Gaming Revivals - Scott The Woz

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RIP New Location McGee, you served us well. hope Rex finally finds someone to rent the second room now

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ๏ธŽ 126 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ๏ธŽ u/hyena142 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ๏ธŽ Nov 01 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ๏ธŽ replies

Looks like Scott got a new house, seems to have more of an echo than his last place

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ๏ธŽ 87 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ๏ธŽ u/mjmannella ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ๏ธŽ Nov 01 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ๏ธŽ replies

YOU HAVE GOT TO BE FUCKING KIDDING ME, I HAD THIS EXACT IDEA FOR THIS YEARS HALLOWEEN EPISODE. I havenโ€™t seen it yet, but i assume Chet and Steel Wool are involved, that was part of my idea. God i wish i had said something about it

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ๏ธŽ 48 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ๏ธŽ u/goodmemetaste2 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ๏ธŽ Nov 01 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ๏ธŽ replies

Got to say, New Location-er McGee looks really clean. Congrats to Scott on becoming a homeowner!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ๏ธŽ 47 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ๏ธŽ u/coreyray1000 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ๏ธŽ Nov 01 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ๏ธŽ replies

Scotts new setup lacks lighting. Does anyone agree?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ๏ธŽ 27 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ๏ธŽ u/Jeskid14 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ๏ธŽ Nov 01 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ๏ธŽ replies


๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ๏ธŽ 25 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ๏ธŽ u/Gibblypuffhomosapien ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ๏ธŽ Nov 01 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ๏ธŽ replies

My favorite part

Also, new house tour on Scott's Stash when?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ๏ธŽ 21 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ๏ธŽ u/bt1234yt ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ๏ธŽ Nov 01 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ๏ธŽ replies


๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ๏ธŽ 12 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ๏ธŽ u/VonDukes ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ๏ธŽ Nov 01 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ๏ธŽ replies

Expected the robbing gag was kept for either Halloween or his new house, but both as the outcome is even better! I knew it was his house soon as I saw the shelves at 25:41 :)

If I were to be honest, my only criticism of this episode is that the essay(?) (I'm prob using incorrect terms) on Gaming Revivals part did end quite abruptly, which is a bit unfortunate because I do think it's a genuinely interesting topic and would love to hear more of his input on it, but the skits itself were really funny, so yeah, still an excellent episode in my book. Excited to see how his next stuff will go forward with New Location-er McGee. :)

