Dream | Remodeling My Minecraft Base | VOD

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named don't kill him yeah but that i can't stop it it's already started don't george they're dying george they're dying getting slaughtered don't they're over fish are over party they're dead they're not dead fish is dead party what are you doing what do you mean oh your hair i'm fixing my base don't punch me hi hello people are not completely in the stream yet like notification hasn't gone no one wants to watch you anymore i know i'm irrelevant i haven't uploaded in three weeks and i fell off the face of the earth it's okay we forgive you well you do but youtube hasn't yet now that i'm now that i'm no longer the the minecraft god my my fans are going to hate me true i'm waiting for the notification to go out lose to technoblade dropped to only 200 viewers feeling bad what happens you should have won i know i know that's a good tweet i think a screenshot of the zero viewers and say i lost the techno blade and this happens i'm going to tweet it first yeah just tweet it screenshot it and say dream loses the technoblade and then this happens or something did i actually i don't know it's kind of funny but all right i'll do it then why can't i break this okay hi there's not enough people here yet notification hasn't gone out i'm making this epic tweet you give me the most epic tweet in the history of tweets all right hi microphone muted microphone activated are we is the notification out yet no it's not which is was weird last time with the notification as well they don't like me anymore that makes sense oh no uh all right i've made the screenshot nice let's see what it looks like all right let me get a twitter com slash george newt found are you really going to shout out your [Laughter] so classy all right here we go i think that's because you went out by the way it did hi hello how is everybody we have a goal today i want to pull up this post this guy that has the reddit account named randombuilder mc randombuilder nmc that's his reddit account he posted a post and with it with a video and also a um a screenshot of a remodeled house of our main house on the s p so that's what we're gonna do we're going to be remodeling our house to look like that because it looks really cool wait where's the thing where's the post yeah i linked it to you on discord oh looks pretty cool right a bit of an improvement i suppose oh come on you can admit it george all right cool let me pull up the the screenshot i have here we go all right so we wanna we need to knock down it's two over okay so this is right next to it we and there's one over and then once we're doing this so we don't want can we get rid of all the crafting tables yeah we will not all of them but the ones okay like all but one yeah yeah dream loses the fight viewers leave should i do that it'll be nice on that people will hate on you they'll be like george be nice to your friend he's in the he's he's in he's he needs help he's been depressed ever since the fight at the bottom dream came up with this tweet so you can't get mad at me all right i'm i just tweeted i mean you can i can you're allowing me to do that you're allowed to this once just this once i tweeted that all right how much nether right is it uh oh ancient debris to make another right the three sure this is so expensive i'm sorry i just want less donations just because um uh yeah just to chill and um yeah i'm sending letters back to everybody that sends me stuff so um i i sh you should get a letter back if you haven't already and you have any writing ideas you want in the book i'm writing a book dedicated to the dream team i don't know i don't know that's a good question i got a dream what everyone's replying saying george be nice to your friend he's been depressed since the fight so he gets i think so don't be so mean to me george george you're so mean hi guys everyone that replies ha ha nice tweet gets a follow back nah he's lying he's actually gonna scam you guys don't be a fool like actually don't be a fool you will look so dumb can you reply that everybody dislike those tweets i'm having trouble organizing my my everything because i can't read chat all right there we go that should be good enough i think oh well okay one hole i guess all right sweet i need to replicate that on this side oh look i'm not subbed you're not why would you not be subbed i don't know why would anybody not be subbed i don't know this is strange i'm not stopped it's probably because you haven't streamed in weeks wow you're making excuses come on don't be a sore loser george don't lose it if you know you know no one knows i need a spruce i need spruce trap doors there we go boom that looks pretty good all the replies what have you done i know it's great what i keep falling in this hole oh my god because you all right george george i've been so depressed lately george no you're and you're you're just you're putting me down i'm making another right in gut all right how do i build this this is so hard to replicate because i'm i'm dumb if i wasn't this would be much easier to replicate wait how'd you make another right i have three scraps you need four scraps and you need to cool before you need hold too that's so much i only have three three scrap i go get more scrap are you saying it like that like what just weird it wasn't weird yeah you're saying it instead of saying it plural i think scrap i gotta get more scraps hmq with great content you don't even know me but you've helped me through so much thank you so much i love you too all right how do i how do i build this this is so difficult to build all right i need slabs on top of that and there's brick over the glass there's more glass here glass i might not have enough material oh my god keep falling in this stupid hole just stop doing that stupid hole do you have a fire resistance potion i don't uh you're useless okay i mean george what have you ever done for me george come on know how i've been ever since the fight i'm trying to get sympathy what's up with that thing where it's like you're too far away to sleep you know it's so dumb so dumb it is very dumb i'm in the nether that's pretty good okay i like that i might need more bricks i think i'm not gonna have enough thank you i i've been i haven't been awake like that long so i don't need a nap i think thank you for the donation you're just gonna get cranky he doesn't have a nap you wouldn't like dream if he's cranky they would love me when i'm cranky that's disgusting when he hasn't had his nap oh happy birthday anna i love you too all right this is gonna look so cool when it's done you guys you guys will be impressed by this builder who's not me on reddit um hi from ava and greg from australia hi hello how are you how's your day going all right that looks good so far make me happy thank you so much amber you make me happy too um i clicked on something okay there we go oops i need more doors trap doors are expensive what yeah that costs wood they cost like more wood like it's six wood for two so much wood for two of them it's six wood for two of them literally two of them you can't tell me that's not a lot so much wood that is a lot of wood don't even lie i'm not lying don't be a liar i'm not lying it's a lot of wood all right all right coming along coming along pretty good coming along pretty good i approve so far i found another right nice i'm just so good at finding another right thank you jeremy please use glass panes instead of blocks for demand dimension your floor gang maybe oh i am floor gang but maybe we'll use glass pain maybe james vlogging oh yes glass panes yes i don't know why i'm even acting like i i should or shouldn't i should definitely i hope you guys have a good stream i'll stay up for as long as i can but i'll probably pass out that's fine you want to sleep go to sleep thank you for the donor all right hey gloss pains do look better you're using kind it's not a scam and reply haha nice tweet still love both of you though thank you love you too guys ever since this technically lost i've beco i've decided to become a builder okay decided to become a builder i've dropped out i've dropped out of pvp no more manhunts my next video i'm doing a collab with green we're doing we're doing we're doing building build mart is my new my new game i'm gonna be number one in build mart when it comes up oh my god i had a joke about amnesia but i can't remember the words very funny thank you for the donut um you start doing build challenges instead yeah that's my that's my next thing actually really in the next video minecraft but we're building a house wait um minecraft speedrun world record scooter on world record dirt house yeah dirt house any percent random seed glitchless you say hello to my bailey and to my group chat hi bailey and the group chat all right it's starting to look as you can as you can tell it's starting to it's coming along it's coming along it's going to look pretty start it's starting to look pretty it's not it's not quite there yet but it will get there alright um we want to do that's brick i don't have any more brick can you give me clay george what how just collect it and bring it to me because i need it um are you guys are are you guys doing a modded s p in the near future probably not and hi goggy the businessman hello that's what you're known as how much do you need just a bunch like how much just get like i don't know a couple stacks probably or just whatever just get as much as you can i have a 14-3 shovel so i can thank you so much for the donation i'm glad that it helps all right this is perfect yes all right we need you i'm just kidding we don't necessarily need you but you can help if you'd like you can help remove this monstrosity of a flooring that you you you've cursed the land with uh i sent centino kylie kaden and maya there we go we have we've tried anywhere i can find clay um right here where at the base maybe i'll just go like look around somewhere else i don't want to ruin our place oh you're you're