Become a True Paragon - Ultimate Paragon Boards & Glyphs Guide for Diablo 4

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hi everyone so I started releasing my first build guides for the launch of Diablo form I have already put out my death trap Rogue and game guide that I believe to be one of the overall best builds in the game especially on the Rogue and I unfortunately do not have time to go through all of my builds that I made here in the last weeks and months and make a full working Paragon setup for each of them so we do have some guides here on Maxwell as well they have like this Paragon embed you can see the progression steps you can follow our guides but of course first of all not everyone wants to follow a guide and second of all not everyone wants to play the builds that we have so if you have something that you cooked up on your own then this might be a video for you but even without that I think it's really good to understand some of the basics of how these Paragon boards actually work so that you get a bit of a feel of what is a good choice what is a bad choice and how to build them so this is what I'm trying to teach you here I've spent literally hundreds of hours at this point via crafting builds and that includes a lot of paragon planning a lot of looking at different nodes looking at how to connect them looking at when a certain choice is worth it and I think I have a really good understanding of the game so that I can make Paragon boards very very quickly you know very accurately what I'm trying to get across here is the bigger picture of how Paragons work so let's jump into it now we have to know that at the start you always have your dedicated starting board so every class has the same one they just have the different notes so on the Rogue I have this Rogue example here for my twisting latest build that I made you always start out with like a very small board that has a one socket and four round nodes typically the balls that you attach are much larger so you might have seen those they have a socket a legendary node that defines the board so to say and six rare notes and around these rare notes they are accompanying magic notes and in between you have those pathing notes that just give you plus five to certain stats which may not sound very impactful but it does actually make quite a difference in some cases which is when you start working with glyphs but more on that in a second what you need to know is that each legendary board is themed around a certain mechanic so for example here on the Rogue we have the deadly Ambush board and if you look at what this legendary node does it gives you a trap effect and equally all of the special magic and rail notes on this board have trap themed effects so you see this here this one is literally called Trevor gives you trap skill damage gives you a damage two enemies affected by traps then we have something like spring loaded gives you trap skill cooldown reduction and arming time reduction and then you have yeah damage reduction from enemies affected by trap skills and again you have damage to enemies affected by trap skills and so on here and there you might find some kind of defensive nodes or he has poison resilience for example it's just rares and live so they kind of like sprinkled in there's also a bunch of like potion healing sprinkles in somewhere but uh most of the time these effects on all of these notes on the board are themed around the legendary node you see this here again this is cheap shots board on the Rogue gives you a crowd control damage effect and then you may find certain notes like all press here that also gives you damage to crowd controlled enemies or Critical Strike damage against crowd controlled enemies and similarly you have the round nodes here and here so I see there's always this kind of theme that goes with a legendary node and this means that when you are starting out with a character and you're passing up towards the gate at this point you will be able to choose your next Paragon board all of them are unlocked from the start you can choose and attach and you can rotate them as you like and you should always go with something that kind of fits into your build in the case of this twisting blades build at hand here that I'm talking about this actually uses poison trap for example so I actually attached the Trap themed board first the ldm bush which has a relatively powerful legendary node and also I really like those damage reduction notes that you can get here with cunning in particular and the spring loaded that gives you arming time reduction so generally as you progress you're trying to pick up more and more synergies that go with what your build is supposed to be comparing on board is mostly a tool to optimize and increase the power of your build and it's not so much to maybe build defining of course there can be a few cases where you have a very impactful legendary notes but most of the time they are you know just kind of like synergizing giving them maybe more damage more defense or something like that and not really making a build so much on their own what you need to know at this point is that you generally only want to pick up legendary notes that perfectly harmonize with your build so for example here we have this trap themed deadly Ambush ball and if this is supposed to be worth it then you need to have this effect pretty much permanently so this means this should apply to all the attacks this means you want to have your traps up time really high for this to be a active because if you you know just have their traps up like let's say half the time or so at least when it matters then this is relatively bad this is a multiplier so compared to basically everything else you can find on the Paragon boards legendary nodes are generally multiplicative damage and