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she doesn't look like she would degrade me okay so I think I'm fine oh what wo wait what wait this is the guy this is the guy I told you he's too hot to never be shown again oh oh I'm not safe hello hello welcome in guys welcome in today we are going to be reacting to all of the weatherman waves trailers on their YouTube channel I haven't seen any of the trailers yet the only trailer I have seen is the Global release trailer which we watched in the last video so I haven't seen any of the character trailers I haven't seen any cinematics I haven't seen uh some of the older trailers as well so yeah that's what the plan is for today the game actually just came out it was supposed to come out in an hour so this is completely th thrown off all of my plans so we're going to we're going to like speedrun through these and I'm I'm really excited cuz I do really want to see the trailers before I start the game cuz I think it would make it a lot more hype for me in general so yeah that's the plan we won't watch every single video on the YouTube channel uh there's specific ones I think we've picked but I will have like the full list in the description and stuff if you guys want to see which trailers I did react to so yeah before we start real quick if you guys enjoy please make sure to smash like subscribe I would really appreciate cuz I'm dying in the heat right now I'm sweating my ass off you guys don't even understand it will help cool me down so save an age for melting today but yeah okay apart from that let's uh let's go let's go let's go we have to we have to watch these fast so I can play the game we aren't going to watch all the trailers again we'll watch the CG trailer cuz I think this is the first trailer so we'll start off with this and then we'll just kind of go down the list and see without a sign so this looks like it's a intro this is like the first intro to the entire game as a whole so things might have changed shattered without so much as a sigh but it should give us some good info into what's going on right M okay so this is the world like a first look at the world I would say from way back ooh this is a yangyang right oh the storm the storm is coming oh no never mind it's something under the ground oh that's terrifying oh is she going to be okay oh yeah I don't really know anything about the lore or the world cuz they haven't really described it in the live stream nor did I uh look up about it cuz I wanted to go into completely blind so this is really epic oh I just know that I know that the world looks amazing though you guys have been saying that the graphics engine is insane uh-oh what is dead will stay buried except nothing oh no what did she see wait it turned white you think what oh my God what's going on Echo it seems like it's an unknown unnown Force wait wait there something on our forehead let going yeah I don't know anything about the powers and stuff in this world so you will you save which part of you will you save so does every character kind of have like a dark side o what is left untouched by all this pain oh wa lety Echo be heard dude if I watched this way back when when they just released the game I would have lost my mind I would not be able to wait for for other trailers to come out holy [ __ ] that was so cool and this is this is just the first one okay that's like the F very very first trailer oh oh all right all right I'm very curious I'm very curious all right so now we're going to watch the weaing waves resonator showcase for San uh San is the character with a really cute hat and white bob hair I believe many Associates know with coldness and demise but to me oh she's the one in the art I thought sanwa was the MC but with white hair Visions whoops that's my bad linger in my eyes oh she's so cool she's pretty she is oh look ice powers I saw snowflake okay yeah ice powers be frozen in ice oo guys the animations for the characters look so nice [Music] oh she did a it wasn't it kind you know that reminded me of how in Bleach there's any bleach fans uh you know Rukia how she does that uh little like mini domain thingy at one point that's what it kind of reminded me of with the circle on the ground it all ends here oh guys ice is always my favorite element when I have to select one in games oh shackles are no more be clean as snow ever so pure okay okay San looks really really pretty she looks so pretty though oh my gosh yeah so this will also help determine which characters I want so I do quite like want sanwa cuz she she uses ice her design is really pretty I adore like short hair with a little braid in the back and then her hat is super cute too and she just she's just she's just really pretty so maybe watching these trailers is a bad idea actually maybe I don't want to watch the trailers so then I don't get invested in characters so then I don't feel the need to pull for more characters maybe that would be