Among Us in Real Life (Classical Music Edition)

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Hello everyone. Welcome back to another episode of TwoSet Violin. Today we are joined by a group of musician friends. On first violin today will be Eddy Chen. And also me for the second half, just 'cause we split it up. Oh yeah. 'Cause it was too hard to learn the whole first part. Second violin is me. Brett: Third, we have Georgii. Brett: Third, you guys know Joanne already. Sorry, fourth. Fourth violin is Joanne. Brett: And first viola is Jason, second viola is Hyuna. Brett: First cello now is Chien Yu, and then second cello is Vivian. So you might be wondering, why do we have eight musicians here today? It's because we're playing a very special game of Among Us, but for musicians. We're going to be playing the Mendelssohn Octet. Except we've asked our composer friend Jordon to alter some of the music. There will be 8 rounds. Each round, there will be 2 musicians that receive an imposter's score. Brett and I haven't even seen any of the score, all right? So we don't know who's going to get the imposter score. The imposters have to get through the one minute of music, and play the mistakes without getting found out. We, as a group, are allowed to call up to 3 meetings. Each one, we are allowed to vote. But the idea is that if we get to the end of the music, the imposters win. To make this game also more exciting, we've only announced this about two days ago. So we're kind of half sight-reading. You make a mistake, you never really know if they're actually an imposter or if they just suck. Brett: So on that note... ...let's play some notes. Everyone has these secret FBI files. And also, we've tried to create these little folders, Eddy: to prevent us from seeing other people's music. Eddy: But they're not perfect, so... If you notice that I'm not looking at Brett while playing, it's not because I'm a bad ensemble player, I'm just trying not to see what his music is. Dude, I'm so nervous. Brett: Oh ****! Eddy: I'm trying to look at everyone's reactions. I'm putting my music close to me. Oh, you're laughing. I already know. - Jason: I'm just kidding. - Eddy: Ooooh! Nah, I'm pretty sure the viola's the imposter, right? Brett: Yeah, I have a feeling one of the violas are imposters. I haven't played chamber music in so long. I don't even know how to cue. Oh, I don't have to cue, 'cause I don't have the first beat. Who's cueing? Oh, me. Oh s***. Nah nah nah nah! - Wait! Who played it though? - That was Georgii. Brett: I'm calling that. - Brett: That was dodgy as hell. I don't know. - Eddy: Who played it? Brett: That was so sus! I think it's Georgii and Hyuna. - Brett: Ohh...! - Eddy: How do you know? Wait, but we have unison. Or it's maybe Joanne? Because we have unison. So I heard something then. - You know, semitone. - Yes, same thing. I heard something here. Actually, I did hear something there. At the beginning, right? The first cello played. I heard it from this direction. It's definitely the inner four. I have rests. I have rests at that time. - No, he wasn't playing. He wasn't playing. - Okay, so it's not Jason. Yeah, but maybe he's not playing on purpose, and that's the mistake. No way. I was looking at the cellists, - and you guys are... Yeah, you guys just kept playing. - Yeah, something did happen in the cellos as well. Of course not. That was the most... - ...unconvincing "Of course not." - "Of course not." Nah, okay. Ready? You sure? I'm not s-- Oh wait, wrong one! Yeah, that's what I thought, bro! 3, 2, 1. Yeah, yeah. - All right. - All right, bye Joanne. First round. Brett: I'm so mean. I could see Joanne like, smiling from the moment we started playing. Brett: Yeah! Yeah. It was so suspicious! Oh, man. This game is intense. - Wait! - Ah, calling! Now you're calling