Dream's 14th Minecraft Livestream | Hardcore survival

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there we go might be a bit loud I'll fix it other is a okay area you I Oh how is everyone doing today on this this fine afternoon I am screaming at a normal time yes hello normal normal stream time p.m. Eastern Time or almost almost 6 p.m. you how's it going all right I'm gonna play hardcore why not kind of fun I guess oh it's my thing messed up oh I know it's not okay take for the sub I heard sapping up did a facecam stream lost land I missed it it's ridiculous Wow my hardcore world starts on a jungle okay that's fine that's fine I'm fine with that perfectly okay okay all right she's gonna beat the game I guess why not you're just watching some of videos awesome [Music] yeah area thank you for the sub King porcupine there's actually gonna be a video uploaded probably tonight on the Dream Team channel so should watch that after my stream I'll probably publish it that's fun thanks for the sub Tommy guy oops I just dropped my my pickaxe I did not just wake up but I am kind of like I don't know I'm not sick but like I'm kind of nasally would you like to be sent from Sweden I don't know honestly I have no idea anything cool anything that we don't have here in America there you go that'd be cool or just a ladder or anything I don't care Nick master I think it was a sub we're gonna fight you or Georgie by the way I love you to come to tell us what in real life a fight in real life I would definitely win there's like literally no chance Georgia to win you would agree with that I ask him George is a little shrimp awesome meanie thank you for the Sava river Sri donated $10 I attempted speedrunning because I was really bored but my seeds were an exactly ideal that happens all the time he forgets it you have to go that you have to have a lot of patience to speed on a lot of patience for the sub gobble turkey for the chair I mess it sorry I was loud though it was sub TIFF TIFF two ladies at TIFF TR your box thanks so much for seeing my painting on Twitter and setting as your homescreen that's insane I adore you I'm just happy oh thank you for the donation that's really cool I like it a lot I like it a lot I'm like flying in the background I don't know I like it it's really cool i home screen let me see if I can fix this real quick [Music] be fine maybe the sub okay well it should be good so I don't know why that's loud oh well there's some fairy knee give this up dard you're always so quiet so I might quiet sorry mmm-hmm here is this better you hear me better I don't know I'm being quiet though to Minecraft put shovels or spoons that's a great idea thank you I appreciate I appreciate the idea iris white is sub alright I shouldn't go this jungle I don't really like this jungle to be fair oh okay I like this jungle a lot Thank You JA for the sub maybe the sub n ki and ka plays you say it hua Gua I don't know what that is there I said it in the sub plumpie alright well I dream how a nice dream him you said you like Rick Riordan's books which one is your favorite the affair character for any of the books have a nice day um well I used to read when I was a kid Percy Jackson in series obviously that series I read all his other mythological series he had one on Egyptian and one on another another one maybe the sub I'm not sure which I fear it is I like that whole series so no worse there you go yeah he had no were hidden North series - there you go yeah so I like I like the Percy Jackson series it's great man why am i you're saying the dream thing to help me feel better I love you too and I'm glad that you feel better you Riano donated $25 haven't seen you live in a while hello I hope you're feeling better thank you think for the don't oh yeah haven't haven't been live in a while I was just doing busy with stuff and things Plains biome yay thank you dreams a third nipple for the sub get it streamed in a while we missed you oh I miss you guys too I have been busy but I will be streaming more often hopefully hopefully big buck thanks for the sub in my parrot I'm in hardcore I'll have time for no funny business they wanted to send my love and also safe on stream idea you could try drunk speedrunning them see if your 21st birthday I don't drink so probably not but thank you for the idea I don't have any food I probably should get food before I go down in a cave nothing here anyway nothing here anyway you guys anything for about your YouTube's and can you do a gaming set or I'll be tweeting out a picture of my u2's later today I guess or maybe tomorrow I could do a game accept or I will do that as well at some point at some point in the future thank you death for the server he taught me to do my physics climbing because I've been procrastinating it for over a week and it's due tomorrow do it I know up watching mushroom go do it good this is much better I love you into the lava lads group chat your Sims okay that's very good I tried adjusting my maybe the sub Tony I tried adjusting my Mikey's my seven eight seven eight nine keys to xcg who's rusty so we'll see what happens there I'm just trying to improve and that's something I think could maybe help me who knows thank you crazy mario bros for the sub it's Ellie grace for the sub alright so there's gonna be night time three night time I'm not a scaredy-cat I can I can defeat the mobs there they suck Thank You izabe I do think I should probably on the cave though because they're kind of tough alright there's no more not even having a bad I guess to sleep the night there is should I just make a bed as well just sleep through the night easy peasy I love watching your videos and can't wait for a new upload love your content thank you so much yeah I'll be uploading soon probably in the next couple days I want to do a rematch of the three three hunters so I'll be doing that with them soon at some point all right thank you for the donation I don't know we will have to see all right I'm kind of good I have food I have most of what I can need Thank You Raphael for the all right there we go very first donation from when I worked on the game and this is the perfect I can't even hit perfect I think listen to while I make some concept art awesome thank you for watching and listening alright I covered a different biome I don't like this biome maybe I should just hit iron state trans rights tram rides everybody everybody has rights I don't honestly if I'm being honest I don't get donations like are like people that say like they'll donate on like Georgia stream say gay rights a lesbian rights like it so I feel like unless you're a bad person it's fairly obvious that like I don't think anybody unless they're a bad person thinks that somebody anybody really shouldn't have rights that but how about I that's just me I guess maybe oh sorry you got bad news valves I hope that your day gets better and I'm glad that you're here I give my call for the sub but I not need as for now I don't need that is the is there any usernames 24 I feel like that person I was just looking like they're typing in all their usernames and everyone has taken it's taken has taken sand eventually they put in is there any usernames and then it's like taken is there any usernames 10 still taken and they kept going up King I missed you think of everything thank you for everything - and thanks for the donation all right wondering how did that mystery Club come out that was really cool um come about o come about ok I thought I read it wrong I didn't think I read around Oh God I replied to one of his tweets he tweeted about starting a minecraft channel and I said collab and then he responded and he DM me and said let's do it and I said awesome let's do it yeah that's that I don't even need that oh wait oh oops XP turn over the weekend and beat dragon and 122 hours don't think I'll be much better you can you can it's this practice a lot of it's really easy it's just it's just patience really and being able to pry things over and over and over