better at m.c than him there you go i hope that that helps all right i need spruce stairs okay night time through stairs perfectly um hi cameron thank you so much for the dono all right there we go upside down like this and then just like a normal spruce block here i think i found clay nice hope you're doing well thank you so much paris i'm doing great there's so many zombies everywhere you're so annoying oh thank you so much for the donut these zombies they're just they're so annoying what do you say to me i said the zombies are so annoying happy to finally catch a stream thank you so much for the donut all right um this is what we do there's a slab there so i have two stacks of clay do you need more probably not you need to smelt that okay i lied i don't have two stuff there's so much stuff i have one point seven five stacks is even a stone brick slab no it's not why did i just do that ah okay i'm putting this in there here for now do you need more thank you for the donut that's probably fine you can get more though if you come back it's fine you can get more i want to do two trips wow two trips you're so lazy why am i making more slabs i'm so unorganized i don't i don't think i'm meant to be a builder um i was in your s p noah's videos insane you need to check it out i don't think he was on my s p but i will check it out um okay trap doors on both sides like this okay i just found another thing of clay that's so much hopefully yeah i'll check it out thank you tell george his favorite australian is here and also next time call take techno bacon boy i don't know i don't know if i'll call him that i'll just call him champ instead that's co-champ [Laughter] let's go champ fences i always forget which one's which there you go i'm drowning all right i've i've just got so much okay that looks pretty good all right and then there's a stair on top here i have four and a half stack that's enough right um in your manhunt s p declared a war dream george you need to watch it on stream it's freaking amazing i don't know what you're saying i don't get it uh you say hi to my friends and wish my friend david happy birthday happy birthday david thank you for the donor hello to your friends all right i'm back buddy join me you need to smelt it streaming hello now wow what you're trying to boss him around thank you so much melky where's the call i have no idea there's no call yeah go get call no no i just oh i might yeah i might check it out i don't know if i'll watch it on stream but i might we'll see i don't know what it is and check it out um okay cool i think the front i just need these i need signs by the way it's very scary when you enter pvp battle with you on accident also you clearly own me six times that's fine because it was a fun experience thank you thank you for the donut yeah i was fighting on there for a while it's a war loss to you in a pvp fight everybody everybody trolling or something i don't know almost everybody are they trolling or are they letting you in come fight me okay let's fight you're lying um that's what that's what it is right yeah that is what it is why are you adding tonight pretty good tactical thank you mighty science because that's what the builder did i'm respecting his work wait you're copying yeah this guy this guy um this guy uh remodeled our house for us somewhere where can i see it on my reddit oh i found a ton of call now and i have fortune sir i i will i will fix it thank you for the donut i will fix it i promise why are there holes in the bridge what's up creepers i guess i'm gonna fix it though so don't worry that can be your job so i'm not fixing that fix the holes i don't know all right i like to mix it i see an oak door i need here make some lanterns take this iron and make some lanterns because george has cold too it's like golden it's like iron nuggets surrounding a torch i think nice house pog thank you i didn't build it i'm gonna take some of that it's called the random builder and mc he did it and we're copying it but it will he wanted us to copy it so how much this is for sticks i'm gonna need a little bit more than that george four more sticks actually that's all i need thank you georgie challenges you guys we will check it out not right now though okay dream i made 15 lanterns where do i put them oh right here you need to fix the bridge okay look i'll help i can do this marvelous job george we need what's this stuff spruce i have one yeah i think so george marvelous i don't have another brick guys or no i do but i didn't i will you need scaffolding we can make scaffolding how do we make scaffolding is chemistry physics or biology better um that's a good question probably probably physics i don't know the hard question i dream did i put the lanterns in the correct place oh you're gonna let out beckerson no beckerson's not even in there when are you putting backers in back in my house i'm not you're too irresponsible you had it stolen i didn't have him stolen well i did that's i wasn't on to defend him my first time catching one of your streams hope you have a good stream i love you thank you so much um are you guys accepting silver silver jk challenge i'll i'll check it out i haven't seen it i'll check it out after the stream um you should clear room in your inventory and what is your guys favorite disney movie i don't know that is like really good the lion king i'll tell you right now actually yeah that's i'll steal his answer happy birthday nicole thank you so much for the donut all right this is starting to look better um oh thank you so much thank you so much for the dono um i'm glad thank you we don't even have spruce trees in the farm we have a bunch of spruce trees over there there's spruce trees all around but i have a spruce wood if you need to use wood i have a bunch oh yeah i don't know if i have like enough but i think i'll do good i think our team our team is really good i think tubbo is really really good and he's gonna lose he's gonna lose to me and george he's wrong um he'll take this i just need i seen one oh my goodness they're gracious there we go we've done it we've done it uh what was the hardest video to code um what would you say george probably the uh the mobs uh controlled mobs right um i wouldn't say it was the hardest but it took the longest the longest yeah probably that one um okay i don't know what the hottest was to think about that one i need bricks there thank you so much i love you too i need the bricks how many bricks you need uh just give me them all uh um well i just feel like a builder when i build wow that's so insightful thank you don't you ever feel john way yeah can i build i feel like a builder using but you're not you're not as good as a builder as i am to be fair thank you so much i'm glad i can help you out i have six more brooks by the way thank you so much thank you roulette thank you for the dono all right there we go i'm going to tie her up here with this whatever it's fine um i need more glass panes true scaffolding is probably like what's best right dream can have some fences hi avi am i saying that wrong i feel bad sorry hi dream give me give me two fences of what what variety these fences right here okay thank you oh and then okay glass panes what are those mines they're in my hot bar there's no way are they dream is trolling there's no way there's no way that that was already there i think that's an epic troll or no way yeah epic troll alone [Laughter] i have 15 bricks like i have 29 yes psych you got me you trolled me [Laughter] next thing you know you're gonna be trapped oh man i'm gonna trap you george george you're such a troll luller stop i'm trapping him i'm trapped george stop come on i'm trapping him um george stop [Laughter] george i'm trying not entirely there's no way oh i did like oh yeah just the door doorway the doorway yeah what else you want from me george you're being annoying this is a video right here george northbound traps dream and another right hexagon the hecahedron it's two right yeah it is and we just need the lanterns with the one with the lantern what is that up there with the one lantern up there george what is that wait what is this wait what is that it's like held up i gotta go what is that um i listen to woe by um xxx i think what is that like a balloon oh good luck good luck thank you for the dono um all right i need this do you have another sea lion turn i'm not seeing any turn atlanta yeah i have 11 lanterns george what did you smoke what brisket george we told you you got to stop smoking dude chill that's yeah it's not good george seriously come on like we're gonna have to have a meeting about this yeah okay is that where it goes like we need an intervention yeah a 360 no scope with the intervention george has definitely been smoking all right stop stop stop what is this i'm trying to think about what i need to do okay i need what do i need i think this is like why isn't cobblestone wall here with jada and izzy on there because they're special because they were on the wall when i broke it and i you broke the wall i wanted to make sure that they didn't get like left behind because i'm gracious you're so gracious thank you i know that's what they all say we have all we all all the fish are gone yeah because i ate them all you ate the fish yes why he's hungry what do you think george are you hungry are you hungry you want some food what is wrong with you you're weird you're just hungry all right you're kicked out of the dream team what yes finally george has just been wanting this whole time you're so mean george no story stop would you think how do you think he feels i'm gonna tell you right now it's not good thank you so much always makes these jokes about me getting kicked out of the he says dream team day he always makes fun of like he actually does say like every day he makes fun of every day he hates him george actually hates cephnup yeah wait why are these slabs i don't know i and he just hates you instead i know just not even denying it i know it's fine it's i'm there's no point in trying