it. - I still heard, near A, something dodgy. - Same, same. So we might have voted wrong, I don't know. Yeah, maybe Joanne's not it. Brett: I didn't see it! No no, don't look at my music! I didn't see it, I just saw black! Brett: I'm not looking. Although, I can vouch for myself and Eddy. I didn't hear any wrong notes from him. - Eddy: Yeah. - Brett: Georgii sounded fine. We sound fine, too. No, they are the imposter. I reckon we can probably start by choosing Georgii or Hyuna. Unless it's a mistake. Maybe someone just keeps reading the wrong accidental. But how? Two times. Maybe they're just stupid. I'm gonna vote for Hyuna. Sorry. Yeah, Viola 2. - Eddy: I'm going with Viola 2. - Brett: 3, 2, 1. Brett: Viola 2. - Eddy: Everyone's going Viola 2. - Brett: Oh, Viola 2! Brett: All right, sorry Hyuna. You're gone. Brett: Dude, I think... It's harder than I thought. - Eddy: Nah, let's stop. - Brett: Nah nah nah! Brett: One bar, let's stop, stop! Where we started, cello sounded wrong. I think it's Cello 1. - No! - Eddy: Do you think it's Cello 1? No, because you played very soft. Suspiciously. I know her part, so I don't think it's... - Brett: So you don't think it's wrong? - Georgii: Yeah yeah yeah. - Eddy: Oh, it's not Cello 1? - Brett: Ohhh... - Jason: Really?? Or Georgii's... Eddy: Maybe he's an imposter! Oh, maybe it wasn't Hyuna! It was Georgii! Maybe two of them are the imposter. Brett: Yeah. - Brett: 3, 2, 1, reveal. - Eddy: 3, 2, 1. Brett, Eddy: Cello 1. Viola 2's not even here! All right. Bye, Cello 1. Did we get it right? I think the other one is Georgii, right? Yeah. So Georgii and her, right? I knew it! Eddy: Georgii, you were so good at it! Jason: He was like... It's so obvious...! - But you were smiling so sus the entire time. - You were like... You were like... Alright, alright, alright. - Round 2. - Alright, round 2, round 2. No, I heard way too many dodgy chords. One of the violas. I think Hyuna, because I played the right note. Hyuna: Alright, sure. Okay, I confess. I made a mistake. (all) Ooh... Playing that card. Can I also say, there was something sus... - Eddy: - Georgii: Wait wait wait. *sings part* I'm not playing. Brett? Brett: I got the tritone. I'm gonna vote... second violin. No no no, use your ears! Eddy, use your ears! I have perfect pitch!! Listen to my notes! No, I think he was right. When we all were really chaotic, and we... I have a B natural, and I heard some B flat over with cello. You have a B flat, right? - I don't. - No, we have B natural. Should we just pick the cellists? - Eddy: Alright, which one? - No! Not me! The quiet one or the "Not me!" one? What would an imposter say? Would they go quiet? You have F sharp? Jason: You do, right? F sharp? Aha, okay. I got it, Cello 1. Cello 1! Cello 1? Are you sure? I'm sure. Trusting Jason! I think he's being too aggressive. Do you think so? No, no, no. I'm just speaking now, so that it won't be like the last game. Yeah because last round, he didn't like... Joanne, don't do it. Trust me, really. "Trust me!" Brett: Alright, alright, alright. 3, 2, 1. Eddy: Ooh, Cello 2. Brett: Cello 1. All right, sorry, Cello 1. Nah, nah, nah...! That is definitely not in the music! Yeah, f*** you, Jordon! That was so damn obvious! That one was too obvious. - You couldn't have even... - Brett: Dude, why did he put the freakin' G natural?! What?! Brett: Sorry, that sounded so bad! Okay, okay, hold on. I can't tell if there was a wrong note, - or if we just got out of time. - Brett: Oh, it sounded so bad! I feel like Jason played something dodgy there. You heard it too, I saw you react. - When we had the, um... - My reaction was... I just missed the entrance. Eddy: Oh... Alright. I thought Jason played a wrong note. No, I think he started discussion very active. - Immediately started, "Oh..." - Same, same. Yeah. "Sounds