GENESIS AoE4 Event | TheViper vs LucifroN7 (Quarterfinals)

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and here we go ladies and gents we're gonna speed right up to live time we have the viper in the red playing against lucifer on age of empires four quarter final lucifron's brother another well accomplished rts player already moved on to his semi-final and we're here to see if lucifron can let replicate the form his brother performed with earlier nearly should be an amazing best of five yeah arguably the quarterfinal that gets the most excited right lucifron probably and it's tough to say that the favorite against the viper here lucifron number one ranked in the open beta has been playing so much looked very sharp in the qualifier and viper really motivated to perform here as well though i think it's going to be banger yeah exactly and i think this is this is just a match if you want to see you have like the king of age of empires 2 against uh someone who has been all around the rts scene uh in the blue we have lucifer on he's playing as uh dill he like actually yeah yeah right okay cool and then we're getting viper's playing as the english um not a matchup we've seen yet is there anything that comes to mind for this matchup for you nilly um i i don't really know what we can say though is that lucifron who played earlier also opened with delhi on this map so the viper may be seeing that one and coming up with some adjustments seeing okay you try to open with samachi ranges maybe longboss could be good against that sure okay uh what time does it say for you two minutes eight seconds eight seconds oh god it's not gonna sink for us nearly okay where are you i'm i'm two minutes 10 right now so if you want to pause somewhere you could just unpause at any point and then say when you are 18. okay 18 right now cool problem solving uh we should be good 21 here 22 23 yeah perfect everything's good okay nice nice this viper with his council hall as he's gonna advance up and uh nothing really too crazy about the dark ages with these civilizations we've seen some mongols we've seen some some of the ruse those civilizations what upgrades are we going for so scholars boosting production speed by 100 makes lots of sense and then allow scholars to capture sacred sites on the two upgrades that lucifer is going for okay you said going for excuse me you're talking about the uh shoot i'm trying to switch positions here was it a musk uh it doesn't have it labeled but i believe it is called the mosque yeah you know um i i this is the civilization that i've had the least experience with uh and the way the scholars operate is just so unique so i'm really excited to see how this will play out for him so basically all the upgrades are for free with the civilization and all the upgrades are for free indeed yeah and it simply takes a very very long time but the more scholars you have in your mosque and the more mosque you have together in a radius yeah the shorter the upgrades get and so it definitely snowballs and maybe puts viper under a little bit of pressure to apply pressure to stop that from happening or at least punish the i guess the approach which is mainly to stick at home and invest into the economy and not really any funky business viper over here making his council hall so let's see those longbowmen which is such a classic viper thing uh he's always loved his britons and age of empires too and he is sick micro as well so expect him to utilize that range and i expect the units to be running forward here shortly yeah let's see what the answer is against that longer man obviously more range so that will be really nice for the viper not unlikely that lucifron will go for an archery range himself and if you put a scholar in that archery range you actually produce way faster now double scholar production here as well produce them at half the cost yeah man this is this is interesting there's so many different texts to get he's definitely going for it there's a stable now for lucifer ooh horseman play not on gold at all i feel like um you know if you if you're able to just stave off that attack or even just take out small groups of vipers numbers since you're you should be working more efficiently in the long run it'll be better for you so i think the key here for viper as is always the case with range units just keep your mass it's exciting to run forward right now but you have to make sure you're aware of what's out there viper scout very active you'll notice he's looking around right now and if he spots the staple that'll actually tell him that he could have some uh some horsemen coming forward oh yeah that scout is so massive needs to go a bit closer and probably gets the confirmation there let me quickly see yeah he seats everything so that's really good for him i wouldn't be surprised if he drops a barracks pretty soon yeah does he does he move out yep he already has the barracks there and i didn't see the timing on it but i believe the barracks was an instant reaction to the scout seeing the stables so that's what you want to see in age of empires you want to see proper scouting proper reacting high level stuff here and also lucifron with the same he's just confirmed the longbowmen were there with his scout you've got a lot of vision with the scouts here in h4 it's insane i always have to double check the vision nearly because you really can see a lot here yeah yeah no other scouts are nice and blacksmith now you're starting right but the question is like what upgrade are you getting because it takes four minutes five seconds to finish yep okay now 322 because we have the second scholar in there okay that's what you just saw 40 seconds shorter or 43 seconds even very very unique sieve like people will have a lot to say about h4 but the uniqueness of every sieve is just so it's it's so different and viper with a good area to pressure here right there on the gold there's no protection for those villes no military here to really defend from this right now there's the four horsemen at the top and that could be some nice pickups here for the viper viper's gonna take that he's gonna take easy two oh wait a second oh wow oh double kill whoa double kill for viper that was sick yeah goes away now some spearmen i think with three spearmen poor horsemen probably are not winning that fight yeah i agree with you there viper just needs to make sure he keeps that mass especially when you have that that snowball saved like there are situations where you can get ahead in bills but then you lose the numbers i like how consistent uh some of the sieves that exist in age two and h4 play out they certainly have kept that and oh you see the horsemen there charging two archers and picking off reinforcements is a very common thing nice job there from lucifron [Music] let's see if he dives in that deep though one archer lost a lot of hp oh oh on the other side horsemen down and also there's the scholar there oh no not the greatest opening for lucifron here viper he has to be happy with this oh very happy with this right oh minute um edit that is surprising to me is he expecting that many archers still trying to keep an eye on the scholar who does survive but the villagers are here oh man and he's brought archers over with the horseman he's going to use the archers against these he spears nilly and viper's setting up camp so his long bone will actually heal right now but he did have a misfire there which definitely is going to hurt but he also still has spearman in the fight all those archers one spearman still oh wow it's getting finished but i think with the second group coming over he is fine yeah kind of looks like it he did take some losses but he has been killing many villagers so viper doesn't have to worry about any raids which can be such a pain and oh that's that's i guess it's just a scalp but i feel like lucifron has kind of struggled here but i'm wondering like how with delhi uh you're able to cope with with falling behind like this because you do have that very unique sieve where that investment eventually pays off villagers are so exposed there at the berries and we're actually getting food after that probably now moves to the middle at the left-hand side but that's another exposed resource it almost feels like he has to fight right now he does not have any resources to fall back to he has to engage if he can't take a good fight against us and i don't think he can this could be very close to over but here he comes and that arms really low hp though they are getting some good hits and a good microphone lucifer on the long bone there's some weak ones in there i'm surprised lucifer did as good as he did in that fight let's put it that way but i don't think it's necessarily the fight he needed oh well he wants to buy himself some time to get more on the barriers but certainly not a great fight for him viper with more production behind this one tries to regroup now the question is does he send the next group on the right-hand side or does he try to attack from the left-hand side i i think if you have like a stable civilization you switch sides but if you're if you're english and you're fighting with archer men at arm infantry i think you want to keep it in one spot especially because you see he's come out to the berries a few times and he's had to leave so he clearly wants to be there denying the deer as well is so huge here oh wait a second i love this though from lucifer and look at that he sends the horseman to the middle nilly because he knows more units will come forward that just doesn't feel like the horsemen are really that strong when they need to be all those minute arms at the front are just a crazy tanky unit as well makes it really tough for lucifer to find a good engagement now with archers around and those melon arms are still just such a good addition yeah i like that edition from viper who's always been the king of gaining small advantages and snowballing that he's never been the type of guy to all in you as he kills so many hills on the other side um he's just been the type to get small advantages lead that up to the next age the next unit viper with 26 military 36 eco lucifron 31 eco 22 military and you could argue the weaker units here as well nilly mm-hmm yeah it feels like a pound-for-pound viper so much air and he has two relatively competitive armies that can still take fights would lose and now lucifron tries to take the first good engagement a viper trying to just get an okay fight here because he is outnumbered he's doing his best with his longbowmen to get out of here and the archers from lucifer on chasing this down at the same time viper's looping