The Pacific Part 1 | "Guadalcanal/Leckie" | REACTION

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watch this i'm very curious to see how did you hear that we're excited to watch this so we're now watching episode one of the pacific due to popular demand um lots of popular demand i think every third comment on vanderburgh's ones you should watch the pacific we felt obligated to check it out yeah at this point we're like okay fine we'll check it out i've never heard of the show prior to banner brothers but i know you have really i i might heard a glimpse of it but i know the name of it oh i knew he worked on a different show but oh so you know of the show but you didn't know that yeah specifics and obviously as the name implies the pacific and it's world war ii i think we have a general idea what the plot is going to be like do you uh know much about what happened there since you are very good at history yeah i know the general overview and uh compared to banner brothers uh like stuff there's way more u.s info about the pacific because the us did most of fighting in the pacific side i'm not discounting the uh southeast asia where the british fought there or china where the a good chunk of the japanese army was bogged down by uh occupying china uh or the soviet forces invaded manchuria but that's a different story anyway the u.s did the majority of the fight in the pacific so there's a lot more written about them when british officials first met the us right this was after pearl harbor they met up with the us leadership and uh not after pearl harbor after midway and they asked the u.s soldiers the us military we should focus more on germany but a lot of the us military felt more strongly about the pacific like names like rome or uh paris or whatever they didn't really care that much about it compared with names like midway or guam or guadalcanal so yeah from their pp they were doing the fighting there so they felt more strongly about it as british officials there were dismayed to learn but they came up with a compromise to uh divide resources between the two uh fronts but personal side i don't know who we're gonna be falling here i have no idea oh yeah character wise we do not know and i can't even guess here because the books i read were from my over point of view and had tons of different individuals so i can kind of guess yeah anyway that was nerd man over let's begin with the reaction to episode one let's go what was the show made 2010. oh right right dreamworks dreamworks oh i haven't seen that logo in so long oh yeah that's right han zimmerman made the theme for this yeah i think so i feel like i've heard this theme before probably we haven't heard this thing right we have we've never seen the show though but i could have sworn i've heard this thing it was a hands-on thing you probably heard it yeah yeah that's true john burton oh the pacific we are starting part one oh it's a range decision yeah same fine yeah exactly well 1941. oh yeah i keep forgetting we're going again i know i think i know what happens in 1942 december oh i've seen this actor yeah i've seen him too he was in 24 and another film i haven't seen 24 in 20 years how how would you how did you recognize this guy bob lucky from across the street it's not every day to bump into a neighbor and tell you i'm going to the army maybe i'll write it no assuming the sensors don't cut up my letter they do that yeah you can't write any important information so there he is oh all right so the punisher's here we know the actor too we're also attacked by the army air force the navy the empire nice to give us an overview japanese united states marine corps yeah it's not gonna be our job until they can't whip them without us join them in prayers for peace on earth so this is the the marine corps yeah but these are the non-commissioned officers sergeants [Music] i wish my sons could marry someone jp morgan two of my brothers leaving to serve their country welcome home feast all a year from now he's a little optimistic they're not optimistic [Music] everybody's got to make sacrifices he's reminding him that he's making a sacrifice trying to get his attention poor guy i gotta go maybe he's done just gonna face it i meant she's a writer i wonder if he wrote one of the books oh that's interesting because it wouldn't surprise me if they based this on some of the uh some somebody's accounts yeah accounts he might just think off they go fight of course a lot of uh 17 year olds did that 16 year olds and i wonder if books were cheaper back then probably not so that might be a significant gift that's true oh wow oh wow go out of canals first all right we're just skipping all the training [Music] [Music] they would use that so it's interesting they just skipped the training went straight for it i guess they don't want to repeat it banner brothers exactly d-day before d-day was cool wow this is really neat to see though um well this is a horror movie they'd be flying really close over them [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] okay so this is not the first landing hey now what do i do yeah i'll just use a machete or a rock this is the first time any of them have seen combat this is the us's first invasion they have like no uh idea what it's like back into the jungle oh nice shot it's a very well shot show they must have a bigger budget after uh oh i mean steven spielberg it's hard to turn now there's battles they've got a big budget yeah wow they're just deciding exactly to happen you can even see the rice and chopsticks there it's because on the japanese side they were taken by surprise by the landing they seem a little exposed out there yeah i feel like [ __ ] that thing is heavy like in that all day exactly yeah it's the tripod for that i think i wonder where they filmed this oh jesus okay oh wow [Music] they're all jumpy [Music] oh my god carefully take