everything else is just additive damage and you do get a lot of this additive damage so I talked about the damage buckets in another video If you're not familiar with this you should maybe check that out as well but the bottom line is that all these effects that give you like plus damage like plus 10 damage to have enemies affect about trap skills uh plus trap skill damage yeah plus damage on this and all these kind of effects they're all the so-called additive damage category and you do have a lot of that when you have very little like when you're starting out at level 50 you have trash gear you have like you know maybe 100 or 200 or so of this value combined but as you keep going and you level up you get better loot you get higher level items that have higher stats you upgrade them with the blacksmith so just from your items alone you're gonna have like a few hundred of this already and then later on come the glyphs that give you a massive amount of extra additive damage as well as you can see here this is actually one of the bit weaker ones that gives 90 additive damage to cultural skills and there are other glyphs that can give you like 200 or something depends a bit on which clip you're talking about exactly but generally you do get a lot of this stuff in an end game build you're gonna have probably something like 800 to 1 000 additive damage a lot of it coming from those glyphs and partly from your gear so this means that at the start these round notes are quite a lot more impactful than they are later on because the relative increase like you know going from 1000 to let's say one thousand fifteen percent is very small that's like a one and a half percent damage bonus overall whereas when you have very little of it let's say you have only a 100 total bonus right now and you add 15 then that's a seven and a half percent the relative increase so this is the tldr of damage buckets you want to make sure that you stack very little of additive damage because you kind of naturally acquire a lot of it and you want to look out for more of those damaged multipliers that work with your build and one of those examples is the deadly Ambush here what it also means is that especially early on in progression when you're not farming a lot of nightmare dungeons yet you cannot really level up your glyphs and glyphs are very weak when they are not leveled so at level 15 the increase in radius they go from three to four on radius and this makes them a lot more powerful because now you have a lot more opportunities to pick up these for example exterior nails and radios here so you see here I just only gives a 90 cut for all damage but you only have uh like 45 dexterity in radius but later on in the end game setup we actually pick up more dexterity in radius and then we have 70 and this whole thing is 140 cut fruit damage and similarly you can repeat the same steps with any other glyph whenever you put a glyph and it's not leveled it won't be very impactful so usually you want to try to level it up a little bit at least once they have unlocked one of those Cliff sockets and then you want to rank it up as much as possible at the very least of 15 for this radius increase because this just makes the potential of a glyph way higher early on when you're starting out those lists will not be level they will be very weak and you can kind of just like almost ignore them so for example in this case here you can see that instead of rotating the board to path to the glyph first even though I do pick it up later I actually passed up here to the Trapper first I passed to the deadly Ambush first because this actually gives me a real value versus those glyphs that are not leveled yeah they're not made that great but in this case I do pick it up anyway and this would be like one of the ridiculous level here because it's already soccered there or you can also just put another glyph temporarily for example some glyphs are very impactful such as the exploit Cliff which I have on this build on a later board so if you go over here we actually have the exploit glyph on the no witness board here and this is basically one of the most opaque lists in the game that gives you the vulnerable proc at least for barbarians Rogues and Druids it has this three seconds vulnerable effect when you engage enemy which is extremely powerful because vulnerable on its own is a damage multiplier and this exploitative also adds a lot of extra vulnerable damage that actually goes in the same category other classes also have this explore Clips so on the salt and Necromancer but they do not Fork the vulnerable by default so it's a bit weaker there but it's still such a powerful glyph that essentially every real end game build needs to have this it's just so much extra damage that you lose out on if you don't go for it but as you can see this exploit Leaf here is actually allocated on the fourth board so this is quite late you know we're gonna be like at least level 80 or something already at that point by the time we have all four of both attached so you can actually just take this and put it into another board early on for example you can try to make a fit with the starting board if you can that depends a little bit on you know which stats are present or for example you can look at the other boards that you have attached previously so once you've found the right glyph that you really want like the exploit lift that I recommend leveling first on basically any rogue build then you could also temporarily put it into a more sub-optimal spot for example here on the deadly Ambush board so you see there's a bunch more strength and radius here strengthened here and you can actually make this glyph even work with a smaller radius all of these glyphs have an extra stat requirement that you can see on the bottom here where you need to purchase a