Dream SMP Ep. 17

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Oh No hello um mm-hmm hello everyone my minecraft actually I was on the wrong account so I have to I'm trying to load it up and it's not opening hello everyone my minecraft is not here but I'm here where's my minecraft it's not opening what am I gonna stream oh it's here it's coming can you see yeah okay yes so I'm just oh okay yeah I'm just gonna be playing um hardcore survival and trying to beat the game okay here we go so it's hardcore if if I die the world is done and I have to start again I just want to try beat the game without dying taze yellow love thank you for sobbing so let's go that's when let's beat some minecraft stream at a normal time this is a very normal time yes you are right this is a weird I really like this seed but I might wood oh yeah that I don't like the seed but I guess it will no work no I'm not speedrunning good is not a speed runner yet um yet I'm just gonna be beating it however I normally play I'm not trying to beat it as quick as possible well I am but I'm not gonna be rushing and I don't expect to be any record either um I don't even know how much stone I need to be honest what time are you streaming at it is 6:30 p.m. for me unlike this is actually kind of funny because I didn't even mean to start the stream when he was this I it just was started I didn't even mean to which could have been bad I mean I was planning on streaming but I didn't mean to start it when I started up all right we have an axe sword let's make one of them just so we have it all right a dream stunt hey what's up y'all gone not found the Simpson showing up thank you for the vets John not found that's a new one okay so yeah I mean I don't need that much word I'll turn this into a smoker and that was a bad mistake I need a bit more bit more stone I love you hello I was 0-6 alma thank you I love you too what am I trying to do oh yeah I get furnaces where's my hole all right two furnaces for iron and I think we're good to be honest hi George I hope you're having a nice day can I have your dreams signed hoodie Jerry matchy told me not to give that one to anyone so I'm sorry Zoe I don't think I can I don't think I can give that to you oh my god crazy Mario Bros $300 is that real am i reading things right $300 keep up what you do great streaming videos on thank you so much crazy Mary where is oh my god I'm like lost for words thank you so much oh my god I'm going red oh my god okay you know I think you don't need to sign up as well so I'm assuming this is not a troll or anything I'm gonna sue me this is legit so thank you so much I already appreciate that that's so much money and you know what whatever just cause you're doing so much I'm pretty sure you're a youtuber so if anyone wants to go check out his channel or huh actually don't know what you're what you are crazy Mario Bros on YouTube I'm pretty sure is what it is I think I saw your channel okay I'm like so like that caught me off guard I don't know what I'm doing now hello Sakura RTX hello thank you for donating so what do I need to do I need a beat minecraft I need iron okay we need a cave Genevieve 18 it's 10:30 a.m. in California thank you for not destroying my seats got no problem thank you for donating now this is a good time for everyone I think or like most people maybe not Australians is probably a bit early in Australia but you never know which of your much deeper first I should like the most oh hang on this is gonna be a problem give me one second as I can't read all the donations on here I am but the website open okay let me see you said if it loads okay here it is which of your most you prefer such like the most and how many likes on Twitter for a discount code your much great videos thank you Mary burrows thank you so much so um how many retweet how many likes on a Twitter for a discount code alright if you get a thousand likes I'll give you one percent discomfort how about that and which which of my which one my most I prefer the most I'm not sure to be honest I haven't actually got the me I kind of want to see them in person they're sending them over to me it's hard for me to tell just from the pictures but I think I might like just the embroidered hoodies because it's embroidered it makes it a bit more special I think personally hi George my wife Isis might love you could you say happy birthday to offerin Simon mean a lot happy birthday Simon lawyer crazy murmurs is known to donate lots to minecraft streamers anyways love you Thank You Lars and thank you for everything you do I hope I hope you're doing well this is my contribution for using adblock that probably pays off your adblock for like the rest of your life of watching my videos so thank you and EULA Co 1 and JD flow thank you for serving alright I'm caught up for once it feels weird okay now I'm behind again I need iron okay I need a boat that's what I need boat and let's go yes eating breakfast and watching the stream an idea fawning thanks I love you no problem merit hope you enjoy so where should I go that way or that way or that way savanna playing forest I'll go this way how do I say your name hen day yeah I don't know how to say on him hen did Jay's met I don't know to say Oh name I'm sorry but thank you for sobbing where is dream and how old are you dream is oh it's one of those things okay dream is recording a video right now with a special guest and I on 23 even though I look 12 and what for you ly thank you for seven reason honor it's the B person again thank you lady cray this place doesn't look very good is the music too loud by the way oh [ __ ] is it fine it sounds a bit loud to me I can't read these okay thank you for streaming in a resolution I can watch I cannot watch sound upstream because of the lag I think it's because I could not change the stream resolution from the highest setting on his that's um yeah it's because I'm partner so when your partner twitch lets you change the resolution um and some ups not a partner yet so he can't do that but um hopefully get bond and eventually sir you'll be able to watch them okay I need like stand still to read the donations because I can't read them over here because it's too small first time to watch a stream you Andrew made my point in a hundred times better I love you Thank You Melissa Melissa and I've already posted my Twitter that if I see how much pop up one more time then I have to buy how much I'm sure you'll see it one more time at Lee good luck you're amazing Thank You bunny I'm so happy to finally catch to a stream love your content thank you little baby cow my brother surprised me with you much I'm in love with it keep up the amazing what love you I'm glad I'm glad I came in mind still hasn't come in my own much I haven't got it yet and I see everyone getting it oh there's a cave okay this looks dangerous oh thank you I'll take that oh no oh this isn't even a cave what or is it a cave I'm confused hmm so let me just this is gonna be hard to read everything if I have to tap out when it's nighttime now let's see the Sun is out for the first time in two weeks here and you're screaming I don't think that's a coincidence and having hazard easy see you own can you even see the easies that I have on actually mine well they are mine but I'm gonna sell them I just bought them to sell them but I I do actually own two as personally so two is the answer and oh my god a crazy my voice has another hundred dollars thank you so much oh my god I don't even know what to say at this point that's too much money and I feel bad please please don't donate any more I feel bad taking your money but I really do appreciate it thanks so much oh it doesn't end up in there okay I feel like this is a bad idea oh okay this is really bad actually because okay I'm just gonna die because on hardcore mode everything is a lot more damage and I don't I don't have any food did the baby rabbits drop food please no okay this is bad I need to just like get out of here because this is bad very bad um master X 1375 and MK plays thank you for something dream is a bold nonce no he's not okay let's see this is how you say your name pen pen down ah is me there you go Penda hat Penda hat is me it's how you see my username had a feeling you mispronounced my name yeah I'm sorry hopefully that was right what I just said I need food I don't have any food mmm okay whose dreams special guests I'm surprised he's not fing with you because he always films with you yes he usually does um he's filming I guess everyone already knows I just say he's recording a video with mr. beast I'm sure all of you probably know who that is and I was kidding when dream when I said dream is my favorite I love you both so much thank you for making me smile no problem I think he told me to call you Chris from now on that's easier to to say so thank you Chris I judge I love your videos so much every time I see your dream upload I always have a heart attack much love from Virginia USA ah thank you so much hi George I just want to let you know that the ESL GC loves you so much and thank you for making a bed yes I made my bed a Vespa thank you yeah I made my bed if you can't tell it's not that neat but it's alright I really need food and also I don't know if anyone's noticed but I made that that um picture of me like my back turning you mo it's if your subjects gnf POG so you can try that out thank you oh and everything doesn't more damage I'm pretty sure on hardcore mode so I'm probably gonna die eventually I need like tower up because I need like read this okay let me see what you're saying I I just realized when I asked if the music was too loud I didn't even read the chat so is the music too loud or as a good again I'm sorry you're a literal chap and dream me to get a haircut how would you know that he needs a haircut it's good okay I mean he probably does need a haircut doesn't everyone need a haircut I actually got a haircut I don't know if you can tell it was a lot longer um I had a had a cut in like two or three months or something because of quarantine um I crazy Mary burrows don't feel bad I love your stuff keep the money man do whatever you want with that he'll do very well ah I'll try thank you so much I would like to see the cat the cat is not available right now actually I'm sorry everyone the cat is not available the cat was available last room at the end but I can tell you he is definitely outside right now and I will not be able to find them and also if I leave I'm gonna die I need food that's what I need there's no supposed seed I hate this place is there any way I can get food in a cave there isn't as though I need to get iron but I also need to get food oak help okay yes I don't know if anyone said help but if you didn't you should have done here's kelp kelp sucks though oh my god fish wait why the fish dead oh that's why okay oh I can't read the donations on here this is really annoying me one second I just kind of want to kill these fish for some food or I should oh no this is dangerous leave me alone oh well three-one-seven thank you for sobbing oh there's so many but there's so many fish everywhere oh come here fish there's 1 2 3 are they're swimming away I will read that donation in a second sorry I'm just dying right now I got four fish okay that will do for now I can come back and get more I just really don't want to die right now umm smoker I put kelp in though I don't know if you know okay I also made a fan out of you and your cat I deemed it to eidm dip temperature you haven't seen it my twitter is bred noise the eye as a locust out okay love you oh my god Thank You Lane I will check it out to the stream it's hard to see all my luck you hold on DMS I get a lot but I try to read them all but I might have missed your one I will have a look though okay yes for health again so let me go get some more fish okay that's a fish it's not a fish that is a fish come here fishy OOP Oh OOP all right there's one more fish I can't believe I'm having to rely on fish fish suck okay there's a dolphin now what is that okay there's never really any good stuff in there is that in those underwater things okay so I feel like this night okay yeah it's almost nighttime daytime I was gonna say it feels like it's been going on forever Amelia and skeleton out out it's okay it's okay okay if I killed me I would have been so mad okay we're fine we're fine okay let's go down here we are completely fine everyone wait we're not fine yet Oh No in honor of this boy I can't read hang on um in honor of this emoji nerf cap please show please show cat Kade things by icon he's outside I'm sorry I cannot show the cat the cat is unavailable for being shown right now what am I trying to do honey it cook the rest of this kelp up fifth riff has given a gift oh sub two kennel likes pizza Thank You Catherine and X meow kitty thank you for sobbing Hallet take help so much dick help eat the kelp my healing a bit alright I really need real food because this stuff sucks hey George hope you're staying safe and are you flow going of course I'm fall again always not here are skeletons somewhere ok hmm ok hi George thank you for keeping me entertained