Gaming on a Failed Steam Machine

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I didn't really realize this until I started editing but the crummy little mic that I was using for this video it makes all of my S's and Z's sound like th so we're going Mike Tyson mode for this one gaming friends I regret to inform you that there's been a death in the studio my baby boy is no more he just he just ah and it's not cuz it's not hot look he's trying he's got a little life left in him okay well I mean okay so maybe he's not dead but his golden days are behind him for sure so we're going to put him to rest godspeed thermogrip from the 9s with an incredibly safe method of turning it off and on you'll always have a place in my heart but you know what they say out with the old in with the look at this thing dude it uses a drill battery you ain't never had a glue gun this satisfying so all hot gluing tasks are going to be handled by our boy RI and believe me he's up for the task why would I do that that was a mistake now now there's hot glue stuck to the table Ah that's all right the more stains we add to the table the more Rich the lore is but anyway you didn't come here to see the glue gun you came here for this you might be surprised to learn that you guys have seen this before it was in the Chinese translator video you know I've gamed on some pretty stupid devices in my time the Trimble Yuma the Leapster GS maybe most stupid of all the i2s the o oh wait I haven't made a video about that one yet and today it's time to make that video but what is it X I3 XB I actually don't know like usual I've done no research in my head I keep referring to this thing as the hyper Cube and the reason I say that do you guys remember this the Jimmy Neutron hyper Cube so as far as I'm concerned this is the hyper Cube but what is it probably a computer I don't know look at this looks like a computer to me wait display port slhd DMI that's a new one two mini display ports the power jack USB 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 technically these are eSATA but uh eSATA is not real so those are USB oh excuse me this one's not USB this is keyboard plug also my bad again these are actually lightning connectors USB 3 4 5 and six that's how that works ethernet audio in audio out the one cool audio port with the red laser all in all not too bad and you know what for one I think I actually have the right cable for this hold on 19 Vol 3.43 amps 19 volts 3.3 amps wait you can actually put 12 to 24 volts through this thing that's pretty cool that is some idiot protection right there if I've ever seen it I'm sure someone in the audience is happy that I didn't have to break out the variable power supply for this one oh oh she's going wow didn't have to hit the power button or anything okay well we're not quite ready for that yet we haven't even taken it apart which uh which end do you start on I genuinely don't know okay this end all right everybody what's inside the hyper Cube huh I don't know I think that is an infrared receiver I don't know either way I don't have a remote okay now what you just you pull it out what have you dump it out oh you can certainly dump it out look at this they pretty much made the trash can computer before Apple it's just a cube of computing what era even is this thing so we've got an unpopulated msat whoo oh okay IO Shield said see you later bye-bye then we have a populated msata a 128 GB sata 3 oh this is like this brand too so it is xi3 xi3 storage okay okay so they're cool enough to have their own ssds I see how it is this is not having a good time we'll just put this out of its misery I guess see you later and then this is also kind of coming off so okay bye-bye wait what uh-oh AMD oh no hey I like AMD just as much as the next guy but when you see stuff from the M era and then you see AMD it usually means that you're not in for a good time then this is probably the CPU good God what is in here that can be cooled by these two fans it's a 40 mil fan plus another 40 mil fan oh boy dude is this going to be another Windows XP video wait okay no no no no no 2010 to 2013 at best I mean we've got the AMD chipset on this thing so if this isn't just like a little dedicated graphics card which would be sick but I don't think so because there's no heat sink on it this is probably a chipset which means this is probably an mobile AMD CPU oh should we take the heat sink off no I'm not going to take the heat sink off we got to we got to build the suspense there's no fun in knowing what the CPU is this early and we haven't even covered the deated Wham look at all those this is about as dedotated as it gets you can't even remove it and with that I mean what else what else really is on here reassembly time well now I guess we're supposed to just plug it in and I know we have the right AC adapter for this already but I got a new toy I want to show you so this is a type c to Barrel jack cable there's a chip inside of the type-c end that's smart enough to demand 19 volts from any type-c AC adapter and then this end