and over again but like most people can in speedrun awesome thank you I love you too yeah everyone my peal box I tweeted it out if you gotta buy my tweets you can you can find my PL box send me stuff already got some cool stuff is pretty cool cool letters and fan art and everything I'm packed with an even sadder bank account than ever do not donate that and jazzy save your money leave your money I just wanted a shield because it's a it's a dangerous world out there lovey I got to go to work so I can't watch hope this rain goes well thank you so much Piper yeah I'm gonna do an unboxing video on my dream XD for sure my phone is not plugged in it's like it's like 5% of something it's right in front of me maybe I will and thank you on the congrats thanks the donation we got a sword to be it's creating such great content thank you so much cam I love you too mmm really need this I'm not gonna use it I'm not gonna like to make a trap or something am i I really I don't need any of this junk better thank for the sub Michael is a weed you're the sub and we're gonna hit a thousand subs soon and they growl like 800 or something very ripe Rose I'm saying soon but we still need like 200 but we can get it we can get it we can get there at some point so subscribe if you want to you don't have to but you can if you want and follow cuz it's free why not what kind of music do not like I don't like like screamo music that's really it I think that's like a popular opinion but I like pretty much all other music so I think with a sub Abba doodle alright rest our hand here Thank You Kaelyn sucks hope you're having a good day - woah this - this has to be - together you broke so I'm sending you a letter currently and I hope you get that soon thank you so much Jayden love you - all right we'll start cooking this iron there's more iron there what that's a lot of iron okay well that's it I didn't do Twitter about the vs. were you please check it out okay yeah just make sure it says merch I'm gonna I haven't gone through them recently I'll admit I will go through them after the stream oh come on how did I not block it oh god I'm trash I don't think there's a delay they need to like for a skill game if there's a delay whenever you try and do something like the shield if you block it it doesn't block right away it takes like half a second and then it starts blocking that's annoying or like a scale game it's easy or supposedly ESCO games love you too Japanese or is he the egg I guess don't you let her hope you got it I'm so apparently got lost something um I may have gotten it I got a lot of letters I got a lot of letters I read through all of them I only posted some of my favorites there or like the more artistic ones I guess there's something I just wrote letters the very sweet I will I will read yours at some point if I haven't already which I may I may have already yeah that I can't post every single one but if you can pronounce my username pended Jasmine as me I don't know I butcher that I already know all right oma you've ever been to Disneyworld the I've been to Disneyworld many times what's your opinion on it it's pretty cool I like it a lot love you so much we'll be doing while I love you too Audrey thank you very much yeah I've been to Disneyworld quite a few times when I was a kid especially I went fairly recently I went like last year I think from England here I've been meaning to catch you screaming wanted to say thanks for all the great content much love thank you much love to you too all right sweet I'm gonna cook up some more of this stuff because might as well um thank you Steve for the sub I missed the 10 gifted subs oops did I all right thank you for the gifted subs are you going slowly godness for the sub okay Nikki trumpet away for the sub all right nothing if these check your tree James I'm trying to hit you up all the merch discord I well I know I haven't been doing it recently I'll see that's the delay I should have blocked that I should have blocked that so annoying I don't like the delay that's a they need to change that in an update there needs to be less of a delay then then it can be a more skill-based thank you hey Sophie or hey something for the for the sub alright you're the cheer I get siren I need a bucket flint and steel I hear a zombie I heard bunch of zombies it sure looks like it add to the reasons on him why I love him so much yes be on the list clearly I am Oh number Cole did you love you also twitch for some reason will let me donate to George anymore that's not good it's probably broad detection or something I don't know not sure why that would be God bunch of idiots down there with a cheer what's your cat's name patches and you Logan for the sub sometime oh well we're good let's give me a nighttime bedtime my car core you get shocked by an electric collar the more hearts taken out and one shot the larger the shock if you die you're registered he'll talk in real life Wow genius idea I'm just going to kill myself because of Minecraft so smart the videos I video Micra fan hunt but with your fans I think that'd be so fun I thought about doing stuff like that it's just hard to organize it and have it work I guess I don't know maybe from the future all right crafting bench I'm gonna make a bucket two buckets flint and steel this up Brian I'm gonna make why not well heads up beware of creepers that can end your hardcore world very easily I will beware of creepers I'll do my best all right acts of all and for now trying to say I don't even care you could literally play the most boring game i still watch your videos your energy gives me life I love you thank you so much I love you too all right well good for now I want to die in hardcore be embarrassing when did your date with snap map and also can you stream it of course I have no idea we're talking about the one he's talk about in this video or something [Applause] thank you XX x kill for the song i'll gone the day with sap nap when he shaves that cap off his face I'm just kidding I still won't no I'm just kidding I will lose our 101 thank you for this no donation love your videos thank you so much ah I love a pool nice aaaghh alright back there [Music] [Music] Nicky Jam for the sub ah thank you zipping for the sub not speedrunning this I'm just trying to beat the game I was wondering if you ever been to Disneyworld an what's your opinion on it oh I did I already do that oh that's a replate donation maybe do you mean doing it twice the king of screaming what I have to sleep my last final tomorrow but i'm watching anyway oh thank you I love you too I'll see the delay there I don't like the delay the delay is trash thank you you never check out or play Minecraft dungeons oh yeah it sounds cool I like it I'll try it out why not probably not on my channel but my second channel maybe or something I don't know we'll say of course ah no no what I meant to do okay mmm I love you I was feeling depressed lately and you're shooting you feel better thank you you're welcome okay very welcome I love you too Mikey donated $25 hi dreams I caught you in gorge stream of few days ago but it's good to see you streaming again Thank You Mikey for the donation thank you I'm glad to see me scream me again too this is just this is just not ideal I will tell you that yeah other stuff burned Oh chlorine donated $10 thank you for streaming before I went to work that's so dumb that is so oh come on that is dumb no that is so dumb I hate that that spawn was all right sorry I mean bull crap bull crap hey there we go again we'll go again thank you for the rate I think Thank You Roxanne for this I really wanted to thank you for your videos and streams make me so happy seeing how hard you work and how determined you are thank you so much so I love you too ah that was bowl of BS I'm sorry I apologize for the language its forgiven that was that was just like so BS there's like lava in the stupid thing then when I placed it it spread so quickly like I shouldn't I spread I blocked it off and it spread