Gateway Church - Kevin Zadai Kingdom Provision Conference Session 6

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there's a there's there's some some things in this session are gonna really be exciting I'm gonna go ahead and record this because it's gonna be good there's so many people in here the Lord's pointed out to me a lot of you are really being you're really being initiated in the ministry and I'm just so excited that it would this was the time and I was the person it got to witness this but there's some people in here that really are gonna start moving in in these kind of things and I mean all of you are of course what I'm trying to tell you is that there's certain individuals that that God points out to me and I don't understand that all I just I don't complain but you know revelation is is something that God initiates and then you're responsible for but you know you know revelation really is is not sometimes interpreted I can't interpret some things so what God gives me something sometimes I don't know exactly what to do with it and I see people in here that are anointed for a particular purpose that is is similar to what I'm doing and I'm I'm looking for the person they're not here hopefully they'll come back yeah anyway so I I sometimes for friends instance I was on my way I was on my way to a city and it was a two-hour flight in the United States and um on the way there Kathy there she comes she's here okay she doesn't know it yet she's about to get nailed okay so anyway um so anyway I was on this flight and you know how you just you get on the flight you get situated then you get sleepy and so you fall asleep and when I fell asleep if it seemed like a dream but let me tell you what happened you know you know sometimes I can't tell if it's a dream or a vision or what's going on or and anyway what happened was is uh I went to the church I was going to but I've never been to that church and when I got in the church I saw everyone that was sitting there and I knew people's names and I was preaching but I hadn't got there yet never been there and I picked I saw this one person I knew her name and the Lord told me a whole bunch of things about her and that I was supposed to pull her out and I knew exactly what row in the church and the seats exactly a place and I was to pull her out and and you know minister to her prophetically so I'm thinking well this is a nice dream everything so when I came back like I came I found myself cut leaving the church pulpit which is thousands of miles away and I came back to the airplane and then I thought well wait a minute if this is a dream what am i doing like this is I saw the airplane came back and I when I when I landed back in my seat which I was already in my seat because I can't tell if I was in the body or out of the body but it was real it was weird it was like if somebody has telling me this I'm like you guys you're on crack you know you're great like I'm thinking this is weird so I thought that's why I usually don't tell these stories you haven't heard this one before but um I usually don't tell certain stories because you know I'm still trying to digest it myself but this happened three years ago or four years ago and um it was the first church I've ever ministered in when I came back the whole plane shook and it woke my and my wife felt it and I go that was me she was well I go I was in it I was in the church already I already can't tell you what it looks like and when I came back I hit the seat so hard it the whole plane shook so like at the same time then I'm like dreaming or whatever that I'm coming back and hitting the air airplane this big bump happens and I thought wow that was kind of weird because you know I I fly all the time I know it's not it's not easy to synchronize that kind of thing so anyway when we got to that when we got to the church the pastor picked us up and I said um and so and so is there a so-and-so in your church he just looked at me goes yeah I go does she have five people on her family he goes yeah I go did she sit on the on the on the fifth row and take up the whole row with kids he goes yeah I said she gonna be there he goes yeah they're always are reasonably telling you this is because on Sunday when I got up that whole row was empty and they never showed up and they were supposed to they decided to stay with their relatives an extra day and watch a football game on Sunday and stay there with them and then come back later on name is church but they missed they missed something else is what I'm trying to tell you it was very interesting to me because I learned something from that so the Lord in His mercy what he did was he said Kevin just tell the soundman to make a separate CD recording of this and give it to her so I said thus saith the Lord I prophesied never met them until later and then she thanked me she said you have no idea you know what what you've done you know and that word you know but the thing was is my first point was is that they were supposed to be there right and the Lord knew that but yet it didn't happen so I wasn't it wasn't a false prophecy was I'm not a false prophet there were circumstances involved where a person's will actually messed with you get it oh it gets better worse actually but then after that they got offended at the pastor and left the church and they're not there anymore but every time I'm there I think about I'm thinking about them now and that's what I'm trying to tell you is is that is that God God actually does initiate your provision but it's it could be at a certain place and Satan will try to get you to opt out and these are things you need to know and there's not a lot of people to talk about this stuff but you have to understand I'm crazier than you think I mean I'm actually holding back because Jesus took me to a restaurant which I've never shared because I didn't think people were ready for but I think you are but he took me to a restaurant and in the restaurant was full the silver tables with different size groups of people and they were all conversing and he took me in he had me walked through the restaurant as the people were talking and this is one of the reasons why I didn't want to come back is because every person in every did I say every is this on every person in the restaurant had some sort of demonic assignment against them every person had an entity that was sent to harass them in some way and some of them had gained enough entrance into their life that that they were closer to the person's form their body than others so there were some that were just near them and they were influencing them and they were telling them things and you could hear after a while the conversation of that person would go towards what the demon was saying and then there were others the demons were so close that they were making the demons were making hand movements and things and the people started to do that and then there were some which was really freaking me out that the demon was the person was starting to look like the demon because it was so close to them that their face theirs features started to morph and I've seen this a lot with people but I don't say anything so don't ask me but I've seen like where they they're gained enough entrance to where they it starts to go halfway in to them and their their features start to change and then they they start to change now I've had this happen with people that I love and I've been around people that watched them change and you know I understand like if you're gonna be a friend of mine I know what's gonna happen you're gonna get tested severely because the demon wants to that can't get to me so they wants to know if you're the weak link to get to me no and this isn't like I'm not afraid and I'm not like you know worried about people being my enemy I'm not like that and I'm not like looking for the next person who's gonna stab me in the back or anything like that but what I'm trying to tell you is is this is the reality of warfare is is that if you're a pastor of a church or if you're a minister or if you work at a restaurant any anything that you do you have to be mindful that there's a spirit world that wants to influence you and it has to do about Dominion and domains it's not