certain amount of studs in range to activate the additional bonus and in some cases those additional bonuses are very powerful but you may not be able to actually activate them on any boarded shoes the thing is that it's very easy to actually move those Blues back and forth when you open your Paragon tab in game you're gonna have like a little like a glyph tab so to say it's like you glyph inventory basically and you can just like right click on a glyph and it will be unsocketed and then you can just drag it somewhere else so there's no cost or anything like that attached to it so it's very easy to sort them out whenever you reach like a certain Milestone or you find a new glyph just something to be aware about that in some of these glyphs only really started doing a lot once they are leveled and most of the time they're not really all that much worth it when they are not leveled but as you approach the late game like close to the 100 you will have the other glyphs leveled or at least most of them leveled to at least 15 I would say so unless you completely skip nightmare dungeons which is not recommended you will level up those glyphs and then you they really start coming online and they start transforming your Paragon setup a little note at this point there are also magic glyphs in the game that are effectively pretty useless so they just give you like a few like a handful or so of magic lifts that have a smaller radius and no additional effects and stuff like that I just give you a bunch of like extra damage or so generally you have no trouble finding them at least when I play it I rolled up to 80 and I think I had all glyphs already found at that point by for a while already so they start just start dropping basically as you go starting at level 50 and when you unlock Paragons you just find a glove here and there and you pick them up it's like a one-time thing and then you have them forever now let's talk more about optimal pathing because this is actually a pretty significant factor here so in some of those blizzard previews that you might have seen from those Paragon boards it did not really look all that good and generally you want to try to avoid passing over these white notes as much as possible while the studs do stack up over time you don't really want to like waste your points just trying to pick up random plus five something and instead you're always aiming for either of those legendaries all the glyph sockets or those round nodes and potentially some of those magic notes that's around it so it always depends a little bit on the layout of each board they're all kind of like different and some things are kind of like far out in the corner and they are really valuable but you also have to travel very far to get there so there are some examples like that and there's others where you just have some stuff on the way like this is one example here for example the Trapper this is not something that I really think is very great but it's just like literally two points that gives me a bit of damage and it's just like a kind of nice to have like on the side basically I wouldn't really go out of my way to pick this up but since I'm passing in here from the bottom because I wanted to pick up the deadly Ambush and then also go to the socket I'm kind of on my way there and just grab it but there are other cases where you can definitely have quite a lot out of your way to try to get some of those extra notes of course you would never do that just to pick up something like function healing or so but some of these notes can be very impactful so if you're looking at for example my barrage setup here and it has a very powerful round note called Nimble which is on the lyranos Instinct board on the Rogue and I think other classes have that too I think at least through it it gives you 10 attack speed and another 10 attack speed so this is a really powerful rare note because attack speed at least you know disregarding cooldown and resource management is effectively a damage multiplier and you don't really have that much of it so you get 20 it's almost like a legendary note basically right here on the center of this board and there's also these smaller notes that give you even more attack speed so this is a really crazy pickup and at least for rogue builds in particular this is definitely something worth picking up if you can if you are on this board if any way for example to maximize a glyph and you have like a few leftover points this is definitely nice to have and for a note that is this impactful it can definitely waste a few points passing a bit longer than usual just to grab it so in here you see for example this is like this compact lift that I have here this is for intelligent stacking and then after picking up all those intelligence nodes here I still had to path one two three four five five points is actually not too much for how powerful Nimble is I would say this would probably be worth it even if it was like 10 points away or so so if Nimble was like maybe this located somewhere down here let's say so you have to look perfect one two three four five more or so it will still be a relatively good pickup and maybe it would even end up somewhere close to something else you might want to check out so it's always worth looking around a little bit seeing like what is actually nearby after you've found like a Target to path towards and as I mentioned for example sometimes you just pick up something that's literally right there like right on the way you can just pass out there even if it doesn't do all too much it's like a nice bonus and sometimes you know you path over here to your target let's say this glyph with those round notes and there might be something else nearby as you go I have one of these examples here as well so this is the tricks of trade board on the Rogue and I try