GeorgeNotFound Stream | Searching for $100K

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where are people where are people got it okay give me a clue clue oh no i'm going the wrong way punching anything he owed me a death anyway she owed me info okay i'm gonna feel so bad for this this is so wrong oh my goodness is that right kill aaron why can't i kill her i'm trying i'm trying he's a good option too oh i'm connie's gone he's on a horse oh my god wait what if you kill like yourself you shoot yourself down i'm killing connor's skit double hint where is everyone i can't see it i can't find anyone i'm friends i'm sending you your hint you got to kill right yeah i got two kills now well you didn't need two oh i see puns puns help me kill someone okay wait who else got to kill really quick i killed i killed me at you where's where are you sending me stop killing mickey what why is everyone full stuff oh my god where are you where are you sending me the clue i sent it to you on twitter okay where are all people who else got the clue fundy's killing me i was told jack manifold's gonna kill me carl send it you guys are i did send it okay i got the clue where is it okay funny did you get a kill i did get a kill i killed rambu tell me uh okay um no i'm telling you out loud funny let me kill you let me kill you i'm already off to the right let me kill you let me kill you let me kill everybody let me kill you let me kill you let me kill you funny copy oh my god i hate you okay damn it damn it puns did me i need help i don't know where anyone is no god don't kill nicki anymore doggy i'll help you if you agree you're gonna split it with me yeah the picture right there the picture right there that i sent wait did not post oh my god i don't know where anyone is where where where did you send it okay thank you did you see it did you get a muffin okay so i don't know what that means yeah i see it um obviously it's in that biome yeah it's both the same there's no one here to kill oh fudge air this kid needs you know i need to kill her where did she respond but i feel bad for me on the right side of the car what is that is that a lead carl's not here yes let's go go where's carl don't call no he's not even on the server call okay i'm gonna start going to the one i know where that is okay cool where's cole where's cole oh my god where is he i need a nice job um oh you're right you're right what is that guys the hint was that it's in the desert so i got killed i got killed there's a desert across the ocean right i don't know where it does well you know what that is wait it's a desert no no no okay so it's like he's on two signs in the desert oh my god i want to show you what's called what's called here let me pull it open um anything else on twitter um properties i gotta keep that hold up for my second monitor george is a maniac yeah okay he didn't care he just killed nicky no i had to i had to do it i killed nicky like two carl hasn't messaged me i need the clue it's just mr b standing on a diamond block in the desert oh now you're telling me i'll try i get a kill can't tell what that is yeah that kind of makes it it's a lead it's a lead in like a sheep or something i think you might be right you didn't oh stand in there well i can't believe you killed flipping me at you i'm i had to it's the game where where's my clue you killed i know but i gave nia ender pearls and speed pots well mickey owed me info so i killed her again should i kill her again i found it yeah you guys are all so silent stupid where's my clue call okay so he's standing on a diamond block with two signs what what's the other thing send me okay just send me the send send me the picture send me the picture send me the picture hello all right now i got a kill what do you mean you know george i will send you the picture okay thank you because like i'll okay let's have a look chat what do we think oh my god it's not even loading i'm dying wait hello hello hello hi can you hear me there's nothing else in this photo it really gives you a lot of info oh chad i wanna win why they're not working oh he's just on a desert with two signs okay hmm i wonder if it's like like different clues like there's like different like signs that have different clues or that's just like where it is he's just on a dime blog there's a leash on a fence what's on top of the fence what is that this thing is your chest open i don't know oh now carl sends me the picture okay carl if you didn't actually what what nothing's even walking on my stream is that that was like the first thing i'm sorry guys i'm sorry wait i need a desert how do i get to the desert the only there's only one desert i know huh but under the check i don't think this hint is giving um too much info check twitter they're trying to get us to check twitter go to the chest what chess fifty thousand okay so here we go are in books for the winners what chess stream to their viewers oh that's cool fifty thousand dollars what chess chat just get the chest you guys are pissing me off chad what chess oh that chest is that you guys are done that chest is when i killed george that chest is when i killed george you guys are dumb you guys are stupid yeah the chest is when i killed george and i placed that there i placed that chest when i killed george was slain by his crown oh no wait what is that what do you think he gets whatever he's trying to sabotage what if he found the clue in the desert and it says get killed by a drop i'm looking at it i'm trying to figure out like is there something new on twitter no there's not anything new that i can see okay i don't see anything you know what i bet you nah that wouldn't give us any information wait a second um what can we do i saw in the beginning that was my chest i placed afterwards a long time ago we can figure out the direction by the sun [Music] well you can't because you don't know where the sun is in the picture i know but we if we can figure out where the sun is i think the sun is to the left so what is what direction is he facing he's like the only desert i know is in this direction so i might as well head over here i'm in the desert right now i get him punk died again thing i'm thinking i'm trying to think of like where he would ah the sides of the block the sides of the block there's got to be a trick that i'm missing hmm there's something here holy crap these mobs are so damn annoying where's my bow there it is okay looking at the image i think i see oh my goodness i don't know where to go are you in a desert yeah okay which does it everyone you need me to get to you running no i i need to get to when i'm i'm running over where i think the desert is i think i have an idea for how we can kind of guess where he's at how fine it doesn't no wait eric's here that thing in the frame is obviously a hint right guys just to lead yeah chat there's no point running around is the issue um because if we run around and we don't find like the thing it doesn't really benefit us do you feel me i have a feeling i might know hey man hunt gang what are you saying i'm not in manhunt carl plus puns i just found two signs hidden under the ocean and i thought that was a clue was it not supposed to say it out loud oh my goodness carl um wait my boat's sinking my sink my boat is sinking did someone just swear my chat's saying language stop doing that hey language okay yes so i'm looking at this hand two signs on top of a diamond block this hint sucks it out loud everybody there's no there will be another hint after what does the diamond block mean i can't tell what's is that just a sheep oh my goodness you're right it is just a sheep that's a sheep head my sink is boating oh my god gonna kill carl what does it mean they're using freaking fly hacks poor knee at you i hope niachi wasn't killed again she got killed so many times i talked to her she said she doesn't like you guys that's what she specifically said she owed me a clue she owed me a clue i i tried isn't even a real desert where am i high okay so from what i can see as a desert why there's so many enemies huh the question in the desert doggy that's enderman in the desert but you're probably wondering what are the hundred thousand dollars in gift cards we are wondering it's a big list i'm almost done compiling it problem is like people kept telling us to stop buying gift cards so i had to go to different stores like one of them's even here give me one more he second his mind he was like no i'm just not going to tell him oh jimmy i said i love him carl you have to okay i'll tell him tell him right now and tell him later he just left the room oh go out there and tell him you're a dimwit this is not a it's not something that can wait would you want to hear them yeah okay hello all right what up gentlemen hello hi okay so uh the hundred thousand dollars in gift cards is comprised of a ten thousand dollar best buy ten thousand dollar game stop ten thousand dollar hardee's ten thousand dollars talking about ten thousand dollar amazon ten thousand dollar ikea and then here's the thing we sure able to get more ten thousand dollar gift cards so then we did a five thousand dollar waffle house five thousand dollar target five thousand dollar kfc airbnb apple walmart and i'm not even gonna bother reading off the 1000. basically everything you ever need for the rest of your life you're covered with these gift cards wow that's hype but i don't know where the desert is yeah you should give us you give us another hint while you're here yeah totally honestly i want to wait and see if someone just gets super lucky and if not you know maybe like 20 30 minutes i might drop another one block i mean it stands out it's literally a diamond block in the middle of the desert um what if we find it a way out to destroy it of course well if you find it you would why would you well that's not that's not where the end is player right to another club i guess gotta go no i think that's the end if you find it right no i don't know there's no way that's the end there's no way another clue no no no no no no no no no no no there's gonna be a clue to another why would he say we can destroy because then no one else would be able to continue maybe it is the end chat i'm i'm trying to i'm not even in a desert i'm just going to dumb doggy carly did you tell him i love him yeah i'll tell him no you're not that's messed up tell him later on stream when no one's confirmed i'm trying to keep my love yeah maybe it's because i want to marry you yeah that's uh kind of honked up you're out the game okay sapnap's literally out the game and now you're at the game and now i remember that idea that i sent to you last night i take it back no no we're doing that oh my goodness i can't stay playing this diamond it's not in this stupid desert the deserted desert is deserted oh i just put so much mio in this water bottle did you just hear me you said mayo mio oh okay um that's pretty good carl just tell me where it is carl what it is just dm me call i literally know records carl carl carl what what meal what color mio black cherry all right that's not bad okay carl text me the chords it's not gonna be the birthday card if you really love me carl if you really was like so far marry me okay i'll text you the chords but you have to turn on your face cam and show it to your stream you know how dream took us to that desert on my birthday that's where i'm at you're no no i'm at the desert where we did the trident farming that's where i tried to go i couldn't find it though oh you're stupid it's not i'm gonna get home it's just not the trend is not wait that wasn't even a desert though i thought it was it doesn't there's no there's a desert there is i'm there right now that block's just not in the desert i was just that there's no way well i mean to be fair thank you pretty big desert no trust there's no ways in that desert i was just in what is happening my trident isn't working find another desert okay sapnap i sent you another hint did you really oh it's probably just a picture of something dumb yeah just him like looking down [Applause] are you guys winning are you guys winning are you guys winning [Music] i'm gonna grab a drink real quick oh loser pov puns yeah no this is winner pov carl oh okay my bad yeah yeah i knew it was jealous what did he do being bad i said i need another hand carl just give us another hand take a picture take a picture of your monitor and send it to me how about that you're literally just watching your stream right now oh yeah prove it no prove it no yeah no yeah this could change my life forever okay is there anything going on what would you do with all the gift cards if you won right now many oscars and no one asked i believe actually you're off carl no but not a single oscar there's not a single oscar i don't know i don't know like i actually just don't know where any other desert is on this stupid server so i'm just running i'm looking for deserts no he's going away but there's no oscars i'm trying to figure this out chat do you see anything else in the hand shut up all right i pretty much hopefully they saw it there you go i know i'm not even in a desert i'm trying to find one [Music] how do you find a desert what happened to the server the chunks aren't loading i wonder if it's because loads of people are traveling loads of different directions therefore loading different challenges there's two columns of people we need more dedicated to dedicated never happens to the dedicated wham we do there was two rows during uh the war puns very rare this happens we need a dedicated whale why would it be better to travel through the nation just drown i don't know i don't know how that works there's no benefit to traveling through the nether because you need to find a desert have you guys decided to look for a desert yet i'm trying you thank you shut the up dude you better shut your hockey mouth the server's lagging celebrating backwards over and over yeah that's not the issue it's not low on ram it needs more wham what's the welcome editor gotta dedicated where am i set up [Music] server probably like uh 35 megabytes at least you know it's funny it's better the higher you go what's funny tell me tell me tell me myself should i just tell george just tell me call you said you were it's kind of up if you weren't if you don't i'll tell you but then don't give your chat any of the codes okay i'll show them i'll show them watching your stream you're one of the viewers you can get them all switch it to facecam why is everyone typing chords in the chat what are those chords everyone's just saying 69 420 yo oh my goodness chat oh here we go i can't tell if they're just putting chords in there for me to confirm or deny so i'm just gonna what are these numbers and why is everyone spamming it what do the numbers mean mason are they spamming your right whose chats are getting spammed right now everyone's chatting i just realized i just realized george oh my god i just realized something about george someone said the correct chords in your chat george george i just realized something about you yeah you know the chords just as much as you know about colors that's actually a really upsetting call i might end the stream actually guys i would really wish george would end the stream i'm partially color blind oh yeah he would be wouldn't he i would be somebody took a clip of me saying that to tubbo and now it's a video on youtube carl confirms he's partially colorblind carl carl deathly colorblind and i'm just like yeah i'm like kind of barely colorblind but yeah i'm colorblind it's like the video that's like carl's asexual and i'm like i'm not asexual but and then they're like see he said he was i'm just farming food right now and there's promises it should be sweet and mystery tweeted apparently unless someone's lying i turned on his poster the gift cards yeah he tweeted that's what he did totally that's so many gift cards okay let's have a look twitter big lots honestly in there i don't think i'd use is the uh oh what are you big lots i don't know but you're promoting them right now i don't know puns found it oh yeah puns found it yeah puns thanks good job not sharing it nothing is that what the muffin where is the desert what the muffin i i can't find a desert i don't know thanks for giving five subs thank you thank you it has to be like far away what's