The WEIRDEST Festival You've NEVER Heard Of | Eeyore's Birthday Party

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I love you I love you [Music] did you know on the last Saturday of April deep inside Austin's peace Park exists one of the weirdest festivals in all of America dedicated to a depressed donkey well if you didn't let me give you a brief rundown it all started because of the sixth chapter of the 1924 book titled Winnie the Pooh inside the land of the 100 Acre Wood a typically sad donkey with more Melancholy than usual he had been thrown into a river by Tigger and after being pulled out he revealed it was his birthday to his dismay every one of his friends had forgotten all about it to make it up to eor piglet tried to give him a balloon but it popped and Pooh tried to give him honey but Pooh ate it all so in a miserable slump Eeyore mozied off into the woods but not long after that Pooh Piglet and the rest of the animals in the forest banded together to throw ior a surprise birthday party bringing a rare moment of Joy to the clinically depressed donkey Flash Forward 40 years to 1963 when two Austin Texas college students got together and began celebrating the tradition of Eeyore's Birthday partly to have an excuse to skip school and party but also to celebrate the spirit of Eeyore by bringing the community together to have a good time what started as a small gathering has now transformed into a festival attended by thousands of people who all come together for the same reason to celebrate a depressed donkey so today we venture to the 58th annual Eeyore's birthday party to talk about the event coping with depression and explore the weirdest Festival you've never heard of yeah let's hear it come on come on what is the meaning of yours birthday if there's a depressed person that's feeling really down bring them up and have an exciting fun day for a celebration of a depressed ass of which I know several this is a very happy place it's been fun a lot of half naked people I've been coming here for 27 years and it's just a celebration of [ __ ] everything weird and everyone odd I think most people here are on some kind of psychedelic substance oh absolutely we can't not be on drugs you know I'm on Molly it's the other side of Austin that used to be the main side of Austin the weird side the weird side yes I uh caught a group of international Bankers that uh torture little children and I sent a military team into a pedophile ring and we caught several dudes and now they're sitting in a military base and they only eat vitamins and they take IVs of water every day I go to the police station every morning I soon I will own the world I'm your next world leader I promise to do good things things if you want to be my wife I I think I already found her asked her on a date I'm pretty excited about it and all right that was bizarre I implore you there's a dude in a suit here like a full three-piece suit and he has an earpiece and he looks like he's in the Secret Service it's like a where's Waldo you have to find that guy we got him what's with the uh the suit well Eeyore's 30 years behind on his taxes I'm here to collect we're gonna take his tail we're gonna take his little stick Hut we're gonna take everything shout out the IRS remember guys pay the Poo tax pay to put tax or relapse on that dope dog that's what it is what we're stimulating down there so I like it here in the woods I always have it but I have an autistic fit with the drums exactly check this out you guys we found the one and only Eeyore it's this big day that donkey right there it's his birthday and there he is Live In the Flesh the donkey this Eeyore get as depressed as we all hear about well he didn't look too happy when people kept trying to come up and touch him and he would back up a couple steps and then on his own came out here and popped the hugest donkey boner you ever seen your no mate my Bowser aching everyone keeps taking the piss at me I was for a bottle of water earlier and some woman was just like in my face for about five minutes I'm sorry it's giving me the [ __ ] water I mean they threw this event to uh celebrate your's birthday he's a depressed donkey how do you deal with depression I don't I don't deal with it properly that's for sure that's a [ __ ] show um [ __ ] you that's a good answer I've been fortunate to have very adequate serotonin levels for me um whenever I'm feeling down I just try and meet with my friends do the things that relax me I've recently gotten into reading I meditate go towards a space of gratitude and find the things that I'm grateful for dress up in silly outfits and celebrate with my friends ah I mean a little bit of sunshine that'll go real far away you know I like to smoke pot basically and ignore it that's what I'm doing right now yeah escapism yeah it's basically a crutch yeah yeah it covers up the problem it doesn't get rid of it I hang out with my friends I try and surround myself with people that love and support me no way oh well he's gripping me no way what are some ways that you've coped with depression throughout your life uh uh meditation and prayer I don't know I don't think I've ever really been depressed I mean I go to church and stuff so like that gives me that meaning so that's spirituality and Faith helps you a lot yeah I'd say it's Faith it's the promise of something better I like to lift weights obviously so I just broke free of the biggest depression I've ever been in my life I've lost my mom three years ago and I was being strong for two years and then last year it just [ __ ] hit me and I slept it all away and so I would say that one thing that brought me out of depression is actually [ __ ] going through it and living it be [ __ ] sad be mad hold yourself accountable now I'm stronger than ever before sure I'm still probably a little sad sometimes but I ain't on depressing me street no more I refuse negativity feelings are just meant to be felt and it's like a digestion process it's like if otherwise you fill up fill it up and so you just gotta feel it and move it somehow whether through dancing or journaling or running or whatever you like to do you remember in the we're all on Earth man it's gonna be okay everything always works itself out everything works itself out just hang in there I'll just say hang in there and just probably tell someone talk about it what about yourself I deal with it by getting off social media not comparing myself to others because if like you know comparison to the enemy of Happiness being around my family people who really care about me being at peace with nature just being silent with my thoughts just being with God being with everything as old as I am there wasn't really a depression you shook it off or you walked it off or you didn't let it get to your Sticks and Stones that's how I got through everything just stuffing it down oh deep down inside uh we were taught not to ask for help we were not supposed to be weak and I bought into it and uh it's uh taken me some time to let go so I'm here with Jake McCollum what are some ways that you cope with depression I would say first and foremost therapy that'd have to be a counselor it can be a friend it can be family just making sure that you're being audible about what you're going through with someone I feel like that's super important another thing is uh