about like we use the word possession and we use the word casting out but really if you do a study even if you do the word study even if you just do a light thing I I saw that that it would had to do with Dominion and domains and it had to do with driving out Devils not not necessarily casting them out I mean force it was more forceful and it also had to do not with possession so to speak because the realms are different so you know you could fit a couple thousand demons into your body space or or in other words there's no way to measure it and I can't tell you this in English so I'm going to stop because I can't explain it because the dimensions are different so you can't like say okay this person's possessed no this person is demonized it's in other words the plaits this demon has has gained influence now the degree to which the person has allowed that demon to have access to is the degree that that they get controlled so a person like I'm not gonna let a demon take me over but I can listen to suggestions and then after a while they gain entrance through a thought process that ends up framing the what I believe in my reality okay and then I start to act on that and then you know I have people all the time saying I don't know how I got I got this happened I go I'll tell you how it happened one step at a time you know it happens one step at a time because I'm human just like everyone else is I know that if you get close to someone who knows how to stand in their Dominion in their authority that that the demons will try to find someone else if you get close there you're gonna be tested so like your spiritual father your parents your a part the Apostle the prophet pastor teacher evangelist whatever you have in your life if they can't get to that person then they're gonna seek out in the outer perimeter to try to gain access to that person and it's the same thing with you like you can establish your authority and not give the devil any ability to manipulate you because you hate Jezebel you hate you know every demon and an Ahab and any other thing you want a name you know they just give names to this but it's like literally it's just the same old demonic spirits they just label themselves they actually have different names they actually take on characteristics that they'd like to promote and then they name themselves that but they actually had earthly names but we won't get into that but so just forget it but but you have to understand something demons just want access because they've been disembodied and that's why they seek expression and if you notice that most of what they do once they gain access a lot of it has to do a sexual sin which is what was happening before the flood so that's a clue on what's going on why is there so much sin in that area and why do we even call it sin you know like what because now they're trying to take the boundaries away completely for anything like that but see you're not walking in love you're not honoring other people and you're not thinking about other people and and we don't respect people's boundaries because we don't have any and demons are trying to get rid of those things and so they they infiltrate you with doctrine and they cause you to be weak so that they can enter into your domain in a greater manner because they seek expression okay so you understand that do you understand that everything I teach you I study my enemy and I've seen these things I've dealt with them and now you know that I've seen because only Sid Roth knew what I had seen and he said the church is not ready for all this but now three years later I find myself sharing this with you but what I saw there and what I know is is that if demons aren't given access to you they will leave you alone because they seek who they may devour they'd if they can't devour you they leave you alone now no one has ever told me this but I found it out through experience as well as the Lord telling me that his name is enough and the blood of Jesus the blood that was shed is enough and it enforces what I'm talking about about domains okay so the there there's a bloodline in the kid nothing can cross that bloodline okay so I saw that like with with all of you right now Satan is trying to access you so that you don't hear what I'm saying and he's gonna do it some way if he cannot get to you he's going to get to your name is gonna get to the nearest kid that gets upset for no reason because he can't find his toy or whatever and then if not that I've been in churches where I start talking about the holy fire and all the lights went out not just in the church but the whole city of New Jersey the whole sector of a city a major metropolis that it went out for hours I had to finish my sermon on holy fire in the dark without a microphone for an hour and ten minutes I refused to stop so now every city that I go to and I started talking about holy fire something major happens we had in Phoenix I'm telling about this story that I just told you and someone dropped a box that had a suspected bomb in it and the the squad had to come to dismantle it and they were trying to get me to quit preaching and I refused to do it and so I'm telling that you know so I'm telling the story just told you and this happens ok the next day I'm telling the story that I just told you that I just told you in another church and somebody drops out the Allan X you know the paramedics are over this person trying trying to get them conscious again five I mean they're making a big scene they got five oh I I I only need one person to help me but they had five paramedics and making a big scene and I said do you all see what's happened here I started talking about holy fire I said she's fine you watch what happens and although said she comes to gets back in her seat and says she's fine no they thought she was dead it was just another disruption and so this is what happens in that these entities I see them and they they are trying to work on you and if they can't get to you they'll try to that your alarm oh and your car will go off and you'll have to get up and I'm to the place now we're like you know what let's just take a ten-minute break I'm not gonna say another word until everybody comes back and here's all this big but that's I can tell you stories in my wife will set up here and vouch for you it's it's beyond the movies it's better than a plot of the movies because it's so intricate these evil spirits have been here a long time and they they stay where they were before the flood that's why they begged Jesus not to send them out of the area because they've developed a system here of influence so what they do is they create cycles and they they create response a cycle of response with you so you'll find if you chart it it's on them and on calendars you could see that at certain times you'll start having these same things happen every month it's a cycle to get you into rejection and you'll say you'll start saying you know why do people always say that to me why do people always do that to me and it's it's a demonic entity that's been assigned to you to reinforce a curse and it causes you to be in rejection and the only way to break it is for you to sit and listen to me or someone that tells you the truth about what's going on behind the scenes and then you address that we all address it that way and the bottom line is is that in heaven in heaven I saw that we're supposed to be free completely free so that's why I teach against debt that we should pray that God leads us into to some sort of freedom financially so that we're not bound for you know but for instance you know I stopped the Lord the Lord blessed us by having someone before we were in the ministry the Lord spoke to somebody to pay our house off and so they did and then now for you know eleven twelve thirteen years now let's see since 2009 was our last payment on our house we've saved like almost 300 some thousand dollars in interest that would have went out it's not now but you know that's why I have a problem with people that are against prosperity because I'm thinking well I wasn't even a minister I was just a flight attendant and my wife was a hairdresser and somebody was told by the Lord who was prosperous was a millionaire to pay off our house because