This "Top 10 Easiest Instruments" List Will Trigger ALL Musicians (Especially If You Play...)

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Hello, guys. Welcome to another episode of TwoSet Violin. Interesting! Lamentable! Actually, on the word lamentable, we're going to be watching some lamentable and sacrilegious footages. Yes. DumbMojo is back with another episode. Last time, we've roasted, I mean - Simmered their video about the top 10 hardest instruments - Musical instruments to learn. This time, they made a list... Called the top 10... - Easy instruments to learn. - Ohhh! They're out to offend all of us musicians again. And so... Let's see what they think are the easiest instruments out there to learn. They say it takes 10,000 hours of practice to master a craft. With these instruments, maybe less. Ohh! She's going right for it. I already don't like the fact that she's putting marimba in the video. That's not easy to learn. Dude, four sticks at once... - Control the pressure and the dynamics... - And control the dynamics... It's not easy. Well, let's see. Who knows. Let's give it a benefit of the doubt. Yeah. No judging yet. Yeah, no judging. For years, fans and viewers have been asking us to showcase their music. So, we've launched SoundMojo as a platform to do that and more. What a better way to promote your music platform by roasting instruments. - I know... Oh... - And roasting musicians. Let's go. Actually, what do you think the 10 easiest ones will be, they say? Well, I mean, my personal belief is... - Viola? - It's never how... I mean, of cour - It's viola. But apart from viola... It's never about how easy or hard, it's... What level of mastery you want to take? The most simplest of instruments, "simplest", can be taken to a ridiculous level. - Yeah. - But, I mean... Who knows, maybe they're talking about easy to make a sound. That's true. Maybe that - - I don't know. Let's just see the listing. - Let's hear the reasons. We aren't saying that these instruments are easy, far from it. Rather, they're simply easier to learn and play than others. We're seeing a theme for roasting percussionists. Yeah, yeah. Hold on. Didn't they put drum kit as the top - One of the top ten hardest in the last episode? I think so. I mean, I guess they're talking about the instrument themselves. - Not the players. - That's true. Well, let's see. Let's see. Let's see. Number 10. Ukulele. Often mistaken for a little guitar, the ukulele is actually a completely different beast and it produces a sweet sound. It's also much easier to learn, so there's that as well. The ukulele only has four strings instead of six. So, learning the basics and picking up some simple chords won't take too long. - I mean... - I'm not a ukulele player, but... But violin has four strings too. Yeah, like if something just has less strings and smaller doesn't mean it's easier. It's like, is the erhu easier now? Like all instruments, becoming an excellent ukulele player takes years of practice, but getting a hang of the mechanics can take just a few hours or less. Bro, that's like this... - Dude... - Like... No way - Can - Ta - The mechanics... What does that even mean? - Like... - So like this in two hours? Look, I think there has to be a... Separation. Like, there's how easy it is, whatever that means, right? But there's also like the repertoire. Just because you're showing people... Strumming chords while singing, doesn't mean the ukulele is not... Possible for very challenging repertoire. Because you could easily show someone playing the piano... Just playing a simple chord on there. And therefore the piano makes it to this list. - Top 10 instruments. - You could show a guitarist playing Wonderwall chords. Ooo, it's easy. With a bit of practice, you'll be playing your favorite pop songs in no time. Oh, I guess if it's a pop song... - That's why it's easy, because it's pop song. Yeah. - Cause it's pop song. Xylophone. There really isn't much to the xylophone. Did they just roast the xylophone? We're not even gonna speak up on that. - Percussionist, please in the comment section below, - What do you guys think? teach the world why that comment itself was very sacrilegious. This percussive instrument consists of various wooden bars. There's four sticks. Yeah, actually I've tried it. Have you guys tried playing the marimba before? Or xylophone, whatever. The accuracy of hitting these things with two on two is not easy. It's not easy at all. The xylophone is very easy to pick up and play. That's Six Concert Etudes for Marimba. Argh... "Hey, we're going to talk about xylophones and show a marimba." "And I'm pretty sure it's easy to play." Argh... While producing actual music on the xylophone can be very difficult, simply learning the feel and the notes of the instrument will take no time at all. That's her reason for everything. "Sure, it's actually very hard..." - "But getting the feel and the mechanics takes no time." - "That's so easy." - Bro, what does that even mean? - You can say that to every instrument. Like getting the simple mechanics of tennis is easy. - Oh, yeah, yeah. Just - - Therefore, tennis is one of