🤯 NEWEST ATTRACTION in Kuala Lumpur!! FULL TOUR of The Exchange TRX Mall

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This is the newest shopping mall  in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia!!! We are at The Exchange TRX, the newest shopping mall of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia!!! Some of  you have been commenting to check this mall out,   and we did!!! Actually, me and Noona went here  yesterday; it was a Sunday, and it was packed!   It was busy and a spectacular-looking mall! I  think it's worth showing you, so that's why I came   back today. I'm able to show you this in about  15-20 minutes. I hope you're excited; let's go!!!  This mall has so many new features; it is  incredible, something that I've never seen   before and I was excited about the last Mall  tour that we've done. This is next level. Seriously! This is a mall and not necessarily  only a shopping mall. I'll turn the camera   around actually to show you. I don't think it's  only a. mall that is stunning; I think the shops,   each and every shop, had to follow some guidelines  to be able to have a shop over here in this   center. Because every single shop we saw yesterday  and we're about to see today is super stunning;   it's beautiful!!! The finishing touch, also the  seating area I'm sitting on proper leather chairs   right at the very start of the shopping mall,  people just chilling here, have a little rest,   you know. Put your shopping bags down and relax.  But we just started this tour, so let's crack on!  You got Gucci, Saint Laurent, Chanel,  Louis Vuitton, Burberry, Dolce & Gabbana,   all the major luxurious brands are located  here. There are over 400 stores in this   shopping mall. But even if you're not  into very expensive luxurious brands,   this is still a shopping mall for you to visit.  Spend a few hours while visiting Kuala Lumpur,   Malaysia. We started off at the north entrance,  but most likely you get dropped off by Grab here   on the east side, and at the East side, they're  still building on it a little bit, like there is   some construction going on there. But the shopping  mall itself is finished; it's done, and it's done   up well. This is most likely where you can get  your first impressions. Yes, ladies and gentlemen,   Chinese New Year is coming up also here at the  TRX. They obviously put some decorations up.  Chinese New Year will be celebrated each  year hugely here in Kuala Lumpur because   of the population here. There's a large number of  people here in the city who are Chinese Malaysian,   so this is one of the main reasons why Chinese  New Year is so big in Kuala Lumpur. Now it is   the year of the dragon, and the celebrations  are carrying on for another few weeks until   it is actually Chinese New Year on the  10th of February. Above the decoration,   there is a huge screen hanging; this is always  hanging there showing you updates from the   events that are going on in the shopping mall and  some branding as well. I think we've seen enough   from this part; let's crack on this mall tour! Yesterday, I went around with Noona already,   as I told you, and we've seen some cool shops.  I'm going to show you, and we're also going to   probably see some new shops because we haven't  been going around through the whole shopping   mall. Now this is one of the things that I'd  like to show you. It's called Gentle Monster,   and I think, I'm not too sure, yesterday there was  a big line here, a big queue. I think we can just   walk inside. I'm not too sure. But these guys are  just real-looking. I think it's a sunglass brand,   Gentle Monster, ladies and gentlemen. I don't  know anything about big brands, so I'm going to   disappoint you. I don't know Gentle Monster,  but I do know the way they market things;   it's a cool shop. I'm not too sure if there are  even prices there. Yeah, sunglasses 1,400 ringgit,   ladies and gentlemen; they better fit well. Mate!? On the ground floor, there is a concierge desk   with very knowledgeable staff pointing you in  the right direction. You ask them anything,   and they know it. It is also possible to figure  it out yourself if you don't really fancy talking   to anyone. This is no problem. They also have  these poles, you call them holes or pillars,   and they have touch screens right here. You can  navigate wherever you want. This navigation quite   surprised me because when you enter, let's say,  the garden, and that's where we're going to go,   we're going to go for a forest walk as well later  on, not just yet, but I just showed you. Wait,   this is in Chinese; this is not... I cannot read  Chinese, unfortunately. English. We go to the TRX.   TRX City Park; we go for a little forest walk.  Directions; it actually shows you where we are   right there, and then, without doing anything,  it actually shows you the path where to walk to   your nearest escalator going to the next level.  I mean, it's slowly taking you to the next level,   to the next escalator. On level three, it is.  