Minecraft, But I Put A T Shirt On Every Minute...

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this video i have to beat minecraft but every minute i have to stop whatever i'm doing and put on another t-shirt even if i'm in a dangerous situation go back go back no no no oh my god okay i'm coming oh no not george no this has got to be one of the most ridiculous minecraft challenges ever i bought a ton of t-shirts so after this video was recorded all of the t-shirts were donated to good causes also only a small percentage of my viewers are actually subscribed so if you enjoy this video please consider subscribing and liking this video it's free and it helps the channel out a lot enjoy all right guys i'm ready all right let's go time start it's gone i'm going i'm going i'm going i'm going wait where did my other log go did you steal it we would never it's dream dream stop i've got three logs from one tree okay stop they're breaking the log at the last second stand that stop breaking my logs i'm like spitting stop i need wood it's about to be time oh my gosh can i fit it over all right start the timer now go go go i'm going down i'm going down it's just andesite what are you doing to me it's done down here stop how i understand did you just put that oh my god i'm dying i'm actually dying stop stop stop stream stop him make him stop i need stone it's shirt time oh my god i i made no progress because it's just cause you guys are measuring time oh my god it's already like oh my god it's already like thick okay stop messing with me i need i actually need to make progress stone pickaxe oh there's iron oh no he's gonna drown he's gonna drown out okay i'm hurry up i'm hurting if i'm hiring i'm going i'm gonna go with the shirt i'm going go i'm going it's stuck come on put it on oh my god okay i'm on too hot i'm on too hot i need this food hey george is that a george not found shirt that you can find on georgenotfound.shop it is a georgian foundation that you can find joseph found myself guys so convenient good is this another advertisement that you can find in george's video it's not an advertisement guys you don't have to do it you don't have to go buy my shirt that joins my phone shop you don't have to do that boom no why don't you don't actually don't actually don't what is your problem don't do that oh my god it's gonna come up here oh my god don't do that stand up don't i'm gonna die it's show time it's shot time oh you're gonna like this shirt this is this is a throwback shirt oh my gosh it's so dumb i've got the tummy in it there's this eye gum just like staring at me oh this is small you don't look very comfortable oh look how tight it is it's actually really uncomfortable it's already uncomfortable you need to hurry up george you're spending too much time like you don't need to be killing these pigs you need to be going i already have a smell i'm smelling i'm smelling you're right you're a smell at the lava pool george i need gravel where's oh here's gravel wow he found gravel oh shut up i'm in the water oh my god there was a gravel right over here oh wow both times you got stuck in the water in intense moments you had to put you put on george merch like that is such a coincidence it's almost like you're staging it no i'm not i'm not getting it in order to advertise no i'm not you can't even buy this this george's not found merch anymore this is you can't buy it it's exclusive what am i doing oh it's night time it's night time wait i'm going to sleep i'm going to sleep i'll give you something this is actually really useful that's not useful here george i have something really useful for you as well gross thanks zapner i have a bucket i have a fun steel what else do i need i need armor dirt time oh my god it's always shirt time it's just always shirt time i love shirt time it's your turn is my favorite time though oh it's so hot it's so hot you're not even you haven't even gone to the nether jordan i know we have to help him a little bit let's lead him to like a lava pool or something oh you're going to be nice now okay if you go back towards spawn there's a ruined portal okay i'm going back it's shut time it's shut it's actually hot i feel like i've got like a look at look how thick oh my god look it's thick it is thick okay you're not going to get there before next short time it's fine that's fine it's too far it's infinite short time i don't like running out of shirt times no you have plenty of shirt time i actually want you to get as many shirt times as possible yeah you just want me to be as thick as possible george i need you to be as thick as possible like how do you have such a wide variety of shirts i know i would have thought he would have gotten like just like a bunch of the same shirt but every shirt is like so different yeah you're gonna i've got so i've got there's more interesting shirts to come you're gonna want to keep watching sam up i've got epic shirts oh i see i see it is it completable oh what if it is oh