Life in the City of Zombies | Kensington Philadelphia

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Kensington Philadelphia is the most disturbing place in all of America apply named the city of zombies the streets are lined with lost souls nodding out in broad daylight from extreme drug abuse every YouTuber I've seen visit Kensington Philadelphia has gone with a bodyguard and all of them say if you go alone you will die if we were to go here on our own how would it go for us what would happen if our time would no security oh you easily would get shot proba kill so I ventured unarmed and by myself to Kensington Philadelphia to experience firsthand life in the city of [Music] zombies I'm here at mcferson Square in Kensington Philadelphia and right outside this gated in Park full of children is thousands of opiate addicted drug addicts that wander the streets and appear to others to be real life zombies as you can see behind we have someone with a tourniquet who is nodding out probably recently having uh shot up this dope epidemic man it's it's crazy it's insane people are dying and it's dope it's not even real no more there's a new street drug called xylazine it was originally a horse tranquilizer but in Kensington people are using it intravenously sending them into a zombie-like trance and causing flesh eating wounds later in the video we meet a man named Pat who shoots up xine in front of us and shows us his dangerous effects in real time it's so strong people who don't do it they could open a bag up and and just the the flakes from it can make you make you fall out even overdose next we followed the man down a back alley so he could show us the conditions he sleeps in a lot of people probably don't even noce back here for real like so I guess we're in this kind of abandoned homeless apartment complex all right so we're going to get a little look of his room here how many people sleep in this uh one room right now it's like six of us it's a small room as you see what do you think the square footage of this place is says about two arms length she's okay right she is she's just sleeping she's a heavy sleeper we tried to make it work for the most part though like we cool we make it all work but as you can see like there's holes in the wall and [ __ ] like we get we get frustrated I mean we're at the the uh the bottom of the bottom down here man don't you get nervous about having the the uncapped uh syringes take stepping on them or something I try you know for the most part I try to tell people to put them away you know but I'm trying to get on method on myself or maybe sub boxing some type of uh some type of program to get my um situation better and I'm just slowly trying to work my way back to um doing what I got to do and get clean and just stay positive I guess I don't that's all you could really do and that's our cat yeah Garfield shout out Garfield say what's up buddy just having a pet like that help you keep a positive attitude yeah here's a good little companion around here it's hard to um I guess you could say trust people cuzz a lot of [ __ ] down here is crazy shootings robbing stealing is there anything else you want to say to the people out there just for everyone just this ain't the place to come this [ __ ] is bad out here so just walking down the street here in Kensington if you look into these little crevices there's Naran there everywhere it's here it's there there's probably 100 packages in Naran on this one street we have the people in the car right behind just smoking crack and the people in the car behind them just literally smashed their windshield I don't know if you can see it the guy the guy just smashed his own windshield assassination time as we're walking back and she just yelled at me assassination time whatever that means what is it like growing up here a lot of violence a lot of shootouts we need more love out here more peace more love we did like dead Souls out here there's nobody no life there's no no love out here it's like cold they're like cold blooded out here you know what what happened to the scar on your face there all the stuff that I've been through out here caused me to like and that's not the right way to go you walk up and down these streets of Kensington see a lot of people nodding out overdose seeing a lot of people screaming violence uh crimes being committed and then just down some of these back streets you have you know four-year-olds playing on scooters and throwing football and so what's your name Pat how long you been living out here Pat um I'm home right now so I just come out here every once in a while just to uh just to grab my drugs I guess that brings a lot of people to this area right yeah yeah for sure man um I just uh I'm actually in a recovery house right now uh in lown so the guys are probably going to be pretty upset if they see this video but you know it is what it is you know I do have kids I I need to start doing more for him you know I'm not really not really doing as much as I need to do yeah this is from uh oh my gosh that's from [ __ ] I had a had ruptured kidney oh man yeah so um that was from laying down basically brother I'm sorry man it's all good man it's the pass I appreciate appreciate that like even though I'm in a recovery house there's nobody right now leading us all in the direction that we need to go it's kind of like once they get their money like they get a couple thousand for each person in there and that's all they care about you know what I mean they're not trying to give us to that second step which is like help us find a job they help reassimilate back into regular Society yes you know the drug is so powerful that I need more help uh I'm one of the guys Al you know of many who were as a child you know and I got to deal with that that's one of the main reasons I started using you know my dad dipped out early and my mom she's she's got a lot of problems herself just like I do do and um a lot of abuse growing up so it's tough man I I'm looking for a way out man I I don't know I know it doesn't help with me doing drugs my message is just just talk about it just try talking about it cuz this kind of helps I might go get high right after this I am going to but I appreciate it you guys pulling