his other army around he's running into the town center fire and you know maybe lucifer actually bringing this back right now nearly viper is down to 18 military and this could be a little bit of a problem for him if lucifron can field more units after this fight oh that was quite some losses here now tries to regroup for the first time in quite some time it feels like oh viper what is that how okay now he starts his tower rush in the center oh yeah really low hp though yeah horseman low hp man at arm's very strong in this position but viper's lacking that mass of longbowmen right now that's my concern for him and actually this could all be cleared up i think it's tricky very tricky he's diving in for the long roam elusive run that's the theme right now sniping all of them is he he's still delaying this god those men at arms are so strong though that seems to be the unit viper needs right now that's a bit like it yeah but archers they can still out micro in those messes three million arms probably not the number he needs and viper is he sending more villages to the front interesting question i think i think lucifron has brought this back nearly a and it didn't feel possible you can take all of his resources at home now and and viper is falling back and i just i don't understand why i think what it was is he had his group split up looping around the back of lucifron's base was probably a mistake he probably should have stayed more central so his two armies could become one scout in the back not really getting more information would love to see another lumber camp here on lots of fronts woodline when it arms again to the front viper i think you will finish that tower now does he have the villes here i thought he sent them forward okay maybe send them forward and back again yeah oh oh oh that's a good fight for viper though he's recovering now a viper with 38 eco 17 military oh sorry that's lucifron and yeah it's actually dead even right now with populations so viper should be able to float a ville descend over there but i think the longer the game goes you simply know that the opponent will get more upgrades for free yeah true now even getting a sacred side and viper's army is really immobile against the horsemen oh this will be tricky definitely be tricky if viper could just finish this outpost it'd be so good for him as lucifer still focus firing down as he missed clicks oh no he doesn't miss click excuse me he gets the bills he's going to get that weird fight actually [Music] i lost a lot there went into the minute arms to kill those two villagers i mean i guess the question is is that is that position going to be that threatening to lucifer i could see why he would want to deny that but i'm not sure it was worse worth excuse me the losses there well it's more of a long-term power push right that's the first one to start and then some will follow up and then it gets really tricky to engage in that area yeah and yeah nothing wants to stop it as early as possible yeah sacred site being contested there that's good to see i mean that is something we haven't talked about nilly but viper recovering big time here he will finally complete this outpost and lucifer just took some really bad fights over the last few moments just felt like the one dive against the two villagers there so many archers were going down and you can understand like in those moments you have to make a decision immediately you can understand why because that is going to be a strong position for viper but maybe you just have to take a good fight against the army and let that outpost go up that's the thing about castles or keeps or anything like that you have to decide in the moment not so easy to do that i just have to be pulled lots of idols here at the right hand side lucifer where is he going still no lumber camp here oh man and he oh man the villager is moving around and viper finds himself back in a good position with his mass and he wants to make another outpost i just love the man-at-arm edition nearly we have seen so little of that today and it's looked to be the key for viper even more than the longbowmen yeah it's it's certainly a crazy i think at the start of the day we saw some i don't even remember was it the casper vortex games yeah vortex actually played it a bit uh yeah okay interesting game one i think i missed though maybe maybe and yeah obviously english the one of the few civilizations that even has access to many arms that early well and this fight just swings right back it's so cool man like we're obviously unsure on some of these fights compared to what we would be with h2 but lucifron's not finished yet is there something else viper needs to do here do you flirt with the idea of stopping production nilly and going up the castle or is that just too risky i think with how much problem lucifron has with expanding i think just continue futile age army makes lots of sense yeah and it just finished these outposts too the outpost could be so strong uh neutral control on all sacred sides again yeah normally what i would say is that you'd want to peel off a couple horsemen and try and get into viper's eco but lucifer is in a position where i think he needs everything at home right now but 75 pot for 74 nearly and this just continues to be exciting for for everyone at home as we see his fight here like the horsemen man horsemen just uh they're actually doing it okay job the key is is that the archers are all focusing on each other behind this usually oh and now the archers are all going down of lucifer i believe oh this is so unfortunate oh awesome enough to die and the minute arm is just such a good unit against fuel age army i mean they're even sick against archers that was one of the first things that i was told is the t90 and av4 do not expect archers to just counter men at arms and we're seeing that here very big difference yeah heavy armor they're a bit like of a like huskar if you want to make another hm4s2 comparison yeah and it looks really good for the viper here to maybe close out this game here yeah i mean it would make sense if he can clear this up he's got a lot of villagers exposed this has been the area and and viper will complete the outpost so even if he doesn't finish it off now he's just so much closer to put the man at arms on the farms and they are slicing up those villagers the outpost completes as well viper will take another good fight lucifer on dropping pop despite having uh decent amounts of military but it's nothing close to viper viper wins and what a good game it was to open up the series nearly oh yeah really intense one and those metadamas they really performed incredibly well and like my question is what does lucifron do differently then right obviously the whole idea with his sieve is that you want your upgrades you know your upgrades are free um you kind of ease into a stage of the game and maybe castle or imp where it's easier for you to do things but like comp wise what mistakes did lucifron make there honestly i don't have enough idea about this yeah i think many arms aren't easily counted in feudal age seems like it i mean and once you're on castle edge like two crossbow just shrek all those metadamas yeah exactly so it was important for five great against longbows again though tricky right i mean viper understood that perfectly i also think lucifron took a few bad engagements in this game like there was um i don't even remember what it was but there was just so much from the viper and he was forcing so many reactions and if you give viper a small lead he's you normally not going to let it go um economically if you look at what was brought in behind that viper had more gold and more food it was very close to nearly like i could definitely see the series going the distance yeah yeah at this one engagement next to the tower just felt like oh losing four or five arches for free yeah but like what are the good games out of the set yeah seriously and it was just such an interesting moment right because a lot of players wouldn't make that outpost there and it forced lucifron to choose stop outpost and take a bad fight or take a semi-good fight but give up the position so i just credit to viper there for even being okay with losing a villa to r3 um going for that position there and i think that's the first time that i've seen an outpost positional push in feudal age today um i know that it happened later on in games in castle age but i don't think we saw it in feudal so it seems to be something we could see more of as well it's actually something we've seen quite a lot on the letter from mongol players yeah yeah in the tournament yeah it makes sense with mongols but you know just cool to see something different there from the viper uh who now cannot play with the english well uh nilly we have game number two and i think it's fair to say here that if viper were to win here he is the heavy favorite to then close out the series because these guys are so close lucifron is going to want to take this one we have a french mirror matchup on boulder bay uh which normally leads to a lot of water control french have the cheap lumber camps they can immediately get to wood leads to achieve dock leads to cheap fishing ships and then a race to the next age a race to control those fishing ships yeah and i'm not really sure about the meta my experience is that castle age actually doesn't matter that much because you already have the hike which is the castle age unit yeah it's crazy right oh yeah you get one more upgrade for another cannon and one more attack which doesn't matter a lot i believe so i think this is actually quite a long futile edge play would you say that water is and let's say this map compared to baltic uh or mediterranean and aoe2 would you say water is more snowbally or less snowbally than aoe4 well in in this one it's more you just thought of the fact that more snowballing more you don't have demos in feudal yeah yeah yeah incarcerated similar and this map is even more water is even more important yeah because on midi you can at least sneak and try to make some attacks on land from two sides yeah this one is only one side i also think uh fishing ships seem to give you so much more value in aoe4 because it's additional eco population but then the fish even like the shore fish have a thousand food so uh granted gather rates and all that needs to be taken into account to make a true comparison but it's just a lot of food so i mean if you lose water the opponent can have endless fishing ships for quite some time so um i definitely think it's more snowbally i think they've made a lot of correct moves with certain aspects of ab4 but i think seeing as