Installing SteamOS on a Google Meet Video Conference Computer

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time to break the Lenovo seal wait is this a map I just shorted the crap out of it this thing doesn't have genitals 400 FPS the fan went full speed like seven times now nothing ah there it [Music] is YouTube there's someone I'd like you to meet meet Lenovo all right what have I got today so this is what I believe to be a Google meet conference computer of some kind you can tell it's a computer because of this but from what I understand about this thing you're supposed to hook up a really big webcam to it and then you talk to your mom if your mom is your boss see this is kind of more of like a corporate type thing you wouldn't find this thing in your home the reason it's in my home is so that I can cause irreparable harm so let's get started uh so I don't know the first thing about taking this apart there's this big old rubber thing on the bottom I guess that's a good place to start uh maybe there's not like a single screw hole on this thing there's not even an obvious place to like start prying it that being said I do assume we're going to have to pry something here's the hood I fix it kit oh what the it's sticking ladies and gentlemen we have a magnet oh we have lots of magnet yo what the heck why would they what are you telling me that Lenovo knows how magnets work that's insane nobody knows how magnets work hold on the ultimate test look at that the H just stopped moving wow is this whole thing a magnet wait hold on we can kind of find where the magnet is hold on there's more where that came from So based on my highly scientific model here we have 10 magnets that's impressive but how many magnets do I have 16 17 18 19 19 you did pretty good Lenovo but I have 19 magnets better luck next time anyway we should probably put these away so now that we know that crucial information still got to figure out how to open up this thing okay what is this gqe 50 L Google meet series 1 room kit yeah I don't think we're going to have an iix IT tutorial for this one okay then we're on our own guys just me and all 125,000 of you truly all alone so there's like adhesive under there but that's like going to come off once and then we'll never go back again I know earlier I said that I'm down to cause irreparable harm but like I don't know I don't need to unless I do I don't know is there like a hidden screw no wait maybe sometimes you can feel like screw posts through stickers ah what the hell why [Music] not nope see this is what I meant by irreparable harm this is never going to stick as well ever again see look at that it's lifted for all eternity all right well off comes the rubber oh my God no no irreparable harm has been caused I shouldn't be this upset about this but I am wo that's interesting look at the patter pattern that they applied the adhesive with what the heck kind of process is that they got CNC machines with little tiny glue sticks on the end that just go that's kind of cool anyway me and the boys looking for some irreparable harm to cause yeah them City Gamers ain't even know how to skin a Lenovo yeah look at that the whole thing is like that it's like wait is this a map so here's the focal point you can see there's a path going this way there's a pretty open Corridor right here and then there's one diagonally going this way there's a skinny section we could take around the mound here but I'm not sure where to go from here okay well we'll figure that one out another time that's filthy but we found our screws you know how we're taking this thing apart LTT hey guess what lus did gaming he gave me some special bringus buttons to buy a screwdriver with they're down here in the description buying through these affiliate links directly supports my channel plus they get you the best multi-bit screwdrivers ever made anyway time to break the Lenovo seal okay now what oh hold on we do a bit of prying we must go where no LTT screwdriver has gone before in a hole smaller than 8 mm across time to see what's inside the Google meet computer wow would you look at that it's like a laptop in a box SATA m.2 couldn't have sprung for nvme okay I see how it is how much of the derotated stuff do we got a Pacer AP Pacer for industrial oh my Lord 2 GB yeah that's going to be an issue we will address that later CPU I imagine is under here which is our what was it eighth gen Intel i7 okay oh my look at this it's the world's tiniest bios battery look at that thing that's 12 mm across why are you so small here's you also you still you the ethernet controller she tells you not to worry about Wi-Fi card can't you stick like a PCI Express adapter into these things I don't know I've seen dwood do it a few times that might be kind of fun anything under the fan I don't know let's find out oh hey what's up little man hey I'll catch you later well now that we've seen what's inside let's try turning it on which is uh going to be easier said than done because of that yeah that's our power plug kind of looks like a Gastly or something yeah I don't have that but let's see I think I have something close I have like that as a plug yeah that it's a that's not going to work that's not going to work oh this thing hold on so it can take 19 volts which is like your standard laptop charger voltage or 54 volts which I believe is poe conceivably I could use this to power it probably I don't know maybe this is why this one's got the big chungus controller either way I don't have any spare ddr4 I also have nothing