me the side I I really am thankful for this moment I heard a little bit of your story um I I got to let you know I work for the city I'm getting ready to open up a program right here rising up recovery tomorrow after 11:00 I can meet you and take you to the intake get you get you processed you got to want to do it yourself we can get them the help but majority of that work is going to be on them you got to be willing to want it I wanted to talk about this Tran stuff that is becoming prevalent recently out here what exactly is it it's a horse tranquilizer they're using it because it's a cheap super high it doesn't last as long as heroin but the heroin is no longer down here it's just fentol right just fol and Tran and I have to let the world know what this Tran does this Tran eats you from the inside out I that yeah you can't do that right there Pat you guys would like to see me do some train obviously my my uh my ideal situation is you don't do it yeah I I certainly will you're doing it no matter what yeah all are you going to get it and come you come back here all we'll wait here kenas C is the most dangerous neighborhood in the United States as of right now it's called Hello Kitty and this is the Tran yeah apparently that's what they said now so this [ __ ] is just available everywhere down here yeah yeah cuz you just went 20 seconds away and got it two Y and I guess you're already getting ex excited before you even get it right just knowing it's coming oh yeah the Endorphin you know everything's going to be all right no alcohol swabs to clean your arm before no I just make sure I take a shower oh man right into a sore Patrick takes about 2 minutes to shoot up repeatedly filling the syringe with blood and pumping it back into his veins and I want to get you alcohol swab or something pulling it in and out and twisting it deeper into his body so you just keep shooting up the blood and then pulling it out and shooting it up just making sure it mixes notice how when he finishes shooting up he puts the needle with with no cap on it directly into his pocket I that'll be the last time I might use it one more time my mood swings we'll be up and down up and down all around and then I'm like like I always need more you know is anybody have a cigarette no oh thank you though man you guys are very generous uh yeah man life is what you make it you know um this is a nice Street you know um life is so good you know when you doing the right thing you know yeah I feel like you said optimistic hopeful happy I want to do things you know see I'm like oh something in front of me so I I used to get creative you know the mood swings go all over all right take a little squat yeah so doesn't it worry at all about like the infections cuz you can see your other injection sites look uh pretty rough yeah so you're we we're essentially watching your transformation from you know totally conscious and intelligible to you know becoming like uh a zombie out here do you need help or anything is there anything we can get you no you're good this is good right now yeah I'm going to keep on moving so is the high already wearing off I'll talk to you about a little bit yeah no I never got yeah I was just talking about present pres presentent my great so Pat is there anything we can uh get you my clean date uh a drink please you want a drink if you don't mind yeah let's get you a drink man yeah it was a blessing and disguise what did you ran into us today yes um there's lot of people in the world that do care about like you know you and your opinions and you have value I'm not just saying that on some cliche corny stuff that's that's true with everyone this is what it is is I just want to show you and the world um what it is so you want to show this yes what is it like living out here in Kensington dude it's hell out here bro you know what I mean it's rough out here I don't stay in Kensington it's it's suicide to stay in Kon so no this is this is like the biggest opener drug Market Market uh anywhere I mean definitely on the East Coast but I mean they say in the United States bigger than Chicago bigger than Baltimore you know I mean those cities are rough obviously but dude between you know the Open Air Market and the drug the gun violence out here dude it's tough man it's dangerous but a lot of hostility just walking up and down that street right there yeah yeah I mean you really you got to watch your back you really do you know what I mean I mean people are actually dying from withdrawal now from dope that that was the you couldn't die from withdrawal before you might have felt like you were going to because that's the real issue now you know that's new right within the past year or two well past year or two yeah so what happened when when fentanyl came out right uh people weren't getting that like Dopey opiate like naughty feeling from that you don't get that so then they added the Tran in which gives you that Dopey feeling you know and um dude it's like eating holes in our bodies it's it's not fit for human consumption and you can see the Flesh Wounds walking around like yeah look at look at the look at the knuckles and that's from shooting up Tran between the fingers Y and no no no that's the thing you can get it anywhere I've never shot up there so you shoot it up in your arm and it ends up there yep wow or my neck or whatever and that's different and it ended up there yeah what's the what's the high like well with the Tran it's that Dopey feeling and with the fent and all it's it's that's the rush you know okay so you always mix the Tran with the fentel yeah I mean I have to now I think he's saying he shouldn't the Tran straight oh really to pass the drug test cuz he's at a sober living home oh got you yeah I don't know I mean I don't know where he's getting straight Tran if you had uh one wish what would it be just that the the doctors could get on board with finding something to take care of the Tran withdrawal because they're they're not they're not treating it only in hospitals if you get it it admitted they're giving you ketamine to detox on because that's a very similar tranquilizer obviously and it helps apparently it works you know but the doctors aren't on board with that so you know Suboxone and