Edit: Just saw his new tweet, man his new house is BIG.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ๏ธŽ 13 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ๏ธŽ u/KazanoHiori ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ๏ธŽ Nov 01 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ๏ธŽ replies
best of two no i've given you more than enough chances one and you weren't willing to be my i wasn't gonna make an exception for you you never paid your bills and as a bank we have to treat everybody the same it's our sworn duty to everyone over come on give me a break come on i saved your wife from getting shot she's a convicted serial killer how can you expect me to get out of debt i can't be employed i'm unemployed you act like it's a religion more or less a kink listen you pay us back by tomorrow you can have your stuff back how about you take this and we call it even i don't want your bribe i'll give you a five don't want it just go out there and make some money it's so simple just start a successful business that sells a product that the market grows every day and there's not enough stores out there for it a product that's everywhere that no one has a product that will never go out of style keep it cheap cost effective and on a budget [Music] [Music] hey y'all scott here i got four words three syllables and one mistake for you ghosts for sale located at fleeting smiles cemetery by death productions you will need a membership to give in come on down and we'll set you up with a ghost try to find a store that's not dollar tree do that act now and we'll give you a fresh ghost the death market is huge and i did the math this is the hottest spot for it so many damn ghosts who all need homes these guys have been in stock for eons things that are died ages ago like scott's financial stability everybody dabbles in debt at some point you can't tell me that this isn't the best way to repay the entirety of my debt in a day and if you do stop it's time for the customers to line up it is happy hour i need this i really do i just want my stupid nintendo games back i deserve infertility i just need to tip the edge off before my first big sale wait oh boy this is a tale of video game franchises that just wouldn't stay dead you thought you could sleep well knowing streets of rage would never come back it's been a tough year not everything lasts forever until it does again some gaming franchises will forever stand the test of time there will always be a new iteration of tetris mario and pokemon on the way because they aren't narc these games will always sell there's always a place for them after pokemon blue they said well we can't just stop there but not every franchise is just lucky not all of them are surefire hits and thus they get shelved buried forgotten for years on end until it's time to play god a revival taking a dormant series and acting like nothing ever changed it's crash bandicoot 4 the 8th game 12 years later now what constitutes as a revival not this that's just necrophilia the terms reboot and revival are interchanged quite a bit but i consider a reboot to be a fresh start ignoring most of what came before and being something primarily made to appeal to newcomers a revival is just that it's picking up where the last game left off let's say around 10 years ago i feel like too many fans get antsy if it's been a year without a new game in their favorite franchise in 2011 people were acting like mega man needed a revival when we just got mega man 10 the year prior now to be fair many mega man projects were being cancelled around this time fans were worried but there was no reason to be now six years later i'll give you that but games are taking longer and longer to develop there used to be a six year gap at the longest between mainline elder scrolls and grand theft auto titles tell me more grandpa what would elder scroll 6 be considered a revival contra 4 was and that came out three years after the last one why i think the only way we can consider a game to be a revival is if it passes the who test who a series that by most means was forgotten by the time they decided to bring it back xcom was such an old pc only series that died out by the early 2000s until they decided to bring it back in 2011. fallout 3 released in 2008 with the last numbered entry launching a decade prior and i guarantee you most people who bought these games never even heard of the original titles while xcom can be considered more of a reboot fallout 3 was exactly that the next mainline entry in the fallout series this was a big deal and with its insane critical and commercial success it showcased that dead series could have more life than initially thought rock band 4 oh my face i use that at cemeteries oh my god i'm sorry hey watch oh well what brings it to the cemetery just looking oh can i interest you in a ghost i will be off for different sizes no i already have a gun i was just interested in the job saying that's why i have one come on i gotta let go from my mail route for gross negligence oh come on you're not gross i really need this please it's my childhood dream to bounce back after getting fired okay well uh what are your qualifications so i like lizards not like lizards but like lizards also i'm pretty scared scope of giving back this book you are so good at this 2015 was the dawn of the dead for music peripheral games activision put a stop to all things guitar hero in early 2011 after declining sales and rock band followed suit shortly after the market was simply over saturated with music games that cost over a hundred dollars that are the reasons landfills are so win right now the earth wasn't meant to house these things there's only so many plastic music peripheral games you can release in a year 11 it's only 11. these games were all fundamentally copies of each other just with different song lists but nearly all of them would be a to swallow customers were overwhelmed by the amount on store shelves and eventually lost interest in nabbing every single one that came out people bought guitar hero with three then got the fourth one after that but asking them to get six that year was too much so the two series and the genre as a whole capital punishment it is that was until 2015 when activision and harmonix both decided it was time the revivals of guitar hero and rock band were strange considering i think everybody missed these games to some extent but nobody wanted to invest in them again they take up too much space they're far more expensive than regular games and while guitar hero live is definitely more of a reboot with a newly designed controller live-action backgrounds and being a far worse game than the