that uses Poe you guys know what that means it's time for a trip to the ew store I found a Poe enabled network switch and we hooked it up to the port right here that has a little lightning bolt on it but turns out that this is not Poe as you traditionally would think of Poe this doesn't receive power it it gives it out which is exactly the opposite of what we want so the network switch with Poe did not power it so this is my only attack Vector considering the official AC adapter for this is $168 on eBay I have decided we're going to rough it however I did get a 16 GB stick of rare bam extremely dedotated so we'll stick that in when the time comes but for now I just want to get this thing powered on oh I almost forgot I also got a a cactus brand SSD 128 GB human slime Edition commercial grade that's how you know it's good stuff as gaming as this is it's not going to help us right now though right now I got to figure out how we can power it with this guy oh what the heck there's another sodm slot on the back I I could have bought two eights I just bought a single 16 well that kind of sucks wao this is interesting there's a Micro SD card slot with a Micro SD card in it 4 gab Toshiba card okay we got to see what's on this and she goes oh there's nothing on it oh message for user. text well let's see it you have officially been hacked in every way possible your devices tracked bank account charged $999 identity stolen credit $1 million loone in my name privacy my IP revealed to all my subscribers it's 16522 7297 you know normally I'd really be freaking out about this but lucky for me I've already dealt with all of it I was alerted instantly when all this happened by Aura the sponsor of today's video thanks to Aura protecting all of the above is now easier than even doing this AA alerts you to threats against the most important aspects of your life they'll watch for things like suspicious credit activity database breaches and identity theft and alert you as soon as possible if they find anything Aura is so thorough that they can apparently even detect if a new co-owner was added to the title of your house I did not even know that that could happen and now I have one more thing keeping me up at night with aura you don't have to worry about that not only that but I don't have to worry about my internet browsing either Aura comes with a VPN that hides your IP encrypts your browsing data and makes tracking your online activity way harder you can enjoy the Peace of Mind of knowing that nobody but you and the guy packing your order knows how many chicken heaters you're about to own you also get the pece of mind that comes with 24/7 online support someone will always be there to help you out protect what's really important and start a 14-day free trial today by scanning the QR code on the screen going to bringus Studios or clicking my link in the description anyway all of this stuff was on the bottom so you're not normally supposed to see this I mean well to be fair you're not normally supposed to get into this thing at all but it's just kind of interesting that they have just an SD card slot there and then what is this guy it says coral. a Google LLC this is a custom board by Google m.2 accelerator with dual Edge TPU what the heck what is it though performs highspeed ml inferencing each co-processor is capable of Performing 4 trillion operations per second is that impressive oh shoot 400 FPS all right yep that's all I needed to read this is this is literally the most gaming card I've ever seen 400 FPS are you serious oh my goodness oh man I've got high hopes for this thing now 400 FPS here we come okay so these four on the outside those are all going to be ground and then one of these is 54 volts and then one of them is 19 volts so now my job is to figure out which one's which without completely blowing this whole thing up okay so when I touch these two guys together he screams and by doing that we can figure out when two things are are connected together the outside of this RJ45 and the outside of this one they're electrically connected they're both grounded you can tell because these little copper things right here are on the ground plane so you can touch one there touch one here they're all ground housings on the outside of connectors are almost always on ground including this one right here look at that but we can use any points here on the ground plane to connect the minus terminal of our 19v connection but finding where to stick the positive terminal is a little trickier and now if I knew what I was doing this is the part where I would tell you exactly how to do that but this is bringa Studios ladies and gentlemen and we have exhausted my knowledge there's definitely two different voltages coming through here though cuz these are two very separated areas we only need to power the 19v PIN to get this thing to turn on I'm fairly certain the 54 volt pin is only when you want to use the poe features which we don't so the way I'm thinking about this is if you apply the wrong voltage to a circuit bad things can happen but usually it's only bad when you put too much voltage through a circuit so my thinking here is that we can put 19 volts through either one of these and if it lands on the 19 volt side sick and if it lands on the 54 volt side not sick cuz it won't turn on but it shouldn't cause damage because putting 19 volts where 54 volts is expected is not that bad so it shouldn't do any damage right don't learn anything from this section by the way I have no idea what I'm doing so