it's close it's close though wait it's not breaking he could do stuff he could do it wait i need to break two yeah i can do it i can make this into a portal i've got it but can you do it without your time happening oh i don't know actually again i don't know how long does it take to break can you google it i think it says 41 seconds it's show time all right sacrifice you probably need to probably need to you need to sacrifice two shirt times if you want to be able to get it i'm gonna do it i'm gonna do it oh my god okay it's getting it's getting you're getting thicker george i know i kind of like it it's still breaking it's so nearly there come on come on please don't say show time don't say shirt time yes yes all right so i just need to break this one it was literally the perfect amount of obsidian i say break that one more there's not even a point in starting to break it i'm just gonna get the other shot ready i'm getting my next shot ready wow i'm being officially oh it's show time short time all right here we go next shot i'm gonna make it so it's close it's gonna be quiet i already started i started the next time the next time it's already started it is hot look how many shirts i have look can you see all this it's ridiculous why does it take so long lucky i made this iron pickaxe i probably wouldn't be able to do it with a stone it's over a minute of stone all right there you go let's go portal all right i'm gonna cook some more food before i go in oh it's shirt time it's the it's the pink strawberry milkshake ooh okay that one's pretty good oh it's look at look look at look how big george looks i'm trying to get it on wait i'm gonna have like a lung collapse or something i'm gonna like stand up look look at me okay oh my god george's buff it's so hot it's so ridiculously hot [Laughter] every time i breathe like it's pushing hot air up like up here i can feel it coming like onto my neck i'm gonna waste like a shirt time just to get more food all right i'm going to another i'm going to another there's no way he's getting out of this number oh no i'm already getting shot out i need a fortress how am i going to find one it's shot time oh wait what if the ghost gets me i'm going quick i'm going to quick what if the ghost finds me i'm gonna lead the gas to you stop seriously don't stand up if i die i'm gonna be so mad pushing the guy towards you oh my god it is ah give yourself some relaxing sprays george just get just do it just give yourself some relaxing i've come prepared i have i have a spray bottle you're wasting more time though you need to be moving while you do it okay i'll help him okay george what why did you not get a mister what is wrong with them okay it's working it's working it's working look i'm cool down i just bought the first spray you look ridiculous now why do you why do you why do you have that i don't know okay i wish i'm jordan like i told him i gave him a list of things he should get for this video and i put admit i put like i put like what else was on the list yeah no sure check this out this one's epic actually let's go wow what is that lightning with a cat look look it's like i will beat minecraft alright check this out already this one's also epic i told you i i told you that we were gonna get to the epic shots look at this look it's like from the titanic tight and it cuts oh there's a bastion here how do i get in i chose oh my god oh no oh no wait they're not gonna be mad at me they're fine they're fine no no there's the there's the piglet broods wait do they get mad at you no matter what yeah the brewski no they don't know what no they do okay what is this a freaking burrito slaw oh no orange storage oh my god they're so strong okay stop they're all george [Music] [Music] all right show time it's shirt time i am so thick look look it just shuts forever all right all right guys guys guys the person who can guess what's on this shirt gets a prize i have no idea yeah there's like infinite amount of things that can shirt i'm going to guess a cat dream school and the winner is no one it is a thing with a mask with a santa hat how is your snow so like lettuce or cabbage or something yeah do i go into the baskin or not like is there good stuff i don't know i guess i think it's tell me what's in the chest is it worth going wait i can just go in right here wait there's no one here iron sword with fire aspect george george george oh he's easy wait no he's not oh my god i almost died you have to hurry up and get these okay i'm getting soul speed gold leggings oh go next with soap touch it's show time oh my god it's time oh my god what if they come here if they come you have to save me you have to save me no no wait we can't can i fish one up no no no no no his shirt says keep calm and go fishing arrows there's a gold helmet i'm full gold i don't know how i'm gonna keep going much longer honestly am i going down or not oh there's gold right there yeah there's like gold blocks throughout it i think it's probably worth