Dream Alt Stream with GeorgeNotFound | GeoGuessr

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no it's not trending it's not trending it is it is ending it is yes there you go it's now it now it's updated now anyone that's in the chat we'll see oh my god i'm gonna i'm gonna type first in the chat i'm gonna type first what should i say what should i say first okay first i did it i don't see it you're in the wrong chat when i see it no there you go all right i need to like switch accounts what did he just say i said i need to like switch accounts really quickly why on what on twitter yeah no i'm not you are i'm not you are i know i'm not all right okay all right hello everybody the 200 people that are here yeah 200 yeah let's go that's actually that's the peak you're in your peak era in your peak area yeah yeah we'll just we'll get warmed up we'll get warmed up while people are like on their way um we'll do the country streak we'll do country streak can we should we do why don't you want to work together no we'll work together we'll work together i share my screen on discord yeah um not sure how this works they're gonna be able to handle it okay i can see it all right just let me know if it like something goes wrong it's good all right um we'll do no moving country streak ah well the but we're like limited we want to like move as little as possible so we'll just do default but we'll do we'll like move as little as possible all right wait what or just our goal is just to move well no we can move but i'm just saying we can our goal is like to move as low as possible okay this is guatemala right guatemala i think pretty sure yes one streak okay um [Music] that's cambodian no we're on the right side yeah [Music] we're on the right side of the road cambodia right i'm pretty sure that's cambodian too okay yes two we're on a streak we're on a roll this is obviously cyrillic so obviously there's no no blue oh russia wait look on that side it's got like the end with the thing on it what does that mean the last letter and with the squiggly line i don't know yeah i have no idea i don't i don't think that's the thing that is a thing they only have that in certain cells and ones i don't know i'm pretty sure we're in russia there's no blue i guess we could be there's no anything else like we're just in russia right uh and we could be um in macedonia no i feel like we could be in mongolia but i think we're just in russia um yeah probably and there's no there's no red so we're not in bergston i think we're just we're just i'm going russia okay all right i want to roll we're on a roll we haven't have you moved [Music] this one could be like nordic right could be um that satellite is pointing south so we're in the southern hemisphere i think i don't know maybe it's the opposite we're in the northern hemisphere because they're sporting south that's important you want to know it's one of the other i know i know that which one it's pointing it's pointing south therefore that's it's pointing towards the equator which means we're in the northern hemisphere so okay um okay so i think we might need to move a bit let's just let's see if there's anything glow behind you look at that there's a car in the distance can you scroll in on it over there the other way the other way is that blue that is blue i think that's blue we could be in serbia why do you think sobia um i don't know i just think serbia i think probably wrong though we look left 90 degrees left are we driving we can't even tell yeah those mountains what is that that's a house just clouds it's clouds no i don't know why i'm just thinking norway i mean there's no there's no red houses i feel like we're working in like the this region okay maybe not though but then again it's like it's much greener than i than i usually would expect in this region so that's why that makes you think like nordic but all right we get to move we're going to move we're going to move i'm going to move over here well we're moving limited time so oh what's up is that a flag oh no it's not um what does that say offi off movies kofi there's a red house but it's not like we check that's an interesting house it is it'll be germany but there's is there is there i'm going to move back one here there's blue so we already saw that yeah we weren't on oh look at the sign there's an yeah that's estonia all right okay we're at four we're on a roll um this is south america right i feel like um i feel like we're in south america um in peru chile uh i feel like we're in we're in one of these three peru bolivia chile i don't know along the way it's not mountains look around again why do you think it's south america um well it just looks very south american the grass to me this doesn't like look like anything to me really and like sometimes like when it's south america and it doesn't look anything it's just in in my experience with me it's been brazil but i don't know i actually i don't think i can help you on this one i feel like even if we move we're not going to gain anything right where's the sun there is no sun is there a shadow um i feel like i'm i think it's just the mountains like this but it's very there's like there's a bunch of nothing which makes me think maybe even where the mountains it could be like 50 50. like it's all right try it let's move let's go over the hill see if there's anything okay all right all right we're moving over the hill we're just never gonna get up this house it's gonna be it's like really long okay yeah there's nothing i actually don't know i have no idea i'm just gonna say brazil but it probably isn't but just in case it is i can feel smart if it's brazil i think it's it probably isn't there oh i don't know which oh okay that doesn't give us anything there's there's a lot it's gonna move to that sign because there's a sweat look it's wet yeah it is it's water there's a lot of there's like a puddle oh there's like a couple came here and like probably or something i'm guessing like wrote in the stone why a couple well i don't know that's pretty common like right like writing like a date like they're either like their anniversary or like the date they went there or something i don't know that's what i would think okay okay i don't know i feel like i feel like we're we're in one of these countries i think bolivia is greener because it's closer to brazil which is what you're mentioning so i'll go believe you might all right let's oh we're in south africa i got in it was a good here it was a good guess i mean to be fair it was pretty much like we have nothing to go on it's a good guess we're in south korea right yeah yeah all right we're speedrunning this here when there's nothing like you have to otherwise you're i guess that's not true um this is pretty fancy look at the bushes zoom in on them um what bushes no those ones the other ones they're like shaved look that's like a heart oh what oh okay are we in japan that's japanese i think we look at the bush to the left it's like a sphere look at it look at those the ones that one's cool as well where's that no i wanted this i wanted to see the other bushes oh wow okay you're like a bush fanatic now or something maybe i don't know all right here's one or the other um that wasn't korean that was that was that was japanese right i'm pretty sure i don't know oh i can't tell is that are those what color are those those orange you're asking me oh okay well i think those are orange dohens um i think those are orange all right that's like lithuania or sweden i think i'm not 100 sure it's interesting you say that the second we came in i was thinking sweden but i don't really know i feel like we'd have to move around for me to be more sure obviously i'm gonna give a look at this oh is that i can't even tell if that's just text me that's not even i might not even i want to move a little bit yeah we'll move a little bit we have nothing here basically oh that's another one no no yeah i'm pretty yeah i'm pretty sure this is is that blue i can't tell lithuania you know mike right now but then again this could be anywhere if there's nothing europe like i think we are because of the white lines but maybe not and literally could be oh what oh maybe australia could be canada it could be is that blue australia well it's just i'm saying the white lines that's what i'm saying i'm saying where the white lines can be like white white on the outside oh well there's a big old police police i should give it away oh policy it's like uh uh could we be in canada no i don't think that's canada is that right like could that be oh what the hell it says it says something on the side there's no bullets there's nobody it says something that it's something else look at that what the hell um yes i don't think this is the same no i don't think so um i think it's like i don't know that's like i'm pretty this has got to be like a european cut well there's no blue it doesn't have blue it's got to be europe oh there's blue there oh it is it's not blue on the other ones though oh what's this this might help us um uh oh wait wait i think i think i was remembering wrong we're either in definitely not sweden no no no no no no no i was running around we're neither um we're either in czech or slovakia i don't know what that looks like we're in one of the other one one of these let me look at it again oops we're in one of these don't know what language that is but yeah it's like one of those east europe ones no no it's one of these two 100 checkered slovakia how'd you know because the the bollards oh i was just remembering wrong it's the two orange the two orange stripes well i don't know i don't know what's like the science okay so let's look at the language we can we can just keep going a bit further and look around this we can just keep going further that's are we even on a street we're not even on a streak like we can just guess and then if we mess up we're not that would make me more likely to go zoom in on check let me look at more there is a thing on the s though capital s yeah i don't know they probably have similar languages i don't know okay let's read it let's read it is that anything oh it's just this is 50 50. like it doesn't matter all right do it then i don't know which one to do all right you do it just guess i don't care just guess if it's wrong it's wrong i feel like it's i feel like more likely i get checked than i do slovakia okay i don't know why we're wasting so much time i was right it is i just wanted it was one of the other 100 so we had 50 oh we're in mongolia right maybe india maybe cambodia i mean that's why cambodia cambodia or india yeah move a little bit cambodia let's just do it just do it just do it it's going to be wrong i feel like it's my fault no that looks more cambodian okay there we go oh don't know if this is what does that say sos oh i don't know what i'm saying i think that's the same sign that we just read oh blue oh wait we're okay italy or france but now this is too big for it's gonna be italy right it's gonna be like double blue but wait uh-huh no we're fine fine well you're gonna say it could be like malta or something no also doesn't have to do i don't know i was just gonna say we just go we could just go get more evidence um we got nothing here this looks it looks very nordic right um i don't know actually looks like it could just be like sweden ah we're gonna lose here i guess like this could be like i'll move a little bit we'll move a little bit there's a bunch of places this could be a bunch of places i don't know something makes me think it's not sweden or any of the nordic ones i don't know why but then what else would it be it could be like latvia estonia hmm i guess it even could be like ireland or something probably not it could be texas there's nothing here there's nothing oh that's gonna be useless it's gonna be like a little mission point thing oh yeah nice they're like oh yes the road is turning right um which way do we go i guess this way i think i saw a house or something over here oh no blue we're wasting a lot of time it'd be russia there's no way this doesn't look anything i guess this is where russia is so huge yeah this could be anywhere really well not anywhere but a lot of places unlucky look at these houses there's definitely no blue i'm pretty sure there is no blue well i don't think it's south america look at these trees no it's these trees that these are very like northern like i i think at least maybe maybe the tree yeah aren't isn't that very like it's like a minecraft batch tree obviously i think those those are i think i could very well see this being russia actually just like it's it's show me the map around russia i mean it very well could be estonia latvia but there was no blue those oh they actually they do have blue yeah right but like they just might not have been blue on that one for some reason maybe not yeah i feel like we just yield a rush i move on because it is taking a lot of time on this one or should we just we're going to trigger three let's just look at this let's go look let's go look for some proper evidence let's go get some r oh no blue blue yeah i mean it could be rough i think it's russia but this is there's no there's no way this is there's no way this is iceland right i don't think so is there any way this is switzerland um i suppose it could be i feel like this just looks like european totally what if it is iceland i don't know why that just sounds like it's too i don't think i don't think it it doesn't mean anything but like tattoo is just like i could see that being like a nordic word i don't know i feel like it's this either russia iceland mongol not mongolia yeah russia iceland croatia but even that even croatia is too that's just because crochet doesn't have blue i feel like we gotta go russia or iceland could this really be iceland i don't know it doesn't look like i don't know but it is very big and very like open it is but i feel like iceland looks different like russia looks different yeah i don't know this could just be somewhere completely that we're wrong about that makes me think like for some reason nordic i don't know that's just that's just we haven't got any language one kilometer okay let's just go like a little bit further in russia would it say 1 km i have no idea actually maybe it wouldn't actually yeah why would soleia wouldn't really i think they would use kilometers right yeah but they would it would be in cyrillic right like it would just be like different characters for whatever it means in their language it looks so nordic all right this is this is this is it let's just look around here and we have to make up our mind from these houses go back you didn't look to the left there was a house to the left i think the right now yeah look at that look over there there's like something i just no it's not russia there's no way it's russia i've ruled out russia but then why is there no blue iceland iceland doesn't have blue i guess north macedonia doesn't have blue but there's no way this is way too flat and big freeze is no way croatia or iceland or croatia i feel like unless there's just for some reason there's just no blue is this blue if this is blue then maybe we'll go with we'll change our minds it's blue oh it is blue okay we're just we're just working with norway right or sweden which one's more like open like this like sweden i think norway i don't know all right norway screw it it's gonna be sweden estonia okay oh my god this one we're going on a long streak i can already i can feel it red red on taxis brazil is that brazil yeah brazil right no it is brazil it said bank of brazil oh oh well taxis in brazil also have red license plates so i would have known without that um this looks very like like maybe like czech could be italy no portugal i don't know anywhere around that area it's europe gotta be europe no yeah it's gotta be here no what do you mean no no you don't think so or could it be brazil no way no no i know what it is already i'm gonna tell you though what no and no it's you're saying this isn't in europe no oh it's israel wait is that is that hebrew on what is that on there no i don't i don't think so it doesn't i don't doesn't there's israel has it's not israel well they said you know what it is idiot no meaning i have no idea yeah it's europe that was hebrew on the thing right i don't think so okay maybe it was but we're done in israel okay i mean i get it i guess it doesn't really look like it but we're not going to everybody there's not there's no way we're in israel then why was that hebrew in a car i don't know it was like on this one it wasn't even on a car it was like on the stone a painting on a car yeah but why would that be that it just looks so like i don't know what the heck that was a sign oh never mind carlovac um kalavac carl carl uh this could just be like like it could be like anywhere but i'm thinking like back area but this doesn't look like check though um italy it's in a car yet i want to see a car we have seen a car oh yeah but it didn't have a license plate well it had a license plate but it didn't have blue but like it's it's like a truck uh where are all the cars like just driving no one owns a car here like there's no driveways there's no like didn't see anything oh my gosh oh there's a car that's two cars of course two for the price of one i think that might be people there's no i don't think it is maybe no there's we very well could be um we could be in switzerland we could be wait no because like the sign was like oh yeah no then croatia then right yeah croatia probably that's kind of like croatian i don't know what they're like croatia doesn't have croatia it doesn't have uh