I entertained I love you in dreams romance and it makes me happy to what you guys interact with each other love you thank you I don't know how to say ah I'm good good ear out thank you Amaya simp if I literally only downloaded Twitch to watch your streams maybe know if it's maybe not I can't read maybe not working is just driving me crazy who knows well I don't know I mean which is a good thing to have you can use it for other things but the question is are you a simple because you gotta just to watch me I don't know actually probably hmm I wouldn't say so maybe though it's up to you I wouldn't say that's simply havior to be honest can't the cat I cannot get the cat I'm sorry I would if I could he's outside roaming the lands and this cave sucks and there's no way I can I can just get him like this because he's doing cat things okay here we go hmm hi Jojo good doing well if he could possibly check out my friends found out of you at peach and mangoes on Twitter it would mean the world to them I will okay yeah I will look at all these these things after the stream because I really don't want to die on this world cuz I have to restart okay I'm Wallace it's day I'm gonna just hope I can find real food because I don't want to go kill fish Fisher boring I'm gonna go that way where's my boat oh and you stubbed as well thank you dude or out I'm sorry I'm definitely saying that wrong hmm okay is this why is everything in island so I just like row the boat okay that looks promising over that we're going over this way wait that fish like heal nothing I don't know hi George I'm Isis I love you so much thank you what's up whoa what was that was that a pufferfish I'm trying to see I think that's a perfect oh it is a pufferfish I think I'm trying to pop a fish me okay I really need to find some real food so let's hope there are some animals over here no my boat okay thank you oh and if guys if you're watching the stream and you're not followed which where you for we all are maybe I don't know if you're not followed and make sure to follow only 5% of you are followed obviously yeah I don't know I feel like most of you are probably following me because I didn't tweet about about that so how else would you be here I don't know but yeah if you're not following make sure to follow so you can get notifications when I screw next this place sucks it's all islands oh okay it goes over here another village maybe maybe it was a village no it wasn't what's that I don't know what that is okay let's go across hey George can you say I love you - lava lads we love you in dreams vids all day yo I love you lava lads I think you missed my donor before but you're but you're busy so it's okay I don't know I don't know how much more money I have okay I will check let me have a look I don't think I missed anything but I must have done let me have a look I guess I should cook this food whilst I'm looking so actually I missed this one hey George loved all your videos so much thank you for all the great content that is keeping me entertained during this time stay safe Thank You Jess and your world is simply just good Club meadows literally yeah it is Thank You Mikey yeah I don't know it's just all Islands oh yeah alright I did miss her I did see it and then I didn't read it for some reason cuz I got distracted hi thank you so much for making my day graduation just go counts with my boyfriend bro homie oh my god plus I just had surgery oh my god everything's going wrong but your stream such videos make me happy after all that well I'm glad you can enjoy the videos at least hopefully everything gets better my name is Claire ha show us your cat oh Claire okay okay Claire back was Claire Co ar e e Doug Claire a dog your dog I don't know how to pronounce that bear show us real cat I've yet to see it because I'm a newer watcher icon I'm sorry he's outside if you if you really want to see him you can watch my last stream and he's it's probably near the end or there's also a Anna moat here it is this is kind of what he looks like and also on my Twitter I posted a picture of him yesterday I know my Instagram I'm just plugging everything now you can get my Twitter Instagram if you do exclamation mark Twitter or exclamation mark Instagram okay hi George I simply I'm gonna make a shrine for you oh my god you didn't say I love you back oh my god I love you I'm sorry I didn't mean to I missed that I'm sorry well it's food here we go okay this is really like gonna be the best speed on speedrun a world record if I'm not careful because I'm doing so well I already need to UM bring this over so I can just read the donations better let's put this right yeah hopefully this works hey Georgie I love you I love you you're beautiful you're beautiful face and you're a wonderful content I was just wondering what your agenda for this stream was yes so anyone who didn't yeah that's true anyone who didn't hear like the first minute of the stream which is probably 99% of you I'm just playing a hardcore survival as you can tell by the hearts and I'm trying to just beat the game so if you die in hardcore minecraft if you don't know it's over you can't respawn so I have to be super careful not to die otherwise it's over I'm just going to beat the game so that's the agenda for this room and I've got a really bad seat I should have chosen a choosing a better seed so I'm having a lot of difficulty even fighting stuff but now I've I found stuff what's your cat's name I feel rude calling him cat this is top secret information that is not released yet so um you have to find out in the future ice first dude is Japanese slang for lazy okay well there you go I'm probably still pronouncing it wrong so late wait lazy Claire that's that's who you are lazy that's cool you learn something new every day oh my god tried Amelia thank you for donating renegade Wow Charlie's here I won't say hi to try Emilio she's here wait why is my I didn't change to that slot I was using my pickaxe I swear and loaded god complex thank you for sobbing Oh what am i doing jazzy music yeah that one was a bit jazzy also America has done it for 2000 it's 420 420 this one he did that on purpose totally yeah that is a lot of money and it was when you say this month I feel like yeah I think it was all this room so that was very rude mr. creeper never do that again so yeah when you say this month I'm pretty sure it was like this hour which is crazy mmm 69 okay am i doing quite well now making some progress I have a lot of coal I want more torches all right there we go tell me your favorite genre of music or perish oh my god also totally thought you were 16 but like the first week of watching your videos yeah that's understandable favorite genre of music um I don't know to be honest I like this kind of music but like I don't typically listen to it to be honest I like it was just I used to listen to this music when I would um when I studied because I don't know I couldn't listen to music with lyrics and that and just distracted me but this is perfect for that and if I'm just listening to music in general probably like hip-hop or something I rap you should name your cat dog just to confuse it I don't know if that would confuse him I probably is confuse everyone else because he is a cat I'm sure he doesn't own this my god another $40 thank you so much so now you have four sixty four sixty dollars that is so much okay let's make some armor so I don't die as easily there we go protected hmm George this is important what color of dream hoodie should I buy I love selling you guys hence why I don't like three times already what kind of pretty shitty yeah um if it was me I would personally get either the white or the blue one but up to you your preference obviously your hoodie but I think dream asked me if he if he if I wanted one and he would just sends me but I felt bad him just paying for it I was like don't worry um but um I was I said at the time the blue one cuz I think the blue one is cool but yeah I would probably get the blue one if it was me I couldn't catch the last two strings because I was sleeping well I could see this one yeah this is that I'm not sure where you're from but this is a good time I think for a lot of places so hopefully everyone can catch this room can you say happy birthday to my friend Simon I did say I did say it last time I'm pretty sure I'm like 90% sure I did but I'll say it again happy birthday Simon yeah I don't know what else you say have a good day there you go I'm like 90% sure I said it though you did yes I did I remember this thank you for streaming I was throwing rocks at my tree oh yeah my bottom has came to an extreme level oh my god throwing rocks at tree that's kind of fun oh my god please it's an even 500 oh my god no please actually you make me feel bad don't waste all your money on me there are other people that could I would appreciate it as well but I do it for you so much thank you so much it's so much money and so generous hi George have you seen dreams face yet much love I have not I have not oh you gave the same message again Oh George you can you say I love you to the lava Lots group chat we love you and dreams vids again I love you to the lava lads group chat there you go lava lads group chat what's up mmm have I already inherited think well have I know I haven't surely not ok yeah here we go more stuff ah ok ok oh wait sorry I'm gonna miss the stream because I'm on a hike oh my god I'll definitely watch it afterwards love you in dream team PS I can at you if you want to see the photos up from Texas yeah do that let me see that let me see your hike from Texas Oh No I don't know why I don't imagine Texas being like a high key place but obviously it is and I've never been to Texas and I've actually never seen it so I don't know what I'm talking about but I don't know i would have just imagine it being kind of flat I don't know I guess you can hike in flat places I don't know am I going crazy oh that looks good down there I should probably get a shield that would actually be a good idea die spider ok ok people are trying to steal my puns so ok here we go I told this to dream but what did George say to dream when he asked how he looked wait what did George say to dream I mean he asked how he looked I feel like I okay he said you looked georgeous I mean I don't know what Jim looks like so that can't possibly be true I would never have said that but yeah I is a good play on words ah georgeous I have not heard that before surprisingly okay look at all this iron we're getting stacked now all right George you did say happy birthday but two different people donated you're not stupid but could you say that you love Lana it would make my day I love you Lana thank you for donating so yeah I did say about two different people weight to different people donate and often say happy birthday to Simon I don't know if that happened but maybe I don't remember um am i running out of food oh no oh I've got still about three okay a big loser thank you for subbing I don't have enough right now for the dream hoodie but I'm gonna get the blue one long wait how are you gonna get it if you don't know enough for it it doesn't make sense we had the blue one I like that blue it's a good blue so I need boots let's get a shield all right shield we're a lot less likely to die now which is definitely a good thing there's the helmet where was I hi George I love you in the dream team and yes Texas as a hip place you hug her oh my god thank you how much money can I donate for you to do a cat named reveal also my name is just pronounced Melissa okay yeah so I said at the right the first time um cat name reveal I don't I don't know if there's any amount of money that can I can let that happen to be honest oh no I don't have any sticks here we go iron stuff mm-hmm I'll just combine these messiaen do I have left zero okay let's get a bit more what that's no problem thank you for donating I really do appreciate them and have fun at work if that's I don't know what your job is maybe you enjoy a lot of people do enjoy their jobs so enjoy no law I'm gonna get it when I get paid oh okay makes sense makes sense seven up for that dream hoodie okay so hmm which I own I have five all right so I've got full iron iron oh I need a flint and steel let's do that yah so thank you for subscribing yeah you got so I do have a lot of coal let's make some more torches cuz why not and who just said who just subbed who just served ah thank you who oh I can make a bow with this almost throw away my strand we got oh one second guys dream just poked me sound my cell phone active hello yeah hello what's up do you need assistance are you done I'm done okay dreama's hair I'm a hairdresser so sometimes it's fun but it's a very tiring dira a very tiring job well hey I think it sounds kind of fun you can um I was gonna say experiment I guess probably people don't really want you to that this sounds fun kind org yeah they were they were making fun of you for not being there oh really I mean they could have been that and they're just like ah he's George George sucks choice this is kind of rude oh my god I'm my final kind of hot so if you can hear it