Genius Kids Conquer Their School Challenges | Dhar Mann

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one once a upon a Once Upon a Time genius don't interrupt Stan let Raj try once upon a time there was a but bear dummy Sly come on Miss Davenport Raj doesn't belong in this class he belongs in special ed with all the [Music] other through a book at him my Dodge happened right in front of my very own eyes I was surprised myself especially given who Raj's older brother is Dev is one of our top students and he is the only person to win books side's talent show using math skills which I suspect he'll win again this year that boy's a genius he's a human calculator as opposed to Raj who is throwing books at people I can promise you this not happen again it's not just this incident that's concerning Mr Kumar it's his academic performance Raj isn't reading at his grade he's struggling to read basic sentences out loud he's still a very intelligent boy his assessments have determined that there might be an issue either way academics are just a part of the issue STS parents are quite upset but given that this is Raj's first incident and he is dev's little brother we are willing to give him one final chance but beyond that our recommendation would be to send him to boarding school or a school for special [Music] needs thank [Music] you he's lazy and lacks discipline that's his problem we can talk about this after dinner let him eat yo I don't get it people call you names all the time who made you snap today [Music] [Music] maybe boarding school is better for him it's better than sending him to the other one can you imagine the embarrassment we'll get from our community having one genius kid and the other's special needs I'm not going to let you talk about sending our son anywhere Krishna especially right before Dali it's his future you're hurting L me we always knew something was wrong what other 11-year-old can't tie his own shoes and you keep tying them for him [Music] H I'm going to give him one last chance and that's [Music] it good very nice handwriting [Music] Georgie what is that gibberish don't you Nate let me see your work this isn't a game Raj show it to me all right if you're not going to listen Raj why don't you go wait outside in the hall until the Rend of class [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] h [Music] where were you at at school [Music] I already talked to the Headmaster of the boarding school we will drop him off first thing in the morning at least wait until after the Val Krishna no we are not waiting any longer I made the decision and that's it [Music] I don't want to go I want to stay with you guys I'll do better in school please mama [Music] please I can assure you Mr and Mrs Kumar Disobedience will not be tolerated he'll come back as a new boy [Music] wrong do it [Music] again this is exactly what he needs hopefully it will teach him not to be so lazy [Music] 16 + 13 uh Raj since you're the new student want you open and solve this [Music] please did I say it was an option [Music] chalk oh come on solve it it's basic math I can't who who he can't or you want this should be easy for a boy your age if you don't at least try this is not going to end well for you do you understand put your hands up on the board put them up there did I say you could move them put them back you're only making this worse for [Music] yourself Mr Strickland what that's your grandmother [Music] LXI how come you didn't light any of the deers we only have 5 days to celebrate and we can't light them without you I don't want to celebrate the valley not without Raj here [Music] class unfortunately Mr Strickland is out on a personal matter Mrs honey will be substitute teacher hello class um why isn't anyone saying anything because they know not to speak unless asked a question good luck thank you I know why don't we pick up where we left off yesterday who was answering this what's your name dear your shoes untied I'll get it for [Music] you there you go my name is Raj Raj why don't you come up here and help me answer this question it's okay if you don't know what 13 + 16 is that's why I'm here does anyone else know the answer to the question 29 that's right why didn't you want to come up here and write on the board for me because whenever I look at numbers it seems like they're dancing around oh my gosh honey are you dyslexic has no one talked to you about it before okay let's try this okay um [Music] how much is this six on the left mhm seven on the right mhm so 13 that's right again you know you're very smart Raj you just learn a little different can I see [Music] this wow who drew this really wow how long did it take you about 20 [Music] minutes that is really something Rush [Music] [Applause] [Music] no [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so son how was school good yeah good uh Mr Stevens thinks I'll be able to take honors geometry next year [Music] yeah uh most freshmen take Algebra 1 wow that is very good son we are both very proud of you aren't we [Music] lashi so today is the last day of Dali right we lighten the D Dave is absolutely right we have to light this here light them Dave can you give us a minute okay thanks this is the last day of Diwali lakmi we have never missed this TR as a family before we've never not had Raj here before Raj Raj Raj all the time Raj what about Dave huh Dave is also your [Music] son can I help you hi you must be Mr Kumar mhm I'm Miss honey Raj's teacher may I come in please thank you [Music] so did you do something wrong wrong no no I came here today to let you know that Raj is one of the brightest children I've ever worked with he's doing exceptional in all of his classes and I think that he might be a genius maybe you're talking about someone else our Raj is far from a genius he can't even tie his own shoes she always does it for him I always told her he's never going to learn on his own that way and you think your way of yelling and making him feel dumb is a better way well um other than doing it for him and yelling at him there is a third way teaching him you think we haven't tried that no matter what we do that boy doesn't learn I don't know if he's lazy crazy or whatever the problem is he is dyslexic what it's a disorder that makes it difficult to read and write letters and numbers for a dyslexic person it's as if everything is scrambled and out of order I'm really shocked that no other teacher has told you this before I told you he has a disability please don't think of it as a disability it is a different ability for instance I assume that you can't read everything in that book well that doesn't make you dumb or lazy it just means that you don't know that language yet and it's the same for Raj for him reading certain things is like having to learn a different language but I think that you will find that with the right help he is far more advanced than most of the children his age so he doesn't belong in a school for special needs no I think that he needs to be in a school for specially gifted children where is Raj now well he wanted me to make sure that it was okay for him him to come home so he's waiting in my [Music] car let's go get him you go there's something I need to do okay Raj [Music] welcome home son happy Dali oh your shoe I got it how did you do that well it's just like I said if you teach them the right way you'd be surprised how quickly they learn [Music] 893 * 61 54,4 73 that is correct and 963 divided by 12 8.25 correct again and finally 8,695 ided 4 [Music] 2,173 75 wow great job Dev I cannot imagine anyone beating that performance but we do have one final contestant and this is his first time competing in our talent show please welcome de's little brother and will you be drawing for us then today I'm going to be recreating a dwali photo and to make things a bit more challenging I'm going to do it under 3 minutes okay that's impossible I don't know anyone who could do it in under an hour plus I'm going to be blindfolded okay I appreciate your ambitious Spirit but even without a blindfold or a timer this challenge would be difficult enough please just start the timer and by the way call me Raj not dev's little brother okay the timer has started [Music] and 5 4 3 2 one time [Music] wow I've never seen anything like it and you even managed to write happy deali while blindfolded how did you do it let's just say I had a great teacher well I don't think there is any doubt that Raj Kumar is the winner of this year's talent show congratulations your son devb who did all the math problems is a Real Genius you must be so proud yes I'm proud of both of my kids they are both geniuses [Music] [Music] the store has zero tolerance policy for theft I I understand sir I do and I know my son is so so sorry he has a new phone I'm not sure why he stole this one I'm going to have to go to police wait he's a straight A student he's at the top of his class he's just going