A big thumbs up to the concierge desk, but even   a bigger thumb for the person who designed  this application. This is the easiest way I   ever navigated myself around a shopping mall. The  TRX is designed to stand out big time compared to   all the other shopping malls around. This is the  newest shopping mall in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia! I quickly have to dive into this shop just for the  ladies and some gents as well. I can imagine. It   is now 12:00, and you can see immediately it's  getting a little bit busier. There are a lot of   people working in offices here in the building;  it is break time. People are having an hour break   if they're lucky, and they come here to go to  the food court. We are also going to do this,   but we're gonna wait another hour, I believe.  Because if we are going now at lunchtime,   it's going to be a little bit busy. Now the office  people are having lunch; we might as well rest   our feet a little bit. We are at Cafe Kitsune and  this is the first branch opened in Malaysia. It's   originally a French shop, and opening the first  shop in Malaysia here at the TRX is showing that   they also want to have a cut of the coffee scene,  the growing coffee scene that they have here in   Malaysia. It tastes like a normal coffee to me;  it's only 15 ringgit, so that's about $3 US. If   you are fancying a coffee but next-level coffee,  there is also a shop called Bacha Coddee; it's   a Moroccan shop with Moroccan beans, and  Moroccan coffee, and this one has a different   price category, 35 ringgit for a cup. But then you  actually have a Moroccan coffee which you might be   interested in. I thought it's worth mentioning. A  big plus of this mall is that there are escalators   everywhere, elevators everywhere. So it is not  hard to find an exit sometimes or not sometimes...   Almost every time I'm going into a shopping mall.  It is.... And I want to leave; it is very hard for   me to exit. And this is annoying because you just  want to go and take the train out or grab a taxi,   and then it takes like 20 minutes to figure  out where the exit is. Here it is very easy   to navigate yourself. There are some cool shops  here as well, but there's also a food court,   which I'd like to show you. It's got plenty of  food, and this is giving you an idea of what it   looks like on a Monday at 1:00Pm. But on a Sunday  or on a holiday, this is packed. Last Sunday, you   could not walk here at the same pace as that what  we're doing now. No, it was actually too busy,   too busy for my taste. But right now, and it's  still really busy. Then again, it's lunchtime,   1:00. I, uh, I don't want to wait any longer for  food, but the Food Exchange is right here. There   are different food sections here. There's also  a Seibu. This is a Japanese department store. It   also has its own food mall or a food court.  A lot of fresh products exposed right here   for the soup. You can make your own bowl; you  basically grab your bowl here, add your noodles,   add whatever products are in there, you hand it  over; they cook it for you. Nice little concept,   but I don't want that. It's too much work  for me. I just want to order something and   eat straight away. Let's see what they have.  This is a place where Western meets Asian;   there are no burgers here, no fries. It is quite  limited, I would say, but on the basement floor,   there are many different sections, food sections  where you can eat. Everything, all the signs,   all the menus, they are in English, so there's  no worry for you that you don't understand what   you're ordering. We got a black pepper fish from  the "Wok & Grill". They give you some sambal   with it as well. And this is what we like here in  Malaysia. You basically can get sambal everywhere,   and it just spices things up, makes everything  in life better, sambal. There's high dining here,   but you also can just start eating already here,  having lunch for nine ringgit. So it's not only   very expensive food over here; it's actually quite  affordable. Just between us, the walk and grill   and especially the black pepper fish, it's tasty.  I'm glad I'm eating it right now, but there's so   much other food around which I think gives you a  better idea of what KL and what Malaysia is about   when you talk about food. This is not a dish which  I would recommend. You know? You'll probably find   this anywhere else if you're living in New York  and you order a black pepper fish uh in a Chinese   restaurant you probably get a similar thing.  