let me know turn it down it's on the lowest setting hopefully you can hear did you check out the Isle of dream from the last room wait what the Isle of dream decadent offspring oh no I did not check it out oh my god y'all so dumb okay hey George loved the content and you seem like such a Jenner in person I was wondering if the dream team is in the middle of creating a Minecraft so I wrote it at the time well yeah I suppose yes it's in progress yes is the answer where am i I'm lost Oh No okay I changed my mind I'm gonna keep going crazy Mario Bros you're actually crazy oh my god $60 more I don't know what how do you react to getting this much money dream everyone over again um I don't know what I'm much money I think that's I've lost track I think it's like four hundred and sixty dollars now or something really yes Wow so you have to say I love a dream because of that no that's he doesn't want me to say that you already said it you might as well I did not say it oh my god but thank you so much crazy Mario Burroughs and AH what's behind me oh it's over there yes come across by zombie okay hey I painted you and sent it to you on Twitter would mean the world to me if you can check it out I will check out all these donations that are asking me to do stuff on Twitter I'll check them out off to the stream but thank you I will check it out tell dream I say hi and that I love him Claire says hi and Claire loves you Jim oh thank you love you too so many zombies I'm getting infested it's almost like it's a zombie apocalypse Oh dreams new video Wow that's it why am I still getting iron I don't need anymore I'm just down here I initially came down oh I do need I need a bucket but I've got I&R Eddy okay can you please all stream to let me in the disc or the much discord IDM damn my Twitter is wings 7 SS patreon I will go dear I'll check it later job ok I want diamonds from her hey guys I have heyguys cuz I have a normal excuse me where oh is there what yeah that's what you get see what skeleton because I have a normal ish sleep schedule I've always had to rewatch streams it's weird to watch it live also does anyone here from DC I don't know anyone indeed from DC say hi in chat yeah this is a good time to stream my thing I think a lot of people are are awake at this time Anna is a weekend so more people can be you to be here yeah because they're all like working or something when during corona yeah I guess I guess there's online I'm pretty sure I'm like I know New Zealand doesn't even have lockdown right now I'm pretty sure well yeah but I mean like also for kids like I guess they're doing online school there on weekends no like on the weekdays aren't maybe I don't know but yeah I mean I'm sure loads more people can be available on that weekends this is my fourth donation should I stop or not well it's up to you I appreciate your donations but if you if you don't want to give me any more money I am NOT asking you to that's fine if you don't want to okay here we go oh no George you missed that of the donation I'm like kind of behind on donations right now ever since dream gets here I get behind on donations coincidence you can't multitask no I can't it's hard to talk to you and talk to this room as well because we both have our own little conversations am i low enough I'm not whoops hi George hope you have a great day thank you I am cheesy pasta Emma found George thank you for sobbing I'm the one from I'm the one who called dream of old nuns from earlier and I stand by my word what do you have to say about that Jim um must defend yourself against these um these false kind I mean I just kind of made it it's also a bit um you've read it like you read that like what's wrong with you it's a bit on what's the word libelous inappropriate and libelous libelous look at me it's a big wad Wow whereabouts in the UK you from North South are you serious George sucks George sucks George suck is so annoying I can't even go back ah well that sucks I was doing well kind of well alright I guess I'll catch up on some donations quickly whereabouts in the UK you from I'm from London also you and Jamie are pretty inspirational in how you support each other I love the my body and my body parts of the beginning of each video well done man thank you thank you William just a random fan from Ukraine sending lots of love sending lots of love and thank you for your stream it's no problem they're helping me be more productive this quarantine helping you be more productive interesting not sure how how that works is more money for sympathy law you enjoy I can't even see how much that is yet but I okay one second I'll get to it can Hyun dream say lies is superior I love you both by the way nad lies its superior hi hi dream so what is this hi dream George I'm real I need to tell him I said hi Mike he says hi dream hi hey George can you please say have you busted my friend Donna happy birthday Donna hi George if you maybe want to check out my edit I made love you okay love you my twitter is aight boys okay I will check it out after the stream like I said I'll check out all these Twitter donations off of the stream five-five darkness thank you for subbing and we all know you love dream you don't have to hide it maybe I mean I don't know George I have an assignment due tomorrow I haven't even said it but I will rather watch you to be honest well you're gonna have to do it eventually so make sure you don't leave it too late otherwise that's bad you want to rush it I don't - thank you guys after years I play Minecraft again and this is because of you I love you for all you say my mental health this quarantine love from Italy ah Thank You Irene okay here we go crazy meh River is now evened out to $600 total thanks for the great stream man it's super chill and good back home noise for my editing law thank you thank you for the videos man no problem thank you again for another 40 dollars my god how has your home town such the UK shaped you do you like where you live interesting how has it shaped me I don't know I guess just however being from the UK affects anyone else I don't know just the way I speak certain culture things that may be only English people usually say I don't know I don't think anything specific to me and do I like where I live I guess it's yeah that's all right I don't know I haven't really lived to many other places so I did I can't tell if I would prefer elsewhere you'd prefer here trust me why do you think that because I'm here okay well then fly me out already we were supposed to fly me out like months ago well just never happen to now coronavirus so I can't go but anyway I almost cried when he said he loved me you know what so much so much fun to watch Thank You Claire okay I know you said you'd do it afterward me and a lot if you could check out the art I sent you on twitter DMS I'm Katie's okay I spent like five hours on it much love from the extended fam I'm already like so far behind on everything I will check it out after I'm sorry I will check it out I promise okay I'm going bankrupt can we get a third hat oh my god you serious a third happy birthday for Simon from Durham Oh Jay to say how you were to the Simon happy birthday Simon I'm like what can you ask him to say how about to the Simon what how'd you do the zoom thing in Minecraft I can't figure it out oh um that is Optifine it is a mod if you just stepped up search up opti fine officer Optifine mod and then you press is it wait see but you can change it see is the bus and I think by default and ferry knee thank you for subbing which edition of Minecraft should I get I built my first PC I want to download that I we play on the Java version but if you buy the Java version you get the you get bedrock for free I'm pretty sure so and it might even be the other way as well so there's I'm pretty sure that's true it might actually not be true now I'm not sure do some research I know I'm never sign to show actually on that but I preferred your other fish or eating a small for breakfast I missed this notification because I was watching someone else's right behind you hi baby what's up can you say wha what's up guau guau hi Jojo stream is such a distraction violet love you Thank You Nia oh my god crazy my brain is another $40 I'm so sorry here's more money for sympathy lure you injuring my favorite minecraft youtubers oh my god thank you so much sorry that was my donation that distracted you yeah that did get me killed I probably would have died anyway so it's fine don't worry I feel like dream has a Saturdays for the boys flag in his room but I love him anyway can you confirm or deny this dream I don't have any flags in my room oh okay I thought you said you had flags in your room like what Matt and I are you tell me how many flags in my room okay I realize my room is barebone right now there's no anything hmm okay no flag I think it's on the only thing that's on the wall is these panels here all Senate's here okay I want you to have a nice okay let's see should I show it on stram and if you want I guess this is on dream's wool just like what are they it's like that they're like echo reduction oh okay I just want you to have a nice a you are beautiful and awesome also tell Jim to have a nice day too I mean I stayed with you Thank You Nicholaw hey George I created a YouTube channel called olive you wait no I'm that I'm not saying that that was close very close that is not something I want to say and it's inspired by you in dream I'm sure it is thank you although I'm sure unless you actually did make a channel called that you might have done well maybe get me to say something offer that in teen speak I mean he could have made a channel like this I'm not strong [Laughter] yet his password copy and paste and he just sent his snide why can't I copy it it's not copying why isn't it copying oh I can click this to copy okay but all of you trained don't even sound like it it's closed you dream but in the chat do your parents know about dream also tell Dream High they do not let's keep it that way they do know they do I don't think my parents know for sure about green yeah Georgian dream for sure okay my parents and my sister makes fun of me all the time it's really sad like literally this is not even a meme I was like sitting at the table with my mom the other day like yesterday and we were just talking and she's like oh I heard that that George said I love dream on on stream yeah my parents I was up today's apparently was I it's really sad dream didn't finish his sentence he said I'm not gonna finish the rest of that but yeah nearly sniff hello hope you're having a wonderful day I am thank you nvm reality Emma found George hi I love you so much and a me on Twitter a pic I drew of you also tell a dream I love him oh wait I didn't say that I didn't say that Emma said that okay that was close I thought I thought I fell for her I did not I will I will check out all these Twitter messages after this room though hi George like could you ask him to say I love you as the and the ESL G see also please can I be in the just call I bought three much a while ago but Maidan was never answered okay I'll put this in the chat can see it there yeah hopefully he will get to that did you guys see that YouTube edits are made of the dream team meeting IRL it's disgusting I have not seen that I have not seen that I bet dream looks like a porcupine maybe I could see that I could totally see that yeah okay random question but how did you enjoy meat I love you both thank you so much we met on bad boy hallo Sava Munchie MC I dream was an admin and I was a coder though I guess dream was also kind of a code about that no I was about here no one we met yeah yeah it was we prison in Hg released at the same time it was literally the same day they released a new coded Hg and I code in prison okay yeah that's sure actually I wasn't a code coder I wasn't good coder but I was a better nose it was the same day early yeah interesting I think we may have pushed prison back one week then maybe in the next weekend but it was planned for the same day and then they do it just late yeah yeah I definitely coded them well when we first message I didn't code I was trying to get you to code something when we first ever messy yeah I didn't so we like we didn't know each other kind of before we actually talked but yeah I guess that's not really meeting each other um where was I oh it's I love you in your videos so much really keeping this corona time fun love for Norway Thank You Nathan do you in dream have a snapchat streak we do not Wow I'd already have a streak with anyone actually I don't really districts I have a single Street if I have a streak it's just because we talk every day I don't even have a single streak do you think you dream and sign up I ever gonna meet up IRA if so when I think we will and they will I assume probably be this year some point se-min coronavirus doesn't keep being annoying can dream say happy birthday to Donna please know what I'm just kidding have you birthday Donna yesterday dream liked my tweet and I literally made a happy dance it was the day after my birthday couldn't imagine a better birthday present you guys