Viper+DauT vs Hera+TheMista 2v2 AoE4 Showmatch

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all right what is going on youtube welcome to 2v2 show match in between viper and doubt versus hera and mr we will have on the southern part of the map viper and doubt playing as the opposites for viper in green and down south is doubt as the mongols in yellow on north it is going to be the mysta playing as the red mongols and we will have hera playing as the english in blue so the civilization selection rules are pretty simple we have a best of five and you can pick one civilization for each team exactly once that means that you will use up all eight civilizations of the game for first four games and if we go to a fifth deciding game you can just pick whatever you want so that's basically the rules we do have an over order set up here for doubt and for our red player mista the ovo is also up notice how both of these ovus are very much exposed here so these are definitely exposed to raiding there will be one backup stone mine for each player behind their base for a backup ovu but their niche logo is going to be quite a bit exposed and that could be a cause of concern so there is very very limited knowledge of uh the player base right now on the 2v2 meta we simply haven't seen a lot of uh competitive 2v2 matches of course there is a ladder but that's always different from tournaments so figuring out the meta civilizations or the meta setup is a little difficult if you're an aoe 2 person you would assume that archers and the knights or horsemen is probably the best combination but it's not guaranteed it's actually possible that something like spears and archers from a mongol player combined with longbows could be devastating here but as i said the meta hasn't really been figured out so it's difficult to say what we're going to see over here we do have doubt coming in to harass mrs stable here and you see mr wanting to drop that stable close to that obu and doubt is going to body block it oh god i love that he has been camping with the con over there and he's just blocking the construction of that stable he's gonna have to give up on it and mister is going to retaliate by killing one of the sheep following him and doubt it looks like he also loses free sheep over here bit of a disaster for doubt those sheep were too far away from his con and mister just going to steal them so stable is up uh meanwhile on the outside we see a barracks and he's going for double spearman now it looks like it's going to be double scouts for amista he might be thinking about torching down a gold mine or he could be thinking about just being a little annoying wherever there is an exposed resource for either of the opponents and then just ferrying in deer but the spearmint aggression could work nicely for doubt here because there is really nothing from mista that could stop those spearmen from destroying the oval and the stable potentially other side we do have the council hall coming up for hera has a nice back gold mine over here will be protected by the council hall as well and viper is aging up with the house of wisdom so that is already in with the spearman and now there are a couple of troublesome moments over here for mister because guess what he's got nothing against the spearman so as long as he's in dark age the best thing he could do is get to feud or get to a barracks himself and then just try to make couple of spearmen as well he can use the con to damage the spears but the khan barely does damage against the spears in dark age i think it's two per hit so you need a lot of shots to kill the spearmen they should have no trouble destroying the oval over here it's already six spearmen out here for doubt and it very much seems like mister is going to lose that very much exposed uh oh i love how doubt is even pulling his own khan so he can start shooting at the con of mista and mister wasn't paying attention eats a lot of big hits on that con and it looks like the khan might even go down one hp doubt is going to snap the con of messed up disaster start here for a red player because he's going to lose his ovu he's going to lose his table now dowd also loses his con to the town center fire of mysta so at least that's even and the stable will just get away so obu gone not ideal but mr has a chance to replace it over here on this stone mine and he manages to save the stable now doubt is aging up with the deer stones so is uh his opponent the mist up whereas on the other side hera is just about to hit feudal age here with the council only building it with the two wheels viper is already up and he's going for a stable so we'll see sort of a horseman and i would assume archer aggression from doubt he opened with spearman but he will probably continue with archers once we get to feudal age for him whereas on the other side heroes definitely going to play archers the question is what will mister do he's got a stable so technically the horseman archer composition can work here as well it's interesting how doubt will be using his mongols as the archer civilization whereas mysta will be using it as the cavalry save out here we also have quite a lot of gold being mined by mista which makes me believe that he wants to get professional scouts he already has a girl out and he hosts a couple of scouts speaking of the scouts they do jump the deerstones of doubt over here and dow doesn't have the spearman back home four scouts could actually push all those villagers away might even kill one or two hera is also coming in with his own scout and that should be one dead villager indeed the villager will be joined here and honestly doubt might lose a second one over here to the scouts this will definitely delay the deer stones i don't think he's gonna lose a huge amount of wheels here might lose one or two more but the big deal is that this deer stones will be delayed there is the spearman coming all the way back as uh one villager might still go down looks like mr will disengage hera already massing the archers out here has a mill on the berries too meanwhile for mr there is the professional scouts that we were discussing other side of the map looks like viper is going for a fast blacksmith going for a defense upgrade immediately so he knows exactly he's gonna be up against a lot of longbows might as well go for that defense upgrade on the horseman early hero's gonna need the attack upgrade soon as well and he's going for that meanwhile doubt ages up to feudal age and we are seeing double archer ranges coming in for him with all that stone in the bank as well using two ranges for double training archers could allow doubt to flood the map with archers really fast look at this that is already four archers in the queue mr is up to feudal age he's got an ovu now so he can start popping out double horsemen and that's exactly what we are seeing from him hera is moving up with his archers though doubt forced to make a defensive tower on his gold mine now doubts archers will arrive just in time i do believe but the con could be a little exposed over here and looks like the con won't be focused down instead the villagers will another villager goes down from doubt now the long bows swoop in they're focusing down the spears apparently um you could use mysta scouts as a diversion and just soak up the arrow fire from doubt here but it looks like the superior numbers of doubt archers will force sahara back over here where is the cavalry at from viper that's the question it's green so it's a little difficult to spot on the map but here they come they're swooping across the map and it looks like heroes archers will be cleaned up we do have some horsemen joining the party but as long as doubt has some spears nearby those horsemen won't be able to join the fight meanwhile we got one scout coming in from hera looking at viper's base viper going for a stone mine so he's going to start working towards the second town center hera behind this one playing one pc adding a couple of forms with the english that's going to help quite a bit because obviously english farming is pretty powerful whereas mister is faring in deer so his base will be very compact and very well defendable but you got an exposed stable and as long as those spears are nearby it's going to be extremely difficult for uh mr to fight this in fact he is going to pull his stable and once again will be forced to just abandon that oval this is a growing concern for him because doubt is amping up the pressure pulling up the deer stones and getting those archers ready to push this side once again the ovu might be burnt down now a clever move here from viper would be to stop attacking that ovu because if viper attacks that and he's the one setting it on fire doubt won't get the food and gold i do believe so doubt needs to land that torch that sets it on fire it looks like he was able to do that so the oval goes down once again this means that there is no double training right now for mista the good news for him though is that he's gonna have a pretty decent food eco when it comes to ferrying in deer viper in the meanwhile has the berries going on for him with the episodes and for doubt he's got a hunt so close to his base that he can just take it to the villagers so he's going to be happy with that as well it looks like the next batch of deer is already coming in and we do have the horseman swooping in for mista mista does have the defense upgrade as well and he's going to intercept a couple of archers here villagers are garrisoned into the tower so the archers can jump in and that could be a couple of archers going down nice micro bite out and it looks like mysta will disengage he is hoping to keep those uh scouts alive as viper is trying to cut off the escape path look at this look at this coordination from viper and doubt mister is like let me bring in my deer he loses one scout the second one might survive and now hera's longbows are here to relieve there is still free spearmen out here but the spearmint numbers are going down so suddenly mister could have a chance to jump on all those archers longbow's picking off a couple of archers here as well meanwhile if you look at the villager count which is a little difficult to look at when we have so many players 31 for doubt 34 for viper hera is at 35 and mista is sitting at 34 so doubt lost a couple of luggagers early and that was basically it dear stone's up here for doubt so he's going to have the yam speed on those archer units now looking at the cavalry numbers it's 12 for viper it is only 10 for mr viper with the defense upgrade and the attack upgrade as well here come the horseman and hero will be forced to retreat now viper and doubt are focusing down the cavalry player here which means it takes a lot of time for the archer player to reinforce this battle because the archers are slow moving so hera needs some time until he gets over here the longboss however will have one extra range over those archers in fact it's two-range advantage so they can just play very defensive here hold this position and uh force the archers away looks like viper might be switching focus and doubt might be tempted to do that as well just try to double team hera speaking of who he's getting close to castle here capitalizing on that english farming eco viper is not far away from castle jitter and viper is now building a second town center so viper is starting to capitalize on that completely untouched economy he had and just starts to boom behind this one meanwhile for doubt he is still in feudal agent he will be in feudal for a long time so will mr b the thing is that when you're going for horsemen those are very food heavy so your castle age time will probably be rather slow whereas the orchard player is spending way less food so that's the main reason why both viper and uh hera will be faster to castle age over here so deerstone's still up here for mr dowd aside from that he's slowly running out of hunt behind his base so he's gonna have to start adding some pastures viper on the way to castle age with the kocher wing interestingly viper hasn't gotten the fresh foodstuffs upgrade which is a little weird that's usually the first upgrade that you get when you get to feudal age probably viper wanted to prioritize army and he might have just forgotten about this upgrade but this will be much needed especially for a double town center boom looks like doubts forces are moving all the way up to the north there is a defensive tower here for herod that's going to help with the network of castles bonus so i don't think that viper and doubt can legitimately push this side i lost track of viper's cavalry once again it's all green so it's a little difficult to spot we got a raiding party in here from mr trying to get some kills on uh the hunt of doubt but viper is pursuing that with an even amount of horsemen so this will be an even trade whenever the fight is taken there is viper's cavalry or at least what's left of it mister's got a pretty decent force here as well but now mister and here are sort of forced to make a move because mista is not going up to cast legs yet and the viper is almost up so viper is going to have veteran horsemen soon and he will have lancers soon as well meanwhile on the other side herrera is up to castle to the king's palace that will be his second town center also has a mill at the back i love the defensive tower just in case you get raided you can jump into it with your villagers and a storm and will be spotted by mista this is very important because now he knows viper was mining stone if you know he was mining stone he's likely going for a second town center looking at the castle timing of mysta he's also rushing up the stepper adult over here with the 11 wheels getting close to castle age he's going to pop the veteran upgrade and then start making lancers and of course he's going to need this defense upgrade the wedge trivets on the left side looks like things are still peaceful mr gets away with the horseman for now so we are entering a bit of a peaceful stage of this game and the reason why this could be a little concerning for uh doubt is because doubt is uh not up to castle yet so a good timing push here could be devastating and it looks like we're gonna have a raid coming in by the mist up viper's reaction is clean and fast jumps into the dc so the horsemen should not accomplish much doubt getting close to castle age but i feel like mista and hera could force a fight here with castle units before doubt can get his upgrades in