Sega Accidentally Made A Gaming PC... And I Bought One #segaalls

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when you think of the company Sega there's generally a few different categories of stuff that comes to mind they've got great Home console games just look at your Sonics your nights into dreams your Super Monkey Balls your Jet Set radios all that good stuff if not their games you might know them best for their consoles like the Genesis and Dreamcast and then there's the whole other side to Sega that most of us still know about but maybe not as much so Sega is a Powerhouse of arcade machine manufacturing they've made over 500 different games and I can guarantee you that the closest arcade you can find whether retro or modern will be full of Sega machines what ends up powering these machines is a wide range of different Hardware sometimes they're bespoke boards that have no similarity to anything you'd find in a Home console and sometimes they're just bog standard GameCube motherboards like in the Sega Triforce sega's never been known to shy away from just using off-the-shelf Hardware like this in their arcade systems after all the Sega Naomi and shiiro were nothing more than modified Dreamcast and original Xboxes I went down the Sega arcade machine Rabbit Hole a while ago because all of this bizarre Hardware is so familiar yet extremely mysterious there's just this whole world of gaming Hardware out there that the general public has never even supposed to think about let alone get their hands on this kind of stuff man just talking about it it's it's getting me hot and bothered I got to be careful Triforce is about to make me act up want to go to the zoo over the years Sega has made all kinds of different platforms to power their arcade machines with and eventually while I was looking them all up I came across the Sega alls series of arcade hardware and this is where it got really interesting and I can't explain the Sega alls without first explaining the game Star horse 4 this is a game which to my understanding is a virtual horse racing betting Sim and let me make this Crystal Clear it's not a horse racing Sim nope it's a horse racing betting Sim you don't get to race any horses all you do is BET on them and it is one of the single most bizarre pieces of Japanese media that I have ever seen and don't take my word for it here let me play you a quick ad for Star horse 4 so you can see just how Sega themselves markets this [Music] [Applause] [Music] thing damn I desperately want to flight Japanese first class now and I guess there's also like some fantasy aspects to this game as well based on some of these other videos that I've seen like this [Music] one [Music] [Applause] I I don't know man and probably most bizarrely on the official star horse 4 YouTube channel there's a ton of videos in this super wide aspect ratio they always feature random anime girls doing your typical waifu thirst trap [ __ ] sometimes they're school girls and I admit this one is kind of really uncomfortable to watch and sometimes they're actually the ones that are racing instead of the horses for some reason and you know what [ __ ] it this is star horse 4 sometimes they are the horses also this is a game that you could theoretically go play in Japan right now it's still active the last video that was posted to this channel was 2 days ago at the time that I'm writing this so now that I've put you through the discomfort that is star horse 4 let me bring it all back to the Sega alls you've probably figured out at this point that the Sega alls is the machine that powers star horse 4 there's actually two different versions of star horse 4 in two different machines that run each version there's the main machine Which is higher powered and it runs the main star horse 4 server which Powers the overhead displays where you actually see the races taking place and then there's the client or satellite machines as they're referred to which I believe and I could be wrong here run the terminals that you actually interact with this is just my best guess leave a comment if you can either confirm or correct me on any of this and looking closer at the terminals that you can interact with you can see that you do so using a computer mouse H I'm going to do a big think here I wonder if the game with a computer mouse might be powered by a computer and a computer that powers a game might be similar to a gaming computer and come to think of it I know of a place where weird computers tend to end up after being decommissioned and $418 later straight from Japan I now own a piece of star horse 4 history this model that I've got here is one of the satellite machines which is kind of the lower power version of the two but also not really I guess some have better CPUs but worse graphics and some have better graphics but worse CPUs this is the better CPU worse Graphics model and while sadly I can't play Star horse 4 at home since these machines require authentication to start up I can at least take this thing apart and see what's inside and then see if I can repurpose it as a sick gaming PC something that I am no stranger to if you've watched my channel before so let's get into it so here it is this is my Sega alls honestly that branding is very frustrating almost as bad as the Toyota IST it's uh not much of a looker and I haven't taken off any plastic panels or anything that's just how this thing comes so we've got some kind of fan panel there there might not even be a fan back there I don't know it's kind of hard to see I haven't even opened this thing up yet you guys know as much as I do at this point but this is what I presume to be the face plate and I think there might be a fan behind there as well but again it's hard to tell but obviously these things are meant to be shoved inside of arcade cabinets no