Dream SMP Ep. 14

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no one's even here yet so now I'll have that they probably will let just go back and see it I don't think it even shows up on the vaad it does last time when we did that and then like I said like penis or whatever I'm like it um like someone it was a beta it's like a compilation thing oh I need a tweet wait guys but no one's here I'm gonna say live and then I'm gonna link my twitch oh that's my Twitter whoops wait for it and tweet Oh everyone's here hello hello everyone yeah we're here hello I have like really broken stuff okay I guess I'll just take this sword I have so much broken amadeur and what do I do with that I want to combine it into new armor but I haven't any new armor you said you have a bunch of broken armor okay I have one set of there's a lot of chest plates and leggings Punk's have out it's not that Oh dream have I shown you this thing in the English rip mine no you tried I saw it coming whatever I tried guys I tried don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me don't try and trap me it's okay I'm not I'm not I need food did you actually admin know what does this do what is what do this okay I don't know what's happening I need food there who subbed Andrew burden and his dream bad boy hello snappy nappy or you the thickest I would probably say dream is the thickest Kennedy Church thank you for stopping okay and then like saw on my human Tory my inventory is so messed up I have so much random stuff what do I do with Papa fish I put it in the cast that's what I do with eat it you eat it really no poisons yeah soap pumps throwing stuff at me one hang on that's how to read from here stop never taught em three I don't know if I said there oh my god I don't know if I said that right but thank you for subbing stop throwing stuff at me only a little bit alright and with all the traps back I'll be glossed on there I can't even see roughly you go down first right now go down just get down the whole punk one he just places class last second kate has gifted a sub to cats running Thank You artsy thing is subscribed Thank You G please hop honk to talk to G on Twitter would you rather me donate six dollars or use the six dollars to subscribe well twitch takes a big cut of a ton of a sub so you're basically giving money to take you take you take a big cut of donation to it's not which but like we actually mind stuff like in no we have a long list of things to do we have a lot of did on the thingy told me about it it's 250,000 likes about 200,000 I think right now what did something I build on this rain can we sleep and Garrett at the rain yeah where's poem you have to sleep or you can log out my god punk is so annoying I don't want your stuff and he changed the courthouse let's go to the courthouse and say yo PO you bunk sleep thank you subscribe well I guess I'm not going to sleep now Oh Punk wants to be in teams because I move man hey where is he noobs Punk you have to be a good boy okay where are you you're nowhere what are you all the way down it was gonna was moved to your chat at least think you just log out if you want wait it's more realistic this way yeah if you simple and dream were cell you would be the mitochondria dream would be the outer membrane and so now would be the way of jelly inside that makes sense does make sense this is for dream hi my friend Claudia really loves you so could you like say hi to her something nice it will make a day oh yeah whole life Oh Claudia Claudia hi Claudia like your name I do say hi to everyone for me too and I have what what a an XP grinder you made one yeah oh you're gonna kill me kill me what are we ready for you I have no idea what the best thing my god it's pretty far we feel like there be closer thank you what yes sorry for yeah I want to come see it I haven't seen the thing something hidden behind these portraits did you know dream has the same birth is Dixie de Mayo and George has the same birthday as we did we did know that we did know that actually and then like somebody's was like the same as or mom or something who was that I don't wait let me look something up one second or it's like sap naps wait when days before or something oh no yeah child Amelia's is May 1st and I think salmon ops is like April 1st or something where are you going dream no I'm so behind on you have a pressure plate I don't trust you moti and ROS I thank you all for subbing I appreciate it where are you guys what is it what are we calling this thing the thing that's I'm not though all right the wire to get some fish and chips at the mall Simon see I can English joke we don't call it the mall this is cool and it's pretty cool how much for you to cool dream clay for the rest of the stream I don't know I that's just I would just be weird I want to do that thousand dollars this is cool good job so you see this lever it opens up the little thing yeah we need one for this side as well the trees like strapped on these trees here I will get to it a third next one I was gonna read I'm just behind on on reading them I'm sorry I'll read it your worries oh I read this one okay look he loved all your videos we should make it symmetrical like I then add this on this on the right side we don't do that I like it I've returned George you guys have an awesome Safari world which I could join in well I'm sorry it's just for us right now because if we just let I want and then it would be ruined this room crash and I probably would crash as well it's 1.16 can't handle that many players so what is the goal for this stream George I don't know look curious I made a space for you guys on my personal so I would invite you but I don't want to be a nuisance of dedicated space what does that mean you have like a little build for us you can send us a picture on Twitter also you decide awesome twisting real so yeah let's see what's on the list hey George can you ah stream to check his Twitter dams real quick it's pretty important I think you should both know about that my ass is X Brooklyn hallo if you need it st. Paul goes pagas Hoggett that is so pagas oh my god all good and j9 caddy thank you for subbing Paul so what can we do tree house of okay no okay no pool user joined your channel I just saw your would you think did you get the 2020 George or the still in 2019 its 2020 every single one every single one's a bang is your mic different than usual minecraft monsters and plugging his Twitter please Georgia today no heyyo just temporarily moved into an apartment while the virus is going on really needed a stream tonight today's my first day wish me luck good luck in your new apartment you from Tennessee because you're the only turnover higher thank you Comfort thank you for serving no worries I know you can't let us join blessing you line out of the Dryad ages ago and the dedicated space was a list of names hey George mice in my survival in my survival dream as a green parrot sound up as a dog what would you like to be named you mean like what animal should I be mm I don't know what I know what I can be let me see I want to be just a name underscore dinnerbone I'm sorry let me see what's a movie that you could watch over and over again not necessary your favorite movie just one that you've never tired of I don't know they're really long so maybe I wouldn't watch the entire thing for streaming my proof house watch tower I want to do the where is the volcano portable we're making the portal look like a volcano well we're gonna build like a giant wall like a giant volcano around it oh can we make the never pool like more proof because that'll take about multiple we need like nether stuff and I mean I'm gonna take it'll be like a multistream thing maybe not do that right now finish never finish late what do we need to finish about the lake fish put them in there more sea pickles place every single qcq we need to we need to get silk touch and we need like silk touch the coral reef O'Callahan yeah we need the silk touch pick that punk is hiding from us block if you want my name is kami I love I love you even tell James sound up in pomp I love them too we don't have an anvil oh yeah I broke it I just I just named enough things on there just broke and naturally Bert what why do you grab it this is mine what it's not even yours and we need it for the quarry's what I mean yeah it's where we can get the quarry oh yeah I'm coming with you we don't even need boats just come just leave because cannon punk well there's no cake and I'm sick of waiting like here can I take my spot no take my spot come back on I'm going to my bed I'm by my bed you can take my spot he's not coming back or did he come back biggest joke Oh mommy because cap asked me oh my god $50 donation oh my god thank you so much that is a lot of money I have two sugar mommies now [Laughter] I'm sorry I was all right George Lee's doing this that's not you come to hunt let's get it thank you for the support hey should I bring should we get more fish while we're here ooh where'd the buckets we should grab the buckets there's a bunch of buckets we know more we can grout yeah come and get some buckets surgery range egg foam there's and there's more buckets where the buck weight this loads in here right oh they're gone yeah here here here's turning into Sapna I'm reading that correctly by the way dream I figured out what my problem was whoa you guys is donations is that I read them in my mind quicker than I say them you're just oh yeah I'm sure I'm serious that's what's happening when I read o nation quick Sam - yeah low down you purposely slowed down that what you can read it I know so I can speak it like so it can come out of my mouth register it in my brain you slow down that way you can say it correct thing [Music] when they gift me a u2's they don't know they don't care streaming today I need some smiles how far away is it it's not that far like just around here somewhere it's like past this spruce area I think George do you have a discord if so how do I join also please name what I meant by the George once I I do not have a discord currently but I might get one in the future however this work okay why this trio what's up and get that tree fixed hey I was just wondering if you could name your firstborn son I guess you'll have to wait but George oh hey I have the silk touch pickaxe whoa look at all these yellow fish lost donation for me tonight because I ended up do anything over 30 years last time if you actually check your Twitter DM z-- you'll see the line art and I'll give you this IP to see the legends Highland and yes throw their rings fantastic it's good get the fish in idioms thank you for the donations see you pickles pickles anything like a pickle lights they're actually called George you need you like the all the different colors okay like coral oral oh my god I just got here what did I miss nothing really actually we just are coming to get some of this coral you will after a stressing stressful day of testing testing as in like exams I feel so much like I'm really crushing on dream trainee oh oh my god my god I'm blushing oh my god I just found a rare fish in the black tank what what is happening I did not like that what happened I don't know okay so when so dream when's our wedding that's not me asking when the wedding is that this game is weird well we have to get so much of this stuff and it's really annoying because it just like floats around in the water yeah I gotta collect it all you gotta go like the little things - yeah I'm getting them the court like the fines yeah good job hey Jodi have any offensive the pebble world was the cost of Mean Girls it would be I think he knows the cast of Negroes I think I have seen me weight his Mean Girls wait someone quickly tell me what it is do you any you know you remember you remember these poison Alliance poison III all of them George normally nicknamed their names has like girl names that's that is that from that movie trying to remember you you know you remember you know what I'm talking about this is from like oh yeah I do the Deena hello I'm telling you about something happened like five years ago yeah I don't know who would be it would be the cost probably probably dream I'm sorry what dramatic would be the cast they're saying who would like which girls like those are what they're saying I think you were gonna be all of