GEN 9 NORDEN FORMS, FOSSILS & LEGENDS! | Pokemon Infernal Light & Celestial Dark (Pokedex)

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yo what's going on poke champs this is wayne from his channel and today we're diving back into the northern region now you guys absolutely killed it on the previous video i mean 20 000 views plus i mean you guys love the artwork some of you guys love the starters and every other design that you saw and made some amazing teams i read all the comments and you guys had some really really banger stuff and of course guys i'm just showing off artwork this is not any big speculation for gen 9 but i would love to see a lot of trainer math designs in gen 9 now trainer matt if you're watching this bro make a game please make a game of this i would play it so freaking much i would i would do a full play through here on the channel everything man you absolutely would deserve it with these amazing pieces of art for pokemon but with that being said guys today we're gonna be checking out his new fossils checking out some regional variants and legendaries but if you guys are ready don't forget to like up this video go ahead hit it click that like button share the video out and let's jump into the designs now starting off with the fossils we have five different choices for fossils now in normal pokemon games we only have two options and that is kind of crazy that we have five right here those being the north fossil conjoined hand fossil the frozen tusk fossil the fang fossil and of course the ancient sword fossil now if it was me i don't know man the fang sounds dope but the ancient sword also sounds dope i think i would go for the ancient sword one if this was a game that's exactly what i would choose just based off of the name but let's look at these brand new fossils so those being here uh whoa that's a really really long name conjugates conjugate this who is actually going to be almost like a phalanx here being a conjoined pokemon being a rock and psychic type that's actually really really dope i like the design i love the the idea behind it i can see this animation like it's spinning around in a circle or just jumping in place with the group i think that'd be really really cool man i like that i like that a lot next up is going to be uh pup hero and pup hero is actually the sword one the one that i actually like and it's looking pretty cute it's a grass type fossil which is not something we get very very commonly i know we have craig dilly and the leap i believe is the name of that pokemon as well so this is another great way to look at it a nice grass type and it turns into a grass and fighting type so right up my frickin alley i know i'm choosing the right thing this being a grammar horn and grammar horn looks freaking dope this thing looks like a beast i love the design this definitely would be my fossil personally especially picking up steering like this balances it out well i have a grass fossil with a water starter it just it just works next up is going to be polaris who is the north fossil and this yo it looks freaking clean or kind of reminds me of auroras um but really more space theme being a rock and very type good typing and you have the miniors kind of flowing around it i love it next up we have the booth and he's actually going to be the uh the i guess the tusk the ice tusk fossil it's super cute man it's adorable it reminds me of like a baby ice mammal swine i mean it's already a nice type i know but like a little baby one it's cute i love it it turns into whoa is that tyrantrum in the ice yo this is super clean so it turns into hopefully i'm saying this right yum yum's string like yamster dawn hold them tonight yamsterdon i'm hoping i'm saying that right i'm sorry if i butchered the name that is ice and ground type but the tyrantrum yo that is freaking dope it's a nice little add-in to show like hey like this pokemon is a fossil and this is a good sign of proof for that that's freaking amazing next up we're going to have uh pretty pretty doris pretty doris yo this thing is pretty dope the fang one um a water type rockin uh rock and water type looks freaking awesome i like the design i think it'd be a great fossil to have especially if you picked up like the um you know grass uh starter or even the fire starter it looks really really amazing and that's actually gonna do it all here for the fossils man honestly if i had to pick again i would i would rock with my boy pup hero have it evolve into grammar horn this thing is an absolute beast but if you guys are ready let's happen to the thing that you guys are actually really excited about the regional variants yo we are really starting like this so first of all for our first original variant for the northern region being northern forms is we're going to have a gimbal a gimbal off the rim okay a pseudo legendary this now turning into a dragon water type which makes perfect sense it is known as a shark it is a shark pokemon and this even plays more into that so you see its feet turns more into kind of swimming eye fins i would kind of say it keeps the same you know other features of the standard gimbal but has more aquatic features overall and i absolutely love it this looks freaking amazing and gets me excited for garchomp so let's check out the next one we have goodbye really really really something that i feel like people overlook a lot of people don't like the bite you need to get goodbye before you can get garchomp like goodbye is heavily slept on i love the design really taking a lot of those aspects and features of being a water type and there's not many water dragon types i know there's