GENSHIN FANGIRL reacts to ALL Wuthering Waves Trailers (pre-release)

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hello everyone and welcome back to another winning video it is your girl win and today we are dipping our toes into something a little new today we're reacting to a bunch of trailers for weathering waves for those who are out of the loop and live under a rock kind of like me woa is going to be released finally next month in my opinion it looks very open world and fun to explore and some people might flame me for this but it really doesn't remind me of gin a lot it is also a gacha game has some pretty interesting character designs has a lot of exploration and that's not a bad thing but today we want to see are the trailers that are out compelling enough to get us to want to play wooa cuz I personally don't think that I'm someone who's super super easy to impress I'm usually someone who is a late adopter I tend to hang back let other people try out new things first whether it's yeah games or Tech or a new track and and then after I've tried it out for myself will I usually form a pretty solid opinion I'm definitely very open to giving a shot right now I'm I'm not like super super excited but who knows maybe that will change after watching these trailers if you'd like to join in live on the future make sure to join us at I stream there pretty often but otherwise leave a like And subscribe if you're interested in future content but otherwise let's just get to it how about we go in order so let's go from oldest to most recent so we're going to look at sanoa first I think she an ice queen based off of the description all right I guess I'll find out her trailer is the shortest I think a minute and a half many Associates know with coldness and demise okay I like what I see already it's the only untainted white her voice is in English is deeper than I expected disted nightmares linger in my eyes oh I like the music actually yo what's her backstory once corroded me what's her trauma I can fix her maybe be frozen in ice ooh oh okay oh damn yo look at her go oh my God the closeup it all ends here ooh is that her like ultimate or whatever it's called it's like an AOE ice move my shackles are no more may our world be clean as snow ever so pure a compelling it reminds me of the first gameplay trailers for GHIN you know with venty and CLE showing off a lot of the actual how they're moving within the game which makes sense because the game is so new that these are also demos for the gameplay cuz we don't have anything else to go off of but I will say this was more impressive than Fenty trailer the music was really really good I know it wasn't really much of a drop when that beat hit oh man it's also very fitting for her because she gave off this very like elegant Vibe and how it opened with that back tattoo oh man and unfortunately we don't know much about her actual character it seems like all characters she has some like traumatic past but it seems to me that she's not a villain she didn't give off bad bad vibes I have a good feeling of about her I wonder if she'll be the first character that we can pull for okay she has to be a five star she's got to be a five star I will Riot if she's a four star like come on she looked so cool and like fighting off all those bad guys like being surrounded by them she made it look so easy hello and her ice move where she does it in a circle and then it just like explodes outwards and everything like gets Frozen and breaks into shards like glass okay next up we have the only husbando apparently that has a trailer now Alto with two A's I'm just going to say oh wo that is a opening cut scene for sure I think with male characters it is harder to impress me you know what okay wait wait let's just see how this plays out okay a oh it's a this one last time the silent how oh W you get that Intel well I oh wait his voice is very fellas can't we just talk this it's more baby than I expected inform it's like the Mist a mixure of truths and lies okay I want to say he kind of gives me easily pick out the goodies but like it's like or like guess that's why I'm in such popular demand he's like goo occasionally I'd run into eager like looks very easygoing nonsense interested in becoming professional Brokers now you better listen up wait does he have like some self healing thing like blad toti did he actually get cut and it just like at all deal that I'm afraid you've outstayed your welcome oh wow he wears sunglasses yo let him go now you see me now you don't hey stay focused oh he us G that is oh God it's giving it's giving Death the Kid From Me lecturing thanks for coming well then it's your on his chest though that g don't we start with your client whoa he he's very Soo if Soo wasn't a girl bear oh my God okay I didn't say that I don't think he's as sussy as Soo I think he's more of cuz with Soo you can tell that he's very fake and like sleazy when it comes to like things with money this guy is definitely more like oh you know I'm just some guy but he's actually like really strong and just hides it and doesn't really show it off it seems like he's in a dangerous line of work like a spy or an assassin or something surely he's a five star H I