this man i figured somebody opened it marines on the airfield henderson field there it is guessing through the airfield let's assume the jobs are watching right now apparently come at us they are wow that lighting looks so good jesus christ what they could see the japanese navy from there okay maybe for storytelling wise they wanted to show the audience yeah they're out there i don't know if because they're on if they're on a ridge well i guess they could have seen it [Music] he's afraid they captured them i have info oh [ __ ] i didn't talk about how terrifying this would be no can't see especially when this is like you said your first time right yeah [Music] that is loud wow it's a war it's supposed to be like yeah [Music] oh that's the sergeant right the one that was talking [ __ ] earlier [Music] calmly why don't they destroy the actual trees for this crop trees oh that must be uh that's the thing about that i guess [Music] wow they don't care they're just crossing that river no bugs all neatly laid they out kept on coming we got a live one here doc [Music] hold yeah [Music] she's his family's blinded but yeah i was very common uh medics would be lured forward by the japanese because they want to bring the people with them [Music] oh he's already upset by the inhumanization yeah they were family yeah everybody's got families [Music] it's both beauty and terror in its depths most terrible of which is man well you've met the enemy and have learned nothing about these things of god but another to square it with yourself great line get it really right for you jesus christ ah peter here now and i've been here for some time [Music] man there's always banter between replacements and new people and the veterans your sister and i your sister yes this is exactly the type of banter i would expect son like the poem says you're a better man than i am your humble and obedient servant eugene slippage wants to be a marine sledge yeah [Music] all right so that was the first episode of the pacific that felt like 20 minutes only yeah that felt super short wow that was a really good episode that was it was a good start to it really shining that scene where the that japanese guy was getting cut down yeah that was yeah else that was sort of the price jp morgan so the actual banker because that's the name of the bank jpmorgan i feel like i should look this up now i have to otherwise i'm gonna think about this all day i think i'm pretty sure that guy there's no way that i'd be like the banker i was like wait a second the thing i had to look this up anyways so we've watched the first episode great great [ __ ] music by the way that means it was great uh right now it's hard to identify with anyone because you just hopped into it but i already know uh lucky lucky yeah i already super identify with him and uh the birthday gentleman we got sledge and his brother who kind of gets sent over sergeant york like he's well sergeant york is a nickname actually because but and it was starting new york and in world war one he was a famous guy who captured dozens of germans by himself so at that time they would use him as an example of a badass i guess like what are you sergeant york it's like uh oh i say what are you batman my bad no that's fine you didn't know i mean his name could have been sorry new york it's not like york is an uncommon name i don't know much about this i'm afraid the gunfight that took place at night was really intense it happened so suddenly and they're all so close to each other and it was at night so it's just you can't see jack [ __ ] and uh though the japanese do make it convenient just by running at you over and over yeah so and that's the thing they don't give up they just keep doing it until they're unable to the japanese people yeah the japanese soldiers they must have been taught like their education surrendering is dishonorable yeah something like that so we have some experience with japanese where we live taiwan was a uh was a colony of japan for 50 years yeah these okay well it's called japanese valleys into taiwan uh you can see it today even among the elderly the elderly they treated taiwan as a model colony while the japanese empire treated korea and manchuria basically has slave states if that makes sense so they were treated as second third class while time was treated second class i guess um yeah so we have some experience with it you can see some results from the u.s bombing of some places in taiwan and uh there was an allied prisoner camps up north outside uh taipei and which is in the northern part of taiwan yeah and our uh our grandfathers are the japanese too yeah he still knows how to speak some japanese yeah he still remembers there was they sold his clone they served as colonial soldiers but thankfully obviously he lived otherwise we want to be here that's that's a really really bleak way of looking at it but it's true uh this is our uh other side not uh american side are our taiwanese side of the family did american grandfather's side he's i don't think he served anywhere he's too old to uh too young to serve yeah he was too old to serve in vietnam basically got stuck in those two yeah anyway that aside so you can see it with the japanese how they uh they attacked over and over they regarded surrender as dishonorable and the one who was supposed to surrender well he was fighting with him that was very common that was the first time the u.s encountered that that's why the corpsmen went up you know like all like all happy like oh i can help this wounded guy but they had no idea i completely forgot that's what the japanese used to do so that that surprised me and then i realized oh oh yeah that is what they used to do it's it's sort of ingrained in them like you said surrendering and the bonsai charges yeah it was uh really interesting to me our first characters so you can see how they just immediately got