Guys, let's check out the rest of the shopping   mall. At the basement; there's also a full-sized  supermarket, and these are some products to give   you a good idea of what the prices are like. We've  got fruits like bananas for a kilo, dragon fruits,   a nice loaf of bread, a bag of crisps, your  cheapest bottle of water, cheeses. And they   do have a lot of choice more than we just show you  now. So you know it is not very expensive here at   the TRX, not overly priced anyway. We are now on  the first floor. We're only a couple of floors away from the garden. We're taking you around, and  we're just going to see, oh, hello, lady. The play   is where we started off our video with a beautiful  view and actually gives you the proper feel of   where we are. When you look around here on the  first floor. You can actually see that there are   a few shops yet to open. Now you don't hear any  construction going on, and they have these panels   who are blocking whatever is going on at the back,  and they're probably having construction going on,   but there's no sound of this, there's no smell of  any painting or any glue that they use. So they   know quite well how to hide it behind them panels.  We're just having a look right here, man, and I   love how they use the lighting and the colors,  and I don't know exactly what material it is them   finishing panels? A kind of a bronze color. This  is just beautiful. We're going higher and higher,   another red box here, by the way, while we're  talking away walking away red boxes. You can get a   99... I'm not too sure how long this is available  for, but for 99 ringgit per month, you can get   an unlimited karaoke pass. I'm not very big on  karaoke, but if you have never done any karaoke,   I think it is about time. I'm not too sure if you  should straight away go for a monthly pass here,   but yeah, just try it once; it is fun, maybe have  a little drink with it. Anyway, we are now on the   second floor, and we crackle on this mall tour.  We basically skipped the whole first floor. I did   not do this on purpose; we were just walking  away, and suddenly we're on this escalator,   and we just checking. We can't really show you the  whole market anyway or the whole mall anyway.   They use some natural light here; you  can see straight away. Ah, nice! Okay,   guys, we are back on track! This channel  is based in Thailand; we're showing you   the beauty of Southeast Asia. And now we are  in Malaysia for a Malaysian series. Actually,   I'm saying Malaysian series, but we're only going  to travel a little bit. We settled down ourselves   just for several weeks to be in Malaysia, in Kuala  Lumpur specifically. We've got a monthly rent;   I'm not too sure how long we're going to stay.  I figured that a lot of people around the world   come to Kuala Lumpur just for some shopping. The  lifestyle that they have here, shopping malls are   part of the lifestyle here in Kuala Lumpur. A  lot of things are happening inside, indoors,   especially during the day, you know, you're not  going to walk outside too much because it's just   hot or it's raining. They do have a gaming shop,  and they do have shops where you can buy phones,   but this is definitely not a place where you are  buying your electronics. This is a shopping mall   designed for clothing, and lifestyle. There's also  a Seibu department store, a Japanese department   store, and it opened its doors to the public for  the very first time in Malaysia about 6 weeks   ago when there was the grand opening of this  TRX. Let's have a look. How's that look? No,   sorry, guys, I should not do this Ilona is gonna  kill me. We're not pregnant, but... you know?   Sometimes you start fantasizing, especially when  you see these little toys. I don't think we're   ready just yet. But maybe sometime, who knows?  Anyway, this department store has three floors,   starting from the ground, first, and second  floor. This is a Japanese department store,   but not only Japanese brands are available here.  No, over 700 international brands are here in this   department store, and over 200 of these brands are  appearing for the very first time in a department   store. So there's a lot of new products, new  brands to look for here at this store. Now we've   nearly seen enough of this mall, just want to go,  you a good look at the center again from up here,   still on the second floor. Lost count for a  second. But we are taking you now to the top   floor. To the garden, and they're really proud of  this garden, and we had a look yesterday; I can   understand why they are so proud. Now let's have  a look, taking the escalators up, and hopefully it   doesn't rain, ladies and gentlemen. This is also  possible in KL, you never know. And we are taking   you now to the famous, most famous garden in Kuala  Lumpur. From out here; we can have a good look at   the Exchange TRX, this pretty looking building is  standing about 454 M High. Yeah, if you have kids,   there's a lot to do for kids here as well. There  is a playground, which is very nicely in use with   a lot of people outside during the day, a fountain  where the kids can play. Oh, there's just a lot of   water fun here outside, looking over the Exchange  TRX. There's a lot more to do right here in the   cave. The "Play Cave". they call it, and we're not  going to play today. Well, actually, we're playing   a little bit. But we're just going to show you  quickly around. Look how beautiful the location is   where this mall is located; this is Kuala Lumpur,  ladies and gentlemen. You think of Kuala Lumpur;   you're thinking of the Twin Towers; you might  start thinking of the Merdeka 118, which is   actually the one there sticking out. That little  thing. But this, ladies and gentlemen, this is   Kuala Lumpur, and not too long ago, this building  got added to the city. There's another building,   the KL Tower, you probably know; you can see from  up here as well. There is a little waterfall. Ah,   super nice little area, The Exchange TRX; there  she is, the beauty. And we are on top of the   shopping mall right now; we are going to have  the famous Forest walk they're very proud of.   