like aoe2 was already kind of questioned in some ways for its water play i think that uh water leaves a lot to be desired right now yeah that's not it's not good it's not good feedback is flying in developers are listening to it and lucifron actually pretty unfortunate if you look at the minimap far away from deep fish which will be faster than shaw fish and i still have to address it because some people obviously are new here the game itself is not lagging some of my obs settings are not pretty and that's why whenever i show water it's some it's lagging for some reason sorry that sucks dude uh technology man uh as viper's gonna slay the sheep as his villagers being attacked here by the scout look at that viper says don't you attack me and she doesn't seem to cause i'm trying to fight back yeah can't you fight uphill what's happening there she looked very dazed you know um and now he clicked the dock which i believe is a mistake what what is this right now when to lower the hp on the dock i think he misclicked it and looked away to do something else and now realizes and then well he does force two villagers to go back home i think that's worth it in the end pepper only forced one to go back that's nice okay so what are we upping with is it still stool of school of cavalry probably right yeah i think what's the other option again it's um an economic economic i'm trying to remember what it does though is that if it's a market style that would have been my guess but i don't see if the market helps i think maybe further down the line going for the market approach could help you like you get better water builds down like maybe sell food to get wood or whatever but sell food to uh to get gold but yeah the expectation here is probably school of cavalry and you see it there for viper lucifron uh doesn't have the res yet kind of weird right yeah not that high way too many virtues on gold early on yep that's probably the difference here and he's professionally let's just know oh he needed to drop off food first oh man like he left before he had food didn't drop with the fishing ships either okay not finally as the resource i think he will build it but mass amount chamber of commerce look at that exit the market okay so acts as a market all traders and trade ships return 30 more resources to any market or dock okay so that's actually the wrong one i was confusing with another sieve i was the other i forget what sieve has the the one which is like the better uh rates at the market i think that's abbasid maybe um that's ruse bruce okay sorry i'm gonna have that in the hera game yeah it's a really easy wall off here for lucy from that's why he went for it as you can see it's like 30 wood or something and he's fully walled yep viper count nine against six wait a second what's going on here oh okay it just didn't show the progress for me but viper is indeed still making his landmark uh say that's about 70 percent you look at lucifron lucifron has at least a bit behind but ultimately it's not the biggest deal as we see two docks for him as well another big question is will viper go for any knights obviously wouldn't be the greatest choice because against the walls i wouldn't get in maybe on the long run we will get some sneaky moves with some transporters you know what's interesting here uh sorry to interrupt nilly is that viper is making a knight because he has not scouted the walls so he he assumes it might be open so he's the difference in despite the mirror matchup it's a difference in approach here for these players see viper will adjust double dock for both of them yeah and we'll see keep fish for the viper no deep fish or lucy front knight is cancelled night is canceled okay so viper spotted it cancels it i think that's a good decision there and you see more wood and gold income per minute for viper right now um those stats might even out a little bit but in theory that means more hulks for him wait a second we have additional sales being researched by lucifron increased movement speed of all ships by fifteen percent oh yeah okay so he he runs that cheap 50 food 125 gold it's a wall and look at that more waldorf he is expecting a landing whoa he's out at the school of cavalry he's scared nice wall off is it a surprise to you to see that research for the faster ships coming in this early for me that's a surprise yeah you don't have enough wood to uh for two hulks at the start so not really no oh viper did so that's why i was shocked 1v2 right now so viper may be benefiting from the the better balance at least towards water but i i kind of like the idea of maybe going in with one hawk to snipe fish and you mentioned the micro you can actually fire fasto faster with the hulk if you uh if you micro it so i guess you could flee attack a little bit easier i don't know man scout goes down there for lucifer easy kill three hulks out now against ah it's pretty far away from the third one yeah not very far away from the third one viper just with more gold income right now but he is behind on food and wood so in theory if they're gonna race castle age that'll help but i'm not so sure i wonder what viper does when he sees the extra movement speed six fish ships against ten fishing ships so [Music] which front won't mind camping for now this is it's so slow oh yeah ah imagine if like all aoe for esports let's go oh let's buckle up baby let's get ready and then you just like uh everyone who doesn't know why there's grass in the water it's kind of the forest like you can have ships in there and you can't look inside it's like you can hide in there yeah which is interesting because like being unvisible in a forest makes sense being having a ship not be visible when it sails through moss is probably not the most realistic as as at this point lucifron just looking for viper he doesn't know where viper is very tiny ships yeah it must be right it's very high grass we have the the small grass mod oh wow okay big moment here all right remember ships also heal next to the docks so the defenders should have the advantage here quite easily yeah he'll pretty far away from the docks as well like i thought you'd have to be a little closer there and this is three knocks actually thrilling stuff yeah three docks lots of fishing ships it's crazy how many you can have i think he added more nearly he's at ten i thought he was at eight before but i could be misremembering things still show fish well if he's at ten at some point he was at eight ha you know what i meant mr technical yeah he has been at 10 for quite some time all right well thanks for keeping track there um racking my brain and how to spice this one up right now all vipers oh it's making a house okay i thought it was more exciting a blacksmith could be an option gives you plus one attack if you upgrade don't think it's the major thing though yeah it's almost like like this thing has a hundred attack right so like what does fletching or not fletching sorry what does that plus one attack even really do in the grand scheme of things size plus one which is pretty insignificant i noticed the same with some of the upgrades on the nights right like the night i think 29 base for a royal night and then you get the upgrade and it's 30. i feel like it should be more yeah that's with charge i think it's 22 instead of 23 then something like that yeah but still like 7v7 out on the map viper could lose one there a bit exposed oh good gets away and gets away indeed plus he could always get home to repair five percent he splits his army which is a really rare thing on water games yeah hey microscope decent position to force luciferon away from his own docks fight some fishing ships tristan oh oh yeah i see that over there fishing ships down lucifer looking to sail home and i think viper's just purely benefiting from the numbers he's made in this game really he is a head by two military right now that does factor in a scout but oh my goodness what a crazy fight this is they're trying to micro back and forth because they can fire faster if they do you can't actually dodge shots what a crazy one is these ships are going to sink and it looks very even but maybe lucifron's taking this now oh i don't really don't like that viper send two hulks away it's like he took out the fishing ships because he did that but now he doesn't have the numbers for the main battle he can't even get close to his docks to heal up right now fishing ships down for viper in return viper does have more resources floating right now nearly but i'm not sure that's a good thing ships now hiding in the docks as well won't find all the kills we are seeing the viper now going up into castle age which is quite interesting yeah built it with 26 villagers what what is the guildhall gonna give him some resources but i'm surprised as well maybe he wants to go for demos i mean could be the only only thing that kind of saves him and honestly the only thing that saves the water meta for me right now in terms of excitement because like from what i've seen you could definitely take out a few hawks with some demos crushes that down but at what price nilly or what cost he's he's getting out out overrun here i guess would be the way to say it or over sailed ripped a viper on water for now two there and viper indeed goes for one demo goes for two demos tries to sneak around they do some real splash damage yeah but i still don't see how they will get to those hulks i mean yeah i i guess like lucifron might be less focused at the moment he might think that he's can add fishing ships but he's still adding more hulks yeah it's gonna be tough for viper i don't know what more you do this is like this is what we talked about with the map but there's the demos split them up here nearly he's got them on either side is there a world where you demo fish right now [Music] i think that's kind of what you have to do but it's still quite a costly investment i think he will find fourth kills there or even five kills at the right hand side left hand side there's actually nothing see what's the vision look like on the demo not that great but he saw one fishing ship oh if he only knew there was five of them there well he's thinking okay my opponent has to be on deep fish yeah little did he know that there was no deep fish right and he uses a demo oh against one uh i don't know if that's worth it he's looking for more and at this point lucifer should notice this and split up his fish yeah look at that good job from lucifron he only loses one and so demo attempt for viper not giving him what he would have wanted there as he has now lost his docks to the hulks from lucifer hyper edited z he is incarcerated lucifer on the other