them that's what I'm saying [Music] you should stream on me ask what day is it today I'm probably like birth there's no it's okay I will name my firstborn after you it's fine don't worry it's all good what nothing hello George now you'll be counsel would have fun whilst you still kind oh my god it's copper that donated okay we're canceled opera just canceled us that's believed and say bad words I didn't mean to obviously not intelligent enough to get out of the way when I'm mining smiles I just hit it again I am streaming how getting in my way I'm gonna trap you how much of this stuff do I have anymore Yost messed up I don't do coral reefs like there's sea pickles and these coral things grow back otherwise were just like harvest this court I think it doesn't place we're just ruining this it's okay it's okay no but I mean you know coral reefs are like already messed up in real life why are there's so many different things brain coral phone you have like nothing what have you done it's hard to do everything I'm trying I'm trying this icon George George is like actually terrible at multitasking it's like the definition of like I saw a fish and I saw it and I turned around to like get away from it and then I ran into another boat fish right behind me nice sound music it's gonna mute I'm gonna catch up I'm sorry for everyone if I've missed your donation I'm catching up right now okay sorry I asked you to name something literally anything after weight whoops sorry I asked you to name something literally anything else to me by the way my name is hope okay honestly wish we could hello pH group chat exists the Dream Team pH was that pH much la from Philippines thank you Miss Jana again that's our baby I appreciate you thank you for something and Becca son hello Becca son son map thought I was too popular to read but here I am not being on her read you because I only had 16 years yeah I'm sorry but that's call you stream now Becca's and streams or maybe stream before eyes didn't I George is better than dream of life George is better than dream my life baby maybe a thousand things let's see okay no lost donation with this maybe I can't guarantee anything oh wow things breaking very quickly okay I'm trying to be productive in in game and productive reading donations but it's hard to do both okay what is this bubble bubble okay so there's like two different things car all the fans go on top okay gotta where was I I want to give George a hug but he probably won't make her a turn because I'll probably smother him or digs aside we do you guys like some fan art we can never have the best ways is to answer some Twitter all this stuff floating around give me give me give me okay no I need this on the horn coral and the brain coral why you know what reading Doh knows okay I'm trying I'm doing my best okay no so if you remember but I'm the one who draw who drew the April Fool's wedding fan ah oh I did see that one I don't know if this is the same one and you basically you tweeted out like instantly and everyone's like how do you draw that so quickly we got my own dream wants me to come back one sec Joanie's sentence I love you George thank you Joanie I appreciate that I wanted to say thank you for all the others always putting a smile on my face thank you for being a light and be friends I do enjoy our content you can color coordinate better than me and now I can actually see color you can color coordinate better than me and I can actually see color I mean I'm just reading them it's like these are all the fire ones he's the horns either bubbles but um yeah just reading thank you I try my hardest on Twitter if you all need me to rain just let me know also George if you look say hi we love you guys the dream is big poopoo group chat that is the best name I think I've ever come up with for anything I'm glad you guys can have the best name ever okay okay where was I I'm trying to catch up on the donations now dream he's killing me stop no no I'm trying to catch up on donations week on dreaming what I'm trying to read the donation yours that trash you got talk to us that's so many I'm sorry you can read them while you're while you're makes it so hard my god maybe not myself is that dream I can hear myself for that's me okay and again I'm gonna try catch up on the donations oh you've been gone for like five minutes you still didn't catch up on donation or I'm sorry or just popular acting like you're like getting like a million dollars in donations when in reality it's just that you're trash of reading that I'm not that he's worse than me I think it's awesome tweet about that earlier about like five minutes George reading a donations again and then sometimes like reading a book but you guys just I don't know whose Mago just just cook bored someone going to give you my money thank you all right I'm starting to stream because George's trash let's go turn the stream guys sab nap I don't know who's George he smells like a door I am really bored because George doesn't know how to read I'm sitting here in teamspeak 3 okay move into your channel says duck deep EVP oh my god I've gotta increase the donation threshold might is it gonna die I might I might because it is like it's just hard to keep up with everything it's easier for something up because no one was a donate don't make me make a diss track on your dude you stand no chance donation is higher so he gets less coming up that's not even just you know just accept excuses and dream-team diss tracks yes push me off my thing I'm sitting here so I can read that's what you get first standing on my trap why a long time ago George and I had an idea of doing like a Minecraft diss track like as a meme right and like IDM notch about it was like wheat like would you be in it hutch was like I don't really do you funny a funny meme like the creator of minecraft like dissing minecraft I thought it'd be funny but obviously it's just more of a meme got the whole quorum I only have one how is that possible I do nothing all day and the time you decide to stream is the time I make chocolate-covered frozen bananas oh my god good well to be fair it was it wasn't it wasn't just he made maybe he would have said yes it was just that thank ya we asked to use his like his mansion as like a backdrop like oh we would go there and like film and epic music video well that would have been your face reveal dream obviously I think I'll do that just so it's not constantly talking to us mine's 10 10 1 minus 5 I think what is mine I think mine's just I think my minimum donation is too and then the TTS is just too as well I'll make my minimum TTS is less what do you call that a parrot fish I have it please place it place it down I want to see it TTS gonna steal it I'm not gonna steal it all my buckets are taken okay it's now 5 make it 10 everyone saying they hit 10 I'll do look doesn't even look like a parrot now how do you find well just saying it's a para fish so it's called and what same 10 yeah make it 10 because it's the thing is kind of annoying to be honest okay it's 10 fine you guys win all the donations are sad now I'm sorry guys but it's still good if you donate $10 old it'll read out and you can still read the donations even though the Texas beaches are on it actually makes it easier for you to read it because you can read it quicker than the text-to-speech okay I think we have enough of everything or we're gonna go back words doesn't know yes like look as inventory ously needs at least like a stack of each have close you still need pickled fish yeah that's what I thought that's what I thought they even say anything I'm scared George collect all your memes I'm trying like I can't do everything at once that you guys are stressing me out then we're here to look at these names George I am collecting the memes yes give me those memes the compote was me so I want to see reaction it was fun that you're reacting process that was not explained that was not explaining minecraft masters and can you check out my Twitter please is this like a meme this guy is donating like every stray my asking me to check out his Twitter and ask about my it's gonna be a trolling us I regime are you gonna do the big announcement about my [ __ ] masters history or cut big announces like littering nothing's changed and this guy asks for updates every stream let's we've had that was a tiny update the dream already mentioned but uh what was the time you had missed it he got a little mock up for some awards made like low trophies what oh sorry sorry I wanted to put George on trial dream what we're taking too long to like mine stuff would you guys ever play high pick I just realized the pts minimum amount doesn't work can you guys stop trolling me it's annoying I'm just trying to sit here and read please oh my god I'm just killing something up okay thank you leave you should be able to at least move and mind stuff like you haunt like why do I sit still I just get on icon you have a second monitor you can just okay yeah also helping you like you don't sound guys I cannot handle this okay text-to-speech minimum amount to read it says 10 oh that one didn't read right maybe it's fixed now I don't know okay wait we'll see so annoying I'm just trying to read leave me alone leave me alone please am i safe oh my god he's gonna kill me why is he killing me oh my god what is he doing wait what he's like he's like Jesus okay this is really not making anything easier but um I have wood I don't have wood I'm just gonna go be alone over here because these people are ridiculous I'm just trying to be nice I'm gonna read my my donations okay where was I when when you finally let me in the voice Channel I'm tired of waiting George it's Obama I don't know Obama was meant to be here lost stream he did show up but he wasn't talking for some reason it's kind of strange so if you miss lost stream that's that's on you guys Obama was here I promise I'm gonna drown don't feel bad about missing some donors yeah it is I don't know I find that kind of hot I read everything but they're all ago it's so easy but um all the Dolphins giving me dolphin speed but yeah I'm trying my best guys to Rio donations and if I do miss them I'm really sorry I'm sorry I didn't mean to okay let me up okay where was I you were moved oh my god when you get the chance can I please be efficient my name is death also I love you all so much thank you for making me laugh let's be friends okay I will name you a fish let me get you a fish right now let's see which one can you be I'm drawing you can wake up you can be this fast over half I'm drowning again oh there we go okay you are an emperor red snapper yeah dream is poking me I'm awake guys I'm awake I'm here okay I will hopefully remember to name you this fish here let me write write it down over here should be my last for the night my senior year watching you has been a breath of fresh air thank you for what you do yeah I know this is random but you remind me of me see and dream reminds me of my really good friend named Alina anyways keep okay I'm drowning again okay this is really dangerous waiting donations in water I'm just drowning everywhere okay you and James should stream or play hypixel sky blog I'm really yeah I know the TTS minimum isn't working I don't know why I did say that you know I don't know why it didn't work Obama was here last stream he was just stuck in the nether I'm stuck in the nether yeah that's why we didn't see him everyone trusts me he was the maybe if I change it through the settings in the software let me see their nation was oh my god why are these people so annoying a lot settings minimum to trigger a lot down a message Texas speech minimal to read ok 10 done that might have worked now ok hopefully that work I don't know we'll find out ok we'll find out in the future ok let me see you trash because I want to take you out that is disgusting I am NOT trash oh let's see if it worked get dream to say I love you it didn't work I I don't know why I don't know why I didn't work I'm trying I'm literally like 10 minutes behind on donations on this idiots gonna hit me off the off the thing in all seriousness how is he so cute I hear his responsible that who gave you pretty genes I don't know no comment but um thank you for the kind words I appreciate it okay I don't know why I need like sit on a cobblestone pole to read donations but like