can see the five star wait let's see what's a cool oh this looks pretty cool he has the albo hair not as fluffy but still like a pretty unique hairstyle oh Prince link from Full Metal Alchemist oh I haven't watched FMA in a while but from what I remember it could match up yeah the beat drop went hard yeah I'm noticing in these trailers so far that they do a lot of close-ups and slowmo but it really does work because it does make them look cooler and just like the way it matches with the audio is so satisfying the AMV editor in me is screaming yeah I think I could see him as a five star because I don't think they would release trailers for four stars this early but also the gun play style looks very interesting and he's a dual wielder too wo wo wo wo wo wo no no no everyone in my eyes is not a five star I think I'm actually like it's pretty hard to impress me like right off the bat okay Loki the scene is very intriguing but his gaze at the end didn't really do anything for me I don't know maybe if I learn more about him and there's something about him that we find out that is really cool or interesting but otherwise I just think he's neat yeah he's got that deceptively easygoing Vibe but what does he really do is he a bad guy TBD am I wrong if I say it's not unhinged it's more like he knows he's got you right where he wants you it's more arogant than smug I really don't know what it is low key I do think his design is pretty metal I mean okay but his alt was less impressive than sanas I will say sanas was really eye-catching okay so the trailers are getting longer and longer Autos was just under 2 minutes this one is a bit over next up we have D ooh getting a very on the front here Jingo rests where perilous fog does Crest is I wrong to say it's like I got a very asan Vie from her Bandits too their their hats are like shaped after pandas that's so cute perhaps a Way's es oh yo she's got jungling hairing foes yet unknown a maiden Journeys all alone kind Courier offers a ride she glad sly partakes oh ahead they go okay but is she like actually like really sweet way or is she criminals lur plotting schemes like aut where their plans like rabbits they flee Uninvited Crooks she seeks what's up with their glasses yeah I'm not sure maybe it's like goggles you know oh Scarlet Blom yo what was that finally paid off oh my gosh Vanquish yo it's like she has like a giga Tad globa like inside of her that activates in danger oh my go yo this this track actually SLA look at the effect okay definitely way more production you put into this over the last two no mercy yo her eyes like turn freaking PED in Grace they sway pure as ever she wipes her face yo that's crazy Jade dispelling fear that's crazy near oh my God wait loky I want to be her Loki what was this what happened here scarl my patience finally paid off like what what what what what happened is she the UNH stuff that we want but that's the thing I don't think she's unhinged I think she just has you know like everyone thinks she's this really sweet innocent girl who's this pure Maiden you know that's really cheerful and gets along with everyone I think she's just like really strong I don't know does she have something inside her is she getting all that power from somewhere does she have a traumatic back story but I don't sense that from her as long as you don't mess with her she won't mess you up and you can be besties yeah yeah it's really giving that energy kind of like you think this girl is like really sweet and she's a magical girl and stuff that won't hurt you but if you mess with her she's not afraid to [ __ ] you up and she can and that's the most amazing part I want to be her oh you thought split personality because of the eye color change oh but the thing is it was just her eye color right but yeah I don't know like this part here eradicate ooh another thing about this trailer no mercy in Grace they pure as ever what I think the other thing that I like about her is it doesn't seem like her animations are it's very subtle they do have a lot of lies about you know like flowers and stuff but it's not such a huge part of her fighting style or doesn't show up in her ultimate animation but she is still like pretty graceful I don't think it is a personality change either I'm not sure oh she's so interesting I need to know more about her but what is it that she's being patient for I guess we'll just have to find out oh but I'm excited I think she's my favorite so far like personality wise okay and then finally we have jenin okay I don't know anything about her but I saw in her thumbnail that it had a cat so that means that her trailer automatically has to be good it has to be tea and snacks as usual please coming right up tea a steadfast companion to the people of Ginger thank you joh we find our young monk laboring at the tea house oh she's a monk with such mindfulness and integrity diligently she earns her keep far from the mountain of her upbringing oh wow palatable I'd say so she like that cannot compare to the ylu te did this guy just insult her enlighten me please I'll serve it as you wish oh such she fell over so easily I'll have you know how exquisit transcends your meager comprehension oh to begin with one must care