happening uh i'm just trolling the chat now that's funny wait what's happening [Music] the sun and moon rise in the east and west the the scene i'm just not going to the east and the west i don't think that's exactly stop telling me someone tell techno blade i'll give him feel like it's in this direction i'll give technoblade my shulker box if he finds it and gives me the money i don't think that's worth i think i think i think for him i mean he could just keep the money i mean he could just like drink i think he would be he could bribe dream into getting a shoulder along with that kind of thing would you knock him in the shulker box if he offered you a 10 000 amazon gift card i wouldn't give me the codes oh wow wait he's killing the world it's killing allowed i mean we had to kill for the first tent so it probably is all right dream dm me the chords bad you said kelly was allowed right yeah right now all right you said you said it was allowed you you just said it was allowed and that one hashtag sapnap's trying to kill bad boy halo trending on now that's such a long as good as making hashtags is sapping up isn't rapping you know that's that's a bad boy halo language would do it no we need a better better hashtag where i can't find a desert this is dumb this is dumb i hate this this is dumb stupid and dumb stupid and dumb huh dream give us a hint yeah you're right i'm leaving i'm actually it's me i've had enough it's me and goggy it's me and goggy give us a hint yeah dream you don't need the money okay i'm a dying streamer i need the money dreams george just stream for 30 minutes you millionaire oh and make 100k oh snap you just got called out no i didn't oh i need a desert just got called out like wait i'm gonna get a disk yo literally puns just play like three more rounds of pummel party oh come on i look i've been running in this desert for a long time this is not the right desert it has to be like at least 10k vlogs searching oh except for this i got a disc where you got a disc oh my goodness i got this is that part of the clue maul that's part of the clue i'll send you the clue right now send me the clue give me the clue okay so you're way out i'm in the desert send me a clue some of the clue any clues i'm sending it right now where is it where is it oh get ready get ready show it to your stream okay i'll show it i'll show you where is it where is it where is it it's cheating if you don't show it okay i'll show it okay i got it i've got it i've received it i'm confirming confirmation there's the clue wait this is the clue i can't show this on the stream it's two it's too much because then all the other people see the clue what was bad about it okay i'm saying i'm showing it wait no he's trying to make it seem like it's actually a clue i see this cause no well dreams dream just dragging back and then he told yeah he's had enough of your shenanigans guys stop spamming chords you're all wrong probably 100 percent 100 percent oh yeah that was a five-head play because that actually is a clue what's the clue you'll never decipher oh if you did you would be the smartest man on earth and we know he's not i'm not even in a desert right now i i'm not i don't have a child look i think okay okay i think we just jimmy helps us out because you know he he likes us the most and he just tells us where the chords are yeah come on like just he's he's trolling at this point just give us the chords yeah i agree with that one okay send me another click call i want another clue i need a clue i'm not even in there also can you give me a clue to find that oh there you go that would have been wait no no no no no thank you for giving five subs thank you so much [Laughter] he's like i want money give me money is corpse really doing it he just logged on oh that's what you said literally you just predicted the future how did george wait i have to give corpse the discord invite it's probably not even in discord oh my god where is a desert i'm not even in a desert oh i can't even like ah oh god look away if you have epilepsy please this is not okay oh my god i think this guy i should turn my gamma up to 100 for this literally actually yeah and cheat it's not cheating that's cheating it's not i'm not even in it i've literally been running around for 20 minutes and i feel like i shouldn't get too far away from spawn no it can be far yeah you're gonna die sorry better yeah you died it says you died in chat oh corpse left he doesn't want money he's fine that's fine why this is so annoying this is so annoying i found another desert how are you so good at finding deserts i don't know it's a skill it's quite in the same deserts i've already checked so no unless it's wasting time like negative 5k negative thousand probably hey remember when sapnap found the treasure last time it's already been found you're an idiot what i can't believe i went to sleep and missed that that was like such a good meme can you guys start making fun of me oh sabotage make me sad okay oh my god i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead i survived okay yeah i'm loading a lot of new chunks right now so i thought i was falling in the void any loaders any loaders in chat we need more dedicated dedicated wham yo congrats guys we're making so many new chunks the world file is just gonna like quadruple in size this is adding so much to the lore yeah we're discovering new lands that can be added to the law that is true wait i think wait maybe there's a secret message in this clue from carl wait send him what you sent me that's not fair wait a second call one two three four five there's like five things on the ring oh wait your green screen gets green screened no way your green screen gets green screen it was actually kind of cool it's like green screen and a green screen and a phone these lungs i just died these chunks aren't loading wait bad but bad bad bad why are you bad at video games bad just died why are you talking here kidding his mic's your mike's meeting sorry i need to get uh back to spawn oh oh it was on purpose okay yeah no he's covering up no that's that was our no i believe him guys call just give me another clue i've had enough i've had enough i need another what direction were you going in can you mess with me where you were um i don't go there i was heading roughly in the same direction you were okay is the server lagging yeah it is it's not too bad actually just told it to not lag so let's stop lagging server unleash the players give me a po i don't even know where it's stuck i think rambu is winner pov i think i'm going to probably after you i'm stuck carl those are fighting oh my god yeah i think ranboo's better than you guys oh my gosh that's it just give me a desk by the way yeah i'm just like stuck in this block constantly through the void it'll fix itself whoa there's a portal here someone's been here you just stopped trying this direction guys just stop falling for the board so the serve is lagging wait you're stuck this happens every time we do it mr what what is wrong with you carl what did he say what i was just asking if you were stuck you stuck something up do you need me to help you out it's not a cpu issue it's a minecraft oh i'm bad i know everything about minecraft step carl i don't need to help you out yeah step jacobs okay where's step jimmy we need a system [Laughter] we need help oh my gosh what i literally just died yo this video is so good i like i can't i can't load anything i'm gonna go into other chats and give them no you're not no no you're just you're not gonna get them no you're not that was not an unloaded chunk that was a oh my gosh that was an actual chunk that someone dug out yes i literally almost died check clip that clip you guys don't realize how lucky i just was like that was insane i shouldn't be alive whoever dug that out i hate you i think i just can't load any chunks like how am i supposed to find this thing that was somewhat desert oh my god desert yes there's like five ten blocks of sand and it's over it's not even a desert why your game is so laggy is it i didn't know it was laggy actually i literally i can't even oh my god [Music] like seriously i don't know what my chords are why do you want them just to you know oh just for oh mr beast mr beast joined i'm falling through an object oh my god it is so wacky i can't see anything dude yeah this is um this is kind of annoying why can't we get more did it to dedicated wham i don't know i don't know i wish i could see things like i could be right next to it and i wouldn't you're at the prison i'm just running in random direction i'm somehow i'm at the prison dude you're like so close to spawning i know i don't want to be here you wasted so much time i have i've literally spent like zero seconds in a desert so far okay this way i just do the trunks not loading is so annoying yeah it's really annoying oh it's annoying why are you gonna complain somewhere else we were here first i was here first actually no i just wasn't like i just wasn't live i've been here for a while we were here first i was definitely here before what's happening because i'm not came like last second i want you to shut up won't you go why don't you just go and try and like solve a rubik's cube or something oh my god this is frustrating it feels like i'm like super close to it but i can't see it yeah yeah you're so close just just keep going up you'll find it any second jenna dario thanks for gifting subs thank you i want another hint dude oh i want a hen i want a hint i haven't even been in a desert like this hint was irrelevant to me i've just been running through snow biomes okay so i'm reading my chat yeah yeah your chat's a very accurate source of information random coordinate that i'm trying to figure they know where they know where it is you should listen to that no to them i'm trying to think that your chat is actually mr beast and he's telling the question puns we should go to another channel first actually puns meet me in ts real quick okay you can't do that you could be in discord that's true those are the rules you actually oh my gosh never mind puns wait where am i going oh you're good go to the stream he's just jealous he is no no no no thank you mel prediction will george find the money um let me think you can predict with channel points oh my god okay i'm gonna head back to spawn that's a risky bet am i i'm not even in a desert great i might actually die tommy says the servant needs more ram bad what do you think about that mommy is the muffin head did you say tommy's a child and doesn't know anything the ram isn't the issue this is a minecraft issue oh minecraft server oh oh yes it's a minecraft issue you can't have 20 people on it yeah that doesn't make sense bad uh if everybody's running around loading chunks yeah you actually can't it's a minecraft that's just a minecraft genius i've actually coded minecraft did you guys know that dreams in game mode three by the way i see that he's g10 someone saw a dream to stop flying around looking watch dreamies like just dream's like going like whizzing around yeah all right i'm just going this way oh wait a minute i know where a desert is oh my goodness you just realized that after like half an hour no no no puns i'm heading to another location that i know where it's at i'm i'm in a big desert right now as well stream log off just to help with the lag but yeah i'm streaming why is dream not leaving true jim's just hogging resources i can't even go past this chunk this chunky let me through so what do we do i don't know i like can't even like move around yeah i actually wait for this chunk to load i can't even go i wonder what happens if i re-log wait am i gonna log back in let's try oh no i can't log in oh it worked not all right whoa what just happened wait what is that someone told me to press f3 and a and it helps reload chunks but i don't believe them crusher games it does reload automatically logs out your computer try f3 ultima ulta for you okay i'm not a idiot that's messed up that's messed up that's messed up i just can't load chunks this is so annoying wait like why what is happening right i can't move yeah because you're being selfish and hugging all the chunks why are you hugging all the chunks yeah puns give sharing is caring share the chunks don't be a chunky muffin wilbur oh my god he's popping off to be honest he's popping off you're a liar he didn't even know that that's literally what he tweeted where where that's on his old account no on his main account he was replying to oh hey tommy don't tell anyone all the chords are all positive is he being serious i that's the thing i can't tell if that's like an actual hand or it's memeing uh it's probably right there it's probably it's probably legit it's probably it's probably legit i'm thinking uh any chunks you missed my dinner i'm gonna i'm sorry yeah i see it george you look so good does that ruin my strategy though there's water in your strategy my strategy i thought there was a desert over here but i'm not running into it it's an obsidian room as well oh oh hello that's true it is an obsidian how'd you know that the picture you tweeted wait wow where a little guy let's see twitter dude i can't tell if mr beast was trolling about that i know he's not he's not the type of person just to like troll like that oh man guys guys check jimmy's newest saw me i didn't worry guys hurry guys mr beast isn't the lying type i know i well that's the thing i don't know if it's like are you calling mr beast a liar he is he is he is i believe wait bad that's honked unfortunately the oh no the server's like exploding i'm under the void ah oh hello all right chat we can update to probably fix the lag do you guys want to yes five minutes yes we do we do we want to fix that's not actually gonna help the lag at all okay that's the genius of mine it does the only reason it would fix it is if there's a particular fix in 1.16.4 for this particular probably that's why he's saying that did you consider that did you consider that he didn't he really didn't whatever the issue is with all the new chunks being loaded my god we get it you're a genius no my guess is dreams just saying that he's gonna put more ramp on the server no he's not that's my guess which is a good good idea anyway oh i thought it wasn't to do with around i don't think the ram what about the dedicated whammers that have a server the issue is minecraft servers are not more the issue is you're genius and you're making us look dumb by being so smart i'm sorry you should know all this that i'm saying george you code for minecraft what's a minecraft oh i'm flipping gonna beat you with a stick that's actually really rude i hate you oh my god carl just mentioned me on twitter oh my bad oh dear god i was telling you to not look at that tweet oh my god oh i know where to go i know where to go there's a clue in the tweet that's a clueless tweet no i looked at it and i know everything i know everything i know everything i know everything i'm gonna find it i'm actually gonna find it right now i'm on my way i like how like everybody just like pretty much didn't say anything is that what you like hello hi i wasn't talking to you it is what he likes huh that is what he likes you guys are muffins the chunks aren't loading why can't i load over there i just keep going this way oh my god your god what about him oh i know where to go i know where to go oh and that's the void do you know where to go because mr b's just dm'd me he dm'd yeah he told me i want to i want a pro tip it's not a pro tip oh my goodness he dm'd me too it's a protein a protein shake oh my god he's following me though if it's for tommy why would you tag everyone oh that's else great imagine if you die right now with all your stuff it'd be so imp impossible to get back are they updating he says restarting shortly yeah so should we switch versions there might be a rollback if they don't save everything so that's just oh bad flexing his knowledge again i'm trying to be helpful i hate yeah and it's coming across that you're a genius and we get it we don't need you baby i'm smarty pants i can't help the fact that i'm big brain you're a genius bad we get it my chat spinning six thousand like as if it means something it does they know they know the answer they they it came to them in a dream i feel like they're just thinking because mr b