Hidden Street Food Alley in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 🇲🇾

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people say if you never tried this consider you  never Ste into Malaysia before oh hello hello wow   oh look at that oh my gosh this looks awesome  look at that guys very talented new new you're   the Creator okay wow oh thank you so much look  at that Shay sharmaya okay okay 5 year 5 years   5 years yeah 5 years iith what Smith you from  America have you had this before Oh yes is it   good regular oh regular oh regular like not in  kale but in Singapore I'm here in koala lumur   Malaysia and uh I was actually just doing a street  food video with my buddy Chris but um he had to   go to the bathroom um and I wanted to keep going  so I'm going to continue walking down the street   um but look where I'm at right now it's a really  cool area there's bunch of street art on the walls   there's actually like a a little movie theater  right here actually I should come over here   it's pretty cool there's like I don't know any of  these movies but um it's cute you know it's like   a small little Cinema there's some uh shopping  over here and more like Muslim graffiti on the   walls really cool I love looking at street art um  but yeah so as I continue over this way there are   some like little shops you can buy some Waters um  clothes what is it he hello hello how are you this   a barber shop oh wow okay I'm probably going  to have to come back after this cuz I really   need a haircut so I might come here today okay  how late how late are you open oh what time are   you open oh it's right here teen oh that's the  price adult rm25 okay uh what what time do you close 7 7 7 o' okay tassi okay I'll come back yeah I've been needing a haircut badly so  I might have to go there after 25 uh ringot is I   think like five bucks for a haircut crazy deals so  yeah I'm um I'm walking through to the to the main   street and it's it's really cool you're about to  see it's like from the the main streets you can't   see anything and it's like very inconspicuous but  once you enter this is the street food Street and   look at this it is massive you probably can't  see to the end I can't either but it is huge so   they're still selling some like watches and hats  um these pops poet things I don't understand them   um there's food on the side here but in just  a second it is about to be all food and I wish   you guys could be here because the smells that's  what draws me in it's hard to walk through all   this stuff without actually buying anything  because the smells are just Next Level look   at this hello hell hello oh wow what is this this  is a ro Roy station looks like they have chicken   beef lamb and it's only 5 RM so that's literally  like $1 us okay so can I try um a lamb lamb lamb   yes lamb no more lamb oh okay uh which is it  chicken and beef chicken which one's the best   which is better mix mix oh I can do mix okay I'll  I'll take one one one yes one mix uh one mix one mix I'm excited for this this looks  so good so he's throwing it on there   looks like they're pre-cooked  but I think he's just going to   be warming it up right now and it's  only five rupees for uh ringot excuse [Music] me is this famous in  Malaysia famous Malaysia food famous Roy station all right oh it smells so good okay triassi all right I'm super excited to try this  so I'm going to keep walking for a second maybe   I can grab one more thing before I start tasting  um yeah but if you look around it's really really   pretty lots of people um some of these parts  are more more dense with people than others   but right now it's nice mild amount of people you  can see there's tall buildings on either side and   I I wonder why maybe it's like uh but all the  all the the tarps hello hello how are you tree maazi oh so friendly wow look at this I think that might be saying something over  here what is this oh wow these are these are large   meals chicken rice oh looks delicious oh sorry  okay all right I'm going to continue on here   looks like they have some coffee oh look at these  drinks okay I think I might have to try something   sendall and then they have a bunch of fruit over  here very colorful everything looks very fresh   and very very clean um I've been to some places  where like fruit just looks old or something and   like there's flies all over the place but  I don't know why it's just very very clean [Music] here okay ooh what is that it looks like   a like a taco I'm going have  to see what's on the inside [Music] here oh wow what is this aik Siri okay it looks  like there's some kind of filling [Music] wow what is this [Music] called okay it looks good  can I try one okay okay it looks like oh my gosh   five pieces for 4 RM I don't think I want to eat  five of [Music] them look what he's doing he