there we go oh no uh okay i have work so i guess that means sleep okay okay this is the last time until next time i'm here for stream good night okay thank you small good night sleep well thank you for all the donations i appreciate it but yes get that sleep and uh have fun at work i guess what to a harry potter house i'm gryffindor i am ravenclaw according to the test assuming it's accurate which it must be it can't not be accurate i've been watching you guys for like a like half a year and i only realize you're a [ __ ] just like a week ago oh my god yes i've been british this whole time i promise okay i need some cold room i used it all on torches which wasn't the best idea oh there's cold hair okay um yeah being a scorpio explains so much also i feel like you'd be the only scorpio i'd get along with hashtag gemini oh my god i don't know what the traits of oh thank you i don't know what the truth is all right hit me up thank you what if you say that you love clay blocks i mean i do what else i have for you oh my god jim's carrying clay box are kind of like meh like they're kind of annoying they sound weird they look a bit weird you gave me like a half used bow what is this well it's because i got it from a drop okay i'm making myself boots okay okay oh jim's really providing out here hufflepuff gang cringe imagine being in hufflepuff yikes all right i'm gonna make a sword for myself okay no i hear her too late oh well it's fine i'll take an extra one i'm going to do this don't do anything yet i just did something well don't don't do anything else yet i just i just did something though just wait i i'm just making a chest calm down okay tell dream to child proof everything don't want you falling off the map in hardcore that's true um you're gonna have to charge the jordan i have made something okay i mean this already is kind of child thrift like we got the door this isn't very safe though james hasn't gone hasn't done a good job here this is my face donation just wanted to say i love you and your sim and your simps videos so much i don't have simp videos thank you volume for me thank you holly so let's all this useless stuff i've got two arrows we don't really need an arrow for the nether i have a deal this this is to benefit you george 100 and also some some member of your chat okay okay we have i have worked very hard to get this and this no way but if somebody donates 50 i will name their my diamond sword after them but you're welcome all right well we'll see if anyone wants that no one's going to do it so that's fine 50 to name your diamond sword and i'll just name it something else if nobody does it abby's a hufflepuff oh my god what is wrong with you no disappointment i want i need a okay i need a shovel i'm joking hufflepuffs are fine oh fine they just all right so yesterday i was in team seek with bad it was me bad george and someone else and bad was like oh did you take the like the harry the sorting quiz and i was like oh yeah i did he's like what'd you get and i was like oh yeah i got slytherin and he was like and what'd you think about that and i was like oh that's cool and he's like of course you're a slytherin that's something that's the only thing a slytherin would say if they got sorted into slytherin they'd say it's cool that's true it's true oh flowers that was bad boy halo wait um all right we have a lot of i'm gonna cook some more food actually look oh no why'd you more stuff in here i l okay i almost you almost got me oh my god no way oh my god i almost just read what no way oh my god thank you for subbing but i can't read your name that is funny that was close you almost had me hey look we can have a we can have a flower how small it is this is nice and small small yeah you really did almost get me that was impressive all right dream are we going to know that or quote i guess am i going to do my sword something random then no just don't name it we'll see someone might donate fifty dollars to name your diamond sword but i doubt it okay you don't need a name right now all right all right we'll go all right so that's did you take that out of the house oh my god you broke all the grass in the house yeah because it was annoying oh my god okay come on let's go i'm going to the nether wait do i have enough blocks yeah we really do i'm a scorpio so i know a lot about this oh you went through it oh we just spawned in this while i was like shocked i was like where are we scorpios are sensitive to things and don't really show their true feelings to people unless they trust each other a lot by the way i'm also a slytherin i could see that being that's right all right george come on let's go over here and kiss riff 1278 thank you for subbing george stinky poo hufflepuff gang no that is not true dream we're gonna die do okay we have to go back to him all right we're going back we're going back oh no i feel bad why have you done this let's go first but please don't put one demonstration it's what's the name wait open the chat one two three it's one three three oh did i say that wrong i'm sorry okay let me copy and paste that don't put it's not one two three it's one three three okay tony jader one two three one three three thank you so much fifty dollars there's a lot of money you are now dreams diamond sword um oh you can look at it wow look at that i might just keep it no i might just keep it my diamond sword this is fifty dollars right here co coney jata cornyj133 thank you so much um i can't read that for some reason it's grayed out monisha hello thank you hi and mei baby hi george i love you tell dream i love him too and that he's super cute that's what me baby says not me oh dream dream why does this look so funny no dreams sad my diamond sword a dream no stop dream give me the story okay just take it okay i gave it to you oh look i'll put these magma creams in here okay well all right george i know you're a little bit of a weirdo so here you can take this just in case oh okay oh and i didn't even name the name tag oh you know what we should do i i forgot i didn't have to use the name tag but i have one so i can i can name something else i can name an animal something so wait do you have two iron do you have two iron if somebody else already donated 50 then i'll just do that like if somebody else did it but i guess probably not no one else did do you have 50 dollars what what i actually don't sadly guys please donate no do you have two iron do you have two iron i have exactly two eyes okay thank you fifty dollars room can i have fifty dollars please hey look look what i've done i got us a cauldron okay so that we can put ourselves out if we need to okay good good we need water though i have water i have water i need water where's water oh there we go no fifty dollars dream okay donate me fifty dollars no why i was confused why are you asking me don't eat me fifty dollars i'm leaving i cannot commit to this stream if dream doesn't give me fifty dollars no okay let's go to your room um we need to go we need to do it this way let me just test this out so how does this work if i is this like a one-time use or can you take the water out it's no you can't take it out or maybe you can try to test it okay wait can you take it out yeah okay just go in it all right all right now we should have one too then it's whatever it's fine okay just scream if you if you need water all right which way whoa look at this this looks cool that way's like totally okay i always told you let's let's go let's get the stream to vote this way doesn't look deadly how oh yeah there's a little we went over there there's just nothing okay i didn't hear it over here it's already hit it's already reached the end i'm lost oh my jesus dream watch out oh oh we're so gonna die we're so gonna die oh we didn't write down the chords um okay go back go back ah two words they're gonna push me in the lava they're gonna push me in okay this is really scary all right so the chords are minus 67 36 46 and i'll take a screenshot there we go all right dream we shall embark on our journey to um i killed so many magma guys magma guys oh this this area is just kind of deadly too where are you that's right i'm in the same place i don't know where to go should we just go this way then maybe um across here somehow so we just need another fortress over here they're rare in this version though um no donut thank you for subbing welcome to the club you can now use oh ah you can now use all the sub emotes i have like ten of them i think george they're deadly these guys are deadly these guys are dead don't die dream tower tower i am tired dig into the wall digging into the wall i'm getting that i just i just placed dirt oh my god my god they're so powerful oh and dank durban thank you for subbing as well yeah if you um if you have twitch prime you can sub literally for free um and you get all the emotes everyone everyone show them the emotes that they can have they're pretty cool okay kill these things these are so strong they're so powerful we need to get out of this biome this bio isn't right let's go up because i feel like up is the best way actually i don't have very many blocks oh just follow me follow me i'll mine on the wall woozy thank you for subbing with prime see you're getting it we got the prime subs chrome subs are good okay i only have 39 blocks oh hi mark oh hi mark thank you mega is that megan it is wait is that meg's n23 thank you for the bets jack mobile 3 thank you for the sub thank you for giving me your prime i appreciate it this is so dangerous this place is so dangerous oh my god dream i know the nether's so much more deadly than it used to be like i'm actually kind of nervous running around here which i'll say again like the fifth time just in case anyone doesn't know we are playing on hardcore you can tell by the hearts if we die it's over so we are trying not to die desperately hmm getting more blocks let me go down and then across maybe up and then across yeah let's go over here yeah this is very sketchy my friend loves you a lot could you please say i love you caitlyn i love you caitlyn thank you and miles thank you for donating good night thank you for streaming no problem glad you enjoyed it hmm this place sucks i feel like ow i feel like i'm just gonna get booped into the lava by one of these magma cubes oh my god you don't you don't have to baby proof it like that [Laughter] oh my god what is that oh that's just island dude this biome is so big too oh my god oh it's meg meg i see dr ego hello meg thank you for giving me all your bits oh uh what is this um what's a and w so a n w oh anyway maybe wait what nothing so anyway hi george uh i'm late because i took a nap and just woke up say hi to dream for me abby says hi first donation too oh no a 50 donation from maddie a mad lad my real name is maria maria if you want oh is that way if you want to use that name is better this is my first donation too hope you enjoy the stream oh my god thank you so much 50 that is so much um and annie 404 thank you for subbing oh you're down there my real name is madia i am hopeful hopefully i'm saying that right how'd you get down there oh what i don't know i'm like falling i don't like this i'm down here i'm coming five hearts okay yeah thank you again mario that's a lot of money i appreciate it stop i didn't hit you it's like man i know all right oh there's regular nether over here yes regular nether never well there's a bastion thing a bastion do we get it no we don't have gold dude how are we gonna we can't even go through here um there's not even a wait should we just go check it out no no we're gonna die we're gonna die actually oh my god if a ghost pops out of nowhere run back okay the stream is giving you so much money george the least as you can see the least you can say is oh my god i can't say that i'm sorry i do appreciate everyone donating and sobbing and giving bits i really do but this is asking too much jim stop speed bridging please why i'm fine mickey bicky one thank you for subbing okay i'm coming dream please no ghasts please no ghasts please no ghasts plenoglasts please please please all right wow normal finally no one know there i'm just getting a lot of another act okay i'll do the same oh no my pickaxe is gonna break dream it's okay i have an extra pick okay morbidly obese thank you for subbing [Laughter] morbidly obese one two three to be specific all right let's go let's just look all right oh there's a thing yes a fortress no a what wait what let's go where did he go oh i got i got gold wait where are you i got a gap i got i got a shovel whoa i just didn't take damage i am the lorax i speak for the dream and i'd like to say george please love me [Laughter] george come on keep up i'm lost you keep losing me where are because you're sitting still am i supposed to sit still you didn't take the stuff well i did come here i didn't think they were sitting and raw hayley thank you for subbing wait what what are you wearing it's gold leggings oh nice why are they interested they're shiny because they were enchanted uh oh more of this dumb land okay let's go this way oh we're so far away from spawn yeah because there's the fortresses are so rare the speedrun is gonna be impossible on this version oh yeah that sucks um yeah where is where is this fortress oh my sword oh the camera just what come on george hang on my like my thing just messed up oh okay i don't know what just happened okay i fixed it i fixed it all right where did you go i lost i'm down here come on okay oh you're there i thought this was you down there's nothing even here what what am i oh i thought that was you okay there's a gas should we kill it oh kill the gas what for no gas tears and fun no dream just no dream stop just stop what just stop it we don't need it okay we got it ah it does so much damage oh no ah what what you have a cauldron thing oh i got that nice nice here should we grab it or