side let's take a look at his resources 40 food yeah really far away from castling this and he's making stables and a barracks now so another lamborghini oh this is this is honestly i thought the game was over but yeah viper should be having a way bigger lead on land than i thought well like i think what happened for lucifron was he's all this wood and all this this gold income but now he almost won water too easily and he didn't think about other aspects of the game here yeah like taking that bore would be really good you think but he's got way too much on wood right now look at how inefficiently like he built five lumber cams next to another but then didn't build one for two screens i really wish i knew more granite i'll never put in the time but i really wish i knew more about some of the other uh esports he played because like okay as he's going to make his guild hall now um lucifron well he was walker 3 player the starcraft 2 player and uh heroes of the storm no no i know i know the games but i'm talking about in terms of like the drop-off buildings because it's not the first time you and i have looked at his lack of lumber camps well economy is completely different right for warcraft you have he was playing orc i believe so you simply go for like nine workers and then you never look at your eco again yeah yes yes one scenario where you build another five and on in starcraft 2 i think he played terran so that is basically whenever you feel behind you just generate 10 villagers from the sky that will save your economy from the sky all right yeah so basically he didn't have to focus on efficiency of lumber camps as much but he's fine he does arrive to the castle age alongside viper uh 80 eco right now for lucifron viper sits at 75 and that is a lot of fishing ships there for lucifron viper did try to dock kind of to the left of this giant lake nearly and that got denied so he really wanted to catch a demo i can imagine demoing 10 ships that would be so epic but it's not possible for him right now what look defront should do now is actually trade on water it's more efficient than on land it's really open area and viper can't contest it at all that's a good point also push this economy a coastal trade post there can trade with uh with those posts on land and on water um or when i say those posts there's the land one as well actually that's a good question can you land trade with a coastal trade post in av4 you land straight yeah trade if you make a market over there can you trade send traders or trade ships to trade with this building so yeah you can all right oh all right i guess i should read more frequently all right well there you have the veteran royal night hall okay lucifron and it's kind of funny viper is up at the top of the hill and he even made an outpost there just to get some vision and control the area i guess prepping to go late and the lucifron is just hugging the shoreline right now which could be a problem for viper i mean he doesn't have a lot of defense in in his base he's more so defended the other area did that hawk just go down the amount of villagers i i didn't see anything though yeah hawk just randomly went down next to the night our ship's burning i was wondering if it was like the buildings where it would burn but i don't know if it would make sense for him to delete that so i'm confused by that but yeah anyways i mean it's one royal night we're getting excited because omg something other than hulk's and it's not really the most important thing hey nilly you don't have to look at water as much this is good this is really good for me royal knights were always always felt like the meta in your normal arabia games frankfu franks at this point kind of seeing lucifron invest into that uh viper is behind an eco and there's just so many fishing ships you really should look at one of the docks the starting dock or close to that for lucifer he's got like 30 fishing ships it's crazy i just don't know if there's an argument for how efficient that is long-term in area before well deep fish is respawning so yeah it's actually pretty solid that's sick yeah from the royal knights for lucifron pressuring viper viper is reacting he's going for his trusty man at arm defense and i think the the veteran knights will wreck that they just have to get away from the tc for now as viper will pull the pikemen over i think i would have liked to keep a bit closer to the water like three tiles further to the right it's just kind of funny how viper's got this base up on the hill and like there's this army down here and it is it's just passing it it's not like lucifer has any clue nor would he want to push that right now i don't think he's going for battering rams now okay go on the offensive here pop 140 165 for lucifron so much pop like this exploded absolutely exploded feels even faster than what we've seen in some of the other games but i'm probably wrong on that as you see to keep firing on the uh on the buildings here so now lucifer knows that viper has that hill viper knows about the push coming in then so that's nice for him send some minute arms over there a red palace now that is acts as a keep so now they keep there and now the big push here tries to deal with the rams yeah tries to deal with the rams ram will be dealt with but so will the spearman there so if the ram was just used a little more patiently i think that that tc could have actually gone down here but it doesn't matter these royal knights will run in anyways nearly and viper is scrambling for defense right now pop 170 the viper is sitting at 123 so heavily heavily behind pikeman numbers not there like he wanted them to be and now barracks producing more and more but it just feels like so much niko's idol man and he is on the way to to h4 but i i mean what will he have in the bank when he makes it there if you look at his current resources it's a lot of food a lot of gold but man is he falling behind what's h4 no no viper's on the way right now okay okay lucifron uh could also be on the way right behind this and these royal knights are just dominating it's a little messy for viper i think it's gonna be real tough for him to defend everything right now uh tries to maintain obviously can fit 20 villagers so that's what he's going for maybe even try to get something out of the guild hall could be an option here uh tricky tricky sport and viper i think he makes the defense happen but still so much my control for lucifer if we had a uh statistic on our overlay for idle time it would be insane for viper i think half of his eco just went idle right there but he does hold on uh he is at 126 population he will also be in the imperial age faster so i feel like you know with the position viper has with the keep on the hill and everything and being faster to the next age if he can find a unit that works well against these royal knights he could maybe push this back still now he technically could upgrade his knights more right and they would just slaughter the castle age knights but i think maybe just pikeman could be an option obviously still double keep set up here will make it easier i just would have wished the keep to be like three tiles closer yeah now oh i think now he's reaching it look at that some dead bodies next to the sword keep is so clutch for viper and he also knows that lucifer is not trying to take the other hill yet because he's got the outpost there and lucifron is not trading at all with that trade post which i think is something he should be doing for long-term gold he lost a lot of units there still in the castle age nearly he has not advanced and he doesn't really have the gold right now to be able to advance to the next stage wow i've had some crazy sprinkle emplacement or something yeah yeah seriously like that won't keep us the red pellet is just going ham yeah also uh trading long distances right now he's trading so far to that corner i think lucifron has made a misplay with the map i think he thought he would win with the fish boom and that he could just push viper's main base he didn't scout he didn't deny viper's hill and that is so important on this map as you have keeps you have the cannons vipers in this game definitely population for him 185. follow the front still 30 ahead but it feels like viper is indeed making some defenses happen i mean feels weird to me but i think viper might even be winning right now with lesser pop because long term on this map you want trade and you want that corner control and that is all about the viper right now lucifron might eventually trade on water has not done that and he's lost so many gold units to these uh his defense from viper such an easy investment just 10 traitors on water there yeah i mean you can understand the overconfidence especially if you have a little bit of experience with how fish booming can can operate but i feel like it's a little short-sighted maybe on a map like this to to think that you're just gonna roll over the viper interesting see what viper's up to here you see this cannon nearly oh my god he took out the hawks and he's keeping the cannon alive wow so sick pretty nice defense for sure and we see the viper also defending at the right hand side more towers there could make a lot of sense and viper also getting quite some control with the gold at the top there more buildings indeed it feels like viper is controlling this one yeah lucifron might have more pop right now but he's got 127 villagers and he does not have a lot of gold income if you look at the income per minute okay never mind luciferan's actually winning with gold but it i genuinely still feel like viper will be better off with the long term gold oh but the two bombards are the one cannon and the one bombard now completely exposed not the greatest thing doesn't even know what to do just focuses down on two hulks and then probably has to accept his losses maybe the villagers are kind of giving them a bit more life the pikemen are trying to loop around the cliff look at the villes distracting can viper save this i think he's saving one yeah the second one surely will go down it depends if lucifer on commits i mean is he really saving both of them that's ridiculous man a viper how dude feels like classic viper how he's fall behind falls behind but sees his win condition and is able to somehow claw it back uh what's his pop right now 163 nilly as we see buildings on the hill to further control this area looks from only now reaching periods only now he can go for bombards himself but that's a lot of control that he will lose at the front but he beats a builds a keep and around that all the stables yeah 20 cheaper night production for him tries