blue so yeah there was no blue yeah that's what i'm saying because she doesn't have blue so he could be in croatia okay yeah that's why i was feeling like this area yeah and i could look as a european yeah yeah croatia okay like a church yeah nice go behind these cars oh what does that say france yeah all right wow wow look at them go they're popping off um oh wait we're in ghana this is no there's tape from ghana wait are we there's tape we gotta be okay with them um there's no below oh malta oh it could be because it's like boats no look at that look at all that that looks that looks very like but like look at the language that doesn't look like these totally not or no it could be wait where did i just say it was croatia i don't i don't know i think on country street you can get more countries as well then like this is actually no it doesn't look like malta actually no there's a sign go back to the sign no right left left no just literally yeah oh it is it's croatia are we it's croatia yeah oh this is the christian flag and that word says croatia oh that means croatia yeah really yeah oh it makes i mean it's kind of about malta's down here it's the same area i'm cracked yeah you are cracked your honor attention attention he's cracked tension you're on her he is indeed cracked um you i thought we knocked over the road no it's a cow or something no you can see it looks weird at the last one it's like that like it goes like i'm like that i'm trying i'm like i'm staring at it i got like that then it looks like you just knocked it over um a bunch of cows there what's the sign say wolves dolph um like germany would be yeah very well could be germany like austria yeah it could be um all right there's another sign i think it's more likely to be germany oh yeah good job you you completely is no he can't do anything it's germany it's gotta be germany all right do it then all right i'll do it yolo all right let's see what happens we've lost congrats yeah luxembourg hold on i was trolling you and you believed me no that was german right i mean there's germa there's german in luxembourg i don't know probably white white white interesting he's white your honor you missed the truck that was probably text on it oh just go back like two things one yeah more so go back i wanna see the truck i wanna see the truck there's probably info on the truck that's probably good info there's probably good info i don't care what do you mean like you're just going past nothing yeah there's nothing yeah wow you're blue congrats they probably had the domain on that other truck it probably did go back let's go back i'm not going back go back there's like a rail a rail a railroad go back those are bump strips that i i i'm trying to remember where they have those everywhere they have strips everywhere no no no they're they're less common in other places they're common and just go like america back other places oh my god i want to see the truck all right whatever fine it's gonna do nothing i'm gonna be pissed off which truck i think go the other way that way yeah oh it's that one you see it you see it you see it it's coming it's gonna have nothing it's gonna have nothing oh that's useful a burger eco trail congrats so useful burger burger eco trail blue oh see you know he's already saw the other all right you'll go the other way go the other way just go backwards and then we'll find more stuff of course you will burger all right and keep going yep there it is um yeah it is there could we be in like are we still could we be in croatia nah maybe try and remember what the are on the other side of the road now oh you met go to the bus what is wrong with you chill out that's not the bus no just looking at this stuff yeah congrats go to the bus you do you don't look at the truck like it's literally right there euro lines yeah we're in europe congrats get ready go to the truck no what does that say you're just like you're just throwing away info for why i'm not i'm i don't care we saw this one go to the other one bro nurse yeah we saw this one oh my god oh my god i look at the other one too you're so annoying all right all right all right what's the answer what is it you're waiting to see what if there's no let me see that let me see that let me see that let me see that what what are you doing go back i'll go back oh zeke why is your mother on a truck is that is that not something all right what do you want is that like check it could be all right go look at the other one now the one with your mom on it no let me see if there was info on it we could be in croatia again okay lock it in one of the speakers zero we've been on this this is like dumb one for so long serbia oh i was so close look at that why can't you just look at the info like no because you you can't i don't want to look at crap look we're in like singapore or something we're in singapore i don't even need to look like we're obviously in singapore right yeah we are yeah we are where what the hell i just lost you don't know the map yeah you don't know the map you don't know the map i heard there's a new dlc coming soon no it's literally a map like what do you mean and look at the posters what are you doing chill out right there all right look at them who's that why are you why are you so feral what is wrong is that the guy that wait who is that guy what i think that's blue yeah there's a sign right in front of you turn around you're being so like oh is that grease maybe just do it just do it just oh my gosh whatever well it's fine we'll go with it nice yeah all right um wait look turn around uh left zoom on the left of that zoom zoom what are those i don't know i think that's like it's like what are those what is wrong with you george what is this there's like white and black like i want to look at license plates oh is that blue oh it's red wow yeah i'm coloring i'm so cool you know because i colorblind well i mean i already was getting that feeling and then blue oh blue interesting okay so we're why are we getting europe like every time because europe is pretty big no blue wait what's the place that has blue and sometimes doesn't um macedonia just do it just do it just do it let's do it let's check it just do it just do it just do it just do it just do it just do it all right we'll go macedonia then yes you're an idiot you're the one who is screaming to do it what do you mean i'm an idiot i was joking i thought it was obvious no you were not joking i like i don't even know where this is blue like wait just stop let's check like he likes you're about to disappear and then like there's and then i saw it and then i saw it you're right i know but you almost missed it and then you were about to leave i noticed it doesn't even matter in the middle of nowhere mata just like okay blue wait stop look at that thing there zoom just zoom right now zoom what is that oh go to the other side and then we'll see it better why do they blur maybe really that could be spanish right it could be i don't i don't think so just in this area kind of looks spanish you know looks like it could be spain or portugal i feel like just just checking his speed though wait wait oh my god go back literally go back go go no no no just go back look at the back window of the car look at the back window and zoom in there was like something oh there's a thing over there what is that well estonia's on with the squiggly is insta but i don't know i don't think this is there we go there we go look at that i i didn't even get a chance to read it like this what are you doing the intros says okay just go back and look at those signs i am pleased just stop don't move until okay you're such a slow reader is that a squiggly over there oh i think that is a square over there there's like no look it's two lines yeah but look at that look there on the o right there it could be i'm just going with it screw it right okay hey you wouldn't go with spin it's hungry hungry okay we get it you're hungry you're hungry we get it george whoa the postage is just put i wanted to read it what it's gone this damn thing is giving us like the same it's blue it is blue well obviously we're in european it's not even like oh is that mean italy just do it just do it you're so impatient like when you when you have an idea like one little idea you just tell me just do it like if i have an idea i just like religion i see religion i think italy we're like in the water like the boats sunk the the boat is sinking replace it with like foaming water yeah it looks like we're dying this is like the last photo like imagine like there was no forward option there was no forward option you could only go back and like you see the boat slowly get out and out of the water where the hell are we on like i know [Music] venice have you ever seen venice have you ever seen venice stream um because we're in venice right now sure yes it's venice this is that's in greece right italy yeah it's not venice it's a joke but okay i didn't think so [Laughter] i was close enough but no it actually is grease though could it be no it's not yeah you're such an idiot george george is like the biggest idiot you just go like oh yeah it actually has you see this oh wait wait that's a clue there's a clue there's a clue go back one more all right zoom in right like coca-cola see that coca-cola where do they have coca-cola everywhere no they don't have anything wasting your time george is this good i mean it's gonna be like we're on some like riverwood do you have like a quote that you've got to make or something like waiting time we could be in italy we literally could be in italy like ugh yeah we don't even care romania yeah we went back to that room what no we didn't get back right we were hungry last round all right look we know where we are like oh i know we're simple it's so simple so we have hacks we have hacks guys it's so easy um look at this you know what that means that's german for um if you're gonna be like it's german for then notice this language and say like whatever this language is wait i know where this is it's mexico you think so probably all right well papa mexico no that's nice bolivia there it is i was just joking i was just trying to make you think i was wrong yeah you lost confidence last second um of course we're like in the middle of nowhere there's gonna be ah this is gonna be like it's brazil you think no it's not it's not actually it's not it's um no no it's not it's not it's not because when they be like yellow lines south africa the vibe um i think oh no it is this is no oh what wait who's that who's that what do you mean who's that who is it i don't know we very well could be south africa i knew from like the middle of nowhere if we are all right do it then okay um iceland red blonde oh it could actually be iceland it actually could be just do it just do it risk the streak risk the streak just do it no it actually is look around all right look around look around the blue oh yeah it could be iceland with iceland jojo's right wait yeah look at that person that's so from iceland look what because they're white yeah you can tell no it's actually it's got to be iceland look look i mean it does look it doesn't look lock it in wait the last language didn't look it looked like just go no oh my god just go over that there's double door i feel like it could be finland there's so many double letters all right go over there just go over there over there yeah just keep going i can't tell if that's blue or not but there's no blue right or is that blue there's a car oh it's like the whole thing is like blue yeah because it's iceland yeah and they make all their license plates blue because are we like by the shore so i want to figure out just drop in iceland look i'm gonna be mad if you're wrong and i think i'm thinking it might be three [Music] all right fine all right we'll go we'll go iceland because i mean yes there is there's no blue where the hell are we there is no blue that's iceland so like how do we even know we're in europe because i said so yeah because you're an idiot all right don't do iceland then see who's an idiot okay i don't know i don't think it's iceland all right where is it could be it could be in we could be in uh we literally we could be like anywhere dude we could be in australia being i think wait what if it's it could be in south africa in that one i was like i was about to say that i was about to say what if it's south africa no dumping green store sorting oh wait show me that show me that go back go back go back it could be literally that bottom language because like that looks kind of like dutchy like dutch right and then they have that in in like south africa yeah i don't know that's what i was saying the whole time you've been yelling at me to go iceland i'm saying i feel like that we could be i don't know like i have a i have a feeling we literally could be like here um i think we actually could remember we saw i remember originally like um are we on the coast or not like i thought it looked like it was like going out into the yeah like but but i don't i can't tell i feel like we could be in south africa well we can find evidence and there's like a lot of gated houses which they have in south africa there's a lot of fences and gates i guess that one doesn't but um there's no blue i'm gonna go south africa oh yeah who's right dumb idiot you're saying iceland the whole time yeah let's see whatever this is right uh do we i think could could be right ah actually no probably not i'm gonna make it be right back you have to survive without me no i'll do better i'll do better without you it's fine uh yeah we already got another one like without him we don't even we don't even need george like i don't even know what he's doing here he said he's going to go to go to the bathroom or something like might as well just put his pants i don't know um this could this could be hmm germany belgium maybe yeah germany or belgium i'm thinking belgium right now but i don't know actually i'm in germany because there's no there's no red all right well papa germany all right we've already gotten two while he's gone i'm back we've already gotten two while you're gone well yeah because i was like watching and telling you what to do oh i'm sure um greece right yeah freak all right run a roll we're on a roll we're on a streak of seven let's go oh and this is going to be easy this one's going to be so easy oh it could be you ain't tunisia looks like yeah right oh wait we could be in we could be in israel i think it might be south america oh wait oh you maybe oh yeah maybe actually no ah i think in south america oh yeah i was thinking middle east but yeah no i think it's just this area looks very middle eastern all right well then we gotta be we gotta be in like really then um i feel like well i mean obviously then now we we obviously know which one we're in well we're in um let's be careful let's be careful so and we're either in chile bolivia or peru it doesn't look like as mountainous as chili would but it's also very dramatic in the background there's very big mountains in the background those are mountains they're like really big look behind you 180 the other way this way yeah look i think those are clouds those are clouds that's the ground [Music] um i want to see i want to see the taxi that's a taxi where'd it go wait was that a flag on the it's got yellow on the plate yeah but that's like on a working vehicle so when i go back wait i thought there was a flag on that car where um look after there's a sign there as well wait i don't know maybe not wait are those yellow plates i'm like no it's just on it's on the work it's just in the working vehicles and the taxis um wow i mean i'm thinking it very well could be chilly oh there's a flag oh peru right front um we could be in australia new zealand oh there's the oh actually yeah you're right i think we i think we actually are in new zealand there's the yellow you know actually where this is this is in auckland been to new zealand uh there's a sign though i think i mean i'm pretty sure we're in new zealand wait i don't know i'm pretty sure we're in new zealand there's a sign to the right um where to the right i mean either new zealand or australia i mean i think we grew up we could be in either but there was yellow oh now we're in i think we're in australia we have this crap quality look at this new zealand would not accept this they'd like decline the what are you saying about australia huh i'm just kidding but i'm all saying new zealand like new zealand's a small country they're gonna send like the big guns when they send it to new zealand i think we're in australia i'm gonna go i changed my mind oh i don't know it's it's one of the other i don't know we're on eighth street though it's like 100 either australia or new zealand i think it's i was it's not like doesn't new zealand it's like much more like mountainous i'm going to australia okay um this looks milly stone right it does right like look maybe it could be unless we're in tennessee but still oh yeah arabic oh we're in uae oman wait that's a place right i think we're in there wait where's zoman let's zoom in on the map well i'm pretty sure is that a country oh man wait zoom in like oh yeah man's a country i'm pretty sure we're in uae i'm confident pop off um all right uh yellow and black things i don't know what that means i don't know if we're gonna be like black and white i mean those are in peru those could also be in those can be in places let me see the signs i'm trying to is that spanish i don't think so it's so oh no there's blue what is that is that like a k maybe i don't know what about the sounds um keep going oh the girl on the left hmm