Christian Bale home run! Equilibrium (2002) movie reaction first time watching

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we're gonna need you to get it done what's up guys bad medicine is back and you overwhelmingly blew up our comments and john wick you wanted us to do a reaction video to 2002's equilibrium starring christian bale none of us have seen it it's gonna be a first-time reaction for us so let's check it out let's go [Music] it's already tapped into like my favorite genre so we have created a new arm of the law the gramaton cleric whose sole task it is to seek out and eradicate the true source of man's inhumanity to man his ability to feel police wow some interesting [Music] we're starting hot you know what to do oh sending in the heavyweights oh is that the man there he is there he is oh he's gonna die in like 10 minutes i'm sorry i just love that he had a back end of frame what's that actor's name again sean bean he dies in like everything everything yeah the doors down blow the bulbs that was cool i shot all the lights nice hasn't taken a step now if i would have been one of those people i just started shooting in case you'd maybe got them that was some that was a pretty innovating innovative scene there yeah i've never seen anything like that there's all the art it's real well what are they gonna do with it though it's real burning yeah see that's what i was wondering are they like trying to erase all history like what's these guys's goal that's interesting so that's what they're trying to do is eradicate the past yeah that's what i'm guessing oh yes the bean is gonna think that that's wrong why didn't you just leave it for the evidentiary team to collect unlock they miss things sometimes i've got to take it down myself get it done properly how long preston until all this is gone until we burn every last bit of it we'll get it all eventually so christian bale is not going to have any emotion yeah my guess is they just keep going and erasing any types of history at the cost of the dizzying highs of human emotion we have suppressed its abysmal lows as a society have embraced this cure oh everybody's gotta take their shot it's a very 1984 vibe i'm getting from this yes for emotional content all those things that might tempt us to feel again movies you have one arts and your own natures you have survived well they got quite a few people in there yeah yeah i mean the guy speaking was alfred in uh yeah in gotham the gotham series and then dude was in uh multiple things entourage and this remember was a prison guard and uh longest jared every time we come from the nethers to the city reminds me why we do what we do i beg your pardon it does oh that drugs must just completely like numb out any type of highs or lows like they were saying of human emotions so that's why they all take it that's why they all act that way i'm really digging this movie already guys like this is excellent so far i assume you know who i am yes sir of course your vice council dupont father's voice quite frankly cleric i'm told nearly a prodigal suit knowing almost someone is feeling i have a good record sir if you were a sense offender i said you're a family man yes sir a boy and a girl the boy's in the monastery himself on path to becoming a cleric my spouse was arrested and incinerated for sense offensively oh jesus jesus real how did you deadpan sorry i don't fully understand sir how did you feel there are no feelings yeah zero emotion on anything oh he's he afraid he showed some kind of feeling oh he's seen if he put the yeah see if he put away that book remember yeah yep that's right i don't think it's been locked yeah he kept it cleric pardridge has not entered anything in for i bet weeks got a stockpile he's been trying to feel feelings for the last two weeks we assumed it was enforcement related you always knew but i being poor i've only my dreams have spread my dreams under your feet treat softly on my dreams i assume you dream preston i'll do what i can to see they go easy on you they never go easy then i'm sorry no you're not you don't even know the meaning yeah i'm not sure everything that makes us what we are traded away there's no war oh yeah oh so he's just given up yeah he he wants to feel again oh there's t diggs finally you and your partner were close i hope you're as pleased to be assigned me as i am the placement i was told this would be a correction and like there are none there's none just words sometimes i know when a person's feeling before they know it themselves emotion you laughed a little bit i could only hope one day to be as uncompromising as you good night i'm surprised you even said good night that's formality i thought you just say night john yes i saw bobby taylor crying today he didn't know what i saw do you think i should report him report him for crying yep unquestionably no mercy for anyone sorry is that just a twin oh yeah no comfort for this guy no it's like everything is very small there's his wife so now he's trying to experience those feelings again with these dreams yeah or maybe the flashback here don't shoot we have a warrant for your wife's arrest she's charged with sense offense sense of fans jeez he's like you did what she did just smile at him so he like doesn't even know what that is quick take your injections so you forget anything the kid hey creepy you think the kid was the one that did it oh maybe he just was gonna threaten robbie the kid that had a a tear yeah bale didn't know about it oh separate beds so like there is no love there is no family it's just all very robotic almost yep what do you think he's gonna start not taking those either battery's gonna show us his morning routine oh he broke it [Music] nothing you little snitch what are you doing why accidentally drop my morning interval you'll go by equilibrium log the loss and get a replacement of course this kid welcomes the show what is this like i i never really watched game of thrones but wasn't there a dickish kid on that show too answer your question yes yes yes okay okay