GEN 9 MEDIEVAL POKEMON REGION?! | Pokémon Requiem (Starters & Full Dex)

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what's up pokey champs this is boy infamous trainer and welcome back to the channel today we're going to be diving into another fake mon showcase i'm actually super excited about this because we have a very fun region today this region is actually going to be called the tanato region which is based off medieval lore and rpg elements this one i'm actually excited about because it's not like a standard region we usually do on the channel as we usually choose one based off of countries or different states this one is based off of more of a concept which is really awesome that all being said first i want you guys to make sure you go in the description down below and check out i'm trainer over on instagram because he does amazing artwork and i cannot wait to see his future projects also be sure to let him know that infamous sent you plus if you're new to the channel you want to see more content like this make sure you hit the subscribe button leave a like on the video and share the video out as i have more content like this coming out in the near future alongside my pokemon anime content now of course without further ado let's go ahead and dive in and there it is folks welcome to the tanato region pokemon requiem i cannot wait to dive into this even more because i hit up some really cool gimmicks brand new regional forms and this is going to have a slightly different art style compared to the other pokemon generations we've actually looked at in the fake marbles we looked at so people have prayed for that but i think every piece of art is gonna look amazing i'm hoping it does and also if anyone watching this does any cool map designs or can make pokemon maps hit me up because i really need one for my personal region being the neos region if you didn't check it out we dropped brand new regional forums i think a lot of people love so thank you guys for everyone who supported that content let's go ahead and dive into the tonato region's brand new starters i want to see what these are about now of course the pokedex kicks off with the grass type pokemon this one being a tortillo it looks really cute super adorable kind of reminds me of a pokemon berry i don't know if that was a a big reasoning for the design but i think this looks really good as it evolves it kind of grows more into the design i like the tail and i also love that it's also a quadruped pokemon because there's again not a lot of quattroped pokemon besides like the the bulbasaur line uh the chickarito line and then from there it starts kind of going bipedal which i know a lot of people really don't like bipedal starters and bipedal pokemon because there's just a lot of them but i mean it's just it's just a design but the grasshopper looks pretty cool so far and then this one looks pretty top tier being a grass and steel type uh and i i think this one looks cool traffeznor or hopefully i said that right and again for anyone who's going to complain i'm going to say some names wrong i'm sorry but these these designs are more important to look at and this looks phenomenal this looks incredible looks like a really strong and tanky pokemon and of course you can kind of see like the colors in the background are going to be depicting the typing uh so we actually got to switch over to the oh the fire star is really dope um this one being in pyro um i'm gonna tell you right now fan favorite already this is this right here is what i would personally go for i haven't even seen the water starter but i'm telling you this is what i would go for as a is a fire type main um it looks like it could be a fire and dark type uh but we have oh davish i like it it gives me some strong impotent morgrum grim snarl vibes and that's one of my favorite pokemon coming out of gen 8 so um i think it looks great oh okay i was right on the on the on the dark typing right okay see this looks like a true dark typing because when you look at pokemon like incineroar it doesn't look like a dark pokemon to me it looks like a fire fighting but we don't want any more of those so i i love it i think this guy is awesome it's using the whip it's really portraying that fire because it kind of starts here with kind of being a little fun prankster type pokemon and then as it evolves it kind of has that fire you see the demeanor is kind of changing becoming more sinister um and then of course here it has that whole fire whip and again i love this art style i'm trainer bro you killed this i like how it's in your art style but it's still very recognizable to pokemon i love it and then the water started right here being a bubbling which oh it's adorable dude i like the tail i like the tail and then oh caesar yo caesar looking dapper kind of reminds me of dart tricks um and then it evolves into uh yeah okay okay okay water water is psychic very unique i like that typing um honestly all the starters are really solid right um like i i honestly would still probably go for the fire starter personally because this is a really great design and i love the fire starter and and fire and dark is another great typing um but i mean honestly i think you could not go wrong with any of these starters but in the comments down below let me know which starter you're picking up for pokemon requiem let's go ahead and dive into the main pokedex as we show that pokemon off next all right guys we're in the bulk of the pokedex now starting off with the region of normal type which is going to be just a pure normal type pokemon uh this one would be uh postinc or hopefully posting yeah posting it's it's cute i think it's pretty dope as it evolves into ratchug which i think is adorable this is cool the kind of raccoony vibe a little bandit little sinister i'm surprised this isn't a normal and dark type though um i think that'd be really cool to see even though that type would get messed up but i mean you have some really good pokemon coming out of that typing like obstagoon gallerian after goon for example so i mean honestly would have been pretty solid uh next we have the regional bird which i like a lot kind of like the unique eyebrow look i know it's going to be a a pretty cool pokemon as it evolves here kind of reminds me of a potential fighting type i don't know if that's what you're going for i'm just kind of thinking ahead of time oh just keeping it and