originals rock band 4 picked up right where rock band 3 left off which means yes it's in the same timeline as lego rock band rock band 4 was pretty much just more rock band again it's hard to deny this is what fans wanted but the series was a little too dead to make a full-blown recovery by 2015 purchasing large plastic accessories wasn't cool anymore what well the original sets for both of these series hold their value online nobody dares to want guitar hero live rock band 4 fared quite a bit better with it being just a flat out new rock band it may not have lit sales charts on fire but it's been getting updates a new dlc for years it's like feeding a grave these revivals showcase that not everything works as well as it did back in the day regardless barely anything's changed or anti-barely but then we have a series like donkey kong country's comeback with donkey kong country returns the whole continent donkey kong country was rebooted in of itself as it took donkey kong from the arcades and made something far more substantial out of it well that's a good place to end off for now the beginning of chapter two and we might as well do inventory it has been eight minutes all right we got 14 billion ghosts and a bunch of spider bites okay and how much did we make zero that's zero more than yesterday we have a customer huh are they chipped uh no oh they're gone you gotta chip the ghost i should know my brother's really dead you know he could be a good addition to the team he seems to know the word ghost means you like hearing words after the trilogy on super nintendo and one night stand on nintendo 64 the donkey kong series got weird only just then from the early to late 2000s donkey kong only received oddball spin-offs like the dk series king of swing and jungle climber anybody else think this game doesn't exist why can't more people be like dk jungle climber non-exist and we have an overpopulation problem they decided to make some donkey kong games that work with the dk bongos peripheral donkey kong one through three yep it was officially on a spree donkey kong jungle b which was definitely more of a traditional dk game no it depends on your definition of traditional yeah we do this all the time donkey kong barrel blast that's up a lot of companies do this where there's no big official entry for the longest time so they decide to make low-quality spin-offs instead like not only do we hate this franchise we hate you too on top of being a series of nothing but spin-offs for a decade donkey kong had a fair amount of cancelled titles during this time which mostly can be attributed to the original donkey kong country developers rare being bought out by microsoft meaning a decent amount of their donkey kong games so they had to be scrapped or reworked so for a while i think nintendo just didn't really know what to do with dk to be fair i don't think most people knew either use words this all changed with the donkey kong country series revival now i'm being developed by retro studios their founder made the guy game country returns was a phenomenal resurrection as its design felt incredibly fresh and new while staying true to the original dkc formula and i think that's something retro excelled at is they did the exact same thing with metroid a series that goes in and out of cardiac arrest toys already have been critical on whether or not the series can conceive twitcher responds i'm fertile i personally believe metroid's absences throughout history has less to do with sales and more to do with if nintendo felt like it that morning don't get me wrong sounds definitely play a part metroid's never been a huge seller but you don't put two chibi-roll games into production during metro's hiatus and blame lots sales for why there isn't a new game you funded this a series may go dormant because of a lack of drive to make a new game like nintendo keeps saying they won't make a new f-zero unless they have a good idea to back it up that good idea is just a new f-zero out of the thousands of employees at nintendo i think every single one is repulsed by the idea of making a new game that's what you call a corpse my brother's corpse was awesome that's too far well it's a learning experience what else are we gonna do at the cemetery well there's a del taco that sounds amazing come on we cannot support a competing business we sell dead people yep as a resident carcass expert i say we mimic the del taco strategy i already have the papers right now no no he has a point everybody goes to dotaco to die what we need is a marking gun and pointing to the right direction and we need better ads so terry lesler we know you've run your own pumpkin orchard how well can you mark it you want this yeah you're hired the long absence of a series can be a detriment towards sales of a revival but it can also be a huge plus half the time a revival's entire existence is plagued by finally it's a brand new super monkey ball game did they forget to turn on spell check it's the first 2d metroid in 19 years is that something to brag about to be fair i don't think games like streets of rage 4 would have had the same impact if they released during the series original run time allowed for people to truly understand how much they missed this series because without it i don't think a new streets of rage was at the top of anybody's bets for the year i lost so much money in 2018 but when it released this felt like such unnecessary game they knocked it out of the park it's so fluid so beautiful so much fun and selling over two and a half million units i think it just goes to show how well a faithful revival crafted out of love for the franchise can do in contrast what about franchises that haven't had a game in a while so the companies say buy this new game and you might see them again this isn't a revival it's a hostage situation super monkey ball banana blitz hd who wanted this of course this was the first console monkey ball in years and it just wasn't the best game in the series far from it it was where the game started to truly go downhill so sega decided to remaster that one great remakes and remasters can be fantastic solutions to bring back dead series you police fans who just want to see their favorite thing with a new logo attached and it helps companies figure out if it's worth pumping money into a wholly new game just look at going from crash bandicoot insane trilogy to crash bandicoot 4. but it still feels kind of grimy to almost blackmail fans into buying a game they don't want just to get games they do want at least with contra they gave us both options the contra anniversary collection or contra rope corp hmm i like that they advertise this