he doesn't say the king wasn't he a dick your new partner called he says i'll pick you up for the anna i hope you don't mind i took the liberty of telling him we had equilibrium replacing your dose that was the right thing to do stop that oh she smirked it's like i'm i'm freaked out any time somebody shows miles emotion even if your your eyes can tell a story too so like any sense of joy in your eyes like they just they just told that kid just do the dead eyes as much as you can more than punctual cleric hop in i was not oh he didn't do it yet yeah like did you see the interior of the car there was like nothing just nothing yeah how are the lines i'm surprised you're able to get your interval and get out so quickly no they're they're fine today so he told a lie and dude eggs is gonna know you can't do this you cannot do this that's your grandma there's nothing we can't do how long have you been after he's got to try to fake it the mirror's frame's illegal destroy it he's onto it oh it's what life used to be like yeah oh she's been painting you're gonna burn it aren't you eventually it'll all be sorted and examined we'll discover who your confederates are [Music] um oh he blocked him oh jeez i like that shot that was a nice shot i love that you can either wait and tell the technicians of the palace of justice or you can tell me now who are your friends there's nothing you don't feel how about guilt let me ask you something oh she senses it yeah she's gonna she senses it why are you alive i live to safeguard the continuity of this great society to serve libya circular exist to continue your existence what's the point yeah wow yeah what's the point of your existence to feel i have no choice but to remand you to the palace of justice for process he's also a bit slower when he's not taking the equilibrium too yes to really think about what you can say and how his delivery is going to be too and his reflexes oh the gun cutter treats the gun as a total weapon inflicting maximum damage on the maximum number of opponents firing efficiency will rise by no less than 120 that's why the john wick fans wanted us to watch this that's where it all started if anything you should start easing your kid off that [ __ ] he's not taking his nightly dose he's like what am i experiencing but like he's kind of like a withdrawal yeah it's withdrawals like any little change in his routine his little narc kid is gonna know it for sure that's what i was wondering the whole feel thing did it mean not just emotionally but kind of physically yeah you're sensitive because i was gonna say it because i was asking that because of how the whole interior of the car there was like no ventilation no radio no nothing well there is no music well i i get that but you don't want to you know what i'm at oh he's thinking about it but now he's going to see himself in the mirror that's what he literally can't it numbs you not even yeah okay i know cushion but sensory too so that was my whole big question you just got your answer there we go the answer got the answer good morning there is no way he can keep this act up it's a hell of a desk to be yeah they're just do nothing sit here and wait oh you want to be different he moved his i'm rearranging my desk you didn't like the way it was before i had no feelings about it merely attempting to optimize so this movie is getting you sucked in by not only the uh the action but the main story here is to feel yeah and the the tension of bale getting found out and like now you're trying to see this is the first true test to see how bail does it failed that one maybe maybe not dave oh wow oh he's taking the gloves off maybe he's just trying to find their stash here music books what's cool with this is like you just put the most obscure things down there yeah and it'd all be new to them oh he's going to have his mind blown whoopsie well folks most likely we can't be playing this music he's feeling the music so this is like his first time hearing it yeah and he's crying oh gosh someone walks in yeah well they just so he all the stuff he's been destroying all this time he's realizing the beauty in all of it why don't you leave that for the evidentiary team to collect and laugh oh oh i'm listening sometimes i'll take it in myself oh my god oh man oh they're going okay we're gonna clap them all grab it and like the cutest one you could imagine toss it back in i'll finish it off give it to him cleric he'll finish it wait seems to me some of these animals ought to be tested for disease there's an epidemic oh my god the father has decreed that there will be no more process for sense offenders shot on sight or incinerated without trying without the logic of process is it not just mayhem call it faith you have it i assume i have it no she hasn't been processed yet the thing is just think of it as a like you're touching stuff for the first ever time and like smelling it and like you could see how it would just blow your mind little things we take for granted yeah clear john preston passing into the nether enforcement related oh who's watching them mr tay i don't know what else to do go on go that'd be hard to do that puppy just looking at you like that he's never seen a dog before he does or doesn't know what to do with it god christian bale is just an amazing actor damn is he good he actually laughed oh no unidentified individuals are subject to summary destruction i'm a grammatical first class researcher vehicle no you're not there's nothing in it um oh my goodness john preston the highest ranking wait i'm sorry i didn't recognize you sir just doing the job let's push you back to the gate oh no no no no no no no no it sounds like it came from your trunk just give me my keys i'm asking you one last time i'll do this [Music] okay we're going to need oh we're going to need you to get it done wow [Laughter] perfect who's going to stash them yeah first when i saw the discoloration i thought maybe his wife was starting to do something oh wait that's good always practicing claire i guess that's why you're