Everyday Carry with a Former SEAL Team 6 Operator

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Dom I'm super pumped to have you here man so we like to do a warm up with uh with certain individuals just just before we get into the heavy stuff uh that we're going to talk about with your military career Faith all the good stuff that's going to come up this is like a quick warm-up we like to do everybody wants to know what you're carrying on you so let's do a a down and dirty everyday carry pocket dump okay so does a pocket dump actually come out yeah if you wanted to yeah where do you want me to put it put it right on that uh table right there next to okay so but just present yeah show us each out of absolutely so obviously one of my favorite subjects everyday carry right um I think first and formost you know one of the main things that's been I think important for us and just seen it work in so many different ways is the rosary and why I carry that every single day uh is important to me so you know I'm not going to start with anything else other than this because we know that uh there is spiritual warfare in this world and I'm sure that we will get into this but uh it really started with the Dominicans carrying this on their left side as well because of the knights that's why they would carry their sword on the left really so yes they carry it on the left I didn't know that I carry one I always keep it in my right hand because they would draw out from the left so this being our spiritual weapon you know we and and to have that connection that transcends time that realistically you know in battle whether physical or spiritual it's just that connection also a trigger you know I talk about triggers a lot in my programs and my mindset training and if you need guidance this thing when you grab onto this and you look and and of course there's so much history and uh depth here that it will trigger you to start being whatever you're trying to improve in your life especially when it comes to spiritual it allows you to remind yourself why am I doing this what's my why so that's that's number one um and then my blade I carry a blade every single day pretty much no matter where I go unless there's something I need to go through I'm getting screened um a blade is one of those weapons as well that kind of throughout history you know Warriors have always used a blade I mean we can trace that back as far as we can possibly even look you know guys have used a blade uh for hunting for crafts for skills uh for defense so there's a lot of history behind why we carry a blade so for me it's a non-negotiable thing and you know when you have a b to Brothers uh like we do it's one of those items where it's like hey don't get caught without your blade there's a penalty for that you know type of thing so it's not just an object that I could use but it's also a way of life you know so it's thinking about this a little bit more deeply and respecting it for what it is um you know in the Philippine martial arts with KH they talk about how you know if they unshed their weapon they have to use it you know I don't know if you've ever heard that before but if they take their blade out they got to put it to use so it's one of those connections where it's like okay this is if I pull this thing out you know what am I doing with it uh so this is the Razer back blade that we make uh I did the Razer back the name in honor of Adam Brown um the red and black handle was because the Razer backs have the red and black logo and you know a little bit of tribute to him there just CU Adam made a huge impact on my life so much talk about we could talk a full day about Adam um but just a beautiful tribute to him it's the compact of what we carry um I like traveling with that it's a little bit more adaptable depending on what I'm wearing and then it's in our iwb sheath and of course this is what I do for you know my life and you know I'm so passionate about the gear so I don't want to geek out too much can I see that yeah absolutely you got to pass it the right way oh there you go thank you yeah you know I purchased one of these a long time ago and uh I I love this blade I don't use it I it's it it's sentimental to me cuz we know each other and so uh it's going to be framed hanging in here but there it is this is awesome man yeah I'm curious when did you sorry when did you start carrying a blade um I mean they were important to me even when I was younger you know carrying a blade you know I always recognize the significant you know whether you you say that was in my time as Boy Scout or you know the progression through me reading stuff about like Tom Brown and survival you realize really quickly like that's an important tool and I think that for me it started to become a part of my lifestyle from a fixed blade perspective when I really started fighting you know at the command and I started to realize like oh this is something that I should have every day I know how to use it now let me live this lifestyle and I think that that grows on you when you start realizing like oh I actually know how to apply this so it's a real weapon somebody that doesn't know the application of it can kind of feel sort of awkward with the relationship of a blade like it's some some cases it's more scary to them than it is helpful you know so I think that there was a transition there between my military career of actually owning that as part of my life is that is that when you really started to learn how to use a fix blade is when you're over a Dev group or yeah there was obviously some some brief overviews in the teams and I took to that and I kind of understood it but not really from a concealed perspective of really implementing it like we did when we started working with seak and those guys like my eyes were opened in the sense of like oh I know how to be violent and I know how to be effective but now you put the