to go with the transporter tries to land some oh that would be good i mean there are there is a continuous uh burper in viper's base from these knives [Music] there we go sorry higher pitch for you but uh it does feel like even building up stables or any military buildings on the shoreline over there for lucifron would be good i actually would prefer instead of him transporting units across nearly transport villagers over there and make buildings maybe some ramps would be nice yeah because right now main defense is only pikeman well actually some minute arms elite metadamas even so the defense looks really solid yeah wow okay here come more veteran nights and just so many spears for the viper i mean the raids continue here you got to give lucifer on credit but it feels like he's just banging his head against the wall right now and viper will be trading which lucifron still stubbornly is not doing it it bothers me so much but maybe he he feels like he's going to have the gold in the long term here he does have 1300 in the bank both players pop limit now viper control to sacred site and is trading like you said multiple times yep as i said multiple times and still bombards against no bombards basically yeah yeah like he's got he's got fortifications uh here come the elite royal knights though the pike's gonna get there in time wiper gets in position the viper is making the counter here but those royal knights have proved to be so strong today and viper so costly tristan yeah that little map control on on the mainland i think you will be running out of gold pretty soon nope telling you because you have 1.4k 3.4 k yeah that's it but he has 46 on gold nearly that's not going to last long 46 on gold and now he is gonna kill some trade that should tell him hey maybe i should trade that would be a good idea t90 be much happier with me then he does have his own bombards here but he did just lose his keep in the center and some of these buildings viper in such a good spot now it's only 30 military right now for lucifer on and the viper is at 64. this should not be a thing viper now goes for hand cannons as well and goes for basically the dream composition yeah he held off by not spending gold he invested into the trade which will give him more long-term gold and lucifer never did that and i think lucifron is starting to pay the price now cost efficient trades for the viper hand cannons behind this are insane and we have not seen them yet today and i think i think viper just won the game feels insane to say but i think he just won the game it certainly feels like it pushing so so deep is basically pop limit lucifron oh even 180 as well but that's a lot of population on water and simply the army strength is not there 25 military only look at his base right now look at that one gold mine there's 38 villagers around the gold mine that's about to run out they are soon going to go to the next gold mine which only has 500 gold i i know it's a new game nearly and and we have plenty to say about how amazing this was from the viper but you gotta do better if you're lucifer when you gain a lead here i think we have to be more critical of that it is possible maybe he didn't know that uh that the trade post was there but doesn't it show like shouldn't he see that especially as french you see it at the start uh it doesn't actually show on the mini-map really if you look at this well it's still always there on this map right you should analyze it yeah i think he didn't know it was there i think he forgot about it and never traded there for that reason oh 69 idol villagers here he he can't provide anything anymore and i think he's the worst comp now like like even if he continually had the gold i think he has the worst comp he doesn't have space all right pringles against the bombards last night attack and i think this will be the gg indeed viper takes the 2-0 this should not have been his game i agree i agree nearly i agree but what a great job from viper i realized if i just take that position on the hill if i if i fortify that up and then just defend from whatever he sends my way because he would have known that lucifer was in a good position to do that could hold on he could trade i feel like it's it's a case of viper doing everything that he needed to do to have a chance in this game and lucifron not following up on some good moments in the early stages oh man that's the like the economy from lucifron when we looked at him winning water just felt so off yeah i agree even before castle yeah you're right his eco was not balanced zero villagers on food horrible lumber camps not adding more fish yep ah then he rushed out he used the market which was nice rushed out the building but his transition simply was not there not on stone and just fell behind because he couldn't really add town centers nearly also he he seemed pretty happy for a guy who wasn't trading he seemed fairly happy tossing away units like one here one there that's good for early castle age but once viper's above like a hundred pop with keeps and whatnot i don't think streaming in at night here or there is the way to play that map you've got to take that corner you have to take advantage of it it didn't do that and um we said after game one that with the level being this high and things being so close it's going to be very difficult if viper goes up 2-0 for lucifer lucifron excuse me to respond and uh viper's got to be feeling great right now three and a half minute difference in castle age as well it's so weird it's normally not like that at all normally you're maybe a minute behind then you have fish and then you have greater eco so still i hate that the viper sent those two hulks away try to snipe fish i think this this put him into the weird spot where we caught him behind yeah because he had numbers initially appealing off was maybe a little too cute what you need to do no i think lucifer could defend but he didn't microwave two ships at home then either i would need to go back and look at the water more because this is still new to us but i feel like there's also a chance there that like maybe having 30 fishing ships is too much in ab4 um but yeah also worth saying nilly that the trade post was never scouted the the coastal trade area was never scouted he probably never played a game there where he felt he needed trade i don't know would it have been different if it was visible at the start or if he was more prepared i i think you get more gold there i'm not i don't think not having gold was a key in the end yeah i agree i think if the game continues another five minutes piper has another winning condition for himself yeah like on arabia or open land map you probably can stream in the nights and have success but i think on that map viper made the right play it's about fortifying up and really holding that uh that position there in the corner uh yeah here we go lucifron needs to recover here in the blue luciferon playing again as the deli you got viper playing as the episede and they're quite far apart this is um i almost said chippendale this is hillendale i think right i think that's right viper has a bug map here does he yeah like i i'm not sure why the how the devs allowed that one i'm unfortunately not even picking up on what the the bug is right now nearly well how many entrances should this base have well it should be three i believe and there's not one up the front is what you're saying yeah yeah yeah is that better for viper that should be better for viper right it depends if he wants to play defensively that's better for him yeah if he wants to play aggressively that's bad for him um you know what's weird is like i mean i i guess we're not gonna see this but it's it's much more difficult for the enemy to raid his hunt because that woodline is covering the opening and so his hunt is completely protected this is this is the typical viper map hacks and you you can't look up the cliff yeah so you you won't get the snipe uphill even if you have archers i guess it's not the worst bugged map ever but i would say that that is definitely not how the map is intended i guess on the bright side it's not normally an aggressive map we saw our longest game today between hera and recon here so what's what's fun is i think hara recon was abbasid or abbasid whatever and uh that was a mirror match up and we got to see kind of what worked for recon to win that game and close out the series now like i've never seen these civs in the imperial age against each other so who knows what's going to be on the card i have no idea it feels like episode they just felt really strong hmm i wasn't convinced that like their units necessarily seemed really strong though it was just the units that recon made were better than harrah's units because he played it like age two well simply like the mass of sprinkles right and then we had one engagement where it was rican with eleven spring goats yeah hera with three sprinkles left or something yeah but then hera recovered from that so i don't know it's tricky i mean you could say that that abbasid looked really strong after that game because recod won but you could also say abbasid looked really bad in that game because hera lost with the same sieve it's all about perspective i guess but yeah to to explain the the basic thing here and this is the big thing about the civilization that viper has um is the house of wisdom has tears to it and if you research these uh these wings or construct the wings you then work your way up through the tiers and you can see their tier one and structures gives you plus 10 gathering rate and it goes down to eventually the 30 and 60 structures from tier two and tier three whereas on the other side you've got like the the whole mosque approach for lucifron viper going for stone three on stone so there will be an extra tc on the other side no more faith here but not on stone yet so i think lucifer will actually go for army which surprises me a bit hmm i mean he has to assume that viper does not have only two openings he's scouting now nilly so i think he's gonna i mean there is an argument if if you feel like you're opening a certain way because the map's supposed to look a certain way there is an argument for lucifron to pause and say like actually you can't pause an h4 so tab out and say the devs like yo what's up with this complaining a lot about the deaths today that wasn't a complaint that was a realistic scenario also the admin not the deaf oh that's the joke yeah i don't know dev's always on the mind here my friends sorry devs this is gonna piss someone off oh viper oh he's found the scholar here uh scholars are a bit more beefy though so i think that he will