through a lot right now please I I can pay for the new iPhone please please just don't call the cops [Music] if I hadn't to come what would have happened do you hear me Richie are you listening to me you know you could be in jail right now whatever I'm sure jail is better than being here you might want to rethink that one buddy listen I know these last few weeks have been devastating for both of us you know that this is not what your father would have wanted for you if he was here well he's not is he he's dead Richie what it's true why would I listen to someone who decided to I think it's time for me to tell you the real reason why he did what he did you see I don't care there is no reason that'll ever be good enough I'm done talking about this Richie Richie this loser watch this oops I do that oh is Richie mad leave me alone Dylan you guys hear that she wants me to leave him alone she like Father you going your M man I'm just being honest you guys hear about that guy that drove up Interstate 5 to the Golden Gate Bridge and and just jumped off like I mean how messed up is your life for you to want to go up there and just want to just drop what talk about my dad Bri what are you doing stop well Richard you don't have priors you have a 4.0 GPA third in your class I don't understand what you're doing here you're honor if I may my client doesn't belong here he's got a bright feature ahead of him at Corell hopefully if he doesn't end up with a record things have been very tough for him lately since his father's death last month in fact the reason why he even get into a fight was because somebody was bullying him about it I see is this true Mr Webb [Music] well uh sorry for your loss but we can't have you beating up kids in school either I'll tell you what I'll mandate that you see a therapist upon successful completion of 10 sessions we'll wipe this from your record so you don't serve any jail time and Cornell will still be an option I would hate to close the door on a young man with so much potential you won't regret your decision thank you I certainly hope not this cour is a germ great excellent this is great news honey right so your mom tells me you're a senior at bookside huh I went to bookside Once Upon a Time do they still do pizza Fridays that was my favorite day well enough of me blabbering what would you like to talk about Richie we still have a few minutes left what was that I don't like to talk about it do you [Music] play well our time is over for today but we can explore this further on Thursday if you'd like Dr McGee how'd it go not great he didn't want to talk about anything that's what I was afraid of God he's just been so angry lately and non-communicative well at least with his words he never used to be like this what he's gone through would be a lot for anyone to deal with especially a teenager depression manifests in so many different ways and unfortunately anger is one of them do you think medicine would help I typically don't like to go that route and from my experience in these types of situations the best way to help him would be to find a way for him to shift his Focus from the pain he's feeling to new possibilities what do you mean well getting him a new hobby or a new creative interest something to redirect his energy him having something to be excited about would go a long way it's the second most important thing at least the second most important what's the first getting him to forgive his father [Music] [Music] Richie I made dinner not hungry all right I'll just leave that there just in [Music] case look I know that you're upset and can't understand why your dad did what he did that's why it's so important for you to know the whole story I mean the truth is there something that you need because I'm busy okay so what would you like to talk about today would you like to talk about what happened at school or would you like to talk about your father I don't want to talk about anything all right I wouldn't even be here if I didn't have to be all right we don't have to talk how about if we just play instead now how chess works is oh so you know how to play funny thing about Chess is that it's a lot like life every move matters no matter how big or small it may seem and sometimes you have to go back in order to move forward even the strongest players have setbacks sometimes but with resilience and determination they make it through the difficult times and come out stronger like a real true chess player does oh wow I was not expecting that Checkmate I've been playing for 7 years how long have you been playing since last night wow okay what took you so long I'm going to be late oh you're not going to therapy today what why not since when do you care about not going mom just tell me what's going on why am I not going to you're not going to to therapy today because Dr McGee is coming to you hey Richie you ready to go on a little Adventure today where are we this is just a little place Old-Timers like me like to come and play chess and spend time so now let's see if yesterday was just luck or genius so what's your plan what do you mean what's my plan my plan is to beat you I'm not talking about Chess I'm talking about life what are your goals your dreams your mom says you want to go to Cornell right is that true I don't know anymore so you're going to give up on all your dreams because your dad it's your turn Richie I don't want to talk about my dad okay I hate him hate is a strong word let's explore that Define hate you want me to Define hate hate is what I'm starting to feel for you all right that's fine you're entitled to that please continue see this is what I mean about therapy it's all inact you want me to Define this and explore that when you can't even confront your own demons what do you mean that little girl in the photo when I asked about her your whole body language changed so don't act like you can help me when you can't even help yourself Emily her name was Emily you see I adopted her when she was young it was just the two of us and she was my whole world I was the happiest I had ever been that is until everything changed she just got sick out of nowhere we ran every test did every treatment spent every dime I had but we couldn't save her I couldn't save her after she was gone my whole world turned upside down so you see everything changed for me I completely shut down I was so mad at the world for taking away what I love the most I'm sorry I never what I guess you went through that yeah well it was really hard for me to move on clearly I haven't fully yet but one day I was watching the movie Rocky and there was a quote that just stuck with me Rocky says life it's not about how hard you hit it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward so that's how I try to live my life try to move forward no matter how hard I get hit I don't know how to do that well it would help a lot if you could find peace in forgiving your father which won't be easy I mean it was really hard to forgive myself after I lost Emily but I told myself if I moved on I could help save other kids like you but sometimes I ask myself if I'm even making any difference at all there honey how was you why' you do it I'm sorry the other day you you were trying to tell me what happened I want to know now your dad had cancer Richie the doctors gave him three months to live that's why he was coughing all the time and in and out of the hospital as he got closer his whole appearance started to change he got so skinny and frail he still didn't worry about himself he was so worried about you seeing him that way and he didn't he tell me that he was dying he didn't know how he loved you so [Music] much he never ever wanted to see sad [Music] it wasn't right what he did and how he did it but I promise you he loved you so much more than you can [Music] [Music] know I can't even imagine what you were going through but I want you to know that I forgive you [Music] Dad for [Music] [Music] daddy daddy look I got all a on my report card are you proud of me can you see I'm in the middle of practicing with your brother now go inside why your legs P it back higher come on Ryan you never going to make it to the team if you swing that way honey let's go inside but I really wanted to show Dad I [Music] know Daddy Daddy look [Music] are you okay honey why won't you say anything she suffered a traumatic brain injury on the left side of the brain which could be affecting her speech and other problems but she'll be okay right when is she's going to be better well it's hard to say it could take days weeks months even years and in some cases the damage can be permanent but the brain is very resilient and in many cases can regenerate and heal itself with Hannah she could have some decreased activity as far as her motor skills but we may see an acceleration and Improvement in areas like the Arts and creativity so what you're saying that she may not be able to do certain