Genting Highlands The Las Vegas Of Malaysia! 🇲🇾

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wow check this out 7,351 rooms First World hotel  even has a JIS world record certificate tell you   Malaysia does a big look at this guy so beautiful  this is a beautiful Valley here in Malaysia n people are getting hyped because it's the first  time in ganing Highlands come on guys you got to   get hyped hello welcome to ganting Highlands  Malaysia so I'm in a new area of Malaysia I   have not been here yet so I was like might as  well bring you along too so check it out look   at this if you want to get high in Malaysia just  come to the highlands it's beautiful mountainous   area with uh awesome buildings they actually call  this the Las Vegas of Malay Mia believe it or not   this is the only place where I've heard that you  can gamble in Malaysia legally yeah just check out   all this Greenery over here it's so beautiful  and believe it or not I'm actually wearing a   hoodie yes wearing long sleeve in Malaysia cuz  the weather here is actually pretty nice like   if you want to cool down ever in Malaysia come to  the highlands or if you ever want to become high   in Malaysia just come to the highlands cuz they  do have another place called Cameron Highlands   as well but I have not been there yet as well so  over here where I'm at currently is outlet mall   and ging Highlands so if you do want to come  to ging Highlands from colort it takes about   1 hour and you're going to end up over here so  let's just go towards this way which will take   you to the outlet mall and then real quick let  me show you there is a cable car over here that   will take you to the main part of ging Highlands  where there's a casino and just some like some   more attractions and stuff and also a theme  part too so if you do want to get good prices   on stuff in Malaysia that it's like NE brand  stuff come here to this outlet mall funny as   I started recording it started to rain okay let's  see real quick so here's a little sign that says   I love ging Highlands Premium Outlets so the  area we're at right now this is called gting   Highlands Premium Outlets and I would want to  show you the directory real quick but these   people are just standing over there guess they  want to take a picture at next to the directory   but yeah let's just go upstairs real quick oh and  by the way I think many people in Malaysia like   local Malaysians correct me if I'm wrong since  there's like a gigantic parking structure a lot   of people will park their cars before they go to  the main part of ging Highlands because this is   the Las Vegas area of Malaysia and also it's  on a Hilltop so or it's on a mountain top so   they want to make sure like uh there's not too  many cars and also it's cool just to take the   cable car which we will do just soon so we are in  the center C of the mall this mall is gigantic I   could just make a whole video about this but  main purpose today is just to show you this   beautiful area in Malaysia I'm still surprised  you you see everyone is wearing like long sleeve   shirts there's Michael Kors and there's coach  you can see people are lining up outside cuz   I guess they have some great deals and there's a  Nike store over there I did go to the Nike store   previously and I would want to show you guys how  it is but unfortunately don't allow cameras inside   you just see a lot of places like this is Polo  Ral Lauren this is no camera inside and just be   annoying to record many shops are like that well  let me show you so right now at 2024 the Year of   the Dragon so Chinese New Year is approaching  right now so I just want to show you real quick yeah you're the dragon  beautiful place to take a photo and there's Armani over there Armani  Outlets so what I have been seeing so far   right now there's a lot of people that are  coming from mainland China also from India   that's like the I guess main people that I've  been seeing so far but a lot of foreigners as   well from other countries too cuz I guess this is  like also a big tourist attraction so if you ever   do want to come to Malaysia I advise you guys come  over here all right so I found a directory of the   mall just to give you a better glimpse of this  area so check it out so it's three levels and   they have all these different designer Fashion  sports where you could pause the screen if you   want to actually I do see there's a little bit  of glare happening on the screen but basically   they have Crispy Cream they have like Burger  King they have all like the major name brands   you'd think about like Tommy Hilfiger Timberland  yeah very gigantic definitely want to get some   good deals here come come just to this area of  gy Highlands oh and by the way the bus ticket   to come to here was only 10 Ring which was about  in dollars that's about like $2.20 so we're just   a little bit closer to like the bus area you  can see over here they have they have buses   going throughout the whole day but uh you just  have to know there's like a few locations in   qual Lort to take the bus and you just have to  know the timings and you can find the timings online all right there's that DS Outlet gosh  really it just feels I'm happy like I'm at   like a new place in Malaysia then also I'm  like wearing a sweat shirt like feels really   cool right now it's like around in Celsius I  say like around like 21 22 and in Fahrenheit   it's like around