it oh they're mad there's another gold block over there oh my god wait can i make a bow i can just shoot them from here you seem to have lots of blocks to be able to like oh look out where right behind you oh my god wait what why would you shoot george oh why did you no no i don't know go down go down below that ah go down one go down one go down one oh it's shut time orange wow i've never seen you wearing orange look at the good in orange okay yeah you look pretty thick he looks so thick he looks ridiculous now just look at that you can see all the different layers like he's starting to look like he didn't look that ridiculous before now he's just so ridiculous it's cause there's like it's so much color variety now before it started off like just black and white shirts i don't know why like there's a chest in the middle if you grab it you need to be really careful though i would block yourself in go over here block yourself in and then open the chest oh there's so much gold okay i'm gonna i'm gonna stay here until shut time are you sure oh it's it's shot time it's shut time oh look how oh my god i'm going to have to spray myself again wait why are you yeah it looks so weird it's cooling me down it's cooling me down just spray it down here all right let me down my shirt all right i'll spray it down my shirt here we go no no no down there down there i know it was a joke it was a joke i can't even get wait can i oh i can oh okay it's working i'm just gonna get out before shot time it's so dangerous being doing shirt time in the nether i'm just out in the open oh my god okay it's now getting really uncomfortable really quickly you gotta hurry then you gotta if you if it's uncomfortable you need to have sure [Laughter] oh my god look i'm like you reach can you reach like a crosstalk [Laughter] my neck is like being forced to like i can't like put it back fully because there's just so much shirt behind me oh my god i need a trade oh there's a guy there that i can trade with anything [Music] oh my god wait it's like hidden okay i'm gonna trade with this guy i'm gonna trade hello i'm gonna get it why did he don't do that wait no he can't he doesn't trade he broke him you actually broke him oh no that's not fair you have to give me a new one give me a new one no it's fine it's shirt time it's shirt you actually like you know what you know what we'll we'll cheat what do you mean you know what you broke him in the first place it's trading time let's go we totally didn't spawn any of these guys in oh i just got some yeah there's four don't just stop oh he's got someone just got something right at you i got more i have nine i have nine you've gone through three shirt times trading do you have more gold no oh poor george doesn't have enough you can get more from the fortress gold from the fortress and then come back all right i'm going to the fortress wait this is gonna be really dangerous i'm waiting for it to be shirt time and then he's like make a base and i need to keep track of how long it's been so i can like go hide in the base or i can kill them from out here with my bow because i have a ton of arrows oh no no please okay it's fine it's fine it's really fine okay it's fine it's fine it's fine okay i'm here you need to just go in and then place those blocks like in that place where you can just like go behind and then just always go behind them like if it's even remotely close oh what if i just do this i'm trying to have it be in a way where you can go and kill them when it's not close to short time i just shut off i'm going in go back go back no no no oh my god okay i'm going he doesn't george jordan doesn't listen to me no i was trying you weren't helping good enough i'm saying before i was telling you exactly what to do oh my god i'm stuck no no my headphones oh no oh no no george no just go behind the wall go behind the wall that's what i'm saying you haven't got a wall there okay you just leave me now you fight there you go right behind the wall you just rinse and repeat rinse my hair with this spray bottle yeah sure what is wrong with you it's hot let's check it out i'm going i don't even have a shield what am i doing grab them and go wait i have a fire when you drop the fire res i just drank it i'm just drunk i just drank i just drank it i just drank it yes i'm like i've got like water all over my face let me just try it with one more shot spread down your shirt okay it's show time this is like one of the most ridiculous videos [Music] all right here we go yeah come fight me i've got fire resistance wait why are you putting another shirt on oh it's not show time i forgot i'm just so used to putting on shirts okay i don't know it's not sure time all right oh my god wait it's gonna be shirt time very soon it's probably gonna be shirt time like three oh yeah okay oh my god it can kill me here no oh my god you kind of you kind of cheated this year look at him his headphones are like halfway on this page like tron or something where you