things but we'll get better at others exactly it's as if the brain is sort of rewiring itself to conserve its energy but Hannah may surprise us and make a full comeback well what can we do to help her doctor we'll do whatever it takes well she'll need lots of love and support this isn't going to be an easy Journey but with you by her side it will make all the difference of course that's not a question thank you so much I'll be back baby are you okay we'll be here for you no matter what okay we'll get through this [Music] together if you want more just let me know Ryan you can't jet you look sad are you okay I just can't help but feel like this is all my fault oh it's not your fault Hannah just needs a little more time and she's going to be okay e how else are you going to be strong for baseball I don't care about baseball you have to care how else are we going to move out of this mess one day you know the situation in the laun man it keep getting worse don't put too much pressure on him do you need help Hannah did you forget how to eat the doctor says she might need a little more time with certain things here I'll help you I thought about it and I decided it's best to send Hannah to leave with my mom in Hong Kong what no dad I don't want to go foree Miss J Hannah's doing it again Hannah you have to stop the tapping Hannah I asked you to stop have you finished your quiz you haven't even started you're running out of time [Music] this is what we make today oh my God I don't know um WR kind garage cell like what we talked about last time garage s oh garage excuse me I think something is wrong with this machine it won't turn on uh try another one okay okay what else can go wrong hello what now B [Music] school she can't talk she can't write she can type she's really really good at it I don't know what else to say I'm sure this isn't an easy conversation to have but we just can't keep her here there has to be some special programs or classes right there are just not at this school I'm sure you can find some other options online are they free you can apply for government aid but the process could take several months what are we supposed to do until then she's really smart she used to be a straight student she just I need don't do that also tell your [Music] shoes just give her some time she'll really impress you I'm really sorry I wish there was more I could do we just can't keep her here [Music] let's [Music] go I called my mom she say she'll be happy to take her huh [Music] [Music] give up on your family come [Music] [Music] on you did this [Music] dad do we have to sell this yes okay so are you [Music] ready you play the piano how'd you [Music] learn where is everyone I don't know they probably can't see our signs that almost drove right past this place I'm glad I did it got some nice stuff here some real garage gems surprised it's all not sold out already it's hard to find good garage sales like this this is really nice how much oh no that one is not for sale uh yes it is uh $50 no [Music] noin you know if people knew about this garage sale I'm sure they'd be lined up around the block too bad there's not an app or something that helps people find stuff like these [Music] s some B he hey m [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Mom Dad come quick there's so many people here what's going on what are you guys doing here we're here for the garage sale said it starts at 1:00 p.m. I saw it on the garage gems app I don't understand I didn't L anything on any app I didn't even know there's an app for that there wasn't Hannah made it oh you made an app but how you taught yourself how to code so is the garage sale happening or not yes yes please give me a few minutes this is more customer than we had the whole day last time mhm maybe we can make enough money to pay rent maybe Han already has sh them every time someone lets their garage sale on the app we get paid [Music] really take these happy birthday thanks guys and you B me a gift from Hannah oh let's see no you found a guy so to BU back then how did you she drew it all from her memory no way this look exactly the same did you really make this are you proud of me D oh honey yes I'm so so so proud of you I can tell you how proud of you I am she's speaking a little more too the doctor said it'll take a long time though oh well it doesn't matter how long it takes because I'll never ever ever give up on you and there's one more surprise [Music] [Applause] Mom d e c i e v e deceive wrong why do you even bother coming to class Zane it's clear you don't study hi I do study B Waters I just You're [Music] dumb okay get your exams on your way out they need to be signed by your parents and returned by Friday hey next time do the reading [Music] dummy another F zing now you need to stop being lazy and actually apply yourself Zane if you don't get at least a B on this next test you will fail seventh grade I'm not lazy Miss water enough excuses now get yourself together for it's too late I don't get always he's in the seventh grade his parents should have held him back yeah he needs to be in the third grade how's it going son I saw what happened in class wait now you probably think I'm numb too no not at all you could be honest with me Mr Clifford teachers at school think I'm dumb kids at school even my parents it's propic time that I accepted too Zane listen to me you're not dumb okay the problem with schools is that it expects everyone to learn the same way the truth is we all learning in different ways you just have to find your truth I don't even know what that means try this the word you were trying to spell was deceived right and you got tricked up on the I and the E yeah I always thought I came before E right except after see now that's the rule to remember and it's easy because it Rhymes i before e except after C so you see is spell d EC the Ive Bingo you got it now that's trick is called a pneumonic device or to to help you remember wow thanks Mr cord I will never forget that e St see I before ecept after Mr vany thinks I'll get an A+ in AP Calculus which means I'll be a shoing for a valedictorian wow we are so proud of you Briant yes we are and especially now that you're captain of the chess club just like your father was when he was your age Bryant you make the whole family proud Zane you haven't even touched your salad sorry I'm trying to finish my English homework Zane you've been working on that same sheet for the past hour I mean how hard can it be I see no I'm not done yet no no this is all wrong you you help me understand I mean it's Common Sense we can talk about this after dinner I don't want the chicken to get cold now finish your salad Z what do you think you're doing eating my salad not with that you're not that is your entree fork for the chicken now use your salad fork sorry did I do something something else wrong your napkin and what are you doing with your backpack hanging on the back of the chair this is not the lunch cafeteria what's this did you fail another test you have got to be joking Zane you are the son of two USC phds do you know how embarrassing this is why can't you be more like your brother Bryant he gets all A's and a pluses I I don't know I'm sorry guys that's all you have to say is that you're sorry you know if he doesn't pass seventh grade we're going to be the laughing stock of the community mhm imagine what all our friends the country club will think of us b i c y c l e bicycle that is correct Jamie great job all right for our next word let's do necessary Zane this should be good necessary and e c c wrong again it has one C how do you not know that when that is the word that was aign in last night's reading I know I just get my letters mix up sometimes you know I had your brother in my class and he got an A+ I don't know why this is so difficult for you you know maybe Zane should be in special ed then again probably can't keep up there either knock it off Amir Zane I am trying not to be tough on you but I am having a hard time understanding why you cannot conceive the lesson probably can't spell conceive well in all fairness it is a challenging word no it's not conceive c o n c i e v e conceive unfortunately that is incorrect the correct spelling is c o n c e i v e conceive yeah right like you can get a word I can't spell actually Zan got it correct great job Zane maybe there still is hope for you after all dude all right the next word will be mom you should have seen it I got an answer right in front of the whole class today Zane can't you see I'm on the phone yes I want to go all out for Bryant's graduation party let's not spare any expense mom you should have seen i z deserves it yes I spoke with his AP Physics teacher and and she said Bryan's the smartest student she's ever had can you believe it of course I'll be right back mhm there's something very special about Bryant everyone sees it have you thought about college yes our First Choice is still