I Tried the Air Up... (So You Don't Have to.)

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with literally so many creators promoting this thing I had to get to the bottom of this oh that's good I tried air up so you don't have to because this YouTube water bottle promotion might just be more of a YouTube scam what oh my God bro this is going to be bad like dirt this is a I was scammed it's kind of pleasant what and we'll be getting into that right after we buy one now you're probably thinking what is the arir up and who are you and why are you so handsome well howdy hey I'm hippo and I try things so you don't have to now as far as what the airup is let me just have these creators explain it Arup is a hydration system that uses scent based taste scent based hydration system scent based taste it adds flavor to the water through the power of scent and this thing is five now typically I try keyboards and Tech but in this video I'm going to be wasting my money on an air up all of the scent pods to see why are your favorite YouTubers promoting it waa that is crazy wait oh my God is it just for the money or is it genuinely a good product I'm putting it to the test and I'm figuring out why every time I take a sip from this I gag why did I do that bit why is that a good bit that's not a good bit like I really want to see is this magic scented water or is this just a scam that happened to get millions of dollars behind it because I don't know about you I'm leaning towards the second one I'm leaning way over there I have scoliosis just like my water bottle yeah now in order to put airups and these YouTubers claims to the test let's head over to their website and see how much these water bottles cost as they're probably pretty cheap right oh $32 for the cheapest possible possible one okay but let's customize my set maybe it's wait they also have a steel version we're going to need to try that out as well really guys you're charging $5 more for a different color of plastic what is this gmk key cap o we're talking $8 for three flavor pods but what gets even more egregious for the flavors that actually look yummy we're talking $113 for three so this is just a constant expense after 3 months you could buy a new Hydro Flask in total we were out $148 for two water bottles and a couple pods but that's fine if it's good right let's come back in a week or two and let's try it out yeah now in order to reach Peak chaos I have avoided drinking water all morning because you're never going to guess what just arrived it's it's the a up the air up arve look it's Nola she's playing now at this point all I was expecting was what all the ads I saw said How's we drink more water I get through like two or three of these bottles tasty flavors I'm literally slurping on this thing all day like a goddamn guinea pig okay so I was very excited at worst case it's going to be kind of like a scented candle type of thing where I end up with a headache at the End of This Place Your bets if that's for shadowing or not also big floppa is out in full force today Nola give us a flop woo floppa big Flopper also a lot of you get mad at me because you think I force my cat to be in these videos who's doing the forcing here please comment down below who's forcing who I don't get to choose this I don't I promise she I see I don't force her to be in my videos okay cuz she's very high maintenance look at her okay okay thank you okay bada bing bada boom come on no it's fine okay first we have our flavor pots and this is the most divisive part about this whole entire product because without these it's just a water bottle now I have literally no idea what's inside of these so I'm going to be opening one up later in this video so stick around for that but with so many options which one do you even get I think I'm most excited for iced tea Peach normally orange scented things give me headaches so the N is excited for it too that's so good no great job I don't actually see a world where watermelon is going to taste good if it tastes at all but now it was time to see if the actual bottle lived up to any of the hype this is the basic air up but now I'm no water bottle expert but neither were any of the YouTubers that took the arir up sponsorships however I drink water I have a water bottle so I'm going to be a little bit experienced here looking at this thing the basic product overview guides that I promise you I'll totally read and this is it there you go it feels like a sturdier plastic than I'm expecting now you're probably wondering hippo why are you putting so much focus on the experience of unboxing the water bottle and the water bottle's actual quality well that's because they advertise this thing is something that you're going to want to use every single day so it's going to have to pass every single test that you'd expect of a water bottle that you'd want to use every single day that means no leaks very important easy to attach to things which this Hook is actually great for and it also needs to be durable and easy to clean which I'm a little bit skeptical about with this massive straw but I'm already not very ressed considering this thing looks like it has scoliosis and it also costs as much as a metal water bottle he's just like me for real moving on to the quality and how easy it's going to be to clean I mean this straw is going to be okay to clean with one of those straw cleaners but this lid has that silicone finish on it that attaches every bit of dust to it this product is also designed in Germany and made in China and um a lot of people will pay a lot of money for things that are made in Germany be it a Leica camera or Cherry MX Brown but that doesn't inherently make it good now I'll be looking at the quality of the water bottle a little bit more later because there are some glaring flaws but first let's check out these flavor pods because I'm very very curious now in order to preserve their scent they're prepackaged in this little plastic wrapper so you