Gateway Church - Kevin Zadai Kingdom Provision Conference Session 1

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I'm so excited oh my god I am so drunk so is somebody just fall yeah I might I might not be able to teach too long tonight because I'm I'm overcome but I'll do the best I can there's a bunch of things that are gonna happen this weekend so I'm trying to prepare everybody for it because no one prepared me for what is going on in my life and I feel bad for people they have to go through what I've had to go through because I didn't have any help and this this this life this life needs to be defined by God not by your circumstances and it needs to be defined by specifically the Word of God and needs to be defined by the Spirit of God and though and the word of the Lord and the angelic realm enforces the Word of God enforces God's plan so this life can be defined but it's defined by not what you're going through it's not by what's happening to you it's not weird people that are trying to manipulate you and steal from you it's it's defined by a predetermined before you were born God established his kingdom and he wrote books about each one of us and I saw these books and it was crazy that people were in hell because they didn't need to be in hell everything was already purchased for them if they would believe and I saw that that my when I came back that my most important thing to do was to compel people or to announce to people that they've been reconciled with God through Jesus Christ and that if they would believe on him and have faith in him that he would come inside of them and renew their spirits where they were brand-new and then they would go to heaven but then he also told me that people down here I know I know this isn't you but you get into this mentality as a Christian once you're born again that you're just surviving down here until Jesus comes on the white horse but I know nobody in here is like that but but you know I was surprised at how many TV shows and DVDs and books will keep you in this place where the Anti Christ could be coming at any one moment which is true in every generation there is an antichrist in the womb that Jesus told me that but we delay it because we continue to be here as a church of the Lord Jesus Christ and because we're here the harvests will continue to be our main priority not storing water and beans and things like that but you know you can do that but what but also remember that that Jesus told me I'm not down here surviving I'm down here thriving I'm down here because he needs to be known and he is Almighty God but he is going to be Almighty God through you he's going to display himself through people he always had a people and he has a family too so I saw these books that are written Psalms 139 talks about this the whole chapter but I know verse 16 clearly shows us that each one of our days is written in a book before one of them came to pass and that for most of my life I couldn't figure out what was going on I actually had a visitation at ten years old and was called to what I'm doing now but it wasn't until I was 19 that I placed my faith in Jesus Christ because I it was not explained to me that I needed to be born again so the church that I went to didn't mention that phrase and so when someone at work before I went to college said something to me and I saw what's at me and he explained it just like Jesus did to Nicodemus in chapter 3 of John and I went home and got on my knees and I gave my life to the Lord and then all the sudden everything that happened when I was 10 was activated but God was speaking my future be or came to pass he was visited me as a boy so my point is is that you might not be able to interpret everything is going on in your life but somewhere in heaven there is a book that has truth about you and you're very valued in heaven and in whether you like it or not or whether you know it or not or where the devil doesn't like it but you are an intricate part of God's plan for this generation and and you're very important if you don't do what you're called to do everyone else around will suffer a loss because of it and and so what happens is is like it's like me I'm not a musician but I end up having to play instruments that I don't know how to play but I play them anyway and I make albums and I don't want to make out once but I heard music in heaven and I'm just replicating it and I can do things that I couldn't do before because jesus said that someone was not faithful to do this because there are so many songs in heaven so many melodies and different things that needed to be put into this realm because there's a lot of valuable things in heaven but it's even more valuable down here if it comes through people it helps us down here so there's books that have to be written so people are not being faithful so I end up having to write a study guide every month that's published and then also for books a year from two different publishers Harrison house and destiny image two to each whereas the normal is is that a publisher will only take an author one of their works every eighteen months because it gets oversaturated because you all don't read fast enough but I told them I said why have fifty nine books that I still have to write and I'm gonna do it with you or without you are you in or you out because you're about to be in my way and they're they don't know how to take me and so I start pumping them out every month and they're like whoa this guy's serious I go I'm not kidding you this is for this generation it's not for the next I mean the next we'll read these books but do you understand that you all need to be faithful so I can retire you know know it do you understand what I'm trying to say is that is that God will choose somebody to provoke you and it's crazy how this last album I did it I did it in an hour in the dark but I did it for more than an hour because I played every instrument so I played all the instruments on it so I had to go through it six times so it was like six hours and then when the other band members they get to review it that God has chosen to be in my life every year it's a different band it's a different worship team well when I contacted them they said we can't add to this this is amazing without us so I just went ahead and did it myself and then I give it to Sid Roth as a gift to have him launch it on his show so every year in January like this January will be on again with my new book new album that I just we just cut last week called altar fire but what I'm trying to tell you is is that in America they have what they call Billboard charts which every musician wants to be on the charts so they called me and charted me at number seven and I wasn't even trying to be but see here's the thing is it says this is how crazy it is I can't define my life I don't understand it and I have nobody to help me understand what God's doing but I find myself all the time about to get in the way there's this part of us that no matter where we stand we find ourselves in the way because what is happening around me is bigger it's from another realm and you know everything was fine until I went to heaven everything was fine until I was introduced to Jesus personally and then all the sudden I had to make some decisions and I saw that I was not fulfilling everything that was destined for me on the earth but I was out of my body and I wasn't coming back that I knew and I felt a loss but Jesus wasn't you know he wasn't rebuking me he didn't tell me you know man you know you messed up he didn't say anything he told me I was faithful and he was happy everybody was celebrating that it was it's just a big promoter to die but do you understand there was this point where I realized because now my eyes are open I don't have my body and I'm with Jesus I'm completely activated I have no hindrances there's not a devil anywhere in heaven and I could see forever I could totally understand everything I could I understood everything in a snap everything that I had questions about I could understand but on the earth I couldn't define what was going on and of us it was revealed to me so that's why we have these meetings that's what when I came back I realized that humans are at a loss they always feel like they're in the wrong place or the wrong time and no matter what they do it's not enough and they we find ourselves always not being able to synchronize or to find balance to feel like we have equilibrium because because there's things that happen down here there are surprises to us and there's misfortunes and and all this disappointment and all these different words that have D is at the beginning which is means there's a distance between and so you have appointments you're supposed to make but there's a disappointment cuz there's distance between you and your appointment there's courage but you find distance between your courage and you and you have discouragement so you have disillusion you I can keep on going and so you you have lack you're always in need down here but see it was never that way from the beginning so when I just want to explain to you that the reason I do this is because I can really save you a lot of time but it's not a gimmick and it's not a business thing I'm telling you I can save you years so that you don't have to go through what I went through because I didn't have any help but I should have people around me should have known pastors should have known we should know more than we know is what I'm trying to say Paul talked about it in his letters and he doesn't even explain a lot of things and I'm like please Paul please explain what you're saying here because see at that time new things that we don't know anymore they they had understanding about the demonic and the angelic that they just you know when Paul talks he's just assuming