oh ireland it's probably ireland it looks like england wait go back to the line yeah no we're driving on the left but no they don't have the license plates blue it's ireland yeah irish is like really weird looking oh it's so mountainous scholar wait look left yeah armenia i don't know if it's germany i don't know it doesn't yeah it could be that hr yeah that's croatia yeah really you're you're memeing me right no h.r that's hungry right no no there's no way hr the thing is like the only reason i may believe you is because switzerland is ch right i'm pretty sure i'm going hungry no it's not it's not oh what oh no oh oh i guess wait it's actually croatia yes you're an idiot you should have said that you were oh my god i didn't think you were gonna do it what do you mean oh my god no we already we've already been over this like on that sign it was like hovatska or whatever my gosh we're in south africa [Laughter] i hate you you're so you ended our street on nine streak like you you were you were purposely holding back dude like you knew i was gonna like the thing is like the only reason i was inclined i was like it probably would be but wouldn't you probably would be what no you're saying i'm saying it was hungry i know but i was saying like switzerland has ch right so i was thinking like it's it's weird like maybe they maybe they did do that then you were then when you were like the things you're saying you're like no like it was making it seem really weird i don't know how to you need to help me with this look we're in we're in one of four countries we're in either botswana south africa le sothe or swatini i don't know which one i don't know how to determine which one um keep going that's a phone i feel like we're not in south in south africa we're like we're in south africa we're not in south africa um we have three left hmm english it's true but botswana i think they all have english right unless you just said welcome to something what did it say wait go not sign um okay kfc okay um welcome back to that sign that one what did it say in the bottom right corner what does that say okay something um does that say wait i think it's aswatini you think yeah why do you think it says swaziland yeah i think okay boom um all right on a streak of one again because you're an idiot we right now we would be on a stream of 11 if you hadn't screwed it up george well i told you where i was and you were like no well no you were you were acting sauce on purpose yeah because you didn't trust me you still just trust me no because if then if you were meaning me like it'd be it'd be so like annoying try like you're an idiot for it for instead of being vague for being vague than me yeah you get me it's better than trusting you and then i and then i actually mean like i didn't get me like you're just an idiot and you got me um it feels like european but that wow impressive there's a dog he said it maybe [Music] the dog's like jumping out of the way um look at the dog that's a breed that's it's exclusively from ukraine it might be no it actually might be look at that you're an idiot wait go live go left one i'm not doing the crowd trust me no the dog is actually imperative to our success this is why you're trash at geogasa no i don't stare at dogs yeah all right whatever we're not gonna get anything our way i feel like we could be like anywhere like no latvia estonia second estonia oh wow you're so wrong i was so close what we had nothing we had nothing that was so wrong all right look we know exactly where we are instantly it's not even it's not even competition we know we know 100 exactly where we are and it is uae okay okay good enough all right we know 100 exactly where we are so easy driving on the left we are driving on the left um i'm just joking i don't i don't know where we are actually but [Music] indonesia malaysia thailand bangladesh sri lanka india pakistan oh wait so philippines isn't on the left no philippines is on the right oh okay well i never sit down um we're in thailand right i don't know thai maybe thai indonesia and malaysia both have um uh they both have like very normal normal looking languages and bridges is thai what if it's south africa okay um there we are in germany i want to trigger three again wait let this cactus cactus jack cactus jack sent me those tick tocks are so funny you used to be on cactus jack tick tock i was for a little while it was so funny you just pull up and be like cactus jack [ __ ] me and then like at the mcdonald's it was like riding i feel so bad for the workers but those tick tocks were so funny those tick tocks are so funny like mcdonald's said like say cactus jack sent you or something people would go up and say like something ridiculous like they said cactus jack like something ridiculous oh my god those those are so funny i said i sent like 20 of those to george back in the day oh speaking of tick tocks you sent me shall you leak what you sent me earlier i didn't send you anything no you did i did what is this oh wait this tire track it's from a tire that's just this is that specifically no jam you sent me a tick tock i could expose you look at the tire tracks look at the tire tracks you want me to explain i'm gonna expose you i can expose anything i'm gonna expose you i sent you a tick tock saying that that i hate you or something like that no that's not what happened well that's pretty much what it was i might have to drop a screenshot all right this is going to give it away right now wait this was this is from sunday oh what the blue is weird i'm going to drop it blue's like it's blue but it's in like the top what is that license plate i'm not trying to hide anything i'm trying to figure out where we are in the world where in the world are we it's greece i don't think i'm not the only european country that has cactus no no wait there's literally a sign right there oh what does that mean what is that flag it reminds me of like the serbian thing or the yeah like the slovakian thing um obviously we're not hello the yellow line on the sidewalk oh we're driving on the left oh what so we're we're in ireland again wait are the only european ones on the left island in england yeah let's go it can't be england yeah it has to be ireland wait i'm just being careful but like we're driving on this look left unless we're somehow not in this isn't like look for a sign because then it would have iris on it i think it's normal like in italics it doesn't look i'm trying to think is there any other any other country that go left one like maybe there is but it'd be like an island country probably i know that in europe it's only well i know that in all the normal european countries it's um normal well yeah like malta malta yeah malta drives on the left yeah so it's malta malta ireland in the uk um these look nice okay well they do looks like so like nordic so sweden house yeah i'm gonna drop this this screenshot if you're not careful jim oh nobody were you talking about where are we england you think no i said there's no way i haven't seen any cars though another red house i feel like we're like in norway or sweden i pick one oh that's finland or iceland yeah finland um but there's yellow is finland heavy i actually think finland does have yellow inlander iceland i think it i don't think this could be iceland maybe finland what is this hello you don't know cringe no i don't know all right we've been mexican no actually maybe probably not there's a sign literally right there i know i'm not choosing anything i'm just help at all like we're in argentina chile if we're in south america which i'm pretty sure we are so it's like really nice though like a really nice road like it's it's like newly painted not newly painted but you can tell the age of the paint wow like sometimes you can like a lot of times it's like super faded this is like brand new guess what there's only two countries we could are we in europe there's no way right we have to see license plates but in um oh we are oh we're in portugal there's yellow and blue yeah yellow and blue it's portugal so i was wondering i was like it looked like it's there's spanish but it doesn't really look too much like south america we're in oh this is obvious right i don't know maybe not um there's like guardrails i don't think if you didn't mess it up we'd be on it like a huge streak right now beyond like you're the one that messed it up i mean not really yeah let's be fair here could this hmm it's so like mountainous but it's i don't think it's baton george why are you not helping me oh i was just doing something help me um where are we i don't know that's sort of part of the game you have any clue not really except for i don't think we're we're not in um we're not seeing license plates i have seen a license plate and it was not blue oh macedonia isn't it has like part blue and part not right yeah but is there i don't know if there's blue license plates is it part of the european union can you look that up no we can't look stuff up oh i guess that's true i don't know my only guess i don't know that's weird you know it's just super like mountainous mountainous and green here we go oh what nah just ignore it no way nah no it could be actually it could be japan look at that we're in japan yeah japan is mountainy it could be and we're driving on the left oh we are oh it is japan what i know just ignore it i guess it's going to be like you're just like just ignore it what is wrong with you until like there was like on the signs right i was like oh that's crazy oh god is where it's going to end george why and i don't know where the hell we are because i know i never thought about that all right well what does that say double a double s what back to back double s double a that seems like finish right maybe icelandic don't know that's we're in finland i was going to yolo into finland george why have you been so distant you're being annoying you're literally being so annoying does this look like that could be finland possibly yeah it could be oh yeah it's not helpful i know i already knew it could be oh it definitely could be the last one had a double a and then a double s or a double s do it do it yeah look at that double s double a right there you see that right there that's where it was oh my god see this is what happens that's happening when you go do it when you scream do it yeah yes you just need it blah blah blah blah blah blah i don't even care we're just we're going speed speed round okay all right jordan wow all right who's next sweden maybe okay romania whatever we'll play again are we going we're going speed rounds speed rounds oh what the hell are we going to do all right yeah wow we're cracked all right sideways gosh this is really weird it's a wait yeah this is way actually move this it's such a weird like what the hell is happening go forward go forward oh my god stop it's like i don't know it's like making me feel weird it's making me feel like it's argentina yeah like i could tell wait is it really argentina yeah it's like it says that but okay whatever we'll go with it look at that we're in belgium like it's like so obviously we don't even like we can just win without even moving like it's not even belgium yeah maybe it's not but it could be it's not could be oh yeah it could but it's not why are you saying it's not because um because it's not george's picture and decoration i mean we could still be belgium right no don't be silly is anything over the other france oh what else is spoken in belgium it's french i'm going belgium all right lose the streak okay just do it then where are you you're confident it's france no all right there's belgium oh i knew in the first two seconds george the first two seconds all right look we're either no we're either in like australia like there's one there's one yellow why it could be very well it might be yeah that's what i was going to say but you cut me off i already did say that i'm pretty sure um are we driving on the left i mean we could be in no we're coming wait yeah we're on the left so it's australia australia south africa okay that was what i was going to say but well it was it actually was what i was going to say to be fair all right look we're in jordan like it's like whatever like i don't even care no no okay then we're in israel which one are we in you choose your choice israel or jordan right now three two one i'm going jordan okay it's israel okay well whatever you should have said you should have said it is for real then i'm gonna be we're going cracked rounds like look how fast we never that crap i'm going to be right back blue all right look we're going to speed round so we don't even care look how we got we're so cracked um germany probably screw it i don't even care austria oh you're so close um all right let's go we're going we're just speedrunning it we're just speedrunning it where the hell okay okay this is good we got some crap in the sky but i don't know if it's significant green license plate south korea like yolo you know what like i literally don't even care like we're just going so fast these are like the speediest games in history look at that look at that look how fast we are all right look i already know where we are we're in tunisia look at this we're like in speed century right now we're in speed century all right where are we all right yolo you know what i'm yoloing it i don't even care i'm yoloing it we're going to go in where we going to go malaysia okay well i was far off there but it was close it was close all right we're going we're speeding again we're speeding again um mongolia no way okay well now and now we're kind of trapped where could we be why we could be not mongolia um holy cow i have no idea i have no idea actually um i i honestly have no idea this is probably gonna be far off but i'm just gonna throw it yeah argentina okay i have no clue all right all right all right this is easy peasy like we don't even need to move we don't even need like we can do it in 10 seconds we can do it in 10 seconds it's not even it's not even a competition um where else are we mountains there's some houses there's red uh i don't think there's i don't think that's blue in macedonia let's go macedonia we're just we're speed running this romania i mean we're getting close we're getting close even when we're wrong getting close yo all right israel let's go israel speed run like come on come on now criminal well we're by the coast yellow sri um probably yolo colombia oh okay well i forgot about the spanish i forgot about the spanish if i'd known about the spanish then you know maybe i would have maybe would have remembered a exit god maybe like in brazil or something argentina platforms argentina i can move i think argentina or mexico which one unless we're in europe i think we're in europe i have no i idea argentina colombia okay well ah all right we can speed on it half the time and half the time we can't this one is um we're in japan now we're in sri lanka maybe now we're in sri lanka or japan um i'm gonna go sri lanka i did that i went sri lanka twice when it was colombia twice is that red are we in are we just in jordan i think we're just in jordan we're just in jordan probably vanessa okay well it was one of the other oh i might as well just yolo here i have no i have no clue fun um like france or something lithuania okay fair enough um all right south africa looks too green for botswana probably quest watini why not that's a teeny um okay um please don't tell me i'm in like a spanish country again i'm pretty sure we're we're in southeast asia maybe not though like you already know where this is i'm not gonna know european parliament visitors germany i can't remember where i'm pretty sure germany haitian europe that's belgium different those are a bunch of belgium plates friends flag it is no wait no it's not maybe it is i don't know why are these all belgium plates that's me oh that's gonna be belgium um cambodia india maybe that's it all right stream before um it's always these these are always these are the run killers i'm calling it it's a speed run the speed run we're going so quickly um i don't know these are always this could be like the france i don't know latvia sonia this could be like a million things nothing over the a i don't think we're in france that puts it down a little bit i don't think we're in italy either words are huge okay so we could be in poland um poland maybe iceland maybe latvia estonia blue i want another sign i think i've narrowed it down to four countries oh there's a squiggly line over the o interesting mountainous um yeah very well could be a bunch of places i'm leaning south america right now alright well if we're in south america where would we be oh i can't even go any further wow we could i don't think it would be mexico maybe brazil please maybe ecuador colombia i'll go back to the flag place and turn around man we have almost nothing here we're gonna have to wing it probably and i guess i lean more colombia i definitely lean more colombia maybe ecuador it really could be just one of these up here very well could be brazil looking for like pines one's tough man we got nothing i'm gonna go to columbia i gotta go colombia i have to wait no i don't have to i do a little bit longer i see this sign like colombia is usually recognized oh i can't even go further i'm stuck here wow okay colombia so luckily the one we were going to go with was right a z with is that a dot over it yes would you know what country that is maybe poland is he was a dog but i get i don't know this looks kind of polish yeah i feel like poland do you see me speed running out i was like tracking it no i just my eyes go back it was epic before