Generation Kill Part 3 | "Screwby" | REACTION

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hi all we are now watching episode 3 of generation kill so uh so far generation kill has been very uh as as other comments have said it's very military jargon heavy there's a lot of motor phrases going on and it doesn't tell the audience it doesn't hold the audience's hand and you just have to keep up with it there's nothing you uh you can do nothing i could do about it we just we just get along with it but it's really enjoyable so far and the men feel very relatable that they're from our generation man i just love this whole rant something but uh yeah the last episode they've now officially really invaded iraq for sure and have been in the first baptism of fire fighting yeah skirmish yeah drive through and uh we see how petty the officers are to each other sometimes and the uh leadership first signs of it yeah it's interesting to say the least and we're gonna see this dysfunction show more and more as the war goes on in the in the series we'll find out and episode three let's go so is this all real yeah we have a long day ahead of us i need you to take it down now before we get on the road can you imagine we ordered go take a dolphin outstanding remember i'm certified combat stress instructor [ __ ] just show them some porn magazines don't get rid of stress that would be a lot better if you were getting us a gun lube and battery honey if i'd do it for my combat stress yeah mine too that's where it's hanging out he doesn't even bring up the conversation he just walks away [Music] conditions using this lubricant it's like trying to [ __ ] a virgin underage freaking or with chalk okay clearly my god deal with it sergeant that's why he's almost addressing the best that don't make it right hey bieber why are you even here i mean after yesterday any cognizant person with a speck of common sense trucks we got kudos directly from general madness in my head we're punching through yesterday that's all he cares about he's like general madison one unit those two look very somewhere so i actually mixed them up they kind so lieutenant heard his complaints and he's like make dude but he secretly won't have to help him anyway that's a really nice one it also helps to lower expectations yeah he's like i can't get you what you do and i try i actually try to makes them look even better that's a proper [Music] because they were still gripping the steering wheel [ __ ] nuts jumping dogs that's some stranger to dogs but were you bitten in your formative years ripped up his [ __ ] stomach remember the kids would come running out to us in afghanistan it's all about the windows and doors man entrances wow he's pretty detailed with the sketching huh concerned about captain america everyone else those guys are reduxing [ __ ] the [ __ ] you don't have to come through that unit that's women and children and children oh my god this is why the u.s [ __ ] up so hard getting involved [Music] man that's [ __ ] the show is very silly that's why they show that um good job you bombed a hamlet for women and children wonderful work i like how they formed up to the recorder and just shared their stories with him i think she really deep down they all want to relate the story the guy pissing on the back is so relatable straight blonde hair brown eyes too big stain on her face oh no i hadn't seen him rct1 everybody opened up and schwepped it over nothing hey we can only keep our own honor cleaned up what these other [ __ ] doing is big wide ao and i know you all saw our own ceo try to fire off a two or three round in the middle of all that [ __ ] encino man what do you miss though badly they're stepping running at the back of their knees i'm leaving please believe me oh me and the rest of my heathen creeping along in our nine o'clock 200 meters they are i think so [Music] we've suppressed an rpg team now copy over [Music] taken out by an rpg team johnny wayne's dead if you need a ride nate because this suitcase we've stopped based on an erroneous report no one in bravo too how are we doing here the type of vietnam [ __ ] gets the whole company wiped out push your security out farther let's make the best of this yes sir i'm gonna find the captain a decisive choice to do something danger close so this is the guy in charge of that danger is an artillery strike within 600 meters of a friendly position that would be us so you spend your eyes 100 meters ah that's pretty much on top of our heads let's just call in danger close by missions to get medals lieutenant vic you need to square these [ __ ] birds away you need to end tell me exactly what you're doing i'm calling in a fire mission on a hunter killer rpg team there is no rpg team i called it in my men destroyed it lieutenant it doesn't be relieved of his command sir this is really fascinating accurate information there is no hunter killer eight zero three eight degrees two hundred meters my iceland field [ __ ] guy are you thinking for the fire mission there will be a fire mission hitman's using them on protocols what he's going on because the grid's all designated wrong there won't be a fire mission there's a switch once our asses get saved by sheer income [Laughter] five seconds to splash down at ordinance we just dropped in the middle of the city he says he's like [Music] behind this wheel it's pretty safe so to us iraq is a safe country right here so pretty safe do you feel safe it's all relative i've never seen him look so cheerful like that investigation we're trying to unfuck hitman when he's about to drop already on his own [ __ ] company sir your leadership is the only thing i have absolute confidence in oh that's a great