six thousand like they just that's that's what they're saying thousands whoa mr that's my favorite intro is that you know huh do you guys just want the chords just get your calls guys yes i do call we've had enough fun okay the fun's over now just tell us where it is my freaking god like you've got your hour of stream you've got just tell us where it is oh wait not george oh i need to change that thank you chad for telling me that that didn't work george why don't you look for a desert i'm trying i don't think i've been in a desert this whole time wait carl a desert that's such a good wait there's one in the hint oh wait ice cream he said something about a split chat what did you just say about us he said split the room split the room right i said that i just won 500 gifted subs on quackity stream last night by being better at jackpots than everybody okay well i hope this fixes the lag fingers crossed i'm crossing my fingers i'm crossing my fingers no please no crossing your fingers here no way why don't i mute okay that's embarrassing oh my god i can't believe you he leaked it he leaked it my man said what's up matt he did he did that was embarrassing i did i didn't say that i did say that wait really you broke the server jimmy no way yeah they're loading chunks all at the same time quack is this when's the server gonna be up should i leak the ip to the server yeah that will help i think yeah that'll help with the dedicated wham people can people can donate ram to the server yeah any donators any donators yeah guys every sub you gift it'll be more ram towards the server yeah thank you why is there a server named dream is a fatty oh that's um a secret server oh this server's up is it really already let's go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go any laggers in chat no there's no laggers oh it's so pristine and smooth they change what the glass looks like in the new version no way it's color and it was callaghan i bet i think callan put one of our lag optimizations uh hi joe's this is my first time doing to anyone ever i'm glad it's going to you thank you so much today's my birthday i got your hoodie as a gift and i love it can you please say happy birthday i would make my day happy birthday claire i'm glad you like the hoodie thank you so much for the donor oh wow oh my renter distance is really high oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god callaghan be like have fun yeah kill him be like who's so quirky [Music] you are stupid i'm gonna mute and get oh he's gonna what oh wait go give me the clue ready i'm showing you the stream hello you can use the green screen the clue is what is it i need to find a what's the glue card right now the fun goes on [Music] priming where's the twitch primes carl tell them how to do it i don't see enough people no guys twitch prime and we get a clue twitch prime hurry up they they all they're priming their they're coming in more primes more primes okay turn the camera around turn the camera around the clue is it's in the desert what what is that that was actually home that was so honked up that was so honked up that's why i was like a bunch they're cheating are they actually cheating is that allowed oh wait they're looking at the chunks that's what my chat says oh that's messed up that's actually gene that's cheating that's cheating that's cheating i'm not even making it puns go away that's what you get for what i don't know disqualify the biome finder users just qualify them they already got an advantage just qualify them disqualify them we're out here finding we're out here finding deserts legitly i think satnav used one corpse used one kick him out um vic used one tommy oh my god i've already got a massive advantage they're literally cheating this is so messed up and i don't agree with it sapnap they're cheating and they're getting away with it what do we do gog master dogmeister ogmeister what do we do what do we do dogmeister he can't keep getting away with this connor eats pants so not in a team right now oh my god that he's literally not even in a voice chat anymore he's given up he's giving up on being in a team i thought i found a desert it's a beach oh hi um hi george i emailed dream on about the s p if you tell him about it it would mean the world the email is from hey i created the name i'll let him know thanks that's just incorrect you're so full of honk you're so full of it wait someone's been here oh wait i think dream's watching my stream then hi dream well how do you think dream's watching your stream because you're using biome finders no because he would respond to something they said did he say what did he say how did he respond yeah what did you say how did you give me he gave me he just gave some coordinates yeah some corpses wait what happened shut up another hint what do you think there's nothing there's nothing i just want to make sure you guys have notifications on i literally hate you i already have this notice i i already have them on i thought my phone was just bugging jimmy just came in wait did i tweet something like i've been hacked i've been hacked doing something like wait wait a second did i just tweet something i don't know any tweeters any tweeters why did jimmy just leave you we're just happy that george is happy he's just having a good time he said you know what he told me he said don't worry about any more clues for a little bit no give us clues i want a desert now i immediately want a desert i'm just in an ocean i haven't been in a desert this whole time no way oh i thought i was a desert it's not a desert oh oh mr b joins oh wait is that a clue wait mr b skimming one m-r-b-e-a-s-t-g-a-m-i-n-g-1 nine letters there's nine letters in his name nine letters three squared three squared is nine three squared is nine wait three three squared is nine um three three sides of a triangle illuminati is a triangle pointy illuminating the triangle illuminati confirmed oh my god guys i'm gonna kill this box for mr beast that doesn't make sense why would he want you to either yeah i killed the fox it's a little it's a tiny bit laggy but it's working but that's just a theory a game a game theory oh my god thanks for watching i i found like a million beaches hey sup nap where are you are you in a desert oh my god dude i need a desert is someone someone in my chair just to turn up dream dreams not here he's not here [Music] oh hello mister oh my god i can't find a desert dream is so annoying dreams being a muffin head dream it's for the better of the server just found it is what i'm going to say when i find it chad stop spamming that please dream is like stalking me oh he's stalking you he's stalking his prey whoa yeah you're gonna let's pray i already killed a fox for good luck i need a desert immediately where's the baby like on that meant to be deserts near on the edges of the babies not how it works they kill the baby i i always kill babies don't quote that please does everyone quote that please i'm sapnet oh my god i need a desert oh no i found your sign no he did not you talk about h h i found your sign oh no shot dude if if eric wins again it's rigged but they're cheating that's all i know all i know is they have an advantage over us and if they don't if we don't it's because they're just like weird like minecraft hardcore players and they know like the weird stuff they're cheating i'm in a swamp this is dumb i need a desert i've been in a tundra by them for like an hour yeah i was in a tundra for so long any 200 tundras okay drawers oh i know where to go i know where to go i'm on the move i actually just worked it out i have the answer the key to success i've just used it and i've unlocked the door and boom a hundred thousand dollars is coming my way guys if i win a hundred thousand dollars i'll give away at least a thousand of it you guys are you guys hyped for a thousand dollar giveaway what do you mean isn't like 50 000 that go to the people well technically but not if i win so it should be 51 000 if you win no it's 1 000. oh hello hello hello let me ask you guys this which deserts have you guys searched already i've said zero times i know about five deserts like where five deserts are well it's only in one there's only one quadrant that's been confirmed so that has it okay i'm joking guys if i win you guys that you get fifty thousand dollars worth of gift cards so you're gonna have to be quick to get them i don't know how it's gonna work i don't know if like they're just there and you have to just get them as quick as you can or like if i get them like give them away over time or something i don't know how it works well i'm going south so that's not very good oh my god there once before i just need a desert i can't even find one hey have you found a desert no what is the second hint happening i thought that was supposed to be a while ago uh jimmy just tweeted it check hurry he's lying he's lying he's lying he's lying he's lying i'm let's go wow oh my god [Music] if i win every single viewer can get one dollar trading well i'm gonna cop a trident real quick that's probably how it's gonna work yeah is it guys here you guys hyped for this one dollar giveaway everyone gets one dollar wait george you look like you're in this trident the last one was in no shot you got another trident can i have it dibs on it where is it it's like oh yeah i did yeah it's a little step up i'll give you the trident oh carl actually if you give me a clue i'll give you the trident all right carl hang on i need to talk to you yeah so you bet on so he better answer call listen to me are you muted can they hear me uh wait i'm not muted yet me or mike hello call help me give me a clue give me a clue call wait wait show the stream show the stream okay you're there okay wait hold up help me call please help me help me get give me a clue please okay the clue oh he's is annoying wait did i just leak my stuff i better not oh it's fine even if it got leaked anyway are you in gamemode i see you're in gamemode 3. oh my god hey guys i'm back i did i just this is this is winners by the way oh is that what i think it is oh if it is okay i gotta save these coordinates for later chat juice do you see what [Music] i'm not even in a desert yeah yeah yeah dream where's the desert they use bottom finders they know where deserts are i don't know [Music] whoa crap um well guys i don't i'm not even i haven't been in a desert this whole time dream i think you should give us an advantage because the other thing you're going to find coordinates uh all the chords are positive i know oh sorry uh hey awesome dude are you here yeah i am here listen the hints are all the chords are positive there's a hint we only got if we killed people right right which was the picture which really wasn't that helpful except that it was a desert i guess oh my god i just found a pillager outpost what a village i don't even know yet oh nice phone there's no shot if someone's been in this village before oh i found a village too wait puns dm me the cords you're heading to okay because you may you may be passing through where i was guys i don't know where you gotta check out the new tweet you gotta check out the what's the new tweet hurry guys you tweet i swear if you're trolling why are you always trolling there's no need to stop troll like that you muffin heads okay now we're not kidding now he actually that's why he joined he actually tweeted you have to check it out yeah i i joined because i just tweeted out the next nerds wow why are you doing this dream can i borrow you for a second yeah super super top secret yeah get out of here dream who i want to hear is the muffin heads gone yep the muffin heads are gone that'll learn them hey chad i just called mr beast a muffin head he is a muffin head plus one that's a plus one if i've ever seen one plus [Music] i want to add that to my memoirs the chunks are being chunky again still haven't found that doesn't hurt no i have not i literally can't find the desert it is so annoying this is so annoying um the chunks are being a little chunky again hmm i just restarted it and it fixed it so uh hi go get love in your comments so much tell me if you can say hi to nico i love you have a great day hi nico hello thank you for the donut so my chunks aren't being chunky yeah because you're probably in chunks that have already been loaded which is a bad sign you're a bad sign that's kind of rude um what do we do hello hello i want this other i want a new hint dude we need a new hint yeah i agree with that one i'm not even like near a desert what are you guys are you guys in a desert no i'm in like a this is so annoying oh is that a desert oh i just i'm not i don't know how to find a desert oh i'm lagging yeah it's always being laggy again my water's being dumb okay i think i have it um i don't know where to go i'm like stuck in trident mode oh i'm out of trouble i'm literally like this isn't how you find the biomes i'm pretty sure because i'm in like an ice biome oh i'm lagging oh great i'm stuck in training mode no no i'm stuck let me help you get unstuck george good luck george i'm room for you thank you thank you i'm literally stuck george joyce george i tweeted i'm stuck twitter to him you didn't i'm not looking okay i literally did all right i get i'll check just because i'm not even on the server right now i'm logging in and it says connecting you did it why are you such a liar oh he did he did he did he said check it does it he said check it does it i think where on your main account or your second account what i'm not even on the server there's a hint there's a hint for you check a desert nimrod there's a tweet there's a tweet there's a tweet there's a tweet yeah he actually tweeted though it's easy as a b c d e what does that mean you're muted bad i need to hear your thoughts on this okay abcde let's think about that what would abcde mean it could mean that he's giving us a hint of like the number of coordinates or he's applying like a value to it um it's as easy as abc here's the real the question is they probably came up with the hints or the place on where to put it based off of like a riddle pattern so questions what would like i doubt they're coming up with the hints uh like post thing so let's think about that damn dogs all right so maybe there's something in like the letters a b c d e what letters are those in the alphabet that's one two three four yeah yeah i'm a genius that's it one two three four oh i found a desert okay one a b c it's easy one two three s everyone's saying one two three four five that's not it guys it's not one two three abc maybe you and me i'm gonna check five thousand zero okay someone has definitely been there no how has someone been at five thousand zero why would they go to zero you know what i mean as simple as i'm why am i here i need a desert um i don't know where to go i don't know that it means oh is that hexadecimal check it guys puns doesn't even know what a hexadecimal is well that's a really massive number in hex so i don't think so probably not but just check it anyways no it's a massive number i understand but check it anyways unless it's the first maybe that number will give us a hint you know what i mean hmm i have a feeling no one's gonna win by the hints they're just gonna get lucky and stumble opponent any troopers in chat unless there's there's like a really good hint at the end how did eric find the uh taco bell thing was it lucky or um it pretty much got to the point where mr beast gave like a final hint out i puns i have an idea i'm going to message you all right why are you only working with puns because we agreed to split yeah i'm lagging that's not allowed yeah it is no it's not that is i'm down for that i'm down for the three-way split and i just have another good idea all right fine okay me and you let's split it up yeah yeah you're right you're right you're right you're right here we are we should only split it two ways yeah you're right you're right all right awesome dude we're gonna be filthy kill me yeah the lag is almost killing me hold on i'm gonna try a location i'm uh here i'm meeting did you message me um i just can't even find a desert oh bad i feel like other people are going to go there i prime myself and spend 20 dollars on this on this one so if you lose my microphone a b c d is hexadecimal 7 3 7 10. i look that up i don't think it'll be that