be fine poor damage he he will be fine yeah he will be fine did he research that he can collect those in few late looks like it right yeah he's getting a lot of text at the moment so can you just refresh me correct me if i'm wrong i guess actually with uh with viper or lucifer on civilization your blacksmith upgrades or like your upgrades in general are free but correct they take way longer yeah yeah exactly the rate at which they research is increased based on the amount of of texts researched within the mosque no they're always slow always but the more scholars you have in your house the shorter it gets and you can build multiple mosques and put multiple scholars in there and it gets shorter yeah i i confused that blacksmith now holy moly i've never seen double blacksmith approach at this stage of the game double blacksmith that's crazy yeah it's just for the upgrades yeah and viper he gets the sacred site he he actually added the scout he's trying to take the scholar wow okay maybe that's something lucifer didn't expect here i like the uh the defense there from viper yeah i guess double blacksmith makes sense with this sieve right it wouldn't make sense yeah yeah they canceled one maybe it was a misclick went for the archery range after all uh okay okay scholar could get home obviously it only needs to make it to the mosque viper is trying to intercept 26 hp nope still so weak these scouts yeah that's that's definitely different for us age two guys like monks are so fragile in age of empires too also the second blacksmith after all i mean the thing is viper hasn't scouted that i don't know if that plays a role but like viper's probably not assuming that we're seeing double blacksmith or any type of really aggressive approach but he hasn't gone back there to scout which means he can't wall on his very good defensive generation here at home or he won't wall i should say he actually will try to chop through the center to get more map control also funny that actually lucifer is not using one mosque to upgrade he's only using the other mosque that's certainly a mistake all right you see a barracks now i mean this is we've got archer range we've got barracks double blacksmith i mean he's definitely going on the offensive viper doesn't have a clue about this i think viper happy to sit with two tcs and now viper sees the military in the center and he's going to take this fight but he should leave back down a bit there and scout obviously should be heavily ahead in economy yeah like heavily heavily ahead ultifront sits at 29 villagers and the viper at what 28. yep i noticed that a second ago as well to be honest with you maybe viper's had a tough time i don't know his tc's are always cute i can't really explain that one oh he even produces village just for half the cost yeah that's um don't know what figure it out i'm moving on sacred site and if he can get this sacred site lucifer is going to be quite happy with this but he does not have any spearmen here so he's going to run away with that scholar also got a wolf in the mix there um maybe a bit of an overextension maybe lucifer didn't expect more military from the viper yeah viper walks away or runs away or gallops away and i think that uh scholar will end up going down to the horsemen though good job from viper oh scholar at the right hand side is getting attacked horsemen does at least six damage i believe or nine damage okay yeah the scholar has way more problems there uh interesting game here nilly i have to say i'm really not a fan of this map um you know maybe it would be like if we get a q system for this game one of the maps i might put on my ban list but at least we're gonna see some action later on a little slower certainly one of the more defensive one distance is long you have easy easy walls and i i'm still completely in shock how vipers know heavily had in villages was he like super house or something i don't know but he's getting there now he does have the lead now um and all viper set out to do here is stop lucifer on from getting the sacred sites and lucifer is making military so he can take the sacred sites it's a bit like uh a weird way of fighting for the relics if you compare it to age two with the uh oh viper actually yeah viper made like two three extra scouts uh that was that minus two villagers but still feels like he should have had a few more but we just it's one of those things we assumed something would happen there vipers oh man the scouts are to go down now nearly horsemen even and uh sacred site being fought for here we have viper with archers for the first time in the middle of the field but numbers are not high enough swimming should easily deal with the horseman archers are going down goes for the sacred side of the left-hand side but we have another scout around there interesting yeah the scout will be able to start that attack but i think it's possible for lucifer to save that if it's just a scout the scholar will be able to take quite a few hits so human over yeah i think you might get that sacrifice remember 200 gold per minute pro sacred side if you're a delhi let's look at the income per minute right now viper ahead in every category but just slightly ahead when it comes to the golds like this from viper sniping the reinforcements that's really smart especially smart with this and yeah viper he's now just microwaving and running around in circles here there's no way this is worth vipers time to run around look at the sheep oh my god on the left side here once you have other things to do what a nerd he actually lost uh some of his horsemen as he was microing that and he's also losing archers right now nearly so hardly worth it for viper yeah yeah very questionable for sure and two sacred sites now in control oh no horsemen are coming over again yeah i think he was was trying to contest this and by a little bit of time that's one of those deals there where maybe viper doesn't do it if the score is 1-1 but it's 2-0 and look at the move i mean how can you argue with these results sacred site boink denied well because this next scholar could just come over yeah i know that's i don't know if there's one close by though i haven't been keeping track of those guys there should be lots of them actually being produced there we have six already in the mosques one in the barracks obviously makes your production faster house of learning now being built and yeah more okay in production can we talk about how there's a red sheep next to the two hardened spearmint of lucifer oh there was sorry i should have used past tense sheep goes down do you get vision from a sheep i don't think so i wish i would have looked i don't know i don't know because that would actually be important then uh viper to the right of his base sending some villagers out right now he's gonna drop a mill which i think is pretty risk-free at this point it's not like there's any horsemen running around from lucifer mm-hmm the way both players on the way to castle oh wait hold on soon see the sprinkles horseman at lucifron's base right now lucifer has got to be careful with this he's got so many villagers exposed there and yeah nelly that's a good point you villager kills there from viper who already has the lead right now with that do you really get venture killed yeah i think he got two unless i completely misjudged that i i think he should have gotten somebody simply didn't see anybody i was really confused yeah they're they're stepping on top of their friends or what used to be their friends so hmm 62 bills for viper lucifron what what right now 44 but so much military not as many sacred sites as he would want to show for it though he only has one right now i could actually go for minute arms and i think that's his setup here with all the barracks at the site oh yeah i think the barracks is my favorite graphically out of uh between the barracks the stable and the archery ranges just in case you're honest with the practice area there in the center yeah yeah i like it it's also the least confusing like archer range blacksmith looks a little too similar for me right now so that'll take some people are going for minute arms blacksmith we are going for faster production and for armor against archers i was going for a good unit here viper also going for a mosque right now on the left side near the barracks oh but minute arms as well look at this nerd look at him go with this horseman he refuses to give up the sacred site that's so funny scholar could go down in time i mean viper did it before experiment finally splitting up yeah okay okay wait no viper's not done and now minute arms yeah although the horse is going fine and oh we do have the attack through the center right into viper's base here i think you're so distracted there's a whole mess of military here screams and cries from viper's economy they're like why didn't you protect us but he does have the tc's at least to fall back to there's no rams yet from lucifron 53 military for lucifer sitting at 18. nuts i mean completely different approaches here viper sitting at 71 eco booster fun can't say he has anything close to that but holy moly there's military everywhere right now from lucifer but attacking maintenance he might be a problem and it arms now in the back as we stated earlier archer's actually not that great against that yeah that viper also failing to to stop the other sacred site and this is getting out of control right now uh but viper does have i mean i have faith in the man in arms based on what we saw earlier nearly but just how many can he afford right now with his eco bring out some deception i think viper is doing great here yeah these units just don't die lucifer i'm completely over committed ran into two tc's all his mended arms at the front there reinforcements were being cut off by a spring guard and it's so good for the viper and if you're gonna have a unit that's gonna give you that's gonna pack a punch it is proven in this series to be the man at arms you do not need as many of these things and they can force back the whole archer play that viper's eco very strong of course he could then contest the sacred sites he's got a sprinkled in a nice position to get some kills that feels very weird to me like like normally as we do see villagers in viper's base dying but if a player commits to attacking tc's there nearly i always assume this guy knows what he's doing i don't that's gonna be good but now i feel like lucy front is winning this one look at the rain how is this game swinging it's it's crazy to me and i think maybe lucifron if you can get a forward production building or two could could continue this push 80 population for the viper