we were gonna go into the ministry someday and they knew that they just wanted to help us and so they they believe that God prospered them so they didn't have problem with prosperity but they also didn't have problem with holding on to it they are you hearing me does everybody follow I'm trying to say okay so the demons couldn't stop this woman from doing what she had in her heart so she passed away when she did she gave us one point four million dollars breathe everybody breathe now listen to me I'm a I'm a flight attendant she say hairdresser we're working all the time but yet God spoke to somebody who believed that God prospered them she had 11 million dollars and she started parceling it out now to her God was just blessing her so she could bless others so when she blessed us God blessed us so we can bless others it just kind of continues on and so I do you understand that even in her warfare that she went through she still was able to do something that was left to the next generation but she didn't understand like she would want me to talk all the time she was my mother-in-law and she loved me more than my real mom did no I can't really say that because I don't know but she was more outward about it my mom didn't want to hear about God as much as this woman did but now my mom wants to hear about god she's my biggest fan but do you understand that that my parents didn't have the way to express love and so I grew up in a different culture but this woman loved me and she wanted to hear everything that I had to say but when she left this this for us it was because a part of what God had done to her for her she was leaving it to us so that he can keep working so she had no problem with prosperity does everybody understand that okay because she never worked a day in her life because it was given to her and her parents who was left from them was an inheritance that was so big and it just keeps speaking to every generation okay so you're clear with that okay so do you understand that that is God enforcing a blessing you understand that it keeps talking it keeps working okay so you can understand then that a demon will enforce a curse to the next generation so they will visit you and enforce a curse and you will find yourself encountering the same things your father did and your mother did and then your children will start to encounter similar things and then you got to get smart enough to know that what I'm saying to you is correct that these are entities that are that are that are territorial they have characteristics that they enforce to the next generation because they're they're really eternal beings you know God can't just get rid of these spirits because they came from him eventually you know originally it's a whole long talk but do you understand that God can't get rid of spiritual matter because it came from him so spirits even if they're corrupt you know people will live forever whether it's in heaven or hell they're it's eternal right you get that we still believe in all that stuff okay do you understand the evil spirits they don't just disappear because you don't believe in them and they don't disappear unless they're incarcerated they have to be incarcerated they have to be cast they have to be driven out they have to be dealt with or but they don't ever cease to exist so this is why a lot of people they are always asking me about endtime scenarios they don't understand things about the thousand year reign and why it populates the earth again then seems loosed at the end of the thousand years why but what you don't understand is there's a lot of legalities that we weren't involved with that have to have to there's human spirits that have to be embodied with flesh because there's are books written about them and I'm sharing stuff that I shouldn't even be sharing with you but you have to understand something that everybody was predetermined to be born and has a name and has a book know whether you go to heaven or hell is up to you so it's predestination but it's not predestination where you're gonna go to heaven or hell God decides that you know you have a free will and and that's why I was sent back is to help people influence a generation to side with God and to deal with these demonic spirits because each one of you are dealing with something that was transferred down and if you don't resist to the point where you are forceful and you beat the living daylights out of them to where they don't want to be around you anymore now I'm telling you this is the truth you're not gonna hear anybody talk like this because everybody's afraid of reprisal but what I'm trying to tell you is is the is the way that you see the release in heaven even though I cheated I went to heaven and I came back okay get over it I I know I have an advantage I saw the test questions and the answers I've cheated but I'm sharing them with you so you can pass your tests you have to be forceful with the devil that means you don't compromise in our country we have a policy we do not negotiate with terrorists when they threaten us I say we just say go ahead because we're not negotiating with you there they're like trying to get leverage through fear well we're gonna start killing people we're not negotiating with you you're dead and our government just say you you're done there's gonna be a smoking hole and and because we won't compromise and there's no negotiation it loses the demons lose their power okay because the only way that they can really control people is through through them you not knowing what they're doing their mode of operation and the fact that there's because you don't know much about it you have fear if if a demonic entity can get you to fear then it paralyzes you you can't operate in faith see God loves you and that love drives out fear because you're perfected and loved that is the way it should be all the time we should be perfected in love now I know I don't care if you're a prophet or a non-profit if you if you if I don't feel the love of God driving out fear then there's something wrong because because God is love but love is discipline to any disciplines those he loves so I can still love somebody and tell them the truth Paul said in mind now your enemy because I've told you the truth so do you understand that like this weekend I'm so I'm supposed to present to you that there is supernatural provision there's supernatural finances involved with your life but the thing that is is what I'm what I'm I want to cut it I want to cut to the chase just in case I never get done is is the bottom line is what I found about finances is is that Satan studying the enemy I realized that he was trying to shut down the supply line so that you couldn't function correctly so I found that like if you have things going on in your body you're not up to speed it's hard for you to pray it's hard for you to believe it's hard for you to help other people and the same thing with your finances if you don't have the finances you're always working you're always worried and you're not able to help other people as much because you need help and you know I understand that and I I had people help me all the time but there came this time where I realized that it was more demonic than what I wanted to admit because as the Holy Spirit was starting to lead me in the truth I started to see that the demonic was shutting us down so that we weren't able to do the things that God had written about us and that he had provided for us but that we for whatever reason there were many we were not able to navigate through the difficulties of this life so you understand that there's a lot of emphasis on giving and that is a big part of financial provision and prosperity and things like that however I felt as though there was so much emphasis on that that we weren't being good receivers either and I had to teach this to people that are above me I had to teach them that God is also wanting us to learn how to receive and and there are people that were very wealthy around me and very high up spiritually but they wouldn't let me buy their meal they wouldn't let me do anything for them and they're thinking well you know hairdresser in a flight attendant you don't have to buy my meal and I go well what if I want to what