San Francisco Streets

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yeah my name is um Dennis I've been doing fitn for some years now for about three four years five years here in San Francisco it's an unseen thing like unseen Force that's taking over Frisco I think everybody on hype on fetty you know what I'm saying everybody's doing fetty it's The Fad now do you use any of the harm reduction Services they offer out here yeah I use them I use them to get what I get what I need get my foil get my tutors get my get my [ __ ] you know what I'm saying have you uh tried to get clean before N I haven't I haven't tried to get Clan do you want to yeah [Music] yeah what the [ __ ] hey hey hey hey what happened what happened what happened what happened what happened got on camera a carjacking in San Francisco in broad daylight why is that Prius speeding away backwards a group doing interviews for a web show saw a food delivery driver pull up to a restaurant to pick up a pizza the driver left his car running someone hopped in and sped off backwards sir and just like that within 90 seconds of being in San Francisco I witnessed open air fentol use a carjacking and ended up on the Nightly News hello my name is Andrew cah and you're about to watch our documentary San Francisco streets our most indepth project yet which explores a variety of issues such as homelessness shoplifting gentrification har reduction City history zoning laws fol and so forth we're going to be talking to Cops drug dealers local Vigilantes professional shoplifters har reduction workers pimps and Beyond some of the footage ahead may be disturbing to some viewers viewer discretion is advised okay back to the streets the victim yelling for help as a YouTuber tries to interview him oh that guy just went in and grabb a door Dash order and then he ran out when he saw his car get Jack it happens that fast thankfully the delivery driver's Prius was found a few blocks away 30 minutes later minutes later officers arrested 52-year-old Cara Hulk but by then cell phone footage of the incident had gone viral racking up millions of views and tens of thousands of comments it would be a Prius San Francisco is gayer than [ __ ] if a nuke dropped on California I would actually be happy you get what you vote for thanks Biden thank God I live in Florida why is that Jew all gas no breaks with fam you're cheesing me is this [ __ ] staged I was amused but also puzzled I mean how did that video go viral so fast fast and who recorded it the man who posted this video Richie WN is a San Francisco native I'm telling you it's always wild down here raw the crime is gotten out of control felt like had the man who recorded the video was named Richie win a former cocaine dealer who got caught with a couple eight balls during covid and came out of jail sober nowadays he works at a nightclub and films something called The sarak Challenge hey and sometimes just sometimes goes on Fox News so Richie used to deal drugs what's your solution to all this not to discuss bottle service but rather to discuss his other videos which basically consist of him confronting homeless people on the sidewalk what you smoking man what are you guys doing out here you shooting up right in here bro is that some crack mama you want to do that in front of the kids man clean that [ __ ] up bro that shit's ugly bro my name's Richie wi uh basically I'm kind of like a Video Vigilante if you will I'm kind of taking into my own hands to film some of the things that I feel like are play in the city um mainly the drug use hey bro you know people got kids and stuff like that you out here drawling up heroin or fentanyl you can't be doing that right here have a little [ __ ] respect man for people that pay rent I don't think the children should have to see it because it's grotesque a lot of it is uh you know it's it's harsh to see it is very gruesome some of these individuals are suffering from also mental illness and picking away at themselves they are shooting drugs in their neck they are screaming of obscenities that can be triggering to somebody that is is frail and and is still developing I got to stop smoking that [ __ ] in front of the kids man you got the kids right here man what the [ __ ] you say man arrest these individuals take them into custody this bus stop right here is it's the 14 Mission uh last year I shot a viral video a group of school children were getting off of uh that bus right there bye kids y'all get home safe okay and they had to Wade their way through this kind of mess that you're seeing right here which is like an open air drug Market you know people using people selling countless people have seen it uh numerous news outlets have used it for Richie filming San Francisco's Decay is a steady side hustle last year Fox News spent $1.6 billion on licensing fees essentially that means acquiring the rights to content usually scary juicy content engineered to generate maximum outrage and piss off their core demographic to bring more eyes to cable TV which is a dying platform y we get active Democrats approve of racial violence and in just this year alone Fox News has licensed over a dozen of Richie's Clips it's not clear how much they pay Richie per video but his work has been featured in multiple prime time segments here's a couple examples when I was a kid my biggest worry in school was forgetting my locker combo now these kids in San Francisco have this homeless drug addicts after getting off the school bus who the heck thought this was a good idea in San Francisco junkies have more rights than you do because liberalism spreads worse than a virus from a Chinese lab and for the politicians that argue the fact that they think San Francisco is safe right now go down to Civic Center and pull out your camera phone and I guarantee you will be met with some type of violence or some type of disgruntled individual you don't need to be smoking drugs there's children that live in this building right here [ __ ] up [ __ ] it's a free country you [ __ ] so maybe you should take it somewhere else fent please me come on bro leave