one's supposed to ever see this thing and here's the I around the back so fairly standard ATX power supply right there uh we got a key chip Port which looks like a standard USB port to me hopefully that doesn't cause issues down the line there's a Serial port HDMI port couple ethernet four USB 3.0 standard audio and then a whole lot of random serial stuff and a 3 and 12 mm Jack and the most interesting thing to me some kind of graphics card so from the research that I've done the very very like itty bitty bit of research that I've done this is more than likely an 10 series GPU it could be up to like a 1070 cuz they made a bunch of different versions of the all's system this is just one spec of it so it's going to be a bit of a surprise you might be able to tell with like the serial number but I wasn't able to find a reliable way to figure it out I'm pretty sure also the CPU is going to be anywhere from like a 6th gen to a 9th gen I5 or an i7 without further Ado let's go ahead and open it up and like I said earlier I haven't gotten into this thing at all yet I'm I this is it's just been sitting in my apartment for like 2 weeks now and it's just been staring me down staring me down with its stupid little Sega face plate who the [ __ ] is this thanks but I did not win a free vacation from Marriott I appreciate it though anyway I don't even know what the plan is for this thing really My Hope Is that I can boot it up and it'll actually go into something like the arcade game that it was made for Star horse 4 or whatever the heck it was there's 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 eight eight screws seven screws I don't know it's more than a regular computer I'm going to be coming at this thing with a $400 lens like for what the specs are going to be for this thing was it worth the money I'm thinking probably no oh man I think it's about ready wait no are there two more screws oh my God there's more screws maybe dude I don't know not like there's an iix IT guide on this thing it's like half coming up this side doesn't want to budge okay well there's a screw that doesn't look like it matters here but I'll take it out anyway and hope oh yep that was it here's your first look at the Sega Amusement linkage live [Music] system it sure is a crappy computer man this reminds me of some of those [ __ ] Brands like DIY PC or whatever this just looks like a very very cheap custom PC where every single part was approximately $5 at least that's what this power supply is telling me it's not even labeled okay well let's just kind of start poking and prodding at this thing I guess so here's that weird USB port that says what does it say it says key chip on it it's literally just a USB port these four wires here are indicative of regular USB so that's weird and interesting before I take this thing apart on the off chance that I do screw something up in here and now that I say it out loud it's probably a little more than an off chance so in the event that something gets screwed up here I would be really upset if I wasn't able to boot into this and see what it's like just as it is like what does this boot into I don't know and I don't want to screw up the SSD or screw up something in here that makes it so we can't boot this up anymore so we're going to pause from disassembling it and I'm going to go ahead and turn this thing on we'll see what happens I guess I have no idea what to expect into the dismay of Select individuals from the comment section the dirty Cherry keyboard is back and no I still haven't cleaned it okay power supply on oh she's going no power button required I guess not getting any video let me try the onboard Graphics nothing okay well that's not good at least I don't have to worry about breaking this thing it's already broken oh what the heck hold on I just turned it off and on again and now it's fine oh okay so we got a Windows loading screen and I don't have the ethernet plugged in right now I don't know what it's going to possibly do to phone home so ooh all's MX2 step one how interesting I wonder what that says hold on let me use my Google Translate app it just says starting up I'm not very confident that this thing is going to be able to boot into anything a system that's this new I imagine has to connect to the internet to work okay so it's finally changed we've got error 00001 first possible error I feel so honored okay let's see what this says key chip not found press the service button to display how to deal with it where's the service button okay well I mean even if I found the service button at this point I don't think it would make much of a difference considering I don't have the key chip so I think that's as far as star horse 4 is going to get there may be some way to get around this if anybody knows let me know because what I'm going to do is I'm going to take out this SSD and I'm not going to do anything to it I'm going to just leave it as it is so maybe later on in someone figures out a way to like crack it so we can actually play it maybe I can make a video about that but for now let's just continue with the tear down then I guess oh man where should I even start so it does look like there is a fan on the front panel this is this is the front side right here sorry this thing is enormous so it intakes through what I believe is a 120 mm fan but I want to try and get this graphics card out so let me get this brace off you know from the color of the motherboard down there this is looking a lot like it might be a gigabyte board in like second through fourth gen Intel gigabyte had a lot of boards that were that kind of solder mask color so I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case Intel technically also made their boards in that kind of solder mask as well but I doubt they put an Intel Desktop Board in this thing that would be