one i'm assured that i'll have the right to address any allegations before anything is formalized i'm assured of this i can't tell you sarcasm confidence in the strategic plan i hope this is good conan he's really obsessed with karma and dharma and all that hey geez he chose to stop and bring the fight to them sir i need a chance it's what i mean by interrupting the enemy's own decision-making site he's against all time but as the general offer reminds me he suggested if we're up for it that we can get to the field first godfather needs an airfield we can exploit the information we're pulling out of here in the next hour gentlemen everybody is dumb as [ __ ] you're glad to be liberated okay i got that but what is he trying to tell me right now they want to show us the locations of the republican guards they're going to set them up for the bad guys huh remark them for the bombers who are going to bomb the [ __ ] out of whatever smarts no this guy isn't just going to put these chem lights on the homes that people he owes money to how do we know for sure that he's even on our side how do we know anything unless unless we properly debrief these people and check their intel no thanks american forces aren't allowed to drink beer on duty if only if i read in afghanistan the germans imported tons of i i think i told you they imported tons of beer uh like two hundred thousand gallons of beer something to afghanistan just still there soldiers can drink wow so it must have been nice to be like an american guest to a german base yeah it's true the war is actually not about [ __ ] it's about you know north korea love association oh my god thailand right because we're gonna drive 40 clicks off-road in the dark to an airfield with republican guard on it by ourselves and they say that i did too much acid in high school [Music] [Music] this is like [ __ ] show up here yeah like can you imagine the frustration hold the heads he kind of understands i think actually this is dropped in this vehicle put your axes on another vehicle let's get moving what do you carry italian's a child m16s ammo 400 pounds of c4 a couple of food didn't have to wait and they run out of magazines and i have to wait dude i'm so lost right now don't worry about it buddy i know where we're going we passed seven villages there's one more hey do you remember the gay dog episode of south park i don't see what relevance status do your big gap for me hello there little pup pal right and there's going to be this two-way mirror there's like all these big [ __ ] giant [ __ ] just pissing right out he's taking him seriously but ray doesn't take anything seriously that's the problem yeah yeah exactly what do [Laughter] [Music] these two are really good actually yeah [Music] that's a nice shot blowing out the humpies in the back don't need your sit rep asap over roger stand by assassin two three this is assassin see the chain just goes all the way down it's not reconnaissance mission that's an assault semantics what about the t-72s the violence of action is to our advantage oh my god he's way too obsessed with this whole i gotta attack first let me initiate first airfield less than ten mics oh my god wake up [Music] he's wearing a motorcycle helmet because he couldn't find it [Music] declared hostile free bars though i'm not passing that word keep just changing the are we off our net wow he doesn't want them to light up every single verse [Music] well the order is everyone's declared hostile line the [ __ ] up what about the tanks [Laughter] [Music] wow [Music] military building a civilian hut um wow everyone's just done yeah like all this [ __ ] abandoned they got lucky though yeah they didn't tackle the airfield there's nothing here looks like the day does not require an ak it's good if you were turning to your credence daughter [ __ ] trailer park red stick [ __ ] oh i'm producing new whiskey tangles scrotum face buck dude exploding progeny heads up has any thought been given to destroying the weapons and ordnance that are sitting over there but it seems the battalion's black c4 is now unaccounted for look i didn't mean to shoot innocent camels all right i'm sure i shot people shouldn't you to be doing the after action report on alpha's failed recon mission you shouldn't be shooting camels either you don't fight here to secure that hammock you jeopardize every marine serving today i think they want something during the campaign humanitarian ration for two blow jobs how come nobody's securing this side there's nobody guarding this oh [Music] oh so we got shot by one of them we even shot this kid he's cassie back this kid or his dad done [ __ ] we're [ __ ] recon marines oh [ __ ] job is to observe let's not make these kinds of mistakes i bet the camels they were running about so who knows where it was yeah it's trembling yeah godfather's denied the request to cassie back for the boy huh well we need to cast you back him or he's dead i'm sick from trouble so don't put this on trollies yeah he's on the fire put him in my care i'm building next to the battalion commander if he's in my care godfather has to watch him die he might change his order right let's do this oh that's that's really that's pretty ruthless but yeah yeah that's my way to do that this is so interesting yeah gets him the [ __ ] out of here what's up requesting that i send this wounded civilian to the rct parade problem cast effect by helicopter doesn't exist army yeah boy bouncing up and running casualty right now i don't think i could cast a vacuum but supposing i could care they would get by local standards what wow the standards are [ __ ] zero hey look guys we're americans we must make sure when we take a shot the weird