like 70° FS for all my American  viewers out there uh it's funny how we always like   talk about temperature in America we only use  Fahrenheits and then uh around the world they   use celsius I don't know why but that's how  it is anyways I'm going to go up now and go   towards the cable car area and show you how it is  to buy a cable car tickets and then we'll go from   there so guys I just uh reached to the cable car  area which is right over there and I just want to   show you before we go on the cable cars how the  atmosphere is there's like a big like Chinese   tourist group over there she's just telling them  like how to go on the cable car and stuff like   don't trip out it's all right guys we got you  so yeah so just kind of funny like over here they're all like lining up and stuff Nan yeah so people are getting hyped because it's  the first time in ganing Highlands come on guys   you got to get hyped all right now time to uh  go over here and buy a ticket you're probably   wondering like how do I know all this stuff cuz  I like walked around did my research before and   then I started recording cuz I want to give you  guys like a full glimpse of how it is so here's   the Skywalk Skyway I always say Skywalk Skyway  ticketing counter over here but I think they want   a lot of people just to order from these machines  over here so we're just going to go through the   entrance real quick and uh how do we do this  sorry I want to buy a ticket [Music] please all   right so go to this machine welcome so just right  over here they have English Chinese and they have   malayu so I press English I want to so look check  this out I want to purchase today ticket future   ticket I want to redeem my tickets so you have  three options so let's say I want to purchase a   day ticket so standard gondolo return is going to  be 18 and then they do have a glass gondolo it's   going to be 35 for there and return just look  over the prices real quick I want to do I want   to go there and come back so I'm going to do the  return one for 18 get which is around like uh in   USD it's around like $4 okay next payment method  is going to be visa and it says please insert your   rewards card go next I don't have a rewards card  I don't know what that is all about okay just one second problem right now here which one  this this this oh okay sure oh no there's   a problem you how are you yeah you pretty  good same tiet you want to use go and you   want toce no it's okay it's okay that's all  you need this oh yeah this say no just know   all right thank you welcome and that's how  it is awesome we got the ticket guys standard gond okay let's see how do we do this hello how do we do it like this oh there  we go okay I see so now I have to wait in   a line oh actually it's kind of a well  look how long the lines can be and this   is where I'm at right now so I'll see you  once I get inside of the gondolo and show   you how it is or cable car dep depending  on what you say if you say cable car or   gondolo I don't know [Music] oh you want  to oh you going to cut oh my God you're cutting time to board the gondola  right it's timing so uh just go on   this one [Music] okay yay t h hello hello  so we're in like gondo right now check it out [Music] only took like uh guys only  took like 5 minutes to get inside but yeah check this [Music] out all right guys yeah so uh I'm going to  just show you a real quick of how it is to   go up on the gondolo and then once we get up  there I will uh meet you there but halfway   through I he there's a Chinese temple which I  will show you too oh off let me show you real quick look at this guys welcome  on theana SK your through the. km theana SK will bre well that's where we're at just right now and  now we're going over there stop is chin station   during opening time guests May Al here for a free  stop over at chin okay so we can do a free step   over if we want to go to the temple the Chinese  temple but I think first we're going to go to the   gting uh main part and then maybe if we have time  in the end we'll go to the Chinese temple I'm kind   of like talking low because like other people  inside are just really quiet as we're going up   I just want to there is a road to go up to to  the top but many people love to just take the   cable cars and I suggest you if you want to go up  take the gondolo cable cars it's pretty nice also   kind of scary too okay so now we are passing  by the Chinese temple forgot what the name is   called they announced it on the screen but yeah  just check it out so if you guys do want to stop   Midway you can check it out this how the temple  looks like it's really cool I wonder how many   floors it is they had an elevator it' be nice  but I think right now it would take up a lot of   our time so that's why we're not going to stop can  get a glimpse of it though yeah so I guess this is   the Midway point so we're going to stop real quick  the Midway point for anyone who wants to go to the   temple then you just have to like walk down from  there to all the way there yeah we're probably   not going to do that I can show you how it is  real quick oh this is the it's called chin sway station look at this guys so  beautiful this is a beautiful   Valley here in Malaysia so many trees so many things I just got to show you more of  these views guys oh my God look at that   so beautiful oh here's the theme park called  gting sky world which is supposed to be