everybody knows what he's talking about and he'll say that and in the book of Hebrews the same way they'll say you know we you know but you you know all this stuff and I'm like no I don't know what this stuff you know and I I I feel like down here we are at a disadvantage to defining what's going on around us all the time so the Lord told me that I could come back and that it would be permanent if whatever I did it would have fruit that lasts so it'd be permanent and that people's lives would would be rerouted and they would end up right where they weren't and I didn't want to come back because I saw the demonic and it was way beyond what I thought to the point where I thought you know if people knew what was going on around him there would be no lukewarm people at all because you're either really stupid or you're gonna get in and you're gonna go full out and be a devil buster but but you're not gonna be in you know you are not gonna be in between so do you understand like now I feel as though I've got a certain amount of time to impart what I know to you so that you can operate in a - but you don't have to go through what I went through okay so the thing that I wanted to tell you is is that what will start happening to you from this point forth because it happens everywhere I go is that God's gonna start moving in your life but you're it's not gonna be deserved it's just gonna be favor things are gonna start happening you're not going to have the disappointments you're gonna have appointments and you're gonna find courage and you start feeling inside fire and that's because I brought it back with me I actually shop lifted and I brought it back the reason I brought it back is cuz we need it I mean I I didn't have people like I I didn't have people that I could go to that really had had there was very few people that I encountered in my life that had the fire that had they had the word of the Lord where I knew if they prayed for me it's gonna cut it's gonna be done that that I could always depend upon hearing from God when I went to a meeting there was none of those I always walked away from meetings you know with these people that that are really high up and I didn't feel like I didn't feel like they they they helped me so I wanted to know why because to me you know I'm more cut to the cut to the chase Kerr cuts to the point here like what is it what is it that I need and how do I get it and so when I get into an airplane oh I know where I want to go and I have to program all that in and then the plane will make sure that if I'm monitoring it it'll tell me if it's something wrong it knows if it's not feeling well it knows if we're off course it knows all that stuff but you have to program it in but then you can go places but I never get into a high-performance aircraft and just go and play around because you don't play around in a high-performance aircraft it's it has a purpose and I I found it down here I can still have fun and enjoy my life but I don't have to like nearly kill myself having fun you know and it doesn't have to cost me you know like what is fun you know and the thing that is is I was so disappointed I spent so much money on airfare and hotels to listen to somebody talk about themselves for an hour every night and I that's not gonna help me I'm impressed you know but it's like you got to be kidding me I want to hear from God so I can't I can't stand up here and talk about myself I have to tell you what I saw and what I heard on the other side and if people can't handle that I totally get it but please don't don't don't stop us that want to go on to the to the miracles that Jesus talked about that were greater than his the greater ones the greater works the greater everything there there's a new covenant and there's better promises everything is based on better promises well I want to know what it is that God has set on the table that's before me I want to understand I want to partake the reason why is if you had happened to you what has happened to me you'd be the same way I saw that oz being ripped off down here and it wasn't God's fault that there was plenty of Revelation being given to apostles and prophets and pastors and teachers and evangelists but they were lazy so he sends back a guy named Kevin who doesn't have a title and iced testify and all I'm doing is what he told me to do and it's working can you imagine em so he told me to start the school so I just I prayed and the Lord told me to talk to someone who was already working for me and I said can you learn how to do this and she said yeah sure so she stayed up all night watching training videos and built my school online and the Lord started talking to me and other people that he told me to hire that were called to work with me because you know you know because I write so much I have to have six people as editors I have to have six people because they're working on books into 2022 right now so they started the school on January 30th and now we have 50 100 students and I don't even advertise like you should I'm not even pushing it like I should but what he told me to do he said Kevin he said I want you to make disciples of all nations so that's what this is all about but what I have to tell you is I have to get over to you as I'm standing up here Jesus Christ the same person who sent me back into my body is standing beside me right now and he's instructing me on what to tell you and what he wants you to know is there are things that he wants to get over to you that are permanent it's not just a good idea what you didn't come for a good talk I mean God forbid that I just traveled 25 hours to have a good talk no I I plan on seeing transformation not only in you but in your country no I mean that I'm not just saying that and you don't have to you know you don't have to like you don't even have to clap because like you don't have to do anything and I'm not I came here to give and I'm in retirement I'm well taken care of I'm doing this for Jesus Christ because he told me that people do not have to go with their through what they're going through it's really weird how we get into this thing like that well you know God's trying to teach me something Jesus told me I would rather you just read the Bible and believe it they'd have to go through something no it's what he said see you hear the word of God and you mix it with faith faith is trust in your heart something happens inside a human spirit when they hear the word of God they mix it with trust with faith it explodes and it causes you it propels you to go beyond what you just could go on you could go and not only that your mind gets transformed to where it's renewed and then your mind doesn't work against you so the religion as a general statement appeals to the mind but it so does psychology and everything else no I can I studied I learned how to fly airplanes I mean that is not a spiritual experience you have to learn all that stuff but once I learned it now it's second nature and it's the same thing with everything else you do your profession to all the other people is complicated and you're let there like I watch people like how do you do that and to you it's very familiar because you've done it over and over and you learned it it becomes second nature and that's what makes you so good at what you do it becomes part of you without you having to really think about it but I'm telling you when I was in heaven Jesus showed me that every Christian should be able to operate in the spirit realm as though it was second nature you should automatically know if there's a devil anywhere in the area you should be able to discern if something that's being said is not correct like that which is why I can't even watch certain programs I can't even sit and listen to certain people anymore because because once you meet Jesus and you realize that we have everything we need for life and godliness through the Word of God and through the Spirit of God then then I only want to seek those things that are from above that are going to transform me and help me to fulfill God's heart for this generation which is transformation so I'm not really looking for Reformation or even revival I'm looking for transformation which means that from now on you will never be the same nor will you want to go through that door you just went through you'll never want to go back you don't want to even visit those people anymore because you've gone on some people are just not a part of your life anymore it's going to happen this weekend all the sudden you're gonna realize that the environment of heaven has come and now you're going to start to judge and discern what God's saying to you okay so as a Christian we live off of every word that comes from the mouth of God now when you close your eyes and you listen to people's talk it doesn't matter anymore who they are because you just closed your eyes but you listen to what they're saying and it's coming from the wrong spirit so when I open my eyes I see the Pope but when I close my eyes I hear him say that there are many ways to get to God which he announced a couple years ago but Jesus said there is only one way and it's through me Jesus he said I am the way the truth and the life no one was on no one comes to the Father except through me so there aren't many ways in fact Jesus went really far just to eliminate a lot of people he said it's a very narrow way and few find it and if you start to read Jesus correctly or just reread him this time really listening you'll find out that he is very exclusionary he was very very the way he talked the way he said things he said it's hard for a rich man to get to heaven but he also said but with God all things are possible when he would say stuff the disciples said who can be saved them was so hard even Peter he says and Peter says in his writings