carefully gather the morning dew from Lotus leaves on the heads of Gull [Music] Puffs without agitating those delicate cre like a mage taste as F manipulate the elements then is there specialty water pre shoots from elusive teal frill nests perched at top treacherous Peaks will suffice okay so far I got must roasted with ancient muria wood hailing from perilous domains rightous naive but she tries her best here you are looking like a decent challenge O come forth and obviously she's like super strong she can fight Clarity wa tranquility [Music] oh a that move cleanse Primal Vision gather Cosmic Force ooh Revelation yo Oneness oh okay okay she last ever more what if when their eyes glow it's their ultimate and that's why it's impossible to Sir here's the ylu as you instructed damn she did all that while he was talking and giving a [Music] speech this this is the no this Divine sures I've ever had another day another progress hey not you again oh my God stop stop come back wait she druged it ain't no way ain't no way I don't think she'd go that far let's see oh this is such a cute still of her though I love this it's like they try to make her like baby girl outside of combat surprisingly even though she's the most recent trailer I don't know maybe it's just cuz I was so impressed with D jeene or maybe it's just like her personality like don't get me wrong I still think that she's interesting and she obviously is very capable she reminds me of like the Gin Catalyst users but it looks like she can manipulate multiple Elements which is intriguing princess like girly was bloodthirsty but this teamm maker cat lover clumsy girly fights Bears daily she just seems like she works at this tea shop and she does her hardest to satisfy the customers and she's really positive and nothing can get her down which is a good quality to have and you know she clearly has some sort of magical Touch where she's really good at what she does with when it comes to Preparing tea she's like the light-hearted one I don't feel any trauma but I also don't feel any excitement it didn't feel like there was that Duality like with danene where you know she's like happy but like also can whoop your ass and not to say that she can't whoop your ass but yeah I don't know what it was that didn't hook me like the other ones the visual effects were definitely more eye-catching in the last one yeah but I did notice a pattern I do think that maybe when their eyes glow that's them activating their ultimate or whatever it is because even here here where where is it let's just go here challenge come for serenity Clarity okay but this part was still really really really cool but there were less visual effects it's more like her moves are cool oh that was cool that part was cool Primal Vision gather Cosmic Force sounds like when they do that when their eyes glow and then it's like the it's like a music visualizer that appears yeah this part this part I think this is them activating their alt she lasts ever yeah we'll see who knows maybe in terms of play style she'll still be compelling enough to pull and don't get me wrong I don't think she's a bad character I think it's a different kind of cheerfulness than D jeans maybe I'll to like her more as we learn more about her only time will tell do we want to watch the featured cinematic all right I'm not sure what's in this featured cinematic or actually it's plural cinematics but I'm expecting some Banger animations wait please put on your headphones all right did you hear that chat ooh oh okay the thigh shot sorry all right so we're in this very ruined [Music] [Music] World okay I like this so far that is not sparkles ball that's a kid [Music] toy ooh the bad guys [Music] okay no shade but I think those three charact the three female characters are for ooh oh yo this is so interesting it's [Music] like some of the animation is like very 2D but like the effects are 3D it's tripping me up the music is so good okay we have another gun user oh she has like a she can summon something whoa oh Mommy which one is that the the girl with the the uh is it white hair or in the white oh Don wait is this the guy that looks like sh stop stop stop stop stop stop [Music] oh no we're hooked no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no stop stop stop stop okay I definitely have to play this game low key wow that did not feel like 3 minutes that was a really good song I feel like it gave us more information about the world it showed us some of the enemies that we'll be fighting against kind of gave like some back story on maybe how everything started or like a glimpse of what to expect yeah it was really cool how they mixed the 2D and 3D animations for sure as well okay I think of like these three characters I think the girl in the white is really intriguing I really like her design but I think from what I've seen like in the closed beta and stuff I really like the girl in the middle the most she really did remind me of Amber in a good way I guess for all of these characters you know they're very empathetic and and they experienced I guess some form of loss in this world like to me what made this a really good cinematic is how cohesive it all felt it really felt like there's a story