best hopefully she's not a six star she's free oh say less oh that's music to my ears yo that's actually music to my ears thank you thank you for the information I I'm really enjoying that but yeah okay next trailer we'll watch will be the alto resonator showcase popular demand oh is he a is he a popular boy I feel like usually I end up liking the characters okay that are the popular characters last time but so far I don't really have many opinions at Al I just like General I in terms of the guys come on fellas can we just talk this out oh no he's cocking oh no a mixture of Tru he's fly he's like a he's like a SP of my expertise can easily pick out the goodies guess that's why I'm in such popular demand oh no occasionally i' R into eager CL screaming without the S nonsense I thought you were interested in becoming professional Brokers now you better listen oh he has a mark on his neck so I'm assuming all of the characters have some sort of the power it's like within their body negotiations at the right just like yangang in the initial trailer he had it on her forehead he had it on his neck right here just your welcome [Music] ooh oh my God all the actions are so Dynamic Now You See Me Now you don't hey stay focused oh and that is my guys who who is the one in chat asking for gun characters here's your gun character here he is enough of me two thanks for well then it's your time to shine why don't we start with your client oh don't look at me like that don't look at me like that sir okay okay okay also I see I see in intriguing I is also free as well guys please say yes please say yes please say yes why did you bite your lip did I he has the same Vibe as sample but cooler yeah he that's what I was thinking too he has a the kind of like Sly behind the scenes Antics he seems like a bit less of a troll a he's a little bit more serious than sample sample was a straight up like troll so all right interesting interesting this does not bode well for me cooler sample got me acting up but like okay the way he looked at you at the end though the way he looks at you I can't handle it I can't handle it when characters do this they need to not just just like look at me normally please thank you I'd appreciate it all right next uh character showcase or sorry resonator showcase is dungeon a wayfair's escapod let's see let's see okay like dungeon's pretty but I feel like I am a bit more safe with the dungon cuz she's more of like a pretty than a really really perilous fog does Crest dangerous beasts lady I guess she doesn't look like she would degrade me okay so I think I'm fine or perhaps a way far's she looks too nice oh you know who she reminds me of you know shiraki oh my God I can't remember Yak kind cier aride the SoJO the SoJO manga oh my God I love her ahead oh no wait I can't I shouldn't be associating her with a character I really like that's bad plotting that'll make me more attached to her our Maiden vows to foil their plans like rabbits they it's okay it's okay guys I think I'm more I think I'll be I think I'll be fine I I'll be fine right oh what whoa wait Lo them what my patience finally paid off what why does she look like that Vanquish holy crap wait she's so cool oh oh I'm not safe I'm not safe I thought I was fine I thought there was like one character where I'm like I feel okay with um eradicate holy oh my goodness no mercy why Cascade are her animations so intense pure as she smiled while wiping the blood off her face okay so she's a fake [ __ ] she she is she's just putting on the nice girl actar but she's actually Savage as hell oh oh oh no she's hot I spoke too soon I spoke too soon guys I actually did I mistakes have been made like guys this this moment is actually insane Scarlet obviously the black uh black and white stuff reminds me of the acaron going insane moment in the dance with Black Swan but she's badass the Gap MO Jud me ah well well well I'll stop speaking before we watch the trailer I guess clearly I'm just shooting myself in the foot so uh okay okay we'll just go next we'll just go next next trailer up on the list is Jan jansing a decent challenge okay so she's the one that I am anticipating I'm going to be selecting her in the banner like as the guaranteed character that I can choose cuz all of the the charact of the banner the characters in that banner I do like her design the most so compion to the people of Ginger thank you joh we find our young monk laboring at the Tea House Jes is good she's really she's really cute and her Design's so nice and I love the martial arts with such mindfulness and goodness she should join the circus earns her keep far from the mountain of her upbringing she's so cute say but alas okay who's this compare to the ylu tea how do you make that tea all right all right you snide guy as you wish oh such nerve I'll have you know how its exquisiteness transcends your meager comprehension y Yap y begin with one must carefully gather the morning