pours   the the the mix into the tray and then let it  fries for a second and I think he must separate it somehow can I try just one okay look at that okay yeah I'm going to try one of these  I wonder I wonder it seems like it's more of   a snack is it like a dessert okay how  much for one one ring one ring it okay   thank you very much T makazi all right  this looks good so I've got myself a a   wrap and uh I already forget what this is  called something something crispy but it   smells really good all right I'm going  to pull over and try these out really quick okay it's very oh it's very lightweight  I don't think this is going to fill me up but   there is something on the inside I think  I'll have to eat my way into it to find out okay oh that's pretty good whatever that inside  is it almost tastes like a like some kind   of fruit or something but like more  of a Candi candied fruit veryy good   a little bit dry I'm going to have to get a  drink for myself in a minute here all right   let's switch over and try this wrap that I got  it looked really crazy and it's smells super good can't open it with one hand okay all right so this is it wow there no not at all what I expected there must have been some kind  of like mangoes or something on there I   don't know but there's something that's  not meat that's sort of like um cold and   like fresh tasting like a vegetable  let me get a little bit further into this that is so not what I expected pretty bomb though oh my God okay got get this back into the bag all  right I'm going to keep going try to find   some more other stuff um I wish I knew  what that was called but I think it was   not my favorite thing that I've had so far  I'm going to give it like a like a five out   of 10 but yeah if you're watching this let  me know in the comments oh I need to get a drink M smells really good I love just walking  through and like for me in America anywhere I go   it's rare that I see something that I've I've  never seen before but here every stall like   every other stall there's something that's just  brand new to me check that out wow I'm going to   take a see if I can try this look at that I think  that's a dragon fruit drink hello hey how are you   uh is this dragon fruit and then what is that  watermelon okay um wow do you do you uh make   this here okay yeah um I'd like to try one of  these you got um sugar and milk sugar and milk   which is better which one do you like better  I don't know you like it with milk all right   let's try it with milk we'll take his suggestion  all right let's do milk yeah oh look at that oh okay oh my gosh this looks awesome  look at that that guys very talented cool oh my god look how purple that is  it's getting all creamy this looks so good from America America California  California this is my first time in   Malaysia this country is amazing uh yes  please yes please okay how much is this five okay okay Tre makassi all right look at that here's the  watermelon one I wonder if he's going to make it   the same oh my gosh this looks good I can't wait  to try this okay let me get a little bit of space here oh there's just too much good  food here okay so this is my dragon   fruit smoothie I guess but it's  got milk it looked more like like   um like coconut sugar or something  cuz it look very thick but let's see M yeah that's good this might have to go on my list of  like top top favorite drinks I've ever had   dragon fruit smoothie oh my gosh all right I'm  going to walk and sip on this cuz this is super bomb all right so there's still some like clothing shops the weather is really nice um I'm  feeling some raindrops so I'm a little   bit worried that it might start raining  but it's been doing that for a while so   here's I don't know there's a slight chance  I looked at the weather forecast and it says   it's going not going to rain today but  it's going to rain for the next four or   5 days so I hope it doesn't I thought that  was cotton candy at first I think it just   a bunch of ice got some pomegranate juice  oh over here I have a drink already thank youi something with noodles over  here o can't be dropping oh wow   look at this jelly balls siang five oh my God what that looks so cool hello Jelly balls  I've never heard of jelly balls is it   a Malaysian um snack or it's not Malaysian  okay it's new new H new Malaysia food new   Malaysia food did you invent it yeah you  you you're the Creator yeah okay wow so   it's how do you make it what is it jelly  it's jelly uh had uh flavor fruit uh grape   strawberry honeydew uh oh thank you so much  okay look at this how friendly that's so nice okay oh my gosh do you like this  you like you like this what is   that marshmallow marshmallows oh my  god wow have a good day tassi oh my   gosh okay okay okay actually this is  really good but can I try one of the marshmallows yeah