if God wants me to sew into you and it took it took a couple years and I had to we actually had to leave an hour early talked to the man who said no matter what this person says or does do not take any money from him here's my charge card and I had to almost like start to train people because just because you have money doesn't mean you have to foot the bill every time and so I had people I've had friends that I can name who started weeping when I bought them their meal because no one has ever bought them a meal because they're millionaires weeping said no one's ever bought me a meal and they were they were so deeply touched that I cared it wasn't the money it was the do you get it okay so do you understand its if there's more to transaction than just money and I found that the Holy Spirit wants to lead us in the freedom which would mean that there's certain ways of doing things but what I found is is that the demonic wants to shut us down and we get to the place where we're in a survival mode and what I found was is that the Lord would tell me I want you he would tell me you can go out need not go out needy so I went to get it to go so I'll be on my way home and he said so it to that street person that that a homeless person I'm like what you told me to go get this mill and then I had to give it away and I went home and I I wasn't allowed to eat isn't that bizarre this happened so many times and I can tell you other things or I'd get an extra money and I finally had enough money to get what I wanted the Lord said give it to your pastor for he needs tires or whatever you know and I'm telling you this now because it was in secret at the time but I'm trying to tell you some of the Lord was trying to unhook me but he was really unhooking me from demons they were so they were they were they were they were surrounding me trying to choke me off and the way out was being obedient to the voice of Lord going the opposite direction of what I thought so I would work extra get the check and then the Lord said no this is not yours and like I work for it his mind you know and I had to learn how to so do you understand I have many stories million-dollar stories but it was it's because of what I'm telling you now it was because I chose to listen to the Lord and the small things and learned that I was let him unhook me and the demons couldn't operate because the voice of the Lord was leading me and unhooking me from there their curse you have no idea what it's like to give your Christmas away and watch six kids get toys that they wouldn't have gotten and they don't know and they sit there and they're so happy I just sit there and cry but the Lord's told us to do that and when you do that you're you're part of God's kingdom but it starts a flow and so I'm just telling you this to get to where God's taking you they're going to be these things that you are told to do that you don't want to do but it's unhooking you from the demonic so there are times where he's told me to to back away from certain people but then there's other times where I've had to be around people that had invisible friends now the reason you're here is because you found something common with me and you relate to me okay so your what your of likes what's I'm up so we're common spirit well in order to get where you're at I can only imagine what you've had to go through to be able to come here and sit on your days off in order to come from other places and go through security and Airlines I know because I worked for one I wouldn't want to go through that for free or pay that's even worse but you pay to be harassed at least I got paid for you know but do you understand like what you'll do to come and sit here is this very uncommon to the world but yet do you understand that you encounter a freedom and you find somebody that has that freedom in reinforce that and then you just want to be around that person and you want to sit like it's crazy you guys come from everywhere I'm in different countries and we have you know like even in Chicago the United States we have we had 17 nations represented in 15 states and it's in a middle of a cornfield they have 12 people in that church when I'm not there but they can't they fill the building and people outside when they invite me to come and the only reason I come is not because it's 12 people or 31,000 it's because God told me to go but this pastor in is they these pastors they have sided with what I'm doing and they're everywhere I have pastors in Switzerland they show up everywhere like I look out in the crowd and they're there and they come to help me they say I'll work your book table whatever we have pastors all over the world to do that well let's speak what it is is is you have been set free from the demonic influence but then you want to side with people that live in that and reinforce it because you want to continue to it forth okay now do you understand that that all of us are never gonna be the same because we're in the same room and we are all in agreement with the Lord Jesus Christ and you might not even believe in aliens but you had to sit through it but one day when you have happen what I've had happen you're gonna believe in it you're gonna have to deal with it you're gonna deal with it correctly because at least you'll remember what that crazy man said because you know a lot of things that people told me like when I got into situations with airplanes my instructors try to tell me okay when this happens you know you got to make sure that you do this and do not do this because that's what everybody does well you know I'm like it's never gonna happen and it happens you're like oh and then you want to do the thing they told you not to do because it's really weird they know can you imagine that that they already know like how it is and you you find yourself then believing something because now you need it okay so that's what the Spirit of God wants to do is frame your world by the Word of God but Satan wants to convince you otherwise and so a lot of you are being hindered financially because you don't believe the way the Bible teaches about it and and I'm sorry but there are a lot of people teaching the wrong thing and they're emphasizing the wrong thing and I understand that but what about the people that are doing the right thing I mean I would support I support ministers that are doing the right thing and I help their churches I'm a minister myself but I'm helping churches that can't pay their bills isn't that crazy but see God god I don't believe I don't believe the way other people believe I believe I'm a distribution center I believe that everything that's given to me is is it's made available to equalise the body of Christ so that everyone is provided for and I'm gonna keep believing for that as long as I'm alive because I can't lose but there has to be overthrow so there's breakthrough but you've encountered breakthrough but overthrow is when the Devils have your face posted in hell and there's a warning to stay away from you okay so you you've heard of other false religions that don't even believe like Christians do but they parade as being Christians but they're really not Christians and I can name the religions now it's interesting how these people who don't believe in the deity of Christ but they claim to be Christians and they have churches probably in your country too and it's interesting they you'll see them two by two and they have to bring a whole army to talk to me they don't even talk to me because what they don't know is I know the Bible better than they do and the Greek in the Hebrew and the homebrew in after a while now I'm telling you this because if somebody comes at me with theology it's gonna be a long talk and they're gonna lose because I know all the you know I know all that stuff if you want to I could I could bury somebody with that but however what I do instead is I start talking to their heart matter the word the word of the Lord will come to me and say you're having bad dreams tonight and you're seeing this and they're like all of a sudden they're not the theological expert they were because now I'm speaking to heart matters and that's what Jesus did the one - well wanted to go into the Strong's Concordance with him and you