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hello all right i'm gonna go ahead and rate george thank you guys oh wait you're gonna hit crocketty's stream i should turn that off okay hello hello um i need to wait for quackity to come back but i i don't even know what i'm doing right now we're just gonna pop off we're just gonna pop off i'm on the smp wait i should should i put that in my title wait i should oh what should i put that in my title what am i hearing oh that was me wait what okay i'm so confused hello everyone hello uh wait okay so wait let me change my thing i'll put wait why can't i my keyboard doesn't literally doesn't work wait i'm glitched i'm broken it's it's broken oh no what is happening hello it's broken quackity come come in the discord quackity come in the discord right now i'm actually like glitching out my thing's glitching my thing is glitching oh my god oh my god no everything's going wrong okay okay where is he where is he where where is quackety where is he where is he oh my god okay he's just laughing hello microphone hello hello hello quackmeister what's up wait look at what it means woodward tentacles squidward tentacles it's me your mother what's up hello george what's the plan today my good friend oh what is the plan today my good friend the plan is for you to get on the dream smp we're going to be popping off we're going to pop off we're going to be popping up we're going to be popping off man i i got some plans to pop up you got some plans so just quickly peep the message i sent you all right let's see let's see uh yeah yeah uh no that's a no from me okay yeah okay yeah i don't know yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i just realized that that that's um that is so dumb on your part you are so clueless and every way shape listen i listen okay i'll explain that it's fine it's fine now it's like now no i oh wait i can't explain now i can't i can't so like oh pokeyman plays this block no way wait i have a pokemon chicken i still have my pokemon chicken i need to get food do you have food for me a pokemon chicken uh do i have food no i don't i i died to a techno blade where oh yeah because like i do dude the chessboard thing the chessboard thing ah i'm dead dude i died at techno blade duel which i think i think it's unfair to assume people are like oh you lost to a pickaxe he threw a bunch of potions on himself beforehand i i was at a clear disadvantage when was all right this was this was when you were sleeping um in technoblade a pvp duel it's a cannon death activated it was a cannon death and you weren't even aware jerk jerk wait was i awake i feel like when was this this was two days uh go but like days ago what happened though he killed you with a pickaxe and iron armor yeah but he had a bunch of potions on himself a potion like you can like you are basically invincible so wait yo anyways where are you are you at the chessboard yeah well i'm not anymore i'm uh i walked a little i walked a little i am like a traveler a traveler of the land i'm trying to find you i i don't know where you are of the land oh wait can you do that thing on discord where you disable those settings you know because you're like being it sounds weird you are you are you ask for too much i literally hate you i hate you so much you asked for too much you want you too much all right discussion needs to go how do i talk yeah hello okay it's fixed so what is the first step i'm not really worried i'm a party island right now oh my god i just came to the chessboard again oh my god okay i'm going back to the chessboard oh my god i'm going back to the party island oh i see you i see you good evening hello it's not the evening it is it's actually quite it's late it's late it's like 4 a.m for me whoa now he's going to cry about it now he's going to out he's like what are you wearing oh the butcher armies the butcher yeah the butcher army baby let's go so hey check this out cedar rapids up there perfect all good all great wait where oh over there wait what it what have you done to it it's a pyramid can you comment can you explain it to me uh i haven't done much to it but hey we can we can work on it george you want to walk on it so i want to work on your mother what even is this like what do you mean is this a pyramid it is just no it's not how did you get in why is there a random netherwart block here indicate get rid of it it's like it's like dude do you ever get acne george do you ever get acne in your life that's what it is i don't know that's what it is okay i'm getting rid of it incredibly i broke it i broke up incredibly disrespectful right now you're incredibly being incredibly disrespectful how yeah yeah no that's how that's how i'm gonna slash you with this goddamn thing no no no george i need food okay i i have one potato and one pokemon chicken here eat this either you no no no i can't eat the pokeman chicken i can't eat the pokemon george hey how was your day today was good thank you you don't realize right how disrespectful that would be also red looks nice here's this dude and thank you for the donut thank you what did you say wait until pokeman figures out and realizes that you try to eat her chicken dude i'm not gonna eat her chicken i'm not gonna eat her chicken don't worry i'm gonna i gotta go to i gotta go to my farm i'm gonna go to my farm you have a farm i have a form of cows oh i wanna i actually should build my my form yeah let's go let's go slow to some cows i'll come with you actually i know where no no no no i don't want to slaughter them i just oh this cow's right here that i can kill i'm gonna kill some of these problems what the hell is wrong with you it's free food no it's not free food that's not how the world works you gotta work no one's gonna notice that these cows you have to work for it you have to worry no one's going to know you have to goddamn work for it pat no one's going to know that these cows are missing no words going i have 29 okay i go i got a sack of steak just like that it's simple have you ever heard that song [Music] have you heard of that song i i haven't heard that one no yeah you have yeah no i i i hear your smile i hear your smile i haven't heard that one i i hear your gorgeous smile george you're beautiful smiling doesn't make sound you're beautiful thank you thank you or whatever you call it toothbrush toothbrush goddamn yeah yeah i hear it wait where are you where are you hold on hold on i'm in my cow farm uh do you remember tommy's like a little highway to pocktopia yeah i think i'm on the way to it right now yeah yeah yeah it's under it's under the bridge on my my my farm right now oh i see you rough my farm is a little rough right now though let me have a look behind you oh should i kill some of these cows i don't know i don't know no no no no of course not why not absolutely no because i i i need to breed them so they haven't got that many i'll kill one this is a different hoodie this is actually a youtube hoodie that i'm wearing on twitch dude i lost all my leather i don't have no more leather how am i going to make paintings oh i have leather i have 48 leather because i just caught a bunch of give it to me give it to me give it a give it to me why should i do it for uh for a future event that's coming up oh okay i can provide you with some leather in exchange for some goods you just fell down a hole there was cows down here so i had to give me oh my god oh my god they're all coming they're all coming in here oh no no no just get out of there get out the hole oh no oh my god what have you done wait swim oh my god swim they smell so bad wait why are they down there wait trap the babies in there yeah yeah no no no put that obsidian away put that upstairs no what the george this is chill it's just a bit of obsidian just chill oh my god look okay i don't care about the baby cows i'll kill them as you know i'll let them left oh my god so i have 52 leather do you want it 52 leather yes i do i do actually would you have no i can have an exchange what the not everything is a trade george not it okay i'll give you a coffee look at this look at this half for free why why not all of it for free what can you give me i like all of it what can you give me for the rest of it i'll i'll give you these nuts man if that's what you want these nuts cryptic riley thanks for giving five subs yeah i'm just gonna ignore what you just said and thanks thank the gifted subs to get away from it yeah yeah poke through the pain as they say oh my god you literally trapped all the babies how the hell are they you trust them they're supposed to grow george oh my god you put them in there you know that right how do i how do i get them out of there like this you're drowning oh yeah oh my god it's like a cow dispenser that's cool cow just wait are they dying wait oh my god there's like 10 kids down here george wait george there's like 10. down here they can swim look oh my god one of them straight up guys wait did you have water we do this dude let's do this watch slowly oh look i did it oh you've done it you've done it i've only gone and done it oh okay that guy that guy is he lost the battle he lost what was something yeah yeah natural selection he got natural natural selection isn't real because how are you how are you still around that's my question listen do you want wait did i already give you oh okay do you want this 26 leather or not yes i don't know i do want to be like that it's not going to get you what you want oh wow now you want me to what kiss your ass now is that what you want me to do no that's not what i want you to do i want you to get out of there please and i want you to okay follow me follow me what even is that just [Music] come this way i don't have food hold on let me let me bring some food oh my god the weird nug nug thank you for gifting five subs that's it bad boy halo bad boy halo george i know what came to your mind do not say it say what got him got him got him get well dude okay that was that was so funny like a tweet that i did because it was like the way twitter cropped it it was just like don't get well soon i was like what more bad boy he says i i came positive and you're just like don't get well like what percent of people do you think never opened that image and just thought i was saying don't get well soon uh i'm thinking like a proper like ten percent honestly ten perce ten percent yeah ten percent of people saw that the thing about it most how often do you open a picture on twitter honestly it's not that bad tommy replied what did tommy replay he replied with if it makes you feel better i don't have covid which was uh that makes sense i mean it makes sense i guess but why would that make bad feel better well it probably wouldn't make it even better i don't think it would but yeah because he's like my friends aren't infected which is good thing you know what i'm saying you know what i'm saying you know what i'm saying that's you know what i'm saying hey you know what i'm saying yeah i mean it's better than nothing i guess chocolate mc thanks for giving five subs thank you are you sleeping i have a great idea yeah what is it um my house is destroyed i've never used this house because everybody this is your goddamn yeah everyone thinks it's a goddamn community house everyone lets themselves in even though i never gave him from me you got a bunch of crap in here why is the door why i don't know i do why would i keep why would i keep my good here george hold on i'm gonna go to my old town where'd you keep your good stuff i'm not gonna tell you i'm following you i don't even think i don't even think i have any good stuff honestly i've died so many times in the server wait how many deaths do you have now no no no no no no death or real death reveal death reveal no how many how many no how many oh my god how many how many guys no i'm not going to just tell me how many just tell me how many no no no i won't tell you because you're just going to tell your chat i'm not going to tell if you i'm not going to tell them you're going to tell them right now vegeta it's over 600 power level it's over 9 000 what this is about how many deaths you have george george when i hit my sub goals i'll reveal how many deaths i have all right i'm not going to give you i'm not about to give you all right i'll do a sub goal and we'll reveal how many death squads he has no no no no no not not for yourself yeah for my sub goal wait you've got now why would it be for yours what is this what do you mean what is this what is this place i don't think i've ever been there no i haven't no no george please please don't take anything please don't i didn't take anything don't worry don't worry i i barely this is like the only i have left in my life oh i have a music disc hey dude i love your streams and videos i would appreciate if you could say merry christmas nixie merry christmas nixie thank you for the learner you're welcome george i don't wanna say you make my life better and i love you thank you for making me smile when it feels like i icon anymore no problem astro no problem thank you my teacher shot his pants and then ran out the room yelling out rapid supremacy what do i do is quack to your teacher oh my god wow that sounds like something you would do that was up that was messed up check this out how can we find discs that disc is messed up put it back in how can we find discs i want to actually find discs george you want to go find this yeah let's go find discs you have to find dungeons you know what dungeon is you want to go farms oh my god give it back well this yeah you want this desk back yeah oh my god you know what it doesn't even mean okay fine take it back again this is the shittiest all right let's go let's go farm discs you know what let's go farm a desk okay let's go get some discs wait you can also get them yeah you can get them by letting a skeleton shoot a creeper i don't know if they jump every time yeah okay okay that's probably way easier actually that's way a million percent easier let's do that okay oh it's night time wait quick get out get out get out get out we gotta go i have a horse okay i i need your opinion on something i have a horse like a bone horse and i was thinking literally there when you got it yeah i'm i'm thinking between two names taco or boner look oh my god wait trap him trap him why why why no trap him they're killing each other no trap him oh oh my god stop it oh my god look oh my god don't kill him don't kill him wait which one has thorns okay wait trap him trap him why trap i don't have i don't have blocks get blocks i don't have any i'm telling you i'm poor oh my god you're useless you are useless you are useless you usually okay ninja's house is obstructing don't don't talk that way yeah okay look stop stop okay now we just need to we need to find a creeper i'm gonna get it to choose it okay why because we're getting discs we're farming discs wait what am i there's no way that's how you farm this you're actually no i'm serious i'm 100 serious there's no way that's how you farmed it look look okay just back up back up stay back stay back okay okay stay back there's no way this works george this is not george oh my god are you stupid you destroyed into oh my god you actual literally no one saw that nothing just happened wait wait should i call my should i call my horse boner or taco neither i'm gonna call him call it a horse no i i'm calling a bunny hey we need another creeper i doubt i highly doubt this is how you farm this is legend this is literally how you do it why are there no creepers anywhere what is this meme it means hey yo pee pee poo poo check [Music] wait okay i'm all right i bring a creeper i'm bringing a creeper over watch out watch out watch out dude if you think about it it's fine tommy up your house now you up his yeah it makes sense it's only fast it makes sense yeah literally okay watch this watch this this creep is coming creep is coming right all right all right oh there's two oh wait jeff what do you have anywhere do you have any would you have any wood no no no i only have polish black stuff okay i'm okay watch this this tree go bye-bye oh wait what are the creepers when your chat starts saying stop stop oh my god stop that's when you say ha ha you telling me to stop only makes me want to do it more yeah there you go there you go switches which is ready so you line up in front of the skeleton a boat okay and then wait who's that it's bad wait where did my creepers go oh here it is here it is okay so then you lure them over okay look at this look at this look at this what what happened what did you do jordan someone shot it what what what what wait don't shoot okay yeah oh my god who shot it was it bad okay what's your switches i don't think it is oh my god this group is an idiot this is like sat nap if he was a creeper okay watch this ready big clay okay i'm an idea big brain moves big brain moves baby george all you're doing all you're doing is causing terrorism that's literally what you're doing you're so bad at this in every way shape and form george gogy more like dumbass stop doing that where's the cr oh my god i need a creeper hey yo pee pee poo poo check there's no creepers because it's like lit up so how does this work does the skeleton shoot the creepy yeah yeah yeah okay we need to find a creeper we're gonna get it we're gonna run through here it's gonna go in the boat and then the skeleton's gonna destroy it okay we're gonna i thought we're gonna go to dungeons no that's like way slower where are the creepers do you see okay help me find creepers please yeah i will i will i'm i'm helping i'm helping i'm helping my friend i'm gonna hi thank you for being the best no problem no problem thank you stop pee pee poo pooing dude it's a poo poo pee pee check i don't see any zombies i mean creepers to you oh my god bad boy halo dude like who had that creeper who shot that creeper that was there before because that was one who shot it someone shot her the people it was the zombie yeah the people saw the creeper they said [Applause] how's this zombie surviving oh my god where there's no creepers here it's not it's gonna be like day soon huh i found one you're gonna be day soon okay i don't know what that means there's a zombie there's two zombies there's two zombies i'm watching out i'm watching out oh no i'll have them come to me oh my god george oh my god okay the creep is coming it's following me coming it's on its way it's coming okay here we go you're like a leader george i am wait why is it down there hey yo he's off to you he's up to you he's up to you run oh my god oh my god okay just run this one just run away just run away run away keep running okay it's on me now it's on me god chat george has been playing this game for like 10 years okay watch out i've got it i've got it i've got it hi george can you say bonk no i can't oh okay i've got it i've got this i've got this there's no way i messed this one up my voice is messed up though if you mess this one up i will literally never kiss you in the lips again that's that's fine with me okay watch this watch this come over come over to the um to tommy's house yeah i'm coming i'm coming oh it's it's on its way come on oh george come on are you here where are you yeah no no no no some some came up i think i i think i have to go soon because i gotta check something i gotta do uh a skeleton this one oh no i and i was kidding i don't have to go that was a poo poo pee pee check joke disgusting how did it eat this spawn wait don't go don't get into the all right so let's just go find a skeleton oh but it's not night anymore we can go underground we can go find it george chillax bro chill out i'm gonna get a desk you should have told me to stay there well what kind of disc would have gone it's random it's random random dancing okay this is epic okay this is epic i'm so annoyed wait what if there's one hiding down here somewhere yeah yeah dude let's go check wait wait the problem is that you're not checking enough yeah let's just you know where we need to check under lamberg no we need to check in [Music] check oh my god it's the titanic rose i can't i can't wait to get into titanic with you do you hear all those big big cylinders [Music] jack i want to have kids with you oh okay hey yo [Music] all right where are we going where are we going george george george let's go let's go find dungeons let's go okay like far far away okay i'll okay you lead the way we're going to go to that's that we're going to go to unfounded newfoundland yeah let's set out on an adventure you want to do an adventure quacky i want to go to an adventure all right let me let me just go pick up the steak that i that i've been having oh well let me just i spent all night getting that creeper in that boat just for you to blow it up george it doesn't matter it doesn't matter we're going to go to newfoundland [Music] ring ring ring ring ring ring banana phone [Music] where are we going i've got my hunches it's the best beats the rest seller where are we going barrel roll barrel roll do a barrel barrel roll dude what are you taking you're just going you're just kidding you're just like a literal walking meme that's what you are no no wow that's up that's up you're just a meme you're just spouting memes okay yeah i gotta i gotta go no i gotta go pick up the meat i gotta go pick up the meat the meat i gotta go pick up the meat and then beat the meat okay oh okay you like waffles yeah we like waffles what have you done today why are you why are you like this do you like french toast yeah we like you just you listen the difference between you and your the difference between you and your stream and your live stream it's like a hundred percent difference how so how's that you're completely different you're just like memeing you're like a meme right now well if i were what do you want me to do do you want you just want to be like i'm calling yo what's up okay there's a difference between you you want to be in a chord booth yeah yeah you won't you know there's a difference which one do you like more which one do you like more which one do you like less you got to tell me these things man all right look yo it is tell just kill the chat you're going for content we are popping off i suppose i'll i'll allow it we're popping off look we gotta go find a dungeon okay yeah i just gotta breathe dungeon is what we need i saw someone that looked like you so basically i me i met you that i don't know if that's how it works that's not how it works at all but i there's so many tom cruise impressionists another none of them kiss as real as the real conquerors i thought you actually bleached your hair from all over twitter but besides that having an amazing day eat sleep during well okay yeah i don't know why blonde george keeps getting trended all right george where are we headed let's head that way but i don't think i'm going to be dying my hair anytime soon but i bet you'll be dying look at this cow [Music] all right i need i need uh let's get let's get some wood you want wood okay let me get some wood get in this tree yeah yeah yeah i'm getting the tree yeah blonde george dude if i saw blonde george in the street what would you do it would be i would be like i would be like hmm i wonder what his starbucks order looks like that's what i would say and what would it look like do you think be like it'd be like a whole you know it'd be like it'd be like rap god lyrics right but instead of how do you get rap god logs in a drink yeah it's like it's like i i want a coffee with three shots of mocha and leave out the milk and put have milk i didn't drink coffee yeah but like if i if i saw blonde george that's what i would assume is that yeah wait why are we getting so much wood just take this take this yeah wait all right why'd you take your pants off all right let's go i didn't know what let's go let's go this way george let's go let's go we gotta travel we gotta travel travel let's travel thank you so much for the stream you are so amazing thanks for making me happy every day no problem alex no problem alex whoa you donated that to me you know i was literally gonna say you make me happy all the time no no problem quackmeister yeah you get that you get that pumpkin oh thanks i think you're my pumpkin too okay so we need to find um a cave or something because then we need a ravine yeah but like all these places have been explored another every single member every single player of the dream smp every single block has been explored on the server i swear yeah literally every single one you can go in any direction you'll find some like evidence that someone's been there i was gonna say none of these blocks have their but i can't say the word anymore on on twitch wait say that again none of the blocks i've won uh none of the blocks have their anymore because they've been explored every you're just going to pick it up and i'm not going to get anything i'll share can you tell foxy that bridgette says hi bridget says hi quack see hey well bridgette listen let me tell you something about life not everything in life is about saying hi to each other i say good morning to george you know what he says he says i have better friends than you like dream and i'm like why would you say that to me i don't think i've ever said that before i think you've said that to me yeah you have i don't think so i think i think you're lying you're lying to farm some oars i'm not i'm not i'm trying to film some some sad faces no i don't i don't need to i don't need to i don't i don't need to perform dumbass okay hey watch this ready oh i just want okay oh my god you're you're come down here come down here that's what no dude this has been explored no it hasn't been it actually hasn't yes it has it hasn't yes it has idiots no there's gonna be a there's going look there's so many zombies there's gotta be a spawner down huh yes it has idiots why are you calling me an idiot like you're actually being rude like it's actually unfair i'm sorry i'm sorry what did i do to deserve this can you explain you did you didn't do that how does one conduct a pee pee poo poo check all right so you go to the bathroom yeah pull your pants down and then what pee pee poo poo check peep boop you're being rude oh i just destroyed that that's skeleton wait look down there hey yo pee pee poo poo wait look dude holy that how did this quick there's diamonds no way which is ready oh that was a mistake wait look there's diamonds can i have them i have i have a good pickaxe can i have them let me have them i just popped off and got them all well why wait wait why are you no no no no no no no wait chill chill wait how do you place a boat wait watch this ready oh he's in the boat he's in the boat okay just okay leave him alone we need a creeper we need a creeper skeleton chilling in the boat we need a skeleton a creeper hey he's finding his own pieces [Music] okay i have constipation since i was fine i have severe lung problems because i was around my smoking dad my friends make fun of me they say they'll beat the out of me and then they say haha just kidding oh my god oh my god wait wait wait wait wait we need to discuss him we need to skeleton oh wait come on come to me oh a name tag it's got a name tag that's what's going on proper poker's love okay wait wait come to me we need a skeleton okay okay quack tea yeah ah do not do not go near those creepers okay please please i'm begging god we need to get a creeper over here uh let's get something i'll give you a diamond i'll give you a diamond i want four of diamonds and if not i'll walk right up to them okay listen where are the skeletons we have skeletons that's proper love yeah it is it is i'm gonna i'm gonna walk up to them give me four diamonds right now no don't walk up to them please no then give me give me diamonds how many one four two four take it or leave two four three three last year four three five five four five three four okay let's do four two four there's four there's four there's four okay look okay okay okay just don't it was a pleasure doing business my man okay okay i'm gonna i'm gonna risk it for the biscuit okay risk it for the best game risk for the okay we're staying for the biscuit i need why there's so many creepers there's like a million creepers there's actually a million creepers i don't want creepers anymore oh my god what was that noise what was that noise why are there so many