i was i did so many yeah i i lost after like two or three almost every time but like or even on like the second one but i was getting it so quick like it took two seconds then boom lock it in it looks polish right wait let me see that again probably yeah i'll walk into poland i guess we're on six come on yay all right the thing is are we in africa are we in south america or yeah i guess those are the options well maybe the sign will tell us no i feel like this could be like uruguay maybe not maybe it'd be like a mostly african countries have like tells where you can you can tell what they are what countries don't nigeria oh what okay i don't think that's i don't think that's i know columbia on the back side they have a cross well on a lot of them i don't think that is uh oh what was that k61 oh what do you mean oh yeah what do you mean oh yeah no i was just i just thought of something what oh my gosh we have like nothing we have like nothing you're trolling there's no way why okay it could be i guess i don't know we have literally nothing we're in the middle of a field we're gonna i feel like even though maybe i'll get to a sign i'll go for another 10 seconds and if i don't find anything new i'm locking in uruguay i mean it does give me like vibes with things like what pla where in africa would it be like it doesn't it like like this signpost gives me more like south american the and then everything else other than this it's very wet yeah that's why i'm saying that's why i think like uruguay and uruguay's only place i think that that could look like this like maybe maybe parts of argentina right it could be argentina i feel like it's argentina or uruguay unless because now we're getting okay now we're getting more info um that's spanish right wait is it chilly it says that no big chili oh yeah it's i think it's spanish yeah i know so i'm saying so i think it's argentina or or uruguay that's imagine if you imagine it is here back when we had literally nothing just a field good guess good guess um uh so which one do you think more likely argentina you're you're great right i don't um i have no idea i quite simply do not know like i mean i guess that sign it could be argentina on the edge maybe oops uh uh if i go with argentina and it's europa i'm gonna be so mad though but i feel like you wanna why are you in argentina right now oh i might oh sacrificial the sacrifice let's get out of here let's go let's move over um no i i because i because the last sign says something about like chile and something i just know it's there's no way like this is too flat and too green and like there's the water and the red clay like it has to be it could be like but it could be argentina somewhere near hmm all right do something i'm gonna be so mad though if it's uruguay i don't know it's probably japan you're an idiot all right i'm going argentina argentina here we go hello are you kidding me like lily we had we're in a field with nothing and i thought uruguay and then i changed my mind because of a dumb sign that says chile and then it's argent it's oh my god i should i would have felt i knew that was gonna happen i just knew it was going to happen i just knew that was going to happen i look like are we in like singapore or something it looks like we're in singapore am i wrong let's lock it in we're in singapore i don't know it just looks like i have no reason other than that it just feels like a bike route like the english like yeah i'm not tired that's gotta be singapore or something whatever even if i'm wrong oh my god he's wrong i don't care i don't know all right where are we in ghana oh it's ghana yeah yeah i know before yeah i knew instantly all right where are we now guatemala all right all right all right japan we're speed running let's go russia no probably not ukraine it's such a ukraine that's crazy you think so didn't get you think so yeah no way you just skipped a sign but that's cool i didn't want to see it anyway we were speed running we got three in a row it's so easy oh sign up just called me all right tell him to i guess we could add him to the call [Music] actually just leave him for a bit what is wrong with you he's i'm calling me should i ignore him just i don't know the call he's calling me stena de maurice what is that that could be like what is that let's see crane it looks like spanish right it could be spanish right am i just completely wrong i have no idea no it's not enough about spain look at the look at the thing hey he's not going to come in my room don't come in my room i already i told george to add me don't go on my don't go in my room you can anyway you guys are like okay hang on oh my god no way what who's this guy um it's me you know him yeah okay i'm adding him what does this say it says shut up i'm adding that word evan yeah shut up i'm busy i'm adding some up all right a little bit rude george but you know whatever all right something up what's up guys it's me sapnap well bad's in there where are we talking about have you seen me crushing this yeah i've been watching good job where are we i don't know where we are you're supposed to know ben this looks a lot this is epic south america what no we're in europe somewhere in europe i don't know it's mountains they're not that big but there's like some there's a horse i mean that there's a kid oh a horse whoa look at that it's a nice hole it's gotta mean something like [ __ ] with a kid isn't that like a sign oh it is look at the room they have horses with kids in um albania there's the second horse there's no kid though is that another side do you see that slope of the roof is it horseville yeah is it an area that gets snow because of the steep slope of the road okay so basically the entire northern hemisphere i'm saying it's probably somewhere i would guess when the northern everywhere basically in the entire world no i'm saying it's more like northerny northern probably oh look there's a horsey the chickens there actually are a lot of horses though that's gotta mean something thank you for adding sap nap though george that's very thoughtful of you can you add them to the call please cause george is being an edit um look at this it was sad nap you i mean there's only like a thing on the edge i mean like where what like i haven't seen anything other than on the a it's um france it's not i think it could i mean we're just that george like knows europe and he won't help yeah i know everything about europe you know albania no it's probably like slovenia or something could be maybe check no would that be an idiot there's not enough things though for to each what the hell we just entered like no man's land territory uh it's gonna be banning finally he's so needy why is he saying needy okay what did you say he's adding no he was spamming big daddy in the chat can you show your screen i'm like watching it on delay i was shooting my screen yeah and then we made like a new group right so let's just think about calling him when he doesn't join hello there we go why'd that take so long we had to do some stuff first i think this is this is europe kind of nice i agree look at that sign it's double rushing it's germany that's why i meant sorry germany no that is germany right that is germany yes it is it says god oh yeah oh wait this is germany oh it's greece it's germany it's germany this is literally germany it's germany dream why do you think so it's germany it's frankfurt germany it's frankfurt it i know i understand it i've known germany for the last like million years yeah i was trying to look at that look out look how like i was going i was like going in i was trying to figure out where it was i was like okay it's probably lower you know term i bet you you're the number one geo guest or streamer in the world right now because nobody streams look at that mountain that's actually not true people do stream joe gesture recently recently green it's green i don't know what that is norway does norway have green license plates what that what is that yellow yellow what it's morocco there's no more likely to go off of i feel i feel like it's norway it looks like it isn't norway it's cold it's cold therefore there'll be snow on the mountains that's exactly my thought process well norway has like mountains right that was weird though there was a yellow what are these plates these this will help people are probably coming here from everywhere white oh blue and blue okay yeah so this is so like people are just coming here from everywhere like this could be this very this looks so like this is just like it looks it looks like it could be like it could be iceland could be greenland could be how would it be why how could it be iceland you said people coming from all over the place in different cars oh that's actually true but it's europe so we know it has to be like i'm telling what if it is what if i said norway right but norway's kind of out of the way but norway does have the occasional green license plate just keep looking you're just like you're out of time greenland because of the green thing lol someone in chat said alaska question mark what is wrong with you could be actually oh no there's there's magic could be could this could this be norway that's the question if it's norway i'm gonna scream right i'm the one who said that absolutely what the snowy mountains italy has snowy mountains here we go i'm just thinking there it is there it is oh and it's useless wait what what what wait what um what is that oh it is it's norway oh my god it is it's norway it's no way low extinction i'm so smart okay this is your dream you want to know my tip how sometimes i get lucky and guest stuff i mean i know everybody said that was norway because of the green lights i'm not saying that i'm not saying it's totally unrelated so you see how this place is kind of like deserty yes you think you're middle east no no no what no when you look at the map look at this look at the map you can see you can see where the deserts are oh is it is it perhaps along the equator no it's not along the equator actually idiot it's like it's it's like it's about 30 degrees about 30 degrees yeah not on the equator around the aquarius wow well you didn't say around the equator did you whatever you said on the earth this i think is in egypt no egypt this is america it's not egypt this is not a it could be america it could be just about anywhere right now yeah yeah no good point it could be it could be like chilly yeah there was snow i don't think it's chilly and i don't think it is either but i'm saying it could be i don't know it kind of does look like oh wait that sign that's not very american india speed sign no what no it's bad you're why are you so tragic like the worst guess as possible i don't believe this so much i don't i don't think there's like any desert in india is there no there are places and there is just one massive desert i think fisher india is like really like like white it honestly this looks like a part of the u.s the roads too that's what i was thinking the roads kind of look u.s i feel like it's so i feel like this is i feel like this is chilly or like there's no information in rockies it's not texas it's impossible it could be another it literally couldn't go to the side of that side go back what is that where is that where where did the sign go oh it's columbus kilometers okay i think i think i think it's probably nah dude it's argentina i bet you no all right bet him i bet you i bet me all right i bet you i think it's either bolivia chili peru it's very deserty so i'm thinking like i'm thinking maybe maybe maybe lower southern peru or northern chile i don't know why my heart is telling me my heart is telling me argentina well your heart was telling you america before no it wasn't i just said the roads kind of looked american you know what i mean which they do i'm go i'm gonna i'm gonna dude this sucks there's like no information to go off of i think bolivia can be more green though i feel like the thing is there's it's it's like all yellow and chili's the only well chili and argentina both have white lines but argentina has yellow lines too but way less yeah way less white lines than chile does dude i feel like guess something all right i know yeah i'm going peru it's gonna be olivia peru go peru i say peru over bolivia i say bolivia you say bolivia is george yeah all right chili oh my god wow my initial my initial thought again i i need to start trusting my gut more whoa look at that oh an ocean it's is russia it's just russia right yeah let's look at this one one card could be i think it could have ukraine too but well maybe a lot of countries with surroundings that was a russian that was a dot r iu oh there was oh then i didn't see that um wait look at that what is that vector you know there's only one country where they have sector fours i'm serious i'm actually serious bulgaria it's in bulgaria they only have section fours in bulgaria no it's actually i'm serious yeah well you're wrong it's only a streak of one not one no i know we're not in bulgaria them all right fine yeah we'll see look at this huh it's that interesting mountain i think it is spain it's spain yeah i trust you gotta be yeah [Music] look for the snorkels what we're in south america uh never mind for the snorkels this is mexico oh it could be actually it could it could be it could be there's a yellow there's yellow in the middle right on the side did you see the cactuses all right so the cactus jack cacti the cactus jam yeah this is totally mexican i don't know it could be very well could be oh you see that let's look at this road sign up here let's yeah that's so useful congrats diego sandy that's the guy from that's the guy from isis this is totally mexican this is mexico yeah i think it's mexico click it i'm gonna ruin the streak if it's wrong i'm just getting some more clues oh no not not the two not the two win streak dude you guys are wrong i'm gonna be mad i think it very well could be mexico but mexico yay boom one for bad boy all right you're up right off the bat it's not grease all right whatever i'm going sweetie i don't even care i don't even care i literally don't just oh my god he's so good he's so good he's so good how do you know how do you know how this is a yellow yellow license plate japan we're in japan aren't we no probably not i don't see anything it doesn't look japanese wait look on the floor just writing on the floor fire engine access it has to be like canada right no what it's not canada it's all england could it could be new zealand it could be new zealand it could be new zealand right could it be england it could be england because it's the yellow it might be i don't think that's what i'm saying i saw the yellow plate which is what i'm trying to look at i mean there's a lot it could be um how about you just go somewhere useful there's more yellow plates wait there's like a i think is what is that building over to the left do you see it could be singapore there's yellow just look at that look at that thing look at that thing look at that thing what thing that thing i think i think this could be singapore wait oh look look at the sign look dude are you dumb look at the big ass arena it has a name on it the wrong fire station oh it's not even a wait what is that what is that what's up singapore no we're not interested yeah i think it's singapore right it has to be singapore it very well could be singapore yeah i mean that's what i'm thinking it is but then again yellow license plate i guess maybe there's just one i think yeah it was oh it might have been like on like a company vehicle or something let's just see wait what's what's that what's that flag there's a flag literally i don't care this is singapore i'm just going for it yeah where's singapore it is right there okay oh what is that no i don't think that's that's not japanese is it south korea that does it oh yep that signs yeah this kind of looks like us except it's canada america but it's canada no no no no no no all right could be canada i don't know are you kidding me are you are you guys serious there's no way it's canada just look around you're trolling yeah i mean i i mean i think it's the united states but i think it looks like no no it doesn't the thing is i don't think it's the us dude this literally looks like galveston or something it looks like a beachside city in the u.s like a small city yeah maybe australia yeah let's see we're driving on the left you're on the left it's australia it could be new zealand it could be new zealand to be fair wait look look no go back shut the hell up no seriously you hey yeah that's what i saw idiot that's what i saw yeah me too yes guess where we are come on i'll give you a clue sign up i'll give you a clue okay no no don't you're trying to follow i'll give you clues in south america and where is it he's googling it he's googling he's googling puns punches he's guessing he's good um let me look at the south american countries i guess uruguay it's nice you said why the hell did you say south america oh my god that is an xd moment this is pretty good look at that no it's not it's not no it's not it's like [Music] i don't know probably bolivia um i don't know i don't think i feel like we might we might not even be in south america very well could be in peru let's keep looking for clues just keep swimming that's two like it's i think it's too mountainous it's too like look at all these colors yeah many colors look at this many oh there's clay look at that is that hardened clay no i think i think this is in uh yeah that's like south america oh thank you bud where it could be the roof it's not somewhere there's a lot of snow it's peru and what