it's going to be hard pins and harpit looks actually really cool i like the design very subtle in the colors keeping it normal but of course being the flying typing i i like this a lot i like this a lot i like this i like this actually oh i've seen a lot of original birds this is a really cool one all right stepping into the regional bug type this thing doesn't technically have eyes dude this is kind of cool oh i like it a little larva pokemon i like this a lot as it evolves into noctune i like it i like it it looks very cozy and again it's kind of different because it it looks like it doesn't have eyes which is i don't know how to feel about that but the design element is is so smart i i love it being a a a bug and psychic type and then it has the eyes on the wings because again it doesn't have eyes yo clever that's clever that's big brain that's big brain for sure that's absolutely big brand as we jump over to one of the regional uh grass type pokemon um it kind of reminds me of one of those like little clown uh little clown water flowers this one being uh flappy as an of course right there yeah that's what i was saying bro it reminded me of that as we actually get cowler here which actually is going to evolve via it looks like a rainbow flower of some kind i don't have the item pulled up here i don't think it might be in the playlist i don't know but we'll have to see as we go but cowler looks sinister this thing looks terrifying looks like it's gonna be a grass and i'm guessing as a fairy type based off the colors um fantastic typing there's pokemon that should have this typing more uh it definitely looks terrifying and then it has an opposite and split evolution which you guys know for those who are used to the channel i love a good split evolution right so this one's going to be uh a cloper so cloper and cowler um i love it very you kind of get that dark flower and then it looks even more menacing kind of reminds me of it uh pennywise the clown and just oh my goodness very so very dark again very unique typing i love it from grim snarl it's absolutely fantastic we have another bug type pokemon um i think it looks cute adorable this one has eyes this one has eyes so super cute as it actually goes into a kunkuhind which looks like it's going to actually evolve via some uh of evolutionary stones right um i like it i think it looks clean it looks very very comfortable which i feel like you kind of need to have the middle stage of the bug pokemon look kind of comfy and and tight and also for those who don't know my next regional video is going to be bug types after this video that i've uploaded so make sure you guys check that video out too um and then oh season fly do the seasons tie in with the yo the seasons from the stone here right you see the stones in the corner the seasons will tie into the stones bro why is not no like what pokemon what are you doing take some give use some of these ideas don't take don't take pokemon company and like give us credit artists need their credit right like yo reach out reach out to him man he's got some great ideas we have season fly being a bug and a fire type uh oh so this was being a bug and i'm guessing fairy okay this one being a bug and grass and this one being bug and ice to represent the different months right so i guess this one's summer uh you can say spring or fall i would say fall spring and then winter there you go right um that is incredible then we get over to what looks like a milk tank evolution potentially or uh could possibly be a toro's evolution so it's gonna be uh cam pilk which looks super adorable oh i was wrong it actually evolved into cam pull this looks really cool i love the the separation of the fur looks incredible oh i feel like i've seen this before somewhere previous to this right this one being a pure uh psychic type or ghost type one of the two it's kind of hard to tell with the purple um yo i love this this is yo it talks to leon like you know toxillion like this this this is oh my goodness uh toxicity looks it looks incredible sorry that i said toxically on my bad toxillion it looks incredible oh my goodness all right so next up we have a marzu ugly oh but you're not you're not ugly i love the color palette though um for some reason i feel like this is going to be a split evolution just because i can see the the kind of pastel green and red so possibly a grass and fire type um or potentially a split evolution um as it's going to evolve into oh lee fight grass stone that's kind of right okay i love it kind of um big rabbit potential i love it oh foot torch for torch oh for torch yo he's looking yo the torch is looking tough personally i get for torch i'm guessing this is going to be normal and then is that fighting is that fighting grass fighting fire oh yeah yeah i like this and i wish we had more uh fire fighting pokemon that weren't starters um so i i loved i i would love to have those we're going to get up to a scarecrow type pokemon and this i'm guessing of 100 ghost i want to do something kind of like this i i think it's really cool how it's tongue is kind of like the best and it's like on a stick yeah i love it really cool design oh we have the pikachu clone this one being a spark at i like this spark cat looks adorable i like it it's it's cute it's like spark rat what else can you oh it actually evolves though that's crazy because not um i know that i didn't for my region but not many artists like to evolve the the pikachu regional clone which it's a trend from pokemon right obviously the dna pachirisu plus mining um they don't evolve i know some people count merrell do you guys count marrow as a regional pikachu let me know let me know in the comments down below but most people do not um evolve those pokemon i love the fact that you evolved it it looks it's great transition very smooth i love the fact that it has almost like a pain girl jacket on i think it's cool dunstar great pokemon next i'm gonna have uh looks like a steel and ground type um little little troll type of thing again i'm not huge on the lore of rpg elements in medieval so if you guys know exactly what these are pulling from let me know let me know in the comments down below i love the education i love it when you guys kind of point out hey this is actually what this means like thank you so much for that uh background information um and it actually evolves into okay i'm guessing this is more dwarf based um