the blade in my hand and now both sides of the offensive and the defensive I can understand and it kind of took it to another level there's a lot of guys in that in that organization that I always give a tribute to because of how well they they do their craft and how serious they take it um that kind of came on us you know um and what do we do we always go find the best in the world and you know whether you look for them or they end up there it's like a magnet right because everybody that's really good at what they do ends up being in that nucleus that spot that you end up there because you're great at what you do and so I think that that was the eye opening moment for me working with those guys and seeing how they move and I think that's also what transcended in our courses is that people like I never realized you had to move like that when they watch us or they watch us do the demos or they you know we do something live um they start to you know realize like oh that's what it takes to actually defend yourself it's like yes even if it's just permission in your mind to do that so yeah yeah I never I never got the opportunity when I was in to learn how to properly use a blade so uh please excuse my in ignorance with uh passing it back to you there but um it's all good there's a there's a deep part of that right like that's just a warrior way of passing it it's kind of uh you know if you ever look at somebody that doesn't a to handle a blade there's always this awkward like how do I pass it type thing and when you start to develop those skills and that trity I mean you can pass a blade like that without even looking so it becomes very very effective not only for just showing somebody a blade but also inight access like actually doing that in in a dynamic situation and uh the cool thing is I do that with my whole family like every one of my kids even Joseph Joseph at two already knows that that's how you pass a blade so it's ingrain in him yeah if you say pass he'll just say he calls him big Sharps like so he loves big Sharps he's like got the big sharp Factory over there but uh he's been helping me out and and I'll pass him like all right pass and he'll put his hand out boom he'll pass it and he'll give it to you right back the same way so it's kind of engraining that motor memory now you know do how okay so when do you start that's Incredible 2 years old yeah when do you start when did you start teaching your kids about firearms and blades that right there is a really good question and obviously Firearms are something that's extremely important to our lifestyle and they're abundant in the world right it's something that we need to to recognize and and kind of confront as a reality it's not something that we wish it was but it is actually here they exist you're probably going to run into at some point in your life so taking responsibility for that so when I when I really look at the development of understanding and the respect of firearms for me it has to be an intuitive process because it's not as simple as like oh right when you're two it's just black and white that you're going to be able to learn about them so it's it's non-negotiable to learn about them because I remember some of the situations I went when I was a kid but my trigger for my children at each different stage that they're at is to identify do they know the difference between a real gun and a toy gun and really auditing that process like do they actually know does that Nerf gun feel and look and act like the real gun that I'm showing you and what's the difference they need to be able to articulate it they need to be able to understand it they need to be able to say that guns are a tool they can kill take and save lives so the seriousness of that has to be understood so I automatically they already start knowing the methodologies like the five safety rules awareness always Tre a gun that gets loaded never Point your gun at anything you don't want to kill or destroy never put your finger on the trigger until you're ready to fire and always know your target what's behind it and all around it so those are ingrained into them all right every one of them knows that I think Aurora is probably working on the last couple but Leo's got him down to a te so recognizing that they understand those now it's it's identifying what what does awareness to you me mean to you buddy you know like how are you actually understanding what that means he's like well I know I have to pay attention I know I have to look around my environment I know I have to think about well who's in the Next Room over who's downstairs right now is there anybody above us no okay we have a clear roof so if he can articulate that now awareness starts to become a thing and also from the very early age I'm like don't put your finger on the trigger when you're running around aimlessly if you're not putting your gun up don't sweep your little brother it's always the younger ones cuz there's an there's an intentionality to it like you want to protect your brother right yes that's Joseph he's two don't sweep your brother got it now all of them are not sweeping each other so there's already this methodology and mindset that's already being ingrained into them so what what age when is the how young do they touch a firearm in your family is it different for all of them Leo started shooting already how old is Leo so Leo 7even I would say where a real live firearm and again you know we can play games with that too as far as like calibers and all that but I think at the point of which the youngest has really held a real firearm is probably around four or five okay because they at least have the understanding that that can hurt you you m that that's the difference like there's there's a differentiator there so they can contrast that now when I go to shoot you know what are you choosing I'm not just going to go put a 12 gauge in my 5-year-old's