he said you know Paul man he's sometimes he's hard to understand even Peter didn't understand Paul said God puts people on an island because they can't kill John so they put him on an island he gets to see Jesus come back which is what he said to the disciples he said well what about him what because they were fighting over who's gonna sit with with Jesus on each side of him and they go what about him and they pointed to John because what is it if he is alive when I come well guess what happened John got to see and wrote about Jesus coming back in the book of Revelation that was not a movie John got to see the end actually play out just like I got to see things that haven't happened yet but to me it's already happened because there are no clocks in heaven okay so getting into what what I'm what I want to talk about tonight there's so much that has to go on and I just in Switzerland got hijacked my whole I had four conferences there he he hijacked them all and the fire was so strong that I my body I told the Lord to back off because I can't handle it I would literally only speak for an hour which is really hard for me to do just an hour because I I don't have much time left I only have a certain amount of years to do this and it's already the next phase starts January 1st it's gonna be a totally different thing than what I'm doing right now and then I have seven years to do that so there's not a lot of time to do what God needs to do so I spend more time so I preach 50 hours and I have it all transcribed it's a 10 volume set that will be published called the notes of a warrior I was on the airplane to Switzerland and the Lord said you're gonna do a 10 volume set called the notes of a warrior and so I preached 25 sessions two hours each I could only last for an hour but I preached two hours and it was unbearable the power go was so strong you think oh you don't know no you know how could be unbearable you have no idea if you ask to have an angel visitation you have no idea what's gonna happen to you you're gonna never ask for another one if you go to the throne room you're not gonna ever want to go back unless unless you die ya see everybody flips out because it's so holy there it's so powerful there that we're in a fallen world and our bodies can't take the power that's why people fall because our bodies at a certain point can't take it anymore but your spirits born again so what happens is while ministering it gets to where it gets in my body my spirit and I start to I start to get like people have seen through me oh you pay you past her he was last time I was here he's five feet from me he gets see the instruments and things through me so what happens is is I start to go back to where I was before I came back and this isn't I'm not making this up so every Christian is supposed to be operating at a higher level so he told me that this weekend I've got to insert the other information from those fifties of its 50 hours there is still another 20 it's at least another five volume set that has to be spoken this weekend so I'm gonna do the I'm gonna do your study guide I'm gonna I'm gonna be a good teacher but I just want you to know that there will be sessions where you will not find it in any chapter in front of you because it's all new material I've been waiting years to share this but what it has to do it with is warfare it has to do with how you can beat the devil every time every time and he doesn't want me to tell you all this so that's why I'm gonna tell you and every time he tells me not to do something I do the opposite so I just wanted to tell you that's what's going on okay so what happens is is the Lord tells me to do a study guide but firfer I do a study guide I do a CD so I do a CD which everything's backwards I do this CD I fast for a week I study I get all the scriptures on a subject I speak into the microphone for an hour or 40 minutes or whatever and I am part heaven on that subject and I put that CD out from that I teach and then I make a study guide then I teach the study guide and then this comes out so what the study guide you have this one came from a CD where I fasted and prayed and got about fifty to a hundred scriptures studied it for for a while for a week 15 hours a day missing meals and I spoke a impartation CD which which you will get then then I made this when I taught from that material on the CD I got this then after I taught the spirit school this came out which is which is like off beyond anything that I Spit everything is everything that I didn't speak and all the others was came in through this okay so that's what happened so the same thing just happened and this book will be have it available tomorrow I believe it's coming it just I just got it it's not coming out till January so you'll be the first church you'll be the first country to have it it's called it's rigged in your favor and what it what it is is I'm starting to release the information that I saw there that people weren't ready for see when this happened 26 years ago people weren't ready so I actually didn't speak for 23 years I did not talk about my heavenly experience and I didn't write a book until just four years ago and 2016 actually is when it came out that's why you started to see me on TV on TBN and then on on Sid Roth on all the networks was because the Lord told me it's time to release it and but it took all these years for God to allow me to do this but since I've released it we've seen people's lives changed so I brought a lot of material and money is not the issue with me here so I'm gonna work it out to where everyone gets something from the table and all I ask is that you just don't take shopping carts back there you know I'm asking you to be fair because I don't take my royalties everything is in my name and it's about a quarter of a million that comes in a year that I just give back to my ministry because I actually believe in what I'm doing so I'm the biggest investor in it okay so in with that being said I want you if you don't have money I want you to go back there and just talk to the book table and you can take something but if you do have money then give something but it can is not going to me and it just helps us to do the rest of these things because I have a lot of employees that have to help me to do this okay so when God gives me something it's for you it's not for me because he told me well done thou good and faithful servant and he told me I've been faithful and then he asked me if I would come back he would insert me back in to help people to kind of like almost expedite or to to implement and cause an acceleration to happen in everyone's life so you don't have to walk through the airport you can ride the the you know the walkway now the moving walkway unless you want to burn calories and you're you're doing the keto diet I mean you use the walkway it takes you twice as fast maybe three times and there are ways of being accelerated there are there are ways in that that are done inside there's ways that are done on the outside there's angels on the outside the Holy Spirit is the counselor he's the teacher he's inside of you okay so for instance Deuteronomy chapter 15 verse 4 says this there shall be no poor among you because I the Lord God have blessed you now is there anyone here it doesn't understand what I just said there shall be no poor among you because I the LORD have blessed you and I will take you into the land that I have promised you now that is Old Testament under Old Covenant and then he explains in Deuteronomy 28 hey listen I'm just gonna give you two choices to make it easy you can either be blessed or cursed you can either lend or borrow you can be above or beneath and on it goes all 28 the 28th chapter all the whole chapter is talking about it's a two item menu you have two choices so you don't have to stand there and stare at the menu because there's people behind you when you go to McDonald's you still stare at the menu but you already know what's on it and you already know it's a risk to try something you haven't tried before so you just stick with what you know is safe well I want to be blessed and God doesn't curse something he's blessed okay so in the Old Testament the whole idea if you read Exodus and you read Deuteronomy the whole idea was that God had chosen a people and he wanted all the nations around to know that he was the only true God and that he was honoring his people so the whole idea like with Moses on the mountain when God was mad at the people he said you know what I'm just gonna kill him and I'm gonna make a nation out of you Moses and Moses said no you can't do that because then the Egypt will will hear that this happened and and then it's gonna slander you so you can't do that God and he said I can't be among them they're rebellious stiff-necked but he had made a covenant so he kept his end of the deal but then the angel the Lord was sent because he said I can't go with you Moses I he said you're fine my presence will go with you but these people and then after a while he started to say your people he started calling the Moses's people and Moses caught it he SOHO know if you should check it out because Jesus pointed this out to me I never saw this and I was a scholar but Moses caught it he said wait a minute here they're your people you brought them out and you're not we're not going anywhere unless you go with us so he provided another way which was the angel but he said don't provoke him because he's not going to tolerate your sin either okay so I'm saying this for a reason because when the Word of God is delivered when someone like me comes and travels on an airplane and I'm not you know for 30 years I when I got an airplane I got paid very well I'm not getting paid like I'm on an airplane for 25 hours and I don't get paid to a pilot and a flight