to maximize the Ambush glyph that requires strength so you see on the first line for every five strength blah blah blah so we're trying to pick up all the strength it has 44 so this has a nice little overview here how many stats there are of each type in the radius this is always different for each of the boards and in this case we'll pick up these rare notes here and we are relatively close to something really powerful like brawler you see again there's only like four travel nodes and brawla is a relatively powerful note to have on the Rogue at least on a melee build because it gives you damage reduction and a bit of extra additive damage again this damage part here like the extra damage is not really that impactful because of all of the additive damage that we have stacked until this point but the damage reduction is something that you can always pick up that is always nice to have and the thing is that especially if you go for glyphs these often end up relatively close to one of these exits so you see here for example that this is the strength stacking glyph and we're trying to pick up the strength here and then it's only a one two three four five points up to the next gate so this would be like the natural path out towards the next Port if you're trying to stack up the next Cliff there and this is exactly what we're doing here you see this again and this one input Turf which is also a strength second glyph and then we have the path over here this is another five six points seven and then he starts taking the strength that he actually won for this clip so here seven points for like half into a gate is all right Five Points is really no good so this is kind of like a shorter path here and of course you would want to like pass out all the way down here let's say this would be like two four six eight nine points which is very far just to get to a gate unless again you have something on the way for example you might want to pick up Ranger which is also relatively powerful node and this is why I built that would attack from range as a rogue this will be a very nice pickup yet again yeah I have an example of a druid board and Druids actually do have relatively powerful legendary notes compared to the Rogue that I think are generally worth picking up if they fit into your build so if you have an example of a polarized built here so it's a paragon 3 that I made and here you have like a really long-minded path as you can see through the entire board we picked up the ancestral guidance that gives you extra damage after spending a certain amount of spirit so this is kind of universally useful for Druid and this build spends a lot of spirit so we want to try to pick that up relatively early because yeah right after starting board this is like a you know really strong damage buff and here again you have to kind of like path right by this healing node which is not really great but it's literally one point so I would just pick it up and then you go to this legendary node and then we have something like yeah Spirit on kill which is very useful maximum speed as well for that like an earth build which this is and you end up pretty close to a gate now the question is would you actually path to the gate and then pick up other stuff there first or rather finish this board first that is kind of up to you generally I would recommend you just kind of like finish with everything you want to do on a certain board because it usually shows it for a reason to try to stack up certain renaults to try to stack up you know like live with the legendary node together and you'll see that sometimes even when they are very far away from each other it could be worth passing all the way over there because there's some good stuff on the way so again here's maximum spirit and there's maximum spirit and there's also a bunch of life and all these are kind of useful stats and there's very little like random pathing in between even though it's so spread out on this ball and then you can pick up the glyph here and potentially you could actually use this as a starting point to half out here and here as well but in this case I actually just went out on the right side here because almost five points and almost always I ended up with like very few puffy notes to the next board so this is why I didn't actually do it here in some extreme cases you could also consider pathing in on the board from two different angles so in this example here like if I didn't want to pick up this rare note and this rare note you could actually just like cut out this entire like middle part here pick up this legendary leave the board and then you could do all your stuff here you know kind of connected Inner Circle and here and come back from the top and pick up the glyph if you want you see this is like a pretty short path yeah it's also another pretty short path and yeah if this is all kind of like worthless for your build then this might be a really good way to doing it I think I actually have done that on one or two of my boards so as a few general rules you always want to try to find stats that synergize with your build so the paragons do not make your build most of the time they just like improve it and make it stronger and more tanky and all these kind of things they're not really so build defining so you want to pick up stuff that goes with what you already have from your skill tree and from your legendaries that you're trying to put into your setup and never pick up anything that does not really perfectly fit into your build also these additive damage nodes are generally not really impactful they may be relatively good very early in the progression maybe like level 50 level 60 and you have not really anything like that Buffs the additive damage category but generally they are very weak so the real reasons to choose a certain Paragon