because it's the dumb nether that was bull okay I don't give a crap that was I'm saying it again there you go that was BS I will say it because it's true Lakia donated for love you dream alright I have plenty of sticks I don't have enough cobble let me dream I love you too thank you for the donation and I'm done I'm done with the swearing okay I'm sorry it was just a lights where lights were savvy 2424 donated $15 hey dream love your vids you should do manhunt if a hunter has the gravity blood and pride interesting maybe on the second trailer or something well he pulled it out be fun buy some things like that alright I'm gonna be less I'm gonna be like that was that was just so dumb that was so dumb I was gonna be the the breeze least hardcore world ever but guess what the dumb nether with lava on the spawner thank you this clay a whole bunch of clay and I will get it cuz you know what I think instead of using RL to find the optimal strategy for speedrunning RL what's that RL considered using RL I think skipping RL I best friend George's call blind a coder and gay Jordan George so so much in common they do actually that's crazy explain that reply in limit his tweet oh I was just memeing like oh his inner that's gonna be out one less competitor I was just a joke [Applause] [Applause] you also for the Sun the clay over here the suburb Rosario Maximus Lauren for the sub thank you what is he bro what is he doing I'm so far in this mixer right now that's what I'm doing okay collecting clay Ella sue thank you for the side I do need to like get stuff before it becomes night time and I just I again what happened you derp for the sub and enough found for this of all the subs oh we're gonna get up there alright here we go hi sir how are the vibes today guys are great today thank you for the donation alright I have enough enough but some clay I sent you a handwritten letter but first I need to know your favorite book and if you don't have one maybe a poem or anything like that thank you I love you I honestly do not know one of my favorite books I ever read was legend by Mary Mary something I think that books great that's one of my favorite books that books what's that think it's well it's a series but that series and especially the first book which is legend but are you saying hydrated yes I am I have water right next to me always hydrated thank you the redstone gamer for the sub yeah the trilogy is really good if you read through it as a an amazing ending which obviously makes it much better I have enough food I guess I have something I can cook that's a name I'll have a normal donation for once also my entire donation didn't go through it's okay we still live in New Jersey for the cheer that a lot like Lalo I feel like is one of the only thing like lava in the nether I feel like is like warmth like or fall damage or the two ways like or I guess a creeper to die in hardcore I guess quote-unquote easily that's pretty much the best time let me videos we're getting a good day kind of bug I guess I don't mind bugs my favorite kind of bug I like ladybugs they're cool a couple of days so happy we're streaming I am glad that I hopefully will help make your day better now this paga thank you beam from Norwich I see you watching the stream go edit stop watching my stream edit the video we recorded go i've massive crush on your voice is so smooth it makes me really happy when you laugh your look at youtube really I adore your content thank you so much Chevy means a lot I'll need that Thank You Eliza for the sudden you're unboxing video for all your peel box gifts and post any of you I'm doing that but only the box is I guess I'll show some letters and stuff but mostly the packages I'll probably unbox on stream XD gonna stop dream XD I didn't know if you're nervous because I had an advertisement but why did you decide to do minecraft instead of anything else um I love minecraft I've been playing minecraft since I was it chose me Emily Brite donated $20 I love your content thank you for everything you do I hope you are having a great day what is your favorite color my hair color is green Thank You jcy for the audiometer scent this the same tone which is twice but I wouldn't go through simulating I apologize I love you I'll refund your second one after the stream and thank you for the donation I love you too Audrey you thank you for the song these looking love your videos glad to see you see me again thank you yes it's not to be nighttime I need to quickly kill is she alright now quickly make a bed be okay I love you so much dream have a wonderful day you too you too and thank you for the don't know alright here we go make a smoker to smoker's he was a slob Levi all right well any more would give you a little for the sub let's hear it flower probably a rose like roses roses are cool very basic but news/peter versus cap sparkles or PewDiePie I'd love to do one where some PewDiePie I'll be great or at least just have him beat minecraft with them like we can do a speedrun together that'd be fun I'd love to do that like anyone would so it's up to him my Twitter DM s are always open they'll be sitting writing some short stories of course to fit science by Xavier its collection issues my emos are clean it just doesn't look like it but they are they are they're clean yeah I will check that out mr. feathery thank you for the sub [Music] alright some pigs over here want to get some iron hopefully there's a village nearby live you in the rest of your team so much anybody since thing motivated keep studying for finals I sucked at studying I sucked it I don't know keeping my attention on studying it just depends on what it's for if I'm passionate about something I can study for it but it's something that I'm not going to move about then I would struggle with it I don't know you're passionate about it it should be easy you know but if it's not and you're not passionate about it then you know if it's helping you do something that you are passionate about they have to try and find a way to push that passion over my user isn't Jasmine its and Asia is me the first part is Spanish so don't expect you to get the hughster but 100 a for effort okay well thank you thank you for the A for effort my effort as you go soon but have a great stream I love you thank you me too okay I don't what I'm not picking up the me I need spicy for this I need love there I don't need leather not gonna get enchants or anything no reason you Caillou roof for the sub there's pigs everywhere I wish you a good stream I love you too I donated $10 will you be joining the dream team with a face reveal soon I love them they both did their face reveals a long time ago a long time ago not recently I mean they didn't stream I guess but they have they have both been revealed for a long time advice for a high school sophomore trying to stay motivated at school um honestly I don't know I don't know I never find out the right person to ask I'm probably not the right person to ask um school is important you know unless you're unless you're and especially if you want to be a doctor or anything that requires specific training then you definitely need school goes important and yeah is that depending on what you want to do if you're very creative and you're gonna do something creatively you may not need college we don't need any Bob so you need a high school of course thank you for the sub I'm so happy to show your channel in the beginning of quarantine think of the endless hours awesome content I don't know it's anybody video just hit different thank you so much that means a lot alright what am i doing I need I don't really need any more clay I don't think it's heavy we're doing well this probably last wonder for a while I'm gonna miss talking to you Oh lv2 was gonna twitch if I want to support your stream so here's $5 thank you so much I need a cave I need a cave I do want sugar cane and stuff somebody mmm yeah I'm gonna get it I walked by all the sugar cane think it was a well for the sub should look