He Didn't Know Kuala Lumpur Existed! 🤯 🇲🇾

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wow guys check this out look at all these  decorations look at this this place is amazing   I can never get sick of this area honestly  it's so Lively so many [Applause] people wow   that's amazing wa hey everyone welcome to another  beautiful day here in Colm Port Malaysia so I'm   with this man over here what's up guys Brad so  you may have seen him in the last two previous   videos and he's about to leave so I just want to  ask you a few questions today about like what do   you think about Malaysia since you're about to  leave and also just like give your feedback about   like being here this is your first time here ever  yeah man okay sounds good right but first on I   saw you posted a video on your YouTube channel  that you said uh what did you say exactly yeah   so I I made the title the country that I never  knew existed qu lumper or the city I never knew   existed and uh man it's like it's the truth for  the most part in that I knew the name you know   I knew the name Malaysia okay I have seen a map  and I know where it is on the map I knew nothing   about this country and honestly that's kind of  just because I've never done the research I mean   I watch YouTube videos I research countries and  I try to figure out where to go and I don't know   how it's possible but Malaysia never really  like popped up on my list and it was never in   my tee so basically what you're telling me from  what I understand is he hasn't been watching my   videos watch my videos you would have knew it  existed yeah man I mean that's yes that's also   true but but the funny thing is before I even met  him he was already subscribed to me yeah that was   crazy we met here and then I was like oh yeah  like let me support my friend go subscribe oh   already subscribed super cool that's a that's  amazing yeah cuz even me I was a little bit un   checked I was like how did you know I not existed  but that per that makes sense cuz even part of the   reasons why I make videos here honestly I love the  country but I also want to give it exposure like   I want to show people like this this is Malaysia  it's modern it's nice cuz many people think like   as some Asian countries unfortunately uh they  think like it's underdeveloped it's third world   what like unfortunately even people don't even  know it's on the map like I think if you ask like   people from a lot of countries like even America  Canada like maybe out of 10 people maybe three   or four would know Malaysia because it's a little  bit of a smaller country but it's so beautiful so   yeah man I'll be honest like I think it's not  just me and like what you're doing with your   channel I think is really good for people like  me who have never really like been exposed and   dude I I'm pretty sure that most of my friends  and family also have no idea about this place   and that's why I'm so happy to be here cuz now I  can also help spread the word because this country   is amazing I love it here I do too honestly like  I'm a traveler but something that like stops me   from traveling is this country because like you  know when you find something that you love like   your heart is in it it's just like oh man it's I  could go to the other place to go maybe Explore   More which I do love to explore guys but I like  man something about this so like how's your how   was like your first impressions now you've been  here for about a week so like how was your first   impr yeah yeah so the funny thing is I wasn't even  planning on coming here I was actually with Chris   we were traveling around in other countries and we  had a flight that got can well it was like delayed   delayed and then eventually canceled so we were  like should we book a hotel and try again tomorrow   we were like no you know what we walked over to  the international terminal started looking up   some countries and I was like what about Malaysia  and G was like dude Malaysia is sick so we booked   some tickets and the funny thing is like usually  when I go somewhere new I like to do my research   I like to plan you know I'm trying to make videos  too so I like to go informed I like to know the   places to go but we literally bought tickets on  the spot and we like a few hours later we were   on a plane yeah funny thing is Chris actually if  you guys don't know Chris we keep on talking about   Chris maybe if this is the first video you're  watching of mine or even ours uh Chris is one   of our good friends he's also a traveler too so  shout out to him and and uh he's a friend of mine   and also a friend of his so once he in Malaysia  Chris gave me a phone call he said yo what are   you doing are you in Malaysia I was like hell yeah  I'm still here in Malaysia Chris is the one that   linked us together so now we became friends and  now we're out here making a video without him and   now his new friend is going to be my friend my  friend is going to be his friend and there be a   whole community of friends and I love it I love it  but yeah check this out so right now guys just to   give you a reference on where we are walking right  now we are walking in B bentang which is a famous   place here in quore Malaysia and it's famous you  just see it's so many people obviously just around   us they have this gigantic beautiful pavilion mall  which is about to be Chinese New Year you may have   seen in one of my other previous videos but they  also have a 3D screen over here they also have   some like promotions here like doesn't