her alone BR take me bro who the [ __ ] you think you talking to punk it's a ecosystem that has thrived off of the illegal drug trade the lack laws for stealing and um uh reselling uh uh stolen goods oh yeah the shop lifting is is wild recent high-profile cases of organized retail theft have cast an ugly PA on cities like San Francisco you know I've seen the people come in take whatever off the shelves and just walk right out of it more than a dozen Walgreens stores have shuttered target has limited its hours it was happening so much here at this whole Foods that's in my building that they had to shut down the employees didn't feel safe the place was only open for a year it was only open for a year and this was their flagship store it was gorgeous store London Bree suck she on the street every day and walk through [ __ ] people not over dying that's some suck [ __ ] yeah what's up what's up dog how you doing how you doing out here bro I'm living the best I can unfortunately I'm living these Mean Streets yeah still alive you been doing drugs and [ __ ] absolutely it's the life we live what's your drug of choice crack cocaine no getting fet now how long have you been doing that for about a year what do you think like made you want to first get into it I'm opiate dependent I've been dependent on opiate since I was 16 broke my leg broke my ankle I've been doing Percocets oxycotton big pharmer you it's the biggest reason why a lot of people are addicted to these opiates you know the Sackler family is one of the richest families in America the source of that wealth was for many years oxycoton The Addictive pain killer considered one of the initial Sparks for the nation's opioid crisis a crisis that has already left more than 450,000 Americans dead and continues today I'm dependent on it you know without it I I don't function as well you know how'd you break your leg fighting actually I was in a fight yeah 16 17 High School freshman year second sophomore year my sister was um making out with some [ __ ] roid rager so I swung on him and uh my buddy grabbed me I don't know what happened to my ankle end up getting snapped on this the stair have you tried to like quit before yeah I did about uh two two and a half years this last run had my life together and I end up uh hurting my back on the job working in construction over in Livermore relapsed and uh got evicted lived in my van became real once I lost my van it's it's a trip so my goal is to try to stay alive and stay you know I don't want to die before my mom my mom you know what I mean that's that's my biggest goal is she shouldn't she shouldn't have to bury her son where's your mom at now North Carolina when's the last time you talked to her 7 years 5 seven years it's been a while I'm 30 I turned 38 does she know you're out here no no didn't know it does hi Dad hi Mom if you see me I'm still alive I know I look like [ __ ] lost on my teeth but that was in you know I got done a fight I got jumped so honestly bro you don't look that bad thank you yeah how do you get money the Boost in life as you can see oh [ __ ] fresh licks said fresh licks you said we got stuff to get by stay warm got some shirts got my Ben and Jerry's you know what I mean how do you typically resell the [ __ ] that you boost it sells itself everyone needs everyone loves a good deal I know it's not a good thing to do but it is what it is is our life we could be doing worse things a lot of these big companies are all [ __ ] right offs anyways stream how much for the ice cream I want the ice cream for that one what flavor is it what flavor is it yo I haven't tried that one send it send it I got three right now I'm going to need right [ __ ] now once I give him the cigarettes it is what it is it's either that or I stared and I it's it's all around shitty it's not fun you know what I mean I wouldn't I I'd rather work this shit's hard Harder Than You Think You Know ice cream's more addicting than fentanyl I'm not going to lie if I was if fentanyl didn't make me dope sick I would be more addicted to ice cream I think once I'm done and sober from fentanyl I'm still going to be addicted to ice cream CU San Francisco is locking up their ice cream yeah so what happened to the ice cream bro we had to lock the [ __ ] up cuz they came in here they started stealing all kind of [ __ ] they came with trash bags and that's like every night too so I say this not only to the Dem Democrats that we have to fix this problem but I'll say it to the Republicans as well we're we're handling [ __ ] we're handling hey bad [ __ ] alert y' what's Happ what's happening my birth certificate say female and it do say San Francisco but I'm homeless oh can we talk to yeah yeah hell yeah what up how you doing Andrew good to meet you nice to meet you too okay so my name is Miss J ver William the last corporate job I had was Ted Baker as a senior manager in 2022 I'm making 2700 every 2 weeks and that's still not being enough to number one solidify safe housing and to live off of how much do you think you need a month to survive well in San Francisco $5,000 but I'm a person that would categorize under high priority consider I have HIV and I live at a SRO so it's basically like temporary housing until they find new housing due to having HIV Miss J Williams qualifies for San Francisco's single room occupancy or SRO program which provides atrisk unhoused people with access to lowcost housing usually in 8X 10t rooms and one of the many dilapidated residential hotels in the tenderloin neighborhood for up to 30 days the city calls single room occupancy buildings are s the last housing option before homelessness currently 15,000 people live in sro's in s Francisco and their average monthly rent is $895 I just moved there but I was twice physically assaulted four times due to being trans what do you want to room at the Four Seasons I don't want to room at the Four Seasons I just want a room that's safe I got bit by a pit bu last week I just got the hospital from literally somebody saying in the Latino dialect get that F and their pit boy biting me on my ankle well