I just can't I just can't when there's so many backlog like this you got to increase the donor threshold my ears are gonna die yeah I this software is like broken I said let me see if it's saved properties donations down a message entry it doesn't save oh wait TTS is not even enabled somehow hey look I don't know I don't know how this works I don't know how oh okay here we go I don't know minimum to read it is show message text-to-speech enable TTS okay maybe this will work now done it's my work I'm not sure you will need to stop balling billing George I can't ask either this is true they're billing me they are definitely bullying me hi George when are you gonna react to the AUSA dream not taking memes I did not know that was a subreddit um and I'm scared of what's gonna be in there but I will have a look after this room if I can remember sure him not taken I did not know how was a thing it sounds scary and who has subscribed green-green Aroo toes and rogue Rakim thank you for subbing I appreciate that oh wait did it work I know that was bits I think oh my god sign up I might fall for you well I've been falling for some time he's pushing me off my stupid tower I'm trying to read donations hey George the video is that almost 200,000 likes are you ready for the very much is it really Oh No we'll just beat him again it's fine maybe you guys can do it live by the way much love to you and dream big and much love to you and dream the career you guys really make my day during the hottest days of college I'm glad we're in England do you from look I didn't walk Mike okay this software doesn't work okay maybe maybe this dream has to stop and start again maybe a walking Xtreme I don't know I really don't know I set the setting and I saved it but it didn't walk which is not my fault I changed it you can't blame me poor George you're doing great don't worry thank you I tried my hardest this should be my last dinner for the night but I just wanted to say that through all of what's going on right now through missing out on the end of my senior year watching y'all has been a breath of fresh air thank you for what you do thank you so much I'm glad you like our content I mean it's a lot okay have I nearly got enough stuff yeah I feel like I've been getting so much what do I ever peepee on your people I'm not sure how to answer that how do you pronounce Chile as in the country I think it's pronounced well I don't know I probably say Chile but I'm pretty sure it's Chile all right I would say Chile costantly Chile yeah I know this is random but you remind me of XD and the dream reminds me of my really good friend Elena wait who's XD like the emoji you just were I to remind you of like XD like anyways keep up the good work away thank you thank you so much Obama was he lost dream he was just stuck in that he was stuck in the nether get your him to say I love you let me see why is he okay I think okay I will he says it all the time I'll ask him that when I when I go back after finishing reading all my donations oh my god oh all fours gifted us up to unknown thank you all for and poor has donated a bit since let's check out my last bit don't know okay let me see oh I just read that I'm sorry it was 9 minutes late I'm sorry forgive me I go I have to catch up I'm so bad at reading reading donations I'm fine at reading it's just hard for me to read whilst trying to play the game is challenging to say the least we're in England are you from I'm from London and oh my god I'm caught up on donations would you look at that okay let me double check my settings because I'm pretty sure I set the thing to ten let me just double check really quickly and then I shall go back the teamspeak and talk to everyone so donation donation TTS men amount serratus has $10 I really don't know why it doesn't work hmm oh wait what's it says five now how donation TTS ten it says ten now okay I just made it a hundred I saved it and then let's change it back to ten and save it yeah okay hopefully it's fixed now but channel switch don't mean door I'm streaming hello be appropriate I'm streaming George well with both screaming dream is my god and guess what guys I'm streaming as well come check me out guys everyone make sure to choose my stream over George's wait you can you can like isn't there a thing where you can watch Thank You Jake for the sub it's like wait did you guys go there yeah you're just taking too long thank you no it's hot guys curium is building me and sound up is bullying me no you're just okay I'm not bullying you it's not something my fault that you're being stupid you mute your sounds you're like I'm ten minutes but you said this is a quote from you I think for the sub live I'm ten minutes behind on donations and like you're sitting there like not even reading donations like you're just mining I'm like talking about like something random and then you're like I'm ten minute I said you could just speedrun that I feel like thank you for the nation what's the and then read their donation or read them after the stream but you just you you abandoned us you abandon us you you all trying to kill me you guys were bullying because you abandon us we were killing to get your attention that way you would come back that doesn't help you a decision for the sub that just makes it worse what you should have been paying attention to us we all felt abandoned that's why I had this dream thank you rotted GN for the sub lots of subs let's go everybody sup you can use your twitch prime if you want you get for free you have Amazon Prime you get a free sub so what you're trying to say is you wait what is it Q Alyssa for so we're trying to say that you're the bully and that you're just salty that my stream title says George sucks and I have 5,000 viewers ok that's what you're saying thank you for the sub hunter he's gonna put my stream poo poo pants or something stupid where's my stupid channel here it is we can't boo-boo pants I'm like a boo-boo bear back how do I edit my title we're talking about GA publication hardly broke so many times here we go I'm so sorry Zoe I will make sure to respond I liked it I think I thought it was funny I saw it there was a great idea alright I have updated my title I guys don't understand you Bellamy for the sub what's his title somebody tell me nobody go to a stream just like search it and you can tell me the title ok happy I'm good how are you thank you for the donation we have a lot of we have a lot of a lot of materials actually we you need to come back with the coral we can actually fill in the lake okay how we how we gonna handle doing 20 people reading donations now you can just need again like you where I don't mind they want me to say Yankee with no broom just the way you say it makes my day so much better than than you I don't know how do I said I don't have to do it like the way or just when I say yank you and no broom Yankee would know brim that's how I say Chavez Rivas puh everybody everybody's just roasting you in my chat help please help honk gee II love some punk she loves you Oh everything's killing me weird how do you make a comeback you rabid bear for the sub how do you make a hopper like that's a cauldron oh it's a chest have a good stream thank you how do you pronounce this name I mean all caps for some reason hey what oh it's like it's like this is that way how do you make the how to make the hopper it's like how you make a chute yeah a few [Music] what's a shoe please I love you guys stop having George you're cute Sophie think of the donation to us or well might want to get lots of seeds Archie Palmer my gay friend Sam DX that gonna be like a meme or something otherwise shout out to that person I want to say it again just in case it's some meme but shout out let's go where did the bone go go J blizzard thank you for the sub thank you so much for the prime so I have to click it I can't just that's kind of dumb I broke the ground this is your mother you wet the bed there's pee stains everywhere get get off your computer now and clean it up that's a subreddit dream non-vegan another part of that Rena you mean probably soon one of those talked about in the video skew Anita for the sub everybody if you haven't already make sure to leave Georgia stream on Twitch exams thank you for the so verified he's a fake stream dreams more entertaining this it's okay and stay here with me I love all of you guys stream watch ready yes hashtags enjoyed they think everyone guys I love you too thank you very much everybody hashtag George is a stinky poo that's the hashtag everybody in George's chat I better see it in George's chat and my chat thank you hey Ron this is for you emo or Emma I don't know how to pronounce it yeah oh I have no levels left Yass for the sub yes I'm personally going to fight anyone who left to go dream I have to go to dream stream exactly that's extreme fighting a lot of people and everybody's like staying for George staying with Joe everybody everybody obviously obviously not everybody thank you Toria for the sub George I love you platonically Thank You Natalie thank you plant weed for the sub that was good good timing that you had that fan out made thank you hashtag stay with George everyone get it trending on Twitter get it trending on Twitter Thank You moon Prince for the sub and we're just trying to finish the Lake George did you bring home this stuff my two dads please don't make me choose I don't know whoa video is almost that 20 50 dozen likes are you ready for the rematch are you excited maybe you could stream it I also want to let you guys you guys make me happy during hard times oh thank you so much wait it doesn't automatically remove it I think yeah I'm excited it'll be fun I mean I think we're gonna probably do a rematch even if it didn't get there like all I guess but get another hopper and put it on the side I think you think it well upper under it so unsaid thank you CP please maybe on the side what I don't know we can try the side and get get two chests and we can fill it up with with the with seeds and it just constantly go through so how many of you in Georgia play high pixel Skyblock I would love that so much yeah that'd be we could let's the hashtag viewers let's go let's get him to zero everybody I'm just kidding guys I'm just joking I just I could delete Durham what dream you just plopped me into the wall trying to do this this is so bad just put it in the sky what do you like higher up you're gonna have the chest in the water what is wrong with you in the water wow so much it works does but can we have it out the side that's the question all right I was told to boil you George it's under bully you I'm punching you on me I punch Pig you're a loser you suck oh I'm just kidding I love you and this thing makes horrible noises what's fine it's just we can leave it constantly running over here I have both Thank You T TV legendary miles for the sub honk if you attack me one more time you're done for why is bonemeal in there you don't think thank you you're a senpai for the sub I have both of you it's that the sound doesn't get annoying please for him to take the toilet dams you better have dreams stream muted not my Juan no well they only did yours just like in here at your donation but oh no they can hear you through mine that's right I'm gonna have to try so TV such profound yes as he doesn't appreciate you like I do make sure to stay wherever and leaked your face my IRL friend just donated and said tell everyone about the time you meet me to get a scratch card so he kept buying these scratch surprises and fun at him from phone for like just wasting his money and then this one day I was like going I guess gosh card you're gonna lose your money again and then you will he won like a hundred pounds for my awesome thing thank you here percaya and he thought he was just here kya the most epic person ever for the new up I pronounce it pronounced it right gambling is bad must be at least 18 whatever it is and even if you're right thank you even for the donation thank you for the kind words yes gambling is Haram thank you for giving me an excuse for staying awake yes you're welcome it's the best excuse what are you doing George don't chase me down you've been fighting me all Stram got out my fellow high schoolers who are taking a push tomorrow I don't know what that is a push it's like a sign language course