let's do it going to stick the power supply clamp right onto that guy right there okay and we'll put ground right here all right power supply on all right if this fan spins we're in business power button was here so this should be it let's see nope okay power supply off we'll try a pin on the other side power supply on oh it doesn't like that the power supply dropped to zero volts usually that means I'm shorted to something you know what I really should have checked to see if any of the pins in here are ground yeah they totally are I just shorted the crap out of it that should be okay that one particular pin was ground very cool all right well let's try this one wait nope let's try this one power supply on oh did you see that it spun I saw it oh there it goes again so the fan just spins and then stops I think it's trying to start okay well either way we know which pin is the right pin now it's this one right here so now all we got to do is find out which pad that is okay it's that one ground connection here now and a 19 volt connection here now now that we've done that I can screw the wire bruh there we go as I was saying the wires can be put into these terminal blocks now we can plug a real proper 19v AC adapter into this thing connect arino plugg arino not working Eno what the heck dude new plan when you don't like your solder points you make your own and how about now nothing come on man okay I've made a pretty epic Discovery this dark green plane yeah that's uh not connected to this pin I didn't look close enough and it's hard to even see on camera here but that pin is not part of that plane so that's why I wasn't turning on I've soldered to the pin as God intended let's try again hey there we go how about we plug HDMI in a would you look at that oh it's hauling ass now oh God it's going it's going the fan went full speed like seven times now nothing cool how do you even troubleshoot this dude what if I take out the RAM and put it back in yeah oh no way it's working the Fan's not on do you want to activate Chrome Vox the built-in screen no your Google meet Hardware is ready to set up so this thing really does just run without the fan then and I think the loud fan was the indicator that the ram was not seated correctly okay we'll get a handy dandy ethernet cable plugged in here downloading the latest update very cool this reminds me a lot of Chrome OS I have to say oh this literally is just Chrome OS I am a little concerned that the fan is no longer spinning maybe it'll kick on later Google meet Hardware is ready to set up again Enterprise enrollment that's not good uh-oh can I be my own Enterprise oh I can be enrollment error your organization limits device enrollment to authorized users only okay oh wait hold up look at this in the corner use as a personal device well that didn't change anything what the heck I clicked use as a personal device all right I don't know how far we're going to get with this I am glad that this thing at least turns on now I got a little bit of cleaning up to do so essentially this thing is just a Chromebook with Chromebooks and chrome boxes and whatever there's like a recovery console that you can sort of get into I'm going to try and do that usually they've got some kind of button or pin you got to push I think this is the one right here this button so I'm going to hold this and turn it on there we go okay we're at the recovery screen so now control D there we go to turn OS verification off press the recovery button okay this one OS verification is off Okay cool so that is step one to getting another OS on this thing your system is transitioning to developer mode modifications you make to the system are not supported by Google may cause hardware issues and may avoid warranty just the way I like it okay this stupid thing has finished its transition whatever that means contrl alt F2 ooh oo okay I believe the root user is Kronos there we go now there is a lovely script put together on Mr Chromebox dote that should make it so we can install like a UEFI compatible bootloader type thing in this thing and then from there it's game over this thing is all M to Game On okay so the only problem here now though is that it says firmware right protect enabled if we're going to be doing anything with this we need to disable the firmware right protect and on these weird Chrome things there's usually a screw you can actually just physically remove that disables right protection so I'm going to turn it off we'll see if we can't figure out where that screw is it's also possible that it might just be two pads that I have to bridge with solder I'm kind of the first person that I know of that's messing with this thing so kind of on our own here this kind of looks like it to me because you can see that it the pad is like split in two areas so putting a screw in here would contact both the pads and then short it to enable right protection but the screw is not in there anymore so that can't be it press PP button now this thing doesn't have genitals every time press PP button now comes up I have to hit the power button for some reason it just says another press will be required and then suddenly it's going to pop up to tell me to press it I got to be ready I don't know why I have to do this but uh if it works it works I'm at the point in this guide where I need to connect something called a Suzie Q cable what's that it's this bizarre debugging cable and uh you can't buy it anymore unless we get that cable there's no way I'm installing a full firmware but we can do