okay this trailer is actually a different uh VI it's a bit more without agitating those delicate creatures for the water won't taste as fine but guys isn't this so cool we can like see the quality of the trailers improving as we watch them since we're watching them from the beginning treacherous Peaks will suffice like this one actually has so much original animation in it it's so intense finally the tea must be roasted with ancient Uria wood hailing from oh that's one of the pets right right it's so big oh no that's a monster whoops here you are looking like a decent challenge come forth oh she's so cool you guys she giving me my Soul Fist vibes from Lost AR I was a soul off M guys so this is this is really hidden hidden home oh yeah sh bear gather Cosmic Force okay is her this her alt did she just lift the bear Revelation oh my God she actually has a domain expansion she lasts ever more did she just B them sir here's the ylu as you instructed how do you like it oh she went and gathered all the stuff just now satisfactory this this is the no this Divine Elixir what is going on wa what another progress I think there was a bit more than tea in that uh in that cup stop maybe a little bit of acid as well LSD you know listen listen jansing she knows how to she knows how to let the customers have a good time okay okay okay still strong she's still still my favorite character thus far so okay let's watch the open C opening cinematic I'm assuming this one is more introductory to the I guess main story line probably maybe the reworked main story line cuz they said that they reworked it since the beta so yeah I'm excited I'm excited cuz I again don't really know anything about the plot so this will be a nice little intro so yeah this will probably be an intro to the story which I'm really hyped for really really excited or I guess maybe the the universe okay so this looks like the enemy or maybe deep space ruins big eye who who's that this is the first time seeing this [Music] person we start off with the GF MC the rizzler did she just give us a stellon round two guys round two nuke Insider bot this is so intimate who are you oh she gave us uh some she stuck something in her body and then said y intriguing okay [Music] okay she smiled at us this a wormhole traveling through space in [Music] time oh guys I would drown I can't swim ohoh it's so pretty the lighting wait wait why is it upside down wait the water's upside down I'm confused wait does this trailer Loop oh is it the female MC oh that's cool guys the female MC's design is so nice it's so nice Okay well I'm assuming this will play in the game as well so we watched it once we're we're good we're good okay interesting seems like we there is some unknown entity SLG goddess who sent us to the weing waves world to do something probably save it you know as per usual just another day as the protagonist the male MC reminds me of do from omnicient riverse oh yeah the brain rot it never ends yeah okay interesting I I that's so that's so cool I didn't realize that there was uh like gravity Shenanigans cuz it seems like the water was on the other side of the world so like the land so I'm slowly getting a better look at the world very cool very cool but all right all right next cinematic uh is a featured cinematic saving light so maybe more story it seems to have yangyang in the in the thumbnail though so put on your head put on your headphones please put on your headphones to experience Dolby Atmos ooh the crepet yeah so it's like the ruins of a world I'm guessing some like outer Force oh it's a song I hope I don't get copyrighted for [Music] this yeah so some Force came and apocalyps the world I guess so we're trying to kind of recover it oh no someone help the child oh is that child dead cuz it that's like the past right oh no wait that's so sad Rest In Pieces that kind of hits that hits pretty hard oh oh my gosh the way that they they're mixing uh like actual animation with the CG so well oh yangyang is badass oh the animations are so fluid oh there's oh she also uses [Music] guns ice is that the other girl I don't know I don't know her name oh that's cool oh so they have to break the [Music] core oh okay that's our creature or [Music] summon oh my God yeah so they have the power within them and then they have like that weird flas on their hip as well all the resonators I think I'm a assuming it's like the same power that actually Powers the enemies oh it's General wait it's The General guys [Music] sir sir reinforcements I am and the reinforcements oh there's like pulses okay wow these animatics are so well done they're they look so high budget you know it's epic as hell okay okay next one next one um is the global launch trailer waking of a world wait is the release Traer trailer different from the launch trailer cuz we've seen the release trailer the rodians will soon let's find out they are the enemies of human civilizations let's see if