dream really a PF o a pap okay it's like you didn't even go to school obviously Matty oh but dream George is so much better than you had everything like what name one thing and one thing George is better than that I'll counter actor oh my god what just happened hey it's Nicole was gifted how many was that oh my god thank you for the sub-sites thank you hey it's Nicole if you got a sub from Nicole make sure to thank them my god ten sighs I'll tell you one thing he's not better than that it's uploading I have guys everyone dreams true if for some reason you know it's up to me it's up to me um yeah I've seen everybody coming out to Marvin's as he we recorded his video three days before reported the video I uploaded yesterday and my video or my recording was like three and a half hours long or something in his recording was like an hour in 30 minutes and I got mine out three days like quicker than him it's called being it's called it's called being right okay okay listen to him these are rules come come to the deck dreamy I saw this out well being a fish and come of it your fish come overhead room you're a fish come over here dream I want to show you something Thank You moon I will be safe what do you wanna show me George what do you wanna show me in the wrong way we're over here okay thanks Oh Saba didn't it sir he's better at showing his face okay there's one thing better I've got all these goods which if you had my stream open you would be able to see I don't have an open it's okay but um yeah but everyone also explained what do we do with all this coral stuff oh we need to make like coral stuff and thank you Abby how do I place it like I don't know love you to look good I love you too - um let's look how Alyssa did it she's smart what oh you see the merchants squared let's I originally I will I promised I would that's the core has gifted okay I don't promise I'm pretty trapped at that thank you so much Nicole you know I'll try let's he sobs oh my god what keyboard you have this looks so Logitech I know yeah it's a Logitech one leave your the donation oh oh they removed the coral I thought they had quarrel I wait in there little thing there they didn't have Coral Thank You Jupiter for the sub that's a lot of subs make sure to say thank you to Nicole if you got a free sub from them did you Evan name something off to me I know you you may go for the sub my love dream but you're better both streams because George was dreaming and then he left us and now he came back because he knew that his dream would be better with us here but he came back I had to and now we're hoping he mutes again oh that's so nice donated just to say happy birthday everybody whose birthday it is yeah happy birthday everybody has a birthday today this will be a few people that hold that birthday today more than a few I'm sure more than a few how many people taking the AP u.s. History test now I know what that is I'm gonna have these these sub notifications going for so long oh my god we don't we almost done with the boom you know um I'd say Bellevue that probably Velveeta yeah what am i doing I'm being noob you mad killer for the sub or just better at being adorable ah that's questionable what I'm back I'm the only say that because you haven't seen me okay is this gonna get me the level please please please oh thank you hello for the sub okay I won my my old mic by the way like my my old mic which is way better like I don't know if it sounds but if it sounds good it is very overwhelming to watch both streams I was angry I should just pick my my WAN yeah that they're not gonna be able to hear what your mic sounds like cuz they're all on my stream but like that doesn't make sense alright here we go hope here is your tropical fish into the chest MX mackenzie-smith alright Smith's up to me before they sup to you do you still have the head yeah I haven't resolved the coral I do think are we gonna do it yes we're trying to learn how to save but you guys are making it really really hard bun-bun what does that mean save money oh thank you for the donation just save if you need to save money save money don't donate it to me Thank You Audrey one for the sub what are we doing with this coral we need to place it down somewhere yeah we need a place all around the whole lake you want to give me like half of it sure I will give you half of everything you give me the silk touch pick y'all funny there you go thank you for the donation yeah George is the tobe of the drinking exactly exactly Toby get out of here get out of here he's totally leave get out of here Toby get out I don't like this everyone's billing me how do we make these Carl things you just like let me try you've got Donna is that it who's killing me I'm not just being mean you don't get it then it's not me being mean this is an office joke thank you for the subs chickie oh this looks bad yeah I'm gonna add I'm gonna add emotes for sure do you love her I love you joy me too dreamy doesn't I have twelve emo it's guys well I will have I'm gonna have more emotes and you cos guess what I can just took an L you don't want to argue because you know it's true now for now so yeah we need like place down these coral things or if I put a red one on that recently so entertaining you I love you I love you too Zoe I thought you loved me I do okay we can't load multiple people getting a new kitty tomorrow any ideas any name ideas from all of you someone yes do not do that if you do that Sapna that's the last thing definitely don't oh I messed up that looks bad look we have so much I don't know Thank You moon for the sub depends what the cat like looks like I think just a random name thank you for the sub lowered dreams volume he's loud the world and thank you for the donation [Music] I paid room to bully you so it's only fair fair if I pay you to bully him now okay dream you're stupid and I hate you what it's at least make up her saying you love me see pickles thank you so much for the donation I'm not telling he just bullied me I'm not telling him I'm sorry but thank you for the donation my god it's two people read off donations I'm sorry my own stream oh they come so alright thank you so much but like I like I like it when you are mean here I'm moving us we're done for us I'm having a device that's what you did that's what you did you're the groom down a bit he's too loud I'm trying to hear a beautiful voice well now I'll guess what dreams gone we don't need him anyway to be honest so it's fine okay oh yeah guys don't tell dream nothing I'm just not gonna say anything oh yeah Thank You McKenzie I am doing well thank you I appreciate it and who subbed embrace the shipping and little more thank you for stopping don't worry George I'll make you more remotes thank you yes I have I have some remote so you guys can see them thank you my sprinkler goes like this and that was the tea tea tea tea tea tea tea I guess that's sprinkler salamis fear watching your stream instead of dreams cause no just thank you Kanye I appreciate that Kanye says I'm cooler than dream it's true we didn't need Kanye to tell us this well Calahan dreaming something I've left because they're rude but thank you thank you I believe Kanye donates it to me Hongki like Kanye don't con us see your favorite yellow yellow I don't know what call this is but it was looking pretty good and killin over thanks for subbing hi hello Nicole shop Thank You sales go to bed when I went to bed thank you for the gifted subs in the call I already appreciate it yeah you said you were gonna go to sleep when I went to sleep so what are you making the all-stars your Stern thank you Hey i we need to get dream to come into our trap okay I know he knows about that yeah but like it's been destroyed like six times one Tori five thank you for the sub oh my god there's no hole Oh Thank You Nicole thank you there's something up there the hole is there okay so guys you Collins how a dream this okay it's it's very important no one tell him but we are trying to do a little meme on dream and get him trapped and Elavon thank you for the sub well I like things in some weird order oh no it's fine so we're trying to set up this tribe idk why both you and dreamer streaming the TRC periods are in here thank you so much almost fell yes I am super high school musical yes I am superior to dream hashtag stay with Jorge as you should be oh no that looks bad these are free-range chickens yes it is 5:00 a.m. in London how you still up I'll have you know it's full 59 so that's pretty much the main reason why I'm up but I don't know my sleep schedule is just going to because I'm really tired I'm staying up for another 10 hours what yeah why what's the problem you said that you were gonna stay up until I went to bed were you lying I know I will I'm very tired Wow okay you can go to bed if you want I can just go back to the other channel what kind of color blindness do I have we need let's have a look here this is a color blind test okay there's the tea nothing there it might be a 9 I'm not sure though this is a 9 8 5 5 there's literally nothing that - I think that's a nine three one maybe five I think that's a four one seven see this is easy I'm not colorblind knowing this is so easy okay this is nothing that George hang on you don't there's nothing here that's a theory I can barely see it there that's a four I think that's a five maybe it's a seven wait you're just stop saying numbers you're confusing me that's I think that's a seven to one that's a three stop one I don't know stop one maybe I don't know there's literally nothing there okay this is hard a three this is a hard test there's nothing there here we go I am last time I did it I had severe I've got better I am a proton what at frozen I don't know but um red-green color blindness there you have it many colors such as green yellow and red rubber may seem confusingly similar well there you go wait wait what are they doing to me they're attacking me so that's what kind of colorblindness I am chat once bad boy hallo hashtag we need bad I don't know where bad is actually George watch Brian get dream to go see the XP farm um I think we're gonna have this is it ready yeah okay we can't we can't get him to go see it he's gonna have to go on his own because otherwise he's gonna know and JX and and and thank you for subbing but yeah we can't get him to go over there and dreams on my phone possibly choose there's no there's no choice you can watch both I don't know there's like a website where you can set them up together and it plays them side by side but um you do whatever's best for you thank you for the donation enjoy Joanie sins has subscribed thank you Johnny stop throwing leather armor at me maybe something that oh my god that was so close so now he's told dream I'm sure like wait why is that isn't that one liked down here somehow what happened to it that was one under I'm paranoid oh my foul okay so there's not meant to be anything that ya saben have hi don't ruin to say I love dream you I will not do that but I yeah Isle of dream the island of make up make up with dream please this hurts more than my parents divorce did oh my god hi George I've got two tabs open and the amount of how did you all talk about two tabs open in the amount of chaos that - I need screams causes is ridiculous love you there thank you for sure oh thank you for trying at least I appreciate it and thank you for doing anything yeah I can understand a--probably be pretty confusing having two streams open at the same time this is James fault he did this wait we've only what no way okay I've got an idea we need wood wood where's our wood oh I'll take those that's what I want so we need come up here wait a minute aureus folks I'm around them stuff so we do that and then we get all the seeds like it's not all of them but a lot of them Oh what already use most of them crazy and I eat something up so [ __ ] what okay pong I think into a bad time yep I'm going to bed I'm sorry alright so Punk says sorry punk is it's nothing good night good night punk user in the channel was I'm sorry guys I'm sorry it's not my fault channels break it down but it he would he say what do you say can you repeat it nobody's now he's i banished him to the shadow round where did he say georges come crawling back guys George has come crawling back I have not come crawling back you guys what that was