Gaming on a Chinese/English Translator Pen

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you know I've gamed on some pretty stupid devices in my time the Trimble Yuma the Leapster GS maybe most stupid of all the ineo 2s the oh oh wait I haven't made a video about that one yet but I'm hoping to break that record today I'm hoping that today's item is the stupidest thing I will ever game on well maybe not ever I hope I can top it eventually but this definitely takes the cake for everything I've looked at up until now and what is this item you ask scan translator I hardly know her so a while ago I came across this video by Taki udon where he found some weird piece of crap calculator on Alibaba or something and he got it to run games and the only reason that worked is because this thing is Android based so I got to thinking what other wacky devices are Android based and I did a whole lot of looking and Googling and there's a whole bunch of stuff out there and I hope to cover quite a bit of it but one thing that really stood out to me is the scan translator so I kind of know what this is already but I've never used one it's supposed to be a thing where if you want to read a book or a newspaper or whatever that's in like a different language you can use this thing to physically scan across the lettering and it will show you or read out to you uh what it says in your native language which is actually a pretty cool thing I don't really have a use for it because God knows I don't read but I've got other purposes for this thing purpose is more sinister videos okay so here's the thing I have opened the box already but it was just to make sure this thing was charged I haven't booted it up at all so this thing is modern enough to have a type c what was that did you hear that someone was like what do you want with me I want you to try Opera one I will also be stealing your voice to tell you about it with Opera one it's not just about speed it's a reimagining of what a web browser can be it's packed with features that make navigating the internet easier and more convenient all by default I'm sure you've installed ad blockers in your browser before and ever since then you can't live without them I know I can't Opera one has an ad blocker and tracker blocker that you can activate but everyone knows that for the best internet experience an ad blocker isn't enough that's why Opera has included a built-in VPN that not only works in Opera 1 but system-wide as well that's pretty sick my favorite feature of Opera one by far though is the Arya AI integration when I'm doing research for videos it's pretty normal for the stuff that I'm looking for to be scattered all over the internet and it can be tough to find sometimes Arya AI cuts my research time down significantly and instead of spending time scrolling through hundreds of old Forum posts all I have to do now is fact check Arya can be prompted lightning quick with a key combo to bring up the command window at any time while you're browsing this speeds up the whole process even more well have you been enlightened absolutely I'm gonna let all my viewers know that they can download Opera 1 using the link in the description to start using the most feature-rich browser available oh right you are I'll let you get back to your Chinese translator Ben now I imagine this is a speaker this is the actual scan head thing that scans the paper I don't entirely know how this works I don't know if this is any different from just a camera or what but yeah that's a thing um we got a couple buttons pretty standard for Android power volume up volume down uh and then we've got Blue mic and red mic this is probably microphone holes I don't know you can't you guys can't even get on me this time because there's no documentation see look it's just cable wait what the heck wait what the heck what in the world these are like what these are like the old school I mean not really old school but like the pre airpod Apple headphones I think they're called ear pods oh my God but then the interesting thing is that they're type c what what did Apple make type c earpods there's no way these have to be counterfeit I don't know if Apple ever made actual type c earpods because I know they've got these ones that are lightning I think I even own a pair of these actually let me see if I can find those okay so here is the OEM Apple ones I think this came with like an iPhone 10 or something I don't remember but as you can see it's a lightning connector but this is just so weird Okay so there's no inline remote on the fake ones oh my god dude they're so close honestly the only giveaway on the fake ones which are on the right here is that the mesh that they're using is like a little more blue tinted dude they are identical wow that is bizarre why would you go through all of the effort to clone like the crappiest headphones ever made like nobody likes these things they fall out of everybody's ears the design is very human I don't know that's just that kind of blew my mind okay carrying on we've also just got a type c to type a regular old cable so now that we've looked at that why don't we power this bastard on you scan talker bruh I looked it up on Google Translate to find the pronunciation that's the pronunciation apparently well if you translate it to English what does it mean this thing is shaping up to be a fantastic device so far let's get the free screen protector off I'm pretty sure this thing was like a hundred dollars or something too I'll have to double check I just know it wasn't cheap is there another screen protector oh my God there's a screen protector under the free screen protector another one they even screwed it up and there's a bubble okay so here it is let's see if we can get this brightness increased 28 battery that's a lie this was charged to a hundred percent before I started that does not bode well for this thing so far I suppose I will be plugging it in then oh my it's like Android but you're missing five sixths of your phone okay maximum brightness is still not very bright sadly oh scanning failed I didn't know I was trying to scan please scan okay actually let's try this how about Hyundai class action settlement documentation okay we're gonna scan the word settlement [Music] settle okay it got most of it I guess let's try again settle men how does this work how am I supposed to be scanning do I have to go fast told me to and wow settlement settlement and S let's try and just translate some text under the proposed settlement and subject what the heck I I don't think this thing can actually scan all that much you just have to go really fast oh you just have to go quick I don't know if this