okay i like it this looks good and it's 100 steel type though so it went from it went from steel ground to complete steel which i mean i think is really good we don't have many pure steel pokemon especially nowadays um but this looks great uh you know do armor drama hopefully i said that right it looks great i like the face of pickaxe and it's a wrecking ball that thing looks painful then we have tanish which is a sucker fish right is that a sucker fish it's whatever those big eyed fish are right and the fish tank and they sucking up everything it looks good i can imagine the shiny looks really really cool of this as well yo and then this thing evolves and becomes a monster mice died oh my goodness so i'm guessing this right here is going to be our regional uh magikarp line that really weak fish ugly pokemon evolves into an absolute beast of a pokemon as you guys can see right here this thing looks like an absolute monster i would say it's on the team it is a pure water type i could easily see this thing being a water dragon though i could say this being a water dragon i think that would have been really cool but i actually love the pokemon i love the design and the different uh kind of like patterns on it that's really unique really really dope we have grasoni which is a grass bunny pokemon and then it actually evolves into looks like a grass and fighting type another one oh sorbet which has a sword carrot that's cool that's that's pretty dope that's whoa it evolves again it decides to eat it's using stab bunna really dope name continuing that grass and fighting typing it uses the carrots as swords right and then it uses the tips of carrots as the arm plating yo this is one of the coolest grass pokemon i've ever seen this is incredible i love this i love this design right here this is really good hold up you're on the team so uh tortash this thing looks really cute could it be a fossil it looks really dope uh as it evolves into whole sage i like it i like it this thing looks really grandpa-y right like a drampa um and i think it looks really cool i love the fact that it has a stick that makes it look even more um relatable to the human i guess relatable to us um and then whoa it evolves again hold up i didn't expect this what flame or tortoise which looks incredible it's like a mage right and how that flame mage thing going on i'm guessing again in this situation uh fire and psychic so really good typing uh way better than devil fox is probably gonna ever be even though it's the same typing defox is just a trash pokemon it's a trash starter it is what it is that's a hot take saving that for another video this design right here those incredible this is phenomenal um yeah yeah i would add this to the team oh that's the two we have oh smuggling i like it it's cool it has like this little huh what does that tail do what does that tail do upon evolution oh okay okay swindler i like it the names cool i don't know if i was expecting more it might have another evolution after this but i'm i was kind of expecting more because it's really really similar as you're going from here to here um it's like it doesn't change that much for an evolution is more of a form change but let's see if it has another one there we go fox aston this is dope this is cool this is cool i was a little bit worried because this didn't really look like a huge transition here but this is a beast this is a beast right here this is a monster i love it poison dark i mean i think that's what that is i love this oh it's first like covering his face kind of like a kakashi bro yo that's good this is yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah on the team on the team as we pull up next to uh a very interesting type pokemon i this looks like a couple of different uh like mammals all mixed into one i'm not sure how to feel about this whoa whoa what hold up panu nali hopefully i said that right is that a piece of arceus what is that it's a nun pokemon that is crazy to me i'm pretty sure in most games in most rpg games do you see nuns or is that a really big thing in medieval lore let me know let me know in the comments right and i'm guessing the other one is going to have to be whoa hollist holiest holiest oh goodness guard so holiest and then okay cool it's it's like the pope right you know saying and and the nuns that's that's crazy and it uses the same piece so i'm guessing if it's a female you'll get this if it's a male you'll get this one as well um i think it looks cool it's definitely a really different pokemon i would say i was not going to expect this and it's using its tail to hold up the lantern i think that's actually really really cool then we come over to uh sniver which looks like a poison ice type or that poison water that's poison water poison water and then we get ourselves oh sir please post the poison so poisian i kind of went a bit over that one um i like it the nose is a little weird for me i don't know how to feel about the nose but i like it i i think the typing is really cool um you could always benefit from all those unique typings in pokemon and um i like this i don't know you guys let me know what you think whoa and and shark this kind of reminds me of that anchor shark uh beta pokemon if you guys have ever seen that i don't know what the official name of that pokemon is called but i'll maybe post a picture of it if i can somewhere on the screen uh but it reminds me of that beta shark anchor pokemon but just kind of taken up to like really fit your region which is always great i have a couple of those coming to my region sneak peek for those who are kind of wondering um oh this is i like it this is really cool oh our first regional form our first regional forum our first regional forum being ghastly turned into an ice type it is a haunted snowball that is awesome ghost ice i mean what else can you ask for right and then it evolves it's a haunter which kind of grows like these glaciers i love baits i love it it's kind of like a walking snowman it's like a haunted licking this ice collapsed snowman it's you know this is really cool and then gengar looking like a monster in god looking like a monster yo who doesn't like gengar i honestly wasn't a gengar fan until ash caught one and then i used it in sword and shield i was not really a fan of gengar if you're like hey here's a gengar i'm like okay cool box now when i see gengar i'm like yo you're a monster you're an