creepers actually though what was that i'm i'm gonna be grandma quackity grandma quackity josh why have you been locked in your room for the past 20 minutes i'm playing minecraft grammy grammy quacking the sound of your belt i hear what's going on there sonny george i got a pop-up on my computer i said r slash bonus in public i must be a virus you must be there's no there's no other way it must be a virus it must be it must be sonny you've been you've been in that room for a little too long can you help me find a skeleton what are you doing son why are there no skeletons here are you playing minecraft that's single player right yes then you won't mind it if i just go ahead and turn off the internet yeah go ahead turn off the internet all right all right let's see here all right i'm going to have to call the police i think you've done enough checks honestly no no no i haven't i haven't that's i found scott i found a skeleton i'm honestly i said where's the boat where's the boat where's the boat i don't i don't have a boat where's the where are the creepers in the boat where are they well where's the boat where's the skeletons the creepers love tough luck are they here they're here they're here wait wait i'm about to pop off all right i don't care what the haters say who's hating on you you are you're hating on the grind i don't hate on the grind i respect the grind you don't respect anything wait watch the switches swatches wait no skeleton okay watch this ready skeleton wait no [Music] okay this is so annoying come up here [Music] what's he dying to [Music] come on come on just come over here [Music] come over here [Music] hmm [Music] oh george what happened somehow one of them survived it's okay it's okay okay okay then we're good we're good it wasn't my fault i hope i hope you know it can this skeleton just get in the damn boat what is wrong with it oh my god oh my god gogi just said the d [Music] word just get in the boat he doesn't like you oh i got in the boat i got in the boat i got in the boat i got in the boat i got in the boat all right quickly come to me quickly i'm coming okay stand there and watch observe i will observe no wait run over here as quick as you can don't blow up the creeper please i know i'm wait hurry up oh this is it this is it george george this is a poopoo check this butter this is it this is it come over here come over here i'm coming i'm coming i'm coming i'm coming this is actually wait what are you doing i'm here run okay look oh my god look at this this way watch don't get too close oh yeah you're full of arrows oh bro oh my god is it gonna happen okay [Music] oh my god oh my god george give it to me i got strad i got strand i got stride george give it to me i want to hear it george there's no way i just got scratched let me hear it i want to hear i want to see it i want to touch it with my own hands back wait wait what what i'm going to pop off wait george or george give it to me look what you can literally kill me if i try to steal it i just want to hold it with my own hands i want to hold this no i want to hold it i want to hold that i just wanted to hold it it's just wonderful put it back put it back put it back this is crazy strat okay do [Music] so hey yo stop staring creep this is why did you turn it off all right i wonder where i own this guy okay okay okay you know what i have a creeper for you it's hidden right behind this cobblestone no way no way you're joking right wait i heard it it was here where's the baby poo poo check oh it's right there he's right up there where right over there oh he's stuck in look at it look at him look at it it's like a it's like a it's like someone's taking a a green one yeah yeah green okay wait you gotta you have to get ready to run get ready to run he's getting out get ready to run get ready to run we end up getting get razor run get ready to run that's crazy man's out a creeper he's like run run this way this way watch out okay is it coming can i get it again watch out oh my god there's another creeper over here george wait oh my god the creeper got in the boat with the skeleton you're lying oh wait you're not lying what wait look watch this watch this okay okay uh no no all right hold on i'll i'll be i'll be the aim george i'll oh it's working i'll get it i'll get it george i'll get it i'll get it i'll get it i want to get it george george george okay oh can you drop one no he didn't okay let's just watch this ready 10 million iq watch out you're watching there's a creeper in the skeleton boat wait it just went through the creeper wait what oh my god that's uh that's a pee pee poo poo check wait we need to get a we need how do we get the creeper out okay wait i have an idea i have an idea we have to get the creeper out and the skeleton in so watch this ready it's a very important mission you're gonna you're gonna it up you're gonna it up you're gonna literally better it up what just watch this ready george shorts the creeper the creeper the creeper oh my god where's the other boat where's the other boat oh my god it's there it's there yeah it's right behind oh no george okay at least we got the skeleton back okay we seen another we need another green boy i'll stay here so it doesn't despawn okay okay i'm on i'm on the hunt you're on the hunt you know what i'm on okay okay okay um i'm happy with this with this strap this one pops off this skeleton is [Music] okay eat this eat annoying eat this okay okay we're popping off we're popping off we're popping off right now actually i don't trust you with my desk i'm not i can literally kill me if i try to get it you can kill me i didn't trust you with my kids [Music] okay let's get you a desk all right oh i just found diamonds in this chest no i missed out would you say if i do we need to find you a creeper then you can get a disc i i do want a desk it's going to be my special disc oh what is this what if you find a disc without the s i actually like like i didn't know what you were trying to say for a second can these spiders get off me wait a second hey jordan george what if what i bet you're looking for a disc without it without a c that's not what i'm looking for actually hey where are you and you found it baby i'm about to diss you okay i'm i'm helping you i'm gonna i'm looking for a creeper for you [Music] oh you got a nerd disc hand that over hand that over you got another disc i saw that pal hand it over how did you see it it happened like 10 minutes ago what do you mean you saw it i saw it on the do you got a purple one give it give it here give it here give it here george i saw it it's a purple okay let's just okay let's just oh there's a group here that's okay i'll give it back to you but look look look look at this okay okay let's go let's go wait wait we're popping off give me the desk george hang on we're popping off no you're popping off because you're taking all the discs wait just wait just wait just chill look you see this green boy i need you to navigate me back to the to the place okay here he comes okay that's not really ideal up now give me the disc wait how do we get him out of there give me the okay we're gonna get you the disc just you just have to wait you have to wait your turn wait where is he he's coming he's coming which way which way do we go this way this way what's up mind you what there was lava right behind you are you sure this is the way yeah okay okay okay yeah so many of them are spawning now oh my god ah oh there's so many you're right give me the disc george oh my god we're back george give me the whisk wait i'm popping off i'm popping off [Music] hold on i want i want to try now i want to try now or else you're not going to hand over watch out oh wait go the long way around yeah okay through the hole up this way around the corner up the bend up this way and boom look at that look wait let me try i want to try it it's working i'll try it george get out of the way entering the boat between the boat okay you want to try it okay yeah yeah i do wait he's shooting me okay shoot me yeah he's shooting you shooting you get behind me get behind me get to behind get behind me and grab my waist grab my whistle okay i'm grabbing get behind me okay grab my waist oh my god oh my god what is that that's strad oh my god oh it's strad i'll trade you i'll trade you for the purple one oh my god we're popping off we're popping off bait it beat it up oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god there's too many discs i don't know what to do no no we'll get them damn discs okay wait wait wait wait they're both in the boat yeah they are they are okay i'm doing the loop around i'm doing ye old loop around wait is it working okay he's aiming at me he's aiming at me he's aiming at me george i'm here all right make it pop off it's popping off it's popping off it's popping it's popping they're popping off they're popping off don't get close because there's two of them okay we'll split the goods we'll split the goods wait give me one give me one chill chill chill chill chill chill chill let me see let me see okay okay there's one broken disc let me see it literally okay i got let me see i got dust and one broken disc wait let me see the broken one let me see that one let me see that one those are the ones i gave you the broken one nobody give me that one give me that one let me see if that's okay play play play it no you got you're another one right no i only got strad oh you i thought you got two no you're lying right there was no no i literally only have we got a broken one gun powder and oh i thought wait i want to hear the one you got i want to hear the purple one okay wait let's hit the broken one wait yeah let me play that yeah you can i think it's scary that is quite scary i mean just for the optimum optimal music playing okay here we go you ready yeah wait i didn't pop off hard enough okay it's popping off pop off it's popping off it's popping off pop off pop off yeah he's lying he they both dropped the chat expose you show me the other one what show me the other one no no no show me the other lady you're being at least show me at least george you're being greedy you're going to take it out you're going to take it i'm not going to take it off at least show me at least me come on bring it to the com come to the jukebox we can talk discuss by the junior i'm not going to play i'm not gonna play it because you're i don't trust you i'm not gonna steal it i'm not gonna see it i promise no you are gonna see it i promise you i told you can i have the purple one and you said no no i was i know i said i would give it to you no you never said that did you give it to me no no because i said i was popping up and gave you a creeper and we can get your own desk but look come here come here come over here come talk to me by the jukebox come discuss this i don't trust you i don't think i trust you come to the jukebox i don't think i trust you like i'll blow you in with some music oh stop you can't do that you can't lure me in with music george please george you can't stop stop stop george fine hello oh is that the broken one that sounds scary oh my god he's still shooting let's just go find more creepers wait let's get paid [Music] you want me to die oh my god oh that song popped off though put okay come on no messing around put your disc in put your disc i don't trust you i'm sorry for your discipline put your disc just i'm not gonna trust you look i'm back here i'm back here i'm not gonna take it you can take it you're just gonna get close i promise i promise i promise you have to believe me you have to trust me who's gonna get close george you have to trust me how do how do i i could kill you right now and take it no because i hit it i don't even have in my inventory that's a lie that's a lie you're lying you're lying i did try me how are you so strong don't try me don't try me i'm trying i don't want to die anymore okay well i'm dead wait you actually wait i hit it george george i hated the disc all right i don't i'm sorry george if you can if you can if no george if you can if i can trust you where you do hide it george listen okay okay i'll play with this but you gotta tell me how i can even trust you why didn't you hide the disc i'll tell okay where did you hide it where did you hide it i'll tell you i'll tell you i'll tell you if you give me a reason to trust you um george no no no no no why would i steal your disc we've been popping off together why would i steal your disc because i you said you were gonna give me a disc and i and i didn't and you didn't you said you didn't give me a disc that's the issue look i didn't have time i was doing something you didn't give me a disc george where did you hide the disc give me okay listen i'll play it i'll play it i'll play it pop it in pop it in i'm not going to see it i'm not going to steer and if you steal a white then then i steal it but no i'm not going to see the dial works that's how i work search i need your personal assurance i need your personal assurance that you're not going to take this your personal assurance i'm not going to take the desk play it play it he says i'll play it okay i'll play it i'll play it but i need your personal assurance okay i you have my personal assurance how am i how am i gonna have that personal assurance because i said so play it no play the disc kill me all you want george i hit it a while back so just play them try looking play the disc play the disc okay okay i need your personal assurance i've just given it to you what is it that what do you mean my personal i you have my personal insurance i'm not going to steal the desk all right we have to go and then i have to go get it you promised wait watch out there's a creeper there we keep running keep running i'm popping off what is he doing minecraft creepers jump oh that wasn't meant to happen oh wait watch out watch out watch out you're joking you're actually joking that's a joke all right all right i'm going to make you feel better okay i'm going to pop in the disc you're going to pop in a promise not to kill me can you promise not to kill me wait wait wait wait you're gonna put it in i might okay put it in no george i need your personal assurance i need your personal assurance george stay back stay back stay like way back over there way back over there george i'm not carrying it i'm not carrying it i knew you would do this i'm not caring this is the disc go ahead and kill me george i don't have it i knew you were going to do this i don't know i can't take it i'm not going to take it why are you going to this is why i can't trust you okay go back go back over there over there in that little corner okay we need to play some like obsidian or something here just that makes sense all right put the disc in stay back george stay back holy oh my god no george oh look who has the disc who has the disquality please let me have my disk now the only reason i'm doing this is because you were so untrusting of me why didn't you trust me quackity because you're you look at what you just did i was supposed to trust you when you just did this look listen you didn't trust me i wasn't going to take it i was now you're going to take it no that's not that's not that's not the final conclusion yet i want you from us right i can find i want you to trust me on twitter i will dark on twitter i will start listening to your real friends by kanye west on repeat oh goddamn day i'm gonna make you feel like i just want you back at this why can't you just trust me it always has to be like okay george i trust you you know what i trust you george just give me the disc back george hey just watch this watch watch watch this we're popping off we're popping off i don't care i want to know just you'll get you'll get your desk just watch let's watch let's just see what happens did you get a desk no [Music] they did get one and you stole it from me did you get a desk are you lying to me george this is not a bit anyone i i kind of want my desk hey look look you let's let's listen to your desk you want to listen to your desk i want to listen to my desk don't take it out immediately why it's mine oh i got another disc george let me have the disc you can have that one this is a guy having sex george why would i want this one this is literally just moaning there's like a porno video put in a disc george i don't want this it's a it's a guy it's a guy oh my god i don't even know if i'm supposed to be listening to this the guy's like okay listen listen you want your disc back don't take it out though just listen just hey look we'll just gather around the jukebox and be happy let's be happy that's sick and this is mine george how do they pop off this hard and this one pops off hard man [Music] i want to go play this in my house george oh you picked it up can i have it what do you think we're done on this journey george you think it's over you think the journey is over please give me money we haven't reached enlistment yet george give me my desk i beg okay we need to find a few more desks let's farm a few more no give it to me it's literally in there let's just let's just with you let's just let's just farm a few more discs i'm going to leave i'm going no no no no just leave it in there don't take it just don't take it why just leave i didn't want me to have it that bad no i do want you to have it but i just want to hear it all the way out okay let's hear it all the way out but i want it by the end okay follow me we're gonna go find some creepy ones okay let's go all right follow me let's go ah let's go away george i want my diss okay i want my freaking diss dude just give me my diss how do i keep getting it you keep getting it george give me my ideas please follow me i want to show you something please you're i'm going to leave don't leave don't leave i'm going to literally leave the call and i'm going to don't do that then give me give me my desk i will give it to you you're not why why won't you give it to me now because this is a group activity why don't you understand no it's not it's not becoming you go back to these are taking all my goddamn discs give it back george now that's right i swear i'll never speak to you listen i don't like your ass i never will speak to you listen we're popping off together we're having a good time we're playing the music and we're getting more creepers we're getting more creepers not a good time it's not a good time when you're taking my george it's oz okay george give me it give me it george give me it this is this is how serious i am about this give me my disc give me my disc george no don't touch them don't touch them george give me my desk okay i'm gonna i'm gonna leave no no no i want to give you a disc but you're like all right i'm out come back come back i want my disc i want my dick i i'm gonna give it to you i just want to pop off and get a few more discs together yeah well we can do that while having me my desk yes but follow me follow me suck in a web you know why i wanted this so bad is because you're just going to see welcome look look all right all right bye george no no no look there's a creeper right there there's literally a creeper right there look this is the plan we're gonna pop off there's two creepers oh you no no no no no look this is it this is the moment just come back come back come back come back come meet me meet me at the place meet me at the place i want my disk you're gonna get your disk you will get it you'll get it watch watch watch ready george give me my desk george if you get the same disc again if you get the same disc again we're not gonna be able to differentiate i really want mine george please give me my disk i can't believe i'm so bad at this game i can't believe it please give me like this please we're not gonna be able to differentiate which one's actually mine if you just grab another one no no no no no look i all i want this is what i want to happen i want us to get a creeper in this boat okay and then i've done a million just give me the dish and then i'm going to put your disc in the jukebox whilst it dies as a trip i don't care i want my disc look at me what you will get your disc just calm down on my dick just calm down just calm down george okay i don't want that i don't want to do i don't want to pop off without my test because if you get the same disc the same kind how do i how will i know it's my disc why you are doing this just to tease me [Music] are you kidding me i was literally gonna let you have it but then i couldn't resist come on oh my god oh my god oh play out i'm gonna sh no leave the game if that creeper dies and you haven't given me my disc the creep is not going to die i'm leaving george george if that creeper dies right now if that creeper dies right now i am leaving i'm literally leaving wait why i'm warning you guys give me this give me the desk don't take it don't take it out don't take it out don't take it out how did he get out you're joking you're joking that's all i want that's all i mean with you put the disc back in it's part of the puck i'll pop off with you oh my god what did you do what are you doing i what are you doing okay i'm about to pop off i'm actually like okay look wait i want you to put your disc in the thing right now put your disc in the jukebox right now please please please i'm asking you nicely please okay okay put the disc in the jukebox put it in okay put it in put it in fine just just for that mutual token of respect and trust okay please please please go ahead and do that please right now please you're like hiding coming jesus christ call me your balls man put an opinion okay look looks on put it in put it in did you go and visit it i thought you were invisible i thought you were invisible i literally thought you weren't invisible we're popping off we're popping off oh my god what disk is it oh my god ah it's the same as your one it's the same okay perfect see that's why i wanted to but now i know i have my own now i know you have yours what are the odds is the same now i have my disc and now you have yours which is good good enough for me one what what george george stop stop what are you doing george george we're not going to mix them we're not going to mix this we're not going to miss mix these this we're going to we're not going to make these discs we're not gonna mix these i don't care we're not gonna mix the discs we're not gonna mix the difference which one's which which one's which i picked it up only i know only i know wait did you pick it up there's no way you picked up my disc no george george go ahead take the disc take it and that's not the one it is it or is it no no i don't want it no it is the disc that's that's your original disc i don't want it that's the original disc that's the original desk don't cry that's the original desk don't cry i don't want any more look i'm putting your desk into the into the jukebox and we're popping off we're popping off we're popping off like this chat chat chat what's this watch like which one is it i blocked this is it the one is it the one is it the one no no joe why man listen trust me that is the disc that's the disc that's the disc you have a george guarantee that that is the disc that's no guarantee why did you take it out no this is not my that's your desk oh my goodness george that is your desk don't cry i'm telling you that's your dish i'm telling you that's your desk i i didn't i didn't swap them i didn't swap them i never swapped them you swapped them i never swapped them i didn't [Music] oh the final one wait i have a creeper i have a creeper you want to pop off you're a creeper you're a creepy do you want to pop off or not oh my gosh george please give me my disc back wait i'm popping off that's not the only one you want the one okay you want the one i have how you want the one i have i'll give you it i'll give it to you okay wait give me that one first okay do you want the disc going on do you want to swap do you want to swap which one's the real one which one's the real one george okay look you have the real one but you can swap if you want look this is how we do it drop it on the floor okay drop your one on the floor drop your one on the floor which one's the real one george this you your one is your one my one is my one but if you want to swap that's fine i don't want to swap anymore i don't want to swap anymore you don't want to swap okay that's fine i just decided i don't want to swap anymore okay that's not so funny i don't want it that's fine oh you smiled you smiled okay i want to swap i want to swap off you want to swap okay we can swap i want to swap we're popping off we're popping off oh my god we're popping off oh my god there's a creeper yeah actually this one's mine i just realized it's literally mine this one's mine george you're such a bad person you're literally the worst person doing some people wow you are the worst person you know when i think of dream smp i think i think i think george that's what i think i think not in the good way i think watch that that's my drift what'd you get back stay back stay back stay back stay back i want to listen to it okay okay you know what as a as a token of my trust i trust you that you won't steal my desk and we can listen to it together in peace okay [Music] wait how do you decide if it's your disc or not i don't know you're dying and make a build a wall there you go what the does that even what is that supposed to mean george i don't know um yeah this one's popping off i have to go soon where'd you have to go yeah i said where do you have to go uh i have to pick up some things pick up some things i have to pick up some things george if that's fine with you that's fine with me chirp is so good i'm gonna apply these strategies to finding my own desks in my own free time how many discs do you have on you right now one one yeah how do you only have one we're popping off we're popping off or popping off it's up to you it's up to you lower in the boat [Laughter] he destroyed the jukebox and leaves he destroyed the jukebox and left he destroyed the jukebox and left that's that's just not nice ah can we be besties please also you suck at the hang game yeah i actually do sucker behind game i'll i'll accept that one would you mind saying hello is it hannah and ellie hello guys hello oh my god quacky is messaging me okay george i have to go i have to go george that is fine i trust in my heart that you gave me the real disc george here come give me foxy look at this what i bless you with chop oh really just for you you're gonna give me chirp chop for you george no one has ever done this for me before it's okay i'll protect you i'll protect you thank you so much george all right farewell quackity enjoy your [Music] chip [Music] i'm really sorry i have to i'm i have to go right now george i i would say during your whole stream that's okay but um i'm sorry i have to head out now i'll but this one this would be the first and last time i don't i don't leave mid streams especially after you've been in mine george so i i apologize for that that's okay um all right i'll talk to you soon all right bye all right see ya oh when he left the discord but he didn't leave the call is he gonna leave the game is he gonna leave the game he he's got chop he can't just okay he's gone he's gone well he's gone just like that i've missed so many things i'm sorry uh 190 fear thank you for giving five subs chocolate wolf mc thank you deathly egg gifted 10 subs thank you thank you thank you bless you for streaming and distracting me there's a live mouse roaming rampart around my room there's no way i'm sleeping tonight bro just discuss me just get the rat out of your room it's simple it's simple don't hit me up just found out quack tea is bad at minecraft that's that's kind of rude hi george i love you have a great day thank you thank you and mxl mx maze thanks for gifting five subs okay i'm so far behind on subs i'm so uh unlike all the allies i'm sorry guys me and wing quacky were just popping off okay i had to i had to just just pop off you know i kind of want to get like more discs like getting discs is fun i don't know this is probably like not at all the best way of doing it because you can just do it in a flat area on the surface at nighttime and be way it'll be way easier but um but for some reason we decided to do it in a cave where it's like actually 10 times harder but okay i wanna i wanna get another disc i wanna get one more disc that i haven't