know argue doctrine you know you your people say this is the mountain but this is our this is the mountain and we're the people because you know what lady there's come a time where we're not gonna worship on this mountain or any mountain and you know what he does Jesus gets a word of wisdom and a word of knowledge and it says hey just go get your husband he switches the whole thing from doctrine to heart matters she goes well I'm not married he goes yeah now you got that right but you've been you've had five and the one where you're with is not you know yours she is I perceive you're a prophet doesn't even discern that he's the Messiah yet but now now Chanel he's a prophet well we're getting somewhere and he said essentially if you knew who you were talking to you had asked for water where you'd never thirst again now he did the same thing in numerous occasions where people did discern like the guy at the Pool of Bethesda he is waiting for an angel visitation like some of us are that maybe we can get healed by accident if he trips and stirs the water like which is an Old Testament random act they couldn't even define that had nothing to do with covenant the angel probably came down it was probably just swishing the water with his feet it had nothing to do with healing but the power that was on the angel somehow would get on the person who was closest to it right away it would affect their body and they'd be healed and it became a doctrine but as a sacred cow okay so that man is coaching Jesus and telling him all his bad story about his situation oh my gosh I just noticed I got up and stood though I wonder why I feel heavier you can tell I'm tired I can't make this stuff up so the guy the guy is depending upon a random act like we do we wait maybe Kevin will call me out and give me a word you know and the thing that is I've given you hundreds of words and you're supposed to grab it cuz the Lord told me not to do it see I can call all of you out I'm just gonna be honest with you you could all line up I can give you all word it'd be I've had pastors tell me 100 percent correct on every single person but it took till 3 a.m. and the thing it was is when I came back the next year the people were still the same and it was supernatural I mean the pastor verified he goes I live with these people you nailed it 100% of the time and you know all I did I wasn't even acting in the prophets mantle I was actually you would just grab my right hand and as soon as you grab it an utterance comes it happens every time but don't come up here so I'm tired but you can grab my hand and out of my spirit will come tongues and then the interpretation will come it'll be 100 percent correct because somehow I got wiring that I can pray in tongues and interpret my tongues so I know what the spirits saying to you or praying over you it but see you can do the same thing anyway where was I am I wanna make sure I cover what I just said before that yeah everybody's painted oh man nobody's listening to me including myself angel okay can I buy a vowel that's not enough can i phone a friend no that was not it thank you the poll Bethesda we were about to get wet thank you the angel that's right thank you okay so anyway the Lord showed me that the man didn't discern who he was just like the woman at the well didn't and just like the people in Nazareth didn't discern him as Messiah so he was essentially telling Jesus his bad story and then telling him so that maybe if it happened while Jesus was there that he could throw him in to get okay so Jesus became a like a you know an assistant so if that's what the man discerned him as then Jesus would throw him in if the angel showed up but I saw in the New Testament that we're not to live by a random act of an angel that we have Jesus Christ standing before us so Jesus essentially said to him if you knew who was standing before you essentially he he was the healer and he was asking Jesus to help him into the pole you get it and Jesus said this is where the church is right now we're waiting for some stirring someone to be brave to start dancing or play a tambourine or whatever and then everybody joins in and the power God hits busy it's building up the whole time and you're like you're a pastor your congregation is waiting for you to jump in and the pastor is thinking well I don't know if the people want to jump in and I don't want to like you know and and this whole thing happens and then it's before you know it that whole generation has passed and we have no move and and what I found was is that the the spirit realm is always ready and the angels are already ready and the spirits already willing and the demons are hoping that you never come to the conclusions that you have come in this session based on what you've heard so I found that that at any moment the Spirit of God is willing to act but it's based on our faith inside of our heart which is not built up as a mental exercise it's a trust where you know the movements of the spirit that are happening with like right in this room right now it's so strong it's amazing that we were full of food and this is the afternoon session at which no Minister would ever take a slot I mean I'm serious I take this slot because no one else takes it like what I'm speaking with other ministers I know this slot will not be chosen so I and on purpose I choose it and the power God happens when people were laying everywhere and all the ministers are like didn't see that happening because because the power God is so strong right now but to think we're full well this is the time where you take a nap and and think about it like God's here with us okay so so as essentially what I know is that all of you are encountering demon spirits that already have agenda to keep you out of what God has for you and I found that in order for me to go onto the next step that I have to in January which is a is the power of God like never before it happened in Switzerland has just happened in Dalton and I'm believing it's going to happen here it was so strong and what it was it was it went from breakthrough to overthrow we're literally demons lost their grip on people right before my eyes and it had nothing to do with me laying hands on people or anything that we've seen before it had to do with you all finally experiencing overthrow where you were no longer a victim and you realize that it was time for the devil to suffer and he didn't see this coming yeah and I know I know it No thank you Lord so so when I go through these scriptures that I'm gonna go through with you right now and we'll get back into what I wanted to talk to you about I wanted to cover some things in this financial thing because I want to show you something do you understand I think you understand the hell that I've shared very personal information with you that I really don't feel comfortable even sharing but I want to show you something it's a little late to tell me that you don't that I don't believe in prosperity because it's not about me God has done it in spite of me but I found myself cooperating with God I prayed in tongues and I had overthrow within me what happened was after I prayed in his spirit and I made an environment conducive for mature growth in me and I started to own it I didn't start by stop blaming other people I stopped blaming God and what happened was I prayed in tongues on I had overthrow inside of me and what happened was I didn't any longer look at money and it started coming to me I started coming to my wife and people found us irresistible it's just a bizarre it's bizarre so that we don't even have to ask for money because God sent us on a mission and he sent provision ahead of us and because we're doing God got what God wants us to do he has no problem footing the bill this is what he has for every one of you that's why I talked to the pastor and I really wanted to do this one here and it's the most controversial thing I and in some circles that I teach but I can't I can't not tell you I can't hold back and not tell you that God is a good god that and that that it's just as easy for him to forgive sin as it is for him to tell you to get up and walk I've had Jesus Christ tell me he haven't asked for enough he appeared to me I never tell this but I'm