The Story of Jocko Willink - Full Documentary

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right you you wake up at 4:00 or around 4:00 in the morning you post on social media a a picture of your watch so what what's that about what's the philosophy of the 4:00 you know Joo willink sh as a decorated retired US Navy SEAL you man he gets up a fourth every morning and he earns the sunrise how the do you do that I don't think Joo smiled at us for the first two months that we work together why are you always in the dark he goes so the enemy can't see me like when you look at him you're like that's a Navy steal how can we don't smile I don't want them to see my teeth I think there's a part of his brain that's very prevalent that likes suffered maybe a handful of people like jock will come along every hundred years what drives you question what's your definition of greatness what is my definition of greatness is to help out other people on what's up everybody come on in here like have a seat we're going to do a little question and answer session if you start asking me math questions we're going to have a problem yes if you could have any n ni name what would it be if I could have any nickname what would it be it would probably be it would be jiujitsu Master of the world uh but I don't think I deserve that nickname so I'll probably just stick with Joo yes uh what is the greatest life lesson you've learned from Jiu-Jitsu the greatest life lesson I learned in Jiu-Jitsu so have you guys ever heard of the word discipline to me that's the most important thing and it was something that got reinforced to me through Jiu-Jitsu Joo is one of the few people that he doesn't like easy things he likes challenges Jiu-Jitsu is not easy even though it's called The Gentle art it's not really that that gentle [Music] usually I think somebody like Joo wants a challenge and they want to conquer something you can't conquer jiu-jitsu [Music] something is challenging you Jiu-Jitsu is a classic example A lot of my friends when they first experienced jiujitsu they say I never want to do that again it humbles you it's humbling there's somebody coming up behind you you tap let me go I know you can kill me let me go that's a humbling feeling first time I did you Jitsu it was like oh I I just got choked out a bunch cool I will learn what just happened the basic principle is don't fight against what they're hanging on to something seems hard that is when you should actually engage in it Jo and myself we met at our first gym he came in the door just looked like the Terminator and he was hooked right away now he would come like at 6:00 in the morning and be be early I come out of bed and be all tired and he's waiting at the gym you know so he cornered me in my fights and we were just training all the time it was it was just was nuts you got 3 minutes Jiu-Jitsu for me was the connective tissue that started to join my mind together with all the different aspects of my life who here likes to change youru Jitsu he's all about discipline of course I mean I think everyone knows Jo's about discipline who here every single day when it's time for Jiu-Jitsu they're like oh yeah I definitely want to go today who here occasionally is like well maybe I'd rather stay home today right I guess my Mantra is a very simple one and that's discipline equals Freedom that's not a contradiction it's an equation you're not going to feel motivated every single day no one does doesn't matter motivation won't make you exercise every day discipline will motivation isn't going to get you out of bed in the morning discipline will so for me learning that discipline of going and doing something even when I might not feel like doing it that day that's how we get better and it doesn't only apply to Jiu-Jitsu it applies to everything that we do yes what gave you the courage to be an ABC all I think that what happens when you're doing something like that like being in the SEAL Teams you don't really think about courage very much what you think about is your teammates if you asked the average seal what is our mission in Iraq they would have said kill bad guys but what jaka realized was that our mission wasn't to kill bad guys our mission was to stabilize the city of veratti and secure the local populace and ultimately helping these local people stand up for themselves you know for me it was my lifelong dream to be in combat ever since I could remember wanting to do anything of any substance with my life I wanted to be some kind of a [Music] command I was extremely happy and motivated that we were going to ratti because it was the worst place in Iraq and that is exactly where I wanted to be my whole life so yes I was fired up to go there in Iraqi tank very scary thing and I hung around with a bunch of guys that thought the same damn thing as me let's get after [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] imagine they were raping torturing skinning people alive murdering whole families beheading people and we fought to take this city back from these Savages what's [Music] up [ __ ] normal Dam if your sister or your brother some some was hurting them you would step in to try and protect them right and I think that's what it is it's not so much courage that you think about you just think about the fact that you want to take care of your friends you want to take care of your teammates yes oh no just forgot the question okay one time our commanding officer was kind of making a joke and said well you guys have to do what jao says because if not he's going to choke you out and the reality is I'd already been choked out by jao hundreds of times at that point so that wasn't wasn't much of a threat but jao never LED that way he never LED that way jao was a leader that you never wanted to let down I remember hearing about jao he had a really good reputation in the SEAL Teams like when you look at him you're like that's a Navy SEAL and as a young man in the SEAL Teams I'm like damn like that's the guy you kind of want to work for people have a misconception of what good leadership looks like that is the person that stands up in front of the room and Barks orders and that tells people what to do you will not let you will not cry and what Joo did for me is to help me realize that what good leadership actually looks like is empowering the team I never really wanted to step up and lead and and and take charge of stuff because I was the youngest most Junior ranking guy but we were out in the middle of the desert doing this very hard training Joo said hey I need your help he said when