attendant that they get very nervous when they get on an airplane and they're not getting paid you know do you like to go to work on your day off and hang out you know so I do understand so I I when people do this and they come in the name of the Lord and they really preach they really teach you it's for your benefit not for theirs because I've already have my reward and that's why I do everything I do everything I can to help people for free I do what I can now with my school I have to charge because it's going to be accredited and so you it's and you have to pay so what I did was I said well I'll I'll do a channel where people can watch for free and then we're starting warrior notes TV in January so I'll have my own Network and we'll have all my crazy friends on there we're doing shows they'll be 24/7 and be worship bringing in people from all over the world to worship and we're gonna have that on there you're gonna have daily devotionals it's gonna be a 1 1 stop for everything I'm doing that because I really want to honor people that are helping me so what I'm telling you right now is that the heavens are open over this place but because they're open over this place they're open over you and wherever you go you have to realize that once you're exposed to the other realm you can't go back I don't doubt that Jesus Christ exists and I don't doubt what he says so he if he says there's not gonna be any poor among you it's the same God of the Old Covenant as the same God the New Covenant it's actually better promises there's there's it's beyond what you can imagine right this minute what God has for those he loves you know first Corinthians chapter 2 but it says that God has revealed it to us by his Spirit I found that the Holy Spirit is a person who is on standby ready to reveal the father to you ready to reveal the intricacies of what's going on in your life your purpose the plan angels have been sent it's not because you're a good boy or a good girl they're sent because they know that they can be they can count on you to implement the will of God so there there there is an entourage that comes with me but they're working in the crowd right now they're working among you right now and they're there's some of you that will start to feel things and that's because they're they're coming and standing beside you because they have plans that are in front of them they know your name they know exactly who you are and they know that you have to be touched from the other realm before you leave this place because you're gonna touch a group of people that's gonna change history so so you're not here by accident and I I know that's kind of like a statement that everybody says but I mean it I have no agenda I I don't I don't I'm not asking for anything from you I'm giving ok but what I'm telling you is is there it doesn't get any more supernatural than what's happening right now in this room you are being visited by the Lord right now and your plans and the purposes that God has for your life are going to be activated in a stronger way because you chose to pay the price income when you had other things to do because I know I'm gonna be rewarded because I'm doing it and I know that I can't lose which is not pride the Lord Jesus told me if I come back I cannot lose and you don't hear people talking like that especially Christians because we're such victims but see I'm not a victim anymore the devil is a victim he screams like a little girl everywhere I go he's he really he really does not like what's happening but see the plan of God is is that every one of you walk in this there were men and women who died for what you enjoy you have freedom that people counted it worth dying for the reason you have your Bible is because people counted him who was invisible but they saw him who was invisible they knew that their city that they were looking for was their builder the Builder and the maker was God himself and they know whom they've believed in and they are convinced that he is able to keep that which you have committed to him they believe that they know this so what most of you might not know is I was actually taking taken to this whole generations future I observed the way it would end if nothing was done about the route that people had chosen in a generation I saw that in every generation there has to be someone who speaks from the other realm there has to be do you understand that if I hung out with all of you all and I wanted you all to like me and be my friend I might tone it back a little bit because you can't handle me in the fullness of what I'm walking in because Jesus I can't handle Jesus in the fullness of what he's walking in I can't handle what what he is on him but I asked for his mantle I don't want Smith Wigglesworth mantle I want that the CEO of the universe I want the one that made Smith Wigglesworth mantle I asked for Jesus's mantle I asked for his ministry and I told him I said nobody I've never heard any of my friends in college all my minister friends half a more and even in the ministry anymore and they were so on fire for God I said never heard one of them say I want the man told Jesus but when I met him he was so irresistible I said Lord no one has ever asked no one wants your mantle I want your mantle I want to be just like you so do you understand if I tone it back it so that you can tolerate me then what happens is I'm not potent I don't help you so I need you to be hot because you can't help me unless you're hotter than me we have to spur each other on so you don't need an apostle or a prophet to come to town and give you word what you need is to go and put inside of you what has already been given you and burn and then God's gonna send people that will confirm you'll get words all the time but I have I have in me Christ the hope of glory I have in me the counselor and he's burning like fire and I'm just a normal Christian I don't have a title nobody nobody can understand me no one knows where to file me no one can reverse-engineer anything that's happening my spiritual fathers can't replicate the success I've had in two and a half years my spiritual father Jesse he said you've had more happen in one year you've had six major things happen in one year that all my friends in 42 years have not had one of them he said you get this I go No he goes you're gonna be bigger than me I go I don't want to be bigger than you I just want to be your friend because you want to work for me I said no I just want to be your friend I want to go and be able to talk to you and learn from you I don't need anything from you except I just want to know you I just want to know what you know that so I don't get killed you know it's like with the pilots I always ask pilots I when I was at my job I was always asking every pilot what they knew because they flew all these different airplanes and I just flew a couple I wanted to know what they knew so that I wouldn't make the mistakes you get it so it's the same with men and women of God I want to know what they know but if I allow myself to be neutralized so that you can handle me then have I done you a favor of this asking you okay so if if you if you want to go to school it's so that you get qualified and you you learn something and you become better than you were so like every day in class you're believing that you're gonna learn something that's gonna help you to get to where you need to be and and be a professional be an expert be ambassador so so with me it wasn't just good enough to know how to fly an airplane I had I wanted to know why the air flows over a wing I wanted to know why there was lift I wanted to know why things failed I wanted to understand the systems on everything I wanted to know intricately what was going on and it's the same way with my Christianity I wanted to know why there's some places that are hard and some places are easy I want to know what like why why I meet women and men's voices are talking through them and they're telling me they want to kill me and I'm like I'm not Mary to you I haven't dated you I know nothing about you but why is a woman talking like a man through you know like wanting to kill me because there's somebody inside of her that's not from this realm and you know and I'm half joking baby if that's happened that happens all the time because do you understand if you really are hot from the other realm then you're not gonna get along with everybody because not everybody is hooked up with the right thing and it's gonna be exposed immediately things are gonna happen so I wanted to spend this weekend I'm going to talk about the kingdom provision and your study guide but I also wanted to do these these books that I have to get out to explain to you what is happening and why you experience what you experienced down here because you the devil wants you to have an identity crisis he wants you to feel like it rejected but see you're accepted and your identity is known in heaven everybody knows about you in heaven and you're well respected and loved in heaven and people knew about me and Jesus told me that they talked about me but I was only 31 years old and I didn't feel like I had done anything but in secret I had done so much you know that I didn't tell people about and because of that it got around in heaven and I found that everything we do in secret everything every sacrifice we make is written down by an angel and it's recorded in heaven and that's why you can't lose it just seems like you're losing but you're not so every time you help somebody and you give them their your time you love on people and you give it your substance to others to help others to do what they need that they need that you fulfill the law of Christ you fulfill the love you feel feel helping the body be built up so like right now I'm yielding to my gift and I'm speaking