what in the lava didn't it i think it wasn't all over i don't know all right grab your thing let's go across here i'm so like gonna die what george what what it just he wants me wait what really you know what screw you whoa what no that is so much damage dream all right george protect me you have gold you have the gold those guys don't kill you why was he coming for me then because you must have hit him no i did not you probably did when trying to like set out your fire or something no no no what is that there's there's enderman over there so we need to go to that we can kill some other men oh my god you're crazy dream's like popping off oh my god whoa wait is this guy mad at me okay he's cool he's cool okay don't do that oh my god dream where are you taking me to this bomb because usually there's anyone over here oh my god this is so i'm going up here ah come on george so much damage what is wrong with them george i love you say it back please oh wait okay please tell dream uh maybe loves you and say it back to you as well i love you my baby thank you somebody with the name dream just donate and say please say i love you to me i love you if i if you do that i will not say anything in return where did you go i keep losing you come up here george i'm right above you i see oh okay be careful this is like a deadly area i mean is it the red one they spawn in i thought it was this one that spawned in oh i see one they do a lot of damage dude so where is it coming it's like right there let's go he's not coming come on let's go you can't tell that we're looking at him he's like blind at this distance all right we need to get uh on like i see a little thing oh one of them's coming one of them's coming oh here you can crit him out while i shield where is he somewhere he's gonna pop over somewhere he's here all right you wanna go down there where oh they're gonna do so much damage oh dream watch out i don't know where he went thank you so much for the stream today it's been kind of stressful but you're always able to help never forget how much support you have love your life thank you quinn i appreciate it thank you i'm glad you enjoyed the streams so oh my god yeah well i know i was gonna i was gonna say like something about the speed running about enderman spawning a lot but it's not worth it yeah and it's not even that much i love your vids with dream it's currently 4am thank you cathereth hmm another one oh the enderman yeah i don't know where he is though i hit him ah there he is what he's there wait just block just block i'll like hit him just block oh god i'm low i'm low i'm low oh watch out watch out watch out do you need an apple no oh i did where'd it go dream thank you abby hmm this is like prime intermittent territory like down here there's like no cliffs there's nothing we gotta like find one down here for sure multiple blue biome check it out this blue bottom really do be hitting different [Laughter] editing okay there we go you got to be careful dream oh look he doesn't even care nice yay i got it hey it's me again will you guys do a dream team q a um i guess we could do that um probably we actually just recorded before we started streaming here we recorded uh um x-rays always-on series for the dream team yeah um if you guys have seen the video on dreams channel it's essentially that again what we're doing on the dream team so if you haven't subbed to the dream team uh look it up dream team on youtube but not the one that's like some other channel the one that's our channel it's in outside boxes hmm where's cinnamon at when oh wait when's that video gonna be up do you think probably like a few days oh a couple days so keep your eyes out eyes peeled where's this enderman i don't want to go anywhere because this is going to appear and oh my god look what there's three endermen over there one just fell into lava you see that over there there's like three of them right over there yeah how do we get oh i see i see the one anger at me look at it oh look he's so mad look at him what he's gonna teleport can we get over there or should we just like eat them drag them over oh my god he's not teleporting to us watch it drop a pile i just died please don't teleport right it died i think it died right on like the edge on the brim are you gonna jump down there i'll jump onto like the tree thing yeah oh there's so many enemies over there i think that dropped a parole or now i i don't know i didn't show um you're my okay thank you abby even though i've seen you say the opposite on dream stream but i see how it is so it dro it died like down here i think i see an enemy in here oh there's a po i got it i got it i'm killing one of them right now my cat came okay patches go i can't believe we can't find i didn't get an enderman um i mean i didn't get an ender pearl oh fortress fortress where oh i see it nice [Laughter] high five air high five air high five there you go yeah perfect timing oh my god can you tell gabby you love her please get the centerman um wait what oh that come on gabby i love you thank you why did you if you hit it a teleport store so let me hit it okay you teleported wait did it drop one no what is this i checked it it didn't all right we need to check more of this bomb for any minute after but for now let's go to the fortress yeah i lied i couldn't sleep when you were streaming wait hang on i lied i can't sleep when you're streaming also should i piss my belly button when all the straps open up when all the shops opened up not at home of course haha jk unless i mean if it was me i mean i wouldn't piss my belly button personally but i definitely wouldn't do it myself but i'm sure you can do it yourself but um maybe wait until after but if you want to get it done get it done up to you i'm being forced to sleep by a bunch of children so night night and tell jim i say bye beckerson says bye jim bye good night becca son obsidian wow i can get another word might as well just get it brewing potions is pretty easy so might as well do it i guess okay just kidding team is my favorite of course it's even my twitter banner i love you guys thank you abby yeah she told you she was just kidding but you can't have she told me she didn't tell me she was just kidding is this true oh god we can kill the weather as well yeah no all right so it's this way to the blaze but um let's get some nether and stuff real quick i can get this chest here oh there's another one down there oh whoa whoa oh nice what it can't wait give it to me i want the the thing yes because that's such a small chance that's like such a small drop what is it like 2.5 percent one in like 64 or something i don't know that's rare that's pog champ pog champ guys i'm a twitch streamer let's go let's go to the place runners okay i need to eat i don't have a lot of food left i don't have a lot wait what was that huh i guess i'll take it yeah i don't have much food i have hmm i think we need to we need a horrible place to get out yeah because like we can always run out of food we can always get anime normally that's true yeah uh kalesti 90 celestine bonner right here thank you for subbing thank you for streaming no problem where where are you all right i got one blaze rod okay we got to be super careful i'm putting the i'm putting the thing down right here okay preemptively actually i should put it in the floor right no it's fine yeah maybe then we can just like all right is your inventory full no like that oh wait we got block [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] oh dude go to the calls or go to the caller they're gonna hit you they're gonna hit you block your shield dude do not do that george oh you didn't take that much damage okay no it was okay okay all right okay yeah you're not stupid i just like i thought they were destroying you and i was like no what are you doing okay drop your skin care routine please honestly i don't do anything i just have occasional showers he just uses lots of lotion you missed my last donation i'm sorry i will okay one second let me okay dream you have to protect me i have to look every time i switch to my sword it just says you said conan a jade 133 yesterday i had to do my schoolwork no i did see this wait there was another one wait am i being stupid oh it's here hi i am back i'd have to eat can you say hi to dream for me also good luck don't die harris hirostina is that how i say your name hirostina says hi jiren hi i'm sorry for missing your donation hi also chat stop trying for stream to say blah blah blah dream has no rights exactly all right dream what are you doing how i was blocking oh no oh i have two better betters off and mobster's six thank you for subbing you have two i have one hmm let's do that and then let's eat this occasional showers he showers like once a month at least yeah at least something like that okay so yeah i have two how many do you have should we just get like a ton like we're not in any rush here yeah we need to get a bunch because we can use them for potions and stuff yeah you might as well get like 15 or something caitlyn sucks hey george i hope you've eaten lunch i have not i love you and have a good day thank you caitlyn no i have not eaten lunch it's i guess it is kind of lunch time um yeah i mean it's almost my bedtime though so i mean i kind of already had dinner earlier did i though i don't remember what i've eaten today but i don't feel that hungry right now dream didn't say hi to me so now you my favorite is only george and sapnap that makes sense understandable i love you stop reading my donations dream you missed my donation but i understand it's fine oh my god no i love you guys so much okay oh can you kill this oh there's another one okay oh i gotta go over here in the water let me see what did you say you said hmm oh hey forgot to say but if you will name something after me oh if you will name something after me it won't do this for oh no don't die dream go to the water if you have to okay easy they do a lot of damage when they actually hit you though yeah they do oh no they're back okay i will read that in a second i'm not i'm trying not to die here okay in the water there we go okay if you name something off to me if not it's fine but if you will and you can get a cat it would be awesome okay we will try to get a cat for you um i don't know why did you get cats like dodgers villagers okay i have five oh i keep running five keeps going off before i get over that um hi george this is aussie hello aussie i wrote a song for you and dream and it would mean so much to me if you checked it out also if you could say i don't know let me kill these things ow oh no um also if you could say i love you aussie i think i'd die my ad is oh george okay i will check it out after the stream if i remember hopefully oh my god dream what i almost died don't do that i'm trying not to i need like heal um oh my god i i can't come in dream i'm kind of low okay i'll come in now i'm kind of low no i'm not okay i'm doing it i'm doing it okay how many do you have six i have six i mean that's balling off that's right well it's definitely enough but let's just get more some more okay hey george i've been watching you enjoying for some while now and you guys made me really happy i made an edit of you and dream and it's on youtube called isle of dream all right oh oh i'm hitting them with a mutton what am i doing alright yeah um i will check it out i'll go back through these donations and check out the things that i need to check out oh yeah thank you for donating and telling us about that i'll check it out death swap video i love dream [Laughter] yes yes that you're a genius as like oh my god i'm gonna die you're not gonna die that is like so ridiculous that was genius all right well i'm not going to check that out now [Laughter] there's nothing to check out they totally owned you i actually fell for it oh my god oh my god death swap vid anytime soon um probably not you want to do a desktop video on your channel george would be kind of cool um maybe maybe i mean not on dreams channel soon probably not maybe on my channel if we decide to do that then maybe um can you say i love you vicky for my friend she really wants it make her day i love you vicky thank you vicky for loving me i assume you okay maybe you don't maybe you're welcome chat oh my god no bad that is not good that was actually a genius i've been scammed and isle of dream that's so great i love i didn't i mean i didn't say it no the way you said it you're like i love dream like it sounds so much like i love dream i don't know like somebody clip it like when i heard i didn't even have to read it i heard you say it i was like i thought you said i love dream and i was like what and i was like and then i was like wait and i looked at the donation and i saw it in chat that was like no way dream can i kill these with the skeletons oh whoa calm down buddy be careful they're pretty opie oh oh my god george run how what do you mean how my shield broke run i can't believe that my shield broke i have never had that happen dream how did my shield break guys dream you should never have engaged with two wither skeletons on hardcore mode when we have iron armor george oh my god well he patches my cat is comforting me this is so sad it actually is he's like it's too late to restart we're too deep in oh you gotta keep going you have to get my diamond sword you have to get it wait where is it do i have it i don't have it where is it there's no way it went off the edge is there am i being stupid my that's so annoying oh my god see you guys struggle with my name every time it's hilarious but if you want you call me chris that's very different i love both i thought i just had footsteps um i love you both but dream knows he's my favorite oh my god that's kind of mean but will facecams be a thing for future streams as well because we're all loving it if so can you show us your cat next time um oh