really make me happy thank you stay healthy and happy hmm you too thank you Sara Danny waddled away waddle bun dun dun da da I love your content hey probably not anytime soon maybe you've got only grapes just want me to say that I love you guys on your videos give me one you know I did thank you Karen a I'm glad can you say can you [Music] Singapore I'm sorry if I said that wrong probably did but they can you ask him why he won't show his face to you yeah why wouldn't you show me your face dream um well I kind of have no you have not I kind of have I would like like facetimes you or anything but I don't even go in gay man because I'm I I'm too shy around jor it's like I'll be able to see my face but George is jeez other people have seen dream but I haven't met other people that's all I could you're not in the u.s. this makes me sad very sad I love you dream and I'm George that's a one message how I falling for this so much now glad you made your bed today I'm keeping with the hot seat questions what is your biggest regret yeah my bed is made as you can see oh my god what is my biggest regret Oh interesting I don't really know to be honest I'd have to think about that biggest regret I don't know honestly I have to think about that okay I'm not reading that bit donation but thank you codfish no I really have been thinking about olive you tree an and for dream to roast me happy broke so many times okay we'll see about that bro I was just chilling in the park feeding ducks and other birds and then I got the notification that you're streaming and I had to bike my ass off home and it's up yeah I'm exhausted I'm here though so we get I mean you could have watched from your phone you know but here you are so thank you for coming home to watch tell us a funny joke or what I'm the joke okay here's my funny joke you ready dream if you're an animal which animal would he be and what another thing dream would be George I'm sending you a face reveal right now in such a ok sure you are well I promise okay yeah I'm gonna see it alright I sent it I sent it it's not gonna be him it's good okay I'm owning it I have not opened it yet Jim can confirm and calling it to me a stupid duck in a pool it's not that's not a double Nepal wait that's a year yeah that's me no it's not that is that's me this is just some random guy you found off Google no that's me that's me can I share this room yeah I guess sir he's serious I can make do your face reveals you okay I'm really sure that you said yes I'm doing them I'm showing them you I'm sure I'm showing them I'm showing them no I'm sharing this is why this is why I don't show you this is why [Laughter] if you're an animal which animal would I be and I want to be a shark I looked for that stupid duck in the water for like 10 minutes and couldn't find it so I just sent that I want to find the duck in the water we want to find it now now it's not my my dysphoria has been kind of battery something but thank you for sparing it really helps love you guys thank you I'm glad Kai pebbles glad it helps what's your secret for looking so young I also love you and the dream team I don't know if she likes ten years late and that does help I'm sure when are the booty shorts much coming out though love you George um I don't know I have to come up with a design for them that's you know I'm not I don't want to do that as yeah as a joke I there will not be booty shorts hi George is my birthday tomorrow so could you and him say happy birthday to me it would mean the world my name is Mabel also the dreams mom replied to the Mother's Day text if so what'd she say I don't think she did reply good let me see she didn't reply did you tell her not to reply to me anymore maybe anyway happy birthday Mabel you have to say it as well dream um happy birthday Mabel thank you for liking my tweet with my fan out the other day George it lets me make my day love here I'm glad you liked that I liked your three can you and dream wish jeremiah happy birthday happy birthday jeremiah dream i have a video of me trying to fit oh my god i said last year and oversee jeremiah scully goddess and shady tick tock thank you for subbing hi it's me from Sin City aka Vegas you probably don't remember I do remember you again I'm just wondering why you say that to dream off camera but on cameo sorry I don't say it on camera you do what he's lying okay you do this you do that okay if you don't have a biggest regret them what's your biggest fear mmm I really don't like spiders I would I don't know if that's my biggest favor I'm not trying to think of something worse but I don't like spiders every time he has a spider in his room he just freaks out oh there you have this a box that I keep on the floor so if there's a spider I can just like like catch it like that it's just always right there just in case spider I don't have the picture of the duct and the pool anymore it was just a floaty I love that picture I used to Mimi with him how dude this is my first time donating I want to say I love you dream they love you too I've got to be careful with the way I read these you skipped over oh you skipped over my donor can you ask a dream to say I love you ESPA and the es LGC say a dream what is it that's too complicated move there it is I put it in the chat I love you Esther and the can you say I look I love you sweetheart when also I love you so scary I didn't look at it yeah was I couldn't watch it on my phone cuz it's not good enough I can't see your face on my tiny spoon screen let me see this what is that you I cannot show arms to him why is it called the dream team shouldn't it be called the SAP nap Bo somebody's what is that I don't know what that means but thank you great way to celebrate a great way to celebrate the last day of Ramadan love you and dreams videos thank you so I'm guessing that means I said it right hopefully when I tell you I started shaking when you turn the phone around I hate you I'm never coming back oh my god I'm sorry I'm sorry what why is the world not loading overhead Oh cuz it doesn't in uh when he died George I won also want you to know that I love you and I love you dream that you dare Amaya I never thought I'd donate two streamers but I already spent so much money on you and Sam enough I love helo can you also say I love you Kylie would make my day I love you Kylie please hide the donor price this dream is just you reading donors still like watching out there I'm sorry it's already like I've already raised it you don't have Ashley you should read them as they come but you just wait okay I know I know hey George I tore my ACL sprained my MCL I'm fresh in my kneecap Monday I got surgery today I'm in a lot of pain anyway thank you for being you you guys are awesome Thank You J Tic Tac hopefully you can recover well okay I'm co-op and everything dream what can we do now what can we do I just looking through my old camera roll so I'm like sending you stuff I don't know um so what can we do dream I don't know like I want to play just a game of bed walls doing a play maybe maybe ha ha honestly if marry me JK unless probably not I'm sorry I just starting all the hardcore Waldo you're gonna play I'll play with you maybe someone invited me to a I'll look through all these invites to realms okay I know that snapshot from send you a dream okay which is now an emoji NF Park so if you're subscribed gnf POG and you can use that emote right now hi George I just wanted you to know that I love you so much and you're the most adorable list ever also can you and dream say hi to Seon Hye seoeon why would you read my donation but on a serious note hankies with or without brim love you in dream so much from maria yankees without brim for sure what can I do I kind of wanted to I wants to play bed was but I'm on this 1.15 okay I'm just gonna play a soda game with bed was that if dream doesn't want to play I never said I don't want to play you gonna play well enough okay here we go are you coming on on on I'm just looking through my kitchen you have five seconds to make up your mind are you coming on I'm looking through my camera rule five four three two one looking for something let me find it hi I'm playing I have a picture of my cat on my shoulder you said are you playing or not well it's like it's like this strong long time ago before I got awesome yeah playing not patches but I did okay okay dreams not playing Jim hates me all right what's your smallest fear my smallest fear okay so this is a fear that it's small experiences what so my smallest fear is this mean something that I'm scared of but like not really okay smallest fair kind of like I guess like when you like pour a drink like a bit like dribbles off the edge and like goes down and the edge is sticky you know that's like I don't like when that happens I guess that's a small fear can you say haha alt is Sean Sean as a big owl you just took the biggest hour I can't believe this this is ridiculous Oh everyone's invited me to their party now look at what I say fix the screen oh yeah I fixed it wait it's black is it fixed okay they're fixed also can you hear the fan do I need to turn the fan off here I'll turn it off just now can you know that's curiam can you know here's the difference the fan is off the fan I hit a fan the fan is fine the fan is fine okay I'm keeping the fan uncle it's kind of hard I like how no one's questioning how I'm turning my fan on and off he just has like a button to press on his computer I have a button on my keyboard it sounds like so that's kind of cool mr. flax I'm just flexing my remote-controlled fan that I coded to work from my computer okay hello I love you or a bunch can you please come to Dallas Texas is the superior state also can you say hello to Josie hello Josie will I come to Dallas maybe at some point probably not though I'm sorry but probably not I just sent you a photo of me cooked me kicking a poop emoji pillow see you sent me from like spotty mob is a photo a spongebob dream sent me don't show the photo of my foot why discuss my foot that's disgusting I can't say that no I invited you both to my room just now please I'd cry oh my god I'm 1.15 anymore I can't check but I was kicking kicking a poop emoji color yeah I did notice I had like three people would you kill those I used to have it on cool video idea you could do three to five speedrunners versus one creative player but how can you won't even be able to kill the player and creative doesn't make sense what if you're in creative mode but you can still you can still take that much but then you can fly that's kind of dumb okay she was sending me an appropriate means oh my god okay I'm sorry I don't hate you that wasn't me what so hi Jim Chris says hi cherien Oh Chris dream is being inappropriate guys I'm not I'm not so you want me to show you what you just sent me on stranded he knows I'm not gonna show as he's saying that he's being all confident confirmed dream sends Jorge feet pic that is true I mean I don't ask him he just sends them I was like the fifth one today the course you want to set up the survival straight no chlorine I'm not gonna say that yeah he is sending me feed pics I was kind of weird I don't know why he's doing that I say more people [Music] [Laughter] we zoom in on this feedback is making like see their reflection in my eye I'm moving to London for University hopefully bomb scare cause Kanye would you recommend that I'd that is extremely rude Senor don't do that ever again would you recommend that I do it or his London trash nothing is not trash also if I do move there I'll probably be careful you need every everywhere to give you this in case I see I appreciate that I would always love to have calm down hi Vonda what's up hi George I'm Bree please check your talent with that me many other fee would you fan up I love you I'll check all these twisted donations off for this round I have Mito dream that him and Skippy nearly had the exact same amount of subs I thought that's pretty cool did you know that dream is just to maintain out with you send me something else dream like what if they were gonna see that [Laughter] you read already so feet oh my god this guy's gonna kill me oh my god where is he ah I'm dead I've lost me where is they didn't even tell me oh my god why didn't they get my bed oh my god they just Sophie no I will not show dreams feet he doesn't have to show them this guy isn't killing me they just like teasing me and keeping me alive I might kill them this time they're too good for me they don't take any damage George hi George you should check out what is gfriend wait this person doesn't even know it's me I like I'm nicked I'm belissa misspelled can you also call Jerry short Thank You Jerry you're short I had a dream where dream did a face reveal and he was a middle-aged bald asian man oh they do know who I am Who am I how do they know who I am are they are you in the stream apocalyptic Gekko say hi if you're in this room I'm gonna buy yours and dreams much what shirt of yours do you like the most and think I should buy and what color should I buy dreams smiley shirt on which shorts shows my favorite I don't know actually I kind of like them all it's up