from it and I'm building you up and it doesn't matter it doesn't matter whether you buy anything from the book table or you given an offering or anything it doesn't matter to me what matters is is that you go out and you do with what I I've spoken that you do it that you let it go into your life and I see a man I want a harvest because that is my reward in heaven I already have everything I need and I saw the future I was in my future and I win and I'm I get everything that I ever wanted and so this life that I live out here now is as though Christ is borrowing my body he's just living through me so these the these books it's like I just got this a couple days ago and I'm the only one that my publisher said I'm the only one in the world that orders ten thousand copies of my own book I said they'll be gone in a year there know what I go they'll be gone in a year but this was inside of me and now I'm holding it outside my body and it's like this one too because this these things are from the other realm and I'm not trying to sell anything because what God is doing supernaturally you can't do it a book table so if the Lord your God has blessed you and he says a command there shall be no poor among you because he has blessed you then you have to not judge what's being said by your experience because you don't want to diminish the Lord your God you don't want to diminish what he's saying to you if he says this is the way it is if you're gonna lend and not borrow then you ought to reconsider your situation because that's what we had to do when I came back this realm was broken to me this realm was set up so that you can't win everything is set up in a debt system so you can't win and it it's it's ridiculous I felt like you had a better chance of going to Las Vegas the odds were better than this life because it's set up so that you're a return customer you returned to the doctor you returned to the bank you returned to your job and you work you work you work you sell your life over to someone else to pay you and you go to the doctor and you're not quite well and you're never quite well it's a return customer so Jesus is the healer and people aren't getting healed and I found out when I was in heaven as it says newsflash this isn't fake news it's not God's fault I saw in heaven that things were implemented and that now I have to accept the fact that my healing is on the way no matter what I feel like or what I encounter I have to always believe I have to always believe that what there's something better tomorrow that I have an experience today I have to believe that what God says is true and that every man is a liar I have to believe that if I tell a devil to go it has to go I don't want to hear any lip from that demon I don't want him giving me a flat tire as he's leaving kicking my refrigerator and breaking it hurting people on the way out like he does I just want him to leave because he's got my stuff it's my country no no I'm seriously like if you don't want to Australia I do I'm serious I want every country I go to I actually like ask okay is there any part monsier can I because I I told Kathy I said it's gonna be hard to leave Australia because it's like I feel like but it was like that way just two weeks ago in Switzerland and in Germany and in the thing that is is that's dark over in these countries but yet somebody has to stand up and say though this is the Lord's country and you know I've done that to my country because Jesus coached me how to do it but all my friends that are on TV they're talking about the red dragon than the Anti Christ you know and all the stuff that's pending you know and the Lord told me to stop watching that stuff he said because it isn't gonna happen if you pray and if you teach people how to take authority it'll keep delaying it to another generation because the harvest has to come in so I explained this to me okay so he said if you teach the people and you show them what to do you can push forward I mean he's only five feet from me when he did us and this was years ago and he told me he said Kevin he said to tell you the truth it's all gonna be delayed because I have a trump card in my back pocket I didn't know he had a back pocket and I certainly didn't I said no not that guy he said I don't I said I don't even like him he said well he's going to be President because he's chosen like oh you got to be kidding me I don't even like him Jesus says doesn't matter he was chosen and it's gonna delay everything because this he's an answer to the prayers see you got to have somebody like him in a place that he's in in order to function because no one else would function it's a swamp and he has to find the drain and poet no one wants to do that and he understand God chose him but he told me he said I will continue to do this as long as you continue to stand and pray and refuse for the Antichrist to come forward I never had anybody tell me that but this is the kind of thing has spoken to me all the time as I'm preaching to you right now he's talking to me about whole other things they're just as profound as what I'm saying and I don't even know how I can function like this but see we were made to function like this on different realms all at the same time so it's just a matter of time before breakthrough happens with you but see I was sent back not for just breakthrough I sent back for overthrow I was sent back to take back and walk in Dominion well very few people have ever walked in Dominion I mean Smith Wigglesworth he had 37 people that we know of it was more than that but he his is his denominations that he was involved with were embarrassed about him but now they celebrate him as a hero they no one can replicate what he did but they didn't agree with his techniques but see you know really did Jesus come back to get people to like him where did this all come from because every prophet that was ever sent to a nation was sent to be a standard that was not being met and so in society every society has these times where they they disintegrate they deteriorate and and if you if you look as I studied well Western civilization I studied world history you know I didn't want to us forced to but I I saw something about a history that is that is we know we learned nothing from history but we're supposed to and we repeat the same mistakes over and over again well Jesus asked me he said who told you who told you you can't do this I said he said I didn't and I got to thinking about it yeah like how did I get into this limitation thing and so every time someone wants to control me and manipulate me I just get out of that and I just say well I'm just gonna own my own no one's gonna tell me something contrary to what Jesus is telling me and so I got out of debt so that no one can tell me what I can do I worked so hard that I retired 15 years early so that nobody can tell me nobody nobody tells me what to do with my money I worked really hard for it but the money comes in for the ministry is not my money that's God's money that stays in the ministry but do you understand in order to do what God has called you to do you pretty much have to own everything a prophet speaks to a nation brings correction they want to kill him and then they celebrate him the next generation so I was taken to the future and I saw I saw that my own publisher was going to have people writing books about us because we were visited and we didn't discern it and so the next generation was gonna write books about how we were visited and then they were gonna have to take it over and that they were gonna have to bring the correction and the Lord asked me to stop that now so everything that I write is to bring people back in line so that we're in a favorable position to hand it off to the next generation but we're not walking we're not walking in everything that's available to us so here's the prime getting so drunk I have to sit down so I'm just gonna sit down before I fall no listen to me can you still see me as a camera still okay we're still okay okay don't listen to me this is the problem with human human human beings we we judge things in a way where we think we know better and then after you end up in the hospital you realize you don't know better or if you end up in a situation contrary then you realize maybe I was wrong but you've never been wrong I've met people like that I in fact on the airplane one day this business lady came on and I told her no because it was against the law she had never been told no before that look I remember that look and I thought I'm a dead man I told her no you don't tell her no I didn't know that I didn't get that email okay so do you understand that like God might tell you know that there's a better way but in a generation that doesn't discern their need you don't ask for the right things so do you understand that it was never God's will for you to be in debt to anyone ever it never was God's will but see as I say that well oh you know right away you you try to readjust what I just said because it hits you it hits you and now you've got to judge yourself by the word or you've got to discredit me to get rid of it so you discredit the witness so people come at me to discredit my encounter which is not why I was sent back I was not sent back to defend my encounter I was sent back to tell people about Jesus his person what he what he likes what he doesn't like how things work on the other side to help people's lives get routed in the right direction so that they become part of history they make history because every one of us are to change our environment because we're at a higher standard as a Christian so do you understand that everything that's been going on with you has been to neutralize you okay so debt keeps you in a small place so that somebody can control you and in some countries they make it so