Harvard thanks Mr Clifford that makes a lot more sense now I'll see you tomorrow you're welcome Madison hey Zade how's it going buddy good CR F were necessary in class today and it was embarrassing but then our teacher gave us another word conceive I used rued out your tmy and it worked so thanks for your help that's way it Go son that's what I'm talking about thanks Mr cord one collar and two sleeves sorry you said necessary was the word you couldn't spell right just remember for a shirt it has to have a color C and two sleeves SS NE EC e s s a r y you'll never spell that word wrong again wow that actually makes a lot more sense now is that another one of your pneumonic devices pneumonic devices yes I have a lot more of them too so whenever is necessary come and see me I definitely will Mr cord is okay if I ask you a question sure why are you a janitor I mean there's nothing wrong with that but you should be a teacher you're really good at it well was my dream but I guess life had other plans for me why do you say that yeah I haven't shared this with many people but I I'll tell it to you okay I grew up without a father and my mother by the time I reached 10 she had completely lost her vision oh man I'm sorry ah don't be in spite of all that I had a pretty good childhood every night before going to bed instead of my mom reading me a bedtime story I was reading him to her Dr Seuss The Hardy Boys it's one of my fondest childhood memories not only did I love it but it didn't end up being quite the blessing Because by the time I was in the fifth grade I was reading on an eighth grade level actually yeah and as I grew up I fig since I enjoyed reading to other people so much I may as well become a teacher but unfortunately it didn't end up working out so well why not I'm sure you can pass all the tests and stuff like that well the test wasn't a problem the money was it's not cheap becoming a teacher you have to get a bachelor's degree you have to get accredited you have to take a lot of training it's long and it's expensive besides I was taking care of my mom full time and just never able to do it breaks my heart to it was my mom's dying wish that I become a teacher oh I'm so sorry Miss cord that's okay you know officially I may not be a teacher but I figured out a way to help kids that's why I'm a janitor here it allows me to still work at the school and that is a blessing right there I'm sorry no no no it's okay Zane what are you doing coming sorry Mr CER I got to go yeah that sounds pretty necessary n e c e SS a r y necessary one collar and two sleeves great job way to go it's okay if I ask you one final question go ahead Miss Waters says if I don't get at least a be on my next test I may not go to eighth grade if it's okay with you do you mind helping me study for it I like that very much Zan zann is excited to have someone that can help him learn without making him feel bad he starts spending a lot of time with Mr Clifford Mr Clifford teaches him all kinds of new tricks to help him learn anytime Zayn makes a mistake Mr Clifford's patient with him and helps him understand and all that patience pays off zaye starts doing a lot better in school everyone around him is impressed by how far he's gone well almost everyone even miss Waters is so surprised with Zayn but the most surprised of all were his parents well how'd it go he hasn't told me yet he said he wanted to show us together now Zane if you didn't get anything higher than a bee I got an A I got an A really you got an A you got an A this this great see honey I knew you had it in you look at that honey he is our son after all mhm so you're saying if I don't do well in school I'm not your son like you're going to disown me no why would you say that because that's how you guys treating me everyone treating me like I was so dumb and a lost cause it was bad enough hearing it at school every day but coming home and hearing it from my own parents too that hurts a lot I almost started believing in those things about myself too but luckily I found someone who helped me believe in that I'm not dumb I I just I just learn differently all I needed was someone to believing in me but all you all care about out I made you look bad bad and I don't even know where the sad folk goes a same huny a we are so so sorry we never meant to make you feel that way she's right a't even really truly sorry look we're going to do better moving forward okay honey we love you so much promise that won't happen again so tell us who his teacher was was it Mrs Waters cuz we'd like to do something nice for her actually it wasn't a teacher at all it wasn't hey Zane how's it going buddy hi Mr Cliff look I got an a look at that Big O A for awesome that's what you are Zane thanks Mr it's all because of you I it's so nice to meet you Mr Clifford I've heard so much about you oh same here we want to thank you for helping Zane he's been struggling for so long and whatever you're doing has truly made a difference I can't take the credit I'm just an old janitor helping out when I can well you might just be a janitor but according to Zayn here you're the best teacher he's ever had and I think it's time we make it official I'm I'm sorry I'm not following make What official we're going to be paying for your education Mr Clifford all the requirements go become a teacher oh my God I don't know what to say you know no one's ever done anything like this for me before thank you thank you so [Music] much I know my mama's dancing up in heaven right now there I am just chilling on my yacht who walks over El no I swear and I'm like hey buddy that's me that's me oh my goodness oh my goodness jez I can't believe it oh my goodness we didn't know if that was you at first but now we're freaking out can we have a picture of course yeah thank you so wow when you said that your daughter was in the music I thought you meant karaoke no she's my little superstar a that's sweet so anyway what were we talking about Elon so I tell M how many sh no way a record label just emailed me about signing me they said my bonus can be up to $100,000 wait did you just say $100,000 uh-huh no way that is incredible it's all happening so fast should I take it I don't want to do the wrong thing I'm not sure I mean you're very smart but you are still so young I think we should get a manager you know Jasmine I used to be a financial advisor to some of the richest people in the world Winfrey Bezos Gates well that's right you shared the stories with me wait show her the pictures you showed me oh yeah this is my favorite one oh cool who is that Branson Sir Richard Branson founder of Virgin he had his own record label look look the point is is that I know the industry fairly well and if you'd like I could take care of the business side for you what a great idea Mike should be your manager it's like fate and you're in between jobs right now right yeah I'm just looking at my options I got about seven offers right now I'm just deciding which one I want to take but I'd much rather be helping you too um maybe I should try things first myself and just see how it goes yeah okay oh yeah you could do that but I'd be careful they might seem nice at first but people aren't always who they pretend to be some are just wolves sheep's clothing and boy do I not how to spot a wolf Mike's right you need an adult with experience at least take him with you all right I guess Jasmine trust me I know how business and money works I mean I take millionaires make them billionaires I'm sorry sir it seems your card has declined what [Music] I deactivated this one I'm waiting for the Black American Express card and it's taking forever it's okay it's okay I've got it here you go thank you keep the [Music] [Applause] change wow that's talent you can definitely sing you give me Amy wine housee Vibes right let me ask you a question though where do you get your inspiration from my dad after he passed away I turned to music and singing as an escape and it really helped me through a lot a that's really touching and I'm so sorry to hear about your father you know I think this would be an excellent time to talk about the advance you know what the total sum overall will be right well we can definitely start talking about that we usually start our new artists off with a $75,000 advance for their debut album then you would also get 30% for stream revenue and 25% for concert ticket sales that sounds a little disappointing here's our counter offer we take some off of the back end and uh put more money up front you know shave down the stream and the ticket Revenue you know just up the advance um so just to be understanding you want to get paid more now and make less later [Music] yeah um can you give us a sec sure why would we do that look I see this all the time they short Change you up front and then they say that you're going to make all this money in the long run but the thing is is that most new artists fail so you're