got then i'll be happy a brand new desk okay okay careful come on oh no okay can we get over here we can okay come here creeper okay okay we're about to pop off we're about to pop off oh look there's a boat right there for you creeper oh no no no okay okay okay in the boat in the boat easy boom it's working wait there we go boom what's the disc gonna be what's the disc gonna be wait wait i can make another jukebox i can make a jukebox i can make a jukebox boom boom boom [Music] no way no way it's actually popping off it's actually a banger wait a second i just probably okay it's popping off it actually is i want more i know i said i'm just gonna get one more that i haven't got but i just want more i want more like addicted to discs oh look at that i spy with my slides only beginning with c this way follow me don't go in that boat come in this one two for one oh my god oh my god this is dead okay it's fine it's fine why am i bad why am i bad it's not fair why [Music] and the song is like sad now after i messed up two creepers let's go a bit more like why is it i don't know why but getting discs is it's like addictive it's like it's like gambling like oh what disc am i gonna get next what's it gonna be um creeper creeper creeper there's gonna be one down here i just know it i know it there isn't one huh where the creep is at where the group is at where the creeps at no creepers ah oh my god what is this place wait okay i'm gonna pop off okay look watch this it's like reverse popping off oh my god what am i doing i'm reverse popping off and now there's just okay i was like i saw i saw a skeleton i saw a creeper and i was like all right i don't need my old spot i'll just go make make make do it here wait someone's been here someone's actually been here before this is what we were saying are they like every part of this server i swear someone's been on okay okay i'm gonna go back i'm going back to where i came from where did i come from wait where did i come from oh no am i lost wait i just got double 13s back-to-back 13s and saddles wait i've got too much stuff okay you know what i've got like too much stuff actually hey all this okay leads aren't that good actually saddles and name tags and and discs i think wait how did i even get in here where did i where did i come from oh i came from up here i think i have so many desks i have so many discs wait how do i get back i think i need to go this way i think maybe if quacky stand luna he wouldn't die too much it's true why doesn't why doesn't he just do that that would make his life way easier for sure i fell okay um is that a creeper i just saw it is how did i see that okay come here follow me follow me oh i bet my skeletons despawn now oh there's two okay follow me oh my god this guy isn't still here what are the boats still here one two okay am i am i about to get a two for one a twofer i just can't believe it anymore i can't believe this um i i actually don't know what is wrong with me i actually don't know what is wrong with me i i just feel like i can always run past them and be fine and like half the time it works half the time it doesn't i understand this is gonna be probably the most painful thing to watch i am so sorry i'm so sorry i'm sorry i'm just i don't know why i'm doing this okay look i'm gonna be careful this time but the thing is i thought i was being careful because like i made this little pathway okay i made the pathway around here and then then all i do is i i hit it why does it blow up i wasn't anywhere near it i don't know okay next time i'm just not hitting them anymore but you should be able to hit them i don't understand i hit it and then ran away i know i don't need to hit it but like but i i feel like you're you can like you hit it and then just run away and it doesn't blow up like you do that the whole time in minecraft you can just hit the creepers away i guess because they normally have knockbacks so you push them further but i i feel like i'm i'm far enough away to where that's that shouldn't be happening i left a disk what disk wait where did i actually where where the disk where oh in the jukebox oh you're right wait which one was it oh it was weight i think yeah okay i'll pop off again okay if i if the next creeper i get in the boat explodes i'm in the stream i'm gonna be so careful did i see one no okay this is it this is that and i'm gonna head out but i'm gonna i'm gonna be careful okay i'm gonna hit it but trust me i've got it this time okay i get no i'm gonna hit it i'm going to hit it i'm gonna prove that you can do it it's for science okay wait can i slip up here okay oh i got a broken desk stop i don't even want the broken disc okay we can't we gotta get another one we can't end the creeper hunting disc session with a broken disc that's just not how it works that's not how it works uh i need i need another creeper creeper creeper creeper creeper grab 11. should i i literally have two already do i need more i don't need more but 11 sucks as well i don't i don't want another one i love you so much can you say merry christmas libby and merry merry christmas guys merry christmas it's chris oh my god it's christmas next week on friday okay that's not my fault i was i was checking the calendar for when christmas was that literally wasn't like that literally wasn't my fault that was not my fault can you say merry christmas uh hello it mean a lot to me miraculous masala i can't believe it's next week time is going very quickly for me right now oh what i've been blessed okay wait wait wait wait a second i don't think i even got the head off oh i did is that 13 don't be 13 ward what is ward okay [Music] i don't have any care of that it's popping off [Music] did you know they cured red green color blindness and monkeys i got severe protein as well and i'm pretty excited as well and what i could as what could be me in the future is that true because if they can fix it a monkey surely they can fix it what did i mean to do that if they can fix it in monkeys sure they can fix it in humans right you would think i don't know though wait that's cool wait oh yeah maybe one day i don't know if it's a thing can you is there like surgery for a colorblindness i don't know if there is that kind of scares me though oh i want the saddle uh what am i getting rid of i've got so much stuff that i don't want to get rid of okay i need okay i did say one more new desk so i just leave or do i get more leave or more hey yo pee pee poo poo check oh my god people what is the pee pee poo poo check one more leave more it's so it's so like um what's the word okay now there's a lot more leaves okay okay i'll leave i'll should i leave there's loads of people saying more and there's those people saying leave okay i'm just gonna leave i'm gonna leave i'm making the decision we've got enough discs i don't even know what i'm going to do with these discs honestly so now i need to find out how to get out of here um what more 000 bits thank you b-plat um do a poll okay i'll do a poll poll um more discs question mark yes no you have one minute to vote you have one minute one minute to vote um how's your question where would you like to be in 10 years versus where do you actually see yourself oh um i have no idea i don't think that far ahead i don't even know what i'm doing tomorrow i actually don't know i don't know if i can answer that i'm sorry i don't know love yours and alex's content george all we ask is that you tell alex meow meow you're a cat boy well he's gone i'm sorry but i did make a video uh on my third channel my stream highlights channel not george not found by the way if you're if you're not subscribed um where i paid him 200 to meow so he knows he's a cowboy he knows more discs no with 61 or unfortunately to 40 percent i'm gonna have to i'm gonna have to leave i'm sorry we'll leave the boats down here okay so i need to like how do i get back to i want to get back home there's a creeper right there as well so sad we'll never see what disk you had okay how do i get out of this place shrimp dream dream dream dream oh wait what wait do they only have 13 in them or am i getting like lucky there's i just found another one and dream just joined oh wait can you silk touch spawners i don't know i wish i'd done that wait no you can't oh thanks for the info dream you're welcome dream oh my god hello [Music] hello what are you doing i was hunting some discs oh some discs yeah why is there a problem all of them i just wanted some discs oh it's raining yeah i can try it in the rain it's epic yeah same where are you i'm coming back to spawn i'm flying in the rain i don't know the part that's over here ah oh wait where am i what is this place i'm like ponk's place almost just died uh i'm uh i'm at the christmas tree i'm at the christmas tree that's where i am are you yeah i'm on top of the star oh you just got there no i've been you want to see what i got you want to see my my stuff here i don't have jump okay okay watch this ready i don't i can't hear sounds where is it there you go what is it playing yeah you didn't hear it i don't hear it no all right how about this one i hear it oh this one's epic this one is epic yeah do you want one for free oh there you go i don't want your broken disc it's not broken it plays still just fine you like this one this one's nice how about this minecraft made epic music this one's still good but it just reminds me of like an ant venom video or something is that bad no no do you hate that venom videos what stream hates them i did not say that oh he hates like videos it's just like this one he's like and and the redstone goes 1000 miles long it extended the pistons that pushed it all the way across the border and the border was broken it wasn't that's i don't know that's just all i just imagined like i'm saying something all right who's video stuff whose video is this one from i don't know minecraft a game with endless possibilities have you ever wanted to explore an endless world and let your creativity what run wild minecraft is for you open it up start a world and get excited in the chat this majestic world of beautiful colors and things with endless possibilities is yours for just 26 dolls well now it's an ad get um how about this one i'm accumulating wait look at this hey wait oh wait no hang on this is literally the first picture in my camera roll like the most recent one but i had to scroll because i okay yeah that's me so dumb hey what is this then it's in a video about minecraft this is this is no no it's like this isn't like a like a like a a like an smp trailer or something like for like for like a hermit craft or something there's millions of farms across the land we came together as a civilization only one farm could prevail are we gonna die because of famine or will we farm our potatoes tune in next time to find out hey dream are you looking at my stream uh yeah you know what's he saying cool okay it's me in big screen hey that's not the cool thing look at this oh what i didn't get that yeah because you're irrelevant i i think i mean i i won breakout oh no i won gaming gaming creator of the year i was nominated for breakout creator i would think i would get sent one of those come on now youtube you're really sending one i don't know look it's got a shiny little thing yeah that's awesome what does this say there's like breakout creator let me get straight breakout creator 2020 breakout star that's me is that me what is here maybe i did get one and i just said and you threw it away no i wasn't cool enough in my house throw it back i know i'm throwing it back i'm just showing the back of my back my back you're throwing back your back you're awesome hope you enjoy the holidays thank you have you have a good holiday you have another do you have like another disc uh did i play this one i did oh he did whoops um here look at this one oh the broken one don't play it oh well where'd it go um yeah those are all the desks i had an extra one but i gave it to quackmeister wait did i play this one oh i did right yeah that's all right you play them all well that was my show-and-tell for the week what have you got to show you just been getting you've just been getting discs yeah that's what i was doing get pig step i kind of do on pig step but you can only get them from from bastions right yeah it's very rare it's from bastions only bastions from sebastian's whoa dream why are you hurting me dream why are you hurting hiding in the air floating in the air fighting in the air look at me go i will fight in the air watch us ready ready ready oh you thought oh you thought you thought look how high i am george i am so high and i hit you on the way down i'm a genius and on the way up oh george stop killing all the chickens what is wrong with you george why are you killing them i don't give a damn i kill the chickens i don't care about the chickens oh what do you want to do you want to pop off pop off all right let me change my title popping off i don't know if we're really popping off we're kind of we're kind of chilling it's like the old days and it's like pop we're just popping off don't worry we're just popping off pop off king yeah exactly i'm popping off can you stop killing me i'm i just turned 16 i'm getting a new car what do you think i should name it what do you name it what's a good car name dream um bug bug is that what you name your car no i don't have a car couldn't be me wait is this samnup's house destroyed yeah well i haven't heard it since that one day that we blew it up do you want to like completely just remove it no no he'll come back and just be completely gone just just and he'll be like i thought i had a house just leave that you don't want here completely remove it just for it just for me maybe too mean i think that'd be funny to nothing oh yeah what even is this what's the leather here why is there so much leather two stacks i'll take some level no you don't need it you don't need it wait you're just gonna you're not even gonna use it you're gonna like throw it out and then i just took his leather oh yeah i already have some leather i'll just take i'll fill up a stack at least that's fair enough take 32. i got i got two um saddles on my travels what do i do with them you get a horse from where they're probably all gone technically took them all they just spawn techno took them all what is glass and why is everyone saying that uh flats ghost i think oh wow oh i think it's just i think it's a meme oh memes me you're just flying you're just chilling and flying flying and chilling all right chill stop oh you just broke the thing jam brook what the sea seaweed oh wow i broke the seaweed [Music] what do you think about this over here why do they build this crap out of slabs this is beautiful what is this song what what does this sign say you don't know what that says no of course i don't it says i don't know what it says tried your best can you say america's my friend ali for christmas this is a surprise merry christmas ally do you know who christmas is wait dream don't look at your date when is christmas how many days it's uh five five days no no wait oh wait look where we are how convenient a week it's a week wait six seven six six days how'd you know i'd like though why did you look i literally said well i said oh i thought it was five or seven and then or six and then i said what is in between what is this what does this sign say um which rhymes what the hell what does it say where's the bell reed where's the bell there's no bell one took the bell that's blasphemy what is blasphemy is that blasphemy i think it is yeah that is that is blasphemy tommy took the bell oh tommy takes the bell does he he's like ooh i've got too many stars well i'm gonna i'm gonna steal the twitch prime bell that canonically neither of us know that tommy took the bell yeah let's we can that's fine all right well i know no you don't you don't know you definitely don't know don't know don't know speaking of donos yeah speaking of donors speaking of donors um been watching you for a long time and greatly appreciate all the content and times you've provided us please keep up the great work thank you thank you i'm glad you enjoy so what's up we're just on the server just chilling we're just on the server just chilling what do you want to do jim what do you want to do dream what you want to do i don't know you do anything like what like what i don't know you don't why are you killing me that's not pvp i want to play chess on the chessboard but i don't have the the kit from the kit the resource pack you could pvp no you're hurting me i'm using an unenchanted trident no they do damage like watch well they do yeah they do like a lot they do look nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing half a heart nothing nothing half a heart nothing nothing half a heart okay i want one one three i want three i had three hearts i was lying i was lying the whole time why are you lying i know that they would do a lot of damage okay i was just i thought i thought you were going to stop eventually but you didn't you kept hitting me you didn't stop oh you thought you could get away with lying you thought you could get away with lying i thought it would be hilarious i thought it'd be the best meme and then i go yes the trident does it does as much damage as a diamond axe really yeah well it does it does the same damage as diamond actually it's quicker you can attack faster it's it's op can you put it but the thing is but but you can't um you can't put like sharpeners and stuff on it so it's not okay like this would obviously do way more damage yeah that dreams stop like way more right yes it's doing a little damage oh yeah you're on a half you're only half heart down how do you mean a lot of yeah it's doing a lot of damage it's not following me i'm not i'm not chasing i'm just following you i'm following you not chasing you there's a difference stop following me why because it's annoying what do you want to do i don't know you want to go over this way you want to like oh you want to just miss i want to swim over here okay all right sports right here yeah but we don't have the resource pack do we no we don't and you'd beat me anyway it'd be embarrassing so i don't wait where is the resource back i don't know can we play no come on dream how do i get the resource back dude stop killing me stop killing me let's do something else what do you want to do i don't know i just want to play your chess come on i don't want to play you chess why because if i win i'll get accused of cheating and if i lose then i look like an idiot so what's the what's the what's the benefit here how could you get accused of cheating we're playing minecraft chess well still i don't know someone would find a way they'll find a way they'll find a way to do it yeah so just chill do you want to play chess on i don't you i've answered like a million how many times do you ask me no i don't i do not you want to play chess one archer we can chill if you want i don't want to play chat chess and chill no not justin chill stop why are you so violent you're turning into sub nap stop oh it's just you asked me the same question over and over again what am i supposed to do you're supposed to just say no and move on oh my god stop like you're actually violent you're violent wait they go to the tower dream you're gonna kill me i'm not gonna kill you what do you mean you can get away from me leave me alone you're chasing me no yes all right how about this george how about this i have an idea i have an idea you ready stop stop stop stop stop all right stay keep a reason why i know i am i'm ready stay back you're on full health i'm not gonna kill you how about we have a race it's a like a long race like we race like the first placement person to get to like a five thousand zero or something and like we just literally have to like race and we can't go to the nether we have to like race in the overworld you want to race to five thousand zero we could that's not very interesting though it's not that interesting really but it's kind of fun is it yes is it well it's like you just have to try to be as quick as you possibly can to go go over this like i feel like that's not very interesting i guess for me it is because it's called strategies like to go faster but i guess for you it wouldn't be that interesting oh because i have no idea oh you think you're so funny tommy in it what do we do that joy i don't know yeah everyone wants us to play chess this place yes i'm not playing okay ask me again george and i'm leaving you're annoying me oh it's not playing i'm just reading the chat what if we what if oh george i have the best idea yeah okay what if we play item roulette i just randomly came up with this here this is what it is right we get a dispenser okay wait no how does this work we do something where it's a roulette so you have like a one in nine chance of something happening and you we both put up an item right and then if you if you lose then like the other person gets gets your item and so it's like we we just keep going until somebody loses that and we can choose to go again if we want i don't know i think it'll be kind of cool right we set it up i don't know how we'd do it but like okay item roulette joke man boy thank you for giving 10 subs thank you so we need to get out of the dispatch we're going to set this up and then we need to we know we need to do it free food how do i get a dispenser i don't know i have the materials i guess probably how'd you make one you need a boat right yeah you need a bow build like two spiders or something actually one with looting okay cool cause we both put up a good item and then we're just like we don't want to lose it obviously and then every time we go to like click this this little roulette button we have a one in nine chance of losing very cool kind of cool kind of cool i need a wait this is like this is like your house here isn't it on my old house yeah i haven't been there in forever i have a new house now but let's go check it out my old house oh now i have you right where i want you hey what are you gonna do here in this little hole i'm just kidding george there's nothing like in here at least we'll probably oh there's a bow that's exactly what we needed and there's a string that's in here there's three there's six strings we don't need string and a bow you know that right oh yeah but you can make one i don't know if you can use any channel there's a bow in the top chest so wait how do you make a dispenser it's like um minecraft dispenser like with a dispenser is there like a random thing it's not really random is that you need cobblestone and redstone do you have a single cobblestone oh uh you gotta have a redstone in here somewhere i know where you can get redstone but also i think there might be redstone down here [Music] i was right infinite redstone yeah i mean you guys set this up do you remember setting this up it was so long ago hey but i remembered it i remember there was redstone here so i'm taking one of them you can take one take as many as you need actually all right how do we get i need some more i'll take some case oh i only have a stuck touch pick on my hoops i have eight redstones enough for eight things okay that's good then wait i'm saying like because we might need redstone like for the actual thing like i need like a repeater or something did you bring the blocks no we'll go get them go get them all right because i have a i have fortune all right i got him okay oh wait yeah i just realized that not high enough yet oh god oh now we're high enough easily boom come out come on [Laughter] come on now oh come on now oh my god i hate it huh just wait that was a bed what okay all right we destroyed some history today wait give me the bow pass the bow wait where did my water go can you use a broken bow guess we'll find out yeah oh what okay um how do we get out we go out through the poo machine we can go out this way this way look we can go where do we want to go this way all right fine there was a slow way it's like i've been creative it's only break the wood okay so how do we do this i don't know how to do the random chance thing i don't know it doesn't randomly choose one of the nine slots i'm just giving an example i don't know if we needed a dispenser wait it's very might we could give it like a random chance of having okay how about how about this ready you set it down if you put something in right and then you trigger it does it always put it out and bust it okay it doesn't like yeah how about this well i think it's like the first one hey look look watch let's do a little experiment um pretty sure it picks like the first one every time or something we're going to find out no it's random and that's the biggest map was the first thing no it's just random all right we can make bets no it's random look okay you want to make a bat dream yeah we're playing roulette all right let's see what we do no we do one at a time so instead of this what we do is you have to pick one that you're saying it's not that's not gonna come out that's what you say and then you press the button if it comes out then you lose the thing you wagered and then the person has to go next so like you can't just we have to both put up what we're going to wage it right now yeah we do okay i would have to do a really good item we can start off small i'll wager a name tag okay fine then i will wager um what's equal to a name tag name tag is pretty good to be fair our name tag is not that good it's written down i have some we can both have stuff in here oh you know what you know what i'll wager okay this is actually really good this is better than yours but whatever yeah it's fine oh wait wait you're a creeper head okay creeper head creeper head so i don't think a shield is going to come out so if a shield comes out i have to give you the same tag but then you have to do it again you have to go okay shoot you have to go until somebody loses yeah shield oh okay you're lucky i don't think dirt's gonna come out okay dot if you get this one wrong what are the items okay i'm gonna say i'm gonna say a leather okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait come out if it's leather we continue if it's not lovely yeah yeah yeah please let them be all right it's not going to be leather okay okay so i get the name tag so we can move up an item so you can move up on items i wanted my name here's your you have a you have a thing you have a thing here we can do like yeah okay okay how about you need to the fundy finisher do you know what this is no you don't know what the fundy finisher is no this is the item i used to finish fundy sounds like a dumb useless item another star another star that is pretty good okay what can you what can you use what can you put up for for that a totem of undying this is an op this is an op oh my god totem movement dying versus netherstar who's gonna who's gonna win okay you're still going to start this time hey okay what are the items wait there's an item missing what was it it was the one that came out for you so oh there's cobble there's one cobble there you go okay all right i don't think the map is gonna come out you don't think the map's gonna come out okay go for it by the way i got the total dying from from from uh fundy okay but what i say the map okay okay i don't think the obsidian the obsidian yes yes okay okay okay okay okay what do you think i think i don't think the diamond's gonna come out twice in a row it's gonna come out right now three two one diamond ah jukebox okay surely g box won't come out twice all right you can go with that logic until somebody eventually loses it guys the map the map okay um i'll say uh i'll say a diamond a diamond it's gonna be a diamond it's gonna be the diamond oh the map back to back i i'm glad i didn't go with the map okay okay um leather leather oh god oh god this is annoying it was a 117 trillion chance of back-to-back maps apparently what just went dirt i'm not telling you you're going to guess enderpearl no map it's gonna be again it's from the map so much oh i'm going to be so happy when i won this another star i'm gonna win this this this whatever it's called tell someone dying okay shield shield shield wait no oh no imagine it's shield now you changed your mind or it's not shield and then i literally can you change to the one that it is cobble a pearl you know what speed i'm going with a