unfavorable like I could name the countries but I want to go back there so I'm not gonna say anything but they actually penalize you if you pay your house off so my wife is a hairdresser and I'm a flight attendant I can fly the plane Amman but the Lord told me not to do that he said just be a flight attendant well I can do that upside down in a hailstorm but to fly an airplane no that's really cool but I wasn't allowed for 30 years but me and Cafe experienced the other realm and it drove out debt we began to hate owing anybody anything except to love them because we weren't able to help people that were around us in our church we weren't able to help them there were people that were in need there were children that weren't getting fed and we were going without in order to help people and then I realized that prosperity is not wrong if it's it's used right that provision from heaven is to make everyone in the body of Christ equal to level the playing field so that there is no need among us so God blesses us because he's God and he blesses us because we're his children and so there shall be known poor among you because I've blessed you and so choose this day who you're gonna serve are you gonna hearken unto my voice and do everything that I say because if you do you'll be the head not the tail you will lend to many nations but you will borrow from none he said I'm gonna take sickness away from the midst of you do I need to go on in fact I don't even focus on all this stuff in my in my studies in my book this weekend we won't even talk about what I just said what I what I focus on the first chapter is this the Word of God and that it's absolute truth so if you look in Chapter one of your of your of your study guide I'm talking about the fact that God speaks and what he does after that is he waits for it to be performed Isaiah 55 says that it goes out and accomplishes that which he intended it doesn't return to Him void that is the absolute truth about God so his intention before he created you was I mean I'm just gonna tell you what Jesus told me I'm coming out with a devotional a daily devotional called provision for your vision he showed me that he he secures the provision then he gives you vision it's actually the opposite of what we think he already before you were born already knew what you would need and see you're you're arguing with the wrong person if you come at me with anything because not only do I have my degrees in theology I also have the degrees in hard knocks and I work for a corporation for 30 years and it's too late I've already won against the markets I've already prospered when people tell me I can't I've already gotten out of debt when people said that you don't have to you see but two months ago the guy who's working on our international offices the Lord tells me pay off his car well he had just bought it so I paid it off I called my wife she didn't even hesitate yeah now listen to me very carefully what happened was I was looking at my one of my checking accounts and I said to the Lord out loud which this is probably why it happened I said there's too much in here no no now how many people do you know especially a hairdresser in a flight attendant the reason I said there was too much in there is because there were so many people around me that had need and it wasn't doing any good sitting there in the bank to me because I can't lose I'm not here to gather wealth to myself I'm here to help people there was no one else so God asked me will you pay off their car so I said yeah but you know what happened it was while we were in Israel and you were with me on my bus in Israel well while we were in Israel the Jesse Duplantis paid off his house paid off this guy's house so now Lord's tell me to pay this guy's car off so now he has no debt he's just a little Hispanic guy with a nice family that loves God but you should see now when he drives that truck it's it's paid for he has a has a house that's paid for because God spoke to two different people but me and my wife and then Jesse to just do this and Jesse did it out of his own pocket money because he's very wealthy on his own because he invested before he even became a minister and I started to think about what is Kingdom provision what is it about prosperity that's wrong and what is it about that it's right and you have to be honest that there are certain things set in the Bible that show that it's really hard to go to heaven if you are a rich man it's Jesus says it's very hard because it controls you and you understand that when you start talking about money it's a very personal thing but you have to understand something I've experienced my wife and I have Expo experience overthrow so it's not just break through we literally are looking for places to put money I prophesied at a meeting in Chicago I told the the music group I said you need a new keyboard and lures telling me that you're gonna get a new keyboard so the next year they finished the music set the worship and then I they gave me the mic and I went up there and the Lord said look at that keyboard and I looked and it was the same keyboard you know with tape on it holding it together and the I go you got to be kidding me and the Lord said nobody's done it will you do it I said yeah I'll do it he said get him the best the one I got them is the one that I want I'm serious it was the Nord the stage 3 well guess guess who came to my studio two weeks ago and didn't get the album with me and brought that keyboard they did you see God had it had it all planned that they were the next one that was going to do the next album with me and I was a part of that you get it I'm telling you personal things because I'm trying to show you something here don't look at me and think of it I'm trying to see that you can walk over me as a bridge I just got a call from the lady who does all the mixing for my album she's a master what she does but she doesn't do the mastering she just does the mixing she does the balances and things like that so she takes everything that's messed up and makes it right or else I have to go back and do the tracks over again so now she's dealing with vocals and everything like that and I don't know it but the Lord said I want you to send her five thousand dollars right now I go I'm paying her before she does the work he goes right now so I go to call her and as I'm looking up her number her name is Diane she calls me she's calling me oh okay I said Diane I was just trying to call you I said the Lord told me that I'm supposed to give you five thousand dollars up front she starts crying she goes my computer broke and I told her I'm not telling Kevin but I can't do the project and she said I am at the store right now the computer cost four thousand nine hundred ninety nine dollars so I go to put five thousand in my bank and transfer it to her phone number and it won't take it so I tried four thousand nine hundred ninety nine and it takes it I couldn't I couldn't I couldn't this kind of stuff happens to us every day so you understand that it's not about money and prosperity it's not like what you think it's about being an integral part of someone else's life but it really does involve you so you should see her now she's in the United States right now she'll be waking up in a couple hours but she stays up all night cuz she's got a month to finish that album cuz we already cut it but but when we go to Sid Roth in a couple weeks I've got to have a sample of it and the cover so one employee's made the cover and she's making the little sample that I'm gonna give this Sid or and this is all flowing because I'm doing my part and everyone else is doing their part but if it falls into my lap then I have to be able to do it which means that there's a reason why God wants to prosper people it's because he has things that he wants you to do and he doesn't want you to be manipulated and controlled so it's not about offerings and giving as much as is about receiving so I wanted to teach you a little bit about receiving and how you how you receive as you learn to receive the Word of God if you remember what I was talking about about 20 minutes ago when God speaks he intends for it to happen but he's speaking so that you can hear him and he's established his will already in your life so in heaven all of you are beautiful people I want to pray for each one of you I want to pull every one of you and pray in tongues over you and interpret it and give you a word but the thing of it is if I do that will you go home and put that into action or will youse go home in hope hoping that it happens because I don't prophesy or somebody and unless it's gonna happen but I don't preach what I'm preaching here I'm preaching it cuz it's gonna happen I'm telling you all of this because it will happen the world system cannot control you you're on a path that we're seeing in the United States you're on the same path now God has done a miracle in this country but with that becomes the responsibility to hear what God is saying okay so when God speaks to you it's because he wants you to go somewhere with it he's going somewhere now I learned this from him you know you can be a scholar I got all the degrees I've got my doctorate but I don't understand God's ways unless the Spirit of God shows me so a scholar is not the end of it a person who has revelation by the Spirit of God can go further than someone with a doctorate it transfers from a head knowledge to heart knowledge it's just like your healing your healing has to transfer from the spirit realm to your physical body it has to manifest the way it manifests is it has to be mixed with faith which is trust which is something that is not of our own it's not of your own faith is something that is given to you by the Word of God it's planted in you and it grows but it only has to be