this RW Legacy one RW Legacy firmware cannot be used to run Windows period well I'm no stranger to Linux wa oh it didn't like that image size doesn't match the expected size okay and everything else is right protected here's the new new plan we're just going to get into the default Chrome OS that's already on this thing and then see what we can do from there enable debugging features sure why not can't hurt ooh enable booting from USB drives this might be exactly what we're looking for okay root password gaming confirm gaming so now do I just burn a Linux flash drive and we're good for good luck we're going to be using the golden flash drive again God speed little buddy all right control U oh my my goodness I'm sorry look at that could not boot from USB thank you quora reboot but this time with Linux installed to a finger and the Chromebook is fingered by it okay so I can't get into this thing's Chrome OS because of the Enterprise enrollment garbage can't boot from a flash drive nope cuz God knows why guy on Reddit says to press control alt H oh are you sure you want to set up this device to run Hangouts meet no is that the wrong answer yes neither of them do anything I have once again run some more commands from Reddit disabling something called OEM device requisition so now we're going to reboot hope for the [Music] best so what if we just did one of these huh I'm going to see you later oh shoot I broke the crap out of this it's fine it's fine all right see you later Buckaroo many thanks how about now now right protect is still enabled does this thing even go back in not really hello again okay irreparable harm once again at this point I was getting pretty pissed off cuz this thing just didn't want to be gamed on and I didn't bother to keep the camera rolling since this video is already going to be long enough I'd gone back to the original guide that I was following you know the one that needed the Suzie Q cable which you can't buy anymore and I thought to myself what the heck is so special about this cable anyway and turns out I'm not the first person to think that since other people who are in the same boat as me said it and and they just made one themselves apparently Google put out an official specification for the Suzie Q cable making it technically possible to just create your own all you need to do is solder two resistors to certain pins on a type-c Jack and then solder a usba a cable into it and since I'm no shank mods I just bought a breakout board for a type-c Jack and soldered the resistors and the USB cable directly to that instead of the type-c Jack as long as the spec that Google put out for this thing is correct then it should let me directly interface with the security chip on the motherboard and then curb stomp the right protection to the shadow so from what I understand about using this cable I'm supposed to plug this end into the only type-c Port that's on here and then the regular USB end into one of the regular USB ports which is extremely cursed and everything I know about Electronics conventionally would tell me that this is not a good idea but the documentation for this cable is from Google so it should be fine okay so this command should open up the cr50 security chip for disabling right protection nope very cool oh wait I think I already did this yeah this was the thing that told me to press the pp button okay it says that if it doesn't show up sometimes you got to flip it well the guide says not to plug it in until this part so I'm going to unplug it and reboot it I remember when I thought that just unplugging the cable and rebooting was going to do anything I was so innocent back then now it turned out that for I don't know the next four or 5 hours maybe my cable wouldn't be doing any anything remotely like what it was supposed to be doing eventually I took off my Insanity tinted glasses and realized that I probably just built the cable wrong and this was partially true I'd flipped the green and white wires that ran to the usba a cable but at the time I didn't know that I was too busy trying literally everything I could think of including resoldering the entire board trying different value resistors bridging all the 5vt lines bridging all the ground points hell I even deconstructed the entire thing onto a breadboard but it still wouldn't work it doesn't even show up as connected to the computer computer at all you know what would really help to troubleshoot this having something that is known good and working to test my cable on what I need is for the first time in my life a Chromebook so it was off to the E-Waste store again for trip number two I found this piece of crap HP Chromebook with a screen that's just barely still clinging to life I plugged my abomination of a USB cable in and for the first time in this entire project the computer started communicating with the security chip that means that my cable actually works so what's the deal then why doesn't it work on the Lenovo meet computer how do I sanity check something that I don't know anything about in my desperation I turn to the people that do know a thing or two about stuff like this the citizens of the crra book Discord server please get a better name these folks know a thing or two about Chrome os-based devices and with their help we figured out nothing even to this day while I'm editing this nobody knows why it works on this random Chromebook but not on the Lenovo meet computer but you know what user Ellie knew about something she refers to as a gamer move which is also known as