gonna tell you this I need a healing I was actually in kidney failure I was told to report the emergency room and I for refused to do it not because I was being stupid it was because I knew I had two brand-new kidneys and it was a false report so I said I will go and get my I will go get tested again but in the meantime I had a miracle happen this crazy guy named Jesse Duplantis was in my TV showed up at my house cuz God told him to and I got two new kidneys I woke up the next day I had a new liver and two new kidneys and there was something else there was of my heart right Kathy my heart would stop he doesn't minor problem you know right it was those things right that what that pretty much for that what incident anyway right my eyes got healed later okay so I'm asking him how did you get from my TV set to my living room he goes it's God he said your your you're a general Lord told me you're a general like a what you're a general I'm not even an expert I'm a pert he goes no doesn't matter you he said there's only five of you on the earth that's what the Lord told me I'm like you gotta be kidding me and I still can't grasp it that's what I'm tell you cuz I think it's almost it's not a joke but you know I'm saying it's like you got it yeah I don't even wrap around this stuff okay so this is what happened the next day I woke up and I I mean I'm just being honest way I couldn't believe it I had no symptoms everything was gone so went back to the doctors and it confirmed everything with my counts for my liver count and my my kidneys and that the way that they were operating and I wasn't in renal failure anymore but this is what what happened me I had a visitation of Jesus the next day before I went to the doctors but you wouldn't believe how bad much better I felt and I I didn't believe it I did you know I'm saying I'm I'm actually turning myself in I was an unbelieving believer it's embarrassing see that's why I am the way I am I totally understand what you guys are going through and I totally understand I'm not here to make you feel bad if you don't have great faith because you know I went to a school that made me feel bad sometimes because I didn't have faith but I found out that faith is a relationship and it takes time sometimes for us to move into what God has for us like it's called revelation and so you don't always get it all the time so I'm like a lot easier on people but here's the thing Jesus appeared to me in the same room that I got healed in where Jesse Duplantis dedicated our house he was told to come over and dedicate our house and while I was at it he just point him and said you're healed he didn't have to touch me because I said I don't I couldn't get you out of the TV set to my house so just point at me and I'll be healed that's what I told him he said I don't need you to touch me I had the Centurion faith because I couldn't get him to my house even if I paid somebody you can't even get near him he called me okay so when Jesus appeared to me you know I was like so thankful as tell him thank you for healing me and you know what he said he didn't even hear me he said you didn't ask for enough he said you should have asked for your knee you should ask for your hair back that's what he said no I'm not on this being honest with you see I you don't really know me do you so I'm believing for things because he he changed me by speaking to me he said you didn't ask for enough okay so here's the here's why I wrote this study guide in the book the book is super natural finances it's it just came out and then you guys saw the the one in the favor one that isn't even out until January but somehow because I bought ten thousand I'm they they gave them to me early and I you guys are the first ones to have it okay but these seeds used to be inside of me and now they're like the only reason I'm telling you this is I don't care if you buy them or not I mean I want you to have them but what I'm trying to tell you is is that these were inside of me and now I just like to look at him because it's like it's a miracle this was inside of me and now it's a book it's like part of me was that God gave me is it's it's like a miracle that I see okay so so do you understand that Jesus started to change me about prosperity because I saw that I had a don't be honest just please try to digest this without getting mad but I was very selfish in my view because I thought it was something where people were wanting to a car wealth for themselves well not just themselves there was three people me myself and I so it was three people the unholy trinity it's the unholy trinity and that's what no the Lord asked me he said I'm writing a book but please don't write it because it's mine and it's it's it's called why is my world so small and then the subtitle is contending with me myself and I better don't take it it's mine alright anyway so what I did was I systematically was given scriptures which I do in every book but it's interesting that when you start reading through because you have that for free in your hands what I want you to do is start with chapter three and go through three and four and there's a daily devotional I'm doing right now in my room in between with all my spare time you know in between these services I'm working on a daily devotional called provision for your vision which is all of these but expand it into personal prophecy and it's like a devotional journal for you but this is what happened to me the Lord won me over and got me into overthrow from breakthrough because he started to win me over when I started reading his word so I did I put them in order like he did with me and you can read through these and by the end of it you will understand what true prosperity is and essentially if we would all yield to it we'd all be in heaven in our mansions because the white horse would come back with Jesus on it because we would wrap this up down here because we're in an economic world and even though you got that manual for free it did cost something but my partners are paying for it but because I published it myself I save a whole bunch of money but don't tell my publisher because they'll be mad at me but they allow me to do it actually okay so what I wanted to talk to you about is is is number 7 on page 39 I want to show you something about a king it was King Uzziah now remember in Isaiah 6 it says in the year that King Uzziah died I saw the Lord High and lifted up right you so Uzziah was a king that died well I found out that he was judged okay but here's what it says in 2nd Corinthians chapter 26 verse 5 it says the King Uzziah sought God in the days of Zechariah is on page 39 in the middle number 7 who had who had understanding in the visions of God no did you hear that King Uzziah sought God in the days of Zechariah who had understand some vision of God and as long as he sought the Lord God made him to prosper now try to explain that one away but we go on please continue Kevin okay so okay someone sums 1 1 through 3 says blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly ok nor stands in the path of the sinners nor sits in the seat of the scornful but his delight is in the law of the Lord and in his law he meditates day and night ok that's really good ok but look what it says he he this kind of person is gonna be like a tree that's planted by the waters the rivers of water that brings forth its fruit in season whose leaf shall not wither that's talking about the person and whatever he does shall prosper ok so you start you start reading these things and after a while you start to see the trend that there is reward for good behavior and there's not a reward for bad behavior but what it really has to do is is everything that you do according to the Word of God and Cordia the Spirit of God is leading you into truth and it unlatches you from the curse of the demonic spirits that are enforcing a curse so the only way that you can be unlatched from demonic activity is to be led by the Spirit of God into freedom because here the sons is free is free indeed where the Spirit of the Lord is there's Liberty and so the spirit wants to lead you in all truth which will cause you to walk in prosperity and it doesn't matter what you think I love you anyway but you have to understand