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these are the faces of three furry clowns that wanted me arrested [Applause] why you hiding energy 23 Pittsburgh check it out today we're switching up the rap game I drove down to the Mean Streets of MLK Avenue in Southeast DC to pick up rapper Baby 50 and take him to a world he's never seen before now it's Safari they can't come nowhere near me people come to places like this to dress up like animal human characters and engage in all different kinds of art performances and various activities worlds will collide as my good pal baby 50 Ventures deep inside the bowels of a Furry Convention excuse me [Music] check it out gang we just got to Pittsburgh baby 50's outside and we are going to the Furry Convention 50. what do you know about furries they don't got furries in the Trap no furries in the Trap surely to God you see furries walking around the hood No Furs walking around the hood what's your fursona [ __ ] I mean like your persona but like first owner my dog what kind of dog chihuahua pitbull what type of dog you'll be I'll be a wiener dog I'm little a [ __ ] but I will [ __ ] with you hey Brody what's your fursona Brody's the gangster in the video in case uh you didn't that wasn't clear what are you gonna say if they see in the comments off 50 ain't no gangster I don't give a [ __ ] I ain't no gangster I think you're the first person from MLK in Southeast DC to come to a Furry Convention yay for show that nobody else doing no crazy [ __ ] like this we're setting a world record out here bro like I have the dick sucking world record no more gay [ __ ] Brody somebody died Somebody's gotta be gay [Music] Brody we're here with YouTuber Brody TV he likes to uh what the hell don't do that in front of baby baby's gonna get to reach him whoa what the [ __ ] Brandon talk about like reaching in my ass somebody's gonna die tonight what are you bro I'm a big [ __ ] orange Cheeto looking and I got my tiny little [ __ ] baby little so you're you're a walking demonetization you just did like seven bleeps right there yeah it's fine dude you can do it you look like Chester the Cheetah with The Carrot Top mix it is a disgrace until I met you that's probably a bad thing that's a bad impact I like Furs they're cool why they're just doing their thing like if they didn't have these conventions in these communities they would just be like dejected and sad are you sure bro they have nothing else to live for imagine having a fur sauna inside you and you can't let it out look you're letting it out you feel good right now I feel better if I'm like [ __ ] like a guy all right let's go to this convention you're Relentless man in DC they smoke sheets in funnel I'm just smoking funnel watch watch yeah oh look at this guy with his big penis watch out all right let's go to this convention all right you guys we're just now entering the convention and I'm curious 50. so far from what you've seen outside the convention what are you thinking about to be crazy today we just arrived here at the anthrocon 2023 Pittsburgh you're looking around what are you thinking the [ __ ] is everybody here doing what the [ __ ] you bring me at my friend has never been here before he's from the K in DC can you explain to him what a Persona is it's like a spirit animal but modern day way to be yourself and express who you are it's like the animal inside yeah so what do you think his animal is I have no idea that's for him to decide what's your animal my doll he's a dog hey welcome to the fan club yeah hey at least it's not racist right I mean a brown deer so I mean if anyone's racist I think that would be me right what's your deer battle noise yeah yeah your first free interaction what do you think this [ __ ] furry right here it's the furry that's gonna get me gonna get him locked up with that baby tell us all about anthrocon 2023 uh oh [ __ ] it's about the people you're here with for sure it's it's definitely about meeting new people being with your friends energy the Persona I mean if if that's your thing do you have a Persona I don't what do you think his fursona is what kind of animals do you like guns I'm a woof that's cool then be a wolf you guys have battle calls hope you guys have a great uh anthrocon YouTube is that a puppet are you a ventriloquist and what do you want to hear I just want to hear you uh compliment baby 50 here oh well I like your get up because we're looking very good thank you yeah it's fun he's gay proud and angry it says on the button that's pretty crazy you say that yeah it's just belly and stuff oh yeah oh yeah you missed the K right now the show you're like take me home yeah dude that's [ __ ] up you violated me I told you not to slap me on the butt you just slapped you on the ass I'm gonna get number two on yo you want me to do about it what's going on man don't change on me don't switch up don't change oh yo look at that thing's ass oh damn that's that's the one for I really really like right there definitely got some cheeks she is stick with that would you hit nah that young lady is packing ass can we talk to you you look beautiful oh thank you can you describe your fursona it's just a horse she's a horse yes is she a [ __ ] horse yeah you talked to Mr 50 here he loves horses he was admiring your bosom thank you what do you think about that breast spread uh he likes it would you ever go on a date with him sure yeah