have to open up each one individually and they come in packs of three this is the iced peach tea oh it smells so fake it's kind of like you just walked into a bath and body works but like somehow even more chemical you get all the joy of flavor without them calories or chemicals or water with no chemicals added or nothing no chemicals this is going to be bad I'm going to get a headache now at this point I'm not going to lie I started to get pretty scared for what was going to face me once I actually try this thing now guys here's your here's your keyboard fix look there's a keyboard hippot Tech video keyboard keyboard keyboard keyboard YouTube algorithm now I'm also no flavoring expert but they mentioned that all of these are made with natural flavor although dear God those chemicals do not smell natural okay now before we get too crazy by trying the plastic one the air up silver now this is like their more premium offering at a more premium price so I'm expecting it to feel go more premium oh hey it's actually heavy but they're really putting a huge focus on the recycled material thing um excuse me how is this eco-friendly like I don't care if you just don't want to be eco-friendly but like please don't make the claims that you're eco-friendly and then have this much plastic with B on a recurring basis be your product this is no better than curig I can't really judge I run a channel based on keyboards and key caps that are made out of plastic and anyway the bottle whoa she chunky hot dog this reminds me of like one of those soup thermoses but like in the worst way possible it's got a really nice like silicone band right here similar to the other one the lid is plastic I dropped it why does it feel so much cheaper than my really really cheap water bottle shouldn't this be really premium you ever go to like a fair and you get a free water bottle and it's metal and it stinks really bad after you use it like two times that's what this feels like so already my expectations are pretty low now with the first impressions out of the way I feel incredibly dehydrated so it's time to actually get this thing working now the setup is wash your water bottle easy most of you can do that then fill it up with water also easy most of you can do that but then pretty quick I started to run into a problem because as I was running some tests that's going to be a problem I think does your water bottle do that is that normal okay maybe it's just the lid fit maybe I need to like won't that leak all over your bag this is a problem okay what about the blue one maybe the blue one is a lot better and won't leak let's find out what is that intended what if I put the lid on okay let's say you just have it upside down for a while well come back to this I going to set it right here we're coming back to that the actual build quality and quality of the bottle in general is really lackluster which makes me wondered if you're making an absolute killing on these scent pods that people have to constantly buy why would you skimp so hard on the build quality of your water bottles I don't get it why maybe it's because these scent pods are just incredible and are going to give me insane flavors and they're going to blow my mind this is me trying air up for the first time I was genuinely shock Ed that it worked it felt like a magic trick keep in mind I still haven't drank water yet today can you tell how dry my lips are POV water it's bad now I know what you're thinking oh hippo you just put the lid on wrong you need to do it correctly but no I tried literally everything I looked at their guide I think their quality control is just so bad that there's a gap in the back of their water bottle we've come back to this it's been about 5 minutes is this lid full of water so it didn't leak out however yes this lid is full of water who in the right mind wants their water bottle to do that this is not a water bottle that's already almost a death no for this thing now a water bottle has one job and that's to hold water so when the water bottle doesn't hold water you've instantly failed the water bottle Mission but even worse the lid doesn't sit straight leaking everywhere oh no that's a lot so with my water bottle that doesn't hold water it was time to see will it hold Flavor now I asked you guys about the quality of your bottles some said they leaked some said it was fine some said the flavor was great and some said there was no flavor so I have no idea okay we've got both water bottles here and I'm going to be trying them for the very first time now of course I need to try it without any of the scent pods water if I slurp it it goes all right this one does the same thing both of them deliver water congratulations you're a water bottle this is not a water bottle now I've got a million different scent pods here the iced tea Peach noted that this one smells absolutely terrible incredibly incredibly fake so let's start with this one now they're very specific about how to use these things so if you just put the scent pot on then you're going to get a bad result did I do that wrong I don't taste anything let me go grab the manual maybe I did something wrong okay okay I might be stupid and this is why you read the manual because apparently you have to like oh I popped it up now theoretically this is where I'm going to get flavor H maybe that's why they call it air up hippo up up oh at this point the chemicals hit the back of my throat and oh no oh I was overwhelmed by the flavor oh my God this tastes like vomit oh my God not peaches not iced tea that's terrible there's flavor there is flavor it tastes of something but it's vomit this is genuinely one of the worst things I've ever tasted tasty flavors oh that's good now maybe I was just being too dramatic and I needed to try a different flavor raspberry lemon is probably going to be pretty good kind of smells of Swedish fish that were in a bathroom that you just cleaned with uh Lysol let's try the metal air up for this one