looks like this uh tower will be burnt down that's going to give some resources to mr as well because he's mongoose so setting that on fire will provide him 50 food and gold nice little move on that exposed tower but unless they're moving on doubt very fast doubt is going to be able to get his upgrades in where is the veteran archer coming in nowhere an archer just yet for doubt meanwhile for mista he's up to castle age and i don't see the veteran horseman being queued up either is there a third stable which is doing it yes there is so there's going to be veteran horsemen soon hera moves in with the veteran longbows and now the horseman also joined the party this is the first time in this game where viper is really getting pushed and it looks like he is getting pushed like crazy those horsemen are about to burn that down center down viper is gonna have to send a couple of voters to repair but all those voters will be picked apart and where is viper's army at i don't see viper's army anywhere it looks like it's regrouping down south over here veteran horseman not in for viper yet doubts forces are coming in just now as we speak khan speed boost hopping a lot but it looks like the town center will be burned down and that's already a win for mista and hera over here villagers will also be picked off but the town center being killed is massive and this is already veteran horseman versus uh no veteran upgrade over here there is also the second defense upgrade for mister whereas viper doesn't have that so the upgrades are much much better right now for mista and hera over here the horsemen will surround all those archers and this is turning into a slaughter this is turning into slaughter over here now the best thing that dal can do is try to focus down the longbows of hera but the numbers are just swinging in the favor of mista and hera out here looks like we're actually getting close to decisive fight here honestly because viper's forces are being decimated now he's adding lancers himself but there is also going to be a lancer force coming in from the mist up and the thing is that as i said viper lost access to these farms the berries he lost the town center and now every single building that gets set on fire like this mill this house is going to provide resources to the messed up still remember that viper was on two dc's for a long time but he has taken a pretty big punishment over here not a long boss will start harassing his villagers on the farms survivors food eco is in trouble meanwhile we got a lancer moving in as well by mr on the gold mine of doubt not a huge amount of damage especially that crossbow around but two or three villagers being picked off once again is great value i would love to see mr just burning down those houses instead of the stable would give him a lot of resources and would be very annoying for viper to get housed that frequently i don't see any kind of counter attack coming in anytime soon if you look at the army numbers viper is sitting at eight army and doubt is sitting at 13 whereas hera is at a whopping 42 and mista is at 20 so much better army numbers for missed up and hera stable going down over here and as i said you start burning down these buildings you get a bunch of resources that just allows you to go for even more army looks like the deer stones is being pulled all the way across the map here as viper tries to jump harass longboss here herrera needs to be careful because as long as won't perform that amazing against lancers especially if the lancers are in large numbers luckily for hera his longbow numbers are just way better in here and it looks like lancers are looping around might actually be able to hit viper from the other side meanwhile dear stones as i said getting close and you still see these houses being burned down and all of those provide resources to the mist up hera also looking very good with the resources hasn't been touched for a long time going for a couple of bettering grams but the big thing for him will be imperial age potentially he is double town centers with the english and he's getting close to imperial age going for a market will probably buy himself up and with that it would be next to impossible for viper and doubt to defeat him privilege army of long pose especially because you would get the volley upgrade in imperial h for your long bows something that can help immensely as another house is going to get burned down doubt apparently switching into mangudai but the problem with the manga dies that they will be picked apart by the longbows very very easily so mangudai is not really an answer to longbows and honestly even archers aren't crossbows will help against the lancers but the biggest problem right now for viper and doubt is hero's big big mass of longbowmen era getting close to imperial age he's aging up with the berkshire palace over here and i feel like at latest when hero gets to imperial viper and doubt might call it because they have to understand that look there is no way we've eaten in pillage army over here we're already on the back foot and you see as i said these lancers just keep burning down buildings every single lumber camp every single house that's set on fire is 50 food and gold for the mysta these buildings out here is like 300 400 food and gold each [Music] looks like a ram is knocking on doors of that house of wisdom as well remember that if viper loses the town center and the house of wisdom he is going to lose the game automatically because that's the landmark victory condition so soon viper and doubt will have to fight this one no matter what i still don't see any kind of counter-attack in fact all i'm seeing on the other side of the map is just a lancer coming in from mista to try and harass soldiers viper's mangala numbers are looking quite decent over here but that still won't fight all these longbows from hera hera's up to imperial so elite longbowman will come in soon and he just needs like two or three more rams to start steamrolling this one the problem here for doubt is that even though he's got a big mass of mangudai that could raid a lot unless you're stopping this push here viper is going to get eliminated so you got the longbows picking apart all those crossbows mangudai vipers got a pretty sizable force of uh lancers and horsemen but soon those longbows will be elite and that age advantage could be massive looks like viper and doubt are tempted to fight this one right now there is still no elite upgrade in yet but it's mostly lancers as a meat shield supported by longbows viper is going to tap out and the mr and hera take game number one very well played i have to say extremely well played let's look at the timeline real quick at the beginning it was way better for viper and doubt but after that it was just mr going for the lancers a double answer is something that pays off quite easily so in comparison to doubts team doubts team went for double archers with the mongols this gave them a nice feudal age advantage you see army numbers were way better but once we got to castle suddenly the stone of mysta was converted into double lancers and the double lancers plus the english longbowmen production will be the abbasid um lancer play and the mongol just straight archer play and with that mista and hera were able to take a very very good fight close to viper's town center that's basically where viper started dropping villas over here and behind this one hero was also two dc's pretty much untouched boom for the entire game got up to like a hundred villagers over here very well played by hera and the mystop and they take game number one so we will cross out some civilizations over here once again you can use every single civilization once so the mongols and the english are gone for heroes team at abbasids and the mongols are gone for viper and doubt we do have the civilizations for game number two that's going to be english and delhi for viper steam versus chinese and delhi what about game five what sips can they use yes in game number five they can use any two civilizations so basically first four games you use up all eight civilizations and then you can just pick any two civilizations in game number five for the insider game if you get there alrighty so chinese delhi versus english delhi chinese is an interesting civilization pick here for daniel river i would have expected it on hillandale because on hillandale that's i think a top free civilization easily delhi is sort of the meta pick on daniel brever and english has been pretty popular because you can use the longbows to harass those fishing ships we'll have to see about the chinese on this map i have some doubts about this one should i say i have some doubts about this but it is what it is as we jump into game number two we're going to daniel river oh they said a five minute spec delay oh that's sad that makes me sad so we're gonna have to wait a couple of moments until we get into the game time for that joke uh i'm not into that jokes that much today so i would rather talk about the civilizations themselves over here so english and delhi allow you to have a pretty decent early push with the longbows whereas chinese a lot more of a patient play although with chinese you can also play somewhat aggressive with uh like supervisors just supervising the stables and then going for several horsemen play both teleplayers will focus on water the question is how much the english players and how much the chinese players will focus on the water because that's your main uh benchmark i believe over here i could have imagined even french being used here if you think about it because alongside delhi if the french player also gets a dock in feudal age we have hawks and that's very difficult to beat for any other civilization chinese is definitely a surprising choice here so we'll have to see what mista has on his mind viper and doubt as i said going for the more conventional shift picks if i may say so this was by the way or this is going to be game number two while we're waiting over here let's go back a tiny bit uh to the lobby and check out the other maps so hillandale that could be i think it's going to be hre because although you could actually use whole roman empire on border bay as well but it has to be either boulder bay or hillandale for the holy roman empire french is probably going for the boulder bay game it's possible that we're going to see a french holy roman mirror over there in that case i think that the chinese for vipers team will still be used on hillandale episodes from mrs team i would expect that to go for hillandale as well and then game number five obviously high view is a hidden free pick so we can't really predict there although that's probably going to be ruse plus mongols the question is i said hillandale and border bay right now one of those maps you have to use roos boulder bay could be a decent roost map and that would free up potentially the hre for uh hillandale so there's a lot of options over here we got one minute remaining from the countdown and then we'll jump into game number two over here so first game won here by the mista and the hera both teams have very very nice team coordination so i must say that uh i expected viper and doubt to have a slightly better team coordination simply because they're used to playing a lot more together but we also had a very good team coordination for mista and hera so they have to be satisfied with themselves over here i think the chinese can do good here if the game is rather long so at the beginning of the game it won't be impressive but once you start going deeper and deeper especially if you get to the song state could be massive especially because this game is fairly well defendable or this map is fairly well defendable this means that you can sort of play a slow game and long game and in a long game the chinese will dominate a lot miss tantra didn't communicate for first few minutes i mean first few minutes might not be that big after that though they had a very very good team coordination so they actually had a very good unit control they helped each other out in every key fight as we jump into daniel river on the northern side of the map we do have uh hera playing as the blue with the delhi sultanate yellow for mista as the chinese unfortunate the players can't pick colors in the game so there is no way to keep the colors uniform on the right side we got viper playing as the deli in red and we will have mr doubt playing as the english in green so we already have a dog coming up here for viper as you would expect i love how he is using that scout to clean that wolf up so he's not wasting villager seconds killing it we do have an interesting layout of the map indeed because uh the delhi players are both closer to the river but the other players the english and the chinese player are pretty much in this mountainous area now i'm not sure if this is actually something that helps either of the players or hurts them because they can still go for a dock but this is actually fairly well defendable position for mist if you think about it because it's very possible that we're going to see some walls and he could just fall off this entire section over here vo here is not really a big investment neither it is over here so if you've all around here you could protect yourself and potentially your teammate especially if your teammate is controlling this crossing over here what would be uniform colors same colors no the same colors as in game number one that's what i was referring to so game number one we have different colors for the players and that's what we would be working towards ideally looks like we do have the scouts teamed up over here as they are coming in to potentially take down mrs villager the dog goes up so the dock won't be denied but the villager might actually get killed it's getting close to the tc i don't think that it's going to be taken down in time here mister at 10 hp yep the scouts will be forced away by the way i love how doubt is also carrying his teammates sheep look at that thoughts got the green scout and it's being followed by red sheep and green sheep as well so doubt is like hang on bunny i'm handling all your sheep as well so now both teams could actually decide to try and harass the opponent's dock with their scouts we already have scouts out for viper of course um you can't fully harass the delhi dock because you got the the deli fishing ships protecting it but you can definitely harass the chinese player's dock or the english player's