no i mean i guess it could be a thing for future streams i want to get um like a light because right now my lighting isn't very good and maybe like a better camera or something i don't know is it does it look good guys i don't i don't actually know i can't see don't shut off my computer benches stop but how is your sword gone it must have gone in the lava wow all right well dream died i i can't believe you engaged two wither skeletons but then you dice them i was well because i had no shield like i just oh my god i have no food i need those they do so much damage like they can kill you in two heads oh my god okay i'm just leaving we're so far away you can do it oh my god the water like oh oh no it disappears this separates what you're combining like three words what's the word evaporates yes what is it like a harry potter spell it's a separate no that is a harry potter thing it's when you teleport this apparate that's not what it's called is it yes all right well i'm gonna try to beat this game for dream bedtime sir are you where it's 12 30 p.m i am aware oh no um yeah something about my sleeping schedule being weird i don't know something like that but dream why did you die if i hadn't known that my shield was about to break i would have 100 million percent lived and then my strategy was based on my shield being able to protect 100 of damage but then my shield just breaks like how do i use that much of my shield hey george there's there's four wither skeletons across there are you sure you don't want to go fight them no i don't care about the weather anymore i'm just being sarcastic because you did oh i don't know i didn't dice thing oh i died to them yeah but you i wouldn't have died one for you because you had to run because you were so low i have no i'm not even gonna i'm not even gonna make it out the nether i'm calling it with all these people saying dream is their favorite i just want to go on record and saying that you are actually my favorite story dream thank you at least i don't know where i came from i'm just going to go this way other than anyone huh loads of enderman all right let's try get all the ender piles oh no this is bad i have no food why am i doing this george i don't know how you can read donors and play hardcore i can't even walk in a straight line also please tell dream thank you for playing to me on twitter earlier it says nia um yeah i don't know i'm i'm kind of happy oh my god i hope i'm not missing any but stop i'm about to move you out of here i dream i need food that anyone just disappeared i need more enderman whoa like hey oh my god can you hear her not really here come here enderman they just disappear is that big oh he's mad at me as well oh no this is the end wait why can't i move did you plug my keyboard ah what i was blocking i was blocking oh well we made it kind of far dream yeah i died i saw yeah we did good you're my favorite we're seeing dream take three guys at once it's making me reconsider oh my god yeah f that sounds so wrong only because you made it sound wrong um we tried guys hardcore is a lot harder than um normal oh wow it puts you back to spawn that kind of sucks all right well i don't know what do we do now are we done um well with that hardcore world clearly well yeah what do we do now i love how you survived like one minute without me well you survived you didn't even survive with me so i survived many minutes without you well it was a it was a bad like situation i was fighting the enemy and then all of a sudden this piglet gets mad at me mode survival oh my god i can oh i'm dead i'm alive i'm dead wait can you just play oh you can keep playing i thought the point of hardcore was you couldn't well it's like it's not that you can't it's that like you pretty much can't wait patches what well it would be against the spirit of the game to go and continue where we left off so we're not going to do that but what should we do dream are we done or hey do we have another idea of something to do i'm so bad at speed running i don't know anything we could do it we could do george what if we did a duo with like the sandstorm we could just do it let me just try it like i bet you you could do it because all you have to do is trading i don't know that would literally be all you have to do i don't know what to do i will tell you what to do you want a speeder on just yeah let's just do it let's just do a duo right now what version 1.14 1.14 yeah 1.14.4 hmm okay one second guys let me set this up hey stop hey all right we get it you have a cat just just i'm gonna put her out one second ellie thank you for subbing savanny's early how did i die i die to an an enderman in the nether um i was killing it and it just like um what happened yeah like i was killing it and then this piglet just came out of nowhere and started trying to kill me and i couldn't kill both of them all right i'm back welcome back all right get 1.14 open 1.14.4 are we just using hamachi aren't doing the server if we do it on the server it's like does it not count um i heard from illumina that it doesn't matter as long as like do i i have to use like the default 1.14 client uh yeah it wouldn't be like spigot or anything but if you want we could just do himachi like i already have himacha you can download in two seconds is it uh should we just do it on the server i guess so i need to download non spigot yeah you don't non spigot okay one point fourteen let me make a new profile it means i have to record two so uh one point fourteen point four where is it um release 1.14.4 download the server create hmm there okay it's downloading all right give us i'll show you in the game i'll show you in game like we'll just do like one little practice thing where i show you like what you have to do okay yeah just give us a second everyone just getting this new server set up oh wait unsupported java version detected how long does how much he takes set up like the three seconds like seconds okay let's just do it i'm actually uh is it this download now okay next next next install okay it's installing sorry if that was loud it's installing okay it's done starting i'm starting starting hamachi okay what do i do this way mine's starting oh mine isn't working mine's like broken dream all right i can uninstall it and reinstall it what are you serious yeah all right like not working at all dreams like ruined everything i haven't ruined anything just join like load up the server and then we can just join it for now what do you mean like a server if you can only 1.14 just so we can i'm just going in a survival world okay yeah what you need to do is you're gonna trade you're gonna get you need paper you need you need like two stacks of sugarcane basically or two stacks of paper like a stack a stack a stack in 52 or something like that wait what am i doing hang on palm trees thank you for subbing and george you'll always be my favorite it's also 4 30 a.m and i have class today but oh well no you have to sleep you're gonna be tired okay and oh no i can't read this one second hi george i just woke up and today's my today's my first day of finals but i'd rather watch your stream than study also i have a fan out of you and dream on twitter at thanks for the venom i will check it out after this room thank you and emily dudley thank you for subbing okay go on dream oh no my lighting's gone uh where's my lighting here yay lighten hmm okay are you getting this ready yeah all right epic all right it's installing you have yours open yeah are you seriously considering visiting dream in that sweaty stinky swamp i mean i guess if i have to all right um so press like your online button okay then you have to like log in i think but i don't know what mine is have to make an account or no you actually don't you don't have to log in wait i don't i'm pretty sure you don't no you don't you don't all right and then i'm gonna create a new network okay um interesting george have you ever wanted to be a chicken nugget sometimes i suppose yeah how much longer you're going to stream for i'm not sure could be probably at most an hour probably but probably less um what am i doing you do have to log in i don't have an account i've done it it says george i have to go to my email you could have had the server up by now when you said it would take like 10 seconds yeah well i didn't think mine was gonna be buggy limplicity thank you for subbing what is this oh okay um are you going to like fix your stuff jeremy just try and try and do the server while i'm trying to fix this just in case you're like facebook the job it's not going to work why not because we need an old java version we can't change it unless we can i don't know how though i think we need yin to do it so that's not going to work all right i'm trying to log in but come on dream you can do it um wow okay you can you could create a new network does your say like create a new network network id password confirm password yeah just put put like random put like whatever in there and then just tell me that information oh i need to make an account oh my god i told you i told you okay let's make an account really quickly oh come on making account making account did it work did it work i don't know let me just do this um who subbed let me see me baby thank you for subbing how do your parents feel about your youtube fame also i love you so back i love you anna thank you what do my parents think i don't know they think it's all right i guess yeah they think he's epic okay create a new network oh no that's not what i wanted to use the same details copy that [Music] password all right have you done oh it worked all right i joined it i'm on okay okay now i'm gonna see someone join it no okay i think we're good now so if you like click on my thing you can get like my ip or whatever and then you just put a call on the end and i give you like the thing oh what is the so for now i'm just going to go on a creative mode wait what do i do copy your address and then what um don't show this on stream when you do it yeah um that's true don't do that it's probably better if you get a world so okay um that way you don't you don't share ap and i can do it so just like so just go into single player for now okay and then create world and make it creative just for now just so we can i can show you something creative creative create world and then just create it and then open to lan and then give me the um okay okay and then give me the uh the thing the port that it tells you 51184 let me see if this works yeah all right it's like loading for me it takes like a minute or two um so i'm going to show well i'm going to show you like what your job is going to be my job is to be doing the nether stuff we did it wait did you put cheats on you didn't put cheats on did you oh you're in creative oh you need to opt me or something off me maybe is that how you do it is that good enough yay okay um so wait no just on me so i need you all to do it's not a thing oh okay i guess you can only do stuff then locate a village yeah so tv all right so if we're going to find we need to find a village yeah and then your your job is going to be to get a stack and and so basically two stacks of sugarcane okay um or paper it's like as long as you if there's like a shipwreck you can go to get paper or whatever you're gonna use paper yeah and then you're gonna like doesn't sugarcane give more than one paper or no i know it's well three sugarcane is three paper so you're gonna get you're gonna need two stacks of paper um and you're and you're gonna need to make a cartographer table which is just two paper above four pieces of wood unless there already is one which there might be but it's like you probably just want to make one it saves you a lot of time of looking through the houses to find one you just want to make one it takes two paper above four logs it looks like this it's this thing and you and you wanna and then you wanna you wanna go to a villager and you wanna place it next to the villager like whenever you have it um now the other thing you need is we need a desert temple because he's already a blacksmith guy um like here i'll break his thing there and remember it only lasts for like time at the time he he changes at like noon so sometime to noon he'll probably go to his thing and then change and then um realize that he's not this guy anymore hey this guy's sucking spawn of villager yeah that's fine oh there's villages over here come here that's fine oh never mind okay all right yeah so look at him and click on him yeah what's his first trade uh paper to emeralds yeah so you need to you just need to give him enough paper that way you unlock his next trade you see the bar at the top you want to just trade like a couple times until um until you unlock you unlock the bar why is it not like the bar needs to completely fill up is it filled up i think so did i do it i don't know look at the stream was that enough no no you wait was it yeah you did it yeah then you wait close out yeah yeah and then go back in and then there's glass the glass panes and we can't trade on the first day because the first day is um there's there's worse trades but the second day we can trade so so what you need your job will be your responsibility is this find it find a desert temple okay and um and get the tnt from the desert temple and then use the tnt to get stoned for furnaces and sand to smelt the furnaces to glass and then get the sugar cane and i'll be getting the blaze rods and then when i come back hopefully you will be smelting and stuff don't do the trading until the second day um you can sleep while i'm in the nether or you can or we can both sleep when i get out and then we do the trading which is just to this guy for that and then we need to do the other training but i can do i can come out and do it because we need the blaze rod anyway um so actually we technically don't this is a lot of information you're