so loud we should sleep say I'm curious you gonna have to go to my stream and watch it I think yeah laura's it's really hard to comb but that gets for the Minecraft unsolved to be honest it's just hard to come up with ideas but I will I'll try and continue it when I can Callaghan can you sleep why does no one sleep dreams bot alert Thank You Jessie are you gonna sleep stop Callaghan are you sleeping dream island sleep yeah I'm sitting up in my bed you're in your bed okay that stays thank you and everyone for making quarantine much more enjoyable you all never fail to make me and many other smile I love you lots I love you all lots - except for pong he just swamp he did a swole yeah you're acting like you've never done it before but you banished him to the shadow before the sub you guys we're trying to trap us and we broke your tribe we were not trying to chop you yeah you were it's obvious don't be ridiculous while patches patches is my little kitty I don't know what to tell you about her he's very picky you only drink like fresh water and like if you pour it in front of her wait serious pretty much hi stinky cat how did we use a sausage eh eight to seven five I think what you say George weighted with the seeds gonna turn into bone meal it takes a lot I've never heard any cussing I'm so glad I already needed that tell Punk I said thank you and next time you see him oh my god Punk's here he came by the Porta I go every summer with my family for the beaches usually Santa Rosa disgusting behavior punky I don't really like the be Johnson III don't mind the beach I don't like the sand I'll rephrase I don't really like the sand I don't mind the beach I like the ocean a lot I like water a lot like swimming like I love swimming I love going on a boat I love selling that but I don't like the beach I don't like the sand like sand is just annoying oh that's so sweet Charlotte thank you so much I love you too if you have a minute later I'm in editor view on twitter at george now found it's my pend love you so much i will have a look at off to the cerium thank you for letting me know oh yeah what just happened you place all your things George and thank for the donation who's your favorite artists and that's a really tough question I honestly don't know what eka but eka makes good music I like quit a funk apologized Wow guys funk is cancelled we're dreaming I'm streaming and Georgia screaming Oh Bad's here mmm disconnected almost realize he's like you're streaming oh my god then I can't curse like I always do yeah that goes crazy off stream oh my god I'm just kidding he actually is like doesn't at all Oh Thank You Kat you don't have to do that doesn't really doesn't really do that much you might as well just close it save your PC power and my cat be friends with patches of course of course patches is very friendly so how much more of this stuff do we need to put in the end though probably the rest of it if we can okay boy what bad you like muted by the way yeah all right let's check out the Canadian border with there is time so I can see the lake is it light top yeah mhm wait let's see the sea pickles the sea pickles oh we got the sea pickles improve strip-mine how can you improve it it's already like improved are you guys doing queen Peppa Pig for the sub R you guys surprised that I didn't respond by the way anyway haha April Fool's why is it just me or is bad really loud it's not even April Fool's it's May 15 Wow we mean we're know maybe Ananya cat is and would say what the API need to join me and my gf MLB radios and it gives us smiles and laughs every time we watch them thanks man oh hey what's the IP IP I need to come and check on my back for so why didn't you have it saved anymore yeah that's what I'll say we gave it you did have it saved but it's apparently not working he didn't say that's literally the IP I put it and why is it like working up pulses so that coma that's what I call my son so if you seem like an actual sapling though oh wait who's a sapling my twitch subs ever settings is it a D if I get this wrong of a memory I'm so mad I'm pretty sure it's that man to have you all butcher my name every single time literally sounds Lorelai Lorelai okay hopefully I'm over that Lorelai all right I'm not a D okay i watch as the marriages that go on in his discord done no he doesn't yeah wait there's marriage is going on him up this Gordon he doesn't know about that at all was it addy I feel bad it's not but I hope it is it was Eddie make the robot killable and maybe they'll be interesting you know dream I love just coming by and saying I to charges chat they're always sitting nice and I'm streaming too bad okay guys everyone he hates you wait one in my stream on a TV slash dream is it dream dusty low and patches can be what search Richie again and be it's dream was taken twitch guys II hate as much dream it was taken and you should go down right now I there hi hi hi George's chat hi dreams ciao thank you love you guys I love you too I love everybody in the merge discord and everybody else too Oh your chat super nice to dream both you stream makes me so stressed but I only sent for one also can you which one you didn't you didn't you didn't specify so can you tell bad it's a less love sir bad Celeste loves you ice the last I don't want to litter in our lake she's Leonard in our lake why would you let her in the lake I almost did it but don't let your eyes know what I shouldn't design yeah exactly are those fences the horse is one way seeing things what it slingers come at me this horse is infecting the water that's a community wrong killing the horse they kill every animal you love that's kind of Ichi where is he hiding Jerry screeching how you gonna catch me self not how are you gonna catch me my goats Sapna you're gonna hurt the horse hey where'd the fish they're in there somewhere just look around mr. squeezy I'm here are you note this you are Nala where's the nearest right well your dog oh stop you're gonna kill me oh one more hot sign up dude killer why why was he killing it so I'm not killing his own [ __ ] are you joking why I don't know why he did it he just got mad and started killing his own horse come on don't you think bouncy-bouncy impaired yes good night what are you doing some have you killed your own [ __ ] fancy bounce bam bam bouncy bounce bounce in your stuff there's no going rogue you'll be put on trial I've not killed me twice and his holes you missed by doing a last time asking again but what's your favorite song at the moment um honestly I have no idea but thank you so much for the donation I know about always saying that wait you literally like told me yours was that a milkshake song or whatever what I went it was something like milkshake something about bringing boy Stewie can you please tell him the stream bad Maddie loves you it is can we begin the trial early you're already going to evidence more we have to take some hey save Beckham and kills them some I don't think someone's gonna kill Becca soon you would never do he's on the court right now get in the room holding cell right now I'm lucky enough since you're a radical you guys are super nice and I love hacks and thank you bye bad one thank you to come to the courthouse we all wait for people oh we're actually over here okay this is my one maybe they're coming up with something up is on trial for his for his but he you guys called me the tire trolling waste words I'm something up I'm in jail George or people I'm not the way this works because I built this because I built this order the way this works or to explain the court we need a bad word we can bring it did we had all our arguments while the the person is in this cell before we vote other person the person moves to that cell and then we vote understand I'm very skilled in court procedure are you glad it's bad nice to be he's not the judge we all vote all these levers bad we all stand next to one lever and then when we think he's guilty or not we don't pull it yet though okay I'll I'll start the proceedings thank you out for the donation I have not we are gathered here together is that a wedding thing one man and one thank you for the donation dr. field oh yeah it's okay I'm not going to the right to remain silent punching can he's brutal odds helmet all right listen listen you owe muffin you've the right to remain silent if you cannot afford an attorney one will be provided for you you get away from me free you know no attorney look I don't even attorneys I'll explain what happened right now right here I was enjoying my daily stroll around the island and I saw George not found steal my horse from my property and try and run away from it and then in an act to try and get my horse back and defend it I attacked George and in this act I accidentally end up killing my horse and then George though George stole my horse stole my property and I killed him because of it which i think is fair but if you loved the horse so much why would you kill it I didn't kill the horse was an accent it was why they killed I was telling you what killing the horse all you have to do is get off of it never told me to I did I've told you many times I didn't don't make me break out here and kill you again this is ridiculous Callahan's already wait wait no dream already I didn't mean to that's right you already voted to him stop no I didn't mean to okay so that Matt wait so Regan loose a peps argument is that George stole his horse and therefore he had a rifle killer to break the horse back on the horse and George kept staying on the horse and caused the horse to die by not getting off of it when SAP top was attacking that's apt I'm sorry well George whose horse was it I have no idea it's just that it was on a tune it was my worst and run of my probably found it and you know it listen you listen he got those glasses in here the horse's name is Joffrey I have my piece to say listen to this the horse was in the water on you on you coral reef that is very delicate the horse was trampling it's dirty hooves around in there I removed the horse from the dirt from the water to save us okay angry the Sun and I'm a fish everyone living in that Lake and I remain my horse and their SAP nap was like a horse man cup overhead he started attacking his own horse trying to kill me and his horse died and then he killed me not once so you admitted it was my horse just then you guys here like he admitted it was my horse just then so you stole my horse even if it was your horse it's irrelevant yes guilty I think that George should step away from the vote because George is involved then who's gonna take my vote but it doesn't matter cuz everybody else that he's just in about guilty anyway everybody has to go guilty anyway alright okay listen guys stop we have to move the inmate all right back come over here get him aah make sure it make sure he runs for him over no big yeah make sure he's running away get them escaping all right get an annual muffin head all right also I should make sure you get in there I have guilty until after the course now that I'm not part of the East holding what what the bucket the whole time as well you ruined it cuz he had a water bucket all right you get upset now guys it's pretty obvious it's pretty obvious oh listen others Obsidian it's ruined bad all right dad's on trial for hearing the grass beds in there everybody's maker votes guilty or not guilty down there oh is that oh you might mining the Obsidian oh yeah I'm doing my that's good enough for now please don't I have my crossbow hey guys they can see that we're gonna clear his water bucket listen up here's the thing okay bad made it a little mistake Sam URP is trying to escape get back in go back in the holding area sup baby yeah get in the holding room we drop the pickaxe as well drop the pickaxe out no germs Helen all right bad swim up here are you just gonna mine out yeah mine just comes from out what he replaced it it's whatever live a dream y'all shut up look more and you should do a face reveal thank you we will try put that lover in there Junie have one here's one so it's just gonna be flowing it's fine it's flowing over this way is bad oh my god I saw the levers I like flipping levers so I flipped him again right listen nobody flick till I already stand in front of one lever we've heard both arguments all right bad stand in front of one point your lever