Gathering of the Juggalos 2023 - Making Dreams Come True

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don't worry about the [ __ ] that you can't control you got to learn to live with it this is what it is right here Wicked clown bro I've thrown up so much I can't feel my legs dude let me park the Ferrari out real [Music] quick what is let me think for a second my first year at the Gathering I asked attendees what is a jugal last year I got to meet Shaggy tud do and officially became a jugal there it is it's official and this year I had even better plans 6 weeks before the Gathering my good friend Donovan cryp daddy tweeted this my life as an adult is struggling to decide if I want to pay rent or make a dream come true and attend the Gathering of the jugal to which I responded yo my man I'll I'll help make that dream come true and pay for you to go to the Gathering of the jugal with me whoop whoop and just like that the plan was set in stone see Donovan has a terminal illness called big dick itis well actually it's spinal muscular entrophy type two the condition leaves him wheelchair bound and only able to use a few of his fingers and his face throughout his life Donovan defied all doctor's expectations and all he needed from me was a wheelchair accessible Airbnb w w one week later our stay was confirmed and we were ready to embark on our journey at the 2023 Gathering of the jugal it's the bu show what's up guys we are at the 2023 Gathering of the jugal to my right is my main man Donovan [ __ ] daddy Donovan how you doing we're [ __ ] here so it was your dream to come out here right oh yeah this is like the most [ __ ] up make a wish I've ever had Donovan we have to talk about the juglets man are we going to try to get you a juglet they're feing for you it's [ __ ] crazy you're like a whip it they're trying to get a hit off I did my first whip it last night was it good or was it bad I immediately hit it and said I understand yeah I get it now and that was like a dangerous feeling to me yeah I wonder if I do enough whip itss if it just [ __ ] it like makes me better I feel like if you whip if you whip it it enough you would regain everything like Schwarzenegger you're 20 you're 20 whipits away from being jacked and sprinting you just got to do it back to back don't stop trust me man I know what everybody asks if my dick still works and does and when you were younger you had more use of your hands so you could actually uh facilitate masturbations yeah yeah now I just moved on to women doing it the way God intended what a nightmare mhm I [ __ ] hate it Hurtz I so many [ __ ] they want my dick can't keep hands my bres all right Donan we've arrived the gates of the Gathering we're balls deep already just at the entrance alone yeah it's like Heaven's Gates man and right in front of us we have the one and only Les legs what up Les [ __ ] ham what you doing bro so they did you bad last night uh this morning this morning man this morning and locked the fool up but you know what you got to come out here and you obey their rules and [ __ ] like that you know can't stop a Jugo you can't stop me though you know I'm here you know I'm not going to lie and say I wasn't breaking any laws but you know [ __ ] give me give me a little pass give me something [ __ ] as soon as we were in the gate there was like a dude trying to show off this girl's butthole I [ __ ] love it here this is great any time your year we're going to do this up what kind of look are we going for this year this is the more the I've been here and I'm here again to [ __ ] [ __ ] up me like that guy again this is beautiful this feels like a ritual what do you think Donovan well you've been cresen get a good shot of it thanks Les appreciate you gang now we got to get Donovan man let's [ __ ] go I'm going to make my mom so proud I really appreciate this dude this is amazing I'm really loving [Music] this yeah we oh yeah hell yeah yeah we did the damn thing that's that [ __ ] right there all right look at me man unless you kill this hell yeah bro this is fantastic now all it's left is go in the gather and have a good time year three gather [Music] [ __ ] the Gathering we're [ __ ] here you taking it in Donan oh yeah I love the smell of it it's definitely got a unique smell and and it comes in waves you get like funnel cake one and and then the next second you get like ass I'm so cooked right now I barely feel like a a person we're both disabled now hey man what's going on in that box well you got to smell it to find out oh I mean if you didn't smell it you don't get to find out that's kind of the way the world works right oh that's that um yeah do people come here with like destinations like tour where you had to like plan out days in advance they just come here and they just gather you gather here gather there and you gather around the next thing you know it's time to go home yeah well now you're teaching me you're passing down your knowledge onto me is that a giant wooden penis that's a huge penis right there that's a giant penis giant wood penis they got the butthole over there John W look at that man's face rest in peace who is that man real [ __ ] talker that guy I've reached Peak assimilation right now what do you do at your Peak this whoop whoop