if it's not you see all the trees cultivation what type of trees are those oh those are acacia trees i think those are like are those olive trees what i'm being serious they might be oh yeah go over this oh and a sign it says no cigarettes i think it looks like a cigarette and a treasure with a cigarette yeah that's actually exactly why blue oh we're in spain it's spain that was like spanish right yeah let's just make sure the extra curve okay so that's definitely s for span s for spin yes wow saying it didn't look south american look at the signs yeah i'm looking at them what do you think i'm doing there's like there's like a hundred at the same thing um what if we did that for thumbnails like you make one thumbnail and then you just make it really small and copy and paste it like 10 times it's actually kind of genius it is where the in the world are we there's no like oh to the right look to the right oh there's like words there's more there's more words to the right yellow oh are you trolling it could be in mexico where i think we're in south america mexico chile um okay mexico's non-south americans by the way well okay you know what i mean you know what i mean jelly bean america are you my jelly bean dream um there's there's big giant mountains in the background we're in we're in the one of these children dude you're like in a city like just look for a flag you're going to bump into it i'm looking for everything oh there's orange taxis what does that mean orange taxis i think that's um it's chilly actually well no chili or bolivia i would say just look for a flag you're going to find a flag if you just keep going forward [Music] now we've ruled out peru you pretty much are guaranteed to find a flag or at least like the colors of the flag in one of these cities oh it's chilly see i told you just go for it a little bit oh yeah it wasn't a flag all right that's uh look at that i don't know it looks pretty though that's a i don't know it looks pretty though pretty well copy me actually literally australia word for word portugal oh is that blue did this be important look at it again look at it again is that blue and yellow yeah it is blue yellow portugal right this is where we're going to lose the streak oh my god what's the world record holy mackerel 12 i think what is that oh wait we're on 11. we're so close what no way um cambodia thailand it might be cambodian they're driving on the right cambodia oh we got the world record no we didn't we have to get one more one more that's awesome we go forward go forward go forward there's a dog look at that i don't care about the dogs my personal record's like 19 or something like is oh it's a magnum look it says magnum ice cream what's wrong with you it says magnum ice cream you mean what's wrong with me why are you laughing what's so funny is this i didn't say anything i just laughed why is that funny i just laughed what's that translate to look on the left why are you looking at the plants this chill out and look at the plants because they actually tell stuff and you know you wouldn't care you just need like a domain otherwise you have no clue do you speak plant or something no but i know certain plants and certain trees i don't know what plant that is i know what it is yeah it's the plant that's normally found in south yeah i agree south america has the mountains we just guessed chili so it has to be peru yeah that's that's how it works you're right i wouldn't thought of it i wouldn't have thought about that it's called process of elimination you ever heard of it this car oh it chats saying that those plants were weed dream good to be why are you reading chat i can help you he's cheating that's why i'm in chat okay you are playing what do you mean you're giving like that is that i don't know there was a sign back there well chat has been so unuseful it's not even funny look at the colors look at the colors oh look at the country oh it's got like a little picture of the country that sounds like is that a picture of the country's probably country a picture of the city look at the colors though click on the color i'm in africa yeah click on the colors richard peru oh yeah that's ecuador click on ecuador what are the colors click on that it's ecuador this is not the cause oh it could be it's ecuador it's ecuador it's ecuador let's go i don't know i'm [Music] [Music] do it do it do it dude i'm gonna start taking spanish lessons just to do good at this game who wants to give me them wait where's san jose zoom in on ecuador maybe you can maybe see like the city of san francisco translate to spanish brazil colombia no i have no idea no what what was that that's his mother where's god's mother oh my gosh we don't have anything else maybe it is ecuador wait wait go to the over there go over there i can't go anywhere it doesn't look like oh it very well could be ecuador just do ecuador or i'm leaving all right it's gonna be colombia though i feel like it's gonna oh my god no it's going to be colombia you're so mad look at the breed of dog what dog is that it's an ecuadorian dog is yes i found a new street i could go down yay let's go let's go let's go get muffin lay the sign this is japan right i think it's japanese it is it is an island except in south korea yes what the hell how are you gonna get any information i mean we have a lot of information we're on like this giant mountain by the sea oh yeah oh yeah it's so much information i mean it's pretty it's important yeah if it's in europe who's that guy who is that guy i don't know we're looking at a shirt look at his shirt we're not mongolia it's not by the ocean he's like the only one that's not a landlocked country what the oh my gosh you can't even go anywhere that's this is this sucks oh oh oh this all right i know where this is you know the what's the country that has like the easter like the the big statues or whatever easter island this is easter island this is south country that's like its own island do you know what direction the ocean is no bad south okay oh [Music] it's what it's england it's not england england um no it could be like ireland or maybe it could be could be new zealand dude look people tourists can you zoom in on them why he's gonna be like that's my record oh my god there is oh look he's happy what wait let's find out who that guy is he did a vlog and yeah he was like this guy no his vlog was in his in an island can you zoom in on those buildings enhance the buildings and haunts and houses i don't know if there's buildings they look like buildings so this the sea is to the south like we could be in like it could be we could be gosh this is going to be the ender we're on a streak of 14 no that's the bad boy halo number i mean it's fairly mountainous we're i mean like we're by the sea it's southern it could be like south africa no yeah this is south africa what the hell is wrong with that it could be no it couldn't be unless mountains just spawned on the border no yeah there are mountains but this is not what it looks like this is this is not slash paste mountain oh you've been everywhere in south africa no but it's probably not it's probably new zealand i've been selected new zealand for a while but like i feel like i don't know it looks more like this like this doesn't look like it would be in new zealand look at that guy's shoes the shoes will give it away what are those [Music] look at these buildings like or whatever they are like i don't think that would be in new zealand i can call up one of my new zealand friends and ask them no really does new zealand have like mountains like that well they yes but like i don't know about like this yes this thing i don't this i don't know about dude i'm telling you right now if i were to bet my life on this pick like this this okay no i won't bet then go on go on hmm my bad george what's your what's your guess why are you asking george he sucks okay so the ocean's to the south yeah let me see the map i feel like it's europe maybe not maybe not maybe it'd be like [Music] yeah let's look for some planets [Music] what if it's [Music] no there's nothing else there's nothing we already explored everywhere we could go i just it's like back and forth like oh really basically there's a little sand beach you know what that means there's sand it means it's england but like well this time what if it is like no it's not what i'm joking it is zoom in on new zealand you know what i'm going new zealand that's my this makes me think of of the lord of the rings it probably is new zealand oh no no guess on uh united kingdom because sony love lives there how about that i'm mostly uh it's new zealand well that's the best like where like is scotland part of the uk it is right yeah it is it couldn't be scotland yeah scotland oh but then scotland it has to be to the south but then again like what if it's like one of these islands over here on scotland i don't think we really have like nice sandy beaches like that this looks too nice too nice yeah you think so where do you think said that what give an input kingdom can't have nice places is that what you're saying i'm saying we don't have nice beaches like this in england in the uk i'm pretty sure we don't all right well i'm going new zealand wow the philippines really doesn't even know that i would not have been i wouldn't have never i would have never guessed it i never would have guessed i it would have guessed that oh well at least we got the world blue hello actually i'm leaving this let's do we can't move i'm going to i'm just going to go on the same one country i'm just going to do i'm like literally no moving no zooming no move no zoom no move no pando's zoom so you only get one literally get the screenshot here we go okay nice i have no idea whatsoever yeah no well maybe nah columbia there's no yellow um the yellow lines in the center we can't move at all oh columbus one with the yellow okay wait show me the map i know where it is show me south america we're in south america um it is look i'm pretty sure no it's uruguay easy it's so easy i think it's colombia it could be colombia or uruguay but then i don't see another yellow hmm uruguay we'll go with it columbia ah god no i told you why i told you i know i you said uruguay shut up colombia so look at this this is all we get this is this this this could be mongolia it could also be so mountainous what if it is africa this is mongolia okay malaysia no all right here we go this is the hardest mode no this is this oh i know where this is i'm careful before something wait doesn't say careful cereal here this could be mexico yeah brazil argentina i think it's one of those three maybe it is um it's got the mexico vibes oh yeah it does no like oh look at that there's the green that should say something what if it is colombia no it's not no just children come on mexico yeah i think probably mexico ecuador good job good job good job good job good we're getting we're getting close we're getting close so here we go okay mister look at this look at this i've literally been here before oh my god i have been to this place all right look we're in south america it's a mamburg look we're in south america what i think we're in south america any oscars um [Music] it's from argentina no okay it's not gonna be argentina um colombia i mean yeah i don't think it's not mexico could be colombia i mean the thing is it might not even be south america but it's either ecuador or colombia right or it could be brazil but i don't think it's brazil it's going to be ecuador it just was ecuador it just was ecuador it doesn't matter it doesn't matter but still double or nothing double or nothing i wouldn't colombia would actually be the u.s though okay well this could be this literally could be anywhere this could be the philippines this could be cambodia this could be like i'm going to go a u.s this looks too familiar what no there's no it's not your ass look at the roads and it's not either yes yeah look at the road but actually it doesn't if you look at the roads it doesn't even look that south it doesn't look south american all right go u.s then well it's not i don't think it's u.s are those mountains in the back that's i think they are i think they might be so yeah if those are mountains ecuador that might change the game a little bit oh my god i should have went with colombia i almost got it you're an idiot you said ecuador i said colombia shut the hell up we have a hill we have a hill look i know exactly where this is it's south it's antarctica this is clearly australia actually no it could be south africa trees like that i don't know it could be australia actually i'm going to australia it's either australia or south africa i think it's one of the other portugal okay well well you know it was just a hell you can't blame us pump all right i know i know because of that i know exactly where we are we're in singapore it's australia i don't know well we could be in singapore we could be in south korea we could be in uh malaysia which do you think hold on hold on if i yeah that no we're in singapore i think you're right singapore is what i got i got those vibes come on give me a sec don't do i don't care you got it one down we can't even move oh look at this where what is this oh mexico i can't tell mexico mexico look at that build that does not maybe that looks it's given the mexico vibes he's giving me like the spain but you see those see those cactus look at the cactus oh wait yeah there's cactus yeah this is me oh wait there's cactus could be mexico mexico plus that sidewalk look at that building the building seems like spanish to me like like spain like it's greece it's that type of building in mexico there's an absolutely cool cacti oh i'm one percent george into this you know this do you think that do you think there's cacti in greece there's not cacti and greece anymore [Music] which one george because saturn's literally been to greece and has grease in his blood i've been to grace i'm telling you this is like like probably like 10 times i've never seen a single cactus i'm going spain just because then i'm the one that's blamed and no one else is because everyone else is disagreeing on everything those lights hold on george are those what what george you stupid idiot i'm a genius yeah george i had a european george that was clutched out right that was clutched out twice in a row with just no moving that's epic yeah george you're just trolling i'm a genius look at this we're about to get three in a row i think this is the car i think the red mirror i think that's like bangladesh i swear to god if you get this right you are a crackhead this could be that what what i know we're not nowhere in the snow all right iceland could you think so no if you screw this up george we're gonna strike a three without even flipping moving so not a lot of mountains but it seems pretty flat it seems pretty flat [Music] snow somewhere cold do you see that tall building in the back maybe a church of some kind that's that's actually true i feel like the thing is because we're not are we we're not on a mountain right so this has to be like winter right this could be france france france france i feel like it could be bulgaria hungary it could be france is frank france this i don't think so but france isn't this like flat is it i don't think so this this could be like a million different places in the u.s so well i've been to france and look at the white it's seen pretty flat some of the areas like this it's greenland i mean i i think it's one of these two it's greenland i know can i even be greenland why not i don't think it's an option well it is like because denmark denmark with green dream i don't think it gets that cold and like actually agrees well i think it's hungary or romania i think it's because i think this interesting i think in winter coverage there's romania bulgaria hungary and france well i know there's other places but like widespread and this looks like it's again are we on a mountain we could be on a mountain which would just cancel it out wait check this one out you ready russia whoa okay you see that little orange thing on the right what do you think that is look at that building see can you see my mouse you see that building yeah what is that there's like a red roof with like it looks like it's probably made out of like the little um yeah what's it called tiles little tiles that's why i don't know i think that romania bulgaria super slopes well actually no you're right because i see normally um don't they know this i think they do in summer don't they yeah that's what i'm saying but i'm saying that the places where they do street view in winter snowing in summer in romania no no i'm saying i'm saying in romania but i'm saying that romania has winter coverage and so does bulgaria and so does um uh you wait uh i don't even know hungary i'm going with russia trust your gut i agree with you dream romania bulgaria i'm going romania it's something it can be bulgaria i mean if i i hope either it's it's either completely wrong or right i hope it's not bulgaria if it's bulgaria i'm gonna be mad norway okay that's fine you're completely wrong that's fine that's what i said i said oh yeah you're you're such an idiot so i don't know always says it says everything oh god white dash white wait look look what's that say rastro.com some green there's some wow could we be like in southeast asia like southern hemisphere australia the sun is in the north we're in the south that's actually super helpful because this looks like this this could be australia because the sun is in the north and we're looking right at it so we're in the southern hemisphere so either we're south america southern