have that thing that goes like over your mouth somebody used to make that a meme i have seven blaze rods i'm gonna get one more how many do you have i have eight now i probably want to get i'm leaving i have nine all right let's go let's get it it's shut time you look like an oompa loompa yes i did it i did it i'm doing better than i would like normally do in a speedrun check out the shirt yeah wait what oh my god oh it's chains yeah look it's my chest it's me what look we'll give you some gold if you put on an extra two shirts we'll give you we'll give you actually we'll give you the rest of the pearls you need two shots for for an extra two shirts okay before i accept this deal i have some no i have some gold let me just i might not need you okay oh my god yours all right the deal the deal gets the joke up one no no i i already threw the gold i didn't know i didn't know what i'm saying goes up one it goes up one please please please if you if you don't get pearls you're screwed oh guys come on now you have to put on three shirts i didn't know you have to put on three more shirts and then it's about to be short time so you're gonna put on four so just i just started get started i don't know george let's get started putting him on guys it is so thick look how thick it is guys look how thick it is look do you see do you see how thick this is it's shirt time yes you have to put on four i have four blue shirts all right i'm taking my headphones off i'm just speedrunning i'm spidering these shirts one two three four okay i did it i did it okay you're happy all right get going i gave you your pearls you have everything you need george so just build a portal okay so that's true yeah just build a portal and then oh i can you're right i don't even go back yes let's go stronghold is this way let's go i actually might beat this i was not expecting to get this far just crashing his camera went off again every time it's your time you're going to drown it's your time wait it is don't go go you're always thinking so low he's gonna have to purl out probably he's gonna have to purl out he's going solo he has to hurry he can't purl out how's he gonna pull out the pearl will make it out oh it's true [Music] oh my god oh my god no shirts dirt time wait i got an idea i have a real shirt time for shirts a real shirt for shirt time i actually like can't reach behind me to put it on i'm too big i'm too big wait yeah there's no there's no way it's fitting there's no way this is fitting oh my god dude we turned around let's see if it rips oh it ripped [Laughter] wait this one oh my god oh my god this shirt is actually it's like kind of hurting my arms i might need to take it off yeah i think one of the shirts definitely ripped not this one it's something i know something ripped something it's like it's like his like spine or something wait i'm going to take i need to take this one off like it's actually no no it's hurting my arms i have to i have to because it's so like thin like the arms were digging into my arm you need to put two shirts on then no oh yeah yeah you do you're right this next shot i'm oh it's true the creeper is coming the creeper is coming the creeper yo you're just going to take another shirt you're just going to put it on oh i forgot i forgot you cheated you got away from the camera i forgot i forgot it wasn't my fault i'm spawning three creepers oh my god oh my god dream oh my god oh my god oh my god oh you're such an idiot oh my god okay oh my god oh my god oxygen magnesium dream if you're thinking like a hundred short times just to get to the straw gold he's never gonna make it how much how much progress you made okay you've made like a thousand blocks progress which is pretty good i'm swearing water down it's not even getting to my body this is messed up okay this t-shirt was kind of funny like i found it humorous it's gonna be a humorous bone or something hopefully you find it humorous oh my gosh ah just tell me how many blocks away could you just tell me it's like 2 000. seriously how long does that take that takes a little it'll take like five shirts at least that's a new unit of measurement you imagine time and shots instead of saying like one minute in the future like you're like i'll be there in one minute one shot that's the new measurement oh my god look at him turn to the side turn to the side i'm trying oh my god look at me look how big this is ah this isn't worth the drink it is just keep going come on boom oh no oh my god you could have made it but you turned around one and a half how far away am i like a thousand blocks a thousand blocks oh my god i'm actually gonna i'm gonna make it i'm gonna win i've got i've got so many arrows i can do this oh i'm gonna get shirt timed in the end that'd be amazing [Music] george had to like prepare himself for that one i have to like stand off oh my god power through it go go go this is so so no you look so ridiculous now i'll give you one hint to the stronghold okay your x needs to be 