that's just that's that's just because you know San Francisco's just gotten out of hand where are you from I'm from here you're from San Francisco yeah my father's I'm from Filmore Hazen Central I pay cash money for these titties hell yeah how much $3,043 I Ty of vs something like that like this this like real deal Holyfield and it's a crack of [ __ ] you cannot open a door to Nowhere you can't open no door like I could have bought a house I could be opening a door I couldn't be on these streets right now you can buy these titties when you buy your house and you fin your education as a message to the kids wait to buy titties after getting the Master's Degree please all that boto and Ro tox and Kim Kardashian please wait uh education spirituality and really doing the work every day go fund me y'all Miss J Williams San Francisco California Frisco some people say the Paris of the West a gold rush Boom Town that began in the late 1800s after the discovery of the Comm stock load sent millions of Americans headed west an explosion of migration from the ends of the Earth for a while [ __ ] was going pretty good that until 1906 when a horrific earthquake came and destroyed 80% of the city taking 7,000 lives San Francisco is gone a lot of people thought Frisco was done for good but they were totally wrong San Francisco was rebuilt by the mid-century it became the epicenter of counterculture first the beat Nicks then the beat poets then the hippie movement kicked off which brought over 100,000 self-described flower children to the hate Act hasberry AKA hashbury neighborhood to do acid and hang out a bright idea Macintosh the foundational tech company that led to the boom of Silicon Valley which brought over a th000 tech companies to the Bay Area in just 5 years Bay Area Silicon Valley and Yahoo eBay Dell Dell built a desktop just for me Intel Microsoft I'm Bill Gates Facebook hey how's it going this is this is our first live video Twitter by 2019 San Francisco's GDP Rose to 53456 billion making it the eighth largest economy in the entire world good news not really everything that you think that it is is really not what it is 344 rent heke Neil has been paying $1800 a month rent but his land lady recently informed him she was raising the rent to $8,000 a month San Francisco is a [ __ ] up Place yeah it's [ __ ] up it's impossible to live here the rent is rising minimum wage is the same no parking if you get a parking ticket [ __ ] that's a that's a whole check right there rent is high food is high tickets is high minimum wage is the same you need to work three jobs just to live in a in a in a one bedroom in Zombie Land we can't afford to live here I'm born and raised here and I can't even afford to live here but I do hard work you know trapping welcome to San Francisco a little bit of bit in here and there oh sh and I make do I make do with what I do mhm so you could have a job in the city but you need other forms of income so you need to hustle up something you need to be doing three or four other things to survive in this city you cannot just have one job it's impossible unless you like a lawyer you work in Tech or you would trick mhm within just 10 years rent in San Francisco nearly tripled while the minimum wage remained the same leading to a mass Exodus of native San franciscans you got San franciscans moving to like Vegas Texas New York Atlanta and a mass influx of what are colloquially known as Tech Bros this created quite a few problems for one many of these Tech Bros had no cultural or family connection to the city plus they weren't really there to stay for example the average residency for a Twitter or Facebook employee in San Francisco is 9 to 12 months and many of them were bust in and out of the city by private charter buses Francisco not for sale these people angry at what what they see as growing income inequality in the city now before we continue I'd like to mention that San Francisco's gentrification was not explicitly a direct result of tech in an Ideal World big Tech actually could have been good for the city but the real culprit here is insane zoning regulations imposed by a group of lobbyists called the nimes Nim stands for not in my backyard nimes in cities like San Francisco are essentially importing Suburban expectations and land use controls into Central cities so geographically San Francisco is actually a pretty small area which is not that densely populated and many of the Old School Upper inome neighborhoods like Knob Hill and Pacific Heights which is home to the Pelosi family dropped the hammer are within a walking distance to the commercial heart of the downtown area so when big Tech began to arrive bringing in hundreds of thousands of new Young professionals residents of these neighborhoods became very concerned about the potential construction of high density apartment buildings particularly with how this would cause noise pollution with the sounds of jackhammers and forklifts and Beyond but also how the buildings might block their view of the city or the bay so neighbors of these wealthy areas would get together every time a high density development was proposed and say not in my backyard and they would Lobby to get their neighborhoods protected under historical preservation status marking a building Corridor or neighborhood as historic is one tool nimes can use to embalm a neighborhood while feeling good about themselves they're defending the cultural and historic character of the place while this did serve to preserve traditional San Francisco Aesthetics it also basically froze urban development during the city's largest economic boom in history causing home value to Skyrocket and rent to rise far beyond what the median monthly income was as a result San Francisco experienced the most intense gentrification in American history black population shrunk from 14.5% to 6% of the city and the poverty line Rose so high that households making under $17,000 per year are considered to be low income if you're a San Francisco city girl like me born and raised it's too crowded here now is too much very quickly the creative