yeah how  much is this 5 ring how much   five ring five ring okay I think I have that right here thank youii oh my gosh there's no way I'm going  to eat this whole thing right now but I   might have to like bite one marshmallow  down every couple hours looks super sweet oh my gosh uh so it's very crowded where  I am right now um I'm going to try to find a   place with a little bit more space before I  try to eat something else lasagna that looks   really good oh wow but there's actually like  lasagna mac and cheese looks like there's a   like a seafood noodle oh my gosh everything  here looks so good looks like we have some   sushi rules I don't know what that is it's  like a like a chip but with something I've   never seen before wow it's getting very crowded  so it is currently 6:17 p.m. um you can see the   sun is still out um even though we're standing  in between a bunch of buildings hello oh wow I   I should moved to the other side it seems  like people are walking on one side of the road wow what an amazing place and honestly   if you're just like a couple  streets over you easily missed this oh wow look at that schwarma I  haven't had schwarma for a long time   and I love schwarma so I'm for sure  going to have to go back you can get   one of those in fact I'm going to stop  right here and take a bite of this first   because I don't want to go too far without  trying the schwarma okay see if I can open it wow so I'm standing at an  intersection right now and you   can see I came from here and then  it goes that way it can continue   forward and look how far that is and then  on the left there's literally just so much stuff this is super hard to open here we go okay look at that oh my gosh don't worry  I will brush my teeth after this that's really sweet m so delicious probably  the kind of thing that kids get but man I'm a f   for sweets cuz I don't know ever since I came to  Asia all of a sudden I Started Loving uh candy   my whole life I didn't really eat much  candy but all of a sudden I love this m okay I really need to not eat that whole thing  right now all right take a sip of my dragon fruit smoothie okay so as you can see there's  like some colorful Foods here this is   crazy all right I'm I'm going to  work my way back to get to the schwarma this is for sure going to be the thing  that fills me up is these look like super beefy   wow yeah the first thing that I got looked a lot  like schwarma but I'm pretty sure it wasn't it   was like something totally different I don't  know let me know in the comments if that was   also a schwarma but yeah I don't know what the  difference is but I can tell they're very very different wow looks amazing up warm up uh Shaya  shaaya okay okay 5 years 5 years 5 years yeah 5   years oh wow always right here yeah this  is ingredient for my dig oh amazing okay   okay are you here every Saturday every Saturday  this is Night Market Night Market okay how long   does the night market go how long come uh until  what time what time so 2 a uh 2 p.m. till 10:   a.m. 2 pm. oh wow 8 hours okays till 10: p.m. wow  okay can I try um other chicken uh my suggestion   uh okay I'll go with your suggestion yeah  all right what's name YouTube uh where is Brad I give you this one for you oh okay where you from s  I'm from America America my first time   in Malaysia this this is my first full  day in Malaysia I love this country this   is amazing Malaysia Kebab Malaysia  Kebab how much is it ring there you go thank you very much okayi okay oh my gosh all right so we're going to pull  off to the side again excuse me all [Music] right how am I going  to hold this so I got my bag and   then they wrap it in paper and it is  nice and warm this it smells so good okay I think I'm on the bottom I just  opened the bottom here we go all right   he said he was going giving one just for  me this is so hard to do all right look at that smells so good M oh my God so good so good I actually think the other thing I got  might have been schwarma but this is made very [Music] differently wow if you ever  come to Malaysia you must try some   Sharma cuz it's is so good you got  your meat there's some uh cabbage I   think in there and then whatever sauce  they're using makes it cuz it's it is good wow crazy okay wow it's so cool like I'm just like eating  all these amazing Foods look where I am I can even   see um the famous second tallest building in the  world just from right here surrounded by all these   really awesome buildings a very diverse people so  fun okay I have a bunch of food right here so I'm   actually going to pause the camera find a place  to sit down eat and then if I have enough room   I might continue so I'll see you guys in a minute  I ate probably way too fast I'm feeling very full   but I can't leave this place without trying a few  more things so I'm walking in right now um