Hermitcraft 8: Episode 24 - GIGA BASE PROGRESS!

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yeah moon's really big it's time to see if my design is worth anything it's actually been quite a few days since i've been on the hermitcraft server and in that time it looks like wow it it looks like the moon has grown quite a lot oh my goodness as it's approaching midnight it's grown by about 20 to 25 in fact i need to make the glass bit even bigger okay so it looks like it's just about in the corners it's right there how do i mark this section yep it's grown a full block what does this experiment show well it shows two things one the moon is definitely growing and two it's growing fast oh and the earthquakes are stronger than ever so the question is is the moon getting bigger or is it getting closer and what does this mean for us well as long as we keep sleeping it's um it's mostly out of sight and out of mind there it goes just just over the horizon what on earth is this moon ancient texts in the year mmxxi the great lunar neighbor will approach the hermit lands angered by the hermit's consistently sleeping away the nights you must surrender your beds and commit to a life of wakefulness become a mooner today our future as a server depends on it oh wow look they're crying look are they crying because it's day who's gone and started a moon group i guess that would make sense if the moon was a person it would be annoyed by the fact that we're constantly skipping the night even if i don't necessarily agree that the moon is like getting angry i do like the idea of no sleeping quite a lot because it means that we can actually get our information from what's going on in the moon seeing how big it is it actually i it took me being alone on the server today to be able to measure the moon at all because every time it's on the big moon no one wants to see it so this they sleep away the night so i am all for the anti-bed ruling that means sacrificing these things i might be taking a slightly different approach but here we go i commit myself to the moon temple goodbye bed that's the last time you're getting used no what have i done please a beehive under here [Laughter] oh no i forgot the impulse's base is directly under this oh oh no well i know what i'm gonna spend the start of this episode doing fixing up the bee farm the good news is that bee farms are no longer very critical at this point in the season we've got more than enough going on but i've managed to fix it up best i can i think it still works i saw some honeycombs going in the machine i've definitely lost a bee or two though there we go no one needs to know what happened the worst thing about it is i've ended up back with this bed somehow let's it doesn't want to go new plan barbaric overkill goodbye bed no more nights for me ha no farms under this island and no more bed oh look the moon's rising we've got a lot of things to do apart from moon gazing all day we have got to get on and start working on these extra bits here we've got quite a lot of work to do before we can call this place complete as good as it's starting to look it is still in it it is still shaking and enormously empty so i thought that this particular house could be made out of the blue warped stem and then from here all i've done is laid out what shape i think this should be i'm gonna kind of mimic what's going on over here especially down this end this might be just a mirror and from there i think what we should do is hop into a time lapse because we need to build ourselves a brand new property on the good old midnight alley so let's go [Music] here it is the two new additions to midnight alley i have to say this is the first couple of builds that i haven't meticulously planned out most of these in fact i think maybe even all of these have been planned out to an absolute creative tea however these two i just absolutely winged it my goal here wasn't to make them radically different from everything else but what i did want to happen is to create a three-dimensional bend and as you can see it does lean as it curves round which is what i'm trying to create here is an atmosphere as you walk through and the shape of this definitely helps however it's 100 missing some finer details that come from meticulously planning however i think i can come up with a few things here and there just off camera dot a few buttons add a few more signs and i think this will come together pretty quickly i am basically going to replicate these two houses over here and retexture this one and that will leave just a singular gap here so what i'm gonna do is i am going to do this house a little later in this episode and then maybe next episode once this final thing is is done that will be it for the alleyway apart from the interior bits now i definitely don't have an appetite for doing the interior of every single building so i'm gonna have to do some theme park magic style to make it look like there's an interior but secretly there isn't now because everything's kind of magic themed what we can do is make it look like they're just selling magical bits and bobs so for this building in particular i'm thinking of going reasonably dangerous as we know from the charged creeper and the magical menagerie i like quite dangerous displays so here this could end this could end so badly why have i done this this could all go kablooey with one poorly placed left click amethyst and some well-placed lights this should look like quite a magical enclosure i'm really