there's different stuff begin with I heard you've lost your oh yeah cuz the relase trailer is an MV if all of these have something to do with your true so this one has plot who exactly are you [Music] oh or El you possess the legendary hero who once absorbed thian J prophesied about you alians are the enemies I'm guessing after all this effort you truly want to throw it all guy this guy ultimately enemies enemies to lovers please to the final def answer for yourself no matter what happens my sword is always can be my lover here you are besides not seeing the opponent heightens The Thrill of the game you want to be the rule setting shepher or the rule breaking black now overlap with all the different character animations is yours to [Applause] spin that was cool that was cool yeah we're seeing a lot of the different characters okay so these are new characters cuz those characters we've seen a lot of the ones uh we've seen so far I can't I'm sorry I can't remember all their names it'll take me a bit but so the next uh trailer is a another resona showcase it's for Encore I'm pretty sure this is she the voice actress for Encore is regulus in Reverse 1999 so I like encore by default because of that once upon a time and she also looks cute far away Town folks were going spooky the very godmother in her castle was their oh she has little sheep ghosts but it was dangerous and none of the Seekers ever returned what happened happened Fearless hero stepped up to save the day T Uncle play Battle oops she's so cute Leave It All To unor yo Karina Reeves the voice actress sounds so different the wind is too much this is so cute [Music] enemy it's a hamster wheel [Music] that's night it's nice how they have different uh styles for the different characters the trailers it's really creative really showcases their personalities I [Music] think is is is this the fairy GM's CLE um more like the fairy bad mother she looks evil oh Fairy Godmother very ominous oh no it's the big bad demon Cosmos cloudy help oh wo did she become [Music] tiny she did become tiny it's okay unor is not afraid what's going on send tingling here come the woolies it's cute I think it would have had a bit more impact if the woes lines were voiced more cuz there was a lot of dialogue or of them telling the story earlier where you just had the caption so it felt a little bit uh jarring because there were some voice lines and weren't s and then there were no voice lines elsewhere but it's cute so duded oh they got trapped demon napped us is this really the end this is adorable it is not a chance the show still got time for an [Music] encore oh the show still got type an enor guys she said the thing she said the thing back in Action she said the thing you're in for it [Music] now ooh I like how they have the comic effect I wonder if you have the comic effect in game when you use your abilities as well that would be really cool that's how I don't think so though it's probably styz for the all the bad guys hooray but wait there's more encor story has just begun she's so cute wait where is she is she trapped wait I I didn't expect that twist at the end um so it seems like she is she has a sad backstory the ending is quite dark and she's using her fantasy for loneliness yeah I I got that I am very curious why she's living in this dark and decit glass terrar though and suddenly depression does this bode well for wering waves can we have nice things in woa we can't escape a reverse star rail genjin it's depresso all around are we going to get another a fourth a fourth cup of sadness from this new game I did not expect that end I'll be honest that ending made me really intrigued actually so I guess that's well done they led me on Kudo was known for dark story oh boy well I guess I'll have to prepare myself mentally for that but yeah okay next uh trailer will be another resonator showcase and it'll be lingyang lingyang so he's the the tiger the tiger boy it's your first performance ever lingyang you ready for this what is the gotta game without a good serving of trauma I guess I would know since I've played so many right and this why did I expect anything different can't afford to mess up oh he's jumping on poles it reminds me it reminds me of the the New Year's trailer from starl oh is he okay concussion time on your feet lingyang oh I guess this is him training doubting yourself already see he's cute but master I I'm safe why did you become a lion dancer I'm not I I can't s I can't s so I'm safe he's adorable and I'm sure I'll like him in the story but they confuse me we can skip hunt run hunt again I act Instinct thank you L I really appreciate it he's the yaning of w except those bipeds they keep doing extra things so we see on the standard Banner things that don't help them survive hey you hey want to come play with us oh he got it from the kids before you don't look that different big Lion's on our side it's going to scare off all the bad guys