class was replaced by the professional class leaving vast subse of the city utterly swagless still California politicians didn't care they wanted exponential growth and for a while it was happening then in early 2020 a very hungry man allegedly ate a Pengalin at a wet Market in Wuhan China which ultimately prompted these tech companies to vacate all of their San Francisco offices in favor of a work from home model at some point these Mega corporations like Twitter and Facebook figured out you can make just as much money if not more money having employees work from home not to mention according to a recent study employee happiness has increased by over 20% since remote work began as the industry standard for Tech we're more productive at home we're happier at home we're doing what the company asks of us they were happier healthier and they realized something you know you could move anywhere and keep your Bay Area money you know you couldn't move anywhere and keep your Bay Area money now working from home hundreds of thousands of new San Francisco transplants had to make a choice should we stay in this extremely expensive unwelcoming City full of homeless people and locals who don't like us and see us as walking emblems of Oppression and displacement or keep the exact same job and move to somewhere like cordelan Idaho where you can afford a gorgeous Mountain Home for the same price as a studio apartment in the Castro District most Californians in this position picked option two and got the hell out of town so even after California reopened in early 2021 you want the economy to reopen permanently these Tech workers and the companies who employ them were like man [ __ ] that we're not going back to San Francisco and some of these companies realized that emerging AI technology would allow them to cut their Workforce in half 150,000 Tech workers have been laid off in 20202 alone we regret to inform you your position has been impacted I called my boss back and we just sobbed over the phone it's a Twitter blood bath nearly 4,000 fired in one Fell Swoop half the global Workforce course Twitter is not alone Mass layoffs are happening across the tech world I take full responsibility for this decision the economy of San Francisco was collapsing in real time not to mention homelessness nearly doubled during Co and uh politics aside crime was on the rise as the city of San Francisco deals with the shocking high-profile murder of tech executive Bob Lee a greater question emerges who wants to live here anymore yeah out of pocket I knock a [ __ ] out his socket I don't give a [ __ ] you get out of pocket I'm not the one to [ __ ] [ __ ] with I don't give a [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah pull up with this witch I'm on C block on the T [ __ ] what you mean for this combination of reasons over half of San Francisco's recently built luxury apartment buildings and giant Office Buildings are completely vacant right now they're actually for sale uh it is um becoming uh the next Detroit almost General Motors W and krysler it was a golden era of full employment for triumphant America as they grew and they became multinational companies Detroit lost 200,000 inhabitants between 1950 and [Music] 1960 um you know to where um these Tech Industries have pulled out just like the car Industries pulled out of there and we're starting to be left with like a shell of our great City and now is debilitated and shut down into something that is never going to be able to get rented out again all those tents out there they're able-bodied individuals they're being told that they shouldn't be working and they can collect general assistance and they can stay home and play on their phone it's ridiculous uh you know we need to start encouraging people to get back out to the workforce we need to start making uh you know that like a requirement and these individuals that are coming here from Salt Lake City uh uh boy Idaho all these other places that San Francisco are putting a strain on our services if they're going to come here to San Francisco you need to be working you can't just come here and just mooch off the taxpayers you know that is ridiculous so there's ads online for people to come from other parts of the country to come here and and get shelter where are you from Sir money I'm from Montana he's from Montana see yeah but but I didn't come here for that I live here and I work and I got a job and I got a girlfriend and we do drugs but we're not robbing cars or [ __ ] sucking off the city you know or [ __ ] on the sidewalk see so there you go there you have it Montana we're taking in your your drug addicts as well all this strain is getting put on my city and that's why I'm a San Francisco nationalist I don't I I I really want was good for San Francisco you know you have companies that are that used to have four buildings in San Francisco that now have one floor and so all the infrastructure that's been built for this highit is is now sort of collapsing M you know and then to say that the reason that San Francisco isn't doing well is because of poor people living on the street who use drugs it's not real it's a red herring you know we just did a street assessment here in the mission and 73% of the people that we spoke to were previously employed and housed okay where were they working they're working in janitorial jobs in those Office Buildings all of those businesses have changed their modality especially those you talk about downtown being closed well downtown us to employ hundreds thousands of people who are working in in low-level entry-level jobs you know as janitors as you know all the things that supported that that business well they're now that there's no one in those buildings much like the gold tycoons who pillaged the West for its resources centuries ago only to leave behind ghost towns that Mark the wild west big Tech has essentially used San Francisco as a playground for over two decades and now has left behind an over priced shell of a once- great American Metropolis anyways the story of corporate greed is typically left out of the