And already what we've seen already so far is  quite cool. There's a sign here; it's basically   saying that there are plants scattered around  planted here that have something to do with   Malaysian culture, and tradition, plants that  have been used for clothing, crafts, building,   medicine, and religious purposes. That's basically  the main plants and trees you can find over here.   You can spend a little afternoon here. It is  quite busy for a Monday in the shopping mall,   I have to say. I didn't, I did not expect it to  be so busy on a Monday, maybe had something to do   with Chinese New Year, more people are off, more  people are visiting family around this time of the   year. But in the afternoon, like late afternoon,  people are going outside more because it's cooling   down. And now it's like 2:00, and I recommend  going now here, you know, bite the bullet,   be a bit hot, but now you are pretty much all  alone, or we are pretty much all alone walking the   forest walk. It's only a small little walk, ladies  and gentlemen; they make it look online maybe as   a huge one, but it is nice and enough. They have  facilities to have a little water if you're really   thirsty, there's an emergency button not too far  away from here in case there is an emergency, in   case someone's getting a heart attack or something  like that. I'm not too sure. At this channel,   we're doing also a little street interviews,  and we're trying to be as honest as possible,   trying to give you the full idea. And I would be  silly if I only show you the good parts. There are   huge air conditioning units right here in the  garden, which are giving quite a loud noise,   and this is right next to the forest walk. So  when you're walking the walk, you can actually   hear them; you can hear the construction sides  going on anyway. I just want to add on the full   picture. It is pretty insane how they accomplish  to build a whole park on top of a shopping mall.   If I have to mention something, yeah, this is one  of the things that I should mention. It would be   very helpful if you can share one of the videos of  Chai Travel on your social media. I name Twitter,   Instagram, Facebook, sharing this video  on WhatsApp to a friend that is actually   interested in Kuala Lumpur or Southeast Asian  content; that will be very helpful as well. Also,   becoming a member is helping this channel a lot.  Now I am very happy and proud to tell you that I   have been hitting break even for a few months now,  and it looks like we can crack on doing what we're   doing, making content in Southeast Asia for much  longer. But we're not 100% there yet. So becoming   a member as well is keeping this channel going.  By becoming a member, you will gain a few perks,   but you certainly help the channel making videos  like these and keep us on the platform YouTube.   This was the Exchange TRX Mall Tour; I hope you  enjoyed it. Thank you so much for watching till   the very end. I would like to say from the capital  city of Malaysia, bye for now, and stay Champ! Next to the Gucci shop, there is a premium  toilet, and you have to pay five ringgit to   get in! Actually, it was quite a nice experience.  Normally, I would never pay for this, but I want   to show you also what a premium toilet looks like.  You got a beautiful entourage with real flowers.   These orchids are actually real! You got two  different hand soaps, also lotion, and everything   is just super clean. Five ringgit! I think it's a  little bit much, but they want to keep it premium,   and premium it is! Just next to the Gucci  shop, the premium toilet on the ground floor!
Channel: Chai Travel
Views: 67,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shopping in kl, kl newest attraction, kuala lumpur newest mall, newest mall in malaysia, malaysians newest mall, shopping in malaysia, shopping mall Malaysia, trx mall, trx exchange, The Exchange TRX, The Best mall in KL, KL best mall, things to do in KL, Things to do in kuala lumpur, mall in trx, txr mall, rtx mall, newest mall in KL, newest mall in Kuala Lumpur
Id: bL5K3TOeEL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 17sec (1457 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2024
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