i'm i'm used to a dream it's okay oh my god that would have been horrible thank you for the donut george can i have some bricks please yeah you're hitting me that hurts i'd really prefer you didn't hit me like jeremy's so good where does he get at building from george how did i mean dream how did you like that i feel like an easy parkour jump uh yeah like this is why you're about it now ah other steps for your hair um i don't know i have no idea i'm not the best person to ask what color they should dye the hat oh thank you so much oh my god a hundred dollars thank you i love you too um yeah they asked what color should die there what are you doing up there be careful yeah a different color what dream be careful you could get hurt it's i'm fine i'm fine dream just why didn't i do that twice do you believe in himself not me and george would be look he's just installing some plants on the on the roof yeah i just would be really upset if dreamy poo got hurt that's it that's all it would be a shame come on that would be a real shame that'd be a real shame wouldn't it wait what's that from something george doesn't get it george is irrelevant he doesn't know that's me and dream's inside joke fill me in no it's actually it's like an empty pvp meme well actually it's an mc team's name it's not even mcpbb what's the joke it's a mine hq me actually um george you don't have to know everything i don't even know i don't i don't even know how to read the ending of that sentence we just know the memes we just finished each other's sentences oh the odds are so low it's like impossible that that would happen naturally the odds are not in our favor it's like hunger games funky games hungry games the georgie games the sapotist knappitus games everyone wants to play those games may i have some spruce plays [Music] [Music] um i think you're so funny don't you wait you think you're from here attacking me is that everything's just like you you gave me five squares like what am i gonna do with this give me more you didn't you haven't specified an amount that you give me a lot that's how much i don't have a lot i only have 12 go find some more can you find it oh well i'm actually building you're like sitting here watching dream i get it you're mesmerized yeah i am no i'm monitoring him i'm ensuring he doesn't get hurt oh you know you're the one that was worried sapna you're the one that was right i am but you know what you guys told me to believe in you and so i am i'm believing in him but i'm also watching and and like if i see something that looks like he might fall or something i can tell him so he won't fall uh dream can you toss me some leafs beefs the leaves leaf is the third of leaf may i have some leave it's down there in the water it's done on the water what actually i didn't mean to it's down there go get it no it's not it is i'm telling you it's down there you lie no i promise you i'm not even actually i'm not i'm not oh i found it i found it wait did you just trap him in there no why'd you put me in here i'm not skeppy you wish you were look at this look at how good this house looks look at that what's that so crazy look at that guys okay we've only done one fourth yeah yeah yeah and also the inside we need we need a red and also this so it's fine i'm working on this did they add a roof to it i wanna go i'm gonna go find this one do you have a link yeah here i'll link you click this link and you can help me build the rest i'm building i'm building the pathway next when you get rid of the cobble at the top the cobble looks whack yeah no we're going to we're going to it's going to become um dude it looks so good yeah i know it does look like are we gonna are we gonna do like the pathways too that's what i'm doing i'm doing it right now what the hell it's so good actually i know who made this everyone go up vote that everyone go up with the post come on we're doing it right now guys everyone oh you know what oh this could be crazy guys i'm linking the post in the stream i wanted to get as many awards as like humanly possible okay it's gonna be crazy george let's watch the post i don't see how many awards they get i'm saving you hey look guys everyone award this post between award it like award it like give it gold and silver and platinum and like whatever i know you guys are editors i know a lot of your writers i want to see it get awards we're going to refresh we're going to see we're going to see it get uploaded millions of dollars of gold it's going to be like the most gilded post on all of reddit ever it has awards already what does it have it's got it's called something ew why do you look at it on old red i don't like that it has something what is that we haven't we haven't finished anything yet but this is just it has few things how can why do you watch it on old why do you watch it whoa it's got a ton of stuff did it let's see oh it has 17 has 19 awards now more we need at least a hundred before i continue guys i'm not i'm ending the stream if he doesn't have at least a hundred awards oh my god what is it like two dollars oh it's 32. it's 32 awards right now am i the only one that likes new reddit more than old reddit well it depends on the subreddit because some are like some are better on the old one it's more better on the new one oh my god it has so many wait oh my god it's so many awards it has it's thirty two more oh it has 40 oh it has like 50 something now you say hi to my sister lacy hi lacey i love you too thank you for the donut all right they did they have a picture they don't have a picture of the inside unfortunately there's gold they have a there's a video that's less up wholesome silver take my power hugs neck faith in humanity restored take my energy don't can come grab these materials off the floor keep cool summer award because i don't want i don't like those oh my god okay it's got a lot of stuff now it does i want i'll look at it in a second it's got over 100. it does it yes is it imagine that that person's going to wake up that person is going to like wake up in the morning feeling like what the heck they're gonna be like what the frick i know one guy george doesn't understand the reference but it's okay that's fine you win some you lose some is except for george he loses all of them i know that's never me i lost one of them i know the song we need to all right i'm gonna go acquire some bamboo and um oh crap that's a lot of wood oh aaron has donated uh thank you eric here has donated us um some stuff for our endeavors thank you um where i put the chiseled i have it you gave it to me yeah give me some of the chiseled okay oh okay let me hold on give me something right now hold on i'm making a chest for all of our i need it quick there's a chest over here no this is a better chest out in the open it's much much better here all right whatever that's fine don't take it all what the hell is wrong with you i took the chisel all right fine i'll take most of it i need what i need most of it i have more anyway there's there's stone over there in the chest but it's fine thanks jinx again let me refresh this post it's like 2 500 likes and a hundred like it has like 170 awards that's pretty funny there's like the richest man on all of reddit he's like the elon musk of reddit guys keeper keep awarding it we need to make this like in the record books for the most awarded post what is the most it's like it costs like a dollar or something to get you can you can buy for like ten dollars it's like like a hundred awards or something i don't know maybe not a hundred you can buy a lot no still here i'm gonna i'm gonna award i haven't awarded it give award can i give it a bunch of awards you can give it multiple right i think so yeah all right i just gave it a gold award i'm going to give it another gold award how do you can give it another one oh i can't you don't do it once can you oh my god and angel is better than taya i need some string dream do you have any string on your person sadly i don't fudge i love you too thank you oh my god this post has so many awards i think i might have some string oh there's there's hella string in the okay i'm going to the spider spawner awesome thank you i love you too dream the one in the middle has to go one higher just so you know you're doing that incorrect it's slightly higher no no what do you mean like look at the picture like i don't know it fluctuates it's like one it's there's a pattern to those fences no i know i'm doing it okay just making sure um hi um matilda hi guys say hi to matilda hi matilda vlogmatota why would you build the chest like it's now in the open and you just build it in the way so i can't even like finish what i'm doing oh boohoo okay guys i got hella stuff for us that we're gonna oh thank you so much happy early birthday i just made another ingot did you yep can i have it nope uh should i kill it kill you for it con it's in my end chestnut i'll log into your account then what hey you don't have you have nothing to say to that do you unlock into my account you want to bet yeah quickly dream sending me his password all right he doesn't have my possible check your damns i love dream 551 no it's well not why would you react like that yeah it sounded very scared dream i brought scaffolding scaffolding how do you say it scaffolding where's the t it's scaffolding how do you say it the exact way you say it i have scaffolding hi liz i love you too scaffolding scaffolding how do i put it on the other one don't that's the trick you need to collect the stuff because i broke it because it was in the way and it's annoying dream well you shouldn't have put it in the way why would you do that not my fault no no no seriously why would you do that not okay i might collab with legend i don't know he can reach out to me might collab with who laser beam not me you want a collab dream maybe i'd love to get a dream hi i love you too thank you our total synchronization because you and i these are expensive too wait why the how do they like go up and down like this what does it connect to