we get back to Camp I need you to put JP and big bold letters on your helmet so that if there's a problem we need to be able to find you quickly task you that problem and we need you to be more aggressive with your leadership old faded out Punisher symbol now all of a sudden a guy that I looked up to and I respect to saying hey I need your help what do you think I was going to do for him anything everybody leads and that's what we want as a leader we want everybody to be able to lead and we actually want them to lead get ready to move because from a military perspective this is how we win Wars when you track unit so many people thought that rat was unwinable that no matter what US forces did we were not going to be able to turn around the horrific and violent situation probably about 6 to n months after we left we got pictures that guys sent back to us of they were running road races down what were the worst areas of ratti they were playing soccer games and the people of ratti that we had fought to support and help were were joyous the confidence of the local populace when we were slowly empowering them was pretty incredible because as a leader we want to teach our people how to think not what to think all right ladies and gentlemen we are here and uh I'm here with Joo willink of extreme ownership how US Navy Seals lead and win and uh you're the one the first guy ever to come with your own notepad and your own pen too I just want to point that out just trying to be prepared when ja and I came home from that deployment to ratti we started working with leaders in the business world I was about 6 months from retiring I had a friend that was the CEO of a big company and he said I want you to come and talk to my Executives about combat leadership I think he was maybe thinking I'd tell some cool War Stories and that'd be that'd be great but I actually started talking about how you lead leading in combat is like leading in any other situation in life and when I got done he came up to me and said I want you to do this for every division that I have in my what was it about you and about what you brought to the table that was so attractive to them I think it's because the principles of leadership do not change you got a group of people a group of individuals and you got to take all those people and try and get them to accomplish a mission in the most effective and efficient manner and that's leadership so as we started working with clients they started asking us hey do you have a reference manual that they could actually fall back on and utilize and so what started as you know a 20 or 30 page document became our first book extreme ownership extreme ownership how does this translate into Corporate America when a team takes ownership of its problems the problems get solved that book is not about hey look at all the awesome things we did in combat that book is about all the things that we screwed up and all the mistakes that we made and what we learned from them what's the impact that you want to have on the world just just help people learn the lessons that I've learned so they don't have to learn them for themselves I've been very lucky to have been through what I've been through to been around the people that I've been around to learn the things that I've been able to learn and I don't want to hoard them I want to give them away so that's why I'm doing what I'm doing and trying to help people as much as I can I'm going to say something that people hate me saying but I'm going to say it cuz I I need to say it to you you should have a podcast Echo Charles be ready to record a podcast brother thank you very much sir this was awesome I really really appreciate it the pomegranate what is it pomegranate chai te white tea y That's What It Is deep so action action all right this right here is the first Joo podcast here we go even from the beginning when jock would start talking everyone would just listen up so he was like um he's like why why should we start a podcast like why would you be on it I I said trust me I'm telling you I said I'll be the normal person where I don't know anything I'm not an expert at anything I'll be a normal person and you be you you going to clap this thing out cuz I'm ready to rock and roll do I look smaller yeah how how quickly then like did you start to feel how much people liked it like how quickly it start to take off um immediately suppos to Act My Age other than death all failure is eological detached from all that right that's what everyone's looking for and what's up fellas get some being on that podcast episode 46 was was crazy I was super nervous JP welcome to the podcast today thank you for having me here back then I wasn't in a place in my life where I actually wanted to be speaking in front of people or talking or sharing my story and you know I remember Joo saying hey if somebody can be impacted by your story and EMB betters their life is it worth it and I'm like yes you got some great feedback and comments and all that it's legit to see someone moving towards their potential as a human that's awesome to see so many people have given me feedback I'm like hey that good video changed my life like me too brother my wife's friends will tell me that where it's like that video like like changed my life or whatever coach showed a video of I don't know if you guys heard of Joo you guys can look it up this this video where he talks about good and it's like no matter what happens that's your response good when things are going bad there's going to be some good that's going to come from it didn't get promoted good more time to get better that's just been our mindset you know then we say on the sideline joking around one of the linemen I forget who it was said to me after I threw three or four picks he was like good just look at him like all right I'm Joo nice to meet you Jo I am yes yes good baby good man this guy he reminds me of like the incredible I was going to say Incredible Hulk but he's more evolved in that I walking up with my point that's J he's such an important person too because he's both articulate and Savage he's both a brilliant guy who is wise and humble but also a [ __ ] gorilla he's not just an immensely powerful teacher he's also an avid learner he's always seeking knowledge okay ad I think the podcast gave people the opportunity to hear about when human beings get put into pressure scenarios and therefore better understand human nature it it's difficult to make a person appreciate Freedom when they've never never lost theirs now not everybody is going to be a prisoner of war in