board to attach and to rotate it around so that certain stuff is closer is either the legendary node or the glyph socket depending on your state of progression you might want to go for more for the glyphs or less for the glist so especially early on glyphs may not be leveled you may not be able to actually put them in the right board and all that kind of stuff so glyphs are generally kind of weak early and generally kind of strong later so something to keep in mind and the legendary notes are also generally and relatively powerful if they work for your build which most the time unfortunately do not or at least not all the time and if they don't always apply and don't perfectly synergize then they're usually not worth it when it comes to picking up rare notes you always have to decide on what is the cost of getting there versus what you gain not all of these Reynolds are created equal and gave you this Nimble example which is literally better than almost any other legendary node on the Rogue Sports so this is one of those cases where you can definitely go quite out of your way to a path there to pick up something like nimble you could almost just choose this board here just to pick it up because of how strong this node is but in other cases you get basically trash that doesn't really do anything or gives you like you know a minor bonus here is a bit of armor a bit of potion healing sure if you spend like one or two points on this it's not too bad and finally there are also those magic notes that are stronger than regular notes or have a special effects so in the case of this Druid here there's even Spirit on killing these kind of things but very often you just get like a bit more stats so you get seven instead of five for example so they may be worth picking up for a certain like lift boost for example or you just get whatever the rare note also gave in general the structure of paragon boards is actually very well defined and actually shared across classes you're gonna see this with an example that I'm gonna give you so this is the Druid starting board and the druid's main stat is willpower willpower is a stat that gives Druids plus extra skill damage if a multiplier and if you pay attention to where those means that nodes are located for example for buffing this wherever Enclave here that requires willpower which is the druid's main stat then you'll see some interesting similarities so here's the Rogue board where I also put a Mains that required glyph the dexterity glyph Ranger so dexterity is a means of a Rogues and that gives them the damage instead of willpower willpower is worthless on Rogue and now look at the distribution of the stats you see here for example those three dexterity notes and you see that Druid with those three will power notes and again you see here those three likes the area notes on the Rogue and you see those three willpower notes on the Druid and so on so the boards are actually basically copy pasted and this is not everything I have another thing to show you which is the layout of paragon boards so if you go to love Rick here they have an overview where I can see the layout of each of the board at once and I'm gonna show you how this looks on the different classes which well maybe a little surprisingly at this point is actually an exact copy paste as well you see those boards look exactly the same they have the same layout and on top of that they have these nodes in exactly the same spot they're just like flips around so whatever is dexterity on the Rogue is willpower on the Druid and similarly those other stats are also transformed here on the Rogue there are end nodes and only route there are dexterity notes so these other characters the middle the medium stats for the through it and for the Rogue respectively so they are also just like flipped around here we have willpower on the Rogue and there's full power next to the glyph here for example and I'll do it as strength and strength when strength is the weakest set on the drought in the same goes for those Cliffs for example so most of these like very generic basic glyphs that just buff damage overall are usually based on mainstad so you see this here this is the Ranger glyph that gives you just like damage to all Marksman skills and yes something similar for example for Cutthroat skills the melee version of skills and uh yeah a few other like dexterity buffing glyphs but not that many and equally this dexterity-based glyph also requires dexterity the main side of a rock to actually activate the additional bonus and you see here that requires 40 dexterity in radius to activate which on the Rogue is relatively easy to achieve but not so easy on for example a sorcerer and there is yet another rule with glyphs and rare notes as you can see here the rare notes always give the main start of a class here we get 10 dexterity here we get 10 dexterity and here we get 10 dexterity and so on they always give 10 dexterity at least those renaults in range of a glyph and then surrounding those 10 dexterity rare notes they are always either end or strength on the Rogue or similarly with the Druid we have willpower being the main stat on the round notes and then the other decks and end and the one that is not present is the weak stat of a class that is usually not really used for anything and exactly the same system applies to all of the other classes they all have their main stat on the rare notes and then the two middle stats on the magic notes around them there's only one exception in the entire game that I know of which is uh the no witness board on the Rogue which is probably a bug I don't know what they were thinking here but there's Intelligence on a rare note this is the only exception that I know of that actually does break this rule so I see here is dexterity and there's in for whatever reason