shorting SPI pin 3 to 8 huh but what the heck does that mean what's an SPI chip so the SPI chip is what's right protected that we've been trying to unright protect this entire time it's the thing that's being written to when we write our UEFI firmware which is what lets us boot Windows and Linux as it turns out if you solder a wire between pins 3 and 8 on the SP I chip it will disable right protection exactly what we need here left with no other options I soldered a jumper wire risking even more irreparable harm to the motherboard I guess this is also a good time to mention that I figured out what that power port is and I bought the matching Jack from Digi key and then soldered it to a female Barrel Jack so I don't have to rely on this anymore we're just going to pretend that all of that never happened there you go good as new now the only thing left to do is see if shorting the SPI chip would finally disable right protection on it buddy and I think you can guess that it did God bless you Ellie God bless you with the core boot UEFI firmware now installed on our freshly writable SPI chip I popped in the 16 GB stick of ddr4 that I bought earlier a 1 TB nvme SSD to replace the old SATA one and then I got to work doing what I do best now that everything is finally good to go on this thing I think it's Steam OS time and the flavor of Steam OS we're going to be using today is this one called bazai or actually hold onite bite bite bite oh my God that dude puts Microsoft Sam to shame for creepiest text to speech bite this is just another operating system apparently powered by Fedora that puts the deck UI from the steam deck as kind of the primary GUI which is exactly what we want all right so we knew this thing was an eth gen i7 but now we can see that it's an i7 8550 you at a whole 1.8 GHz very fast it sees our 16 gig stick of so that's good whoo oh my oh look at that so they've got pre-made images on here for the steam deck the Rog Ally I'm not sure what this Asus one is this is probably Nvidia GPU support framework that's cool they got one for the surface wow there's a lot of these well I'm just going to go with the regular one I guess oh welcome to Fedora 38 so they just cannibalized the regular installer I guess oh my Kickstart insufficient what does that mean okay all right oh okay I clicked on this and then hit done and now it's fine maybe it just wants me to verify all this stuff no user will be created how does that work uh I'm going to enable that okay let's do [Music] it ah there it is wait this thing doesn't come with steam what what the heck oh welcome to bite setting up bite Arch sets up a custom Arch Linux oci what the heck okay clearly I don't understand what's happening so you take the wheel bite let's give it the old sign in how about that and there's Steam and I've already downloaded some games ahead of time we can just plug that right into the type- C Port there we go there it is welcome Google meet series 1 compute unit to the elite group of computers that are now steaming decks but do she play like a steam deck let's find out nice instant 2.4 GB update very cool now we can play no got to do the Vulcan shaders just like a real steam deck oh my God this ladies and gentlemen this right here is the Steam OS experience so this is uh not great recommended setting for your system configur ation and it gave us high for the sake of getting double digit FPS we're going to 720p oh okay so that's how it's going to be huh oh this looks bad please for the love of God get this man some more pixels let's get an FPS counter that's what a game that's running really good looks like okay okay almost 30 FPS this is better than the PlayStation 4 can we get 60 FPS all right I'm going to make a deal with the devil we're going to 350p oh my goodness no way dude no way oh my goodness why is this a supported resolution I can hardly even distinguish the numbers on the FPS counter wow this is like PlayStation 1 Edition Counter Strike 2 for the PlayStation 1 you know what's even more incredibl is we're still not really getting 60 FPS well sometimes I guess it gets there eventually I would now like to try kicking all the Bots wow that is very readable I've learned from you guys from the PS4 video where I played Counter-Strike on the PS4 that kicking the Bots UPS the frame rate like crazy and while I still can't really read that number all that great I can tell that it's above 60 more often than not so yeah that actually helped quite a bit look at that 80 almost we banging off 80 right now that's getting over 60 FPS really matter if there's nobody to play against that being said let's try an online game we couldn't go online with the PS4 because the game was running too slow and it just it there was no way that was going to happen however this is technically running fine okay so I'm not playing right now this is just me spectating but 30ish 40 FPS not too bad the side of the screen is very colorful all right match point it's my time to shine oh no oh boy here we go let's do this team I can't see anything but it's all good I got this let's go Flash I got this let's go oh they didn't even know it hit him well that's what happens when my 350p ass joins the game how about something new Team Fortress 2 you know believe it or not this is not the worst way I've ever played TF2 look at that I can even downright get kills and get killed you know what 40 FPS that is downright respectable not even bad unfortunately though this level of performance does not allow for circles oh he stole it from me all right