not going to make the money that these executives projected you think I'm going to fail no look all I'm saying it's better to have a bird in the hand then two in the bush you know what I'm saying no Jasmine you have to trust me it's going to be good for both of us it's going to be good for you for you okay we'll do it fantastic so we can do 125k UPF front but then we're going to have to take down the stream Revenue to 20% and the concert ticket sales will go down to 15% which to be transparent means she'll make a lot less in the long run if she's as successful as we think she'll be perfect this is great oh and by the way since she's underage I want to set up a trust fund that I can manage only her legal guardian can do that and you're just Jasmine's mom's boyfriend correct Jasmine's manager but no worries I will make sure that her mom is on [Music] board mom mom mom look my first check just came oh my goodness I've never seen this much money in a check before this is incredible and I already know what I'm going to do with it first I'm going to put it toward a new house for you oh honey that is so sweet but don't do that you shouldn't be SP spending your money on me but you deserve it it can be a modest house i' hate to butt in but I have to agree with your mom you know you don't want to spend all your money at once you don't want to end up like MC Hammer the can't touch this guy he made a bunch of hits spend all of his money went bankrupt there's a long list of artists like that look I'm going to tell you something that sounds boring but you want to invest in savings and bonds Mike's right you need to do the responsible thing H and don't worry look when your Investments start to gain interest that's when you start spending and with my help you're going to be making more money than you ever dreamed modest house you're going to have a mansion Rolls-Royce spending spree your own personal chef I mean that sounds pretty cool right yeah great well then let me set up the bank account and get this ball rolling um can we talk in private real quick yeah M do you mind no oh thanks what's what's up baby are you sure this is a good idea you're putting a lot of trust in someone you've only been dating for a few months of course I trust him he makes financial decisions for a living and he got you a higher up front after all I guess I just I feel like this sort of thing should stay in the family he knows what he's doing give him a chance Mike oh um you can open the account if you think that's the wise thing to do I think it's the best decision you'll ever make here you can sign right there I'll give you a hand all right great here I'll take this you know what you can keep the [Music] pen oh man you hit the jackpot man and to think you were just going to scam the mom now you're coming away with the biggest score of your life her daughter dang you're lucky God calm down all right sorry man I'm just saying it seems like your losing streak is finally over this is a lot of money that it is and if I keep on playing my cards right there going to be a lot more where that came from got it um speaking of playing cards when are we going to the casino oh Todd my good man as soon as this check clears we're going to hop on the first flight and Helen's not going to know anything about it you want to know why because what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas sweet I can't believe we're going to have 125k to play with wo wo wo easy it's going to be a little less than that look man I got to make a purchase hey man I got locked down my cash cow you know what I mean brilliant look man when I become Jasmine's legal guardian I'll be control of her money until she turns [Music] 18 good afternoon my good man my name is Michael Keller I have an account here there's some overdraft thieves but I believe this deposit will cover that and then some everything okay um what's wrong don't you think it's a little strange that as soon as Mike got the check he went on a business trip and then I keep texting him and asking for the business account info and he just doesn't answer I'm sure he's just busy sweetie meeting with high level execs everything is fine just get this really bad feeling about it we're giving a lot of power to someone who's not even in our family I don't think I want him managing my money anymore okay if you're not comfortable then I have to respect that at the end of the day this is your career I have to let you make your own decisions thanks Mom Ellen I got a surprise for you sweetie come on in here don't forget to tell them what we talked about I got you [Music] Ellen you have made me the happiest man on Earth and I undoubtedly want to spend the rest of my life with you not only as your husband but as the father to [Music] Jasmine will you marry [Music] me yes of course oh honey isn't this amazing it's awesome but don't let this affect what we talked about oh honey no now is not the time and he will be family so this changes everything you know what I left the champagne in my car let me go get that this is the best day of my [Music] life [Music] Prett I've got so much feeling bubbling inside and you seeming surprise I see your perfect smile perfect life but all you do is comparing lives and pictures of glorified dep pictures your fulltime job of dress up dog do want the p is not the cover know your Soul's not made of rubber show me you not who you wish you were who you wish you were I want you not who you pretend to be you feel too I know it matched me lose the F and let yourself free pleas to show me you all the humanness that I Supply you won't look it in the eyes no a heart to weapon Fe is [Music] alen so you try to the sky [Music] competing with the photos effects on effects you know playing the D guys going to eat you all walk the PES not the cover know your Soul's not made a rubber show me you not who you wish you were who you wish you were I want you not who you pretend to be you feel too I know it's notched me lose the foot to let yourself pleas just show me you I'm done I am done man and there's nothing I can do about it it's all right man you've had plenty of L's in the past we just need another good night at the casino after another one of those music checks comes in no you don't get it there's no more checks no Jasmine's turning 18 that means that she doesn't need a legal guardian to take care of her finances oh crap yeah so what are you going to do when she comes around asking for all that money you've been collecting from her that's what I'm trying to figure out man I don't know what to do I lost it lost it all it's all coming crashing to an end too bad you still can't be in charge of her finances you know like Britney Spear's dad did with Britney hold on that's it conservatorship no listen to me if she's deemed 20 un fit maybe I can and I will convince a judge to be her conservator come on Jasmine is a very smart girl man there's no way you're going to convince any judge of that if I can convince her mom to trust me then maybe just maybe I can convince a whole Court hold on you still have that connection with the guy in the pharmacy yeah call him okay so I was thinking about asking Mike to take some money out of your account to throw you an amazing birthday party yes I love that also I know I'm not supposed to be spending any of my money but I literally haven't bought anything yet so I was thinking of maybe taking some of the interest Mike says he earned and using it to buy a new car is that okay you're 18 it's your money just be careful Mike hey Ellen here you come in this I have something to drink uh this is Barry a lawyer friend of mine and I figured it would be appropriate if he was here for this I was cleaning around the house and I found these pills p in Jasmine's Room pills I don't take pills well they have your name on them uh I don't understand Mom those aren't mine I swear look I was confused too at first but then found her song book and I read some of the lyrics apparently she's still depressed about you know her father how dare you take that without asking that's private give it hey hey oh my God she's clearly unstable she tried to attack me okay she's clearly on something he's lying okay what exactly is your friend doing here Barry specializes in conservatorship okay and this just might be the best thing for Jasmine if she's addicted to pills she's a threat to herself and to others and it could be a disaster if she has access to her finances that's why I took Barry's legal advice to be her conservator you did what Mom you can't let him do this how could you do that without talking to us I can't believe you look before she turns 18 and as her soon to be father you're not my father and you never will be trusting you as a huge mistake well I'll see you two in [Music] court honey I am so sorry that I put you in this position you were right and I should have listened to you it's okay Mom we're going to fight this we're not