which I want you to Han all right Callahan you too oh my god thank you so much oh my god thank you wow thank you so much for the donation I love you too we all love you especially um George needs to get on to the alright get on the glass on the donation all right guys listen stop nap okay he's on the glass guys everybody stand everything good going you're getting front of your lover bad get in front of your lover and sat-nav more like no salary Callahan let me start with Callahan Callahan do you vote guilty or not guilty guilty he votes guilty yes do you vote guilty or not guilty guilty guilty or not come on get on the glass-top snap get on the clock get on like cloth bad voted guilty okay so the deciding isn't a dream for me okay what will dream choose I'm on the edge honestly yeah you did steal his pores yeah I didn't steal I temporarily took control of or you if you had gotten off it then it wouldn't have died well he did kill it you killed his work he could his own yeah he's building out shoots him bad shoot him shoot him shoot him this idiot is trying to escape oh my god escape break the lava or no he placed our precious holy stuff on it all right careful collect his stuff burn his stuff what the love is gone are you paid I have it some type is such a by wonderful trial on trial for what yeah it's me Oh guys stop fighting the kid Court has decided stop fighting so cool I'm killing both here I don't kill me I'm fine I'm fine you were both know he started I was just finishing dreaming fine fine fine I say y'all are awesome your dreams make foreign scene so much easier to cope with thank you for always making us smile thank you so much that means a lot I love you what George should be on trial for stealing the horse all right George you know what you're going on trial you're going on trial again there did you keep punching some genders do enough to my trial again oh my god the chains hey don't put the chains oh hey look at this you can release much so I can revise as congrats president to myself thank you sir me can you me get in there whoa wait what are you doing wait so what's George on trial for some trial for variables horse-and-cart revived I thought we already killed dying come out I'll hang your reindeer not a horse all right okay so I guess we'll start with George's argument George what is your argument what are you what are you please well I think you need to stop because I don't think there was even a crime so okay all right stop nap it's returns to tell him why he's guilty this idiot stole a Porsche no punches just just sit on a guy's horse exactly really get back in the court I'm taking I'm taking the horse and never bringing you back no you have to you have to come stay over here I already answered this question Steven universe they give her the done efficient no I do not he's trapped like all day do you think I have abs he stole my horse unjustifiably and got my horse killed and I don't think that should be allowed why I didn't get it your horse killed you kill you did all you do is go everyone is saying innocent in my time yeah your job who's killing me kill him back off all right guys everyone civil bad you know what someone kill Sapna look at him kill him kill him throw him hey stop it he's gonna kill me Sapna what's the point of having four house if you're never gonna listen to them be like you have to listen up now otherwise we're just gonna just blow up the courthouse because there's no point yeah we killed Sapna okay are you thumbs back this is the trials doing this video be prepared you're gonna be permanently put in jail if you continue okay well not just killed yeah you're the Beyla okay alright so let's give a sob up a smack just happen what's good you have one year 60 seconds to explain why George is guilty and convince us three to vote guilty if you hit me one time shut up mouth stop hit he's not following the rules you're not following the rules you're being a bad person you need to be a good person and by the servery rules gonna smack me sound up see what happens today thank you so much oh my god that's daddy cool bad for no reason you're the only one punching sound come back and it stop punching we're just gonna we're gonna blow up the corral under stop goes against there was one more time he's instantly banned for the night oh okay exactly the courthouse rules you have to buy with them or you're banned from the survey we're on for the stream okay that is a good rule if you disobey the courthouse rules you get banned for the stream or the stream and you're unbanned in the next race I'm not coming all right let's see and bad is gonna be right now in charge of enforcing those rules Timmy's or explain to the court your issues with charge listen he took my horse off my property and he news my horse cuz he was like he knew it was my horse he provoked me stole my horse I told him to get off I tried using force and then he got himself in the horse killed okay he's very worried George what do you have to say to this so he started off by saying I stole the horse off his property which if you go back and check my stream you'll see the nose definitely in the middle of the lake dirtying in the water infecting it and making the fish ill okay they were throwing up and pooing everywhere and ruining the ecosystem get out of my face stop nap anyways listen let me explain that I put my horse on my bridge but horses move and they go in the water yeah whenever I want you there you should have respected No look all I see is a strong spot on me spell me bud dispose of him right now you're great I said Japanese symbol for beginner Japanese symbol for dr. Sun ops horse should have been tied up with a there's no rule displaying that it was your horse did you left your horse abandoned in the middle of a lake no it chosen on the lake easy come back on the bridge who else would have drowned the horse was not abandoned the horse shows you go first swim on the lake is it true you're the history of abandoning and killing horses no it's not really been telling about spirit spirit and abandon our killer horse the horse died in a freak accident mm-hmm a freak accident yes weak neglect no a freak accident kind of like yes open open up the thing bad let me out press believe it over the oh whoops get in the thing now look what a huge criminal you'll run away in style new life I don't need to break free one here we go everyone guys I want to be the last undeniable deniable that George stole my horse I'll be deaf hi yes I'm slow the third vote Baba halo is the final vote regardless move regardless of what I did or what I've done in the past George still committed the theft I didn't know so you're saying you're saying he committed theft even if he didn't kill you okay okay stop nap I mean even though I mean even if you killed him he's still committed so committed theft regardless exactly all right that's like saying you're like saying but a thief just doesn't get like punished for exactly he'd vote so I'm innocent I vote guilty that that votes guilty okay all right I vote guilty I'm joking no you still stole his horse again I'm my horse died I know what if I did not steal his horse it was it was not tied up it was he doesn't matter he took my I don't even know but I wasn't was if my horse wasn't even tied up you knew what who was your son idling your horse why didn't you get off once he told you that it was his horse and started killing you why didn't because I wanted to ride the horse exactly but once you know reason you knew it was his horse then you're saying that the chasing me trying to kill my no no I'm not he was gonna come he's gonna kill me regard your time and I have I was using silence oh my god can I do that again it's your vote please I think that's actually ban worthy that is ridicu never do that again come on already voted yes the type in chat and said didn't say bad you know I'm not guilty stole my horse regardless of what I did the hands with someone else okay why you again that's crying at the end of the day it is true George did steal the horse however does not warrant a death punishment and the horse exactly this is about guilty or not guilty you just don't wait what Oh cat way no Callahan flipped it yeah what is your life I watched you play who was it someone checked back the stream who was it this is just an infinite loop of trial get in Cap'n who was it you killed me my muffin is gone I had Muhsin it was it it was either Callahan or wait I'm chickens I thought I saw bad I'm checking my stream job I don't know if I even had a chance I was standing George stocking him up he was standing apparently it means something like like standing near or something like that point is I was backing you up because I think even though you stole the horse I didn't think that was worthy of the death penalty jury nullification victory okay Kallen get in there did Kali confirm I tried saying it was Callaghan yeah Callaghan totally did it put him in there gonna be a really speedy trial but did you flip the lever Callaghan there's this video evidence code all right check this book wait we have a bunch of witnesses okay we humbly in Georgia salary witnesses Callaghan it was common I just it was Callaghan look wait all right cap look I'm messing up I'm sorry - one very carefully right [Music] all right it was banished from the court wait what is all this stuff we found that's not even a trial we know for what I just know cannot defy the court like that all right now justice was served everybody who deserve to die died George died stop enough died I'll handle everything Alice it's all it's all it's a justice has been served okay all right George you should take this off so I can make a house to make up and let's just be better people okay I just got shot I just got shot in the arm we need to make like a system that has like a code or something that way we can only purse like that way like somebody can't just flick your lover there's no that's a good idea there is you can easily do that you can do what I know you can thank you for the sub I'm not going on trial I mean I guess if they wanted to go on trial they could but anything wrong on trial oh I guess you did what's the word you did pervert justice by subletting all the levers true but isn't justice meant to be decided like that well what are they all I think one person census that's the consensus you're voting on whether or not guilty or not guilty when there's video evidence you don't even need to have I never saw said video evidence well then why didn't we give the streamliner the levers that's true is there the witness we could we could do it we could do a poll like for in the future one lever is always to the stream I say no for what what have I done I said proof lovers we can let this stream decide whether you perverted justice I didn't pervert just let the stream decide it what the stream decides whether or not they get to burn me in lava yeah my accusing me of a crime better you flip all for the levers down thought for the lovers own yes yes I'm accusing you your friend who came up with the four lever system me um sack now I can you all agreed no you didn't I can we just roasted Callahan okay you don't get to get mad at Callahan for flipping he was being a vengeful he was he was like if you're saying perverting justice SAP naps a pervert no we're not going to the courthouse morrow March all right put my point but I've always loved waiting for you to propose too bad they want me to propose to you I had for some reason mark I'm innocent stop nap perverted justice by saying you you're the pervert no didn't do anything okay I'll talk to the stream that I'll talk to this yeah yeah well they will understand where is he I think we should keep this I had it all it's open I need food I need sticks I'm taking this log I know there's nothing I can do all right hey George can you send me how to make a pole I think yeah we should do a pole you do slash pole in your chart that like creates a strawpoll no it doesn't what the dough just do it press ENTER and you'll see I think I can do a full here we go I can it was Oh is dream guilty of being a pervert what no I'll do it just wait all right ho stop ball all right listen all right come here guys I get to everyone needs to come to the courthouse otherwise there's no trial toe dream his whole chat wants to burn him and he doesn't want