right here just goes right in there so look at this I can take this guy and then plug it into USB C1 cuz that Port can do 100 WT we don't even need 100 WTS we only really need 65 but this will work so USBC D1 plug in the phone charger oh look at that there it is that's crazy I am powering an entire computer off of a USB wall charger and you know actually it's not just any charger it's a charger from ug green the sponsor of today's video ug green makes some of the best Chargers around don't believe me well that's fine that's your opinion but you're wrong true or false ug green uses air pyra and Gan Infinity Tech to make efficient and fast Chargers false they Mak super efficient and insanely fast Chargers whether you need 65 100 or 160 Watts Ukraine's Got Something for everybody but the 100 watt version in particular is the perfect Sweet Spot between price and versatility need something to power your ug- green Revo do docking station the nexo pro 100 watt has you covered how about charging three devices with only one Outlet yeah it does that too no matter which one you pick every one of the nexo pro Chargers comes with both USBC and USB a a ports so don't worry your phone tablet laptop and even your Leap Frog are all compatible head on down to the description to save 15% on the ugreen nexo pro 100 W charger and 25% on the revo do pro 209 docking station for a limited time well there's the BIOS man that felt too easy after messing with the what's it called the Google meet having to do so much just ripping my hair out with that thing I forgot how nice it was to just use a real computer sometimes oh no 4080 megabytes of DDR3 wait 4080 what not 4096 isn't isn't that 4 gigs 4096 wonder if some of that's going to the graphics the HTC limit is set to a cool 95 luckily we're not even close to that limit sand Force 0 gbes cool the power of sand everybody I don't like sand oh so we do have a AMD Graphics a Tomos hm never heard of that before this is kind of cool can go from display port to HDMI on this port it really is just both apparently primary video device pcie slot what oh North Bridge and Southbridge what the heck okay sand force of 0 GB is probably not going to be doing much for us I imagine uh but we'll try and install an OS to it anyway but we still don't know what the CPU is CPU config Richland pi very cool I didn't even want to keep you guys in the dark on this one but well I guess neither of us know Steam OS going in I don't really think Camaro OS got a fair Shake in the last video and by the last video I mean the iboss video that was just a disaster iboss gaming is not where it's at but will the xi3 be where it's at well we're going to find out aren't we okay what are the odds that the sand Force which showed up as 0.0 gab is actually going to work SDA will now be formatted perfect oh well that was quick system bootstrap step failed I don't even know what that means okay I may have been a little Hasty in putting this thing back together cuz I think we need a new SSD torque screws cute or cringe okay see you later sand Force more like waste of sand Force this SSD replacement brought to you by some OEM uh Samsung msata don't tell xi3 but I'm not putting the other screw back in in fact I have so little confidence in this thing that I am just not going to put it back together at all install to Samsung hey there we oh downloading steam I couldn't even get an A out before we got steam holy crap cimer OS is great oh standard or Advanced I'm a standard kind of guy installation successfully completed would you like to restart the computer now absolutely hello you going to boot or no all right that's fine I'm a patient xi3 gamer so while that's booting let's see what we can find out about it xi3 oh it's a boat motor xi3 kayak saltwater bow mount trolling motor we do a little trolling motor okay how about xi3 computer clever architecture comes at too high a price starting at $849 in 2012 since this thing is probably an amazing investment adjusting for inflation this thing's probably worth like $1,800 now I F I struck gold not if it doesn't freaking boot though what the heck xi3 if you are here with us in the room today give us a sign preferably boot okay what's going on I need to talk to your bios let me talk to the Linux boot manager evidently he's not in today okay there was another boot option UEFI o okay let's try that nothing okay what are the odds that I actually need to be using this primary display port SL HDMI port cuz maybe it's actually booting but it's just not treating this as like an enabled display or something hold on oh wait what the heck so it's like present are you are you actually doing stuff or are you just fooling me I've seen many a blinking underscore in my days you can't fool me we're going to go from HDMI to mini display port to regular display port this is fine something tells me this isn't fine well now I just don't get anything very cool how does that happen how does plugging in two adapters in a row make it so you can't even get video from the port that you were just getting video