africa or australia and this is not any of those right look at this car maybe new zealand there's like it's more like mountainous i'll go australia chile oh okay well and we weren't going to get that at least we found out it was in uh what is that what flag is that [Music] um i think yeah all right one without moving okay we got the yellow outers what is that there's a sign back there i'm trying to get a good look [Music] olivia you think so no i think that we could be in south africa [Music] um maybe not you have the yellow outsides and the white insides am i allowed to fall asleep on stream yeah i don't care [Music] man could be just about anywhere it literally could be i feel i'm feeling some some australian vibes yeah i think it could be i think it'd be australia oh wait they're driving on the left right oh they are oh yeah they are so we can say we could be south africa or australia yeah go australia honk it uh but i feel so bad if it's south africa but i think the problem with south africa is that there's four options it can be i guess this is more now this is more like americanized like i feel like to south africa or australia like literally south africa all right let's go australia oh lesotho south africa it's close okay what in the hell i'm just gonna throw russia bulgaria huh oh god jesus that's russia dude you know why all right listen it's gonna be a strange explanation but have you ever played the game day z no you haven't but this looks really familiar to daisy and i'm pretty sure they built the map of daisy like off of like russia so that's my explanation you're quiet let me get the mic closer to my mouth how am i now is it better sun is in the north i think i think which would mean we're in the southern hemisphere i think it's weird these trees look europe hmm um it could be russia i just think it's russia it gives me very russia vibes i feel like it doesn't give me russia vibes but again but i want to strike zero anyway eswatini okay that's what my son my son trick it's like i think i'm pretty sure well i know i know it works but i wasn't sure if the sun was there but yeah all right that looks like we have some arabic we have some arabic looks like it's probably um jordan probably out of the like five options or whatever there you go oh what a boss okay are you serious how the hell yeah i was never going to get it so i just thought i could go for india how are you supposed to even remotely understand oh that might be greece that might be greece no there's yellow or israel i think i think it kind of really reminds me of greece the buildings um i don't i don't want to be an idiot and be wrong look there's yellow license plate yeah i forgot what license plate would be israel it could be uh it could be switzerland or not switzerland um netherlands luxembourg um i don't know i feel like it's israel okay go for it yeah yeah okay well i don't know just guess america it looks like a very american i don't know it's very sloped very sloped we got these trees go ukraine papa ukraine spain we keep getting spain a lot i i know i noticed that all right yellow that i know where we are i'm pretty sure i'm pretty sure we're in luxembourg there we go those are white um maybe it's like sweden or something i don't know i have no clue um ireland are we going on the left no driving on the going on the right these houses look very english that's what i was saying but yeah they do they drive on the right near england denmark maybe france maybe i don't think it's not netherlands it's not belgium um these houses look super english to me i know that's what i'm saying like you can just imagine jordan is there no blue i can't i can't see if there's a blue stripe [Music] i don't know i just go with like france denmark i don't know i feel like i don't know it could be italy you think could be i don't know the houses just look very english to me i don't know why and it can't be england and it can't be ireland um could be it could be spain no i didn't know no way it could be italy just go whatever your first gut was that's what i said be germany that was your first gut gas go for it germany or italy i say germany oh yes popping off okay well i don't know red there's like a little bullard there there's a black cap i think with red what does that mean um italy albania italy i could see it being albania it being italy george what do you think italy albania the albania connoisseur george look at the screen italy albania which one do you think i just have a feeling one of the two italy but probably neither i guess george italian connoisseur oh i was so close to italy you like your circular reasoning it's like right on the edge like what do you mean you can see that being albanian like what do you think albania looks like it's pretty similar i know it's mountainous white white these these are like thick dashes look at those thick dashes where do they have those thicker mode dashes oh my god it's so thick i mean it's like europe obviously i think but obviously where do they have those thick emoted denim dead mark luxembourg okay well all right um i'm pretty sure no that's so annoying oh wait that's uh that's could be does baton look like who could be baton uh george look at that i don't think so really maybe probably where's the sun the sun and i can't tell leave it on no you chilly i like chili oh no i know what it is it's ecuador you think so yeah nah tell by the the twig pattern it's such a but actually it is no it's not like it's quite chilly i'm gonna go it could be baton look it's like so mountainy like that's like you know what that's that's something that's what you think it is um i think it's uh what do you say george no i want to sign up guess no i should have gone with it actually oh my god i actually had on that i was just doubting okay well this is i think this is obvious probably well you ate your jordan or i guess tunisia there's no what does that say george i should have known what it said you just see george everyone you ain't even a uae probably you see what you want to see no tunisia okay oh do you have anything how are you always able to know when it's uganda that's australia oh south africa god damn it he's one of the other i should have spent more time looking dang nabbit what is this you think no how cause i'm a genius i know africa i'm just kidding it's just a gut feeling this is how it looks what is that c dot cl there's yellow that's on those are on like vehicles though like for sale i think that's yellow um why is that yellow too that might be yellow that's blue though so therefore we're in europe i'm gonna lose it probably um central europe germany netherlands belgium luxembourg france i'm gonna lay on the floor like palm trees between portugal no not portugal um maybe spain again it could very well be look at that building could be spain theoretically that's in the realm of possibility france he's the connoisseur of uh spain i love spain oh spain i'm laying on the floor now did you know that yolo australia wow what there was blue i sort of got it it was blue you swear to god you said australia oh god oh god [ __ ] russia he's an idiot he's actually an idiot so i was like i told you i knew it was finland oh god okay there's there's water that's grease baby that's grease baby that's probably not grease it's papa sapnap grease i don't actually think it's grease but it could be freeze uh i know i don't think it's big enough i want to talk about if it's grease i would not be that surprised it's grease let's go i know my greek oh look at that grace i can smell it look at this one's up there look at this one that's not grease he's like he's like it's crazy i'm on the floor but i can tell you it's not greasy oh there's there's water there we got yellow oh there's water right there it's not green um and let me let me tell you why okay listen in greece you don't drive on the left side of the road and that car is on the left side of the road it's not no it's it could be on the right oh that's true it doesn't it faces us north every time so he had something he thought he had something you know i mean we got the yellow on the sides the white in the middle like it's not grease there's no way it's greece twice that we're probably we could be like there's no way it's greece for us we've had like so many times when we did philippines and remember when we did this it was like the philippines no way in the philippines really yeah what about like israel i could see it being like one of the countries you could see it being albania no like the middle east oh wait it's to the the west to the west that's that would match up with israel i don't i don't think so though just the rocks and stuff just reminds me of it it's to the west side i don't know you can see this land over there so like oh you know what just yellow oh you can see there's land over there oh that is land right it's not water it's not nothing it's it could be a reflection that the sun's rays could be the reflection of greece that could it could be the reflection of greece that's possible my young george uh just go for it trust your gut you know whatever your gut's telling but i don't think it's just it's literally just the rocks that's it and i feel like is there even an area i guess uh whatever we'll go for it jordan what oh it's right there oh my god that's crazy though that is that is that i got that feel i got that like rocky like just the rocks look so familiar i recognize that rock whatever norway okay well i should have gone norway let's get it off to a good start um i don't know we got like these [Music] england it could be england spain what if it was england oh my gosh that's how close spain and it's andorra that shouldn't be allowed if this wasn't a country i guess maybe a part of france if it wasn't that's hank all right singapore all right yeah yeah for sure for sure it's just like singapore seems so obvious usually what is this oh god i check reminds [Music] this is honked up dude south africa yeah i think actually south africa are you just saying south africa south africa are you sure this other i think it's more likely to be le soto i'll go let's go though botswana i just i think it wasn't south africa it's never south africa blue bulgarian germany no no no no not germany no austria austria really look at this this nonsense it's nonsensical what is this these these buildings are so unique it's like bronze these palms this could be like these palms i mean you think it could be it could be europe but it also could be like yeah or something is so obviously um australia how is it australia you can just tell it could be i'm going south africa yikes is it australia just say if you're being serious i'll go through if you want me to you know i'll show you i'm just guessing but it probably is because i'm a genius and i know everything [Music] i'm a genius i am a genius i'm a genius and he knows everything apparently i do oh i can't see those flipping fans that's america baby [Music] that's not america it's um it is uh i know exactly where this is it's um italy no it's switzerland i actually know i've been there thank you see that tree over there i lived there for two weeks in switzerland i told you it was estonia you didn't say nothing what the hell oh no no no no no no this is the eucalyptus tree i recognize it from the eucalyptus tree it's the it's the fig tree that you can find in only one location go ahead and that location is spain okay oh ukraine imagine imagine you had gotten i said ukraine why did you do spain imagine you had gotten it this is like canada maybe in north america australia there's mountains back there you think the us it's just the basketball thing but look at u.s australia are we going on the left to the right i can't tell they're definitely driving on the left look look where the cars are look this is parked on the left on the right opposite direction that person is parked in front of their house that's it just like they're parked like they're parking in front of their house out it just looks very u.s to me the driving wheels on the left that means they drive on the right right no yes it's us dude it's u.s okay was it yeah um holy cow the hell how are you supposed to know where you are no because it's like i wish i wish they would give you more reasonable like whatever screenshots how are you supposed to figure out where you are more reasonable screens all right africa um all right should we go which one do you think do you think botswana espatini or lesotho botswana again what the hell is bad doing back here russia ukraine bulgaria you think um i know how do you know see that mud pile over there okay if you're not gonna you're not gonna be serious george no that's he is okay so no wait i think this could be russia i've i've no i said i said russia that's what i was literally about to choose yeah no i think i think you're right i'd go russia and it could be bulgaria i mean the thing is like it's like russia ukraine and bulgaria like almost definitely it's one of those and it's bulgaria tell us why then [Music] i don't want to divulge my secrets well which one is windier i was gonna trust i'm just gonna trust george i don't think he's gotten a single one right this entire time and i've trusted him so many times we're probably in south africa this is a bad rush yeah really get muffins you're an idiot i feel like this is like south america i trust you so so often all right i don't even care lithuania okay was closer like way closer yeah okay i get it you're way closer it's like something that's uh yeah because you're guessing and you're maybe getting right occasionally it's russia you're an idiot where are we that is an interesting roof room it's like this that's their whole house what is that it might be a room though actually it's this this could be mexico except for the fact that it's russia you're an idiot so you're gonna get you're gonna keep saying russia until eventually it's right where's the sun the sun's in the north we're in the southern hemisphere i think we're in probably botswana again are you kidding me do you think could be um yeah i think you might be right is botswana mountainy no you know what is mountainy russia yeah it's not russia this could be mongolia actually no this isn't i don't think it's argentina i don't think i'm starting cnn either that's one or whatever oh bolivia i i was i was getting that's why i was like switching over to last second i was getting south american vibes after i was thinking about it you're so far off george i think you would have gotten zero points if that wasn't like the thing where you could go to cro would you got the exact opposites out of the world this i think might be brazil this is south america hands down really i thought i thought it's like southeast asia this is south america bad actually no you might be right good point good point i didn't make any point i just all i did was just say let's just say what i was thinking um i was i was guessing based on malaysia it could be this does i'm more of this malaysia actually yeah it's my favorite street yeah it is malaysia oh i wonder where we are it's so hard oh this hands down vietnam he's gonna say hands down russia george is gonna say george is gonna say russia might be oh no it's clearly not russia well this could be russia this is zero percent chance it's russia i know the the leaders on the left side i don't think russia is planning it's like bolivia actually there is one place in russia that might have plans like hey bad what country begins with and ends in olivia but olivia do you think this could be korea actually oh i think this is like a south american country i think it's like uruguay or something except it's non but olivia why do you think that cambodia that's what this is this cambodia ecuador okay i was closer it was the technical oh this one this one is russia all right this one's russia no that's right just up george that's russia oh okay i was kind of surprised i was closer you idiot okay maybe whatever yeah you were probably may okay that is like look at what look what do you mean maybe look at this russia look space is right here okay i see what you mean i see what you mean no okay what oh yeah i was okay i was you could be right yeah you're being an idiot you're right no i thought oh look this guy's the same place it is the same place it is actually the same place we're down the street okay no albania no well it was it was actually it was actually right below yeah it's the same driver the next one is russia i told you yeah this is russia this is like india or cambodia no this is china russia this is india yeah we're getting in china yeah yeah i'm right there this is like this is uk right yeah ireland no it's no that's on the on the right this is united kingdom no no it's not it's not no it's actually spain it's actually space you're such it could be it literally could be i'm joking i'm joking it's possible i recognize that pebble from somewhere it's possible we pulled it and trust me dream this could be bullying i'll never give you a courage switzerland [Music] luxembourg i was so close you were very close [Music] do you see the curve of the front of the car yeah on the left side of the road i think we're in thailand yeah oh bangladesh oh wow look at that no here you said it at first but then you changed your mind george no no no um oh god australia all right this is australia on the i think we're on the right oh i can't tell yeah i'll go australia i'm pretty sure it's not columbia we're on the right so close russia russia russia russia mexico yeah it's like mexico united states yeah close enough yeah club that was not actually close enough what do you mean it was closed oh that's