the site of a mustard seed because it's not the seed it's the soil and Jesus instructed me that the parable that he talks about in Matthew 13 and in other places but I concentrated on Matthew 13 is this it's not the parable of the sower it's the parable of the soils because he spends paragraphs on the soil and only a sentence on the seed and the sower and the seed is not money the seed is the word of God so prosperity is just as important as healing is as important as deliverance as as important as guidance and revelation but don't just eat off of the table one thing I sit at the table and I eat it all because I need it all but I don't just concentrate on one thing because that's not a good diet so listen to me if I pay attention to Jesus and ignore money guess what happens it shows up money shows up but if I look at money it evades me it like it's it was just three feet away and now it's six feet away and I haven't moved it's constantly evading you but when I look to the face of Jesus and I look in his eyes and I realized that he thought of you he thought of me and he breathed me into my mother's womb and I was born with a book that was written about me I realized that everything that he thought of me and for me he also gave me provision before I was born this is the absolute truth this is the thing that Christians will not accept so they'll sit and argue with me about this when is clear in the Word of God that things were determined beforehand but predestination is not like Calvinism where I don't have to go out and tell people about the Lord because they're either gonna go to hell or heaven is already predestined that's not predestination that's false doctrine Godin has given us a free will he goes ahead and wraps it up the way that he wants it plans a great life and a productive life for every every person but if you don't adhere to it you find yourself running into obstacles that are already well defined in the Word of God but you haven't read the manual you have not adhered to what God has said and because of that it's hard but I saw in heaven that Jesus his burden is light and his way is easy take my yoke upon you you who are are heavy-laden and weary and I will give you rest not work the book of Hebrews says do everything you can to enter into the rest okay so I come back and I have to change the way that I live because now I change the way that I think and I saw that I have to be a good receiver I have to accept the Word of God that's being sewn into my soil which is men's hearts according to what Jesus said right okay so in the parable he said the soils are men's hearts but there's four but only one produced so I saw what it was that was in the soils that was hindering the Word of God from and one of them was a deceitfulness of riches so Jesus told me on the first night of my conferences everywhere I go that I have to address the peoples soils their hearts and get out of there the things that are gonna hinder you from producing a crop there is a bunch of people in here the reason you're here is because you're gonna shake your nation I know I'm talking about there's an angel standing right there and he just told me that there's people that are here because you bet you were hearing this because you're supposed to change your country me I really really honestly in order to do what I'm doing you can not worry about what people think you have to realize that you can change history but you have to stay potent and you have to receive the Word of God it can't bounce back off your soil because it's too hard it cannot be constricted by thorns or rocks man-boy oh my god do you all realize what's about to happen in here you all have just slipped right into the revelation the revelation is in this room it's a Spirit of God he is the one who opens up our eyes the spirit of Revelation is talked about by Paul Paul said I prayed for the Ephesians they were in witchcraft you know in book of Acts when they repented that City had so many spell books they stacked them up and burn them as $50,000 fifty thousand piece of silver is worth I believe and he said I pray that the eyes of your heart would be enlightened flooded with light that you would know the hope to which you've been called the glorious inheritance that's in the Saints that you wouldn't know you that you would know the power that rose Jesus from the dead he said I pray you have a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him this is the only pray prayer I pray for myself I don't pray for myself except for this prayer I go through the Bible when I pray I go through John 14 15 16 and 17 and then I go through first Corinthians chapter 2 and then I start over again but the only prayer I pray for myself I even pray for myself in years I never pray for myself you want to know why because God's got my back and he's already gone before me Psalms 139 5 says you paved the way for me to my future and you're standing in it and you go behind me to protect me from the hurts of my past he's the eternal one he has your back he's gone before you and he's paved the way this is the absolute truth but I come back and it's like some new doctrine because it's too good to be true but that's what gospel means it's good news and so there's a mercy and a grace that's being poured out on this generation because God needs to display his glory in this generation and the way he's gonna do it he's gonna grab a hold of people that are crazy enough to do it for free if they have to and give stuff away and talk and not care what people think because I don't care you you know how hard it is for me to do this because I was right where you were and I thought just like you did and I was just as critical as some of you are I totally understand it and I get it I totally get it but what if you are being visited what if someone has been legitimately sent back to talk to you do you do you realize that you will look back and you are given a great chance a opportunity to take a hold of the Word of God and not follow me around not not be it just follow Kevin around but hear the word of God let it ignite in you let it change you and then you start to see your environment change it's like fire it just starts burning I'm getting a dose of it right now and you know the Angels the angels that were sent to help me there's many of them that have been sent to help you too and I'm not like a superhero in heaven I'm just one of millions and millions multitudes so he just told me to tell you to stay consistent I mean he's right he's right here I mean there's two or more gathered here right so he's in the midst don't get oh just get over it it's not because of me Jesus Jesus said are you disciples who are gonna leave you know because everybody was leaving cuz he said you got to drink my blood eat my flesh you have no part of me he said you're following me because you saw the miracles and because you're fat you were fed which I guess wasn't the right thing so he said you know what I'm gonna thin the herd so he turns a megachurch into a small Bible study by mentioning blood and flesh and he said you have no part in me and unless you drink my blood and eat my flesh in other words you got to consume the bread that came from heaven and everybody left Jesus because it wasn't part of what they were expecting just like when they went to throw them over the hill if you look that day before the triumphal entry they were saying Hosanna and throw on palm branches on saying blessed is he who comes in the name Lord the next day flip your Bible page over and they're throwing him off the brother Hill you want to know why cuz they didn't set him up his king and push Rome out he did not meet their expectations and so he even said about John Jesus said hey when you went out to see John did you go out to see a reed bending in the wind cuz he ain't that he was rough John was like repent they could you have any other sermons no he couldn't even get on Christian television they're like we need 28 minutes and 31 seconds to be on Sid Roth do you have a book no have you had any miracles no can yet like come up with some a little longer so we can make a CD set No repent for the kingdom of God is at hand and yet he they said listen jesus said no one up till this point is greater than john no one that means Abraham Moses Enoch Esther all those people were below John but he said from now on the least in the kingdom is greater than John am i right okay so now what I just said is I'm greater than John but so are you and if I'm the little toe and I'm the least which I I would consider a privilege if God Jesus would say that I VIII consider Polly to just be in the kingdom I don't want recognition because Jesus is getting recognition right now but do you understand I am greater than everyone that came before me because of Jesus because what Jesus did for me and he did for you was he put us in a place in the kingdom that the Old Testament people did not have they've built a foundation but they didn't get to see what we see oh so do you understand I don't know if they're getting a pat but did you understand what I just said the Word of God has been spoken to you and you are judged by it you are greater than anyone that came before John so do you understand why I do what I do because we as this generation have had we have to come to a conclusion and let the boundaries fall in favorable places in our life that is a meeting from a table that others have not ever been invited to I am seeing things that they longed to see Devils Devils have to listen to us we drive them out and we continue to push them out to where they never rest they encounter the torment that you have encountered from them if flips on they start to be tormented you rest and they don't they wake up and they're worried about you instead of you being worried about them this is why this