on my piano solo it makes my day good look on your piano solo you have a good day too hey I don't need jerkin my doing mixing up two different trades oh sorry the donations I said Cave swamps are so annoying to find caves in that a cave I super crappy day emphasis on had a awesome means you're better now right your day is only gonna get better from here and then tomorrow will be even better whoa dream with no George like Yankee with no grim I have a huge cheer voice so smooth calling laughter contagious with your content is the same donation that was earlier is this a different donation like it's another repeat you do not thank you for the donation yes I love the compliments thank you just just boost my ego even more oh I didn't see that thank you for the donation Levi's donated $15 seen you try and help too mad yesterday was so funny thanks for all the great content I love yah that's fun he's a funny guy that's like the most random collab in history I'd give an artist for any of your twitch stuff and then I refer a lot of people when I love your Constance I do for free I do not but if you could send me some stuff on Twitter that'd be great I would love that they they meet awesome yeah I'll check it out thank you so much for the don't know I'll check it out after this dream I was loud up l thank you for the raid was that did happen earlier not the raid from earlier or did that just happen I came I don't know if it was delayed or not it might have been delayed I think that was the rage from earlier thank you tap out for the raid clownery just subbed thank you for the Sava connery you making portals so satisfying I love you I love you too alright I'll make a sword it alright good for now I will happen to have it how did it happen to have an opportunity play darts and we watch it I do not have tattoos and not tweeted something about one of my videos and I replied asking me to be in it and then it's a back and forth Arthur donated $10 we're Georgian sad nap jealous when your channel will started blowing up not at all not at all they're very happy for me and I told them both to make YouTube channels so I was like guys make YouTube channels let's go let's do it together come on I helped them pick their names and stuff and then give them tips and everything and then we've been working together so that's fun thank you for the dough no no message mechanic having a rough time there was this donated a long time ago thank you live emery donated $16 hey dream I gonna send in some fanart soon when I get the chance I hope you enjoy it I just got my job back so I thought you'd like some money I love your videos so much another update is the best update they've done since the vatic update bought ik aquatic update George is rubbing off on me I'm becoming British I don't need shirking do I I don't think so no runs away donated $10 hi dream I just wanted to say I love USM and your videos always my day and it would mean the world if you said my name pleading face red heart red heart also your smiley again I'm gonna how to say it feel bad no I probably just sleep right might as well or my Fuhrer you tours and you helped me through a real hard time thank you I'm glad and I'm sorry you had to go through anything I'm glad that I helped you at least a little bit though hey Georgie George the sugar mommy my question for you is if we were to go back in time would you change your skin to something else um I don't know maybe yeah I probably would only because it's hard for thumbnails and I this is kind of like part of me I guess so I I can't I like when we try to make thumbnails and stuff it's kind of annoying when I don't have a face but I don't know thank you for the donation thank you for the cheer yeah no message there's an ocean I am making fan art for your three mill white eagle I will post it on Twitter it dream not found I will see I really hope you see it I love your channel and you always make me smile and laugh even thank you thank you I love you thank you I love you more I'd turn down the minecraft e sounds sure I usually have it about there the only chat service telling you there's a severe donut delay right now two things what youtubers do you like to watch funny can you tell Beth to do her homework Beth do your homework and I watch PewDiePie mr. beast I don't watch that many youtubers honest I watched good mythical morning but not recently because they've been whatever it's called like like because of coronavirus I don't know I watch a bunch other youtubers I'm sure but not not that many prizing ly thank you for the subs I'll be shy swear some more no I I'm a family-friendly streamer okay most the time you little sniper oh god how did we don't post videos and likes to peck the items you're holding Wow there we go getting warmed up I love you really Doug hey is your baby duck for me [Music] alright hiya dream hiya splashy why are you doing you don't have to donate to me blazed up panda donated $10 did you get my other donations I donated 5 then 3 but I didn't say there of them I was wondering why you chose minecraft instead of anything else I saw your last one um I just I don't know I like my cut minecraft a very creative game you can do whatever you want and it's a sandbox game you can build what you want you can make what you want code what you want etc etc swar clip it these are so delayed yeah these guys I'm sorry there's a delicious donations are stacked up so thank you for the donor though I'm playing at one point 15.2 right now I think I'm gonna smell it down here so you can hope we having a good day I am your life is perfect thank you very much I hope you're having a good day - all right anchor the sub I get a bow get about iron here your Georges videos always make me laugh so much and they made me get through some of the hardest times I experienced when I thought there was no hope left I love you I love you more I hope that life gets easier alright I'm back - like where I was last time so ever this time I have a little bit better a little bit I have a little bit better stuff in terms of I've clay Thank You Haley for the sub I dream of you my dog won't stop throwing up he pleased and and anti palm song or spell thanks I don't know I don't I don't know what I can do about that it sound good hope your dog feels better in any kind of crap day but you're a bit saltier than Heather death is the first thing you make me genuinely laugh today so thanks I've calmed down over it for now Randy but I'm glad that my anger has made you you happier like when somebody falls down $10 do you have a favorite animal I like sharks I love shopping also thank you for the don't know I don't know if they're my favorite maybe I like I like lions I like sharks they're all cool I like the ferocious animals thank you I don't know what to put the size of this up hitting daddy eight pnt if I've donated $10 dream I love you so much and just want to be close to you I hope to meet you one day so I can wear your skin and be closer you creep are Terry 11 donated $10 this thank you for the donor Terry ooh a chest okay I kind of like I approve ah you just I don't know and he was Olivia Jim can you try and pronounce my name its Alicia I was I say at least I um I'm sorry for missing you don't know I try my best I try my best I can't both be my brother I have a crush on you swearing is cool keep doing it guys the swearing is not cool swearing is not cool anti we need to we need a campaign don't swear just wear my merch hey there you go I just realized how many other jazzy Jasmine's are here it's quite a lot s where is not cool like they have like the hugs not drugs or whatever I feel like I don't know a campaign like that I love you and can you please tell us at don't stop stream at 4 a.m. every time so I can watch him at least once in my life re I'll tell him up now you're watching this I know you are stop streaming at 4 a.m. I need to watch you you customer and addict you were to see what I was doing on my phone really dreamed I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry