Gathering of the Juggalos 2021 - What is a Juggalo ?

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it's the buckingham show [Music] it's your boy brandi b money we're out here at the gathering of the juggalos trying to get down with the juggalo culture whoop whoa [ __ ] where [ __ ] we whoop we're at the [ __ ] gathering of the juggalos fam if we don't take care of each other who's gonna take care of us i'm gonna be whooping up and down the block when i get home man it's contagious to the day we die much clown love for the family until we get in there but juggalos never die and we will never be in the dirt immortal if you're not here then what are you doing you know juggalo love right here ain't number family love my whooper is completely [ __ ] and broken they call it the clown drip stage because you're nuts they're literally sopping seeping and soaking with [ __ ] all types of liquids it's terrible what does whoop mean everything it means high means by it means i'm the [ __ ] you're the [ __ ] and we all here doing this [ __ ] there's a lot of whippets here at the gathering of the juggalos there is a lot of whippets that's my favorite laughing gas get it man at the gathering 2021. is it whip it time it's about whippit time man oh [ __ ] we're getting [ __ ] up tonight at the gathering of the juggalos [Laughter] you make whippets look fun they're fun dude they're [ __ ] fun you only live once so like do whippets man and drive do whippets and drive it feels like rolling in a roller coaster man your mother sucks [ __ ] in hell oh [ __ ] man don't call them hippy crack for nothing i have never seen so many whippets in my life they're everywhere like i could probably build a mini house out of just the containers laying around on the ground here oh yeah [Applause] what are you guys all about um hoagie answer what we're all about i'm all about getting head and finger and [ __ ] i'm gonna [ __ ] your girl remember that show me your butthole hey show us your ball yo show us your butthole please hey please show us your book are there some gorgeous juggalettes out here i got one taking the [ __ ] right now what do you see porta-potties smell good i gotta say amen amen ain't nothing like the fresh smell of boho i mean everybody [ __ ] that is true we all got a [ __ ] what does it mean to be a juggalo well i would show you the two liter in my butt cheeks but it took me a really long time to get it all the way up there so if you see a guy with a two-liter in his butt cheeks odds are he's a juggalo what does it mean to be a juggalo ah nothing but family love you'll find your family here it's about family family interaction it just means family family yeah it's all family family man oh man just family just the family i'm here for them family love the family i've been listening juggalo for about like four years i haven't got much meaning out of it freedom bro freedom can i interview you with your mask on nah [ __ ] your interview okay oh we were family all day i love you [ __ ] off you need these pants right now dog i got you no problem to them juggalettes if you need some dick i got it it don't look like it's much but guarantee that [ __ ] put in some work i don't give a [ __ ] tell back real quick that's holy i know that brother's hydrated and that's what family does for family hell it's like family you know i grew up being made fun of most of my life so having people around that accept me for me is a big thing all about family it seems like a lot of us have maybe missed something you know along the way maybe like some some part of our family was uh i don't know misconstrued maybe we didn't have a mom or dad or you know maybe we grew up in some heart city like the ghetto like legitimately some of us are legitimately you know like crazy oh the freedom as a woman to be able to walk around with your tits out and not be attacked or have somebody grope you or say cruel things i mean if if ever there would be a place you'd think women wouldn't be safe around a bunch of ruffians and whatever but these people are not ruffians they just simply don't put up with mainstream [ __ ] [ __ ] and that includes acceptance of rape culture it's not on here i'm up on a bucket trying to [ __ ] it there's a big smelly ass farm llama a lot of butt sex it's terrible very raw you got to spin on it sometimes this ass out here never spits on it so there's a lot of chafing involved what is a juggalo i don't know that's what it is well the [ __ ] if i know are you a juggalo yes what does it mean to be a juggalo to you i don't really know it's dope though what does it mean to be a juggalo i haven't figured it out yet i'm learning something new every [ __ ] day what does it mean to be a juggalo no [ __ ] clue i don't know bro like this is the only place in the world i can paint a dick on my face willingly and not have any problems it's about community you know like we accept everyone it doesn't matter what color you are size shape you know it doesn't matter we do not discriminate uh it's ultimately about sacrifice like you give up everything to be with your family to care about your family probably just getting [ __ ] up and i've been down since i was 10 years old i've been down since like third grade down the cloud means everything to me uh how my kids grow up if a child goes into the crowd we form a circle around them be whatever you want to be whoever you want to be whenever you want to be it's magic it's some sort of it's unity you know everybody here there's not one inch of this whole entire property where you feel unwelcomed at all you just it's a it's for the man excuse me hold on one second let's pause this