this look  like a lively place dude it is super Lively and   honestly when I first SED up with uh with solo  over here this is one of the first places that   we went thank you um this is one of the first  spots we went to and I was like what is this   place this is is crazy I felt like I was in Time  Square in New York but in Asia yeah like there's   so many lights the buildings are like that's the  thing I keep realizing anywhere I go out here the   buildings are so huge and as I go around the city  I can actually just like kind of find myself as a   reference point by looking at the tall buildings  that I'm familiar with it's really interesting   definitely and that being said we have to go  through this traffic traffic is moving but it's   green light isn't it funny like the green light  for pedestrians but traffic is moving oh wow oh   man I love this this place so beautiful look they  have like oh yeah and something cool like did you   know that Malaysia okay maybe like oh we have  to go a little bit faster now it's red for us   that uh something cool about here in Malaysia they  have like so many different types of like you know   people go to other country maybe they miss their  Hometown Food like maybe a good hamburger maybe   if we walk in the small you can just see like  there's so many different types of like Western   foods and Western things like dude everything is  here everything eastern western whatever you want   like Malayan food by itself is pretty tasty oh  my dude that's probably my favorite thing about   this country is the the food and like it kind of  goes hand in hand with the this is all stuff I've   just recently learned by the way but it all goes  hand inand with uh the diverse culture here I've   been so amazed how many different cultures are  all jam-packed right into this one little area   I've I've honestly not gone that far out of the  city and um they're all right here you went to   B two caves today right that was my that was the  farthest I've gone but yeah bat two caves today   that was super fun beautiful beautiful area and it  was cool to see something like outside of the city   but man like you have all these cultures they're  all super close together and then that comes with   all of their different food and dude I don't know  the first like 5 days I didn't even like eat the   same thing twice and it was all new meals like I  haven't tried like any of these things ever in my   life so that's leading up to this question what  is the most favorite food you have tried that's   Malaysian over here I know there's a lot of good  foods here that's hard that's hard cuz I'm going   to go with um what we had the other day okay what  you introduced me to uh Nasi Kar is that what it's   called Nasi kondar I can't believe it was cool  cuz solo was like Yo dude asked them if you can   like check behind the counter and they let me go  back the people are so nice here man they let me   go behind the counter they let me actually like  watch them make it super close up and I was like   filming and stuff and man I didn't realize there's  sauce sauce sauce Curry SAU yeah yeah dude that   was crazy so NASA if you guys don't know it's  a northern Malaysian food from panang which is   like one of the food food capitals of the world  maybe and one of the food capitals of Malaysia   and yeah so it's very tasty and if you want to  see his reaction check it out on his channel he   made a whole cool reaction I like you actually see  them making it yeah that was Co I I put a little   clip but you know we have to just check out his  channel this is uh growing he's inspired travel   and travel sorry inspired you know what I'm I'm  a I'm a smaller Channel but I'm getting a lot of   help from Chris and solo and these guys are so  amazing cuz they're they're doing a lot of stuff   for me they're they're showing me the country and  that's huge as someone like a first time in the   country and they're also giving me Tri tricks  on YouTube they're teaching me like just kind   of how they do their things and dude it's it's  it's really good company for me so thank you so   much honestly like the bottom of my heart anytime  when somebody wants to travel and they want to do   like YouTube or something by all means you can  comment in the section below send me a message   I like that honestly especially here in Malaysia  which is like I've been recording here for a long   time I doing stuff I was like I feel like I'm a  little specialist in this area I want to say I'm   like the best person but I was say one of the best  he's the best he's the best yeah and like uh it's   so just cool to see cuz he uh is in Thailand which  is right next to Malaysia that if I'm going to go   to Thailand I'm going to go there pretty soon  actually he's my specialist he's going to tell   me everything he s some Thai show me the best Thai  food spots yeah so I think I think your Malaysia   might be my Thailand I spent a lot of time  over there I actually met a girl I got married   in August her name is Christ she's beautiful SW  ma umm um but yeah so like I spent so much time   all over Thailand so I'm excited to finally like  bring you into a place where I'm very comfortable   I know my way around and I can kind of like give  a little bit of back back to you you know what   I mean dude I appreciate it again one more fist  we doing this like 10 times this yeah that's it   know it's kind of amazing is uh he didn't really  know too much about Malaysia because where he's   staying in Thailand is actually Northern Thailand  which is