Geoguessr: Classical Music Edition

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Yo! Can you guess-r... ...what video we're playing today? Gee, yo! That's right! We're playing... We're playing Geoguessr! Whoa! Gee, yo! Did you guess we're playing Geoguessr? So original! Of course, it's a music—classical music channel, so, we'll be guessing musical landmarks, you know, things like concert halls, et cetera. We're going to get judged, so, that's...doesn't matter. But, before you earn your right to judge, make sure you have hit the subscribe button, and turn on the bell notification, then you have the right to judge us in the comments section. If you haven't subscribed, then no judging. Go practice. And before this video begins, it's clearly sponsored by TwoSet Apparel! - (Eddy) Whoa! - (Brett) Mmm! This is one of our most popular series, I'm sure those of you who know the Beethoven, and La Mer from Debussy, ta-da, Stravinsky is here! And can you guess what this is? I mean, it says here. Alright, now! Time to guess! Alright, how does this work? I'm going to go to another room, and we should...time ourselves? I don't think we have to time, let's see who wins... ...whoever gets better points. Okay! Goodbye! Round one! Oh, I know this one. For sure! This is like...come on. This is... You know why I know this one? I worked here for two years. In this exact concert hall... Wait, did I? Yes, it is. You know why? Those like, tubes at the top, that's definitely the Sydney Opera House. If I'm wrong, I don't know what the hell... I would think I've lost this game if I'm definitely wrong. Okay, so I'm gonna put it right here. Spot on! Ooh, ooh ooh ooh! Continue, next one! Alright, this looks like... ...America to me. America or Europe. Ah, Curtis Institute of Music. That is uh... ...America! That has to be in Philadelphia, which I think is in New Jersey, or is it in Pennsylvania? I don't know. One of the two. I believe. Where in Philadelphia? Um... I remember we were staying near the city centre, when we performed there. Uh...and it was walking distance, so near the city centre. Dim Sum Garden, I remember there! I think I ate there. It was good, there's a lot of good food in Philadelphia. 18th Street and Locust Street, and it's next to a park. So, here's the park. Aha, 18th Street, Curtis Institute of Music! (Eddy) Let's go! 15 meters, woo! Wow, it looks really old. (Brett) What are those statues? The statues look kind of Greek. No, maybe not. I don't know, I don't want to offend, I'm sorry! It looks very old. Look, I think it's um... ...Europe. My guess is Europe. My guess is in Austria, in Vienna, Musikverein. I guess the next question is where is Musikverein?! Oh here we go, found it. I'm gonna guess. Ready? Guess! (Brett) Yes! So close! 81 meters from the correct location. I should have just zoomed in a bit more. Whoa, Sibelius! Hey sexy! This is uh, abstract Sibelius in Helsinki! I remember this, the monument! I remember in Helsinki, I was staying also near the city, and it was like... It was pretty close, like a 10-minute bus ride or something, so... It's in a forest. Ah! Sibelius-monumentti, that's right. That's where it is. Right there. Guess! 11 meters, let's go! Oh, I know this one. Yeah, look at that! We played...we performed here once. I know exactly where we are. This is the land of good bubble tea! Okay uh, it's like... This is more like a test of how well I know each city, if I can—if I know where it is. I remember it was on the red line, somewhere. Ah, here we go. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just right here. Right here, right here. Come on, come on, come on! Woo!!! Ah, concert halls. Concert halls all look the same. Um... Alright, first thing I always look for is...the structure, so... There's not a balcony, which means it's not... ...the Queensland Performing Arts Centre, because they have balcony seats, whereas here there's [none], there's just a glass kind of... ...where the audio-visual technicians are. The stage looks familiar, those circular lights also look familiar. I don't think this is Asia, 'cause the exit signs are in English, it's not saying like 出口 (Chinese), or like 出口 (でぐち Japanese) or something. There appears to be a guide happening here, with a guy giving a speech, and people with those earphones, which makes me think this is a tourist location. And so immediately, I'm going to put my bets on the Sydney Opera House. Guess! Let's go! Dude, this is so obvious! Okay, Curtis is like one of the most prestigious music schools. I remember going there, um, we had a little tour. They're a famous place where they have... Don't quote me on that! This is definitely Curtis, I remember walking past the square, and I bank it on being right around here. 