I've already done this journey and I'm not going back and you need me to prosper because I want to continue to help people all over the world whether whether there's money or not and in order to do that somebody's got to pay the bills and I want to do it because God has sent me to do it but I want to do it with his provision supernatural you have no idea how much I enjoy this even though I want to stay home I tell you that I'd rather not be doing any of this that's true but the thing that is is every day of a supernatural event happen there's supernatural provision happening because I'm not seeking after it I'm seeking Him and he he gets so happy he starts throwing things at me I start getting deliveries Psalm 23 says well let's do number 9 there Psalms 9 9 says the Lord will well be a refuge in a high tower for the oppressed a refuge and a stronghold in times of trouble ok so God is our refuge but inside that refuge is gonna be provision so he's our strong he's what he wants us to run to him but he's not poor Psalms 10 that means Psalms 23 one and five and six verse five six as well the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want I shall not need it says I shall not want so God provides for all my needs according to Richard sing glory in Christ Jesus but he also provides for my wants David said I shall not want you prepare a table a feast before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup overflows with abundance is that what that means and surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life ok this one's a real crowd-pleaser this will probably knock people in the next week 11 bottom of page 41 says this is Psalms 30:5 27 let them shout for joy and be glad okay that's good okay who favor my righteous cause okay that's the reason why okay and let them say continually let the Lord be magnified who has pleasure in the prosperity of his servant can you believe that God would say prosperity in church okay moving on don't wanna offend too many people Psalms 36a says they who trust in God are abundantly satisfied with the fullness of your house and you give them drink from the river of your pleasures it sounds like somebody's smoking something when they wrote that but that's God speaking through somebody the the word Eden in Hebrew means pleasure the garden of pleasure that's where he gets that it's actually says Eden when you read it in Hebrew okay moving on Psalms 37 for verses 3 & 4 on page 43 at the top trust in the Lord and do good dwell in the land and feed on his faithfulness delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart no we're skipping over needs here in this verse it's desires so what does it take to get in a place like that you need to get in to overthrow you know you need to break through but then you need to get to where your domain is clean of the operation of evil spirits and you're calling the shots I don't think you got that because at least one person should run now I'm telling you the truth if you catch this I'll know it because this place will erupt you got to understand something all these verses in heaven when they're spoken people go crazy you only are reserved until your team wins a game and then you can let loose but see God wants us to let loose all the time with him and and and okay so Psalms 37 18 and 19 says the Lord knows the days of the upright that means he knows all your days and there are inheritance shall be forever that means it never ends inheritance did I say inheritance okay they shall not be ashamed in the evil time and in the days of famine they shall be satisfied okay this is all Bible I mean it didn't go away I mean Jesus didn't come back and suffer so that these can be taken from us see see how I'm having a hard time with people's mentality so I'm 37 25 by the way as I read these every country I go to every place I go to people start laughing and get hit by the joy because they start to see so what you're hearing this happens everywhere I've been actually you guys are behind a little bit you know we should have ordered shag carpeting so they a little softer on them I have been in young and I've been old I have not seen the righteous forsaken norther descends begging bread you know psalms 37:25 so i'm 65 for blessed is the man you choose and cause to approach you that he may dwell in your courts he shall be satisfied with the goodness of your house of your holy temple and we can keep on going so i'm 6511 number 17 in the middle of page 45 says you crown the year with your goodness and your paths drip with abundance psalm 66 12 says we went through the fire we went through the water but you brought us out to rich fulfillment and the King James says wealthy place but you know that offends people so I used another version so you see how ridiculous we were okay all right you're starting to drink I can tell okay so I'm 60 68 six this happens everywhere without fail because the Word of God sets people free but see what's happened is you haven't taken a dose of these you haven't taken the whole bag of chips and eaten it you've just taken portions of it but now you're getting over dosed with a whole bunch of them at one time and the devils are leaving you so I'm 68 6 God sets the solitary and Families he brings out those who are bound into prosperity but the rebellious dwell in a dry land ok so you're not rebellious so get out of your dry land Psalm 68 19 says blessed be the Lord who daily loads us with benefits the god of our salvation loads us with benefits do I hear beep beep beep beep you know the backing up of the delivery truck beep beep beep I guess the loads of benefits are coming today honey honey does it say if we're the benefits are coming day I hear a beep beep beep I guess this is the delivery day ok but pray there's not FedEx cuz if you're not there and signed for it they're gonna hold it oh my god I can't believe I just said that I love FedEx don't come after me bags I pay my bills ok breathe breathe breathe make sure you okay Psalms 84 11 for the Lord God is a Sun and shield the Lord will give you grace and glory no good thing will he withhold from those who walk uprightly so you're gonna rip that out of the Bible - okay see it I mean and we're only on 22 now and I have I think 70 80 of these things but we won't have to do them all because you guys are getting it you get my point Psalms 107 38 says he also blesses them and multiplies them greatly and he does not let their cattle decrease proverbs 14 4:18 says but the path of the just is like the shining Sun that shines ever brighter until a perfect day proverbs 630 people do not despise a thief if he steals us at by himself when he is starving yet if he's if the thief has found you must he must restore Sevenfold I sent some rich people in here Sevenfold what's been stolen there's some wealthy people gonna hit right okay yeah all right proverbs 821 says that I may cause those who love me to inherit wealth oh my gosh that's got to be a misprint did you hear what I just said it says that I may cause those who love me to inherit wealth do you know what it says in Hebrew the same thing okay that I may feel their Treasuries can you believe this this has been sitting on your bookshelf now it's gonna be transferred to your bank account proverbs 821 says that I may cause those who love me to inherit wealth that I may fill their Treasuries okay that sounds familiar we just read something similar to that and another verse proverbs 10 3 says the Lord will not allow the righteous soul to famish proverbs 10:22 the blessing of the Lord makes one rich and he adds no sorrow to it okay so you can understand what happened to me I'm doing this study and I'm like you got to be kidding me I had to repent proverbs 1024 says the fear of the wicked will come upon him and the desire of the righteous will be granted so after you meditate on these things and I set this up for you and then when the devotional comes out you know that I'm going to do that myself I've already told my publisher that they can't have that but what I what I want to do is I want to make it something you can put before yourself every day and here's what's gonna happen is is your world will actually start to shift into the revelation of the Spirit because before it was