fact I hope and pray none of the people listening to this podcast will ever be in that 8ft cell but we all get into our own little prisons and if those challenges are the same then the solution is the same look combat is the extreme example not everything is about combat if you've got somebody that has grown up in the world of Jiu-Jitsu like hick and Gracie who's fought hundred of times he's going to have a window into human nature that is going to reveal something quing is not my word anymore either are going to die or I going to win but no quitting if you have someone like danpatrick who's competing at a high level in race car driving she's going to be able to see something you have guy like Alex Honnold who is stared death in the eyes voluntarily that's going to reveal something about human nature that we can all learn from does that mean I'm going to go try and free solo l cap nope not at all but can I take his methodologies and some of his lessons and apply them to what I'm doing in my life absolutely I knew well I figured I didn't know obviously but I figured people would like it but I didn't know it was going to turn into like supplements and freaking this and that and then kids books and all this other I didn't know any of that stuff Echo Charles questions from the interwebs what do you got first question is does complacency come with age I see a lot of guys that back off as they get older do you have the urge to back off negative you have a lot going on I mean it's it's awesome Echelon front your podcast you have origin Pete Roberts out there you guys are crushing it bringing American manufacturing back to this country you know Jo what I never talked about Revenue goals imagine what that would do to Corporate America not talking about Revenue goals you know what we talked about how can we manufacture jeans how can we manufacture Footwear again is it possible to make a clean energy drink we talked about ideas we didn't talk about money I'm a part of a company called origin they make everything everything American made there's not one single person that wants to buy a pair of jeans that's made by an 11-year-old girl working in a sweat shop all the fabric all the thread all the workers all the machines everything is made in America while this [ __ ] was exported and sent to China we're bringing them back here come the jobs if we do the right things for the right reasons we're going to win in the end a little book coming out called way of the warrior kid I'm reading this book with them now the way of the warrior kid is good I recommend this wait a second is this Joo it is what business does a seal have writing kids books when I was raising my kids there wasn't really any books that carried the message of the values that I wanted my kids to have and so I just wrote my own be in the most horrific situation but we get to decide how things are going to impact [Applause] us he is yeah [Applause] Beau the most important thing that I've found in my life is doing things to help help other people is the way that you win so every time you can get someone to not drink an energy drink that has a bunch of crap in it we want it to be healthy and there's no sugar in there no artificial sweeteners at all oh that's really good I think it's awesome and I'm super stoked that we can share this goodness with the world not by the consumerism stuff not by buying a bigger house or bigger car whatever youve changed my life man huge [ __ ] F how you doing brother right on man I don't even know what to say by moving up in your corporate hierarchy it's really changed the way I look at life so I want to thank you but if you can help other people if you can make some sacrifices for others I think that's where where happiness comes from thank you for everything sincerely your service for everything on the academy just literally everything my life is infinitely better because of you I appreciate that feedback God bless you thank you and it's because of you not me you're the one that's out there making it happen how how often does that happen people coming up to you yeah it happens a lot man definitely happens a lot it's pretty amazing and I think it just means that people are they want to get better you know people want to get better and sometimes they're not quite 100% sure how and all of a sudden they get an indication of how they can get better and they're in when never sense someone says to me you changed my life I always look right back in I say I didn't do anything you changeed your life and that's trueu I'm not the one that's getting up in early morning for them you know I don't go in the way up for them they have to do they have to get up they have to study harder they have to work harder so it's all about them so happy I think for Jo it's not what he has gained it's what he has given and it's ultimately what he's going to leave behind when you were writing the Warrior books why did you decide on the name Mark Mark Lee Mike Monsour and Ryan Joe those were three of the most incredible seal teammates you could ever ask for people that were selfless people that people that every day and I would would say every minute of every day I'm thinking about those guys and that that that's uh that definitely pushes me and I don't want to let those guys down Mark was a friend of mine and he was in the SEAL Teams and he got killed over in Iraq and mark the one that was the Navy SEAL he was a true warrior and so I I wanted to always have that name and have people be able to remember his name and that's why I put his name in the book and Name the character after [Music] Mark all right and you had a question before did you forget it oh good go what how do you squeeze in time for writing your books and your podcast when you're trying to do jitu the the answer is not wasting anytime you know what I hear I hear the clock ticking your life seems like it's going to last forever and I will tell you right now it's not going to last forever it's Monday y'all go get some I like to look at what things are going to help the most so doing things that aren't helpful doing things that don't make any difference I try not to do them your words inspired me to push through the darkest hour of my life life goes by and it goes by quick time waits for no man so made it every second [Music] count [Music]
Views: 226,441
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Id: CiSP46mU0XY
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Length: 24min 1sec (1441 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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