wait this is wholesome wait that's so cute stop that's heartwarming D so I'm assuming there's some half race racism here too since it seems like was shunned up until he met those kids turns out or maybe he was just a recluse I already knew more music solo oh my goodness he'll make it they're feeding reporting [Music] in oh he just did the splits dude's more flexible than I am damn the spirit of lion oh he us his tail to get back up to clush any fear in its way The Show Must Go On oh never mind all right and then now we're going to see his abilities right that seems to be the formula they show a bit of backstory and then they show Chas the abilities and then they give us little twist at the end ooh that shot that shot was nice you're using a 2d graphic design oh I love this I love this athetics this costume is my second skin now oh lotion [Applause] Graphics that was nice I I liked that that was a pretty shot I'll keep the spirit burning always have always will cute oh okay no twist at the end we take those we take those no random depression all right all right Ling Yang I really like so far how every single character actually feels so different and unique from one another cuz usually in gotta games even even in like the first initial pool of character characters right there's usually some characters that have more similar uh Aesthetics or I guess styles of play but I feel like all of the characters that they've shown us thus far have been super unique and different I guess the closest uh would probably be danin and sanwa because they both use a sword uh but you know there's still very very different characters uh even just personality wise from what we've seen right so it's nice it's nice how every everyone's so unique very very cool but all right okay it looks like there's only two more left two more trailers left that we need to watch and then I get to play I get to play okay okay okay let's go let's go such a cool trailer for a character I won't play yeah me too I'm safe I'm safe but you know who I'm not safe from this one right here and then they still haven't released uh I keep forgetting her name red hair girl red hair mommy they haven't released her trailer yet either so oh I'm sure that'll come out closer when her Banner comes out though cuz she's the second half of the banner for 1.1 I believe so all right all right but yeah okay so second last video is the story cinematic battle beneath the Crescent okay so this is really recent this was one day ago so I'm Madame jiny our great magistrate of gingo was handpicked by Sentinel Jer her status as the sentinel's appointed resonator is rare among all past magistrates our Jingo was leaderless for years until J CH her to be the next magistrate and she answer the the city I'm guessing to further elaborate must start with the battle beneath the Crescent the northfall baron scarred by countless Wars discarded weapons scattered like B okay so this is super lore heavy our soldiers had fought to reclaim the land for years to no avail it's okay cuz Now We're Here track the Dre rodian monster fed on the frequencies of weapons turning our fallen soldiers into deadly tcid discords oh tcid discords are the enemies general of the midnight Rangers guu Lynn bravely Rose to confront the threat who's he as he so Prett General gulin vowed to Vanquish evil raising his blade against the blood red crescent that for Destruction his sword blazed with blind Flames laying waste to all who dared stand in his way another hottie Victory seemed certain this shot is so nice there's so many layers the retroact R I love I love how they're using texture texture for these Graphics too makes it look a lot more not scrapbook but monsters ra adds another level of soaked Sands Carnage issuing his last command gu youin demand it all soldiers stand firm no matter what Happ guys the visuals his body to the black Flames for power gu you all his and he was never seen again never seen again that can't be after the fall of their Le I need to see him again despair till the deafening Roar of chin long spruck light lightning youth Brave daely stood up to lead a hard one Retreat the general is here after the battle that young man who tamed the wind ascended to fame becoming the new general of the midnight Rangers selected by Sentinel jur also the dragon is the Sentinel jur am guessing General gesu was blamed for the massive losses that occurred under his command earning him a his reputation in one bro did his best okay leave him alone no wonder he's never to return they started slandering him hard but our Sentinel Rose from its long Slumber to select a new magistrate who guide us into the future oh the magistrate is the girl with the white hair then despite the previous disaster I've seen her in the trailers to a promising start under our Sentinel and the new Magistrate's Guidance the people held hope for a better better tomorrow ooh this is pretty cool I want to know where the purple