Grand Palace Bangkok: Thailand's Iconic Landmark 2024 πŸ‡ΉπŸ‡­

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wow okay so this is the Grand Palace guys look at this guys look at the look at the front and the back wow this is so cool literally we came here at The Best Time Ever hello everyone welcome to another beautiful day here in Bangkok Thailand so as you can see right now I'm on the back of a motorcycle because we are going to go today to the Grand Palace I never been there before so I'm super excited to show you guys how it is and yeah I'm just want to show you the Vibes real quick of Bangkok one of the best means of transportation here is to be on a motorbike because sometimes you do get stuck in traffic here so as we're on our way to the Grand Palace it's going to take about 15 minutes from where we're at right now so I like might as well just in the meantime show you a little bit of the streets like a Bangkok give you more of a feeling of how the city is so we're passing by like a fruit market and yeah here's a city bus over here wow look at this building guys I don't know if it's the Grand Palace or not I don't think so but wow that looks amazing they have so many beautiful temples here and palaces like look at that guys actually I think the Grand Palace is more luxurious than this Temple which is pretty nice already yeah right now we're actually headed towards uh looks like calan Road calan road is a big street that has a lot of things to do you may have seen in another video of mine it's just like a at night time becomes like a little party Street a lot of places for you can eat or drink or find some Greenery over there you know what I mean yeah you see more pictures of the president you want saying president guys I mean the king because where I'm from I'm from America so I just keep on saying president this looks really cool looks like there's like a torch like sometimes I guess they like light up a torch in the middle really cool monuments over here I'm not sure what this Monument signifies but if you guys know please let us know in the comment section below pry cool mercedesbenz dealership it's beautiful beautiful building lot of cannons oh okay awesome Ministry of Defense a lot of cool buildings and look this is a touristic area guys oh wow say the Grand Palace is that way so why are we going here oh okay okay thank you C and crop thank you all right awwesome by bye I'm good I'm good thank let me see what is this t-shirt okay tight pants yeah you you can have pan you walk go inside okay perfect okay let me see let me wait for my friend and then he's coming all right thank you you you can by okay okay we'll give you a better price all right seems like my friend has another toel longt wear cut off you can't wear it's a long pan not allow it's a long shirt allow so basically they're right now they're trying to sell you some uh shirt or something that's funny you have the pants look guys this is my friend cnan what up cnan say hello guys so look he's wearing the pants I'm not wearing pants he's wearing a cut off shirt and I'm wearing a shirt so you want to buy this see long pan for man man yeah but how much are these 200 bucks 200 I usually get it for 100 though give me 100 100 what's the difference for between this one and that one 100 what's the difference this one's fandex this huh that one have shirt you want to see what's up t-shirt t-shirt probably oh yeah hey what's up uh sorry we didn't properly introduce you cuz we're getting just touted real quick this is my friend cenan he's from Michigan where I'm from so say what's up how you doing so are you excited to see the Grand Palace man it looks great from the outside but I guess I need a shirt oh okay how about this how much is this one you have do you have medium medium EXT no no this one no for here you need like extra large how much is this one this is this is an XXL X XL no but dude the Siz is in uh Asia is different bro you're probably you're probably double XL you see this is what happens you bring an American over here like he's not used to the Asian sizes it's totally different bro like you need a double XL or something you can't wait cuz it's different no no oh no I have to I think that's your size man wear it and see what's up does it look like your size or looks small bro looks like a pillowcase man it's huge it's you're going to wear this outside of your trying profashion how much is this one 200 I'd rather go to a market and find one that's like a little better and actually you wear it around and Si it's the only one he has can you make discount if we get both how much how much for both 300 300 I we do 200 canot let's think about it we're want to walk around anyways cuz I I've seen these pants for 100 thank you 100 huh this are 150 250 so total 250 yeah H let's do it okay fine thank you C and C okay time to pull out the money mine's mine's what yours is 150 mine is 100 I got it yeah yeah I think so here that's 200 you have 100 yeah here you go I just get 50 B back this is the classic elephant pants of uh Thailand thank you cop and crop come on bro so guys I finally bought the famous elephant pants of Thailand that's funny we're literally like m Ching but you got like the top I got the bottom half look at this oh okay so guys I'm going to put this on and I'll show you how it is after I put it on well I just put on the famous elephant pants bro can you do a little like shot of me real quick you know do a little modeling for you guys here the whole full body there we go hey the whole torso the whole torso what up guys yeah so this is how it looks like fashionable right this is a Thai fashion