stupid i'm really really stupid this should have been the last thing on the list okay i don't i don't like this i've never never been like this this stressed out building something before what i don't know why i've embarked on this adventure if i if i mess up even a little bit all of this all of this goes along with all my items and everything i've ever loved okay we did it now we just have to manage to leave without touching anything okay let's see how that looks because if it looks bad that's there's nothing i can do oh look at that it actually looks so good oh they're kind of they're not quite in time but they look like they're all part of the same display that's pretty cool now i just need to replicate that once over i bet there's some of you out there that secretly want this to blow up you don't you don't want me to succeed this time i'm doing it the other way around okay here we go one two three okay earthquakes don't cause it to explode oh wow did i get these in these look like they're almost in perfect sink oh wait no they're definitely not there we go that looks pretty cool the purple on the gray makes a really good combination so a few kind of trickery interior pieces like this and this place will feel more and more alive without me having to do the tedious task of creating interiors for every single building originally i wanted loads of farms behind here but at this point i've kind of got all the farms that i need and i would just be filling it out for the sake of filling it out i much prefer this idea i'm still amazed that this went so well also i have stuck to my promise of not sleeping i have given up did you see what i saw i saw a i definitely saw a block flying i have uh yeah i haven't been sleeping at all i have officially given up my bed and yep right on schedule my friends are here just to prove the point and it's uh it's kind of a it's been it's been a few days since i've had a nap and i'm starting to i'm starting to feel a little bit tired it's just a little unkempt everywhere my perfect hair is please help me i don't know why mumbo mumbo suggested that we don't sleep because uh starting to take its toll i think i'm starting to see things there's loads of holes everywhere is that real ah no no i'm stuck i'm stuck in this hole oh no i don't have a bear you sacrificed my bed oh i'm so tired sleepers sleep is not for the week sleep is for the sensible i've got to find my way home now i don't think i've been here i don't think i've been up here in a long time press for emergency meeting yes please [Applause] i'm so lost i have no idea where botom is my stuff's gonna despawn if i can't find it soon photo why is it lined with tnt no i'm not giving up on this bed thing i am i definitely saw i am so tired i must be seeing things that you saw that right falling block again right no one is allowed to sleep this is the new rule of the mooners i kind of want to see if i kind of want to see a falling block again what if we just uh uh no no there it is okay there's another one we're not going crazy we might be going crazy okay right well here's my here's my plan everyone it's a great plan it's the best plan that's ever been planned here's what we do to stop people sleeping because we want we want to welcome our moon overlords we want to and of course mainly we want to study it we want to stop people sleeping so if you right click a bed okay it did it went off it went off you hear that it went off so in theory here's here's what we have to do instant karma machine so here's what we do you put an arrow in and then you right click the bed apparently it misses it there maybe it's because it's already inside okay how do i how do i get this really where did my where did my stuff go oh okay okay the tired the tiredness is getting to me because my stuff was definitely not there for half a second okay round two this time there's a small gap between the dispenser and the kaboom booms i don't think i even need to get in the bed do i can i can manually do this i can use my brain just because i'm a bit tired doesn't mean that i'm a bit stupid maybe that's exactly what it means i just saw a block in the distance all right here we go okay let's try let's try a little bit further back yes okay right for some reason you need a two block gap for that to work mildly frustrating and i lost my dispenser well i think you know where i'm going with this i am putting out a boat and wide band on beds uh i will put up some signs saying that sleeping is no longer permitted in bottom and everyone should sign up to the mooners and if they decide to use their bed well kablooey okay there's only one man though i would like to trap his bed and that is uh the good old good times with scar can't do it when he's right there hello scar can i do it when he's right there yeah crazier things have happened in scar's base let's make some noise see if we can get his attention oh yeah this is good he's got the perfect bed for it as well because there's no way it will get seen we can hide it under here unless we may need to do some reconfiguring also this will do enormous damage enormous damage we're going to take some safety screen shots of this place just in case we get damage cause i will repair it we prank hard but we clean up harder right only scar would i be able to prank his bed literally while he's right here how am i going to get away with this i thought i'm going to have to do some some special hiding of this otherwise he's definitely going gonna notice two blocks