pearl no okay you have to go you have to go you have to go because i throw it first i went first i went first so what i have to do to get the totem underneath all i have to do is guess what's not gonna come out please please i'm going for the diamond it's going to be the diamond it's got to be let's go yes no yes yes yes yes this is sad this is the best day this is actually the best day this is the best day this is the best day oh my god would you want to trade next trident you're wait what your trident mending riptide 3 unbreaking through i wait hmm wait i don't know if i want to trade it that's the only other thing of value i have really i have a stack of gold and you can always put up the totem again or the leather shower again yeah i'll do the train i'll do the train wait do i i don't i really don't want to lose the try on the train it's too good i don't have anything else i will put up yeah yeah let's hear what you're putting up a god apple a god apple um what is equal value to that that apples are pretty rare and there's not that many on the server i'd say there's probably barely less trident than there are got apples on the stove right now huh god apple the god apple is useful but like i would much rather have a tritone than a god apple you know so how about how about another star i'll do another star again okay okay i'll do another star okay i'll go first this time she's gonna get it first shield it's gonna show mmm obsidian dream i'm sorry nap i almost went shield i almost went shield oh my god i was gonna say shield and i was like so i went how did he know obsidian oh the shield again shield's popping off you know there's oh come on i know it's the gambler's files it was still good come on shield we're gonna go wait wait wait wait wait wait i'm going shield wait wait wait are you sure you want to go shield yes i'm walking in you do realize if you go shield and it comes out shield that god apple is mine yes i'm going shield shield why did you go shoot it too what is wrong with you you know what you know what shield shield no no this is going to be enough you're going to you're going to stop before i do shield [Laughter] shoot shoot no what we're going to go again it's like almost likely now that we would have gotten a shield oh god it's good oh god there's no way you go there's no way you go it again it's already it's alright i'm pretty sure it's been that's eight right i'm pretty sure that's eight this will be the ninth this will be the ninth george technically it's it was no more likely shield oh my god i have to go shoulder i look like a i'm going okay i'm going shield shield oh shield this is definitely the ship it's definitely the shortest time we both know it's okay we both know it's the show please no please don't be a shield no oh my is it really oh my it's gonna be this shield oh all right shield no oh my god let's go i'm joking i'm gonna eat it let's go i'm actually farming you dream and all i have is a stupid name tag to show for it you're farming for a god apple and that's stupid totally you see that dumb runescape gambling where you just like kill each other and then you have to get like a million coins or whatever that's so dumb you're such a gambler oh my god oh my god you need one more yes i'll do one more okay what do you want to do it for what do you want to do i'll do it for i just popped off what's more valuable to you golden apples or diamond blocks golden apples a stack of golden apples and we need we need to go bigger though when you go bigger what's the you want you want to go big you want to go big or go home right a stack of golden apples a stack of golden apples is you have a stack of golden apples yes i have multiple stacks going now i'm willing to give you one a stack of normal golden apples yes what what can i do in return for a stack of golden apples how about all my discs no how about not worth it i don't have much other stuff i don't a stack of golden apples um i don't really have much i i can only offer already stuff that i already have that'd be fine you could do the totem the totem or the netherstar how about no you want anything another stuff you're going to keep offering this dumb another star and i'm never going to win it you want another stuff this will be the third time right the nether star first this star is it's bait it's super debate i guess it doesn't even exist you don't even have it you want to do a stack yeah stackable knuckles okay okay all right you ready you want to go first or should i go fast uh i'll go first okay the shield what the what what you still have to freaking go go freaking get on the dispenser choose your dumb item shield you're so this damn shield hates me damn shield doesn't like me at all this damn shield has screwed me up please don't be assumed please don't be a joke you're farming me what is wrong with you oh my god i can't i was so funny that was so it was just stupid she just popped out it was so dumb all right i'm going you know what i'm going all in i'm going down yeah maybe i didn't want to go anymore you don't have to go it's fine i'll i'll consider your trade let me hear your trade real quick there we go okay you're so dumb i will do all the marbles here we go i will do all right here we go are you ready i will do four netherride ingots 15 diamond blocks and a non-enchanted trident what would you suggest i offer a total of undying and another star are you serious yes that's equal that's definitely cool wait what is your offer again a trident unenchanted i'm not trying to try it four i can upload it i can add something else here i'll add something else i think i think that's better for me for you i'll add something else to make it even more fair because to be fair like i don't really need the diamonds the triangle would be nice to have and the nether right isn't that hard to get um i'll throw in the creeper head too okay okay okay that's a good deal now that's actually a good deal dream i think it's a good deal so a creeper head an unenchanted trident four nether right ingots and fifteen diamond blocks four and another star and a totem diamond yes and the total dying was originally mine yes yes that is that is my deal i'm going i'm logging off are you ready yes yes i'm ready shield guild the server would have been burnt to the ground by the time i left that would actually be incredible if that was a shield okay okay come on concentrate map spirit okay who went first me i went but i went first okay leather if it's the that was leather you you owe me all your stuff okay i'm feeling cobblestone cobblestone oh shoot shield kill keeps popping up obsidian oh it's so nerve-wracking and the power if george wins again and the power ended oh i i was gonna say obsidian like i was thinking obsidian and then i went and departed oh my god oh my god okay come on go shield go shield go i'm going obsidian oh my god oh my god imagine you went shield imagine you went shield oh my god you are so i'm never going shield again i don't care if it gives me higher odds or something to get out like i don't care i'm not going to shield shield shield oh it's screwing you oh no it's cobble oh god i really want to go shield do it this is going to go i'm going i'm going to show cause there's no way it's been so much there's no way i'm going shield wait i'm changing level okay okay well it didn't matter either matter oh you put it back i didn't mean to try to click the click the button from the back dirt well dream it was great doing business with you thank you for all the stuff and um yeah if you ever want to play again dream just let me know all i got was a name tag a name tag i lost so much stuff [Music] okay gambling is bad kids you didn't give me the trident where's the trident oh yeah i didn't you're right oh did i talk to you something extra i know i didn't oh yeah thanks for the trying thank you thank you thank you thank you well it was a great business transaction dream and yeah i'm i'm happy with how that turned out so dream what does this tell you about gambling it's bad gambling is bad you heard it from dream don't gamble that's you george you're rich like you gambled and now you're rich you're you are a hypocrite i was gonna stop and then you baited me back in for the final round you know that right i was gonna i was gonna stop and you're like i'm going i'm going in i'm dreaming i've got stuff and i'm gonna i'm gonna oh wait look at this oh hello i'm awesome dude hello double gave me that like now it's mine cowboy but it's not it's not like the other items are like useful oh it's nice i like it i'll take a creep ahead well i i i like i like that that was fun good idea yeah we'll do it again some at some point it won't have the shield in there we'll have something else my nhs is too full i can get rid of lapis i need lapis yeah what if we did one another time where we each put in an equal amount of items when we press the button to keep the item that comes out oh that's interesting as it is less interesting actually it's definitely less interesting but like this guy is so fun or what if you call what item pops out you get to keep it until it's empty hmm possible yeah it's like do a little twist on the meme what are we calling this game minecraft jackpot can i can i lose all my money before my friend wins my money i i can't believe you lost that hard that's crazy i lost three times and i won once right i think you lost four times oh yeah actually yeah i'm pretty sure i did oh four times and i won once what are the odds of that someone someone write it in at least at least one in seven and a half billion probably probably probably fairly rare to be fair not like but not that um well let's work it out we both we don't have to worry about the odds because it's like we both have the same odds it's basically 50 50 who wins right oh yeah i guess the second yeah i think it is i think it is 50 50 seconds it's technically like 50 50 who wins you lost like four times i think i lost the first one then i won four in a row so it's 0.5 to the power of four which is six point two five percent not too rare i guess it's not that right that's still that's that's pretty good for like for that though for you like approximately like you had a five percent chance of winning that that many oh so people are saying you won three ah it wouldn't be that actually if it's 50 50 that wouldn't be unlikely actually that much just because it's only one extra for you um yeah i think it's probably like 20 or something at the time well it is what it is you lost the house always wins and i am as they call oh the house i am the house when has every anybody ever called you the house everyone in the chat's calling me the house right now well now that you said it they weren't before you said that everyone in the chat's also calling you goggy i like when i'm in the house that's my new name the house what's up guys it's the house here back out again with all of dreams items you're so annoying oh that was fun you need to build a casino on here and then have people come and play games like that with you and i'm the house then i would be at the point you are there but then i need a house but then i need a house edge yeah you need to rig it so that way you just went a little bit every time yeah how would you rate that well you just you don't rig it you just play those games where it's like they have a they have a chance of like a bigger chance of losing but you have like diamonds in the chest right or like netherride or something they have like a bigger chance of losing a win but they'll just play it and then overall when everyone comes come to play you'll end up with more or less diamonds or something if i build a casino on the s p and just start farming everyone's items i make a blackjack table where's my why does my water keep disappearing it's in one of these slabs i'm pretty sure i think it's right here it's not here where did my water go it just disappeared when did you wake up jeremy um i don't know a while ago oh same i've been up so long that that game really woke me up though i'm not tired anymore i was kind of tired yeah until you cashed out i cashed out what do we do now i don't know i'm on twitter ah i guess i'll just go on twitter let's have a look oh okay interesting call has what i just saw that girl tweet and carl always really see carl replied to her and carl replies whoever you are well this applies to everyone well yeah i guess but he replies the same dumb thing where he goes like i it's me carl with a picture of him or something to like um karena yeah and is that a problem is that is there a problem during i fell um well i don't know what to do now i'm all memed out i'm all memed out yeah well do you have any ideas or should i um as they say end the stream good in the stream everyone wants us to play bedwars do you want to play bedwars really everyone wants us to play do you want to play bedwars or not well i mean so that's a no dream doesn't want to play bedwars not really oh you're gifted a sub by the way an hour ago nice what do you love most about dream his items that he gives me you are such a gold digger your hoodie looks comfy is it made out of boyfriend material i don't think so i think it's i don't know oh there's no there's no label in the back i don't know what it's made out of the labels like made at twitch i'm wearing a youtube hoodie on twitch they're gonna ban me yeah be careful don't don't uh never mind don't want don't say any of the banned words be careful no you can say them oh that's just a joke hey should i do it and see what happens no no no no no no no no no you only get banned if you say it like in a mean way in like what's it called when you like attack someone with words harassing harassing you it's only not allowed if you say in a harassing way i can say the word should i say it and just risk it i'm scared now i don't want to get banned oh no okay come on i can say the word twitch if you banned me for saying a word then that's not okay what's happening what are you going to do to them now they're just going to do it to see what you do because they're not they're not afraid you think twitch is afraid of you george no i don't want to say that they're looking at me in my youtube hoodie like oh we're gonna get we're gonna get rid of him he's gonna get kicked back to the streets i'm gonna say it i'm gonna say it you keep saying that i'm gonna say it if you if you don't watch out i'm gonna say it you're gonna get cancelled for saying it it's a it's a slur now it's a twitch slur why are you letting dream walk around with that fat cape bro like control him i can't stop him how much do i need to donate a dream to do my english homework how much dream uh i am nothing oh you'll do it for free no i'm not gonna do your english don't worry hi george hello glossy honey hello i love you almost as much as i love dream wait so you what okay all right that's great are you friends with talia mara and the sidemen i remember you played amongst italia once uh no well i'm not not friends with them i just don't know them but i did play with talia once um but no i don't really know them at all story time story time so oh my god there's this hilarious story so dream was like he made this bet against me and he won he won the battle you can't think of like he won the bet but then like he went on to lose the next three bats you baited me with the dumb name tag i wanted to do good items at first i would have gotten a good item oh my god so do you have a story to tell the class stream i don't know i can't think of any oh wait hey george could your dream give me a yearbook quote it's due tomorrow and i have absolutely nothing shield that's the yearbook quote just shield so lame that's so not lame that is so for the rest of their life they're gonna look like on this yearbook well you have so these make it decent yeah that's cool that is cool yeah they're gonna remember this one dumb stream at this one specific moment for the rest of their life like shield that's dumb that's dumb ah shield's funny you still have to take your turn oh was that like oh you're playing no i won right yeah you you went first i went first i'm pretty sure what is your opinion on bingus i have no id what is bingus do you know what bingo's dream true i'm like watching you through the grass um story i'm thinking of a story how about story story story think there's probably a good story we can tell george please let us out of the closet we're hungry says george's wife and kids no what about like a good like like a good like sap nap story it'd be funny because oh there's loads of funny starting up stories i know there's like loads of funny stuff now stories that i just can't say i could probably think of like we could go on for hours here i have won this kind of borderline that i could i could maybe say okay pop off it's not like that bad it's kind of it's more funny though go ahead go ahead oh if someone says yeah if someone subs you have to tell the story they just subbed well no actually i i thought kayla just stopped thank you two months in a row i said the next puzzle that subs for two months in a row you have to tell the story message me the story well how just quickly summarize it do i know the story yeah you you know all right just quickly summarize it in discord you're not typing um here i'll type hello george i hope your night slash day has treated you well i apologize if this is rude to ask but could you check out the tattoo of dreams icon i got on my toe my twitter handle is the same as my donut username i'll check it out after the stream let me write down your name i will check it out thank you stupidest thing you've heard sound up or dreams say offline that they probably don't remember um oh they say stupid stuff all the time i don't know blood blitz thank you for giving five subs yeah george says dumb things i think you can tell that story i probably probably could but like it's also i guess it's yeah um it's just kind of it's just a good that's a good story that's so weird though why would he do that yeah i don't know it was funny it was funny when we found out because we were just roasting him oh yeah i was oh this is oh this is oh this is funny this this is this is a good one we can we can tell it's kind of like mimi but so like okay sapnap how can i say this without like saying anything weird sapnap snapping up like i don't even remember how long ago i was like it was it was quite a while ago was like dating this girl right and and well he was and then he sent a picture of her like just with his face like a picture of a picture of himself to her and then like george sent it to him the next day that was like how the hell did you get that picture where did you get that picture from and george was like don't worry about it he's like what did you get where did you get the picture from i don't know i had to the picture and it was like i think that and like she had like screenshots or something and like sent it to george it's like a joke inside that was like that was matt that was mad he didn't understand how he had gotten the picture and it was so funny but george was just like roasting him but it's funny because like then like then like a little bit later like it was like i think it's actually is it still on his instagram i think it's still on his instagram i think it wait there's no way let's see no no it's that picture that was the picture he put it up later he like put it on oh it's it's not good he removed it it used to be there it was like a picture of him like it was in bed with like a snapchat filter on or something he's got these like french bed sheets oh hold on because that's how it happened he said like oh he said i think he was i think he might have been talking about his bed cheese oh and i said oh they were like the ones yeah he was so confused happy he figured it out oh my god and he's like oh no i must have sent you that i must have sent you like the photo at the time i must have sent you it and you're like no you you didn't i don't think i did but i must have you like no i know no he didn't i just named him he's got he's got memed swam that's a good south nap story what's a good what's a good dream story ah dream stories dream stories um you can always just message them to each other and then be like oh yeah this is a cool story to tell on stream purple skull thanks for giving me five subs and at you for giving five subs as well hi george and dream i wanna learn how to code any advice for a complete beginner um i don't know how you personally learn but i just watch youtube videos and that's how i learn i just watch youtube videos and if you're if you actually want a lunch code you're not just doing it because you think it's good or whatever i don't know it'll be a lot easier if you're actually interested this this story i remember the story now it's like it's like a funny story but also it's like it's kind of it's kind of like a telling story like of how you shouldn't you shouldn't let like your emotions like control you i guess so means i don't there there's this there was like you know right when i quoted the basketball game yeah like in minecraft so there's this we i coded this this game where it's basketball in minecraft it took a long time and it was a lot of fun and means i know we're playing it and we were like we like bet money on it right so we were like betting money on the game how much money no we were betting money i i it wasn't that much it was like before it was before i did youtube so i guess i know i was yeah it was before i did this must like at least a year and a half ago and um it was probably like it was probably something like a hundred bucks or something like i mean it's a lot of money but not like you know so much that it's crazy um we're running like 100 bucks probably and then like we we would do like a series right and it was like so we're playing like actually like like pretending it's like like like nba star it's like seven games and so sapnap like went up like three to oh right and he was being so like so cocky and up to that point i was being like so whatever right like so like so reasonable and everything being like just no i'm competitive but i don't get like toxic in that way right so he's up through and he's being like super toxic oh yeah because i was before before i was like talking all this crap before it right about how like i'm going to beat him and whatever because we were we always we were always both very good at it and then um so after he got up three he was being so whatever and i was like all right i know like i know his i know his weakness it's kind of it's kind of like a dick move to exploit yeah no yeah his weakness is he like he he like i don't i like i've said this before and people shouldn't like stuff doesn't get things people say don't don't really get to me and so but i know what snapchat does like with with certain things like i know like competitively if you're like calling him trash to his face like oh he does like he does not take it well and it totally affects him like majorly and so i just became like the biggest trash talker like of the century i was like talking about his mom talking about like his friends about everything and it just like threw him off so bad and i like and then i i won them like all the rest him and then he was like i remember on the last game he got so mad and he like he muted his team speaks and was like just playing the game he muted to try and come back to try because i was like winning by a lot and i still barely won i had a big enough lead and then he came on he was like so pissed and he was like he was he was saying a lot of me and stuff but he was like oh yeah yeah yeah he was uh he was so mad he was so mad but it's funny because it's like to me it was like oh well i mean yeah that was a week he was doing it to me it doesn't do anything but when i did it back to him like three times as hard it like totally like threw him off i think that's something that's like it's it's like when you which one has a weakness like that in like a game it's just funny though oh my god thank you so much for giving 25 subs thank you that's a lot of subs thank you very much bloodbloods you remember like bad bet money with you right and it was something like oh it was something absurd like because he was like so much better than you no yeah he was like oh i'll bet you money that you can't that he that you can't no and then and then he doubled on nothing like twice yeah right and then he ended up owning like 500 i don't think he i don't think he ever paid me well no no because this is what happened so like bad got so mad because bad was like that we were all betting money on this back of the day it was funny um but like so bad was betting money with george like he would like beat george by more than 10 points right because like he like he's played george so many times and he's like crushed him like every time like he was playing him because george george would like george first of all he's ping and stuff because it's like a us server but also he just wasn't as good at the game and so like bad was like so confident he's like oh you can't get attention george like you know what like i'll do it back because and bad didn't make him put up anything that was just like oh because he really bad one really wanted to play he's like all right i'll put up 100 and then george like i think that's how i started because i just didn't want to play and he really wanted yeah he was like i'll bet you 100 because he was so sure that he would win yeah he was so sure he was going to win but he just wanted to like play and so he bet 100 and then george like george got george actually like i destroyed it i literally like beat him i didn't even like no you just barely beat him but the thing is like you had never beaten him before like so not only did you beat him by more than 10 points but you beat him like you actually beat him and so bad was like so mad and i was like double or nothing double or nothing double or nothing and then you're like you're like uh fine whatever but you you like really didn't want to do it but he's like oh yeah do it or i'm not going to pay you all right so you're like this is what happened to me but like i doubled nothing and there's like a glitch it's like something like he won no but it was in such a trash way no no you won you won yeah this is what happened so he did double or nothing um but that george wouldn't do it for double or nothing so he made it raise it up to five hundred dollars instead of one hundred dollars and george was like fine i'll do it for five hundred dollars and so they they got down to it and then um george like there was one glitch with the code so george like george had the george had to not win the game but it had to get within 10 right and george was george was down by nine points like one point for being out of this like this radar thing and um bad like i don't know people don't understand basketball but bad mist missed a point and it went out the back and it should have been his ball but it switched it to george because of a glitch george just like hugged like hogged the ball for the last 30 seconds and then one and then that was like i wouldn't accept it no bad would not except bad was like oh i would have totally gotten even though well he might not have but like i keep as well probably it was like 50 50 like it was 50 50 between whether he did or he didn't and it was funny because he just like he was he was like oh i'll compromise i'll compromise i'll give you 200. oh yeah because then we split i remember we split i think that's what and then he's i don't think he ever paid it because like yeah he was like 200. he paid 200 or whatever yeah he paid you because he paid you like 200 because he was saying like i'll pay you half or whatever because i'm like i don't think you there's a glitch i don't think you deserve the full thing but then i'm pretty sure we like i think technically we we bet again and i lost it all and then we were even i'm pretty sure that happened no no i'm pretty sure that happened but i don't know no you didn't you didn't not george with the twitch cup and youtube hoodie that's true youtube hoodie twitch cup yeah those are funny though so there were so many funny moments out of out of those like was it you were me and wait was it me it was me and you that went against callahan and bad right not me not me and staff never when we completely destroyed them