come to Thailand what I'm a kind go get the elephant shirt and pants dude you're looking sexy bro that's the shirt yeah I think now we pick up the chicks with the elephant shirt all right let's uh see what's up all right we're about to enter the Grand Palace entrance oh bro I didn't something I didn't know like if you're looking here in the palace that there's certain like times to visit ticket time is 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. visiting time looks like people are guiding us like where to go I think we have to buy the ticket which is this way all right it says cash only shop for clothes oh okay so you can buy clothes also guys so long pants is 200 t-shirts 229 skirts okay interesting now we are headed to get the the tickets at the tickets office wow it is so crowded wow look at that guys so beautiful this is amazing the Grand Palace so where do we get the tickets from it looks like we could possibly get the tickets from here too machines wow line I have no idea we have to figure out let's see guys is that the only ticket office maybe there's like a few other ones just information all right guys let's try to figure out what to do exactly and then I'll see in the next shot so now we are waiting in line is very hot I advise you guys probably get an umbrella that'd be better like these people very smart people but yeah we've been in line for like about like a few minutes now and once we get closer I'll show you how it is but the tickets there's a few different types of ticket counters there's for individual people and then also there's for the groups and then there's customer service information but yeah just uh can't wait to explore all right uh one to please C thank you sorry excuse me here is the ticket guys for the Grand Palace so it's 500 bucks so it's around like $15 USD $14 got your ticket are you ready to explore more of Thailand Kingdom of Thailand guys yeah something what my friend was just telling me that I didn't really pay attention that like a lot of these like uh rooftops are pretty shiny like they're like reflective I think towards the sun oh they have a bank over here too so if you guys don't bring cash you can just go to the ATM machine and get some cash out for buying the tickets all right man these golden Guys these golden tiles so beautiful probably going to say beautiful like so many times but yeah wow bro something I love about Thailand it's just the architecture is like on a whole different level where in the world have you seen this um I mean each like each country has own unique archit tradition mosaics Italian speak louder people can hear beautiful Voice come on bro people from the Middle East um you know China Japan Thailand Cambodia yeah maybe Cambodia would have something similar to this you thank you wow even look you can see like every uh every wall has like a certain different painting So how it must be like old school Thailand wow that's beautiful let's go down a little bit and just see wow guys definitely it was a good idea we did not come on a weekend you on the weekend probably be like double amount of people cool wow okay so this is the Grand Palace guys it's like the main building of the [Music] palace wow so beautiful lost for words bro isn't this amazing like you know what something like I want to just show you as I'm showing you around like Grand Palace I just like noticed is the amount of detail they put into it looks like everything is well upap and everything's very nice like they really take care of those pil let's go up the steps and see how it is beware slippery surface please do not touch wow look at this guys look at the look at the front and the back oh I guess everyone's saying these are like half half men half bird so it's like uh half human half uh half animal and it's kind of interesting each one what I'm looking at has like a different name kin norn uh yeah this one is another one that nor Nora singha not quite sure what that means it's kind of cool lily pads wow so beautiful this entrance okay so I guess this part of the palace you can enter from sorry you go inside of it interesting I'm noticing is there are a lot of tour groups here from China cuz I just hear a lot of people speaking Mandarin Chinese wow okay this building looks like it's very crowded we'll save that for later let's walk around more of this area something that I should have brought with me is some water cuz I am really [Applause] thirsty he's telling a story to them like what's everything about over here what's up man who's this guy who's recording me who are you he's giving them like the history lessons I'm not I'm traveling with solo log is that your channel traveling this is like one of my good you see you see guys please smash the like button subscribe cuz I I need more people that can actually subscribe to me not some guy over here number four subscriber man I love you I love you too uh yeah man they're building that they're they're like remodeling this can you like give us a gr tour this Palace I have no idea what we're looking at right now no I'm just playing guys I have an idea the Grand Palace beautiful place but like he did he did give me a i he was like dude should we have a tour guide but probably should have but I sometimes depending on the where I'm going if I don't know much about it or haven't done the research I think it's worth getting a tour guide it costs more but you do really get an in-depth uh you know thinkal that's true but I think I'm the best tour guide guys I'm just going to say oh look at this look how beautiful it is say this just give me basic information but yeah this is one of the most