10 Things We Were NOT Supposed To Film | Johnny Knoxville & Steve-O

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I was absolutely Furious when the show came out and none of that made the cut so sorry yeah dude believe it or not over the years there have been certain things that we weren't actually supposed to film some of them we couldn't even show like some of your quick times yeah yeah let's start off with the hardware store bit it was for the jackass TV pilot episode and I was going to dress up like a prisoner in a prison orange jumpsuit and go into a hardware store and see if they'll lend me a hacksaw ow I went and was all dirty trying to get people to help me saw the handcuffs off I need saw hacksaw need a hex up and at one point I realized that everyone had been evacuated out of the store we're kind of closed right now not letting anybody in so I was pranking no one and so I go out into the street to like try to interact with someone but as I walk out the front door I hear the cops they get out of the car without the car in park so the car goes into a telephone pole holy MTV got in a lot of trouble they couldn't film in West Hollywood for 10 years because of that stunt we didn't ruin it just for ourselves we ruined it for everybody and uh the cop did say if you'd have moved while you're were on the ground you were going to put a bullet in your head so I'm glad didn't move what is this in the about that's a microphone from what because we're of filming I I'm telling you the truth we had to talk to the cops afterwards and they were pissed and ended up arresting one of our associate producers Spike was filming in a car and he's like keep going he got the hell out of there there were always a bunch of things that just popped up in the moment like or out which brings us to the double back I'm steo and this is the double back I know that we were definitely not planning on filming it I just thought of it and uh it made it on the TV I was pretty happy about that well you have huge balls like you have a decent [ __ ] uh nothing to sneeze at but you have huge balls and you really pack the cheat well kick yourself in the head wean I remember when wean kicked himself in the head that that was just super spontaneous well we had been in a bar the night before and uh a little person came up to me and goes hey watch this and he he kicked himself in the head and I was like good but if you want to really do something great go piss on that guy over there and so I had him pee all over Jeff and Jeff just took his whole beer and threw it in his face nice and then wean took his idea the next day tell better there was never a plan for you to be just running into street signs right no that was Jackass 2 and I had become so obsessed with filming that I couldn't stop even on the weekends they told me we have to quit filming please quit filming I and I got emot luckily couple of the camera guys Demetri and someone would go out with me and I would just try to jump over parking meters to flip and land on my head or run into street signs at top speed I look so manic running into the street signs did it look funny cuz we can try it [Music] again this was a pretty innocent one um when Brock Lesnar threw weeman through the table [Applause] we' walked in the restaurant and Brock had walked over to our table and said hey how's it going he's very nice and wean had a little bit of that loudmouth soup in him so he starts you know giving some [ __ ] to to Brock Brock just Scoops him up goes we you're going right there women's like no no and just Brock explodes the table with [Applause] wean oh my [ __ ] god and I just was so [Music] happy that stuff was performed under the supervision of a [Laughter] professional here's one we weren't supposed to film you've got this tattoo there and I've got a matching one oh yes this is the logo on a can of video head cleaner that Knoxville and I were treating ourselves to yes we get a tattoo I and then we just went through this little phase during jackass number two number two yeah yeah Jeff got really upset over that little face I know that Jeff Chaine has no interest in in what we're doing right now some fun wow Big Time movie stars oh yeah our our list is heating up now the old van on the way to the this one's embarrassing and I'm like ashamed of I don't think any footage remains of you in the van you're like trying to take some armrest off or something but then you like see the camera you just kind of like sit down I was the one who let it go down I could have said stop and stopped it but I just sat back and just watched and we peed all over everything tore the roof down ripped all the seats apart we kicked out the windows and this is wild driving down there and then we get to the hotel and that's when you really got hot I thought it was a rental van but unfortunately it was it belongs to a Teamster and we didn't know that yeah the teamster got a brand new van by the way so why we filming jackass forever noxel gets shot out of a cannon wearing wings and tries to fly like it's the whole movie poster but while we were there we wanted to shoot some other things and you had this idea to fill condoms with P from my RV steo condoms yeah I never got around to selling steo condoms and and uh that's thanks to that bit but the problem was that gallons and gallons of this rotten urine are being dumped into the grass at this park and the park ranger gets wise to it and he comes running over and he's like if you don't stop I'm going to pull your permit and if that would have happened we would not have had the footage of noxa being shot out of the cannon just about everything that we did on the Gumball Rally wasn't supposed to be filmed oh [ __ ] but there was one particular contest that pones and I had to see who could relieve themselves completely the most times and a car full of dudes yeah we were going from London to Russia and back and we had two cars we had a a beater jaguar and a minivan I started out in the back of the Jaguar with ponus and steo but I don't think I even lasted till France because you guys started uh pulling the Taffy all over the windows the back the windows looked like they' taken a Crispy Cream donut and rubbed all over it it was just the worst first I was absolutely Furious when the show came out and none of that made the cut so sorry we saved our two best things for last and they both happened in Argentina one noxel and I were wearing this llama costume and we had always wanted to be wearing a Twan animal suit and get humped by an animal and God Smiled On Us in Argentina this elk just started going after me yeah he was the back end I was the front it was the greatest thing that's ever been on MTV and also in animal suits me and Knoxville on this killer new skateboard which we've both signed and is available at sto.com so the final one which was very controversial we were in Argentina and Knoxville was quite tired yeah I was I was tired look at Knoxville he's sleep in the hallway I didn't see it until the next day and no I was like I don't want that out there because like I'm so tired in the video that I don't want my mom seeing I was that tired that I passed out in the hallway which I thought was my room shut the [ __ ] up get the [ __ ] out of my it is so funny when you get up like a gorilla watching the video I was very angry at you for like invading my space get out of my room and stay out yeah and there it is ladies and gentlemen 10 things that we were not supposed to film I think we got 10 right n or 10 yeah dude I love way to go Steve yeah man don't forget about that skateboard yeah
Channel: steveo
Views: 2,069,917
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Id: H1wfQEBz3EY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 29 2024
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