from you got to be kidding me man this stuff only happens to me I swear okay let's do this correctly HDMI end into the capture card display port end into display port Port you got to be kidding me what have I done what have I done to deserve this and here I was thinking this was going to be a short video I was like oh you know it's just a normal computer it's just going to boot up and you know the BIOS just works and everything just works and we're just going to boot it up and it's going to install fine and Boot and that'll be that but no time to reset the bios where's the battery ah there's the battery come on out nothing that is super cool not even going to lie I actually don't really know what to do like it's actually just broken did I seriously kill this thing by daisy chaining mini display port adapters together there's no way there's no way I'm going to take a moment just as mysteriously as it stopped working working it has started working again I put the BIOS battery back in I'm now using the proper HDMI to display port cable and now it posts however it still doesn't boot we are going to put the flash drive back in and we're going to reinstall Chimera OS except this time we're going to choose Advanced that's it firmware overrides and unstable builds hell we've already got an unstable build all right use that it's not working who was it that said that we should use Chimera OS no I I don't even like Chimera OS get out of here n bite That's Where It's At worked great on the Google meet everything else that I wanted to try completely just doesn't run it'll work great here too what invalid image what do you mean what do you mean what do you mean all right who said that we should be using bite no I hate bite Windows is my favorite there we go easy easy peasy look at that we love Windows on this channel Windows is the best Windows just works I'm sure we won't run into any problems with the fact that this thing only has 4 gigs of RAM or God knows what CPU no it'll be fine it'll be fine oh yeah baby that's what a good time looks like right there oh boy and here we are ah Windows 11 my favorite Steam OS so you might notice that I've already got some stuff going on here here but I haven't seen the CPU yet which we're going to take a look at together right now what amdr 464 L Apu what I've never heard of anything like that huh okay okay well hey he look at this radon HD graphics that's pretty gaming okay how many how many cores do we got oh wow this is a quad core CPU this is not as bad as I thought it was I I straight up thought that this was going to be like an Intel atom competitor or something okay okay this is kind of workable but this oh wait no hold on 8 gigs wait what Hardware reserved 4.8 GB huh okay I'm going to need to do some investigating here so what's the deal I'm just going to go through everything here till I can figure out oh hey look it did say the CPU in the Bios but yeah I'm just going to go through everything until I can figure out why the heck we only have 4 gigs of RAM to work with if Windows is saying we have eight that doesn't make any sense I've got the graphics driver installing now and while that's going I wanted to take a look at this I wanted to see what HW info says for the Ram oh good memory 4 gigs on memory module zero and then 4 gigs on memory module 1 I don't understand look at this memory size 8 GB what's going on and it's not the GPU taking all of it look 768 mbes actually what even is the GPU AMD Radeon HD 7660g Trinity Devastator holy cow Devastator Graphics isn't that like the one really big construction Transformer like the excavator and the bulldozzer and they all combine and make the big guy we've got that guy as a graphics card dude Trinity Devastator embedded but seriously what is going on with the ram so you guys are not going to believe this this thing was like a prototype steam box you remember like old school Steam OS from back in the day when valve was making steam machines with Alienware and all that stuff somehow this thing is related to all of that from back then it was called the Piston I genuinely had had no idea I was just like oh hey look little weird computer thing okay cool let's make a video about it but like what and all of this lines up with the specs that are in this thing too quad course C oh shut up quad course CPU entrylevel gaming Graphics Trinity so what the heck see this one says piston on it mine just says xi3 is this valve steam box I don't know wait what was that guy doing anyway still struggling with this and the graphics driver did not install so I'm going to keep working on that getting this thing all set up and ready to game took 10 billion years neither of us have that kind of time so I'm going to give you a rundown of what happened the drivers from AMD didn't work at all neither these ones or the older Catalyst ones eventually with enough Googling I found my way onto this page from it was a backup of all of the files that xi3 hosted for their computers back in the day importantly this pack contained all the drivers I installed the