popular touristic sites here in Thailand has a lot of history a lot of statues here too and yeah I love these statues they have the same ones at the airport too when you're about to leave Bangkok oh I feel like I want to be dark after this baking out in the sun really I'm tanning that's why I was excited to wear my like tank and it was like okay I'm about to get some color yeah your tank [Music] top I see what's inside here all right so it's like more murals these are like some offerings too look at that statue guys sorry trash can so you some candles and some incense over here interesting please take off the shoes so if you're sitting on here guys make sure you take off your shoes okay so basically we walked through the Grand Palace that it seems like this is a major building like it's uh one of the center pieces that one in the building we first saw and now that ways towards the exit but we don't want to exit just yet we're going to go inside of the main building so that's what we're going to do right now okay so we are going to enter in this crowded building to our right and just to give you some background information about the palace just in case if you don't know uh in 1782 was when the palace was used as a residence for the king of sayam till 1925 and then after that is how you see it right now so previously the king did live here of Thailand the king of sayam cuz that was the old name of Thailand but now it just used as a as a beautiful tourist thing and I just love to see the architecture oh I think to go inside we must take off our shoes interesting take off our shoes there we go day number four wow this is so cool are we going to go inside hey what's up bro we ended up at the place yeah cuz I knew great Mayes think Alik so I knew where you wanted to go bro I think this is like the only like crowded like uh we go inside let's go inside and see how it is wow this place is so [Music] nice it's like a prayer room or something not [Music] sure walls as well all the [Music] [Music] pain [Music] yeah the steps are pretty steep yeah this place is just so beautiful all right let's explore a little bit more of the palace so basically we walked around this building we walk in this building and we walked around the area bro we got to take some nice picks wow this is really cool so these guys are painting the wall of the palace let take them a long time got the paint brushes here and different [Music] colors wow look how much detail guys they must be doing this every day around the world I mean every day of the year look at that even has this like wood plank to like be precise that is really cool so this is the last part I did not record for you guys looks like a little Tye of a shrine thing not 100% sure what it is with a lot of incense and guess people could put their candles here and then also do a prayer wow look at all these like different types of statues over here so so uh I guess this is the tour of the Grand Palace guys it's a very beautiful palace and if you want to have a nice day trip here while you're in Bangkok definitely definitely come here you won't be dissatisfied I'm loving it the only thing is just make sure you wear pants and get water with you that's something we did not do is get water and my friend seems like he's going to pass out cuz he's not doesn't have enough water bye-bye Grand Palace the exits now we're officially exiting guys what the golden palets no drones on look construction oh wow this is where we came in yeah I think this is where we came in from yeah cuz went like around and then yeah well I guess there are more parts to the Grand Palace we just went through the exits but then there's this Courtyard which I thought we came from but I guess not guess we came from an opposite end but wow look how beautiful this building looks too I don't think we're allowed to go inside of it but yeah let me go around these people hello wow yeah this part looks like it's like under construction or something we'll go like near the front area uh there probably a guard post please refrain from taking P pictures of the soldiers with the soldiers wow I already thought the Grand Palace was big and just look at this ch chakri Maha Pasar but I think once you exit that area you can't re-enter cuz those points look like they're just like exit areas but wow this grass in this place is up like pretty well kept so that was the ground Palace in a nutshell and now right over here there are a lot of vendors that are selling many different things and I'm very thirsty as well as my friend who's buying some coconut water let's go inside of 7-Eleven oh the AC oh my god it feels so nice let's see do they have any slushies I could go for a nice slush but I don't think they have a over in the 7even O come on what should we get there's Gatorade I think because we just sweat so much we're going to go for two Gatorades there's another drink I usually get but they don't have it okay I got two iterates cuz they don't have the other one place was too crazy yeah I saw swy C YouTube YouTube thank you thank you C crop crop have a nice you too try try uh-oh blue blast this will get us energized bro can you give me the honors and open this [Music] please yeah this kind of weather guys you just have to stay hydrated thank you bless you okay as always miss wow 50% gone wa man I literally like drink this in like two gulps I'm done you're almost finished yeah it tastes like sugar though it does but you know you know guys it it kind of feels like I've been so dehydrated like we're playing a sport or something doesn't it feel like I we just got finished like playing basketball I say it's worse