giving me here well i think so you can do it literally all you need is you just need to get sand stone sand and stone which you can get from blowing up the ground okay okay so start i saw if i only get two stacks of paper and then i need to get tnt and get furnaces and sand and then start smelling everything and then obviously the preferably you find a village that way you can get food like that's the best way to get food you will we need a village anyways let's just go ahead and just do it all right let's just do it all right so just fine find a new world and if it looks like a good world then then like don't move at all and paw and like like press the second button i can look around or not no no no don't look around at all just stop otherwise it won't count so just join and then pause because we can't get any advantage okay um and then once you're joined look just try and see okay does it look like it's a good is do you see a desert do you see a savannah do you see anything okay then just leave and then create a new world all right what are you guys doing we are trying to speed run right now to get a speed one speed run what speed run let me go speed run world record okay we're looking to see what the record actually is but we're doing what we do is we're doing it and do it we're doing it with the new strat so maybe it'll be maybe it'll be useful but i know nothing so dream's gonna teach me right now okay this looks trash and you can actually trade just fine with during actually you can trade during the first day as long as you get everything fast enough it's fine to trade during the first day because it will be worse but it's fine because you can get a lot of sand really easily um okay so i need a good world but how do i know if it's good it just is there gonna be you just need to see either a desert a savannah or um i guess like ocean i don't know i think ocean's probably not even worthless for us to try unless there's a desert did you see if you see a desert or savannah okay does it don't move your cursor at all i guess they probably won't care that much it's like you barely touch it but okay desert savannah i'm trying so don't do anything yet did you find one no okay when you do find one what you want to do is you want to make sure you have your game paused you're going to open to land with cheats on and it needs to be with treats on and then you're going to and then you're going to tell me like um you're gonna you're gonna type in chat time set zero don't send it yet though and then say three two one and then send it and that's when i'll join you need to give me the port so okay oh my god i can't get how long does it take to get a good world normally that's a it's at least a couple times yeah okay i'm in a desert it's probably not a desert okay it's not um you can't f5 i'm pretty sure maybe you can unload i just wouldn't do it someone just said you can f5 i know i've seen people saying you can but i'm pretty sure you can't that's just like you're getting more information well like i guess but before you start your timers the whole thing you know okay where is this good world come on give me a word okay desert i got it i got it all right okay so what you need to do open the land with treats on cheats and open it and then read me the port do i start on world and then like press escape again yeah okay five one six four nine five one six four nine okay now type in your chat you can unpause type in your chat time set zero okay and then and then when you when you press enter just say go and i'll join you ready and then start moving right then yeah three two one go okay now you need to start doing stuff just look for sugarcane collect sugarcane um obviously get a tree start looking around for the the desert temple in the village okay then i'm gonna try and you remember this was at 12 50. so we need to remember and we started at 50 minutes i don't have a timer on screen i have a timer um is it wait did i start it no it's not working we don't need the timer all right for now no timer get on my phone really quickly stopwatch that's annoying dream you're not doing anything sorry i know all right i started a timer but it's like off by like 30 seconds or so yeah collect sugarcane look for the temple i'm gonna get trees real quick let me get this gravel here um all right i don't see a desert temple anyway i have 17 sugarcane that's already quite a bit for the very beginning come on there's a temple that's we beat it right now it'll be so embarrassing your first speed run ever right in the in the in the like like you're teaching me how to do it like they're like what how do these idiots beat the record and then this is in the record right right now what we're saying okay right you need you still need wooden stuff too i'm just running i think the opposite direction of you so i'm gonna i need ice i need food and stuff so i need i probably need a village i need a village yeah hopefully we get one it is not in hardcore no i found a lava pool but um oh temple got a temple yeah i don't know i don't have anything though it's fine you can just go in and get stuff and then tower out probably i don't have anything if you want to you know you have any wood no i have nothing um are you do are you near what is there what anywhere near you at all i'm looking oh i see a temple is it the same temple you saw maybe not i don't know what are your chords just open your chords what are your chords 57-180 okay no it's a different temple okay so i'm going to get this temple oh yeah oh there's a village savannah village is there really where uh zero minus three hundred all right i'm just gonna get this temple because get the food from the savannah village i'm gonna get this temple and then i'm gonna come back um and that was like yeah all right i want to go back towards you once i get this temple because i need to i need food i don't have it is this it is this it are we beating the record [Laughter] we're doing it you need more you need more sugarcane this is actually it guys i don't know what do i craft don't what what three diamonds okay nice i was hoping i'd get like emeralds or something for you i got gold gold that's good okay all right look in the savannah houses and see if there's a brewing stand cause that'd be really useful for you if there was okay and then kill the iron golem if you can as soon as you can okay i'm just getting stuff oh my god i'm like nervous it'd be it'd be pretty hilarious if your first ever time all right i see a bunch of games i'm just grabbing it real quick what are your chords 0-300 0-300 alright i'm heading to you i'm pretty far i'm gonna run any blocks away from three blocks for the three blocks three blocks here wait i just heard a gurgle i think there's a or whatever you call that thing huh okay zero minus three hundred all right i'm on my way yeah is there where's the lava pool did you get the hay balls already no but i got the uh i got a brewing stand all right okay nice nice nice i need one piece of iron okay no where's the hay bales there's melons hey what are you what are your chords exactly zero minus three hundred oh that's the height hang on oh it's lagging oh it's five minute lag it's five minute lag oh it's like mom came in or something hello mom i'm beating i'm trying to beat the record that's in like the record as well okay um i'm out of hunger but i have rotten flesh so i'm eating some of it i have like i have food all right zero minus three hundred you're so full yes how many times you have to us because because you're just really far i need food was it really only melons no i have i have 24 bread as well okay that's it yeah so what did you get a lot more i see the savannah village what else am i doing what else i don't think this is record only because it's going to take me a while i haven't even gone to the nether or anything should i go to that temple i have tnt for you should i go to the temple no stay where you are i see i see you i don't see you but i i like see where you're going i need food right away temple yeah like i don't need a temple no i have i mean you can but i have what else i guess here where are you i don't know 50 minus 280 i see you all right okay come here i have stuff for you take this take this take this um give me uh food okay anything else you need obviously one iron do you have an iron do you have one iron for me all right um all right where's the lava pool i think it was this way do you see me okay yeah go get the temple i think it was like near the temple i'm pretty sure all right i'm running with you there's a well where was it there's sugar cane over there it was like okay where was la before are we allowed to ask the chat yeah i'm pretty sure it was like just round here somewhere they said by the desert temple i was trying to get this way because this is where you came from i think i'm pretty sure it was either before or after the temple that i well obviously i don't know where it was it was around here somewhere i don't see it yeah i haven't been to the nether yet and you i want to get out by i want to get to the nether by like preferably i need to get back preferably like 13 minutes so unless i want to right in the fortress this is probably a reset oh i got a god apple nice get that make sure you get the tnt because you can actually do a mixture probably because you haven't we have enough time you could just do some wood and some sand because right now i don't know you might as well just do like wood strat too um i don't see this lava pool oh i see it i see it okay i see a little i don't know if it's the one that you saw but was it in the desert yeah but it's pretty far like off your path can i get out of here uh i don't know food either um i don't have much food at all i gave you half my food can you tell elizabeth do you love her and have you seen the edits george now found on twitter has made of you um i just made stonehenge i might have i'm not sure i don't know based on off the name but i've seen a lot of edits on on twitter okay so nice you found the thing so i need exactly two stacks or like i have a stack you need like a stacking 52 i think um all right i'm going to the nether but um you can start doing the trading as soon as you can with the guy and you need to start smelting as soon as you can because smoking takes a while so oh i need to tnt this stuff don't i yeah you need a tnt right now and start smelting so like oh god i don't even have a stone pick i just realized oh god whatever hopefully i don't need one this is too much i don't see a fortress right by so this might be a reset but we'll see i'll give it another couple minutes i should just like how much sound do i need a lot at least at least five stacks five stacks yeah all right come on sand and how much stone do i need well we did have an acacia village so maybe you have a lot of tnt might you might maybe you just want to do the occasional village i don't know like this this runs probably dead no um i i can't i can't i don't see a fortress anywhere near spawn either oh it's usually i'm not quite [ __ ] just keep keep going just in case okay i have like this is pretty good for the first one i mean you got like you got the stuff this is just good practice just so now i get stuff yeah you get stone okay what is it lagging it's ten minute lag oh ten minute lag now there's everything whoa what did he blow you up or something yes just doesn't look right around so much of the thing i ran around so much of the thing and there's no this tnt like barely hurts the stern i'm not happy i want to beat the record first try i'll be fair we did pretty good for in terms of teamwork teamwork now it's just and now we just have to hone in on the skills yeah there's no there's no fortress dream why what am i supposed to do i don't know what do you want me to say do something there's not even a fortress so it doesn't matter how good we brought it down because there's no fortress so there's no point anymore um keep going i find one like right now then i don't even have coal how am i going to get wood you can blow up you can pull up the houses and get wood and use that as fuel you might as well have probably just one of the houses to trade but but it's because you this strategy is best when you don't have the acacia village but like we have the acacia village then we might as well just do that with two people probably it's i seen illumina do this i copy yeah there's no fortress we just reset good in the world really wow you suck at this unless you just want to practice the trading right now just so just so you know how to do it i feel like i'm not going to be good at this like i don't know what i'm doing just try try the trading and we'll see you didn't do it last time so i was forced to buy more bits you scammer can you tell us what you love her oh my god i'm sorry elizabeth i love you i'm sorry i can't score anywhere okay try the trick try the trading just so you can oh this is stupid just smell some glass do the paint get make the paper and start trading with the guy so oh oh my god this is like like this is stressing me out this is like too much stuff in my inventory it's just for fun george you don't have to you don't have to try hard i'm trying george is competitive though this sucks there's too much stuff in my inventory you're fine i don't have enough like [Music] come on george come on how much stuff does one log smell um eight i think or no 16 i mean what no 16 pieces i think no it's like two or no it's eight per should i turn it into planks oh probably okay i get what would you do i don't think i can do this what did you do nothing really but this is way too why are you stressing out this is too way too much effort there's no way i can do this why how i'm dead anyway there's nothing there's no fortress i give up i give up well here i'm teeping to you game mode no look look what are you doing wrong no i'm wrong you should make the wood