ah I   can't believe how many different smells there  are and like you walk just like a couple steps   and then all of a sudden the smell completely  changes cuz there's so many different things so   I'm going to walk through to the other side of the  intersection and look how far it goes it seriously   just continues all the way down this street I've  walked so far already it's crazy I don't know if   I've ever been to a market this long in my life  actually now that I think about it this reminds   of the like the distance-wise at least of like  the Saturday night market in changai or Sunday   night market all right let's see what else we can  find look like we got a bunch of um skewers fish   cakes some full shrimp on a skewer spring rolls  yeah it's so cool cuz there's food from many   many different countries and cultures out here  those look like a fried spring roll Maybe some   fresh vegetables more drinks I might have to get  another drink that last dragon fruit one was so good I'm curious what this is I feel like the  colors aren't like the most appealing thing but   you know you never judge a book by by its cover  so I think I'm going to actually give it a shot   I wonder if I can just try one though hello  how are you what is this called uh fish fish   is it like a fish cake yes same same fish  cake same same okay fried fried fried fish C Lambo okay okay I'll I'll  try some where you're from uh America what you're from America oh wow it looks good Mike Tyson all right I'm  here with Malaysia Mike Tyson how long you still here uh this is my first day  but I'll be here for about a week okay yeah okay   I love it so far this is amazing country than you  I love Malaysia thank you thank you for welcoming   me all right how much is this uh 4 ring 4 ring  oh my gosh only four ring it everything my name   is Brad Brad yeah what's your name Brad this is  bread [Laughter] pit your name your name your name I as very nice to meet you okay great to meet you wow look at that I've never seen anything like this have you had this before oh yeah is it  good regular oh regular regular not not in   kale but in Singapore oh really okay is it  a Singaporean or just a asan this is more   to Malaysia it's a Malaysia okay so you eat it  on the regular like is it a very common snack   or is it [Music] wlake oh I see I see are  you you your friend yes we are oh amazing   I have never been to Singapore I need to go  sometime you should you should said I heard heard so when you're here you make sure you st up wow okay that's amazing gotcha I see1 got it you up do your vacation here  or vacation for now okay very nice very nice expensive expensive expensive we  come here we don't got it got it so   you come here and you just really enjoy  yourself everything wonderful even for   transport no problem how long are you  going to be in Malaysia uh me and on   Tuesday Tuesday okay are you sad no because  I'm sometime I drove to Malaysia okay we just have a wonderful day see you bye thank you  okay I never pidt okay thank you so much have a   wonderful dayi okay bye oh my gosh such  friendly people I love it I love it okay   I need to get back onto the right side of the  street I can't believe I'm still eating right now so I was with Chris earlier he left because  he had to empty and I'm pretty sure I might have   to do the same thing pretty soon here um let's  go a little bit further cuz man I feel like I   I need to try so many different things and I  it makes me sad that I can't fit at all so I'm   going to try to at least get a little bit more  while I'm still here because you're Happ you man I'm sorry okay what the heck is that I think I'm  starting to learn that the really bright   colors are the types of of things that  are going to make me feel not so great   later cuz that usually means there's a  lot of sugar that's probably not always   true but whatever that was looked like  it had a lot of sweetness to it what is this KY Le black glutenous rice flour BL  time okay that looks really good look at   that there's like different colors it  looks like there's a green one pink one   okay all right I think I might try this  let me see if I can get a closer look Lau thank oh hello hello hello welcome where are  you from I'm from America America where part uh   California California okay La okay La yes yes  good yes what can I do for you you want to know   something about this is a 500 years history  okay of Malaysia Malaysia traditional desert   okay it's made out of coconut okay with a bit  of FL and cover up with the coconut milk it's   absolute authentic Malaysian CH Malaysian desert  wow well that's exactly what I'm here to try so   that's if you never people say if you never tried  this consider you never step into Malaysia oh   really excellent okay well I'm ready to step into  Malaysia right now okay now for first