being told and I wasn't asking myself like oh when is this going to be over I was like immersed in what was happening and of course don't sh okay yeah that was a jump scare chat like what the heck what the heck we can't even see his face but oh my God wait that kind of adds to the mystery like who are you who is this where is this trailer I must know more he even uses like a pole arm that's similar what the heck oh man the similarities are pretty uncanny not going to lie okay I'm glad we watched that trailer y'alls I'm glad we didn't skip that finally we have the global launch trailer which I think was uploaded 2 weeks ago so this is really really recent and this should be a pretty good I guess reflection of the game in its current state it's pretty short one if thei will soon be reawakened they are the enemies of human civiliz a ooh to begin with all right we're getting some lore heard you've lost your memories if all of these have something to do with your true identity okay all right common MC struggle who exactly are you he giving star rail not that's a bad thing I feel like that's pretty common for these games possess a similar ability with theary hero who once absorbed through noan that's you prophesized about your arrival that looks menacing after all this this effort do you truly want to throw it all away oh wao ultimately I suppose it is up to you to discover the final definitive answer for yourself no matter y these enemies are so interesting because here you are they look so like not seeing the opponent heightens The Thrill of the game do you want to be the it's like some of them are like mechanical oh my God that's him but they look so grotesque too like organ the story is yours to spin oh right that's what they call you it's like the traveler in genin but you're called a Rover wow there was like so much happening there oh my gosh we saw so many characters there so many new characters too like this person in red definitely giving bad guy energy this girl with white hair I wonder if she's like Kafka where she helps you but she has her own ulterior motives and you can't tell if she's good or bad and then we get to see the Shia like character okay but the fact that he has like his own Dragon really gives Don hung to me not that I'm complaining cuz Don hung is also really cool also low key I actually really like the male MC design I think that you know in Star kis is like okay whatever ether is like me I really like lumine way more than ether but this MC I actually really really like his design he's very I think it's his hair for me at least so I'm like oh maybe I would actually play as the guy in this game but the girl is good-looking too so I don't know the bip panic in me is rising it's interesting because in these C cut scenes for this trailer they use the male version but for the in-game footage they use the female which is nice that it's a good balance I think yeah I did really like what I saw with the movement in this game I think that's a big big selling point it looks really really fluid really fun to explore but yeah I think for this trailer there's just like so much happening and it's exciting but it's also a little overwhelming I think I did like the previous trailer with the song more this one's still pretty cool too oh man now I'm hyped this is bad this is why I don't watch trailers or like upcoming content because then I think about it and get fixated but then I can't do anything and except for wait and I don't like that wow okay so that was quite the collection of videos I still maintain that n jein trailer was the most interesting to me honestly all of the characters are intriguing I think Jen the least because it's like a feel-good character to me that which is not bad in itself but uto and F it's like ooh I really want to know what their back stories are it seems like there's a lot going on in their stories so I do want to know more about them and again the Cinematic was just really really good an amazing 3 minutes I really really like the song really like the animation very high quality and of course you know seeing seeing more of taller Shia was an unexpected treat I'm still a little cautious I don't know if woa will be a game that I'll continue playing in the long run but seeing some of the gameplay footage and how fluid it looks the moves are very eye-catching and even the variety in the showcases and all the characters fighting styles I think it's looking very promising so I'll definitely be giving woa a shot y'all let me know in the comments as well if you're going to try out what you're looking forward to the most what's caught your eye if there's anything I missed in the trailers I'd love to know that too but otherwise yeah I think we just got to wait until the release day so I'll see you all on the other side remember to like And subscribe for more content and remember you can always join us at for live react hope you all take care stay safe and stay winning bye all
Channel: whinnaay
Views: 16,360
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: TEJYr0Uf8lw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 42sec (1662 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2024
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