GENSHIN KILLER ?!? | Reacting To Wuthering Waves Trailers | TMC

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[Music] yo what's up guys it's DMC back at another video today we're going to be starting something new uh there's a game coming out called weathering waves it's going to come out uh tomorrow it should be coming out tomorrow on the 22nd Wednesday but it's called weaing race and we're all going to be playing it I can't wait for it but yeah we're going to be trailers for it today but yeah let's let's go yeah so I picked out I think uh five trailers um from the channel so we looks at excited for weing waves a genjin killer that's what everyone say that's what people have been saying but if I'm honest nothing can ever kill gen actually genjin is kind of dry at the moment yeah look what they're doing they're adding level 100 just so that they can compete that's leak still oh that's true that's Le so no one knows if that's true like people are saying that yeah but um the thing is um so I think it's only coming out on mobile and on PC isn't it no on Console I think um but yeah like said it is dropping tomorrow which should be Wednesday for you guys so we thought let's react to the trailers for it cuz I'm going be honest I haven't seen a single trailer what I've seen is a bit of gameplay yeah ien just I haven't seen any I'm be honest I think I've seen everything why you liing I think this guys a liar a known Liar by the way so um let's get into the video um we're starting off with brother Wing Raves close beta 2 Gameplay trailer Awakening a world reborn Kuro games gyo it's Kuro games Kuro means black same mom black games in Japanese MC so that's going to be me that looks sick ooh look at that oh is that like the monat the Home Place what the hell that looks so sick what so aesthetically pleasing wait is a co-op yeah like actually yeah [Music] you all these place is like Oh my days kin oh gler the glinder you can glide I think I'm going to be the best player in this game I just like oo like dodging doesn't like that's my char that's my character don't touch him SI my character my character look the moners look they're way cooler than hilly yeah oh yeah so I've seen some fights had this P mechanic in this what do you mean oh you I I think would be the best AC don't PVP that's fine mentally PVP look give me these characters they look nice what do these characters look so sick I wonder if this game freak to play oh oh yeah this Char SI oh my please he's using his fist what was that what holy [ __ ] the style like the F looks so sick we yeah this game looks sick yeah oh this guyy sick he touching wait this guy look like the best guy so far yeah he looks SI look at him look at that this guy sick oh like kaching the electric slashes don't say kaching [Music] don't I wonder if the MC is actually usable in this game cuz the MC in get is useless oh you can ride the car I'm in the vehicle no C game allow you to anything iant oh yeah oh it's stop I love it oh that guyy is so cool yeah that guy already we're all already looking like holy [ __ ] I call for the game now it's coming out 20 second PR for Gen guys for WEA does not represent the fin look of the game oh it's still in progress as work no cuz this is the older trailer yeah oh right right even the animation like where did they get those money from cuz we know how to c gam now okay uh next up we got the opening cinematic set sale so I think you know when you start a game this probably the opening cinematics like just oh yeah oh like that okay yeah black games bring back Meo us [Music] oo eye of Destruction what is she good yeah she might be good look at her like oh we with the god the good where the chosen one basically that's that little girl from oh what [Music] she just give him [Music] something this is you right now you yeah it's me it's me I'm chosen to do something for the world you got thrown away yeah you got thrown away oh no look to go come save her it's like Zelda you have to go save the [Music] princess what's happening you see for place come the atoms the w molecules [Music] yeah ho [ __ ] even the animation look so nice the transition was so clean like from the our space wall to the world of weing it's upside down what what what the hell gravity is not real huh what we just we just saw this I think this is a girl version though oh isn't it I mean well else I don't think it's the same thing right but we picked the girl yeah we Pi the girl okay there's no way they did why did they just show us like we know like if you pick the girl you just be that but with the girl but this one's going to be different is this you now how can it be you the girl looks sick as well like a baby monkey Lum and a do you know that know L know L that that huh what the hell let's just leave out [Music] wait why would they put it again all they do is change the character so this is how the game starts you know that this is how it start start iip when the [Music] game you can't skip cinematics oh yeah you can't skip cinematics [Music] upside down no way the whole trailer was this this time stream yeah holy [ __ ] no new no new information was gain from that was good that was good okay um next up we got the resonator showcase Jean Shin a decent challenge so I think this is a a character trailer that gamesack up a steadfast companion to the people of ging thank you joh we find our young the game the NPC are speaking different language no they not everything English with suchness and integrity diligently she earns her far from the mountain of her up character name but alas has cannot compare to the Yu how do you make that tea enlighten me please I'll serve it as you wish oh such nerve I'll have you know how its exquisiteness transcends your meager comprehension to begin with carefully I like the Gen notice them on the heads of G Puffs they stand out