give him them digits 50. oh her what do you think about him tell us what you think about him I think he's cute he's super cute yeah he got that thing on him yup yup yup yup yup yup you don't know if it's a Glock or if it's a huh talk your [ __ ] 50 where's the 50 the 50 RIS the 50 Swag yeah 50 touch your breasts yeah trust the breast yeah whoa that's heavy too oh give it a touch yo you just lost the G card man yeah nah I'm not going on like that I've expected though hey much love appreciate you there we go strong grip maybe a little too strong it's too strong wow fool that [ __ ] wow wow yeah you guys have a fresh pass during our time at anthrocon we encountered an issue with the filming process as the anthrocon staff informed us that we needed to press pass to film the episode as planned well they just didn't have a press pass despite this setback we were permitted to engage in conversations with our fellow attendees and friends as long as we didn't conduct interviews following a lecture from a certain very kind lady I'm going to assume you guys have the very best intentions you're allowed to talk to your friends okay cool you're not allowed to conduct interviews and ask questions but you were allowed to talk to your friends okay yeah talk to people because we do have you know the freedom of expressions in this country and you are in it so we've been here for like 20 seconds and they immediately try to kick us out say we can't be filming we can't have our mics we had to switch up to the lapel situation and they were tripping on us I think it's because they're trying to be yeah they're being mean to 50 man because he's black yeah they're not gangster friendly in here I guess not yeah we stuck out like a soda yeah they were deep on us yeah they weren't trying to see none of that they just pressed up we just got pressed out by furries oh I love that hammer yeah can you can you give me with that okay and a swing yeah do it oh yeah 50 get that get a hit of that yeah 50 wants that hit it do it to him do you have a battle call or anything uh mine's like oh 50's Battle Cry is yo that's racist yeah that's racist or is it dude definitely is it maybe oh [ __ ] no I might need to get some liquor bro after asking a security guard some questions we were accosted by a staff member to once again stop filming even though we had already been granted permission to do so I can't have you guys falling on the horizon they are immediately trying to kick us out I'm not going to say that furry conventions are racist but they're trying to specifically they're specifically trying to kick baby 50 out they said hey that black guy's gotta go so we're not we're about to go get some liquor they're not gonna stop us see sometimes when you film videos you run into hurdles people try to shut you down you got to keep going you can't give up if a problem has a solution it's not a problem tell them Brandon I'm starting to get irritated wow because I'm hungry and they're shutting me down we came to the right spot right now but you want to grab I'm gonna get that hand uh I'm gonna get that handy I'm drinking that dog with that dog on me dog no for real I'm gonna be I'ma feel comfortable if you with me bro for sure you know black [ __ ] got that bomb until he finds out your real name is salamander come on now you're giving me the baby Court I want the baby 50 now come on why y'all keep making that voice though tell us about Brody what you think about Brody right here we're saying you said it's not pride month for a reason and you said get out of the store oh wait the Jimmy John's they got me with them Meats look at that that's crazy that [ __ ] stink that smells like [ __ ] bro that smells like old meat they just gave us such a hard time in there we gotta leave eat Riku drink and then approach again all right we're just here chilling eating our Jimmy John's the Furry Convention is trying to kick us out we got a viewer right here yo yo yo why are they doing us bad I don't know you don't deserve it man they're haters you think we're on some mean-spirited stuff I know this is discriminatory tell us about your persona um this is clover she's a dog how is it being a furry and having a persona it's just like a great experience all the people are so nice apparently not to you which kind of sucks but I don't know it's just like a place where everybody can feel at home for being weird like a solid community and they're borrowing me from it it's crazy yeah they're borrowing 50 from it and it's my first time coming they not even letting me experience if you had to get 50 a Persona can you make up a persona for 50 right now I would say it's an owl you're looking like an owl what's my name soaring [Music] yeah enjoy y'all as furries at least all my fans are straight all right check it out you return with some some drawings Scream the skunk apparently this is my first song I'm a skunk because you're smelly as hell soaring the owl that's me yeah yeah I like it though thank you we appreciate you drawing that I mean I mean kind of you made him an intelligent owl named storm you made me a stinky ass skunk that was perfect I'll be smelling like [ __ ] every day so the person that Drew this is name Clover's Moving Castle on Tick Tock and Instagram she says I smell like [ __ ] check them out yeah after getting some food and talking with a furry fan of the show we decided to sit on what we had dubbed furry block