San Francisco conversation all you seem to hear about on TV is that San Francisco is an apocalyptic third world Wasteland phasen crime taking a huge toll on America's Most Progressive City full of fentanyl petty crime graffiti and so forth people are being shot stabbed beaten brutalized and they fornicate and they deficate and they do everything is this true or is this cap let's go find out so my name is Trac m PR I'm currently the president of San Francisco Police Officers Association I've been a cop uh it's going to be almost 34 years it's crime On The Rise here certain types of crime are on the rise so robberies right they are up about 12 to 15% I mean don't walk around with your cell phone out cuz it's going to get snatched uh so Prop 47 lowered the threshold uh for certain crimes like petty theft right Prop 47 it reduces certain drug and theft crimes from Felony char chares to misdemeanor before if you stole anything over $400 that would be a felony charge with Prop 47 so now you could steal up to $949.99 and you just get a ticket if you're caught it's a citation so it's akin to you running a stop sign I pull you over and I give you a traffic citation and you're either one of two people you're like oh [ __ ] I got a ticket or you're like I don't give a [ __ ] back in November of what was that 2022 people just ransacked into the Louis Vuitton and and just made off that made national news stunning video this is going viral in San Francisco Brazen thieves emptied out the Louis Vuitton store in Union Square so not a good look for the city because we would love for people to come here and visit and spend their money because tourism has always been our bread and butter welcome to the most beautiful city in the world San Francisco I don't San Francisco here I but unfortunately this past week they hit berbery they hit findy they hit Gucci Lieutenant McCrae was making one thing clear there was a massive organized retail boosting Squad that was currently active in the immediate vicinity of Union Square so I walked around Union Square and tried to find someone who might know something within 15 minutes I identified the culprits the finessa mall gang a graffiti and shoplifting crew known for spray painting public buses and stealing [ __ ] from Union Square anybody could go to the store grab some [ __ ] and run out Co technique it's how you do it it's a lot going on though you got the you got the drug sales you got [ __ ] getting shot car burglaries you know you name it that's what's going on that's how we get it man all we know getting it out the mud getting out these dirty streets Telo but we all locked in over here man we got face car valid all through these trenches how'd that make you feel man I'm ready to do it again y could cover the face though on this one right yeah of course is that a good like adrenaline boost absolutely my heart hey look let's go over here with it got the cops right there you feel me hi Channel 5 hi Channel 5 how do how do you guys make your money and support yourself out here hey look before all these before all these [ __ ] was doing this run out the store [ __ ] we was walking out the store we was having them say y'all have a good day finessa all that's what it is man it's FBA [ __ ] man if you were to guess how much merchandise do you think you've been able to boost numerically in in the past couple years oh God everything bro probably like a a honey ball maybe maybe a little more than a honeyball you know what I'm saying a little more than a honey ball 100,000 yeah 100,000 hey look there's not a shop in Union Square that we haven't hit for at least 10 bands all them designer stores mon Clair Louis Gucci uh Sunglasses [Music] Hut we was smacking them bro I used I used to go to the Apple Store and take the [ __ ] display phones bro it's called gorilla booing bro go in there and come out bro baref faing everything no mask you feel me I'm in there I'm getting out bro you know what I'm saying hey honestly I Splash during the day time you feel me I ain't even going to cap I done splashed over there on Lumbard tourist over here talking about oh my God if y'all don't knock it off you know what I'm saying this is regular out here can you tell me a crazy boosting story crazy boost oh my god oh what's time bro what's time [ __ ] uh was going to Twin Peaks and uh there somebody parked up on the side trying to you know what I'm saying take some pictures and [ __ ] like that but we end up splashing that [ __ ] you got a gun stay in here get down get down call Ashley call Ashley stay down the next day [ __ ] on the news team of gunmen rob a film crew in front of terrified Witnesses and see one of the robbery suspects pistol whips one of the victims tripod legs are hanging outside of the rear passenger window and as they drive away you feel me but can't speak too much on that cuz you know what I'm saying tell them the Gucci story okay so one time we went to the Gucci store RP my [ __ ] Fury F Fury man search continues this morning for the gunman who robbed another high-end designer store in San Francisco's Union Square I stole two $2,000 purses he stole a tracksuit alarms and everything my [ __ ] Fury stole a couple things too and he got alarms all through the Gucci uh tracksuit walking in and we're just everywhere we walk bro IND the score beeping [ __ ] knew we was up to no good by the time they come up like sir you need any help nah I just need help to show me where the exit's at now I'm I'm about done here we walked out with like 10 $15,000 worth of [ __ ] bro are you guys worried about consequences like from the police out here what San Francisco doesn't believe in crime what are you talking about you know what I'm saying shout out to Deo oh shout out uh London breed too shout out London breed and once the arrests are made um we are hopeful that our da will prosecute I've did time in San Francisco but never like stayed more than like a couple like couple weeks you know what I'm saying we've been doing consequences since juvenile hall graduated to prison most definitely still out here same [ __ ] same environment I