like   an amazing theme park yeah we kind of see like  a brief overview it's it's kind of Cloudy and   then also the glass is blocking it too but  wow hear the music from over here and Sky worlds it's kind of Cloudy here too oh and by  the way guys if you want to get a hotel here they   have like a lot of hotels I heard ranging from  like around $30 USD and up to to like a decent hotel at that it's old part of the theme park  [Music] and Co motor shop oh that's cool I kind   of like made this road kind of looks like a old  place in America old like Western area wow that'   be nice actually to go to the park Ice Age oh  they have like uh DreamWork stuff I I think Ice Age you guys know ice AG oh we  have a ride welcome to Sky Avenue we arriving you should eat c l earli we have arrived [Music] guys oh we have arrived yay it's a place we can take photo hi oh youing check it out and that was the ride guys  it was amazing only took about 20 minutes now   check this out wow where are we sold out  now is where the real fun begins so we're   going to check out this whole building I  heard it's a gigantic ginormous building   and yeah check this out Welcome to the  Las Vegas of Malaysia guys so beautiful this so many different uh floors  oh looks like there's a cinem   over there IMAX I see IMAX yeah  but check it out guys Lucky Draw Tha the Chinese group over here I don't know  if that was the previous group there's a lot   of groups of people in general I've  seen like a couple Indian groups and   yeah we should make a traveling solo logs  group cuz the guy uh I was talking to in   the cable car he's a single traveler  from China he was like yo I'm just   traveling by myself this and that so  yeah let's let's walk around this is hype it's funny I said this is hype and  there's a hype Outlet right there says   high so if you want to go back to the cable  cars we're going to go this to this place   later but that's at the end of the video  hey guys hype Outlets they have 7-Eleven   over here Digi is like a phone company  over here hello guys hello abaka thank you look at this everyone's taking photos  it's so beautiful over here okay let's keep   on walking attraction so they have more shops  this way and attractions man this place is   gigantic I think over here we're going to get  a better view all right wow check this out we   have Swinson which is like a Western Diner so  it's on some platform this guy over here which   they do have performances here too so they're  just advertising right now the performance and   over here is the indoor theme park so they have  an outdoor theme park which we just just saw   called Sky works and this is the indoor theme par  sky tropolis so everything they say sky this sky   that because we're basically in the sky we're in  the clouds yeah a and then right over there is the casino okay let's see what else we have over  here I Love You Adventure Land what is this   and let me know throughout this video you  would you ever compare this to Las Vegas   at the end I will tell you if I remember  do I think this is actually comparable   to Las Vegas or not let me know if you've  been to both places do you compare it or   it's not even comparable nice to see you  that's a Korean uh convenience store what   is this the Adventure Land but looks like  it's like Ripley Believe It or Not yeah Ripley and if you do not know what Ripley is uh  Ripley Believe It or Not is a company they had   TV shows also books it just like it's shows you  amazing things around the world like the world's   tallest man the longest I don't know the longest  Elephants or whatever it's just like amazing   things like amazing information this is seems more  like it's more for kids we're just going to skim   through this area real quick got the kitty rides  over there oh you can even get a massage yeah   this is well welcome to Las Vegas you know what  I did notice like this is came to my mind anytime   when there's like a lot of gambling and stuff I  noticed a lot of like Chinese people like Chinese   investors will be there even in Las Vegas a lot  of the stuff is like owned by Chinese companies   okay so we have zombie outbreak over here Jurassic  reseearch Research Center really please believe it   or not Auditorium that actually seems pretty cool  uh should I go there no say that for another video   maybe but this is the area check this out so right  now we are approaching the main level about to be   on the basee level but I was like before we do  that let me just show you a little bit more of   this place so if I could describe this place to  you guys cuz I actually just took a break from   recording it's like a mall fused with a casino  it's like a super mall fused with a casino and   some other stuff too it's definitely worth a day  trip I don't know how long you could actually   be here in Malaysia to like have fun here but I  think a day trip would be worth it maybe 2 days   max but I think other than that uh I don't know  how many things you can do how to go to theme   park that'll take like half a day and then you see  I think two days maybe I correct myself a day trip   would be good but I think two days would be really  cool too cuz you check out the hotel try out the   food choices here cuz they do have a lot of food  Choice that's definitely something it's really   cool too here like yeah it looks like they're  actually making food in the window for people to see they're making some food here