oh and we had i have that do i have that audio flip is so so funny we were like crying like i i honestly think that it like in my life if i depict like my top 10 funniest hobbies ever i would say that that would be in the top ten and the thing is like george has it on recording so it's so i don't know i don't know if i still have it anymore oh it was so funny though like what happened was like bad bad and callahan were both like so confident they were going to beat us like they were like talking so much crap i don't think they bet money but they're like so confident and then we like totally like i think we won by like 40 points it was not even that's like a ton and like that that is a lot like it you have to actually literally like be like curb stomping them into the ground they're like they're like little kids that's how bad it was and so like every time we would score a point we'd just be like talking trash like we're together so hard and like when we go for like 25th minute george has a threes point they're up 300 to zero and it was so funny because we were um like yeah that wasn't talking and there was another like we kept we kept like memeing it it's like george would like just come and take these crazy shots and just hit them like in the three of the three it's like a half court it just chucks it up we're already up by 30. it goes in it's like 33. we're both just like screaming of like joy and then when we do and then when we do win like we're sitting there for the next like 10 minutes just and i'm like wheezing i can't even breathe like i was laughing so hard and that because because yeah because george would be like but it's a yeah he goes down he takes the last shot it's in they lose by 100. like like just these dumb memes where it's like everything they just but it was so funny it's also funny because it's like when somebody's trashing like trash talking and then you're just like how did we like there's no way we should have like done that like it was funny because it was the second time like the first time we beat them really badly and they're like oh go again and we beat them like double as bad the next time so it was like it was so much funnier yeah they go they go oh they got they got they got beamed on super they got super immune that game was so fun though that was so fun to play like it's like does it still work i see it i think it does i think it does still work yeah but i don't know i don't know where it is i know i know it's so weird it's like 1.8 though wasn't it and the air hockey that i could it was super fun too air hockey was was it was yeah okay it was good hyogi hi dweem hello presley hello have either of you ever fought someone if so did he win i don't think i've ever been in a fight have you dreamed not really in ghost kenny thanks for giving five subs thank you you have not been in a fight not like a real fight so a fake fight yeah i guess um yeah no that was so fast so i i don't know like that might be our that might be our funniest memory together like i don't know i don't know what tops we would just say i don't know we would just die like to be fair like it wasn't i don't think it was actually that funny like technically but it's like everything kind of comes together like it was like a couple things one it was me and you like dominating as a team and then two it was me and you like showing up some people that were like trash talking the hell out of us and then three it was like you could just tell how mad they were so they're like ten times funnier and then four it's like bad in calahan they're like our friends so it's like 10 times funnier i don't know i think all of it put together and then like obviously we're just like the fact that it was just so funny that like i mean like from when i thought i think it was that i think for us yeah it was like for us it was no thing for us for for us it was technically one of the funniest like that's probably one of the funniest songs top 10 memes top 10 basketball okay what i think we have to think of another top ten funny meme that we've that's happened um oh i guess this one's not as funny but callaghan yeah the dumb callahan thing where like the guy who was it was like a list or something was like stuck on the edge like floating in the fireball then boosted him off and he fell and died in bed it was so dumb we were playing we were like again all these stories usually that are so funny like lead back to like competitiveness like we were like me it was me george callahan and i think sapnap maybe or or no lakota and so it was like the four of us we wanted to do a 4v4 versus like bad and like his friend so it was like bad alyssa no it was bad and like a bunch of people that like i don't even know i'm pretty sure yeah but like yeah his friends from like munchies yeah he had like a sweat bed was a sweat bedwars team we were like we can beat them like we can beat them he's like there's no way they play like bedwars like 24 times a day and so we're sitting there like all right we can like we can beat them because we're very good but like we don't play bedwars like ever and so we're like all right we can win and so we went on and we four before them and like we have the victory in the bag like we have it in the back we've killed all them their beds working there's one person left they're glitched in a block floating over the void like that that is how bad their situation is like all and then we have one person left and we're trying to tell him like it was callaghan was left well like callahan he's like right there like you just go like if you just break the block like break the block they'll fall into the void just break the block and the callaghan like sees it he pulls out a fireball and he miss throws it it hits the block in front of him boosts him backwards off the edge and we lose and we're all we're all sitting there like so pissed that we were yeah that was enough we weren't loving we were man we were not laughing but it's funny looking back that was so funny and we're saying my travels that's another top 10 money my sure i have oh you know yeah my yeah that yeah that's that's top 10 for sure my shop is top 10. this is the way you said that you fell into my truck i don't know how my trap why did you say my trap doesn't make any sense i don't know it's funny because i slowly realized like why did he say that like imagine him trapping me in the x-ray like we're chat we're like a team like in traffic doesn't make any sense i don't know i don't know why said that i have no idea why i said that it made me think of like the trolls because i was like oh you trapped me i could trap sat down and then i trapped that with that like block in front of the thing and he's like just ran splat into it and that's what i started i just started like oh that was funny in the in you can't in my video when you can't touch the floor when like you guys just kept dying on that block that was actually really i like that one yeah i don't know if that's top ten that was that's probably like top i was dying in that one top 50 he's like i told stand up i broke the blog i placed the block back but i didn't and his reaction when he came back he's like why did you do that you're an idiot you were such an idiot i just died he was so mad i don't know that was hilarious talking i don't know do i have a weakness stream public school thank you for 10 gifted subs thank you so much thank you i think your weakness is that you just don't care a lot like about most things when it comes to like competition like you get you can get into it but like you don't really care like so sometimes that will hurt you because like if you like you don't care enough to like try hard super hard you know what i mean so even like an mcc and stuff like that that's not actually like okay listen listen george is easily george's i'll say this 100 george is easily a top 10 mcc player yet he's only finished top 10 once i like the six times he's been in it he's easily a top 10 mcc player like easily not not even close like he's like potentially like top eight like for sure like he's easily but he doesn't george doesn't try and george doesn't care so he's like he focuses like on having i told him one time because he was saying like when we were team for the dream team he was saying how like he feels like if he had his camera off he would do better because like i guess i don't know i guess that's something he focuses on like not that not guessing not that his camera's on but like he focuses on being funny and you know making funny facial expressions and doing funny things like showing his cat or whatever and like so he doesn't and so he was thinking about for the dreams he wanted turning it off so he could focus because he really wanted to win no no you should i don't know maybe not that one i i know i'm pretty sure i turned it off for one of the one of the mcc's it was the one where you were the best 90 sure i turned that off but yeah like george like george is like george has played minecraft for a long time he came from mcpvp like a pvp server he's like uh he used to like he used to try hard like soup and stuff and like he is extremely good like the only like major weakness he has is like parkour and even that like he's still very good at it compared to everyone else like if he was trying if he was try harding at mcc there's no chance that that he doesn't get top 10 like there's no chance and he like sometimes you finish like 24th ones i think what the hell is wrong with you what is that and so i think that's your weakness your weakness that you don't care i feel like sometimes it's good though not to care because you don't get too like toxic about it but also i feel like you don't care in some situations where you you should care like uh you know more i guess understandable yeah i think that's your weakness probably that's like that's not the same weakness i guess as what they're saying i guess i don't know well kind of this is like it's not exciting yeah but it's not it's not exploitable but it but it is like exploitable like a toilet bowl but it's the same way like we're like fire exploitable like a toilet bowl how is that that's what it's the connection i don't know it's like eminem yeah but it's like something sorry it doesn't have meaning i don't know it sounded cool exploitable like a toilet look he's gonna he's gonna he's gonna say that's gonna be in his next the next song exploitable like a toilet bowl okay that's gonna be in the next eminem song imagine it was that'd be so cool and like he got it from me and then like on the on the genius page when you click on it it's like there's a clip of this right here and it's me saying hi genius explorable look at the ball anyway anyway would you say my weaknesses me for like competition i guess you you're you're such an idiot that's why we just like competition um your weakness for comfort okay your weakness for competition i don't know i don't know you just try hard too much but that's not a weakness yeah i think you kind of you can phrase it in a way where it's a weakness like i think i it's honestly the try harder it's that i feel like i i'm because i because i do try hard i hold myself to too high of a standard so like when things don't go my way it does end up like affecting me more than it would affect like the average person i would think like when like if i'm being if i'm not perfect then i'm like oh like what the hell is wrong with me why did i not why did i not do better at that thing or whatever i'm trying to think of an actual weakness that's a weakness but um i don't know i don't know if this is really a weakness but i feel like you get you get too um caught up on one thing and you like you just go ham on it which technique is good but like sometimes it's just like yeah no come on like with like when you were like you just like try hard experience like oh my god you would be speedrunning all day and it's like come on do something else you know yeah i guess i think it's cause if i know if i want to do something like i just like i breathe i live breathe and whatever that thing like it's so funny like it's kind of cool i watched some some guys video i think it was called like the legend of dream or something cringey but but it was a good video um but in that video he sucks he talks about like the progression of like my skills and if you go back and watch like before i started speedrunning and then after like oh like i mean i i was a trash player i mean i was a good player i was still a very good player but like and i had that potential there because i always played and i was very i was very like i had very good movement but like not extremely good movement and so if you go back and like watch a video from back then especially with like pvp and his video went into like how there was different parts where you can tell where i improved after and the reason that i'm as good as i am now is that i went through a speed running phase where there was like months where i was just completely focused on speed running every day for like 12 hours and then so then i got good at all the mechanical aspects like crafting and and you know uh you know towering and things like that and i guess not towering i don't know what i'm saying um all like the mechanical things in speedrunning that you can get good at and then and then and then i went through a phase where it was for the technoblade duel and so for the techniblade duel i like i was just non-stop pvping every day for like at least a month like probably longer i was like non-stop pvp i just woke up pvp for eight hours and then and then like stopped and so then after that period i was like i was like very good at pvp and before that i was like i was okay um and then mcc came around and because i wanted to try hard mcc i started like at the beginning i was practicing speed bridging like every day and i was practicing tridenting and elytras and parkour every day and so then like there's like those phases i don't know it's kind of interesting like dream phase oh yeah i was talking about george the the i was talking about talking to george about it like the yesterday i was like what's like the like is there another phase like or is there not like where i'll learn something that'll make me an even better player or like i'll something that i get focused on that i'm like okay i can do this to get better or whatever i don't know like what else could what else really is there in minecraft i mean you can get i think you can get even better at like things i'm already good at you know but like i feel like is there something that like because before like i would like when i first i thought i thought honestly when i got into speedrunning i thought it'd be way easier than than it was like i remember telling that to you george i was like i was like oh that this illumina guy like i can't be that hard like like i'm look i'm watching this like it takes him 15 minutes to find the fortress but then it's like when you realize like every time you're resetting like you can you can just miss things and you make one mistake and it costs you five minutes and like all these dumb things it's like i did so like when i got into it expecting oh i'll easily i'll usually just record or whatever and then it took you definitely yeah it definitely definitely didn't work out like that and building oh yeah i said that actually when we were talking about it i said building i was like imagine you could just like a build ma and then you're just like i don't know yeah i guess yeah building definitely is one of those the building's kind of hard because it's like it doesn't really benefit too much i think redstone is probably the next one i guess i might go through like a learning complicated redstone phase or something like in general my your general minecraft life redstone is kind of pointless for you but like like let's say like if i knew a lot about redstone i mean maybe i'd use it in manhunts more like i don't know maybe i would like i've used it like i i guess i actually i don't think i've ever used anything like you remember you almost killed me with a dumb redstone trap and death swap like obviously i didn't know how to do that like and if i don't know how to do that i probably would have done something like that so maybe if i knew about redstone i'd do more like cool stuff i don't know i think that could be the next thing that i try and learn i guess oh was that with the trapped chest yeah that was that was actually so good that was 10 million iq i was like oh no i left my chest i wasn't ready and it was a trap chest with pistons i pooped in lava that was that was great hey george 32 year old woman from canada here i seriously love you please stay tuned and sweet thank you purple skull thank you yeah this is like this is uh the first episode of the german jordan podcast that's not i think i think that we're shooting for getting like a like a i guess pilot episode of the podcast out in january probably um so january it's also it's like it's almost january you know yeah we haven't done anything yet yeah obviously i'm saying we just or have we see how it goes but we haven't talked about it and we've like contacted people to help us with it and we're on that we're on the track to getting a podcast nozingo thank you for giving five subs thank you to be fair we probably would be we probably would be doing if it wasn't if it wasn't for the speeder and stuff that came up because that that's kind of taken a lot of my attention away from everything that's going on so sure for now i don't think we would have done it but january maybe well no not by now not by now but like december like i think probably we'd probably probably been in december but yeah definitely january what's what the blub so we're promised what do we show like for visuals i guess you'd probably want to have your camera on right like i don't know yeah so most podcasts they just have like a little studio like that they're none of us live near each other yeah but like some pockets like obviously it's like the boys they just have they all have their cameras on there um yeah what if what if we get okay you know you know how um you can like make an animation based off a video you're a bad used to do that what if you have your webcam on and it's linked to an animation yeah and then me and sam i just have our cameras on that's so funny it's like a v tuber here yeah you could be a vp i don't know i don't know what if i think we made like a 3d dream model and you're a youtuber no i think it'd probably be better i don't know what we would do i honestly don't know what we would do i think that i think patches cam it's just patches it's just you stroking patches the whole time what you could've said petting like that was already it's the same i mean what's the difference one is weird and one's not no jeremy's sounded like a castle during your x-ray fight killed me yeah that's that's definitely a top 10 meme for sure top 10 dream memes what what i landed in the water and it didn't it didn't block me yeah what's another topic what's another like offline top 10 meme um uh oh snap nap or me or my bad i guess um bad there's always funny ones but like i can't i'm so bad at thinking up stuff like on the spot what's so funny is like i think most of the most inappropriate ones are probably involving bad but only because like we do it on purpose because bad's there and it makes sense oh you know what you know what was funny the other day in the in the dream smp discord but it was offline what what do you mean what you remember what other day what happened are you when it was me even like techno and bad oh what's up no i think what we're not gonna we can't talk about that whatever i don't know that would be a top 10 offline meme i think really i don't know that was funny wait when were we oh no i went to that's top 10. i think you only think it's top 10 because of a recency bias maybe that was funny though it was funny we were popping off it was also funny when they were in the dumb denny's though and they had their camera oh that that was funny as well i mean that was that definitely wasn't top ten but it was it was 50. i don't know what top 50. it wasn't that it was funny he kept looking at the dumb menu and being like no dream i'm not going to get the the mexican pancakes or some dumb stuff the cracker he was saying there's a lot of it was funny i'm trying to think i'm sorry i i know that's actually the worst thing when when you bring up a story and then don't tell it i hate i actually hate when people do that i'm sorry well there's some sort there's just some stuff that's actually like the probably the thing i hate the most when when someone does that so i'm sorry what's the piss baby meme dream cracking up with i'm a little pissed baby and a voice changing gets me every time well dream pissed the bed so he's a piss baby um what is this pyramid it's l rapids oh i don't know look you're coming down here whoa oh rapids they're popping off dead fire coral block that's crazy go to corpses house oh yeah corpse came on the s p where's corpse's house was that oh i didn't watch most i like much of that stream i was this corpses house here i'm gonna go kill some of these cows really quickly oh no it's not it just looks cool that's another good offline meme um there's probably a lot involving that too fair we always thought we talked about like 24 7 before um i don't know i'm so bad at thinking on the spot i feel like i can't do it oh here's one of my weaknesses i've got a weakness of mine i feel like when there's a lot of input i just can't handle it like when there's too much like too many options i just can't do that like in build mart you have to remember all the stuff where everything goes i just can't do it i can't do it and like whenever someone like reads something out loud that they have to like remember parts from i can't do that i have to see it in writing i just can't that's an annoying weakness i hate that i feel like it's not it's not like multitasking that's not like i don't think it's multitasking it's just like i don't know i don't know there's a lot of things i don't know yeah um i'm trying to think of an offline meme of just funny funny memes offline memes but the thing is most of the offline memes that are funny i don't think we can why is there a ravager here um because i think tubbo is doing something with it he's trying to like like create teleportation or something i bite you okay create what um like teleportation teleportation i think it's like he found a glitch or something like you can like teleport using them somehow i don't know um why is there a button huh it's the mantra this is the tree that was interesting why is half the tree gone the ravanger oh that was funny that was an arm line meme that was just improv i had no idea where i was taking you then i went to the portal and it was in the mesa biome the first thing i thought of was that as a memo that's perfect hey you would follow me down huh what else am i supposed to do oh there is some funny omega stories those are those are so funny oh those are funny these are more those like really recent though most of it like all of them pretty much all right go ahead oh those are funny though those are funny go ahead tell the story uh you've been you've actually you've done it way more than i have i can't i don't i can't think of an individual funny moment it's just funny in general but yeah it's yeah it's it's just it's like collectively funny yeah i'm trying to think of like i don't know i'm trying to think of a funny story i guess i don't know i don't know i can't think i can't think of something right now it's just like it's just funny in general right yeah it's mostly just like just funny in general like like carl will go on or conor or george or skeppy or whoever like would go on with like their face came on like on omegle and to random tags like not only like minecraft tags just like random attacks and minecraft tags and then um and they're like screen share and discord so we can yeah they'll screen share and discord so we can see and we can hear what's going on and then they can hear us and then we'll just like tell them things to say and stuff and then we'll they'll just act super dumb and just like try and like troll people basically but and like with carl it's funny because like everyone notices him basically like i was like recognized i would say like twenty percent of the time yeah like twenty percent of the time it's so funny when like it's like there was one time carl could like tell the guy recognized him like the guy was like kind of like he had his face when he first come and then like he tried to act normal and they're having a normal conversation the car was like wait do i think i think i might recognize you and the guy was like no i recognized you though and then he just skipped him right when he said and carl was like got him i knew he i knew he reckoned because he like doesn't like when we're like on random tags he doesn't he doesn't like having people that recognize him because it's more funny when they don't because we just can do dumb memes with them yeah and the microcurrent it's funny that we just like we don't like we just do more more like generic stuff like ask them who their favorite youtuber is or something so um yeah he is well cause he's in all it's cause he's in like he's in like all of our streams and then he's in all of mr beast's videos and then so it's like the demographic people who recognize him like all the kids recognize them all the teenagers recognize them all the adults recognize them everyone's like like yeah everyone like a lot of people know carl like i feel like mr beast is probably like mr beast is obviously more recognizable than carl but like carl's extremely recognizable when was the last time during more flip-flops or crocs he's wearing them right now probably a long time i don't know if i've i guess i probably worked one crocs before i guess i won or flip-flops too i don't know along when i was a kid it is it is fun it's funny though yeah he's doing this dumb bit where like he starts like he's just like he's taking screenshots like on his on his like ipad and like he's like acting like he's taking photos though of the person he's like talking to they always get so weirded out very funny he just pulls out his ipad he's like hey guy oh let's not show my screen he's like hey guys let's take a photo and he's like boop he starts like screenshotting it yeah and then it's funny though he pulls out i remember like a lot of times you'll like tell someone to do something they start to do it just skips them like as soon as they they start doing it there was this one guy that he was just like i remember there was two specific situations but one guy was like he's like oh he's telling some stories like oh yeah and the other day you go oh no i don't think we have all day and then i was like no no i have all day and then i was like yeah well the other day skips like right there now he's like about to go into this story i remember there was another one it was i think it's on the minecraft tag there was some there was some girl i think i i saw her like a tick tock that she made about it afterwards but it was like carl like she was carl like she had a guitar in the background or something and carl was like oh can you play um can you play guitar and she was like yeah i could play guitar he was like oh play me play me a song and she was like okay and then she goes to she's like she goes to get it and he skipped it when she had her as soon as she got back it was like a minute later at least like she went like through all this effort got the guitar sat down at the girl just skipped her and then like oh no no yeah we got her it was the moment later no it was the moment she she went and got the guitar she got back and she plays the first first note and then he leaves and then and then like we got her again like like like it was like an hour later or something we got her again and he was like and you know and then he's like oh no okay yeah i know i was just kidding like i was just kidding i was just kidding yeah it wasn't my idea i have um i have it was uh i think it was connor's that days it was connor's idea or something and then um he's like oh okay so then like they he skipped um yes it's no then he's like all right just play me please i actually want to hear it and then like i was yelling i was