graphics drivers for the x7a model which I believe is what mine is but interestingly these didn't work however after installing the xi3 Piston display driver Windows actually picked it up but the fight wasn't over yet after a reboot the computer would refuse to go back into Windows it would just crash and reboot before it would get to the desktop and I'm not too surprised since this driver was made for Windows 7 so let's push our luck a little bit less and take our OS back down a version to Windows 10 and there we go now it's working fine but the RAM it's still only using 4 GB what's the deal honestly I still have no idea but in the pack I downloaded from there was a bios update file for the x7a this version of the BIOS might be newer than the one I'm using right now and it could fix this Ram problem either way it's the only shot I have at using using more than 4 gigs so I know what I have to do I booted into a Windows PE environment to run the BIOS update tool and then I took a backup of the current bios just in case after that was done there was only one thing left to do the only thing standing between me and 8 GB of RAM was a file named Titan 105.hd enter and the BIOS began flashing every percent that went by gave me equal parts excitement hope and Dread what if it failed what if this wasn't the right bios for this device what if it flashes but it doesn't fix the ram problem what am I going to do but eventually it finished and after a reboot there it is 8 GB of Glorious DDR3 everything is now ready so that we can game on the xi3 computer that was kind of sort of made as a steam machine from 2013 but then fell through so it didn't really happen and also it looks like the Jimmy Neutron hyper Cube I won't even lie I am beyond amazed right now flashing a random bios from the internet against my better judgment completely fixed the problem during my troubleshooting I did completely wipe the SSD and then I reinstalled Windows 10 but the graphics driver works on Windows 10 just fine so that's good uh but I do need to go and redownload all the games we're going to go from top to bottom my prediction is this is going to be too easy this is also going to be too easy and then these two are going to give this thing a run for its money Portal 2 would have come out around the same time this thing was built and Team Fortress 2 just runs like the masochist in me requires me to play Counter-Strike 2 and since my space heater broke I'm going to run Doom maternal without further Ado halflife yeah no this is nothing for this thing yeah this is nothing for this thing yeah this is nothing for this thing yeah this is nothing for this thing in conclusion halflife is nothing for this thing I do have to say though the CPU temperature is a little bit High although I think this is like a mobile Apu so I guess that's probably fine and above 30% CPU usage playing halflife is not great all right well easy enough let's try halflife 2 all right this is Max settings 1080p halflife 2 it is barely clinging to 60fps it is ringing out the GPU right now and the CPU is only still at like 40 is% utilization what the heck so we're definitely going to be limited by these crappy onboard Graphics I mean I'd rather have the onboard Radeon graphics than like an Intel HD 3000 or whatever man thank goodness we got the ram increased in halflife 2 we're almost using 4 gigs of RAM this would have been as far as we could get probably I'm not even confident the game would launch to be honest oh and with that Portal 2 max settings 1080p once again getting a very Xbox 360 esque 30fps honestly the worst part about this is just the mouse latency this is with vsync off not great I'm going to see what we can do in the pursuit of 60fps hey there we go I dumped antialiasing and I dumped shaders I I think you can tell but this is pretty good now we are definitely using more than 4 gigs of RAM but yeah this is more than playable this is straight up a good time I'm actually pretty impressed with this thing I was looking up what the CPU is comparable to earlier and it's just about in line with like a second gen desktop I3 so this is exceeding my expectations and I haven't looked at what the GPU is about equivalent to Ah that's right the internet keeps crapping out on this thing something is really wrong with either the driver or the ethernet controller itself on here I just have to disable and then reenable the ethernet controller and then yeah all right here's a couple of points of comparison for you guys there's the igpu in this thing a a GTX 750 Ti and a GTX 1050 TI and as you can see we're not exactly playing with power okay you know earlier when I was playing halflife 2 I was dunking on the Intel integrated Graphics of the era let's see okay okay good we are still better off with the Radeon and kind of buy a substantial amount okay okay imagine getting 7 FPS I'll take my 10 thank you very much anyway Team Fortress 2 ooh Oho this is not great 64-bit is coming soon 64-bit is coming soon 64-bit is coming this is what we get until then 25 FPS if we're lucky all right