collection right after whatever the this is got announced marketing please god don't be pissed so after all that sketched out a marketing plan i'm a resident corps r d and i have seniority all right so after hiring three employees and making no sales our profit is i need to hire an accountant hey look alive first customer oh ghost story it's about something they'll taco what are you doing at the cemetery bro i've been getting so goddamn religious lately oh what religion the real one target i'm getting really invested in the culture of my religion lately but the word culture kind of rhymes with vultures i don't really like it i've just been calling it a cult well if you decide to buy a ghost today 100 of our customers today we're involved in a cult see i'm just a small cub into big ponds one day i might be able to learn my close resurrection techniques but for now the whole concept is foreign to me like i don't even know how to begin to resurrect a being you ever wait and wait and wait for a series to come back and it's just a continuation of half-life 2 was one of the biggest ongoing jokes in gaming like it needed to happen it just needed to here's a vr prequel 13 years later thanks sean disregarding the high critical praise of alex it's just bizarre and pretty deflating to wait over a decade to see what happens next when what you get is a dirty prequel like damn it and i want to learn more about the half-life universe i wanted to learn more and you'll want to talk about less than ideal reveal situations what about telling the fans to do it themselves many revivals occurred via crowdfunding websites as there's a reason these series were dead to begin with shenmue 3 released 18 years after its predecessor how did this series not have menopause shenmue wasn't revived because companies saw potential in sales figures it's one of those franchises that everybody said damn we need another shenmue when 95 of the people saying that never played shenmue and never wanted to play shenmue it was just something they heard that fans wanted and it became the big gaming thing to request like we need a new star fox do we we all just keep looking at new things to request even if it's something we don't care about how many people screaming at nintendo for a new f-zero actually want one many don't know what they really want because people will talk and talk and talk about needing a brand new crash bandicoot game like i need companionship crash 4 was interesting as it shows just how far using a number can take you these people must really mean business if they're willing to flunk math so you have the first three games on playstation then crash 4 on playstation 2 the wrath of cortex it wasn't numbered crash 4 here though it was in japan crash bandicoot 4 it's about time disregards all games following the third on playstation it's like the halloween movies you have the first one then a sequel to it then a third that has absolutely no connections the fourth is a sequel to the second then the seventh which regards everything after the second one with a sequel to it then the ninth one is a reboot with its own sequel followed up by the eleventh one which is a sequel to the first movie disregarding even the second one which got its own sequels it's just like crash bandicoot have you ever heard that a game that called itself the fourth entry to later on have another game consider itself to be the fourth entry who the hell cares double dragon four what happened here so you have double dragon one through three on nes and in arcades and super double dragon on super nintendo then double dragon five on super nintendo it's obvious super double dragon is double dragon four it's a beat em up like the first three five was a fighting game so run but this was the fourth game even if it wasn't named it after 2003 double dragon was fairly dormant until double dragon neon in 2012 which was more or less a reboot by way forward i remember fans enjoying it and ign giving it a three this is exactly what was expected from a double dragon game but it's nothing like uncharted five years later double dragon four was released how we were up to five so you go back one to be fair double dragon 4 seems to be a revival of the trilogy released on nes even though the games originated in the arcade i'm sure this style of double dragon is what most remember does not explain double dragon 2 releasing in 2013 and having nothing to do with double dragon 2 even the subtitles are different man i'm having a really double dragon two and four kind of day which is to say oh that's blood okay so i guess this is a reboot this is a remake and this is a revival of a series that was already in remission obviously i don't plead the fifth it's always strange to see a series do a reboot instilling a completely new continuity to just end up going back to the original series prince of persia got a reboot then another reboot to just end up going back to the first reboot the santa time series strangely decided to revive this series only two years after the reboot five years after the last stanza time game not so strange has coincided with a film adaptation of the saints of time can this really be considered a revival i mean it was two years since the last game and only five years since the last game in the series that was revived give me one chance to raise a dead i'm bringing back garfield i missed the comic i read this morning devil may cry had a similar fate receiving a reboot in 2013 titled dmc devil may cry only to get a revival later on a true fifth entry devil may cry 5 in 2019 11 years after the fourth the return of the original series certainly showed that there is such a thing as too consumer friendly that stripping a series down just to make a reboot for wide appeal can be detrimental i don't know anybody who refused to play any of the other devil may cries but when dmc came out bam finally a black hair protagonist 5 ended up being the most successful game in the series which shows that sometimes it's good to give the fans what they want sometimes in name only sonic the hedgehog 4 was said to be this grand revival of classic sonic i mean come on it's in the title well when you put it like that this was a complete croc literally just a budget sonic game made for mobile reposition as a home console return to form just what the hell were you resurrecting exactly the antichrist this plays nothing like classic sonic and the genesis but various outlets considered fans who didn't like the new physics and design of the game to be typical sonic fans not actually knowing what they want they'll complain about anything but in reality sonic 4 was a two-faced backstabbing revival sega acted