the cobble wall oh cause dream is smart george no it's the builder he's here they are smart why are you not smart well i'm smart i didn't come up with this this this building strategy crap i need to look at the picture wait what is this this is a wall it's like a long wall because it connects to the it's a long wall what the long wall oh it's like the size of a full block but it's thin so much like me jinx jinx again what what sounds like you're like talking dora or something what talking door stop talking doris out now i'm always talking dora hater your dream dream loves dora he he won't admit it but he actually loves dora i have no idea i don't even i don't really know what that is but i mean i'd consider it yeah i fought tapo on his stream on both one point eight and one point sixteen yesterday did you win i did win i don't believe it won't dick you can go watch it it happened probably unless he deleted it he might have else literally a pvp legend oh come [Music] is a pvp legend as well the top l is the best the best come on can i fix this water fixing it i fixed it again hi abby and joe hello who's joe joe mama [Laughter] shut up saying that the way i say it that's the way i say it i just say it wrong i just say it i just choose to say it the wrong way well i like it it's not your choice how you say it actually it is yeah you're not the creator of the word are you what are we about to say george i think you're better than everybody i think i'm better than you at pvp well you'd be wrong you want to fight right now on stream this is messed up dream what have you done what do you mean there's like a random plank here and like right then delete it i'll delete you place that back place that back what the wood yes why look at the wood not the wood [Music] then put the fence here i don't have the fence you do not know and look it doesn't connect i miss bad boy halo why didn't it come on south nap you don't miss bad boy halo i do oh come on come on we need another fence over here i get it i get it you're greedy you're greedy i'll take all this bamboo good that's not even good we need to we need to change it this is this doesn't connect why are you guys removing the front why are you removing that because we're gonna remove it there's there's he has a part here's the front two he's a front too chill what are you doing are you working on the house are you yeah come over here come look at my progress all right i'm gonna send you i'm sending you the link on discord um you've already sent me the link no i'm sending i'm sending him he's about to really listen he doesn't listen you're building you're saying air at the link on discord click on him there's a youtube link in the comments click it click it and then you can help us build the the the house look at you build the interior okay dream you're clearly being insane you're giving him the link i'm giving him like i'm checking up on this post now this post doesn't have like a million million wait i better have at least 500 it doesn't have at least 500. oh no there's not 500 it's 230 oh my god i'm pissed off and i'm pissed off in the stream and the stream i'm pissed off back up once it gets 500. i'm pissed off guys this post needs to get more than 231. 231 are you trolling are you joking guys you guys are too crazy we can't bring you anywhere you guys are just like george we can't bring you anywhere at all it's [Laughter] i know you have reddit gold i know you have read a gold guys instead of donating to me take your donation donate it to reddit and then and then donate it to reddit i mean [Laughter] donate it in exchange for goods otherwise known as paying are they donating if they're i guess they're donating to me and they're like they're donating to that guy technically i think well yeah but if they're paying me to say something are they definitely not doing anything anymore they're paying they're like paying me for the service of saying something i don't know you know that they're like say hi to mark this is a mark big tech big ticket question that you know i don't think we can really solve true you know that this is one of the many questions science candidates have gone on it's gone on onset feedback elena and fabian thank you i love you look at this so far okay delete all the cobble delete all the cobble delete it delete it delete dude you're such a crack and we can't thank you found you give he gives sun up like one meter of distance and he just takes two meters you know because i'm a winner you're a wiener i get rid of this this cobble yeah it's going to cost you this is an expensive service no yeah really i'll pay you cobble removal service already negotiated but i'll pay you i'll pay you one dollar an hour dude that's so that sounds like a hell of a deal if you ask me it is you're not gonna get a better one what if we just leave it so there's no i like it kind of like nothing on this glass it looks nice it's like an infinity pool you're such an idiot i actually hate him oh clash of clans oh come on um you might like the discord expired on patreon saturday could i get another invite yes you can um i'm gonna have a public uh server and a little bit you can join to ask as well um thank you now i'm doing all the work right now yeah doing nothing i'm doing all the work i'm doing all right i'm doing the hard drive i'm actually doing all the work i'm doing the hard labor oh you know did you just say you're in labor george is in labor i said i'm doing the hard labor he's feral george is quite feral quite quite epic indeed it's quite epic indeed you and i think so much like me jinx jinx again granulation explanation because you and i are meant to be that's how a dream feels every time we talk if i don't i don't feel anything like that what yeah you heard me what nonnie i don't know what planet i'm on yeah so good actually a certified banger justified certified freak what can you build quicker dream can you shut up quicker please you want to go off the edge of this building i think that's actually what he desires oh if i smacked you off there that would have been george 2000 iq compilation why is there a boat in here because i went to boating school and i learned if you weren't another right if you weren't supposed to if you weren't another right in the first place like you would have been off and it would have been there yeah like that oh you still never right person you're stupid you're stupid you've been there the right person hey george i hate it actually right it's like hacks another right it's acts yeah it's lit this is my dream right now come come inspect the side dream make sure i've done everything please oh i need signs crap i need iron bars you want i got you some bars you know what you already got you want some bars i don't want your iron bars one's fresher your bars are more like coal bars don't make me start rapping um og minecraft youtube's awesome and what does the future hold i think everything gets bigger and better always we'll see okay dream come inspect the side make sure i've completed everything to your degree of acceptance my degree of acceptance i got my degree of acceptance from harvard scaffolding is like hacks it is opie um from australia hope you have a great day thank you so much is it good i don't know if the sides are supposed to be the exact same are they why wouldn't they be that'd be weird if they weren't i'm gonna i'm gonna look on the on the youtube video i'm refreshing again i'm refreshing their awards 276 more guys come on i guess all the redditors all milked out it's my sister's birthday soon to say happy birthday to dottie happy birthday daddy um i'm looking i'm seeing if the sides are the same the sides are the same it looks the same yeah they're the same which would mean that you did do it correct congratulations you get yes a sing oh you didn't do the trapdoors on like the very edges what do you mean no oh zero out ten for sign language you get smart no no don't hit me no bring it bring it no you you lost you deserved one hit now you have like many hits for hitting me back hi kaden look i'm doing them i'm doing them guys guys boys boys settle down settle down first settle down settle down you're gonna you're gonna go to timeout you're gonna go to timeout this isn't roughhouse time this isn't roughhouse time dude dad you hit that he hit you he hit you i'm really disappointed in you george no i was telling you to stop and you hit me you were in the wrong way you're grounded you're in the woods grounded for i don't mean he always acts like this yeah he just thinks he can do whatever he wants but he can't it's funny who hit me he hit me again no just just ignore him he's not worth your time come on you're right he's just irrelevant well i wouldn't go that far grab the scaffolding grab the scaffolding yeah i add it for you because i'm smart and you didn't do the the lanterns you didn't do the lanterns on top you put one lantern in the middle instead of on the post without that no that's where it's supposed to be look at the image oh you're right so then over here it's wrong no i already fixed it okay good so who did it first i'm gonna kill him okay i'll be right back don't kill him don't kill him george you're you're stopping george he's chasing me i know but you're you're you're sniping him from 100 miles away and then you're saying he's chasing you he's chasing me he's chasing me dream he deserves this i'll make quick work of him you can run george but you can't hide what thank you for the donut all right guys i'm leaving you too alone please don't kill each other if you kill each other you can just log off george you can just log off just log off just go do something else you can log off and then log back on you're supposed to be helping me and you're zero help you're actually the opposite of help because you're being unhelpful you didn't expect that did you idiot what do you have a pearl or something yeah i'm so i'm sorry go away he's ate a gamble george is so scared guys come on george just log off quickly before you die you will die if you