like skip when she plays the first note skip again when she plays the first note and carl's like listening and then then she grabs the guitar she comes back she starts to play the first note and carl just skips her again and we never saw her again so sad like if he cried every time that was the best it was oh yeah follow the stream what are you doing click the follow button if you're not following we're not cool click the follow button i'm trying to get to 10 million followers by the end of the year so you need to follow oh i fell but yeah i mean that is kind of rude but it is funny yeah it's rude but it's funny too call's good i was a good memo for a while so i mean like it's i think i don't think she she cares um i think her she may take a look at it where she thought it was funny too i think oh she made a tech talk about it yeah i think so i think how did he find it i don't know it was on my for you page and i recommend i was like what the hell i think i had really the four years really accurate yeah the 4u is way too accurate yeah i think it only had like 100 100 likes or something when i saw it yeah it's because they know that like you were recently on google with her like they just have all the data and they're like oh yeah here's the tick tock for you i like these just like minecraft i just it's something i normally would have skipped over because i recognized her i stayed on it or something you know these like yeah they're great they should be all over the server like bad put them all over here but not all over the whole server where's the next one drunk stories have you even been drunk before okay listen i'm gonna clear this up right now ponk says there's like this picture where i'm blacked out drunk that's like literally impossible to have happened i've never even been drunk before yeah i mean i have drunk alcohol before but like i've never been drunk so i have never i have never been drinking a drop of alcohol so you're saying i'm just like stories though funk has this dumb habit of like saying some dumb story that's like not even true and then just because it's funny then he never clarifies that it's a joke and he just like leaves it he'll say some dumb things like oh yeah dream yeah yeah yeah like something like a funny story it's like some dumb he's like oh yeah i got this photo george drunk like how's that even funny it's funny because it's like it's funny because everyone goes crazy like wow that show i sure was like this is not true so it's just funny like i don't know i if you asked any of like my irl friends like they would be like yeah there's no way george did that like i don't know yeah yeah i've never i've never i've never i've never drinking alcohol and denture i like like a single drop actually i've actually twice i've accidentally drank an alcohol but dream accidentally drunk alcohol yeah i have it one once it was i was like in a root beer bottle that might because we're on a we're on like a road trip right and we have like so we like package all this stuff and um there was like like a root beer she just like she just grabbed from somewhere like the closet or something i think because she was like oh it was root beer and threw it in there and then um uh i think my sister won it and i wanted we're like arguing over there my mom's like i'll give it to them because like i like root beer more this is like this i was like so long like 10 years ago or something and then um and it was like i think i think my sister was so young my sister was like six or something so she was really young and it was it was dressed up yesterday was dressed up and um and she wanted the root beer and i wanted the root bear and so but because i like ribbon where she gave it to me and my sister was like so young and small and then i drank some well listen i'll explain why i drank some of it and then um and then i was like it kind of tastes weird and then like i gave it to my mom and my mom was like that's rum like we put the rum in the root beer bottle and she was like i could have been for jerusalem you drank it i'm saying it she's like thank god you drank it and not yeah we're talking about something private oh no oh it's okay we told the story about you earlier what which story about me oh it's okay you don't need to hear it well that's rude i want to hear about it i don't remember i don't remember i just know we did i don't know yeah it was a bad story you don't want it you really get started you don't want to know about it oh okay i would just upset you you probably would can't believe you guys i actually don't remember the gender what was that i think i can't i can't say it again you're i already ended the stream and deleted the vod because i didn't want to oh yeah we were telling you we were telling the story about how like we crushed like you and callahan and basketball we were like memeing you so hard for like 10 minutes wait you told that on stream yeah we've told it before too yeah it's a hilarious thing we showed the recording at one point like so long ago oh my gosh you mean about how i crushed you guys okay and it was exciting it was incredible incredible job anyone who hears that doesn't know it's minecraft basketball thing what you guys met up and played basketball oh my god yeah we did and we crushed you like a little fly crushed like a fly we're trying to think of good stories about do you have any good like dream stories uh that you wouldn't that i wouldn't mind you telling on stream let me think a good i'm sure i do i usually my memory has to be like triggered by something i remember oh you want your slime funny so yesterday i was like you know what let me go through and because you know how we like purged the admin chat like looking for messages and like in the discord right i'm like let me go through and i'm gonna search up some like term like some words just to see if like i could find any for me and so i looked up like different swears and things like that and i'm like it was like 105 000 results no and i couldn't find any because i had already gotten rid of them or whatever but then i started looking at like not filtering for me yeah on i'm getting a uh a thing one saying i just got a phone call it's the the corona doctor you're cured no no still got corona and what did you see bad uh hold on i got a response text one second hey siri text mom no i i i um i already put the muffins out i i don't want to uh i don't wanna i don't wanna eat my vegetables okay i didn't really i didn't land you okay bad yeah one second i'm just responding to this responding hold on family member texting me i have to respond to texts when i get them anyway anyway okay stories any jurista stories no no i was gonna i was telling uh one that um remind that oh yeah so i remember i was looking up um i was looking up some i was trying to find an old funny message that you had sent me right to see if i could find something i had a swear in it no no no no the swear was just uh well you know how you muffin heads are sometimes you say naughty words but um no i would never i know i dropped something ever well no okay yeah you would never say a swear word happy birthday jesse i'll be 18. but you know what my threshold thanks for the dinner swear word but anyway but so i looked i looked it up because it was a message i couldn't remember it but it was related to a funny story that i want to remember right a foundation anyways no funny story that i wanted to uh that i want to remember and i couldn't remember the story but i remembered reading it before and it had a word and i was trying to find it and so that's how i found it or how i knew that you muffin heads would say it um it wasn't i'm trying to remember see that's the point i found it yesterday and now i can't remember ah cause when we uh when we promoted the new admins we always we always uh delete the old admin chat and then we make it uh so trying to remember who it was i'm pretty sure it was about you it was very funny though it was about me or it was me so that was like a story to say like it was you it was so dumb that you're the worth of telling stories just give a different story okay i'm gonna be honest i you know the story i may be a little sick right now so my mind is kind of popping right now no i'm sorry i i honestly i yeah i'm gonna be honest i can't remember what i was just talking about so i lost my trash that's drunk i'm not drunk i'm just a little loopy right now that's drunk again hate that what i get when i get tired no i don't get drunk when i get tired or sick i just start to ramble like if i start talking about fish or something oh my goodness did i ever tell you guys about the fish that i caught once in real life no where'd my shoes go on your feet yeah find them you talk about what you do if you visit dream but what would you show dream if he were to visit your british things would you show him what were you talking about uh just funny stories of all of us i don't know what can i show dream oh yeah yeah yeah no story one second let me think of one um wait was i telling a story no you weren't okay let me think of one um what's this funny story involving george or dream um a funny story you've told before um i don't have to be one i've told before any story i haven't told before diana thank you for giving 10 subs thank you so much thank you okay let me thank you from mcpdp or something i don't know okay oh ooh can i tell the one about you getting banned well i mean yeah sure okay that one was that's a funny one well i guess it's not that funny but it's kind of it's kind of i think it's pretty funny fine no story no stream didn't get a story now well now they're not going to assume that it's worse than what it is go ahead and go ahead and start it's a funny story well it's funny all right wait what story was i gonna tell dad stop playing dumb i'm not playing no i'm not bad listen i know i'm sorry i know you're sick you're not it doesn't it is a symptom of coronavirus like memory loss i don't i don't i don't know because i'm tired i was about to head to bed a little while ago okay let me no like just remind me what it was what was the story you said me getting banned from mcpd oh yeah that's it okay i'm sorry i'm all over the place just give me a minute all right i'm trying to remember give me a second um oh yeah yeah yeah okay i remember i remember okay okay are you ready this is gonna be great you're gonna love this one um okay give me a second it's going to be it's okay i remember i remember okay okay i can't get my brain to work tonight um okay i remember all right here we go all right so what so uh for those of you who don't know uh i used to be an admin on this bad boy halo stream now by the way um i used to be an admin on a way back in the day on an old minecraft server well dream used to be a player on that server right and uh oh i i'm telling the story about uh the thing you got banned for saying that thing yeah okay and then you're sure um but get banned other than that yeah well i mean oh yeah yeah yeah okay um well i mean i've banned you a bunch just for funsies oh my goodness we used to in the early days of munchie we would just ban each other constantly i don't know if you remember that oh my goodness the night i had the devs add something so i couldn't get banned um oh yeah that's so wait let's start like so alright it's fine you should get some sleep no i want to tell the story i'm gonna finish this you're not taking this from me okay where was i oh yeah so dream is on the server right okay so th there's a big backstory to this okay so basically on the server we'd had uh people getting you know uh what's what's the truth thank you so much we implemented a rule saying no like ddos threats right on the server um and about a month before a dream got banned maybe two months okay somebody you need to before you need to wrap it up a little bit just so you don't say something like oh dream did that or something no no he didn't he didn't do that i'm getting that but i'm providing the proper context so about a month or two before dream got banned okay this player had me after we had implemented this rule this player had made a joke like said made what was clearly a joke they weren't trying to be serious or anything like that and i remember going and appealing for this player and being like oh no we're not gonna we're not gonna leave this person banned because they were clearly doing a joke and then dream went made his own joke uh do you want to tell him what your what your joke was well i guess you're telling the story horribly it's like you're a terrible he's a good storyteller i'm not doing very good right now okay forget it anyway dream i didn't you say it i told you that yeah he told me thank you thank you but well because he we were like arguing about the frosty kit as like a meme looking chat because he was like because it was like the most op kit like yeah and i was saying like no you can't leave it and he's like and then he's like no no you have to remove it it's so p and then i was like you need to stop otherwise i'm sending you pizza packets to your router or something like that yeah well yeah they didn't like dream at the time no they no they did not like me um and they used that as an excuse well they're too fair to be fair they didn't like you and therefore they didn't like me oh yeah they didn't like me because they were being meanie muffins it was it was all like server politics and stuff like that um but anyway so they didn't like dream because they didn't like me and so the mods were like oh let we'll get you know it bad and so i ended up going in appealing to the owner i explained i'm like i'm like hey yeah so the context i was also a stream mod at the time i was a streamer i was running hd hg teams and i was a streamer at the time as well like yeah like i wasn't i wasn't some random player yeah no it was hilarious great story guys um no no so he's getting a bad choice budgetary look that's it that's the end bad it wasn't it's not even that funny of a story wrap it up guys come on oh it's wrapped up it's right there wrap it up bad it's all right bad next time the next time but when you're feeling better oh anyway okay wrap it up i love bad but his storytelling frustrates me so much storytelling is so bad why why would he so much in the past like he'd be telling his writing just goes in circles doesn't get to the point like i think i think i'm a very good storyteller almost like it's just because i'm sick that's the only reason that's not the only reason i get a little bit i get a little loopy when i get sick okay i feel like you've told like three stories since we asked you to tell a story i'm like none of them feel like complete stories that you think i feel like i feel like i don't know i don't know i if you asked me to write down one thing you said i actually don't think i could i don't know what you're saying no no no no no i'm gonna sit here until i think of a good story and i'm gonna tell you all right i'll move you out you can come back no no don't leave i want to stay okay oh my god i'm pretty sure my train of thought has left the station though but i'm gonna think of a good start george if i go to the uk can i deck you in the face for real would be so satisfying yes you can no you can't i lied you cannot do that no wait i remember what oh i was trying to find this picture of these shoes do you remember dream do you have a picture of those shoes i sent you what shoes what are you on about no no no okay okay no story he has never sent me shoes he has he has never picked his shoes or anything i don't even know what the hell he is wow i'm not tired anymore it's it's okay so so i ever sent you a picture of those red shoes that i wear did i yeah i love those red shoes that bad always happened okay listen i have this i'm i got a story for the stream okay all right i have this i have this pair of red shoes right and i remember i found them on the website and i sent him the dream whether he remembers them or not and that's what i'm trying to do is i'm trying to find the links so i can buy him again they didn't have them why why [Laughter] oh yeah i want to buy these red shoes oh wait i was telling i was trying to tell a different story okay you guys i'm gonna think you're making me want to leave the stream okay okay oh do you want to hear a story about uh no oh wait i remember he's trolling oh wait he's you've told this story on stream though okay actually you probably don't want me to tell that one do you know dairy girls that reminds me so much about the uncool that keeps going on and on and adding a lighter story that could be summed up in a few words yeah uncle boy halo that's bloody bad am i the only one loving bad stories i think he might be type one in the chat if you love bad stories there's gonna be so many ones but they don't mean it can i if i come to the uk can i steal that hoodie it looks so soft and comfy give me give me no you can't steal my hoodie it's mine no okay um yeah i think you've told that on stream before i need a new one no you don't need a new story it's fine it's fine but we're good oh i remember us no i don't want it we are fine just listen we're fine okay okay let's go ahead let's see okay you know about let's hear the story george you are such an instigator thank you george let's hear the story about i said someone appreciates me so what's the story bud okay um um okay are you trolling bad or you actually just being an idiot what nothing i'm just tired elmo hey bad doesn't get it on my voice oh i can do the elbow voice do you want to hear that do the elmo voice bad hello pointy girls my name is ammo thank ashley pie for the five gifted subs in elmo's voice wait wow why just do it come on how would i say that thank you for the five get the thumbs do it oh my gosh do that again what bad that's messed up a quack he wants to be moved in quack meister no my fifth donation tonight have dream tell a story and my misery is this quackity james told many stories tonight i don't think this is the real quackity when was i mean to you ben what i saw your twitter reply yeah i was copying george you said don't get well soon that was george's reply i just applied it because i thought it was funny no that was george's i just copied it oh so you were being mean to george then yeah yes that's okay i made a meme about bad on my twitter i was okay you know what i'll look at this bad boy halo meme right now is it a top tier bad boy here i mean i don't know hey bad i thought your storytelling was good i'm kind of compelled to hear more you know what i like you quackity you're a great guy why do you you switch so fast on me george said a lot of quacking he said no and now he just yeah i don't know what is it like minecraft again oh lord get this man a girlfriend i'm gonna think of a good a good minecraft is like the most played game okay where is this bad boy halo i mean oh i remember what i'm hold on i remember why i got on the computer what's a good store to buy shoes from online that's a decent man hey look at this man i can't find it stop talking about your stupid red shoes i need shoes delivered to my house george i can't find mine i misplaced that just buy shoes what buy are you a nikes or an adidas guy bad goes to amazon does it really yeah it does bad oh it does yes mr quackity are you a nikes or an adidas guy um he's a gucci guy i no i ain't my sketcher's guy i'm not a skechers guy anyways gucci shoes hmm you got gucci shoes george no maybe thank you for giving me five subs thank you all right i'll tell you i'll tell you guys the story i just thought of a great one okay so dream and i once challenged each other this is years ago to a duel in minecraft who could be the first person to beat the other 100 times okay [Laughter] yeah so what it was was we were battling in minecraft okay and we were running around the arena swinging our swords okay what happened why are you making this did happen things are clarifying what it either happened or i dreamed it so one of those dreamed it [Laughter] so wait you're talking about pvp he doesn't realize that moves him out thank god he's not stories i mean he's staring in the park he's doing a punk seth cloud thanks for giving five subs thank you you missed my first nation twitch sad times it started with i love both dream and george can you read it i'll check it out i'm sorry i missed it why would you move me okay okay that may or may not have happened what oh why are you like straight up lying now no no no no no no this this i'm pretty sure i was wrong bud why did you and dreams stay i think i honestly i would argue i would argue lying is worse than cursing i i would guarantee that dream and i once at one point we fought each other in 1v1s 100 times oh we've probably fought each other thousands of times i've probably beaten you like 980. uh no i'm a better pvper sure have you seen bad boy halo's block hitting tutorial i think i could beat you a hundred times 100 in either version that's crazy and if you if you if you're talking about 1.16 i could beat you with the leather armor when you have diamond 100. you talking smack talking smacks man i'm going to follow in your footsteps and be known as no i still don't know how to say your name properly naga cougar not found by the way thank you thank you quackity not found you i left after i said that that's like he's still here you're you're you're clowning on a sick guy dream that's messed up okay no yeah yeah he really said he really said all 100 zero you twice for a reason for reasons i won't say 100 years he was like he's weak i took advantage of it i'm weak right now i need food i am so hungry wow my stomach is rumbling so hungry my stummy hurts wow i'm hungry i'm hungry my stomach hurt i won't figure i remember when puns uh when pump punched like i when i said this thing ever like puns or puns i was saying i was telling puns i could beat him with no armor and then we wouldn't fight and he did that's funny i'm so hungry i'm so hungry god all you do is complain you get it what what did you say oh well i said i said you get it you're hungry i am hungry i'm hungry quackity just died to a zombie shut up how many how many deaths do you have on the server i'm not going to tell you how many deaths do you have on the server how many of you yeah that's a that is a kind of death i don't think it literally doesn't even matter anyways at the end of the day because hey there ellie thank you for gifting ups that name was hard for me serious hello goggy dream bad quack thank you liam 60 thank you so much thank you elena say are you guys going to say hello back hey george do you have any scars i have a story i have i don't know i must go on my eye can you see it i want to hear this bad boy okay my i didn't even realize however long i wasn't talking about it that's actually a story that's a story you want to hear the story of the eyebrows the funny thing is somebody asked me that the other day like how many scars do you have any scars and i was like that's really interesting i don't think i've ever been asked that like or maybe i have i don't remember seeing it like sure i have obviously somebody's like many people probably ask me that but okay yeah how'd you get your scar george you wanna know why you got this guy's an eyebrows car yeah you want to know how i got these scars yeah that scar right there so um you look like you have a peanut allergy what does that even mean how can you look like you have a penal allergy oh i know someone you look like a whimper you die to a stupid little peanut all right do you want to hear how i got my scars all the peanut allergists just opposed me now do you wanna know how i okay fine i wanna tell the story you're so sensitive george just tell it all right i'll tell the story you wanna hear the story you got roasted it's like fine i'm gonna keep my story to myself fine i'll keep my secrets you want to hear the secret we want to hear it you want to hear it no i don't think i'll tell it actually holy okay okay i'll tell mine no i'll tell the story i'll tell the story so okay fine tell the story about it he sounded bad though she sounded mad maybe maybe you should let him tell the story about it so once upon a time dream had to go on a road trip okay why are you telling a story bad about you okay go ahead go ahead but okay once upon a time dream had to go on a road trip now he told me he said bad i'm about to drive on the longest road trip that i've ever driven before and now i might be really tired so i might call you right i'm like okay no worries i'm here for you right so like he pieces out and all of a sudden he's like going down a highway and i got like a phone call or he popped in ts or called me on discord i can't remember what it was and he's like bad i'm really tired can you just like keep me awake and just like talk to me i don't know if he said i'm really tired i'm paraphrasing everything by the way so it may be a little bit different than this but anyways so he's literally driving and i'm like okay what do you want to talk about he's like oh let's talk about football because he really loves football and i'm like dream if we talk about football i'm gonna fall asleep because i'm not a big football fan but so dream you know i try to entertain him like okay well let's talk and we just talked about stuff and he's like okay and then like randomly like hangs up on me or whatever he's like all right i'm good i'm like oh okay well that's that's good all right and i go back to doing what i'm doing and then like 15 minutes later i get another call from dream bring hello bad bad you need to talk to me just keep talking to me okay just i gotta keep driving because he had to like make it there in the morning can i just say i just got two back-to-back donations one the first one said you look like you can't swim sir and then the second one said you look like you can't swim like what i got i got one of those too and me both but back to back okay continue your story i don't know if i want to anymore why why is that so goddamn sensitive in this car dream can you finish the story i can't even remember the story you don't remember calling me incessantly asking me to keep you away and yes i can swear like i was on team speak like like i wasn't i wasn't even like i wasn't that tired i remember i got pulled over while i was on dumb team speaking yes he did he got pulled over and didn't you get a ticket and then they call you for a dui it was like a 600 yeah he had a huge ticket because he was fine i was going nine over nine overall and i got like a 600 dollar fine wow i was in i was in i was in like north carolina or something dumb they just knew it right oh he's gonna not be able to go to court against us we could just charge him this insane amount for going nine over yeah like in the middle of the night why would you go nine times why would you go because there was no cars on the road i was going like yeah two thousand miles or something yeah no cars on the road until there is and then you'll see there was until there's a child in the road and those nine extra miles can save that a child in the middle of like the interstate like it was like yeah that's like also nowhere else there's not even houses anywhere nearby yep george just tell your scar story your chat is like freaking out oh okay when we hit the sub goal fifty thousand you're so not checking but i i'm not quack [Music] when i told my parents about it i i added a one in front so they would like as a joke that way that when they saw it not react as good oh my god i said like i think because i think i was going i think i was going like 40 over or something i'm getting roasted in my donations oh you just got roasted as well durian wait what they say oh no never mind i thought it was the same donation again back to back dream looks like a person who can't ride a bike you don't like a puzzle you can only doggy paddle you look like you can't ride a bike paying 20 dollars for some george law are you anemic because you say you're light-headed a lot i think so how do you know if you're anemic i don't think so wait dream maybe i am 40 well i'm pretty sure well listen listen i was i'm i'm pretty sure i was going 110 in a 70. what the hell i will listen this is what happened wait when was you know why you got right here like my parents were going to kill me because because i was like and this one when i texted them why would you apparently i was going 100 because