what are they  making I have no idea they making something hello guys it's cool how like they have the glass like   kitchen oh this guy's Mak  some dumblings up what's up guys they're funny like why is this guy recording  yeah anyways yeah a Swenson's over here here okay   so this is American Diner that I did see a few  times in uh Malaysia so hungry we're definitely   going to eat in this video but yeah lucky  Wednesday dates okay interesting so check this out   they have a lucky draw so if you come this casino  this is called Sky Casino which is one of the   main casinos here I don't know how many casinos I  have in ging Highlands not a casino expert if you   do know let me know or let us know but this is the  LX sorry Lucky Draw so do the Lucky Draw you could   potentially win a smart car a BMW or a byd car I I  think I would want to win the BMW Smart Car second   byd is a Chinese name brand car I don't know how  good it is with the reliability but yeah see the   sky casino is gigantic and I don't know guys  should I try my luck should I uh see how much   I could win or lose cuz I am I do have a faint  blood of Irish in me so look at the Irish okay   I'm probably not going to B in the casino but  it' be kind of cool to show you guys inside I   don't know if I'm allowed to show you guys inside  cuz usually casinos around the world doesn't show   let me go inside see how it is if I can record  I can record if not we'll see so I'll see you in   the next shot let me go inside just want to check  it out cuz why not I heard they do have some free   drinks over there like some free coffee some free  juices water and I don't know what else I have   but let's go inside and check it out so here's  inside of the casino I don't know how much I   can record for you guys but a glimpse of bit you  want to come for yourself check it out but yeah   cuz so so many games over here a lot of people  as well but yeah just a quick Glimpse wow they amazing and it's multi-level too I don't  know how many levels it is but yeah [Music] wow so many people check this  out they also have some juice machine   over here get Lei juice or  orange juice how it is you try not bad not bad also have some hot  beverages too black coffee and yeah really   interesting cool so that was the casino as  you know always the house wins so I don't   advise anybody to gamble or do that kind of  stuff because honestly the odds are against   you so might as well just be good do work  hard do some great business hopefully you   make so much money with that being said  let's check out this indoor theme park   over here this is the indoor theme  park of ging Highlands in Malaysia we got some big digital LCD screen over there got  this Ferris wheel looks like there's kid painting   over here too as well what I got bubbles  bubble people they're also upstairs as well hello t-shirt some headwear okay Sky glider this is really cool like so even if  you're not into like gambling and going crazy   even in America like Las Vegas isn't all  about gambling it's about like basically   it's entertainment entertainment City this  is a definitely an entertainment area for   your family for yourself whatever you're into  I'm sure they have it there's even I see like   a lot of uh Arabs from uh the Middle East yeah  so there's people from all over the world over   here really interesting look at that little  like boat ship thing over here this little   teacup ride so I think over here you pay for  ride at this they have this little grab a duck game interesting so I think it's five I don't know   what it is five tries for 30  that's what it looks [Music] like saying yay monster there's some  monster toys over here ah grab the   ball game I me grab the ball game you  throw the ball in the bucket and you win it to be honest it's like it's kind  of hard for me to talk to you guys and   like just see all these different like  distractions around me distractions and   also attractions there's so many people  it's very loud over here oh there's uh I   was about to say go-kart no bumper  cars bumper cars over [Music] here awesome fun times here in ging Highlands Malaysia we just left sky tropolis and I  just want to show you real quick there's   a lot of food places you can eat at there's a  lot of like snack shops and then also there's   like restant restaurants too but be aware some  restaurants are Halal some are non Halal as you   can see it says non Halal over there depending  on your uh religion maybe you can eat the food   maybe you cannot but also I just want to show  you right real quick over here she looks like   a pretty cool like place to like eat or have  a drink and it's right it's facing right this   like big uh screen over here and this is where  like the theme park is the Outdoor theme park   yeah really cool area right now it's a weekday so  it's not that crowded but I'm sure on the weekend   it gets really crowded okay let's walk this way  and see more stuff real quick restaurant's over here oh look at these CTO ice cream looks  really nice so from what I've been seeing   that the prices here for food and also  for like drinks and stuff are going to   be a little bit higher than the normal  uh prices you'll find in like qual for   but that's because like it's kind of like  a resort area kind of thing we're in the   Las Vegas so Malaysia so of course you  can pay like higher prices some Korean   Place hello ham cheese toast guys have idea  of like