lucifer at 90 population 46 military doesn't have any siege to back this up he's running across the whole map right now which is certainly taking a lot of a lot of uh by the way it's 17 attacking against the 13 of the viper did go for more blacksmith upgrades and the plus three attack for them so viper can't take this fight at all here if you can't beat them join them i guess only in this case demanded arms for lucifen are even stronger and you're right vipers it went from a good fight for viper to just not having enough in the tank he has 29 idol villagers only 12 military and i mean there's 12 military on my screen from lucifen right now and he's got 40 more around the map oh man viper against pop 102 himself he's sitting at 62. wow this amount of violence just said this game is over yeah i mean he's had 20 or sorry 19 idols or no 29 idols inside those two tc's and wow um very different approaches here in this game and lucifron said i just need the sacred sites i don't need the tc approach i'm just going to spam military and lucifron stays alive against the viper here was there a mistaken approach from the viper because i think that it seemed like it was working for a while he did gain a villager lead which helps but just never translated into the military count it just felt like many arms was met at arms if you have the way weaker minute arms yeah is not really an option and i didn't have knowledge about delhi stronger men at arms and maybe wait for like two three two or three sprinkles first and then the engagements just go so much better for you yeah i was thinking i was surprised at how he used to sprinkled as well because the springhold had no support right smack in the middle of the map uh you'd think you'd kind of like push out from your production buildings and protect them a little more but yeah viper had more wood in that game he had more gold in that game he even had more stone in that game but lucifron had a bit more food and he just he just flooded the map there um and he just made more military i mean yes demanded orbs they're very strong excuse me but even after viper took that one favorable engagement he was at 15 or so military and lucifer was still at 45 so um anyways this series has opened my eyes a little bit more to the power of demanded arms nearly as uh we'll move on lucifron can no longer play with uh delhi and the series continues lucifer definitely has a chance and we are finally here nice to see arabia after the previous map good to see frank's after a while lucifron frank's in the blue viper hoping to close it out here playing as the mongols i'm i'm really excited friends we are expecting some knights mongols i don't know what to expect we're starting off with the oval makes lots of sense house will be needed no no no house will be needed because we never built houses lots of front will need one pretty soon and yeah that's the pretty standard build order hyper what is it what what will you go for mangudai horsemen archers spearmen all feel kind of viable yeah i guess this would be the proper time to say it depends um but i'm not sure what it really depends on actually because franks are pretty one-sided here i don't think we're gonna see too much out of the box from lucifron normally it is a rush to age two and then make those royal knights and eventually think about chivalry so the royal knights heal what viper has going for him is he's up to one but also that french are more one-sided so viper probably knows what to expect lucifron will have to scout a bit more maybe and figure that out minute arms very unlikely unit to see simply because it's only a car seat unit for mongols yeah and french simply have better options as well now the fourth village on gold again did he he plays seven four feels so weird how heavily he goes onto gold and yeah both players with only one scout now the barracks by the viper so he goes for the spear approach potentially with towers okay spear tower yeah i remember i was watching viper's stream the other day and i got to the tail end of when he died in a game and he was like i'm not sure what i could have done better there and he looked at the resources and there was all that stone and gold from uncles he got overwhelmed with military and he said that he thinks that that mongols could be s here so like there was definitely a recent awakening granted i don't know who was up against it was in a raided game it's not like the same level of seriousness but there was a recent ah moment for viper with mongols and uh might revolve around the spears hyper did he idle his cece no he did not but for spearman aggression now and he is going to tower rush the gold of the french oh wait and gold is still accessible at the top there yeah i will assume lucy front scouted that one but that's going to be quite some ugly play and you desperately need gold if you want to go for knights but obviously archers are gold free what's up with this it doesn't actually show the gold if you look at lucifron's fog of war like look at his fog of war he scouted the area it doesn't show a gold pile yeah that's a bit on the back side like that yeah he scouted it it it is backed just scroll around you don't see the woodland and everything either okay but is that a spec bug or is that a yeah it's a speck bucket okay all right well that's important because if he does get rushed here he will need to fall back and he needs to fall back right now and uh maybe this aggression is coming a little faster than lucifron was expecting well hopefully he'll find that gold back there which i think viper needs to scout as well to be honest outpost now being built by lucifer i think you have to follow this one up with an archery range pulls more villagers away from wood low hp which are being microwaved back as well and viper might take out this mining camp yep yeah i mean what's tricky here is you want to be stubborn with the french and you definitely want to be making uh those knights but yeah maybe an archer range is the more natural decision i like the distraction they're from lucifer with the scout and he saves the mining camp needs to be repaired though buildings are burning in age of empires which friends should know as a terran player though should be fine he's gonna repair it yeah he's got plenty of time but didn't really need to fall back viper is he on the way up yet he is but he's delayed but similar to game one nilly he likes that outpost in a strong position to to fortify and push from and i like how annoying he's been so far this game khan is helping out as well manny kemp is still burning he didn't properly repair it and if that one goes down it's 50 foot 50 gold for the viper you know what i would love is for the first royal knight uh we're going to assume he's going to make royal knights for the first royal knight to go directly to viper's eco all right look at the waypoints he's not going to defend his gold yeah i like that setting the waypoint out i'll push a bit too close to the tc my friend yeah it doesn't really protect viper abusing that and it's oh that one too close to the tc i thought you meant the other one was not protecting the gold from the con and uh that could easily be denied there well not easily actually royal knights are strong but it all depends on if viper protects this guy and uh easily okay i take it back nice one pro predictions over here microstep one away one spearman in the tower not really shooting at the gold right now maybe sending another villager forward could be a thing i think he is i think he's on the way he's kind of by the gold in the middle but what do you think about the choice to make that outpost on the right like is that i mean obviously it's within range of the tc but is that a good position to lock down here it's to annoy those villagers and push them away with their ship i also think he's going to be extremely fixated on the gold not realizing that there's a gold in the back for lucifer and lucifer is on it has viper never scouted that if you look at viper's fog of war he never checked the back yeah somebody certainly should do something he certainly should also do is celebrate that he just killed a villager on gold oh yeah they're three more low hp ones yeah khan doesn't do the most damage but it does do damage so that helps uh we do have uh some archers out now for lucifer and lucifer friends got to be careful with these bills man he's going to lose another one what's happening just pull them back yeah futile at khan doing four damage so solid 13 shots and a villager dies and that's villager number three dying i mean i'm very surprised by this did he forget is the con not moving so he just completely forgets its presence i don't really know obviously there's a lot of microing going on with the spearmen with the tower archers around here but that's simply something you should see you have to ask yourself where the card is yeah i mean hello he's losing more here nilly what is this he's got the back golds that is so sloppy man from lucifron i mean otherwise this is fine if he doesn't lose those bills this is really good but losing those bills very sloppy there's only one militia behind though yeah but he also only has one bill on gold okay he's fixing that now how does that happen by the way survival techniques fossa hunt uh you said viper's got that now or uh is going for that yeah yeah yeah okay interesting you know what's tricky about viper is he invested into a forward position but now that the archers are out he's gonna need potentially something more he's added his own archers with the spearman and a really good fight for viper clears up the night also lucifer taking a poor fight here as well i believe as you see viper activate spearmint become a little faster here and grey fighting for the viper spearmint and archers can chase this one down remember we have all arrows hitting so that's quite some damage and lutson is trying to run away but that's really ugly for him a viper is really dominating and look at this lucifron now on stone what is that noise you got you hear that no what what's the sound like uh it sounded like something was was like blocked you know the sound when you're trying to build something in age of empires 2 and it's like consistently i don't know anyways moving on i think no no no no no that's that's a slippery slope i only do that with camels so well what like maybe i can guess it i don't know it's like someone held it was like someone was holding down a hotkey and you couldn't produce what was ever uh what was trying to be produced it was like constant like click click click click click click very weird kind of but i don't think the sound is important because it's