we're going N64 mode I guess this is technically an improvement are you kidding me I don't even know if I should blame the machine or TF2 for that one oh boy all right one more time oh is that so love this game I I love this game I really really like this game all right well rather than waste more time in Team Fortress 2 Counter Strike 2 please visit AMD support to download the latest driver sorry Counter Strike but uh there's no better driver I can't even where is it loading oh my goodness dude oh oh well there he is quickly change the settings all right I'm not wasting any time none low low low low low okay perfect does this even matter can I even choose this on this card okay well we'll see if that even does anything and then see you later resolution can we go any lower yeah we can ah there we go I've learned my lesson with the bots so I'm going to play a real game look at that jpeg back there wow you can count the number of pixels well if there's no texture filtering at least oh okay uh oh man okay nice what the heck Dude Where's the overlay okay well we can't see our frame rate unfortunately hold on I was also told that the in-game frame counter in CS2 causes performance issues but it's it's all we've got so I'll keep it on for now oh man oh man oh man this is crazy I've never even seen a game look like this is this like film grain in the game or something this is bizarre okay so now let's turn FPS counter off I would not say that that is noticeably better I want to get a kill I am a robot oh it's like all Bots I mean I'm not the one calculating the Bots though so it shouldn't be impacting my performance uh-oh wo I just spawn the game freezes and then I'm dead what is going on I think that's a gun oh okay I want to try going a little higher just so this game is playable I know we don't exactly have the spare performance to back this up but you never know you never know see now this looks like a real video game again oh okay never mind guess we're going to baggage the frame rate is better frame times are worse but when it's not stuttering so bad that my gun disappears it's like 20 FPS chicken does that count as my one kill [Music] okay did I do it no I did not do it I'm like anatomically correct Spider-Man it's just it's trying there's no way it's not going to crash what I feel like I'm going to get vac banned I'm just going to set off the wrong anti-che thing and I'm never going to be able to play this game again I think that chicken was our one kill GG Counter Strike 2 and now finally Doom Eternal oh so that's how it's going to be huh I didn't want to play Doom Eternal anyway oh boy we're going to dump the resolution scale everything else is already at low and at 720P H it's fine well down we go ah yes the real Doom we've found it this is pretty bad I could be wrong but this feels worse than it did on the Google meet I mean I guess the Google meet is a good bit newer than this so the sort of kind of prototype steam box looks like a Jimmy nutron hyper Cube how do we feel about it it's fine it's kind of cool the iio is pretty good if you're an eSATA enjoyer you're really going to like it but if you like your ethernet port working consistently you're not going to like it it's I don't know the history of these devices is pretty cool apparently they weren't good enough for valve and I I kind of see why they ran up to Portal 2 okay it's not bad it's a hard little guy to hate I don't know I like it am I going to turn it on ever again actually I think I would because think back think back to the start of the 201 Microsoft wanted every app to be on the Microsoft store and valve was Shing their pants about it valve starts developing Steam OS 1.0 and they release it to the public I kind of want to try this thing with OG Steam OS the real Steam OS from back in the day cuz this is about as period correct as we're going to get apart from buying one of those official Alienware steam machines so that might be interesting let me know if you guys want to see a video about that and even if you don't want to see that you might want to see more of me check out my social accounts this one's on Twitter I hate Twitter this one's on Blue Sky we like blue sky check out the Etsy store in the description bringus sticker pack one has been selling pretty good there's not a ton of them left you get a bringus sticker a batang an original Xbox jeel everyone's favorite this computer sucks sticker your very own unofficial Nintendo licensed product sticker and a MOS s badge and one random Among Us impostor and with that I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Bringus Studios
Views: 938,230
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bringus, bringus studios, steam, steamos, steambox, steam machine, valve steam deck, steam deck, installing steamos, bringus steam deck, bringus steamos, xi3, xi3 piston, xi3 x7a, xi3 computer
Id: M9ZCjMtthqY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 48sec (1788 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 29 2024
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