is why I'm doing this that's why I'm talking to you right now is because the Word of God says that everyone now in the kingdom is greater than John that's why Jesus said that those who believed these signs shall follow them and then he said greater works will you do than what I've done she you see how that bounces off of us that's because your soil is not prepared you're in unbelief you're doubting you're fearing you're you see I got to get you from Hope which doesn't disappoint us but I got to get you from Hope to knowing where you don't have to try to believe you know that your God is not only able but not only willing but he's doing it I don't ask God to do things he's already told me he's gonna do I don't I don't I don't worry about raising the dead I just command them to come back if they don't it's it's not my problem I know I'm not a healer but I preach Healy I preached the word I lay hands on people I command them to be well and then he does the rest you do the believing you do the trusting you allow the graph been graphed a word that could get in you and take hold and then it changes and transforms you from hoping to knowing is everybody clear okay so do you understand that a Christianity is not about hoping just hoping it doesn't disappoint us to hope but do you understand that Jesus was getting people to the place a believing know the Son of God was hindered in his own hometown because they didn't discern him as a messiah so he couldn't even perform miracles there B it says because of their unbelief because they said this is the card isn't that's the carpenter's son so if they discern you as a as a carpenter then that's what they get they're not gonna get miracles now the son of God was sent to seek and save those who are lost he was sent to heal the sick raise the dead preach Jubilee the year the year of a favor which is Jubilee which is forgiveness of debt and when he got to his own hometown they wanted him to make him some table and chairs so they didn't get what he could do as the Messiah okay so it's the same way with every time you hear the word of God if you don't discern you you limit yourself but it's not the word of God's fault everything that is needed for that seed is inside of it to do its job when it touches soil it they know what to do without you they make contact and a miracle happens and that is what happens to you every minute that you hear the word of God you got to keep it before you all the time okay so this is what God has promised you you're gonna be the head not the tail you're gonna have more than enough so that you can give to others according to what Paul said so if you read second Corinthians chapter nine it's talking about laying up to your account and giving so that you always have enough to help others okay so God wants you to prosper and I have to go through this whole thing before I get into this study because you have to understand something that everybody is going to mess things up down here because we're human we're gonna focus on things and have an agenda and slant we're gonna be selfish if we're not careful we always constantly have to be correcting and allowing the Word of God a correctness so we're like right now you're supposed to be healed and it's written in heaven that Jesus he's actually seated right now and he's not gonna do another thing about healing because he already was punished for our sickness he was already suffered okay I have seen miracles in my body but there are still three things I'm believing for but it used to be 9 so every year something happens supernaturally and no one can take credit for it because no one touches me no one prays for me Jesus shows up any heels another part of my body he's winning me over he's winning me over is what he's doing and he wants to win you over he wants you to know how much he loves you but he also wants to know how much he's provided for you the reason why is is that he is a giver and he wants you to be a giver but you have to learn how to receive and so I'm gonna have the worship team come up and and here's what's gonna happen I want you to receive his love tonight when we worship this has to happen and don't get nervous cuz I didn't open my study guide I wrote it so I got I went through what I needed to don't get nervous but God wants to do surgery tonight he's told me that he's told me that there that are people here that are gonna change their environment but it's gonna affect a whole nation and you are here because God wanted this you to see how important it is to receive the Word of God now here's the thing I have to receive forgiveness so I was forgiven when I went to heaven I looked in Jesus eyes and he did not know that I had ever sinned because he started talking to me about what we're gonna do if I'm gonna come back he said it's gonna be about a minute and a half it's been 26 years but it's a minute and a half and I still have I still will go until 94 and I will pass away at 94 years old put that in your pipe and smoke it so I'm getting younger because I have to okay but do you understand that when I looked into his eyes he started talking to me about my next position and let me wear the uniform I'm gonna wear saw the rank on my arm and the patches over countries and territories that I was over and he said he said to me you're gonna rule and reign with me in eternity shoulder to shoulder with me and he said you're down here qualifying for your next position with me so don't come down here surviving you're down here learning and ready for the next leader position position so by doing this I'm being I'm being faithful and so you will see me in the millennial reign of Christ I will go outside the city of Jerusalem that wish you'll come down and we'll cover the 1,500 square miles that is listed in the book of Joshua chapter 1 the borders in Joshua are supposed to be the borders of Israel it's the whole Middle East 1,500 square miles that the city will sit down over all of that and you will see me we will go out and no one will be able to touch us in the world will repopulate again don't ask me why as Perry stone I don't get into that Bay says there'll be witchcraft will be all kinds of mongers out there outside this the gates and I'm gonna walk out there and they're not gonna be able to touch me and I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna be over Nations because he said it not because I try to control and manipulate and lie on my application I qualify for it by hearing the Word of God and obeying it now here's what's happening to you all you have just walked in to my world which is really your world you've gotten a peek at what's really going on you can start playing just don't sing for a minute okay the play plate just play the chords whatever song it is it's gonna be good now listen the Angels already know what you're called to do they already know what you need to do it and I saw this and it's happened to me so please don't tell me that it's not true because it's too late [Music] Jesus told me if you go back you cannot fail no one's ever told me about [Music] my life is so rigged it's so setup an intricate and I saw that every believers life is like that if they will accept the Word of God in their life so if you're waiting for a prophet to come to speak to you you don't have to wait any longer I'm Tom I'm telling you as Kevin not even a prophet just as Kevin I'm telling you I'm speaking by the spirit I'm telling you that there is a place in God where you cannot fail because you live and you move in your have your being in him where you don't war with the flesh anymore because the flesh is an enemy of God those who yield to the flesh and live by the flesh cannot please God as a too late is already written by Paul in chapter 8 of Romans we live by the impulses of the spirit not the flesh we have a mindset that was given to us by the spirit the not the mindset of the flesh so you in order for you to operate in God's world you got to become normal which is abnormal to the world you have to accept the fact that you are going to be rejected by the world [Music] just jump in this is real people [Music] silly Eleni Nicola very drowsy colaborate Roshan Osaka Vita see suited avala Gino , vicuna enfagrow vicious Ava sekolah Pedro chosen Okemah ello a day awesome Jen okay me say a Seto Akio lava Ladra the door before you has been opened this is ordained for you to walk in I have shown my light on you I've called you by name and I've listed in order everything that I have for you you are right on schedule I have already provided for the time that has passed but now the future is before you there is no randomness in me I have set before you the truth I've listed them I value you says award I've called you and I will provide will you trust me I break every curse over you in the name of Jesus I Drive out every devil in the name of Jesus right now you leave the people you go in Jesus name and you never come back I command you to go trauma go in Jesus name be healed in your soul you're delivered you're set free right now the devil is leaving I said that devil is leaving you right now you are free the Lord is setting people free right now everybody raise your hands worship God right now you're being set free right now Devils are leaving you that have been tormenting you're being healed right now Devils are flying away driven out by the power Jesus Christ freedom I said freedom has come to this place the fire from the altar against you evil spirits the sword of the spirit against you fine holy fire right now you're being delivered the Devils are leaving you
Channel: Gateway Church
Views: 36,669
Rating: 4.8735361 out of 5
Id: TQz_KGnJiws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 29sec (6329 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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