let's try some more games on this Beast of a computer everything else that I wanted to try completely just doesn't run so let's continue in Windows This Is Not Great Potato yeah that's accurate this flickering is really good I bet we're going to have a great time there is genuinely half a second between moving the mouse and something happening woo 13 FPS baby black Mesa has to just be like the heaviest Source game it has not run well even once although considering what I usually run this on I guess that's not too surprising all right well that's mediocre at best I like how GTA 5 tries to make you feel better about your terrible computer by not giving you a low option for graphics you just get normal it's okay it's a normal to be low performance I swear remember it's not about the size of your graphics card it's about how you use it and oh boy am I using it yeah this is rough let's try the tried and true method of turning it down to as low as physically possible 800x 600 hey look at that that's pretty good hold on I think we can make it even better turn off vsync look at that H okay didn't really help much 30 FPS this is downright playable if I was like 13 again and this is all that I had I would still play the absolute out of this if the options are a don't play game or or B play game brother the quality does not matter I'm playing the game for the more Discerning of you out there let's try 720p oh you know what 720p is not bad you get a little bit of a visual bump Honestly though I kind of still prefer the 800 by 600 absolutely sick oh I was hoping I was going to land on that guy not bad not bad oh yikes this is certainly not optimal all right we're just going to skip 1080P and go right to the minimum resolution of 720p actually we can probably go lower if we do 4x3 yeah 640x 480 let's do it oh yeah 60 FPS dude this isn't even bad okay I know me saying that the games before were downright playable was kind of a meme but like look at this one dude 480p never looked so good this is ridiculous I'm impressed I mean I shouldn't be because it's 480p damn not bad Far Cry 5 everything everything low including you oh yikes oh this is not having it is this actually all low that doesn't feel like all low now motion blur is still on okay how about now okay that didn't help at all wow that's atrocious I expected a little better than 8 FPS oh my goodness dude all right well down goes the resolution dang 720p is actually the lowest that this game supports all right 720p wow that's bad that is really bad I didn't think this game was so heavy and I mean I didn't think it was a light game by any means but damn dude is there anything else we can do resolution scale half so now we're going to be rendering at half of 720p and it's still terrible that barely helped at all what the heck look at this dude this is the Lenovo Google meet series 1 compute unit gaming experience wow you know I thought we were promised 400 FPS that Coral AI chip lied 400 frames per second okay dude more like 400 farts per second got him all right I've seen enough should you game on the Lenovo Google meet series one compute unit no do not not a chance absolutely not no no no no no no no no this thing has taken me over a week to get figured out between tracking down this stupid Power Jack building this stupid debug cable buying an entire Chromebook just to sanity check myself soldering to the BIOS chip and spending hours troubleshooting on Discord All For What performance that an Xbox 360 would laugh at no dude don't buy this well okay don't buy it if you want to do any gaming because otherwise the CPU in here is actually not too bad and look at this you get all these ethernet ports uh I don't think you can do anything with the HDMI in unfortunately but you got two HDMI outs you got Wi-Fi two Ram slots and a full size nvme it actually ran really quiet the whole time too so I mean I guess for gaming this thing is bad in the same way that this Hammer is a bad screwdriver all in all I do like this thing I just never want to mess with it again if you're insane and you do want to mess with this thing there will be a link in the description to where you can get a hold of this power jack and I'm also going to leave a link to the Discord community of trra book there were a ton of people giving me help in there I super appreciate it shout out to Mr Chromebox him self he's the one that makes almost all of this work in the first place also weird tree thing those two have done a whole lot of troubleshooting to help get this whole thing working and it would not have happened without them and until the next video I'll leave you with the Farewell Song of my people thanks for watching if you like what I do and want to see me do more I'm over on patreon descriptions where you look toward pop on over in here don't worry let me get the door sorry no only fans sadly I'm not a person who does that if you're suddenly broke without a Dollar too spare just join the Discord you'll find me and my hair it's a chill Place everyone's got something to share description again so hurry get your ass in [Music] there
Channel: Bringus Studios
Views: 2,569,034
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steamos, gaming on a google meet, bringus, bringus studios, steam on chromebook, steam deck os, bringus steamos, bringus studios steamos, bingus studios
Id: St1DjbYbA88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 20sec (2120 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 21 2023
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