kind of far from Malaysia but Southern   Thailand borders with Malaysia so yeah it's pretty  interesting yeah I'm up in Chang Rai and actually   Chris is uh what they call it Boke which means  right so let's just get Chris cuz maybe getting   the name confused like Chris who that Chris was  other YouTuber confusing he's talking about Chris   so his wife is actually her name is Chris is that  in the name kristna CHR is her calls her Chris so   yeah sorry about confusing sorry like sometimes  he gets confused on names even me I'm like what   are you talking about it's honestly so hard to  talk about cuz I'm like telling my family like   yo like I'm going to meet up with Chris oh yeah  now Chris it's just like I have to like Chris   and Chris yeah at least Chris is with a t with  a letter K though so my wife is with a K his   wife is Chris one and Chris 2 is the Chris other  the friend yeah sorry Chris too but my wife is   number one and yeah I just want to show you like  real quick as we're like walking and talking look   at this like all the cars more big buildings it's  amazing like sometimes I like to just like look at   the road and like see what's happening like dude  I'm amazed like cuz we're on one of these um is   there a SK Skywalk or Skyway I would say yeah  dude it's that was one of the most impressive   things here because to to me when I first came  because first of all I was like wow the city is   crazy it's a little bit hectic which I like um  you have streets that don't seem like they're   on a grid or anything you know they're all just  like zigzagging all over the city huge buildings   but it's so easy to get from place to place it's  all connected I was able to ride the Metro I'm   loving the bean bikes um but then there's these  paths here yeah for those of you that don't know   like Bean bikes are these like scooters they you  just go throughout the city you just like Bunch   right there oh that's funny the reference right  there so the bean bikes just right over there   like the scooters they call it Bean bikes but  anyways yeah you just basically use the app you   scan it you drive it when you're finished with  it you just rescan it and that's how much you   get charge how much is it like for a ride I think  it's about um $2 us I don't remember but about $2   us yeah per trip and that can get you like 10 15  minutes like of distance oh so that's like8 Ring   10 Ring yeah 8 to 10 Ring maybe I think so what's  also confusing is that every country you go so   you have to like trans uh think about dollars you  convert it yeah renate bot and I all my new videos   are probably be talking bought this bought that so  after like like 34 Bots to $1 or something right   is that right yeah is yeah 35 35 okay so I I got  my exchange rates pretty good guys oh man yeah   super interesting it's always exciting for me  to show up to a new country yeah and one of the   first things I do is I go get a SIM card and then  I go pick up some of their local currency and I I   actually really like the Malaysian currency some  countries I find they'll have a lot of coins like   Thailand you'll see you'll be dealing with coins  a lot here I noticed they have coins but a lot   of the times it's just bills cuz it goes from  1 5 10 20 you know what I mean um I've been to   other countries where it's like $7 us is the  max denomination I have like a stack of cash   and there's no bigger build than that so I just  have to have like a ton of them so it's always   interesting but I feel like the Malaysian currency  is often uh there's a lot of new bills it's very   clean I like that it's colorful I actually like  the different sizes I have or maybe you have yeah   yeah I have it available so I actually keep my  wallet very organized here um so on this side   I have the bigger bills here's my so that's like  the 50 my 50 and look how clean that is man it's   it's actually a really pretty bill it's got some  reflector Stu can I keep that just to like just   for like just for later just for reference just  for reference I'll give you one of each yeah I'll   take that back after the video U yeah yeah so then  here's the 20 look how pretty that is is it's like   nice and clean and of course you know everyone's  handing like these bills around the city so you   you still treat it like money you still like wash  your hands and stuff but and there's going to be   bad bills you have every bill you have the five  you 10 very convenient for the video just show   up yeah 10 you have every Bill the 10 here's a 10  all right let's see is a five I promise you guys   this was not planned and you can tell that I'm  like getting to know things cuz I'm looking in   my wallet I see the color and I already know what  bill is is so that took me like four or 5 days to   get that Comfort uh we're from the US and like all  our currency is green basically all green it all   looks similar with like the pictures are different  but the it's not as easy and they're all the same   size too here's the five this one actually has a  transparency to it this is like one of those uh   you know this is like one of those like plastic  ones you know you can do this and like like and   there's no wrinkles no basically I know plastic  bills cuz I the first time I saw was in Hong Kong   interesting more like new of the bills like that  no more paper it's like you just crumble it up and   comes back together I never knew that and it also  feels a little bit waterproof like like there's   like a wax in there or something yeah exactly yeah  all right well I'll I'll