how much are things in this area hi hello oh some Chinese New Year music it's  really cool wow check this out guys there's   a dragon over here Dragon sh qua sh we and  we have oh wait that's a lion that's not a   dragon why is that guy dressed up as a lion no  sorry that's a tiger why is a guy dressed as a   tiger should be Dr as a dragon all right  wow look at this decorations too wow so   really describe this complex literally it's a  mall a theme park and a casino perfect way to   describe this and also it's cool area cool area  as in like it looks cool and also it's not hot   and wow I'm like actually being a little bit  cold I think there's an outdoor entrance over   here some more food places oh this looks like a  supermarket I don't know how the prices are but yeah oh it's mango something tropical over here  the mangoes all cut up I believe that's guaba as well something I love about Malaysia is mangoes  is a local fruit over here so you get mangoes   for pretty cheap price compared to all other  places in the world cuz I'm American and you   get mangles it's kind of pricey yeah look  at this cold pressed juice hi let me see   let me see what what are they talking about the  cold process sample hi sample cool what is this   this one Le lii Lei w l lii w yeah what lii  watermelon yeah okay it looks like watermelon   color watermelon lety lemon oh okay oh so it's  like okay so it's like a cocktail okay what going on it's actually pretty good nice thank you  I got me on that juice guys that sample oh   what is this Japanese Oban nayaki pancake  buy five GI free one oh look at this they   have so many different types of flavors  they have corn and mayo wow chocolate   tuna W how much is one of them just to  give an idea chocolate hi hello you guys   have uh what are these called Japanese  pancakes Japanese pancakes yeah we EA chocolate I can speak a little bit of Chinese [Applause] all right let me use my phone for the  card yes sorry why sh I don't want bullet B it's good all right that's a wrap try this out thank  you thank you thank you thank you so oh we got Mr   Bean we got a pancake chocolate pancake Bo  oh they even have a box office ticket show   here all right before we see the Box off have  to a show so shows they're playing over here   let's eat this pancake kind of hungry so I  was like might as well have a little snack   right now any place where you could sit down  no there isn't unfortunately I wish they could   had some like seating area that'd be really  nice as always B so yeah let's give it a try this is the inside of it chocolate  it's fluffy and crispy the top is   crispy the bottom is Fluffy you see  that M really good give it another try now I have a really good chocolatey bite  not bad that's 7.9 R it which is about a170 $180 [Music] USD they're good they have so  many different like snack places here   that's what makes me happy like well  I need to lose weight I don't know why   I'm doing this but for you guys so please  smash the like button and subscribe as I'm   looking at the camera I'm looking at this  look at this m so good one more one more [Music] bite that being said guys we're going  to finish this up so I'll see you in the next shot well that was delicious if you know  me I love my pancakes and you should too   I don't think I never met anybody who who hates  pancakes delicious type of food one of the best   in the world that being said this is the box  office Show tickets place so they do have a   lot of events here too I heard like previously  they had like some Pokémon events and something   have English and uh and Chinese so let's see  purchase tickets pretty Advanced let's see uh   enter gy rewards card I don't have one if you  don't have one just press next I don't want to   hear the advertisements because uh they didn't  pay me on this video for advertising them but   check out like all these different uh events  are happening over here from what I'm seeing   it's all different Chinese yeah these are  all like so interesting literally all of   the seniors or like all the events are all  like for like Chinese people like Nick Chong   Leo cou Penny Tai Aaron quar yeah the tickets  are ranging from like depending on the event   192 uh Malaysian ring yets to 292 for this guy  Aaron quack whoever this guy is it's like 402   he's getting a seat over there please log in to  your gting rewards card so I guess this is also   a rewards card machine here too so if you love  going to Genting Highlands love gambling and uh   love just blowing your money and then hopefully  winning uh then become a member that being said   somebody was telling me that this is the way  to go to Sky world who was that somebody it was   me I was telling myself no cuz I just see a lot  of signs it's a Skyward Sky worlds Genting that   guy's pointing that way but it should be this  way why is he pointing the opposite direction   t t t oh yeah now I'm feeling like uh and look on  the ground guys it's pretty wet over here I don't   know why but I guess because we're out out in the  sky there's a lot of fog and fog and I don't know   how come it's so wet but yeah and I'm feeling  a little bit chilly right now I'm not going to   lie put on my hood put my hoodie that's better  I would don't have chocolate on my [Music] face hello all right check this out guys  where we at we in sky world you know   actually they have the world's largest  hotel Believe It or Not Here in Genting   Highlands