into planks and put it in the thing why is my terrain not like dreams you're cooking this stuff that's good now you know how to make the little cartography table i taught you how do you make it i don't have any stuff i make it have stuff where's my stuff give me stuff okay so it was like see i learned all right now come to a villager i don't have any stuff it's fine come to a villager ah sleep sleep sleep sleep in a house sleep in the house sleep i'm just oh there's no bed here i boys thanks for subbing ah oh there's so many people you keep going or did you take the beds oh i'm going to die victor village i don't care about you villager wait you can't it's 1.15 it's my bed now limplicity george who's someone you always see in your streams but they're not subbed asking for a friend uh wait what who's someone you always seen your stream but they're not started asking for a friend i don't know honestly all right george i'm so low go run run find a villager beats thank you lady cray dude what i found a villager find a villager i have one all right place your thing down i did it wait no you didn't i do yeah you did go away level him up i'm leveling up all right check this out ready boom bam bop bap boom pow wait how do you do the thing it's like oh wait was i meant to do that i think i messed up i don't have enough paper how much paper do you need two more did i mess with you more here you see it you need two more paper then here i'll give you two more paper for now we're just practicing probably still not enough oh it is enough i think all right and then wait wow okay i get your glass get your glass there's like not gonna be enough oh lady chris give it three subs thank you later career if you don't even smelt that much yet [Laughter] oh i have no more done all these things it's just doing them quickly and now once you know what you're doing then you can do it quicker thank you ladies you've got a free sub from lady cream make sure to thank lady cray for the infinite fuel in these in these things i put infinite fuel you're welcome good job all jeremy i'll take the glass you have right now make some run over once he's going on here you should have put the villagers like right by your thing though ice listen i didn't think it's fine though it's fine you'll think about it next time but like oh dream this is like we'll give it one more go after this george okay this is this is just the one practice run are you how are you stressing out on the practice run oh no what happened oh wait limplicity has gifted five subs thank you olympicity who got them albsv razz dip chloe breadslice108 and bryce 14. thank you lymphocity all right look george you got lots of glass somehow whoa somehow you got tons of glass where is it coming from i don't know go back to the guy how do i make it into stuff you bring the craftsman over to the guy it's six of them oh i got it okay oh no all right he's my guy oh he's over here there he is he's right here he's running around a little bit okay look ready one two he's like way over here leading him back wait how much of this stuff do i need oh my god a lot of it oh my god what i'm like a whole stack of them is this gonna give me 16 stacks oh my god it is i don't have enough inventory for this oh it's fine just quickly just get some of them and trade with them go get them okay i did it you did the shift click thing yeah yeah and then you got this dress thank you simplicity we will refill soon okay refill bro where you at how about how about this for a challenge speedrun minecraft with a randomizer for inventory spawns after five minutes hmm what do you think dream it's a dumb idea sorry wow rude [Laughter] he's not refilling i'm just kidding it's a great idea he'll refill it just give him time he's like take him over to his thing get over that you can you can like go in here and then click him he's not interested but yeah if we get that idea i don't know i feel like not much would happen watch just do this um only every five minutes just one random item now he's in here how did you not do that you're a noob he hasn't refilled yet there he refilled i feel like an idiot doing this come on hurry up hurry hurry up all right here we go go go i'm trying hey i did it you're a pro scam train no one's scamming here thank you for the video again i did it i have i'm stuck on five a stuck in five anymore you need more more oh my god this is ridiculous my inventory is full to the brim oh go go go i have a second 21. that's 21. that might not be enough but maybe okay get this other guy what do you say he's going to scribble again turn him into a thing oh turn him into the blaze rod thing the brewing stand what is that oh he just take it take it to him on the same level as him wait is the other guy refilled yet it doesn't matter wait oh he hasn't he doesn't care about me he just did it he scribbled okay i have stuck in her 37. from this guy place it next to him okay go ahead eat that okay all right sweet now you need to start you need to uh you need to get just enough rest level for res okay i know this just a level up and then just wait because i don't know if it's inventory don't you do one more don't i'm looking on your stream your stream's delayed a little bit it's happening right now um oh wait what i need one more yeah one more one more yeah okay it'll be like fully green all right you got it okay and then you like close this wait and then his next thing no no put in do you see the do you see gold yeah um put in all your gold and like just straight all the way how many is that three i don't know i did it and then shift click lapis okay all right and then the next one that comes up will be um will be uh glowstone and you can get five and you get five because right now you used three golds and you get five you can level them up you didn't love it that's fine no it's fine it's fine just close out get okay and then close out now what um no wait a second okay he's called scoot closer and holes enter pearls there you go and then now you trade for the enterprise i got 12. all your things okay how many emeralds you have left 16. okay now you can trade from the guy yeah okay so i need a fletching table give me a fletching table with but um there's probably one there's probably a fletching table in one of these houses um oh i could accidentally find one somewhere i could accidentally find one there you go you just did all the tr you just did all the trading congratulations you're a master now you actually pretty good that was your first time that's pretty good you didn't you did the speed trading too yeah where's the accidental fletching table where is that oh oh yeah you know i know what you're saying creative clutching table where are you um oh my god oh it fell from this oh whoa what oh it's here fetching table wow all right who's this guy who is he okay what does he have sticks i need to get a new one right yeah oh that's a bed wait what don't get away from the discip to like stop yeah it has to disappear and then it will go oh it's like not midday anymore all right i'm setting it to midday time's at noon sad lad thank you for the sub oh there you go okay all right good arrows how many a stack just get it a little bit okay is he leveled up or no no what's how much is he at oh wait i don't know does he have a bow now or no no and usually we have your string you can make a bow you can just make a bow that's true can make a boom and you're good then you go you go to the you go to you use the things then you go i don't have any blazer rods oh yeah yeah exactly if you had if you had a blazer nothing oh whoa where did those come from whoa i speed two as well all right come on let's do this let's go let's go it's this way straight that way yeah okay everyone shh okay go go wait what whoa what just happened where am i where am i what okay wait is this is the stronghold here what i think it's here this is record this is record come on i think i think i triangulated it like i was doing the the calculations it's like right here come on please be right here it's not gonna be here wait why no i don't know it's just gonna be funny wait is it not here whoa we found it guys what okay let's go go go oh i'm so quick ah oh wow look at that i'll take that i'll take that [Music] all right it's not this way it's it's uh oh secret room hacks let's go where is this place wait did you hear that george i think go back go back go back wait what go back go back i'm going back ah oh go all the way back go back to your secret room wait ah go through that door take a left hand you hear that no no no no no back there there right there i thought you heard that oh i did hear it you're right are you joking no no it's the perfect amount what it's the perfect amount whoa what are the odds i have the exact right amount where's my bow there it is all right we're about to get this dub george is an official speedrunner dub time dub time let's go we build up with sand we don't care okay now we can you see that all right let's go world record everyone world record in chat let's go don't jump on your shirt come on okay there we go all right come on this is it world record world record pog look i call this one the under the thing under the thing boom look at this here we go 360 no scope backwards 720 double whammy double whammy backwards flip just like that um check out jordan i found twitter out of the stream i will the edits are amazing and it would make them really happy to know you've seen them okay i will check it out thank you for the bits look at this we're going in a macu immaculate time here i think what is this eight minutes so far dream eight minutes and a half eight minutes thirty like this is world record territory and he's got it looks like he might beat the record by 15 minutes wait george do like a 360 twist everything there we go let's go okay this is it guys oh um wait i swear i placed a bed somewhere in the end where did i place it it was like over this way i think wait where was it where would you place a bed no dream i placed a bed somewhere where was it oh wait wait where was it what you placed like 10. what where i forgot it's just behind you straight behind you just run that way yeah just run that way it's behind the pillar oh oh yeah behind the pillow i forgot obviously what okay come on break the beds is it down it was down all right well now i've got my bed this is easy oh all right here we go guys i can't believe i'm about to beat the record bike what is it now 10 minutes you've been literally you've been only in here for seven minutes and 15 seconds this is gonna be the world record this is so easy let me snipe this dragon out of the sky what am i waiting for pog pog pog champion look at these 100 oh we didn't see that one because a hundred percent accuracy ready i'm gonna keep it up ready boom 100 accuracy go go pog champ pog is oh my god no way i'm actually getting this record right now how are you hitting it i don't know it's just like that one looks like it missed but it's gonna like curl back and hit it oh my god come on get down here dragon yeah see wait you didn't see that guys no it's stuck oh wait it's i i've got like special arrows look at it go here we go [Music] why is it not coming down okay come on oh that was a nice shot comment down what are you looking at anderman i'm trying to beat the record here can this i'm out of arrows luckily i've got backup arrows in the sky i'm just like boom boom boom boom aluminum handles oh what that's so random yeah i'm gonna literally i'm gonna beat the record right now what's the current record dream kyle it's like 20 minutes where am i at ten minutes you had six minutes and 10 seconds right now can the dragon come down oh here it comes the moment we've all been waiting for the world record oh my god all right here we go i can't believe it i've been waiting all my life for this moment one more bed nice don't die to fire dude dude that was five minutes and 20 seconds let's go world record guys i can't believe it five minutes and 10 seconds world record it was that easy i mean you beat it literally in four minutes and 20 seconds 500 world record pog let's go yes i literally can't believe you beat the game in three minutes thank you yes you were here guys everyone say i was here i was here we got the world record right here live on georgetown found make sure to hit that follow button literally in three minutes and ten seconds three minutes and ten seconds again we won we just beat the record what words make a wonderful interface very flexible and less terrifying than staring at the reality behind the screen exactly i couldn't put it any better i was here you can only beat the game in two minutes and 26 seconds [Laughter] oh my god how do i submit this to speedrun no seriously no dream you just submit the stream like acting so serious let's go we actually won we beat the record it worked with a million others to sculpt a true world in a fold of the and created it in the for in the it cannot read that thought no it has not yet achieved the highest level what did this player dream like it says that like that's just like yeah me that it must achieve in the long dream of life not the short dream of a game i know exactly not the short dream i'm the long dream that's a long dream all right like the short george yeah well as you can see we just beat the world record but you'll be there i had nothing to do with that it was that was it's gonna tend to have to be counted in like the duos i suppose even though it was all me but um wait what my headphones just broke i'm joking it comes off i don't know i was dumb but no um so yeah we won well i won did you all right well make sure to follow the stream are we gonna try again punching the air right now honestly i would be if i was illumina illumina crying in his sleep right now i don't george is now the new record holder yeah wait what do you mean like try again what what oh just for fun