organized after the video   one we had to show the one last got to show the  one got to show the one oh and I think I have 100   with me so literally alls there's the one another  clear thing yeah I I love the currency okay now   you hold this I'm just going to show you guys  real quick since basically we showed you all the   currency which this wasn't planned but we might  put it in the video yeah that worked out nice   and let me show you the 100 guys right now last  but not least because I'm planning to exchange   this two right so I just gave him all these two  I'll take this one now uh yeah so it's really   interesting yeah so every bill will have like some  cool Landmark on it and I believe this is the one   of the rulers of Malaysia I'm not really sure who  that is but yeah interesting yeah I'll be honest   like I've been learning so much it's hard for me  to taken too much information at once and it's   kind of tough for me to to remember everything so  I asked these guys like 10 times the same question   but like I at some point would like to learn  what are all these significant people what are   all these landmarks it takes time I even me like  sometimes somebody will say like some place or   some mall or some place I won't remember and then  I have to uh just you know I have to like go there   like three or four times look it back on Google  get the name correct and yeah even sometimes I   be butchering names too so yeah but if there's  any significant ones let us know in the comments   if there's something we should know cuz I love  learning that kind of stuff oh that's actually   good yeah if you want to share with them some com  about what where he should go in Malaysia or what   he should eat more right now he had a few Foods  so you had the nasty kandar you had the nasty Lama   which is favorite do you have the Roy J yet or no  I did I have the RO is is that the one that was   on the corner it's like a Roy bread and you like  dip it into different curries I haven't had it   oh my God I think I feel like is there a Roy open  can we get it right now usually I'm honestly kind   of hung honest I don't know we're kind of in the  city center let's just walk over there yeah it's   kind of yeah man it's like the ranked like number  one bread in the world I had it with Chris really   Chris number two the vlogger guy just let you  guys know yeah you better not have had it with my wife oh this guy is hilarious his wife  does social media too so that's what   you're referring to right like  doing the social media I I'm   like when did you have food with  my wife what do I not know about here yeah and just let you guys know the Pavilion  is one of the most popular malls where we're at   right now it's called the Pavilion right over  here there are so many all right so I have a   question it's actually a good like topic for  you there are so many different malls and uh   Bangkok and there's so many malls in uh quen 4 I  know you haven't been to all probably in Bangkok   even quen 4 from what you've seen what do you  think like are they comparable dude they're way   crazier here man there everything's bigger okay  so I've spent a lot of time well obviously in   the US where I live most of my life and we have  malls but dude I feel like malls are getting old   there and like they're not there there's some  new malls here and there but nothing that like   that noteworthy I like online yeah man like  it's people are going away from when I was a   teenager I used to go hang out in the malls and  like mess around with my friends and get into   trouble I would do that too that's like a thing  to do like when you're in America yeah yeah hang   out in like big public places with stuff to see  literally I'd be dropped off at the mall like   at 2:00 p.m. with my like my dad would drop me  off I'd say there like 8:00 p.m. cin on go there   just play around in the game store I don't know  go to the arcade yeah yeah but dude and then so   I recently I spent the most time in uh Bangkok  than anywhere else or in Chang Rai but like I've   spent a lot of time in Bangkok too and they have  some pretty big mols they're very nice but dude   when I walk around this city it's like I just am  constantly accidentally walking into the malls   cuz there's one on every single corner it's wild  and because of like the time of the year there's   just decorations absolutely everywhere and I'm  amazed at the decorations are that extravagant   cuz there will be like a huge Dragon just  like coming out of nowhere it's crazy that   is crazy actually that being said why don't  we head inside of the mall like this is one   the side part of the mall let's head inside of  the mall and see for ourselves so yeah okay cool awesome I love The Vibes over here and  go to AC yeah I was going to say the   same thing I love when you first  walk in feels so good where it's at man it smells good there's  some perfume or something one   of these stores all right check  it out this is inside of the mall guys actually I don't know if they have a Roy  geni place inside of the mall we'll go downstairs   to the food court and see but I don't know okay  it'll be cool if we could buy one but right wow   I love all these like little shops and stuff just  all the smells and like oils you just like really   smell them like each shop has its own like smell  to it you know what I mean this I walked by this   the other day this shop looks so cool like look at  that they have like a couch it's all like messed   up but it's clearly part of the the decor you  know it's