the easiest sports. - Just - You know... - Because it's easy to hit a ball, right? When the ball comes you just hit the ball. Roger Federer, you actually play the easiest instru - Uh, sports in the world. Number eight. Harmonica. The harmonica is not only tiny and transportable, it's very easy to pick up. Ay, get it? It's easy to pick up. - Ah! - Ahaha! You simply stick it in your mouth and blow, voila. You're playing music. All right, guys, does this sound easy? To just blow? - And each one is like a tiny hole, right? - It's small. You have to direct the flow of the wind or something. - You guys are... - You miss like... One millimeter, it's the wrong note. Argh... Not easy. Of course, the harmonica is hard to play well. Oh, dude, she says the same thing every time. - Of course. - Of course, it's hard... But, it's easy. Learning the basics is relatively simple. You can practice anywhere at any time. No, what - What? DumbMojo. Please learn something called logic. Number seven. Maracas. How hard could it be? - Ooh... - Ooh... "How hard could it be..." The maraca is a rattle which serves as a percussive instrument and they're quite common in Latin and Caribbean music. They usually come in pairs and you... Well, shake them and that's about it. I'm just - Out of my own curiosity... That's amazing. That accuracy, the tarararara. It's so light, it's so... - Yeah, yeah, you just shake it. Just shake it. - Delicate. Yeah, just shake it. Shake it. Ooh, that. Look, we could go on and on, but I'm literally just googling... The instrument name... And you can find some virtuoso showing how hard it can be at the highest level. Yeah. Number six. Cymbals. - Dude, she's basically roasting percussion. - It's all percussion. They sound incredible in an orchestra and luckily for everyone, they are pretty easy to learn. Oh, that's it. Okay, keep going with that, Zack. You won't make it into an orchestra with those skills alone, but you're still technically playing an instrument. Number five. Recorder. Ohhhahahaha. Recorder gang. Have you seen this video? Fifth easiest instrument to learn. Recorders are usually given to very young children. Recorda Boi! Recorda Boi! As they're cheap, well, the school ones anyway. And they make for a great starter instrument. Dude, this is probably just whoever's working on their... - They don't even - - Corporate media.... - Yeah, yeah. - Funnel. So, pump out content. All right, Google, Youtube. And it's much easier than other woodwind instruments, like the flute or clarinet. Watch me. I'll do the fingering. Number four. Kazoo. - I have no comment on that one. - Yeah. We're just gonna let that go. Yeah, next. Bongos. Have you ever wanted to play the drums, but were too intimidated by their size and number? Turns out that you don't need a Neil Peart size kit to sound good on the drums. Did she basically just call bongo like a drum kit, but with two drums? Oh, no... Dude... You need freaking hands. You need skills. Lots of sk - Oh, wow. Dude, bongo's actually hard. It's hard. It's hard. Like all drums, the bongos are very difficult to play well. Feels like she's simultaneously just - dissed the traditional music of so many cultures. - Every single... Yeah. Anything that just requires a hand hitting something. - Yeah. - It's like... "It's easy." Number two. Tambourine. Ohh! What's number one? Ohohoho. The tambourine is featured in many genres of music throughout the world. From classic rock to classical music. Dude, I'm pretty sure that clip, she wasn't even using the tambourine. - It was just a prop. - It was like a prop. Like... And while controlling the tambourine may be intimidating at first, you'll be casually playing it in no time. Oh wow, now, she's saying the opposite. - I know. - It's actually intimidating at first, the mechanics. - Make up your mind, please. - Her formula - Her formula's like... Fluff. *Gasp* Number one. Triangle. Ohh! Triangle gang! Well, obviously, they have not played - the ultimate virtuosic triangle pyramid! - Woah! Can you play this? Jajajajajaja. Oh, it's so easy. Percussion, you just got roasted so hard. This was like harsh but in such an ignorant way. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Check your facts. Yeah. It's a triangular piece of steel, which you hit with another piece of steel. We joke... The way she said it... "We joke~" It's like she's reading a script. I mean, she is. And it doesn't get much easier than the triangle. Triangle player: Oww! Yeah, well, you have to define learn. Mastering something is learning something at a high level. Yeah. You guys get the point. At the end of the day, whatever instrument you play, you have to practice. Anyway, guys... Please accent the like button... And legato the subscribe button. Again, don't forget to practice. 40 hours every day.
Channel: TwoSetViolin
Views: 722,051
Rating: 4.9699531 out of 5
Keywords: twoset violin, violin, viola, cello, music, classical music, opera, education, learn, orchestra, piano, singing, public, funny, jazz, guitar, bass
Id: qpI44VPssy4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 12 2020
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