let's try again for fun we just beat what you want to try beats it again yeah i just came back from chinese class did i seriously miss you guys beating the game yeah no and we didn't just beat the game we beat the world record the duo world record speed run record we get and he bit three minutes in ten seconds no a minute and seven seconds somehow wait it was a minute and seven seconds a minute and seven stop watch said oh it must have been off oh yeah i think it must be off mine said three minutes ten all right uh should we actually try again i feel like there's no point let's just let's just go just for fun just for fun and then you can end this room after that yeah but we could end this stream on a on a on a dab wait on a dub so many possibilities now i have a camera on dubs in the chat woo dubs up honestly you want to try a dream i feel like one more one more one more all right look we haven't even tried that was like that was not even a try we're not gonna ever do it why not you can you have no faith in yourself would you want to do the nether you could do the nether maybe all you have to do is kill get blazes kill blazes you'll probably die though rude i feel like there's just no way we're gonna be there or get close to the record i have zero experience i don't care about your grade love you enjoying love please please we don't have to beat the record we can place we can place oh my god what's like what do we need to place i don't know like not that amazing like i think we just need under 30 probably you cheated what do you mean we cheated we did not cheat george should do the nether so what do i have to do i just go to the nether and kill the blazers yeah but i don't know beat your one minute seven record and if we if we'll be in the top ten if we just kill the dragons finish in less than three 34 minutes it will be the top ten like i've been it myself alone in less than 34 minutes george oh my god how is the how are there like no records then well it's just 10 because duo is not like a super popular category but number one is 21 minutes and 35 seconds that's pretty good let's go again let's go again come on get it get them out you didn't fall off the map pogba's let's go i didn't fall off the map it's a bit of a inside meme i'm surprised you didn't die at least obviously i didn't die i'm surprised like the dragon didn't knock you in the air well because i'm a professional obviously um this could be a good world i don't know what is it look at the stream that's probably just this dumb island there um right yeah it's an island it's going to be this check yeah this is a savannah though oh well it could have been good too late now yes hmm trash this is oh i trash well congratulations you beat the record thank you yes i beat the record cat reveal everyone's saying cat reveal is my cat here no okay no he's not i don't know where my cat is honestly he might be outside he's probably outside i can't do a cat reveal i can't just magically make my cat a pair i'm sorry these worlds suck and now my my computer is filling up i'm running out of hard drive space stream why what else do you have on your 10 terabyte drives i don't know okay this is taking so long to find a good a good world just go grab a cat i don't know where my cat is he could be outside he might not even he could be like he could be like are you okay what are you doing i'm waiting for you oh my god i can't hurry up yeah my cat could be like a million miles away for what i know he could be like so far away okay this one looks decent all right hi george i drew you a little bit on twitter and i also pinned it my twitter is not found love you i will check it out after the stream thank you nia as always are you ready yeah okay five four two one nine all right tell me when open it uh do those times at zero three and then two one eat go oh no i just realized that's gonna be clipped forever what don't worry that's a big mistake that i just did that all right go go go and show us your cat i don't know where he is i'm sorry i could oh there's a lower pool here as well i'll put 160 minus 75 okay all right i see it i have no idea if we see a savannah village we might as well do the savannah village sticks tactic but um there is a savannah here yeah if we see a savannah village but otherwise we should just be looking for the glass tactic remember as soon as you can get a temple hop in it and start smelting smelting is like a longer part okay off the stream i will try find my cat like when i'm gonna be done i'll just go look for him but he he's probably not going to be here i'm sorry everyone my cat likes to just go be free oh wow look at all those cows over over there it's like moo moo meadows wow oh there's merch wow moo moo meadows much guys what scroll down below the stream you can see the link george not found dot sharp wow we have moomoo meadows merch another merch hmm i'm i'm going the wrong way hello tis me would you stream other games would you stream games other than minecraft if not what other games would you play other than minecraft and what other games do you play other than minecraft um i i don't know i probably wouldn't stream other games maybe though probably not though but do i play all the games let me think not really to be honest this is a dumb desert it like ends already i don't think this is a temple um i used to play cs go i played overwatch for a bit but like not really that much um and like when it came yeah this desert ends wait does that what are your questions yeah 3 15 3 30. this is savannah village i'm gonna run and see if there's more desert run into the savannah i didn't see the savannah oh i do oh yeah keep going i think to the right don't go that way though go go go left left to the savannah behind there oh no the way like the way you're going i think the way you're going now is good but like behind the pillager outpost to like the quote-unquote left between the quotes on quote left it's fine not the way you're going now you're delayed dude go back like the way you're going is your temple did you hear the temple wait really yeah i'm gonna die though oh my god there's pillages here yeah i'm at the savannah village i'm trying to escape i can't it's gonna be good this could be good let me away i'm dead i'm sorry even if you die it's fine that you're right by spawn dude 270 i need food oh no please i'm dead oh he's not gonna get me in the water there's no way yes idiot he's gonna kill me now okay he didn't get me i have no food dream all right well i'm i'm about to get food from the village so i didn't even are you timing yeah okay i'm off by a little bit i think though cat not found yes there is no cat to be found here currently okay just try and get i can get wheat i can get halos i'm he found me please please please no ah get the cow instead take the cow please how are you how are you leave me alone hey i got the iron golem i don't see hay bells wait oh my god he'll please dude there's no hay bales all right you're trash we gotta check this how are we gonna have food i'm dead i'm dead let's go so easy that was the easiest thing i think i've ever done all right there's no there's there's literally no hay bales i'm just breaking some of this wheat like from the farms okay listen this is so bad i'm about to go cop the most fire loot from this desert temple you're not getting better you better get good loot all right come on i already have a stuck in ten things really i have sugarcane for you too i hear a skeleton what has he won oh my god yes you two fight yes look at this absolutely splendid like how are you alive george i don't know all right i'm running back to spawn because i need to go to the lava bullet spawn i'm doing an epic gamer move i don't have much food though oh having died oh never mind oh you're gonna die i betcha no just secure the dub no big deal turn up your brightness i don't think i can i think this is as bright as it goes i'm sorry all right get the loot they're falling for book punch one book um well this kind of sucks um i'm running back to past the pillager outpost i have like stuff for you well not much but i have like whatever for you all right i'm out easy so let's not go back towards that pillager outpost where i stay just i'm coming towards you i'm going around the pillar post i'm about to be i'm about to be near you oh get the bones i can i can eat at the lava pool not the lava pool wait you can't use them on cherokee you can't use bones on sugar cane in java okay you guys are wrong i'm sorry um where are you where do i see me i'm behind you right behind you oh all right here i have stuff for you i'm gonna give you um watch out for the pillages over there i'm gonna give you this the this too so you can make the pleasures table if you need to um i'm gonna give you this bread do you need an i'm gonna i'm gonna give you this no i don't i'm gonna give you this and um okay i think that's all i can give you for now yeah that's all i can give you i'm gonna go to another the village if you keep just running straight this way diagonally you'll see the village okay okay well i need to get sand now yeah you need to get sand and stone and start smelting but you need to get to the village before you smell it so just like blow up sand and stuff and stone now and then go okay i'm going to sand do i need five stacks yeah five stacks kind of press i miss so much of this live but i'm here now and have you had a good day i did thank you tabs you can always watch it back the stream if you want it should be saved for two months so you have time and sneaky girl thank you for subbing five stacks of sand please i'm putting like all my brain power into this i don't need that okay come on all right sorry five stacks okay i've got five stacks so i just keep running diagonal until i hit the desert of the village yeah and then what i start smelting the yeah you start smelling the thing and then um i don't know if i haven't tried the villagers i don't know if i have enough sugarcane i have a stacking 46. yeah you need more but like you you'll probably find them on the way if not then just you can look a little bit i'm about to be another hopefully there's a fortress are you checking to make sure i'm going the right way yeah you're going the right way so it's just if you yeah but if you go to keep going to the ocean and you'll you'll see it like on the edge of the ocean okay there's a revenant yeah i don't see any fortress right by but it's okay i'm gonna keep going i kind of want some sugarcane where's it at yeah i will get the stone when i get to the village hmm might as well get some wood oh i didn't give you the coal i had a coal for you i found the fortress nice this is it i have like no blocks i don't know where this village is oh god check this out i missed never mind a a you can sleep by the way if you need to but i wouldn't do it yet because you need to trade at midday so you can't sleep until like you're kind of ready to trade gotta so hmm oh it's night time now we're just gonna make it a lot harder a8901 thank you for subbing no stone huh oh no my button okay oh god what am i done not like this okay give me all this stuff no come on mustang do i have 49 i'll get a bit more i have two blaze rods i only need six but i'm going to try and get a little bit more all right we've got good stuff now bye zombie oh no they're eating the the zombies are eating the villagers do i sleep yeah just just sleep and try uh yeah just sleep are you smart are you smiling already though no i just sleep though just sleep just sleep i can't can't sleep hang on just like quickly start smoking you need to start smelling as soon as you can i'm sleeping like even if it's like just a little bit of glass because then you because you need to do some trades at least before the okay wait wait wait wait oh god i was looking and things spawned okay i literally wasn't looking and i don't have the coal i don't have the coal you can blow up the houses for wood any coal down there no this is a good house no uh runner boy jay thank you for subbing let's get are you serious here we go it's all good all right give me that wood okay we can do it we can do it how long are we going for oh my god more respond don't die let's put that in oh god come on put that in that in no that in okay oh they're not dropping any i should have already had enough by now pretty much i have five actually i hear a zombie behind me i'm gonna get one more actually do i even need one more i don't know i'm gonna try and kill this blaze on the way out i don't think i need any more wait i need to make that whatever table right how do i make it again oh i remember it's for wood and too flat i don't have any wood oh my god okay wait no it's like this wait am i doing flint or paper um both oh my god i didn't i killed two extra blaze i didn't get any from it all right whatever i'm just leaving i'm here yeah take that become a person why is it like coming from person it's not noon yet it's not noon yet is everything smelting though you're good then if everything's small thing stuff is smelting okay i think i need more wood i don't have any tnt okay i'm gonna make some stone tools where's the wood where's the wood come on i'm on my way to you we're not going to be record but we could we could place like if we okay if we keep it up you nearly if we if we keep at this pace no but i'm like about to be in the overworld and then i'll start running there okay all right i'm in the overworld in three two one yeah the green guys don't work apparently that's a green guy okay other guy where all the guys at i'll take that no oh my god i was like lagging okay ah come on is this a green guy i'm color blind i don't know is is he green i think he's green probably i don't know where where is everyone there's no one here they're all dead that'll be at least one guy you kind of need you need at least two so hopefully there's at least two is this this guy's