dock [Music] oh looks like mister is coming in with all the big walls he's actually rolling this crossing in a way that ships cannot pass so his fishing eco would be safe it's actually a smart thing to do especially if you want to focus on land with the chinese because if you think about it the delhi player is probably the one that wants to go for water over here i mean water fighting so the chinese player doesn't really want to invest a lot into combat ships probably neither does the english player but they are the ones that have the more exposed fishing geek over here because they are the ones closer to the opponent on this side looks like we do have quite a lot of hunt over here for doubt it's rather safe and easy to take so i would expect him to grab that at some point and looks like the first one to click up the feudal age will probably be viper he's already at 350 food has uh four fishing ships out right now whereas on the other side we also have uh at least four it's actually five now for hera hera is not far away from feudalizator doubt is getting close as well and so is the misstep mister has one officer working over here but it's collecting tax interesting it started moving towards that gold mine which had one tax gold but now mista is going to send it back to the lumber camp to supervise it the supervised lumber camp can actually help quite a bit affording the combat ships of the chinese over here and it looks like viper actually sent the ford villager for what could have been a sneaky dog but this will be intercepted by mr scout mr also going for preemptive tower behind his dock so he knows exactly that viper either wanted to sneak a tower on him or he wanted to sneak a dock on him but neither of those will work out and the viper could very well lose that wheelchair the doubt scout is now coming in to help out viper should not be losing that wheelchair now that doubt scout is nearby although if hero scouts is getting close this could be picked off quite easily meanwhile dome of faith coming in here as we speak for viper dome of fate as well for hera he's just now building up his first mosque viper doesn't have a mosque just yet and harold now pulling his own scout as well trying to help out on this side this vulture is still out here exposed so it's very possible that heraz and mr scout might actually get the kill because it's still very far from any kind of safety oh looks like the villager goes down not the end of the word for viper because he's got a very powerful fishing eco but this wall will be denied from viper you'll see that mr was successful rolling this off so ships from a gamer legion can't cross over here but viper wasn't able to wall this off so mr can delete this any time and let their own ships pass looks like mista is uh still in dark age going up at the barbican of the sun right now adding quite a lot of fish he also has a voice coming up on this side so he's the one responsible for the defense meanwhile you got multiple defensive towers for hera so it looks like hero and mister are just playing a long game here might not be surprised to see a semi-fast castle even from them because it to me it very much seems like it's all about vol and fish boom second dog coming in here for hero now what's on viper's mind let's see he's got one two mosques now so he's getting uh sanctity and efficient production at the same time and we've got long bows coming in from doubt from the council hall should be able to harass missed a tiny bit or the barbican of the sun will limit this angle so you can probably all just come around here and hit the fish from the left that's your best bet meanwhile for viper he's also going for his second dock right now and if i had to bet what viper and doubt will do is viper will secure the sacred sides using the support of doubt archers because currently viper and doubt have land map control so might as well bring in the scholars and secure both sacred sites over here one is always in this little island in the middle and one is over here on top of that hill longbows are now crawling in and it looks like mr had a forever being sent out here i think he wanted to go for a sneaky dock on the outside but that will be intercepted by the longbows [Music] looks like hera is all in on that fish boom currently at 10 fishing ships he is viper has also got a pretty decent fish boom though so hera won't have a massive advantage here when it comes to fish and here come doubt longbows they will be able to harass those fishing ships here tiny bit viper getting close to castle age with that food but still pretty far away in terms of gold apparently the fishing ships aren't going down here from mista yet but they're being harassed wouldn't be surprised to see a stable for a couple of horsemen and indeed that's exactly what we're seeing the officer will be sent to supervise the stable the other officer is apparently having a seizure as he's stuck in a building oh lol oh that's frustrating that's gotta be frustrating for mister stuck in a building not sure if uh he can actually free it up by moving the other impel officer it's possible that he can meanwhile the horsemen do come in and there is absolutely no spearman support and look at the timing from mister he pops out the junk to kill the longbows and then whatever is left will be cleaned up by the horseman the timing on that wasn't was perfect uses the horseman and the junk combined to clean up all those longbows um looks like the officer is still having a hard time mr might not even have noticed it okay he's back he's back in action he was just uh blocked by his fellow tax collector meanwhile viper scout here is gonna have a very tough time over here oh when you send your scout to take a look at the opponent's fishing eco and every fishing ship can shoot you feels bad looks like we don't have a sneaky dog at all from either side as we do have doubt messing up a pretty sizable force of longbows and oh look at that doubt is boiling this up this is clever you wore this entire thing off and then you take the sacred side with the deli and that's probably the plan over here as well meanwhile we got castle h coming in for hera he's going up in the house of learning as you would expect and on the other side we don't have castle h coming in just yet for missta doubt he's still kind of far away from castle age but he will be there in about a minute or so and he will probably age up with the town center landmark looks like doubt won't be able to finish his voice though and that's a disaster that's an absolute disaster their game plan probably was that they will finish these walls and that's going to be three villagers down here for doubt and an unfinished ball that's just terrible for them right now mr came in with the cavalry and killed three villagers plus denied the wars i mean well for viper he's already up to castle age with the house of learning he has to start popping up maybe own the blades at the beginning and just go men at arms that could be an option viper securing the sacred site in the middle already as mr runs into the longbowmen hit hiding in the forest that was a clever move from doubt he's been hiding his longbowmen there for some time and mr runs into that loses pretty much all his cavalry and now is the chance for doubt to finish that wall meanwhile it looks like hera is going to play minute arms indeed that means that owned blades should be your priority upgrade over here and on the other side we have no castle yet for mista instead he went for the imperial academy so he's playing song dynasty one pc for a time being he's getting close to castle though and he'll probably age up with the clock tower landmark so the only player that uh is yet to click up is going to be dowd he's pretty close as well as i said town center landmark is likely as we do have one scout being sent in here by mr newfoundland's secret side harry is coming in with the manatoriums and the scholar as well to secure that position meanwhile we got the bugla out for viper so he's realizing that okay i'm facing quite a lot of minute arms over here i will need to vote i will need to get some combat ships ready as viper is securing this sacred sites for themselves but the other one will be taken by hero over here so we could be in for a very long game in this one because as things stand we're getting closer and closer to a bit of a stalemate here with voz up and one team controlling each secret side now remember that uh you can trade with your teammate so you don't need this neutral market here in the middle and both teams have access to those respective corners as things then hera is still popping out manat arms viper hasn't really been adding army so far so it looks like he is just booming one dc only for him though have one secret side going for him knowing viper he's going to start collecting relics rather fast as this bugla has a tough time finding a way through misstop is up to castle so the last player to reach castle will be doubt he is going up with the king's palace landmark as you would expect and now herrera is coming in with a sneak dog so finally he wants to take the fight to gamer legion as uh the fishing boat of viper will find this but it won't be able to stop it and the bug laws are too far so it's likely that hero's gonna get that dock up on the other side the fishing eco of amista and hera are still rather safe so viper is gonna have to send all those bug laws back but it looks like he's not reacting now for hera knowing that there is buglas out there explosive dolls might be the best choice to start with because you want to finish off those bug laws now viper is moving up all his ships he also is an explosive ship coming in here right now and a couple more bug laws will be added and for hero he's opening with a bug as well so hera is going to be behind the numbers quite a bit in that fight let's take a look at the villager counts right now 57 for hera viper's got 54 we got doubt with 56 and the mista at 65 so very close economies i would say for the two teams looks like we got some voice up for mister over here so his side should be rather safe soon although the longbows of doubt are now moving up and those longbows could be devastating over here there's defensive tower up and we could see some palace guards hitting the field here for mister alongside a couple of lancers so i don't think that he has to be afraid of this one but it's definitely annoying to deal with this for hera viper's ships are coming over just now we also have a tower over here for mista so he's trying to get some map control here with the tower potentially get the handgun emplacements or just garrison something inside so you can take some shots on ships looks like these buglers are refusing to shoot the vulture for whatever reason i wonder if the buglers see it oh they don't see it they don't see that tower that could be massive this tower gets a spring holding placement that would be devastating against ships meanwhile though viper breaks through on the left side with the bug claws through the wall and suddenly viper's navy is just destroying whatever mr has over here the bug glass from hera went down explosive dow coming in here though from the misti and viper wasn't looking viper wasn't looking the demo ship is going to trigger and that's gonna be pretty massive the fishing boat is also in the middle of the fight viper ships are still alive but most of them are heavily damaged so these defensive towers should be able to sink most of them there goes one and a second one could also go down but so will some of uh missed this fishing echo so yep mister in the end he's going to lose some of his fishing eco despite the fact that he managed to get some nice hits on viper's navy now here come the towers though from hera and they're starting to take control over this side of the river multiple towers coming up and there is the spring golden placement i was talking about so while viper was able to pressure this angle i think there is a better long-term potential in the push of herastem as they are going to try and take those towers down one of them was delayed the other one already stands and this actually has a spring golden placement on it as well viper is going to react with a keep on this side to control this crossing left side is rather peaceful doubt is building up a force of long bows on the left side though so there's a chance that he's going to make a ram push happen against the mist bangla coming in for hera here though that is going to be a combined force of four but with that keep around there is basically no chance for hera to break through over here unless this keep goes down demo is going to be taken down hero needs to be careful not to stay very close to those dogs because if a demo pops out it could sync that bug law immediately so you got to be very careful 18 seconds left fred bagla missed on the other hand we haven't talked about him for a long time he has been working actively and he's up to imperial with the the spirit way that's massive it looks like it's still song dynasty as viper's demo is about to pop out so this could be massive here herra is focusing on demo he's going to eat a big demo hit though this is why i said that you got to be a little further away from that dock if you want to be safe meanwhile look at all the towers here from mista and all of those have some hand cannon emplacements on them so they are shooting at those fishing ships at a quite rapid pace so now what's the plan for the misstop it looks like we're seeing some palace guards and that's because doubt is up to imperial he's pushing this one with some longbowmen we got a nest of bees out as well a couple of lancers could also help over here although dao does have uh crossbows so this is to be a difficult defense here for the mista although the nest of bees will definitely help quite a bit numbers are in the favor of doubt those so mister's gonna have a difficult two or three minutes coming up over here a lot of things going on at the same time because the minute arms are breaking through on the left so you see viper had to pull all his ships to the north which means that this uh part of the wall was left undefended and now the minute arms are breaking through and those mandators are heading straight towards doubt's base dowd's got a couple of defensive crossbowmen over here and the viper is gonna try to pop a conversion he preemptively press the button hoping that heroes is going to run inside the range of that uh monk but that didn't happen