such a cool they have the wood boards   too yeah interesting like the walls too are a  little like dated cool every shop is like yeah   I wonder if they like actually put a new stuff and  convert it to that or if they actually like well   this say p fine perfumery I don't know and other  countries I've been to bro they like mix some   perfumes together or they even have like the same  smell as like Hugo balls or something and they   give you like the budget version of copy the smell  yeah that's very interesting I have a bad sense of   smell oh really I mean I can smell good food but  I can't like decipher the difference between two   things uh I'm kind of for me if it smells good  that's I'm I'm not I kind of can but like I'm   not like a perfume expert even you know like when  we smell different perfumes a little bit off topic   guys I know we're just talking about the mall and  stuff that like uh when you smell perfume so many   times that they they want you to smell coffee  right have you seen that like some perfume places   will have coffee beans yeah I actually didn't know  that either oh yeah so anytime if you go to like a   mall or something like these shops might have like  a big like thing of coffee beans that you like   sniff it that's supposed to like change your smell  so then you can smell the other smells cuz oh it's   like a neutralizer yeah exactly like eating ginger  between bites of sushi or something correct I see   I never knew that too but like I think once my  brother was in like a shop near yeah can you have   like the coffee beans or something just brought  it like snipped it and then like my brother's it's   like colog and stuff interesting but now getting  back to our topic so pretty soon there's going to   be Chinese New Year and you were saying every mall  is like decorated for the them so in Thailand they   don't do that uh they do but I mean not like this  not like this we're talking about wow guys check   this out look always these decorations and what's  crazy is like I may have said it in another video   with you that's every holiday they celebrate here  nearly every holiday really for Muslims Christians   uh like they just set up Christmas lights chras  that was extrav get Christmas decorations here   too now Chinese New Year let's walk around a bit  and see how it is just got to watch out a lot of   people are taking photos and pictures just as  us look everyone's just amazed like look at   this one two three yeah it's crazy yeah I'm not  used to seeing like the entrance of a mall being   a huge place to take pictures I feel like malls  in Malaysia something is kind of interesting it's   like a center point for people because it's AC as  we see we're like actually feel really good right   now with the AC uh AC it's modern has so many  different types of Foodies so many different types   of like I don't know uh I said I was about to say  restaurants same thing as like food eateries uh   they have so many stores so you can get buy your  electronics you can do so many things in the mall   and usually they have activities happening in  the mall too it looks like they're having some   activity maybe today or there's Chairs set up  yeah no I agree like you can come here with your   family you can come here with your friends you can  get food you can just like relax you can go shop   there's a variety of things you can do so like  you can come in for anything W look like look at   these dragons that's amazing wow I don't know if  I've ever seen a I mean I was here the other day   so I've seen this one but other than that I don't  know if I've ever seen a pink Dragon before really   interesting look at that there's like two dragons  one this Mass one and there's that one like   hanging too so cool wow dragon is like one of the  best uh Fable I don't like fake like fictionary   animals I wish dragons were alive like that would  be cool dude me too me too I mean I think so if   they were like really dangerous and scary then  maybe not but they look cool they definitely do what is this so they got the sakura trees  like like some like wishes for Happy Chinese New Year like you can see like even just like people  come from all walks of life people are writing   in English people are writing in Mandarin  or writing in Chinese like Korean this is   Korean you always know it's Korean when there's  like circles over here imagine if the if Sun we   comes to watch your video video and he like  oh that's my thing that' be cool I want to be   happy with my family and very well what is it  and something for my dog and and earn well for   my dog what the does it say earn well for my dog  yeah I think so I guess I guess you have to earn   well money to get those cbles and bits right  okay so whoever this is get a every subject   uh from literally wrote unknown unknown okay  well whoever you are I'm I'm hoping that you   get a in every subject these are kind of funny  let see I want to be really good at I I want to   be really good at computer science and start my  own business wow that's great no one is ready I   don't this Douglas no one is ready and then they  have them to like heart what the hell is this   yeah they have like a little angry Smiley that's  interesting oh my gosh let let's read like two more we don't know that one let's see we got  to find something funny stay healthy and happy   well Happy New Year oh look at this there's  a they drew this that's super cool lucky oh   that's actually really cool all right let's  get the gist of things okay so like I have a   question would