exercise whether it's lifting yoga running that is huge when you're a guy who's overcome a lot for those that don't know you've been living out of your car for how long four years and you had previously battled addiction issues right yes I was a crystal meth addict for eight years and I've got over four years clean from that now so I I'd be lying if I said I didn't still have my bad days but you know every day is a gift and so you just gotta take it one day at a time and do what you can to follow whatever necessary steps you can to better yourself you know well it's [ __ ] awesome to meet you man I think you're a huge inspiration and uh I would like my viewers to go watch your channel And subscribe man thank you after talking to Jake for about 20 minutes off camera a security guard approached me and asked if I was threatening someone with a knife what were you asking I was asking are you the one who was provoking a fight no they said some crazy thing like oh yeah he's flipping a knife I don't know he's a knife yeah I don't know what it was I have a bottle of mayonnaise what's up [ __ ] that's for the Ops that's real nice yeah no fights I promise if there's someone at home right now that's like really down and really depressed like what would you tell them this feeling isn't forever it feels like it's gonna be it feels like it's forever but it's not like there are a lot more people that care about you than you think forgive yourself forgive those things that are bothering you magic mushrooms help go to the gym it's probably the best advice I can give love yourself honestly to probably try Ayahuasca I don't think we're alone and I think we our father in Heaven is looking down on us I think he's proud of us so and this is hard everyone has a hard life here I really do believe that so we just talked to the happiest guy on Earth and then conveniently enough a bird has pooped on my shoulder but I'm taking stride guys get a good shot of that bird poke sometimes bad things in life happen you just got to keep on keeping on staying positive and look a furry do you guys want to do an interview look if you ain't evolving you dissolving okay you gotta have patience like a tree bars get up out of bed brush your goddamn teeth look yourself in the eyes look at it deeper and say I love you I love you look I love you every [ __ ] morning and you're not gonna be sad in like a week or two bro you're gonna be honest you're gonna be Wicked are you gonna be licking it and you're gonna be sticking it yeah you don't have to have money to get help I'm really never depressed but if I was depressed I would like to suckle a large nipple there you go in life like Eeyore everyone gets down luckily there's plenty of resources for your mental health so what do you do when your little pecker is feeling down will you be subjected to an eternity of flaccid days and impotent nights eternally unable to please your partner or even yourself well before you get your Johnson in a knot understand There's Hope out there for all of us because this video is sponsored by bluetooth when you're in need of that extra boost of confidence in the bedroom this tiny blue tablet is only one click away blue chew is an online service that gives men access to a chewable tablet for longer lasting and stronger directions this stuff can get your bird pumping for hours they taste great and Bluetooth is offering your first month for free so you can try it right now click the link in the description below and upgrade your sex life today they'll deliver it right to your doorstep and you'll be delivering it to whomever all night long take it from me because I'm not always as hard as I look thank you Bluetooth for sponsoring this episode mmm it sure is good Eternal one I am I hereby banish any unclean spirits by God you have been blessed that felt good dude thank you oh yeah one Winnie the Pooh character do you most identify with Christopher Robin because I have a bunch of imaginary friends that tell me to do horrible things sometimes dear ticker probably piglet he seems like he's always down to party Tigger piglet probably yeah definitely Winnie the Pooh Tigger all the way because iorb is bearing the suffering of the world piglet up piglet kind of I kind of slap piglet in the butt a little bit it's it's platonic it's copacetic why are you Winnie the Pooh cause I eat so much and I want to say major shout out for wearing the merch bro thank you so much for buying it I really appreciate that [ __ ] bro got a big Eeyore to my left here happy birthday brother is there anything else you want to say to the people cold ass Riders keep it real like And subscribe have fun and Keep Austin Weird love you guys peace happy birthday Eeyore I want to shout out my sister Shelby for taking me here and my roommate just seeing because they're awesome and I love my mom and dad and everybody in my family and my friends thank you goodbye call your mother if you love her call your mother call your mom so we heard you guys uh who didn't hollering about something you were passionate about what was that free titties you know a lot smaller areolas than I was expecting yeah I was expecting you know good thumb size no nipples I didn't see any of that I'm very disappointed let me break it down my sister-in-law had these areolas like this what do we what are we talking about she had these areolas like this she's breastfeeding her kid right I'll look over there and I'm looking past my wife and I see these areolas and I can't keep my eyes off of them and I look at my wife she looks at me and then she looks at the areolas it's like a freak Show you can't stop looking I didn't see any of that and I'm very disappointed all right you guys yours birthday is wrapping up the sun has set as you can see the event attendees are clearing out and as always the Extended Cut Is On patreon so if you guys want to see uncut interviews you can find them there thank you so much for watching and we'll see you next time then out of the darkness emerged an evil woman to harass me and tell me how much of a piece of [ __ ] she thought I was for being a YouTuber oh yeah this woman was just like berating me off camera and like crapping on me for being a YouTuber yeah let's hear it come on I hear it and say it to the people the people whoa whoa whoa whoa [Music] love static [Music] cool it doesn't really matter what I do cause I'll always stay stuck as a fool I'll never be cool don't get what I want I'm a noodle I'm way Lamer than you I'll never be cool all the cool kids got their backpacks Beyond made fun of and laughed that I want to get past that but I'm whacking I rap battles always last what an ass hat and that's just business as usual No New Friends only more new funerals you're on another level bro [ __ ] man that's not even the half of it
Channel: Brandon Buckingham
Views: 571,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eeyores birthday documentary, eeyore bday, winnie the pooh, brandon buckingham, glink, all gas no brakes, the buckingham show, channel 5, eeyore's birthday party, austin texas, eeyore bday austin, 58th eeyores, tommy g, joe goes, tom green, 100 acre wood, buckingham, austin interviews, festival interviews, weird festival, AA Milne, jake mccollum, tyler oliveira
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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