an end crystal right here this may be entirely visible who knows put some eggs in here i cannot test this at this point oh no okay that should do the damage that i need it to still no scots scar's still there this guy's still there i can't believe i've got away with this let's just hope he doesn't notice a subtle change in the decorations he might not notice something like that not unless he's looking up he might notice this which is an issue but fortunately i can replace this bit oh it's perfect it's like he designed it to be moon's big he designed it to be pranked he was asking for it look it's it's so well hit no well maybe not maybe not entirely hidden i can i could definitely see it bouncing up and down there oh i'm tired okay well this this this should do it am i really that safe like [Music] okay right scar do not sleep it is not safe beds are banned join the moon as today moon is big and angry now what you need to know about scar is scar's actually not been on the server for a couple of weeks so i'm pretty sure he's not seen the moon in a while and doesn't know what's going on so this is how we're going to bring him up to speed beds are banned join the mooners moon is big and angry good night sweet prince actually no the opposite of good night don't don't sleep sweet prince now you see this is only an issue if scar decides to go to bed he's been forewarned and now we can go back to our daily business there's a lot of holes in the ground and i also better clean up the evidence is he back yet he's not back yet i kind of want to see there's a small chance that he might immediately sleep that would be fun this is a good exercise to know if we're able to trap beds effectively oh wait he's back oh he didn't sleep maybe he doesn't even oh there he goes oh look at that our majestic man trying to reach the moon oh my goodness oh my goodness scar okay maybe now he's gonna sleep maybe now he's gonna sleep because of all the mobs oh my goodness please please tell me that's what he's gonna do is he gonna read the signs at least i've been waiting here for most of the night the moon's about to go down come on scar now while we wait for the next i i don't think i can do face to camera talks uh the the bags under my eyes are um they're pretty they're not they're not that pretty that's that's that's the thing they're they're pretty not pretty um talk to the waffle while we wait for the next night so that we can check if scar is going to sleep i just want to give you a quick reminder that my merch store is still open and we are very very close to the 5th of december which is the cutoff point for guaranteed holiday time delivery however you still can make your orders afterwards it may not arrive before that date so check it out we got some really cool t-shirts we got the three lives which has been by far the most popular this is weird isn't it this is really weird talking to the waffle on brand we've also got some waffle t-shirts so merch plug out the way the date is coming up now we just gotta wait for the piddly sun to go down so we can welcome the moon overlord and study it a bit harder what i have noticed is that the blocks that are flying up are bouncing down it happens in the day as well as at night which is interesting and i have also noticed maybe it's not particularly obvious on camera but i have noticed some times where jumping feels a bit odd as well which all kind of leads to the moon interfering with gravity which is mildly terrifying but what we're mainly interested in now is whether or not our good friend good times with scar is gonna blow up the moon is rising meaning another night is on its way for good times to scar the piddly sun has gone down the giant moon is back does this even work he's reading the signs he's currently reading the signs from his perspective i bet you can just about see me through the window scar is the least attentive person that i know and i love it i would never get away with anything like this from anyone else i guarantee you he's going to sleep in the bed anyway he did you did read the signs right i didn't know there was going to be a bomb i just thought it was a threat a threat dude if we just sleep we'd never have to worry about the moon that that's no that's that's what me and mumbo are trying to avoid actually me and mumbo have very different ideas of what's going on i would like to scientifically study the moon and i can't do that if it's always gay and i see mumbo believes that the moon is our neighbor and we should welcome it graciously he's he's he's worshiping the moon did you did you feel the shaking yeah there's you haven't been on the server in a while right there's there's shaking there's uh that the moon is big there's blocks flying everywhere it's getting crazy and now i've just blown up your base are you feeling okay you got some you got some kangaroo sacks under your eyes oh oh oh yeah yeah yeah this these uh these are bags for life what these are the these are my these are my badge of honor for not sleeping i'm really tired i don't know what's real anymore oh hold on let me get you a bed oh no that's right my bed blew up actually it's right here but you won't be needing it anymore why didn't you why didn't you come over to the mooners and uh sign up no scott no no no no no no no more sleeping i did this whole thing to kind of prove a point no more sleeping anymore i'm gonna have to think don't worry i'm gonna fix up your base oh kind of so can i become a moon or two do we moon people on the