close though so like yeah it could be like because abcde in hex is hundred and three thousand seven hundred and ten other people so maybe the chords are seven and three anyway seven hundred and ten but i think that's just too close i don't think it would be that yeah it's lagging but maybe if you if you uh but i i'm not gonna go all the way back because i'm so far out so i'm not gonna go back uh i don't i don't think there's probably not even a desert there but i don't know hello uh it's as easy as abcde oh my god i'm lagging so hard keep going it's as easy as abcd bc it's easy as where's my shovel oh here we go i can't even find a desert bomb this is so annoying it is so annoying there we go i just want to be in that desert so badly how do you get to the desert these nuts hmm language god is so far dude i'm so far away from spawn right now a b c d e actually what if it's one two three four five six what's one two three wait one two three four five one plus two is three three plus what's the what's that thing called um one plus two is three are you trying to add them all up yeah plus seven i think that's five is thirteen is thirteen a significant number to mysteries chat in any way i'd want mr b's 13 000. changed it once that's not even a number that's not even what the number is it's one plus two is three plus three is six plus four is ten plus five is fifteen you said thirteen exactly oh fudge oh wait it's 15 yeah could it be 15 do i know a trick to adding up numbers from one to n one to n so if you want to add up numbers from one to n um so like one to ten so one plus two plus three plus four way up to ten you do n times n plus one and then divided by two so one to five is five times six is thirty divided by two is fifteen you're talking way too fast ah i actually don't think i'm muting i'm saying so if you wanna add up all the numbers from a hun one to a hundred it's a hundred times 101 divided by two which is 101 times 100. i don't even know what that is but anyway epic maths trick there's a portal here i'm going to take her my portal now sapnap read your read your discord is it the answer do you know where it is why those numbers hold on i'll message you again on discord are you just gonna leave me out that's cool do you think yeah i'm already i'm close to that it's tech news portal go there i just destroyed techno's portal sorry sorry techno but you're missing a letter like e so what is e the y did he put the e it's easy as a b c d e if tender goes through the nether to that where that portal goes it will regenerate it anyway so it's fine wait is think about all the time he's been swearing right in front of you think about it he he i lost him i don't see him oh shut up you're out of here down and kill him chase him down and kill him okay but ask dude how do we okay so it's not here last number at least i don't see it but there is a village tommy where are you i'm gonna talk do you think that's the y or something it could be the y or i was going to say we could shift all the numbers over and then the middle two numbers become the y if you see what i'm saying do it put them put them in there i chat i'll put them i'll put them in yeah yeah oh there's someone else here who is that are you are you at those chords already i'm not actually gonna kill tommy that'd be rude yeah i'm already at those coordinates yeah you got their vest yeah i took the nether oh my god that makes sense guy chats chunks unloading that would be rude to kill him uh hi yo this is my first video i ordered your much i can't wait to get it if you're ever feeling down just know your fans love you and i also sub so happy new year thank you thank you samantha so looks like someone that's the only one who had that thought no it wouldn't be wrong it's too close this is where i think it's going to be i'm gonna go check over there all right i'm heading over there too well i wouldn't go there if are you because like i'm gonna we're just wasting your time i would i don't know if that's yeah it is chat i don't know but if you want to come you can it's too close it's not gonna it's not beneficial for us though what are your chords i'm not we're like where are you like how many blocks are you from spawn a lot all right oh yeah how are you haven't you always signed up when i find it i'm not sharing okay chat please stop spamming kill tommy in it kill him dude i don't know why you wouldn't kill him kill him you should kill him he doesn't need to win i know he doesn't yeah he's right oh no yeah on tick tock it says his net worth is 2.2 million he doesn't need that yeah that's a ton that's a lot of millions yeah he needs to die yeah i'd feel so bad if i killed him and then um hydrogen we're going to make a patreon or a discord for those who want to support you outside of twitch um you could give him like i don't know maybe in the maybe in the future i don't know not currently but thank you for the donor thank you yeah because you're about to kill him i mean i should have done it you would have tripled i know no people would have been so mad oh it was so high for a second is using is using my trident in the water faster or a boat i checked only if you don't have dev strider dang it okay i have depth strider i was saying it maybe it was down take your death trader off when you're using your trident and then just spam it in the water wait it's fast it's slower with that depth strider on yeah yeah why unless you have dolphins unless you have dolphins grace why is it slower than it then it's faster i don't know it's nothing about momentum ronda thank you thank you for the subs thank you thank you thank you i need a desert are you still having fun oh my gosh the trunks cannot keep up with me they're too fast hmm why is my train not working because you're not following georgetown oh that didn't work there is a rune portal over there someone tired up kill tommy kill tommy just do it just do it you're thinking about all the times he's sworn right in front of you i heard him say that rat was ugly no he would never do it i heard him say i heard him say he said rat is the worst like creatures oh my god he died he did he said creature he said creature check his twitter twitter it's on there right now he did it he just tweeted i'm checking this out he just tweeted he tweeted he just tweeted to kill me that's why rad is so ugly that's what he just said no he just tweeted that i swear he tweeted that i swear he tweeted that i swear he tweeted that tommy in it he would never tweet he just did he just did he just did he did he shadow deleted it he deleted it oh he did it it's gone no there might be a screenshot what i thought that was it for a second someone in chat tag bad in that picture on twitter so you can see it the tweet that tommy made and deleted me in new hint no what a minute rollerblade on the server i it says authentication servers are down what okay one i can't even join the server yeah one two three four five obviously is not it i can't even join the server i'm on one two three welcome back um okay but if everyone's simply empty their pockets and donate to george right now he could basically have 100k easy that's true if everyone here gave me 2.50 that would be a hundred thousand dollars all right let's get a good look guys come on it's it's easy based on what i can say oh my gosh uh i don't know what it does look like that is the general shape but is it all is it like that from any direction looks like it is so that actually is not helpful but what if this is the spawn no because the spawn would be that way so i don't see any bit really tall mountains uh fudge chad this is bad news oh my dream and the rewind is a hint maybe if we win i'm buying one of the pre-built systems and taking the 30-90 out of it and putting it in my computer oh my gosh chat any ideas anyone want to throw some ideas in the chat any ideas in the chat huh kind of weird don't want to die today chat like why can't why can't i just stumble across a desert that would be so useful i feel like we've i went too far that's what i'm thinking i think i'm gonna head back i think he tweeted he tweeted he tweeted he didn't tweet he didn't tweet he actually did i'm not checking i said no he didn't you're such a i swear to god he did he literally did one of the coordinates is zero oh my goodness wait who just left did he say that yeah wait really yeah yeah oh fudge it's gotta be awesome what did he tweet what did he tweet one of the coordinates is zero oh my god wait which one's zero no it's a 50 50 chance but is he talking about like the one two three four five what if it's a y what if the y is the zero no no i don't think so i bet one of the x was that it's going to be zero come on he's trying to speed it up now you just have to run in a straight line oh my gosh i don't know where to go uh bad i'm going to um i'm going to go i'm going to go to oh look at this you know what okay i'm doing this awesome dude what are we going to be positive there i'm going to do it i'm going to 1 2 3 4 5 0. okay okay do what i said oh hurry hurry dude okay crud uh which direction no oh wait this way awesome yeah i can get a response oh yeah yeah yeah i'm back i'm back i'm back tomorrow did you do that i'm heading towards the truth our thing is wrong because one of the coordinates is zero and it's not going to be the x you're right i i'm heading to a secret spot one two three four five zero oh fudge interesting interesting well you said one of the coordinates is zero and a b c d e makes a lot of sense that's my guess puns puns mainly opposite yeah i am i am i'm gonna do that there's no way that there's no way the y is zero i'm doing that in no way i don't have anything to oh what if that's the troll that the y is zero so are you guys splitting it are you guys just yeah whoever finds it yeah we have a one a two-way team going i'm soloing i'm soloing it i don't need no no help respect respect you know more eyes the better in mind can you can you light another portal with a flame bow no no no oh god what if i blow up tnt next to it no i'm gonna say you can please fire you can place wood next to lava but that's it that's gonna take a while i don't have a fighting steel awesome did you do that apparently what did he did i found it found it no no he didn't actually did it underground like a nimrod right now when it's clearly above ground oh fudge template to let's chat to spam everyone else's chat oh awesome you need to do that dude this is not good like how long will it take you to do that bad i'm in a giant right now i'm really fine yeah i'm heading to do that but i'm really you gotta move fast brother getting muffins oh my god my water glitch chat fudge i hear you okay how do i get over there you should try it one two three four four five zero oh my gosh a red strolling a rat a wrap which way do i need to go turn fog off eric actually found it did he actually found it there's no way he's trolling he's trolling he's trolling there's no shot he's got to be trolling gosh oh no he actually found it that's so good actually oh he did yeah he did are you serious man was that the actual prize like that the whole this is so fast guys was it a one two three four five it might be another hint wait he didn't find it i'm gonna stream i wanted to stream he didn't find it and i'm looking at he's standing next to the diamond block unless he built that diamond block yeah the diamond block might have said something like uh but then uh nevermind no i don't want to say no clip clip clip clip clip i need a clip of whatever found chad chat chat chat get give me a hint give me him what did he say come on chad find us i got it i got his clip let's see what it says you're so right i'm an idiot because you almost found a hundred thousand dollars it's with a hundred block radius where's he at what is his chord chat what where is he at what is his chords it's a 100 block radius underground zero they're going to my channel my channel no way we're getting where i was going to okay um all right i'm not gonna get there anytime i don't have a flint and steel i don't have a flint and steel dude i'm so screwed run run run i can't get there in time oh it's actually one two three four five zero what's that one two three four five zero i'm so far oh try to get there awesome dude can you get there yeah i'm trying i have to just go above world though i gotta go above world though how am i supposed to get oh no no i messed up where did my portal go where did my portal go i'm so done oh no i messed up come on chat come on come on come on come on i have messed up i messed up what's one two three four five zero another coordinates uh one two three four five divided by eight whatever that is do it for me i don't know what that is i believe hold on do i have my watch i don't have my watch on my watch oh my god where's my portal i lost it one two three four ten divided by eight one thousand five hundred and forty three three one thousand five hundred forty three and then zero but the portal's gonna yeah this is going to be on the roof if i had to guess i don't know how to go actually oh my god you can't you can't get on the roof anymore no i was just on there i mean you can get on there but you can't like break through if you don't go to the one entrance it's impossible to break it's impossible to break through anymore why did dream remove that it's patched you know i don't care i'm mining past another right like ancient group debris there's like a 100 foot radius to get there quickly go awesome please we can't let eric win again no way that eric's gonna find it again it's even a hundred block radius oh my god like only a hundred blocks down right ah are you kidding me i keep finding these uh what do you call it i'm not i can't even talk right now i know wait i'm going the wrong way wait am i oh puns just died always probably do that on purpose go back to spawn he's smart i wonder if he just hit all his gear probably did puns falling along good job zab now how close are you not very close dang it please and on purpose courts he's not talking to oh us was muted i was muted yeah i did it on purpose so you know puns you died yes i did you got to not do that true true you're right oh no i'm so annoyed ah oh that's the way the muffin crumbs gee geez don't be like that it do be like that oh my gosh there's so many villagers here i just want to get over there yeah i'm heading over there right now oh so it's actually over yeah it's over yeah it's ended no no gg oh are you kidding me i will get over there i was so nearly over there i was messing up i was nervous i'm right near i'm at the spot chat do you know where it is have you never been in a forecast before i just never needed to go to one 1543 name chat where was it by the way was it in this area can someone explain that to me it finds biomes okay thank you george anyway how do i get to the thingy don't open chest don't open chest okay caught it tell you that no one do anything please no i don't know where it is but i want a tp tp chat do you know where it is oh dang it i figured out the 1.2 or one two three four five things but i should have just gone to one i never would have guessed that going to one two three four five zero well after you said zero that's what i was going to do i was gonna go to i was going to the other way though i was going to zero one two three four five i was initially going into one two three four five and then i changed my mind i was like hey thank you awesome dude for the raid feels bad man awesome dude thank you hi awesome dude viewers chat help me find the location help me find them i just i'm just stuck in the nether what's the coordinates uh one two oh it's according to spawn nether what's the where does the spawn nether it's over here one oh there there's the portal thing oh of course i spawn an underground what's the cornice to spawn mother four or five i'm still kind of far away what are the quarters to spawn nether i'm just stuck in the nether all right well it's somewhere down here okay oh my gosh you guys are ignoring me i'm listening to you how do i get out of here i'm just stuck in nether yeah you're stuck you're there forever just right now you just have to you have to just die you have to die chat look i found it you found the thing yeah i'm there i just start stealing the codes and just start going as well you're stealing all the codes