'Cause I remember looking out into a park. (Brett) "Your guess was 260..." Yeah okay, that's cool. Play next round. Um, based off, decoration, and the fact it's all gold, my thought is it has to be "Musikvereen". Verein, Musikverein! Question is can I remember where in Austria it is. Alright, let's go. Vienna... I remember when I was in Vienna, I stayed near the city, which was where Stephansplatz was, the massive cathedral. Aha! Musikverein, here you go, near Karlsplatz. And there's a McDonald's. Ah, I remember the McDonald's, I think we had a post-concert Macca's there. Yeah, Musikverein. Is that right? Ohh, let's go! I wasn't sure, I was like, "It could be any European concert hall." Okay, yes, look at this infamous face now. This is definitely the livestream we did recently, and that was in Helsinki! Yeah, I think it was somewhere here. Oh, okay, I think it was near like uh..., here here here here. 24,996! That's right, guys! Boom, boom, boom! This looks like... ...where my home place is, yo! Born in Taiwan! I was born in Kaohsiung, though. This is Taipei, which is the...north. So this is the famous twin...concert halls, one is the...for like opera, theatre, whatever. And the other one is the concert hall, for music. And this is Ziyou Guangchang (Liberty Square). I don't know what the proper translation for that is, but ziyou means freedom! And guangchang means, like, square, so Freedom Square! Here you go! So we are in between those two concert halls, which is right there! 42 metres off, oh come on. Like, what? It's a big square. Oh, nice! I got them all right! Yeah!!! What's the language there? Music director Jaap van Zweden. Oh, New York Philharmonic. Oh, interesting. Is this New York? Ooh, I think it is. What's the street? Broadway Street, W 65 Street. That is so New York, I'm so sure. Yeah, 65, oh yeah, so that's David Geff... Yeah, I'm locking it in, let's go. Boom! 90 metres away. Oh, come on! Round two. Aha, that's Esplanade, that's gotta be Esplanade, in Singapore. Straight away, because we call it "The Durian". It's a durian, right? Like the stinky Asian fruit. Oh... The financial district, MBS is just around the corner. Uh, Singapore, let's go! Alright. Ah, it should be around here, yeah, yeah, that's it, there you go, Esplanade. Now, which side of Esplanade is it on? That is the question. Yeah, so that's Esplanade Drive, you turn here. Is there a Raffles Link? No, we're not at Raffles Link here, so Raffles Link is there, so we must be here. Yeah, that's right! Let's go. (Eddy) 9 metres! Whoa!!! Ohhhh! I think I know—oh, of course! Uh, we...we played here before. Yeah, yeah yeah yeah. Ooh, look at that, ooh, yes, I think I know—ooh. It's definitely the Esplanade Concert Hall. Where are you, where are you? Where's...Esplanade, Esplanade, there. Here we go. Guess! Woo! 300 metres? Ohh, close enough. Ooh, I don't know! F***! Where's Paganini's tomb? Oh, I don't know this! Damn it, I feel like I should know. Alright, it's gotta be Italy though, right? Like, straight up, it has to be in Italy. But where did Paganini get buried? I forgot, man! I don't know. Whatever. I'm just gonna click here. Guess! Noooooooo!!! It's the grave of Niccolò Paganini? Really? I've never been here, oh my god, that looks like a lot of [graves]. Where did Paganini die? That's a very good question. Italy? I'm just gonna guess Italy, 'cause that's where he's from. Italian land, Italian soil. Uh...let's go. I think...I feel like it's gonna be a little bit further out. No, actually, it would be... Would it be a touristy place? Yeah, it would be a touristy place. Maybe I'll go here. Okay, Florence, let's go! Guess! (Brett) Argh!!!! Parma! Of course! Parmigiana! Dude, alright, these are getting harder. I don't know. Sightseeing! Berolina. Berolina, sounds Italian again. Ah! Musikfest Berlin, 08. Germany, Berlin! But where in Berlin? I do not remember.... ...a hall that look like this. Nah, there's no way I'm gonna know, so I'm... Oh, PAX coffee, I remember that place. I remember all the cafés of where we tour. You know what, I'm just gonna take a random guess, and guess that it is slightly to the east of Berlin. Because there are way too many streets. (Eddy) Guess! No!!! It was the south! I should've just guessed the centre of Berlin! Whoa, where is this? Oh, I think I know! I think it's in Berlin. Yes, yes, I think it's in Berlin. I think I— Yes, no, I think I've been outside once. It's definitely in Berlin, I am sure. If I'm right I'll... 