very weird okay so we'll unplug the SSD undo this reusable zip tie thing ringus Studios versus reusable cable tie [Applause] fight just get just get get out of here [Music] dude bringus studi waves wow that's kind of a pain and then it looks like these serial ports that were around the back do just plug into the comp ports on the motherboards so those literally are just regular old run-ofthe-mill serial ports I'm guessing that that goes to the interface on the arcade machine the buttons and stuff that you actually press but I have no idea I'm not a star horse 4 arcade owner so who knows but anyway let's get this graphics card out I'm excited to see this thing it really doesn't get any more bug standard PC than this it's really it's just a PC the only thing special so far is key chip Port which that's not even special it's just a USB port all right here he comes oh so this is a uh uh unbranded wacky boy what the heck is this look it's got like shields on it and no stickers what is this thing this might just be some like Japanese card that like really common in Japan but I have never seen a cooler that looks like this there's a manufacturer date here of July 23rd 2019 I don't remember exactly how that would date this thing but I don't think I really need to do much research into that cuz right along the side here there's our Smoking Gun 1060 that is disappointing so that's sad but you know still wacky I'm sure this is the only 1060 of this variant in the entire United States and I own it pretty wacky pretty wacky pretty wacky okay we'll put that to the side and keep disassembling the rest of this thing you son of a [ __ ] oh there we go all right after removing that this thing looks a hell of a lot more like a normal PC now and I was correct in my prediction that this thing was a gigabyte board it is the mc31 A and from what I can Google here I found one on the official gigabyte website but they're categorizing it as a different product they're calling it The h310a and the io is complete well iio is not completely different it's exactly the same minus the DVI and the VGA port so I'm guessing this is the closest like consumer cousin to this thing yeah you can actually even see right here this is where the DVI and the VGA would have gone okay so it's a microatx h310a type board uh unfortunately we got scammed and didn't get the m.2 version you can see the pins where it would be right here but that's all right you know what they say about SATA anyway what do they say about SATA anyway let's take a look at the oh almost deated of Wham oh it's Ino disc so assuming these are the same it's 16 gig kit of 2 8 GB ddr4 sticks running at 2666 not exactly Speed Racer dims but you know what they will do I probably just Unearthed like 4 years worth of dust too and I'm sure I'll have to receip that but other than that I mean that's kind of it oh I guess we don't know what the CPU is yet I'm going to leave the cooler on there we'll build the suspense up we'll find out what the CPU is in the Bios or something I do want to know how big this power supply is though this guy doesn't really want to come out but through the magic of looking under it I can tell you that it's a 500 W power supply wait who is it by it's manufactured by fsp model number fsp 500-50 AAC there you go documented that's nice to see that they didn't put the typical like D or HP spec 180 W power supply in here for even whatever CPU is in here I don't think this thing probably needs a 500 W power supply it might come close but it's probably overp at least a little bit and I know I said I wasn't going to remove the SSD but I did get curious as to what model and brand SSD this is so I want to find that out it's a what it's a gs1 120 GB 6 GB SATA SSD by TDK how very OEM all right then also the fan is San Ace 120 if you were curious this cooler is your mom's that's pretty much it for the parts so we'll go ahead and put this thing back together you know with like a 3D printed like hard drive mounting rail area you could probably turn this thing into kind of a decent little Nas or something like if you NX this entire cover and you just found a way to mount like six or eight hard drives in here can't forget to plug back in the ever important key chip Port but not before I thread it back through the ever important uh other thing round two [Applause] fight look I took it apart when it was flipped 180° so this is my mind can't handle this I'm doing my best I'm not even going to bother looping this Sata cable back through that thing R Studios wns for a second time oh that was spooky luckily this whole thing uses like two sizes of screws and one of them is entirely for the power supply and nothing else all right we are all put back together I'm going to Grace it with this 1 tbte Samsung SSD and because I think it'll be interesting to see The Thermals on this thing cuz it only has one fan I'm also going to put the lid back on now that we've got our mad JDM Sega computer back together let's play some games actually no no no no no can't get too ahead of myself again we still don't know what CPU is in this thing so let's find that out you know another weird Quirk about this thing is that it doesn't have a a power button you hit the switch on the power supply and it just starts up oh that is not good that is really not good now I kind of regret putting this whole thing back together because if we're lucky there will be a jumper that we can pull and then replace and it will get rid of the BIOS password and if we're unlucky then well this video is about to become very painfully a bringus Studios video so let me get back to the motherboard then I'm not seeing anything right off the bat that just screams BIOS password jumper to me okay this is a manual for a very similar motherboard to this one and there should be a way to clear the BIOS