saved I would read the Bible and I wouldn't understand it and when I was born again the Holy Spirit came in and made me new and he became the person who helped me understand the Word of God and what the Holy Spirit does and that's why I'm coming against a lot of different things in this time it's because I'm seeing what's robbing people and I was sent back not to be silent because you can't kill me I've already done that I've already died now I'm gonna live but I'm gonna tell you something what I saw was is that Satan does not want any Christian to have any money at all and what Jesus told me was that he is upset if you go out and find 10 cents in the parking lot he told me that if a Christian gets 10 cents he loses it it goes from his kingdom to the God's kingdom if you tithe is a song because it always goes off when I say tide then you set apart the whole by just setting a part of portion and giving it back to Gaul it sets apart and the Devourer can't touch any of it okay so do you understand that if I were the enemy and I've studied him so I think I think through the thoughts of my enemy what would he do and this is what I thought I would I would make sure that Christians not only didn't have money but that they believed that God was doing it to them so they would become doctrine and because people don't when they don't feel well they don't do well they don't help others they don't pray because they're sick then I'm gonna not only put sickness on as an enemy I'm not allowing I put sickness on Christians where all of our unrighteous leadership's never get sick i watch I've watched past presidents vile people they don't get sick but my friend who's praying for me gets sick all the time all these good Christian people die early so after a while I thought you know what I would make it a doctrine of the church that God's trying to teach you something by being sick so you might not want your healing cuz God's teaching you something that's what the enemy has done he's got he's not only just like when after Christians with every area Bennett that God has benefited us with he slandered God that's enough but then he makes it a doctrine so that now you are wholly of your poor you take a vow of poverty if you know I'm talking about is a big Church in the world that you take a vow of poverty but if you go to their headquarters in Italy the most expensive stuff Michelangelo they have they have their marble that's extinct wait a minute okay so so we have to be holy but they are holy with and have all this stuff just saying just keep walking there nothing here do you understand I'm like you I I don't when stuff doesn't add up I'm gonna start saying hey hey bucko in other words oh I thought that's a police officer okay he looked like that I thought I was in Switzerland he looked like a Swiss we had to be careful in some countries you know okay so anyway anyway what what the enemy has done is it's not good enough that he just keeps things from you he makes it a holy convocation of the church so you can imagine like I know people like I could tell you people right now that that want to come under me and I don't consider myself a person like that but that I I guess I don't weigh I am but there's the thing there are so many special people in my life that I thought were better than me ministers did you would know I thought they were way beyond me but when I talked to them the devil is shutting them down through finances so that that I mean these people are anointed like off-the-charts anointed they're crazy and when I'm hanging out with them was Sid and everything it's like it's like off the charts like you would want to watch this show over and over again like I try to get on there with with ministers that don't hijack the show with themselves or something you know I try to like get crazy people that just want to talk about Jesus encounter the glory and I mean it's like off the charts you want to keep watching it because you're you actually encounter it it's like okay but these people if you talk to them the devil is shutting them down financially and it's not fair well I'm gonna change that there's a new sheriff in town so what I'm doing is I'm contacting these people and saying hey listen you can be on my network for free because people need to hear what you're saying yes because you know why cuz the devil is trying to shut them down so like why should any of the worship team not be able to worship correctly because they don't have the right equipment well there's a new sheriff in town do you see one saying if someone's not going to do it I will me my wife will I don't care I don't care if I have to go without because I can't lose are you getting the spirit of that's here is that that we are we are called to make it happen down here the Spirit is willing but the flesh is weak so do you understand that like I used to not be able to count the zeros on a million but now it's not that uncommon but it's because I don't want it I don't stare at it oh my god the glories coming in it's 1:30 doesn't God know that it doesn't happen after lunch it's teared Lord do you feel that oh my god what are you looking at me for I think we need to back off of this a little bit too much right now oh my god [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay okay here's what here's the point that I was gonna read everything in your life can change in a flash that's what I was about to read number that was number seven that was number six who cares [Music] number seven set this is the note settle settle in to what the Lord has for you number eight the angels escort you into the things of God [Music] sisupala V in seagull ever addressed on a radio mesito ever address at Arsenal [Music] number nine it says here my notes we need God to expose us to his world as much as possible just just a couple little things you know the Lord has already made provision for your vision number eleven pray for increase so that you can receive from God pray for the increase in receiving from God number 12 the Lord told me to tell you in prayer we should be confirming our future not asking for it furthermore in force what Jesus has already done voice is good I'm we got 28 of these things I'm waiting for it to break out in here [Music] does somebody feel led to lead us in a laugh [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all I could do is bring easier all I can do is bring you to the door but you've entered in yeah now for those of you are still spectators we believe in 100% participation if you want credit for this college course now listen to me this this is what I experienced in my spirit all the time but it takes time did you notice how hard I've worked over the last couple days to get it from the inside of me into this room so that you can experience it but honestly this is what I feel inside of me all the time but it's not really me I hijacked I shop lifted from heaven I took it with me because I saw that we don't have to wait til we get to heaven every service is supposed to be like this you're supposed to receive the engrafted word with joy received the gospel receive Jesus Jesus is a good God he has a good father the Holy Spirit is a good spirit there's an abundance in heaven he has given you joy in your tears and in your ashes the suffering that you've gone through I can sense that I know what you've gone through and yet he comes and he pours out his spirit and he helps you to get over yourself yes see the devil just thought would just spoke to her and it was so hilarious are you fully convinced that the Lord is good she got her package [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm being totally serious if I think God is God has blessed you father I pray for the fire fire fire [Music] fire on everyone fire fire fire fire holy fire burn up the chaff caused us to be one we give it all to You Father we offer ourselves as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable unto you which is our service to you we worship you
Channel: Gateway Church
Views: 34,080
Rating: 4.9243922 out of 5
Id: 8ZXBqfES3yo
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Length: 89min 53sec (5393 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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