thing okay   I'll let you try this this one is uh this one we  have added some pumpkin inside okay pumpkin yeah   TR it okay I'm going to set this down really quick  thank you very much you're welcome and what was   this called sorry what is the name called coele  coele okay cool name is called Co this is this is   up with banana okay different kind of flavors wow  all right cool I'm excited to try this so many all right actually hey I'm sorry do you  mind holding this for a minute thank   you very much okay this is my  first coele wow that is from   pumpkin what's that pumpkin pumpkin oh  yeah right pumpkin oh my gosh it looks awesome how do you like it m that's  good that's not what I expected wow   okay so this um pumpkin this is pumpkin what  what's the inside coconut oh that's coconut   and the outside is like rice coconut milk  coconut milk oh my gosh how do you get the   coconut milk to stay that makes it with  some some sort of flour I see I see wow   wow kele Ki KI L okay thank you so much no  problem at all amazing oh thank you is thank you wow side it's very sweet the outside is  Savory that's a really good mix it's where   blend up actually it takes up a bit of the  sweetness saltiness I see okay yeah that's   how you neutralize it okay wow that's really  good okay this is another one oh my gosh this   is actually made from uh black glutenous  rice what was it black glutenous rice black   glutenous rice only need the FL the ingredients  still cooking okay all right wow it's very hot   I'm excited okay I can only smell the Banana  Leaf right now but would you mind one more   time thanks man why not appreciate it okay  let's try this black glutenous rice black   sticky rice black sticky rice okay wow look at  that I'm afraid it's going to be a little bit hot wow oh yeah this is my favorite wine so far  usually um depending on the season sometimes we   also have durian flavor no way yeah we do Duan  is my favorite fruit okay once I I like I hadn't   really tried durium and unfortunately have win  until next month because it's not season it's   not season I see okay I've been in Thailand  for the last three months so I've been eating   durian over there a lot try Malaysian Duran  okay Malayan is to be one of the best in the   world especially like we have Ming um Black  Horn yeah we have so many varieties of Duran   wow okay I didn't realize there were that like  varieties wow the most famous one is [Music] musang okay thank you very much wow that was  amazing J okay so it looks like it's 10 for   is that for a box yeah for a box 10 for a  box actually this one has two combination   actually both the black BL and the Pumpkin  inside okay right okay I'll do I'll do one   box and then you can take out the two that  I already ate no no no no my trade are you   sure yeah of course oh my gosh that's my  advertising [Laughter] fees all right so   if you guys are watching this make sure you  stop by um at is it uh cck Rose C rose rose   my that's my oh make sure you come visit them  and try their thank you very much I appreciate it my boss wanted to take a picture together with  you sure okay next year next year she'll be coming   to uh America oh yeah we see if there's  any demand of GUI okay in uh in America   then uh yeah you need to you need to introduce  Americans let's give a second yeah okay okay wow I've only spent one day here in Malaysia  and I've only had a few interactions with   Malaysian people but so far off to an  amazing start I'm super loving this   um everyone has been super friendly to  me everyone approaches me with a smile   you can't beat that that's the culture  that's the culture here amazing yeah you can actually to our IG Instagram and Tik  Tok do do you have any any of the Instagram as   well uh I have Instagram Facebook uh this  is for YouTube okay okay good good good good okay so we're going to take a picture and  then I think I need to get uh you want to step   inside oh yeah I would love that would you  mind holding this is that okay yeah yeah yeah okay okay all right one two 3 okay thank you so   wait wait wait can you do one with  my phone Del here I can I can hold the thank you so much T makassi okay thank you very much nice to have  you here welcome to Malaysia thank you so much see you buddy all right have a good day  than so friendly I love that all right so   let's continue down look at these it looks like a  corn dog but there's like french fries like Mama   noodles oh man these are crazy looking donuts I  don't know if I can stomach them right now because   sorry I've already had that marshmallow thing I  ate that whole thing way too much way too much   sweets so I'm coming up to a a street and it just  keeps going after that look at this it's still goingo I might I might need to stop yeah okay I'm going to get one  more drink cuz I'm pretty thirsty   and after