hand you know we're going to probably start with a 22 but then you also have to understand what's the gain out of that am I gaining anything by taking my 5-year-old to go shoot a 5.56 or a 9mm round and I'm going to tell you that no you're not really gaining much at all um I think that starting them earlier on making sure they're proficient is dialed in airsoft pellet BB paintball pick one right pick one that you can utilize in a safer environment and really get them to understand and then everybody's got to be that coach and that judge to say all right this is my child I know they understand it they're actually they're actually digesting this knowledge and they can apply it which is the most important part safely now we can move to a higher caliber you know I think that that's that's an intuition that you have to have as a as a Firearms instructor or even a parent you know it's a parents responsibility um to really take that seriously too yeah you know I get you know I have a a two-year-old and a and a newborn now and it's I never really thought about oh thank you I never really thought about you know until until very recently how I'm going to introduce Firearms into into my kids and so It's Tricky you know in in today's world it's getting more and more dangerous more and more home break-ins I I didn't used to have a weapon in every room now I do and um and and uh so one thing I've done is I've just I have even in my daughter's Nursery there will be a a firearm hanging I'll probably get it it will be probably one of those little Tiffany blue pistols and in my son's room I have a old uh antique Winchester 357 lever action and that they can't reach but I just want them to get used to seeing it and with my 2-year-old now when he sees a gun I don't think he even knows what this means but he'll he'll Point At The Gun Say gun and then he'll say very very dangerous Y and I just want him to I want him to get used to being around it so it's not like this big thing the first time he sees one he sees me shoot uh on our backyard and and yeah I but I'm always curious you know with with uh with with gents like you how you introduce it into your family because I I think it's extremely important and I and I I know exactly where you're talking about I see people taking their four-year-old out to shoot an AR or a deer rifle and it's or a 12 gauge and it's like what what are you doing man yeah like yeah there's there's a there's a certain level of intelligence have to apply to it too and uh you know the safety of our home is really important and that's another reason right like I want my son he's 14 I know my 14-year-old pick up a rifle right now pick up a pistol he's good but the younger ones too it came apparent to me like I need to keep these Firearms safe and that's something I encourage everybody to do to make sure that they're safe because an extra 5 Seconds to open the safe up to me that barrier of the unknown when I'm not home for whatever reason curiosity or any of those other things it's really important to create that barrier um I don't think that I see a point now in which I wouldn't have that just because it's a peace of mind knowing that there's a level of separation between them and the firearm so something to consider you know for your own home you know I know you said hang but I have strategic safes placed all over my house in the same method but they're in safes so do I the uh I mean I can't even reach the gun without a step stool uh in my son's room but that's what we have too we have some of those quick safes uh y throughout the house and every room and I just I you know it it I just I was rocking my my son to sleep and I was like man like I'm vulnerable I'm going to be that guy that's got a that's got a weapon in every single room because if somebody came in right now what the hell am I going to do yeah and um that's where that's where a little bit of training and a little bit of intentionality can go a really long way yeah you know it's the whole idea of contrasting like we're not we're not paranoid we're prepared yeah there's a certain level of accepting reality as it is to make sure that you implement that throughout your house so it's smart to do you know it really is yeah it's interesting you know how mindset uh at least mine is the minute I had kids changed I was like okay like some new things need to happen in this household immediately when it comes to when it comes to home protection type stuff a th% there is a level of accountability and reality that hits you when you have children to care for and especially when you really care for your children and I think that the world takes on a different View realizing all the things that we screwed up come kind of crashing in our face like oh this is why we can't continue this Behavior this is why I need to shift my mindset this is what I'm protecting and I had a sense of it too when I was younger you know going overseas and kind of protecting and thinking about my nephews and nieces but it it definitely changes when you have children yep yeah well let's move on with the EDC all right so the next piece would be uh my tourni kit and this is one thing that I try to keep on me everywhere I go uh this one is a smaller version of the tourni kit and these guys are awesome I actually saw them at shop show um but if you see it's actually almost like a an inch wide interesting so it's still enough to grab on but it's small enough while you carry it we're a regular size TQ it's it's cumbersome to put in my pocket I'm not going to lie and these guys have just done a great job um putting these together that's so I've not seen that one before yeah this one's it's it's cool because it's Compact and that's what I like about it the solo te also I mean I have a whole bag behind me with like a whole another layer um typically I think in three layers what's on me what's quick access and then what's kind of like my