dang I am the jugal professor KN nobody important so I don't worry about you know having you know a normal size or small dick I got a big pipe this one's for you Mom from France to Europe to South Korea to [ __ ] everywhere Africa and [ __ ] everyone got clown love [ __ ] and I didn't buy any tickets so I just sneaked in so any security watch this kisse my ass [ __ ] I'm here [ __ ] give us some jug Jedi wisdom man jug Jedi wisdom be kind stay kind to everybody and love everyone because you're only here so long man enjoy the time we got it's a blast if you know how to do it hey Donovan you ready for some breast action what's going on here we got some jug about to hit him with the juglet action oh yeah there we go okay Gang This is what God wanted put it on [Music] on [Music] God damn the break I I get flashbacks to like when my dad left but in a good way you know Jesus created slots and jug I love the Gathering it's my first Gathering first Gathering I've been here for 3 days I'm already known as boof duck apparently that's the guy that boo the duck but you did put a a duck up your ass I did it did it was it was a bad moment I'm going to PTSD you know all those PSAs when you were young they were like whenever you offer drugs say no and then up until adulthood nobody ever [ __ ] offered you drugs yeah this is what they were warning you about so right now we've just got some distillate God damn I can't feel my legs [Music] really show the camera your uh your eyes take shower I thought you was going to say your I'll do that too if you want if uh we have your blessing go ahead God damn jug boobies jugle titties yeah I'm losing my voice no I'm losing my [ __ ] mind out here whole lot of gang of it youngest in charge oh man shout out to the grilled cheese God blessing me manop thank you so much bro this grilled cheese is hidden man that's one of the best things about the gather the regular I don't have cash on me he blessed me with the grilled cheese I'm going to go get cash I'm going to bless him back I just want you to add my Snapchat I bam Pros i b a m p r o s taing for the Carson Ohio iBall product on Snapchat cheapest girls in Ohio thank you guys do whipits and drive we're doing less whipits and driving every year now cold ass rying all day how you doing gang bro I'm so [ __ ] high still has it has has the first day met your expectations and and more I got to see IP play that was the most insane [ __ ] I've ever seen in my life Good Vibes good [ __ ] people a lot of Figo a lot of [ __ ] P theyo everywhere everywhere dude let me preface this part of the video by saying one of my good friends has lost the ability to fully use his legs because of whipp it abuse meow meow [ __ ] it's whipp it time I don't think I can walk right now look at me look at me this is what happens too many whippets no it's [ __ ] up don't do whippets hey can I have a hit eat [ __ ] mom don't [ __ ] die I'm just kidding I love you actually let me think about that for a I am sorry Mom actually genuinely I'm sorry Mom and Dad I am sorry let's get more let's do more we need more you know if you would have asked my doctors at the the age of five what I'd be doing at this point in my life they'd say he's dead but look at me now living my best life [ __ ] the medical community you guys remember Danimal they call me danal so when this goes viral just think about me all right hey I'm having a weird night tonight so we're just going to go do mad whipit so yeah for real always stay hard I am out of my mind how's Brandon doing is he [ __ ] they ask you how you are and you just have to say that you're fine when you're not really fine but you just can't get into it because they would never understand eat a bag of dicks you [ __ ] yeah I'll show your [ __ ] you're a [ __ ] cop we're going to throw fruit at you hi Brandon hi Brandon saying hi Brandon my boy I'm cooking right now cold ass Rock [ __ ] lightweights can't handle their gatherings I want to go home you want to go home let's go to the car we do you want to get you a ride let one of these [ __ ] golf carts yeah hey I don't I don't know what's going on you just need to follow me and we're going to get you home right now how's that sound or you can go walk yes you have to walk you go with the sheriff he was having a nice stretch honestly yeah man my back just hurt we're good I got to go to sleep man I don't know what's going on then tomorrow will be another day it's how it works yo stop recording him oh we're good I'm going to bed he is recording himself we're going to figure it out in the back end cold ass riding whoop whoop someone help me though I just want to help me here with this I'm right here bro Clockwork e now was the time not are we home now I feel like my nose is leaking into my mouth and my mouth is leaking into my eyes wo W I tried to become a jugal I became a Jugo and then now I am a Jugo and now I'm jugan on the floor I feel sick if you guys like this you're going to like the Extended Cut on patreon check it out extendo cut whoop whoop gang want to make my mom and dad proud they're tired of me living at home doing this [ __ ] man all right so wherever we ended off last here I am in the shower uh that was not a that was not planned whatever just happened was not a part of the