methanone doesn't touch me yeah it doesn't do anything and then AR can doesn't stop the overdoses yeah mostly no yeah if you have enough in your system now so yeah I guess is there any closing statements when say to anyone out there watching this people need help out here and you know if people can start being more understanding and try to get like the medical community on board with what's going on then people will get help I guarantee it cuz just like taking medicine for us anymore it's not even getting high anymore dude after this conversation we stumbled upon a woman on the ground completely lifeless and cold from overdosing on opioids thankfully my camera guy Jabari had an Arcane on him and successfully brought her back to life no yo that [ __ ] put you in a full withdraw they said she was there for like 30 minutes or something and nobody did anything and I just so happened to have some Naran in my bag I gave it to her she came to it in about like a minute minute or two she was like back up and moving and what happened was we walked by someone overdosing clearly on the street Throat full of uh track marks not breathing at all and then we had thear can her and then once she woke up she was pissed yeah what's your name brother my name is khil nine am men that's my real thing what's it like out here in Kensington it's really what you make it but Kensington is a place where survival has its Simplicity and has it complications what do you think about the Tran that is infested Kensington the past few years what I think is is a experimental Fiasco do you know why why because these chemists are experimenting with drugs that they don't know the true impact of the people who don't know they're using it you know what understand it be one thing if you you were using it and then you can prepare yourself for the effect but you don't know what the effect is cuz you don't know that you been using it is this your is this is this uh your homie right there pass out Ah that's a young man that joined our presence I I'm not even sure of his name what is it like to have so many people just laying in the street like zombies well if you have a conscience it becomes to something that you become aware of and then morally you say perhaps I'll try to wake him up before I leave so we're back here uh it's about 7:30 at night the Sun is going to be setting soon you'd think with many resources going towards the police that are here uh it would look a little different you know we've seen thefts fights obviously drug dealing everywhere drug use everywhere I don't know maybe it's just too much for the police to combat but there's police everywhere and crime everywhere it's kind of weird you know one thing we saw when we were with Pat is uh when he went to go procure his uh substances they would dip off off these side streets you know away from the train tracks and actually go into uh some stores not in this area but some stores within a you know 5 mile radius and that's where he would uh procure his Tran from was actually the corner stores which was interesting hey hey hey hey hey hey [ __ ] already know the [ __ ] is that [ __ ] stop sliming he it's F what you doing out here though we're just wondering what's it like living in Kensington this tragic Like Anything Can Happen down this no lie you can get smoked right now just be on this corner this is TR man are Drive buys crazy out here what these is the best Drive buys right here they don't know how to shoot man they miss yeah they miss a lot a lot of [ __ ] right here I mean nigg got shot right here [ __ ] like you mean a lot of [ __ ] happen on this block it's so much can happen anywhere at any time like lar there are needles everywhere and when I say everywhere I'm not exaggerating at all just look right here all these orange caps all insulin needles there's the packaging caps caps caps caps caps caps caps caps caps caps is it hard being a woman out here in this rough environment for me it is scary a little bit the law is very lenient here I don't know if it's because the government has the Constitution here or whatever but these people need to be a little bit more grateful they have nuns coming cooking home cook meals they be like I don't like that stuff people bringing them lunches like their little kids oh you forgot your lunch it's at home peanut butter and jellies all day if you had if had one wish what would it be to be honest I wish my life would would stay would go back to being stable as to me being in my my son's life and communicating with my baby father on a more positive note for both of us and to get out the street be able to pay my bills and stuff like that and maybe go to college or something if I don't do that or something like that something to make money and get back on track we're back at mcferson Square AKA needle Park you know we've seen a lot today a lot that I can't show on YouTube and I think we're going to wrap it the sun has set yeah I appreciate you guys watching and I'm going to head home this was wild Kensington definitely lives up to the reputation man this place was was crazy so be safe out there so we're driving home from Kensington and we're just recapping what happened at least like 15 minutes walking in any direction it's just like post-apocalyptic forgotten Corner Society the cops patrolling it completely apathetic they the cops made me feel less safe like they they're all around and they're not doing anything so it's like well if something happens who do I call yeah just saw that guy behind me put a suppository in his ass what the hell
Channel: Brandon Buckingham
Views: 2,047,042
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kensington philadelphia, the city of zombies, kensington pa, streets of kensington, kensington zombies, kensington avenue, kensington live, kensington philadelphia 2023, kensington philadelpia interviews, zombie interviews, tommy g, tyler oliveira, the buckingham show, andrew callaghan, channel 5, brandon buckingham, joe goes, louis theroux, kensington ave, kensington street, kensington ave philadelphia
Id: 9iSkKkzabnM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 45sec (1125 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 04 2024
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