and now hero's gonna pop the maneuver and he's going to jump on all those crossbows meanwhile on the left side it is mister who's getting wrecked by uh those rams and the longbows but the ram is now gone so this push is going to slow down mr's army is still non-existent though although we are getting some clock tower bombards up over here looks like they're being sent forward though so it's possible they want to break through over here and mister is satisfied with his defense on this side because there is no siege coming that way it's a little risky but you never know oh there's demo here there's a demo here and viper could just trigger that and sync those minute arms one demo triggered kill free the other one won't trigger for now you got to be careful i wonder if hero's gonna send one-minute terms to bait that demo that's exactly the case look at hera he knows exactly that he needs to send in one demo to bait that damage or one minute arms to bait that demo ship meanwhile on uh viper's side we do have imperilage coming in for him as well nice move from viper not triggering the demo for one minute arms on the left side doubt is amping up the pressure though he's got a forward castle as well and we are going to have some sprinkle with some battering rams coming in bombard's on the way for mister though as uh we do have it rolling forward to try and pressure this angle it seems in the middle we do have uh harass team controlling the map down center coming up for hera in the middle as viper is up to imperial doubt is not going up yet but his resources aren't looking bad for it and he's not pushing the rams and for herop he's also on the way to imperial looks that your ram is now pushing in here as we do have a couple of minute arms here for hera not a huge amount and there is some crossbows in here so it's going to be a little difficult to hold this angle nevertheless but it should be enough to destroy this battering ram and then buy some time for a misstep there's also some more minute arms on this side they do have own blades as well and now we have some bombards coming out here for mistake so those bombards will start just shredding the entire fishing echo of viper steam and i think they will just try to spearhead through right into viper's base here so bombard setting up now they have to have uh a pretty safe distance kept in between them and the bug laws on the left side the longbows and uh the crossbows are out stable is down for mister though and his army is just sort of non-existent right now mrs got in theory 17 army but most of that seems to be just bombards not a lot of palace guards or anything else bombards now shelling all the ships off uh mr viper over here viper is able to get some shots in but those are clock tower bombards so they will withstand a lot of punishment and it very much seems like viper's navy is just gonna get destroyed over here meanwhile herrera is messing up a big force of minute arms i think at this point mister just wants to go full bombards like have a good economy and just go full bombers because bombards cost quite a lot of population so if you have like 10 15 bombards out there that's a lot of firepower and if your opponent has a decent force on man at arms the two combined should be enough oh looks like we got the berkshire palace up on the front line as well for doubt he hasn't gotten the network of citadel's uh upgrade just yet as the bombards are calling up now the berkshire palace has a range of 12 tiles so it's capable of taking some shots on those cannons even if the cannons have 12 range which they don't currently it's only 10 range but it doesn't really matter because it's not the range that determines uh this bush over here is the firepower viper is going to lose the keep and now those minotaurs with own blades and their speed boost will run into viper's economy no elite mana terms yet for hera but i'm fairly certain it is coming in and a viper is in trouble because you see that all he needs to lose is just the landmarks and he's done so if he loses the house of learning the dome of faith this starting town center and his h4 landmark he's done versus h4 land market i think it's all the way back here that's actually rather safe it's the hizard academy for him and we also have some lancers crossbows and sprinkles coming in here the difference between the two armies here is that there is no siege for gamer legion so while they can potentially snap down the bombards hero's got a lot of minute arms over here and they can destroy the landmarks whereas on this side those bombards could just start crawling up and killing all the landmarks looks like viper popped out monk here to try and convert the minute arms but it wasn't needed he already has elite lancers out here meanwhile though herrera's got a fairly sizable force of man at arms if i may say so still without elite right now i wonder when that elite comes in where is that being researched at elite still four minutes that's a lot of time for that elite upgrade even though it's right next to the mosque of course after the delhi changes in pilgrimage upgrades take a lot of time so as things stand this river has pretty much been cleaned up and hera and the messed up are the ones applying pressure on viper's base now what viper needs to do here is sort of just hold which is easier said than done and have doubt push this side if doubt gets a decent amount of crossbows long bows and some cannons out here that could work but it's going to be difficult against eight block tower bombards even though these bad boys still don't have the range upgrade so it's only 10 range viper is swooping in with the cavalry though and that's going to smash all those metatars in the face very nicely i don't see any trade coming in for either team right now although doubt won't really need trade either because uh he's going to generate gold from the farms and look at that cannon from mr swooping snapped down the cannon of doubt immediately this is just insanely hard for doubt to push i'm not gonna lie meanwhile in the middle this wall is being opened up a little bit more so the cannons have more surface area to hit over here the middle is under the control of the mista and hera and now we are seeing some war elephants coming in this is the palace of the sultan for hera and that basically is going to allow him to get tower war elephants out automatically if he garrisons four scholars in here it would be even faster and those war elephants will be a very very good meat shield unit viper and exchange went with the hussar academy which is probably the better long term landmark but for this push having a couple of towerville elephants on the field actually helps a lot there goes one landmark viper's got three blacks in that uh monastery that's going to go down as well doubt is pushing up with a lot of crossbows and longbows but you see hero's gonna have defensive keeps inside the base of mista and dow just doesn't have siege so doubt won't be able to take down landmarks whereas uh here and mista will be able to looks like the relics are out although the elephant goes down and there is just no protection to those cannons so the lancers will jump on them hera comes in with the minute arms though still far away from that all-important elite upgrade looks like doubt is going to pass though he's just going to run past those keeps and head straight towards hero's economy now there is right now seven clocked our bombards shooting at him but if he ever gets into heroes economy that could be quite trouble with some 38 longbows that could just smash heraziko in the face will that be enough it's questionable because viper is gonna have to make a miracle hold here that is seven o'clock tower bombards and about 50ish minute arms it's actually more than that 78 minute arms still without the lead but they do have own blades viper is going for spring loads the bombards now have the 12 range viper spring golds also do have 12 range over here viper with quite decent amount of lancers he's going to lose the dome of fate as well so that's two out of the four landmarks that need to be destroyed there is going to be a third one the starting tc luckily for viper the hisar academy is all the way at the back here so mrs forces have to push through all the way through here to get there viper is actually using the scholars to boost the production of spring goals over here many times will be sent to this patch the spring golds now lancers will be thinking about jumping this army here still no elite for those mana terms and that's going to hurt quite badly over here spring always trying to focus down the bombards but of course those bombards survive a lot of punishment still elite lancers versus the minute arms this should be a pretty good fight over here for viper it's in fact a massive fight for viper because as i said there is still no elite on those minute arms viper's got an easier time reinforcing he's got scholars behind healing now there is some cannons obviously taking some shots on the lancers but the cannons are being decimated and this is probably as good as it gets for viper meanwhile though for doubt while he did launch a counterattack and he killed some from hera he runs into a castle fire so doubt's forces will be cleaned up over here that is a cleanup here by viper dowd's forces also got cleaned up but the most important thing is that viper survived and he lives to see another day in fact he's got a fairly sizable force of lancers now doubt now with trabs shelling the barbican of the sun there is still a couple of clock tower bombards in here spring gold's being pulled by doubt to fight it doubt is trickling in crossbows one by one and they're just getting absolutely annihilated by those bombards so are the spring golds this one war elephant is going to have a very very bad day and you see viper is rebuilding the house of learning immediately first of all he needs the technologies but it's also about making sure that you don't lose your remaining landmarks to just a bunch of cabins running in or so meanwhile doubt is floating a lot of food but starting to run low on gold so we're getting to a stage where trade should start to become a priority looks like doubts forces are finally getting cleaned up over here we do have some markets up but i don't see a single trade card from either side obviously doubt is going to have the farming generate go out for him so he is going to be more than happy delaying that trade looks like palace guards will be added now by mister as doubt did lose his trebuchets the trebuchets actually make some sense because if you think about it trebuchet has outranged the cannon so it's a little more difficult for the cannons to snap them the bombards would just snipe without bombardiers immediately currently sitting at 102 villagers is doubt viper is at 90. we got hera with 92 and 72 army as well so hera's got a pretty decent army going as well 110 villagers for mista with 56 army going on as well as the bombards now start rolling up they will decimate those spring goals and they are now focusing on the berkshire palace there goes the palace look at how toe he's got five traps set up over here and he's going to try to use their range to snap down all those bombards let's see if it works here come the rocks but they're barely hitting anything oh that was underwhelming i like the idea from doubt but he might have overestimated the capabilities of those traps because i don't think that he dealt a single bit of damage i have no idea how we get some random dead deer in the middle of the battlefield but poor boys probably caught caught in the crossfire the central island is still under the control of hera and mister though and that's a lot of extra resources to work with talk about gold talk about stone and you see that hera is even building a keep here to protect that sacred site i feel like what doubt and viper need to do is pull off all the cavalry of viper and just dive on those uh cannon like viper's got such a big force of lancers that you can just jump on the cannon and if you destroy the cannon doubt has five traps so he can just start shelling those buildings the town center here is half dead the barbican of the sun is gone the imperial economy the clock tower is both exposed so where is the imperial age landmark at um it's right here so the spirit way in order to destroy that you have to get rid of the castles but still this is the best bat of viper and doubt just pushing through the left side now if doubt wanted to go for trebs the vanguard palace would have been a better uh building by the way because if you go for the winger palace you could make an army that consists of quite a few units and a trap and it's a very much discounted price so the winger plus would have been helpful over here looks like both sides are preparing an assault this time around we're gonna have spearmen for hera only hardened though meanwhile on the other side cannons are being set up viper is going to pull his cavalry i think it's going to turn into who kills the opponent faster race because at this point here and mista are thinking about the retreat the thing is that these are still just hardened feudal age spearmen and those traps are not burning down that town center five trips actually have quite a lot of firepower although a couple of bombards will definitely help grinding those buildings down a little faster looks like target is now the keep they will just let that down center burn down and focus down the keeps other side hera and mist are preparing a push as well and i feel like they have more firepower here like that is ladies and gentlemen 13 clock tower bombards and vipers got barely any army to hold this couple of manganos and that's basically it this is next to impossible for viper to hold and while they are going in they are going in for the landmarks one goes down the other one goes down as well there is the clock tower and there is going to be the spirit way who is going to lose landmarks faster that's the main question right now the bombards will just one shot that town center they will go for the dome of fate and then they have to go for the hystar academy but that's all the way back here whereas for vipers forces they're taking on the clock tower and all that remains is the spirit way if they take down the spirit way it's gone now the castle is boiling oil so it's very difficult for us lancers to go for a spirit way doubt needs to set up his siege and take the spirit way down as soon as possible the cannons