like this is what everybody wanted right and those who couldn't care less went yes it's like the people who kept asking for star fox like look where that got us again i feel like a lot of people in gaming online just know about highly requested titles and chime in to request sequels themselves even if they truly don't care so you i like to request games that fans want because i truly want to see people get the games they've wanted for ages do i really care if there will never be another chrono game no look at me but i think gaming as a whole would be better with it but i need to learn to keep my mouth shut if i'm not actually going to buy the damn game oh so that tells me something needs to be roughly one year dead for it to be resurrected judging by the prince of virgin the forgotten sands well uh are you ready to seal the deal yes one dose please wait he could be a vital member of our team he's already in a cult but if he could raise the dead those ghosts would bring glowing testimonials of our work we've had no complaints so far but it can't hurt welcome aboard i never even applied signing the hedgehog 4 was created just to follow the success of mega man 9 an actual revival of classic mega man in which during that era the mega man series developed into nothing but not mega man it's really strange that they basically abandoned the classic mega man series and opted for 14 mega man battle network games during the 2000's oh well then these must be more approachable and popular than regular mega man huh well capcom decided to make a ninth classic mega man and brought it back down to the visuals from the six nes entries at the time in 2008 this was awesome and it's still really cool though it feels a bit strange looking back you go from this to this what an upgrade and that's all fine and good but they did it again it's just a strange feeling that they were devaluing what mega man was and acting like all mega man is is 8-bit which greatly limited how the franchise was perceived mega man 9 and 10 are fantastic but after that when the series took another hiatus and came back with mega man 11 i think it was for the best that game used a much more modern aesthetic all right do your thing okay so i think i can only resurrect corpses that are about one year old it's my one flaw can we pick her to resurrect my dead brother's over here he's pretty cool no no okay at my level they have to be random and i can really only do resurrections that already halfway underway ah this was a bad idea do not tell my dead brother this i do not like dead people you really think you can shoot a ghost ah [Music] you fool that was just a ghost wound oh yeah oh i actually i forgot i should probably go for their mother or something ah he smells so bad there's gonna be some improvement here usually you'll see companies plan ahead of a full-on revival with new merch and other forms of media like you're willing to fund this and not a new game they were gonna make a cloneoa movie when one's last game i'm sure it'll do fine many projects like this are far far easier to put together than a whole ass game so a banjo-kazooie figure why not i might as well make some money off of this thing see nintendo i bought the captain falcon amiibo that shows you that there are people who would buy you new f-zero you noticed right many times revivals resurrect the last damn thing anybody wanted instead of an actual game they do something else emphasis on thing they just resurrected bubsy because that's right laugh it'll be even funnier if you buy it i love that psychonauts 2 was announced via crowdfunding and they were chipping away at it just for the vr side game to release before it i mean that kind of took a little steam away from psychonauts 2 being the grand return but it's a bit much to complain i mean i just wanted one new psychonauts experience and instead you gave me two resurrects something else it might help us i i can't go again five minutes after a mission go to his call practice tonight dinner's in 30 minutes learn his ways and then we'll have two people who don't know what the they're doing oh well i mean this kind of stuff always happens at night we wouldn't be at this mess up for that damn moon so it turns out uh we can't outlaw the moon that's it i'm calling 911. no no no no calling one is for us well what's his biggest fear maybe we can try to stare him off he's a corrupt police officer who tried to kill us his version of hell is a room full of people doing the right thing at the very least we have to validate why we did this in the first place sir however service has been for you hey he's smelling or we can just talk himself as a flute i think i've got enough left in me to go for another one [Music] ah that was it there's got to be something in here companies won't resurrect something without financial game it just won't happen and when a series is dead for so long it's not certain but all it takes is one game to stroke the flames like street fighter 4 resurrecting the fighting game genre in the late 2000s after it was just weird in the mids that forced mortal kombat to get it together and brought fighting games to a whole new level sometimes you're resurrecting more than just a game you're resurrecting a whole genre or concept and that can lead to financial stability across all gaming financial stability and a concept that's it you guys are still milking that dead person trend is your former head of rd i'll give you my research but never my empathy [Music] rex is your cult real yeah that'll do it [Applause] my god my eyelids work it's pretty stunning i've only worked with someone who paid off their debts and bought a house unconsciously twice before wait what it's all over the news three corpses were resurrected last night and they're still out there really impressive keep up the good work well i resurrected my financial stability a dangerous serial killer and some other person while failing to sell any ghosts that's a net loss am i still myself owning a house let's call it new locationer mcgee it's even more new locationer than the last one but hey if gaming revivals have done me anything it's at the end it's never really the end i'll be back to financial ruin in no should have put more of a budget into that whole summit everything then in the meantime i can get used to this i've wanted more space ever since i bought my third copy yeah why would i ask for a new star fox game i have 10 of them right here [Music] you
Channel: Scott The Woz
Views: 1,381,612
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 53sec (1613 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 31 2021
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