think they don't give a [ __ ] do you think that's changing the way that like businesses decide to move their [ __ ] here oh yeah for sure that's why they're all closing down on Market since the start of the year the city has seen the exit of more than a dozen National retailers from the downtown area yeah you guys feel bad about that or absolutely not welcome to the Bay straight up welcome to the Bay welcome to the city you and and and I hope when you Executives come over here to finalize the the the paperwork to sign to close the store your [ __ ] get splashed my [ __ ] welcome to the Bay Area bro it's just what we do we do it all Splash [ __ ] line them up St G we do all that bro trap everything bro out the [ __ ] you name it we doing it working with our Hondas you know this this baby Honduras right here man you feel me shocking Discovery in California's drug trade hundreds of San Francisco's dealers are coming to our state from just one place the small town of Syria Valley it's in the middle of Honduras you can see in these pictures that many homes in the Syria Valley are built with images of familiar Bay Area icons I work at Loos Cena up the street it's about 30 40 Hondos out in front that [ __ ] every day selling dope hey BR what the [ __ ] what you want bro don't be recording all of that up in my face bro get that [ __ ] up on him [ __ ] around like that BR the H are Hondurans and the they're posted on every blog police roll right past they don't get out they don't roll a window down they don't say [ __ ] they just look at it keep going what's going on with the Hun and gangs here uh as far as I know it you get a lot of like young people that are trying to cross into the country and so they get sponsored you get a lot of Mexican cartels that are offering basically protection to these young people and then once you're here you're working for them this is a very important part of the story I had a chance to speak with a couple Hondos but I did so off camera putting them on camera could put them and their families at serious risk here's how it works and here's why they're in San Francisco let's start with the history of fentanyl fentanyl is produced by China or in China depending on how you look at it they sell most of their product legally to American pharmaceutical companies like Johnson and Johnson who owns the patent to fentanyl patches fentol candy and Fentanyl liquid IV drip fentanyl is used in operating rooms and to control pain after surgery much like Nike apple and other American corporations looking to save money by Outsourcing production to countries with lax labor regulations American pharmaceutical companies literally procured trillion dooll contracts with Chinese medicine manufacturers to produce cheap generics of many of our favorite drugs today oxycon [Music] Xanax Chine and Codine AKA Dirty [Music] [Music] Sprite and last but not least the man of the hour fentol there's not really any music about fentanyl yet fentanyl is going to bind to your opioid receptors in your central nervous system well at some point these Chinese manufacturers realized there was more eager clients besides Johnson and Johnson and the coolest thing about these new clients they don't even need you to actually make the fentanyl all they need is the analog precursors sodium borohydrate and chloride they bake it down bag it up and smuggle it into the US these companies were the caloa cartel and the halisco new generation Cartel 2 billion Mexican drug Empires competing for control of smuggling routes into the United States and so began drug overdoses are killing more Americans now than at any time in history 100,000 people died at 22 years old Sawyer post made a mistake he tried Percocet a prescription painkiller the Percocet itself was laced with fento unfortunately um my son Chrissa says she believes this was Trinity's first time trying drugs 9-year-old died from a fentanyl overdose every day 200 Americans die from a fentanyl overdose since 2018 18 which is around when these American funded Chinese manufacturers began working with the cartels in Mexico that number is now over 260,000 people in San Francisco about two people die from an overdose every day here is some incredibly sad footage of a husband handing over his wife's body to the San Francisco medical [Music] examiners get [Music] out bye-bye bigy bye-bye bye-bye bigy byebye girl see it one byebye I love you Vicky I love you life I love you death byebye byebye byebye girl can I give you a hug oh here man thank you I can't take it anymore D you didn't even know Vicki did you no now what you have to understand is that from a distribution standpoint the current fentanyl crisis is much different than America's last significant drug crisis which was the crack cocaine epidemic in the 1980s back then cartels and possibly the CIA sold directly to American gangs to distribute in places like Los Angeles Miami and New York City however over time the cartels realized that it was much more profitable to import their own dealers into the United States from impoverished third world Nations this is what's going on with the Hance the cartel Scouts in the slums of Central America and finds working age males in poverty they promise them free safe passage up north into the United States now we at Channel 5 may or may not have recently gone to Latin America to follow in the footsteps of one of these Honduran migrants but I will tell you this shortly after being smuggled across the US border many of these Hondurans are driven straight to San Francisco given a package of fentol given a street corner and told they must sell it to pay pay off their coyotes anyways more from the FEA gang just catch a real quick tag right here you guys going to the dead show have fun I will as I stood on Market Street with FEA a group of middle schoolers from Oakland approached us with backpacks full of candy for sale take cash little [Music] brother hell some at first I wasn't sure what was going on but my new friend broke it down yeah so behind us right here man you know saying we got these kids I say about 12 to 15 16 you heard