how never again I'm just kidding only occasionally only very rarely le 98th donated $10 24 wish I could watch more of this stream but I haven't slept in to sleep is why I'm calling it tonight thank you for the donation all right I want a village I want like a village or a lava pool on the surface something like that would be good I think this is joke and I can't change it oops anyway I love you so much thank you for I can get to read the rest but I love you too this is desert okay a lot of desert villages mr. universe captain don't another repeat donation what's going on yeah I said I'd love to I'd love to do one with PewDiePie that'd be great or oh I feel like Oh last time I feel like I was dissing CaptainSparklez I love CaptainSparklez - of course PewDiePie was mentioned so I hope I was talking about him thank you for the donation I give her the sub sure Z there'll be a village in this desert he's got to be they ever do a hypixel video I have done before but not recently I put my fans and sometimes in streams like if we want high pecks or something but yeah well no to the desktop at some point I'm not sure when what's then gold a hardcore game to beat the game but on just like a non-ideal seed I guess verse three let me 75 cents and the swear jar okay look video so much haha thank you thank you i will love you i need this tnt nah but i'll get it anyway what okay thank you ever do micro manhunt with og mm seizures like sky herb Asian also how tall are you and George probably at some point I am like six to sixty three and George's like five eight wait no five nine five nine I'm pretty sure he's five nine our L stands for reinforcement learning it's machine learning technique commonly used in building powerful AI BOTS and games and very nice day I don't think I use anything like that but Hana may donated $15 dream let's be honest you're not going to get 1 mil followers on insta we need to see your face now yeah I don't know give me the 1 million followers on inside come on right now go they'll promote it will promote my insta this goal is actually useful all right I don't like old joins you face real love you guys so much make videos so happy even though that sounds stupid yeah thank you I love you I'm not sure when I will but at some point did you eat today King I did I did thank you for making sure I'm not gonna sleep am i I'm not scared of the dark on a scale of one to ten how gay are you name with dream don't check it out of this question or you fail the vibe check hug am I don't know well know how to answer that I'm chicken out of the question I don't it's a confusing question I'm got your two Mel hoodie yesterday also are you just collecting clay to make an army no I'm collecting clay for a trade so there's that Thank You Chun ger for the sub I have to add that son for extra Flair hope you're having a great day thank you jazzy I need a village or lava pool but preferably I guess both would be ideal yeah I'm stealing your ideas that's right well technically George did it a couple days ago and also sopping up did it yesterday so feeling Bears ideas thanks for the sub I'm sacking who stole your dreams I don't know I don't know who did it if I knew then there would be punishment to pay the village a lauralee maybe you remember how to say my name this time I think I did did I say right I love you too I hope I said your name right Oh God I should probably just sleep are you doing the unboxing I assume it's not gonna be with your face um I'm not sure yet having decided we'll see we'll see what happens all right I need a are you going to school so sorry no I'm not and I said you liked it I am NOT I'm not going to school of any sort right now um okay I need man easy for the sub all right I'm gonna make I'm just gonna make stuff I need boo this I think that's my last night you went through so here goes again the first time I catch you streaming yeah I'm so happy I forget I love you too ocean I'm sure I went through it's just delayed alright whatever might as well cook this I guess all right I need anyone more in here thank you super here for the I love you so much have a good day and your sexy Thank You dard I appreciate my crafting bench no we're good when I make my bow making my way downtown this is this one is for the boys or the booming system tough town AC with the cooler system we come from the club we'd be pleased and I've got stacks on deck like he's saving up I love your content also first donation I'd love to see the man hunt with fruit berries unless you've already considered this is there any chance it could be a thing oh no absolutely insane there's this lady I was just wondering if you'll ever buy jords those I'm pretty sure he's getting sponsored by them or so we're not sponsored he's getting sent to free one or something by them I'm pretty sure he's gonna do something they're so [Music] I'm like why is clay getting clay I don't know that's a good riddle what is play getting play why am I still needed $10 how do you deal with spiders in your room kill it call for sevens help etcetera just curious sorry I know it's weird I [Applause] will stomp a spider out June do you have any tattoos I do not I don't have any tattoos I don't plan on getting tattoos but you never know excellent twice a little screwy the third one party would you ever do a series where you speed over subscribers um maybe yeah I'm not sure what to say favorite animal also I hope you're having a wonderful day thank you very sweet I'd be having a wonderful day - your favorite animal I'm not sure I already started answer this but I like sharks like lions I like cheetahs the cool like crazy Mario Brothers donated $200 thanks for making my tea so much bad my room you're amazing and I can't wait for your futures videos thank you for the donation legit legends best book series other ever Mary Lou does a good job with that apparently there's a fourth book - ooh that'd be awesome I'll have to pick that up if there is yeah that series is great oh come on refill enough trash deals when he refills anyway isn't it I practically the day and I put on your hoodie and felt better magic I think yes you say my name is Magic Mike II donated $10 the fact you read out every donation sub and Cheer while playing for us is just amazing we love you so much dreaming thank you so much Mikey I try I try my best I dream you know my favorite youtubers and help me through a hard time thank you by the way it isn't you go through well I'm glad I hope you have X concert they might have watching your stream line probably the best part of my day right now I'll ever come across 45 poison spider spawners this mineshaft I'm getting you for my bad luck Thank You Lizzie for the sub Chanel donated $10 hi clay I hope your day is going well I've been praying for you and I enjoy all your videos you post I'm moving to Georgia from North Dakota for college in July thank you for your supporting carefulness to your supporters and those who look up to you oh thank you so much and good luck I wish you the best you said you're moving to Georgia Georgia is pretty cool thank you for the sub HD Peter peacock worst trade oh well oh thank you Callaghan um I actually don't I need a Missouri Branson here no I'm gonna break this guy's thing I don't know if my frustration went through but I love you thank you I love you too there's so much just wouldn't say I love you that you're amazing of course it is a lot everything is a lot and thank you I love you too okay all right is there a broom standing here I think this one may be no where's the bring Stackhouse is there anybody want you when you in manhunt though now right now soon soon you'll have to wait and see what I'm alright yeah I love you in your video so much please say it back I love you too which also not for Minecraft would you want to be really at the pick one but hostile mob for Minecraft but I want to be real you folly hostile oh I don't know crazy Marlboros gifting subs holy cow thank you crazy bids you're the one that got me