has a speaker you need headphones so what's this on the back is that not a speaker whatever I don't know so what if I just like draw all over the screen like okay I did not like that I think I was kind of using this wrong I was holding it straight up and down I think you're supposed to go at an angle okay there we go yeah it works better when you do that okay it doesn't actually work that bad it's weird that there's no speaker that's very very strange you'd think there would be a speaker okay well let me grab these God forsaken headphones and see if it's actually outputting audio dude the battery's going down oh my God that was loud okay so I'm definitely getting audio it just sounds like the default Google translate voice so this is actually really cool I can see this being super useful if you live somewhere and you don't really speak the native language all that well or you can't really read it or you're just trying to get better at it because like say you see a word and you're like oh I don't know how the heck to pronounce that so you just go whoop a federal court so then you're like okay so I don't know how to pronounce Federal so now I can just scan it and now I can just hear it that seems pretty useful actually I'm guessing these buttons down here are for like I say something in English and then it translates it to somebody else and then they speak in like Chinese and then it translates that back to English for me it's like like a conversation thing um I need to figure out the charging situation for this because it's dying quick okay it was refusing to charge on my C to C charger I have to use an old school type a charger yeah now it's fine I'm guessing this type c Port doesn't actually support type c protocol properly wow this thing on the side is really infuriating because you press it and then it opens the thing oh wait hold on I just realized that I heard the speaker listen yeah that was like the little Android charging sound so what the heck volume max 100 oh there we go I think the type C charger that I plugged in was bugging it out and thinking it was headphones because now it's fine so yeah this thing actually works pretty good what is this if you begin to get these ioi's from your targeted female chances are she's ready to be kissed what is this oh it's examples of the word these that is a odd example sentence but okay so I think we've seen most of what can be seen here so I want to try something now oh yeah it's definitely Android I've been messing around with Android for a really long time now doing custom roms and brooding and all that good fun stuff and on a lot of android devices you can just hold the power button and volume down and you can get to like a recovery menu and I just want to see if that's the case here okay so it doesn't seem to like that oh wait no hold on hold on okay here we go I'm gonna turn the light off because it's at like minimum brightness right now Android recovery oh my God this is cursed okay so let's uh oh hey there's the the CPU I imagine Rock Chip something t03 Pro I don't know uh looks like it's Android 8.1 so of course it's ancient so we're kind of on our own as far as like support for this thing I don't think anyone on the planet I don't think there's like an XDA page for this thing okay well I'm just gonna plug this into my computer and see what I can find out okay so fast boot mode was more or less a dead end however it looks like debugging is already enabled just in the OS on this thing so as you can see it's right here we can just do whatever we kind of want at that point so we can get into the shell read out the file system and then this is what you would probably recognize if you've been using Android at all this is the internal storage you've got your downloads folder music movies pictures and so now what I'm going to do here is install a copy of Nova Launcher just so we can actually get some real kind of launcher on this thing so now the trick is going to be hitting the quote unquote home button on this thing so I'm not sure about that one uh yeah okay hold on new idea I think there's a way to switch the default launcher over command line actually can I just have it open the default Android settings app oh yes I can okay okay we're getting somewhere now okay so we have the regular settings app open okay this is great can I rotate no oh we've got two gigabytes okay I want to see if we can plug in a flash drive too uh is there a rotation rotate oh no that's not what I wanted I'll figure out the screen rotation someday maybe I don't know doesn't really matter that much oh my god dude it has Bluetooth oh my God I'm so excited dude I can't even like contain myself oh this is gonna be fun I'm hoping this thing is kind of capable VPN ethernet all right all right dude I'm like really excited this is awesome okay what were we doing okay I had to change the launcher that's what I was doing let's set Nova Launcher as default Nova Launcher home app yes but the problem is we still don't have a home button I wonder if I can enable the software Keys like on most Android phones we are rebooting now theoretically we're gonna have some uh navigation keys while I'm here I do want to see if we can enable rotation oh that's different oh my God we're in Nova Launcher this is so silly oh my God it's so broken this like doesn't actually work oh there we go oh my God it's so messed up okay I think we need to figure out rotation this thing may not have a sensor to tell what orientation it's in so rotation might just not work so I can't seem to control the screen rotation over ADB so I'm going to try and install some app that'll do it for me uh no idea if this is going to work the fact that we have root access is really good though that should help with things oh no I changed the screen density and I made it bigger okay there we go I have set the DPI to 100 so it's a lot less readable but it's a lot more usable now okay after much messing around with this thing I have found a way to get some navigation Keys which is great so we can actually go home back I've also found this app that will let me change the screen orientation just like that so we are chilling now we still don't have a notification bar I'm not really sure why I tried to do some shell commands that would enable it but it just wouldn't work technically the navigation bar shell commands wouldn't work either I just had to install a app that acts as an accessibility service and then overlays some navbar elements on the screen so it's not actually an AV bar but you know it works okay so the next step is to see the specs of this thing and to do that we have Ida 64. all right let's get a look at this oh man okay so