dehumanized in the first round of combat like they're playing around with that one japanese guy when uh they were probably pissed after what they did oh yeah they were war is [ __ ] hell yeah for for everyone involved and you just you mentioned you heard they they mentioned like you fighting for tojo right tojo is the leader of the japanese oh he's the uh well not the emperor is not really the overall leader and together serves him but yeah told you was their nominal uh i won't say dictator because he got easily ousted later yeah did they manage to take any japanese prisoners now like with there's those there we always took a couple not all of them would uh want to die right in certain unlike the germans who as we saw in the last episode oh there we go that [ __ ] yeah but the japanese were uh more fanatical about it yeah different different education different values it's basically two different cultures looking at each other unable to uh comprehend each other if that makes sense they uh you just kind of get that mindset like i bet the american marines were like just shocked that these people were just willing to charge at them yeah yeah without any [ __ ] that's true and the japanese were shocked that americans would surrender that sort of thing or that the american medics would be willing to help them out after they were just fighting brutally like they might as well just be two alien species at the moment during this war because of yeah yeah this was like way before like this whole you know racism discrimination discussion now we see nowadays obviously i mean you saw they were being pretty uh calling them names and stuff but yeah that was just the least i'm pretty sure that was the least that was the least uh it probably had to tone it down for the show but he had it i bet it was way worse yeah and uh i mean you can even see it with world war two the american government was happy to intern intern they were happy to put all the japanese americans into camps they were happy to do that oh yeah yeah they put over a hundred thousand into camps but german americans or italian americans now we can't because they're white so we we didn't put them in camps i there were some calls for it but it was squashed so yeah and but even though most japanese americans i guarantee 99 of them were absolutely loyal to the united states over uh over japan wow about the japanese for american prisoners or did they just execute them the japanese held prisoners you mean the ones they helped uh their allies the allied prisoners they held were they went through a lot quite a bit it massively varied if that made sense you mean like the way they were treated because uh yeah fanatical japanese would treat him like horrible garbage to say the least while uh [ __ ] other japanese officials were ordered to have more liberal policies so they try to treat the uh like philippines their filipinos there they try to treat them more nicely but a lot of them are also massively undermined by fanatical japanese over the place and so thousands of americans died for example during the death march from the south of the north to the prison camps i don't think it was southern yeah i don't think that pleasant so if the show got to that part it would be kind of ironic it'd be like mimicking banana brothers a bit where we see in episode 9 where they come across some camps but i don't think we're going to see camps because the americans themselves never directly liberated them spoilers a lot i'm afraid after the when the fighting ended so what about the axes or germans taking ally prisoners oh that's a whole massive difference i don't think i can go into that in one video there's no way maybe another time what they've done could fill several million books so it's oh geez uh same for the japanese i'm kind of massively simplifying it here but yeah the uh actors here so far i only recognize a couple and obviously punisher and uh yeah most notably john and uh lucky i recognize him but i can't he was in many movies that you and i have seen and he was always the side character i i can pick he looks familiar so i was like he looks like someone i know but i can't quite tell you who was he like deadpool or something in the first one i remember there's this image of him being like in a helicopter and about to get ex exploded or something i can't remember but we've seen him in many movies not just was he the bad guy he's always the bad guy okay marvel bad guy huh i don't know i have to go we have to go look it up so i guess the show is going to follow these guys for the whole season or i feel like that is that pot yeah i guess we'll see huh i guess we will see yeah so this is kind of ironic for us because we're doing avatar and then we're doing war two shows we're just balancing out the two it's really funny and to us internally yeah anyways we hope you guys enjoyed our reaction to the uh pacific and uh and your thoughts no i look forward to the second one yeah yeah and uh from what i've seen so far this is very good actually i agree uh i'm not going to compare with banner bars right now because there's they're a bit different yeah different banana brothers fall as one yeah and this one seems to i suspect it's gonna fall different people across different companies yep that's my suspicion i'm not i'm not sure because look i haven't looked up anything about the show anyways hope you guys enjoy the reaction and uh have a great day peace out we'll see you guys next time take care and uh yeah peace out
Channel: Dark and Skull Watch
Views: 6,866
Rating: 4.9565215 out of 5
Keywords: world war II, books, the pacific, ww2 pacific, miniseries, HBO, sibling react, reaction, leckie, sledge, war drama
Id: 49FiuBSKlgk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 31sec (1591 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 15 2021
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