into twitch also here was your height I am six foot two six two three around there all right getting my Georgia SAP nap when you hold those clay balls oh my god I don't know any lovable I need to come back to this village I guess I don't need this village but I need a village guys what youth this trip would tell you that you were attractive every way possible thank you okay I need a lava pool so I just dig down I'm gonna dig down here be down here this is this is the play this is the play been here from Vegas Georgia stream I asked why he says I love y'all Carolina camera shy and you said you would record him saying it mine showing I'm just joking George never says it off camera I'm just naming him he's a meanie he doesn't tell me he loves me everyone else does a boy halo does mr. beasts does all right I'm so sorry I don't need the same thing twice as talking taking a while yeah I'm sorry guys the donations are a bit delayed right now but I apologize did say on accident' I know simple I Love You Man also do a hunter versus hero in second blade that'd be fun that'd be fun I'd love to do something like that with him that'd be great I'm not sure I'm not sure it's up to him you can let me know if you want stood do anything anything at all it was in he participated in the dragon video we did that was fun I think they're pretty long-term record they tickle quite a while to record the street under an Hunter so oh no but most time when you talk about a collab it's up to the person that you know it's not is the one that's gonna be on the person's channel you know if you know I found you a few weeks ago and your content is amazing I named the baby checking after you and I sent some unique Canadian coins your way awesome yeah I love that that'd be great I hope I get them when I'm sure I will and I'll let you know well I'm sure you'll see somewhere that I got them mm-hm mark this during this at 3:40 p.m. PST I just want to see when you get this cuz are you Rebecca different donors and stuff get that coin sis Wow what there's no way that's a that's fake it's not that delayed you're faking it that's fake no way let's say thank you so much you're my go-to guy when I get sad Joy's make me happy I love you I love you too safe Callahan donated $10 I cheered five hundred bits on Twitch and it never sent skeptical smiley face I am glad you're streaming and I was wondering if you will ever do a face reveal or keep the and at some point okay love you bye I love you - love you dream state back also for game I love you more yes Florida gang hash tag at four what weight is that where I'm going wait no I'm going to this one but there was one over there interesting you know everybody's wearing if you'll ever by George oh yeah everyone lot of you are double donating guys I'm sorry it's just the donations are delayed people think they're not showing up you tell my friend smelly your smelly they're so smelly and smell you from here I said it doesn't get to the point of watching the people play video game so I'm joining out of spite okay Thank You Alyssa um I don't know it's like then why'd you ask him what's the point of watching a people play sports sure he watches football or soccer or anything are you kidding me like I don't know where I am okay yeah perfect you're looking to save funk it's nap nap is the best group chat chunk it's not map is the best group chat obviously okay okay okay sorry it's sorry for the dono sorry for the disco okay I'm gonna head I am fine all right sweet I don't even play it so I specially like minecraft that much but the dream two videos are always just so funny I didn't get see the end of the donation I think it was something like what do you do off stream thank you for the sub slipping cage alright alright what happens when you fall for georgia´s trap that's what happens in Georgia's child speaking of which there's a second x-ray series video coming out today on the dream-team channel some music recommendations love your channel [Music] I don't know queer deca has some good music loan together is a good song I don't want to speak again by hems get song I like those ten rows round into the nation it's delayed I'm sorry hope you have a great day hope you are too oh it's the same for the same donation as earlier you want to Georgia good luck maybe I need to have five I don't need that much more it seems you yeah I'd love to club with huazi that'd be great you can hit me up I don't know about on my channel but my his channel I'd love to but maybe I my channel too if we have an idea any goals as well as his tweet replied to me I think I follow him I'm pretty sure and he goes for the rest of the year thank you for making my day by the way I don't know I want to keep making creative contact yes that's my goal I want to have a server soon I want to do an event um my cat Kiko and I love you all so what's your wrist size I have no idea that is never a question I have been asked before what's your wrist size i7 that's probably enough I'll get one more just in case why not we'll boy thank you for the sub give it the sub one do okay another one all right is that good enough that's good enough where do I come from over here over here in tradition was so delayed until he gonna be really delayed ahem I forgot to put that my name was Rachel it's ok all my users pretty hard to pronounce I love you again yeah I'm sorry about the delay donations are pretty delayed right now guys I'm sorry mr. universe cow sparkles again is the tripled oh no guys the rare tripled oh no for the same thing yeah I'm sorry the donations are delayed guys maybe the sub trim um would you say the celebrity or influential you think kind of resembles you who asking for a friend I have no idea I don't think I've ever been told I look like any celebrity I guess I don't know I don't know who I'd compare myself to no idea sorry K outs unbound donated $10 story time I tried setting up my first server last night play with my friend and I spent two hours trying to get it to run with concentration running fast just noob things also can you say hi to Olivia love you I Olivia [Music] be honest I don't know who you are but I find it funny that you died within five minutes me watching have a great one thank you that's why a long gone but thank you for the don't know cuz I don't have two ready Tim that ask me a question I see how it is things are chill since you a question this morning right say hi to George too but but didn't say it on stream I will check out your message later are you doing today I love you and your streams you to me like every time I watch your videos thank you so much I love dream I appreciate it [Music] you I lost someone I didn't show I changed museums this is a joke oh yeah it's the same from DiNozzo thank you for the definition he told George Lee me says hi okay George Feeny says hi I'm sure you're watching more wood oh it's my craft too much I won't show someone didn't love you in your videos from England just curious what is your height used by the same donation was earlier I answered this but I'll answer it again we're not 6-2 6-3 6-2 and 3/4 to be accurate I believe does it ever get tired hearing everything was so dark and gray and you're the hope I'm not just depressing I don't think it's depressing I don't know I think people everybody has somebody to look up to I mean even me like everybody everybody has somebody they look up to usually many people I think it's great that I can be that to anybody I don't even have the smallest impact anybody's life I think it's great and obviously people may phrase it more dark but they're gonna be dropping three male March I'm sure I will also you ever gonna do a merged club with George yes yes to both have no cobble you love a feisty dream square hang is great and I love you and hope you are good thank you I'm gonna have to up the donation limit next time because the donations are so delayed alright what's like let me get five probably have five dollars john teak man thank you for the sub okay where's this