are getting ready though they took down the town center and it's all about that he's our academy versus that spirit way it's a race towards the landmark doubt is going to pull up a keep doubt is focusing down that spirit way out here it's almost done and the hissar academy is still alive i think gia has this i think mista and hera don't know where the last landmark is they don't know where the hizard academy is i believe and that's why they can't find it to destroy it whereas doubt and viper now destroy the spirit way as well is there any additional landmarks you're missing wait a minute mr with the clutch he rushed up an imperial palace in here and that's the power of the chinese he just went to yuen dynasty with the imperial palace in the middle to buy himself some time what a comeback and that's the power of the chinese you can build more landmarks you can just say okay i'm losing all my landmarks i'm just gonna rush up a different one over here and this is probably the most important yuan dynasty ever because now it's next to impossible for viper's army to destroy that uh landmark and soon the spearman will find the hissar academy and when the bombards start rolling that will go down and i'm not gonna lie miss the poor the clutch here because you needed to have insanely fast reactions here to save the game oh boy oh boy what a move and with that viper gets eliminated he loses the last landmark and that probably is gg because doubt won't be able to 2v1 this one what a comeback what a comeback because doubt and viper did the right thing but the mysta's reaction to just go for imperial palace was just absolutely amazing oh boy and now this cannons will start rolling like in theory doubt has a chance to try and snowball this game here and just try to destroy hera's base but i just feel like mister is gonna have a easier time destroying all these buildings out here oh boy what a game what a game this was such an amount of craziness oh boy oh boy i'm a little bit lost on words this might have been the plan all along for mista but you gotta say that this was a very very clever idea i realized that his opponents are going for the landmark snipes so he just went in and said okay i'm gonna build a new landmark in the middle meanwhile we got the bombards out here for mr he can slow this push down enough to let the bombards destroy this right right hera's got one of the landmarks in the middle and that's also clutch so hero cannot be defeated until this palace of the sultan is destroyed whereas for doubt he's got his uh stuff over here the council hall the town center the king's palace is somewhere around over here that's all destroyed the berkshire palace is over here on the left side though so that's why doubt is not tapping out he's like hmm what if i can destroy harrah's base but as i said now it's 2v1 so it's all about grinding down this push from doubt and the moment he loses those trebs it's gg and even if he has those traps alive at this point mister would just destroy his entire eco and doubt won't be able to replenish his forces oh boy what a game absolute craziness absolute craziness so there is still four traps remaining and you see doubt is trying everything he's even tower rushing that foodie call but he has to acknowledge that the game is over and with that mr and hero win two in a row looking really sharp i was a little afraid of this uh set being one-sided but if there was any team i would have thought it would be one-sided four it would have been viper and doubt so i was like oh i hope it's not gonna be a free zero for viper in doubt and turns out that so far is 2-0 for hera and mista so chinese is a big win for hera and mista out here delhi will also be a win for them and on the other side english and delhi will be gone 2-0 ladies and gentlemen quick look at the stats over here and you see i think the big deal was that hair was able to build up an army and from that point on it was just pushing viper's base but this all came down to that landmark built by mista if he doesn't build that landmark he would have lost the game faster than viper and then probably gl would have had a way better chance i'm not saying that they would have won it because actually they would have won it yes because the moment mr loses the game all the bombards are gone so he wouldn't have taken viper down like the key thing was that mr stayed alive so you could control the bombards if mister gets eliminated before viper it's not like the bombards will still finish off viper's base and it's going to be 1v1 because the moment mr gets eliminated the bombards will go inactive so it would have been very difficult for hera to finish off viper potentially so if mister doesn't make that landmark i think that gl probably would have won it all right so um we are waiting for the civilizations over here as a viper and out are probably reconsidering their options right now we have two maps remaining before game number five if we get there gia has to win both to get to game number five and uh if we go to game number five they can pick any civilization they want in game number five they will deplete all eight civilizations for both teams in uh the first four games heron missed so far up to zero are the maps in order yes that's correct the maps are indeed in the order that they are played so it's preset now we're going to hill and dale now looking at hill and dale viper steam has chinese now and what else it's either going to be chinese ruse over here or chinese hre i believe i think you're reserving french for boulder bay and then you can decide if it's french hre or french ruse for boulder bay we already have the civilizations from hera's theme but no information from viper steam just yet so far hair and mist are looking really strong here if there was a 2v2 tournament tomorrow they will be very very good candidates because their combination of force in their unit control is also pretty decent so for players that never really played together they actually have a pretty decent team coordination so far yeah i would also love to see some more games so i'm definitely hoping that viper and doubt can pull off at least one more win so we will see some more games and we're not going to have a free zero here so far i think that doubt and the viper were competitive in all games but it was small details that decided things especially in this one so if mr doesn't have the resources to just rush up that uh imperial academy then viper and that will probably win this small details deciding it in the favor of uh hironomista also chinese late game is extremely powerful we shouldn't forget that so now we got the viper and doubt with chinese still available so whenever they want they can pop chinese and we should have a decent late game advantage for them okay looks like viper and the doubt will pull the big boys out here they won't reserve the french for a potential border bay game they will probably just take it one game at a time and it is going to be french and chinese for viper and doubt holy roman empire and ruse for uh mysta and hera this means that they will actually do abbasid and french on border bay that's a pretty decent combination i would have expected the french and the hre over there but that also works out and for vipers team that means that they will do ruse and french in the fourth game if we get there of course because they have to win this one to get there all right we do have a game so ladies and gentlemen game number three coming up uh hold on i hope they said lobby to be spectatable okay it's still loading up it's still loading up never mind i got a heart attack for a moment that the lobby wasn't spectatable but it definitely is you just had a heart attack when i saw the academy yeah i also had a heart attack there but i have to say that was one of the best moments or most intense moments of my aoa forecasting career i was like no way i was so confused at the first moment because i was like all landmarks are destroyed and i had to scramble and find that landmark which kept mista alive all right once again because you can't pick uh colors in this game the colors will be different from the previous game we're going to hilandale here and we will have on the right side of the map hera playing as a blue with the hre down south we will have uh doubt as green french on the left is viper as yellow chinese and to the north it is going to be the mist up as red with the ruse so it is north versus south blue and red versus yellow and green we do have uh the hunting cabin already going up for mista so we haven't talked about the ruse yet which is i think one of the most underrated team games civilizations or i'm not even saying underrated because as i said we don't really have a meta for 2v2s just yet but the ruse if you consider them powerful in 1v1 they are even more powerful in 2v2 why because instead of having four patches of huntables you have eight in two v twos you have two patches per player so not only can they take down uh their own patches of huntables they can focus down three other players huntables now some of the hunt here is pretty close to the opponents down centers so it's a little difficult to kill that but there is so much that you can kill with the ruse here with the wolves with all the deer out here that you're almost guaranteed to get some sort of like 300 400 potentially even 500 bounty over here so hre versus the ruse i would expect a cav archer style approach from the ruse although it's a little difficult to go for that because the opponent has abbasids and if the opponent has abbasids wait a minute there is no opposites here never mind i'm wrong i thought that they have episodes because that's sort of a meta peak for this map if they had a bastards they would have had camel archers deal with the cav archers you see currently at 80 bounty is the mista already out with a second scout and what you should do here is uh take down your teammate hunt as well but you probably want to start with your opponent's hunt you already have this one cleaned up by viper that's clever viper sent this scout forward and killed all the hunt here so viper knows exactly that he needs to limit the amount of hunter balls for mista and viper also cleaned this one up i think viper might be playing double scouts but the icons are too small on the mini map so it's a little difficult to find there is one scout here from viper but i'm suspecting that he's a second one because he's been killing hunt pretty aggressively and so far it's only 125 bounty for a mistake so despite the fact there's so many hunt uh the boas out here it very much seems like mr wasn't able to get a lot of kills just yet there's two wolves over here that he could trigger though and that would be pretty decent indeed he popped the two wolves viper might try to just damage those wolves and try to force mister to take it down in the middle of the battlefield instead of luring them back home so viper will try to deny those two votes which are crucial for mister here because he's only at 170 bounty you see he's going up to the golden gate i do think it's going to be sort of a professional scouts into fast castle approach for him as you would expect and that build relies very heavily on the amount of bounty that you collect there's still a patch of huntables here for mr doe um heroes one is being taken down by his teammate that's exactly what you want and it looks like you're not taking the opponent's hunt so as things then mister is going to get to like 250 with all the sheep probably 300-ish at maximum there's still a patch of huntables here alongside a wolf so that's a target still for missed up mr only went for two scouts i do believe so it wasn't super active with all that the hunt seeking he has gotten to level two bounty though so that's what matters he's going to get the 10 food harvest rate bonus meanwhile let's talk about herrera he's going up for the auckland chapel beautiful position for him is going to affect the lumberjacks the gold miners and the farmers with the hre you can think about going for a stable fairing in deer close to your town center and uh just using up your arcane chapel bonus like that on the other side viper is going up with the imperial academy that's somewhat unconventional usually you go for the barbican of the sun on this map and control one of the um slopes up your hill with that but obviously viper feels safe he can just go for the imperial academy and uh go for the eco benefit of that he's mining stone so there is going to be a second town center and if he keeps mining gold that is also a sign that he wants to go for a two dc song dynasty boom that's exactly what he's doing and for mr doubt that's going to be a school of cavalry for him possible that he's just going to ferry and deer here although he's opening with via barrow so he won't have that finished by the time he gets to feudal age so might not be professional scouts just knights trying to harass the opponent's scouts mr already up to feudal age and he is halfway down to the professional scouts when you're playing as the ruse you probably want to swoop in and take the opponent's hunt and it looks like mista is not gonna get that kill he managed to get a couple more uh gold from bounties so he's up to 335 and holy snakes viper wants to wall in his opponent with a stone wall now that is what i call a little risky but could be a super fun move just think about it what is the rules player most likely going to do here professional scouts into fast castle cav archers what can the characters do if you are completely bored in with stonewalls absolutely nothing now the risk here is that it's next to impossible to void your opponent in completely with stonewalls when your opponent has scouts and i think that's a dead virtue that was intercepted here so the only way that this would work is if doubt poses royal knights but the combination could be nice and if you think about it you stumble your opponent in supported by doubts knights as doubt's knight is now coming in then you just go for a 2tc song dynasty boom you have a massive economy just want to play late game here you just don't want to die to the cav archers looks like the scouts will retreat you see mr detaches one scout over here and i think he will spot the villagers right yeah he sees the villagers he starts to realize something is going on he has to know that viper is coming forward with something and that probably has to be vols so mister will know about this one the question is can he stop it because you see