gone now but thank you viper with 21 military 28 bills lucifer with 31 eco how is this happening but i guess it's the french power of the frenchman and 12 military doesn't feel fair indeed melee attack and defense already done by the viper and now moves in and the next tower is coming in yeah next tower coming in the lucifer basically able to recover here due to the fact that he is the french faster working tc is just so broken in certain situations of course and great micro here from both but uh so far i'm more impressed with lucifer i just need to really run back spearman not doing too much here for the viper yeah and you're starting to see that now and oh he wants to complete the outpost with the royal knights charge in here it's so close and it's a doubt po it's not a dow post it goes up sorry see how much value that ends up getting here for the viper we've got two of them now four nights still around can't really commit against that knight should go down towers can focus fire but no he focuses fi focus fires on the archers oh that could have been two dead nights and now they're gonna heal up he can regroup as we have a whole bunch of bills for lucifer on going the other way what in the world is that for um he's gonna head down there for the deer and i guess you do have a lot of food on the deer so seems excessive but it does make sense if you need that food lifting population against 50 population there you go women are getting sniped down though and again the knights are just microwaving back and they obviously can heal up but oh lost too yep that's it that's what you wanted with the tower nearly he focused fires and actually these royal knights are also quite weak a viper has not taken any damage at home and it's tough to have confidence going out against the mongols because their eco is so compact usually viper actually with a lot of military there he needs to send out across the map i love the sheep that's following this is the most confused sheep ever no yeah follows the con there viper spotted it's hard for me to see if he spotted that on the right but i think he saw the villes run that way direction or run that direction nearly sorry still doesn't know where the gold is but so much vision and map control for the snake lucifron in this but he's not as in this as he would want to be right now he's not it's not out of reach but he has been reacting an awful lot vipre dictating the pace of the game quite wonderfully what is a character trait of a mongol unit that thinks that they can win character trait of a mongol unit that thinks that they can win confidence i i literally we all were casting earlier today i said confidence and you didn't even laugh at me did you not realize that was a joke oh no no i didn't i did oh my i feel so disrespected right now ah okay i'm sorry actually you know what i might have said as i the unit was weak as it was fleeing and i think i said i'm not sure if he can run away but i think he can and then you didn't realize yeah yeah we made too many of those yeah cannon is too easy all right sorry you you stepped it up yeah yeah a great expansion from lucifron uh maybe i should have given more attention to this but the outpost more towards the north the gold of course we talked about there is more gold and stone back there but uh oh on the other side lucifer out of position here comes the viper you can only fit five in there and remember we talked about how many bills were out and exposed i know the french tc works fast but that is so many dead villagers now why did you run to the right hand side when his army is at the left-hand side can't dodge that's for sure lucifron now down to 39 villagers as viper's gonna love that he's at 38. viper's killed so many bills he's still not even that far ahead this is ridiculous and he could actually lose this fight as well knights are still doing crazy damage another one goes down but all the archers are dying behind this as well for the viper oh boy he should think he's heavily had an eco now though he should and he is banking more res i don't know if it's if it's beneficial to go up but i mean he's about to lose control one of the worst things you can do is lose army control and then go up to the next stage but he does hold uh i think he'll struggle against the archers now but still toying with the idea of going up nearly uh what's what's a better army conversation for viper can you maybe play spearmen horsemen instead of archers i mean horsemen i i like that actually i really like that because as it stands you've taken out a lot of the knights so that might come but it might not come for a bit and then horsemen are quite good against the archers god i really hope this freaking outpost gets taken out because there's that constant red red signal on the mini-map because the mining camp is being attacked well you will finally get the resources right yeah how did you get the resources earlier there's the hardened khan and he can't escape as he uses the speed nice save there from viper and he goes into the freaking outpost how can a unit on a horse hop in an outpost man yeah that that feels wrong yeah quite some archers going down oh is lucifer committing against the tower feels like quite a big commitment doesn't really know how much army the viper has but there's not much at home yeah but it's tricky right like every time you try and counter the mongols they have an answer and viper has lots of pastures as well we haven't talked about this too much but this is unique to the mongols the pastures will generate sheep you don't need to expand your eco with farms like other sieves you can just keep it all at home i like that concept it's pretty cool they they can't even build them that's so crazy as well here comes a ram here for lucifron what is he getting upgrades archers not really now goes for some knights himself archer upgrade as well numbers don't matter here nearly if viper had another couple like maybe 30 seconds maybe 40 seconds he'd definitely be okay let's see how he is now really push into the tc that feels so risky i i think there's no way he can protect that ram but will he do enough damage here big fight nice around spearman getting sniped oh this feels really aggressive by lucifron but oh the archers are bugging out oh man the archers aren't attacking and vipers archers are just running around the ram goes down the tc can be garrisoned again that will help viper isn't age up right now over lucifron if both players took massive losses here nearly but there's still a town center firing i don't see any world where lucifron can win this fight now there's no way he just lost all his archers lances are chasing down as well castle is against fuel age i think lucifer is done here yeah it seems like it and he calls it he realizes that was the time window he probably took the fight because he saw viper was in castle he knew he was nowhere close and viper will move on to the semi-final and he won fairly convincingly i would say here today nearly uh there were some question marks over lucifron's play from you and i maybe things he'll have to go back to the drawing board on but viper surely deserved it here uh and he's always been one of the best players but also one of the best players at adapting to new stuff and he showed it here really nice adaption indeed and beating french with mongols there that was quite some interesting place so much aggression the first two towers but also we have to think about like lutheran losing five villagers on his main gold that shouldn't climb that does what four damage is there four damage from feudal age two damage and dogged four damage and if you think back to the um the bay one the bombard bay or or blasted bay or whatever bank oh just don't get me started okay yeah like you don't add trade in a map like that as well so like we've seen people go down today and i don't think nilly and i have really been that harsh or judgmental in questioning decisions because overall the winning player completely out strategized and it is they've been good competitive games i had more questions over lucifron's decision making than i expected after seeing his brother play earlier today and there were zero question marks over viper's play he was able to bring it back in one game and he was able to get early leads in a game like this despite you know maybe some some things going his way on lucifron's end um so yeah i mean we complete our day of quarter finals nilly and spoilers for for people who don't want to be spoilers so keep your ears shut if you don't but what are your expectations for the uh semi-finals and for the final in this tourney um i think viper should have a really easy task against stricken i think rican he plays creative but i don't think like he is hiding any strategies that he didn't show against terror yeah so i think this was kind of peak regan and if if we were if this match was in another week i think reconstrances are way better than tomorrow so i think that's a 3-1 the viper okay and mr vortex is wild this is a complete gamble for me i i think i would go for like it's three two mr yeah it's tricky man i mean they can go back to the drawing board they can look at how opponents played those types of things i'm with you though i i just have so much confidence in the viper right now and poor recon who i just congratulated it looks like he's responded me on discord um i think his style countered hera very well but i think that hera was still still a little too stuck in his ways um with how he plays age of empires 2 and trying to relate that to age of empires 4. so i think those are all conservative guesses i'm with you i think maybe viper has the edge 3132 in the semi moves on to the final and then uh the other one's a toss-up but man really good sets um and i think just enjoyable games uh there are some aspects of it you know that'll eventually be ironed out but if you think that this is if you were to to use the outlook of this is the worst that age of empires 4 will ever be it was a pretty solid day of games and i think a lot to look forward to uh as you know the the game develops even past this tournament you
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 29,536
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Twitch, Games, Game, Age, of, Empires, Two, Definitive, Edition, AoE, AoE2, AoE2DE, AoE2HD, HD, DE, Age of Empires II, II, Facebook, facebook, face, book, Face, Book, FaceBook, game, games, gaming, Age2, Age4, Age of Empires IV, IV, Four, AoE 2, AoE 4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 21sec (5661 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 14 2021
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