worse oh I I'm coming from snow yeah exactly look at this oh there's mangoes over here guys get mango shakes oh that looks so good oo yes Ione mango smoothies TI tea iced coffee oo I don't know seems tempting seems very tempting let's let's walk and see what else we can find all right guys so that's pretty much about it for like these little Street vendors in this area maybe if we go the opposite direction they have a few more orange juice mango juice all that for 30 B which about is less than a dollar USD got the elephant pants look the elephant pants big size 150 100 H we didn't get really ripped off the pants they got you see you guys they're offering us at the beginning 200 I got for 100 and that's like the fa market price Thailand all right cool yeah see you guys in the next shop good evening now it's evening time so let me show you where I'm at right now we're at the Cal pry river right across W Aron Temple and oh it looks so beautiful right now but the sun unfortunately is on the opposite direction I can't I hope it's showing very nicely on the video this where I'm at right now which is awesome something I want to show you guys that there's like a lot of River Front restaurants and hotels like this is called the Aron Riverside that you just like like sit over there grab something to eat something to drink and you see this beautiful River Front it's really amazing let me just show you a little bit more of this area we're actually planning to go on a longtail boat which I think we're going to have to save it for another time the longtail boat is just uh I'll show you I think I found one right in front of us actually that uh here just a small boat that you could do like a river cruise they are negotiable so my friend is planning to just get like a whole boat for us like a private one and they're saying like 400 no sorry not 400 they're saying like 700 800 bot per person which just like $20 USD and this is a long tail boat that I was telling you guys [Music] about wow so beautiful they put like a lot of flowers on these boats so definitely if you want to go like with a private tour like you and your family I would say these longtail boats is where it's at but if you do want to save some money you can just go on U like just on a fer yourself and save some money you see a lot of people over here people are taking photos I'm taking a video oh we're nearby Chinatown as well and also the Grand Palace that we're just at was like maybe like walking distance like 15 20 minutes so yeah it's pretty beautiful hello oh got to watch out doing some construction let's see where did my friend go or where did my friends go oh look at that oh and then something else guys I want to tell you that if you want to go on uh river cruise they have you covered like you go like while it's like night time go have some dinner all you can eat all you can drink so yeah just depends hello hi hi what's your name and I just like I met her guys before you want to introduce yourself no I'm fine oh okay she's very shy she's a friend that we met here in Thailand it's nice you get to meet a lot of people here and we were just about to go on the longtail boat but I think we're going to save it for tomorrow guys so just stay tuned and yeah I'm just enjoying these Vibes over here bro and look at this my friend is still wearing the elephant t-shirt he still loves it he's he's tied out like you're now you're like a tii tourist just just an hour ago he had like the coconut and he had the elephant shirt that's like that was good that was a coconut he cracked it open with the what is it a Cleaver a clever like yeah that's cool how much did you pay for that 30 b or something 40 40 okay so that's like a dollar yeah but yeah guys we're just going to be walking around the the market well actually this area but I heard there is a market somewhere over here so once we find it we'll show you if not we'll still show show you some other stuff so let's see all right guys we're about to go on the ferry right now I just want to show you the hours from 5:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. every day every 10 minutes it's only 5 but incredible here you go check it out may I go first I think this is the best time to go on the ferry right like look at this here's our boat ride does it just go over there yeah it just literally goes across the pier but then we can go on another Ferry probably we'll take us somewhere else you got to be careful you know I used to do this in Hong Kong Hong Kong they have some fairies like that so much [Music] fun wow look at this guys such a beautiful city Bangkok so beautiful literally we came here at the best time ever yes it's turning on our side I was like I didn't get a picture of the temple wat Aron [Music] Temple that was such a Fast Trip you got a vot right today bud we're going to get more buddy look at this all right and we are off
Channel: Traveling Solo Logs
Views: 1,856
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Grand Palace, Bangkok, Thailand, Thai Architecture, Royal Residence, Historic Landmark, Emerald Buddha Temple, Phra Mondop, Phra Viharn Yod, Wat Phra Kaew, Thai History, Cultural Heritage, Travel Inspiration, Southeast Asia, King Rama I, Buddhist Scriptures, Jade Buddha, Thai Mythology, Meticulously Manicured Gardens, Ornate Pavilions, Grand Palace Entrance Fee, Preservation Efforts., Grand Palace Bangkok, Traveling Solo Logs, Grand Palace Virtual Tour, Bangkok Temple
Id: Ws1MZwMzP8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 8sec (2108 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2024
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