one of them he say from Oakland so they hop on bar come out here this is money Zone like I said I ain't from out here either everybody comes out here from other cities rarely will you find someone from the city that's actually out here hustling basically what they did you know what I'm saying I ain't going to speak too deep on it but come here with some backpacks go to a store fill it up with candy walk down market and the tourist nine times out of 10 they going to buy it they think you know what I'm saying like Okay look at these kids they're trying to they got the little hustle going on here we respect it they could be out here stripping [ __ ] this this and that we're going to support it you know what I'm saying little do they know but then you know you graduate now you figure out about bipping now you figure about house licks now you figure about playing with guns now now you start you know what I'm saying you expand your horizon you feel me bro it ends up how me and mon [ __ ] trees ended up bro you start going to junile Hall and then you go to county jail and then you go to [Music] prison he's supporting the young [ __ ] cuz we used to do some [ __ ] like that too the escalation of crime is pretty interesting oh is you know they start looking up to the wrong kind of things too like they look up to my [ __ ] right here you feel me Vape outfit you know off-white belts Jordans that's the ultimate goal is I want to be out here Saucy you know what I'm saying there's no talking to the Young Generation either they don't want to hear it cuz I didn't want to hear it is it possible to like stop people from going down this road not really cuz if you want it you're going to get it yeah I was the same way you know I was going to juvenile hall [ __ ] was trying to preach this and preach that and what you going to do when you're making no money and you dropping out of high school got a baby on the way with your lady she don't understand you a little crazy you can't even stop you're stealing from your parents and running from the cops yeah let me keep a real take a moment look back every kid's got a dream better it wasn't be a drug addict if you want to be high be a hope dealer I don't want to hear none of it you feel me I don't want to hear what you guys change your life and this and that and what it leads to like I ain't tripping bro what are your aspirations for your life be honest me [ __ ] I'm trying to get it together now man I've spent way too many years [ __ ] up you know what I'm saying I'm I'm getting I'm getting close to 30 now bro and it's just trying to get into a union or something like that that's the that's the plan right now bro you know what I'm saying and and and I'm in the process of that bro you know what I'm saying there's a lot of behind the scenes with with with with with this [ __ ] you feel me this is just damn you guys bought hella candy what the [ __ ] you see how much candy they got it's just it's not even about the candy man it's just support I don't even want the candy you know what I mean you got to support [ __ ] I'm about to head back to S but uh my [ __ ] going to be out here pleasure meeting you bro my new friends from FEA said they had to go back to but I wanted to keep checking out the streets of the tenderloin so they linked me up with their friend named Antoine who is a couple blocks away up hey what's up with my love one I'mma tell you like this man I just seen everything in San Francisco the only thing I ain't never seen a [ __ ] that I need and a turtle with speed [ __ ] on everything I love [ __ ] B [ __ ] is going bananas [ __ ] look when I say bananas bananas [ __ ] on everything [ __ ] I swear to God quit my we ain't going to get into all that but just know if your cousin show up into your house at 3: in the morning with a duffel bag and he happy he did his Thug Dizzle that evening you feel me and it's a little petty crying a little slap on the wrist you feel me what I'm talking about you go go sit up in County about 3 4 days depending on what kind of priz you got they going to let you ride up out that [ __ ] [ __ ] get right back up in that [ __ ] Petty crying sparkies on the leash top and pull that [ __ ] right back spark plugs and break a window quicker than a bip on my mama so can you tell us where we're at what's going on and we is on E in Market the notorious e in Market you can find everything down here on aan Market from uh hygiene bottles to fol to to bikes to wheelchairs if you want a wheelchair you come down here get a wheelchair so if you want some apple juice or canned goods you get it for the low you ain't got to go to Food call a Safeway come right here Jacob shashki who owns fermentation lab on Market Street says crime in the mid market area has worsen post pandemic I wish I wish there was more that could be done so it's cool with me cuz I've been in San Francisco all my life but for people that just moving out here it's starting to It's really hurting them because they're they're not used to this so it's like the people that's Ginger fying and coming into neighborhood and these new tech company buildings and stuff are the ones that's complaining if you don't like it go back home I'm okay with that that [ __ ] I'm tired of s frco be imp packed go ahead close this [ __ ] down let us get back to who we was before the people that's been here we okay with this this been going on before our time this been going on for years and decades it's just visible now because they don't have nowhere to put them if you look at documentaries from 1980s and San Francisco they've been doing this this been going on the rush is what got me no not I'm not going to say we cool with it but we understand it we we see how it goes we okay with that this guy's doing a nitrous balloon you think he's here for the Grateful Dead show or you think he's a homeless guy uh you here for the Grateful Dead show or you living on the streets all girl no break bre there you go I think at this point it's important to note that this entire documentary was pretty much filmed in a six block radius that composes one particular