which actually may lead to some pretty interesting interactions because they are glyphs that buff rare notes and require intelligence in their radius so I'm really curious how that actually works but the bottom line is that this system is designed in a way that once you have understood the general rules the general pathing the glyph system and how it kind of like interacts with each other with when you want to pick up lists when you want to level them where to put them how to maximize them you actually understand Paragons for all builds for all classes basically and there are some rules to learn here that are actually quite useful for example there are those magic buffing glyphs and you see here yeah this is a druid glyph and also requires 40 willpower and as we have learned magic notes never have the main set of a class so this glyph requires the main start and it can only buff not the main stats because the magic notes cannot be the main stats they are end and dexterity in the case of Druid for example and similarly all of those rare buffing glyphs always require something that is not the main start because the rare notes do have mainstart but here for example the protector and glyph gives a buff to round nodes and requires 25 intelligence and you also see that for the weaker stats like than those not the main stats you only require 25 to activate the additional burners while for the main stats you always require 40. and the thing is that whenever you pick up a glyph you always want to try to maximize this potential I mentioned this earlier with how the increase in radius but of course you want to buff it as much as you can as it comes the reason to have these glyphs they are very powerful when they are leveled and when you beef them up with those extra for example intelligence notes around it so you want to try to like pick up all of this stuff here and then kind of like see where you land and you can go from there you know in this case you know the glyph kind of dictates where you're gonna be and then you can just power from there with the shortest path to your next destination so you can kind of like add it together piece by piece as you progress through your Paragon boards and again you always should try to choose something that has the most technology with your build as you go on so you see here that you know we pick up these Reynolds here is like the first step in my guide and then we go to the next step we pick up this stuff and then you always just kind of like go from where you left off any path out Branch out from there and kind of like see where you land sometimes you may have like a certain note that you really want to pick up so in this case my spring loaded that kind of like leads me to the gate already and again here we want to pick up for example the legendary node and the glyph so I rotated it around to have this pretty close I wanted to give the Safeguard so with all this knowledge I'm gonna wrap up this video here with an example of how I actually made this Paragon board and what is the thought process behind it so in this case we start out here at the starting board we pick up the first magic and round nodes which is the prime here gives us damage on life which is just a nice pickup and then you path over here because you're kind of like supposed to pick up the first glyph socket anyway and the Magical and Reynolds are right there so it's kind of like take them anyway then you pass out on one of these sides because you don't want to do it on both sides of course and we want to get the deadly Ambush board so I mentioned the trap synergies on my build so this was kind of the primary reason here and you pick up this stuff which is right on the way even though it's not that great and we go to the glyph socket because this is actually a layout that is very close between the legendary and the glyphs so we can kind of just get both very easily with just a little bit of traveling so very nice and we pick up these Reynolds of course to go with the glyph now from this point it would actually be faster to just pass out to the top here you see this is a shorter route but I really wanted to pick up this round note as well so we go to the next step and you see I pick up this rare note and we also go to the next Port from there because now we are actually really close to the gate and we can pick up the cheap shot there which is also just like five points on my way for example through the Safeguard node which I really wanted to the glyph and the next step would be the cliff here so you put it there you pick up all the stuff surrounding it it's all really close you see it's like right there pick up the magic notes they're kind of nice and you move on and in this case I think I attached two different boards here so one is for the exploit glyph so here we have a board that was only chosen to buff the glyph to its maximum because it's the exploit lift the most important one on this build and the no witness board has 54 strength which is the maximum of all boards on the Rogue to buff this glyph in particular so in that case we try to attach it here with a little pathing and we pick up the rare notes because they're right there and then later on I'm also going to go back once the clip is fully leveled and we pick up even more strength in the radius but from this point you see that there's nothing really anywhere nearby that I want he has a bunch of controlled impaired duration reduction a bunch of damage to healthy enemies but it's all quite far away the gates are relatively far away so I actually go back and pass from another way here so we pass out to the right there which is just a shorter way to reach the next clip and you put a glyph there and just kind of move on from there which is just really close to the last board and here at the end you see some more examples of