yeah like aak or someone like I could say a random name and he just like yeah yeah like this character you're going to forget in a week only mous Peaks will survice I'm just going to show you a picture of finally the tea must be roasted with ancient UA wooding in this game like [Music] 100s maybe this character might be this character is a com but that guy with the blade I think he's my favorite so far yeah that guy I wonder these are the mobs like this like monster RH oh [Music] W [Music] oh and that's why it's impossible to Sir here's the Yu as you instructed how do you like [Music] it this this is [Music] the another day another progress hey I'm not you again stop stop I feel like we can compare every game to genin cuz like genin was like the big thing but like I feel like they should L do his thing let's see like let's just play the game I guess and let's see if he cooks cuz like right now there's so many videos like this is the genin Killer genin versus Waves like let it be his own thing I guess isn't it after like a week or a month we just but if you think about it Zelda breath of the wild was like the first to have that open world and then it was genin that took that style and then came the others okay next up is the global launch trailer walking over the world walking awaking one of the thodi will soon be reawakened enemies of human Civilization now to begin with I heard you've lost your memories Dr voice to do with your like you lost your Sly are [Music] you oh you can that's cool oh Jo prophesies about your arrival after all this effort do you to throw it all ultimately I suppose it is up to you to discover the fin for yourself no matter what happens here you are is it as well this guy sick wait look at the Cinematic what the I'm going to play in Du same okay next up we got featured cinematics please put your headphones oh oh no no please give that no more group reactions I hate that hat oh this is the first de at this it doesn't sound like [Music] English it sounds like language he's blind can't see the text blind wait what's happening they infected don't look at the text and listen to you it's Engish it's not oh she's re like seeing the PA isn't it of like how you used to be oh before it Go [Music] wide [Music] must wait the mile looks sick look at [Music] this but genin's darker like hos or humans all along yeah [Music] wait look at the animation what the hell oh I swear it's changing from CGI to like yeah yeah look at that oh my de holy [ __ ] oh you g he's so sick what is I think crew games know the he if get you yeah just think about the other ones car fantasy all of them they couldn't do it yeah but why couldn't power fantasy uh I think it was two P to Wi oh oh yeah meain B what holy [ __ ] he cleared the whole sky this guy's a cck this guy's actually I want to know how strong they are like compared like you know hunai like how they like so broken like power scaling yeah oh that's the Hurricanes hurricane Sunday would you know would you actually know it yeah they name each hurricane after like hurrian that's like the biggest one in California yeah okay uh last one of the day we go another character trailer two weeks ago lingyang deut his first time it's your first performance ever lyang briy yeah these PES are way taller than what we we need the can't aford to mess up why the bridge guy for oh the coping thingy uh game ging gaming oh ging gaming yeah remember he had the exact thing remember and he did the Dons yeah but I think that's just Chinese culture oh yeah the culture on your feet L on your feet remember attack on your feet doubting yourself already no one spinning Master SP why did you for he's a close [Music] time a he look like a humble [Music] guy humans trying to kill him they confuse me who is he hunt run hunt again I act on Instinct like all animals how do you create a half human wolf baby have to get baby all animals except those bads they keep doing extra things things that don't help them survive actually me like fun when having fun want to come play with us he's so confused like why you're not scared of me why scared of you you don't look that different is they a [Music] bully o [Music] those better of hum I like him actually yeah dou I'm going to spin for he's humble I think I'm to spin fors out oh they C the trailers what the hell yeah like it's timeo it's like they have the EP and the trailer together yeah that's [Music] oh no Spirit of lion it's about courage courage to crush any fear in its [Music] wi me the the show is just [Music] beginning we still hav to see this fighting oh m in his [Music] o yeah he's sick he's ding fit [Music] I'll keep the spirit burning always have always will I don't think I'm spitting for him no he's don't I'm sping for that PO dragon guy yeah the P Dragon this guy is good he okay so Bing more actually I mean there are other character trailers like there's one right there look at he looks sick but I guess we can do more later on yeah um but we will definitely be playing the game when it drops on Wednesday um so be on the lookout for that we're going to be doing more content on othering waves as well I guess like if we enjoyed the game yeah we'll carry on doing it and if you guys enjoy these reactions as well for othering waves will carry on and we don't know like a lot about weathering waves but it's going to be new experience yeah guess it's going to be cool hey guys those are the trailers it's been TMC CH Loops spicy and rat like subscribe com down below with you two of these trailers and make sure to press the Bell butt peace peace [Music] [Music]
Channel: TMC Impact
Views: 4,753
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: XvUUehD5kEo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 20sec (1340 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2024
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