he's making a wooden fortress i think he's scared that he will be forwarded by barracks or something like that but that's not going to be the case it's going to be stone wars on the right side we got four walls in for hera he is uh apparently just playing a semi-fast castle over here already going for a meal at the back of his base and he will just go with the ragnay's cathedral now if hera doesn't have any kind of army out he won't be able to grab the relics with the ragnays cathedral you see there is five relics all in the lower part of the map there's actually there's actually more there's six so there's a higher chance of hera to secure free for himself and look at mista oh mister is misunderstanding this he's spamming the policy it was over here so the reason why mr is doing this is because one of the ways that you could play this one is make stone wars and make stoneware towers on them and that's what mister is thinking about basically he feels like it's going to be a stonewall tower rush if you make a tower on this one that's gonna have a spring gold by the default so that's probably what he's afraid of that he's gonna get towered with the stone wars and that's why he's spamming all these policies over here because he wants to prevent sections of stone wars to be made over here in his base and that's not the plan for vipre i think he's realizing that he's just going to get rolled in and that is a problem for him for multiple reasons a he can't fear in more deer so even though there is a lot of hunt left on the map here here and basically all across the map there is just no way for mister to ferry it in mr will be able to squeeze out the gas station with the abbey of the trinity but can you collect relics here for mista no can you get cav archers out no you will have to make a blacksmith make uh the infantry siege upgrade get a better engram out or potentially a siege workshop to trap this down and this will just buy so much time for viper notice that both mista and hero are playing the two civilizations that are the most reliant on their uh relics the hre with the ragnay's cathedral and then the ruse with their fast castle in fact the best thing for mister to do if these worlds weren't here would be to make the warrior monks and care the relics to hera because if you think about it heron is those relics and dragons cathedral make warrior monks pick up relics bring it to hera this way hera's gonna be guaranteed to have free relics in the ragnay's cathedral and then whatever is left you pick it up for yourself now viper is not done rolling yet he is coming in with the stone walls and that is something that's going to buy themselves time now as someone pointed out indeed he could cut through these trees but this would take a lot of time so at least 10 minutes until you chop through this one so it's gonna be very very difficult for uh hera's team to break out of here especially because harrah's going for fast castle we're seeing some crossbows appear on the field so clock is sticking for viper to finish these walls he's almost done on the right side the northern part is done and the middle is about to be finished we got some knights over here for mr doubt that should be able to secure this position for viper viper needs to pull this villager to the outside before he finishes the walls otherwise there is no chance this water survives no the hero villager no he's gonna be trapped in here he will be really sad when those crossbows start coming in i have to say now since these walls don't have any gates or towers on them siege tower doesn't work so if there was a tower here you could siege tower this one and then come out on the other side using the using the door or gate that the tower provides the stone walls themselves don't have ways to enter on top until you don't make a gate or a stonewall tower now mister is coming in and he's trapping this one down but trebuchets take a lot of time to destroy walls and we already have cavachus on the way i don't think that viper will be able to keep this alive for a long time because the cav archers will prevent repairs but every second that viper delays those uh warrior monks to move out is an extremely important uh second here for them viper by the way is playing one tc here still so it looks like he's not going for a two dc song dynasty boom in fact it's just a one pc build he's going for castle age instead is the biggest problem i believe for viper's team because behind this one hero's got a pretty sizable economy even without the relics he's got the akin chapel working for him although as i said with all that hun denied from the lowlands they will have to start adding farms a little faster doubt behind this one is booming like a madman though double theses with the french and he's going to have the guild hold so doubt is up to castle and now i would expect doubt to go for a monastery immediately and start picking up relics he's going for a stable uh also grabbing the defense upgrade on those nights meanwhile vol is slowly crumbling but you see it takes so much time to destroy that with the trebuchet it has been shelling it for like two or three minutes and the trebuchet is also pretty expensive it's 500 250 gold so it's a big investment and once the walls are broken through that trap will pretty much be useless um looks like we're gonna have some towers here for viper just to secure map control um on the other side we do have full walls in here hera doesn't really seem to be concerned with all those walls and he's just going to add his own he's like okay whatever i'm just going to add my own stone walls now what herrera should do here probably is go for fast imp because if he goes for a pass themed with the pass of schwabia he could get vultures out like there is no tomorrow so he is fully defended just go for fast aim pass of schwabia start popping out villagers like crazy that should be both the french and the chinese boom looks like the warrior monk is now moving out that's going to be rake number one picked up and it seems like for the plan was great for viper i don't think that they can deny all those relics out here meanwhile we got some towers all the way around here but as i said the problem here is that those warrior monks were delayed but they are still pretty fast viper's got some nest of bees coming in though so he's like okay you are playing with the cav archers i'm just going to use my nest of bees that's rolex number one and it's a little surprising that mister is bringing it to himself as i said you want to bring it to your teammate for now the voice will prevent that one from happening but i feel like one of these players either hera or mr should work towards breaking down those walls and bring those relics to hera because hero is the one that really benefits from the relics haram invado is coming in with the fast imperial as one would expect that's the palace of schwabia and the booming may begin five seconds of trainer vulture at the cost of 12 food so it's all about that big boom here for hera meanwhile though the knights from doubt and the nest of bees from viper will force mista back to his own base so there is a limited amount of relics they were able to get and shirting harass boom is going to be crazy with the pasta but one of the reasons why the hre is such a good late game sieve is because the ragnay's cathedral is a massive advantage for them if you can keep the hre player away from the relics that's already a huge accomplishment here for viper and doubt i did see a monastery for doubt so i would assume he is going for the relics indeed there goes one and uh we do have currently three relics even for mr dope so it's not gonna be enough it's not gonna be enough for viper and doubt simply because the moment that hera breaks down these walls mr can just bring those relics in here for him and he's gonna have a fully stacked dragnet's cathedral hero could go for a bombard by the way to break this down anytime he wants [Music] looks like viper is uh also rolling himself up over here he's got the barbican of the sun now so it's a song dynasty boom but behind this one of course here has got a pretty sizable economy so if you switch to harass p over here real quickly 65 eco already looking at the mr viper that's only 46. so yahara is really capitalizing on this completely safe base and just the palace of shivabia booming now looking at doubt real quick let's take a look at his base he's at 71 villagers as well and uh having those french royal knights out with full upgrades could be massive but on the other hand you could have a lot of hr experiments warming you soon meanwhile quite a lot of coverages out here supported by some scouts doubt will know where they are so he knows exactly that he's being pursued looks like all the relics are now gone from the map viper's got quite a lot of nest of bees here even pulling a villager to repair those so he keeps those cav archers at bay and that's pretty important because you don't want to surrender that much map control without securing one secret site for himself as we do have one second saturn north being taken by the mist up yes indeed mr should give herod the relics but hero is still fully void in so mr can't bring those relics in just yet there is one more relic out here on the left side but doubt should have no trouble picking that up i believe so we got some spring golds out here for mister to try and snap the nest of bees all they will accomplish for now is killing that poor villager making the tower uh on the north it looks like a sacred site is under the control of mistah and they do have impulse coming in for doubt and i think that's the red palace we are seeing right oh yeah is the red palace it's gonna be at a nice defensive position and breaking through this one is going to be very difficult i would have loved to see the red palace being pushed all the way up here on the sacred side because it would have prevented capturing that sacred site for a long time i believe meanwhile looks like hero is now dropping a keep over here securing that stone so hera is finally out of quarantine over here supported by bombard as well this is the time where mistake is to take those relics and bring it to hera because hero is going to benefit a lot more from those relics than mr will doubt currently with two sacred sites also has uh two relics in his base and he's up to imperial age so now elite royal knight with the royal bloodlines is a priority for doubt if he gets there there's still a chance because these are castle aged cav archers so doubt could just decimate their numbers very very easily here meanwhile as i said it is broken through and look at that mister is bringing the relics to his teammate that's exactly what uh he needs to do just bring in the relic and drop it off in uh harass kathiro i'm not sure if you can drop it off yourself or you can just drop it off right next to it and make hera pick it up but it really doesn't matter at this point looks like doubt is sneaking out a monk here to try and convert the sacred site on the north that would actually trigger the sacred site victory because uh or at least the countdown because you got three sacred sides under control of doubt but looks like he is losing the one on the right side before he gets this one so the countdown won't even start hera sending one spearman out here it's only a hardened spearman so the upgrades are not in for hera just yet but he's got a very very good economy going here we're talking about 114 villagers so now you can start flooding those spearmen like crazy also quite a lot of cav archers from the messed up mr not going into imperial yet and for viper neither is he going into imp royal knights with elite now in for uh doubt now the last time i checked elite royal knights versus spearman the royal knights club because these guys are crazy with full upgrades on the other hand that was before the spearman attack bonus was buffed so in the long run i feel like you're going to grind down those night numbers but early on those fights will be a little difficult especially viper supports with something so hand can ears potentially or archers looks like the bombard is crawling up here for hera so he's going to try to open up this angle soon doubt has a guild hall or resources were pulled out of that university is just now coming in so royal bloodlines is still a little far away this is the upgrade that you want to go for it's the sort of unique biology of the french giving a ton of extra hp to those royal knights that's what makes those royal knights devastating in uh imperial age village is up for mr viper as well viper is still not going into imperial but he's getting close mister completely out of resources not going into imperial though this could be a problem now elite metatarsums are in or elite swimming are in here excuse me but i've got a couple of nest of bees here so here is gonna have to split those up otherwise the nest of bees will just massacre them and it looks like vipers is going for nest of beasts for time being a keep coming in here for herald to secure this middle secret site by the way the one on the left actually belongs to doubt somewhat surprisingly viper getting close to click up into imperial age yuan dynasty is always an option trying to go for fire lancers but i feel like in this case impilage and the bombards of the chinese is what you want to go for bombards of hera have been mis-microed here looks like he wasn't expecting those knights to be there and that's going to be two bombards taken down rather easily here and soon those royal knights will have royal bloodlines as well i feel like there's a window here for gl because this is a huge force of knights and they have enough artillery support to destroy those spearmen keep coming up here for hair up as on the left side it looks like the sacred site will be neutralized viper on the way to imperial rushing up that uh landmark with 20 villagers is the spirit way somewhat surprisingly being placed in the front doubt and viper now tempted to try and dive in on that keep the key doesn't have any weapon emplacements nor does it have boiling oil on it just yet so as things stand we do have some more nest of bees coming up for viper but now clocked our bombards are hitting the field that the pyrotechnics upgrade should come in any moment i think it's already is it coming in already i'll have to check but we got a lot of forces assembling in the middle now it is mister that needs to get to imperial age he's not far and he's