plan we're not supposed to have a shower scene in this episode it every good one has to have a shower scene tomorrow I'm going to be doing the K me no no you don't get to say no [Music] how do I look Donovan hey Jesus Christ himself what's up he's risen and born again I think I found him God yesterday and I looked at him and I said what's the meaning of life and he looked back at me and said [ __ ] [ __ ] he already know [ __ ] woop baby you got haded yeah I love it man jug for life baby oh that's Str he's never kicked anybody in US course that's good though that doesn't hurt at all no doesn't feel like a little bad no do you enjoy it almost no Enjoy the Gathering and see some but holes yo yo yo this is your boy deathlock it's your boy Hatchet slim Ricky Ronnie 2023 baby Gathering the jugl as woo woo time up 100 I say yo this is a type of heat to make the bird High when it's the fire to burn the eye like stole made the Bird Rock thirst for the first stop mer the verse lock them in a church block the emergency first watching a Her Fly b b b down but I never heard of a jug until I met this [ __ ] on YouTube oh really this my first Gathering how's your first Gathering B good as [ __ ] bro I got some I got some I got some man yeah soup lus and Dark Lotus I'm back I'm bigger I'm better I'm here to spread all the love to everybody let's go get on YouTube get a craft learn something build something something make something let's bring the creativity back stop buying all your [ __ ] hey look there's manini right here what's up bro great to see you again it's I'm glad you're here again 30 you in a row for you yeah three in a row it's probably the most fun one the most extreme one for sure for you yeah for me personally can you tell me what was the craziest thing you've done this year so far um too much ketamine W wo oh my God it's penis it's a big have you never seen a penis like this before no I haven't is this allowed on your show you have like Bob Marley's entire scalp on your groin I feel like I do absolutely for anyone out there that doesn't know what the Gathering is how would you guys describe it as quickly as possible uh it's the last place on Earth completely Untouched by corporate sponsorship this is where Freedom exists actually you want to live free for 5 days come to the Gathering because it exists right here and this is the last place it exists it's also the last place that accepts everyone on the face of this [ __ ] planet so if you feel like you don't belong anywhere come come to the [ __ ] Gathering of the jugle cuz you belong right here [ __ ] yeah we love you gang appreciate you bro that was powerful bring it there I mean your paint's fted man you got this paint too yeah I got my whole face painted in oh what happened to it did you uh get it on the jugle uh thighs or whatever man you getting smeared everywhere got it off in the bathtub oh there you go I was throwing up in there oh damn ever read a room so well you feel compelled to R it in the house of res where it's your home yet you will never welcome d invited head chef by profession but your only gu for dinner P the needle on the junk you'll never guess the winner guess I'm dressed for winner well my name is Mr E yesterday I ate so much mushrooms I had to leave if you were here last year you might have seen me get on the freestyle battle and try to speak but the beat was too hard so I had to [ __ ] leave what's up my man we're here on the can with Brandon Buckingham pide your blood you got pide your blood never P me when wait a minute I finish behind my eyes I'm my to n independent with the business I get 100% of my percentage wanted to say thank you man like I I'm I'm actually a fan of yours before you started coming here you're like the only person that's ever shown us like respect mostly people come in here and have us pose and act all [ __ ] stupid and be like look at this spectacle but you're like just chill about it and I respect that so thank you thank you so much that means a lot to me man hey I just want to say I love you guys I love The Jug this is the place to be gathering The Jug Get Here If You Can my name's ocean Marshall helping out a buddy out just being a hype man chicken ploop soup got merchandise $10 charms and we got free sers walking around whoop whoop ploop soup it's good 10 bucks man look at that a't that fresh as [ __ ] come on y'all [ __ ] bloop soup whoop whoop bloop soup [ __ ] in the [ __ ] whoop whoop my name is Isam I'm known to the world as the creator of the wicked [ __ ] despite what some people may think this is probably one of the happiest places on Earth just stay happy Darlings stay lovely stay understanding find your passionate person cling on to them and never let them go have a great day my love you too I miss my mom to do what do you do for work I do I work at I'm a cook at McDonald's cook at McDonald's yeah I have to really watch what I say when I work with girls what you say I have to really watch what I say where am I at in my life thing that I have where this is okay I will run this kid over I swear to [ __ ] God I love the gravel here it's my favorite yeah let's get bro might let y'all know man you know from the black community we [ __ ] with Bey bro you feel me like you feel on G man you feel me