me simply picking up more glyphs and maximizing them because this is already like quite late in progression it's going to be like you know level 88 level 90 plus when we actually attach board 5 and board six so this is going to be you know at a time when most of the glists are kind of leveled already so it just goes straight for the glyphs there's no other like legendary notes that really do anything for my build here so you just pick up those glyphs and move on now there's one last conversation to make which is the order of the boards so you see here that each of those rare notes has always a doubled bonus so the first line can be doubled if you reach a certain stat threshold so here it stands out very low on the starting Board needs 160 hint this needs 170 strength so some of these notes always need like the the off stats basically and some need the main stats so there are some examples where you need for example dexterity here on the Rogue or even both sort of things dexterity and end so you have to kind of like look around and see what it needs and those stat requirements increase so a lot of people seem always like very focused on those like doubling effects of those rare notes and generally of course it's nice to have a doubled effect but it's not a requirement I would say especially when it comes to like later stages of the game when you just try to like maximize those glyphs these doubled stats are not really that impactful anymore yeah you get like 14 core skill damage as I mentioned earlier with like let's say a thousand percent additive damage or something this is literally like one maybe two percent damage or something like that that you can get by doubling this so it would be worth it to just roll like you know 300 Intelligence on your items just so you can get this 40 extra in course skill damage or something you can just roll actual good stats on your items instead and similarly you don't want to like just start picking up random in notes here and they are like five in here five in there that'll be a lot of points wasted just to try to get a little bit of a bonus here from this doubled effect so it's more like you get it or you don't but you want to try to put the boards in the right order so that at the release in the overall picture you get exactly those notes that you really want with a double bonus and typically I would say that up to level 100 you can definitely count on at least three boards probably four boards without much trouble to actually double the effects on those rare notes later on you might have to like actually go out of your way to stack up certain stats on your gear you want to roll a bit of strength you want to roll a bit of in if you really want to meet the requirements for board five or onwards I think but yeah it's a bit hard to predict but in general you should just go with the boards that actually have like useful stuff on those rare notes early on so one of them here is an example this damage reaction from enemies affected by trap skills this is something I really wanted on this board and I even improved it with the glyph that Buffs the rare notes so of course if you put a rare buffing glyph it should only do that when you actually get the bonus and when you have two relatively useful rare notes and radius you don't want to put something like diminish on the board where you only pick up one round note and it doesn't even do that much and likewise I attached the cheap shot board here next because I really wanted to safeguard node and I also wanted it to double of course because this damage reduction is very useful in the Rogue and there's also other relatively nice effects here to have with you know damage reduction from slowed enemies damage to crowd control it's not bad to double these for a little bit of extra damage but later on especially on those glyph only boards let's call them you don't really care much if those effects are doubled most of the time if you just put like a glyph there and maximize its stats and with that I'm going to include this video here so I hope that this helps you when you are starting out in Diablo form as I mentioned of course I have spent a lot of time video crafting I know these things by heart and it may be not that immediately obvious for someone just learning the game but you can definitely get there once you understand the basics and you have a look at Paragon boards a little bit you have looked at different builds a little bit you will see those recurring themes you see those recurring patterns across each of those builds and you can kind of like figure out how to optimize it on your as well in this video what I wanted to try to achieve here I may make a follow-up on this video at some point later down the line when we have learned more about the game when you know we have min max all the kinds of builds and I've played a lot of more builds in the end game up to 100 obviously there might be more things to learn here but for now I think this is a solid foundation I hope you enjoyed this video I wish you good luck with the launch and I'll see you guys next time
Channel: wudijo
Views: 181,635
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Keywords: diablo, blizzard, wudijo, D4, diablo 4, diablo IV, barbarian, rogue, sorcerer, sorceress, necromancer, druid, barb, sorc, necro, diablo 4 wudijo, diablo iv wudijo, diablo 4 barbarian, diablo 4 rogue, diablo 4 sorcerer, diablo 4 druid, diablo 4 necromancer, diablo 4 guide, diablo 4 guides, diablo 4 builds, wudijo diablo 4, diablo 4 build, wudijo rogue, diablo 4 leveling, diablo 4 tier list, diablo 4 endgame, diablo 4 paragon, diablo 4 glyphs, diablo 4 endgame guide, wudijo paragon
Id: xoUAQ-eIsp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 51sec (2211 seconds)
Published: Wed May 31 2023
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