thing that's here there you go I don't think my cell popped up I have a question which favorite movie um probably the Dark Knight that movies great all right gravel do I need this I'll take two how do you like your eggs in the morning scrambled like scrambled eggs on 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 wow it's enough I don't even have to do the next trade I don't think I dream my friend were just fighting on our realm but set all the differences to watch your stream that's great I'm glad that I am NOT wait ok I'm glad that I am the thing you have settled on coming back what color the dream song hoody say bye I like the white I like the way but love people I think green is the best selling maybe venable what's your season I like winter a lot Looney donated $11 so happy to finally catch a live stream of yours dream thank you for making such amazing content love that you seem to really have fun playing Minecraft love you know love is I love you too I just made another crafty mention come on Japan donated $10 I'm working on a dream team fan art poster to send in the mail currently the streets is nice to listen to while I work loll you do whenever I'm feeling down I go Andrey watch our videos and I always feel better after carrot carrot love ya red heart more a lot Hey there you go you see that the fourth of the fourth is that the fourth all right I got a small microphone on would you be down to club to ache a bit not sure what that means thank you for the bits here's some France I love you something in French I don't know I say anything in French hey Bonjour isn't that French you sure that's French at the bow I got the arrows every fill yeah you got extra pearls because I can oh yeah good we are so good we are set we are set Thank You Bobby for the sub alright sixteen and I got an extra pearl I don't need this anymore I love this anymore bread's fine to have I guess I don't either guess I'll take TNT why not um lapis I don't need thank you sicko for the sub alright gabbles don't leave this banner blocks here we go ahead and put them here sweet this way thank you yam sushi thank you for the sub we got mountains mountains aq team spider for the sub alright this is beat hardcore why not wait what did pretty fast I mean pretty quick in terms of I wasn't even trying to go fast and we're doing pretty quick I don't know how long it's been but it have been that long lean ash XXL thank you for evil do fist thank you for the sub alright what do i chords oh okay hard to be here I'm gonna wait I'm gonna wait not that long and throw it as it could already be here because we're past were past the radius of where it can be luck a little why was George logged into minecraft account at the start of his lost stream he wasn't he just had a alt with my skin on we use for okay we're pretty close I think we used for thumbnails I mean a hardcore I I might die to the Enderdragon in the hardcore I mean I feel like the inner dragon is probably pretty hard in hardcore I bet you it's gonna be but you the next time I throw it it's gonna be backwards Peter Myrmidon versus wads II you both are very of IB and I feel like would be really cool maybe could be fun I have so many extra okay I'm wrong so this way I don't want you to I found you in Georgian accident during the quarantine and grew really fond of you guys you to have an amazing dynamic key with a good work anyways black pink is the revolution black pink I'm gonna get it thank you for the donation and thank you for the kind words I love you and George very much was running if you would like still like George she was warm of course I would love George still he was a worm so he's still him he was just in the body of a worm of course let's just throw it again why not still forward okay thank you llama lunch for the sub you say hi to me hi marina Moby I love you too no offense to your twitter stands but there's no need to be funny for dream he's been on the internet since he's really young age you know something really messed up Toyota for them that's true that is true I don't get a find it easily makes a lot to offend me I get upset sometimes I see something I don't like but I don't get offended I heard to offend me I find I find stuff most people would see offensive as that's just stupid or funny any tips on how to grow my channel I'm thinking of getting back into gameplay vids um look at big youtubers see what they've done try and model yourself after you know just your content yeah at least slightly that choice right out over this mountain you know try and figure out look at how they do their description look out they do their title their tags etc it's really kind of sad you left me on delivery but thanks for talking with me some let's do me on snapchat I'm sorry I didn't mean to Kirsten Kirsten a public snapshot by the way if you want to add me it's on my youtube banner I use it occasionally I pop in here and there that's about it unless you're talking about on Twitter I may have done too I'm sorry a maid you ever get to talk to cry from earlier I talked to I messaged him in DM that was cool yeah we just we try there for a minute temp but wasn't much okay yeah we're past it or right at it it'll be right over here then in Markin I bet you it's gonna be like right here okay you know exactly where it is I broke again fine we have so many extra it literally doesn't matter are you big friend of the office I make you from the office office the office is amazing I love that show I my first show of all time probably in terms of comedy I like how they show Breaking Bad and stuff but comedy show that takes the cake the sub P RN D is sainted mystery-man donated $10 what site do you use to host your server when you play with Georgia and um I its OVH but it's that's it's more expensive and it's very mostly bigger networks and stuff so you probably wouldn't want to use it but I'm sure there's a bunch of other services that are more common people could use this is the entrance okay that's kind of dumb that's a dead end give me something over here why is Jordan so bad at Minecraft George is actually pretty dang good at Minecraft I would say he's pretty equal to me on a lot of fronts I'd say I'm much better at movement than him and placement and stuff like that but in terms of like Minecraft in general he's pretty good actually trust me fight them you'll see what happens and more do I need one two three you give her the sub - oh one more all right I don't need that anymore and have that down here guess I'll keep that as box Thank You bitter lemon for the sub and I have that it's blocks available all right so I have anything of beds there okay all right let's go I'm not found RLE thank you for the sub alright watch I'm gonna die so quickly I took I'm taking off my shield because I do better and MLG watering my stuff without my shield because sometimes I clicked my shield on accident I don't mean to my backup MC blur each for the sub little rusty right now come on I had to have had leaky thank you for the sub does Enderman madami are you serious I did not look at it anything I looked at another one oh my god I hate the end I'm just eating a cap okay I hate looking at [Music] ah didn't miss me what I thought for sure that was gonna miss Thank You CJ for the sub I get the Boston thing your prism for the sub I guess oh I can't get these from below can i is there okay I'm okay good it poops thank you for the sub I have plenty of heroes not gonna be able to get that one am I so annoying thank you aggro that was a little low a little low oh come on that's got it what thank you the real Zack for the sub this angle is so bad Aug thank you for the sub this angle is gonna be good all right I use em quick time sensitive question obviously I'm a huge send you stupid little muffin top Enderman I hate looking at Enderman in the end come on thank you the pale for the sub that's too high dragon is really high if you vote for the Saba dragon is so high come down Oh God course I did timing is impeccable as you get