going to let them get away with it these test results prove that she's been under the influence of prescription pills Jasmine claims that the pills were planted in her room but that doesn't explain how they got into her system true but uh it was a very little amount and let's not forget that Miss Ross agreed to the drug tests she could have flushed them out of her system before taking that test and let's not forget about the song book it was obviously a cry for help and that's all that my client is trying to do Mr Keller is just trying to help her so that she doesn't go down a bad path like so many other young stars have done listen to any of my songs I speak from my heart just because I write about how I'm feeling doesn't mean I am in need of help was the plan of finished go ahead Miss Ross are you sure you don't want a lawyer to help represent you in this case yes your honor it's hard to trust people these days your honor we're overlooking a key element here Michael Keller is nothing but a con artist that's a lie M Ross do you have any evidence of that yes your honor when my mother first met Michael he claimed to be the Financial Consultant for many different successful people including Richard Branson he even showed us a photo of him with Mr Branson this is the photo that he showed us and this is the original photo without Michael in it he photoshopped himself first thank you well just because Mr Keller isn't friends with any billionaires and doesn't make him a con artist your honor that's not all he claims that I'm on meds but then I looked more closely at the label and it's glued on underneath is a completely different name this is all a setup your honor how do we know that she didn't make the fake label I mean besides the pills not being hers then why did she have drugs in her system I don't know I haven't figured that part out yet well this is very interesting but uh Miss Ross I just don't see any concrete proof that Mr Keller is a con artist and after listening to your music and reading your drug test there are some things that are concerning so do you have any more evidence for the court yes your honor a witness a witness who your mom your honor come on every mother is going to vouch for their child I mean she doesn't want to believe the truth no it's not my mother it's Barry or should I say God I'm sorry man I got into some trouble and the cops said they would reduce my sentence if I would like you know your honor this man's willing to testify against Michael Keller AKA Brandon Myers AKA Lester McGrath he's a known con artist we've been trying to track him down for years you little rat he may be a rat but you Michael are a wolf just like you told me not everyone's who they pretend to be some are wolves in sheep's clothing all right I've heard enough Bay if take Mr Michael K or whatever you call yourself out of here your honor no your honor you can't do this I know important people yeah yeah we all know important people this case is dismissed yes Mom we did it no honey you did it oh you are so smart I should have given you more credit I just feel so awful I shouldn't have trusted him and I'm so sorry that I lost all your money Mom it's okay I'm just so glad he's out of our Lives now this felt like a soap opera yeah somebody should write it into a novel yeah or a song show me you not who you wish you were I want you not who you pretend to be you feel do I know it's not just me lose the fil to let yourself fre uh hey Ted you think you can help me out with this chemistry question I'm stuck on not now I'm busy wait did you break the computer no I can get the teacher to help uh Mr no no sh don't wake him up almost through this is my chance [Music] yes finally what are you doing I spent the past few weeks learning how to hack and I finally got onto the school's internet yeah the system was so old it was a piece of cake to get into dude you should be focusing on the classes you're failing at instead of wasting your time doing this no I'm not wasting my time you just take a look at this and don't tell anyone okay this has all the folders of every single teacher in the school and that means it also has their grades so all I got to do is find my name and boom I just changed my grade from a d to an a are you serious what if you get caught I mean teachers are going to know they didn't give you an a no I'm way ahead of you there look report cards are about to come out right so after they do I'll just switch my grades back in the spreadsheet that way no one will notice man this is so wrong why are you doing this well who wants to fail right besides I need a new laptop and my parents said that the better my grades are the better computer they'll buy me d Ted you shouldn't be doing this someone's going to find oute he's coming I know he's coming [Music] that was close Wait Wait Don't these computers take screenshots of what we do on them a that's just a myth they tell us to scare us into doing our work besides they wouldn't know how to install such a software even if they wanted to but what if it's not a man would you just stop questioning me on everything sorry look I can help you out to I can switch your grade from a b to an a you just say the words uh no no don't do that I don't want to have anything to do with this I'm going to earn my grades the right way oh well suit yourself imagine if I got valedictorian I would give the most epic graduation speech I'm telling you it's new carote you have no idea what you're talking about link it's procaryotes oh no you got it wrong a UK carote has its DNA inside a nucleus and a procario doesn't even have a nuclear listen bro I don't mean to brag but I have a 3.82 7 GPA and I'm even in the academic Bol tomorrow so I think I know what I'm talking about here let me look it up I'm going to show you right now right here procario nowhere does it say it has a nucleus you're wrong face it man take your 3.87 uh I got to go oh uh okay sorry I don't want any trouble uh I don't have lunch money but if you want my leftover tuna casserole not here for you looking for him hey oh my gosh Ted what did you do I didn't do anything these are my new friends Axel and Stacy Stacy the isn't that a girl's name you got a problem with my name huh no no no uh I actually think it's really cool yeah that's what I thought okay uh all right that'll be 50 bucks each uh each [Music] each thanks what's going on oh I'm uh I'm helping them you know like axel needs A's in English and math Stacy needs a in history and home e home e what you got a problem with that too why is that funny huh it's not uh um uh it's uh homic is is really cool actually yeah I'm also going to need an a in Spanish okay well you know the deal that's 25 extra thanks we'll see you around man yeah see you see you bro are you kidding me you're making money off of them no no not just them I've got a bunch of clients lined up for the afternoon I'm getting pretty busy actually and I've been looking for someone to help out you want to partner up we could split it 8020 partner up do you think I'm that stupid okay I see 7030 D I don't want anything to do with this and you need to stop 6040 final offer oh my God for the last time no now look you're a great coder you got a A lot of skills but you should always use your talents for good instead of evil evil what am I a super villain all right well if you don't want anything anything to do with this that's fine I thought I could come to my best friend for everything but guess I was wrong I'll just keep all this bread for myself you didn't get your report card yet no I I don't know why it's taking so long well you think they found out no way my clients got their report cards no problem I'll be getting mine any minute uh-oh principal Daniels what do you think they're talking about I don't know I just hope it has nothing to do with me Ted do you mind stepping out principal Daniels wants to ask you something could it wait till after school maybe Ted come with me my life is over something has come to my attention about [Music] you I was looking to report cards and yours really stuck out to me is is there something wrong why don't you take a look and tell me yourself oh uh would you look at that um look I can explain you see I just have one thing to say what what is it amazing job I'm sorry I've never given you the recognition you deserve I wanted to personally congratulate you on the perfect GPA this semester I am very proud of you young man thanks uh of course yeah uh does that mean I can go now actually there is one more thing as you probably know our school is going to compete in the academic Bowl tomorrow but yesterday one of our players got a stomach bug and can't make it which means I need an alternate someone on standby in case another player can't compete all right um I'm I'm really sorry to hear that my friend link he he'd love to step in he's he's really oh no I don't need your friend I need you Mr 4.0 come on what do you say