'Cause I went there to watch a friend of mine perform, eh, for a concerto. But the...question is, where in Berlin is this concert hall? (Brett) I'm gonna go... (Brett) ..."Schöneberger"! Oh, close! Oh, it's close, that was awesome! Yeah, nah. Nice, I remember. Oh, wow, that's um, very intense. I feel like I'm in a movie when I see this. Question is, where is that though? Uh, I haven't...oh! This is a famous concert hall! I feel like I've seen it before. You know what, I don't care. I'm gonna guess Boston, just for lols. Alright, Boston, let's go, guess! Nooooooo!!! Oh, it's in London. My bad. This is [a] crazy concert hall, where is this place? I have no clue, this is awesome! (Brett) I don't know, maybe it's in Europe. I think it's in Eu—oh, no! I think it's in the U.K.! Yeah, no, it's gotta be... No, I'm going [with] U.K., it gives me that vibe. Let's go. Somewhere in London, drop it there, let's go! Ohhh! close! Yes! That was a pure guess. Where is this...oh I know, I've been here, alright, I've been here. This is Netherlands. Guess where? Amsterdam! Uhhh, okay, but where is it in Amsterdam? I'm just gonna take a stab. Guess! Come on. 1.5, oh okay, I was way too close to that centre. Okay, nah, that's pretty good. Oh! This is uh... ...the Royal Concertgebouw! I think, 'cause the famous red ropes. So that's in uh, Amsterdam! Alright, I'm just gonna guess around here. 'Cause this seems like the main area of Amsterdam. It's in Amsterdam, right? Royal Concertgebouw? I don't know, whatever, I'm going to guess there. Ooh, not bad! Oh, Brett was closer, what?! W H A T ? ! Ah, yes, I remember going on tour, and I saw this. This is definitely in L.A. I'm nailing this, boys. Ling Ling will be proud. Oh, there we go, concert hall, concert hall. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, okay. Right here. Guess! Woo! Ling Ling! Oh, Los Angeles! Okay, okay, okay, Los Angeles Supreme Court... America! Grand Avenue, and 1st Street in L.A., let's go. That's a good thing about America, actually, I think it's really cool, it's like... "Hey, just number it 1, 2, 3, 4, 5." Don't need to memorise...names. Here. I don't know. Random guess, let's go. No!!! Way off! No—what?! Oh, there's a 1st Street West. Ohh!!! It's the concert hall, of course! Of course! Where's this...ooh, okay. So the driving is on the left side of the road. I think it's in the U.K. Um... Oh, it's Royal Academy of Music. Just zoom in, so obvious. The question is, where is it, on the map, in London? I reckon it's "Wiestmiester". "Winnemanmiest"... "Wiestminis"... Wiest...west... Westminster. Alright, let's go, guess it up! Boom! 3 kilometres. Okay, that's close enough. I'm getting... ...London/America vibes. Oh, Royal Academy of Music, I knew it! London, let's go! Let's go, let's go, let's go. Alright, where in London is the Royal Academy, I do not know. If I can find it... Alright, you know what, I'm just gonna guess that it is... ...a little bit to the north... ...and just hope I'm right. Let's go! Damn!!! Alright, I got closer than Brett this time, woo! This looks like New York. 7th Avenue, yes, this is New York. Ooh, what does that sign say? Oh. Of course, it's Carnegie Hall. Okay, that's easy. Yeah, nice. Woo! This has got to be New York, straight up. This just looks straight like New York. 57 West and... ...this looks like the south. 7th Avenue. Is this 7th Avenue? Yep. 7th Ave—oh, it's not south, it's all the way up. 57... 57, 57. Aha. Carnegie Hall! Let's go! I didn't even know that was Carnegie Hall, to be honest. I just had to look at the...signs. Mozart's... Ooh, okay. I think this is in... this Salzburg? Whoa, I don't know, this is a risky one! Uh... I think it's somewhere in Austria, I might be terribly wrong. I'm gonna just take a stab... ...somewhere here. Let's go! Oh!!! It was in Vienna... I was right, I was too... I mean, I don't know if I was right, but... Oh, I had a suspicion I was not... Ooh, what's this? Mozart! Is this where he was born, or where he died? But, I'm guessing this has to be Salzburg, right? I don't know, but when you think [of] Mozart, you think either Vienna or Salzburg, so I'm gonna go with Salzburg. I mean, north or south? North. Guess! Nooooooooo!!! Noooooooo!!! Way off! It was Vienna! Noooooo!!!! Woo! 2:1! (Brett) Yeah! Cool! That's it, guys! - Oh man. Nice one. - Do you know...we know our concert [halls]! I know my concert halls! - At least I've got most of the countries right, just the uh... - Yeah, yeah. ...[Royal] Albert Hall, I didn't know, [Royal] Albert Hall looks so red! - It's like a theatre or something, yeah, theatre. - Yeah, more like a theatre! It didn't help 'cause the floor looked like a... - (Eddy) Yeah. - I wasn't sure [if] it was like a dance floor or not. Alright! That's it, guys! Do you know the locations? We hope you do now. Uh, we've been to some of those concert halls, - which is pretty cool. - Yeah. Actually we're hoping we can tour again soon, once this whole ordeal is over. - Oh, that's right. - But when that's done, we can all see you guys on tour! Woo! That's it, please accent like button, (Brett) legato the subscribe button, and don't forget to, as always, go practice!
Channel: TwoSetViolin
Views: 205,675
Rating: 4.9877143 out of 5
Keywords: twoset violin, violin, viola, cello, music, classical music, opera, education, learn, orchestra, piano, singing, public, funny, jazz, guitar, bass
Id: FeemrEAIxQI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 6sec (1026 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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