Full Nightmare Dungeons Guide - Why & how to farm them efficiently in Diablo 4

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hi everyone I want to talk about nightmare dungeons the primary and game activity that they're gonna use to farm experience in late game and also level up your glyphs I talked about Paragon boards and all that already so here I want to focus on the actual gameplay so what you need to know about nightmare dungeons is that they are essentially beefed up versions of normal dungeons you can see this here you might have played this in the beta already Mall wood and Fracture Peaks so this is just a regular dungeon but now it is Amplified with those nightmares and affixes so there are a few mechanics that play here that I think are important to understand to be effective with how you can progress and how you can beat those stunts effectively here you can see the schedule that I used to open this dungeon this is the mobile nightmare dungeon seizure it does have its tier here at the top there are up to 100 tiers which is essentially the difficulty level if you have played down for free this is a little bit like the greater Rift levels so the monsters do scale up with both damage and health the higher tiers you go and they also scale up in levels and Monsters level is always exactly 54 levels higher than the tier of dungeon that you're running so that means that the highest monster level in the game is 154 and the tier one nightmare version will have level 55 monsters so it doesn't have the minimum because it starts in Nightmare difficulty with Tier 1 sigils so you can only access them in the end game after the campaign and all that and then goes all the way to tier 100. there are two different types of scissors so you saw an ancestral one and here is the sacred one this is tied to the world here you can see this in the bottom right so uh this one is only World tier 3 and then others are only World tier four these are the ancestor ones so this kind of corresponds to Sacred items that you can find and accessible items these are just the higher tier items that drop in the higher difficulties and you can actually access uh you know sacred scissor win in terminal difficulty or you cannot access ancestors digital when in Nightmare of Goldie and between those two steps the sizzles also become more intense you see here on sacred visuals in Nightmare difficulty have up to 12 free Vibes allowed but on the accessible ones it's only four revives so this means that the most important consideration that when you're trying to beat a certain like high Knight management here in like nightmare dungeon pushing sort of saying for example when they make leaderboards down the line we will be to actually stay alive there's no time limit like in Diablo 3 at least not yet I guess maybe when they introduce a leaderboard confirmund there might be but at least for now this is the only thing that you have to worry about it's just not dying and you also see that the affixes themselves become more intense you see this green affix here this is a positive affix so every single season always has one positive affix in this case you find more gold here's another one with more gold but you see it is uh stronger or there's like higher value because it's ancestral I don't think it scales up with the tier itself there's only a distinction between sacred and Cecil so this is just the value that you're gonna deal with basically and then there are also additional modifiers they are like environmental modifiers for example death pulse or the drifting shade here so these are effects that for example you kill monsters they explode after a short time or here you have like a it's like a little projectile that follows you around that explodes when it hits you and then has like some AOE dot on the ground that you should not stand in these kind of things so there are these memorandum effects and then there's like monster damage Buffs or Monster defensive Buffs here monster gets cold damage monsters take less damage from certain effects and then there's some utility buff so in this case monsters can become Unstoppable at low life so there are up to four negative affixes and one positive one every single time on the ancestral ones and on the second ones it's yeah a lot easier there's only two of them the thing is that generally sacred dungeons are not really worth doing in my opinion the reason is that as you go to higher tiers you get significantly more XP to level up your glyphs in fact it's kind of scales linearly I think it has a base value of 2xp and then it's plus two pert here so it's uh yeah like very very slow to the topic list when you do like a tm1 tier two tier 5 or 10 or whatever but it gets much faster when you start doing like tier 30 tier 40 tier 50 essentially like multiplied by it here so to say how much xp you get and on top of that you generally want to try to finish your renowned grind very early so when you have your first character and you reach end game then Renown is your main objective if you want to get those skill points you want to get those Paragon points on the renowned system so you kind of just like progress past those nightmare Essentials at least on the sacred tier quite easily and basically the first time I really started doing that my dungeons when I levels was at like tier 121 which is like the minimum in vessel another thing to consider here is not just the glove XP but also of course your character's xpm like when it defeat those monsters you're gonna get XP and the optimal like difficulty to XP ratio is being behind the monsters by exactly three in levels this is exactly what you see here I'm level 79 I'm running