in Malaysia I never knew  they have the world's largest hotel   it's called One World hotel or something  if I find it we'll go to it but check this out to be honest I'm a little bit too old for  theme parks like I I I don't know I would love   to go to it but I'm not really into it like  if I was a little kid like my nieces and   nephews they would love that tickets over  here I believe let's see how much are the   tickets just in case you want to join in  and we' see the hour let's see the hour timings standard so let me see so above is  all right so for average adult is 189 ring   yet and then depending if you come with  like family and stuff you can probably   get a cheaper price price standard my  cat I don't know what the difference is 1 day ticket 113 let me ask excuse me how much  is the normal like one day ticket oh I got put the   headset on uh how much is like the one day ticket  huh one person 290 for adult yeah 290 and you guys   are open from 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. yeah all  right cool thank [Music] you all right well you   heard it from here so one person is actually not1  189 correct me 290 that's expensive that's like   60 70 bucks I don't know to me I don't know if  it's worth it or not if you ever been here let   me know let me show you the directory real quick  so show you what attractions they have but 290   honestly for the timing from 11:00 a.m. to 6:00  p.m. yeah I don't know it's kind of $290 what is   that in US Dollars I'm like trying to calculate  in my head yeah to me it's not really worth it   it's kind of overly [Music] priced because it's  only open from it's only open for 7 hours a day   ah okay cool that being said let me roam around  this area a little bit is this the world's largest   hotel one of these hotels are the world largest  hotels I don't know which one it is let me do my   research a little bit find out and see if we can  go inside of it that being said I'll catch you   in the next shop check it out we have just made  it in front of the world's largest biggest hotel   so this is how the front entrance looks like  check it out they have a Convention Center over   there and yeah it's iner and see how it is see  the decorations check out the lobby area it's   connected to where we're just at but yeah Hotel  first world welcome as I told you malayer likes   to do everything big and let me just show you  this real quick 7,351 rooms First World hotel   even has a JIS World Records certificate check  that out as of June 20th 2015 let me show you   guys telling you Malaysia does a big wow it's so  beautiful inside of here let's just walk around   and see how it is something was very interesting  about Malaysia check this out bro check this out   guys I said bro uh they have a place where you  could pray they have a hospital they have women   and women and M's bathroom which is normal  but what's kind of interesting is they have   a place where you could pray but also this is  like uh the Las Vegas casino area too it's not   just people who want to gamble come over here  people that just want to have fun want to see   some entertainment you can come here too so  if you're not into gambling don't get me wrong   like you could still come here or get me right I  don't know what I'm talking about right now but   yeah just look at this so beautiful the ceilings  wow how could I say like what is the atmosphere   over here I can do it myself and they have it in  Chinese too w z I don't know but anyways yeah I   can speak Chinese Pac-Man Battle Royale oh like  I never knew I never seen this before I believe   yeah this is the reception desk over here the  main reception and then this is like for extra   reception but right now it's a weekday so they  don't have that but we're having a little bit of   like I feel like some European Greek type of like  architecture kind of stuff over here let's walk   around a little bit wow it's old school Pac-Man  actually this not Pac-Man this is uh ice hockey   ice hockey what is it called I don't know it's  with the talk and stuff you know what I'm talking about uh sometimes I feel like I'm not a native  English speaker the reason that is is because   uh I've been out here in Asia a lot of people  really speak basic English I have to remember   keep on practicing my English starting to fade  away the hotel over here get the guy fixing the elevator awesome can't believe 7,351 rooms more  than Las Vegas when it comes to hotel rooms bigger   than Las Vegas when it comes to casinos definitely  go to Las Vegas and why am I why am I comparing it   to Las Vegas this what everyone called Compares  it to so that's why I'm comparing it too got some   place over here so let me just show you the wow  they have r janii Roy janii is a famous Malaysian   breakfast food usually get it for like two Ringgit  which is like 3040 cents USD here it's 9 so it's   like $2 something definitely the food is overly  priced over here but then again you're on top of   a mountain and kind of like a resort area so what  do you expect world's largest hotel they even give   you the genis world's record certificate one more  time just in case if you don't know the Malaysia   book records what is this what is this Malaysia  book records what with the largest uh renewable   energy hot water system so it has a lot of records  and inside of this hotel there's a lot of things   over here too Watson which is like uh oh oh this  beautiful