you ever want to come back to  Malaysia I'm for sure going to come back and   I'm going to stay way longer next time I'm back  cuz this place is huge and it's amazing and I I   feel like I just barely scratch the surface and  I have so much to learn so yeah man like I have   um you know I have obligations I need to move  on too so unfortunately I'm going to be leaving   tomorrow oh no yeah I'm I'm very sad about it  but I will be back very soon because yeah man   I I I just feel like I just got here so I'm going  to be back very very soon yeah guys so he made uh   quite a few videos in Malaysia please if you're  watching me and you're a subscriber of mine even   if you're not you subscribed to me then go to his  channel subscribe to him like honestly I love the   energy you bring like one of the reasons why just  I first met him he brought like Good Vibes good   energy and I like that and you're open-minded  too you're not just like you when you go to   another country as a traveler all right when you  go to another country sometimes people are very   close-minded you're open-minded to everything I  was like yo try out that nasty condo you try to   try out the nasty lak you Tred it like really  cool yeah to be honest guys like it's awesome   walking around and exploring with solo but when  the camera's off he's also like a really cool   guy to hang out with so I'm I'm honestly I'm I'm  very lucky to have spent my first time in Malaysia   with him very very fun and I'm happy to give him  a mini tour next time you come here I'll give you   if I'm here I'll give you a bigger tour if I can't  help you I'll try to find somebody I'll do a phone   call do some text messages no none of that man I  expect you to be the one to help me cancel your   plans yes sir everything if it's time to show  Malaysia hi hello Haka how are you guys good J Massi that's funny a t Massi which means thank you  and I didn't even know when I first met him that   he was the ambassador of Malaysia that was like  news to me but then we walk around and everyone   knows you was super cool super super cool yeah  people are really friendly like and what I like   about here is like even I know I'm recording in a  mall and sometimes when I'm in other countries the   security like no record this and that I barely  get that in Malaysia like people just like just   want to be happy on camera like awesome you're  recording the mall you're but yeah like recording   here is very cool see well I like that it's open  to foreigners so you can just like come here enjoy   your time you want to take pictures you want  to record something they're like go do it many   people just have GoPros like I may doing this for  YouTube or like social media L people just want to   record just want to show their family like hey I'm  in the right right right that's I like yeah I've   experienced that too today literally at the caves  um I was walking through the streets I was filming   at bat caves right at the bat caves yeah and you  said today there was like a festival or something   yeah so let me see it's called a Tai I can't  remember the name do you know the name uh Tai   Tha not a Tha PanAm no no it it just starts with  the word Tha but it's it's it's a longer thing   like a Hindu festival yeah Hindu festival it's  like taip ponam or something like that something   like that super cool Festival um so I was amazed  I don't know if it's always like this okay but   I get to the caves and before I even cross the  freeway there a bridge I had to go under there was   booths and like food and drinks and like all this  interesting stuff to see before I even got there   wow when I walked through the caves there's like  a ton more of that do you have to like pay for   anything or is for free or the the entire area I  was in was free yeah the only stuff I paid for was   like food and um and like some like lotion that I  bought you know products that you that you want to   like walk away with but yeah man it was super  beautiful and uh but so what I was saying was   uh there were some like policemen I went by okay  and I was filming and I I tried to be respectful   you know like don't put them on the camera some  of them maybe not want to be yeah but while I'm   walking around the guy's like oh yeah you can sit  here like they're super helpful they're smiling at   me super nice it's very very easy to like do what  we're doing and get treated super well by everyone   I love it yeah look at that they even have over  they even have like Chinese princesses over here   like where in the world do you find Chinese  princesses just sitting in a mall super cool I   don't know if I've ever seen that before what's  uh I forgot what's princess in Chinese gongju chiau thank you thank you this guy speaks like  10 different languages it's so impressive the   language that I I studied for a while but I  never really picked it up cuz never lived in   a country was Japanese like I knew the basics  like just before the pandemic I was actually   learning it I was like yo I want to go St Japan  for a long time but then pandemic hit kind of   like lost motivations I did go to Japan yeah I  cuz I know you like Japan too I love Japan man   I love Japan it's crazy like we like all the  same like countries and stuff I haven't been   to China yet I we we've talked about like where  we've been you know it's actually really cool   to meet fellow Travelers cuz I don't know very  many people who have been to nearly as many as   I have as many countries but then I'm with  him and I think he's been to more and