there's no rule against it to me it's not wrong to be fair they're like underground how'd they even get down there hey i want to get over there and find it there it is congrats tubbo there you go there we go let me up let me up congrats to tubbo good job yeah the move with with these like things is just to go on the nether roof and wait for mr beast to just tell you what the chords are and be the first one there that's true actually like it's so unlikely to just stumble across it and eventually he's just gonna like basically tell you where it is basically i'll give you like a really good clue there that's what type of side on the nether oh should we here let's join that room listen in that room let's i see i'm lagging uh it's not working it's not working i can't get in i can't get in oh there we go so where can i have the ikea one i just moved house oh actually that's actually not a bad idea wait so we could just ask for i'm i'm about to wait can i have the options in one [Music] oh he's still in los angeles what is this i'm just like so randomly lost in another clue where i'm at oh my god one diamond looking coffee yeah i think we had a really proper chance if i didn't mess up the chords at the end i did that i'm so pissed i did zero one two three four five instead of one two three zero yeah i [Music] the codes were taking too long to to type in so i have an excel sheet with twenty thousand that i've gotta get so for him just to scroll down on his stream because there's there's actually like 80 000 in those chests literally all the way up till 10 minutes ago we were typing codes on books and putting him in the chest i underestimated how long do i just oh my god my pc is restarting automatically quick give me the money i'll take care of me okay okay wait i'm fine i'm fine i'm fine dream please do not be trapped help me come with me i can't believe that yes jack manifold's just in despair i'm just so upset what the wait so how do i give them away how do you how does one give away this much money is what i'm asking do the i was envisioning [Laughter] over like the next year by the way you don't have to open them yeah exactly exactly exactly can i just like put some on twitter how do you do a twitter you can do what you want to talk about they're yours yeah you can do it whatever you want having one how do i do lionfish how do i get lionfish wilbur i don't know i don't think we have fast prototypes in the uk what is a bass pro shop fishing yeah fishing in like camping here and they have they have the 10th tallest pyramid in the world that's true and that's really funny there's so many different what okay so i do i i want to give a couple away right i can do that yeah yeah yeah you can give away all kinds okay you can choose what you do with it okay you could technically just keep everything i feel like wilbur yes should we break our pack today and ray tubbo or are you keeping it i'm literally doing that right now i'm sorry for looking like you'd bust your tailbone sneezing what oh my god the person that doing it you should try one two three four five zero they were almost right if they just put a five wait oh y26 they were nearly there elbows are about to beat them let me see what it's for though wait did you rate them yeah did you rate them yet yeah for the 80k i think i i sent you people 220 thank you guys crap let's go yeah i don't know what the price is so i'll give away all of these i guess you don't have to give away anything if you don't want to you don't i really want to don't end please what do i do what should i do what should i do i don't know what to do um yeah what can i do if i don't end i don't know speed run should i i don't know if i can if i can do a speedrun right now it's been running around for like two hours i don't know if i'm in the mood for speed running um oh okay um build a house play full guys uh sphere and just chill i don't know what to do i don't know what to do oh they're trying to get in the they're trying to get some codes should i show you guys the codes you wanna see some codes look at all these codes two thousand oh my god should i just take them six thousand dollars worth of amazon code should i take them what if i just took them i don't think he would notice right nintendo oh my god look it's just it's just six thousand amazon codes he wouldn't know he wouldn't know guys doubles in here tubbo oh my god wait how do i get out now i'll get out i'll get out wait does toby want to come out i don't know oh my god i don't know what to do i don't know what to do now what to do oh my god am i someone stole my desk someone stole my desk my disc my disc has been stolen okay what i'm gonna do actually oh i was gonna say i'm about to go home but yeah maybe jim can tp me tp me too please like willity in the middle of nowhere i was here this whole time it was here this whole time oh hello where am i where is this is that eric's castle i don't even know where i am i don't even know where i am oh i know where i am yeah that is yeah okay oh my god it's like an arctic place um yeah i don't know what to do i don't know what to do right now cooking stream i can't i can't do that right now i need to get like a proper setup for that i don't even know what i would cook i need to think about that um sixty-one percent of the vote want bed wars really why didn't jim just tps to spawn he put us in some random place um hmm let me see something do do uh oh no hmm okay okay that was loud that was loud i don't i don't know what to do hmm okay maybe i'll just i'll play a couple bed wars just to see it just to see just to see uh how we do let's see um wait one second let me do this i want to expose my secret nickname what if i be um okay that's b okay boom okay here we go here we go here we go let's do single bed solo bed wars i'm going to win i'm going to win okay oh wait a second oh never mind actually why is no one joining join the game during the game join the game okay here we go what's my skin oh my god look at me okay come on wait can uh can one of the mods change my title as well please just call it um bed wars i don't know dream stand three nine okay i'm gonna win first game i'm gonna win and it's gonna be easy watch this ready so all you need boom bam bop okay oh i'm on like 1.16 so it's like glitch it's glitchy okay oh my god i just lagged oh my god what come on i i can't play with dream dreams like doing the stuff for the for what just happened he's like busy with that okay let's rush this guy rush this guy rush this guy [Music] he's totally rushing me isn't he oh my god it's glitchy oh my god he's back he's back it's laggy why ah okay it's fine let's just get that because i need all the help i can get i need one more gold okay let's get that and then oh he's coming back for me play with sound i'll ask i'll ask him after this [Music] okay i don't know why i'm playing one point 16.4 let me get a better version let me get a better version hang on wait i didn't even have oh that okay launch that just made me look really bad it's not i'm not bad okay i'm not bad i'm not bad okay wait how do i get sam up let me message him stop not stop not stop not stopping up why is my screen like wait oh i'm like in the game okay here we go okay now i'm actually on a good version now i'm on a good version i'm gonna win okay it's like confirmed confirmed that i will win confirmed [Music] join the game during the game join the game join the game during the game wait why am i a steve i don't know why i'm a steve oh everyone's leaving okay perfect get the stuff get the stuff get the stuff okay so whoops so i'm gonna win oh wait i don't have wait oh no shift click boom okay there we go i don't have auto sprint so i have to hold my button which i'm not used to doing oh no because on on like normal versions you can like the new versions you can auto sprint i don't have it on here oh it's so weird to sneak on here because it doesn't change your like fov i'm not used to this old version look at this guy okay like i towered all the way over and then someone else just got the bed anyway so it was pointless okay okay okay get the stuff wait what else do i need i can get tools okay this guy's probably gonna be coming over to me oh there he is okay red [Music] why did he kill me okay so now i get iron sword upgrade the tools and now i go kill red i'm gonna be like so much worse at pvp because i need to hold my spring buster now i'm not used to that oh he's coming he's coming quick quick quick oh he got armor oh he's this guy's good [Applause] he's gonna kill me he's gonna kill me he's here bad okay i have a chance i have a chance i have a chance i have a chance i have a chance okay so i need to get over here red's over there i really want armor is that 12 there's not enough that's not enough um okay i'll buy tnt some blocks and then one of these i'm so slow upgrade the tools okay that was a terrible fireball get out of here okay this is it this is it this is it i can't reach get out of here a mess i think let's go i got it i wasn't sure i wasn't sure i got it oh my god i'm pretty sure that red guy was good like he was doing that little that thing when they finally put a block in between you to like slow you down oh my god okay okay okay okay come on come on come on where's red oh my god this guy built all the way over to me and then stopped last second why wait what he built a fortress why okay i think this guy sucks i'm not sure though he's got tnt did he just he just jumped in the void how how did he die i didn't even touch him i didn't do anything he's like oh i'm just gonna die now almost me against aqua okay okay concentrate concentrate concentrate where is aqua so i'm at white he's right there he's right there he's at my bed he's at my bed he's at my bed he's gonna jump into the void oh my god no leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone now no i tried doing a big brain play like using the fireball to launch myself across the gap oh i'm sorry i screamed i'm sorry did some not reply no he did but i didn't get a notification he doesn't want to play he says he says he's just he's cheating no right no i'm cheating mystery hall thanks for gifting five subs thank you oh why am i like my notifications aren't working like i see it in the chat but i don't see it on stream or like in my feed i don't see it high pixel gifting 100 subs thank you hypixel thank you so much oh my god thank you so much i get gifted high pixel subs when i lose thank you oh wait who joined my channel fondy fundy hey hey george yeah hey i want hold on hey you wanna you wanna hear something crazy yeah wanna hear something absolutely crazy like like absolutely crazy this is gonna be crazy okay one second it's actually crazy one second just one second actually crazy here we go you ready wait absolutely crazy wait wait that me just now why what what is happening it's funny just sitting here watching my stream what is going on i am so confused but thank you again so much um hypixel thank you for the subs i appreciate it so much thank you oh okay finally like i'm not even playing the game right now what am i doing okay i need to go to pink ah okay and katie thanks for gifting five subs why like i don't understand my my streamlabs is it's bugged right now i can only see gifted subs in the chat and subs through the chat like i don't know it's being weird ah lucky i caught the hypixel 100 gifted i could have missed it if i was looking away for like 20 seconds i would have missed her okay i don't have enough blocks okay okay um okay this guy's coming to me uh blocks box box okay wait oh no this was about a mistake okay reinforce reinforce reinforce reinforce reinforce reinforce okay good here we go was that actually my my me screaming like when i just died was that what that what that was hello young sir oh ng not found he knows who i am and now i'm gonna kill him this is what you get okay you wanna really fight i was gonna be nice and like look at him for a second oh wait he doesn't know it's me because i'm nick he doesn't know it's me oh no pink's coming [Music] wait he does know it's me he types in the chat this guy's getting comboed okay he said george i love you so much wait there's a thing that i can do it's like wait i think if i do wait how'd you do the love thing wait it's high pixel here high pixel how do i do that thing where it's like a heart how do you do that like the love thing it's like an emoji thing how'd you do it okay probably people get in the chat and just tell me you you just put a thing a heart oh it didn't work okay anyway um that's all that's embarrassing now there's a thing that you can do that it like it like types a little like it does like a little emote i don't know how you do it oh no oh no oh no oh my god i'm sorry you have to die oh oh my god i okay okay i don't even know where to say that he just fell into the void okay okay okay come on what do i need i need iron sword i why do i have two stone swords i have no idea i have no idea i want one more one more iron boom fireball wait i have no tools i kind of need tools i need tools wait how do people know it's me i guess if they're watching the stream and they get into the game okay so i need tools okay pink is over there oh no this is bad oh no hey get out of here now you die now you die i don't have tools blue's going for me you're joking you're joking where's his bed okay let's quickly dispose of this guy i'm dead probably oh okay i was gonna fireball him but i saved my fireball okay okay um boom bam bop okay a couple of these one of these two of those actually and then okay wait i have a gift let me cash in the gift okay wait no no why did he stop coming hmm we got a little stream sniper i okay okay i'm gonna go this way this way okay now i can get sharpness on my sword he i think he knows he knows okay and then i'll get a tnt okay let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go he's invisible he's invisible he was invisible okay i want to win i want okay that's all i wanna do yeah screw you okay you weren't invisible oh fundy sent me the clip okay oh god okay let's turn the sound down brace guys brace yourself brace yourself clipped by fundy oh wait i'm gonna cut in front of myself okay so what i was trying to do was jump fireball right here and then it would boost me over and i missed just okay it's fine because we're gonna win right now every game from now on is a win do you understand do you understand oh hang on the slo-mo okay i'm on the right now this is weird okay i'll go back over here uh one second one second okay let's go let's go let's go so no one saw any of those previous games right like we we all just didn't see it no one saw it okay so all we have to do oh my god who is this guy it's like golden skeppy okay come here come down here come here hello come here you want a screenie do you want a screenie wait it's not even me what do you want to scream for wait what i'm confused oh my god is this guy hacking is he is that hacking i don't know i don't know how to tell what hacks is but that guy was oh is hypixel still here i need to know something okay wait my chat isn't loading okay oh no i've just messed up wait tell hypixel hello hypixel message me if you can if you get this message message me i need to ask you a question wait i can just ask the question if this somehow gets you there's like a command i saw some streamer use at one time where you can report a player for hacking and it's like it's like a youtuber hakko report command and it goes like straight to mods or something and then they get like investigated a lot quicker um i don't know what that command is but i saw someone someone do that um [Music] pick up the phone [Music] hello george oh hi bad george you lost you didn't find it yeah neither did you oh you're right darn it um bad do you want to play bedwars with me yeah uh sure okay i will play the epic bed wars okay come on i'm gonna send somebody it's like really quiet nick my skin enter a name what should my name be what should our nickname be our name should be potato team of awesomeness and death well it can only be like 16 characters or something oh george will there be more manhunts no actually there's actually zero more manhunts the last one no i'm joking there's gonna be more manhunts the one that was just uploaded is was the last one there's never gonna be another one ever again what