to you whichever one you prefer someone in my stream said it was you ah this person is dreaming as well okay I'm gonna and what kind of dream sure I like the blue on dream as much so well the white is what I would get personally so let's do this fight me okay we're gonna have a fair fight from now wait what okay they're not destroying my bed just oh my god I can't beat them why they so much better than me this isn't fair I just found like my B yearbook photo yo watch it yeah it's no I don't know I don't know how old you had like ten ten no I think I was probably like 13 interesting he's killing me again okay this person who Brody doesn't want to kill me okay fight me fight me fight me fight me how are they so much better than me I don't underst okay okay I still lost they have one hell what is your biggest of smallest insecurity honestly yeah I don't think I'm ready to insecure about much do you think I am Jay um do you have anything that I don't think you care anything anything only I wouldn't say anything go like there's very little you care or they could just be making fun of you for being like whatever and then you're just like the laugh it off yeah so what so what I don't know I'm I'm not ready to like hear about lunch all right I mean now you're a little insecure that punk was taller than any of those oh no this is because I am tore them Punk and he's saying that he's that's so funny then the pond kept saying how he was taller than me and like did you believe him no oh you didn't believe him I guess I did a little bit like I was like I thought that you guys were probably same Hyatt Oh anyway there's this video and me and punk arena um are you must me to follow him okay I'll follow him and I just pulled up the video and you can see I'm tall and punk and then dreamlike took a screenshot of it and just leaked it that was pretty puppy so happy if you checked out my article on Instagram off the stream and maybe like my post I will check it out I don't know if you've already donated with the name of it and I'll see it or if your name is your Instagram account I will find it but if it's not then I don't know what your account says okay he wants me to follow him where are we going he's taking me to white he's giving me the diamonds okay okay he turns around and fireballs you off I still have a bed isn't matter why is he taking me we say me to his base I think once you kill him it's illegal to cross him with the earliest few people here I know it's illegal now come off and they get his bed knock him off and get his bed this is even where his bed is where is he going why is he going we're going to his base okay that's his base knock him off now hurry actually hurry anyone survived feel bad I feel bad I put on the message me some reason okay I would check it out he wants me to kill him really I can't do it I can't do it I feel bad you're joking kill him I can't do it I feel so bad do it I can't do it I feel bad oh I think he jumped off I think he must have jumped off that's crazy get in the bed same energy he wants to play dream what we did no should we do something else like what what are you gonna do I don't know on the survival world we could let's see what what does this frame want me to do guys put it in the chat what we should do base camp everybody put face cam yeah I'll do a face cam if you guys change the title okay I don't know what to change it to but that would make sense to change the title CSKA so Carnival survived I'm seeing a lot of survival speedrun man hyung death swap so valuable hmm I think a lot of people want survival I think you just won survival so you're saying a lot of people won and even though a lot of people all same survival everyone the same survival yeah everybody in the same survival I love him I am 411 Borges 411 he is a little [ __ ] Hey yeah that's to a pole why she should we I don't really want to do a manhunt I'm not doing a man huh and I just did a manhunt and it was it was what true it's fun but I want to do it again right now okay I'm just gonna stop the whatever world just a Bible world we can just meme around on that if you want to come on otherwise I'll just do something on my own ah let me see how do I set this up stop this server okay give me two minutes everyone and we will have a server to play on whoa-oh okay change that do I get this loaded go and drag this out huh and I think we're ready start this over boom okay it's loading oh my minecraft just crashed yes nice it's downloaded the new snapshot it's launching where is my minecraft launching launch sequence launching its launching the launch sequence yeah I had I had fun it was um it was mr. beast uh Chandler and then Chris couldn't make it so it was Carl and I hunted them down Wow one eye one deer to check in I don't know I know see what happened those me there was three speed runners versus one hunter and yeah that was fun back hey fun to secure whatever quality of iosing kept he kept saying stuff on purpose like like at one point he was like he was like oh you're really good he's like oh it's like oh are you better than techno blades like oh no no no no no and then he looked kept saying that he's like guys he's gonna he's like we're gonna want to cut this out so anytime like he's bout to kill us just start saying like start insulting technically I wanna doesn't want to leave it in I was laughing really hard but I was like oh my god what is your favorite quality about yourself oh my god I I don't know I know I wanna sound or whatever what's his favorite quality about himself he always brag all the time he says this I feel like it's gonna be made up but go on what I what what do i brag about the whole time I'm not saying it I say it no because you know I'm gonna expose you and say it's fake oh no because you could say it's fake no matter what that's not what is it I'm not saying it you can say it if you want you know what I'm talking about I honestly don't you know exactly I don't come on George don't lie message me I think he's just making this all off my vest I poked you what not even mean you know the most random thing it doesn't even make sense what wait what was the cut what is your favorite quality about yourself and you said peepee poo-poo you said peepee poo-poo can we just show it on the street I can show this on stream I did not I can show up this dream you can't show anything that's it I'm showing her I didn't say it peepee poo-poo you were kicked from the server itself says it wait a second exposed I just exposed them connected oh I joined the wrong can you speak whoops connected you were moved hello hey well what you have to say for yourself they were you lied what am I like my dick slump I put a gap in it it's fine yeah okay have you put a gap between yes you know you just said right that's what that's what he's confident about what answers your question hey that's why that was his answer to your question that's enough read what appropriate enough of this mayhem [Laughter] all right feed the pigs breed fun fix them ouch unless no I didn't think I will be reading them on stream but dream usually reach them before bed so I'm feeding everyone all right so all right I'm gonna buy you're leaving you don't want me to know really don't want me to why would I want you to leave that's so nice look look at the stream you see this yeah it's messed up like the the name Vice yeah yeah they messed it up in the new snapshot unless it's supposed to but I doubt it why would they make it like that um coffers that way you can see the number of stuff without like like you know the name of your thing you know bunch of dumb no I hate that that's bad how do they keep breaking stuff every snapshot oh that's the the thing the water bucket so in the other some shops you couldn't place water like this oh it's fixed yes nice they fixed it okay I was so dumb you know yeah they messed messed it up so you want to leave Durham you hate you hate us oh I was asking you but then you said you begged me to say and I'll say maybe then okay maybe why do I have a chain helmet as well Oh dreams here yes yes yes basil wife where's all the food wait why do I have nothing okay no I know my stuff y'all done okay good I have it I don't have nothing where's all the stuff no no just kidding where's weed food dream dream you're not just kidding if you're gonna kill you're going to kill me I want one heart there's gabbles in the area George just leave me alone take a gap all Wow I don't trust you I gave you a gobble do you have anything that you want to do on the stream dream almost alive um maybe kill a dog or something that's it what let's not do that I kind of wanted to build my house do you wanna help me would you like to help me get away from kind of interested to see if this dog will survive one hit with the iron sword you think it well it did Wow a dream what what is wrong with you I think impressive actually yeah don't kill the dog I'm not killing I just wanted to see I don't see you if I could just kill the dog no in one head so fine though it's fine I'm just gonna make bread there's no way it lives to it no don't do it you're just kidding I just wasted chicken on it never Waits you're beating an animal I so much for random stuff I don't want any of this okay let's just drop all this useless stuff right now so what I want to do wait I thought I had a did I drop the raw pork chop I did if you picked it all up I didn't can you use ladders as fuel we can perfect peter has entered the chat yeah you won't you gotta watch out a dream just stealing my stuff this one for a piece is gonna come to you to him Lord you have to come to the diving board and see if you can do it oh my god Oh crazy Mario Bros $200 George come here thank you so much oh my god George what I'm over here okay wait I need to get stuff Oh seriously come here it's fine just come get stuff after ok but yeah thank you again crazy Mario burrows where are you I'm just come out here I'm going up I'm gonna make the water drop and then you have to do it ok wait what am i coming up no don't come up yet this way yeah you're crazy you are crazy crazy Mario burrows completely crazy or George watch this okay hi George love your vids a nice stream PO dream I love his video red panda loves your bedroom all right I'm jumping off you ready yeah you have to do it it's not even hard do it then okay car Issac 17 thank you for seven screw screw screw why can't we get a squirrel in your backyard hello dreaming George is back arson okay love you both I don't know is Becca sent okay I'm not sure I would assume sir I haven't seen anything though so you want me just to learn why are you up here I'm just following you you're gonna push me because I do gonna push me on the water I'm not gonna push you I promise you go further you gonna push me I'm not gonna push you Wow Congrats pressive nice dream you're better than SAP nap well he can't do it he felt so many times but he did do it sometimes too that's easy I know hog gnf hog everyone and gnf POG can I can we turn the weather off can I use 1000 it'll good let's I'm getting rid of okay asleep I hate there you're such a cheater we've never cheated once on this map and you want to cheat I just want to turn the rain office rather than just sleeping that is cheating okay woozy ms and it's Luke WG thank you for sewing yes the rain is gone okay dream dream stop stop hey I need tools where's all the diamonds are there's eight diamonds why are you turning into punk Oh has a long name to turn mean me to Tito thank you for subscribing dream please stop I don't even pick any of it up please stop it he's killing me stop dream I'm serious thought we found out what your favorite quality about you is oh my god okay what would you say is your greatest failure in life oh my god what are these question what I can't say I'm a dog here I'm not saying that pose a number thank you drag your feet rigify trigga phi thank you okay listen I need okay I'm seeing your iron we have no iron yeah we need more we have nothing we have like not that much we let you have nothing what do we what's happening now this pickaxe is dead honestly you're him what is this what is this we we don't have anything this seven iron here I guess I can use that but why don't we have any iron ridiculous I don't want to use these saplings okay I just woke up it's nearly oh I just woke up it's nearly 5:00 a.m. and you're streaming so I'll watch you I guess also I have to attend school on campus next Tuesday so I wouldn't be able to watch a lot of Austria one time well you can always watch them after they're live I don't know if if that's something you don't want to do but you can watch them after but yeah thank you for for donating and good morning okay so I have 7 iron I need to make tools pickaxe pickaxe and a shovel okay you want to help me dream it stop with what building my house so the plan is I want to build like an underwater house like oh it's like under the water it's not go in then it's not under the under the water oh go under the water wait how do I have a chain helmet where did this come from yeah how'd you even get one wait a Ponk I want to remember and you took it from where almost somewhere hi