a couple like kingdra i believe it's a polka i believe and and a couple other pokemon but i feel like this right here is hitting the mark and it's amazing and then last not least we have guard shot looking clean oh my god yes embracing all that beautiful you know water you know tightness it looks amazing i love the design it's fantastic yo matt's you knocking out the park bro let's see the next one next up we have our boy growlithe okay this is it this is my boy this is my regional variant this is who i'm picking up if i was playing the game this is who i'm picking up growlithe now turns into an electric dark type from a standard fire type and that is freaking amazing that is absolutely dope let's check out our boy arcanine and he is looking crispy he is looking good okay i love this thing would be an absolute dominator this is what lux ray should have been right here right here this thing looks sinister but still very powerful and i love it i love it it has a nice little contrast going against its other counterpart being arcanine you know cantonian form so i kind of expected thing to have a really good special attack and be really really really good on speed and arcanine is actually really already pretty fantastic on speed so already amazing and let's check out matt what did you do our next pokemon right here is looking like arcanine has a brand new evolved form that turns it into an electric dragon type and hopefully i'm saying this one right thunderrailer yo this looks amazing oh my goodness the whiskers but keeping a lot of the arcanine features and turning it even more embracing its legendary side into the dragon theme i mean this thing looks dope yo yo this this is clean this is it it's going on my team that's it it's going on the team it's going on the team easily all right so next up we have seal turning into a water and fairy type so embracing that very type it's very subtle but very very nice i like the design gets a little bit more on the whiskers and it kind of gets more like a puffy coat really embracing the fairy aspect of its characteristics uh next we have dugong which we know that co only evolves in a dugong so if it has an evolved form that'll be new but it's again keeping the water fairy typing and kind of more embracing that kind of more playful kitty design i actually really like this new gun design i almost wish this was its standard design to really be honest with you guys this design is really really dope and the next up oh there it is there it is we have silky and silky is going to be the last form being a water fairy type and this thing looks immaculate really embracing that fairy side reminds me of like prime arena it looks dope this actually looks good i would pick this pokemon up if i didn't pick up obscuring like this thing looks freaking awesome then next up we have teddy ursa one of my favorite uh gen 2 pokemon actually because i really love ursuring so we have teddy ursa being a dark fairy type yes yes yes yes i love dark fairy types grim snow is one of my favorite pokemon coming out of gen 8 so this is amazing because it fits the cute cuddly side and the sinister side as well and i absolutely love it this looks super dang clean yo amazing great i love it let's check out my boy ursa ring oh with the crafts with the crest oh yes this looks good this looks this looks top tier i love the ear design and it curves up he has a more sinister soul uh you know shoulder pads that kind of goes absolutely fur this looks amazing i would pick this up immediately i would have two original pokemon on my team i would have two dark types and i don't use many dark types a lot of my play throughs but yeah this is a wave this is a wave i already love earth's ring so this thing would be extra bulky and then have like play rough oh man this thing would be an amazing pokemon let it keep guts oh yes yes sir and then next up we have whoa a pre-evo for stantler okay it is called elka bay or elkabee um okabe i think it's alka bay or aqua by alcaby that's what it is and it's cute it's adorable reminds me almost like a deerling but it looks good dude it looks fantastic and it looks like it gets a different form when exposed to an ice stone yo now that's clean now that's clean so you have one that is an ice uh sorry one that is a normal and psychic type and one that turns into an ice type a normal ice type now this thing is going to get obliterated by fighting types but this design is amazing being elk lace and it looks super dope super elegant and i think that you know stanley needs a little bit more love out there in the world man like for real it definitely does and i think it fits the northern region very very well and then next up we have whoa box drizzle bucks drazelle buckstrezzo i hope i'm saying that right i'm sorry if i'm butchering any names this thing looks a beast yo how many forms does it have how many forms does it have i kind of skipped that hound doom i peeped it yo this looks clean yo this is like a a fusion between saul's buck and torterra refusal you get this it's clean let's hop over to that hound doom man how doom goes from a fire type a fire dark type to a ghost in steel type and this thing looks dope you you're knocking these regional forms out the park matt you knocking these out the park bro this is clean this is clean yo i've never used hound doom before i've never used houndoom before i probably would never use hound doom depends on the play through right this is clean though and then it's got two forms yeah y'all know how i feel about two forums now i love two forms so next up we have hound hound did him hounded him hun hopefully i'm saying that right