like i was like recklessly driving like so i text my mom and i said i said hey i got pulled over for going 140 over instead of 40 over [Laughter] my mom reacted she was like what the hell and then i was like oh no actually correction 40. and then she was like she was like oh i was like oh you don't do that no that was a plan that was planned you made it look so much better it actually was planned but regardless but the reason it's too fair there's not there's no excuse for like speeding but the reason i was speeding was i don't know i was just like i was it was it was fun that's that's so dumb but i i remember it was fri it was friday night it was my last day of work i think it was like i think it was like three christmases ago or something it was like friday night my last day at work and it was like four a.m in the morning like a saturday saturday morning i was like so happy that thanks for clarifying that it was four a.m in the morning by the way but i was like i was like oh i'm just gonna i'm like oh if i there's no way i'm gonna like there's no way they're gonna they're gonna they're gonna pull me over like of course i'm on i drive this interstate every day and dream sounds like he puts his shirts on backwards this is true yes i don't get it what do you mean what do you mean they're gonna pull me over because i'm in this interstate all the way well because i i you usually how it works in like a like america usually is that like the police camp they're campers they camp certain areas there's like thousands of cars in a freeway every day like i don't i don't know if they're gonna remember your car specifically well i'm saying that what no what i'm saying is like usually i know that they don't camp this area so i could speak through it because like i know there's never police here so i can just speed through it because it's good it's like he knows where they say yeah but then there was i just said the way it works in america well i don't know because i don't know i've seen you don't live in america yeah well it's obvious because he's told me he doesn't that's why it's obvious wait what is it just me or is this satisfying what i'm doing stop dude i i do this in this order you literally just ruined everything i think that's pretty satisfying yeah yeah i remember that i regret i never i never i never like i never got pulled over after that again actually it's not true i pulled her many times after that but i never got pulled over for going that much over after that no i've never been pulled over for speeding you know i've never been pulled over for anything yeah yeah yeah yeah you're right you never get pulled over for speeding you've just crashed into a pool and took the power out for your whole city congrats yeah you're actually like you're so much better than me okay that was due to mechanical failure oh yeah mechanical car crashing into a pole and knocking it over and taking the whole tara polo for the next like week have you guys ever been close to crash i've never wrecked my car congrats bad you're worse wow why is it like bully bad boy halo hours what's up with that it's not he just tried to roast me he tried to say i think he's like yeah i was just happy how is that first thing i've never been pulled over never been pulled over for because every time every time they're going to catch you just speed away and like you have the car like a high speed chase until you get away with that what are you saying there's something morally wrong that pulls away in skeppy's lamborghini i can imagine a bad flipping cops though i would never i think he's definitely never done that before he told us he told us definitely i have never told you guys that no incorrect but you definitely have i am a good potato you're like that muffin head as he as he doughnuts around the corner yeah okay that's crazy bad you're not a badass not gonna lie that's crazy that's a savage yeah damn what's that what's the most savage thing you've ever done on the road um [Music] oh wait that's what he did before joining the stream they're calling you out i listen to every song i listen to for a long period of time on the way all right i feel bad there is so much wheat here that we just have to fill back in like we're proper farmers right now we're farming we're farming dude who made this i have no idea we just like bombed it for some reason oh yeah scary stories you want to tell us you want to tell that one story george did that happen to you or did you already tell it i don't think you did i know you definitely didn't tell it on stream wait before you say it pokemon yeah i'm not saying it i'm not saying is it the one is it the one that i might not want to say well i don't know well obviously i think any story you might not want to know okay yeah tell the really scary i'll just say one word i'm saying don't don't really say the word okay i don't i don't know what you're talking about no you wouldn't work this poke pokemon they kept cracking no i don't say that don't say that really yeah i don't hear though really you should no no no no no damn whatever this story is i'm saying that it's a horror story he doesn't want to tell it oh okay um oh what oh he he's moving can you tell a dream that he sounds like he's allergic to peanuts the sound of his voice is telling me this he's the kind of guy to die to a nut you told me you're allergic to something no i didn't you did tell me what you're allergic to um me oh no i know you're gonna say that every time you get near me you just get all red are you allergic to anything bad uh not that i know of you're probably allergic to those dumb mosquitoes bad knowing you are you're allergic to this i'm not allergic to mosquitoes i don't like mosquitoes but i'm not allowed to only like isn't it like everyone allows you to mosquitoes i'm not we're like you get like a logic reaction right no it's not it's you don't get an alert right you're like a normal reaction and then like if you're allergic to they get like huge and like they hurt and they um a lot of stuff and they like stay and i don't like mesquite you know like you never turn how to learn how to tie your shoes i can tie my shoes you just unstrap the velcro and put it on [Laughter] oh george you make me echo can dream explain how it gets anywhere without a car because us public oh us public transportation sucks he just doesn't go anywhere yeah where do you think i go like i rarely go anywhere like where do you think i go yeah dream's not and the fact that i'm like a minecraft youtuber like like where do you think i really go like you know the george shrine what was that george looks like he'd break his tailbone sneezing what are all these like things i don't understand they're projecting i think it's just a meme since the stream doesn't want to say hi to me can you say hi to my friend grace she's watching right now i'm freaked out hi grace hi grace hello i'm cooler okay okay i'll tell the scar story for a thousand gifted subs okay i'll tell that scholar story oh wait my fifth donut i've wasted a hundred dollars so can you stop avoiding my diary please i'm sorry i'm sorry also you are adorable george no wonder why dream is the same for you jim is a symphony yeah are you gonna tell the story oh i see your other one can you react if dream s p had an opening right now during stream wait what yeah oh i had an anime opening wait did i say that or did i misread it can you react to if dream sap had an anime opening i don't understand what a dream smp anime opening would look like someone made a video like an animation of uh dream smp but it's like an anime opening and it's really cool oh that was here what is i i get called that and harassed and you don't i want to leave twitch now dude you can hear the pain in his voice right now oh you've called me that's going to be i'm causing twitch stream of dream to leave the platform oh you're going to make me leave wow you never should call me that you also called me an incel you also called me you also you also called me what's the other one what's what's the other one here what's the other one simple insulin what's what's it what is it that's funny i want to leave twitch now that's going to be funny when george wakes up and he's banned tomorrow it's gonna be hashtag free george let's just get it trending anyway just beforehand you you don't even stream that much so it literally won't do anything to you george how long has the best that just starts it's a whole week yeah yeah no you you just bought yourself a week of vacation during the most prime times of twitch ah what christmas yeah i guess is that prime time twitch i wouldn't know george i'm sorry that you're about to get banned george george likes he can't see red dream looks like sounds like he doesn't wash his legs in the shower he actually doesn't how do you know you're supposed to wash your legs yeah wait what do you mean wash your legs like you put soap and water on them yeah that one's off limits that's my private area i can't touch them not giving that's good guys i'm kidding you guys are idiots george is gonna die don't take it oh yeah don't take it i can fly too hey no flying that's just what i can fly with the trident idiot why did i die why did i die during i'm pretty sure it's right over here leave my stuff oh yeah it's raining i didn't even notice where did i die guys guys save the chat where he died spamming the chat where he died i'm near roughly i just don't even know where i died do you remember where he died i think i'm i'm close to it he's like uh it's near the the duck bubbles duck i think he might have he must have landed on it somewhere where is he okay no did he get it you are an idiot dream i was so close too i'm so smart i actually have ten thousand iq wish i had followed you did you pick up anything during your stuff did you pick up anything you did didn't you i didn't actually take i didn't i tried to take stuff i didn't take anything you got nothing you picked up my inventory was full i had nothing are we allowed to kill george like he's not king again right we can kill him george come here ah jesus jesus i'm gonna diet playing page sorry oh george just kills himself while flying like what kind of idiot would do that no you took some of my discs i'm pretty sure you're killing me and no i didn't i promised you that is killing me in prime uh not in in the what's this area called [Laughter] that's top ten that's top ten no that is a hundred percent top ten guys that's not even close that's probably top five should i expose bad right that's probably top five sorry we're telling that story i'm telling the whole story oh god this is gonna you guys are about to pop off that that was that's that oh my god with techno oh my god that was so funny we were popping up that's what i was talking about we were offline in the s dream smp so i thought you were talking about the uh like the later like after we were all off the server like whenever we were like like we were checking the memes and stuff like that wait did something happen later oh that was so funny that's that's like top five then maybe that's the top dude it was it was so funny because like yeah because techno was techno made it funnier just because it was like he's he's now he's not inside our friends standing there watching oh my god that was i don't think i've ever heard you guys swear so much yeah no we were swearing so much hey quackity let me borrow it your teacher that's what you're gonna do to get me to let you borrow it let me watch you after george ask george hill no no he's stupid why would you do that they just get dirty again i thought it was against twitch tos to say that word anymore george no the the word you said earlier dream they said like three words yeah no no you're just getting last round why would you banned that i don't know why have you guys walked into a glass door before i actually have i actually have walked into a glass door if any of you walked into a glass door i don't know oh careful oh i'm gonna get his things oh they're up there oh what was i trying to do oh quackity if i let you borrow this trying to promise to give it back yeah why why would i take it yeah there you go wait what's happening mr pointy yeah that's my trident mr pointy i got him back from the person who mugged me mugged you um i can't say okay keep your cords up in case you die by the way wait someone took half my stuff what are you doing who took half my stuff i don't think i don't i don't even know where your stuff is i've been looking i'm missing a pickaxe and a shovel i lost cannon it was bad maybe it fell inside no bad took it after giving me his trident on the trident bad but he took the trident that's why he let me borrowed it because he has two of them now i'm gonna tell them i'm gonna tell the story about it i don't actually have it and you took you took all my beef as well i don't have it i really don't you took all my steak i literally don't i have twelve steak all right where's my stuff then i have fifty i don't know it's mine i didn't pick it up you didn't pick up my shovel where right here i don't have any of your stuff george the only other person is so suspicious how about how about you you you take care of your things better next time george the only other person who would have it would be dream you're a okay you just killed him well bad i had your trident so now he's going to pick it up he just killed him on twitch where i'm laying down this killed me on holy life i didn't realize i didn't realize oh my god foreign get it together george this is embarrassing i didn't realize oh this is awesome best day of my life did you pick up the trident quackity uh yeah yeah let me know i need that please yeah here you go in here pick that up that was that was crazy listen now the story who's gonna expose bad four carries no wait he's completely dead killed mankind yeah and the recording will show he had half a heart and i punched him once with my fans and he died of my stuff oh well guess what oh you had my language axe all this time no he didn't language acts what what are you just killing people who go around cursing yeah okay i'll twist three so i got a bunch of your stuff you tell the story really how what what did you get from me a bunch of his everyone wants this skull story all my stuff back what do you have what leverage do you have the score story that's not left scars no leverage at all george how do i look with this armor he looks so weak he looks so dumb that's killing me you're not in the holy land yes i killed him outside he was not in so that counts my collection no you weren't you were right on the edge it doesn't count here practically take this take all this gear here take that okay oh okay why did you kill him i just wanted to get i want to get his pants from him so dude bad boy hail and me are best friends he's so decked out now i feel like a badass right now i'm sorry that's what you get for killing in the holy land george you know i can't do that you have all your stuff i'm sorry george please forgive me now tell them you know what i am so decked out now tell the scar story all right i kill you nonstop because she kissed batboy halo poppy kissed you bad i don't know what you're talking about puffy kissed you i'm pretty sure i just realized that whole incident i'm pretty sure i i must have had it when all of that happened that was that way less than a week ago the one story the when i killed george when he had yeah you must have had what i had uh the the you know what i'm not saying it because it's a twitch hi danielle thanks for watching you know what the the uh the cov id the cov id yeah oh i guess you can you can say that well i mean i know you can say it just i know on youtube they're like oh do you monetize no it's like you have it so you can joke about it yeah i know i do have it oh you're right yeah all right yeah choose your jokes wisely bad i need to this is this is powerful what you have here i have the power where are you going why are you spying on me you goddamn creep what are you doing on to the ground i'm trying to find my way back up you're an idiot george i wanna i wanna hear the scar story and i'll give your stuff back i wanna hear the scar story what is this place and you have to and you have to say like a joker voice like you wanna know how i got these guys yeah that's how i started the story yeah yeah that's how you're going to continue the entire story so just go ahead and tell us quacky looks like the type of person to die during a 1v1 against technoblade when techno only had a pickaxe and was an ion armor to be fair he was decked out on potions so is that being fair yeah i think that's being unfair hey put me put me on a 1v1 with techno while he has you know iron the account same thing but no but no but no potions and i'll win stop the count all right george i put all your stuff in a chest because i felt bad for you as you should right now tell the story uh george i mean i did kill you i apologize why does he look taller and is it just me or does he look taller do you see that george okay just just leave hurt george you forgive me no they're killing you i'm sorry [Music] you don't need his forgiveness what what are you doing man's got to have his privacy too hello team i was going to yell yesterday can you get a poke time congrats pogba oh congratulations that's pretty impressive why is jumping dream um called auto clicking it actually freaking out my time dream hello i love you thank you elena oh my god i can break obsidian in like two seconds now this is crazy i know that you have all his stuff it's crazy he's all right you want here's one of you ten cents only ten cents you should make him dance for his stuff back oh guys look i'm glitched do i look like i'm running along the ground thanks you're welcome like do i look different definitely uses a five in one body watch with a six-month-old loofah what's so bad what about that there's nothing bad about using a five and one it's called being practical and efficient bobbik loves you goggy i don't know who bobby is but thank you oh my god the rain is awesome yeah i like that even possible oh no now everyone's gonna think i used five and ones i don't you told me what i use i use i use head and shoulders that's a two in one this is the head and shoulders he's on your head on your shoulders yeah wait what that was an epic combo i just i i just opened you wait what you didn't see what i did i like flew down from the sky slammed into you and then it boosted me backwards and i just did it again before i even hit the ground and it killed you george are we just gonna keep killing i don't have your other pickaxe dream picked up that one you wanted i didn't oh do i no yeah you did oh i do i have them both i have this one this one listening george george where you go what are you doing what are you doing man you know it reminds me of the time uh bad dropped the literal picture of me in game i don't know what you're talking you were you were carrying a picture of me i don't know what you're talking about this didn't happen you always tell the scar story yeah tell us car stories where are my items if you dance for them i'm not selling anything until i get my stuff back you have to come over here and dance for them yeah yeah i'll make the music give us a little show give us a little show yeah you guys dance george where are you i'm i'm on the party island island i have a gift for you george gift is it my stuff yeah kind of yeah how are you still awake i have an idea what if i give you one item per day i don't know like a long little treasure hunt thank you that would force you to hang out with me every single day that would be amazing where's my stuff okay i have a present for you i have a present for you is it call [Laughter] yes yes sir that is good that's good yeah that's actually like valuable it is it is oh my gosh that's good i kind of want i'm gonna get his hand okay i'm not going to rebound oh my god can you ask yourself hi daniella too i don't know does anyone have food thanks daniella oh i gotta go hey hey hey hey hey um battle what do you think my new horse is called uh bob no it's boner this is a horse made out of bones i'm a cole's hand i've got carl's hand language boner is not a bad word language it's not like it's do whatever i was tired i was gonna say how would you describe it then well i don't i don't want to know language i'm hungry and tired what do i do it looks like a fish well the question is can i break george's trident before he tells the story yes you can i'm trying to george you better hurry i just been using he's going to finish this story come on tell me where's my stuff you can give me my stuff no now tell the story george i'll give you one of your things back um but give me food i don't have food what do you mean i'll start off with your helmet you want your helmet i want all my stuff okay you're getting picky now this is how he acted the other day too he's getting picky this is the word uh he got all snippy skeppy oh my god dream is like wasting your yeah i told you it's a thing can you tell us can he finish telling the story before i speed on his trident he needs to he needs to hurry and tell it wait he's got he's not wasting any seconds george you you got to look at this this is crazy how does it feel to know wait what where did this stop how long is that going to take you dream not that long maybe like maybe like a couple minutes max george how does it feel to know i don't need 340 dollars in total because i'm a george simp anyways give me the hoodie where else i can't give you that i can't use that word george i was just reading the domination and it doesn't matter you can't say that word you can there's context what wait really you can't even read it are you yeah yeah that's i'm like that doesn't sound real it thank you so much for the donations thank you i have a friend called amy she reminds me of you because here george have this did you did you lose it did you already lose them are you okay [Laughter] that looks those look so cute oh my god my pokemon chicken it's like you have oversized pants it's like the pokeman chicken i have chicken the pokemon i probably ate it i'm just saying wait give him his pants he gave him his pants back i need to kill him again george you better run george i'm right behind you how far are you willing to go just to not meet up with skeppy what do you mean yeah we were talking about that we think that he went around licking toilet bowls in order to get crazy that way he didn't no i can't imagine that no he's just like sorry scotty got covered i can't see you now sorry george stop running stop running no that is not true in the slightest okay dang it he he's straight up gonna wind up in jail and be like sorry skeptic i'm in jail i can't go to you right now no no okay this is not true and he's camping and i just give it look skippy was sick and then i got sick so as soon as i'm not sick it's my fault that i have your newest your newest high score was the covert thing no no i'm just wondering what comes next no i was super cautious and careful i think the final the final the like the final top place is gonna be like sorry skypey i died i'm literally put my stuff do you know what this is what is this yes oh my god what don't tell george don't tell drugs i already saw it it's fun to use what obvious it says i don't want you stealing fundy stuff where's my stuff would you put myself why is this one called slat fondue maybe it's made from schlatt's bones i know someone took his bones out of things i was just my birthday didn't be watching the dream team since july i was wondering if you dream back when you say happy birthday hola thank you love you all happy birthday hola how about live speak spanish george hola in my presence oh no i said spanish thing you said words all right i've had enough of this george if you don't tell the star story i'm going to tell the story about you asking me for dating advice okay yikes how's that yikes i give good dating advice where is my stuff i have it dumbass give it something oh my god punch me that's crazy i've never had that happen to me before stella thanks for gifting 10 subs thank you i love this picture of pokeman and carl yeah i know they look they look in this picture of carl's hand yeah god my stuff pack please yes but you have to tell the scar story first i'll tell her afterwards come on tell the story i'm gonna kill you with this fish i'm gonna do it move a little bit that way okay can we now a little keep moving until you're out of twitch prime time wait if i punch you and i die because of you oh my god i was literally about to forget i was literally about to kill george in the holy land that's great go ahead george go ahead keep punching oh my god i'm an idiot what time is it what time is it for you right now a a.m just do an early morning cooking stream i can't just move my computer downstairs your stuff is in here by the way george over here this dress oh the one that goes conveniently outside the hotel no it's actually here i'm not even kidding there's a disc 11 in here oh my god there's a broken music disc no no no you can't have that that's george's i'm gonna go listen to the disc that wasn't my stuff you liar no really i mean that's not your good stuff but that's the other stuff yeah george not the top stuff the bottom two rows george come over here because because you gave me um that one disc don't worry here i'm going to give you some stuff hey george will we ever get a manhunt man hunter pov there's actually a few of them on my channel already from uh from a while ago i look back on my older videos there's oh did you record your perspective well i used to upload my perspective so if you if you're interested the problem is like now that people people aren't as interested in them as they are with you know like normal stuff and it takes a lot of time to put together manhunts like edit them and stuff and keep the quality up so we just don't end up doing them anymore yeah um but yeah there's like probably from like january and february around then really hunter povs wow that would be kind of interesting actually go wash it bad i promise this is my last donation for real what was your first impression of dream stand up when you met them honestly i don't remember it was so long ago i i don't remember i'm sorry yeah when you're in your 30s your memory starts to fade blackity come here i you keep telling me to come back i don't have any food i have here one thing i want my stuff i wanna punch george here i'm debating whether i should or not yeah kill me yeah do it do it do you like it i'm sure he's got enough hearts that he could survive all right no he's in he's in holy land he's in holy land punch me back punch me train me punch me punch me punch no no bad bad the fact that you're asking i'm paying you 75 dollars and not forget about your stuff and to tell the scar story please you're worth some bad at this point george if you tell us our story is now on 35 durability and like it's kind of breaks it down i've been going non-stop so you need to hurry up and tell the story i'm not stopping i promise you it will break someone just get over here he was outside again boom and then he was a pale clothes yeah i had it all here it was literally you literally could have had all his things george you were so close i knew you had only one heart your mind hi george hello 24 friends nick hello do you guys expect the smp to blow up the way it did i don't think so i'm gonna give these pants to skeppy so it all started with us just wanting to play survival minecraft it's simple well we've always been looking for something like this we just never like had anything um give half his stuff then he tells the story then give the other half okay is that a deal you want every minute that goes by that you haven't told the story we're gonna barbecue one of your items that would be awesome idiot i just realized this whole time i've been like killing fish and stuff and it hasn't been mending james and which didn't matter until my armor was all healed and now it started healing the trident all right george i'm going to start with your pants tell the scar story or i'm going to that sounds so funny bad i'm going to start with your pants hi george my name is carl do you mind asking jeremy if it's okay if i reply to dream s p members with sexy dream on twitter is that okay adrian what is sexy what is sexy dream i don't know