absolute beast so gengar is a super cool pokemon i love the fact that it's ghost and ice it looks unique it looks different from the original gengar i would love to know what its abilities are uh because i could see this being really cool alongside of his shiny pokemon of course the next we get miraculous another regional form of course this is a very famous um archetype to go for when you're making miraculous making it a grass and fire type it's very very very common i would say um as much as i like this design and i do love this design um i think it looks pretty cool and it's still very different from the original ones i've always seen but i wish there was something else you could do with miraculous besides grass and fire but this is a really cool design and i think it works well oh so we have a water fire type is a water fire type okay so is it based on like a komodo dragon uh comoro pyro compyro camaro camaro camaro i don't know how to say this name guys i don't i don't know how to say it whatever and then we have ourselves the evolution this reminds me of it could be like a pseudo legendary it kind of gives off like beta beta uh gibble uh by garchomp vibes i'm guessing this is a three stage uh has the steam coming out the mouth and the i love the piercing eyes but the yellow and the black that looks like phenomenal oh it doesn't evolve we have spunky which is going to be a an electric donkey pokemon um this looks incredible but i really expected an evolution here huh i don't know how to feel about this um as we kind of go then we oh okay okay we got a horse storm and this thing looks incredible this thing looks incredible this looks phenomenal it's a horse storm horse star yo this is yeah yeah yeah on the team on on the team on the team let's dive into a math school which um looks looks exactly like what it says it does actually whoa it evolves into like this kind of tiki ghost goddess and it has the fingers and the okay i think this is cool taking the elements from this one adding it to this one moving the the gold kind of plated eye um yeah i think it looks really really good oh now this looks cool this one being uh mortum i think mortum looks dope i love the fact that kind of has like this old medieval bag over its head design i'm guessing this is also a ghost type as it's oh okay i like the trend it's it's it's little body group right so again it keeps the elements from the original design it transfers over it gets that smile kind of weird uh cynical smile on his face and the body grows as it whoa i love it on the team on the team it reminds me of scarecrow from injustice too so those who played that game kind of gives me those kind of vibes from it so i think this looks really really dope whoa whoa i did not expect to see this wispy on the ghost type evolution okay yeah this is tough this is tough this is this this is pretty tough this this is good i don't know what else to say it's it's really good and then we have ooh lithium like lithium lithium rocks rock type evolution looks phenomenal i love the colors i bet the shiny for this would look really really good zubac kind of feeling that dracula vibe vampires or vampire is a big thing in rpg elements and i think it is a medieval right medieval lore dracula vampires is a pretty big thing um zubat dracula's pokemon i can pretty much guess what it's gonna look like yeah kind of having the sinister the stinister vibe you know kind of having that going on uh i know actually was kind of bad and gulp whoa whoa whoa gobat gobat looking like this i mean actually this is really good i don't know if i would use it personally because i don't like golbat but this is a pretty cool pokemon stuff for all the golbat fans out there this is yeah yeah yeah this this would be a cool one to see as we dive into medellin i like it i think poison fairy that's a really good typing i do like it i do like it and it oh okay this is like um this is like your medusa yeah this is like your medusa posagona i don't know how to say that that's crazy that name is crazy um yeah it reminds me of medusa that looks it looks it looks um except those aren't snakes those aren't snakes i don't know how to feel i don't know how to feel what's up look look gibb was here and he's kind of fitting he's a water ground type i love it or is that dragon no it's a water fire type yo that's water fire isn't it whoa okay it has like the fins like it's underwater okay and then guard on the team on the team immediately that thing looks that thing looks oh that thing looks terrifying honestly that looks that looks kind of terrifying as we jump into sneak up adorable cute little cub pokemon you gotta love those right uh liz snark or let's wait linsark i bet i'm reading words too fast um great great step up in evolution i think it looks really cool oh fanta fantasy yo okay on the team first and foremost right this is dope you let me tell you something watcher you right yeah you watching right now you're not gonna tell me this isn't a cool design okay that this is this is as good as the damn comes all right um this is amazing this is yeah this is top tier we need this is a real pokemon all right i need this to be a real thing i love it uh then we have sandygast becoming a castle who would have thought who who would have thought this is genius genius and palace palestine is as a legit castle it is a castle it has evolved from a sand castle to a castle castle i'm pretty sure that's going to be a ground and ghost type is that the grounding ghost or is that rocking ghost that might be rocking ghost um again i'm going to hurt personal typings just because i don't have them pulled up or they're not on the screen with me um but i i i like it it looks really good oh a queer little aqua deer pokemon a queer looks good uh okay savater oh likes you know okay i like it um i can see there's also being an ice type if it wanted to be like really cool as we have harped being an uh a pure flying type and then we have a okay heart oh harperine okay a harpy pokemon looks super cool um flying fighting you can't go wrong khalooch is one of the most banger pokemon in all of pokemon so really dope we have a lupine which is going to be an ice type as it evolved into uh who hodugo the duke hodugo or hound go hound go what am i talking about what am i talking about what am i talking about um the design is great it's phenomenal and of course yeah hound dingo how ningo looks great you can't