not green oh he's a leather worker though all right what do i break this thing what do i get it's like anything around there like a the cauldrons the cauldrons you get you break the cauldrons okay okay so i oh you get more sugarcane when you said you did no i might be running by sugarcane so i just get did i do it is there enough did you level them up because if not i see sugar cane i can run over to it all right no he didn't level up i need more all right i have the shirt i have the shirt again okay where are you i'm at five on my way fifty three how many more do you need how many more do you need confirm how many more papers 14 14 more paper i well i might need 14 plus another trade i i don't know it's probably just one more trade right if you look at my stream i'll rob it however what just over the trade that way i can say open the trade thing and oh i think i think it's one more i need four way either way i have 14 sugarcane at least okay um i'm going to go smelt the go back to the smelting plates yeah keep smelling keep smelting it i need more wood i see the village i'm almost there oh my god come on a message from my friend hi it's katie love my paypal sucks thanks sm for using my emotes even though i can't use them bc there on tv what time is it it's like midday i need to get there right now i'm going to do the trades crafts craft to the glass panes now as many as you can like go by him because you need to be ready to do it right away it's gonna be gonna be coming in close we have like a minute i think for you to start like spamming those trades out i don't know there's no way i haven't watched you i don't want you to at least i know it's fine but you need to at least get a refill or two out of them okay um okay where are you i'm at the village hi is casey love my paypal socks thanks so much for using my emails even though i can't use them because they're on two and two oh my god i'm sorry um i have more emote slots now so i can add right to the normal slots what's up for the extended fam i'm at the very end i see your furnaces thank you casey come to your furnaces where's the guy he's like over here here take this take this take this take this give me a big go do it now go do it now give me the fletcher's table i don't have it there's the flint i dropped it okay oh my god my ears hurting i'm putting my headphones on it like this okay i know uh this like that boom boom he leveled up i think all right and then just quickly start trading glass panes i think it's probably late to get refills but it's fine i'm removing these farmers that way we can use them as uh backup okay i got it okay i have a fletcher over here does he have a thing refill refill doesn't we do a string do you have any string yes we can turn 21 21 21 okay perfect that's good okay i got a refill out okay yeah this one refill okay good hopefully you can get more um you need you need more because i think it's gonna it's probably too late now can you give me the blaze thing oh you didn't put the coal in the furnaces give me your emeralds on the blaze thing oh yeah i didn't oops okay take string what did he want oh that thing ring and uh yeah and emeralds emeralds yeah that's 40. i did he put the call on yeah i did he just refilled again okay i have none left oh wait i have some glass come here okay i have 16 more emeralds like how long have we been going um like 20 lead minutes or something hmm i'm here wood i have loads of wood what am i doing do you have any gold or anything do you have any gold three gold come here anyone where are you where are you i'm just right here behind you okay give me your gold okay yeah i thought i'd say for dream to check his twitter from elena cha13 for a good speed run tip that's potentially even better than sam and sticks it can be done with most villagers also give it a great contact with you and have a great day such night i'm paying to bed personally all right thank you serious iot 13. i'm assuming that's your twitter name okay any more emerald you have any more i have 16 anymore go okay oh my god this is so stressful oh my god i'm missing um i'm gonna get more food while i can he got well yes i have wood and little caleb and anorak girl thank you for subbing wait my guide my guy's gone he's not gonna stand by his thing anymore you need to find him is this him that's not him where's he gone where's he gone is that him is that him that you i can't even tell oh my god where is he i found him he's right here that's not george where up here up here see me okay paper i mean wait what he's not oh he's not refilled oh sorry so take it take the thing where's the thing take the thing and put it by another guy okay come on okay where do i put it put it by a villager somewhere these are all people though an empty villager an empty villager you'll be an empty villager somewhere but then then we need to re-get him with we got the enterprise trade we got the enterprise do we have to re-get sugarcane trade with him though oh we do um hey where is he where's the guy going oh he's here okay well we just gotta wait right yeah no he's not gonna refill until the next day can we sleep we can oh it's almost nighttime right it's like we can probably sleep right now maybe okay let's sleep then and we'll have to wait like two minutes and if we wanna if we want to finish like placing the top 10. go find a bed i'm finding it bed i don't okay here's a bed all right we're placing top ten what's top ten like fifty monsters thirty 31 31 oh my god we're not going to be able to do that no we can we can we can oh my god sleep but we could be tough i can't uh this these idiots [Music] i hear i'm sleeping okay all right all right how much glass do you have do you have enough you get enough three stacks of paint okay and there's more there's more glass like that's cooked so okay yeah um so find him take this george what did he give me hello who oh is he in a refill now no it'll take a minute or two oh come on we're not going to be able to do this in time let me try i can try and if not i can look at the lid i'm just looking at the board right now um oh no 10th place no it's not 31. 10th place is 33.50 and what do we have we have we have like nine minutes nine minutes to kill the end of dragon but we can do it we could do it we could potentially do that that's top ten and then if we wanted to go like top 20 we'd have to finish it in 43 which i think we could easily do as long as we don't die all right is he ready where is he oh he's here he's not done yet refill please gonna be it's gonna be a minute a minute another probably a minute and a minute and 15 seconds probably or something um he'll scribble when he's ready yeah make your bed no i don't want to make my bed come on okay my guy's back by his thing now therefore he might come on son refill refill for us please my guy refilled does he make a sound yeah my guy made a sound so you guys should be refilling any second just take him by his thing take him by his thing oh where's his thing over here what you do is just click him and he'll follow you and then you just bring him slowly are you doing it i just bring it over i'm trying um here just i'm gonna push him oh yeah you can you can you can it should work fine okay yeah he's put him on bruh come on refill buddy please oh my god huh he refilled there you go all right do it give me all the emeralds how many how many how much how many glass do you have still two stacks in a and three courses okay he needs a refill still so just let him wait until he refills i'm going to my guy thank you meg it's wednesday my dudes it is wait is it what is wednesday i have six okay i have 16 more okay give me it okay do you have any more glass a tiny bit oh wait okay he reveals one more i've got one more i have no more glass is it enough there's one more we have ten we have ten all right let's go if i just go one more emerald one more emerald like i gave you one more mother i mean like one more from what you gave me uh all right let's go we got this dude with with ten all right let's see let's see well we must try right this way okay it's perfect for the best it's across the ocean let's get that grabbed a bunch of beds okay i've like i got two beds i have two i have two beds okay i have got more if you can i have two i'm getting more wood okay that's all i need um i'm making a boat okay hop in my boat with me okay get him go go go go go go go all right all right so it's been it's been approximately 28 minutes we have to go so far well true wait what's our chords remember it's like an outer ring okay so we have to at least go like at least a thousand blocks yeah at least like a thousand all right swim a thousand two hundred blocks swim dream all right this is possible um what what do you call possible top ten but probably almost definitely not that's what probable top top 20 if we if we can do okay you know it's interesting how the sand strat compares to like that worked fine but if we didn't if we had if we didn't have the acacia village it would have worked even better i guess um all right you grab the boat okay i'm gonna hop out you got the boat hop out um bruh all right like sprint's like glitching okay um i i wish you could get on a horse with me should i get the horse i i don't know there's not really a point unless you're going to kill the dragon on your own i guess you could [Laughter] i don't even know where i'm going just keep running straight that way come on give me a horse give me the horse give me horse come on there's a ketchup dream no don't don't don't don't there's water there's water just come on is there yeah there's come oh i got it anyway i'm coming the horse isn't that fast but it's faster than than walking place the boat okay place the boat i'm waiting for you god get off the dumb okay longer turn more right turn more right should we get uh okay look at this beautiful um coral reef all right that's 20 minute lex i'm off by i'm off about by about 40 seconds okay so make sense all right come on dream all right so when we turn more left or more left when we reach about 1500 that's what i'm gonna throw another eye you know what throw it at 1200 actually i don't know it can't even be there where can it be i think it's is that 1500 i don't know i think it might be a bit around this island thing go around this island thing you might be what a bit before maybe you know what it's under this island i think okay get off i'll just throw it here just where you know where we're at destroyer come on it's gonna be on the edge of this thing over here um come on just keep going just keep swimming just keep boating boating boating boating boating all right you think still says hardcore survival and people like it's not hardcore go around this thing go left can mods update my title if anyone if they can then mod can change it to just like duo speed run attempts or something i don't know do speedrun attempts all right i don't know like through this waterfall okay come on let's go yeah all right all right it's going to be like right right here should i go to this island okay just go go go throw it through all right just go to the edge of the silence i just woke up from a dream where dream did a face reveal except he looked just like mr beast well funny you say that because dream actually is mr beast he just don't expose me like that i threw it oh yeah yes all right get it i got it get in the boat go go go go all right so we know what's in between the last two so go to the go to the right hi george you know why people in the chat keep saying i know i'm not going to say that i almost fell for it nice try holly this way all right okay go now go like a little bit right keep going keep going keep going i'm going to throw it and like three two one okay all right we know where it is catch it yeah where is it i'm gonna show you i'm gonna show you i'm gonna show you guys yeah yeah it's gonna be like right down here it's right here it's right here let's see it it's right here okay i'm just going in there's the entrance here they're perfect let's find find the stronghold room pog if you see any enderman or anything then then kill them watch it's gonna be like no eyes so we're gonna be screwed unless we find ender pearls or something is this the beginning um okay i found the beginning of this stronghold okay um i found it i found the room i found the wrong yeah just checking to see how many there are there's zero you see we need to find we need to find two of course there's there we can still find it real quick i'm just i'm just putting these in come on all right i have i have a blaze powder for it it's gonna be a chat somewhere just look around where the chests there's no chests please nothing huh okay no chest but there's some armor no ender probably man yeah ah come on there's normally enterprise in there i'm a skeleton another skeleton oh my god i'm gonna get lost here as well no this might be an l that's fine we have a little bit of time to look around just look around hey chest oh nothing well there's stuff but it's not ah no let's say we would've gonna write that if we went into like 33 which will probably would have went in at what it usually takes me like like i don't know like four minutes to kill the dragon or something that would have finished at 37. if we had enough we would finish around probably around 37 if we had finished i'm lost no you wanna just oh i'm gonna die no you wanna just spawn one in and then practice on the end like just go down get out of my room and play minecraft honestly that's me right now like ah you want to spawn it in don't just spawn it in and go all right where are we and puns thank you for the sub what's up puns unless we see an enderman in the next like second nah this is an l this is certified on this cave there is nothing here enderman come on no no all right we tried all right we we fought i don't know where i am either oh i just heard another one but it doesn't