gonna have to rush up that landmark like crazy but this is the time that the viper and doubt want to push because mysta is still in castle age and he's got castle horse archers they do have the extra hp and they also have the blacksmith upgrades but dowd's got one of the scariest hordes of cavalry out here 364 hp 46 lands damage and these guys get a bonus damage after a successful charge they will be supported by some nest of bees some bombards in privilege on the way though for missed up if he gets to impenies to probably switch into strategy in the long run although if he goes for kev archers he could get the mounted precision upgrade which increases the range of his uh cav archers here so he can stay on cav archers for now but in long run i think that this trolley would probably work a little bit better if you have a meat shield like spearman in front shots it would work very nicely looks like a couple of cav archers will try to harass a viper here and a couple of villagers will go down in the process meanwhile looks like we got some bombards assembled over here by both parties but travel even for mista but that's not really going to work out well viper with the range advantage on those bombards uh yet so he's gonna have to wait a tiny bit mister going for the high armory over here that's going to boost the nearby uh siege workshops and that's why he's building it all the way up here to the front line once the ruse gets to imperial they would have 30 and a half range sprinkles that can snipe any siege but here comes the big battle and as i said with all those nest of bees around and those knights they will just massacre all the pikemen the timing of this fight is perfect those are still castle horse archers and other bombards are setting up to take down the keep all the spring golds are getting decimated and that is exactly the type of fight that viper and doubt needed to mount the comeback over here in this set they need to decimate those uh horse archer numbers before those are upgrading pillar units and you see mister is still a little far away from imperial age and he will need some time to get those upgrades in doubt is pursuing with those royal knights which have full upgrades so you see those cap archers are not doing a ton of damage on them and on the other side we also have a huge amount of momentum coming in here for doubts team they would probably secure this position and now they have to start pushing hero most likely harry's got a lot of bombards out here so they still need to be careful and the cavalry numbers are also pretty decent so you might want to detach two or three nights start raiding the economy there's the high armory and the siege workshops are just now coming in meanwhile on the other side though doubt is coming in with more knights the bombards for viper still don't have the range advantage and now the nest of bees were a little off from the battle as well so suddenly the numbers aren't that good here for doubt he split his forces and the ones on the left side slowly got cleaned up the ones on the right side were also decimated not a spearman charging to destroy those uh cannons but this just allowed the nest of bees to destroy most of them and now doubt can jump on the cannons with this cavalry hera has spearman but those spearmen aren't particularly population efficient even with all that boneless damage against cavalry whereas for doubts royal knight these are super population efficient and with all the cannon support they should still start to snowball this one there is still one unclaimed relic on this side by the way cap archers now soon with the imprison upgrades though as the cannon from viper are starting to crawl up barracks will be taken down so the production of hera will be decimated here quite rapidly canon still without the range upgrade though for viper so that's uh a long time overdue now i mean on the other side it seems like we're getting some spring golds out they do have the roller shard triggers upgrade and the unique cruise upgrade as well for the extra one and a half range so now these bad boys have 30 and a half range they can snap down those bombards but they still need a lot of shots to kill the bombards so there is a chance for us bombards to still win but the range advantage is now a factor that we have to consider i feel like at this point doubt and uh viper might need to try and push these walls because by far this is the most exposed hera's forces are gathered up all the way up here as we do have a covering coming in here the covering could snap down those siege weapons it already has 12 range whereas vipers can only have 10 elite horse archer now in for the mist up here losing ground over here meanwhile on the left side it looks like the sacred side of doubt is getting neutralized as i said i feel like if uh they open up these walls and that's exactly what viper is doing doubt could start sending in cavalry to hera's base we got the muslim of the ray thank you so much i appreciate the lot we're casting a crazy 2v2 show match between viper and doubt and mista and hera so far missed and here up two games but this is looking pretty decent for mr viper and doubt they do have a pretty sizable force of electronics with royal bloodlines and as i said the wars on the right side are broken through viper is sending in the cannon once again dow just needs like 10 knives to run in the base of hera and then hera's gonna have a tough time cleaning it up you see hera has to pull all the spearmint back from the front line to clean this up and this potentially could give a window for viper and out to push the middle secure the sacred site and that's exactly what doubt is doing here come the cavalry and that's the pass of shibabia there is uh multiple defensive castles here by hera free to be precise he even pulled the prelate out with a relic i think he wants to get a conversion it's a pretty sizable force of spearman coming in here and it's pretty tight quarters you don't want to fight this if you're doubt i think it's right next to a castle with boiling oil there is a lot of cavities a lot of spearmen so you probably just want to retreat over here meanwhile in the middle looks like things are a tiny bit uh more peaceful still not trade from either parties there's a lot of minable gold left so there is no point of trading just yet looks like doubt is going to commit to this fight and he actually decimates the spearman numbers which is pretty massive because if the spearmen are gone the cav archers won't be able to perform that amazing against those knights in the long run they do win especially if they micro but this gives a window for viper to start devastating all those buildings sprinkles now roll up though so they can start snapping down the cannons cannons will one shot the sprinkles with the spring always outrange them so it looks like this push is actually stalling out for gamer legion over here looking at doubt he's up to 50 army though and i feel like they will just launch an assault in the middle now hera's numbers are just decimated so there is even though there is technically 71 army i just don't see it out there he is mostly making spearman and canon but those are slightly slower moving and two coverings being sniped down like that is also massive value here some more strategy being added but now mobility is going to be a factor that's in the favor of gamer legion i believe they can hit and run with those knights whenever they want and just not fight wherever they feel like they're behind whereas hera's forces will be rather slow and if those cave archers are dead and they are changed to the stroudsy then they will also have more mobility issue on the left side we got some sneaky towers coming up for mista but nothing major for the time being so looks like the lancers are now coming in on the left side and some of those siege workshops went down to the knights that's pretty impactful because these are siege workshops that were used to make spring golds the springos that were meant to snipe the siege weapons of viper over here doubt he still has a huge amount of gold income so producing those knights is not really a big deal for him not a lot of raids going on though for uh either side apparently hera is 200 population with 79 spearmen on the field pretty much doubt is only at 163 population and now doubt is losing one keep over here that's a lot of sprinkles setting up over there so viper has to be careful with his own cannon viper mostly just going for siege himself as the knights will switch to the left side and this is what doubt needs to do i believe herrera's forces are rather slow moving so they take a lot of time to adjust to the other side and if doubt can just stow this push out over here we could see doubt launching big raids with those lancers you see a lot of eco is now exposed here for hera and mista that's what the target is for doubt he's pursuing all those characters now with incendiary arrows out there they do have the range upgrade as well i believe because they have six and a half range on the right side herrera looks like he's slowly crawling up to target that keep the keep doesn't have a cannon in placement yet doubt actually gets a pretty successful charge in here on the cav archers and since the cav archers don't really microwave he's gonna get a couple of nice hits on top of them meanwhile some knights swoop in and start killing hera's eco in here looking at the scores that's rather even but i just kind of feel like hero's team is lacking a little bit for momentum right now now still we have to keep in mind that doubt has been losing knights left and right and i'm not sure how long this is sustainable so if you start losing nights like that the moment you have trouble accessing gold or food and especially gold is the problem you're going to be in a very tough situation because suddenly you won't be able to replenish your army but apparently that's not a danger for doubt just yet and he keeps sending wave after wave of heavy cavalry to this side and they start to realize that the best way to win this one could be to just try and hit the economy of the mysta because you see both hair and missed a very very limited map control in this dale area so they do have their hills but that's pretty much running out of resources uh although there is still an untouched big gold mine over here for uh mister but the wood is going to be a problem for uh haramustan you see hera had to pull all his pyramid to the left side to help out all the cavachers were pulled as well and this opens up a window for a doubt potentially could try to push harrah's base now instead he was thinking about jumping on those bombards but with all the spearmen coming back that should not be an option looks like the spearmen are fought to destroy the bombards but the nest of bees will just say big no on that mean on the left side we do have some fire lancers coming in here from viper so finally he starts making army other than uh the siege and those financers will burn through buildings really fast so these police aids won't hold out for long here nesto b is also getting some beautiful shots in here on the spearman springboards were able to snap some of the nest of bees but most of the army here for hera is getting decimated and the moment viper starts launching those fire lancer raids things will be very very ugly i believe for uh hera and the mist up on the right side we still have a fairly sizable force of heavy cavalry for doubt he's running low on gold but he still has 22 villagers mining it there's a lot of gold left on the map that he could take viper it looks like his fire lancers will be cleaned up on the left side by the cav archers but you just feel like they have more momentum they are the ones inching closer and closer to the economies of the opponent i'm not saying that doubt is taking cost-efficient fights over the elite royal knights but his army is population efficient so every single royal knight out there is a huge amount of value hera's got much larger military population obviously but those spearmen are much weaker individually and they're a lot more exposed to weapons like the nest of bees nest of bees will get some nice shots in here that wasn't really a great fight for doubt you may have overestimated the power of that one nest of bees out there cap archer is now coming into the right side so we might once again see a retreat and with the incendiary arrows those cav archers can start killing those uh siege weapons quite rapidly look at that look at that meanwhile on the left side it looks like we have no pushes coming in no raids from gl jia gets pushed back a tiny bit fire lancer is now moving in wasn't able to get a charge in here fire lancers though jumping on those siege weapons and they do have insane torch time you see 55 torch so they can easily snap siege weapons and they're rather cost efficient now gl secures all sacred sides so the countdown begins at 33 minutes and 40 seconds and you see doubt wants to place a keep nearby so they will force hera and the mista to make a move the one in the middle might be the easiest to neutralize and at this point i feel like for doubt it's not even about the sacred side victory it's about the gold that you get with the sacred sides and the fact that you force your opponent to make a move hera and mr no longer has 20 minutes to play his game they have to utilize one in 10 minutes viper is sitting on 4000 stone by the way so you could fortify the middle in five seconds viper with a pretty sizable force of cannon also decent amount of fire lancers coming in i think these fire lancers might be tempted to loop around and hit harrow's base that's exactly the plan all the cavalry is shifting focus to that side hera feels the blood in the water but here's the deal the moment herrera moves away from the middle that buys time for viper and doubt to just get closer and closer to that sacred side victory here come the knights and you just need one good raid at this point of the game hero has to spam a lot of infantry you see he's got two thousand foot one thousand would so even if he loses some villagers it won't immediately impact him but he won't be able to sustain a spearman flood if he loses like 50 or so villagers over here hera starts a day with a hundred wheels replenishing them is uh possible quite easily with the palace of schwab of course but now viper has the chance to rate heroziko to death meanwhile in the middle hera's pushing up with his forces but doubt has cavalry