can you make your school proud i' I'd love to it's just um it's it's such short notice and I don't think I could prepare look at your grades you don't need to prepare besides you just being alternate and I've never had to use any of my alternates I appreciate the offer really I just I please our school has won the last five competitions I really need your help or else our school has to Forfeit I'm sorry I I can't make that kind of commitment okay then I understand it's a shame because this year the prize money is a lot higher than it's ever been prize money that's right Ted the winning team gets $1,000 per student even the alternates get paid and you said that we've won the past five competitions mm and none of the alternates have ever had to play mm-m you know what I can't let my school down principal Daniels you got yourself an alternate fantastic thank you Ted you saved us I'll let you know more about it later and we'll see you tomorrow got it thank you thank you no thank you thank you [Music] yeah che check hello hello is this thing on all right so what exactly is your plan if you get called to compete come on link would you just stop worry worrying besides principal Daniel said I wouldn't even need to compete today but don't you think you're taking this a little too far too far link I'm not taking this far in enough listen if if I can hack into the school to change my grades you just think of the possibilities I could give myself a a perfect GTA and get into the best computer science programs in the country and if anybody crosses me I'll ruin their grades I'm Invincible um uh what if you used your hacking skills for something better better link what's better than free money exactly so just let me do my thing and when we win I'm going to use that money to make my new computer even more awesome just wake me when there's plenty of places to throw uh Ted I think I'm sleeping uh well you better wake up principal ding is coming Ted I've got some great news uh the other team forfeit and we automatically won not exactly remember that one student who caught a stomach bug turns out she gave it to another student who had to back out last minute you know what that means what you get to participate after all isn't that great uh wow yeah um you know I I think I'm coming down with something good one touch just butterflies in your stomach look with your grades you will make a great asset to the team come on look I really don't think that hello everybody let's get started it does appear here that we are missing a member of our blue team can we get the fourth student to come up on stage that's your queue young man go on go make our school proud could I just take a minute to no there's no time everyone's waiting for you come on [Music] get thank sit up straight all right is everyone ready yeah no not at all I mean we've had such an exciting game this afternoon team blue started with a really strong lead but after a few mishaps our two teams are now tied thanks to Ted we would have won by now if you hadn't messed up all those answers I thought you were a straight A student I'm sorry guys I don't know what happened well don't do anything else dumb we want to keep our w streak we now have to go into a tiebreaker round now what that means is that each team gets to choose an opponent from the other side to go head-to-head on one final question so take a moment to discuss and choose which player from the other side you'd like to play we have to choose the weakest player on their team I say we choose Allison agreed but if we choose the weakest player on their team then they're going to choose the has each team come to a decision yes ma'am we choose Allison and we choose Ted oh gosh I'm doomed Tad here's a tip as soon as she finishes asking the question just bring the Bell even if you don't know the answer right away what if I don't know the answer at all failure is not an option Ted and Allison please bring your bells up here and place them on the podium in front of me [Applause] here we go the tiebreaker question which will determine which school wins the grand prize what do you call a living thing that has its DNA inside of a nucleus T I know this one then say it the answer the answer is um 5 Seconds pro pro UK carot UK carot that answer is correct [Applause] yes I did it I did it I won thank oh we beat you we beat you guys losers principal Daniels aren't you glad you chose me I won the whole competition for us well thanks for helping us win we were all pretty worried for a while a you know I just wanted to keep things a little interesting yeah speaking of interesting I need to ask you something can I speak with you alone for a moment yeah sure hey guys I'll be right back all right Ted what's going on what do you mean we just won the competition that last question was the only one you got right you know in the middle of the competition I thought to myself how does a straight A student like him get so many questions wrong so I made a few phone calls phone calls to who to your teachers I wanted to figure out why a smart kid like you was struggling to answer questions you should have known and I think you know what they told me uh that some kids are better at taking tests than others they told me you were failing some of your classes Ted and they were shocked to hear you had a 4.0 in your report card so I called the computer lab teacher and asked to look up your screenshot history wait that that's not just a myth people can actually see what you're doing on those computers you found your way into the teacher files and you changed your grades just before report cards were printed I can't believe you look there is a simple explanation for this oh indeed there is you used your computer skills to manipulate all of us I'm extremely disappointed in you Ted do you have any idea what happens to a student who commits this kind of offense uh they they get a slap on the wrist and a very strong W they get expelled principal Daniels wait no you you can't expel me don't do this to me you cannot expel me it was a dumb mistake and it won't happen again why should call the police that wouldn't look too good on your future college applications would it no please don't do that I'm begging you you know what I have an idea for a punishment I think will be much more suitable what is it I'm not going to expel you and I'm not even going to call the police I feel like you're you're about to say but I need you to do a few things in exchange look I'll do anything first your grades will revert back second you'll forfeit that grant money and give it to the students who couldn't be here today and third you get a onee suspension okay oh is that it not quite on top of all that I need you to do a special assignment for me what does that mean exactly it's good to have you back man dude are you hacking me to the computers again didn't you learn your lesson the first time no I'm I'm not hacking into it it principal Daniel said I wouldn't get expelled if I upgraded every single computer so no one else could hack it but there system is so old that it's taking me forever I'm exhausted wow you got real lucky I tried to warn you all this would happen yeah I know and I should have listened I'm sorry link but I got to say it it it does feel good to be using my talents for good instead of evil I'm glad to hear that so did your parents ever you the computer for your birthday no now as soon as they found out what I did they took away my computer all together but I uh did get some birthday money from my grandparents not enough to buy a new laptop though back to work young man yes sir sorry I got to do this oh uh I'm almost done here great when you're finished with that you can install antivirus on the rest of these computers and the other classroom computers oh and all the computers in the office great see you later this is going to take weeks T oh uh hi guys how's it going we want our money back you got us caught up uh look there were rules you knew the risks right I mean no refunds now I don't have any change well that's okay we'll just take it all see you [Music] Kennedy you still haven't taken the trash out you are still on that thing you've been playing since morning you're wasting your life on that dumb game no I'm not I'm working on a redstone machine I've learned a lot of stuff from playing Minecraft a lot of useless stuff I mean all you're doing is putting red splotches on some blocks they're not splotches [Music] this sticky piston is giving me such a hard time and I don't even know if my lover's even in the right place like any of that makes any sense you you're not learning anything real which is why I'm taking you off of it what you're taking me off Minecraft wait no but how about this if I can prove to you that Minecraft does teach me a lot of stuff then I get to keep playing Minecraft until I have to go back to school that doesn't make sense how how could you even prove that actually I saw a