time singapore singapore why don't we zoom in on the wrong place or russia singapore is so obvious oh look that is cambodian good guess oh i think i see george's house we're like uk i don't know idiot george stop trolling hands down the uk maybe she should check look at the houses maybe it could be spain actually no this is russia this is russia this is russia stop trolling no i think this is actually rush i don't think he's wrong here george is usually wrong about a lot of things but this could be russia i always get like near at the area oh my gosh that's actually russia this one's crazy gonna happen about the other ones so this one actually is russia it's france france oh we should have guessed that what i don't know um you don't know yeah this could be philippines could be indonesia malaysia romania i wish i saw a car or anything um nothing there's really nothing in frame it's just one of these three um is that like um is that a mountain back there hey george i'm gonna play something for you indonesia okay um okay at the yellow plate no we're in luxembourg white white white russian and tell what color that is [Music] i love to laugh you do oh my gosh it's not grease you're actually an idiot okay says you i've gotten my last like a million right congrats sir [ __ ] eventually it's gonna be flipping russia and i'm going to be pissed off because i'm going to know it's russia and then you're going to be like oh it's russia all right look i don't know what this is this very well could be russia but i have no idea yeah she is though it could be i'm just i'm guessing russell just to screw bulgaria okay george can you go oh oh oh like you're doing the technical kenya [Music] where wow we in russia maybe this is in russia this is norway norway it's estonia estonia um [Music] there is blue we're under a bridge how are we supposed to how am i supposed to know we're under a bridge under the bridge i will tell you where we are all right tell me if you get it right i'll pay you a thousand dollars go ahead dude all right all right now he's try harder germany germany this could be germany germany just give me my money germany do it do it do it it's gonna be australia look it's gonna be austria i'm going to austria i'm going austria yay pay me pay me pay me you owe me 1k oh look at me i am so cracked [Music] all right where are we tell them to bring me my money okay uk it'll be malta actually i think it is malta give or the uk my money no it's ireland where is my money i was right oh you weren't right at all actually but i was quote uk is right next to pay me that's pretty close oh this is actually russia this is right it could be no it's ukraine we are so close what the hell this could be russia india ah fair enough this is russia actually wait a minute no this is mexico yeah this is mexico dad like just goes with whatever anybody says he's just like he's like i think it's this you know what i you know what i know it is you want you know what you want to know what it is it's literally russia you know what it is russia i think you want to see it's ukraine no it's ukraine i already told you oh i knew it i told you what did he just say he said i what knew it i effing knew it they paint that white paint right how did he just keep them healthy they paint the white around the base of trees in russia and ukraine too yeah they also do it in peru this is oh peru this is a cracked speed run you ready the cracked speed run all right uh tiffany tiffany there's blue there's there's there's blue there's double blue we're in italy maybe france france or italy which one double blue no no but don't look at me in france too albania god damn it all right here we go language all right crack speed on crack speedrun australia oh no no fine no all right crack speedrun correct speed one uh russia u.s u.s russia or whatever it's not russia but we'll go what's up russia serbia serbia all right crack speed i'm starting now starting out this is no cap a cracked speed run okay starting starting next time starting next time all right crack speed on now oh man [Music] netherlands no i mean norway sus netherlands yeah us oh he's cracked his estonia oh [Music] crack speed running malaysia indonesia indonesia you think so i know so yeah indonesia sri lanka you're an idiot george you're actually an idiot you're like which one these two are and it was none of them that's russia us this is u.s the one that i went for last time are you kidding me it's a dumb white it's a curse we're cursed right now we're cursed to nothing i'm just going to mexico i don't even care why not even mexico that's a gift and a cause all right here we go all right we're actually i'm slowing down a little bit it's the cracked speed run speed up all right no no it's the crack speed run here we go all right russia this is actually no it's not it's actually no you already oh i'm an idiot i'm an idiot am i all right crack speedrun all right you're just making fun of me because i'm colorblind i couldn't see the yellow good job good job yeah it's not south africa oh nice okay oh it's italy yeah this could be a lot of places oh we have to go fast it's crack speed on estonia no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no i was debating it too and i saw them no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no [Music] la la [Music] like just taking information so quickly and going with it oh colombia okay well i don't know why i'm just going quickly oh whoa u.s it's on the u.s look at this crap it's cracked and it's awesome it's cracked it's not u.s it's russia it's luxembourg all right this is the crack speedrun right now what is this oh it's russia u.s that's crazy this could be russia actually vietnam we've missed singapore netherlands yeah you saw me zooming in on it no yeah yeah with jordan no you are you yeah thank you actually it is jordan oh little idiots i hate all of you we should just give him wrong answers george it's funny because we haven't we're just doing the speed run he's just like an idiot no i know you guys don't know i've been way more right than any of you russia this is russia no it's not these look like so this it could be like trust me this is precious you're gonna be literally bamboozled when it's russia it's not russia it could have been that all right right now come on this is the cracked speed run of the century i don't know where the hell is that actually wait no this isn't mexico the power lines i feel like like let's find a guessing game is george ever going to get one right that's the question and when you get one right this one's easier wait they're on the left in malaysia cambodia gotta do it oh ah i get a cupcake that's it that's a win for bad boy halo that's europa that's crazy i don't think it's russia i'm good this oh that wow the one that it's actually russia this is russia i'm telling you literally russia it's actually russia i don't care oh george you were robbed white oh it's england thinks i'm not on the right yeah yeah this is england actually see that little sign oh look at that that's two for me and george they were on the right we're looking at a bunch of plants thanks very much it's russia russia no it's not russia this could be russia okay it looks like belgium just getting like because we're just going so fast i'll play some you know what i'll play some uh battle royale real quick let's see how we match up with with the pros obviously it's russia and snowy hmm no this could be russia it could be um argentina would be [Music] um i think you're right actually argentina no i don't think it's argentina panama it could be like australia new zealand that car keeps getting further away people are guessing argentina i don't think it is um very good peru it's bolivia maybe wow he's wrong it's almost like i told you the answer yeah it could be argentina let's wait and see other people guess hmm no way why are the license plate red on on trucks because it's argentina oh my gosh i i have that realization i look at the truck i gotta go i like some place red then i go wait brazil has red truck license plates that sounds that sounds so specific brazil has red truck license plates it is specific oh oh they have the little bear logo we're in europe obviously but australia austria austria austria oh okay austria does austria have bears yes they're everywhere they roam the streets they kill people every day yeah no spain no probably not sandora actually yeah i think you're right this is spain or portugal that's it not emmy what's me you don't know george what's that me oh my god yes is it mexico no because it's it's it's blue oh my george you don't know what it is you're just stalling just get it it's easy just go in the map i'll give you close mexico actually but it'd have to be like uh macedonia it was the e oh wait there isn't a oh no that's not mexical okay there you go there you go yeah thanks george like you're you're totally helpful i was helpful no you weren't charged i literally was helpful no you literally weren't i told you it was vigorous and then you were gonna go with the wrong one and i made it clear it was wrong so yeah good job oh you're not like a school teacher like congrats you know what one of the domains is mr not found i want to play something for you george let me guess it's a tech talk of me throwing a ping pong ball into a cup we're gonna win our first one this is how cracked we are if we win it's it's uganda good job could be that's the thing think [Music] [Music] yeah i'm so sure like we played like five rounds and you got two congrats no i let you go every round more than another one so congrats yeah wow you're so cool you see yellow license plates you're so smart okay so we're in the islands you agree right yeah okay no we're not we're in luxembourg we are we are ah we're in luxembourg you're so smart copying my answers until i trick you into thinking that my answer is something that's right when really it's wrong george i was tricking you no no you were not you just got you just got absolutely wrong that's like when the when the student like when the student like the teacher thinks they're so smart they're like owned they get like owned i want to make you oh no no no no you didn't you got baited i did no i want to do something wrong you got absolutely pranked like you smaller tricks that's fine i'll get you next time no yeah next time it comes up you'll have no idea either yeah how do i already know that we're in anyone colombia congrats yeah yeah you know i'm so smart oh wow yeah what do you want metal a metal a metal like a recognition from you that you're trash that's what i want yeah he's playing with the columbia it is guess what the next one's going to be russia no it is we want our first one are we going to win this one everyone back to back it's just like i mean we won i won you are such an idiot just lock in russia instantly i think this is kim imagine imagine it is russia it is i already told you why are these guys taking so long this could be ecuador actually i already got it we already got it wait what'd you guys colombia we already got it columbia do we even um did we even get our one wrong last time i didn't get one wrong nah oh yeah you've already gotten we're gonna play wrong yeah she is russia could be no it is that's that's actually hilarious no it's not they just guessed russia they're stream sniping why would they guess russia there's there's totally stream sniping what the hell is that is that there's no this doesn't look anything like russia it does kind of look like russia this idiot is stream sniping get them out of our game us oh my god there's no way oh what it's europe there was a maybe we're a bi maybe we're like um you could perhaps i don't know find a sign maybe i know but i can't i've been trying for quite a bit there we go all right nice good job [Music] sweet let's what big is that this is sweden oh wait let's do it running out of time one guess latvia you think it's latvia yes oh my gosh [Music] oh this is mexico you think yeah sure yeah what are you actually sure yeah wow i didn't know mexico so well like i don't i don't i don't ever recognize next question yeah yeah i've explained this a bunch you miss a sign i had to lock something in boom back to be we're so good yeah we have a one we have we're two and oh we're cracked like it's not even the competition come on step up your game competition get muffin oh is that a very easy one maybe it and that's the is bar there you go look how people are going to be stream sniping if england gets it oh that would give it ah i mean yellow license plates [Music] [Music] um all right three allied bakeries west yellow light bakeries west brom oh it is okay nice okay there's like giant mountains in the back oh god we were 50 50 though so um oh guatemala really guatemala no what are we in um oh foreign all right let's win this final round um oh god i don't have a guess um germany yeah 50 50. budge sweden or oh god oh no no we got to the final two oh i should have won sweden i was being indecisive the only reason i used my 50s is i knew we needed to go quick and i didn't even go quick what's wrong with me that was above us [Music] oh we're in a museum let's not look at that um [Music] oh no uh okay let's let's make sure we're not looking oh my god all right um i don't know where we are we're just gonna have to look at this wall real quickly and um yeah does that say oh like photography's but like with an f and it's like france no it could be no one's getting it but i just want to guest friends already it would be like i guess spain went spain portugal cool portugal belgium 50. did anyone guess boom peru well would not have guessed that [Music] all right gonna go yes um yeah there's that one place that one indeed where we are look at the sky it's got the little sky loop d-loop [Music] do been streaming for three hours so i didn't even realize i was streaming for that long i'm probably gonna end very shortly [Music] um all right let's win this come on very like fish island hmm oh like i just guess oh no i probably just gave it away to him oh what we're both on our final guess etu at the end is weird to me like it's not even finland oh my gosh that flag human clutch this guy has a 50 50 still um oh god if he doesn't know he has to he doesn't notice hey all right what is that three and one that's three and one three wins and one loss we're going against ten people all right well this a cheat code when the sky is broken like that the thing is almost every time i play this game recently i just play it without moving at all just standing still and looking around um and so being able to like move and stuff is really useful well obviously i guess because everyone else is moving i wonder how like who got fired for this like somebody went the whole way with like this camera being like ripped or something in this country all right this one's gonna be tough probably you know if we have like a clue not really god um ireland right looks like that one place that one skiing video is from i mean that that's a belgium plate i'm pretty sure i don't think we're in are we in belgium yeah this could be balsam it's got that like [Music] look yeah looks so nice those look nice classy old brick great oh i wanna build a brick burn our house gonna build a brick house on the dream smp all right looks like cyrillic possibly um all right in here says shane george isn't here because this could be russia i am not russia i'm here welcome back george thank you welcome back hey i'm just waiting every time you want to see um um something from my video i recorded today oh yeah we recorded a video from uh from my channel the other day too is it comedy i like comic oh it's peak comedy i should show you something i found that's really funny hey you can't you can't say what's happening in this video though okay all right i'm sharing my screen can you see um wait where am i looking in discord okay i opened it all right show me so this is the beginning of the video and i'm just gonna i'm just gonna scroll through the video oh okay i see i see what do you think i i think it's good but i'm noticing that it's missing something oh yeah that's also there it's just in a different video i'm assuming that's what you're talking about wait what do you think i'm talking about minecraft no i'm talking about uh i'll type it oh god help me george um there we go oh i don't have that oh okay don't think we are gorgeous i don't know uh let me see we'll make an interesting guess what are the guests this could actually be russia that's malta wait really what's that flag motor flag is it is a no a flag with a b on it oh gosh oh what is that oh what yeah what are you even looking at let me see it let me see is that just a hospital flag probably yeah that's like red cross oh no i'm telling you i think this could be russia did you see those trains is it russia there's no way how do people get it so easily but none of the plates are it's not it's none of the places it's iceland iceland oh yo okay there we go i was gonna say none of the plate there's no blue thank you george you saved it well the spoiler's bad what do you think hmm what do you think pretty cool right yeah i know that'll be he's like yeah it kind of sucks to be honest that's a good idea i think it taught wait is it grace g r doesn't look like dot g r but okay um i thought the the video went really well what do you think yeah it went pretty well yeah look at that it's gonna be good that's freak oh my god it is oh my god all right when the finals come on here we go here we go now here we go now ah good old russia oh no i just 55 oh they've locked they've locked in uh can you 50 50. north macedonia oh is there something