go wrong you here's the thing you can't go wrong with an ice type dog pokemon they all look fantastic like i've seen a lot of them uh doing these kind of videos and every single one of them look absolutely incredible uh then we kind of dive into like another imp type pokemon i like it uh it looks like this was gonna be actually ice and fairy i think it would have been cool to even implement this as like a regional grim style line but we'll have to see what it evolves into whoa never mind it looks like it's a whole bunch of little versions whoa whoa whoa goblin right so it takes this little goblin right discipline right and then it legit mixes them with like an i what the hell this is pretty good this is pretty good and i love the fact that they have some different expressions on their face like that one looks hella sad towards like the middle bottom uh but i like it it looks good then we have ourselves uh kind of the poison i don't know what the typing is on that poison ice that poison is or poison no that's not what is it this is poisonous i can't tell uh motor core it's poison and looks hella dangerous ooh teddy ursa okay tedious is one of my favorite pokemon i'm also doing a regional teddy ursa for myself and my region um expect to see that in an upcoming another regional video um oh my goodness okay it earth swing looks like the king of the forest uh it looks like the king of the forest it has the staff it has a little petal on it for additional color yeah 10 to 10 on the team on the team immediately then we have ourselves like a nice totem pokemon uh reminds me of like a design you would see on um on like zatu not too right then we have ourselves kiffin which is gonna most likely be a griffin type pokemon as it evolves into griffs uh griffin which is gonna be a ground and flying type love the typing by the way fantastic and then involves ooh griffier hopefully is that right and i know i didn't it is what it is right um the design is fantastic the design is incredible uh again everything i see like a griffin i think back to harry potter with the hippogriff um and yeah this is yeah this looks remarkable i love it so we have another fairy ghost ghost no let go i can't tell what the color 100 percent uh lavier i'm guessing there's gonna be a fairy type and then that was it we switched over to this very like sinister looking pokemon i don't even want to try to pronounce that but it looks very sinister very crazy and then we have ourselves uh jack which is a bug ground type that thing looks that thing's big brain literally big brain uh then we have troll ant which is going to be another really cool pokemon fitting mormons like that i guess the rpg elements in the medieval role right you know it's a troll there's trolls in medieval times just like imps and dwarfs and stuff like that i got you i got you then we have the mimikyu what we have mimikyus of all three starter pokemon so i'm guessing ghost fire ghost grass and ghost water could could be could be could be i think it's pretty dope i think that's pretty cool then we have octrine which is an octopus pokemon wait what you ain't got no evolution okay we have cedrin as it evolves into spawn uh swanny swanny and then ooh i like this i like this a lot water drawn water drawn looks super cool very menacing um there's nothing bad there's nothing yo so far every design honestly has been really solid there's a couple things i'd probably change here and there with typings and stuff but you know like these have been bangers that thing is disgusting uh where am i is gross i i the design is still cool but this is disgusting this is this is literally yeah what the hell is this no no whoa got the tail i'm currently using goth to tell right now in my pokemon vault white very first playthrough i'm just playing with a couple to any poketubers right and gotha tells a very fun pokemon where the hell is this where the hell is this yo this 10 out of 10 added to the team this is incredible because it's it's the opposite of glade right so it's cathalo glade garnevoir and and and the other one because i forgot the name already yo oh my goodness got the tail there we go oh my god got the tub got the yo yo 10 out of 10 add it to the team added to the team after the team what are you what are you why what are you it has like two faces it's like two faces on this on this pokemon okay i definitely said what i said this has to be a ghost and water type okay let's look at the under the sea type creature han steed this thing looks menacing this thing looks this looks way more menacing than this does and one smiling and one's frowning it's definitely got that split personality thing going on uh for gear which i don't know what this is based off of if you know let me know in the comments down below it has like this little eye tag i i tag thing going on i'm really not sure what to what to what to think of that much it evolves um it evolves and and evolves again via item i don't know what the i don't know how to feel i don't think about this one's weird this one's a weird one yo the one is this this one this one it's a bit weird cursed school probably like a beast in battle if it was in a real pokemon game that one's a bit weird then we have band try which you know banshee type pokemon right uh then we have ourselves like a little warthog uh pokemon as well as it evolves into okay all right erin moore let me tell you something you should have been what ambor is now right i'ma say it because no one else wants to i think amber not being either a fire ground or a fire rock was a missed opportunity especially after we had just gotten blaze again and we had just got an inferno you know the favorite best firefighting pokemon but i feel like that was that that to me to me personally fire ground fire rock women perfect if you have said hey infamous this is the brand new evolution of tepic i would have said i love it this is incredible tech pig this is what you should turn into but you won't so it is what it is uh then we have uh phlox bat being electric bat pokemon uh electric flying looks incredible whoa it doesn't oh what i like how it's arms it's like its wings its wings looks like lightning and lightning bolts and i love the patterns on its yeah that's good that's good then we have ourselves woofins which looks like not a regional form of aegis left maybe it's like a family within the age of slash uh ghostly i don't know rituals it turns into