the best maybe i'm just better murders than another last night yeah that's what i say and if they know who did it am i close do they know there are theories i came to tell you there's a raid in the nether sector seven so get ready and although taste smiles a lot though that's what kind of threw me it keeps throwing me off yeah that door behind you go go damn you don't do it you'll shoot up in the back shoot you i shoot you in the face now go a bunch of idiots yeah what else are you doing oh somebody saw it oh this reminds me of like sting of 97 just hit whatever moves that's how i'm an aim to get it square into the class what is this what are you doing nicely done cleric you drive the knife shut up i close it why don't you take the honors of the execution cleric father's rulings are quite clear offenders are to be shot on site they have valuable information if your weapon's low use mine i'm surprised tay's giving him a chance here i think in the end it'll be better if you have it you asked me to become father's instrument against the resistance i'm ready to destroy it to destroy it do it oh i think he's going to go build himself for an army i think right he's going to do something we hope so so very sorry one of the possessions he had on him at the time of death the illegal ones who will be burned with him good thing this guy is not a body language reader i want to know about him i suggest you go ask him killed by your friends with the tetragrammaton not by my friends by me whoops i i mean everything's been recorded itself they gotta see that he's been pretty shady errol partridge what do you know about him everyone out now oh maybe he's finding there's more people on the inside than he thought you're an offender i'm not no i really don't [Laughter] he knew we've been watching you preston you're here again oh that guy i thought we saw him earlier do you know why you came it's a whole lot of batman characters i was just gonna say welcome to the underground polygraph it detects fluctuations of human emotion we have to be sure maybe you have some [Laughter] carrying in your left pocket a red ribbon sprayed with your scent you breathe in sometimes when you think there's no one to see you know i always like you but the first thing you learn about emotion is that it has its price but without restraint emotion is chaos some of us have to forego that luxury so that the rest can happen i have to force ourselves not to feel like me like you what can i do you can kill father right to the top immediately well here's his chance i've heard the most disturbing rumor a rumor maintaining that one of us has secretly taken it upon himself to cease his dose is actually feeling this person i'm told is actually attempting to contact the resistance how exactly have you been making use of your time attempting to contact resistance it's like every time i think i know where they're going they pull one of these i will redouble my efforts sir to find this traitor and bring them all to the council's fair justice i didn't see that coming like that no no no i thought he was done i was getting ready for a gun fight something you know anything oh he's got quite a stockpile there i'm just calling it the sun's going to somehow find it they did set him up to be a massive prick [Laughter] just uh making sure it's working i was checking to make sure you've been taking your interval are you satisfied i'll show you good night dad he didn't call him dad before that's right we have a network that's larger than you could ever imagine bombs that have already been planted we set off factories around libya we succeed in disrupting the supply for even one day our cause will be won by human nature itself the everyday cruelties that are all gone now replaced by the touch of gramaton will you do it yes i'm preston i'll get it and of course oh wait is he gonna watch this yeah i'm really surprised that he is allowing it viviana preston sentence of incineration oh he was there for his wife yeah it's going through now he's supposed to really stop he's got such a high level of clearance though nobody questions him that is true i mean he's the head cleric you're too late sir the time lock is engaged if we force the door now the turbines will explode at street level it's kind of a big design flaw [Music] oh i didn't no i thought something i was really wrong i thought he'd get her out of it wow but this is going to be the breaking point yeah oh we're in the middle yeah he's just going to break down cleric john preston you are under arrest why does he get to smile the whole movie no ken he is feeling i have brought him for your justice i told you if i'd make my career with you preston this man is guilty of consorting with sense offender of sense crime itself you run the trace record on his sidearm he who was with the sweeper team when they were murdered i promised i would bring you that man and i have it was your gun in the nether oh he switched i think in the them it'll be better if you have it he switched him he took it when you arrested me what wait i can explain this he is the one who's failing then why are you yelling he just keeps getting out of every situation and it doesn't disturb you in the least that your colleague is going to visit the only thing that disturbs me sir is that i'm father's instrument against the underground yet i've never had the honor of meeting him but with him breaking down like that in the middle of everyone wouldn't they notice somewhere oh he's gotta calm down when he gets in his house yeah little robbie careful in the future because he called him dad i bet he's been doing it too since mom and lisa of course he's been keeping it up the whole time it's my job to know what you're thinking come now you'll have them all really surprised they risked themselves just in case if i mean something happened to oh that's a lovely outfit he's got there how's he gonna pull this off polygraph more of a riddle actually i told you i'd make my career with you cleric to make you feel like you'd won i tried to infiltrate an