like   we all have these interesting experiences all  over the world sometimes we all have like the   same experiences even though we've never met or  whatever and so yeah dude it's it's really cool   to to meet like-minded people leing off that we  went to Chinatown together it was so funny like   what's cool about Malaysia like I don't say  Malaysia this Malaysia this is the topic of   the video cuz at first he didn't really know too  much about Malaysia and then when he came to the   city he found out there's a Chinatown there's  a little India uh yeah and like we went me and   we went to the Chinatown Market we had such  a blast yeah man super fun I love shopping   I just love shopping even we went to Camp bar  which is like a local Malaysian food place if   you don't know now you know like qu for some good  cheap local eats go to Camp that's how it is yeah   and I only got to have that one uh that was my  first time having nasil lak right yeah yeah so   I got to try that there again I feel like I need  to sorry sorry it's all good what do they have   there they're like transforming and just like  anime thing dude the city there's just always   something something new to find it's crazy and  look at this so this screen guys here I setep   back a little bit I think this they even have  like uh cool best viewing angle best viewing   angle why why are we doing this because of this  but actually what sucks about this is there a   louds speaker and I think is there copyrighted  music I don't know but let's move a little bit   away okay something as a YouTuber we have to  watch out for copyrighted music oh look at this that's so cool this is  amazing I watch this all day W Jin she's selling all this stuff CA real [Music]  magic Wow we can just grab it give me give me that   cat so awesome Chinese New Year magic happens  when we Bond wow that's amazing yeah say I can   watch this forever oh I think I felt a raindrop  uhoh that's but then again there's a gigantic   Fountain here maybe that's maybe that's it let's  do like let me show you like 180° guys just like   look at this this place is amazing I can never  get sick of this area honestly it's so Lively   so many people so many things and I don't know  let me let me know what you think about this but   from all the places I've been I feel like in my  head this is the middle of K I was just yeah I   was just talking to Chris number two the vlogger  and he was saying that uh the same thing basically   he was saying that no he was saying like this  is well actually I I was telling him or he was   saying that like this is the Heart of the City  there there are other nice areas of colur don't   me wrong many different places this is like the  most like cuz you're like Central kind of like   Time Square in New York basically Central City I  I just feel like anywhere I'm going I always pass   through right here and I try not to cuz I don't  want to be in all the traffic but like when I   look at uh the map I'm always passing by here to  get somewhere else well let's see we're going to   go back that way but you know what guys I think  it's time to finish up the video so you told me   your favorite food was NY Kar now you have an  idea of better of Malaysia and I'm happy that   I could like help you to get a better idea too to  help facilitate the new area and yeah everything   yeah any like last thoughts like what you want to  say or anything oh let's see all I know is I know   you mentioned this already but this country is  amazing I'm in love with this place and the city   and the food here just like literally everything  about it and I'm very sad that I can't stay here   longer but I will come back because I need to  I need to get to know this place like I want it   to feel home to me too I feel very welcomed by  all of you because man in my videos I've gotten   so many good comments feel welcome by you man  thank you so much for everything I don't know   I'm kind of like speechless right now cuz I'm  like I've had the best time of my life here   this is amazing and I'm just happy to honestly  help you with that and like I'm just honestly   when you come as a foreigner and you come here  I'm like oh I want to show you this I want to   show you that I hope I did a great job for that  yeah man for sure uh yeah and that being said   guys please check out his channel once more  I think I already referred to his channel a   couple times but just say welcome to Malaysia I  think he did like intro video where I was there   too yeah so just check out his channel and please  if you have already please smash the like button   subscribe and if you want to see more beautiful  world uh videos around the world or in this   beautiful country click somewhere on the screen  peace guys bye guys and I'll see you on the next one
Channel: Traveling Solo Logs
Views: 34,714
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysian food, exploring Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, downtown Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur vlog, welcome to kuala lumpur, first impressions of kula lumpur, malaysian vlog, walking around Kuala Lumpur, Traveling solo logs, welcome to Malaysia, Malaysian street food, Kuala Lumpur city, first impressions of kuala lumpur, Petronas towers, Suria KLCC, KLCC Towers, KLCC park, travelwithchris, Jalan Alor, Bukit Bintang, Travel with Brad
Id: Y35gyqowBeo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 42sec (2022 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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