don't log off george you don't have death strider george i'm gonna kill him i'm gonna kill him stop stop that come on stop come on no he's gonna die just just stop die no george loop around to the house loop her onto the house and i'll kill him what i already escaped him i escaped him this idiot's so far behind he's flying come here you're really gonna run down wait we're gonna run now you're in the fence you're nothing what happened what happened [Music] yes green well i don't even know what happened he's going feral what i have killing kill him he's stop stop stop stop nap stop stop stop he needs to die why is he so feral okay whatever the other morons i'll be right back just stop just stop he's shooting i'm not shooting him you just george he's going to go get more gabbles or something what do you think i'll kill you i will kill you he's going to go prepare to get more stuff he's coming up stop just stab that please just stop we're trying to go he's got a gap and a pearl in his hand come on south now dream i hit him once yeah boosting him towards me come on guys stop fighting dream stop him i'm not what am i supposed to do just get him off me you're gonna kill me steph now come on come on stop that stop i just broke like three things of sea grass come on [Applause] from stop him stop him he's just blocking in the whole area george george snapped out come on stepped up has straight just let me kill him no just don't kill him it's fine don't kill him don't kill him kill him i'm not gonna kill him i don't want to fight him my another why does he need strength to kill me what's wrong with i don't know he's cheater but it's okay he's got thorns he's so open come on stop now calm down i won't hurt him you you you started hitting him as soon as he logged in zap now i need food come on what food do you need do you need a god how am i gonna i can't remove him from the area i'll kill him then i'll have to fight him i don't wanna fight him well just fight him just look i don't wanna fight him he's going to kill me that's fine my arm is going to break he's out of strength now he doesn't have strength now but he has another one yeah i can drop you a god apple george tell him to leave he has he has another one in his hand that he's drinking but he doesn't he hasn't dreamed yet how low are you george i don't know look if you need to do george just keep logging in and then like trying to get to land because you can log off like with the five sec within five seconds and have the invincibility right log on i don't think it counts it does it does he was hitting me so quickly but he was trying to hit you right away and he couldn't but like i'm i can't move all right when i log in i think the delay is a lot less for players just get rid of sat nap stop building on the lake come on stop he's ruining the lake what's he doing stop george just log in and then log back out trust me he's going to kill him no it's fine it's fine log in log in he's going to get you blocked in george he's another point look this is this does not concern you dream it does concern me he's in the truck oh god look out look out look look look out all right he's right behind you log out again set up log out again log out again like i got log out again george log out log out log out dream i need food all right loop around i'm looping i'm the sniper go left go left go left go to the farm where's the food dropping it right in front i'm dropping it right in front yeah trash now you are so trashed oh okay now you're out there there's more gaps behind more gaps behind you more apples behind you oh oops i just that's fine george give me something give me a second oh well he's dead just wait this way he needs food it's not even fair if he doesn't have food stuff though he's eating apples right now he's fine give me food here take this i need food too actually it's half you can he took it did he get it did you get it he took one of it you got it you got it george you got it like 95 percent no i don't have it no you're an idiot you have an inventory all right i don't have it all right george here here he took it again i'll drop it i'm actually good this is my food drop it i will back away give no give him the full food and i'll go away get it george it's there on the floor get it that's fine gave me 32. that's fine that's fine that's fine he's gonna beat me it's not fair well it's not because he has op stuff and he knows it's not fair so it doesn't mean anything but he just drank strength he just he was about to die so he drank strength i was not about to die you were about to die kill him you wanted to be one i'm dreaming no why not i don't want to get involved let's kill him i died and said i had my stuff a while ago and he gave me my stuff back so i don't want to i don't want to betray him he can't kill me normally he's he has to use strand well we all know that but this is pathetic actually so help me build the house just come on it's almost it's getting there i'm not in tampa but thank you um the front looks really good i approve i like it a lot inside this needs to be sandstone i don't have sand do you know where sand is well obviously this is something over here do you have a lot of sand um definitely you're not by the house please get by the house i'm collecting sand you're trapping george and it's very clear yeah with obsidian you have a hell of a time getting out of this that's not come on zap nap come on i'm coming i'm coming oh only did george has to apologize apologize for what attacking me and then getting in i hit you once for building the thing wrong stand up get out of here yes come on creeper go away what's happening come on come on stop stop stop stop stop stop stop hitting me stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop come on come on all right i'm gonna go destroy george's house and then you're gonna destroy his house that's how mad you are yeah he hurt my house where did you go george where did you oh i i thought you were sad dreamy he's gonna kill my house no he won't do anything he's not dumb he's not dumb he's not dumb he's fine he is not gonna destroy your house he's gonna try i'm just baiting you that's all he's doing george he's in my house right now what else do you have in here dream he's taking my stuff 35 diamonds i'll take that oh you have tnt that's actually very convenient look george i'm lighting one piece of tnt because you lit one creeper in my house only fair wouldn't you when did he light off a creeper in your house when we were fighting well you were trying to kill him what do you expect though what do you expect he's trying to kill you you can't get mad about that you can't get mad about that that's not fair to get mad about poor and all right let's do this are you oh are you in his house george george stop george we all need to escalate this more come on we don't need to escalate this anymore hey jiren come to south's house no come look i'm not going to be a part of your like ploy come have a look i'm not going to be a part of your ploy look what happened i'm not going to be a part drop some of his items on the floor i'm not i'm not being a part of this i'm not getting involved and that is getting involved [Music] um [Music] [Laughter] happy birthday i just need one flint [Music] oh here's some flint guess what i needed how convenient actually it's not funny how things you guys are such babies oh there's the flint i needed light and steel perfect now the george's house this is what happens when you have two toddlers in the same room fence there lab right on top i keep putting away the stuff that i need he blew up my house i just heard tnt yeah could he blow up my house he's here what are you trying to do to my house george yeah you gotta go an apple no you can't you can't kill in the church of prime i'm in the holy land you actually can't you can't kill him you can knock him out of it but you can't kill him in it if you kill him in it you are like forever cursed well i'm defending my house you can't kill him in it you can defend your house but you just can't kill him and you can't kill him just ruined my house stole all my stuff and um ruined everything sounds very sad you can't just go one survival world without killing someone what the hell are you doing i'm trying to push all the stuff why why are you doing that it's more spread out no why it's funny i don't know stop that i was merely defending my home he already did the damage to my home george did this to himself dreams stop you're gonna break my armor my arm is actually close to breaking don't hit me dream what stop following me i'm not following you you're gonna have to go through the gift shop what stop you're gonna break my helmet i'm serious stop you're gonna break my helmet why is this so ridiculously long in my head it's in the holy land it doesn't matter how do you get out of here we have to go through the gift shop oh my god we have to george protect me george you started it i did not i hit him once shooting me with an arrow bow and arrow just being a nuisance smh zap map disappointed in you it's all your fault i'm disappointed in you he's so mean can you help me build the house we're supposed to be remodeling i have a feeling this isn't going to be done this stream even though it could have been stop get over here and help me no okay i'm coming i'm coming you said this last night i swear to god if you're if you're actually not coming i just left something really nice for george that i don't think he can get out of no no no let's go let's go to the house let's go to the house dream stop let's go to the house you can just move out of it it won't take damage okay don't pick it up then what are you doing stop why'd you do that i left the i didn't i you think i made a giant hole underneath he still could have just gotten out leave it put it back and you know see what happens i imagine he got stuck in that obscene it was like an obsidian trap that would have been funny all right come here stop come on sapnap i'm gonna ban you from the server so george can help me