should mine what should my name be my neck oh george we should tell like manhunt stories grog i'm grog grog hello why is that sound i'm grog look where are you i'm groggy george what so question for you are are you gonna invite me it says you're not online even though you just joined i'm on invite me i invited you thank you so george um question for you george why do you scream like a woman this is not true i don't scream like a woman you have a very womanly screaming george and i love it okay that thing how do you do this thing what's the emotion what's the command to do this thing who knows type it in chat wait is it like hi george wait how'd you do it there's nothing wrong with screaming there's a way to do that how'd you do it i don't know how you do it i don't know high pixel stuff hello bad boy halo wait you're not nicked nope oh my god grogan bad boy halo what why didn't you invite callan i didn't know he was on he lit wow everybody chat callan is george's best friend and he doesn't invite him emojis only work when not nick oh okay thank you admin connor thank you for the answer no problem general martin no problem someone gifted subs and i missed it i don't know who it was but thank you i think it was it was something like vanessa but it wasn't vanessa but thank you i saw it but then it's gone now i can't find it are you going to invite cal am wait they're coming bad bad what they're here what do you mean if i can't we're about to lose you need to invite kelly we need to win we're gonna lose we can't invite callahan until we win that's the rule oh my gosh that's the rule bad oh my gosh good job good job george oh i'm i'm permanently out that was a good warm-up good warm-up okay walmart you're dead okay we can't play until we have to win a two's game first we have to it's the rule fine fine caroline i'm gonna win this next one for you just for the record i am the best at bed wars anyone who says otherwise is a liar is this true it is true i like when i actually try hard i do really well ready i'm putting on my try hard booties okay all right we're doing the hot dog strategy hot dog heel pull okay what's the hot heel pull you call 14 stomach die what do you mean die you're only allowed to look it's you it's you that's not me it's literally you look at it that's not me it's you're in a rat costume that's not me how how is that a texture pack that's not me we're doing a texture pack that's you and it's not my that's my icon was always the high pixel icon icon oh my goodness wearing my heel pull merch what's the heel pull merch oh you're like he'll pull much okay yeah i have merged with it yeah i know that i actually i knew that okay are you wearing it right now yes just don't look at my stream they're here thank you george quick hot dog i hold the dead dog hot dog here i i'm setting up a dog george come on dog he got hot dogged and he's bad and now i'm going to kill him again he's coming back he's coming are you coming are you coming go back to the back go back to the bed go back to the bed damn i'm at the bed i'm at the bed where is he where is he he's here oh boom there's another one there's another one where where where where oh kill him okay oh this got given the cold shoulder shoulder by grog you stay a base stay basically you i haven't diamonds did you no i didn't work i don't know do you have any time i don't i know i don't i don't have diamonds stream snipers yeah there are stream snipers you matter okay thanks bad i'm wrong someone's got kicked up being afk it's okay it's okay keep your eyes peeled my eyes are peeled just like my carrots delicious potatoes oh this person wants a screening i'm sorry no screenies today oh i died george god why we need a heel pull that's why well get one how much does it heal but one diamond ah george pay attention i'm paying attention hot dog strategy basil hot dog strategy let's go literally that just saved us the nice the hot dog strap yeah everybody hates on the hot dogs no i'm not i'm not a hater wait what color is this green what is uh oh i got a present common gif bring to shopkeeper ow why why okay you know what drives field george they're peeled they're peeled keep the hot dog up is that right that is rat what is wrap what remembered her name give this diamonds we need a heel paw hurry i mean i remembered her name well you like never remember her name you always call her something strange like dinner or 180 kick rat or something like that wait am i lagging wait what happened can you hear me everybody's lying yeah oh these were destroyed by the 180 kicker boom don't say that you can't save all right did you die should i head back i'm alive george you need to come here i'm on one hand i'm on one hot they're coming okay can you tell bad that bridget says hi hi bridget oh my god i'm coming i'm coming wait is this server crash wait who is this elliot is here oh my goodness please tell me oh my goodness the hot dog strategy saves us again what is saves us again george wait i'm here pulling us i just he'll pulled us good good heel pull heel pull you have to pay me like 20 now since you said that by the way you have to pay me 20 dollars for any you have to give me a commission for any of the merch sale you get from this that's trade oh that's trademark guilford's trademark fight by who fight bad boy i don't think that's true no i'm kidding i'm just stealing you but anyway anyway in case that wasn't obvious seriously george i just want to clarify this to you the hot dog strategy has literally saved us like five times i'm glad i'm glad will you say the following sentence the hot dog someone's a good strategy i endorse the hot dog strategy oh no the hot dog is getting oh kill him kill him let's go just again hot dog strategy saves us again quick quick rebuild the hot dog i'm rebuilding the hot dog you are no dog hurry i'm gonna turn right into a hot dog you take that listen hot dog straps are good no matter where they're applied okay wait true we're gonna win we're gonna win we are gonna win we're gonna win and it's only because of the hot dogs right that literally is the only reason it's the only reason why oh my god oh my god oh oh oh cupcakes cupcakes cupcakes cupcakes cupcakes oh muffins oh my goodness i like tried to get chompers wait don't do that even though it doesn't let you but it's fine i know i know hot dog hot dog dog geo why is called the hot dog strategy by the way yeah second i can imagine why i mean but because it looks like a hot dog correct wow i'm a genius you are a genius george wait you are big brain where is the gray bed uh oh we're about to win and then we get to invite cal anne i might just lose on purpose if you lose i'm gonna be angry with you hot dog strategy oh hello there oh no never mind did you win don't die george don't die not again is it 2v1 is it 2v1 it's a 2v1 stop dying it's a 2v1 i don't care i'm going farewell did you win are you winning son and i just fell get out of here hot dog hot dog let's go i'm popping off i'm popping off i'm popping off and popping off this that's against grace oh i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead no i just lost so many diamonds okay it's okay i'm advancing our hot dog okay hot dog strap no i just gave him so many diamonds that's so bad why you need to give us diamond we need i tried okay i'll do it dude do you have any gold give me gold i just used it what'd you need it for what do you mean you used it i need it i'll give you one i thought i was your friend no you've been mistaken take that wait no mine i was just joking wow okay okay i have i have good stuff we were doing the hot dog strategy oh no wait watch this i'm going faro okay hot dog like i just got hot dogs i'm bad stop stop trying to farm ores i'm not trying to farm all right he's trying to follow us don't worry about me where did he go there's an invis guy bad oh my god okay george i'm setting up an advanced hot dog is it an obsidian an obsidian hot dog uh no it's like wait where is that baseball strategy you adjust the center like even further so they think it's like in a different spot than it actually is i just left one by the way now mine is coming back for more okay he's dead there's hot dog dumb okay okay this is it this is it he's got died by grog what are you doing i'm just like winning this game on my own i'm playing bass defense i have a very valuable asset to the team okay yeah this is me oh it's you fine you stay here and defend the people are you capable oh oh and now it's like oh no bad i don't want to no bad come on all right where where do you think our bed is okay i have no idea it's not that's the beauty of the hotdog strap yeah i know that's the beauty of the hot dog strategy like that's hey just watch out they have an emerald so they can be invisible just watch out wait buy a trap do you do we have a do not have a trap hey i see one i see when i see when i see one get ready to get ready two one two two george george get a fireball get a fireball oh my god i'm so indecisive you're on your way back right no i'm not i'm not oh well no do something just hold them up hold them up you have to yeah let me just like learn how to fly and then that'll get us victory oh oh look at that oh oh oh no george we're about to lose oh bad noise strategy prevail hot dog strategy prevail please oh no oh oh my gosh yes let's go let's go back strategy hot dog strategy anyone ever tells me this doesn't work literally you're a liar i was so indecisive i almost lost the game but the hot dog strategy it came through free hot dog it re-hot dog reho i don't have any blocks to re-hot dogs just buy blocks i'm gonna win i'm trying to win yeah that was so risky oh my god that was that was so good the hot dog just literally owned them i know we i'm telling you hot dog strategy your chat is asking why is it called the hot dog strategy just look at it that's why it's called the hot dog it looks like a hot dog it's a bad boy halo carried baby i got two donations oh my god my cousin was playing then dream joined wait what i'm confused oh my god thank you for the sixty dollar donation thank you so much they hear about that they're here that doesn't really help me not die oh they're throwing fireballs at us that's me wait one's coming one's coming one's coming one's coming he's got tnt i'm gonna try and knock him off i hit him towards you and he's dead i'm an idiot there's one behind you one behind you one binding one behind you one behind you come on come on come on are you doing something are you saving us yeah i'm tired i'm tiring okay watch out nice nice that's right he's going to get a present okay you are you going to play defense no no i'm going to go kill them right now oh my gosh they're done we're going on the counter attack we're going on the counter attack right now what memes what memes do you have any blocks i have no blocks i i don't know george i'm back i was eating welcome back general musk wait where are you i'm i made it okay never mind welcome back thanks for the donut general miles thank you hot dog strategy is going to win this right it actually is that's the crazy thing everyone underestimates the hot dog strap and then boom next thing you know hot dog strap okay they're gonna know you're you're dead because the hot dog okay i'm going i'm gonna wait where are you i'm on my way to their base oh no there okay i see them i see that both of them they're both this is risky we're both coming out going in wait wait for me wait for me because i'm i am okay we can go in together i'm being aloof okay i'm coming i'm coming so wait where are you uh i'm almost to their base okay i'm going in i'm going in george should i go in i'm going in i gotta i got a george defender base defense i'm no i'm literally nowhere near what i left i left oh my gosh i died okay please please send me back send me back i gotta hurry oh don't break wait are they both there i thought they were both i only saw one you said you saw them both no i'm saying no i said go back okay i'm at my base or our base i don't see any oh there's one coming one coming george okay just hold him off hold him off you gotta get back here no no i'm gonna go kill him i'm killing him buy one oh no oh they're done for they're done no why oh crud he's dropping tnt he dropping tnt dog the hot dog strategy saved us again george are you kidding me literally look look at where the tnt blew up look at that hot dogs he has no idea where the bed is wait i'm going over this one these muffins okay okay just stay at the bed for a second hot dog strategy for the win oh my gosh this legend hot dog i really should have had that bed right there like this game should have been over by now i messed up i honked up oh yeah you did no i'm not denying that oh okay you don't have to just you have to say that like that you said it yeah but you didn't have to agree with me well no i i i actually did i'm sorry wait okay nevermind um uh okay i'm coming back over okay yeah rebuild the hot dog okay one's here oh that's you never mind oh that's you i have a feeling they're gonna come back invis by the way oh i see one two c one and this no he's visible otherwise i wouldn't be able to see him oh thank you that is a good point i'm dead i died is there another i don't know this is annoying uh yes it is oh he's coming he's coming nice boom boom oh free stuff let's go oh my god hot dog hot dog okay do you like hot dogs george yeah they're pretty good okay i've had enough their base defense is the awful choice yeah i know it's actually non-existent i'm telling you this is my plan they're bad you need you might need to stay back are you sure yeah yeah yeah that's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna completely ignore them and just run into their base and try to kill them i'm not even going to try to fight them my main goal you've been trying to do no no because i've been trying to kill them that's my mistake they have like no defense all i have to do is just run in there ignore them don't even try fight back and then just destroy the bed i could i could do that right now this guy's gonna find me so i'm gonna fight back we have a heel pool so i'm gonna get some traps we got traps i got destroyed like that was literally the complete opposite of what my plan was okay listen george and i had to go knock it out now i threw one pick that up i'm going in george wait do you have any irons uh no but i'm running okay i'm gonna try and like take one of them out because one's really low one is like super low they're coming they're coming george one is like one heart oh one foul one foul i'm going kill the other where are you oh my god you're leaving me with him yes this is a bad idea kill him it's oh i'm staying actually i trust the hot dog he chanted oh oh no no quick george you need to fix the hot dog i'm going in okay wait george you're fixing the hot dog right yes i'm trying okay i'm going in i'm going in i gotta run george get us uh upgrade our trap i don't have any diamonds i don't have any diamonds ah i took the diamonds with me just uh get a fireball so you can fireball them off okay i'm gonna try and break their bed here we go here we go here we go let's go let's go doo doo doo holy muffin this guy is doing really good oh dang it he knocked me off george okay get ready he did really good he did really good get ready george get ready i'm ready is the where's the hot dog uh it's that take that golden apple this is not even close i don't want to go nuts okay i was like it was a temporary dog it was temp temperature i was trying this is what trying is george i tried please no okay i'm gonna actually oh they're coming again that's so annoying i'm literally photosynthesizing right now i'm photosynthesizing no they've got they have tnt photosynthesis get down from there oh no is that the only guy there's not another one i got an apple this time idiot yeah boom did another one run past i don't think so he could have been an invasive run past so just be careful do you have diamonds make get the trap get the trap uh i don't have diamonds never go full meme oh wait no that's you always go call me and that's the way to be the lemur okay oh wait what do i do what do i do what do i do just defend defense you had one job george no i'm not going to defend i'm i'm i'm attacking i'm going for a fight in there i'm almost to the race you need to chill where are they do you see them