neighborhood in the city this neighborhood is called the tenderloin since the 1890s it's been nicknamed the tenderloin because it was suggested that police who patrolled the area receive additional Hazard pay bonuses also supplement their income with with bribes from local brothel gambling Halls speak Yeezys and so forth and ultimately receive such a good payout they could afford tenderloin staks for dinner every night the point I'm making is that for over a hundred years Cops in Frisco have turned a blind eye to crime in the Tinder line much like the downtown east side in Vancouver BC Canada or the Kensington area of North Philadelphia they consider to be a containment policy if they allow certain things like open air drug markets to occur in a specific contained Zone then crime is unlikely to occur in more affluent nearby neighborhoods the same is true in San Francisco just to Stones throw away from the tenderloin are very affluent neighborhoods like Knob Hill Pacific Heights and North Beach these neighborhoods have a high police presence and low crime rates anyways that's a story for another day I wanted to check out some of the open air drug markets that were allegedly in the tenderloin Antoine agreed to show me the biggest one but he was a bit nervous about filming so what is this block up here that we're about to walk to uh this the block this the block if you want you going to see but that's the block you feel me but it's just a popular block where things happen things happen for downtown you know like we we F to go check in with them you know I'm going to let them let y'all know what's going on I passed through but I don't know enough you know to be right here but I'mma let them go you feel me and do how they do when they do it so what's this block called again the woo block W block I'm not from here I don't hang out down here but I know about it because I'm a San Franciscan and just know this block get a little a little crazy at times depending on what's going on you feel me it's a go-to block onstop shop if you want to get something they going to have something everything that's why I said I'm going to let the H twins let you know what's going on y'all man y'all made it to the city man where it's pretty at us we on the wo block man we is trapping over here man selling weed slapping booties and making movies man switch I can never snitch I could never [ __ ] with [ __ ] acting like a [ __ ] I could never F could never be a ho I ain't never been a trick I forever get the door I can never switch I could never snitch I could never [ __ ] with [ __ ] acting like a [ __ ] I could never fall could never aever the I get a million deal I'm goinge on this how would you guys describe the current state of San Francisco I mean [ __ ] I mean it's a bunch of [ __ ] going on but this sh ain't nothing everything that's going on right now been going on it's just more so like they making it easier for [ __ ] you know they giving out needles they giving out [ __ ] you know like it's part of San Francisco's Public Health strategy called harm reduction taking steps to reduce the negative consequences of using drugs foil this is a lot of it what is it used for this is used so they can put their fitting all on here and then they burn it and they smoke it through a straw [ __ ] that is pass the law they don't take they don't take you to jail for stealing no more you get sided and released they D there making it easy you know what I mean like so that's why everyone off dope come to the city it's easy to be on dope the police don't give a [ __ ] cuz they ain't going to take no one no doine to jail cuz they ain't going to make no money off of it they about take me and Tyler to deal cuz they know we going to bail out they going to make some money off of [Music] us then they don't take crackheads to jail cuz it's no money in it they don't have no money not going to pay no fines my son go to school right here I take my son to school he and and he looking at the [ __ ] the dude smoking dope right here you know what I mean so if you live here it is kind of a problem cuz your kids are raised up watching people smoking dope on the side of the street and then that ain't cool it is not good you know so they I feel like they should they should give them a certain area where they can smoke dope at it's a disease [ __ ] off hairon and [ __ ] if they stop doing haon they will die so it's more so like instead of killing them we going to give them some clean or they going to catch AIDS you know and be out here you know just standing right here they just drove past 45 they should be up there but they down here the police huh they rather they rather pull up on me talking about we the real twins it was some twin police they pulled up on us like we real take y Weir twin ass up the street go do some work Channel 5 live worldwide Hollywood andine [ __ ] the authority Channel 5 News Channel 55 we don't [ __ ] with custers and five is the best number if you enjoyed this documentary I have great news you only saw a small portion of what we're allowed to post on YouTube the complete documentary includes an actual tour of a safe injection site and harm reduction facility as well as conversations with experts in the field we also Shadow a professional bipper and fentel dealer throughout his complete resale process from breaking into cars in the Twitter headquarters to selling stolen goods at a secondhand illegal Market in the Mission District beyond that we also Shadow a pimp oh man I'll break [ __ ] man throughout his day at work if you'd like to see all of this content go to our patreon Channel as you know Channel 5 is and has always been completely independent so if you want to support and see some stuff that you can't see on the regular internet go to our patreon thanks a
Channel: Channel 5 with Andrew Callaghan
Views: 7,079,954
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: URfCwT3UQy4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 57sec (2817 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 22 2023
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