and crack open the old honey bottle they got the Hennessy what the [ __ ] me and Brody about to get seriously involved with this hand dog let's get [ __ ] crooked [ __ ] on my [ __ ] gonna be thinking [ __ ] while [ __ ] with Brody I thought he was looking funny he was lacking you on the defense it ain't second you can't walk in my hood furry block yeah everybody go in a few people in there with my because I brought him bro he says the craziest [ __ ] [ __ ] everybody knows Brandon hey Brody we're supposed to be in the convention but they already kicked us out but we're going to re-enter when I get up off this you know what I'm saying yeah my mom left when I was a young kid come get you some we're on a furry block you won't last out here yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we on furry block no come right here [ __ ] ass [ __ ] hey next time you say something about freaks people being freaks imma block you ain't no freaks out here what we got yeah the furry come we got Don Julio got the hen dog out here a little bit more [Music] my mom left when I was a young kid come get you some hey you're cold ass riding Brethren you got the blunt this mouse and everything hey it's furry time it's furry Time come on hey don't run you scared I'm gonna cheat off get them you want some you guys act like I have a disease hey you want some of this it's Friday night I'll do one for you how about that you got it I'm a skunk come on you want something that's that drink I've had enough already thank you ladies we're at the free convention we're on furry block surely to God you want some Hennessy I'm good thank you though we are fine yeah yeah they spitting at me they don't like me they're spitting at me you want to hit this look at your tongue sir oh [ __ ] oh my God holy [ __ ] you're scary as hell dude you're a mean furry you better sneak me what the hell he's not gonna like when I defend myself I'm gonna up it all right we're gonna go back into the convention all right enough of the gay jokes Brandon okay let's go inside Stir It Up For It Up here he is he's trying to be casual he's lurking though he's lurking on us he's taking photos of us yeah yeah I just don't want this phone out taking photos hey man why are you not why are you nonchalantly just following us and staring at us and [ __ ] man yeah why we're trying to have a good time you're trying to like spoil our time look at his shitty little tattletail Hall Monitor face bro weenie hot General uh plane tickets to be here and we're talking to our friends and you're over here trying to be a party pooper for no reason you're lurking green go ask 20 people if we're having a good time or if we're nice hey done following no he's gonna go get somebody and they're gonna they're gonna come back and try to kick us out come on we're having fun I love furries I'm a part of the furry community we love furries invention furry block furry blood yeah what's your least favorite animal what's my least favorite yeah least favorite animal [Music] least favorite I mean skunks God damn I'm a skunk yeah I'm a skunk yeah I'm screaming to the skunk I didn't even choose it they gave it to me everywhere we go people with these yellow things come and try to kick us out so we're trying to evade them dip and Dodge have a good time where we can have a good time but it's funny because we've had like five or six viewers on my channel come up and be like oh they're furries they're like oh Brandon I love what you do oh you're so cool nice to meet you and I'm like yeah feelings Mutual I appreciate you but the people in charge are like they're attacking me for no reason I haven't done anything rude I'm not being mean to anybody we're having a good time after we decided to re-enter the convention under the assumption that we could record ourselves and engage in friendly activities with the attendees we were suddenly stopped by a high-ranking furry staff member with their security guard team damn blue costume bro he's big you could dunk a basketball too you're taking that off you've been removed what this chubby oaf really just grabbed my lanyard and ripped it off my chest you're taking that off [ __ ] you've already been amazing recording here you guys said if I talk to my friends then I was fine I just don't get like I'm not a rude harassing type guy all right we'll go I'm not sure what I had done but at this point they had already called the Sheriff's Office and proceeded to chase me out of the building in an attempt to arrest you the thing about it is you guys are acting like I'm mean-spirited or something can you tell me what I did complaints about me Sheriff so we gotta go all right I'm out of debt at this point I run off to avoid being detained by the sheriff last warning why give the share for me Jesus Christ been inside for like [ __ ] three minutes and they're picking us out hey where I am doing that he ran I found myself hiding behind a dumpster as the furry police were on a Manhunt to put me behind bars damn neighbor hey they was on Buckingham they knew who he was where you at why you hiding in the dumpster bro what are they trying to rush you at what they where they at that [ __ ] in a blue man standing at us since we was on the street this guy right here by the way he's trying to act casual he following you yeah he's calling her I'm furry Public Enemy Number One apparently it's news to me I certainly don't know why I would