I'm the one who painted your cat real tiny our pink canvas and made the not found earrings oh I saw them I saw both of those anyway it was my birthday I say you love you thank you Rachel dreaming seriously seriously what stop hitting me oh you're so annoying why are you so annoying a nice helmet idea it's nice oh my god I can't afford more donations after this one I I can't I can't do this room please you're gonna break my chain now helmet dream go over there I can't afford modernization of this one I actually I have actually less than one dollar in my account now whether though anyway can you name a diamond sword out to me does it have a name it doesn't have a name okay you know how long have you been streaming an hour 42 dream leave me alone I'm not doing anything clearly you're doing something okay yes I'm through this is it my computer is about to die so this is my last donation goodbye and thank you and dream for always making my day thank you primary blue I'm glad and I guess I'll see you next three more the next one you come to dream leave me alone how is dreams so annoying I don't understand stop okay I got out you stole the animal so I have it you stole the Ambu so I couldn't name he's just gonna break it [Laughter] hey wait wait at the bottom I'm gonna jump down I'm gonna jump down the thing okay all right don't block it off you block it off are you okay please can you say how you Beth is my friend yeah thank you yeah I understand having voted to Hugh no problem hi George watching us room is a good way to end my bad day at work I love you even please tell Joey I love him too sir if you answer this already but what's your favorite animal why are you going to him I'm trying to make a better jump what is my favorite animal I don't know cats and dogs are pretty good [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] I'm better than you you made this little meme tower is nothing oh it's kind of cool little bit of parkour okay made out up to the top can I even reach and Lawson thank you for subscribing can I see if I catch a fish from down here up here hey I love you in dream I go up my best friend Pizza a dated to your videos when I'm in peace of love both both so much please so dream we love him as well pizza and just love you to him they probably taller than two you thank you who's that Goths Cappy Oh Goths Cappy Wow I'll skip he's here it's got scapular Thank You gothis Cappy what are you doing down there Jim you get out of here never contact me again he's you and your sharpness diamond sword visit looting only service yeah absolutely jobless and I had I had no armor oh I'll take those diamonds thank you so much DRAM whoa those are mine give me them they please no give me them I already gave you a bunch give me them or I will slaughter you theirs are you having we never got the dream wall reveal also dreaming such isn't such a care thing we know he's being annoying that's what he is let's source damage no let's let's remember who started the violence may I get them I might liked you took that where are they you took them again wait where did they go but are there me what's happening yeah I got okay gonna have all your stuff back Jorge Whitner brim what is happening it's Jordan would never in you all your stuff but I have no brim what is happening I can like whoa on the floor George will you join soon I don't know what's happening Sakura RDX loves you train Hana your baby like what is going on I'm lagging just joining them wait don't keep a stop relogin I'm not reloading it's kicking me we never go already read that one Audrey M 665 and insecure broccoli thank you for sobbing what is happening I'm gonna restart my minecraft hang on everyone restarting both you and dream got me more into minecraft that I was before and you all taught me something taught me speedrunning tricks I'd never seen before well they yo you've learnt learnt some stuff from us and I'm glad you're back into my hair minecraft spawn some bad username cheers 200 thank you all right picking up your stuff because it's gonna despawn okay hi George is Niall loving the stream please tell dream he's a liar as he promised a foot reveal at a hundred K and never went through with it 100k on on what on YouTube that's is that that old or on Twitter or I don't know how inverse if it were available for anything I probably said as a meme hi George can you please check out my Twitter and Instagram and my snapchat on my Twitter stream I might discord I know my crossover on your tinder buyer please I need attention also an annual sword and dog after me oh my god okay I'll make sure to do all of that thank you dr. Pat Wilson your channel Oh who's left where'd he go let me see Oh interesting am i back on minecraft Here I am is he gonna let me in are you serious it's still bugged people ask if George's birthday I know he's cleared from Texas smh yeah obviously but this is my last and every day I'm now broke so by oh my god Thank You curious I'm sorry to have done this to you you don't have to donate tho but what can I join other servers okay I'm one like the snapshot what's happening yeah I think something broke okay interesting let me try to restart this out and maybe that's all I can think laughs that this doesn't work then um then I will have to do something else I did real inch minecraft try read out read downloading the snapshots snapchat the snapshots over I don't know I mean I was waiting for dream let me in Oh get it walk let's try go to the title screen look back in oh I think it's fixed I have my broom back I can't pick up this bone meal what does I have no idea what is going on on this thing oh we're back yes fixed it I fixed it guys yes my golden sodas here even to $700 total thank you so much oh my god donate and see you happy peeper what'd you do man you and a dream team a huge inspirations Thank You Mario Buress thank you so much $700 that is so much you are crazy hi George I'm going into my second year computer science at university I was wondering if you had any tips for getting through it cuz I'm scared well I don't know what it's like at your university but for me we had a lot of work um to keep up with so number one tip is to just do it when you get the work because it keeps just stacking on top of each other and you've got to get it done when you can just stay on top of it and for exams just make sure to put the work in study hard and you should be fine and you stack overflow if you need to that's another one kid excuse-excuse advice can you guys play death swap German here anymore I don't know if he's coming back you might not come back I'm not sure has punk ever mentioned a G and poppy to you guys he may have done I'm not sure and some some bad username thank you again for more bits without a message hi it's Ariana I wake up every day and bully on Twitter but I still love you scooter boy by the way Dream Team Twitter has decided to name your cat scooter since he won't tell us his name anyway I love you and tell him I said hi dream is not here but I will tell him that you said hi Arianna Arianna Grande so yeah I kind of took my shovel and my pickaxe hang on one second okay oh there's my sword okay so Oh what is this okay so I kind of wanted to it's even worse oh my god so I don't have any iron that's one there I need a pickaxe oh there's a space a bit broken hmm oh and you graduated say congrats that's your channel who is this dream can you come back on and give me my stuff oh oh yes diamond shovel wait I didn't have diamond tools did I maybe I did maybe I'll give you mine oh they're mine now thank you all right we got our stuff back okay yeah Congrats on graduating that's pretty epic I want to build basically what I want to build is a house oh and of course you didn't put the water bucket in but I can make one you clean up this mess I want to build a house where you where you access it by like swimming through a little tunnel I know where the best place to put it is maybe like this way not sure I forgot a type of message smh I guess I have to do it again I love you by the way thank you so mad you saying yeah you didn't put a message twice an hour I think I'll put it in that corner I don't know why that corner looks good please find out on to the Goths cavity I will check off this room Thank You Goths Cappy so I want to go there like how about like oh how about like under here and then like in here cuz you can like oh okay interesting I'm stuck under here I don't know an axe great alright I'm gonna go for now bye bye and we'll say bye dream let's put that that oh it's very dog now you I can't even see anything it's so dark come here okay so there's actually no way of me getting out now okay there we go so I kind of want to build it I do have still let's go up this thing so I want to build like like something like this and high bone meal that it's like I should have done that I should do it more central which one's the middle right yeah okay and they built a half so you swim in I'm gonna drown okay when you're done with the stream plea when you're done with the stream check go to the dance my username is phat move okay I shall hopefully I don't forget where's my dirt there it is break huh okay okay I was mean to them he say I love you to cherry enjoy and also that I apologize yes Ned nor apologizes for making me queasy shot but it had to be done unfortunately so I need to get out of this hole there we go oh sit annoying let me out whoops so oh no this is really not not good oh no this is so annoying just let me up okay that goes there so basically I just want to build a house where you enter it like through a secret little tunnel like this so I kind of won like this I think so it will be down here somewhere and then if I I get bone mill and place it like that like if you're just from the side you probably won't even man it's kind of nice but not really place a trapdoor the entrance we'll see I don't think Oh need one what I what I want to do is have a sign okay that's a button oh I already had sticks sign and then I need bone marrow bones bones bones there we go okay dream took my bread no you make more okay bread oh yeah everyone saying dreams gonna scream a dream left I could come back and scream I don't know if he will die during George next time you do it that's what video with dream hopefully soon make a 30-ish block deep hole play signs all the way down instead of the bottom on the bottom place a pressure plate and he will be unable to energy water yeah I think you're right wait is that impossible to survive and actually might be impossible to survive that's crazy if it's that easy I know right I'm dumb that's why I'm cheering twice Thank You somebody username yeah that sounds Oh P is there no way you can survive that MLG block I don't know if that's in regards to that's what I do but I don't know if you could have you block that so you come through and then BOOM oh I said a ruddy idea what if I make my house so far down let's get out now no what if I make it so far down cuz like it's gonna be hard to get out what if I make it so far down right that it connects up to the thing so if I when I want to come out I'll have like a secret hidden piston door like in the wall right here in this wall somewhere so that when I oh when I want to come back up they'll be like a doubly Pistons in the wall like here or something and it will just open up and I can go code and just like swim back up so then this is the exit to my house that's kind of cool I need to make a match up to here somehow but that's kind of cool I think I want to do that I finally caught you a stream I'm making fun of you right now do you have any ideas um hmm I'm not too sure actually but anything is good I'm sure and if you do it and if you do it make sure that me on Twitter now so yeah what is your favorite minecraft or and biomes we were or I guess diamond door is the best one favorite biome I like the flower forests a nice make your own water elevator I could but I kind of want it ought to be secret I don't want it to be like noticeable so I'd have to make my own whatever you call uh what's a cool water elevator and then it would have to like exit somewhere and then people would see it but if it links up with this one over there then it's like discrete you know so if I just like okay that's not how I already messed up I'm just gonna go back over there and see and we write down the chords I should have turned that when I was over there wait how do I even do this piston door because it needs to still be flush I need like one of those double piston extenders so it's like two Pistons and it like pushes and then pushes then pulls back and pulls back there's like a double a double piston door I don't know how to do those thereafter look that up hi George just curious do you recognize any of us from the from dream team Twitter I do we actually show up on your timeline um don't normally show up on my timeline but uh I'll see stuff in my notifications for sure um so this core coordinate - 1 - 63 - 251 here's the middle oh wait no it's 252 is technically the blog mm-hmm okay are you ticklish um I can't in some places know a lot of places tell the audience go follow me at you