guy went bring the purple guy back bring purple guy back the slander tooken the slander took him down it's okay we'll we'll make you we'll we'll spread misinformation right back at them so just return okay everyone will love you they explain it yeah I know I know I was too busy looking at the art but it's fine it's fine he he'll I believe he'll return someday guys there's no way they show us a character looking like that and he doesn't return somewhere in the story okay let's be real let's be real here he's too hot to never be never be shown again all right guys all right final trailer oh okay I am excited I'm excited for him because guys he's the general okay you know how I feel about generals uh specifically the one on the lau but yeah okay so final trailer is the resonator showcase for Gian who is the first Banner for w so I am trying to decide whether or not I want to pull for Gian or the red hair red hair mommy girl okay cuz she also looks really really cool so yeah I don't know so we'll watch this trailer and we'll find out here we go here we go through the darkest of nights Al righty Al righty Yin Lin yes yes I'm trying to decide if I should pull for Gian yinin and I'm kind of suffering the buys lose hard today Every Soul Harbors obsessions his voice his voice is too ni obsessions to be when they get in the way it's too nice in the name of Ching long return to the Beyond a [Music] guys oh they have the zooming the zooming out thing honestly that kind of reminded me of dong Le trailer from way back when that was cool it's over so I'm assuming that circle with the scar in between is like representative of the echo or whatever Powers all of the resonators have since I keep seeing [Music] it water purple purple's bad right as Doctor you fail to rescue as Warrior you fail to wait wait is this the guy wait this is the guy this is the guy from the from the trailer just now deserve your title he's back I told you I I told you guys I told you he's too hot to never be shown again okay I just I just know I know how it is I have the mind of a s and they and gacha gacha companies they understand the mind of a s because they try to take advantage of our simpness to spend money I knew it I knew it he looks so good in 3D you and I are no different oh my God he's in he shed the spe doomed to be forsaken Star Cross something all right God damn no retreat fight or die oh my God the voice actor is going off you can't I told you guys he was too hot to to disappear you should learn to give up [Music] let me help oh his comr I was with the power foren of his teammates he will overcome the evil that is a sexy man through the darkest of nights oh my path remains true oh that delivery was woo what you going to do bro guys oh no don't give me that angle oh don't give me that angle oh [Music] no a they're here reinforcements I am the reinforcements rain has stopped Rangers Follow My Lead wait why did that end so [Laughter] wholesomely I expected to just simp this mvy I didn't expect to I didn't expect to have a a little heartb dump at the end just from how adorable it was well well guys well um so so well you know how we were deciding who to pull for don't forget mommy mommy's a problem for future age to worry about okay we're pulling we're pulling for the general like he like he said okay he can't he no retreat no retreat you can only go forward okay so that's what we must do on the banner easy peasy all right guys that's all the trailers that's all the trailer so far that we missed out on uh we are now caught up mostly but yeah that was oh God I okay I'm really excited I'm really excited to play we can finally play now so yeah thank you guys so much for watching I really I can't wait to log into the game I hope you guys enjoyed my reaction and if you guys did please comment down below what you guys thought and which characters that you guys are pulling for are you saving for yland as well but are you also down bad for Gian cuz I am so it's a problem for me anyways please also subscribe and drop a like on the video If you enjoyed and yeah thank you guys so much for watching I'll catch you guys I'll see you guys in weathering waves [Music] byebye also guys none of you told me I forgot to make my bed that's so embarrassing
Channel: agekk
Views: 12,982
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wuthering waves release date, wuthering waves news, wuthering waves beta, wuthering waves rover, wuthering waves gameplay, wuthering waves reaction, wuthering waves showcase, wuthering waves tips, wuthering waves echo, wuthering waves, wuthering waves characters, wuthering waves guide, wuthering waves overview, wuthering waves cbt 2, is wuthering waves good, wuthering waves first impression, wuthering waves beginners guide, is wuwa good
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 23sec (2723 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2024
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