this thing looks freaking dope being a ghost and ice type which is something we don't have too commonly i know we have frost last but yo this is dope embracing that ghost type and i love it with the ice to get the chills yes and then we have phantom and this thing looks dope go steal site which must be dude oh my god i don't even know what to say and if these have megas on top of that bro oh my god this is clean this is so dope i like this a lot next up we have lapras really embracing and turning into a dragon type i like it it's clean it's subtle and something that a lot of people kind of expected because it's like the loch ness monster type of thing like it makes sense it makes sense i love the design really embracing that ice type side no one could ride this thing anymore without you know getting a piece of ice in there but but you know it's cool it's fine you get a dragon type now uh next up we have glam yell so i don't have a couple of glam y'all fan i believe flintstone gummies is a huge glam meow fan so we have a groudin ice type glam meow looks clean now i do miss the tangled tail but i do like the color scheme the additional fur um it looks dope much like a snow cat it's it's super clean i've seen the snow cat i like the zoo and stuff so i love the design uh do we have pear ugly whoa okay per ugly is actually looking better here i actually really enjoy the design of her ugly now pearl ugly is not a pokemon that i like personally but this design is actually really good for ugly i think it's a really really good design overall and then we have whoa whoa like that we get permafrost and yo this is this is taking that snow cat that i just said and boosting it up to a new level this is amazing i like it i don't think i would use it but this is dope yeah okay okay it's that time folks we have rock ruff we have a regional rock rough okay this looks freaking awesome turning into a pure steel type from a spur rock type in the northern region and i love the design from the tail being kind of spiky to having more of like a spikiers design with the fur from the feet and like a spike collar it looks really really dope so i'm guessing of course it has two different forms well it should have three though because of of like uh or dusk lichen rocks let's check it out we have regular lychen rock looking clean i love it it looks really different from the original design because it's not as furry um which i didn't really understand with lightning rock at first because it's a rock type that's still a dog and that was really weird i love the pokemon don't get me wrong but it was a little confusing because i'm like how does that work i know it has rock sticking out of its fur and everything but this looks dope and more streamlined to the steel typing and then we have the dart like the dark or the midnight form here and it looks good it looks like a kind of like a punk rock poke marker so this being on a band coming with uh you know toxicity really boom obstagoon and this lykan rock right here being an all-around awesome band it looks freaking incredible and then we have it won this is it goes on my team and goes to my team it will get a blood rated it will get absolutely obliterated by them fighting type pokemon but this is going on my team this right here hopefully i'm saying at night and you know saying it right fenristol fenristol it looks incredible this has to be like the third variant to that like the dusk lykan rock i love the green accent all over its fur this thing better learn dragon claw just because the like the claws are green this oh my this looks amazing this looks really good okay we have it dread again i guess a pre evo and that's pretty cool it levels up by high friendship during the day and i almost like drone again always needed like an evil or pre-evo it just kind of feels like a pokemon that could you know just use more um and it's gonna be called a ruddle and rubble looks cute man i actually love the color scheme of uh you know dread again and ruttle here you know with the reds with the blues with the yellows it really clashes very well but it makes it a bright pokemon and a pokemon that's actually decently strong i didn't use it in my running gen 5 but it's a good pokemon yo it gets an evolution or a separate evolution yo so when it's exposed to an ancient fragment it turns into drock yagan jaquegan looks clean a dragon rock type like we should expect dragon is known for being in the caves yo this thing would be a freaking bulky attacker man this thing would be killer with with dragon tail um yo dragon claw stomp like yo this thing would be a menace this thing would be a menace yo clean goated i love it yo for all the people out there who always wanted your boy dunsparce to get a form right here grab the legendary scale and it turns into whoa okay that's the long name shin shin pro shin progan shin pragan reiki or shin pro paragon shin progan i hope that i'm saying these right i'm so sorry guys turning into a normal dragon type a lot of people want to see dumb sparks evolve so this is actually really good i love the design and good freaking job match on that and then of course looks like we get a brand new form holding the ancient fragment we get a really cool looking um aegislash or maybe a new name for it being called mjolni slash and this thing looks dope being a ghost electric type this thing would hit hard this thing would hit hard a physical attacker maybe even a special target probably like a mix this thing would be an absolute beast i love it and it fits the northern region so freaking well yes and then even trainers can use it can you imagine ash grabbing this and