be but they have some Vendetta against me bruh what the [ __ ] why do they do that what did I do to deserve that look at my head I'm [ __ ] bleeding I rolled my ankle it looks cute as [ __ ] they had me hiding in the dumpsters why did they do that to me they just chased me out the place talking about arresting me and I'm out on bond trying to put me in like back in jail I just got out of jail like two months ago you look scary as [ __ ] what's up I'm not trying to talk to any more furries I don't want to talk anymore you guys trying to arrest me and put me in jail appreciate you I don't I do not appreciate you man I was Pro furry you guys are trying to [ __ ] with me what was that about though the crafts fantasy what was that about you would be honest what was that about uh what did I do they grabbed my [ __ ] up off yeah that was [ __ ] they literally grabbed him I should have ripped it off me I'm not gonna like defend myself or do something crazy yeah that was nuts 50 didn't even post up and talk [ __ ] for me I got the [ __ ] I got open bottle of liquor in Pittsburgh boy I did not deserve that I was nice to all the furries right and now I feel like I don't [ __ ] with furries because that was ridiculous well they got me for 240 for the tickets you know I'm saying a thousand dollars for Airbnb thanks to the Airbnb by the way sexy and then they're doing me like that they know your name for what how do they know mine and what did I do I've always been nice to furries they messed Brody's whole video up too we went back in So Brody could get kicked out and they somehow they Sprint me out of the building yeah because you Brandon Buckingham dude what did I do to deserve that I wasn't and you could say like oh you edited the root stuff out I didn't edit any rude stuff out I didn't do anything rude no it wasn't bad at all you were [ __ ] just talking furries don't like me then [ __ ] furries I always thought I was just starting to have fun with my furry friends I know I'm thinking maybe I don't have any furry friends no you do you do you do three enemies maybe they don't like you do maybe every furry that was being my friend and zapping me up and be like oh I like you maybe they went and told on me right after there's that guy in the escalator that dude side on me acting like oh I'm just going upstairs I'm like you're looking at me weird and they wow this [ __ ] kicked my mind bug out chased them all around a [ __ ] perimeter for real hot Gates fruit was just cooling yeah drunk being nice being nice I was telling you like be nice to him be cool to him now it's [ __ ] a furry they can't come nowhere near me yeah I was trying this [ __ ] ass can't even come there wouldn't let me hear furry if you're a furry in the comments leave your furry story about what you would have done if you saw Brandon getting kicked out leave your furry story I want like paragraphs right I know AI don't use AI I want payrolls if any furries out there are watching this I want a real diagnosis of why you think I was kicked out of the event because I feel like it was completely unreasonable I spent several thousand dollars to get there with my team and we were kicked out pretty much immediately all right man I'm back outside the convention hours later they did me wrong they violated me I want you guys to light up the comments with how you really think about furries I was nice to him gave him a fair shake they chased me out maybe jump a fence sprayed my ankle cut my hand so I'm saying [ __ ] the furries [ __ ] anthrocon furries be talking [ __ ] they'd be playing out damn we're gonna do us you already know how we be playing now damn they're trying to say on the same route we'd be standing out huh anthrocon [ __ ] em if I see a furry if I see a furry I'm gonna run them down anthrocon there's some [ __ ] clowns as always the Extended Cut Is On patreon so if you guys want any more details or any raw Extended Cut you can check it out there I wasn't mean to anybody and they still treated me like that like a dog [ __ ] them I ain't [ __ ] with furries neither [ __ ] furry con anthrocon [ __ ] all the ant [ __ ] all the furries anyways that that goes without saying except for the ones that actually no [ __ ] them all yeah and if you guys want to check out Brody TV check out baby50 they're going to be plugged in description as always thank you guys for watching we appreciate y'all and we'll see you next time peace lay you down walk in this [ __ ] no grip no stick extended clips are not needed step it just my hands I don't need no weapon um had them shook like who's here they're 50 hooked in with the two two three who the [ __ ] is he
Channel: Brandon Buckingham
Views: 834,391
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brandon buckingham, brodietv, brodie tv, baby fifty, dmv, furries, furry interviews, gangster, furry meets gangster, anthropomorphic, the buckingham show, jidion, kanel joseph, lofe, tommy g, channel 5, AGNB, kicked out of furry convention, anthrocon, anthrocon 2023, midwest furfest, furry convention gone wrong, furry convention 2023, furry convention 2022, furry convention vlog, furry convention trolling, furry convention interviews, furry convention pittsburgh, what's a furry?
Id: AlDj50A1Xd4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 11sec (1271 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 15 2023
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