in the sky by something in the sky they probably they they tricked us we've gone to the finals five times in a row we've won three of the five that's cracked we didn't even use our 50 50 either we would have won that if they let us use our 5050 we would have won yeah oh germany [Music] germany [Music] what is that that's in german is it meant to be like the double s thing but it's like wrestling differently why are you watching that so much bad it's kind of weird to be honest it's his reaction in the end [Music] there's a funny story actually to his reaction why it was like that really why george i don't know what the story is story is that he was gonna make a tick tock like like that where he just never made lin and that was the joke and like it looped and you couldn't tell that it looped and so you'd just be watching like forever but then he actually made it in oh that's pretty cool well that's well that's true but at that point i was trying to get it in like well yeah like two hours trying to get it in so i actually as i was watching it i was literally like is this looping like at one point i'm like okay and then you were like oh it's not well yeah a lot of people guess like it's australia north africa not australia i will not get this i feel like gotta be australia um we're about to see a kangaroo okay somebody got a first try king garu i'm telling you this is australia i don't know i i said that in the first two seconds but i just feel like it's kind wow crazy yeah i don't know why they why why are they taking so long it's like only a couple places you can guess they're all waiting like me there's a dingo right there no there wasn't yeah i didn't see you anywhere it was i was walking along the side of the road wait did you just say i didn't see you anywhere yeah you're a ding-dong baby yeah that's a true story it looks like england but it's not so maybe it's island or maybe it's france would you driving on the left well he is wait i think this is this is united kingdom no it's not oh i was close it's like clear has day how do they let that look oh yeah cause there's literally there's only three countries you can possibly be congrats you're crazy look at that there's a yellow license plate oh my god it's yellow my name is george and i whoa i know where this is you know where this is no really have you got nowhere go away oh my goodness this is uk uk uk uk no probably uh it's island again oh because it's double blue you think you're so cool i think it's it yeah a little muffin head oh look at that wrong guess uk you can't it's not the uk yeah you can tell by the license plate you can oh it's not hey there you go i knew it was one of those places there's me some trick here i can't do it how can you guarantee such a thing there's not well there's yellow bad's like the only person that has watched that tick tock he just keeps looping it he can't judge me does every loop count as a view are we in are we in south africa no you don't think so i don't know i guess south africa though um but it could be no it could be a teeny no botswana could be yellow here we go it was like one of three down there [Music] [Music] there's a yellow but it's a singular yellow i mean we're close to one of those countries that have yellow huh what they like take down the sign in in between oh this is the same place um was that one place with the little sign like finland finland or something austria no oh my god oh yeah yeah it might be belgium there's only one spot left one spot left belgium has the red i'm using 50 50. it's dead mark deadmark left left left left oh my god okay hey maybe waste the 50 50. thanks congratulations very good george you didn't know what it was oh australia it's europe bad okay is it italy oh yeah they don't have double blue though that's just one car maybe spain [Music] i already told you what it was you think it's italy maybe i don't know like it's [Music] i was just saying that because that person's watching this room they actually are that was the person that you said was stream sniping before oh they are that's right this is romania what that if it's really romania oh it is what how did you know i just had a guess what what that's correct i feel like this is this is supposed to be a country that i that i should know based on the things i feel like it's russia i don't know why i went japan it's like i should know the the damn thing whoa language why am i under the bridge under the log i don't know this this is going to get a tree south korea god damn it how did i know i knew it i knew it i knew it i knew it i didn't even see any language i just was like i thought it was south korea or japan i don't know i just didn't want to waste two guesses and be completely wrong i wanted to see one sign one sign give me a sign all right this is we're doing this last thing and then i'm ending we're doing like a world thing i'm trying to get like the best score that we can okay we can't move we can like zoom and pan but we can't move the final thing we're doing okay so we're in japan yeah um no we're in japan actually yeah this this i think we're in japan i mean where go uh west west more west more west more west we're in japan like way more west there no we're in japan like to the west of china what no we're in japan um like north of russia as well it's not like southwest george no it's like west northwest southeast i'll go [Music] hey that's sick all right um my lord in australia south africa maybe it's in the outback it's in russia it could be it could be us it could be except we're not because yeah this could actually honestly i would say this there's a good chance this is the u.s yeah the fact that you said that because think gravel road right going off to the left regular road going this way mm-hmm right the film or the camera footage that was old why would they be oh no you know yeah like this that's why i know that's what i'm saying but i think that could be south africa yeah it could be could be south africa i'm gonna go here i think this is a good guess australia oh it's u.s that was my idea just to say it was my idea it was my idea to go yes you you went to south africa yeah but i brought it up i brought up the us i was the first one to bring up the us you brought it up go someone clip it go back right now and clip it yeah i brought it up i said it could be the u.s smart and then bad win and then bad win now that you mention it that was the first thing that ben said premier oh it's france no it's like germany or um um oh yeah no this is germany [Music] yeah this is spain he's right you want to know where it is [Music] i'd go actually closer to yeah go like more left maybe oh it's in madrid [Music] oh god [Music] i mean that's not bad for not being able to move all right this time this time this time we're trying harding here we go [Music] you know what that means it is so obviously it's like a long word oh that means it's germany very well could be but it's belgium it's belgium brussels it's brussels i think i know i've been huh you're lying i'll throw it in brussels ah sweden stockholm my name is george and i'm a potato i'm [Music] i think this is in the u.s i think this is in the russia [Music] so combination could be yeah see that stop sign where to the left right there something that's more important than than it is on the right just thinking like how does twitter trending work because like where would this be if you have a green silo that's a john deere tractor right there i was thinking like russia probably gets mentioned like nebraska it's not it never trump somewhere where's russia i guess yeah midwest you know they do they have nebraska kansas city maybe mm-hmm probably around there oh there we go mississippi yeah mississippi works it's but hey us okay all right george your muffin head oh george you can't you have to get lucky with where i don't know that oh my god look how close we were i was at the exact height we were in norway what the hell is this i was gonna say go more left this is like ridiculous no it's not are we in the u.s i think we could be in south america i'm going bolivia i'm going to go bolivia kind of hilly but not like mountainous maybe like over here chili okay oh we got like the right continent right next to the right country oh this is like um huh oh my god oh there's asia probably right you're a potato it could be africa where would it be where would it be in africa i don't know where it would be i'm going to tell you yeah russia you're such an idiot oh uh huh i guessed where where where is it be where is this oops open google maps i don't know you could do that hey we did um [Music] all right i'm gonna end my stream there i was a lot of fun all right fine i'll play one more we're playing again it's grease no yep no way you think it is grease all right amen name guys oh it's russia what that that is i can't tell what that sounds why would you do that i don't know moscow it's not even you are such an idiot you're like the biggest idiot two points two points no that's in canada it could be no we're in like new york look at that no it's montreal you think yeah i've been there no it's in the u.s we're in new york okay new york um new york state though not new york i'll put you over here and some like i don't know ah that's closer to new york city here's new york though russia oh my god no there's three there's blue there's blue there's blue it's blue it's blue it's blue [Music] it's malta nah look at that building all right that's malta so cool and colorful impossible all right we'll go there it's belgium probably though ah wow it is france i was right and i said it's belgium probably so i should have gone like close to the border wow we're cracked johnny we're not even moving it's england wait look around let's see if i can work out where it is it is england zoom in you know this person you're like holy [ __ ] that's carl he lives down the street look around look around slowly zoom in go zoom in i don't want to look over there look at the actual good stuff on the street all right oh my goodness they're driving on the wrong side of the road this could be the okay i know where is the where bombing him all right where's that that's here oh yeah where do you think um you see where it's uh go in down there up on that yellow thing there there right there i thought you said you lived in the uk they said you lived there oh look geez we're in a it's like we're like in a bus traveling between locations we're trying let's see if we can figure out where the train is oh look it's the it's the switzerland flag right now on the right sounds japanese what if it's the bullet train yeah thank you soon i don't know this is fine that sign does look japanese doesn't it oh it is i'm correct all right wait wait wait wait where is where trains in in here in japan okay maybe no where's the train no no no no it's not gonna be tokyo it's not gonna be tokyo oh what train here no go up just go up go up go out go go go go go go go out oh this train oh go out look i know but i'm following this no it's not gonna be any of those trains no no no listen it's going up though it's going okay tell me where then just scroll out and then it's in the bottom left that's it yeah it was soccer yeah this is gonna be where it's gonna be more like i would probably guess in between the two islands right i guess and then look for a train and then go oh okay you see that train yeah right there right there that's it george your muffin head oh it was where bad was gonna say yeah well that's so smart it's obviously a longer distance travel train george jeez jeez oh it's obvious but instead you went into the major metropolitan that's so obvious george what an idiot this is actually the last one no matter what france i'm just teasing you charge by the way you think wow what are you watching it's stockholm [Music] let's figure out exactly where then we can't do that no we can stadian oh yeah there it is no i'm just saying we can find it around here if we're actually in stockholm no but we are just it's just scroll out slightly ah okay i found it okay sauna right there you're just guessing [Music] it's right there just let me click it and just go click it and go i want to see you click and go i want to see what are you seeing look stadium it's like a park yeah it's a park park with like a building it's right there it's right there i think we're actually in stock and we're probably not even in stockholm all right go somewhere else and see what happens just do it just chill one second george oh my god all right whatever yeah well congrats oh that's legitimate no it's not you you were over here i oh i could have found that if i had spent more time so that's pretty good four nine eight eight you know you're not gonna why not i could find that yeah okay all right where are you then all right well i know what country we're in yeah which one um chile [Music] more southern region of chile there's no need to feel down look at that that a peru flag that could be a peru flag maybe we're in peru oh wait is it peru that has these no i think i think it's chill i think brazil has it split into sections i think peru maybe we're in peru i think there's more peru than brazil oh my goodness that's stinking mouth that's the same mountain it's not the same it literally is i can't remember i think that's the problem therefore i'm gonna go for peru yeah i there's a mountain to like basically the south like southwest a little bit um it's the same mountain dream probably not let's find out maybe we're here [Music] he watches your tech talk to find out george keep watching to find out all right we'll just go here [Music] okay oh we were in chile that was right there was a peru flag though that's why i went for peru man oh i was so right i was so right i love it colombia oh it's england no it's columbus literally actually it is england yes and i know exactly where it is where investigate let me see choice okay so we've got a stop sign i've got a post office all right it's northern northern england zoom in over there can you zoom in i'm doing that over there over here all right uh we got some cars okay no that's scotland that's still scotland all right um all right you see uh you see sheffield it's there it's in sheffield it's in northern sheffield you're too close then no luxembourg there there literally that literally there you're on it you're on it oh my god it's oh wow it was it was further in scotland it was in scotland it's actually scotland australia actually no this is south africa right well maybe maybe it's maybe it's south america we don't know no this this is south africa okay it could be very well could be right it looks it looks like that one scene from that one movie yeah i don't know exactly what you're talking about um yeah this is south africa i watched this one documentary once and it could be i'm getting like brazil vibes but i'm getting like southern brazil vibes like somewhere around here maybe but all right we'll go africa i i i think you could be right i think you could be right i feel like i don't know in in south africa maybe we'd be in botswana then how good is the picture quality okay i hit him um if it it could be u.s we literally could be in southeast asia like that this is so vague we're not going to get anywhere i don't know i feel like we're not in africa like i i'm telling you it's like this it's either south africa or it's an older u.s picture from a dirt road it was taken in the 1980s when all the roads were being paved i feel like i feel like this is like i'm getting more the more i'm thinking about it the more i'm thinking i'm getting like they didn't have this good camera the more i think about it the more i'm getting like thailand or something the more i think about it i'll go i'm gonna go i'll go botswana just because south africa but it's not south africa like this isn't this there's no way the trees kind of give me the south africa well yeah but this is botswana is in south africa what about lesotho then like literally in south africa but like it could be south africa you could be right i just feel like it's like it's not i might be wrong i'm gonna go eswatini i'm gonna go like over here in like a green my second guess would be us if it wasn't south africa was right i was right i was spot on my last place i clicked was over here in thailand man i told you it was thailand [Music] this is oh no way does that say empire what empire state what has the blue on the bottom of the license plates [Music] it looks like we're very northeast we're not new york we're not in new jersey [Music] [Music] empire okay so this is definitely it's definitely more northern oh yeah no this is northeast that is a very unique i'd say somewhere around boston that look at that roof design that's such a weird roof design right [Music] just see empire uh oh it was it was ohio wow that was my first instinct and i'm going more near washington but it was ohio that's what i thought yeah wow there's all right well that was the end we're pretty good on that one we can't even move look how close we got to most of them and the thailand one i if i i probably would have gone to thailand i would have gone chilly too oh i should have just all right that was a lot of fun guys bye um thank you for coming to my alt stream i had a lot of fun four hours wow a long time mm-hmm i'll probably stream bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: GeorgeNotFoundVODS
Views: 476,243
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cBAePvmFPnc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 240min 39sec (14439 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 09 2021
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