5 000 okay there you go there's your one hand you should get these beds there's a village yeah you can shoot all the pillars he's he's actually going to do this he can just shoot all the pillows and shoot the dragon and he's actually going to beat it i'm going to beat it as long as he can withstand like putting on him like i might he's probably it might be actually it's probably more than 10. there's gonna be some there's gonna be some doctor that comments he's like this is actually really bad for your health because you're like you're crushing you're crushing your internal organs probably it's a t-shirt your arna i'm going i want this to be over i want this to be over you're doing good george like you've made it a lot of progress you only have 500 blocks to go headphones off i can't do this with them on anymore okay headphones for the rest of the challenge oh my god i so hope you go and then die because then you'll have to put on a bunch of shirts for us to tp back just so you can beat it oh no no i'm gonna stay in my bed i'm gonna set my bed oh it's gonna be here it's gonna be right here they normally spawn like on the edges of like oceans right it's gonna be here it's gonna be right here oh yes it's backwards i'm not i'm getting like a second wind of of hope i can do this i can do this it's gonna be right here it's right here it's right here all right we're going down we're going down water bucket okay let's go let's go i'm going down okay where's the room it's here it's here no way oh you got so lucky hey bed you're down respawn point set and i think we're ready we're ready to go oh my god okay boom boom boom boom boom boom you need to probably wait until short time okay oh it's shut up time it shots on okay you've made it this far george you're not losing here you're gonna win okay i'm gonna do it i'm gonna do it come on let's go all right here we go you can do it george okay bring him okay nevermind take it all back let's go let's go okay let's go it's time this is the best spot he could have gone in case i die i'm gonna build a staircase so i can get out he's gonna get a whole extra shirt from having to dig this out though it's worth it it's worth it it could potentially save me like well infinite shots i'm not if i die i'm not coming back and then not look at the enderman here we go it's all led up to this moment i would get to a safe place i would get to a safe place i would get to a safe place now you're gonna get fireballed and be in the that fire kills you so quick i'll block yourself in it doesn't work no i was going to do it he's gotten so lucky this dragon hasn't fireballed him oh oh my god what timing what there's one over here i need like something you have three more you have three more nice too hard oh no it's okay it's okay the the dragon's perching you're coming out what the heck you've got i got the perfect timing okay once in my left and one in front are there just two oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh what wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait i just dropped my boat how did it not boom him up oh my god i was wondering how i took damage my thorns hit her oh you're thorns oh nice shot last one a little higher a little higher that's it let's go let's go i'm gonna do it i'm gonna do it i'm actually gonna do it come on come on george i have so many shirts on but i don't care because guess what i'm gonna kill this dragon you're missing every arrow i don't care i have infinite arrows it's just doing circles yeah that's what i thought super dragon oh no i forgot about story time i forgot completely it's coming down go go wait i have no beds go in the middle i don't care i don't care i don't need beds well you don't have any beds no i forgot what we literally we told you get better you're fine you're so ridiculous where is it he's the bigger he's in bed nice let's go let's go oh it's so low it's so low it's just asking for it it's asking come on come on come on come on yes this is it this is it it's not too short time it's supposed to be short time it's not it's not no more shirt times i've had enough of these shirts i've had a knob i've had enough it's about to be sure it's not going to be shut time no more shirts put it on go go go go come on blow it up blow it up blow it up come on come on yeah yeah let's go oh my god i can't believe it i can't i can't believe it it's over it's over
Channel: GeorgeNotFound
Views: 10,852,876
Rating: 4.9407167 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, challenge, Minecraft but, Minecraft But I Put A T-Shirt On Every Minute..., Dream Minecraft, George Minecraft youtube, George Minecraft channel, minecraft challenge, minecraft server, minecraft survival, minecraft 1.15 survival, minecraft 1.14 survival, minecraft 1.16 survival, minecraft funny
Id: PCzkHAI9D7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 43sec (1663 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 17 2021
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