oh okay so it gains that still typing so it goes from a pure ghost to a ghost and steel type just like the original one uh then this is one of the fossil pokemon kittark so fossil pokemon can tark i like it i think it looks really good rock and electric yeah i like this a lot ooh felt fall under fell hunter looks good this pokemon looks really really good and on the opposite end you have stegash grass and rock as it evolves into stegoland keeping the the rock and grass typing uh these two won you can't tell me otherwise kittark and and fell hunter took this by by storm by storm electric okay we have another fossil right here um this one looks looks very goofy if i'm honest with you oh this one also looks goofy so we have two goofy ones being rock and water and rock and ground okay so we have four different fossil pokemon two evolve and two don't evolve still these two take it these are the best fossils out of this group for sure um then we have uh what's harming watermelon watermen uh which it has it's like a dinosaur with like a water body it's like a dinosaur with the water body i think it looks cool it looks pretty dope then we have man steam which looks like a flying and flying water type flying ghost or steel steel water type what is this this looks like a man-made mantine what is yo what is this that looks that's cool then we have a slimab which looks gross and then glass slime which also looks gross there yo there's a poke ball and a cube he ate a cue ball it ate a cubone oh my oh my goodness then we have ourselves uh a treasure chest you know like you play rpg games and there's like those chests that are fake chest that's exactly what this is then we have ourselves a fing funnyxi for nixie cute and it evolves into uh le dixie and then we have a spora pokemon um i think this looks cool i wonder if this is meant to be like the the i guess hmm like the gardevoir line like your gardevoir type pokemon for the region i'm wondering if this is going to be it i'm not 100 sure oh now you look crazy electric fighting type fantastic typing uh that's like i guess based off of a valkyrie right and i think i like this a lot actually this looks really really good then we have uh grandia which is a water and ground type uh looks like a frog fish right is this a frog fish then we have ourselves uh a nice rocking psychic type it's weird because it has two faces it has the big o the big o and it has like two little two little dots right here where that's yeah i like it though looks good what is it is this not bug dragon is this not bug dragon this looks like it's a flying no this has to be dragon bug there's no way this isn't this looks good hoster gun hostile gun this looks good i like it then we have ourselves possibly the regional the regional pokemon like the regional pseudo uh as it's going to be looks like it keeps it okay so dragon poison as it evolves as well so it's kind of based off a wavering you can see that we're bortle waverto looks amazing this is yeah another add to the team and i know you guys always say infamous your team only has six pokemon we rotate baby we rotate we rotate all the time and then we have ourselves um it will carnate and it looks like um i don't know what to think it has a question mark on its stomach which is interesting um wait what color is that typing though is that dark there's no way does it have no typing so it has the ability roll the dice at the beginning of every combat it will roll a 20-sided dice its type will change depending on a one it will teleport at a battle on a 20 you will get to choose what type it gets white so whoa whoa whoa so if it chooses if it lands on one you flee the battle if it lands on 20 then you choose the typing i'm guessing if it lands on any other number it turns into that typing hold up let's check it out so that looks like the rock typing the fighting typing and electric typing then that one looks like uh the dark typing the dragon typing poison typing ice typing flying type ground what the hell are you cause you look like the dragon type so what the hell are you that's the ghost water fire grass psychic poison is there one is there more than one poison am i losing my mind on typing yo these are incredible by the way these are a pokemon that can turn to every single type that's not eevee is it is remarkable and i love the concept of the move that it has to roll the dice and what it lands on is what it turns into that's pretty cool i'm guessing this is a mythical though there's no way this is just going to be like a regular pokemon you catch so i'm guessing because the big jump in numbers from 140 to 180 this is going to be the mythical pokemon but i want to show you guys something as far as the brand new gimmick for this region that i think you guys will come to enjoy all right so jumping into the gimmick of the region it actually says here originally from tanato mytho evolution is responsible for giving specific species of pokemon new power and new evolutions as never seen before so this is actually gonna be really awesome to dive into with you guys so hopefully you guys are as excited as i am to go and check out these brand new gimmicks as we dive into the mytho core um i love it really nice looking stone by the way looks incredible now it says unlike mega evolution mytho is permanent so you cannot come out of it given the power of a mytho evolution each trainer is allowed to have only one method on his her team at a time because it's too much power for one trainer to contain upon defeating the pokemon league you're allowed to join the mytho championship a tournament where trainers ballot gets each other using teams composed of three so once you become the champion you can jump into the mytho championship right okay and then you have a tournament where you can battle with three myths of pokemon so those things must be crazy strong if you can lose three and the first one is gonna be based off of it looks like the grass starter um which has really good stats and it's gonna actually whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa it turned into a water ice type [Music] it's converted this is crazy and then it's permanent it's permanent so you can't change your starter back what the hell is going on so it goes from a fire steel to water ice i don't know how to feel about this gimmick let me know your thoughts so far about the gimmick and what you think of it then we have my personal favorite