it's just normal dream my horse is now called boner we don't care i just sing oh dream i guess you don't care about getting your items back i need to show you fan art that i found the other day maybe i don't care maybe i maybe i just want to go grind more items again i don't care anymore yes that would be awesome dude you're gonna you're gonna die with my stuff and i'll just sweep it back up anyway i just lost donut tonight can you and dream say hi to carling i hate to be that person hello carling thanks for the donor all right george can you say hi to me if you give my stuff back no i want you to say hi to me first i'm so done with you guys i'm actually done i'm done i'm done that's very very cool they have some different blurred versions down below that look epic okay i'll let the hoodie go how do you think go for tonight i'll steal one one from you one day no you won't steal my hoodie you will not steal my hoodie what's your guys favorite one direction song dream loves all of them huh i like a lot of them i don't like all of them george where are you at potty island what's the one where they go it's like i'm blue and i'm so hungry i'll make you some food if you think you're gonna end the stream like two hours ago george yeah and then i didn't george here i i left and george was like oh this is it george like you're trying right now it's on 50 durability george come here i'm getting so close here i'm sorry for taking your pants george oh it died i still really want to deck you but now i feel bad you lost your stuff decking big big key or bad seems fun though i agree what does deck mean what just kill me but just that's when you no i'm not just killing me i'm not gonna kill you george we'll get you your stuff quackity can you come give george his stuff back he's sad no he he said he'll tell them you can feel guilty bad i don't feel guilty oh i'm sorry george oh pants how do you always take the pants he died this is kind of suspended i didn't know was aiming to take his pain punched me it was really weird that's really strange no he died i have your pants george okay you can have them okay he's broken quack anyone try to take my pants in real life i'd be kind of upset and concentrate the scissors also give your things back wearing any pants right now anyways hold on i'll get i'm gonna you know what dude i you know who's very charitable awesome dude and because it's very charitable i'm gonna return that same amount of charitableness so i'm gonna give you some things george oh where you at over here george george why are you jumping george [Laughter] wait wait george look at me look at me look at me this will help you get started there you go enjoy enjoy enjoy the dream smp george here here george take these take these pants george george george relax bro relax bro bro relax yo bro bro the girls are watching bro here quackity oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god bad bad kill him kill him bad kill him kill him kill him kill him bad bad get him oh sorry quackity i had to help him whatever here you go george i'm sorry he was very sad dude he literally screw you back he was sad i'm sorry i don't care if he was sad i like george a little bit more than i like you is this all myself i'm sorry is this over my original stuff sorry where are my toys i have the rest of it all right i'll tell the scar story from the rest of my stuff but give me give me give me give me my thanks back give me the diamonds i gave you all right they're if you think about it i give you the weapons to kill me george so i might as well have my diamond sword back i just found diamonds on the ground where are you are you there you are i give a try of this and you can oh my god what do you need it's on one two it's on one durability i don't know that's only gonna accidentally use it and it's gonna get used uh how did you get it so low why do you have a pickaxe called another right pickaxe that's not my one no that's mine that's mine that's mine really to me yeah yeah oh here quackity no i'm not even there i'd give this to him as well i i'm not gonna hold this stuff yo give me no no no give me my item frames and my wheats i need those i have no armor inventory's face fine i have some of your stuff all right give me here right i might be stubborn as well but i wouldn't even give them the satisfaction of the skull story now let them wonder for eternity oh my god give me my wheat george oh i have something here all of it yeah there we go george don't feel sad that's my last name for the night you said that before i love you and dream i think i spent 160 so far thank you so much thank you daniella you literally screw you bad i quiet i'm sorry do you want me to kill him and give you yes yes please please that would be awesome don't stop stop do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it he escaped no he didn't you have a trident what do you mean he escaped you're in the way hold on hold on i gotta oh i mean where'd he go bad i was actually having like alex is really over two or being fully stacked in another against people with literally nothing yeah no because bada helped you if it weren't for the bad i would have gone yeah yeah he did he literally did he hit him i gave him two big wallops yeah yeah he did you were hitting him with a diamond sword you can think bad because i had to hit him like an extra like 20 i still don't have my shovel i did i got i got scared because like when you were hitting me with the diamond sword it would like remove like half a heart from me and all of a sudden it was removing like four or five hearts i was like what the hell your head's my shovel i do come here to your eyes really yeah dude i straight up dude give me the give me the rest of the wheat dude i don't have it not you meet me at the spider spawner oh my gosh seriously yeah and it meant my confined place for you to be killed excellent no bad i really i really liked having netherright i'm sorry quack no he did like the sad baby face you know he was like crying i'll have my sister make some food for you thank you i am so hungry i guess i'm going back i guess i'm going back to sleep quackity you know how george gets when he gets sad you start to feel bad for him no you you told me you you literally told me to my face you like him more than me well i mean i'm not gonna lie to you all right i'm leaving i don't care about the star square i dream wow you're not going to tell the story you're really going to let him leave oh my gosh george i can't believe you you have to die now charlie no no no i was going to tell her but he just left okay well tell the story and i won't why have you locked me in here if you tell the story i won't kill you so go ahead and tell us oh i've still got a sweatshirt can i um can i have a sword all right fine whatever you have a sword yeah but not a spider killing sword i don't have a spider killing i feel so miserable i had glory for like three seconds i'm sorry quackity you you said you said not only not only did you hurt me in game you hurt me with your words which is i think the worst kind of hurt i take it all back do you forgive me here what can i okay i got something shiny do you want something shiny yeah here what if i make you a full set of nether right armor right now would you like that oh yes i'm not your number one during this one i didn't get a hoodie out of it i'm sorry what what's your favorite piece of another right armor quackity uh uh the uh the the strongest one which is like the chess test plate you want another right chest fight all right wait just just another right chest plate oh that's where we gotta start somewhere all right i'll take it i'll take it george can you give me back my wheat i need to feed my cows thank you okay not okay i can't even get out because i don't have good items because you hurt my feelings oh i'm gonna i'm gonna go see boner okay my horse wait you're leaving no i'm not okay well for the scar story and it's just gonna be you walking into a bookshelf as a kid i mean it's kind of similar but here go this way yeah thanks hey judges wait wait i'm waiting for my chest please oh god thank you thank you tell the scar story why stop killing my spiders back sorry oh my god why are you killing my spiders are you killing my spiders spiders i'm tired nice to meet you tired oh my god you know did you know did you know covid makes you a jokes or two that's crazy why are you spelling it i need food can you give me food bud no wow okay there you go i gave you something okay i'm just saying that yeah yeah this is awesome you go to bed george i wanna get my stuff you can go get your horsey i'm gonna make it while you're away okay okay i'm gonna go get boner i'm going to ride boner all the way here oh language what that's my horse name yeah okay i can't help it he was born with that name he didn't choose it oh really you didn't give him that name no ah my hand are you okay i think so um i want you guys to me i want i want to meet you guys my most precious item in this entire this entire um in this entire dream smp which is what is it i like to call him i like to call him mine because he's mine so let me show you guys my boner let me go get him what is your own language i need an anvil you know what i'm not gonna call him boner hey bad yeah dude so you hate do you hate me no why'd you what'd you say i like george more than you oh i like him a teeny tiny bit more than well like so you're telling me if we were both about to die falling to a volcano you'd save george before you saved me oh i've been trying to save both of you no no no but if you had to choose well i would try and save both of you no if you had to choose i would like jesus was like hey if you don't save either like one of them i'm gonna i'm gonna end up throwing you jesus yes i would say oh wait i can sacrifice myself then no no no no no shut up we'll all die we'll all die if you die too so so who would you save um [Music] you know what i can't pick between my friends yeah you can't you literally just did it like three minutes ago no i can't you did you said i like it more than you i can't choose between two and like you did i'm it's not even up for debate you literally picked my goodness okay i would pick oh hold on i got a phone call like 9am it is 9am i'm gonna get it i will go sleep soon just hanging out on george's stream yeah you know george he's a funny guy oh yeah no one's calling you no one's calling you guys i'm on the phone being rude yeah it is that's not how you talk to skeptics okay you're right yeah you say you say hello baby girl hey hey language you you call scary i'm gonna give your chest plate that i just made to george if you keep this attitude up i mean oh delicious dyches don't ever say that again you should get banned for that one boom i just finished the chest plate position to make pogo even i even put something really shiny on it so what did you put on it my turn is back just back to full hey brand new mending hey hey hey bad i wanna i still wanna do that grand theft auto stream with you wait do you have my shovel bad um i do not oh have you ever played sims bad like the sims uh the sims i think so no you're you literally want that you want to get banned don't you i'm on the band clown there's so much clout for getting banned we're just gonna get there you get to get freed i want to be freed free me you're not banned yet free me oh dream he just told the scar story yeah cool you missed it he didn't actually tell it all right so i just tell the sky story yes yes all right so i fell over and hit my head and that's how i got this car that was a boring story okay i was i was joking that's not the story that's not the story okay oh bad come on what you put it back oh come on bad so you really want to hear the the scar tell the story or die dream can i have my shovel back i don't know you so you lied it's in the aid there no no i didn't i didn't lie i never said i had it i had it pretty sweet no bad said i had no i have to have your struggle i did not who said they have to say that like you said do you have this who has the shovel and bad goes oh i do come to me and then what was it didn't that work i never said i had it what type of shovel was it another right one oh i didn't pick up another right one can you and jim say hi to the description of a dream's offline chat getting married because shrek is love for life what what is going on what year are we in what year is this 2012 all right got him you got him got him all right do you actually want to hear this story i'm back bad you know what at this point i honestly don't care if you say it or not it's somebody like oh here mr crocketty i made this for you with me i'll take a bath i'm going to take a bath i'm going to take a bath do you want to join me you want to join me put it in there with you if you want to join me just say so there's a there's enough space for you keep talking and we're gonna make a quackity soup instead of a quackity bath oh you want you wanna you're let's let's call you bath boy i'm gonna light you on fire it would be bath boy halo hey george check this out bath water boy halo check this out check this out george don't look at him george don't look at me george no the water the water's warm bad just join them let's join him join us is it a bath basically just a human soup what do you think about it no you're not getting cooked you're getting cooked yeah i think i mean you might be getting cooked you might you might like bring a little i think the definition is [Music] what the hell do you want from me you guys are goofy little muffins did you know that i have can i have pants and shoes and helmet now red shoes you're just asking for a lot aren't you yeah i even put mending on it oh dude put mending on like the rest no and we'll be and we'll be no yeah why not you know how much effort it took to make that a lot i guess bad actually does hate me i hate you look what i just made you how is that hate i guess it's time for me to go oh my gosh quackity i just made you another right chestnut a little bit a little bit no oh my gosh put some clothes on oh you would want me for something get your gavels and diamond blocks back from quack tea quack tea do you have my diamond blocks and gaffers no i wish i did though and if i did i wouldn't give him back here's my stack of golden apples who was my second golden apples who's my fifteen dollars all the time bad i don't actually have it i'm just messing with this way to go listen to some music discs i don't have any of your stuff i gave it all oh my god who has my stuff those eight ender pearls i think these are someone else's oh my god i had a stack of golden apples oh my goodness this is like flashbacks the last time i got wrong hand them over now and ah hand over the supplies back i literally don't have them do you want me to take a screenshot of my inventory here obtain by helping him kill me he's going to kill me help help if you i'll help you i'll help you if i can keep his items after he dies okay deal you have all this stuff after he dies george wait let's talk about this george let's start oh [Music] what am i supposed to do bad when you're like traveling like 10 000 miles an hour okay okay i made it away he'll never catch me now okay this is where i double back can he this kind of this kind of mess up george i know you're attacking a sick man i know george you're making me over exert myself what's wrong with you what's going to mess up george i'm just going to go and listen to chirp oh you would listen to chop guess what george i'm already back at the spawner what are you gonna do i got away i got away george is really bad and i got away tell lily she's smelly lily you stink oh my god my guy please tell the 200 donation tell the story oh my god damn what's up if you don't do it thank you so much oh my god are you sure that's if he doesn't do it i give you the permission to charge but now i'm kidding oh my god you guys really want the story i don't i literally don't all right leave and then i'll tell the story then i'm making a bad boy halo stew right now do you guys remember like as a kid if you went to like a uh a like a small pool you would have like your friends go to the sides right and then you would like run around it in like a circle and make like a rock you guys ever do that no really oh man we used to dream after hours group chat wants to know how the repairman is doing george oh my god uh repair man hi george oh hello bad wow thank you for the stack of coffee give me my golden apples never they're mine you can't have them give me michael oh come on you're really going to kill me over gold oh my god quack music george wait please stop don't actually kill me all right i won't just give me the girl 25 levels i'll help you ben you're trying to kill me just head towards tommy george george i'm sick if you kill me head towards tommy stop george please oh my goodness i'm running out of breath george i got it way easier to run away from than dream oh i'm sorry i'm sorry you're not getting away from the five-year-old you're so easy or like like rat actually no rats easier at chasing people than you are oh you're such an idiot every time you do that i just turn around i don't care i try to help you he's not what the hell am i supposed to do man i got away he's so bad it's embarrassing to be chased by him was so bad he was so annoying oh god actually kill me i'm sorry i'm sorry you're really good you're very drink please don't kill me let's talk about this church let's talk about this let's talk about this george please please we're gonna bring the holy land he can't kill him in the holy land you can't kill me [Applause] [Music] just kill him so he stops i make groundhogs that are better than you and jason i haven't i'm photosynthesizing george george george i have a challenge for you george i have the bad boy halo challenge for you george we get in an arena and we beat each other a hundred times [Laughter] all right i'm gonna go to bed i can't do this anymore okay i'm going to tell the story and i'm going to bed all right i don't know if you got the last one but on behalf of the lgbtq plus and mother mother fans please tell during us to hay loft dream listen to hayloft okay here's the story okay here's the story about how i got these scars go on um i was really young and the computer was broken and then we were getting this computer repair guy oh my god the computer okay that's like i see serious that's add to the story but i didn't even realize and this computer repair guy was coming to fix the computer and my dad was like sleeping he's like having like a nap or whatever and um well like throughout the day i just kept asking i'm like oh my god when's the guy coming was the community coming when's the computer guy coming and then he went to go have like this nap and i like ran into his room jumped on the bed whilst he was sleeping i was like when's he coming and he's like yeah he went he like freaked out and like because i just like jumped on him when he was sleeping and i he like launched me because he's like freaked out he like launched me and i hit my head on like the side of the the thingy and then like i was so weird like it didn't hurt but it was bleeding i was like you have to go to the hospital i have to take you to the hospital and i was like i thought he was joking but then i had to go to the hospital and i had to get stitches because like it didn't even hurt but it was bleed i don't even remember it being bad but it must have been because otherwise he wouldn't have taken me to the hospital to get stitches but but that that's the scar story you haven't why were you so excited for the computer repair guy he's not he's not a clown or like an entertainer george he has a job because i wanted the confuser you fixed yeah yeah yeah the computer guy i'm not trying to farm an animation but that would be a funny animation oh i just remembered a great story all right so the other day guess what george messages me okay so he's probably infactual he's all like man i need help fixing you're really good with computers right can you help me fix mine and i'm like yeah go on and he's like okay so oh my do you want me to tell this story out of respect for you i didn't ask i just i just asked i literally just asked you is recording to an ssd you're going to fix my problem no that's been you're going to stop now but like you're so dumb i was saying that don't say i was saying that i was being nice that wasn't making fun of you um but so he opens his computer up and he goes where do i put the hard drive right there and he's like but this i it's full and i'm like well you can still put it [Applause] anyway you can but i care about my computer there's an ssd flying around in there yes you can where do you think it went george so then i googled the case and watched it okay bad told me to do that so wow that gave me a good tip i looked up i looked up a case to a building tutorial with my case and i found out you you know that thing that was like the back panel thingy bad yeah you have to unscrew that and it's got holes that you screw it into there's three slots for two and a half no that's what i was guessing yeah that's why you didn't say it at all i just didn't tell you together no you had no idea so i did so get most uh most of i'm just used to the uh the ssd holders that you telling stories boy halo that's your new name wow you know what i just talked about how you couldn't find where the hard drives went wow who cares but i know how i got these scars okay i'm gonna go to bed i'm going to bed oh i just whoa i just broke down all right good night everyone good night i love you george okay um no i love you too thanks everyone for coming to the stream hope you enjoyed click the follow button it's free subscribe with prime it's free um and yeah bye thanks for all the donations guys and the subs i appreciate you all thank you thank you thank you you know what i'm gonna the stream's literally over but i'm gonna run three minutes of ads leave if you want what yeah i'm just gonna test it out and see what happens i'm gonna run three minutes of ads feel free to leave the stream's literally over don't be funny if you dwindle back to like five thousand viewers okay bye i'm i'm this is the end but i'm clicking the button okay bye i click the add button but i'm still here technically because i can't understand yeah because yeah people yeah people are that yeah like our subs and stuff oh people think okay people that are so people that are subbed get like the extra content oh should we tell something so tell us imagine i did this and i told the scholars after breaking through oh my god elena hopefully oh you've got to be served if you're gifting subs thank you elena thank you and christy wait everyone's gifting subs now thank you christy thank you christine lina for getting five subs each thank you i believe yeah i just think it's like why why not just run ads at the end of the stream it's just like it's free real estate right yeah 10 ads look i literally said the stream's over like i don't there's nothing that's probably going to be interesting that happens in the in these three minutes do you want to thanks for giving me boxes why is everyone gifting subs when i'm ending you just title your stream running ads and you'll see how many viewers you can keep yeah i had this idea dream i don't know if it's allowed on twitch but all you do is run ads and do money giveaways so like every like five minutes you give away like 100 or something and you're like always running ads i don't know everyone's gift oh my god so many people give me what i'm saying right now like what if you just keep running ads like and just just you just stream for another hour and you're just running ads i wonder how many viewers i make 10 million dollars worth of ads oh my god so many what is going on how much how much money would you make keep running ads should we just keep going and running ads we'll just see this isn't the experiment guys sorry you guys are part of the experiment titsy nicholson they can hear it mx maze thank you so much guys thank you thank you what everyone just decides to give subs without streams my ads just ended no there's still there's still a minute 20 of us don't worry okay maybe i'll run more sorry i had run more ads after that runway and my plan was just to end the stream after the ads are over oh just keep running more and then you just see just see what happens no one's ever done this on twitch no one's ever done this on twitter i can't believe they're doing wait i can't believe it i will say this like to be fair if you just imagine you just told the people you just like me up front at the beginning of the stream right you're like guys i'm just gonna be running a million adds a stream like i'm draining the training twitch's bank account and then like i don't know you're gonna do some big giveaway or something and you just like do it you just do it the whole stream of like two like how much money would you make it would it be a lot i don't even know i don't know i don't i really wish you could see how much money you make for running an ad you can you can't not like well you can see how much money you make in like a day for ads but you can't see how much money that's what i'm saying we will see after this one we'll see and then you can you can assume that like most of it would have i can't because i stream for five hours so it's going to be more than usual anyway yeah but still yeah but you can take it like yeah okay we can run we've got 22 seconds of ads i bought a sub to still have to watch ads oh if you refresh this if you sub if you're subbed you might have to refresh and then you don't get ads alina thanks for gifting more subs oh my god have i dropped viewers though you haven't even dropped viewers like you said the stream's over and you you haven't dropped any viewers i think i have you're just running ads so it says 52 000 still i think it takes a while to i think i was at like 58k right i don't i don't actually don't know you're at 52 from whatever oh the ads are done one more just run run 20 now all right guys we're doing an experiment the stream's not over but i'm running more ads it was dreams idea the stream is over the stream okay yeah the stream is over there there's no more the stream is actually like literally you're just here to watch if you stay you're just getting ads like that's it you're just you're just getting out okay you're getting free content right now i'm going to click the add button see you guys in three minutes i just oh error you cannot start okay that's awkward you can't start right now yeah they purposefully prevent that oh okay well that's why you what you do is you get sponsors for in between so it's like you do you do a bunch of bunch of ads like a sponsor ad and then you do a bunch of ads and then a sponsor julian thanks for gifting something and then you make you make like a hundred million dollars and become the like become and give it away because he's like he runs he owns twitch i still can't run ads how do i run more ads it drains him it drains him how how do you give away all the money with everybody twitch ads you tell everybody guys i'll be giving a million dollars to each viewer after this stream running ads hmm ad placement i can't be able to read all that bad what are you doing excellent thank you for getting more subs thank you can everyone say hi hope you have the best i hope you have the best wish i don't know what that means but thank you i guess i know what it means but thank you thank you um yes i'm gonna end the stream i can't run any more ads so i'm sorry no more ads i know you guys love ads but okay the stream is actually over now all right bye sounds like you're saying abs and nate the great i don't know if i said thank you but thank you for giving 10 subs thank you yes i love abs okay bye thank you everyone so much bye i see you for five hours what's wrong with me bye you're insane bye bye is it over nope i mean did you end it no i didn't i mean but okay i'm going to click the follow button now okay bye i click the end button three two one i'm ending the stream [Music] you
Channel: GeorgeNotFoundVODS
Views: 12,158
Rating: 4.9607844 out of 5
Id: tBkCq3pg_7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 305min 20sec (18320 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 19 2020
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