agent into the underground in order to pass undetected into their midst in order to be trusted by them my provocateur would have to think like them and would have to feel like them a man with a capacity to feel who didn't yet know it we've never met no [Applause] [Music] don't look so surprised years ago the council simply elected me to pursue its eternal tradition the supposed savior of the resistance and along with them you've given me yourself entirely don't think that's gonna happen oh [ __ ] nice i'm coming they didn't check his sleeves one bit is that eclipse here we go wow remember decrease the percentage of gaining of not getting hit by 120 percent oh wow oh that's what those are for [Music] nice well played you really should learn to knock they can't be taking it that's what i'm thinking because they have all this you know fancy schmancy stuff in here [Music] yeah you tried darn it that was supposed to work mind the uniform cleric i did not expect it to be that fast he cut the front of his face off what are they showing it oh man wow that's where mortal kombat got it from mortal kombat 10 had that i was just gonna say i wonder how good this guy is yeah and how the hell i didn't expect him to be this good i love it they have the exact same training and they're both like obviously masters yeah wait look at me i'm live i live i breathe i feel you do and you got a goal man you're about to feel is it really worth the price i pay it gladly wow wow [Applause] that's the main thing where it's all broadcast that must be there's the box hey they got the dog yes robbie you a little stinker come on they don't know no better give them time there you go all right guys wow in the comments we're not kidding when you told us to check this one out answer let's start with you dude dude i love the whole like utopia you know in the future we're oh we don't want you to feel anymore like in a sense it's like yeah it's not a bad idea but then no it's not no you have to take drugs to be able to do it but i love the premise of it it was really mind-blowing i really loved it how about you what's your rating i was going to wait on that but all right we'll go right off of that um i'm going to hit a four 4.2 answers out of five i i loved it a lot of action christian bale again knocking it out is he ever just going from no emotion to all emotions yeah i loved how this movie borrowed from so many like awesome dystopian type movies and books and things in the past and just kind of put it all together in just a fantastic story again christian bale perfection what more can you say he delivers uh you can definitely see where john wick got its influence from and like you said you guys in the comments i can see why you recommended it and like the answer i thought it was great i'm gonna give it four and a half out of five stars not just for the action but for the story i loved just everything about it was outstanding you guys pretty much said everything that i'm going to say anyway uh the one thing i will notice is early on with the kid he played it off really well only to find out that you know he wasn't since mom yeah so i take my uh kids a little prick coming back i'm not saying that uh so my rating i will it's not going to be super high like you guys i will say 3.9 that's still pretty good i know i'm probably gonna get killed in the comments from some of you on that 3.9 is still good i'll even say it for uh chris because just because of christian bale on that yeah and you're not normally a big sci-fi guy so that should be no right so i'm not huge in to the sci-fi world but the action in this yeah i'm surprised we didn't see more movies and maybe there wasn't i just wasn't aware of it with that kind of gun foo there we go i'm really surprised we didn't see any more movies like that in the early 2000s to be quite honest because that i thought that was innovative uh from that first scene when it was all black and then just boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom yeah great stuff just maybe they didn't want to borrow too much from matrix you know because like that was really hot from 99 and then which i still don't really i i don't know what you mean by that so we're probably going to have to do that for my sake because i matrix you might see like how they kind of intertwined but yeah the story as a whole is just is really nicely done i really liked that yeah it was it was outstanding guys thank you for the recommendation and hey if you got anything else you want us to see go ahead drop some comments down below you guys have been blowing up our comment section the subs have been going up it's been awesome we love interacting with you guys so folks drop a comment down below of what you thought about this movie or if this is your first time too and you watched it with us what was your thoughts uh drop that down below folks we are on a aggressive goal for 10 000 subscribers before the end of the year so if you found this movie reaction somewhat entertaining please consider that subscribe button help us get to our goals so we can keep continuing to give you more dang awesome content that's right guys we couldn't do it without you again like comment and subscribe keep it going answer and that's right as for diamond dave damon mason quinn i am of course the answer good night pals
Channel: Badd Medicine
Views: 5,481
Rating: 4.9875388 out of 5
Keywords: equilibrium movie reaction, equilibrium 2002 movie reaction, first time watching movie reaction, christian bale, equilibrium fight scene, movies 2021 full movie, John wick, sean bean, home run, movie reaction, john wick reaction, movie reaction videos, movie reaction channels, movie reaction first time watching, equilibrium 2002, badd medicine, first time watching, gun kata, equilibrium movie clips, equilibrium reaction, first time movie reaction, reaction movie
Id: lPA0l0STWwA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 41sec (1841 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 29 2021
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