it's made for ants but it is a quad core 64-bit CPU which is actually more than I expected out of this thing what the hell plumbing repair get out of here the screen is 340 by 800 that's pretty sick and there's that camera oh you know what okay there's so there's a couple more things I want to try with this I want to see if I can call the camera and like take a picture with it oh what is going on whoa okay so there's a camera calibration app that's what I'm in right now wow look at that that is strange there's also some other interesting apps on here so there's this um uh oh it's a keyboard theme okay so you can change the keyboard theme and then the calculators here as well this might have just been on here by default I'm not sure there wasn't much you could launch from that other launcher so I'm not sure there's an APK Installer app which I didn't put on here so that's kind of interesting and despite having access to the super user command on ADB shell for whatever reason apps still don't have root access and I'm not really sure why I checked and the Sue binary is definitely in that path so I don't know oh no I lost my nav bar oh no no all right time to reboot again this is what I've had to do before I got the nav keys working I've had to reboot this thing every single time that I want to go back to the home menu and it's a pain in the ass okay but luckily just rebooting it brings the navbar back there's also this wacky app which is just Chinese so not much I can do in there but that's it for the software on this thing and one thing I wanted to try is to see if this thing has usb OTG support so I've got this type c dock right here so we're going to plug this in and then on the other end I have an Xbox controller plugged in although it's not getting power so I might have to power the dock so I've got power running to the dock from this USB cable and unfortunately it does not seem to work like that why isn't it possible okay that sucks and just to validate that this does work what the heck dude plug in an Xbox controller and it wants to install Xbox game pass dude get out of here anyway yeah that works so there's not going to be a way to plug in a USB controller to this thing but that is actually okay because from what I saw on this thing it should have Bluetooth so we'll enable Bluetooth pair a new device come on yes oh yeah let's go okay cool cool so that works oh man I should have just done this to begin with I can just do everything I got to do for my controller Okay cool so now that we've confirmed that that works the next step is to get some games loaded on this thing so I'm gonna go ahead and do that all right first up PlayStation one oh man this is ridiculous oh my God the speaker I'm so glad this speaker actually works we drive in that miat oh let's go oh it's not great oh it's really not great this has given me uh LeapFrog Vibes although the LeapFrog was a little bit better than this okay so it's not a hundred percent speed but it's not horrible it feels like I don't know like 60 to 70 speed it runs though oh okay I switched it over to Vulcan but it apparently does not work but that's PS1 all right let's try PSP you know the one nice part about this device is that if you did want to use the on-screen controls they kind of just end up on like the margins of the screen oh no oh no running slowly frames get okay oh it's jugging I'm gonna set frame skip to two and see if that helps actually we'll just do auto frame skip you know we're gonna enable all kinds of speed hacks all right how about now oh let's go we're playable now boys this is so dumb it like actually kind of works again it's not a hundred percent but it's happening and I could be wrong but this also seems like a bit more of a graphically intensive PSP game so this is pretty dang good in my opinion this is ridiculous let me remind you guys this is the size of the device we're working with here here's a double A battery this thing is so ridiculously small wow I'm impressed okay what else can we try where else on this entire God forsaken website that we call YouTube are you ever gonna see anybody else playing Lego Indiana Jones on the Chinese English translator device where else tell me oh that's right there is nowhere else I'm the only one powerful enough to do this anyway this kind of sucks all right I was really really hoping to be able to try a GameCube or Wii game on here but it's um oh hold on this didn't appear before okay never mind let's do it oh my God that's sure something okay I'm not even gonna really attempt to do anything with that okay how about a GameCube game this thing is utterly unbelievable this is what hell sounds like foreign oh my God my monkeys are feeling so bald right about now oh my God amazing absolutely incredible okay enough of that like dude this thing is just so amazing it can watch [ __ ] Interstellar oh yeah this is nothing short of absolutely incredible this thing is playing Half-Life like a champ this is amazing this runs so good it's not gonna show up on the video but this is running 60 FPS no issues at all right now I'm like so impressed with this thing this is incredible it actually fills the screen too which is cool you get like an ultra wide Half-Life experience but there's one game left to play oh my God it's trying oh it's trying so I'm streaming Doom with steam link oh no hello okay it's having some issues yeah I don't think that's gonna happen okay I got one more trick up my sleeve okay I have disabled audio and I have set quality to be wow didn't even let me finish my sentence as I was saying we've disabled audio and I've set the video to stream at the fastest performance possible however I don't think it's gonna be enough oh boy nope okay well I have one more trick up my sleeve uh actually no I don't never mind I was going to use parsec but it just does this so trick no longer up sleeve okay well you did your best all right well I think that's gonna conclude uh Android gaming on the uh scan talker pen this thing is pretty dope I mean not really but like the fact that this works at all is sick and the fact that it comes pre-rooted is sick so yeah I hope you enjoyed the video taking a look at this stupid thing I'll see you in the next one [Music] thank you foreign
Channel: Bringus Studios
Views: 911,472
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bringus, bringus studios, gamecube mini, android, android gaming, trimble yuma, scantalker, translator pen, translator pen gaming, hacking, mods, half-life
Id: fZc-ZKz0p8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 25sec (1225 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2023
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