hitting the ground with the yo let them be clean this thing be clean especially for double battles in the anime i mean unmatched and it looks like we have bar boats who also gets an evolve from holding the ancient stone turning into uh a nag bark or not or a nag bit knock knack backer knack backer and looks cool i love the symbols on the back like the northern symbols looks fantastic i love it and guys that's gonna actually do it for the fossils but last but not least guys let's hop into those legendary pokemon now it has all come to this looking at the final pokemon now i want you guys writing to let me know what version would you guys pick up infernal light or celestial dark let me know in the comments down below right now yes pause the video go down there comment come right back come right back now i'm serious okay let's look at these legendary pokemon so first of all you have a heliodyne and heliodime being a dark and fire type it looks menacing it looks dope i love the design it's sleek i probably would go for infernal light um i really like the name of it i like the design of this pokemon it looks incredible i would probably go infernal light this would be my choice it looks amazing and it turns of course into a corrupted form once it gets an item and this thing looks godly so of course you know what the starters and if you don't remember go check out that video they get a form as well this corrupted form looks immaculate immaculate i love the the hues of the of the light shining through and with the wings kind of mounted like a guarantee almost yo looks incredible i love it now the other one is going to be ether dale and isabelle being a fairy flying type so this is going to be quite incredible um overall but it looks like ether dial will have our sorry ether dial will have the overall advantage with him being a dark type fairy is super effective on dark so um you know that'll be something here and this one has a corrupted form where it turns more dark they kind of switch attributes that's kind of crazy they kind of switch the attributes so this is going to be its corrupted form where it turns more dark and sinister looking more like the other one it yo matt's yo i love the concept bro i love the concept this concept is you sure you don't work for game freak matt you work for game freak bro i i think you're holding out on me man and then it looks like we're gonna also have ultra beasts because back in the original uh video that i did if you guys do know of course in this timeline in this world in the northern region lusamine had a sister and she is actually in the northern region looking over ultra beast wormholes so this is going to be incredible and you'll be looking at you be deathless nickname being reyes being a ghost and rock type we don't have many of those okay spirit tim was the only one that pops in my head but let me know if there's another ghost in rock type this thing right here is ridiculous it looks crazy but looks dope and very menacing and very ultra beast like next up is going to be you'll be giant being and it looks really giant it's a dark and ice type i see the ice coming through looks clean i love it it looks good it looks good next up we have ub overheat now this is the one that i would choose right here okay this looks good flame renault flame renault looks like a soldier a warrior of fire and rock this thing looks amazing and kind of reminds me of the creatures from skyrim so it looks really really good and then next we have you'd be uh polar bo bro bo oh baller bowler out bowler alice yes bowler alice being auroral aisle oh i like it fairy ice very good typing very very good typing it looks good man i love it looks great next up we have trickster being come hulks and this one being a psychic fighting type which again we don't have too many of glaze on the one that pops into my head alongside of medicham but i love the design i hate clowns though i hate clowns not my thing but the design is dope and that is actually going to do it for the absolute last ultra beast man so there's not that many compared to the sun and moon games but overall man this was absolutely incredible mats thank you for making this amazing artwork man if you have anything else that you would like me to show off please message me like let's link up man and i will show off some more of your amazing artwork have you done any other regions send it my way okay send it my way i'm ready to i'm ready to show everyone what it is but let me know what you guys think of this entire set of brand new pokemon i really really love the regional variants that that arcanine evolution was fantastic it was amazing so make sure you guys like check that out man i will see all of you guys in the next video thank you guys all for watching you guys are freaking amazing don't forget to like it up shout the video out it's been your boy infamous trainer and bye
Channel: InfamousTrainer
Views: 155,165
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon infernal light, pokemon celestial dark, pokemon infernal light and celestial dark, pokemon generation 9, pokemon gen 9, pokemon infernal light & celestial dark, pokemon infernal light and celestial dark starters, gen 9 starters, pokemon generation 9 fossils, pokemon generation 9 leaks, pokemon gen 9 leaks, pokemon gen 9 norden forms, infamoustrainer, norden region, pokemon norden region, anipoke, pokemon sword shield, gen 9 pokedex, gen 9, gen 9 legendaries, new legend
Id: ZGNoEFk9sNg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 40sec (1300 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 18 2020
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