right the the fire starter and if it evolves whoa i like this though it's grass and fairy i like this though so it goes from a it's so opposite it's so opposite it's so opposite because it goes from grass and and dark or sorry yeah grass and fairy from from fire dark okay then we have this one was water psychic turning into fire and ground that looks really damn good actually that one looks really damn good yo i don't know what to think i don't i don't know i don't know what to think this is interesting okay let's see the next one is so we have okay here we go that little little uh little you know toxillion that pokemon that we saw earlier looks like he got one as well whoa toxilisk banger on the team that transformation needs to happen you definitely needed an evolution then the scarecrow is going to also evolve whoa ghost fire i like this its tongue is like the main thing it has like a little sword thing with the arm and then the head yeah another banger then we have the the um the dwarf the wharf and it turns into okay it's like a frozen giant for frozen natives i like this it looks like a straight up brawler though steel ice banger typing but very bad against lucario and pokemon like that stormonitis what glidinitis whoa okay is it based off of is it based off of some elements from i don't know like frozen giants storm giants and then fire giant is that what this is based off of i don't know the lore of rpgs in medieval that much but let me tell you this one right here is the banger so nightis is holding like a zeus thunderbolt it's crazy to me that's phenomenal then we have the nun which they actually turn into uh palmetto tom palma tess what the hell has happened that none has gone rogue the none has gone rogue and i'm guessing if if you did you took whoa now you look dope though the priest said i'm done with the with the blessings it's time to catch these hands and i love it this is great i love the fact that you incorporated the the arceus the arceus like like ring thing that looks really cool it looks even better here i would say this is definitely the way to go paula din looks great this is based off a paladin i got that concept um and then we have uh the horse that i actually liked right that was i don't figure the name of it but whoa this is what this is what we need this is what we need in pokemon now electric flying horse what else can you ask for it looks incredible looks phenomenal then we have the um it looks like the uh the the uh i forget what the name of that thing is called you know what i'm talking about it becomes even more like what i thought okay so this one actually looks closer to a medusa there it is medusa this one looks more true to a medusa so this is yeah i like this this looks really really cool then we have the water deer as it turns into a water fairy type kind of gains that more aquatic tail looks awesome then we have harp the harpy fighting flying type pokemon it gains that ice it gains the ice on the hands like it's about the box you that's dope that's cool how many of these are there then we have ourselves a new form of bear tick regional bear tick okay whoa whoa whoa what ability shape shift when in battle wait when the battle ends or when this pokemon faints it will transform back into earth's ring so this pokemon kind of breaks that rule it actually turns back into its original form what what it has different forms no way dude so you have a wind drood you have wood drood and pondered okay hold hold up grass flying grass ground grass water banger as i said earth springs on the team earth students on the team earth swings on the team earth's ring it needs love bro and then when that was like that uh you know uh god what's that one poke that one animal you guys all love the cats of waddle whatever the hell that thing is called anyways it looks like it turns into a beautiful fairy in flying or fairy and whatever this typing is remarkable i love the colors reminds me of cotton candy actually it looks really good the octopus also gets an evolution turning into uh oh i don't i figure what they're actually called the monster but it's like that big um octopus monster like yeah i don't want to even get this name wrong um yeah i know i understand where this comes from i love it looks great it looks great let me just sum it up oh the fossil that i like it gets a form get out of here oh yeah king roar king roar is a monster electric dark what luxury should have been um yo looks good then we kind of dive over to the other fossil pokemon which looks like it's going to be a dragon a ground dragon type i mean you can't make this up it looks phenomenal we have the little water little dinosaur that was like floating in the water these stats are high as hell too these pokemon or data looks incredible lord data looks remarkable bordata is on the team okay this is not a drill we have arcanine with one of these new forms that says 675 golly this thing has a brand new form it is a fire dragon type arcanal arcanial my bad arcanial oh my god this is amazing 10 out of 10 you're on the team next up is going to be arbok oh it's like a hydra arbor arbiter what other i don't even know words it has atkins it's little eckens this little atkins yeah yeah okay i like this i like this a lot all this a lot dawn fan gets one grounded steel war fan oh my god oh my god that's incredible dude evie gets one evie gets one evie gets one mythion oh my pure normal type this is remarkable kind of looks like flareon but remarkable nonetheless oh my goodness what whale lord oh my goodness are those all terriers those are all terriers on this body those are all terriers on its body oh snap oh snap okay yo cacturn gets one torment tormented whatever the hell that is man i can't say that name right now this is dope oh my god yo i funny enough i'm actually using a cacturn in my pokemon vault white play through it's actually fun to play with this is hella dope are you serious hound doom gets one too oh hellborous yeah not on the team but this is dope as hell i've never been that much of a hound doom fan maybe because i've never used it before this is good as hell though you yo you're kidding me even what hypno gets one he looks sinister is all hell this is sinister is all hell oh my goodness vo vocal rona keeping the typing but this looks good oh it's an evolved moth your i almost cussed there for a second yo sharps getting one sharpener dude these designs yo yo one you