here as well i just want to highlight the doubt has 66 elite royal knights right now and now the fire lancers come in remember the fire lancers have insane torch damage they can snipe production buildings they can snipe key buildings like the arkham chapel the town centers and that's exactly what they're going for viper might just snipe the landmarks over here and hera is not moving in to neutralize the middle but as i said the fact that hero is forced to make a move here will make it difficult for him to react to this and hera isn't even reacting fire lancers took down the arkham chapel the ragnan's cathedral is nearby the starting tc is over here and the palace of schwabia is gone looks like viper and doubt are going for landmarks heroes got enough spearman to decimate these forces but the next wave could be devastating spearman of uh hera charging him to destroy the bombards a lot of spring goes out here as well but no more spearman from hera in here hera had to divert all of his spearmen to defend his base and that allows viper's forces to potentially win the middle here left side is still wide open right side now heroes going to send all the spearmen to the front line once again let's see if viper is going to launch another wave of fire lancers here that massive cav archers is pretty devastating though that's a huge mass and it looks like the fire lancers will just jump the sprinkles for the time being the problem is that the fire lancers will die very very easily to cap orchard fire so they can be cleaned up very very easily here and they do cost gold versus fire lancers don't are we seeing a win from hera and mista here because now haron missed are the ones with the momentum as i said the problem for doubts uh royal night flood is sustainability how long can you sustain flooding nights into pikeman the gold is running low on the map and there is basically no trade coming for either side so that is trying to run low on those royal knights meanwhile the left side is still safe i think what viper should do is try to mask a big force of fire lancers and snipe landmarks on this side because at this point mr is focusing the right your best bet is to potentially try and snipe landmarks because now heroin missed our taking over hera and miss star taking over and that's gonna be a terrible fight for doubt if he takes it he definitely needs to retreat that's a huge flood of spearman we're talking about 56 spears here and even with the help of the castle fire and the red palace this is not a fight that doubt wants to take doubt should just retreat and let those spearmen get decimated by the red palace and the keep looks like he's confident taking this though as the middle is being pushed through by the cav archers farming eco for viper getting wasted looking rougher and rougher for uh viper and out and that would be a free zero for heron mister who now have a decisive score lead looking at hera he actually revo the right side he knows exactly that the landmark snipe might be imminent here what a game what a game once again and uh all i can say is what i said in the previous game it was a very close game but then small details started going in the favor of uh hera and the mistake and now you see vipers is trying to charge him with fire lancers against the ca but as long as the ca are in staggered formation these won't do that much and it's much more cost efficient to use the cav archers compared to the fire lancers i feel like viper and the dalton running out of options so looks like the cav archers will just keep decimating all those bombards you see the moment that the cav archers get the flaming arrows they are much better against siege weapons than they used to be viper still trying to go for the fire lancers here what is doubt up to doubt is still making the royal knights not gonna lie the problem now is that viper and doubts forces are isolated so viper is fighting kev are true is something that he doesn't really have a good answer to and doubt is fighting with spearman same situation he doesn't have a good answer to spearman now kev archers are running in and now it's doubt and viper's eco that will be exposed to all these raids in fact doubt doesn't even vote back at home so the cav archers could just run in immediately bombard's starting to roll up here i think the knights want to get a good surround the one those bombards from hera are a little exposed looks like the cav archers will come back down has a pretty sizable force of cavalry over here currently sitting at 139 population only though viper is only at 100 population that's the big problem here viper's population has been decimated it's a big force of fire lancers though and as i said there is still a window to potentially try and snipe the landmarks from mista that's all you need if doubt slows this down and the viper mass like 50 fire lancers he could just run in here burn down the walls in five seconds by the time the cav archers come back the abbey the town center and the golden gate are gone you still have to snap the high armory but that should also be an option here so i feel like that's your best bet looks like the pikemen are pushing for a counter attack over here on the north as i said viper is massing a huge force of finance there's also a lot of jugandu out here now the jugano is actually a good unit we haven't even talked about this food archers will be able to beat the cav archers and food archers will decimate the spearman as well so a big mass of jugandu might work perfectly fine over here for viper and it looks like he's not going to use the fire lancers to snipe buildings he's just going to try and jump on the siege weapons we had a big raid coming in for doubt remember that if you can start raiding the eco of hera and mista their eco might still collapse although both of them have pretty decent amount of resources banked up spearman now coming in here viper is detaching couple of uh fire lancers to jump on the bombards but those fireland searches get absolutely shredded jugenu now with the lead upgrade in also with the flaming arrows deck all those fire lancers did go down looks like vipers uh or excuse me doubts rating force has also been cleaned up but viper building up a pretty sizable army here with the giugiano with the fire lancers and this might be the time of the fight those jugen were really cheap and here comes the sandwich maneuver here comes the sandwich maneuver and all those bombards for hera could go down the patience of viper might pay off here because all those cav archers were distracted all of them were called back and i'm fairly certain that doubts raid over there was used as a diversion doubts raid was used as a diversion the moment that the jugan who hit the field and there is not enough adequate siege for uh hera and mista suddenly they have nothing against the jugandu those will snipe down the spearman they will just decimate the cav archer numbers on the northern side of the map viper is assembling a force of fire lancers once again currently we have uh two sacred sites for doubts team we have one for hera's team right now but now viper and doubt are regaining power they don't want to go down three zero over here and i love it i'll be a little disappointed if this ended up being a three zero uh set over here meanwhile fire lancers come in trying to snipe some siege weapons out here and uh well most of them go down as i said the fire lancers die very easily to our archer fire so don't expect them to withstand a lot of punishment from the cav archers now it's going to be a juvenile plus knight combination because the knights of doubt are very powerful if they're supported by some sort of archer that just kills the spearman and the cav archers and that's exactly what you're seeing here viper will be the firepower with the jugunu and that will be the meat shield meanwhile are we seeing any trade coming up i would love to see just a couple of trade cards doubt has some gold in the guild hall but not a ton i mean on the left side it looks like the players are starting to crawl closer and closer to the enemies with their lumberjacking operations so map is trying to run low on wood now as i said i would love to see some trade here for gl not a ton but 10 15 trade cards would help so much what happens if one player loses landmarks in 2v2 team loses nope we have actually seen that in the previous game what happens is that the player that loses all the landmark just gets defeated the others can play on but what chances do you have to v1 right so it's pretty much equivalent to a defeat viper doesn't have the vote to repair that the landmark now but here come the truganu and at this point you just want to focus down as many spearmen as you can there is some spring gold and cannon fire supporting those so you probably want to pull the jugandu back they are getting some nice shots and there is also a castle helping out but look at that horde of cav archers that is just borderline ridiculous 83 cave archers we're talking about so viper's biggest problem is not the unit type itself viper's biggest problem right now is the numbers now the cannons might actually get snapped down by the heavy cavalry and most of the spearmen are focusing the juveniles so doubt can take a pretty decent engagement here on the right side and most of the spearmen are now decimated so there's a chance for a counter-attack over here with all the heavy cavalry for doubt that still has a pretty sizable force over here we're talking about 27 elite royal knights plus the juke juganoo and now i think mister has to be careful not to overextend over here still they do have a lot of momentum going on right now with the spearmint reinforcements coming in for hera but it's a little easier for viper to replenish those jugunu than it is for mista to replenish all those scavengers still vipers forces are getting absolutely shredded he's down to 89 population his vulture count is just going down this might be it this might be it so i think at the at this point the problem for viper is uh that he's running out of resources so the jurgen would work perfectly fine here but he simply doesn't have the resources to get a big enough mass of them maybe if those came out a little earlier this could have been a completely different scenario but now i feel like doubts cavalry has to do a lot more raiding but it's very difficult against that many cav archers looking at the northern side of the map look at all these raids from messed up mister is playing so so well over here cav archer is just decimating viper's voyager numbers and this is the problem for viper he no longer has the eco to rebuild his army 67 villagers unless doubt can pull a miracle here i think this game is gone i think this game is gone here but doubt is going to pull a counter attack over here but he's got very very minimal forces and now you see coverages are coming in i think mister and herrera are thinking that doubt and viper have trade but that's not the case look at that cave archer horde it's brutal it was built up over a long long time spirit way goes down over here 63 elite horse archers over here now they're pushing towards viper's base i think the window is closing here for gamer legion the window is closing look at that force how will viper stop this he doesn't have anything against the spearman now the fire lancers aren't particularly powerful once they depleted their charge you see the spearman will be able to take them down rather easily and every bullet your viper loses will just be next to impossible to replenish 60 villagers only for viper what is doubt up to doubt is messing a big force of cavalry at this point i think the only chance for doubt's team is to try and snipe miss those landmarks because hero is pretty much fully votes he's got the spearman viper actually is uh out i think he resigned because he still has the landmarks viper resigned so did doubt and with that heron mista complete a free zero route over here what a sad this was because i think the score isn't telling you the exact details because we had a lot of super close games this was very close then the second game was very closed as well so really it felt like it was a route but it really wasn't ruse and hre working out here for hera and mista they were able to secure the relics despite viper's vowing attempt so that's part of the reason why uh this was so successful and the early game seemed pretty good for viper and out maybe if uh viper goes for a fire lancer push on uh mrs landmark slow earlier or he switches into juganew a tiny bit faster but they needed something against the spearmen needed something against the cav archers and just sending knights into the spearman wall will just not crack it quick look at the statistics crazy crazy game you see that viper's eco was very slowly decimated it wasn't like one big raid it was just slowly but sure that scav archers got two three four villager picks every once in a while and slowly viper's eco collapsed if he had a hundred voyagers steadily then he would have been able to sustain that juguno production for a lot longer whereas if you look at this hera never really fell behind in terms of military numbers he was always at least at like 40 50 or so in the end 828 kills for doubt 686 for uh losses and for mr pretty decent kd as well um i'm curious about the economies though 94 000 food for uh doubt by far the most and you see this is where you can see the value retention of those cave archers mister only had to collect 44 000 of food and he still had like a hundred kev archers by the end of the game whereas dowd obviously has to use the knights against the spearman against the cav archers it's less resource efficient so you're gonna need a lot more food to make it work gold at the 54 000 for doubt only 28 000 for mistake wasn't even mining gold um he was like okay i'm just going cave archers that don't need gold uh hera with 50 000 overall
Channel: Lidakor - Age of Empires Caster
Views: 39,951
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch, age of empires, esport, competitive, age, of, empires, IV, aoe4, aoeiv, tutorial, overview, demonstration, beginner, guide, high, level, ranked, Epic, long, game, Hera, aM.Hera, [aM]Hera, Aftermath, Gaming, Showmatch, 2v2, Duo, TheViper, GL.TheViper, GL, GamerLegion, DauT, GL.DauT, TheMista, Mista
Id: 8VDW3ot2mqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 50sec (7310 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 17 2021
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