for a minute what's the best part about being a juggalo it's uh being able to come to the gathering and not give a [ __ ] for a week faygo is basically the drink of life brings family the family together brings people together and it's only about 1.69 excuse me sir what do you have there that is my penis sir can you let it squirt for a second my penis and my fago cannon well simultaneously man what's in it for me what is that nothing really what the [ __ ] man we gotta get it ready we got to get him ready [Music] hell yeah i have no idea what it's like to be a juggalo this is my first time here and you know i don't know if i'll be back but uh i definitely have soaked this experience up like a [ __ ] tampon what kind of vibe are you getting out here dude so it's like i'm a hippie man so it's like a hippie vibe but at the same time they throw trash everywhere and destroy [ __ ] you know it's one of the biggest qualities i don't like this is the shitty trash yeah and then there's a bunch of buttholes showing going on too you know i don't know that whole game ah you know depending on the person but it hasn't been the right people yeah i mean on that one i like your mustache maybe i'll have one too one day you know what i mean they call me danimal so when this goes viral just think about me all right i'm actually we're actually dating so that uh the homosexual community has a large showing here at the juggalo convention yeah it's everyone's here it's been wild we've seen we've seen like everyone which of these men are juggalos none of them which of these men are juggalos probably both of them hell yeah that's the correct answer finger baby baby together your jewels you just got finger bang it's your boy down the grind right here finger bang and y'all at [Music] not another black face here it is all my [ __ ] brothers and all my [ __ ] sisters [ __ ] your rebel flag you know what i mean they were burning a rebel flag down this isle two days ago i've heard a lot about uh juggalos are very against like racism do you feel like that's true oh hell yeah juggalos don't play that [ __ ] juggalo justice will [ __ ] you up your whole shtick is getting money stable do you yes my thing again a dollar to the body or five to the face of the head you said five dollars stable to your face to my face with my head i'll just do the body i don't i'm kind of having a little bit of uh remorse for you here just hit you with this stapler here okay jesus christ do you like that yeah you don't bother me really i gotta ask are you having an alright day i love it all right here we go what's up with magnets how do they work magnets which magnets i don't know how magnets work it's like a farmer's market for buying mushrooms whippets and weed everywhere you look they're like hey twenty dollars a gram pretty popular acid we got cocaine we got anything you want come on we bought a pound of weed and we rolled almost a thousand joints with this pound and so we want to spread the joy around 10 joints for 20 dollars and it's real good [ __ ] too it's a bargain yeah it's a bargain all right it's better than anything else you can get butt ass naked as [ __ ] at 20 20 21 ah [ __ ] i'm really [ __ ] up because we'd be drinking all the time don't give a [ __ ] we love everyone hey you need to come for 2022 because uh it's about to really get popping you think people are walking around butt naked it's just not cool all right well [ __ ] you you get the [ __ ] out of here because we don't give a [ __ ] all right we all family around here can i get a whoop whoop may i ask you why your guys johnsons are out oh it's a gathering of the juggalos why the [ __ ] are you not naked i mean come on because when you come here no matter what you are accepted by anybody and everybody you are family apparently we got some jesus loving juggalos here why is there a jesus for juggalo's presence here because we believe that jesus could reach these people are you guys still juggalos that love jesus or your people that want to save juggalos and show them to jesus that last one i don't think they feel that the world loves them they feel like misfits and that's why this association with jesus they can see that they're not misfits god loves everybody god loves them all just because they're juggalos don't mean that the world hates them and that we hate them god loves them god loves everybody bring [ __ ] drugs bro brain drop oh man i have been holed up in my room like the devil has been sucking my dick for three days editing this footage so if you want a part two and you enjoyed this video click like i've never said that before in my youtube career but let's see if we can get this video to 4 000 likes so you can make a buck a few shillings and of course if you want the extended cut uncensored and uncut it's on my patreon along with podcasts and a bunch of other [ __ ] it's nice to be alive i that it's nice to live i see why paradise is this surprises compromises desires fantasized it's life it's love it's wife's it's hugs it's day-to-day setbacks [Music] love life
Channel: Brandon Buckingham
Views: 949,204
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: joe goes juggalo, joe goes, juggalo, gathering of the juggalos, all gas no brakes, channel 5, andrew callaghan, sidetalk, sidetalk nyc, insane clown posse, juggalo convention, juggalo interview, what does it mean to be a juggalo, juggalo whoop whoop, juggalo faygo, juggalo whippets, juggalos 2021, juggalos 2020
Id: JxPcBrhvkAQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 3sec (723 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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