hit by anything pretty much so the stupid Enderman hit me and moved me in there thank you for her for the sub Oh God alright Bridget Sean [Music] [Music] technically technically I will call this one a draw okay this is a draw with this is a draw this is not a loss this is not a win this is a draw but I thank you I like potatoes for the stuff are you kidding me I the final blow that I used to kill the dragon kills me too and I'm just dead in the portal technically I did kill the dragon okay I killed the dragon I killed the dragon now I will say I don't think that either SAP nap or George in there like multiple hours streams even got close to killing the dragon unless I'm wrong am I wrong did one of them do good I don't remember it's dreamed bad current poll guys come on 24% yes you got to break those number up I'm terrible early ice danger the Sun technically is the keyword guys technically thank you elephant for the sub technically technically I I killed the dragon what matters right an absolute win don't know how long that hardcore world took but to be fair that was that's pretty fast it was pretty good for not even really trying that hard to beat the game what was it was under an hour I'm sure under an hour I'm like it's not letting me back thank you for the sub let's go back to the portal that's speedrunning rules that's speedrunning rules I got I got the achievement for killing the dragon technically I beat the game technic okay technically I killed the inner dragon be minecraft is this a glitch like I can't get in is it because I died I died before that when the dragon died or something I don't know I did get the achievement I did get the achievement I killed the dragon I got the Achieva if this was minecraft manhunt I would have won I would have won how do I fix this clutched punks aren't loaded I don't get what's wrong you okay there we go game mood spectator fleshless or /setblock we go through Google and portal creative [Music] technically all right let's get many levels like that any other levels a mode survival next ear but we forget this one okay ah Erica thank you for the Sun this is good like target practice no anyway whip thank you for the sub how many I've been streaming for okay 151 I don't know if I want to do another world other work you you can't shoot Enderman they teleport but it's good target practice you can just keep you just keep shooting all right you max was found thank you for the sub all right Oh short little stream I think I think I'm gonna into here I'm gonna read through the donations real quick that I can that way that are not that I haven't gone through yet that way I don't miss them I'm going to do that you thirty two minutes ago I could played more like techno freight or hey my Lexy this is just to see how long the hour delay is please not the time I'll send another 300 when I see the show up on the stream that's 30 minutes ago our general Holly I just wanna say you're really cool and I love you okay bye look up the band right fantastic upbeat stuff maybe I will Hajin let's play man in real life I heard you located with my satellite no compass sorry we'll be there soon three and oh my god I'm afraid you can dance you can jive having the time of your life see that girl watch that scene dig in the dancing queen Oh dancing queen I don't know why I didn't sing that in the tune I dream you're channeling me fall in love with Minecraft all over again thank you anyway can you say bye her heads high comment on this earlier my rights oh thank you love you standards red velvet I drew said it earlier and I swear that my mom made me unload the dishwasher so I've known it if you saw it limo is there a place I can watch these streams after they're over yeah they're uploaded to twitch you can go watch her back if you want I dream I love watching videos has helped me improve my English a hug from Brazil I love you I love you more made some fan out for you and SAP nap if you wanna check it out my Twitter you under is a Haley bean I will check it out thank you I love you too many donuts ever make you one culture will just call them out call them idiots don't worry about hurt feelings or whatever love you I always say I do that I do that I've chosen to remind you about merch over Twitter DM xanthomas way possible so sorry also if you're gonna get anything from DC what would it be I don't know DC is a cool place I've been to DC anything you want you spiggott what slice should be a beginner used for plugins are just having a server spigot yeah everyone use this big it pretty much for plugins our girls who play MC hot asking for a friend anyway I love you say it back and it can be I love you too dreams another white boy I'm totally not something for Jake I love you I love you too it's my first don't know sending love from Scotland just running you to say my name she will say it weirdly it's Elena by the way okay you did great sweetie takes skill to win and lose at the same time exactly it takes skill to win and lose at the same time of course the bra I love you I love you too alright those all the donations I get all of them like I may have think I did all right I love you guys thank you for coming out I just wanna make sure I read all the donations didn't want to miss it I'm gonna read somebody let me see who's on right now [Music] let me see who is on I love you guys and I will see you soon whose live Brow's otherwise minecraft whose life that I can raid you go down to somebody smaller let's be minecraft total drama island minecraft virgin let's see Brian a hardcore leave her all the subs guys we see how many subs I have actually before I end this too as I can point out that out that's pretty cool twitch TV manager clear dashboard thousand subs we hit a thousand subs guys 1086 we hit a thousand Gigi POG hogging the chat a thousand let's go thousand that's epic that is epic a thousand 86 BG thank you guys so much thank everybody who subbed and donate it and everything Who am I reading let's see I need somebody adventure begins kind of not really and what is this I didn't add of course we got mad welcome discord socials hype let's say you you Chad's are mean you have to have to watch them all the way through can't even skip them the other thing was like the reason I expect him to be pointing at her first and I had to ask okay I'm worried this guy I don't know anything about him I'm not saying I endorse him could be could be bad could curse who knows I don't know but I'm reading him because it's fun why not everybody send him love we're not gonna spend anything but love spend spam that I love you you're you're great you're the best remarry plus Pamela that stuff there you go we're fun let's let's make his week let's make his month everybody make sure to follow him if he's if he's good if you like him if he's good for you of course gay Jim give him give him some love give him some love we have to spread the happiness and love and twitch I love you guys I love you guys I will scream again soon video out today on dream team I'm gonna publish it in like 15 30 minutes guys stay tuned for that dream team on YouTube look it up you guys give them give them love game love I'm gonna have one of those too oh yeah oh yeah I know but we died at the request of them
Channel: Dream Team Streams
Views: 145,716
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dream minecraft, georgenotfound, dream and george, minecraft challenge, george and dream, minecraft but, minecraft, dream and george not found compilation of screaming, dream and george not found compilation, dream and george laughing, dream and george screaming compilation, dream minecraft livestream, dream speedrunning, georgenotfound minecraft livestream, dream livestream, georgenotfound livestream, dream world record, dream twitch livestream, georgenotfound twitch livestream
Id: VQBFeihF4pM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 29sec (7109 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2020
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