you feel me we [ __ ] with bro you feel what I'm saying [ __ ] [ __ ] cool ass [ __ ] bro like he really [ __ ] with him in the hood bro like he's lightskinned Don't Call Him M boy man you feel me we [ __ ] with this [ __ ] he's he's light skinned not white [ __ ] you feel me racial draft Chappelle Show we we got him [ __ ] we got him do you agree that he's lightskinned and not white on GD he lightskinned all right cool cool cool cool Co okay it was nice talking with you brother you feel me do your thing I'm just let you know he ain't got no draws on uh one of my homies passed away his name is Nug uh one of his things was he wanted his Ashes to be put in a fago bottle and to be launched while ICP was playing um fun fact when you put human ashes in a fago bottle it acts like Mentos yeah look at Dore in the street we got Brandon Buckingham he's honestly like three stars below the uh Brandon I know and uh if I literally see him one more time like this I might literally drug him I am going to Drug Brandon Buckingham if he doesn't pepper his step up dude let him know honestly I'm never lik this you know disclaimer let's get naked Johnny in this let's ask him what he thinks about life hey real quick come here we were born naked why not be naked the math adds up I love each and every one of you guys my nipples will always be missing they're 12 gauge now reps twice to the pain receptor and I will always love you guys stand strong be who you are and don't give a [ __ ] when nobody thinks about you be who who you are yeah are you doing good homie I'm just tired of I see your [ __ ] eyes glazing you have a gun in your car I want to feel the cold Barrel against my Dome Donovan we're 3 days in today's the fourth day the final day how you feeling I'm feeling like [ __ ] and amazing at the same time yeah I'm with that my head hurts but I feel good yesterday we got to meet violent Jay got to go backstage for the Ouija Mac concert we weren't filming cuz we were just having a good time but it did happen okay yeah we got a little bit of footage on stage but I doubt that you're going to be able to hear anything other than just what I can translate as uh Transformers [ __ ] That Bass was cranking it felt like a black hole in my soul violent Jon is cool as [ __ ] he's like the nicest human being yeah him and his buddies they were just so [ __ ] welcoming and cool and nice and gave me a blunt the size of a [ __ ] cigar that Scarface would own I look really tired just yeah your eyes are like puffed a little bit I'm worn down man you can't fake my face right now the first night alone was was enough to set the tone and now it's like we're in the middle of the [ __ ] storm and it's not ending I want to say thank you for having us back at the Ouija mat concert I know that was like Donovan's highlight of the Gathering so thanks for making that happen man of course guys I wanted to bring you guys you know show you guys different perspective what I see you know and I think it's [ __ ] great yo yo what up man what's up Jay nice to meet you man you too so the 23rd Gathering of the dral how's it been it's been spintastic really has been flabbergasting outrageously awesome 23 [ __ ] years man 23 [ __ ] years of uh freshness Freedom fun and fetty [ __ ] yeah we ended the last one with Shaggy it's it's good we get to end of this one with you man that's right you're ending it with me and want everybody know that uh if you ain't down with the clown it's cool you're [ __ ] up I mean it's cool I ain't mad at you but you're missing out you know what I'm saying so [ __ ] you dude gorilla silver back well whoop whoop thanks for your time brother whoop woop this what it is right here Wicked clown nice to see you bro bro long time last time I seen you what show was that uh the New York show yeah New York show right last year what up bro how many Gatherings have you been to this my second one you been here every day every day just out out in the lit that's lit I was so in it the first day I was puking and [ __ ] on the ground uh it's [ __ ] up I had a bunch of ketamine and was just in the most vicious KO Special K yeah it was Savage man do you like ketamine uh sometimes I don't like how it makes you melt you know you know what I feeling when it's like you're just melting stuck in a just stuck we got f that feeling bro godamn rolling around in the grass puking like everyone's worried about me was embarrassing man makes yeah it makes you nauseous sometimes people are like oh my God it's Brandon Buckingham is he okay yeah can't I realize you can't drink with it I don't think a super crowded loud festival with people that have clown makeup on is a good environment to do it either are you Jugo adjacent you feel like or you a full-blown jugal I don't know I feel like you're a jugal yeah you think so I think I'm a jug [ __ ] it I'm a jug then yeah they weren't [ __ ] with me at first cuz I you know how I look but yeah see me in the FI jug virginity today yeah hell yeah you know so his jugetes the squad of jugetes have you ever been to like a abandoned insane asylum or some [ __ ] like that never been let's go we should get you to some haunted [ __ ] let's do it I know New York has some [ __ ] up [ __ ] like that like all that [ __ ] on Long Island and [ __ ] A