intentional go to the vehicle type stuff and I'm traveling and to me I'm always going to have that level of security on me for me my family and everybody else um the next thing I have on me is obviously real quick I got a question what's with the level thing here you know that is a chem light that's a chem light okay so it it was something that they were trying how effective that is and how necessary it is you know it's kind of like what's the context of the situation but I think they were thinking like if you crack the chemlite you have a little bit more of a quick visual where's the TQ if you had a really big trauma situation or you had multiple casualties you know now you guys are coming in to be like oh there's the chem light it's in the middle of the night dark you know headlamps are on or whatever the case is um or even under night vision I suppose you know you got something to identify you come up on a guy that's bleeding out or or a situation it might just be a signal or an identifier again when you're a pro it's not something that you really need but your you're kind of midpro mediate intermediate type level it might be a cue to be like oh that's where I need to be paying attention to stress levels are high adrenaline's dumping you know yeah this is nice do you mind uh what do you know the brand um I'll have to look all right and I'll get back to you on that because I just linked up these guys and I really do appreciate their work but I'm not sure what their name is so I'll find out um next thing is I guess I'll pull my wallet out you know this is something of course I have my dynamus you know adaptive X jeans on which has the slash pocket in it which I love because any wallet phone it's offset on your hip so it's literally sitting on my hip like this and I'm not sitting on it or it's not impeding my hips or my movement so I really uh dig this nine pocket design but this is a Dango wallet uh I always take notes and especially in church when I'm listening to the homy or I'm seeing something or I have something that impacts me through prayer a lot of times I want to write it down right away and I am not pulling my phone out in church so I wanted a small notepad that I could write my my feelings and my thoughts and my prayers down on and not be disruptive to my environment and and and actually have something useful so I scoured the internet for where is the smallest notepad that I could have that was useful and this is what I found these guys Dango are doing a great job I mean I think they have some of the best stuff out there and I don't you know nothing that you see here well I shouldn't say that I'm not sponsored because obviously dynamus blades and all that that is our our stuff um that I'm passionate about but these guys I'm not sponsored by any other thirdparty company nobody else sponsors me so these are guys I just really appreciate that has a notepad in here and uh I've got prayers in here for my brothers that I'm praying for my family um little notes and of course these scribbles are all Joseph at church when he gets a little out of hand you know what I mean um he loves writing in here so it's kind of like the hey this is what I'll do you know we don't pull out iPhones or anything like that when the kids get Rowdy so we tend to kind of push them to draw so some some of drawings of Joseph and Aurora are in here but this dangle wallet's really really cool it's got a pen that's already insted in it and I think it's the best most compact option you can have out there that is cool man yeah does this have RFID protection by chance it does that's awesome yep that's getting more and more important yeah so that's that and then I've got my 365 are you okay if I pull that out here absolutely okay so might be difficult too mind if I stand up for a second all good get a little dynamic in here so I carry at 5:00 there's a reason for that if you ever been any of our courses before there's a methodology behind that but right now I have the 365 XL on and it's in one of our dynamus holsters um it's probably the most comfortable thing that I've carried from a standpoint of concealability and the XL and Sig have just done such an amazing job with this um I've got a threaded barrel so I can throw my suppressor on there uh I have iron sights which is just open sights I don't choose to run an uh an a red do at all and I've got this on me I also have an extra magazine and I keep that in the welt pocket here which fits perfectly in there so I've got an extra extended mag I've got my phone of course that's boring and then lastly and this is what I carry every day like this is not you know just for like hey I'm on the show yeah no you didn't even know we were going to do this this is legitimately like what I carry all the time this is the dynamus belt which is the first thing that we made from an apparel perspective and I wanted to create something that was going to be useful functional and be able to have hidden function so this is a very low profile belt with no buckle and I didn't want a buckle cuz it scratches on things it gets caught up on things when you're drawing it just causes a little bit of a hang up so we made a really streamlined profile in the front and also hidden Pockets so typically I put a hidden key in here with whatever key you want back there um house key could be any key and then cash or documents in the front um I typically carry a $100 bill in here um and then you can put coins in this the cool thing about the coins and I actually brought one to show you is when it's loaded with coins it can act as a impact weapon oh wow you know so whenever I'm going somewhere where I cannot carry a blade or I cannot carry something else this is a very simplistic way that I can carry anywhere in the world and in some cases and in some hand toand situations I would much rather have this over a blade because I actually have a little bit of reach now and so