that I think I might have  to end this video so let's see what   this is about hello what is the oh  my gosh whoa okay is that what is thisen Chen L Chen okay which is your most popular   drink yes this one thank you  very much sir okay can I do one can I do one of these and one of these this one and then just one yes I have no idea what this is either of them   actually but they both look very good  so I'm just going to go for it right now and so what is this is coconut  coconut okay I love coconut and how about this oh yeah this looks like it's going to be  very refreshing and honestly walking around in the   heat out here can be exhausting so getting some  electrolytes I think that's going to be a good thing [Music] only in the Asian countries have  I seen putting drinks into a bag sometimes they   even have I think I had it on my drink earlier  where the bag is like just the thing to grab   and then a little loop around the cup instead  of a full bag but yeah we don't have that in America and then one of these what is what is it oh really yeah interesting  okay this is meat probably   this uh could be one of those maybe BR I think oh this is [Music] chicken cheese cheese cheese interesting okay all right well just this  is is enough for me I told you before is a COC   juice which is I think every Malaysian everyone  in the country drink it okay they do drink it   perfect well I'm trying to trying to see thean  it's uh quite natural for medicine as well oh   really yeah it can actually bring down if you  have a fever or something you just drink this   and it will slow turn down the fever amazing and  if you drink it with with lemon okay it can help   you even with the pandemic covid okay they drink  this coconut juice they put the lemon in it so   it can actually what can I say it's kind of  a surprising the the the virus are not coming   into your body wow amazing what okay you can  research and Google about it yeah I'll check   that out thank you so much where you from I'm  from America which part of America California   Los Angeles yes La how about you where are you  from no no I'm I'm aan please don't be maybe I   talk American I watch a lot of American movies  got you I but I love Hollywood nice very nice   call Hollywood B what's that I don't know  they calling it Holly wheed Holly wheed   for the legalized cannabis oh I see I see  very nice crazy all right uh how much how   much do I owe eight eight okay eight hey man  well thank you very much for appreciate the   the help maybe if I myself down California  yeah man reach out have a good day all right   eight [Music] ring is this okay okay all right all  right while I'm still here let's pop this guy in here give it a [Music] mix coconut with lemon  I think oh that's so refreshing oh yeah this   is the perfect way to clean out my mouth  after all that all those different flavors wow all right and then this  he's I think he said it was   tofu so I'll wait I'll wait till I get my my change wow this true is crazy thank you so much chassi okay I'm going to work my way a  little bit down the street have a great day I'm just kidding I'm not going to eat that  but as I was walking I was looking at the bags   in my hand and I realized I didn't try this guy  so he said this was like a fried fish [Music] cake he interesting that's bomb H I feel like  you're really good with some kind of sauce   but if you're a Malaysian you're watching this  please let me know is that something you do do   you dip it or am I ruining your Malaysian food  by saying it needs some kind of sauce if so oh   my God if so I apologize cuz I don't know I'm  just trying to try everything that I can cuz I   love learning new foods so bomb I just walked  by some music and I know you doesn't like that   so I think I need to redo my outro here so  thanks for watching guys I for sure ordered   like way way too much food I'm feeling it but I'm  probably still honestly going to eat all this um   yeah I hope you guys enjoyed walking through  the street I definitely love going to places   like this but also I need to like be careful  cuz it's so much food and like after this when   I'm trying to walk around it's it's rough  it's rough especially in this humidity but   yeah guys I hope you enjoyed the video make  sure you click like And subscribe subscribe   to help support the channel that way I can  keep making more videos like this all over   the world to share with you guys so thanks  again see you in the next one peace [Music] out
Channel: Where is Brad
Views: 147,953
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WhereIsBrad, Where Is Brad, Travel, Asia, Backpacking, Digital Nomad, Nomad, explore
Id: K8DQ25c48HY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 27sec (2727 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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