to admit it is there we will see yeah you get in you okay okay well I think this stream is deciding South Bob you can't even say I got you all right so are we just getting wait hang on let's take out those really quick does an idiot behind the house I need kill him let's take a vote really quick I think given the fact that in this particular situation we have a lot of witnesses I propose we all abstain and leave dreams death so we click as real three these and then we let the stream this is the streams vote yeah this dream dream just you need to go in the thing okay please please in here I mean here there's no differences here there is a difference someone I don't want to have another situation where so we clicked all three okay do not get on the glass side though because then someone's gonna flick out okay why not dream on do you admit I plead innocent I plead innocent I plead the fifth I don't admit to anything I plead innocent and I won't leave my - you're being accused of is perverting justice not I me not a perverse them not a persecuting a perfect I said you did not abide by the system set up in order to maintain justice you violated it by flipping all the levers down ignoring whether or not we wanted to vote guilty or not do you deny that this occurred yes okay no I deny that there was any justice to pervert because justice was not there because sat-nav denied justice by having vengeance on drawers when making a decision the last vote just this vote you guys all abstained because of how obvious it was last time there was video evidence which means everyone would do the same thing and I would be and they would be found guilty therefore there is no justice to prefer there is no justice you didn't order anything okay I'm not a pervert incorrect you did not give the court a chance to make that ruling ourselves you and said flipped all the levers ignoring any sort of outcome that we could have said we might have reached the same conclusion but you didn't give us a chance and instead you killed okay but let me ask you a question dear let me ask you a question Calahan right here did you flip all three of those levers down right there huh you flip all three of those levers I didn't I think that was Sam Matt okay so should sap not be on trial for flipping three levels levers when he only has one no because we decided we all agreed we all said that we did we all agreed to this the only different thing about last time and this time is that is that SAP nap was perverting justice that's the only difference all right I'm sending the pole in your dream what is dream guilty don't yet I'm not done with my plea okay but soft nap if SAP nap right now was to just say no no dream didn't flick the levers would you then they that I'm innocent is he gonna argue in your defense no I'm just saying if he said that would or would you say that SAP nap is perverting justice and making up a lie in order to innocent if he's willing to put his credibility on the line then maybe we need to doesn't matter there's no credit when you take justice out of the hands of those who are meant to execute is a rating system there was no justice in the first was I didn't take justice away because there was no justice SAP nap set it up exactly but you agreed to be a part of it okay you participated in not one but two my listen my proposal is that when you're voting when you're voting on a case you're voting guilty or not guilty based on if they are guilty of the crime or innocent of the crime but SAP nap was saying he was just gonna vote guilty anyway because he wanted to kill because he or he would just he would vote innocent anyway because he wanted to make like Callaghan live in order to make George mad which is not justice which means hit you're just assuming that you're assuming that usually don't you I did not say that listen guys I am innocent there was no justice in the first place because this man here was perverting it and I challenged you if I am innocent I'm putting you up for a crime because you were burning justice okay alright I'm starting the ball now okay just leave it up to this dream bowl everyone votes is we're guilty we're gonna go with the majority vote if the majority saying is it you're innocent if the majority said guilty you will be executed yes I don't like this poll I do not agree to going on trial afterwards okay nothing you know you can't agree or disagree to trial I am based on the votes I don't think we even need to let it finish i let's go dream in there in there we should make this dream decide streams aside they have my back innocent no justice this is the trial okay now I'm I'm accusing sap Knapp of perverting justice and being a major pervert of justice okay SAP nap last trial in a clearly guilty verdict worried there was video evidence of Callaghan flipping the last lever which was going against justice staff nap purposefully voted innocent on this man whenever it was 100% confirmed based on video evidence that he's guilty which means he is a pervert okay he perverted justice and justice is not to be perverted in this courthouse and that is my testimony as to why he's guilty and he should be put to death huh nice pass only any spat on Jorge that nab do you have anything to say I think dream is a power-hungry maniacal crazy man no this is democracy how can I be power-hungry it's democracy democracy you kill democracy Anakin listen he's getting your little key listen are you gonna close my cage no the water get in this side down I didn't get there really differently your last case listen guys I did not see said video evidence therefore you cannot hold me accountable to a vote I didn't see the video evidence so from my perspective I cannot have without knowing that Kalyn was 100% guilty my mind I could not put a man to death okay I have not seen the evidence Evans had not been sent to me so how could you expect me to vote a man's life without being a hundred percent sure that he had committed that crime you're not winning at your mm be for justice is too lazy to check and then that's that's even worse no you're saying I was too lazy to check know why I'm voting no everyone else in the entire call wind and looked why do not look yes I do I would be nine percent sure that bat did not look bad did you look yeah you're such a liar after this trial of a bat on trial for lying I heard him say that he loved July I saw them clipping it in the stream I open and you see them not for anything you said just cuz you were loved when you said it gal plan it's your vote oh I didn't mean to do that it was an accident you can have a lever for your troubles guilty know what that's too much good stuff ii what why do you guys get to choose and then you drink it's the stream that you want the stream to choose from well I'll let the stream be my the one argument USSR if George George votes innocent or guilty innocent or guilty hmm let's make a decision also SAP just for the record I was there so I watched Callahan flip the lever you muffin right Sapna you did this yourself all right no I decide for my lever I'm letting my stream decide for my lever because that is democracy bull polls already active oh it's already okay it's already sign of is not on the class what is wrong with him get on the glass up and up he's voted as guilty it looks like 71% 70% was going down a little bit get on the glass up and up further he was guilty for perverting justice and then he decides to be even further of a pervert he's banned until the next until his next stream which is probably gonna be like tomorrow I have fallen and I can't get up my feelings are hurt I was not guilty in both of my trials and yeah I got voted the system is broken it's not fair you're the one who's making anyway my fix-it dream pervert democracy well you saw her here first everyone all right mob has been sentenced to death and he has been banned from the street for one for one day because he if you go that's the new rules the rules are Webber streaming they're their vote is their streams vote can you amend well then George then George didn't follow the to the accuser if they're streaming their stream votes the stream vote the stream votes on behalf of is choosing me it's bad I should say by shooting me guys from like I'm gonna go on trial bad guys bad hashtag battle trial right now bad get in the truck get in the trial room what's fine you can you can you can shoot people he was shooting me and course being out fine if you want to prime you can put him on trial this is a golden skeleton hey those are mine it's mine give me those arrows possibly lucky voting me guilty but you takin my stuff don't give me this era where's your stuff thank you no I didn't take Karen oh really in that crowd iron bad guys that is shooting me and this is gonna be so how could I shoot with what my food I'm holding a yeah I slaughtered the the Beast all right give me look bad is trying to kill me let me food George I'm with a Diamondback see all right wow you guys did a great job on this this looks really nice I love it I don't believe this one was the good pickaxe I'll just bring whatever immunity to do finish house finish dogleg finish lake finish are you meeting everything finish that's just the first thing making everything she should stream when I hear one time I will that's a good idea oh thank you so much cut get it you very much - only the tree house Oh spooky we should hear what yeah there's only place where there's nothing is on this side so what if we went to the other side think of the sub what if I went to the other side of this we made like a giant tree be like I actually built it over there wait Wow like like over here cross this way I thought you were following me I thought I was look towards SAP naps house his trash house whose horse is this chicken bunks oh my god it's in the water chicken get out of the water ya see what boss we can make it look over here I guess we don't have to do it right now but we could make it over here good not again yes I know whatever it's fine no one but even if I go on Punk's horse he wouldn't try and kill me because I went on his horse that is ridiculous wait where are you jerem I'm across the lake towards like a right behind his house good question why are all the Sheep pink is there a problem I'm just wondering why they're all pink the Papa I see Thank You Fergus so can we unban sat-nav he's been for one day we can ban as the recon so against um ban him he served enough so cold out here I just went into the warm loving Struve of the vireem I mean I think we I think we need to actually lay out specific courthouse rules yes rule number one zero has an OPP in the queer house at all that is that is the number one rule rule number two no perverting justice yes no perverting justice that is no perversion in general rule number three no being a pervert yes that's just in general George George is really gonna struggle with that one rule number four and I can't think of anything else rule number four no perversion of justice counts if you vote on a clear verdict like if you vote the opposite of a clear verdict well that's silly then you kind of persuade people to vote a certain way no because if there's like a verdict it's like literally there's video evidence or something or like it's like clearly so clearly guilty I feel like you have to have some if there's video evidence then it's the same people I think the right decision you can't I'd say this I'd say that the person maybe we should allow the person that's on trial to throw out one of the people like make them not able to vote that's fair because if we do that then they can certainly that's really biased they can make one person not able to vote but when they just throw out somebody who they thought would put it against them probably and how's that has that helped because it doesn't if everyone else was guilty it doesn't matter anyway like he doesn't matter you need to everyone to vote guilty anyway all you do is prevent them from well I guess that's mmm then what if the person who's mmm I don't know we read the donation we need to rule though somehow to make something like that book up a king just chaos I just wanted to say your new video is insane I loved it thank you so much well instead of making it unanimous just make it the majority it's hard I don't even think it's hard really hard to redstone that huh it's hard