password just by doing a normal Coss clear from what I can read I also found it really funny that it says use a metal object like a screwdriver to touch the two pins for a few seconds like it doesn't tell you to use a jumper or anything it just says oh you know just touch it with a screwdriver you know that's fine I mean that's what I'm going to do anyway but you're not supposed to tell me to do that so this is very unfortunate I found it but there are no pins in there just pads so the first thing I'm going to try is to just pull the battery for a little bit and hope that does it that's like the old school way but I may need to like solder some wire there if I can't get something to like short it properly I am going to try to just press a screwdriver against the two pins but that doesn't always work batter is out I'm going to give it like 10 minutes and hopefully the password is gone okay it's been about 10 minutes let's see what happens okay it just just turned itself off and back on again oh oh God okay F2 to enter setup no damn it still need a password I'm going to try the second option which I did not want to have to do and poke those uh solder [Music] pads I suppose we don't really need to get into the BIOS need to get into the bootman you H okay maybe not all right here's the plan while we can't get into the BIOS we don't necessarily need to because this thing will have a bios order already set up obviously it wants to boot a SATA drive cuz that's what it does by default with this one what I want to find out though is if before it wants to boot a SATA drive if it wants to boot a flash drive because then I can have the SSD connected and then have my windows installer and it'll boot to the windows installer we can install Windows there you go and even if that's not the case if I have to I can preload the SSD with windows so we've got options no matter what but this one's the easiest so let's see if this works okay so it does not seem to want to boot the flash drive that's fine annoying but fine and the way that we're going to be pre-installing Windows on this SSD is not the way I thought I was going to be doing it because it didn't work so the way we are going to be doing it is with this piece of [ __ ] only purpose that this computer serves is to read the windows installed ER and then install Windows to the SSD so then we can take the SSD and move it back to the Sega PC there's undoubtedly a better way to do this but you know how it would be on this channel all right Windows install my original plan was to just install Windows in a VM and then Mount the virtual hard drive and then clone it to this drive but it was giving me issues mounting the virtual drive so this works all right installation is finished time to see what this bad boy can do oh man it still wants a password that's not good okay that's really weird it should just boot this thing oh I also realized that we're somehow getting video out despite the GPU power cable not being plugged in that is weird um okay I do have one idea this system either wants to boot up in Legacy BIOS or EFI mode and I don't know which one and the PC that I use to install Windows onto this drive might have installed it in the opposite boot type so I'm going to change that other computer to the other boot type that it's not currently set to and then reinstall Windows and then see if we'll be good to go okay according to the HP [ __ ] box Legacy boot is enabled and UEFI boot is disabled so we must have installed Windows under Legacy boot now I'm going to switch this over and do it under UEFI okay third times the charm or fourth time or fifth or what what are we even on at this point hey there we go that did it okay so this thing can only boot over EFI unless you can get into the BIOS and change it I really really do want to get into the bios of this thing but for the scope of this video and with the current knowledge I have with hacking bioses which is absolutely nothing I don't think we're going to be able to do that if you do know how to get into a bios like that or you know how to like dump the BIOS chip and then get the password or something like that I would that would be invaluable information to me because I do want to do more stuff with this machine but I feel like I'm going to be very limited with that bios issue I've got a bunch of arduinos and I've got a bunch of raspberry pies and I know you can kind of sort of do something with those regarding dumping bios chips so if you know something about figuring all that out um let me know in the comments this is me from the future the best way to chat about that's going to be on my Discord so see the description for that thanks in case you guys didn't see it in my 1X player video I'm going to show you a cool trick if you don't want to sign into Windows just do this no@ thank put that as the username and then add anything as the password for your Microsoft login and then it errors out and then you get to make a local account that's what I'm talking about no no no no no no accept nope NOP nope nope no oh it installed Windows 10 home why did it install home time for the big reveal what CPU is in the Sega gaming PC it's an i5 8500 you know what I'm about to say it I'm okay with that that's exactly not bad because I was expecting like a six gen I5 like an high 56500 but the fact that we're getting something that's eighth gen that means that we've got six cores now which is a good bit better than a Sixth Gen so I'm happy with that uh and it definitely looks like we don't have a GPU driver so let's go ahead and get that God Microsoft please stop it's never enough for you no stop stay up to date by regularly bringing in your browsing data what does that mean bringing it where oh no this happened to me the other day on my like main editing Workstation I was just using my computer one day