lady over here too oh she's oh look at   this one shoe lady the one I ask you like why is  she limping on one shoe that's how it is over here   in daning Highlands yeah uh yeah this is like a  pharmacy Watson's if you don't know it's like a   kind of like a CVS and if you don't know what CVS  is it's just like basically a pharmacy store that   has everything that girl was hilarious beautiful  dress in one shoe uh what else do we have over   here this some Chinese heral place I guess Curry  fishball actually know what is this I said herbal   place I don't know see what they have let's  go inside Lua Pretty P hell Kaya puff coconut   salted egg puff butter Puffs they guys for my  stuff I guess they getting ready for Chinese New Year Healing Touch foot spot man my foot my left  foot is messed up guys let me foot spot please let   me know my left foot like the the heel of it is  messed up please you know let me know you place   uh First World hotel lobby so I think you have an  idea of how it looks like uh let me know should   I book a room next time it's only 1 hour away  from kalur which I can take a bus to but yeah   oh they have a barber shop here too and then if  we keep walking straight to the left is where I   just came from this is where we're going to go to  the main place the casino to the indoor theme park   and other stuff yeah guys but I just want to give  you that real quick and let's discover more of gon Highlands well my bus is about to leave in  an hour so I have to get back down to where   we first started the video let me give you one  last Glimpse and now let's take the cable car   back to one we started and yeah hopefully I can  get a bite to eat over there cuz I do not want   to miss this bus back to qu for cuz it's hourong  ride let's check it out time to hand the tickets   what's going inside go hello hello how are you  okay fine all right now it's okay okay all right   thank you than byebye byebye let's go on the  cable car it looks so foggy from outside it's   like you can't even see from what's Happening  outside look at look how long the line can be gigantic all right see what's going on over here one  person I'll take the next one maybe I can   go by myself hopefully [Music] let's see can  I go by myself yeah yeah yes yes that'd be awesome please by myself hell yeah that's  what I'm talking about VIP service they're   really [Music] nice and plus there's nobody  really behind me and now people are coming so I'm all along in a cable car but check this out   oh for I drob my ticket wow it looks  like it's raining a lot outside oh no I'm stuck along in the cable car oh that one's   even empty let's gooo traveling Sol logs  in the cable car that's what I'm talking   about all by myself yeah look at  that very cloudy it says Market Lakeside wow welcome to Malaysia guys so  beautiful but I have to be careful this   says warning what is it Galo door closes  automatically in case of emergency blah   blah blah yeah I should just basically be  careful of just balancing this so this is   a diamond cabin and it uh it takes up to 750  kg and 10 people wow look at this whole wide out they have a USB charger over here USB  charger over there kind of cool I did not   notice this last time I was here and they even  have these like little Windows over here too   you can open up so to get some more fresh air it  says do not stand up sit down but it's okay it's   one person not moving too much management  shall handle over to the police a person   vandalizes and Steals and attempts to remove  any equipment in the gondolo yeah really cool   here in a gondolo by myself in Malaysia ging  sky world bye-bye ging Highlands till next time all right guys you know what I think I'm  going to finish up the video now I may add some   other stuff if I find some other stuff but as  always don't forget to smash a like button and   subscribe and let me know what what you thought  about ging Highland this is a great glimpse of   how it is so whenever you come here you'll  be prepared and you'll know what to do and   if you have any more questions please let me  know and I'll try to answer it as much as I   know to my knowledge and I'll try to research  it if I don't know your answers but yeah one   more Glimpse beautiful area definitely if you  can come come it's definitely worth a day trip   in Malaysia even 2 Days 1 hour away from quore  definitely worth it I'm just so glad to show   you another area here in IIA definitely love  the country and you should too so uh yeah if   you want to watch more videos around the world  click somewhere up on the screen that being said   guys I'm going to head back down go on the bus  grab a bite to eat and I'll see you next time peace
Channel: Traveling Solo Logs
Views: 34,782
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Genting Highlands, Las Vegas of Malaysia, travel guide, casino experience, Skyway adventure, Resorts World Genting, Malaysia tourism, shopping destination, Genting Adventure, cable car ride, travel vlog, Genting hotels, gaming destination, Asia travel, Southeast Asia, luxury resorts, mountain views, outlet shopping, entertainment complex, adventure travel, cable car experience, travel inspiration., Genting Highlands Premium Outlets, Traveling Solo Logs
Id: UKmhn4t82-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 43sec (2923 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2024
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