even matter we need two i'm gonna die as well oh my god there's no bus in here please oh my god right behind you durian we're just it's over let's just spawn in the thing all right i'm going in spectator mode you sure yeah there's no point in unless can we still win there's no we can't even play still right well we could place yeah we could place but there's if we we have like two minutes left of finding enderman to place let's just look let's just look my hood where'd you hear one i don't even remember anymore it was like they're just like about the top 20. like it's just whatever it was like ground here somewhere there's a cave here i'm dropping down there's a chest here you get this all this armor i don't know where the enemy went oh it's gonna be up here watch up here and then round and here's the end i'm just looking in caves real quick did you find it no i'm missing two so sad i wish i had just had one at least obviously ideally it would have had two but they had one at least it would have been cool yeah um well all right do you want to just go back we might as well like we're not gonna find two end of the all right game modes spectator we might not even get the enterprise from the tvendemon that's true you probably wouldn't knowing all yeah i don't see anything around anyway you weren't expecting there's not even any enderman one was i heard one but it must have been something check the chest up the ladder there's never um and no there's never anything in there nothing good um all right i'm gonna give myself an eye all right i'm gonna give myself some stuff no no no i don't give a like what do you use food that's it because we're just practicing like as if we had just done this you know we're on we're on like 33 whenever we found the end portal room so let's just pretend i'm gonna stop my timer i'm gonna start it again we're going through so um we'll just see how long it would have taken us do you have your bow yeah with two arrows here and i have this i might as well make um okay uh all right you ready i guess all right let's go okay what's a bucket all right it's too late i just wasted all my iron on non-water bucket stuff all right let's go the timer has been started oh great communication though you get that cage one over there what this thing's killing me i'm dead is there anyone killing me actually oh there is oh you can't even hit me oh oh my god i'm so dead you're a shield how is it gonna hit you george you almost got me killed all right well this is so sad it's okay it doesn't matter like even if this was the real thing i was just lagged if this was the real thing it wouldn't matter because if i if i was to win then it would count still it wouldn't even wouldn't even be like you just ruined anything or anything all right is this one still here it must be is everything on this one huh there's one in the cage and then there's this one i got this one oh you got the one in the cage and there's one up there oh god that's that nice dragon i hit that one no way i'm a dragon i'm i'm destroying it um bad blocks is it coming down oh no it just juked me just memed you just juked me my dragon i'm missing i'm missing i don't know so i'm just waiting yeah i have six hours oh i know oh what that's why i didn't look at anything thanks for the pill did y'all look at another one he's mad all right coming down he is a coming she's coming down yes scared yes look out oh god i'm gonna die what the dragon that was targeting me targeting me that's an hour it was great well i guess we just are too good for this game i don't know that was good though if you know how is that good no listen listen listen it was good because that was good that was trying to lose listen idiot that was your second speed run ever okay and if we had not if we had both the pearls and we hadn't just messed it right then we would have finished it in under 40 minutes and that's pretty damn good because like in the duo's that would place in top 20. okay and that's pretty good that's pretty good so what you're saying is i'm impressed i'm impressed you were very competent and if a couple things had gone better then we would have we would have gotten a good time so i am proud of you wow thank you jeremy hi first donate my first donation two important questions you have a brother named adam and what kind of toothbrush do you have i don't have a brother named adam and i don't know what kind of toothbrush i have actually i think it's like a an oral b electric toothbrush or something oh no i mean the good thing is like that was good like that wasn't a good that wasn't a great seed like that seed wasn't it like amazing we just did good like i did good in the night you did good with the treat you had up you had almost the trading ready when i came through like the only thing really that we did wrong was everything could have been a little quicker based on the seed and then the trading we could have done a little bit better and then we could have gone we could have gotten like two extra pearls and then we would have we would have done well we could have maybe even gotten like dub 30 maybe if we had done everything right so i mean if we've done everything right and everything had gone wrong as we were expecting we could go up 30. yeah but i mean like i'm just saying a lot like a lot of things that went wrong like don't always go wrong it's just hi george i just woke up and wanted to say that i love you so much i know you did great on this video on thank you gabs all right that is george's second attempt ever at speedrunning guys applaud him on his he did a great job i tried to imagine imagine we had if we had finished it then your name would be on like the top 20 for duo speedrun like illumina would probably beat it with like 15 alts just to like get your name off of it he beats it solo and just like has an alt just on the server so i can't do it oh my god he probably could beat us so like when we're doing it though right well yeah for sure right now yeah oh i see right then that was quicker but i mean like he would have been quicker but that was good wow wow wow will you already do this again with me george maybe i mean like once you get it it's fun once you get the go once you eat it's like all right and you could see it yeah exactly but um we gotta at least finish one like we gotta at least finish we got a place so we have our name um on the website exactly but yeah we don't even have to place we just have to finish one i think if we if we did finish one i think we'd probably place because i think it wouldn't be trash so let me look up how is it on speedrun yeah speedrun here i'll just link you that way you don't have to find the category i'm poking you out on teamspeak hey wake up hey wake up uh what am i doing can you click 1.9 plus hold up hold up all right um can you ask dream if his mods can have their families back we me we miss them he's held them hostage for so long i don't know what that means but there you go dreams can you all stream if his mods can have their families back oh wait it's just like a okay he's they're just saying you have their families why do you have their families i thought it was like some inside joke it's just you have their families why do you have a family's room why are you holding them hostage this is not very pog champion wait what i just realized to get in the top 20 for the hellos duo's on 14. the top 30 is two hours 46. yeah i didn't realize that i i just looked at it we could have beaten that top 10 is 58 we could have even beaten that if we kept looking for enderman cause we were up wait no it's not 58 33 top 10 yeah number 10 is 33 minutes on what like realistically we could beat it in like an hour right that's we'd be ranked no easy we just had we just almost beat it and like if we had two eyes we probably would have beaten it and 40 something like 30-something minutes like 38. so we would have been like ranked like 15-16 or something there well we can eat we can easily be on this website we can easily place like two hours 50 minutes is like yeah i guess i'll show it on stream that's in 30th though that's like 30. we don't want to get no 30th george that's that's a pleb display capture is this gonna show it uh we have to get we have to get at least top 15. that's what i feel like we have to get top 15. that's what we gotta get so like this is the actual like world record page whatever for it um so like even here like an hour 17 we can easily beat that surely easily yeah wait what did i do oh wait why is that only showing the top 20 just dead was why is it only showing 21 slots there's your 1.9 just switch to 1.9 and then back to 1.9 plus yeah wait okay yeah so we could easily be like sub 20 pro well not easily maybe we could be sub 20 probably 43 minutes 43 yeah i feel like that run if we had two eyes and we had not died to the dragon we would have we would have been we would have been sub 43 for sure yeah because like we we got in we got in at 33 like we got to the portal at 33. that would have been nasty ghg is fifth yeah i mean let's see do i know anyone else here aluminum fruit foodberries uh i don't know these other people but yeah we could probably be on here somewhere just for fun one stream why not hmm interesting cat reveal oh my god i he's probably just outside like honestly it's probably not even worth going to check like he'll just be outside he literally goes outside all day should i even go check oh my god they all want me to go check okay um okay i will go check one second dream entertain this room dream entertain the stream hi it's not entertaining i'm entertaining hello he's looking for his cat is everybody good great that's great all right everybody make sure to go subscribe to me on youtube follow my twitter i'm just kidding everyone go follow sapnap and no one tell him that i'm advertising snapnap he'd be so pissed everybody check out staffnap on youtube check out sapnap on twitter check out sapnap on on twitch that tw let's go hello hello so um bad news everyone um i couldn't find him please outside oh wait what wait did i just hear a cat meow are you joking look at this look what i just found oh he wants to go no hang on come back be my friend be my friend shush he doesn't want to be my friend baby hello yes he's little baby [Music] yeah who's that okay i think he wants to go out he's escaping okay he's running away cat reveal uh okay he's run away i'm sorry but um raggy yes that's a cat though not a dog all right well i think on that note oh my stopwatch is still going let's stop that okay on that note i think it is time to end this room three hours 48 minutes that's a long stream that's a long boy all right do you have anything to say dream um what do you have to say for yourself nothing i guess nothing you guess i love you guys thank you for supporting us yes exactly thank you thank you everyone for coming um hope you all enjoyed thank you everyone who donated um who subbed who did anything love you all let's see is there anyone to read um hmm no one that i'm following is online that's a bad start um hmm i'm having a look hmm i don't know who to raid last time i was just like i'm not reading anybody and i left should i not raid anyone i don't know it's up to you i just never know who to raid and i i kind of like want to know who they are before i raid them because i don't know like what they're like i don't want to just send everyone over to them if they're gonna be like i don't know whatever um this guy has dream in his name and his title is minecraft interacting with viewers and see if he could interact with so many viewers minecraft interacting with viewers oh i see it let's have a look i don't know who he is i have an ad wow grand theft auto advertisement from the [Music] wow all right i have no idea who this is they're just this is like not george does not endorse anything yeah they're not really playing our style of content so you guys might not be interested but i don't know it's just whatever just just want to see kind of [Laughter] so um yeah this he might he's your name he's already bored of his own stream and i'm joking no anyway um i'll probably rate this person i have no idea who they are they might be um something bad who knows um whatever just go say um what should we say to him should let's just say one random word that will really confuse him what if we just say eggs apple and pear soup okay apple and pear soup everyone when i raid this person just go and say apple and pear soup okay you can stop practicing they're gonna think they're getting like bought it everybody say different types of weird soup yeah okay wait really okay you guys do what you want actually you know what everyone just do whatever you want okay i don't care literally do whatever you want say whatever you want we'll just confuse them okay you ready um raid person okay so yeah any last words dream um bye bye bye bye thanks everyone bye thank you for coming bye okay ready okay it's starting all right i love dream make sure to follow me follow me everyone quick if you're not following hit the following dream was taken follow george not found okay bye everyone bye oh i'm still live oh i'm still live okay i'm checking bye
Channel: Dream Team Streams
Views: 1,314,173
Rating: 4.8392954 out of 5
Keywords: dream mineraft, georgenotfound minecraft, dream and georgenotfound, gream, dream livestream, dream minecraft livestream, georgenotfound livestream, georgenotfound minecraft livestream, dream minecraft survival, georgenotfound minecraft survival, dream, georgenotfound, woops georgenotfound, dream and georgenotfound minecraft, dream and georgenotfound minecraft livestream, dream survival world, georgenotfound survival world, george survival world, georgenotfound survival, sapnap
Id: 8eX6QfyRsao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 233min 8sec (13988 seconds)
Published: Thu May 21 2020
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