oh i'm about to die it's okay okay i'm going no there's two on there right two on the right yeah and i'm gonna i'm gonna okay i'm gonna do my actual strap where i don't attack them okay that's that's not that's not a strap no it is it is i'm not oh they're here they're both coming they're both coming watch out watch out watch out you never repaired the hot dog george bad they're coming they're both storage they're both on their way is the hot dog repaired no the hotdog isn't really repairing the repair i don't know i don't know how to do it i don't know how wait okay oh no no no no no here here uh get get some here stay down here i'm going up they have tnt yeah they have tnt all right get ready george they dropped it they dropped it i know go go go george oh no they got our bed george they got the hot dog didn't work they battered no it did work but the hot dog won't last forever george that yeah i've become aware of this okay bad we need to be so careful yeah let's uh focus on getting he thinks i'm hacking he thinks i'm hacking what why he said turn off reach say no just hang up okay no no no don't say that don't say that i said it now george well you aren't hacking so that's fine i'm hacking i'm hacking oh no you're done i'm hacking george we need to be careful but they're going to kill us okay really yes i know they're going to be okay bad they need to be careful do you think they have bad defense yet uh you want here follow me follow me no no no let's get out of dodge we're going this way i'm going i'm going this way follow me are you following me to greenville you need to follow me i don't know that's the opposite direction of the correct base that we're trying to go to did you already come over here and take all this stuff yes that's why i said don't go that way told me that i said don't go that way you know what friends like you friends like you george bad you're so heavy george bad we're in trouble we have no bed okay bad we need to meet up and we need to combine our powers for the better you're apparently high is that you afk no what no okay it is oh it's not you oh my god he wants a screenie should he get a screenie no only if it's only if he breaks his bed that's the only way he gets the screening he can't break his own bed oh my god i almost just died oh bad i'm gonna die i'm gonna die nice knowing you george hey maybe if you turned off i survived i survived bad this is so bad bad what are you doing right now i'm uh i'm what are you doing yeah we need to win victory will be mine george no bad we need to win right now i know i know we need to win i'm trying to get carolina in this game apparently you don't care about him bad we need to win i know we need you can say it all you want i know okay so we need to win where are you say it again where are you i can't say what if they're watching your stream i don't care i need to know where you are oh my goodness i'm on my way to their base okay is that what you wanted to know yes i'm doing my best oh my god where are you at george okay i see one of them is are you in here one no one of them's in mid i died you did not did you i died i died well spectate me bad please please hey george clutch it's bad news oh my god please never pick don't ever pick droids kill him kill him i bought 1.16 george this is the worst version for pvp i didn't i was on a terrible version george george we died george george we just tried to beat them for like 20 minutes straight whoa whoa you're not gonna let me switch to a better version hurry up hurry up hurry up all right quick leave that no no no no hurry up just hurry up just hurry up it's fine no no it's just hurry up just hurry up it's fine just hurry up leave the game okay i'm switching to 1.8 so i can actually block it okay oh my god i'm on i'm on a man click invite me are you here yeah you in yeah you know what it is a glitch send it again okay okay so george there's a good practice okay listen yeah we really we were really close we probably would have won if one you had a pickaxe or two i just didn't get sniped off like that who buys a bow in bed wars i know um i i pretty much couldn't block it that whole game so that definitely hurt us it's not all about block hitting uh it is when it gives you an advantage we can't invite callahan we can't we can't invite him we didn't win all right let's go this is going to be our game george yeah we're going to win oh look at that i'm block kidding yeah we're going to win now look we can't invite the rule was we must win yeah hot dog hot dog hot dog but you need a nick they know who you are no they're gonna target us they do they said it's the og muffin who i am this is so dumb i'm on the language pirate what does that even mean why wow i have no idea what that means boom hot dog set up george okay live dog is set up keep hot dogging i am okay blue's speedrunning us there we go oh craig go go go go go oh they messed up oh okay that's cool as well oh red's going in on him okay bad we need a pop-up right now no time for dawdling oh i just got them boom okay kill kill blue kill blue kill blue is it wait is that bed gun oh it is got one no i got one nice okay perfect nice hitting okay i'm coming over i'm coming over you oh no bad boy halo let me final kill this muffin head hello juicy mango oh ready bye juicy mango george on the left okay they killed me they call me they kill me they call me they kill me they kill me this is correct they did kill you they're looking at me they're coming over they're coming over they want screenies george should i give them screens no you should not you should pretend to give them to them and then i'm gonna kill them and then kill george that's rude it's not rude it's ideal all right this guy wants a screening don't provide him the screening why he just wants a screening see he says he will let me win if he there he goes i just killed his friend who was about to destroy our bed he was never gonna do that wait bad you need to be careful they're gonna kill us i know but he's already dead you killed him kill him but you you know if we lose this game we're not inviting callahan right we have to wait no we have to wait i know i killed him i killed that guy there you're welcome okay all right you're going that way i go this way ideally we would work work together but well it's get out of here okay did you get him i got that guy did he fall okay grog just killed him should i go to mid get us some diamonds he'll pull yeah we're doing it we're doing it we're doing it so we can invite cal in oh this is gonna be our win are you 1.8 or 1.16 george 1.8 good good good get out of here no [Music] you died how did like they they're so good at knocking me off the edge it's so annoying you need to be better you're right i do i may be better you thought about just being better george i've considered that they're coming over again okay tell me if they're like getting really close because then i'm gonna i'm gonna dip back okay then not close right now one you got one keep going pop off george pop off we it's okay we have the hot dog we're good oh i'm at the diamonds george i just got the diamonds i'm popping off and popping off go go george go go george go oh there's a guy right there careful i'm gonna die to him he's gonna kill me i died but i knew it was gonna happen so it's fine win or lose invite canada that's not how it works around here it's not how it works he's coming i see him i see him at the corner of my screen wait what just happened i killed him oh dead now i feel bad actually kind of no you shouldn't feel bad you should feel good no i feel a little bad no i need to throw myself in uh aqua's like right over there oh he's gonna die watch this ready oh they're there tnt watch out for red tell me where it's coming george are they coming oh they're two coming two coming george the hot dog isn't big enough george this hot dog ain't big enough for the both of us okay i wish i could move the bed if i could move the bed i would but i can't get out got it you got it george they're right there they're right there he fell below he fell below i think i got one did they both die they both died they both died okay there's a cyan guy the other side he's got no he's got no bed he's the one he's one life left buy a fireball and you can just hit him off if he comes over okay he's being careful i just my red is always here that's so annoying they are i can't really leave the aqua guy is like standing right there i want him to run in and break our hot dog that would not be good i wouldn't be good i think he's just chatting though oh he's about to die actually okay this is it this is i've had enough of red i've had enough huh what are you gonna do now stupid dumb stupid or dumb he's got my skin long yes yes go george go i i got a base on lockdown okay the red bed is gone the red ben red ben what is who is ben red bed is gone oh my god there's a blue guy he tried oh bed is exposed i know it's okay the hottest thing saved us it literally saved us he put it in the wrong spot boom and now he's dead okay one team left george one team left drawing up against white we got this we got this we actually got this we do we do okay where are they in charge we got this story i don't know the this way i'm not a mine reader they're this way i see that i see them i see them okay do we got this george i think yes this is our game for are you leaving me you're leaving me alone at the base that's what i'm doing wow wait do we have diamonds because that would be kind of nice the real question is dude yeah he's right here he's right here george ready go for him go for him go go go go go oh my god run run over to that bed now runs the bed now come with me you should have done that ten minutes ago dang it george we're gonna die george we have to win for talent oh my gosh he's throwing fireballs at us run run run just defend here defend here get a pick just in case um one guy on the left don't see anyone on the right right guy's coming back towards us get ready wait let's go let's go let's go let's go follow me oh credit he's here george wait wait wait don't cross i'm crossing behind george i'm crossing okay be careful let's go oh no george i fell he knocks me off it's all down to me george you got it you got it george go george kellen's counting on you where is he where is he he's back on the i see him the other island do you have a fireball yeah okay good oh oh he didn't see you he didn't see you go go get go i almost called you calling go george kill him let's go yes careful careful careful george i've got the low yes go george okay now he's selling out his youtube channel no bad what as in not you but that's bad oh my god no one wouldn't notice [Music] who is this what you left was that you was what me were you 13 minutes what does that even mean that was the first time i was teamed with here george you left the game you're invited are you on the server yeah i'm i'm popping back in popping in a blu-ray here i'm inviting cal no we're going george you still here no all right i i invited callan calling get get in the car he's here he's here okay call in you me george we have to win one more game all right oh look who's interested now okay get what as in i'm canceling the call it's what i meant okay here's the rule samurai wants to sat nap stop he's gonna call me again three two one call oh there it is okay okay look we have to play one more game and win to invite snap map that's a good point we can't invite sat nap unless we why is he calling me i added him to the call george we have to win new invites have now perfect yeah i know but i didn't he is so annoying hurry sup nap stop calling me sam now you know what i'm removing him from the group i'm removing him oh remove friend that's not what i meant to do [Music] stop calling me how do i remove him from the group how do i how do i kick him slash kick how do you do it no yeah how do i get rid of him yeah oh that's the owner bad you have to kick him in the group kick him from the group bad do you want me to kick him he's going feral we can only play with you until we win without why is calhoun you can watch you can watch but you can't play until we win with callahan stop why are you feral [Music] you're hi callum stabbed out i'm gonna have to kick you shut up no i'm an idiot that wants to kick me because he's in love with me bad one said 180 kick right you he wants to kiss me all right say bye bye to savannah run bye to stop now i i need new friends eyes yo you stole my tweet the other day you jerk yeah then they got more likes than you on my second account oh my god get him george see what's happening hey you're getting destroyed we need a uh what's up what's a good hashtag to get trending george hashtag george not found red's coming to us actually actually it's 100 likes behind my bad you know what hashtag joe's not found let's just do it why not let's just get some brand awareness okay um ready i feel like not enough people know of jaws not found everyone head over to twitter just tweet out george stop what you gotta just tweet out hashtag georgetown with your favorite along with your favorite um muffin flavor okay stop now stop i'm drunk nap wait about it you drunk again as well i hate you i was not drunk nor have i ever been drunk yeah that wasn't drunk he was high confirmed oh nine green green green he didn't say no i'm not okay with you guys anymore this is what happens chat whenever these two get together it becomes pick on poor bad boy halo do you like it when me and stand up get together he loves it they're hot jogging what wait they're all dead they're all dead i'm going in i'm anti-hot dogging them go hot dogging anti-hot dog that guy's like a sap nap skin that you're killing oh he killed you yeah but i go that bad so it doesn't matter oh we're popping off right now we're popping off why are you crying it's okay it's okay somehow what's up man sound like everyone's smiling in the chat like they're smiling at you now what's he upset about they're smiling it's okay help up at the base i need help oh i killed him oh nice muffin boom oh red's dead god always muffin people we got a heel pool it's all good he muffins the out of them language is in my stream but language yeah this isn't your stream you have no power here george say language adam george space space space guy space do something do something oh my goodness nice oh my goodness the hot dog strategy worked the hot dog strategy works wait what if what would happen if i just accidentally hot dogged myself then you died pretty sure that's how i work oh my god oh my god um oh my god baby let me let you down there's so much greens coming greens coming greens coming green's coming [Applause] i'll sign up if i can play battles with him since you minis won't please i'm donating him hundred dollars earlier you have to play with him are you gonna stop please why we're trying to win this game to get you invited the only way you get invited is if we win really i just died with 10 emeralds george why would you go and fight when you had 10 emeralds because i wanted to kill them it is dimwit december i guess why don't we have any diamonds can we get hashtag sap for 21 trending again i actually really want to use this music in my streams just an idea no that's all right am i getting trending remember just just an idea i'm shooting callahan can i oh my god are you at the base bad yeah i am kill him i am playing defensively oh oh my gosh the hot dogs strategy nice it's so good we have almost lost our bed like five times but the hot dog but the hot dog prevailed it did okay take out green team the dream team guys no no no no oh they're on the bench at the base they're on the base we hashtag hot dog strategy that's why we need training right hot yes i am what is this is great i'm searching up on twitter if i don't see you later guys don't tweet your livestock for twenty one tweets george and i are both gonna go and randomly follow people who tweeted out hot dogs so yeah called the first one savage mode my mood that's what it was 2016 we were running around beating up in the club i know she around for the money but act like she's loyal i don't feel the love i'm so rich might wake up oh my god he's calling me no oh my goodness i can't enjoy it save this again oh my gosh oh my gosh the hot dog just keeps keeps the hot dog just keeps giving back it just keeps getting better and