lemon raspberry going in the flavor really catches you off guard here there's something to it the fru is coming from a vomit flavor there's an Essence here that's happening okay this is just an update like an hour later all of my burps taste like chemicals there's no way people actually use this right at this point maybe I thought I was doing something wrong I needed to read the manual again but there's no way that this can be bad right orange Vanilla swirl it literally smells like a car air freshener like I'm not insane right I think I need to get a second opinion let me try this first and then we're going to get a second opinion maybe a third opinion maybe everybody's going to get herpes orange Vanilla swirl I just let me try it in the other bottle it's not pleasant whatsoever now with my experience being overwhelmingly negative so far I had to figure out what was inside those pods so I took one and I pried it open with some tweezers and I was expecting like I don't know something but it was literally just a piece of cotton soaked in flavor well quote unquote flavor so then I thought like maybe it's like a cilantro thing where some people hate it and some people don't so I grabbed two of my friends I didn't tell them what we were doing and I surprise them with trying this water bottle so take a take a sip of this water bottle real fast oh I mean there's like a little bit of something I feel like is that supposed to be lemon doesn't taste like lemon W it just tastes like water but you can smell it and I don't know if it's good or bad I mean bad it's not good it kind of tastes plasticky yeah that's a good way to put so that was Cherry that you just tried whoever told you that is incorrect that was not Cherry okay now here's a different one okay oh H it's like [Laughter] dirt it's like oh God that is a chemical it's like de perfume dirt dirt de perum wait I need to figure out what this so they weren't impressed with the flavors at all and some of them grossed them out but what would they think of the quality of the water bottles maybe it's going to redeem everything like upside oh jeez oh god that's literally not a water bottle this is not a water bottle I was scammed that's how I would feel wamp yeah now their reaction was overwhelmingly negative so I thought okay I'll get one last point of you to confirm everything and then we're good science is done but then something changed I had the scent pod sitting out in open air for a few days and then had another friend try them which actually changed everything hi Josie I need you to take a sip from this water bottle interesting is it good it's not bad wait really yeah what the hell it's kind of pleasant what I mean it's like really strong and it kind of smells like like perfume but it's not horrible wait she actually kind of likes it okay I need her to try different flavors because maybe this is a fluke maybe it's a fluke no it's kind of fun I don't think I would want the smell in my face all day I'm like really confused hold on let me try it that's terrible wait you genuinely think that's good I don't think it's bad are you kidding no I'm not kidding you serious now it definitely tasted less potent and less chemically today so I wonder if maybe the scent gets better after it becomes less flavored which kind of defeats the purpose so then I opened up a brand new pod for Josie to try to see if maybe that's the conclusion here all right try that oh that's bad that's a lot yeah I don't like that is that the same flavor that's the same flavor as the one you just said was good no that's that one that one is a bad experience it tastes like plastic so this kind of confirms that the pods taste less terrible the longer that they sit out but that kind of defeats the whole entire purpose as it's a quickly dwindling line between them not tasting like vomit and them tasting like nothing and so far Josie said they taste pleasant but not that she would actually use them cuz to me they're still terrible but Josie kind of liked them which I'm confused about so so maybe somebody out there could actually like these but I don't know they're terrible I hate it one last experiment though and this is the one that everyone has hated okay that one was kind of bad yeah so with my new found knowledge I just had to know why what are they doing it's all marketing the fact that their margins are so genuinely insane that they can just pay creators like 10 grand to shill this garbage is Criminal frankly but it's legal though hippot headache report throughout the day quite a bad headache I think if you're the type of person that gets headaches from sented candles stay very far away but I save the best for last that is the most fake watermelon I've ever smelled in my life okay and you know guys I was really excited for this I was like all of my favorite YouTubers are promoting this this has to work and it has to be good right that's it's literally literally just a hit of chemicals right back at your throat immediately it feels like it's punching your uula I feel like I just died guys I expected something I expected something to be positive here so far no air down air down down I just can't imagine that anyone genuinely really likes this because it's a terrible water bottle experience it's a terrible flavor experience at the leakage and the quality and everything else that's lacking what's good about it what's good about it I it spilled water on me again they made a terrible product they got a lot of investment did the investors try the product you can't tell me the investors tried this and said yep ship it ship it it's great I'm literally spilling water all over myself just shaking this thing around this is terrible
Channel: Hipyo Tech
Views: 3,480,498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: airup, tryguys
Id: BokoBv_D_HM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 56sec (1136 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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