because you're not helping me and george would be helping me go repair my armor give me a sec i can ban him if you just ban him oh my gosh i'm banning that just ban him and get him i'm banning him stop i'm actually banning him shut up fan snap now stop him dream i banned him unbanned me now i'm burning i'm alive unban me now i'm back i'm back germ help me build you spam poking me on team speaker i ban him that as well let's stop unbeaten up if you're gonna be friendly then he'll unban you okay i'll be friendly if you lie he's gonna ban you again okay i don't know why he has this much power well because you're killing me responsibly he doesn't even play what why are you using a response get rid of this water let me kill this enderman i killed it and get rid of this water i'll get rid of it for you see anything you got rid of it it's it's a dream you want to have why am i lagging why are you comboing me why are you kidding me i hit you with this i hit you with the stake and you know why are you killing me don't do that unban me george why do i feel like i have frame lags i was like i just turned my brightness down hoops oh i have 32 frames that's why yeah that's why you're lagging 32. i mean not 32 i mean 32 uh 532 render distance 20 frames dude stop hitting me my helmet like no meme has 16 hits left on it stop [Music] i'm not checking i'm gonna use it now stop trying to break my health tell me i don't wanna i don't wanna tell me how much it's on no no oh please you're gonna die in another no what i didn't see you you're gonna break my helmet what is your problem i'm not gonna break your helmet you're gonna break my helmet i'm not gonna break i'm not gonna break it i promise you you're i'm not going to punch you i promise you look you can turn around i promise i'm not going to punch you george i'm not going to punch you i'm not going to punch you george believe me i swear george i'm not going to punch you leave me alone come to me why did he break it why didn't you break it stop quitting me stop stop cringing me i'm gonna die good i hope you do stop breaking my stuff the hat i didn't mean to break it i didn't mean to break it you broke my helmet that i worked hard for you didn't oh my god i worked hard for it on one stream yes for hours it would have taken a bunch of another right to redo it anyway oh my god unban me unban him george unban him oh think about it no ask me nicely unban me that's not nicely unban me give me a give me a new helmet you're on my stream unban me george no dream okay how about this what type one in the chat to unban him two to not unban him if i see a single two i'm not unbanned that's so dumb i see it too stop breaking my armor you dumbass leave me alone unban me dream go away [Laughter] go away [Music] leave my boots are gonna break why is this so slow oh my god how do i get out of this george i will kill you i will kill you george stop killing me i'm trying to kill the gift i'm not killing you you're punching me i'm breaking my armor that's all i'm not killing you leave me alone you're gonna break the boot the boots probably have so much more durability they don't they don't leave me alone george unbanned me shut up stop now i mean they're about to break george what you have so many poles oh my god team oh stop seriously they're not gonna break they're not gonna break it's fine it's gone they're about to break they're not gonna break it's they're gonna break they're gonna they're gonna break they're gonna break they're gonna break they're gonna break stop they're gonna break i stopped i'm stopped don't stop don't stop stop stop stop go away did you notice where are you going i went away i'm not going to break your stupid boots come here are you killing me i can kill you like two hits who doesn't even realize that his boots are they broke i said i told you i could kill you in like two hits george burn his stuff dream burn it all i don't have a flattened steel sadly can you can you unban me dream i can't i'm wait george will on menu when he comes back and gets his stuff i'm stuck in spawn your stuff's going to despawn pick it up but your stuff's going to despawn pick it up george you can unban me and i can get to your stuff in time unban me no yes i'm banning you from team speaker as well dream stop him you're just so mad he's so mad you broke half my armor and killed me you were killing me yeah because you were killing my head stopped and then you were trying to kill me and i was like you had no stop i had stopped only because your boots had broken but i did stop why did you want to break my stuff everyone spam baby rage in the chat baby rage baby race why you do you want to break my stuff does it be funny we just lost netherrite oh i we have another right it's fine right give me another right then give me another right and give me a maxing tonight boots and helmet did you have your opi bow on you yes i did i don't i didn't find it i see it on your stream you just no no no no no that's my bad that's my mind no that is mine that is mine that is my bow actually where are you get out come on oh my god i'm out where are you wait where is your oh i have it oh yeah that is yours i have mine on my hopper can someone unbanned me stephanie unban yourself ow give me access to come on use hacks come on ban me george get here i'm done right next to tommy's house george i'm not tommy's house now stop if you say one more word you're going to abuse teamspeak what are you going to do ban him again i'm going to ban him from teamspeak in abandoned times too you got to stop him from he's literally abusing his power and it's it's really not okay my stuff is so broke that's all your stuff it's so broken stopped stop my stuff is so broken i will give you i'll give you two pieces of another right to make up for it that's that's quite enough all right give them to me now no i'll give them to you tomorrow stop hitting me you're gonna break my leggings where's my steak it was my steak that i gave you give it back all right can i can i i wanted to build the house you guys are disappointing get really good as well i can't help so dude i have no my armor is dead unbanned sap nav george where's my shovel where's my op shovel i didn't get it i don't know where it went dream you've lost my shovel i don't know where it went how do you not know i just i didn't pick up everything in the area there's like you just leave the op shovel on the floor just go look where is it somewhere over there there was like spider eyes too but i didn't think they were do you have it do you have i don't have it i don't have it i did check i checked on streams you can go back and click on the stream again i want to check now check on the screen open your inventory open your inventory i already did i just literally just did like video again just check george check the area open your inventory now check the area and then i will do it i'm checking open your inventory you totally have it you have it open your inventory then i don't have it open your inventory i did it's open right now i don't have it no i'm looking yes it is i literally don't have it you have it no i didn't i what sorry you dropped it i don't have it i just saw it i literally don't have it i just saw it close your inventory i did close it wait where did it go you had it i saw that i did not have it i saw it i didn't where did it go it didn't go anywhere get back i don't have it he said search the floor search the floor just search the area it's in that area somewhere you have it i saw it i don't have it i saw it i saw it i'm sorry sorry are you sorry george you can join yes finally where's my shovel i don't literally it's on the ground back there i promise you where is it on the ground back there i promise you it's not you had it i didn't ever have it i saw it more clay after what i've done for you i got you clay yes using me using my shovel like you have i don't have it what did you do with it i've never done anything with that i don't have it oh my god what an unfortunate day for george are you on help me build i'm repairing my armor now where's my shovel i don't know i don't have it we're so enjoying this baby the whole time george don't shoot me where's my she keep shooting me keep shooting me look how dumb you look look how dumb look how dumb you look where's my shoulder you're so dumb where's my shovel where's my shovel this supposed to be a chest why is the shield taking so much damage it's already broken basically oh it was an amazing shot as well he's already i already killed him once that though he's like he has nothing to lose i said stop killing himself now what why is punk just dead why don't you get ow why why is pawn kidding me you think you hit you killed him probably anyway look how much cooler this looks just the side is done but look how much cooler this looks so much better i'm gonna look at that post again okay it has over it has over 300 awards that's good enough that's crazy have you ever seen a reddit post that many awards fix the top right there's a missing brick all right yeah i need to make that stone brick dream why don't you have connected textures what do you mean they're on connected textures what do you mean like the glass is all one giant glass look it'll look better yeah and it needs to be um oh i put the stuff somewhere you put it in the chest yeah i need any glass panes oh no i put it in the chest way over there oh my god all right though because we have some stuff here where did george go cry probably because you've been killing him so much i didn't kill him one time even trying to he just failed well he banned me failed hugely exceeded from this exchange you've gained what iq some items like like a pickaxe and diamonds okay well maybe it's not possible i think like i just think that he's cleaning his room or something cleaning like wiping the tears out of the carpet maybe that the front of the house looks great i know it's crazy why oh you're putting pains crazy how being a builder can be you know you should really be using a slight touch pickaxe well call