CRAFT GOD ROLLS! Diablo 4 Ultimate Crafting Guide (& Mistakes to Avoid) // Diablo 4 Beta

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yo guys what is up Maxi hurner Diablo 4 video and today I wanted to do a quick crafting guide on how to create god tier or perfect items um there is more crafting and things to do in Diablo and there's new systems with the legendary aspects and I wanted to kind of give a quick guide for it I hope you guys enjoyed the video I hope you find it informative let's get right into it so the first thing to understand about min max in your build and getting the most out of your gear is that legendary gear is no longer super special in fact you can take any legendary ability or any legendary aspect and put it on a rare piece of gear or transfer it to a different legendary what that means is that these stats that an item rolls with is more important than ever now a lot of legendaries can roll or will roll with four stats making them better if you can get a perfect roll on them however retooling or re-rolling stats on a legendary currently in the beta is not available because it requires a hard resource and while while you're playing through the campaign you're probably not going to want to be spending that resource until you're late game until you've got those pieces that are pieces you really want to invest into however you can make perfect pieces of gear by using rares and that's kind of what I want to go over taking a rare weapon and making it perfect the first step to creating our best piece of gear is understanding the occultist now you unlock the encultists by reaching level 25 or clearing any dungeon and that will give you the Codex of power now the Codex of power has legendary aspects in it and these aspects you can slot on your gear however these aspects will always be the lowest possible role and what I mean by lowest possible role is if you turn on Advanced stats which is really important you can see what items roll with or what legendary aspects roll with and what the range it rolls with so for example this ring says restore four of your primary resource when you crowd control an enemy this is a Max role as it could be one through four that's its range and I rolled a four if I was getting that power from here it would always be one it would always be the lowest possible so these are great for getting your build started but what you're really looking for is legendaries now legendary weapons and I will have a video on how to get the most legendaries the best most efficient legendary Farm but what you're really looking for is legendaries because legendaries will have higher roles of these stats now what we're going to do today is make a perfect legendary weapon so why are we using rare gear for this example simply because rare gear is really easy to improve and much more cost effective if you get a legendary that drops really well uh like this bow for example dropped really well for me with vulnerable damage damage to distant enemies basic skill damage and critical strike damage uh that's all really good I wouldn't like break down this bow or move this you know it's a good roll I would probably keep that for the time being however build that I'm going for is much more focused on keeping enemies vulnerable and this crossbow double rolled vulnerable damage I've got fit 25 more damage to vulnerable enemies damage to close enemies and I rolled dexterity on this for even more damage so this is going to be my new crossbow and we're going to be turning this into a legendary and I just wanted to show you guys how to do that and there's a few steps that you want to take so the very first thing that you want to do if you don't like the if you if there's a stat on your rare that you don't like you can come to the occultist and before you make it legendary because it costs a lot more once it's legendary is to re-roll it now I've already re-rolled this I could re-roll it again uh for 19 000. I'm not going to do that right now but as you can see there's a little blue circle right there on the dexterity meaning that I re-rolled the dexterity stat this was originally overpower damage I don't care about overpower damage so I regrolled that to dexterity uh just for the sake of the video we'll roll it one more time looks like I got 13 damage to distant enemies um you know what we'll take the distant distant damage we'll take that so now we've got vulnerable damage damage to close damage to distant uh double rolled vulnerable that looks pretty gross uh the dexterity also would have been good but just for the sake of the video I just wanted to show you that so now that we've got our rolled weapon our rolled rare now we're gonna come over and do a few things so to start us off we're gonna go over and this is if you find a really good role that you like want to make perfect now we're gonna come over to our blacksmith friend here and our first step is going to be upgrading it upgrading it is going to give us better stats so um and because this is a rare it's going to cost me less this is already expensive because it's a higher Roll But just to show you you could upgrade this now we've got two out of three uh let's pop one of those so now we just spent it uh our item level is now even stronger on this thing but this back um now we've got 22 damage to close 17 damage to distance um and we've got 18 vulnerable rolled 19 vulnerable rolls so we just increased all of the stats so you want to make sure that your stats are good there first before you start increasing the power so now that we've rolled our bow upgraded it it's time to make it a legendary and the first thing we need to do is have a legendary that has the power that we want to put on it so this has a lucky hit your Marksman skills have a 10 chance to create an arrow storm at the enemy's location dealing 216 physical damage note that these are on gauntlets gauntlets will have a decreased damage modifier because they are a piece of armor so what we're gonna do um is we're going to destroy this item and get this legendary aspect note it says that it's still going to be 216 physical damage but if you see the allowed item types if we put it on a two-handed weapon the power is going to be increased by a hundred percent so this is one of the big benefits if you have a legendary skill that's super good but it's not doing enough damage because it's on a piece of armor you can move it to for example a two-handed weapon so we're gonna extract this aspect that is going to then go in our inventory this originally confused me I couldn't find where to find this it is it it goes into your inventory in the aspects tab now we're going to imprint our bow with that legendary aspect creating a new legendary so we're gonna put it in the item slot then we're going to grab the aspect from our inventory note it still says 216 physical damage but then in our item preview it's going to tell us that it's going up double because we're putting on a weapon so now this damaged storm this aerostorm that would have been doing 216 if we hadn't retooled it is now going to be doing 432 physical damage because of the improvements that we've made and as you can see it's pretty freaking cheap to do the imprint only two thousand dollars um so that's why we're saving this step for Less you could do all the other expensive stuff up front and now we've got ourselves a legendary crossbow with the exact stats that we want with the exact legendary aspect that we want we put that on and now we are good to go um this was a quick little tutorial guide on how to make uh super awesome weapons the very last last step if you wanted to uh because this cost doesn't actually change between legendaries and rares uh is to add a jewel socket onto this you could obviously do this before but we could now add a socket onto this thing to give it a spot for a jewel or a ruby or whatever I'll probably put more crit damage on this and uh yeah then you have your perfect weapon I hope you guys found the video informative I hope you found it helpful I will catch y'all in the next one guys take care peace was putting me [Music]
Channel: Moxsy
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Keywords: diablo 4, diablo 4 crafting, diablo 4 beta, diablo 4 news, diablo 4 gameplay, diablo 4 classes, diablo iv, diablo, diablo 4 guide, diablo 4 review, diablo 4 open beta, diablo 4 druid, diablo 4 update, diablo 4 infos, diablo 4 leak, diablo 4 leaks, diablo 4 german, diablo 4 deutsch, diablo 3, diablo 4 cinematic, diablo 4 sorceress, diablo 4 beta gameplay, diablo 4 legendary items, diablo 4 information, diablo iv crafting, diablo 4 new, diablo 4 rogue
Id: 5KKZd3zDhEM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 19 2023
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