a tier 28 sigil and the monsters are Level 82 exactly three levels above me because if you are three levels behind monsters you get up to a 25 bonus XP which is the cap of bonus XP when you're under level so you cannot just like find like non-level 100 monsters and suddenly get like you know five times the XP or something it's gonna be a little bit more from that point so if you can still go higher tiers effortlessly then sure but generally you want to be exactly free behind so it's like the optimal ratio so on like this you can kind of like choose those type Indonesian visuals according to your character's level so as a little rule of thumb you want to run a nightmare dungeon Sizzle that is around 50 to 53 levels below your character's level so you see here for example with my character being level 79 if you deduct 50 that's 29 which yeah gives us exactly like the perfect tier to run here so it's always your character level minus 50 roughly of course there's nothing that forces you to do this difficulty but in terms of like leveling up efficiently this is definitely the way to go so that you have like a fast clear speed while also getting optimal XP per hour so this is kind of why and it's usually ensures that you can also kind of like load up your clothes faster and faster as you level up what it also means is that when you are at level 100 or approach level 100 you actually want to run Nightmare dungeons of roughly tier 50 or so because 100 minus 50 is tf50 or even higher like if you feel comfortable going higher tiers again you do get slightly more XP after that as well because the monsters kind of scale up in levels but it's not really such a big bonus compared to the first three levels being on the level of the monsters and it also means that especially towards the end of the progression you can really start boosting those glyphs that you use in your Paragon boards so for example on a tr50 dungeon You're Gonna Get I believe 102 glyph XP so if I recall correctly and get 102 XP for your glyphs for a tf50 dungeon and leveling a glyph to level 21 requires almost exactly 3000 XP so this means you have to do 30 runs on tier 50 to level a glyph but for example on tier 20 this would be um something like 80 runs or something like that so it's significantly more runs you have to do on the lower tiers which is why I want to try to get everything out of the way first like the Renown like the exploration the alternate grind and all that and then you just do like nightmare dungeons back to back to back if you want to stay efficient and what you see here is the official crafting interface so does the occultist you can actually just go there and craft any decision you want there's actually not like kind of like a you know roadblock or like some kind of progression you have to achieve to actually unlock this you just have to do like one nightmare dungeon or something and then this uh crafting and salvaging of scissors unlocks and you can use visual powder that you get either just from the runs directly so for example we do like side events in the dungeons they can drop a bit of visuals powder or just salging sizzles so when you have leftover sizzles here for example you know load here that you don't want to run anymore then you just damage them and get a bit of dust and then you can use that to craft visuals again when I play the game now it was relatively easy to just have visuals all the time so when you do a run you usually find multiple sigils and you only need one to open one so there's always like a bit of a backup so you may find seizures that have an affix that you really don't want to play against you know something like suppressor bubbles on like a range build or there's also one that's ranged enemies burn your primary resource which is very nasty on a lot of builds so there are these kind of effects that you just kind of want to skip or it's like it's just a dungeon that you don't want to run because it's very dangerous you know sometimes are harder than others and also for example if you out level your schedules that you have you can just take the dust and then craft One news digital or maybe two sessions or so of the tier that you want you see it has like around a large range door so 51 to 60 you might not hit exactly what you want so some runs might kind of like end up being a bit harder because it crafted a very high one but in general you can kind of decide on where to go at least in difficulty and when it comes to actually running those nightmare dungeons you have to actually go there and use those sizzles and of course you don't really want to waste your time traveling around so at least later on when you're kind of like you know just steamrolling through the dungeons you probably want to try to stack up the same sigils like multiple times so they can chain them back to back you know that there is this dungeon reset timer now when you finish a dungeon you have to wait a certain amount of time before it resets but if digital set is actually not the case you can always just activate a new digital and go right into the next run in fact you can actually abuse this on Hardcore as well to instantly teleport out of a Dungeon Because when you activate a new sigil it will deactivate your currently active nightmare dungeon and you just get kicked out so another trick to keep in mind one thing I can definitely tell you is when you run those dungeons you definitely want to pay attention to especially those environmental effects so you see here there's like this floating little structure that follows me around this is I think called lightning pulse or something like that lightning storm and here it spawns this bubble and then you