and then all of a sudden I open up Edge and the only reason I used Edge at all is because I use YouTube music to listen to music sometimes and YouTube gets really weird when you have one YouTube account signed in on one window and then another YouTube account signed in on a different window because I've got bringus Studios signed in on one window and then I've got my personal account on another and it was just not having it it was freaking out and so I was like okay well I have edge here I might as well just use Edge so I have Edge signed into my personal account and then Chrome signed into the bringus studios account that way they don't fight with each other but then one day I was opening Edge and I go to listen to some music and the entire bookmarks bar on edge was full of the bookmarks that I use in Google Chrome and the browsing history on edge was full of my browsing history on Google Chrome and that [ __ ] was so terrifying that I booted into a live copy of Ubuntu manually deleted all of the program files for Edge because you can't do it from Windows Explorer it doesn't let you and then I went back into windows and denied the system from writing to that folder ever again it I just I don't like that I do not like that at all however Edge is literally malware so as you can see it's still installed on my main PC and they I can't figure out how to get rid of it so if you know how to like permanently disable Edge please let me know I hate this [ __ ] it's literally malware anyway and you've probably been wondering for a little bit at this point John why are you using Windows this isn't your thing you use Steam OS and let me show you guys why we're in Windows the reason I would always install Steam deck OS is because I wanted to use the steam deck interface on a PC but for the last few months now there's been an update to Steam Big Picture let me just show you guys here it's literally exactly the same thing you can even see it trying to tell me to press the steam button so the deck UI is entirely here in Windows now so it just feels a little silly to try and you know still install the steam deck OS at this point I don't know I mean it's a lot of fun because I get to like suffer but other than that I mean this is always the end goal I would try and get to and it's already here in Windows now so but this seems like uh a much easier means to the end now oh my God don't worry we're not without bugs just cuz we're in Windows doesn't mean that things are working okay something is very not happy actually let's see how our driver installation went all right there's our 1060 and it's the 6 gig model which is good I was really worried it was going to be 3 gigs Okay cool so that's something you know that's a it's a GPU it's not killer but you know it's there I'm I'm going to restart and hope that it fixes our odd steam issue nope you thought what is this chat with Bing about password tips okay you know I know I just had a whole Spiel there about how uh I'm going to use Windows now but Windows is being awfully windows and it really makes me not want to keep using it oh Windows what are we going to do with you anyway this is working better now all right so I'm going to get some games installed and then we will come back and see if this thing is the killer gaming PC that I hope it is all right let's see how this piece of Japanese cultural history handles gaming at 1080p first up is a csgo bot match at high settings I may as well have just been running halflife because this living legend stays above 200 FPS most of the time with no issues at all unless there are a bunch of dudes on the screen then it drops to a far less playable 199 FPS which actually makes this computer a [ __ ] joke I take everything I said back our GPU core is working its ass off here at almost 100% usage while the memory's just kind of chilling around 2 and 1/2 gigs out of the six it's capable of living up to only two fths of our potential is something that the 1060 and I have in common the temperature on the GPU is also nice and low settling in at under 60° c a result undoubtedly gained thanks to the heat shields on the front ignore the one in .1% lows they're broken right now next up we have halflife buttlift version version black Mesa with high settings again this game runs pretty well on the alls averaging around 170 to 200 FPS except when there's physics [ __ ] flying everywhere like in this room then it drops to a measly 120 FPS does measly imply that something is like measles ridden that's kind of gross and [ __ ] up I've never actually thought about it until now the GPU is maxed out at 100% usage again and this is supposed to be a 120 watt card but it barely ever ends up above 103 is Watts on here not sure why this guy seems to be having performance anxiety this particular version of the 1060 might be clocked lower for longevity or something or I don't know maybe it's just a shitty card I'll explain more about this specific variant of the 1060 after the benchmarks rocket League at high settings is another walk in the park for the Sega alls with frame rates as high as 300 FPS but an average of more like the mid2 200s man this thing is having no issues at all with all my regular low-end test Suite of games so let's start pushing it a little bit harder we'll start with GTA 5 and this time I didn't want to let the alls off easy so I cranked every single setting as high as it would go for maximum GPU suffrage and let me tell you it sure is uh still running great what the heck how is this no brand entry level GPU from the Stone Age still keeping up this well you could be playing this on a 120 HZ Monitor and be having a great time granted this is just 1080p but that's still the most common resolution in the steam Hardware server and especially for this class of GPU man what a great little card this is and up