video like this on YouTube it's called busting 100 Minecraft myths in 24 hours there's going to be 100 tests and if more than 50% of them are true I win okay fine but if you can't prove it then you have to do chores without complaining for the rest of break and I am not giving you 24 hours to do it you have until your dad gets home tonight deal deal and I already know where to start just give me like an hour before you put a plant into the dirt it's always best to till the dirt with the ho first [Music] okay so you planted a couple plants whoop-de-doo I'm not finished yet next the plants need to be near water and that's why I got these extra drip tubing from the shed next what do you doing that's disgusting that belongs in the trash or it does it I learned in Minecraft you can use bone meal to make your plants grow faster do you know what the next closest thing is that's right eggshells booah okay okay but you could have learned that anywhere not just in Minecraft that is true I could have but did you even know about it that is beside the point are you finished no one more thing um I learned in Minecraft that green houses are very very helpful to plants well it's too bad we don't have any you see that's very wrong these cups can act as green houses and it turns out a lot of things can work as green houses these plastic clear cups can help protect these seedlings from the cold oh I made this board to keep our score we put our points on it with a tally mark 8 9 10 11 12 oh wait a minute hold on you're giving yourself 12 points for that all you did was tilling irrigation eggshells and and green houses that is four points yeah but I did it times three because I did it on three plants and 3 * 4 is 12 so if we're going to 100 then I need all the help I can get you sure do okay if that's how you want to play I got some Minecraft myths to bust oh here we go do you know what this is a compass mhm and in real life a compass Points North where does it point in Minecraft to where your bed is yes which is incorrect now since we have two beds in the house I'm going to give myself two points that should only be counted as one point for you fine do you see those two trees outside do you really think you could get wood by punching the tree no but if you had the right that's two points for me oh oh and if you have a secret room in Minecraft where can you hide you mean behind a painting yeah let's test that theory out oh no can't hide behind that one oh no not that one how about this one no no a man not that one either wow that is one 2 three four five points for me hey why' you kill that spider cuz I wanted to see if it would give me poisonous spider eyes turns out it doesn't oh speaking of mobs do you know what else doesn't exist in real life creepers zombies and walking skeletons check check check would you look at that I have one more Point than you and I didn't even have to leave the room and how the heck do you know so much about Minecraft all of a sudden well while you were busy uh getting your supplies together I was doing a little research of my own and uh look what I found a bunch of ways Minecraft isn't like real life yeah and this list has everything on it so I'm totally going to win you're cheating oh well you didn't say that I couldn't you're getting your list online meanwhile I'm over here and I have to get it all off the top of my head I'm so going to enjoy watching you do your chores you want to go next actually can you make me some food I'm kind of hungry sure let me go see if I can bust some more Minecraft myths in the [Music] kitchen what I think toaster is broken again the lever won't stay down remind me to have your dad fix that shoot the eggs are all expired oh wait I read on that Minecraft list oh my gosh that you have a one in 12 chance of a chicken coming out of an egg Mom let's test that out shall we I am really starting to hate that little what what are you doing do not waste those eggshells we can use them outside I get your point okay all right but it's actually 12 points wow okay let me get ouch are you okay I cut myself oh I read in Minecraft if you eat a golden apple it has healing abilities didn't work didn't I wonder why okay that's one excuse me excuse me 2 three four five five apples that's five more points a would you look at that 30 points yeah well guess what you need food to survive in Minecraft just like you do in real life okay okay that come on now that is a stretch even for you nope you're counting all the apples I'm counting all the food we have carrots carrots are good we have potato salmon fillet we have steak want to know something all of these are in Minecraft oh and another thing I learned from playing that game all these foods are better and more nutritious when they're cooked than when they're raw yep so let's see after all of that brings me to 33 points so you still feeling confident mom Bring It On unlike Minecraft when you remove bricks from the bottom of something the ones on top do not float oh one point for me see charcoal is made from burnt wood just like in Minecraft ahuh I'll take that [Music] oh look at that if you double jump you can't really fly one [Music] point you love obsidian jewelry well Minecraft taught me that obsidian is made from lava 1 2 three four points for me oh touche splash potions don't exist four points for me oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah okay um looks like we tied 50 and 50 oh my gosh so that means we have to have a tie yeah next point wins and just in time cuz your Dad should be home any minute but what do I do I feel like I've done everything a are you out of ideas already that's too bad Kennedy you're toast wait a minute what do you just say I said you're toast toast that it what are you doing earlier you said that the toaster lever would not stay down I had the same problem with my Redstone creation this morning so this part right here is obviously the lever but the sticky piston want to activate this part's like the lever and this part in here is like the sticky piston oh okay well so how did you fix it in your little game oh yeah I couldn't because you made me get off my computer okay well go ahead and knock yourself out if you can fix this using what you learned in Minecraft then you win but if you can't then I win so go ahead knock yourself out maybe it has to do with the tension of that wow these are really loose careful now I've got it okay hey if this works and this lever stays down then you win but if not it's game [Music] over sticky piston please please activate oh oh that should have worked well that's too bad for you no more video games I guess it's time to do your chores now wait but no we had a [Music] deal you can take out the trash while I take your [Music] computer the deal was the Minecraft not my entire computer make sure you scrub those dishes good I don't want to see a single spot on them yes [Music] Mom hey guys hey hun how was everyone's day really good huh I can't remember last time I saw Kennedy doing dishes what did he lose a bed or something yep and the house is about to be SP and span without him complaining or sticking his nose in the computer all day it's a dream come true wow well good for you I'm going to get a snack and then I'm going to come back and hear about this Arrangement can I please be done now I've taken out the trash cleaned my room mowed the lawn and it just finish cleaning the kitchen well before I make dinner I still need you to clean the gutters hose down the driveway sweep all the floors in the house and scrub both bathrooms from top to bottom hey who did this did what this the toaster was broken for a while but now it works earlier today I tried to fix it but when I tried it didn't work well you must have just forgotten to plug it back in so it does work yeah that means no no I told you I could fix it I told you I told you I told you I fixed it she told me I couldn't fix it and I fixed it because I want oh yeah oh Minecraft here I come okay I feel like I'm missing something here [Music] totally watch out watch out the worm's going to get you here take this potion you'll need it I'm out of food I can't regenerate my house uh take some of my cooked pork and here take this Golden Apple just in case thanks I owe you one back to the Village I'm right behind you you know this game isn't as bad as I thought it was I didn't know you had to be so creative in it I just wish you didn't have to leave to go do the laundry oh that's okay I'll just make your dad do it all right oh [Music]
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios Top Videos
Views: 925,830
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational, inspirational, life tips, life lessons, dhar mann, kindness, relationships, happiness, self improvement
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 130min 3sec (7803 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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