lot of that [ __ ] is in Long Island New Jersey that would go up if you guys want to see me and S do like a 3:00 a.m. haunted [ __ ] comment below let's go comment gang you guys have a golf cart yeah it's right here we should whip the golf cart bro we out wo wo could you ever see City putting on like a a annual event or you yourself Put on We want to do that me and Zilla want to do that we want to throw our own Festival like we want to do that that's that's that's that's definitely in our plans this [ __ ] is fire look [ __ ] is naked they don't give a [ __ ] titties out titties out [ __ ] out showing their ass old ass Rider himself what up oh there's Donovan right here let's say say What's up to the homie all right right here Donovan yeah dream to come here so we got him out here we like a handicap accessible okay okay yeah tell him to hop on oh he can't like he can only move his um and [ __ ] you want to say hi to him though real quick yeah I'll say hi to him Donovan what up Don up this is my homie uh s SMA what's up bro nice to meet you man how you doing it's good to meet you brother thank you bro sorry I'm just off a whip it right now yeah N I see I see I'm about to get some too oh you you want to get a ahead of that whip it right there I'll take aead of it nice to meeting you man it was good meeting you man yeah bro where did the name s m come from my last name is sosa and mola came from this crackhead used to always call me mola from F in my hood I used to always serve a New York yeah basically MOA and then he just started calling always calling me like so SMA like anytime he to serve and crack like damn Fe named Brian shout out Brian man yeah shout out to Brian oh [ __ ] hold on let me park up let me park let me park the whip let me park the Ferrari up real quick they must have amnesia they forgot that I'm him yeah they had me backstage last night I was passed out on the golf cart cuz I was too oh this is my this is one of my little [ __ ] I know her what up hi I put my ass in your face when you were asleep the other night was that you you were passed out [ __ ] up on the back of a golf cart somewhere back here so I was like I didn't know if I was dreaming or not I remember an ass being like right on my face and I was just like twerking on your face and then you just you just smiled and went back to sleep that Tri me out cuz I was I was so ad of I didn't know if it was a man or a woman or what was going on it was me okay so I mean is is there anything else you want to see or pretty much you'll see ICP one last time and then that's good and then that's it man I this has been more than a dream come true for me hell yeah dude this has been unbelievable yeah I've had a blast it's been so [ __ ] great we pretty much checked every box yeah yeah like uh I seen a lot of ass seen a lot of tits I've done a lot of drugs and just like that our time with the Gathering was over the next next morning I snapped this picture and said farewell to the Gathering not knowing it would also be my final farewell to Donovan Donovan was an incredible person who relentlessly defied the odds and pursued his dreams even with all the adversity he faced he was one of the funniest and most comforting people I've ever been around I'll cherish the moments I spent with him and his memory will live on forever rest in peace Donovan I look forward to seeing you again one day I love you this has been a dream right and the best dream if there's anyone out there at home watching this that maybe is going through uh any kind of turmoil depression do you have any genuine advice you could give them yeah I mean genuine advice it's uh there's always a reason for life to keep you down and make [ __ ] difficult but uh everybody has a a struggle uh some [ __ ] going on in their life that makes everything hard for them but I think personally that we have a want more in us to push through I guess at the end of the day when you find yourself in that position where you don't you don't know what's going to happen and you feel out of control uh just realize that nobody really had control to begin with you know it's a false sense of security in that sense and just know that it can't stay bad forever while we're here let's whoop it up [ __ ] whoop who whoop really dang life isn't fair to anybody and life doesn't owe you anything it's kind of up to you to take what you have no matter how little it may seem and make the best out of it and I've seen people in far worse positions than me still live very happy and productive lives so if they can do that I can do it too
Channel: Brandon Buckingham
Views: 656,750
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gathering of the juggalos, gotj, gathering 2023, violent j, shaggy 2 dope, juggalos, what is a juggalo, gathering of the juggalos 2022, gotj 2021, ICP, insane clown posse, inner city posse, the buckingham show, donovan castillo, crip daddy, donovan crip daddy, brandon buckingham, sosmula, city morgue, interview, sosmula interview, city morgue interview, esham interview, gucci berry interview, less legs interview
Id: 6bxMHsHPzxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 21sec (1701 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 31 2023
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