me dumb okay you're dumb are you gonna put up these already glass panes okay i'm gonna put a wet an arch at the end of the yeah he did a he has like a special thing i don't know exactly what it is there's like birch fences i think that go up i don't have all the wood george isn't george is like george just has to be over he already said he said he said this before the stream he said he's going to brb midway during it i'm here oh welcome back george i'm not coming back george we love you we love you george it's okay it's okay that you died and your helmet broke and your boots broke you know why it's okay you have one guest to guess what i'm eating right now slap nap and if you guess it i will give you a thousand dollars really i have one guess do i get any hints nope no hints alright take a bite i am like take a bite i didn't hear anything you wouldn't hear anything ah thousand dollars there's no way which is why i'm saying that there's no way i don't think i've seen it in chat yet tell me when you've seen it in chat no have you seen it in chat no okay my guess i know it's a candy why do you think that because it was like a because you bit and i didn't hear anything my guess is it's a candy okay no that's not it that's not it right what funk said not answering you have to you have to go give a final guess alright my guess is gummy bears screw it oh you are so close it's sour patch kids that's like 500. and i have some sour pouch kids actually sounds quite nice right now where's what oh george must have taken it george you have all the materials yeah the package says sour patch kids big kids two times bigger all i can think about is giant ones all i can think about is like tommy like he's a big kid he's two times bigger than a normal kid still a kid though a little boy hmm all right i'm almost done repairing my armor i love mending don't you dream uh the next few days probably thank you so much for the donation i think i just found a drug dealer a drug dealer where and like how much does he sell it for i don't know he just gave me a golden carrot and he's like looking at me menacingly now is he uh like is it good stuff well he's in like a room and there's oh cocaine can oil cbd oil what's that i'll be right there in a second i need to i um um i have a problem but i'll check it out okay there's oh look at this my base is like right here mommy's base is like here my base is like there that's cappy space at the end where's the villager oh what what a deal no way what you can get three orange dye for an emerald what holy cow minecraft poggers you're such a cool addition i can get three podzol for three emeralds holy scheitzer i can get one jungle sapling which i can get five of from chopping down one tree for five emeralds this man is a legend yeah a deal you can get one tube coral block for three emeralds this man is a scammer he's like that guy from like animal crossing who's just like sells you the fake paintings like he's just like a ripoff but like they try and make it like so he's actually cool but like like animal crossing he's like yeah he's a scammer they're like no he's not a scammer he's a professional villager he's epic and he has all these trades why don't they just buff his trees i don't know they should make him have emerald armor and it's the only way that you can get emerald armor yeah he is like make him rare you can trade with him for emerald armor but he's the only way that you can get emerald armor and then is it gonna be better than netherright or i don't know it'd be like it'd just be like different it'd be like diamond but that's some ability or something so i think like when you wear it you have like speed or something i'm out i'm out good morning uh good luck thank you i love you too okay dream i'm coming let's finish this house lots of bees in there this side looks so good we just repeat it over we need sandstone do you have your sand um was i meant to get sand well he said you were oh that wasn't over i was just trying to trick hello you should join the discord you wanna join the discord voice chat uh yeah i'm in it right now um here i'm gonna join it i don't know if he wants to but microsoft why do you sound so much different on discord i don't know what are you saying it's just better for voice quality i guess so is that you that disconnected oh look who's in the door this is my first donut i love you maddie please i love you maddie thank you um george jordan because he's he joined he's just spying on us he's not saying anything but he's spying on us it's pretty weird isn't it tubbo are you watching my stream but he's not this guy just woke up i'm british i just woke up oh my god no way there's actually no way hey um do you want to um when are you planning on streaming today if you are streaming today i don't know what your situation is oh yeah are you gonna stream before twitch rivals or only at twitch rivals what time is that it's uh it's in three hours that we have to like kind of like start getting ready okay and the stream is approximately like four hours the house does look amazing on this side we have to replicate it okay good luck um yeah we have to replicate on all the sides and then it will be good then we have to do the interior which is some cool stuff crocodile alligator and then the roof and the second floor halfway done yeah but okay why don't you work on the outside then i'll work on the inside some well i need blocks but i don't have the materials george has everything and he logged off and he's just listening to us george give me stuff stop being a baby george that's okay don't quote give me the number wait thank you all these crafting benches are so annoying no leave them they're a good touch no yes this is this took so much wood i need some stone brick do you have any stone brick oh we have some i have a little bit on me but not that much you should help help tear down the crafting table empire well not that he should help replicate the one side onto the others well i didn't mean with this but yes you can be helpful here too she's just got an unenchanted netherite axe i'm out of birch actually i have more in a chest along with more stone i do need more stuff though that you have george hmm are you like laying in bed or something or like in another room no no i didn't get as much of birch as everything else well that sucks we're gonna need more so much more bursts because we need it for all the stuff too uh that's gonna be annoying there's not even is there go to the birch farm there's so many crafting tables [Laughter] there's so many that is going to drown he was leaving them in the woods to drown guys we're in the voice chat you can join a few once we're in the discord worst chat it smells like food in my house you smell that yeah it smells like food smells good i like it i don't got any more birch i don't got a merch got no more birch i don't got it i don't say sorry to george piss baby i didn't do crap to george get out of here you broke my helmet my boots and then you killed me well that's happened and then you stole my shirt i started it i didn't i didn't i just ended it and then george actually started it all it's all really it's all george smith think about it that's fine i'm sorry george for breaking your stuff i did help you repair it the other night so okay and then just broke it again yeah and i'll help you repair it again now that's true but you'll get it it's it's just protection and unbreaking like i'm pretty sure double still has village for both of those my boots had good stuff well that's rather unfortunate and now my chest and legs are like practically broken well well that was snapnap mostly i suppose i mean it is arguable who did the most damage he'll get it back and he knows that he's just being a baby yeah he's being a piss baby a little poo baby gonna do poo you're gonna poo yourself you're gonna cry yeah you're gonna cry george you're gonna poo a little bit piss your pants maybe throw back to the time i pissed the bed really george a low blow like seriously dude dream don't have to talk to you like that the question is will he take the meme all the way to the end will he do it will he complete the meme tubbo you saved me he couldn't finish the meme he couldn't even finish the meme sap nap oh god it's over it's over for sapnap double quickly grab this stuff taboo grab the stuff don't let a creeper blow it up double grab this stuff help me how did you get out george oh there's a way out isn't there i think someone broke away out i parkoured my way out oh we know that's not popular [Laughter] why aren't you mad at sap map be mad at him oh we can team up anyway yeah he slaughtered you in cold blood the only thing that's cold is your heart george my god your stuff like exploded dude it's everywhere yeah because you shot me but why does it explode like that don't even pick it up i'm like right here hello hi where'd you put it in here i had more than um what else is there at stake i mean i had um a bunch of gapples i had more steak i don't know at least at least a half sec i had a bunch of arrows a stack of errors i have two sexes these decks are okay more that's all there is i have all the apples what do you mean give me a half a second that's not a half a stack 16 is a stack can you math i only have two gapples no i don't have anything do you have it oh you're probably lying because you use all your grapples in the fight you just want to steal i only only have two gals in my inventory give him both of them yes drop it i can't have one oh he has it let me get that well i mean i had more than that but whatever did you have two more than that perhaps i had much more than that but tub oh how many gapples are there i probably had like i don't know probably like 45 or something i'm on 28. only two so he must have more double stealing from me i'm pretty sure i had more than two but whatever hey am i pearls yeah i don't have that many though i have gapples please oh me hello apples okay that's probably how much i had all right people said 34. did 32. all right well