on Twitch I think I actually know who that is but um I guess if you want to go and go follow her you can I think if that's who I think it is then mmm okay well as a shout out so where am I 212 so I need you go like this way oh wait no I'm done I need to go okay let's go down like this let's go down really far because I don't know why it's just cool oh okay I don't have any torches well this makes things kind of annoying because there's now I can't though I want to vote I could have like a ravine base could be interesting if I liked it all up what if this is my base which is that bad is that bad if I um oh I have one torch all right well there's a bit of light should I do that make a pimp out the ravine like I just say yeah like make it all like put torches like everywhere so it spray or just light sources and just turn it into my base somehow yes or no ravine base no it's bad yes yes make a house and eat bread I will eat bread all right I mean I think there's more yeses than notes you know what we're doing a pole pole ravine base yes No one minute there you have one minute of a okay we have one vote okay 80% say yes guys make sure to vote if you want your opinion to count 80% where do you vote I don't know I think it should just show up maybe it doesn't show up I'm not sure not sure how many people voted about 1700 so it must be visible somewhere well who's shooting me I don't know who shooting me and how am I gonna get back up guess I'll just whoa he's broke my helmet No okay the pose almost almost over and 82% is the final vote wait what what oh my god what happened all right you guys voted for it so ravine base at his I mean I think he could be kind of interesting to be honest but bit unconventional I don't know if any of you watched ethos lab he's uh oh no what have I done ethos lab ah oh my god I'm so annoyed ethos lab I don't even know if he still does it but I used to watch it when I was like young so long ago he used to do this oh he did this survival world and I'm like a lot of his base was just in a cave ah this is annoying a lot of his world is literally just in a cave so and that was cool so ravine could be called as Wow why not okay oh there we go I got out Oh got out finally hi judge would you ever considering releasing much for our pets like a moo moo Meadows tea for a dog for example it would be cute also thank you for streaming love Valerie um probably not I don't know if they even make that kind of stuff the people that I'm doing my March Webb and there's so many different sizes of dogs that I don't know how that would even work but probably not sorry oh no should I started an icky spam I'm sorry I don't know what happened oh that's her name yeah okay a foley 34 thank you for sobbing hi George I'm a big fan from Germany he tried to read this in German I know what that means yeah I'm not saying that No Shave November I see really I mean no or le I'm just being lazy um also can you please try to pronounce this name I'm no there's no way because it goes no I can't say that that's crazy is there a reason you guys don't use up to final Minecon capes on your characters notice dream used to but not anymore um we just like to make our our content look like vanilla minecraft and capes well we don't have any minecon capes so we just don't don't show them I want I'm on break at work I welcome with Donna's would you like some free McDonnell I would love some free McDonald's right now I'd even pay for McDonald's right now but McDonald's it's closed crazy members again I don't mean to self promo I know everyone else is asking the same thing but could we possibly deal on twitter off the stream thank you so much if you dare me I'll see it I'll reply let me see how many dams I have right now because I feel like everyone is DME right now okay I have a lot okay I will I'll go through Twitter after but yeah I'll check it out crazy Mary burrows okay so what am I trying to do I'm trying to build but it goes into that ravine so how am I gonna make this nice I need like okay I need water so right now it's just gonna be really inconvenient because it's I haven't built a way out oh I need torches torches cool of course we don't are we do why was all my sticks I thought I had loads no idea okay perfect mmm all right let's go back down the hall so I think I want to make it look like this where's my dirt I have no doubt let me steal some dirt somewhere where can I still do it from without making it up ugly yeah okay why do I want to fill this and now steal some from here yes steal dirt okay there we go so we come in here Oh what if I make it like that and then oh okay I like covers it up a lot more okay look you can like okay you can like not even see that that's perfect so you swim through boom and then get this dart and then pick that up okay mmm okay I probably should have thought about this before I came down but I do need some blogs but for now we don't need blogs what we need to do is just light this place up okay you can stay what this there's two of them is it lagging it's lagging hi George so like I have two very important questions do you have a friend iro named Mikhail I don't can you show you a toothbrush or describe we need a toothbrush service um trying to find a picture so oh I don't know if this is it but it's very similar to us that one yeah I don't know if it's that one it's very similar wait what why is it I don't know what's happening yeah it's lat slack out thank you for serving a young minecraft fence because I can't seem to get over you oh my god thank you big loser and cough stars whitey thank you something hey joy just wanted to say you're really awesome dream as well and I was wondering if there would be four XL shirts on your much website also can you shout about a fabulous diesel and greetings from Israel shouts out fabulous diesel um let me see what size it goes up to on the website George not found shot by the way if you are if you're not aware a hero show this is my much shop so they go up to know they got to three XL I don't know if you might be able to contact them and ask there's a contact button up here and I think it just is an email you can email them maybe and ask and they might be able to do it for you but I'm not sure um and the hoodie is whoa oh the hoodies go to two and the t-shirts go to three yeah I don't know you have to have to ask them but if you want to get any merge the link is below so yeah that's cool I can't wait to see the ravine base also have you have you ever played animal crossing I have not if not what are your favorite nintendo games um I used to play pokemon when I was younger pokemons fun and then tender trying to think of other Nintendo games I I don't know actually I like Mario Kart and the Mario games that fun yeah like oldham our games up one of our games that I've played up being fun I replayed them in a wild on highway 64 is a good game whoa is that too intimate okay let's carry on lighting this place off what was massive another chicken on a zombie love chicken what hey guys highest meeting and I know I know I'm annoying but what if we had a fandom name like to call your fans um I don't know what would the fandom name be I don't know any ideas in chat whoa this place is massive oh all right you have to die now I know I'm sorry I knew I don't like you anymore oh I did already kill her love you're just gonna copy on my tree right now what did he eat steak in um I had I mean what it was actually it was like this it was but it's like little slices of potato with chicken it's like a chicken potato so I don't know if it's consider up high but like it's I like I don't know with like vegetables and stuff it was I don't really know what it was to be honest but thank you for getting the merge I hope you like yeah hey I'm back for my hike welcome back how you doing I'm doing good just playing some survival right now so I just needed like lights up everywhere and once it's lit up so that mobster and spawn oh okay I kind of want to block this area off it's too too much we don't need to go back there yet we can maybe expand that way [Music] let's see what's up here Wow okay this is too much there's too much like stuff down huh I am not prepared for all of this okay okay yeah this is this is some crazy cave no okay I think I'm just going to yeah I'm just gonna leave this place and just work on the main ravine area founders and dreamers are the founders like George not found I get it that's kind of cool why is this ravine unit so extensive it could've just been like a ravine on its own could it had to have a massive cave system okay I'll fly a special order OST UK welcome to France may I take your order oh my god that would be great my usual order for McDonald's is a large Big Mac meal and for the drink I get I don't even know most of you have this drink I think it might just be a UK thing but it's like this frozen strawberry lemonade drink it's so nice Oh and yeah that's what I yeah sometimes I'll get like a cheeseburger as well how the service lagging it's fine I'll just kill everything no problem okay so we're getting this middle area isn't very isn't very well done though I don't know if stuff can even spoil I'm like on these edges probably so that's a zombie clearly I haven't done this very well and why is the service so laggy I don't know oh there's so much stuff down here so much stuff it's a double ravine okay interesting yes as perfect wait this is another ravine what oh my god I'm gonna die hey this is too much stuff to handle it right now it's like a Quadra ravine you know something stupid and everything's lagging and I have this dumb knock-back sword I don't know about other places but my McDonald's has that drink or something similar I don't know but my machine for is broken at moment is anything else you'd like to drink if I so I only found out about that drink somewhat recently a hike on light up all of this place what's this yeah I only found out about that drink somewhat recently I've already had at less than 10 times but um before that I would just get a Coke or a chocolate milkshake so that chocolate milkshakes a good for McDonald's okay this is kind of crazy how much cave this place is imagine I just I turn this place into a completely nice area all of it would be so bad like like three ravines that will look nice and the cave systems everything was just cool I'd be very nice but there's no way I'm ever gonna get it looking that good and Suzie zero Horan thank you for serving how do i okay let's go up here just section off the ravine I'll probably have to I'll do that at least initially because this is way too much work right now to deal with everything at once I'm running out of torches this is not good there's another chicken on his own zombie on a chicken that the third or fourth one why there's so many I'm gonna slaughter it it doesn't deserve to live oh and it almost killed me Oh a trash bow I miss your dono let me see okay I'm sorry hi I'm back do you remember me sorry I had to leave this room hope you still love me I'm sorry I missed your donation yes I do remember you Lars thank you I'm sorry I missed your donor mmm so what is that it's like another mini ravine there's still zombies spawner I'm gonna regressing doing this already what is this okay hmm I have no more tortures now I guess I can get more I have would know okay okay goes those sticks okay I really mmm I'm regressing this I don't wanna I just want a normal base now okay but are we worth it just got to keep remembering that it will be worth that I'm out of coal but because our base is in a ravine we can always get more coal where why is the coal how's that new coal really and there's still mob squad come on call and all the mobs are like in this is not me liking right the stream is fine right hopefully you another ravine what is this place me actually what is going on what okay I actually con oh it's the same one okay they just link up but this is crazy though this place is crazy you can make a no base I mean you're right I mean I can just like I probably should I 80% did one or ravine base but I feel like it's gonna be so much effort to make it look good and I'm just not gonna do it ravine ravine Meadows it actually is I'll record myself asking my sis manager if I can get an order out to the UK also as far as how hair so I'm a takes a kind of melty I actually wanted to UM I wanted to oh my god I kind of wanted to get someone to get McDonald's and send it to me with like that overnight shipping you know the FedEx overnight shipping and just see what it would be like for a video like eating McDonald's from another country you just get that overnight shipping I'm sure I'd probably be trash but I just thought it'd be kind of funny no so wait why am i coming up I don't know why I'm coming up I think I might abandon this ravine idea and just yeah I don't know why I'm going up honey go back down and just dig like a hole right here oh I needed food that's why I was going up wait okay so I wanted like dig a hole and I'll just block it in and then go all the way down and then just make a base below the ravine because honestly like ow honestly I don't think I can effectively make this place