knock this out the park bro all these all these forms you had me worried at first you had me worried at first but these forms my boy are top tier okay crow gunk not crow gunk toxic crow gets one too what he looks raw he looks like a beast yo helium tile gets one oh my god yes sparkling looks great again this is a big thing that i've seen for a lot of people because obviously when uh helios flashes itself uh you know it kind of looks like the sun playing more into that electric fire we need that typing by the way incredible i love it what is this what are you what are you what are you you just you're just a myth you're just a myth menthol pokemon you look incredible and you what the hell are you what the what do you oh my gosh there's this one there's this one and this one and this one are these legendaries what are these let's go back and let's look at one by one okay my bad i'm skipping pokemon electric dragon i'm guessing is what this is this looks remarkable i love like the little ruins these have to be legendary pokemon there's there's no way these are not then it continues with the same ruins or a slightly different ruined pattern um on these ones looks remarkable yep different patterns you're kind of getting like this one looks like kyogre i see what you did then this one i don't even know this one looks godly this one looks godly oh my goodness and then you have tylundra which looks remarkable i'm guessing it's also going to be the legendary pokemon and it has a mytho that looks good that looks really good and that actually wraps it up for all the pokemon within this region dude these were actually really really cool regional forums but it's not over yet as i actually show you guys a couple of the characters and actually one that you guys will actually be excited to see so let's check out some of the characters in the tonal region all right like any great pokemon region you have to have your regional professor so we have professor beech and not the curse word that has beats on it and i love it as far as design wise because uh it has some great ability to show just a different uh i would say all right panning over to the actual professor of the region being professor beach i love the name it's not the cuss word it's really awesome but i love it um it's really great just to see some diversity i love the hairstyle it looks remarkable and potion looks like a real traveler type professor and we come across dad who has a rolex and that's interesting because in most regions you don't get to really interact with your dad so that's pretty cool to see then we have marcel and nancy which are going to be your main protagonist characters for your region so obviously if you know you'll choose one of the two designs to be your main character so we have remy and luca which are going to be your rivals um i think you look really cool i'm kind of guessing that uh remy was more of a i'm guessing remy's the one with the green is kind of a non-binary thing i think it looks really really good and we have one of the guild leaders so as you play through the the world or actually not play this is not a fan game this is not a fan game this is not a fan game that's confirmed it is not a fan game coming or anything but you have the guild leaders who are going to have some really cool pokemon and you'll see them have oh it's actually bigger than i thought it was that's kind of crazy but you have guild leaders which are messing equivalent to pokemon leaders then you have house champions okay i like this then you have your elite fours like any other pokemon game then you have a league champion you have gris jesse and james jesse and james are in here i did not know this their champions what the hell is going on by the way they look for they look remarkable a little remarkable now the one that i did see is the next one and that's going to be champion ash is also in here in the mytho region i love the fact that he looks aged up some great inspiration from it looks like the last or the power of us movie remarkable incredible this has been a fun region to cover you guys have seen the characters you guys have seen um you guys have seen a lot of different things but let's go ahead and end off this video well pokey champ that's actually gonna do it for this video i hope you guys made it all the way to the end you got to see all the pokemon the different trainers the regional forums the mytho forums and many other things and if you did again let me know some of your favorite pokemon in the comments down below again make sure you check out i'm trainer over on his instagram i highly highly highly would recommend it he's got some amazing new things coming in a brand new reach you can start taking a nice little peek at cause i'll be making a video on that if he's cool with it like again man thank you for the opportunity to just to show your region off dude this is incredible pokemon requiem i wish this was a real game or even a pokemon fan game i would definitely play this but unfortunately it's not going to be but again let me know your thoughts in the comments down below if you enjoyed the content you want to see more of it hit the subscribe button we're going to be making more content the more that you guys subscribe as i notice a lot of you guys who watch these videos aren't subscribed to the channel and again i'm making some stuff for my own region coming soon so i'll see you guys in those videos again leave a like to the video out hit the subscribe button i'll see all of you guys next time thank you guys all for watching stay infamous keep your heart ablaze and i'll see you guys later bye [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: InfamousTrainer
Views: 167,574
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon requiem, pokemon generation 9, pokemon fan game, pokemon gen 9, pokemon requiem starters, infamoustrainer, pokemon medieval region, pokemon rpg region, pokemon, fakemon, pokemon region, gen 9 starters, mytho pokemon, new regional pokemon, fakemon region, Pokémon, gen 9, generation 9, gen 9 pokemon, gen 9 pokemon starters, pokémon, Tanatto, tanatto region, requiem, medieval, medieval pokemon, new fakemon region, new pokemon, new gen 9 pokemon, pokemon mytho forms, pokedex
Id: GFCchjs423s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 46sec (3226 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 17 2021
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