that's the payment for my okay well right 32. there you go you can have that back okay um unless it was around somewhere all right now we need tnt where's tnt why don't we eat tnt you'll see in a second are you gonna do something to my house no i'm not going to do something to your house where's tnt oh stop sorry where's tnt you have any tnt george sign i'll just kill creepers real quick and um oh uh who said hi let's see um he he said hi yes it was me well probably i was on the server earlier today dream what are you planning nothing um is there another creeper anywhere i can tell so many mobs but none of them are creepers i guess usually you don't want a creeper right now i want a creeper over there all right good enough um perfect you have a piece of iron is that that um i have a flint and steel would you like to toss me that um yes if does it grab me immunity community to what uh to the tnt oh man i can't guarantee that how can i get immunity you've made your decision seth lamp what do you mean oh my god everyone yeah your shovel's in that chest by the way george so you did steal it i did it was funny here here here's the fun steal i got it that's fine no no no stop i got it it's fine no you mustn't blow up my head it's fine you mustn't do that you mustn't to do that dream dream you mustn't do that that is overboard dream that is overboard yes i'm a freaking genius suck my did you place water on it yeah he's trying to avoid his punishment dream i know that's not allowed punish him more stop oh my god dream stop your punishment was going to be lower but you have you have uh you take it out take it out break the glass as well in the bit below and so all the water flows in that's what you get there's nothing you can burn down of mine really burn down the community house we will just be mad at you because it's a community house for a reason well it had to be done don't burn down the community house let's just stick this whole stream done is done there's no way you actually did that you'd be you'd be you'd be look so dumb in front of everybody yeah you didn't did you grab something no uh like why did you have to come to the community house finish the floor the floor i don't have birch because you took it you took the birch i don't know my helmet's low i'll show you where your shovel is george where are you i'm dying guys make sure to follow by the way um we're almost at a million like actually how much are we at let me see everybody right now if you click follow i bet you we might be really close to it guys we're only 32 000 away from a million followers on twitch that'd be so awesome guys just check your following if you're not just click the follow button if you don't have an account just make one i mean it's twitch it can account um you probably use it in the future with all your other streamers what what are you on about george here this is your shovel look follow ah i want to see that follow your account go up and sometimes stole my good pickaxe from my house as well where's my pickaxe up now i cannot return that jeremy we can get to one mill click on um click on the follow button let's do it everybody that's right now that's watching click follow look follow also guys if you have twitch prime you can check if you do you can just click subscribe and if it says twitch prime you can use it it's free you can use it once a month so you may have one now even though you already used it in the past just check if you do check if you have it it gives me money for free it costs you nothing and it gives me money you must be doing this in the church that's exciting well yeah this is going to do that you must it's true i'll do it real quickly in the church we'll head to the church i don't i don't feel like doing a whole speech who built this church stream sign up stole my good pickaxe guys hi everyone everyone come on come on please take a seat take a seat george punk george you must take a seat come in one second why is he so quiet i don't know why are you so loud [Music] hear ye hear you get it get it sit down sit down no violence put him out put him out put him out put him out put him up george he punched me first george i did he punched me fuzz got the no it's carpet a handshake he's also happy in the back of my head i should have done it harder it was too far george yeah go on all right sit down sit down sit down george's holy land i will have to kill you like indefinitely if you kill him why did i listen get away with singing listen [Music] hear ye hear ye here lend me your ears in the church of primatus if you have not used prime before or if you have used it in the past or if you've never heard of it let me enlighten you today with my words of wisdom if you can click subscribe right now and there's a button that says prime or twitch prime there you can click it and give me free money or any of these people free money [Music] i will now shoot you may not think that you have it but you probably do if you have amazon prime or your family has amazon prime or i don't know you you for some reason have the free trial of amazon prime you have twitch prime for free you can click prime and you can click sub and it will give me money for nothing it costs nothing you can also prime to snap nap prime to george and pro prime nutella obviously you can only prime to one person a month but you can do me this month and then george the next month and then punk next month then staff nap never sub double next month you can always do it and guys we want some pogs in the chat people of god people of god make sure everyone everyone everyone do the wap worship and worship and prayer worship and prayer do the walk [Music] the shot of prime into the sky let it rain primes let the primes we just saw like the five in a row in the chat oh there's like three in a row in the chat all right we need to hit the bell every time we see you want to chat you ready you ready just wait there's one oh there's two oh four no that's not what it is [Music] all right this is this is the this is the church of prime and it is common courtesy that anytime anyone goes to the church of prime at the end of their streams that everyone everyone gathers around everyone gather around well now we have to do something because we have not done this before punk come here everybody surround this water pawn oh we can baptize ourselves no punk is being baptized no way go in the water rid yourself of bad energy now this is how you get baptized no swim up swim all the way up swim up my son all the way up what he's been baptized no that's that's the that's the baptized process it's the baptized process now come back and get no george george don't get his stuff don't get his stuff he's he is now born again yes he's born again as a new man what is my new name whatever you want it to be you're you're now you're now baptized come back he's here he's here everyone everyone stand on the side and clap him in yeah clap clap clap clap he has to get his skull bring gradually congratulations congratulations paul congratulations you've been baptized congratulations been initiated all right that's it that's that's as it says it's as simple as that as simple as that like that you get baptized yeah i like this it's purple i like the church the church is great hello where am i [Laughter] it's like ultimate hide and seek where am i where am i when you sneak you're actually more visible your eyes look so weird through this it's like googly eyes hey look at this watch ready wait for it oh my god you're ugly dream oh all right well punk is the newest member of the church let's kill him no no the only death that is the only death that is on the holy land is when you're baptized and you are you're born again the mushroom that's fine just put it back yeah see it's fine just break it and put it back george i built this church with my hands yeah well guess what i'm the designer of the church stop dream he's muddying the church okay that is dream all right kill me see what happens kill me and kill my shirt stop stop come on get him you can't kill me george stop that george stop stop he's like he's on half a heart he's on half hour it's actually this is the only place we have to live by the rules there's no rules anywhere else guys are too ridiculous leave the church see what happens see why leave the church you guys are banished from the church leave the church south nap you're about to be banished overall and george you're about to be banished too it's happened do not kill him a fish just died it's all right it's fine oh yeah we should want to go fish in there fish in there beckerson should live get out kill me no get out of the church kill me get out of the church punk do it the only place i'll kill you is if you get baptized george you want to get baptized i don't need to be baptized okay i'm already optimal well that's what i thought george get out then you're not welcome here anymore soon if i leave he's gonna someone's gonna kill me well you can you can't get killed in the holy land just leave the church pong's luring me out i leave the church come on yeah leave george he's trying to kill himself he's beating you into a shot don't kill him actually all right all right all right guys that's it for me i'm gonna end the stream um that was a lot of fun thank you guys for coming and um yeah that is that twitch prime everybody yeah make sure you prime judge prime thank you for all the donors thank you for all the subs and all the primes i love you guys you love me do you love me that's cute all right i will see you guys i'll probably stream more um this week upcoming week so that'll be a lot of fun and i will see you guys soon bye love you guys bye bye
Channel: imAlix
Views: 254,061
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dream, Dream Stream, Dream Live, Dream Streams, Dream Live Stream, Dream Livestream
Id: DH-j_4xiUoA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 133min 11sec (7991 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 03 2021
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