when you load the quarters on the top of this it's just a change pouch that's all it is it's just like I would use anything else in my environment just like I could use this cup to smash somebody in the face and keep moving I could use this table to defend myself against somebody with a stick or a blade or any any situation your whole environment becomes yours in a situation where your life is on the line but if you have a self-contained carry system this is something that you can rely on trust and carry anywhere I do not put quarters in it when I'm carrying a blade and a pistol because of the obvious I already have something else to rely on when I streamline that I end up putting change in here and if you keep it velcro and load here now you have a streamlined device and you know tool that you can use for impact so you designed all of this stuff yes if you I mean is that 100% your Innovation yeah that's incredible man that's a there's a lot of I geek out with this stuff like this is what I do what I like though is it makes sense it's not just you don't have to comment on this but there is a lot of crap in the Tactical community that makes zero sense it's just cool guy garbage in my opinion this that you're innovating is I mean it it has real application I mean first thought that comes to my mind is airplanes yeah you know you can take that on a plane yeah and yeah and it's just a change pouch yeah that's all it is I I'm just merely explaining this from a standpoint of like what else could you use your environment it's just like you can unbuckle your seat belt and uncp it from the thing and smash somebody in the face with that too you know um most airplanes if you look down there's a little clip you can literally unbuckle you flip the spring you pull it out and you literally have a loaded you know whatever it is 10 o weapon in your hand and I would not want to get near that thing with somebody that knew how to swing it and it takes a little bit of practice will go along way I did not know that yeah that's fun fact that's good knowledge yeah fun facts good knowledge this is a really really useful thing carry it every day I I I don't know actually what I would do without it I I absolutely uh love these belts and because they're streamlining go on anything so we have them in a couple different widths but it's cool it's a useful tool um that's that you know you can get creative with what else you could use that belt for but that's pretty much the majority of it um it's 1111 and my watch I that's pretty much all I have my wedding ring obviously but as far as tools go that is the most streamlined that I keep it but those are with me every day non-negotiable they don't really Flex in and out of there um if I do something deliberate it's all about context for me am I going somewhere where there's a little bit more potential of a threat a little bit more of a heightened feel of something then maybe I'll switch a platform but I would say the majority of my days that's it and again like I said I got two bags behind me that I always carry with me everywhere while I'm traveling so that's a whole another show yeah of digging into that stuff I appreciate it uh I do have something for you I have a friend at Sig his name's Jason and uh I told him you were coming on he got he's a huge fan he's really excited and uh he wanted me to present this to you no way are you serious so that is uh that's the new the latest and greatest 365 macro oh man and I'd love go ahead dude pull it out so there's a card in there if you take that card and give him a call I think he has something very similar he'd like to send you a dude dud Jason dude that was awesome man thank you thank you Ryan that was really cool my pleasure eight it's 18 rounds 17 plus one in the pipe I believe I do not know a better platform out there they are absolutely killing it with this this is this is one of the best everyday carry guns that is in existence I mean I care about this and you see I'm carrying the XL right now so s there you go that's my daily carry uh but this is beautiful wow this is uh this will definitely get put to use it's uh it's inspiring to have guys out there that are that are doing stuff like working at Sig that care so much about what we're doing and um you know Sig's just got a good group of people over there they always have um Steve mat I don't know if you know who that is yes I do yeah the he worked over there for a the old CMC is that what we're talking about yes I really respected him he's he's a hard charger um but got guys this is very humbling thank you I will uh I will put this thing to work for sure it's my pleasure yeah this is awesome but um well Dom I appreciate it and and man that's like that is some super Innovative stuff and uh I can't wait to get this out so thank you me too so uh I appreciate that I also got a little crush everything gift bag for you is this an appropriate time to give it to you let's do it on the show but uh we'll link everything below so anybody that wants to get some of that it will be linked below hey everybody I'm Shawn Ryan click here to subscribe to the Sha Ryan Show YouTube channel for the hottest and most compelling interviews that you will not see anywhere else I've also made a playlist of all the previous SRS episodes so they're easy to find you can find that right here
Channel: Shawn Ryan Show
Views: 845,671
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vigilance elite, shawn ryan, shawn ryan show, the shawn ryan show, shawn ryan podcast, podcast, srs, podcast show, navy seal, edc, everyday carry, self defense, preparedness, seal team 6, devgru, operator, military, tactical, tactics, dom raso, dom raso navy seal, dom raso knife training, dom raso edc
Id: YqHLpQrpui8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 52sec (1732 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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