somewhere around here..." He was too aggressive in the beginning, right? It's a bit sus. I will be aggressive for the entire video. Jason: So you won't vote me next time. 3, 2, 1. - Brett: Ohhh...! Viola 1! - Eddy: Yeahh. Eddy: Were we right? You guys don't trust me. Was it you? Yeah, that was not my mistake. I don't trust you! Brett: All right, round 3. Brett: Oh... Oh yeah, stopping. It's so obvious, right? - Something is definitely... - Something, there's something around there! Right here. Really, really. Trust me! Jason's a lot less aggressive this round. Yeah, so maybe it's Jason! He said he's gonna be really aggressive every round. No, but like... Last time you guys voted me out, I'm like... My heart is cold, you know? - Brett: All right. - Eddy: All right, let's go... ...with Jason, I'm sorry. Reveal. Brett: Viola 1. - Brett: Okay, Viola 1 is out. - Eddy: All right. Should we call a meeting? Yeah, nah, dude... Definitely... I'm hearing stuff from their side. - Wait, what... - Ohh...! - What did you hear? What did you hear? - That was confident! She played very... Mistakes. (both) Many mistakes. Well, Vivian, what do you have to say to that? I didn't play it wrongly! Did you hear anything? I think... around... Nah, that's sus, that's sus! 'Cause nothing happened here, right? Eddy, the note before the accent. One bar before B. What note do you have? D natural. - Oh! No, it's D flat. - Oh! - That was actually a genuine mistake. - It's you. We played the same before B, one bar. You play natural, I have flat. But I should have played flat. It was a mistake though. If it was a red note, he would have played it less confidently. Well, I reckon... Since we're out of time, we should go with Cello 2. And if it's not Cello 2, then we'll go with Cello 1. Yeah yeah, we'll hear it. - Yeah, okay. Let's go with Cello 2. - Brett: Let's go, let's go. - Brett: Yeah. - Eddy: Soz. Eddy: All right. Are we right? Yay! We won! Round 4! Let's go! Oh, this is the one I didn't practice. Yeah, me neither. Guys, just so you know, I didn't practice this part. I might play some wrong notes. All right, nah. Violin 1. What?! - Violin 1, I heard something dodgy. - Nah nah nah, I think it was... - And that one as well. - Eddy: I think it was Georgii. - Yeah, it was Georgii as well, right? - Yeah. We were playing the same thing. Oh, you checked? Yeah, I think we are playing the same thing. To me, it was clearly here. Joanne called this, Brett: but you were very quick to defend him. - Brett: I think it's Violin 1. - Eddy: Nah nah, okay. How do you know it was me? Dude, it was so out of tune. No, I wasn't out of tune! I will tell you... I messed up, the bar before F. Because I was trying to figure out what he was doing. Nah, it's Violin 1. - Especially when it was really high. - You're not that bad. Right? - Yeah. - Yeah, that's right. That's what I played. No, no, I think… Brett: You think it’s him. - I think it’s- I’m gonna vote Violin 3. - Okay. All right, 3, 2, 1. Okay, Violin 3 is out. Eddy: I hope that we were right. I don’t know. Maybe it wasn’t in the violins. Eddy: What?! Wait, wait, wait, wait! I messed up. But you have E natural, right? I heard E natural. - But there isn't E natural. - Oh, there’s- *gasps* *gasps* Yeah, she- Okay, so she played something wrong. The question is whether it was a genuine mistake or not. Really mistake. I believe her. I don’t know. What were you meant to play, and what did you end up playing? I had to play… ...same note, with you? I think? I’d like- That’s sus. That’s sus. Eddy: That’s sus! That’s sus! 1, 2, 3. - Hyuna: Okay. - Eddy: Yeah, sorry. Is that it? Dude, I think she… freaking she wasn't it! 4, 5, 6... Oh! Stop, stop… Brett: Are we stopping? Bar 87, there was- There was something sus there. But then also after G, that was all sus. I think after G, people were just out of time. But just then, right before H… Right, at G, everyone just played wrong notes. Joanne, what do you have to say? Is it you? No. Is it you? Some high notes. I’m not sure. Because everyone sounds suspicious. I reckon Cello 2. I’m voting Cello 2. 