until now it does seem like that the CPU has been kind of taking the week off all right well then let's see if we can put this I5 to work in Red Dead Redemption 2 which I am cranking entirely to ultra settings kind of just because I want to see something in here break and what happened was exactly that but unfortunately not in the fun Magic Smoke releasing kind of way it's crashing during the first cut scene cool huh taking it back down to a more reasonable balance preset I could finally get in game is what I would say if it didn't crash in the same spot again it didn't look like I was over utilizing my system memory or my video memory and the CPU is just kind of hanging out at 40% usage so I'm just going to take the settings all the way down to the lowest preset and then hope for the best and guess what it crashed again the only way it will get past this intro cut scene is to set the graphics API to directex 12 instead of Vulcan so I did that and then since I don't learn anything I also set it all back to ult ra and mid 40s FPS baby I've never been so happy to see such dark sh performance finally a game that this 1060 has to work for the frame times are all over the place compared to the other games so far but it doesn't really affect the experience all that much after a while things did tend to smooth out and it wasn't too bad but one thing still bothers me about this thing the CPU is still being underutilized Red Dead Redemption 2 got this thing's blood pumping a little bit but in search of giving it total heart failure I'm going to have to turn to emulation I booted up Yuzu a Nintendo switch emulator and honestly the only thing of note here are these shitty frame times that and some complimentary 1% lows both the CPU and the GPU are bored out of their minds here for the most part the whole system is drawing like 60 watts this is performing insultingly well also for no discernable reason the capture cut off the top of the screen and it put it at the bottom it's a little trippy looking to hurt this thing a little bit harder I ran Zenia an Xbox 360 Emulator and finally I got what I came for look at it it's beautiful the GPU is Shing in its hands and it's smearing it all over the screen but that stupid sexy I5 8500 is refusing to go down without a fight I am getting 100% utilization if it kills me so I'm turning to a place where everyone goes in times of need the PlayStation 3 rpcs3 and Grid 2 are going to be my salvation God damn it and the CPU I am glad to announce has gotten off its lazy ass and it is working for this one 100% of Glorious utilization and it even runs the game pretty well I think this game is locked at 30 FPS as a Victory lap I booted up PlayStation Allstars and this actually doesn't hit the CPU as hard as I expected but it still gets pretty excited also this CPU Cooler has been horrendously noisy the entire time listen to this thing it's the CPU Cooler equivalent of as asking for the [Music] manager so now we have to answer the question was this thing worth the $418 that I spent on it to answer that question I put together a list of components that you could buy to build essentially the exact same computer this list has brand new parts for everything except for the motherboard CPU and GPU which are all out of production and this is what I came up with we've got the cheapest 1060 6 GB on eBay that has a been mined on or at least this seller didn't admit to it in the description for $87 we've got the cheapest i5 8500 on eBay for $65 the cheapest gab h310m motherboard on eBay for $55 two sticks of 8 GB ddr4 which also happened to be a little bit faster than what's in the alls but it was still really cheap so that's going to be $27 a 120 GB SATA SSD from a data for $10 the cheapest 500 W power supply that I could find new from a reputable brand and it happened to be this EVGA unit which is going to be $55 this piece of [ __ ] rose wheel case for $40 this equally [ __ ] CPU Cooler for $9 and this three pack of SATA cables for $6 and the $418 price tag of the Sega alls includes what I paid with tax so if I add the tax onto the total of all these components it comes out to 390 I am amazed for a very comparable price to building the exact same spec PC yourself you could order a Sega alls on eBay and have it shipped to your door from Japan all you have to do is work around the worst gigabyte motherboard known to man and play the spec Lottery and hope that you get a good one of these but you could do it also I couldn't find anything out there about this variant of the 1060 the only places this thing turns up when you look at the model number are on Yahoo auctions and then a bunch of other weird bizarre websites and none of them list the brand either so that makes me pretty confident that I am really the only person in the entire us with this GPU as as the holder of that title I'm going to be bestowing this thing the name of GTX 1060 conqueror of Celsius and Kelvin and the reason for that is because it ran really cool the whole time and no I'm just kidding it's cuz it spells [ __ ] in conclusion the Sega all's MX2 is not a terrible gaming PC and it might actually even be okay value here's the current ranking in case you're keeping score of how [ __ ] all the computers that I look at are and that's going to be it for this one I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Bringus Studios
Views: 1,179,543
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bringus, bringus studios, sega, homebrew, 3ds homebrew, hacks, 3ds hacks, wii hacks, dolphin, gaming pc, sega alls, sega arcade machines, sega chihiro, sega triforce, sega naomi, Sega Alls LTT, Sega Alls Linus
Id: YmXKQnyn8DI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 45sec (2145 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2023
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