server we we do no wait wait no wait no we don't do we don't move we do you say we do you see these bags i do see the bags i mean there's almost like oh oh my god it's too early there we go there you go just shook a little come with me come with me over to the mooners will you look at this there we go right so you can read it we could read what this is nothing no one said anything about a cult dude this this is all the hallmarks of a cult a circle flames some kind of idol that's all the hallmarks there's nothing nothing nefarious going on here just uh read the book and put a drop of blood on there and you'll be in lunar engine text in the year did mumble write this yeah yeah we'll approach the hermit lance as the server depends on it wow that's pretty wild okay how do i become one well you basically just give up your bed which you more or less have done so what i did was i blew up my bed if you want to throw your bed in the fire and get rid of it that way you can oh you're in i'm in i didn't i didn't need to almost kill myself no that wasn't part of it it was just the bed thing oh okay well it was all right it kind of woke me up i feel like you need to get woken up a little bit i need a cup of coffee all right okay so i'm a mooner basically it's our job to make sure that it stays night when it's night and not day so all those people sleeping i think even the redstone's tired dude like it's uh i don't think they're supposed to be like half crying i don't know what's going on anymore should we kill b-dubs now you're thinking like a mooner oh mooner here he's not on but yeah i mean he if he was on i would kill him dude i have a job as a mooner the worrying thing here is that i've i've had several days of no sleep you're fresh as a daisy i am i'm precious to daisy ready for murder well before that since b-dubs isn't here uh do you want to take a look at the uh good old uh midnight alley cause you said you wanted to do uh a little piece of it and i have got a little piece of it if you still want to do it yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah let's go over there oh look at this there it is gravity the gravity's odd the gravity's weird dude that's scary that was amazing you just straight up landed on the horse okay right here we are this this here is the little entrance to the very sort of dark and shady alleyway through here this is like the secret place i thought this could be like a nice self-contained area not too big i'll take care of this the the midnight sky element up the top and you can basically do whatever you want in here this is your little area oh oh i could do i could do anything i want i'm going to retract that a little bit i'm going to backtrack um i'm pretty sure we heard that i could do anything and everything go for it i'm all right well that's exciting well i'm going to build a shop in this episode but i'll be back in the next for that that will be um that'll be really cool so i guess uh as a mooner i got to go kill b-dubs i feel like i feel like you just want to kill beat-ups i feel like this has very little to do with the movie oh no i'm committed to the cult i'm committed to the call all right green have a good day oh can you fix my house okay yeah yeah yeah i'm picking up okay we are all tidied up and rebuilt back to where we are and he won't be needing this anymore now that scar is a mooner just like mumbo and myself it's time to do what i said i was gonna do earlier in the episode and finish off this part here leaving just one section left until superficial completion it means nothing behind the windows but for the most part it's done so let's hop into another time lapse and try not to fall asleep [Music] okay i did exactly what i said i was gonna do and we've got ourselves two more buildings i must admit these two are like kind of down the end you shouldn't see them too much from here because they will be completely blocked by the ones we did earlier but take a look it's starting to come together i can't believe how little there is left and then this whole thing should be enclosed we're getting really really close to the end now ah this is so cool i don't know whether to split this up i feel like i need something different in this space because we've got quite a lot of tall thin houses now there's one two three there over on this side i had one two three i need i need something different because i've i've just got too many repeating style houses now i need something a little different kind of like this one is a little bit different i'm not entirely sure but i am afraid that that is all we have time for today i have had a wonderful time this episode despite being extremely tired we've recruited scar to the moon project we have done a whole bunch of work to midnight alley and there's holes everywhere we've witnessed more and more moon evidence so all there is left to say is a massive thank you for watching and of course take a look in the link down in the description because i've still got my merch up for sale and there's not long left for that guaranteed christmas time delivery so again thank you very much for watching and i shall see you in the next episode good bye
Channel: Grian
Views: 2,742,246
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, grian hermitcraft, minecraft moon, episode 24, hermitcraft
Id: KWqFfYK65L8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 24sec (1584 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 04 2021
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