3, 2, 1. - Cello 2. - Yeah. Eddy: Bye. Did we get it right? Did we get it right? (Off-screen) No. Nah! It’s me! AHahAhaHA!! Oh, Joanne got it, too! - Eddy: Oh! You are also imposter! - Brett: I was right at the beginning! I didn’t see it. Eddy: Oh, you didn't see it! - Eddy: You didn't know who...! - Joanne: Ha ha! Yeah! So that’s why I vote for you ‘cause I thought you- And I didn’t know you are, so I… Tell the camera I was right at the beginning! Poor Georgii was like, “Come on, Brett. Come on, Brett!” Just disclaimer, guys, this part is very hard so I might play some wrong notes. Sounds like something an imposter would say. Are we stopping? Yeah, I skipped one bar, so that's why it's weird. I don’t think it was Jason. He played too confidently to be an imposter. What were you meant to play? So… Oh… No…! It’s a clash. - Argh! Argh! - Do we vote Jason or vote… Who are you guys voting for? Ah, I’m just voting. I don’t know, you guys vote out. I won’t vote. No, no, no, I don’t think it’s… You don’t think it’s him? Yeah... I won’t vote. Oh, are you guys all not voting now? All right. Nah, I’m not voting. Argh! I can't vote now! Joanne: It’s definitely him. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that was definitely Jason. Nah, I’m voting this ****. - All right, voting. - I think it was... yeah. - All right. - Okay. Oh, nah, nah! Stop, stop...! Something happened there. - I think it's there. - Yeah. I think Cello 2. I think it's 1. You reckon 1? She's very quiet. Not me! Really. (Off-screen) Please vote in 10 seconds. Oh! - What do you guys think? What do you guys think? - Cello 1! Okay, Cello 1. What happens when there's a tie? (Off-screen) Nobody gets voted out. Oh, we lost! So who was it? Ha ha ha ha... - I told you! Cello 1! - ...Violin 1, No...! All right! Round 6! Oh, that’s pretty fun. Jason: We're falling apart! Eddy: Whoa whoa! That sounded like Stravinsky! All right, it’s one of those three. I didn’t feel anything weird from her. Did you hear anything weird from her? I'm too busy, I cannot… Dude, she’s suspicious. Okay, what notes do you play? If you get the notes, it’s pretty obvious. Brett: I just sang the note. What the… I have E natural, so which means F sharp is not happening here. Brett: Ha ha ha ha…! No, no, no, no, it’s diminished. Come on. Yes, it's happening. F sharp is happening. - Yes. - Brett: Oh yeah, but… But was that what sounded weird or was it something else? 10 seconds!? I don't think I will vote, but I feel like Cello 2 is a bit sus. Eddy: No no no! Dude, the whole thing messed up from that K! Something wrong at K! Sorry, I’m sorry! - No, no... that was a mistake! - Georgii: It was like… Yeah, no, I played the- I played C sharp as a C natural. It was Eddy and the cellist. I still have my opinion that it's one of the cellists. I can see why you think it's me. Clearly something's wrong with the cellos, but you can pick me if you want. 3, 2, 1, vote. You're not voting? Oh! Nah, you didn’t vote. It’s too late. It’s too late. You didn’t vote. All right, Cello 2 it is. That's Cello 2. What the f***! What?! I’m gonna keep going. Nah, nah, ****. Oh, we fell apart. Dude, the whole thing sounded wrong. I couldn’t tell ‘cause I think everyone was just out of time as well. The whole thing sounded wrong! I have a feeling that it’s Hyuna. Why is it always me?! I don’t think it’s Jason. I couldn’t hear anything, but Jason is a lot more relaxed. Jason is going more aggressive now, so it's like- I'm not, I'm not a good liar. I'm a nice person. 