threat could be a year's income to them i'm not here to destroy their whale line trombone you have to prepare for the possibility of formal investigation this year for you yeah he gave that fire but how come nobody remembers that they declared everybody hostile i mean they told us to shoot everybody exactly what the [ __ ] he's shooting at i mean [ __ ] man the boy is a co i thought i'm gonna point that thing like could it be that accurate with so many shots but i guess he could have been but you know just sucking wind what happened today uh wow that was some great acting in his eyes you can see he was like deciding whether to tell them or not for all of them why are they invading this what nothing this would have happened the kid would have been shot all those marines would have been hurt and killed her they didn't invade this country that's a great shot dan well that was cool that was so yeah that was episode three that was probably the best episode yet i want to say it didn't have a lot of combat but it was so engaging yeah watching all these the politics the uh the leadership it's worth the call politics but basically you know when you put two people one of them and they put three people in there but it's politics two people in there is a discussion three people in the room it's like that's politics so this is a discussion right now yeah yeah just that was that was really that was really good i was very very engaged throughout the whole episode especially what's sad about that whole what rate what ray said about you know like you have to declare everyone hostile and of course brad was just following orders but then they might just place the entire blame on brad as we saw in the last episode yeah so i wonder if there's going to be investigation on on him and uh trombly yeah i wonder if so but the roes they gave a new road that said shoot everyone every iraqi nearby so technically brad was just relaying orders yeah i'm a little unclear that uh it's captain patterson he's the one that said don't pass that down he said yeah he clearly said don't pass that down so how did brad hear about that or [Music] unless there's a scene here i missed completely he clearly said don't pass that down to everyone maybe he passed it to like individual orders because he had a radio yeah so he might yeah he's in charge of his unit there because since he's a sergeant culprit he would have access to a radio along with array so exactly but yeah it was really cool just oh my god they incomp the idiosy everyone is just making me push holy [ __ ] i wonder if it's going to get worse here on oh my god but yeah that scene is like i'm gonna drop artillery okay and then you can tell uh uh thick right lieutenant fake is like okay whatever you do that you know because he knows there's gonna be a mistake because he will get the wrong crit that way uh and then the other squad alpha will get it right because they're uh yeah they're calling on the party headquarters but even their incompetency which is handling local relationships like the interpreters so obviously like uh the interpreter is just a seller so i don't even know what the hell his whole agenda is he's yeah maybe he's like we're the best man we're america uh yeah we're gonna give these guys some lights and then they're gonna clearly put it back on the caches they want to sell those lights or put them on their neighbors or whatever for fun or and then we'll get lit up by airport oh god the whole thing makes me want to scream yeah that was so many moments in this episode was really incredible incredibly frustrating to watch watch and you can get godfather's frustration in a way where he like he's like okay we're surrounded by god knows what we have no idea we're deep in enemy lines and you want us to cast it back we can't i can't do that for my own marines but he does relent a little by saying okay i'm going to send alpha with a team to send the kid down so he clearly was affected by yeah the those guys standing there really hardly that's why they're all just saying he's like that that wasn't defensive okay fine you guys win alpha will take the kid away yeah and uh he's not entirely heartless he's just but so hooked up on the whole when we seize the initiative gentlemen the enemy will be shown that there is initiative we will be initiative we will attack we will always be the aggressive one like he and he seems to be inclined on he has to please mattis that's not that was about yeah so he has that whole command line on his own so he's got his other other leaderships to worry about yeah other authority figures you can hear his frustration like how come they're not the airfield yet even though they've been driving all goddamn night you know [ __ ] 40 miles out 40 clicks out you heard the 40 clicks out all night in the dark where they have no you know they can't see anything and they have to navigate only by map and that poor guy lost his helmet yeah oh yeah and then they blow up their truck with uh no like all their rashes yeah exactly i had to leave it behind i'm actually unclear do they blow it up deliberately or did the iraqis blow it up uh anyways whatever they don't have it that's the key thing they can't use any c4 to blow up the capture tanks but they captured some tanks so good on them i guess and as usual ray was hilarious as always ray takes nothing there so i love him he's great well he does take some stuff seriously yeah when he needs to when it comes to like brad's uh issues he does seem to like you said take it seriously he stays quiet whenever like like in the last episode he was quiet when brad shared his breakup story we heard it a million times it's probably yeah that's probably true it's like