look good to be honest so what if we come up here I want to go to low so that there's lava pools yeah let's just actually stop right here and just go in this way and they'll be like hmm like this sign and like that it's your fall through and then the base will be like open up this way like this what do you guys think why'd you have to stop my day down stop my day now thank you for streaming you made me so happy right no problem thank you guys for coming to this room hey you're pretty cool love watching your streams I hope you had a good day I have had a good a good day Zoe thank you hope you have one a good day too hey can you say I love you too my friend Sam they love you so much I love you Sam thank you use glass to show the ravine that could be interesting would you yeah we have a wall of glass like right here so you see it all as you fall down through and then you land and then the ravine will be I mean the base will be in here I think this is gonna be better there's too much effort to make that whole ravine into a nice place so I think what I want to do is just build over to the water elevator and see how it goes okay if you're serious I'll get something incentive then it will be almost free for me because employee discount I don't know if you'll be able to send me food from McDonald's I don't I don't think that's the thing that they'd let you do right now where's my water gone oh it's there what yeah I don't know they probably wouldn't want you doing that oh because of what's going on coronavirus and everything but maybe but yeah I feel like it wouldn't be that nice when it arrives I just wanted to do it for a video clip I'd be kind of funny but so we need to go to 212 which is to the right hmm so how about I don't know where to start building it maybe I shouldn't start building it yeah - 2 5 - ok so here you go this way ok let's just build like this initially and you go to 250 on those that accesses ten more blocks to five-tier okay and then it's straight this way dream Dream Weaver life thank you for sobbing hey George what are you planning on doing on your second channel anything in the works and VV - thank you for serving do I have I don't really have any plans to be honest I just made it um just because I wanted to get the name the you're the URL George was found and you have to have a hundred subs to get a custom URL so I did it mainly for that purpose and so I could secure the name myself just in case I wanted to post stuff on a second channel but um for now yeah I don't really have any plans for it to be honest but maybe I'll post like I don't know I could post like a Q&A on now I want to do a Q&A at some point I would if I did a Q&A I would post it on my second channel and yeah it looks like stuff like that maybe like I'll take some videos and stuff I don't know have to wait and see okay I hear that I hear it we're going right it's the right way okay oh that's not good I only have one sign let me through okay yeah okay yeah so now I can just go like that and I'm up but what does it look like when you did this oh my god I think this is dream actually okay there we go so you come up oh you can see it but I wonder if you can actually get through it if you wanted to let's try no oh you can okay well for now I'm gonna leave it like this but I think what I'll do is I'll make some kind of piston contraption like a door whoops and then and then I'll just escape through here so that's my base you're gonna come through like this let's try it out so you swim through the little secret entrance down the hole you full and here you are and then when you want to leave it's just straight through this way that's pretty cool but yeah now I need to actually make the base yeah I like this idea it's pretty cool so I've a feeling we're lagging because I've read a bunch of animals so I want to go kill some animals okay at these sheeps of probably closing a problem sorry she if you have to die one sheep's there are so many huh all right oh okay I got a lot of stuff okay how do I get out is there a gate oh there it is okay you can get out but now you have to die alright there we go he say yes again look this is minecraft you have to get food it's that's the game I'm sorry okay let's get some of those foods melted or cooked hmm have I been live for two hours forty okay what am i doing mm-hmm okay so yeah what can we put in our base what is something I've got in his base I don't know if he has anything naturally this is SAP naps house you're a crafting bench and torches mmm better than chest whoa SAP nap hiding all the goods are we high I decided watching the stream what's up um not much is up what's up to you um I'm just building my base I'm starting to build my base a little secret base under the house so yeah I guess I'll just put some chests in there initially but I could put some other stuff down there like I don't know but I'll put eventually hmm I do want to just get rid of some of this random stuff that I've gone because I don't need it I'll keep the word okay there we go all right give me my food reading the chat is funnier than watching the stream what is happening in the chat how long has he been streaming two hours 42 hours 40 minutes he bacon but what is up so yeah let's go back down he gets stucked kind of okay so we need to make it not - oh you make it not two blocks higher because it's a bit cramped but yeah I don't know what else we can put down here but I just like the idea of this little secret room so what if I make it I don't know what shape to make her so we have maybe I filled out entrance hole here and it brings you in and then right here it like opens up maybe I should probably plan this before I start building but you know what we're just going to just do it mmm just gonna open up into a nook a bigger room and here it's gonna take ages to dig out oh my god I hear a skeleton this is annoying uh how could I could I like light up the area I'm gonna have to yell properly light up that ravine because I don't want to hear mobs when I'm down and down in here there's so many skeletons below me so I don't know I do have wood luckily I kept that okay let's put a chest here for now a feature idea you should make a village a house so that you can get mending books and diamond armor from librarians and um armor is etc that is a good idea we need a I don't even know if we found a village actually we must have done but um have we I don't know yeah we need go get a we never find a village so we can bring bring some villages home and get some good trading books I feel like my voice is like going in talking too much I think I do kind of want to plan this out before I build because I don't know what I'm doing I want to have what do I want I want to have like a chest area I want to have like a bedroom what else do I need I don't know what else I need do you have any ideas and I'm just going to be right back that's my stuff gone I pick axe one second okay hmm I am back so I I was drinking water I feel like my throat like hurts right now I can't like there's my voice sound different I feel like my voice is like yeah going anyway yes so yeah I want to have like a chest rim how many chest is that that's only three okay that's just for now I'll just do it like that everything needs to be improved I guess cuz this it's not I'm just gonna look like this with stone everywhere I want to make it look nice and they'll be nice lighting like glowstone or redstone lamps or something um it looks kind of cool but it's not very effective very looks nice there but yeah um this could be like a little entrance chest area made some more over here whoops um wait is that the same what is the same it just looks weird cuz there's a crafting table huh okay yeah I need more chests but I don't have any word okay oh we're gonna need to get more you know what I want to put a crafting table in here and so this will be like the essential useful stuff I'll put another crafting table here and maybe we'll have like a third one up here um so common essential stuff and then this way will be the exit and then maybe they'll be like more stuff through this way and more stuff through this way and it will all be like connected I'm like another corridor here instead of like this horrible one wide thing you gravel no okay okay so that's not done hmm so four chests another word more word for a crafting table in there and to make it all look nice put stuff in these chests then I should probably make this one wider as well just because why not let's do that like this and then so this will be the exa is there any way that I can like make myself go down this corridor really quickly I'm not exactly sure Oh am I gonna have to run and I become minecart ice ice with a bow I'll be cool yes ice with a boat I like a dispenser here right click it the boat spawns and there's go boom and I was down the end of the corridor I mean it's not that far but we'll be cool and you get some blue ice how do I get blue ice do I just um how do I actually get it I'll look it up he'll be fine can you tell us about when you you met punkin with rich eating Nando's how long ago did you meet him when we went for Nando's that wasn't the time that I met him I'd met him before that but um when we went to Nando's we that was kind of it why'd you know so this we um me punk and another friend went to the supreme store for a release and and we went to Nando's was it before or after one of them it was before I think well time is it in London it is 9/16 okay let's not break these ones yet cuz it's gonna mess stuff up choice is a high beast well no exactly I just like to buy it and sell it I'm done in a while actually but I used to do it quite a lot buy and sell hypebeast stuff hello yes it's me again this is my last don't know but you have any fun stories to tell us fun stories well that was kind of a fun story when we went to Nando's me and Punk also went to winter wonderland which I don't know if anyone knows what that is it's like a what is that it's gonna like a mmm theme carnival type thing in London in central London somewhere ah come on where it is where is a Hyde Park maybe and we went there okay I like these 3x3 tunnel is very not claustrophobic whoops but yeah I need to make this I just realize if I want to make the walls look good I'm going to dig out another like I want to make it a 4x4 and then fill in the walls there's gonna be a lot of digging let's just say like that but um I think I'm gonna end the stream after I finish this because I feel like my throat is gonna die my voice is gonna die and I don't want it to do that because I need to record a video soon I don't want my voice to be messed up so yeah my voice is like going right now this is crazy but yeah I guess I'm done now so yeah I want to in future streams I do want to make this place a lot nicer so that's what we what I'll be doing a lot making this look better more functional better stuff I want to get this ice road here and yeah I'm sure if I yeah I'm sure if I just just go and just just what whoa what are you come from it's like watch some videos for a few hours or something or just don't even know not have to be talking 24/7 then I'll be fine but yeah I'm sure I'll be fine I just have some some hot drink or something but yeah let's see if there's anyone online that I can read no one that I'm following is live this is crazy I feel like no one's ever live anymore okay I'm not following this person for some reason but I'm gonna follow them now and I'm gonna read them I'm gonna say who it is I'm just gonna raid them so thanks for coming to the stream everyone and I hope you enjoyed it thank you everyone who donates it or stopped or anything and yeah I will see you guys shortly you know mm-hmm I'll probably upload a video before I stream next sir if you'll not stop to my YouTube exclamation mark YouTube that's my youtube channel if you're not solved make sure to follow the twitch stream if you're not following the twitch stream and yeah that's it thank you everyone hope you enjoyed and I will start the raid now okay it's working all right wait what was that sound oh it's from the music and write the end good old good old Benji thank you for something and crazy Marie where's another $10 thank you so much great stream I'll just let it right there I will say our play thank you crazy Mary where is thank you so much but yeah um the raid is about to take everyone away so goodbye everyone see you next time
Channel: Dream Team Streams
Views: 288,165
Rating: 4.9479256 out of 5
Keywords: dream mineraft, georgenotfound minecraft, dream and georgenotfound, gream, dream livestream, dream minecraft livestream, georgenotfound livestream, georgenotfound minecraft livestream, dream minecraft survival, georgenotfound minecraft survival, dream, georgenotfound, woops georgenotfound, dream and georgenotfound minecraft, dream and georgenotfound minecraft livestream, dream survival world, georgenotfound survival world, george survival world, georgenotfound survival, sapnap, mods
Id: qInSBMQY8vw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 174min 51sec (10491 seconds)
Published: Wed May 27 2020
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