have like this little timer above your head and if you are not in a bubble when it runs out then you get like zapped with some you know electrocute strike basically a lightning strike and as I mentioned there's like this drifting shade they are like these blood boils they spawn and then they grow and explode generally you want to pay attention to those because all these environmental effects they can be outplayed and thus are very powerful so you want to make sure that you avoid them of course it doesn't matter too much on the lower tiers where stuff is still relatively easy but you can definitely notice that the difficulty does scale up so you see here this is a tier 58 dungeon and I'm still only level 79 I just opened like a height here now and while I do have the damage to kind of make my way through you can see that the incoming damage is noticeably High yeah like I'm getting wrecked in this and I actually was not able to even finish this dungeon when the monsters were like around 30 or 40 levels above me so it does get pretty difficult pretty fast and reaching tier 100 is not something that anyone should expect really at the very least I believe that even fully Decked Out characters at the 100 like min max will have a lot of trouble fighting level 154 monsters you know being unannulled by 50 levels is a lot you take significantly more damage you have like some penalty for being under leveled you have you know less damage the deal to enemies the daily more damage to you and of course they are scaled up to I don't know what exactly we don't know the percentage scaling protea yet but it's gonna be pretty rough that's for sure personally I'm actually very much looking forward to the nightmare dungeon pushing I mean this is what I have been doing for like a decade in the Apple three greater Rift pushing and I definitely want to do that again here I like this like slow strategic you know combat where you're you know have to be very careful Dutch stuff and actually fight enemies like for real basically so I'm quite looking forward to that and I'm going to be doing a lot of that especially on Hardcore I think that's gonna be fun but yeah you can see that things that were previously quite insignificant actually can become a real problem when you're fighting a higher tier monsters because suddenly the fights are longer suddenly stuff that you kind of ignored starts hurting you really hard so it actually like changes the way you're playing these type of nonsense depending on which tier you're running it was just like speed through on like a fast farming build in like you know it kind of Blitz through those dungeons in like two famous or something on the right build at least on something like a rogue depending on the dungeon but of course you know like a real nightmare dungeon push we have to play like very slowly carefully uh this can be uh you know like 50 minutes plus or like it can be very slow and steady progression basically through a really difficult dungeon and while there's not really something that is required to be done right now so I think there's some achievement maybe for beating a T100 but outside of that is only bringing rights right now it might be a really good idea to you know kind of get the hang of it when leaderboards actually come around which likely will have something to do with the nightmare dungeons one other tip I can give you is that at the end of the dungeon you have your live like inventory where you can choose which one to the lab and you can see this here so you can see like how much the XP you have how much do you gain what does the upgrade do exactly and all that and you also have your gear entire inventory of gloves that you can see there and I recommend you that you level up all of your gloves to level two at least those that you want to use because they are actually listed here by their rank so the higher level Clips are always here on the top left and then you know the next highest is here and next highest is here so instead of like trying to like click and search through those glyphs because they all accounts the same I would recommend you just when you start out with nightmare dungeons for the first time you know take your list of five six seven glyphs or whatever you're gonna have in your build and end game and just level them all up once and then just continue and they rank them up in the order of priority from there so they don't have to like search them in this inventory that also pretty much sums up the basics and a few of the general tips that I have for nightmares and running of course there's gonna be a lot more coming here as I mentioned I'm very much pumped to try out more of these high tier nightmare dungeons so it's like the the one thing I'll think I'll enjoy the most about this game so stay tuned for a lot more updates and you know dungeon guides and pushing guides and all that stuff hope you liked this video here hope it helps you for the launch wish you good luck and see you guys next time
Channel: wudijo
Views: 258,721
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Keywords: diablo, blizzard, wudijo, D4, diablo 4, diablo IV, diablo 4 wudijo, diablo iv wudijo, diablo 4 barbarian, diablo 4 rogue, diablo 4 sorcerer, diablo 4 druid, diablo 4 necromancer, diablo 4 guide, diablo 4 guides, diablo 4 builds, wudijo diablo 4, diablo 4 build, diablo 4 leveling, diablo 4 tier list, diablo 4 endgame, diablo 4 paragon, diablo 4 glyphs, diablo 4 endgame guide, diablo 4 nightmare dungeons, diablo 4 dungeons, diablo 4 farming guide, diablo 4 level 100
Id: udz3gi5kZBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Wed May 31 2023
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