right here we're going on with a broken story at least he didn't say that yeah yeah so and he critiques everything everything he critiques doesn't matter what it is he will make fun of you he's like the type of guy that would uh he's like the jokester of the unit but he's he clearly he made sergeant that's why he's allowed to drive to the front so he's not he's clearly has some sort of ability so you have to be like slightly higher up in order to drive a vehicle well i got the impression because both of them are using radios so and i think he was a sergeant too so is ray a sergeant i'm not yeah there was like not much combat at all and the engaged airfield you can see copper was like if that place was mad we'll be all dead but there's nobody there they they're just parked outside yeah the humpty's were all perfectly spaced out i was admiring the formation more than me too i was impressed though they parked them all the same time you know some stunt coordinator had to coordinate all of that tell them okay everyone stop at the same time and have to do it perfectly and they did that was great a good point yeah but yeah cobra was like you know those if those tanks were man they might be all dead the humpies i don't know if they're carrying anti-tank uh weapons they don't have a grenade launcher which i've done nothing it's a t72 they're just stuck with the [ __ ] yeah that's the that's the phrase that go with they just just dealing with [ __ ] after [ __ ] after [ __ ] situation incredibly frustrating it is frustrating absolutely and it's a great the show does a great job of uh showcasing that of showcasing that like they dumbed it down they explained enough it to the audience i definitely can't because people were super engaged yeah i was i was more super engaged by that whole conversation than the gunfight in the last episode that's how engaging that thing was it was great which conversation just in general all their conversations up so it was great hearing all the politics and dealing with the truck and dealing with the evacuating the kid that was that was very gripping drama and you can see all their acting is wonderful yeah yeah yeah the actors are doing a well they did a fine job and no music at all the whole again we don't need music right we don't need music they don't even notice it's just documentary style it's great did they happen in the last episode nope there's no there's been no music there will be for the whole show they didn't even hire a composer then that's like that's true the only composer they got was the guy i had the coordinator i'm singing at the same time that's impressive i didn't even notice you don't need music for this kind of thing yeah apparently i just feel like we just got inserted into iraq with the marine recon unit that's all it needs yeah man that acting though at the end with culprits eyes you could just tell like that that that that was wonderful acting about him you could read a thousand stories off those eyes without him saying anything at all yeah very well done by uh scars there uh alexander skarsgard yeah sky's great we already saw him in uh does that that's right we saw his brother is his brother that was his father i'm guessing okay we saw his father and dude and he was great too so i mean we saw him in godzilla versus king kong he was okay on that but he didn't have much to do to be fair the movie was had pretty monsters but pretty much was shitty uh shitty shitty written humans but much better than the last one so not really saying much here but his brother wasn't it yeah okay man how many producers how many family members are hollywood holy [ __ ] yeah but he's been wonderful in this show so far yeah ray the best duo honestly i can wait so that means if his brother's an id and the actor who's driving the vehicle is also in chapter two like oh he's an itch yeah he is my god well he does a great job here yeah like the marines come off is very relatable without being without making it seem pretentious yeah yeah agree so like they don't dumb down their jokes the military jargon as suddenly yeah they're language it's not dumb down yeah the military language is not dumbed down at all you have to get with it or don't and it's great because it logically makes sense in the context of watching the show yeah exactly man i just said a bunch of fancy words but yeah it feels like they're doing a great job yeah i wonder the show got good ratings oh it did yeah that's pretty good ratings that's good i mean i don't know if it has a lot of viewers i know it's kind of underrated uh compared with the pacific we've never heard of this until until we got some comments about it what a delight anyways that was a really good episode very enjoyable anything else together no i think i've i think i've i think we've yeah i think we've covered everything me i covered everything i think too much talking on these no it's great it's a great show so uh yeah that was a really good one i think the the episodes are getting better like like the last episode was really good and this episode was i want to say even better but i suppose it's just as good it definitely feels even better in a way yeah yeah that was a overall a very very good episode and i look forward to the next one yep we'll see you guys for the fourth episode we hope you enjoyed this reaction and we'll see you guys for the next episode take care peace out and have a great weekend
Channel: Dark and Skull Watch
Views: 1,711
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: QhN2VkOM9Qk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 28sec (1948 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 29 2021
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