3, 2, 1. All right. Viola 2. Bye bye! Yo. Yeah, we did it. Brett: We’re the imposters. Ha ha ha ha…! You said you didn’t practice at all, so I believed you. Yeah! Woo! Um guys, just warning because… the chances of messing up is huge here. So if everyone just counts, at least we can all agree on rhythm. And I'm talking to myself 'cause I might miss my entry at bar 22. - No, that doesn’t count. That doesn't count. - That doesn’t count. That doesn’t count. Let's just keep going for now because this part is really hard. It normally requires rehearsal. - We haven't- clearly haven't rehearsed it, so. - Yeah. Ah, nah, nah! Come on! Oh sh**! Georgii, he sounded sus to me. Eddy: I agree. I think even the entrance at the beginning was wrong. Yeah, there was something sus, right? Is it Hyuna? Hyuna. - Is it- Do you think violin 3 is better? - ‘Cause that sounded right, that sounded right, - Is it- Do you think violin 3 is better? - then that one was weird. But it's a high error thing without rehearsal. That's my... I was really nervous. Really nervous! Why are you nervous? I think she is innocent. Fine, maybe not Hyuna, but I think Georgii. All right, Violin 3. Yeah. Okay. Okay, Georgii’s out first. It's the first time he said okay, so- Yeah! Ha ha ha ha…! "Okay." F coming now! Nah, nah, stop there! That was sus af! Sus af! Maybe we just gotta play to the end from F and really pay attention. Stop! Eddy: Okay. Gotta call a meeting. Well, I’m just gonna say Hyuna based off the- Why? I have no other clues, right? My observation is Hyuna was fine, but the second cello has been quiet. I think it’s… Oh… Ooh…! All right, Cello 2, locking it in. There's no time. Cello 2. Were we right? Yeah! Woo-hoo! All right. So just to explain for the last round, we're going to do something special. Everyone will stay in. We still have the three meetings, but the last meeting will be at the end. So we can play the whole movement. We were going too far. I just had to call one. I have suspicions based on facial expressions, but not the music itself. Joanne. Joanne’s a bit like… But she had the same expression in the first round though. That's true. I have one long line with her, unison. And she always played forte, and now... she disappeared. She disappeared! OHH…! 3, 2, 1. - Whoa… - Wow... - All right. - Joanne voted for me! Ooh… No, no, stay here, stay here. Okay, okay… All right, that's good. It's getting close to the end... I feel… Chien Yu? I’m not sure. Is that just revenge? No, no, no…! Between V and W… Yeah, me too. I heard something wrong from here. Something like… it's not in the piece or… I don’t know. Not in the piece! Cello 1, what do you have to say? - Yeah, what do you have to say? - Defend. Not me. Ha ha ha ha…! Cello 2 or Viola 2? Viola 2 this round and Cello 2 next round. 3, 2, 1. Brett: Why did you vote yourself out!? Because everyone was voting for me. Eddy: Okay, okay. Yeah, that was me. Jordon troll. If it was right already, I mean, if it’s Viola 2… Actually, are we right so far? Oh, we are right! Okay, guys. That's it for today. Remember check out Mendelssohn Octet. It's a really cool piece. Clearly, we didn't all practice. And we had to play wrong notes. We had to play wrong notes, yep. I wanted to say thank you to all these great musicians here for participating. [Check] them out. They're really good. Yeah, go check them out. Please like and subscribe. Accent the like button, legato the subscribe button. And we'll see you guys next time. Bye!
Channel: TwoSetViolin
Views: 973,543
Rating: 4.9820642 out of 5
Keywords: twoset violin, violin, viola, cello, music, classical music, opera, education, learn, orchestra, piano, singing, public, funny, jazz, guitar, bass
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 31sec (1831 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 13 2021
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