to lose there may be unbanned I'm sorry you have one you have until when the streams are done well and then you right then I'm Bama now oh that's trying to cry yeah anyone feel he's trying to get everybody on his side he's trying to get simps simple here the sub accidental aim but hi Georgia stream I dream stream hi I've been reading the chat as entire time you muffins you remind me what the link to Georgia stream is its twitch.tv sighs George that pound okay don't happy I don't t run stream you muffin what is my YouTube channel and I can't remember we don't have the link to run stream I said it's my fault that not Hartman broke so many times yeah maja been broke so my heart would have been broken if you if you hadn't stole my horse if you hadn't stole my horse you hadn't reacted to me you need to need to learn to abide by I know you've been like a lawless person for a long time you need to learn to abide by the new service in the wild west anymore we have established democracy I drew the silly do like use fuel donors I just found out today they're using a surprised and happy when I watch you and you're having so much fun it never fails to tear me off oh my God thank you I don't know I can't home where I found that picture but I just liked it so I used it I was like scared because I would instead of like find I'm like aww stop us and I was like are they gonna be mad that I use it without asking I can hear myself through someone by the way but I was like I'm glad you're happy I'm using it I also made it the I made like my own version of it so I could change the colors of the Hat huh yeah thank you for making that I I don't know I like we have a set of rules we have to follow them if we don't then who are we Hey so I got a question for you dream what after you're done streaming are you gonna go to bed no you're not oh nevermind why no I could you see me instead why just just say yes yes I guess you could say that once you're done streaming you're gonna be dreaming hey a well time joke thank you so much for those cheer us phrase for you I like this little contraption all the seeds flood out and can you sing similar hallo employ AVO employ hallo Alisa use watch rumbled on the crops put it on trial let's just our new rules no no trial you'll just make her cry she ruined the lines look at it look I'm ruining the way it's you can accept one shot with even listening which will it be ok it's all this song did we unbend SAP nap no and no and they both say fun if you maybe there's if someone has a track record of or repeatedly being biased they can lose the ability to be a part of the jury and try to merch I bought finally right today I love you when you do so much the group just brings so much joy I wish I can swear you guys more thank you so much bless ya it's Alisa oh my god I dream four or five thanks for the sub hey what what are you pushing me off for your dream wants to know if dream or George are streaming tomorrow maybe we see them in our streams they just simple and why is there a say your simple for so well he is any but what's that mean it means he's a simple okay but where's that mean Alyssa stoned wait what what is that at least like trampling you made like a diamond chestplate out of oil a diamond chestplate a soil chess place royal chess play okay Alyssa stop trampling the stuff okay please oh my god Callahan's trampling the land guys stop trampling the land trowel ahem come on all right telling you or bots are going cramping okay stop tramping cons about rates Bonjour trampling would you call Kelly dream of running all over the land all right this is disgusting I'm not running what do you mean you're running I'm just I'm bad trying to do this I think it's easy I'm doing it every time you keep guising Oh wandered ELISA okay this is turning okay the whole you know on the crops George I don't care anymore I just ruin the foam yeah let's do it guys yeah ever in the fog I love wearing the foam it's so fun oh thank you my oh my god this rain is horrible I hate the rain let me save these pigs real quick hey so what's this zombie that's on a chicken that says George Becca's in loves you bad is the best muffin I appreciate that you're the best man all right well I'm gonna stop screaming George you're gonna continue screaming up a little bit I don't know probably not will join me to host your Oh somebody else you can host me and then I'll host someone else okay all right bad what stop I love you guys thank you so much for coming to my stream everyone go watch my video and yeah that's that my dream rate coming in guys everyone watch out dream rate oh my god oh my god everybody I wanted to read message just let them know that it's me make sure that you spam him with George's of stinky poo but I did the Raiders ask us for a post oh my god guys prepare I think there's a dream oh my god love you guys bye I'm dying oh wow there's so many fish oh my god is back a dream has rated you with a party of two four eight six oh my God thank you dream so much Wow yeah if you don't know who I am I'm George I'm dreams friend I mean we don't really know each other that well but like we told him we spoke in a few times make sure to follow the livestream I want to I want to get to a hundred thousand tonight a hundred thousand followers guys smashed the follow button or wait what what it what has happened here okay here's what okay anyway makes will follow that's the most important thing follow the surname and you can have notifications for why not alive but yeah what no no I just streamed a bit longer it's a stream a bit longer you have five thousand two hundred and ninety three viewers George that's like a viewer that's like a normal day yeah that's your most viewers know day that's like yeah okay a bad day your most viewers before this was like 3,500 oh my god take advantage of it at least it's raining I can't do anything you have to at least say that you love me out and that downstream why do you do this it's kind of funny kind of funny as a I'm going to take this horse into the wilderness well is there anything I can even do who is doing that dream stop as loud guys I don't know what's a dude dream wants me to end the stream Mike did not he's a messaging me anything industry what write that yeah I'm gonna sue you for stealing my heart oh my god no don't don't sue me near please bad you're attacking me I'm sorry why is there a horse up here the horse asked I apologize have some bread forgive me what are you doing dreaming guys this is why dream needs to be on trial he just thinks he can get away with killing people I didn't kill anybody he's trying to I just Bob George I got an idea yes maybe we should pull it now that you know why I'm here [Music] dream guys can you see him bring him where did he go what is he yeah I'm nowhere to be found urge dream not found oh wait well I thought you were wait what Oh guys I thought you were right behind me shoot arrows under water what you thought I was what [Music] let's go away George George what the crossbow it gives you arrows underwater wait yeah I know bosun's you underwater wait really yeah not it's not that good though major I am ELISA come here you know where the strip mine is you don't know where it is I fell is upon ELISA Punk oh no I fell again oh my god [Laughter] [Music] hiding in the right Saarinen go around the corner I walked out I want I can do that they want me to tell you that I love you well I don't know I'm not gonna if I was gonna scream I would be fearing for that much longer so like I don't know what else I can do in a short amount of time it's not enough nice like move his mic away from himself because it's kind of annoying me mmm George yeah there's like a hot tub get in the hot time in you want me to come in the hot tub with you dream you're on trial this is a sign of how it was meant to be yes bring no dreams stop then break it like two seconds this is gonna take all my stuff many guns thank you for the sub he's like she's a bandit oh sure should we light him on fire yeah Rosie Tokai I want to put you both on trial after this if you torture me but it's gonna see him guys he's gonna respawn it's like I feel bad now he's not saying anything no he's gamed that is pretty smart and out of ten big brain big brain dream roasty-toasty spawn just I know where he spawns he's all the way like over here wait yeah I bet you're lying oh my god did you fall down the trap no that would be ridiculous I dream can you help me get my crossbow yes please we did a stupid thing we're like I flowed my water down nothing you know what I can't slow down and then the sign like stopped my water from flowing so I just fell the rest of it he set that up on my street George come down I need help wait I need to come down to the bottom of this singing help me mind my way out looks like an evil genius move it's a cow Moo don't go in No thank you for gifting is up to what and I won my story if you can I don't know where your crossbows I think aliens I think Kalyn got your stuff to be honest but did you have Melanie your give me my stuff oh wait did you a 50 stake yeah okay I have that I'm here don't give me your crap where are you I'm good thank out crap crap bank rides dream that's it every swear word you say is another is another stake in the swear jar do me stuff Kelly that's my come here come here dream is amiss air yes I'm messing up the beam no brain one second I'm getting my stuff back Alyssa about to beat you with yourself superior ship George boy halo oh my god I have the rest of my stuff why are you trying to ditch me I don't agree with Alyssa's abusive Callahan get your girl in check oh right he's going on trial he's blocked himself off Callahan goodbye thank you God then I protected by the way I'm gonna keep one of that hello George your name is George my name is bad boy hallo but it doesn't make any sense why would I be called George boy hey walk down the hole killer yeah [Music] preemptive language preemptive language yeah just gonna say and you should avoid saying anything [Laughter] [Music] well yeah I'm like that muffin potatoes area thank you know so yeah Alessa guys Travis Scott I think he's live right now Travis got a real person [Music] stop no thank you everyone for coming to the stream it's been fun I screamed randomly so make sure to follow and put those notifications on you know when I'm streaming there's no schedule I didn't even know I was gonna stream now until about ten minutes before I did not even I know when I'm gonna string so uh-oh I'll take about trying to kill me ELISA can you control Callahan please bye everyone bye guys bye I love y'all he's playing Age of Empires you really want me to say man Age of Empires [Music] [Music] marriage we didn't get a bad marriage yeah because dream just pushed me down the hall and killed me all right well yeah this room thank you for coming thank you for subbing thank you for never being here it's been fun [Music] ELISA please thank you dumpin George there's water there now my stuff's gone oh wait it's not your stuff isn't gone who put this stuff here what in tarnation all right pick up that water I'm gonna fix this and then I'm an in the stream I can't believe they've done this to me [Laughter] wait oh the signs I thought the signs were gone oh my god it's all messed up all right whatever by Iran George by George's dream I dream I will say boys potatoes I I will say bye to dream I love to you guys bye George bye to dream everyone get down where you came from go back well you're gonna kill me don't punch me with that I don't see bouncy bouncy bouncy I'm dead oh my god you tried to kill me mercilessly bye everyone
Channel: Dream Team Streams
Views: 467,431
Rating: 4.925323 out of 5
Keywords: dream mineraft, georgenotfound minecraft, dream and georgenotfound, gream, dream livestream, dream minecraft livestream, georgenotfound livestream, georgenotfound minecraft livestream, dream minecraft survival, georgenotfound minecraft survival, dream, georgenotfound, woops georgenotfound, dream and georgenotfound minecraft, dream and georgenotfound minecraft livestream, dream survival world, georgenotfound survival world, george survival world, georgenotfound survival, sapnap
Id: 4nwvkZUOZb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 177min 49sec (10669 seconds)
Published: Sat May 16 2020
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