better it just keeps getting better what oh my gosh stand is spamming me i had to turn on do not disturb do you want me to invite him back no don't invite him back all he's going to do is spam if he's lyrics he's just going to sing and spam hashtags that's all he knows i know that's fine oh it is you should sing it george i think you do i should tweet at 21 savage right now get permission and stop playing his songs oh i just killed someone again boom let's go justice for sapnaf if i see i'm going crazy if hashtag hot dog trends then sapnaf gets added back there we go no that's not how this works what you don't like hot dogs george wow no i don't like hot dogs everybody what what's a better hatch what can i buy with four diamonds george h hates hot dogs it's confirmed craig george get back to base i died george the hot dog may not be able to save us god they're not here they're not even here we were literally just here oh my goodness george you had one job one dog i didn't even know he was here you had one doctor i told you he was here what part of oh my gosh george there's someone in the face bro it's fine we can win so kelly kelly get back in base you muffin head up kelly just died okay you know what george george if we win this you have to gift your chat 500 subs are you crazy everybody chat you've lost your you've had you've launched in chat confirmed you have lost your mind confirmed right now 500 subs what do you mean by five subs he will get five i'll get five five subs fifty five gift five fifty subs come on you have to do more than five follow me come on you wouldn't do 500 but 10. okay 10. i'll do 10. all right chad here we go here we go chat oh my god i'm here i'm here you're welcome i'm gonna have a hug come on george we gotta keep going george we we have to go it's for the stream move he's coming run george run can you cover that for a second i'm gonna get a fireball oh like this all right there there there i got a fireball you have to do it from an angle yeah i know i'm watching him oh did he get him get get a bow bad can you watch him watch him i can't watch him i can't watch him oh my god bad we messed up we messed up how much keep shooting him kill him kill him kill him help nice you i got you set up is calling me on my phone what is wrong with him i am he's a muslim good stuff okay prot can we get pratt oh we need 10 diamonds for the next level he is so annoying sapnap is so annoying guys we'll add him back if we win this game okay don't worry about hashtag dog okay too many diamonds diamonds we don't want to have a hot dog anymore just diamonds six okay give them to me pick them up pick them up juice give me yours i have ours i have ours what do you mean give me give me why because i'm better with the bow than you no no it's literally factual bad we need to kill that bed i know we need to be careful okay they're right there there's one in the middle oh uh while we're here get a pick just in case i have a pick i always have a pick there we go okay okay we must win we must win i look at them they're just sitting right there yeah that's good lean load up on what sound up is spamming me just ignore him i'm just wasting arrows you're covering me for a second cover you for what bad there we go i'm back behind you what what it's me all right i'm about to unfriend you something i'm saying one more message you're gonna get unfriended i'm suppressing you samnap we can't cross because they're just gonna kill us they're going to have fireballs what is that what what bad they're just they're just looting up we can't do this we got to go i know okay you keep the you keep bowing him i'm running in i'm running in do not do that you gotta get a fireball get a fireball i have two oh this is so bad but they're farming emeralds and they're gonna be so pee i know but we'll just wait like to the end what is that that's called falling into the void but he was like monster bridging okay bad keep shooting him okay oh that was clever i'm dead sorry you're actually dead i'm here i'm here george i'm with you ready george go go go hit him hit him hit him wait i'm going up here when you get that bed there's no point in killing them i killed one actually there is a point that we can keep him from getting up okay george george george yes uh i want to say that someone is is it the speed bridger guy yeah mr speedy i don't i don't know if what he did was possible or not he did something okay yeah i'm i i'm about to die goodbye everyone no just run just keep keep stay alive i'm gonna go behind them i am i'm ready just stay alive as long as possible what the hell are you doing here oh cried wait i can help you help jordan run backwards go backwards find you nice oh my goodness hit him again do you have arrows give me arrows give me arrows he's above us oh my god bad i know okay okay george we need he's on top of us he's on top yeah there's another guy careful careful things he may just be lagging to the right to the right oh you see him i know i'm dealing with them okay hey watch out watch out wait bad i'm going invis oh wait he's right there oh nice are they probably sitting on this stuff they might have obsidian yeah oh he saw me oh bad i'm dead i'm dead i'm alive okay go back go go go go nice i members hold them off hold them off they found me i'm dead i died oh they have like two iron golems oh my god wait i'm not even in the discord it's like glitching [Music] no oh my god dad's going ham i can't hear them though um no oh we lost i can't hear them it is so quiet um what do i do what do i do [Music] no how do i talk to them how do i talk to them it's glitching out wait how am i streaming at my my internet is so weird today guys guys please guys please how do i like my message isn't sending ah i can't i can't wait bad tell bad boy halo can you see this why is it broken it's broken it's broken it's broken it's broken it's broken it's broken it's broken it is broken i'm trying team speak this isn't working either it's not working okay i'll try quit discord quit open yes i can bad i can see your message where's discord it's not even opening oh my god everything's breaking it's broken hello it's broken i'm on my phone it's broken on my computer hello did you try joining ts yeah it doesn't work you muffins okay wait wait wait wait if i put my phone here wait guys dream dream bad talk hi okay stream is this doable is this audio doable does it sound okay bad talk more talk more talk whilst i'm talking is bad is this okay can we play like this i i can't get in the t in the team speaker i can't get on discord it's not working wait i'll move the phone a bit closer i'll put you there okay we're gonna play we're gonna play right now okay hey you know what i'd stand up we'll play with sound map hello bad hi did you just reply or like am i just leaving okay listen my my disc okay sound up get on the server okay p swipnip join no joins the lobby anyway it's quiet i can't ah i just took a screenshot on my phone okay if i put it like here might be okay wait why didn't i give me didn't put us in a game okay we're in let's see does this call one load now it's so quiet i'm sorry i can't make it better what if i put it like like this i'm balancing my phone so it's like closer to the mic what the hell is this wait what is this we're gonna whoop their ass let's go wait what it's a wait what is this it's a 1v1 1v1 i don't know where to put my phone this oh this is so weird i'm not used to it my phone is going to fall my phone is going to fall we're making the best out of a bad situation people i don't know go up go up goes down i'll go there above you there above you there above you they jumped they jumped they jumped hot dog he got me say something hi it's not that bad i can see the volume level it might sound bad though i don't know i'm sorry guys i can't make it better right now it says discord just says checking for updates look look it just says checking for updates i don't know it's messed up so guys okay oh my god okay how are they like so attacking and we're like doing nothing because you've been doing nothing the whole game that's not true it's quite simply not true okay attack attack attack go go go go go go okay all out attack i am i am i'm dead okay hey they're they're not that good they're on their way they're on their way oh he's just sweat he's just such a sweat he's placing blocks like this is fortnite or something oh that's how you know they're sweaty yeah and they place blocks when they pvp okay man he hasn't been outside in at least three weeks hey don't make me do him just because he likes my idiot that's why you're dead dummy we're dead we're dead we're dead there's a kid inside our base yeah a guy on the trending brother go all right so let's go 2v4 that's easy mode for us because we called the first first one savage about my move that's what it was true i just jumped off the edge easy whoa if george wasn't just like like i don't even know what he was doing the whole like first 30 minutes of the game this stupid internet doesn't work is discord fixed uh i'm checking it just says checking for updates why this is so scott this is so scuffed is there a way that i can get the audio on my computer i don't think so um i don't think so wait what if i go to discord from my browser instead of the program it doesn't work it doesn't work george you know they made this thing called restarting your computer i'm live streaming i can't restart my computer yeah restore your computer have you ever thought about restarting though to fix internet issues no i've never thought about that because i'm live okay it's not an option bad it might be something with your uh look this is fine we can hear each other it's all good it's all good everyone knows we're all smiling everyone's smiling in the chat we can all hear each other here take those diamonds it's all good it's all come on a monster good over there go goggy go goggy go go gagi go go go mobster monster yeah yeah i can't believe you don't have calais yeah suck nap why is bad so bad at this game hey bad there's someone here okay do something about it oh great you found that no you you oh yeah what was that you were saying snappy nappy you suck oh khan died everything i'm not no i'm not gonna nick myself no i don't think is this gonna fix his discord fixed please please be fixed it's not fixed it's okay this is so annoying i hate internet problems i'm sorry i'm sorry pick up how to fix your problem yeah yeah bad look it up look it up for me how to how to not make discord not work how to make discord not work how to make discord work just google that i think it will work task manager okay i tried my internet there's nothing wrong with my internet it's not just discord i can't even load twitter i can't load half this up but apparently i can stream and apparently i can play minecraft like what is like selectively it's like oh yeah sorry half the internet is unavailable today ah i can't load twitter either like it's all messed up i made it to the middle i just monstered all the way to the middle unconnecting from your internet and then reconnecting what this guy's cheating he's cheating oh do they have a hacker george did you try dude now yeah that dude the red team's hacking george look he like just ran straight while bridging like he was running straight like this and bridging yeah oh he's hacking hypixel burning my wedding right now raymond 0-4 guys everyone raymond all four uh what was that guy called what was that admin called that the end me what was his name i want to see him get banned on stream they left they left they left they all just left they're so scared it was conor something i can't remember what his full name was all right guys get this guy's name to the admins get them banned report this guy he was just uh cheating put us in a new game killer submit okay we got him new game ladies and gentlemen we got him oh yeah it was kind of wait let me google his name is google gonna work google doesn't even work so is your internet still going out though i can't even connect to google can you hear me clicking no hey i don't know i'm going sicko mode 13 cps i'm insane all right let's do this guys come on no more messing around we gotta win this like i don't know how this is so messed up we need a personal admin it's muffin let's just keep going it's a muffin it's so muffin that it's muffin if you know what i mean you should rename yourself to internet bridge what are you doing okay okay might as well hit him with the hot dog here strap this way this way bad let's go kill these kids real quick okay go go go go go let me when i'm close i can't see it incident not found it really is callaghan is too loud turn him down okay oh someone's coming to our right to our right to our right back behind you i got him get out of the whole california i'm trying to fix it he's like standing in the open space where the bed is okay oh i just walked off the edge for some reason okay we just need to avoid dying from here on out yeah easy george did you die yeah i ran off the edge for unknown reasons i don't know why i did that it happens ah okay where should we go we need to get out of here all right we got to kill them and then run somewhere oh go to the right goes right up here they're coming they're coming they're coming [Music] oh my god oh that goes bad callahan oh the two oh he almost clutched he had half a heart did your like windows update and then you stopped it george i no i didn't i don't know what happened was your computer like trying to restart i don't know i think i'm gonna end the stream this is so messed up one more game we have to win we can win we can everything's messed up let me try let me try a team swing again i'm trying it just doesn't work one more game like this one more it doesn't load nothing's loading one more game why is my computer messed up yeah nothing's loading all right we'll do one more game okay with this messed up setup i'm trying to bounce my phone again balance okay i balanced it wait am i still here okay i'm so happy okay one more my minecraft just crashed if minecraft doesn't open there's no way how is everything so broken george it's obvious that your internet thingy needs to be reset oh thanks genius boy halo thank you okay minecraft's not over i don't know how to reload the drivers minecraft's not opening all right livestream livestream george if i start streaming will you raid me yeah wait george if i start shooting will you raid me no i raid bad why i always rate you you never raid me i ever rated you bad ass first you never ran okay you guys you guys can do like a thing you guys can do a game how about this how about this i'll think of a number between one and ten you both guess it and the first person to get it right wins well i didn't i didn't actually want to stream so it's okay oh are you in my stream no no i was just joking wait my my minecraft open but it's like it just says play offline it's so messed up all right i'm gonna end the stream i'm sorry guys again my my stream is messed up so you guys can go watch bad guys follow the stream all right epic give me give me one second i'm starting it up [Music] okay sorry you're experiencing internet issues it's okay so yeah guys click the follow button to say uh to make me feel better um yeah the stream was streaming was fun today unfortunately we didn't find the thing but that's fine um we popped off on bed wars anyway and yeah bad's gonna stream are you gonna go live right now i just did you're live right now i am literally live just went okay um so i am raiding bad boy okay it's working hopefully nothing glitches out hopefully you get the raid all right thanks as for coming to the stream hope you enjoyed thanks for the donuts the followers the subs everything thank you thank you thank you hey internet issues no problem i don't know if it's working or not but i hope it is i don't know all right bye everyone bye bye not by chad three and a half hours anyway it's fine it's fine we went we went long enough we went long enough it's fine all right bye everyone bye george bye bad all right guys george george [Music] you
Channel: GeorgeNotFoundVODS
Views: 16,265
Rating: 4.869565 out of 5
Id: 7ukzLGijfg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 214min 8sec (12848 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 28 2020
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